HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-29-16 City Commission Minutes C1 r. ' r._ t• i CQ. THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA MINUTES Monday, February 29,2016 r; Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Present Manor- Carson Taylor: Present Commissioner -Chris Mehl: Present Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus: Present Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Present Staff present: City Manager Chris Kukulski, City Attorney Greg Sullivan, Deputy City Clerk Pearl Michalson A. 06:00:44 PM Call to Order 6:00 PM- Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North Rouse Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:OOPM. B. 06:00:47 PM Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence b C. 06:01:43 PM Changes to the Agenda i 06:01:43 PM s f Mayor Taylor asked if there were changes to the consent calendar,which the city manager stated that there were none. Mayor Taylor made a request to move consent item 14 from consent and move it to action before commission goals. 06:02:15 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor Opened Public Comment for Consent items D1-13 and 5-17. There was no public comment. Public comment was closed. Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 29,2016 D. 06:02:33 PM Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services (LaMeres) t 0 2. Authorize Public Works Director to Approve the Flanders Mill Phase 1 Subdivision Final Plat Located Southwest of the Intersection of Ferguson Avenue and Oak Street. Application 15-512(Saunders) na 3. Authorize Adoption of the Flanders Mill Parks Subdivision Final Master Plan Application 15-512 (Saunders) ` 4= 4. Authorize City Manager to Sign Park Easement Release and Reconveyance Associated with the Flanders Mill Phase 1 Subdivision Final Plat and Final Park Plan,Application 15-512 (Saunders) to 5. Authorize City Manager to Sign Park Easement Associated with the Flanders Mill Phase 1 Subdivision Final Plat, Application 15-512 (Saunders) tom 6. Authorize City Manager signature on the Flanders Mill Subdivision Phase 1 Stormwater Easement Application 15-512(Saunders) "7R� 7. Easement Modification and License Agreement with NorthWestern Energy for Revised Pipeline Alignment in North Park Property(Stambaugh) t4a 8. Execute Task Order with Tetra Tech for Resident Project Inspection at the Story Mill Landfill (Hixson) to 9. Construction Agreement with Montana Department of Transportation,Rouse Avenue, Oak Street to Story Mill Road (Hixson) ta 10. Amendment to the Professional Service Agreement with TD&H Engineering for Development Review Services (Thomas) tp 11. Amendment to the Professional Service Agreement with Sanderson Stewart for Development Review(Thomas) to 12.Amendment to the Professional Service Agreement with Allied Engineering for Development Review(Thomas),.* to 13.Amendment to the Professional Service Agreement with KLJ for Development Review(Thomas) to gtmtegie Plan(Ku"lsko IL* 15. Professional Services Agreement with the Montana State University Western Transportation Institute for Bozeman Travel Demand Forecasting Model and Traffic Impact Study Integration—Phase 2: Implementation(Woolard) tom 16. Acknowledge and Approve Receipt of a Street/Alley Vacation Request from the Cannery District Partners, LLC to Discontinue and Vacate all of the Streets and Alleys Lying Within Block 2 of the Imes Addition to the City of Bozeman Located North of Tract A of Certificate of Survey C-41-D and South of the North Page 2 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 29,2016 Boundary of Oak Street Established by Ordinance 575, Misc. Bk. 10 page 617 (Ulmen) to 17. Approve Commission Resolution 4675, a Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman,Montana, amending Fiscal Year 2016(fyl6) Library Depreciation Reserve Fund Budget to include the Replacement of Library Chairs at a Total Cost of$50,000. (Rosenberry) t4a 06:02:39 PM Motion to approve Consent Items D1-13 and 15-1 7 ors submitted. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:2nd II Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve I Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve E. 06:03:03 PM Public Comment- Mayor Taylor opened public comment 06:04:01 PM Jerry Pape,Public Comment Jerry Pape stated that he felt that raising taxes hums the city of Bozeman citizens and makes it hard for people who live here to be able to live in the city. He also stated that raising the taxes hurts people who cannot afford day care and be able to pay the taxes and the tax base. 06:07:30 PM Mary Vanthall,Public Comment Mary stated that the people wanted to get the design done stated that currently the people wanted to maximize safety for users. 14. Consent Item 06:11:40 PM Professional Services Agreement with HDR to , Conduct the City's Vision and Strategic Plan(Kukulski) a . I 06:12:01 PM Discussion Cr. Krauss stated that he did not know how this strategic plan would work if we were to get other or new commissioners and wondered what the practical application might be in the future. 1 Page 3 of 15 J' 1 E z Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 29,2016 06:13:05 PM Staff Presentation Chris Kukulski stated that we would benefit with having a vision for where this organization for a city should be. He hoped that the resources time and money that we talk about what our vision would be in the future. The city manager also talked about hoping that the vision was well enough that this adopted plan work for future elected officials as well. Cr. Krauss stated that we have a vision statement and a set of goals and the commission voted on Cr. Mehl asked where the scope of work was located to which Chris KukulsId discussed in detail. What the commission adopts as the strategic plan is something that the staff would like as a living document. 06:23:09 PM Discussion Continued Cr. Mehl stated that there would not need to be a follow up to the next step and asked for more detail about the ongoing task management. Mayor Taylor asked how we would make sure that this would be a living document in the fixture. 06:25:24 PM Motion to approve Professional Services Agreement with HDR to Conduct the City's Vision and Strategic Plan. Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner-l-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd 06:25:49 PM Discussion Deputy Mayor Andrus and Cr. Pomeroy approve this and gave reasons why. Cr. Krauss disapproved this and stated reasons why. Cr. Mehl stated what he felt about the strategic plan. 06:31:51 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment 06:32:04 PM Jerry Pape,Public Comment Jerry Pape stated that he felt that when we rely on the people who have talent, it helps to move forward interpret and draft the opinions, summaries' all of these things very carefully before we decide that we need to spend money on outside expert help. Page 4 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 29,2016 06:33:29 PM Discussion i City Manager Chris Kukulski stated that when we talk about goals and priorities, what is part of the core are things that would help us in the future. 06:36:15 PM Response to public comment Cr. Krauss stated that he felt that the people that are here are the ones who are able to implement strategy and have looked at what the possibilities are and think that is was a bad idea to outsource strategy. He felt that is was a better idea to use what we have here. 06:38:14 PM Public Comment closed s 3 Mayor Taylor closed public comment. I 06:38:29 PM Discussion continued Cr. Mehl stated that he agreed with Cr. Krauss and stated that there would be accountability as well as what would be needed by staff and at the end of the day,the commission was responsible for answering to the public. e Cr. Pomeroy asked for clarification on the organization of vision and the statistic plan and gave reasons why she would not support this. 06:40:03 PM Vote on the motion to approve Professional Services Agreement with HDR to Conduct the City's Vision and Strategic Plan. Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:2nd Commissioner- Jeff Krauss: Disapprove Mayor- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy;_Disapprove �I Voted passed, 3-2 y F. 06:40:46 PM Action Items 1. 06:44:17 PM City Commission 2016-2017 Goals and Priority Setting(Kukulski) 06:44:29 PM Staff Presentation City Manager, Chris Kukulski stated that we if we think about the list of things that we have to Page 5 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 29,2016 do and what we need to do is that the three needed to work together and over the years this observation has been that we cannot ignore the priorities. Whatever plans were adopted, staff would work exceedingly well to get those things completed. 06:53:58 PM Questions for staff Mayor Taylor asked for clarification and asked the city manager to please quantify and explain what staff was stating about work load. The city manager was not sure that staff would be able to do all requested goals well. Cr. Krauss stated that something that would be helpful to see would be the workload that staff had going on now. Cr. Krauss would have asked if you were an employee could you tell us who are the staff approaching the choke points and if the staff were to give a graphic representation of workload that would be excellent. It would be helpful for the commission to see to be able to say okay we would not ask you to do that because the capacity to do certain tasks was not there. City manger went into detail about priority resources. Cr. Krauss still needed to see where people were full day to day, so that he knew how to add staff or handle the priorities in order to work smarter. 07:05:35 PM Comments Cr. Mehl stated that after speaking with staff, there were a lot of things over the next 18 months that may not happen. He suggested that we would come up with a list of things that need to be on the list based on priority because it was needed or possible. Cr. Pomeroy stated that cooperation with the county is big as well as a gas tax as well as an impact fee and gave reasons why. Deputy Mayor Andrus would like to take the list and flake off and prioritize what was already there. 07:10:53 PM Staff response City Attorney Greg Sullivan talked about the ability to implement a new item and what it would mean to do that. The scope was something that he thought was important. Craig Woolard, Public Works Director stated that a couple of things could not happen without the cooperation of everyone. Deputy Mayor Andrus asked if the highlighted items were the items of concern to which staff responded in detail. Mayor Taylor asked about the UDC re-write and what would be impacted and he felt that the transportation plan should be removed from the list of priorities. Mayor Taylor would like to take off all items knowing that once the impact fee gets done, it would take policy time and more time away from other people. Mayor Taylor would take things off the bottom of the list and leave other things already on the list. Wendy Thomas, Director of Community Development stated that there are 11 city commission Page 6 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 29,2016 meetings that discuss the UDC and 23 points that require legal action and 14 of those that need commission action. The heavy lifting for these things were ongoing. Chuck Winn, Assistant City Manager stated that we have tried to talk about the importance of the internal initiatives. He stated that the consequence of not supporting our internal team could hurt the city. Many of the manager trainings in the last few years had not been attended by directors who were not able to attend due to other priorities that pulled them away from that. Britt Fontenot, Economic Development Director stated that there are a lot of projects on the list has a lot of involvement of other inner departments that he asked that the commission keep in mind. Cr. Pomeroy stated that she wanted clarification from Craig Woollard about the issues that the transportation plan had faced or would face in the future to which he responded in detail. She also asked i 07:36:35 PM Discussion Continued Cr.Krauss stated that the UDC re-write may be affected by transportation issues. Deputy Mayor Andrus asked the City Attorney if he could shed some light on scope and what was affected by the list of things that needed to be accomplished to which he responded in detail. 07:46:48 PM Public Comment Mayor Taylor opened public comment 07:47:02 PM Jerry Pape,Public Comment Mr. Pape stated that there were a lot of things going on in the federal level that were affected by economic development. Business development was discussed as well as how we were attracting companies. The consequences of someone who decided to move to another town for other opportunities' and not be able to return was also discussed in detail. 07:50:48 PM Closed public comment Mayor Taylor closed public comment 07:51:05 PM Rating goals and priorities. This would be an anonymous vote. The rules were discussed in detail. Discussed were items dropped off the list A-Q. r 07:53:57 PM Motion to drop the cardiac arrest mobile application. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd i i Page 7 of 15 i I. Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 29,2016 07:54:03 PM Discussion Cr. Krauss stated that this app required all government entities and suggested revisiting this when the 911 update happens. Cr. Pomeroy asked if there was research done with other major cities. 07:56:00 PM Vote on the motion to remove the cardiac arrest app from the list of goals. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy:Approve 07:56:20 PM Motion to remove goal items A and D, minimum wage and compact of mayors please 111 from the list of goals. Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus: 2nd 07:56:43 PM Discussion Mayor Taylor talked about the time line to re-instate Cr. Mehl talked about resources to do this in the future and stated that this might need to be moved some other time. A move was made to strike. 07:57:50 PM Vote on the Motion to remove goal items A and D, minimum wage and compact of mayors phase Ill from the list of goals. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl:Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner- 1-Ho Pomeroy:Approve Page 8 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 29,2016 07:58:27 PM Motion to remove goal item N, community plan update from the list of goals. 07:58:47 PM There was no 2"d Motion failed for lack of a 2"6 Deputy Mayor Andrus moved on the next item. 07:58:49 PM Motion to remove goal item O, impact fees from the list of goals. l E 07:58:50 PM There was no 2"d Motion failed for lack of a 2"d . Deputy Mayor Andrus moved on the next item. 07:58:53 PM Motion to remove goal item P, transportation plan update from the list of goals. Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner- Jeff Ka-auss: 2nd 07:59:04 PM Discussion i Deputy Mayor Andrus stated that since these things are already underway,they do not need to be on the list. I Cr. Krauss stated that our public works director and the transportation coordination committee both support the idea that they will be able to handle all issues within the course of regular business. i 07:59:57 PM Vote on the Motion to remove goal item P, transportation plan update from the list of goals. ! Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss:Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve u I Page 9 of 15 l Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 29,2015 08:00:10 PM Motion to remove goal item E and 1, downtown parking plan and organizational vision and strategic plan and from the list of goals. 08:00:34 PM There was no end Motion failed for lack of a 2nd. 08:00:39 PM Motion to remove goal item Q, equal pay from the list of goals. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mao Cynthia Andrus: 2nd 08:01:10 PM Discussion Deputy Mayor Andrus thinks this is very much needed and feels that it is already under way. Cr. Krauss stated that he doesn't want to see this loss to the shuffle and wants to keep it at high visibility. Mayor Taylor stated that this list and the priorities as seen as things that we are committed to. The scope was discussed as well. Cr. Mehl stated that the commission needed to look at everyone's workload. City Manager stated that the resolution states that we needed to collect the data and recognize annually equal pay while HR staff does a lot of work on this data. Cr.Krauss stated that there was not a report received on equal pay. 08:11:49 PM Vote on the motion to remove equal pay from the list. Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Disapprove Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Approve DeputV Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy_ Disapprove 08:12:22 PM Discussion on the conservation overlay. Cr.Mehl stated that he wanted to understand what the design guideline meant to which staff responded in detail. Page 10 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 29,2016 08:14:42 PM Discussion Continued Mayor Taylor asked if there were any other motions for goals A-q Cr. Mehl talked about legislative agenda goal item H and wondered what the staff thought about that proposal and asked how important it was. Cr.Pomeroy asked if we could start small. Deputy Mayor Andrus stated that always playing defense is hard to do and was not sure if the Cr. Kruass stated that the lobbyists were important and how they would benefit us. Mayor Taylor stated that we need a gas tax and that if we put it on the list, the city manager would be able to see if we should do a gas tax. Brit Fontenot stated that this would be an interest Cr.Mehl a lobbyist allows access to resources. More discussion about this went into detail concerning the pros and cons as well as the affects this would have on staff in the future. A read of what was on the list was discussed. 08:42:35 PM Break Mayor Taylor called for a break until 9:05 09:16:15 PM Meeting Called Back in Session 09:17:02 PM Discussion on goals Cr.Pomeroy stated to draw the line at number 8. d Cr. Krauss stated that staff and commission could work together. Mayor Taylor stated that he felt that we could do a better job of working together so that we could make clear what the scope was. Deputy Mayor'Andrus asked what happened to the things that go below the line to which Mayor Taylor stated that we would not move forward with things that were below the line. Staff stated that the Impact fee update was time critical. Cr.MehI talked about the things that several departments were doing at this moment. City Manager stated that he would be ready to discuss the items that were brought up tonight and the timelines for these items. 09:34:40 PM Motion that we drmv the line of goals at 8 items. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Ik Commissioner-I-Ho_Pomero,, 1, 09:35:15 PM Discussion Page 11 of 15 I I t Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 29,2016 Cr. Krauss stated that he wanted to move impact fees up to number 8 and would state what the other items would be but was unsure if that would leave room for the mayors agenda or legal requirements. Cr. Pomeroy stated she needed clarification. Mayor Taylor stated that he supported the motion an stated reasons why he felt that way. 09:38:45 PM Vote on the motion that we draw the line of goals at 8 items. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 09:38:55 PM Motion to replace design guidelines with impact fee update. Commissioner- Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner- Chris Mehl: 2nd 09:39:32 PM Discussion Cr. Krauss stated that because impact fees was a legal mandate, he felt that community impact and community development would be impacted in a good way and address a piece of the community that we spend a lot of time on. 09:40:23 PM Vote on the motion to replace design guidelines with impact fee update. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor-Carson Taylor: Disapprove Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Ma o�ynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve Motion passed 4-1. Page 12 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 29,2016 09:40:48 PM Motion to move downtown packing above impactfees. Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus: Nlotion Commissioner - Chris Mehl: 2nd 09:48:26 PM Discussion Cr.Mehl stated reasons why he would vote Cr. Krauss stated reasons why he would vote 09:48:40 PM Vote to move downtown parking above impact fees. Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Disapprove Mayor-Carson Taylor: Disapprove Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Disapprove Deputy Mayor-Cynthia Andrus:Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Disapprove Motion fails 1-4 09:47:32 PM Motion to replace legislative agenda with community plan. �I Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor- Cynthia.Andrus: 2nd 09:49:13 PM Discussion Cr. Mehl stated why he was for dropping community plan Cr. Andrus stated why she wanted to leave it Cr. Krauss stated that we need to keep the top five the way that they are. 09:50:59 PM Vote on the motion to replace legislative agenda with community plan. Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus: 2nd p ij Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Disapprove Mayor- Carson Taylor: Disapprove h Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy MayorCynthia Andrus: Disapprove 1 Page 13 of 15 i. Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 29,2016 Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Disapprove Fails 4-1 09:51:27 PM Motion to have the city,manager bring this before the commission at a later time. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd 09:51:36 PM Discussion Cr.Krauss stated that he would like to see how things work out in the future and felt it was the next logical step in the process. 09:52:05 PM Vote on the motion to approve the 2016-2017 Goals and Priority list as discussed and acted upon by the City Commission. Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Motion Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Commissioner-Jeff Krauss: Approve Mayor- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner-Chris Mehl: Approve Deputy Mayor- Cynthia Andrus; Approve Commissioner- I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve G. 09:52:41 PM FYI/Discussion Packet will go out close of business close of business on Thursday. Cr. Krauss liked the process today and thanked the city manager for stating that H. 09:54:25 PM Adjournment Mayor Taylor adjourned the meeting at 9:54PM. vlN •`c 'r' -f' 10` nxson `aylor Mavor Page 14 of 15 Bozeman City Commission Minutes,February 29,2015 Stacy Ulmen,CMC City Clerk PREPARED BY: _ _w ___.._ Pearl Michalson Deputy City Clerk Approved on• 1 -I_ I a �f i I s i a I,I L Page 15 of 15