HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 55- 780, Creates and Establishes a Municipal Plan Board of City, and Repeals Ordinance 649 372/ proal IteM ",lld ()beClr.eQ. ~.... J ........ ORDINANCE NO. 780 _..~~..-.....~-"_..~_. -_..........---,"'..~' i\JI:--E!Rl1nrhKc'i: CRSATING lJ\D :DSTA?LJSl'JKCl A MUnCHAL ILPJ\FOARD OF 'LEE CITY OF BOZEYAK ~ID }RE;SCRJBnW ITS Dt' TISS > r01/fSRS M1 D :F ROCEDFRES AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 649. BE IT OHDAI~ED BY THE COMIdSS TO}; OF TEE . -- "\).~ 'u'l~\\\Wt Section Pursuant to the authority conferred upon this City by Section 11-3202, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947, there is hereby created and established a Muniei:pel Flan Board, hereinafter referred to as the I Board, which shall consist of seven (7) citizens of the City of Bozeman who shall be Arpointed by the Cit;y Commiss~_on wi tr,Qut regard to political aff'iliation and who shall serve wi thou t comrensation. The term oi off.~ce of the members of the Board shall be three (3) years, rrovided tha t in order to insure continuity of membership two of tile first seven (7) members shall be appointed for terms of one (1) year, two of the first seven (7) members shell be appointed for terms of two (2) years, and the remainine; three::>f thE' first seven (7) members shall be appojnted for terms of three (3) y"w rs, and 11[ on the expiration of the I3forementioned hdtial terms the terms tllereafter shall be three (3) yeers as hereinbefore lrovided. Vncancies occurinG in the membershif of the EOFlrd otherwise than throllch the eXliration of terms sball be fHled by the City Conunission for the unexf,j.red term or terms onl;Jr. TJIon arpointment of all the members of the Poard the Board shall effect its own orcanization and shall elect from amonc its members a chairman who shall serve as such for the term of his appointment 01' until his successor is elected and qualified. Section 2 The City Manaeer and the City En;:ineer, or either of them, shell meet with the EOFlrd upon request and shall serve as liaison officers between the Borrd and the City Commission. I Section 3 The City MFlnar.;er shall, uFor: reqnest by the Board and within the Umits of available funds Hnd rersonnel, assign to the Board l~ersonnel of eny e.dmirdstrative department of tlJe City for sredal services, or drect such department to furnish data requested by the Board. Section 4 The Municipd FIrm F08rd shall have the rower to consult wj th and make recommendations to the Commission rerhdninc:; to: 1. Ma kin;:, amendinc, extendinc 8Jld adding to f.\ master plan for the l'bysical development. of the Cit.v and such territor;y outside the limits of the City as the BOBrd, in its dis- erea tion, determines shall be subject to such ms:oter I_Ian; 2. Flatting: or snbdividin;.:; land wi thin the City; 3. Recollunending to the Ci ty Commi ssion such chances and al teratior:s in the cjty zoni!'::; rei}Jle- tions as may be deemed necessary to rromote the orderly development of the City; 4. Submi tUnc ar:nually to the Ci ty Manager, not less thar; ninety dBYs prior to the becinning of the jjseal year, a 1 ist of recommended CB.lj tal imr rovemen ts wh j eh in the o[inion of the Board are necessary or desirable to be constructed or comrleted during the forthcoming six I year reriod; 5. Tromatint'. public interest in and uncJerstanding of the mester rlan and of plpnninc and zoning; 6. Within its budcet aFFropriation, contract wi th d ty planners and other consul tents for such services as it may reo. '.Ii re. Section 5 'lhe nwster Flen for the rbysicel develorment of the City and such territory outside the limits 378. of the City as the Boa rd, in its discretion, determines shall be subject to such master rlan, wit() the accompar,yine; maps. pIa ts. charts, descriptive and exrlanatory matter, she 11 sh ow the Eoa rd I s recommends tions for the development of the same, and ma:,.' include, emonc other thir,(s, (a) the generel 10C8 ti on. character and extent of streets. bridges. alleys. ra rks , sewers and other public ways, l"ervices and sraces; (b) the c~neral location of public bundinEs and other public prorerty; ( c) tr, C' I zenerBl location and extent of Fublic utilities. whether fublicly or rrivetely owned; (d) the removal, relocation, widening, extens ion, na rrowi ne;. va ca tion. abandonment or chBnce ')f use of such eJ<istinc or future public ways. grounds, sraces. buildings, property or utilities; (e) the general extent and location of public bousing: Frojects and slum-clearance projects. Section 6 The Board may adopt the master plan as a whole by a sine;le resolution, or may by su ccessive resol1ltions adoFt ~uccessive rarts of the [lan, sa id rEI rts corresl-ondinc to major Ceoerarbi Cfll secb ons of the City or to functional divisions of the subject lTl8 tter of the I-lan, and may adolJt any amendment or eJ<tension thereof or addition thereto. The adoption of the Flan, or of any such Isrt, amendment, extens ion or addi tion, shall be by resolution carded by the B ffirmative votes of not less than a majority of the Board, but before the adoption of the r1an or any such rart or any modification. extension or addition the Board may hold rublic hearings on the rroI-'osed action. An attested eOL)' of the J,lan or }srt thereof shall be certified to the City Commission. Section 7 The Boa rd shall meet in regular session bi-monthly and may be called into srr::cial sess lOr) by its Chairman or by the City Commission and shall hold its meetin[:s !Jt the City Hell in the City of I Eozemall or at such other place or rlaces as ma;y be desicnated by the Cheirmar ')f the Board. 11:e BOArd shell be a boerd of record and ShAll kee:;: records of its meetings and of its findin~s and determinations. Ihe City shall Irovide the secretary of the Board and such adrJitional ~'ledcal heIr as may be necessary to the maintencnce of the records herein ITo'Jided for. Section H Ordinance No. 649 and all ordinances and parts of ordinances of' The City of Bozeman in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 9 This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after thirty (30) days from its final adoption. Fina.lly Ador+:ed and A!l,r/).red At A. reculer session o:f' the Commission of The City of Eozemar; Ll;'lld on the 30th dAY of ME'rcb, 1955. ATTSST: I /k~ Clerk of the Commissior: fublished in Bozeman Deny Chronicle AFr-: I I , 1955. ORDT!\l\NCB :rOo 780 374 . .'". ... i" -,.01';0 ",' ...,. r ~. ~ iP'ji1 ~.. .. . ) '. State of Montana ".' n. , .... ( S8 Court~1 of Gallatin ) I. 100 G. Shadoan, Clerk of' the Cornmiss ion of The City of Bozeman do bereby certify the t the forecoinc Ordinance ~o. 7f30 was l'ibl:ished by title and number in the EOZ8rnnrl Daily Chroniele. a newspaper of ceneral circulat:ion printed end Iub1ished in said City in the issue of AI-ril 1. 1955. IN WI TN ES$ ';IjEEREOF', I hereunto set my hand and affix the coqorate seal of my office this I 2nd rley of Al rj I, 1955. X~~-n/ Clerk of he City Commission I I ORDINANCE NO. 780