HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 58- 808, Vacates portion of an alley in Block "C" in original townsite 4_76 ~ "" n~q"':9 .MI..... ./.:t./ . .........".-.........,... ,.... ._.... " ': .,. ~~.~..': .~.t: , .t".v-/"I"". ORDINANCE NO. 808 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA VACATING A PORl'ION OF AN ALLEY IN BLOCK "C", ORIGINAL TOWNSITE OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA WHEREAS, certain property owners owning property abutting an alley in Block "e", Original Townsite of the City of Bozeman, have presented to the City Commission a petition asking the Ci~ Commission to I institute the necessary prooeeding. to vacate a portion of an existing alley in Block "C", Original Townsite of the City of Bozeman hereinafter more particularly described; and WHEREAS, on the 20th day of August 1958, at its regular meeting, the said City Commission passed and adopted Commission Resolution No. 915 deo1aring it to be the intention of the said Ci~ of Bozeman to vacate a portion of an alley in Block "C" in said Original Townsite of the Ci~ of Bozeman and dirict- ing the City Manager of the City of Bozeman to give notice thereof in the manner and for the time as provided by law; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Resolution, notioe of the adpptton of said Resolution was published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle at least once before said Resolution was aoted upon, as appears by the affidavit of the publisher of said Bozeman Daily Chronicle on file with the Clerk of the Ci~ Comndssion and whioh said notioe describes the portion of the alley in Block "C", Original Townsite of the Ci~ of Bozeman to be vaoated and giving notioe that the hearing on said Resolution would be held at the regular meeting of the City Commission to be held on the 3rd day of September 1958, at 1.00 l'clock p.m. at the Commission Room in the City Hall Building of the City of Bozeman; and WHEREAS, on the 3rd day of September 1968, at its regular meeting, the said City Commission fully heard objeotions to and evidenoe in support of said vaoation; and WHEREAS, the City Manager having given notioe of the adoption of said Resolution of Intention for the time and in the manner as by ~aw provided, and the time for objections as set forth in said notioe having expired and the objeotions made being considered insufficient, and it appearing that all provi- sions of the law in such oases made and provided had been fully met and complied with; and 1HEREAS, on September 3, 1968, the City Commission in regular session assembled, did then and there deter.mine that such portion of the alley in Blook "C" should be vacated and such deter.mination was enter- ed upon the minutes of said meeting, and did then and there determine and decide tha t such vaoa tion of the portion of the alley in Blook "C", Original Townsite of the City of Bozeman, Montana, could be made without detriment to the public interest and should be made in the public interest. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZElWh I Section 1 That the following desoribed portion of the alley in Blook "C", Original Townsite of the Ci~ of Bozeman, be, and the same is hereby vaoated and disoontinued. That portion of the existing alley in Block "C", Original Townsite of the City of Bozeman, extending east from the east line of South BOZEman AVenue a distanoe of approximately 96t6" to a line whioh is 6'6" west from and parallel to the west line of Lots 4 and 33 of said Block "CR. Secti on 2 This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect fram and after thirty days after its adoption. Adopted at a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman held this 17th day of December 1958. ~ .)~ ~ .~n ~- Mayor M~ ~o~ Published in Bozeman Daily Chroniole, December 22nd, , 1958. State of Montana ) C oun t'r of Galla tin ) ss I, L. G. Shadoan, Clerk of the Commission, of The City of Bozeman do hereby certify thRt the fore- I going Ordinance No. 808 was I-ublished by title and number in the Bozeman Daily 'Chronele, a newsFaIer of generel ci.rculation printed and published in seid City in the issue of December 22nd, 1958, and due proof of such Fublication is on file in my office. IN VHTNTo;SS "lHP'REOF I hereunto set my hand and affix t he corporate seal of my office this 23rd day of December, 1958. ~A~