HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe NCS Technical Appendices-Bozeman FINAL 2015 2955 Valmont Road Suite 300 777 North Capitol Street NE Suite 500 Boulder, Colorado 80301 Washington, DC 20002 n-r-c.com • 303-444-7863 icma.org • 800-745-8780 Bozeman, MT Technical Appendices 2015 The National Citizen Survey™ The National Citizen Survey™ © 2001-2015 National Research Center, Inc. The NCS™ is presented by NRC in collaboration with ICMA. NRC is a charter member of the AAPOR Transparency Initiative, providing clear disclosure of our sound and ethical survey research practices. Contents Appendix A: Complete Survey Responses .......................................... 1 Appendix B: Benchmark Comparisons ............................................. 19 Appendix C: Detailed Survey Methods ............................................. 32 Appendix D: Survey Materials ......................................................... 37 The National Citizen Survey™ 1 Appendix A: Complete Survey Responses Responses excluding “don’t know” The following pages contain a complete set of responses to each question on the survey, excluding the “don’t know” responses. The percent of respondents giving a particular response is shown followed by the number of respondents (denoted with “N=”). Table 1: Question 1 Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Bozeman as a place to live 56% N=226 34% N=137 7% N=28 3% N=10 100% N=401 Your neighborhood as a place to live 38% N=153 44% N=175 15% N=59 3% N=12 100% N=400 Bozeman as a place to raise children 57% N=191 32% N=109 9% N=29 2% N=7 100% N=337 Bozeman as a place to work 23% N=89 33% N=128 31% N=119 12% N=46 100% N=383 Bozeman as a place to visit 62% N=242 31% N=122 6% N=22 1% N=4 100% N=390 Bozeman as a place to retire 35% N=114 32% N=107 19% N=62 14% N=46 100% N=329 The overall quality of life in Bozeman 45% N=179 45% N=177 8% N=32 2% N=9 100% N=397 Table 2: Question 2 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman 48% N=192 44% N=176 8% N=31 0% N=2 100% N=401 Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 23% N=91 46% N=185 21% N=85 10% N=41 100% N=403 Quality of overall natural environment in Bozeman 47% N=186 40% N=159 11% N=42 2% N=10 100% N=397 Overall "built environment" of Bozeman (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 14% N=55 50% N=201 27% N=109 9% N=35 100% N=401 Health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman 40% N=160 41% N=160 17% N=69 2% N=6 100% N=394 Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 44% N=174 42% N=163 12% N=48 2% N=7 100% N=392 Overall economic health of Bozeman 22% N=89 44% N=172 28% N=111 6% N=22 100% N=394 Sense of community 22% N=90 43% N=174 28% N=111 7% N=26 100% N=402 Overall image or reputation of Bozeman 39% N=155 47% N=189 10% N=41 4% N=14 100% N=400 Table 3: Question 3 Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Total Recommend living in Bozeman to someone who asks 47% N=188 35% N=139 7% N=30 10% N=40 100% N=397 Remain in Bozeman for the next five years 57% N=220 24% N=94 9% N=36 9% N=34 100% N=384 Table 4: Question 4 Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe Total In your neighborhood during the day 84% N=340 13% N=52 1% N=6 0% N=1 1% N=4 100% N=402 In Bozeman's downtown/commercial area during the day 71% N=285 26% N=104 2% N=7 1% N=2 0% N=1 100% N=400 The National Citizen Survey™ 2 Table 5: Question 5 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Traffic flow on major streets 3% N=13 33% N=134 37% N=149 26% N=106 100% N=402 Ease of public parking 5% N=20 34% N=133 36% N=143 25% N=98 100% N=395 Ease of travel by car in Bozeman 6% N=24 50% N=199 35% N=140 9% N=36 100% N=399 Ease of travel by public transportation in Bozeman 7% N=20 29% N=78 38% N=103 25% N=68 100% N=268 Ease of travel by bicycle in Bozeman 16% N=53 35% N=114 37% N=121 12% N=39 100% N=328 Ease of walking in Bozeman 30% N=115 46% N=179 20% N=78 4% N=16 100% N=389 Availability of paths and walking trails 42% N=164 41% N=163 14% N=55 3% N=12 100% N=393 Air quality 56% N=222 37% N=148 6% N=25 1% N=3 100% N=398 Cleanliness of Bozeman 42% N=169 49% N=197 8% N=30 1% N=4 100% N=401 Overall appearance of Bozeman 42% N=168 49% N=195 7% N=27 3% N=11 100% N=402 Public places where people want to spend time 31% N=121 54% N=214 12% N=49 3% N=10 100% N=394 Variety of housing options 5% N=20 19% N=72 34% N=131 42% N=164 100% N=386 Availability of affordable quality housing 2% N=9 8% N=30 27% N=103 63% N=238 100% N=380 Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 52% N=200 38% N=146 9% N=37 1% N=5 100% N=388 Recreational opportunities 68% N=270 25% N=100 6% N=24 1% N=4 100% N=398 Availability of affordable quality food 25% N=101 43% N=170 25% N=98 8% N=30 100% N=398 Availability of affordable quality health care 16% N=58 48% N=174 26% N=95 10% N=35 100% N=362 Availability of preventive health services 18% N=64 52% N=179 25% N=85 5% N=17 100% N=345 Availability of affordable quality mental health care 15% N=31 35% N=75 30% N=64 20% N=42 100% N=211 Table 6: Question 6 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Availability of affordable quality child care/preschool 10% N=16 32% N=51 36% N=57 22% N=35 100% N=160 K-12 education 39% N=86 44% N=98 15% N=32 3% N=6 100% N=223 Adult educational opportunities 26% N=86 50% N=163 21% N=67 3% N=9 100% N=325 Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 32% N=123 43% N=165 20% N=76 5% N=19 100% N=383 Opportunities to participate in religious or spiritual events and activities 36% N=93 47% N=123 14% N=36 3% N=8 100% N=260 Employment opportunities 10% N=37 33% N=122 39% N=145 18% N=68 100% N=373 Shopping opportunities 15% N=60 44% N=175 30% N=120 11% N=43 100% N=397 Cost of living in Bozeman 1% N=5 17% N=65 39% N=152 44% N=172 100% N=395 Overall quality of business and service establishments in Bozeman 16% N=63 60% N=237 22% N=87 2% N=10 100% N=397 Vibrant downtown/commercial area 39% N=156 46% N=183 13% N=52 1% N=5 100% N=395 Overall quality of new development in Bozeman 16% N=59 36% N=136 37% N=139 11% N=40 100% N=374 Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 29% N=111 53% N=203 18% N=70 1% N=3 100% N=386 Opportunities to volunteer 41% N=145 45% N=158 13% N=46 1% N=5 100% N=353 Opportunities to participate in community matters 25% N=83 50% N=164 24% N=79 1% N=5 100% N=330 Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds 16% N=59 44% N=160 28% N=103 12% N=43 100% N=365 Neighborliness of residents in Bozeman 25% N=99 41% N=160 27% N=104 8% N=29 100% N=392 The National Citizen Survey™ 3 Table 7: Question 7 Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. No Yes Total Made efforts to conserve water 24% N=95 76% N=307 100% N=401 Made efforts to make your home more energy efficient 27% N=108 73% N=293 100% N=401 Observed a code violation or other hazard in Bozeman 59% N=235 41% N=164 100% N=399 Household member was a victim of a crime in Bozeman 91% N=363 9% N=37 100% N=401 Reported a crime to the police in Bozeman 82% N=330 18% N=72 100% N=401 Stocked supplies in preparation for an emergency 79% N=315 21% N=86 100% N=401 Campaigned or advocated for an issue, cause or candidate 79% N=313 21% N=84 100% N=397 Contacted the City of Bozeman (in-person, phone, email or web) for help or information 59% N=239 41% N=163 100% N=401 Contacted Bozeman elected officials (in-person, phone, email or web) to express your opinion 86% N=347 14% N=55 100% N=401 Table 8: Question 8 In the last 12 months, about how many times, if at all, have you or other household members done each of the following in Bozeman? 2 times a week or more 2-4 times a month Once a month or less Not at all Total Used Bozeman recreation centers or their services 19% N=75 19% N=77 35% N=139 27% N=107 100% N=398 Visited a neighborhood park or City park 37% N=149 32% N=127 24% N=95 7% N=29 100% N=400 Used Bozeman public libraries or their services 9% N=35 25% N=100 40% N=161 26% N=104 100% N=399 Participated in religious or spiritual activities in Bozeman 12% N=47 13% N=52 12% N=48 63% N=252 100% N=399 Attended a City-sponsored event 2% N=9 16% N=63 53% N=211 28% N=112 100% N=395 Used bus, rail, subway or other public transportation instead of driving 6% N=22 7% N=26 13% N=51 75% N=299 100% N=399 Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving alone 22% N=87 22% N=89 25% N=100 31% N=125 100% N=400 Walked or biked instead of driving 41% N=163 23% N=90 19% N=74 17% N=69 100% N=397 Volunteered your time to some group/activity in Bozeman 12% N=48 19% N=76 33% N=129 36% N=144 100% N=396 Participated in a club 12% N=46 14% N=56 19% N=77 55% N=220 100% N=399 Talked to or visited with your immediate neighbors 34% N=134 32% N=129 24% N=97 10% N=39 100% N=399 Done a favor for a neighbor 16% N=64 24% N=96 41% N=166 19% N=74 100% N=400 Table 9: Question 9 Thinking about local public meetings (of local elected officials like City Council or County Commissioners, advisory boards, town halls, HOA, neighborhood watch, etc.), in the last 12 months, about how many times, if at all, have you or other household members attended or watched a local public meeting? 2 times a week or more 2-4 times a month Once a month or less Not at all Total Attended a local public meeting 0% N=2 2% N=10 21% N=81 77% N=303 100% N=395 Watched (online or on television) a local public meeting 2% N=6 4% N=16 14% N=57 80% N=316 100% N=396 Table 10: Question 10 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Police services 27% N=92 56% N=192 15% N=52 2% N=7 100% N=344 Fire services 44% N=123 51% N=143 5% N=13 1% N=3 100% N=283 Ambulance or emergency medical services 37% N=100 56% N=152 7% N=18 1% N=3 100% N=273 Crime prevention 20% N=60 59% N=175 17% N=50 3% N=10 100% N=296 Fire prevention and education 25% N=65 59% N=155 15% N=39 1% N=3 100% N=262 Traffic enforcement 14% N=52 44% N=163 32% N=116 10% N=37 100% N=368 The National Citizen Survey™ 4 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Street repair 4% N=16 34% N=131 41% N=158 21% N=83 100% N=389 Street cleaning 19% N=73 52% N=204 22% N=85 7% N=26 100% N=389 Street lighting 13% N=50 47% N=184 29% N=112 12% N=46 100% N=393 Snow removal 9% N=34 47% N=187 31% N=121 13% N=52 100% N=395 Sidewalk maintenance 9% N=35 38% N=146 34% N=131 19% N=72 100% N=384 Traffic signal timing 6% N=25 32% N=123 33% N=127 29% N=114 100% N=389 Bus or transit services 15% N=36 43% N=104 27% N=67 15% N=37 100% N=245 Garbage collection 36% N=134 55% N=207 8% N=30 1% N=4 100% N=375 Recycling 22% N=79 36% N=127 26% N=91 15% N=54 100% N=352 Yard waste pick-up 17% N=40 40% N=97 30% N=72 13% N=30 100% N=240 Storm drainage 13% N=40 53% N=161 27% N=82 7% N=23 100% N=306 Drinking water 39% N=151 42% N=162 14% N=55 6% N=21 100% N=388 Sewer services 32% N=107 54% N=185 13% N=43 1% N=5 100% N=340 Power (electric and/or gas) utility 26% N=99 51% N=194 20% N=75 2% N=8 100% N=376 Utility billing 19% N=71 49% N=178 25% N=93 7% N=24 100% N=366 City parks 44% N=168 45% N=172 9% N=34 2% N=7 100% N=382 Recreation programs or classes 27% N=78 55% N=158 15% N=42 2% N=7 100% N=284 Recreation centers or facilities 24% N=74 55% N=172 17% N=53 5% N=16 100% N=314 Land use, planning and zoning 6% N=21 31% N=102 40% N=130 22% N=73 100% N=325 Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 9% N=25 38% N=107 37% N=103 16% N=46 100% N=281 Animal control 15% N=42 48% N=134 24% N=66 13% N=37 100% N=279 Economic development 15% N=52 43% N=145 30% N=102 11% N=37 100% N=336 Health services 21% N=73 51% N=181 25% N=89 3% N=10 100% N=353 Public library services 55% N=191 38% N=135 6% N=22 1% N=3 100% N=351 Public information services 19% N=56 54% N=161 24% N=71 3% N=10 100% N=298 Cable television 9% N=20 34% N=75 31% N=69 26% N=57 100% N=221 Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 10% N=17 39% N=71 31% N=56 20% N=36 100% N=180 Preservation of natural areas such as open space, farmlands and greenbelts 17% N=63 36% N=133 26% N=96 20% N=73 100% N=365 Bozeman open space 20% N=75 41% N=152 27% N=97 12% N=43 100% N=367 City-sponsored special events 20% N=57 54% N=159 24% N=71 2% N=6 100% N=293 Overall customer service by Bozeman employees (police, receptionists, planners, etc.) 24% N=83 53% N=187 20% N=69 3% N=11 100% N=351 Table 11: Question 11 Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? Excellent Good Fair Poor Total The City of Bozeman 17% N=63 64% N=242 15% N=57 4% N=15 100% N=377 The Federal Government 6% N=22 37% N=129 39% N=138 18% N=62 100% N=352 The State of Montana 10% N=35 54% N=194 31% N=110 6% N=20 100% N=358 The National Citizen Survey™ 5 Table 12: Question 12 Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total The value of services for the taxes paid to Bozeman 6% N=22 47% N=163 34% N=117 12% N=43 100% N=345 The overall direction that Bozeman is taking 8% N=31 38% N=142 40% N=147 14% N=52 100% N=372 The job Bozeman government does at welcoming citizen involvement 12% N=35 43% N=131 37% N=111 8% N=25 100% N=301 Overall confidence in Bozeman government 6% N=20 46% N=163 35% N=125 13% N=46 100% N=354 Generally acting in the best interest of the community 9% N=32 44% N=155 36% N=127 11% N=38 100% N=352 Being honest 13% N=41 45% N=137 34% N=104 8% N=26 100% N=309 Treating all residents fairly 12% N=39 41% N=134 33% N=108 13% N=43 100% N=325 Table 13: Question 13 Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years: Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Total Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman 32% N=129 38% N=153 26% N=104 4% N=14 100% N=400 Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 29% N=117 51% N=203 18% N=73 1% N=5 100% N=399 Quality of overall natural environment in Bozeman 49% N=195 36% N=142 14% N=57 1% N=4 100% N=398 Overall "built environment" of Bozeman (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 38% N=152 40% N=158 20% N=78 2% N=9 100% N=398 Health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman 31% N=122 43% N=170 23% N=92 3% N=13 100% N=397 Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 34% N=135 43% N=170 21% N=84 2% N=7 100% N=396 Overall economic health of Bozeman 44% N=174 41% N=162 14% N=57 1% N=6 100% N=399 Sense of community 28% N=112 45% N=179 22% N=87 5% N=18 100% N=397 Table 14: Question 14 Please indicate the degree to with you would support or oppose a property tax increase to construct a new, multi-use Law & Justice Center jointly with the County that includes the Police Department, Sheriff's Office, District and Municipal Courts, Prosecution, and Victim Services: Percent Number Strongly support 19% N=74 Somewhat support 39% N=149 Somewhat oppose 19% N=72 Strongly oppose 23% N=88 Total 100% N=383 Table 15: Question 15 Please indicate the degree to which you would support or oppose a local sales tax on restaurants, bars, hotels, motels, and luxury retail items to help fund the following: Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Total A property tax reduction 31% N=123 31% N=123 16% N=65 22% N=86 100% N=397 Street construction 28% N=112 38% N=152 15% N=60 18% N=72 100% N=397 Parks facilities and equipment 23% N=93 37% N=146 22% N=86 18% N=73 100% N=399 Police facilities and equipment 17% N=68 30% N=120 24% N=95 29% N=114 100% N=398 The National Citizen Survey™ 6 Table 16: Question 16 Please indicate the degree to which you would support or oppose a gas tax to help fund the following: Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Total A reduction in street assessment fees 20% N=78 35% N=135 25% N=98 20% N=79 100% N=391 Street construction 27% N=106 38% N=148 17% N=69 18% N=71 100% N=393 Bicycle lanes 37% N=146 23% N=92 20% N=77 20% N=79 100% N=395 Sidewalks 30% N=118 31% N=122 19% N=75 20% N=77 100% N=393 Trails 36% N=141 26% N=103 16% N=63 22% N=88 100% N=394 Public transportation 31% N=123 30% N=118 19% N=75 20% N=77 100% N=393 Table 17: Question D1 How often, if at all, do you do each of the following, considering all of the times you could? Never Rarely Sometimes Usually Always Total Recycle at home 10% N=38 10% N=40 10% N=37 14% N=56 56% N=222 100% N=393 Purchase goods or services from a business located in Bozeman 1% N=5 1% N=3 11% N=43 56% N=222 31% N=120 100% N=393 Eat at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day 3% N=14 14% N=57 31% N=123 36% N=141 15% N=58 100% N=392 Participate in moderate or vigorous physical activity 3% N=10 6% N=22 25% N=97 44% N=172 23% N=91 100% N=392 Read or watch local news (via television, paper, computer, etc.) 6% N=25 21% N=82 20% N=78 24% N=94 29% N=113 100% N=393 Vote in local elections 8% N=31 12% N=48 12% N=46 23% N=91 45% N=177 100% N=393 Table 18: Question D2 Would you say that in general your health is: Percent Number Excellent 32% N=126 Very good 44% N=173 Good 18% N=70 Fair 5% N=22 Poor 1% N=3 Total 100% N=393 Table 19: Question D3 What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Percent Number Very positive 5% N=18 Somewhat positive 23% N=89 Neutral 55% N=214 Somewhat negative 15% N=58 Very negative 2% N=8 Total 100% N=387 The National Citizen Survey™ 7 Table 20: Question D4 What is your employment status? Percent Number Working full time for pay 59% N=232 Working part time for pay 21% N=84 Unemployed, looking for paid work 4% N=15 Unemployed, not looking for paid work 3% N=14 Fully retired 12% N=47 Total 100% N=392 Table 21: Question D5 Do you work inside the boundaries of Bozeman? Percent Number Yes, outside the home 67% N=256 Yes, from home 10% N=39 No 23% N=87 Total 100% N=382 Table 22: Question D6 How many years have you lived in Bozeman? Percent Number Less than 2 years 14% N=54 2 to 5 years 28% N=111 6 to 10 years 17% N=68 11 to 20 years 17% N=68 More than 20 years 24% N=94 Total 100% N=395 Table 23: Question D7 Which best describes the building you live in? Percent Number One family house detached from any other houses 45% N=178 Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apartment or condominium) 53% N=209 Mobile home 1% N=4 Other 0% N=2 Total 100% N=392 Table 24: Question D8 Is this house, apartment or mobile home... Percent Number Rented 56% N=219 Owned 44% N=171 Total 100% N=390 The National Citizen Survey™ 8 Table 25: Question D9 About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance and homeowners' association (HOA) fees)? Percent Number Less than $300 per month 3% N=10 $300 to $599 per month 13% N=49 $600 to $999 per month 33% N=128 $1,000 to $1,499 per month 27% N=105 $1,500 to $2,499 per month 22% N=85 $2,500 or more per month 2% N=8 Total 100% N=385 Table 26: Question D10 Do any children 17 or under live in your household? Percent Number No 77% N=301 Yes 23% N=90 Total 100% N=391 Table 27: Question D11 Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older? Percent Number No 86% N=336 Yes 14% N=54 Total 100% N=390 Table 28: Question D12 How much do you anticipate your household's total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include in your total income money from all sources for all persons living in your household.) Percent Number Less than $25,000 20% N=76 $25,000 to $49,999 32% N=124 $50,000 to $99,999 26% N=100 $100,000 to $149,999 15% N=58 $150,000 or more 7% N=26 Total 100% N=384 Table 29: Question D13 Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino? Percent Number No, not Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 99% N=390 Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 1% N=2 Total 100% N=393 The National Citizen Survey™ 9 Table 30: Question D14 What is your race? (Mark one or more races to indicate what race(s) you consider yourself to be.) Percent Number American Indian or Alaskan Native 1% N=4 Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander 3% N=12 Black or African American 0% N=1 White 97% N=380 Other 2% N=8 Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one option. Table 31: Question D15 In which category is your age? Percent Number 18 to 24 years 15% N=60 25 to 34 years 39% N=152 35 to 44 years 13% N=51 45 to 54 years 12% N=47 55 to 64 years 9% N=35 65 to 74 years 6% N=23 75 years or older 7% N=26 Total 100% N=393 Table 32: Question D16 What is your sex? Percent Number Female 48% N=187 Male 52% N=205 Total 100% N=392 Table 33: Question D17 Do you consider a cell phone or landline your primary telephone number? Percent Number Cell 84% N=328 Land line 9% N=37 Both 7% N=26 Total 100% N=391 The National Citizen Survey™ 10 Responses including “don’t know” The following pages contain a complete set of responses to each question on the survey, including the “don’t know” responses. The percent of respondents giving a particular response is shown followed by the number of respon dents (denoted with “N=”). Table 34: Question 1 Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Bozeman as a place to live 56% N=226 34% N=137 7% N=28 3% N=10 0% N=0 100% N=401 Your neighborhood as a place to live 38% N=153 44% N=175 15% N=59 3% N=12 0% N=0 100% N=400 Bozeman as a place to raise children 48% N=191 27% N=109 7% N=29 2% N=7 16% N=64 100% N=401 Bozeman as a place to work 22% N=89 32% N=128 30% N=119 12% N=46 4% N=16 100% N=399 Bozeman as a place to visit 61% N=242 31% N=122 6% N=22 1% N=4 2% N=8 100% N=398 Bozeman as a place to retire 29% N=114 27% N=107 16% N=62 12% N=46 17% N=68 100% N=397 The overall quality of life in Bozeman 45% N=179 45% N=177 8% N=32 2% N=9 0% N=0 100% N=397 Table 35: Question 2 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman 48% N=192 44% N=176 8% N=31 0% N=2 0% N=0 100% N=401 Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 23% N=91 46% N=185 21% N=85 10% N=41 0% N=0 100% N=403 Quality of overall natural environment in Bozeman 47% N=186 40% N=159 10% N=42 2% N=10 1% N=2 100% N=399 Overall "built environment" of Bozeman (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 14% N=55 50% N=201 27% N=109 9% N=35 0% N=1 100% N=401 Health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman 40% N=160 40% N=160 17% N=69 2% N=6 2% N=7 100% N=402 Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 43% N=174 41% N=163 12% N=48 2% N=7 3% N=10 100% N=402 Overall economic health of Bozeman 22% N=89 43% N=172 28% N=111 5% N=22 2% N=8 100% N=402 Sense of community 22% N=90 43% N=174 28% N=111 7% N=26 0% N=0 100% N=402 Overall image or reputation of Bozeman 39% N=155 47% N=189 10% N=41 4% N=14 1% N=3 100% N=403 Table 36: Question 3 Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Don't know Total Recommend living in Bozeman to someone who asks 47% N=188 35% N=139 7% N=30 10% N=40 1% N=3 100% N=400 Remain in Bozeman for the next five years 55% N=220 23% N=94 9% N=36 9% N=34 4% N=17 100% N=401 Table 37: Question 4 Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe Don't know Total In your neighborhood during the day 84% N=340 13% N=52 1% N=6 0% N=1 1% N=4 0% N=0 100% N=402 In Bozeman's downtown/commercial area during the day 71% N=285 26% N=104 2% N=7 1% N=2 0% N=1 0% N=1 100% N=401 The National Citizen Survey™ 11 Table 38: Question 5 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Traffic flow on major streets 3% N=13 33% N=134 37% N=149 26% N=106 0% N=0 100% N=402 Ease of public parking 5% N=20 33% N=133 36% N=143 24% N=98 2% N=7 100% N=401 Ease of travel by car in Bozeman 6% N=24 50% N=199 35% N=140 9% N=36 0% N=2 100% N=401 Ease of travel by public transportation in Bozeman 5% N=20 20% N=78 26% N=103 17% N=68 32% N=126 100% N=395 Ease of travel by bicycle in Bozeman 13% N=53 29% N=114 30% N=121 10% N=39 18% N=72 100% N=400 Ease of walking in Bozeman 29% N=115 45% N=179 20% N=78 4% N=16 3% N=12 100% N=401 Availability of paths and walking trails 41% N=164 41% N=163 14% N=55 3% N=12 2% N=8 100% N=401 Air quality 55% N=222 37% N=148 6% N=25 1% N=3 1% N=4 100% N=402 Cleanliness of Bozeman 42% N=169 49% N=197 8% N=30 1% N=4 0% N=0 100% N=401 Overall appearance of Bozeman 42% N=168 49% N=195 7% N=27 3% N=11 0% N=0 100% N=402 Public places where people want to spend time 30% N=121 54% N=214 12% N=49 3% N=10 1% N=4 100% N=398 Variety of housing options 5% N=20 18% N=72 33% N=131 41% N=164 3% N=13 100% N=399 Availability of affordable quality housing 2% N=9 7% N=30 26% N=103 59% N=238 5% N=20 100% N=400 Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 51% N=200 37% N=146 9% N=37 1% N=5 2% N=9 100% N=397 Recreational opportunities 68% N=270 25% N=100 6% N=24 1% N=4 0% N=1 100% N=399 Availability of affordable quality food 25% N=101 42% N=170 24% N=98 8% N=30 0% N=2 100% N=400 Availability of affordable quality health care 14% N=58 43% N=174 24% N=95 9% N=35 10% N=40 100% N=402 Availability of preventive health services 16% N=64 45% N=179 21% N=85 4% N=17 13% N=53 100% N=398 Availability of affordable quality mental health care 8% N=31 19% N=75 16% N=64 10% N=42 47% N=190 100% N=401 Table 39: Question 6 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Availability of affordable quality child care/preschool 4% N=16 13% N=51 14% N=57 9% N=35 60% N=240 100% N=400 K-12 education 21% N=86 25% N=98 8% N=32 1% N=6 44% N=177 100% N=400 Adult educational opportunities 21% N=86 41% N=163 17% N=67 2% N=9 19% N=74 100% N=399 Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 31% N=123 41% N=165 19% N=76 5% N=19 4% N=16 100% N=398 Opportunities to participate in religious or spiritual events and activities 23% N=93 31% N=123 9% N=36 2% N=8 35% N=140 100% N=400 Employment opportunities 9% N=37 31% N=122 37% N=145 17% N=68 6% N=23 100% N=396 Shopping opportunities 15% N=60 44% N=175 30% N=120 11% N=43 1% N=4 100% N=400 Cost of living in Bozeman 1% N=5 16% N=65 38% N=152 43% N=172 1% N=2 100% N=397 Overall quality of business and service establishments in Bozeman 16% N=63 59% N=237 22% N=87 2% N=10 1% N=4 100% N=400 Vibrant downtown/commercial area 39% N=156 46% N=183 13% N=52 1% N=5 1% N=3 100% N=399 Overall quality of new development in Bozeman 15% N=59 34% N=136 35% N=139 10% N=40 6% N=26 100% N=400 Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 28% N=111 51% N=203 17% N=70 1% N=3 4% N=15 100% N=401 Opportunities to volunteer 36% N=145 39% N=158 11% N=46 1% N=5 12% N=47 100% N=400 Opportunities to participate in community matters 21% N=83 41% N=164 20% N=79 1% N=5 17% N=69 100% N=399 Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds 15% N=59 40% N=160 26% N=103 11% N=43 8% N=32 100% N=397 Neighborliness of residents in Bozeman 25% N=99 40% N=160 26% N=104 7% N=29 2% N=9 100% N=401 The National Citizen Survey™ 12 Table 40: Question 7 Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. No Yes Total Made efforts to conserve water 24% N=95 76% N=307 100% N=401 Made efforts to make your home more energy efficient 27% N=108 73% N=293 100% N=401 Observed a code violation or other hazard in Bozeman 59% N=235 41% N=164 100% N=399 Household member was a victim of a crime in Bozeman 91% N=363 9% N=37 100% N=401 Reported a crime to the police in Bozeman 82% N=330 18% N=72 100% N=401 Stocked supplies in preparation for an emergency 79% N=315 21% N=86 100% N=401 Campaigned or advocated for an issue, cause or candidate 79% N=313 21% N=84 100% N=397 Contacted the City of Bozeman (in-person, phone, email or web) for help or information 59% N=239 41% N=163 100% N=401 Contacted Bozeman elected officials (in-person, phone, email or web) to express your opinion 86% N=347 14% N=55 100% N=401 Table 41: Question 8 In the last 12 months, about how many times, if at all, have you or other household members done each of the following in Bozeman? 2 times a week or more 2-4 times a month Once a month or less Not at all Total Used Bozeman recreation centers or their services 19% N=75 19% N=77 35% N=139 27% N=107 100% N=398 Visited a neighborhood park or City park 37% N=149 32% N=127 24% N=95 7% N=29 100% N=400 Used Bozeman public libraries or their services 9% N=35 25% N=100 40% N=161 26% N=104 100% N=399 Participated in religious or spiritual activities in Bozeman 12% N=47 13% N=52 12% N=48 63% N=252 100% N=399 Attended a City-sponsored event 2% N=9 16% N=63 53% N=211 28% N=112 100% N=395 Used bus, rail, subway or other public transportation instead of driving 6% N=22 7% N=26 13% N=51 75% N=299 100% N=399 Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving alone 22% N=87 22% N=89 25% N=100 31% N=125 100% N=400 Walked or biked instead of driving 41% N=163 23% N=90 19% N=74 17% N=69 100% N=397 Volunteered your time to some group/activity in Bozeman 12% N=48 19% N=76 33% N=129 36% N=144 100% N=396 Participated in a club 12% N=46 14% N=56 19% N=77 55% N=220 100% N=399 Talked to or visited with your immediate neighbors 34% N=134 32% N=129 24% N=97 10% N=39 100% N=399 Done a favor for a neighbor 16% N=64 24% N=96 41% N=166 19% N=74 100% N=400 Table 42: Question 9 Thinking about local public meetings (of local elected officials like City Council or County Commissioners, advisory boards, town halls, HOA, neighborhood watch, etc.), in the last 12 months, about how many times, if at all, have you or other household members attended or watched a local public meeting? 2 times a week or more 2-4 times a month Once a month or less Not at all Total Attended a local public meeting 0% N=2 2% N=10 21% N=81 77% N=303 100% N=395 Watched (online or on television) a local public meeting 2% N=6 4% N=16 14% N=57 80% N=316 100% N=396 Table 43: Question 10 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Police services 23% N=92 48% N=192 13% N=52 2% N=7 13% N=53 100% N=397 Fire services 31% N=123 36% N=143 3% N=13 1% N=3 29% N=113 100% N=396 Ambulance or emergency medical services 25% N=100 38% N=152 5% N=18 1% N=3 31% N=124 100% N=397 Crime prevention 15% N=60 45% N=175 13% N=50 3% N=10 24% N=96 100% N=392 Fire prevention and education 16% N=65 39% N=155 10% N=39 1% N=3 34% N=133 100% N=395 Traffic enforcement 13% N=52 41% N=163 29% N=116 9% N=37 7% N=29 100% N=397 The National Citizen Survey™ 13 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Street repair 4% N=16 33% N=131 40% N=158 21% N=83 2% N=8 100% N=397 Street cleaning 19% N=73 51% N=204 22% N=85 7% N=26 2% N=8 100% N=397 Street lighting 12% N=50 46% N=184 28% N=112 12% N=46 1% N=5 100% N=398 Snow removal 9% N=34 47% N=187 31% N=121 13% N=52 1% N=2 100% N=397 Sidewalk maintenance 9% N=35 37% N=146 33% N=131 18% N=72 3% N=10 100% N=394 Traffic signal timing 6% N=25 31% N=123 32% N=127 29% N=114 2% N=6 100% N=396 Bus or transit services 9% N=36 26% N=104 17% N=67 9% N=37 38% N=151 100% N=396 Garbage collection 34% N=134 52% N=207 8% N=30 1% N=4 6% N=22 100% N=397 Recycling 20% N=79 32% N=127 23% N=91 14% N=54 11% N=44 100% N=396 Yard waste pick-up 10% N=40 24% N=97 18% N=72 8% N=30 40% N=157 100% N=397 Storm drainage 10% N=40 41% N=161 21% N=82 6% N=23 23% N=90 100% N=396 Drinking water 38% N=151 41% N=162 14% N=55 5% N=21 2% N=9 100% N=397 Sewer services 27% N=107 47% N=185 11% N=43 1% N=5 13% N=53 100% N=393 Power (electric and/or gas) utility 25% N=99 49% N=194 19% N=75 2% N=8 5% N=18 100% N=394 Utility billing 18% N=71 45% N=178 24% N=93 6% N=24 7% N=28 100% N=394 City parks 43% N=168 44% N=172 9% N=34 2% N=7 2% N=9 100% N=391 Recreation programs or classes 20% N=78 40% N=158 10% N=42 2% N=7 28% N=112 100% N=397 Recreation centers or facilities 19% N=74 44% N=172 13% N=53 4% N=16 20% N=80 100% N=394 Land use, planning and zoning 5% N=21 26% N=102 33% N=130 18% N=73 18% N=71 100% N=396 Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 6% N=25 27% N=107 26% N=103 12% N=46 28% N=111 100% N=391 Animal control 11% N=42 34% N=134 17% N=66 9% N=37 29% N=115 100% N=393 Economic development 13% N=52 37% N=145 26% N=102 9% N=37 15% N=58 100% N=394 Health services 18% N=73 46% N=181 22% N=89 3% N=10 11% N=43 100% N=396 Public library services 48% N=191 34% N=135 6% N=22 1% N=3 12% N=46 100% N=397 Public information services 14% N=56 41% N=161 18% N=71 2% N=10 25% N=99 100% N=396 Cable television 5% N=20 19% N=75 17% N=69 15% N=57 44% N=171 100% N=392 Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 4% N=17 18% N=71 14% N=56 9% N=36 54% N=213 100% N=393 Preservation of natural areas such as open space, farmlands and greenbelts 16% N=63 34% N=133 24% N=96 19% N=73 7% N=28 100% N=393 Bozeman open space 19% N=75 38% N=152 25% N=97 11% N=43 7% N=28 100% N=395 City-sponsored special events 15% N=57 41% N=159 18% N=71 2% N=6 23% N=90 100% N=383 Overall customer service by Bozeman employees (police, receptionists, planners, etc.) 21% N=83 47% N=187 17% N=69 3% N=11 11% N=45 100% N=396 Table 44: Question 11 Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total The City of Bozeman 16% N=63 61% N=242 14% N=57 4% N=15 5% N=19 100% N=396 The Federal Government 6% N=22 33% N=129 35% N=138 16% N=62 11% N=43 100% N=395 The State of Montana 9% N=35 49% N=194 28% N=110 5% N=20 9% N=37 100% N=395 The National Citizen Survey™ 14 Table 45: Question 12 Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total The value of services for the taxes paid to Bozeman 6% N=22 41% N=163 30% N=117 11% N=43 12% N=49 100% N=394 The overall direction that Bozeman is taking 8% N=31 36% N=142 37% N=147 13% N=52 6% N=22 100% N=395 The job Bozeman government does at welcoming citizen involvement 9% N=35 33% N=131 28% N=111 6% N=25 23% N=91 100% N=392 Overall confidence in Bozeman government 5% N=20 41% N=163 32% N=125 12% N=46 10% N=39 100% N=393 Generally acting in the best interest of the community 8% N=32 39% N=155 32% N=127 10% N=38 10% N=41 100% N=393 Being honest 11% N=41 35% N=137 26% N=104 7% N=26 22% N=85 100% N=394 Treating all residents fairly 10% N=39 34% N=134 27% N=108 11% N=43 18% N=69 100% N=394 Table 46: Question 13 Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years: Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Total Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman 32% N=129 38% N=153 26% N=104 4% N=14 100% N=400 Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 29% N=117 51% N=203 18% N=73 1% N=5 100% N=399 Quality of overall natural environment in Bozeman 49% N=195 36% N=142 14% N=57 1% N=4 100% N=398 Overall "built environment" of Bozeman (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 38% N=152 40% N=158 20% N=78 2% N=9 100% N=398 Health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman 31% N=122 43% N=170 23% N=92 3% N=13 100% N=397 Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 34% N=135 43% N=170 21% N=84 2% N=7 100% N=396 Overall economic health of Bozeman 44% N=174 41% N=162 14% N=57 1% N=6 100% N=399 Sense of community 28% N=112 45% N=179 22% N=87 5% N=18 100% N=397 Table 47: Question 14 Please indicate the degree to with you would support or oppose a property tax increase to construct a new, multi-use Law & Justice Center jointly with the County that includes the Police Department, Sheriff's Office, District and Municipal Courts, Prosecution, and Victim Services: Percent Number Strongly support 19% N=74 Somewhat support 39% N=149 Somewhat oppose 19% N=72 Strongly oppose 23% N=88 Total 100% N=383 Table 48: Question 15 Please indicate the degree to which you would support or oppose a local sales tax on restaurants, bars, hotels, motels, and luxury retail items to help fund the following: Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Total A property tax reduction 31% N=123 31% N=123 16% N=65 22% N=86 100% N=397 Street construction 28% N=112 38% N=152 15% N=60 18% N=72 100% N=397 Parks facilities and equipment 23% N=93 37% N=146 22% N=86 18% N=73 100% N=399 Police facilities and equipment 17% N=68 30% N=120 24% N=95 29% N=114 100% N=398 The National Citizen Survey™ 15 Table 49: Question 16 Please indicate the degree to which you would support or oppose a gas tax to help fund the following: Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Total A reduction in street assessment fees 20% N=78 35% N=135 25% N=98 20% N=79 100% N=391 Street construction 27% N=106 38% N=148 17% N=69 18% N=71 100% N=393 Bicycle lanes 37% N=146 23% N=92 20% N=77 20% N=79 100% N=395 Sidewalks 30% N=118 31% N=122 19% N=75 20% N=77 100% N=393 Trails 36% N=141 26% N=103 16% N=63 22% N=88 100% N=394 Public transportation 31% N=123 30% N=118 19% N=75 20% N=77 100% N=393 Table 50: Question D1 How often, if at all, do you do each of the following, considering all of the times you could? Never Rarely Sometimes Usually Always Total Recycle at home 10% N=38 10% N=40 10% N=37 14% N=56 56% N=222 100% N=393 Purchase goods or services from a business located in Bozeman 1% N=5 1% N=3 11% N=43 56% N=222 31% N=120 100% N=393 Eat at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day 3% N=14 14% N=57 31% N=123 36% N=141 15% N=58 100% N=392 Participate in moderate or vigorous physical activity 3% N=10 6% N=22 25% N=97 44% N=172 23% N=91 100% N=392 Read or watch local news (via television, paper, computer, etc.) 6% N=25 21% N=82 20% N=78 24% N=94 29% N=113 100% N=393 Vote in local elections 8% N=31 12% N=48 12% N=46 23% N=91 45% N=177 100% N=393 Table 51: Question D2 Would you say that in general your health is: Percent Number Excellent 32% N=126 Very good 44% N=173 Good 18% N=70 Fair 5% N=22 Poor 1% N=3 Total 100% N=393 Table 52: Question D3 What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Percent Number Very positive 5% N=18 Somewhat positive 23% N=89 Neutral 55% N=214 Somewhat negative 15% N=58 Very negative 2% N=8 Total 100% N=387 The National Citizen Survey™ 16 Table 53: Question D4 What is your employment status? Percent Number Working full time for pay 59% N=232 Working part time for pay 21% N=84 Unemployed, looking for paid work 4% N=15 Unemployed, not looking for paid work 3% N=14 Fully retired 12% N=47 Total 100% N=392 Table 54: Question D5 Do you work inside the boundaries of Bozeman? Percent Number Yes, outside the home 67% N=256 Yes, from home 10% N=39 No 23% N=87 Total 100% N=382 Table 55: Question D6 How many years have you lived in Bozeman? Percent Number Less than 2 years 14% N=54 2 to 5 years 28% N=111 6 to 10 years 17% N=68 11 to 20 years 17% N=68 More than 20 years 24% N=94 Total 100% N=395 Table 56: Question D7 Which best describes the building you live in? Percent Number One family house detached from any other houses 45% N=178 Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apartment or condominium) 53% N=209 Mobile home 1% N=4 Other 0% N=2 Total 100% N=392 Table 57: Question D8 Is this house, apartment or mobile home... Percent Number Rented 56% N=219 Owned 44% N=171 Total 100% N=390 The National Citizen Survey™ 17 Table 58: Question D9 About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance and homeowners' association (HOA) fees)? Percent Number Less than $300 per month 3% N=10 $300 to $599 per month 13% N=49 $600 to $999 per month 33% N=128 $1,000 to $1,499 per month 27% N=105 $1,500 to $2,499 per month 22% N=85 $2,500 or more per month 2% N=8 Total 100% N=385 Table 59: Question D10 Do any children 17 or under live in your household? Percent Number No 77% N=301 Yes 23% N=90 Total 100% N=391 Table 60: Question D11 Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older? Percent Number No 86% N=336 Yes 14% N=54 Total 100% N=390 Table 61: Question D12 How much do you anticipate your household's total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include in your total income money from all sources for all persons living in your household.) Percent Number Less than $25,000 20% N=76 $25,000 to $49,999 32% N=124 $50,000 to $99,999 26% N=100 $100,000 to $149,999 15% N=58 $150,000 or more 7% N=26 Total 100% N=384 Table 62: Question D13 Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino? Percent Number No, not Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 99% N=390 Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 1% N=2 Total 100% N=393 The National Citizen Survey™ 18 Table 63: Question D14 What is your race? (Mark one or more races to indicate what race(s) you consider yourself to be.) Percent Number American Indian or Alaskan Native 1% N=4 Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander 3% N=12 Black or African American 0% N=1 White 97% N=380 Other 2% N=8 Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one option. Table 64: Question D15 In which category is your age? Percent Number 18 to 24 years 15% N=60 25 to 34 years 39% N=152 35 to 44 years 13% N=51 45 to 54 years 12% N=47 55 to 64 years 9% N=35 65 to 74 years 6% N=23 75 years or older 7% N=26 Total 100% N=393 Table 65: Question D16 What is your sex? Percent Number Female 48% N=187 Male 52% N=205 Total 100% N=392 Table 66: Question D17 Do you consider a cell phone or landline your primary telephone number? Percent Number Cell 84% N=328 Land line 9% N=37 Both 7% N=26 Total 100% N=391 The National Citizen Survey™ 19 Appendix B: Benchmark Comparisons Comparison Data NRC’s database of comparative resident opinion is comprised of resident perspectives gathered in surveys from over 500 communities whose residents evaluated the same kinds of topics on The National Citizen Survey™. The comparison evaluations are from the most recent survey completed in each community; most communities conduct surveys every year or in alternating years. NRC adds the latest results quic kly upon survey completion, keeping the benchmark data fresh and relevant. The communities in the database represent a wide geographic and population range. The City of Bozeman chose to have comparisons made to the entire database and a subset of similar jurisdictions from the database (university communities with populations between 25,000 and 75,000). Interpreting the Results Ratings are compared when there are at least five communities in which a similar question was asked. Where comparisons are available, four columns are provided in the table. The first column is Bozeman’s “percent positive.” The percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., “excellent” and “good,” “very safe” and “somewhat safe,” “essential” and “very important,” etc.), or, in the case of resident behaviors/participation, the percent positive represents the proportion of respondents indicating “yes” or participating in an activity at least once a month. The second column is the rank assigned to Bozeman’s rating among communities where a similar question was asked. The third column is the number of communities that asked a similar question. The final column shows the comparison of Bozeman’s rating to the benchmark. In that final column, Bozeman’s results are noted as being “higher” than the benchmark, “lower” than the benchmark or “similar” to the benchmark, meaning that the average rating given by Bozeman residents is statistically similar to or different (greater or lesser) than the benchmark. More extreme differences are noted as “much higher” or “much lower.” Benchmark Database Characteristics Region Percent New England 3% Middle Atlantic 5% East North Central 15% West North Central 13% South Atlantic 22% East South Central 3% West South Central 7% Mountain 16% Pacific 16% Population Percent Less than 10,000 10% 10,000 to 24,999 22% 25,000 to 49,999 23% 50,000 to 99,999 22% 100,000 or more 23% The National Citizen Survey™ 20 National Benchmark Comparisons Table 67: Community Characteristics General Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark The overall quality of life in Bozeman 90% 86 401 Similar Overall image or reputation of Bozeman 86% 64 300 Higher Bozeman as a place to live 90% 95 344 Similar Your neighborhood as a place to live 82% 125 266 Similar Bozeman as a place to raise children 89% 76 335 Higher Bozeman as a place to retire 67% 127 318 Similar Overall appearance of Bozeman 90% 38 313 Higher Table 68: Community Characteristics by Facet Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Safety Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman 92% 55 233 Higher In your neighborhood during the day 97% 44 306 Similar In Bozeman's downtown/commercial area during the day 97% 65 260 Similar Mobility Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 69% 103 149 Similar Availability of paths and walking trails 83% 29 269 Higher Ease of walking in Bozeman 76% 68 250 Similar Ease of travel by bicycle in Bozeman 51% 115 254 Similar Ease of travel by public transportation in Bozeman 36% 76 131 Similar Ease of travel by car in Bozeman 56% 194 257 Similar Ease of public parking 39% 104 124 Lower Traffic flow on major streets 37% 252 303 Lower Natural Environment Quality of overall natural environment in Bozeman 87% 40 238 Higher Cleanliness of Bozeman 91% 30 231 Higher Air quality 93% 9 214 Higher Built Environment Overall "built environment" of Bozeman (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 64% 78 143 Similar Overall quality of new development in Bozeman 52% 139 246 Similar Availability of affordable quality housing 10% 252 258 Much lower Variety of housing options 24% 231 237 Much lower Public places where people want to spend time 85% 19 136 Higher Economy Overall economic health of Bozeman 66% 60 148 Similar Vibrant downtown/commercial area 86% 5 133 Much higher Overall quality of business and service establishments in Bozeman 76% 62 231 Similar Cost of living in Bozeman 18% 133 142 Lower Shopping opportunities 59% 121 256 Similar Employment opportunities 43% 90 270 Similar Bozeman as a place to visit 93% 9 155 Much higher Bozeman as a place to work 57% 164 309 Similar Recreation and Wellness Health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman 81% 31 145 Higher Availability of affordable quality mental health care 50% 54 123 Similar Availability of preventive health services 70% 69 195 Similar Availability of affordable quality health care 64% 101 219 Similar Availability of affordable quality food 68% 73 195 Similar Recreational opportunities 93% 2 262 Much higher Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 89% 5 139 Higher Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 86% 22 143 Higher The National Citizen Survey™ 21 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Education and Enrichment Opportunities to participate in religious or spiritual events and activities 83% 49 175 Similar Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 75% 41 255 Higher Adult educational opportunities 77% 17 129 Higher K-12 education 83% 61 228 Similar Availability of affordable quality child care/preschool 42% 165 217 Similar Community Engagement Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 81% 18 218 Higher Neighborliness of Bozeman 66% 42 138 Similar Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds 60% 146 248 Similar Opportunities to participate in community matters 75% 29 231 Similar Opportunities to volunteer 86% 13 225 Higher Table 69: Governance General Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Services provided by the City of Bozeman 81% 191 389 Similar Overall customer service by Bozeman employees (police, receptionists, planners, etc.) 77% 164 324 Similar Value of services for the taxes paid to Bozeman 54% 213 350 Similar Overall direction that Bozeman is taking 46% 208 281 Similar Job Bozeman government does at welcoming citizen involvement 55% 105 268 Similar Overall confidence in Bozeman government 52% 77 143 Similar Generally acting in the best interest of the community 53% 75 143 Similar Being honest 58% 64 139 Similar Treating all residents fairly 53% 72 142 Similar Services provided by the Federal Government 43% 50 209 Similar Table 70: Governance by Facet Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Safety Police/Sheriff services 83% 194 386 Similar Fire services 94% 136 313 Similar Ambulance or emergency medical services 92% 166 302 Similar Crime prevention 80% 118 310 Similar Fire prevention and education 84% 110 247 Similar Animal control 63% 170 298 Similar Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 49% 213 243 Lower Mobility Traffic enforcement 58% 230 330 Similar Street repair 38% 264 375 Similar Street cleaning 71% 100 279 Similar Street lighting 60% 153 274 Similar Snow removal 56% 186 261 Similar Sidewalk maintenance 47% 193 278 Similar Traffic signal timing 38% 204 219 Lower Bus or transit services 58% 84 187 Similar Natural Environment Garbage collection 91% 98 311 Similar Recycling 59% 281 317 Lower Yard waste pick-up 57% 204 230 Lower Drinking water 80% 62 295 Similar The National Citizen Survey™ 22 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Preservation of natural areas such as open space, farmlands and greenbelts 54% 158 221 Similar Bozeman open space 62% 59 134 Similar Built Environment Storm drainage 66% 172 318 Similar Sewer services 86% 49 279 Similar Power (electric and/or gas) utility 78% 68 143 Similar Utility billing 68% 73 127 Similar Land use, planning and zoning 38% 206 258 Similar Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 47% 183 318 Similar Cable television 43% 142 166 Similar Economy Economic development 59% 82 246 Similar Recreation and Wellness City parks 89% 59 288 Similar Recreation programs or classes 83% 92 301 Similar Recreation centers or facilities 78% 99 245 Similar Health services 72% 61 171 Similar Education and Enrichment City-sponsored special events 74% 50 152 Similar Public library services 93% 36 304 Similar Community Engagement Public information services 73% 96 251 Similar Table 71: Participation General Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Sense of community 66% 107 265 Similar Recommend living in Bozeman to someone who asks 82% 162 239 Similar Remain in Bozeman for the next five years 82% 152 234 Similar Contacted Bozeman (in-person, phone, email or web) for help or information 41% 191 271 Similar Table 72: Participation by Facet Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Safety Stocked supplies in preparation for an emergency 21% 121 129 Lower Did NOT report a crime to the police 82% 52 139 Similar Household member was NOT a victim of a crime 91% 84 231 Similar Mobility Used bus, rail, subway or other public transportation instead of driving 25% 54 115 Similar Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving alone 69% 2 133 Much higher Walked or biked instead of driving 83% 11 138 Much higher Natural Environment Made efforts to conserve water 76% 102 129 Similar Made efforts to make your home more energy efficient 73% 108 129 Similar Recycle at home 80% 154 218 Similar Built Environment Did NOT observe a code violation or other hazard in Bozeman 59% 51 131 Similar NOT experiencing housing costs stress 60% 178 214 Similar Economy Purchase goods or services from a business located in Bozeman 98% 37 135 Similar Economy will have positive impact on income 28% 91 216 Similar Work inside boundaries of Bozeman 77% 3 135 Much higher The National Citizen Survey™ 23 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Recreation and Wellness Used Bozeman recreation centers or their services 73% 13 203 Higher Visited a neighborhood park or City park 93% 22 234 Higher Eat at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day 82% 77 132 Similar Participate in moderate or vigorous physical activity 92% 6 133 Similar In very good to excellent health 76% 17 134 Similar Education and Enrichment Used Bozeman public libraries or their services 74% 42 204 Similar Participated in religious or spiritual activities in Bozeman 37% 138 172 Lower Attended City-sponsored event 72% 10 136 Higher Community Engagement Campaigned or advocated for an issue, cause or candidate 21% 61 126 Similar Contacted Bozeman elected officials (in- person, phone, email or web) to express your opinion 14% 95 133 Similar Volunteered your time to some group/activity in Bozeman 64% 11 223 Much higher Participated in a club 45% 11 201 Higher Talked to or visited with your immediate neighbors 90% 74 134 Similar Done a favor for a neighbor 81% 71 130 Similar Attended a local public meeting 23% 76 223 Similar Watched (online or on television) a local public meeting 20% 138 187 Similar Read or watch local news (via television, paper, computer, etc.) 73% 132 134 Lower Vote in local elections 80% 118 216 Similar Communities included in national comparisons The communities included in Bozeman’s comparisons are listed on the following pages along with their population according to the 2010 Census. Adams County, CO .................................................. 441,603 Airway Heights city, WA ............................................. 6,114 Albany city, OR ........................................................ 50,158 Albemarle County, VA............................................... 98,970 Albert Lea city, MN ................................................... 18,016 Algonquin village, IL ................................................. 30,046 Aliso Viejo city, CA ................................................... 47,823 Altoona city, IA ........................................................ 14,541 American Canyon city, CA ......................................... 19,454 Ames city, IA ........................................................... 58,965 Andover CDP, MA ....................................................... 8,762 Ankeny city, IA ........................................................ 45,582 Ann Arbor city, MI ................................................... 113,934 Annapolis city, MD ................................................... 38,394 Apache Junction city, AZ........................................... 35,840 Apple Valley town, CA .............................................. 69,135 Arapahoe County, CO .............................................. 572,003 Arkansas City city, AR.................................................... 366 Arlington city, TX .................................................... 365,438 Arlington County, VA ............................................... 207,627 Arvada city, CO ....................................................... 106,433 Asheville city, NC ..................................................... 83,393 Ashland city, OR ...................................................... 20,078 Ashland town, VA ....................................................... 7,225 Aspen city, CO ........................................................... 6,658 Auburn city, AL ........................................................ 53,380 Auburn city, WA ....................................................... 70,180 Augusta CCD, GA .................................................... 134,777 Aurora city, CO ....................................................... 325,078 Austin city, TX ........................................................ 790,390 Bainbridge Island city, WA ........................................ 23,025 Baltimore city, MD ................................................... 620,961 Bartonville town, TX ................................................... 1,469 Battle Creek city, MI ................................................. 52,347 Bay City city, MI ....................................................... 34,932 Baytown city, TX ...................................................... 71,802 Bedford city, TX ....................................................... 46,979 Bedford town, MA .................................................... 13,320 Bellevue city, WA .................................................... 122,363 Bellingham city, WA ................................................. 80,885 Beltrami County, MN ................................................ 44,442 Benbrook city, TX ..................................................... 21,234 Bend city, OR........................................................... 76,639 Benicia city, CA ........................................................ 26,997 Bettendorf city, IA .................................................... 33,217 Billings city, MT ....................................................... 104,170 Blaine city, MN ......................................................... 57,186 Bloomfield Hills city, MI .............................................. 3,869 Bloomington city, MN ............................................... 82,893 Blue Springs city, MO ............................................... 52,575 The National Citizen Survey™ 24 Boise City city, ID ................................................... 205,671 Boone County, KY ................................................... 118,811 Boulder city, CO ....................................................... 97,385 Bowling Green city, KY ............................................. 58,067 Bozeman city, MT .................................................... 37,280 Brentwood city, MO .................................................... 8,055 Brentwood city, TN .................................................. 37,060 Brighton city, CO ...................................................... 33,352 Bristol city, TN ......................................................... 26,702 Broken Arrow city, OK .............................................. 98,850 Brookfield city, WI ................................................... 37,920 Brookline CDP, MA ................................................... 58,732 Broomfield city, CO .................................................. 55,889 Brownsburg town, IN ............................................... 21,285 Bryan city, TX .......................................................... 76,201 Burien city, WA ........................................................ 33,313 Burleson city, TX ...................................................... 36,690 Cabarrus County, NC ............................................... 178,011 Cambridge city, MA ................................................. 105,162 Canton city, SD .......................................................... 3,057 Cape Coral city, FL .................................................. 154,305 Cape Girardeau city, MO ........................................... 37,941 Carlisle borough, PA ................................................. 18,682 Carlsbad city, CA ..................................................... 105,328 Carroll city, IA .......................................................... 10,103 Cartersville city, GA .................................................. 19,731 Cary town, NC ........................................................ 135,234 Casa Grande city, AZ ................................................ 48,571 Casper city, WY ....................................................... 55,316 Castine town, ME ....................................................... 1,366 Castle Pines North city, CO ....................................... 10,360 Castle Rock town, CO ............................................... 48,231 Centennial city, CO.................................................. 100,377 Centralia city, IL ...................................................... 13,032 Chambersburg borough, PA ...................................... 20,268 Chandler city, AZ .................................................... 236,123 Chanhassen city, MN ................................................ 22,952 Chapel Hill town, NC ................................................ 57,233 Charlotte city, NC .................................................... 731,424 Charlotte County, FL ............................................... 159,978 Charlottesville city, VA .............................................. 43,475 Chattanooga city, TN............................................... 167,674 Chesterfield County, VA ........................................... 316,236 Chippewa Falls city, WI ............................................ 13,661 Citrus Heights city, CA .............................................. 83,301 Clackamas County, OR ............................................ 375,992 Clarendon Hills village, IL ........................................... 8,427 Clayton city, MO ...................................................... 15,939 Clearwater city, FL .................................................. 107,685 Cleveland Heights city, OH ....................................... 46,121 Clinton city, SC .......................................................... 8,490 Clive city, IA ............................................................ 15,447 Clovis city, CA .......................................................... 95,631 College Park city, MD ............................................... 30,413 College Station city, TX ............................................ 93,857 Colleyville city, TX .................................................... 22,807 Collinsville city, IL .................................................... 25,579 Columbia city, MO ................................................... 108,500 Columbia city, SC .................................................... 129,272 Columbia Falls city, MT ............................................... 4,688 Columbus city, WI ...................................................... 4,991 Commerce City city, CO ............................................ 45,913 Concord city, CA ..................................................... 122,067 Concord town, MA.................................................... 17,668 Cookeville city, TN ................................................... 30,435 Coon Rapids city, MN ............................................... 61,476 Copperas Cove city, TX............................................. 32,032 Coronado city, CA .................................................... 18,912 Corvallis city, OR ...................................................... 54,462 Creve Coeur city, MO ............................................... 17,833 Cross Roads town, TX ................................................ 1,563 Crystal Lake city, IL .................................................. 40,743 Dacono city, CO ......................................................... 4,152 Dade City city, FL ....................................................... 6,437 Dakota County, MN ................................................. 398,552 Dallas city, OR ......................................................... 14,583 Dallas city, TX ...................................................... 1,197,816 Danville city, KY ....................................................... 16,218 Dardenne Prairie city, MO ......................................... 11,494 Davenport city, IA .................................................... 99,685 Davidson town, NC................................................... 10,944 Dayton city, OH ...................................................... 141,527 Decatur city, GA ....................................................... 19,335 Del Mar city, CA ......................................................... 4,161 Delray Beach city, FL ................................................ 60,522 Denison city, TX ....................................................... 22,682 Denton city, TX ....................................................... 113,383 Denver city, CO....................................................... 600,158 Derby city, KS .......................................................... 22,158 Des Peres city, MO ..................................................... 8,373 Destin city, FL .......................................................... 12,305 Dorchester County, MD ............................................ 32,618 Dothan city, AL ........................................................ 65,496 Douglas County, CO ................................................ 285,465 Dover city, NH ......................................................... 29,987 Dublin city, CA ......................................................... 46,036 Duluth city, MN ........................................................ 86,265 Duncanville city, TX .................................................. 38,524 Durham city, NC ..................................................... 228,330 Eagle town, CO .......................................................... 6,508 East Baton Rouge Parish, LA .................................... 440,171 East Grand Forks city, MN .......................................... 8,601 East Lansing city, MI ................................................ 48,579 Eau Claire city, WI ................................................... 65,883 Eden Prairie city, MN ................................................ 60,797 Edgerton city, KS ....................................................... 1,671 Edgewater city, CO .................................................... 5,170 Edina city, MN ......................................................... 47,941 Edmond city, OK ...................................................... 81,405 Edmonds city, WA .................................................... 39,709 El Cerrito city, CA ..................................................... 23,549 El Dorado County, CA .............................................. 181,058 El Paso city, TX ....................................................... 649,121 Elk Grove city, CA ................................................... 153,015 Elk River city, MN ..................................................... 22,974 Elko New Market city, MN ........................................... 4,110 Elmhurst city, IL....................................................... 44,121 Encinitas city, CA ..................................................... 59,518 Englewood city, CO .................................................. 30,255 Erie town, CO .......................................................... 18,135 Escambia County, FL ............................................... 297,619 Estes Park town, CO ................................................... 5,858 Fairview town, TX ...................................................... 7,248 Farmington Hills city, MI ........................................... 79,740 Fayetteville city, NC................................................. 200,564 Fishers town, IN ...................................................... 76,794 Flower Mound town, TX ............................................ 64,669 Forest Grove city, OR ............................................... 21,083 Fort Collins city, CO ................................................. 143,986 Fort Smith city, AR ................................................... 86,209 Fort Worth city, TX .................................................. 741,206 Fountain Hills town, AZ ............................................ 22,489 Franklin city, TN ....................................................... 62,487 Fredericksburg city, VA ............................................. 24,286 Fremont city, CA ..................................................... 214,089 Friendswood city, TX ................................................ 35,805 Fruita city, CO .......................................................... 12,646 Gahanna city, OH ..................................................... 33,248 Gaithersburg city, MD ............................................... 59,933 Galveston city, TX .................................................... 47,743 The National Citizen Survey™ 25 Gardner city, KS ....................................................... 19,123 Geneva city, NY ....................................................... 13,261 Georgetown city, TX ................................................. 47,400 Gilbert town, AZ ...................................................... 208,453 Gillette city, WY ....................................................... 29,087 Glendora city, CA ..................................................... 50,073 Glenview village, IL .................................................. 44,692 Globe city, AZ ............................................................ 7,532 Golden Valley city, MN .............................................. 20,371 Goodyear city, AZ .................................................... 65,275 Grafton village, WI ................................................... 11,459 Grand Blanc city, MI ................................................... 8,276 Grand Island city, NE ............................................... 48,520 Grass Valley city, CA ................................................ 12,860 Greeley city, CO ....................................................... 92,889 Green Valley CDP, AZ ............................................... 21,391 Greenville city, NC .................................................... 84,554 Greenwich town, CT ................................................. 61,171 Greenwood Village city, CO ....................................... 13,925 Greer city, SC .......................................................... 25,515 Guilford County, NC ................................................ 488,406 Gunnison County, CO ............................................... 15,324 Gurnee village, IL ..................................................... 31,295 Hailey city, ID ............................................................ 7,960 Haines Borough, AK ................................................... 2,508 Hallandale Beach city, FL .......................................... 37,113 Hamilton city, OH ..................................................... 62,477 Hanover County, VA ................................................. 99,863 Harrisonburg city, VA ............................................... 48,914 Harrisonville city, MO ............................................... 10,019 Hayward city, CA .................................................... 144,186 Henderson city, NV ................................................. 257,729 Herndon town, VA .................................................... 23,292 High Point city, NC .................................................. 104,371 Highland Park city, IL ............................................... 29,763 Highlands Ranch CDP, CO ........................................ 96,713 Hillsborough town, NC ................................................ 6,087 Holland city, MI........................................................ 33,051 Honolulu County, HI ................................................ 953,207 Hooksett town, NH ................................................... 13,451 Hopkins city, MN ...................................................... 17,591 Hopkinton town, MA ................................................. 14,925 Hoquiam city, WA ...................................................... 8,726 Horry County, SC .................................................... 269,291 Hudson city, OH ....................................................... 22,262 Hudson town, CO ....................................................... 2,356 Hudsonville city, MI .................................................... 7,116 Huntersville town, NC ............................................... 46,773 Hurst city, TX ........................................................... 37,337 Hutchinson city, MN ................................................. 14,178 Hutto city, TX .......................................................... 14,698 Hyattsville city, MD .................................................. 17,557 Independence city, MO............................................ 116,830 Indian Trail town, NC ............................................... 33,518 Indianola city, IA ..................................................... 14,782 Iowa City city, IA ..................................................... 67,862 Issaquah city, WA .................................................... 30,434 Jackson County, MI ................................................. 160,248 James City County, VA ............................................. 67,009 Jefferson City city, MO ............................................. 43,079 Jefferson County, CO .............................................. 534,543 Jefferson County, NY ............................................... 116,229 Jerome city, ID ........................................................ 10,890 Johnson City city, TN................................................ 63,152 Johnston city, IA ...................................................... 17,278 Jupiter town, FL ....................................................... 55,156 Kalamazoo city, MI ................................................... 74,262 Kansas City city, KS ................................................. 145,786 Kansas City city, MO ................................................ 459,787 Keizer city, OR ......................................................... 36,478 Kenmore city, WA .................................................... 20,460 Kennedale city, TX ..................................................... 6,763 Kennett Square borough, PA ....................................... 6,072 Kettering city, OH .................................................... 56,163 Key West city, FL ..................................................... 24,649 King County, WA .................................................. 1,931,249 Kirkland city, WA ...................................................... 48,787 Kirkwood city, MO .................................................... 27,540 Knoxville city, IA ........................................................ 7,313 La Mesa city, CA ...................................................... 57,065 La Plata town, MD ...................................................... 8,753 La Porte city, TX ...................................................... 33,800 La Vista city, NE ....................................................... 15,758 Lafayette city, CO .................................................... 24,453 Laguna Beach city, CA .............................................. 22,723 Laguna Hills city, CA ................................................. 30,344 Laguna Niguel city, CA ............................................. 62,979 Lake Oswego city, OR .............................................. 36,619 Lake Stevens city, WA .............................................. 28,069 Lake Worth city, FL .................................................. 34,910 Lake Zurich village, IL .............................................. 19,631 Lakeville city, MN ..................................................... 55,954 Lakewood city, CO .................................................. 142,980 Lakewood city, WA ................................................... 58,163 Lane County, OR ..................................................... 351,715 Larimer County, CO ................................................. 299,630 Las Cruces city, NM .................................................. 97,618 Las Vegas city, NV .................................................. 583,756 Lawrence city, KS..................................................... 87,643 League City city, TX ................................................. 83,560 Lee's Summit city, MO .............................................. 91,364 Lehi city, UT ............................................................ 47,407 Lenexa city, KS ........................................................ 48,190 Lewis County, NY ..................................................... 27,087 Lewisville city, TX ..................................................... 95,290 Libertyville village, IL................................................ 20,315 Lincoln city, NE ....................................................... 258,379 Lindsborg city, KS ...................................................... 3,458 Littleton city, CO ...................................................... 41,737 Livermore city, CA .................................................... 80,968 Lombard village, IL .................................................. 43,165 Lone Tree city, CO ................................................... 10,218 Long Grove village, IL ................................................ 8,043 Longmont city, CO ................................................... 86,270 Longview city, TX ..................................................... 80,455 Los Alamos County, NM ............................................ 17,950 Louisville city, CO ..................................................... 18,376 Lynchburg city, VA ................................................... 75,568 Lynnwood city, WA .................................................. 35,836 Macomb County, MI ................................................ 840,978 Madison city, WI ..................................................... 233,209 Manhattan Beach city, CA ......................................... 35,135 Mankato city, MN ..................................................... 39,309 Maple Grove city, MN ............................................... 61,567 Maple Valley city, WA ............................................... 22,684 Maricopa County, AZ ............................................ 3,817,117 Martinez city, CA ...................................................... 35,824 Maryland Heights city, MO ........................................ 27,472 Matthews town, NC .................................................. 27,198 McAllen city, TX ...................................................... 129,877 McDonough city, GA ................................................. 22,084 McKinney city, TX.................................................... 131,117 McMinnville city, OR ................................................. 32,187 Medford city, OR ...................................................... 74,907 Menlo Park city, CA .................................................. 32,026 Mercer Island city, WA ............................................. 22,699 Meridian charter township, MI .................................. 39,688 Meridian city, ID ...................................................... 75,092 Merriam city, KS....................................................... 11,003 Mesa County, CO .................................................... 146,723 The National Citizen Survey™ 26 Miami Beach city, FL ................................................ 87,779 Miami city, FL ......................................................... 399,457 Middleton city, WI .................................................... 17,442 Midland city, MI ....................................................... 41,863 Milford city, DE .......................................................... 9,559 Milton city, GA ......................................................... 32,661 Minneapolis city, MN ............................................... 382,578 Mission Viejo city, CA ............................................... 93,305 Modesto city, CA ..................................................... 201,165 Monterey city, CA ..................................................... 27,810 Montgomery County, VA ........................................... 94,392 Monticello city, UT ..................................................... 1,972 Monument town, CO .................................................. 5,530 Mooresville town, NC ................................................ 32,711 Morristown city, TN .................................................. 29,137 Morrisville town, NC ................................................. 18,576 Moscow city, ID ....................................................... 23,800 Mountain Village town, CO .......................................... 1,320 Mountlake Terrace city, WA ...................................... 19,909 Muscatine city, IA .................................................... 22,886 Naperville city, IL .................................................... 141,853 Needham CDP, MA ................................................... 28,886 New Braunfels city, TX ............................................. 57,740 New Brighton city, MN .............................................. 21,456 New Hanover County, NC ........................................ 202,667 New Orleans city, LA ............................................... 343,829 New Smyrna Beach city, FL ...................................... 22,464 Newberg city, OR ..................................................... 22,068 Newport Beach city, CA ............................................ 85,186 Newport News city, VA ............................................ 180,719 Newton city, IA ........................................................ 15,254 Noblesville city, IN ................................................... 51,969 Nogales city, AZ ....................................................... 20,837 Norfolk city, VA ....................................................... 242,803 North Richland Hills city, TX ...................................... 63,343 Northglenn city, CO .................................................. 35,789 Novato city, CA ........................................................ 51,904 Novi city, MI ............................................................ 55,224 O'Fallon city, IL ........................................................ 28,281 O'Fallon city, MO ...................................................... 79,329 Oak Park village, IL .................................................. 51,878 Oakland city, CA ..................................................... 390,724 Oakland Park city, FL ............................................... 41,363 Oakley city, CA ........................................................ 35,432 Ogdensburg city, NY ................................................ 11,128 Oklahoma City city, OK ............................................ 579,999 Olathe city, KS ........................................................ 125,872 Old Town city, ME ...................................................... 7,840 Olmsted County, MN ............................................... 144,248 Olympia city, WA ..................................................... 46,478 Orland Park village, IL .............................................. 56,767 Oshkosh city, WI ...................................................... 66,083 Oshtemo charter township, MI .................................. 21,705 Otsego County, MI ................................................... 24,164 Overland Park city, KS ............................................. 173,372 Oviedo city, FL ......................................................... 33,342 Paducah city, KY ...................................................... 25,024 Palm Coast city, FL ................................................... 75,180 Palo Alto city, CA ..................................................... 64,403 Papillion city, NE ...................................................... 18,894 Park City city, UT ....................................................... 7,558 Parker town, CO ...................................................... 45,297 Parkland city, FL ...................................................... 23,962 Pasadena city, CA ................................................... 137,122 Pasco city, WA ......................................................... 59,781 Pasco County, FL .................................................... 464,697 Pearland city, TX ...................................................... 91,252 Peoria city, AZ ........................................................ 154,065 Peoria city, IL ......................................................... 115,007 Peoria County, IL .................................................... 186,494 Petoskey city, MI ....................................................... 5,670 Pflugerville city, TX .................................................. 46,936 Phoenix city, AZ ................................................... 1,445,632 Pinal County, AZ ..................................................... 375,770 Pinehurst village, NC ................................................ 13,124 Piqua city, OH .......................................................... 20,522 Pitkin County, CO ..................................................... 17,148 Plano city, TX ......................................................... 259,841 Platte City city, MO..................................................... 4,691 Plymouth city, MN .................................................... 70,576 Pocatello city, ID ...................................................... 54,255 Polk County, IA ....................................................... 430,640 Pompano Beach city, FL ........................................... 99,845 Port Huron city, MI ................................................... 30,184 Port Orange city, FL ................................................. 56,048 Portland city, OR ..................................................... 583,776 Post Falls city, ID ..................................................... 27,574 Prince William County, VA........................................ 402,002 Prior Lake city, MN ................................................... 22,796 Provo city, UT ......................................................... 112,488 Pueblo city, CO ....................................................... 106,595 Purcellville town, VA ................................................... 7,727 Queen Creek town, AZ ............................................. 26,361 Radnor township, PA ................................................ 31,531 Ramsey city, MN ...................................................... 23,668 Rapid City city, SD ................................................... 67,956 Raymore city, MO .................................................... 19,206 Redmond city, WA ................................................... 54,144 Rehoboth Beach city, DE ............................................ 1,327 Reno city, NV .......................................................... 225,221 Reston CDP, VA ....................................................... 58,404 Richmond city, CA ................................................... 103,701 Richmond Heights city, MO ......................................... 8,603 Rifle city, CO .............................................................. 9,172 Rio Rancho city, NM ................................................. 87,521 River Falls city, WI ................................................... 15,000 Riverdale city, UT ....................................................... 8,426 Riverside city, CA .................................................... 303,871 Riverside city, MO ...................................................... 2,937 Rochester Hills city, MI ............................................. 70,995 Rock Hill city, SC ...................................................... 66,154 Rockford city, IL ..................................................... 152,871 Rockville city, MD ..................................................... 61,209 Rogers city, MN ......................................................... 8,597 Rolla city, MO .......................................................... 19,559 Roselle village, IL ..................................................... 22,763 Rosemount city, MN ................................................. 21,874 Roseville city, MN ..................................................... 33,660 Roswell city, GA ....................................................... 88,346 Round Rock city, TX ................................................. 99,887 Royal Oak city, MI .................................................... 57,236 Saco city, ME ........................................................... 18,482 Sahuarita town, AZ .................................................. 25,259 Sammamish city, WA ............................................... 45,780 San Anselmo town, CA ............................................. 12,336 San Antonio city, TX ............................................. 1,327,407 San Carlos city, CA ................................................... 28,406 San Diego city, CA ............................................... 1,307,402 San Francisco city, CA ............................................. 805,235 San Jose city, CA .................................................... 945,942 San Juan County, NM .............................................. 130,044 San Marcos city, CA ................................................. 83,781 San Marcos city, TX .................................................. 44,894 San Rafael city, CA ................................................... 57,713 Sandy Springs city, GA ............................................. 93,853 Sanford city, FL ........................................................ 53,570 Sangamon County, IL .............................................. 197,465 Santa Clarita city, CA ............................................... 176,320 Santa Fe County, NM .............................................. 144,170 Santa Monica city, CA ............................................... 89,736 The National Citizen Survey™ 27 Sarasota County, FL ................................................ 379,448 Savage city, MN ....................................................... 26,911 Scarborough CDP, ME ................................................ 4,403 Schaumburg village, IL ............................................. 74,227 Scott County, MN .................................................... 129,928 Scottsdale city, AZ .................................................. 217,385 Seaside city, CA ....................................................... 33,025 SeaTac city, WA ....................................................... 26,909 Sevierville city, TN ................................................... 14,807 Shawnee city, KS ..................................................... 62,209 Sheboygan city, WI .................................................. 49,288 Shoreview city, MN .................................................. 25,043 Shorewood city, MN ................................................... 7,307 Shorewood village, IL ............................................... 15,615 Shorewood village, WI ............................................. 13,162 Sioux Center city, IA .................................................. 7,048 Sioux Falls city, SD .................................................. 153,888 Skokie village, IL ...................................................... 64,784 Snellville city, GA ..................................................... 18,242 Snowmass Village town, CO ........................................ 2,826 South Kingstown town, RI ........................................ 30,639 South Lake Tahoe city, CA ........................................ 21,403 South Portland city, ME ............................................ 25,002 Southborough town, MA ............................................. 9,767 Southlake city, TX .................................................... 26,575 Sparks city, NV ........................................................ 90,264 Spokane Valley city, WA ........................................... 89,755 Spring Hill city, KS ...................................................... 5,437 Springboro city, OH .................................................. 17,409 Springfield city, MO ................................................. 159,498 Springfield city, OR .................................................. 59,403 Springville city, UT ................................................... 29,466 St. Charles city, IL .................................................... 32,974 St. Cloud city, FL ...................................................... 35,183 St. Cloud city, MN .................................................... 65,842 St. Joseph city, MO .................................................. 76,780 St. Louis County, MN ............................................... 200,226 St. Louis Park city, MN ............................................. 45,250 Stallings town, NC .................................................... 13,831 State College borough, PA ........................................ 42,034 Steamboat Springs city, CO ...................................... 12,088 Sterling Heights city, MI .......................................... 129,699 Sugar Grove village, IL ............................................... 8,997 Sugar Land city, TX .................................................. 78,817 Summit city, NJ ........................................................ 21,457 Summit County, UT .................................................. 36,324 Sunnyvale city, CA .................................................. 140,081 Surprise city, AZ...................................................... 117,517 Suwanee city, GA ..................................................... 15,355 Tacoma city, WA ..................................................... 198,397 Takoma Park city, MD .............................................. 16,715 Tamarac city, FL ...................................................... 60,427 Temecula city, CA ................................................... 100,097 Tempe city, AZ ....................................................... 161,719 Temple city, TX ........................................................ 66,102 The Woodlands CDP, TX ........................................... 93,847 Thornton city, CO.................................................... 118,772 Thousand Oaks city, CA ........................................... 126,683 Tigard city, OR ......................................................... 48,035 Tracy city, CA .......................................................... 82,922 Tualatin city, OR ...................................................... 26,054 Tulsa city, OK ......................................................... 391,906 Twin Falls city, ID .................................................... 44,125 Tyler city, TX ........................................................... 96,900 Umatilla city, OR ........................................................ 6,906 Upper Arlington city, OH ........................................... 33,771 Urbandale city, IA .................................................... 39,463 Vail town, CO ............................................................. 5,305 Vancouver city, WA ................................................. 161,791 Vestavia Hills city, AL ............................................... 34,033 Victoria city, MN ......................................................... 7,345 Virginia Beach city, VA............................................. 437,994 Wake Forest town, NC .............................................. 30,117 Walnut Creek city, CA ............................................... 64,173 Washington County, MN .......................................... 238,136 Washington town, NH ................................................ 1,123 Washoe County, NV ................................................ 421,407 Watauga city, TX ..................................................... 23,497 Wauwatosa city, WI ................................................. 46,396 Waverly city, IA ......................................................... 9,874 Weddington town, NC ................................................ 9,459 Wentzville city, MO................................................... 29,070 West Carrollton city, OH ........................................... 13,143 West Chester borough, PA ........................................ 18,461 West Des Moines city, IA .......................................... 56,609 West Richland city, WA............................................. 11,811 Western Springs village, IL ....................................... 12,975 Westerville city, OH .................................................. 36,120 Westlake town, TX ........................................................ 992 Westminster city, CO ............................................... 106,114 Weston town, MA ..................................................... 11,261 Wheat Ridge city, CO ............................................... 30,166 White House city, TN ............................................... 10,255 Wichita city, KS ....................................................... 382,368 Williamsburg city, VA................................................ 14,068 Wilmington city, NC ................................................. 106,476 Wilsonville city, OR................................................... 19,509 Winchester city, VA .................................................. 26,203 Windsor town, CO .................................................... 18,644 Windsor town, CT .................................................... 29,044 Winnetka village, IL ................................................. 12,187 Winston-Salem city, NC ........................................... 229,617 Winter Garden city, FL .............................................. 34,568 Woodbury city, MN................................................... 61,961 Woodland city, CA .................................................... 55,468 Woodland city, WA ..................................................... 5,509 Wrentham town, MA ................................................ 10,955 Yakima city, WA ....................................................... 91,067 York County, VA....................................................... 65,464 Yorktown town, IN ..................................................... 9,405 The National Citizen Survey™ 28 University Communities with Populations between 25,000 and 75,000 Benchmark Comparisons Table 73: Community Characteristics General Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark The overall quality of life in Bozeman 90% 5 35 Similar Overall image or reputation of Bozeman 86% 7 27 Similar Bozeman as a place to live 90% 7 30 Similar Your neighborhood as a place to live 82% 7 28 Similar Bozeman as a place to raise children 89% 7 31 Higher Bozeman as a place to retire 67% 11 28 Similar Overall appearance of Bozeman 90% 4 29 Higher Table 74: Community Characteristics by Facet Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Safety Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman 92% 6 22 Higher In your neighborhood during the day 97% 5 30 Similar In Bozeman's downtown/commercial area during the day 97% 6 26 Similar Mobility Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 69% 12 18 Similar Availability of paths and walking trails 83% 5 26 Higher Ease of walking in Bozeman 76% 11 27 Similar Ease of travel by bicycle in Bozeman 51% 14 28 Similar Ease of travel by public transportation in Bozeman 36% 12 16 Similar Ease of travel by car in Bozeman 56% 23 28 Similar Ease of public parking 39% 11 15 Similar Traffic flow on major streets 37% 25 28 Lower Natural Environment Quality of overall natural environment in Bozeman 87% 3 26 Higher Cleanliness of Bozeman 91% 2 25 Higher Air quality 93% 1 23 Higher Built Environment Overall "built environment" of Bozeman (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 64% 9 17 Similar Overall quality of new development in Bozeman 52% 13 26 Similar Availability of affordable quality housing 10% 27 27 Much lower Variety of housing options 24% 25 25 Much lower Public places where people want to spend time 85% 3 17 Higher Economy Overall economic health of Bozeman 66% 5 17 Similar Vibrant downtown/commercial area 86% 1 17 Much higher Overall quality of business and service establishments in Bozeman 76% 6 26 Similar Cost of living in Bozeman 18% 17 17 Much lower Shopping opportunities 59% 13 25 Similar Employment opportunities 43% 12 26 Similar Bozeman as a place to visit 93% 1 17 Much higher Bozeman as a place to work 57% 18 27 Similar Recreation and Wellness Health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman 81% 4 18 Similar Availability of affordable quality mental health care 50% 9 15 Similar Availability of preventive health services 70% 11 22 Similar Availability of affordable quality health care 64% 15 23 Similar Availability of affordable quality food 68% 13 21 Similar Recreational opportunities 93% 1 25 Much higher Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 89% 1 17 Higher The National Citizen Survey™ 29 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Education and Enrichment Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 86% 5 17 Similar Opportunities to participate in religious or spiritual events and activities 83% 8 19 Similar Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 75% 8 26 Similar Adult educational opportunities 77% 6 16 Similar K-12 education 83% 6 25 Higher Availability of affordable quality child care/preschool 42% 17 22 Similar Community Engagement Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 81% 2 25 Higher Neighborliness of Bozeman 66% 3 17 Similar Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds 60% 15 25 Similar Opportunities to participate in community matters 75% 3 25 Similar Opportunities to volunteer 86% 2 25 Higher Table 75: Governance General Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Services provided by the City of Bozeman 81% 16 33 Similar Overall customer service by Bozeman employees (police, receptionists, planners, etc.) 77% 11 28 Similar Value of services for the taxes paid to Bozeman 54% 16 29 Similar Overall direction that Bozeman is taking 46% 21 27 Similar Job Bozeman government does at welcoming citizen involvement 55% 10 26 Similar Overall confidence in Bozeman government 52% 10 17 Similar Generally acting in the best interest of the community 53% 11 17 Similar Being honest 58% 9 17 Similar Treating all residents fairly 53% 9 17 Similar Services provided by the Federal Government 43% 10 24 Similar Table 76: Governance by Facet Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Safety Police/Sheriff services 83% 13 31 Similar Fire services 94% 14 29 Similar Ambulance or emergency medical services 92% 16 29 Similar Crime prevention 80% 10 27 Similar Fire prevention and education 84% 9 25 Similar Animal control 63% 15 25 Similar Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 49% 23 25 Similar Mobility Traffic enforcement 58% 19 30 Similar Street repair 38% 18 33 Similar Street cleaning 71% 11 30 Similar Street lighting 60% 17 29 Similar Snow removal 56% 17 25 Similar Sidewalk maintenance 47% 20 32 Similar Traffic signal timing 38% 23 25 Similar Bus or transit services 58% 18 24 Similar Natural Environment Garbage collection 91% 11 34 Similar Recycling 59% 32 34 Lower Yard waste pick-up 57% 25 29 Lower The National Citizen Survey™ 30 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Drinking water 80% 9 32 Similar Preservation of natural areas such as open space, farmlands and greenbelts 54% 16 24 Similar Bozeman open space 62% 5 14 Similar Built Environment Storm drainage 66% 15 30 Similar Sewer services 86% 7 31 Similar Power (electric and/or gas) utility 78% 10 20 Similar Utility billing 68% 9 17 Similar Land use, planning and zoning 38% 23 25 Similar Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 47% 15 31 Similar Cable television 43% 17 20 Similar Economy Economic development 59% 9 25 Similar Recreation and Wellness City parks 89% 6 26 Similar Recreation programs or classes 83% 7 26 Similar Recreation centers or facilities 78% 11 29 Similar Health services 72% 12 20 Similar Education and Enrichment City-sponsored special events 74% 6 19 Similar Public library services 93% 6 30 Similar Community Engagement Public information services 73% 10 25 Similar Table 77: Participation General Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Sense of community 66% 10 26 Similar Recommend living in Bozeman to someone who asks 82% 18 26 Similar Remain in Bozeman for the next five years 82% 12 25 Similar Contacted Bozeman (in-person, phone, email or web) for help or information 41% 18 27 Similar Table 78: Participation by Facet Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Safety Stocked supplies in preparation for an emergency 21% 16 17 Lower Did NOT report a crime to the police 82% 7 17 Similar Household member was NOT a victim of a crime 91% 5 25 Similar Mobility Used bus, rail, subway or other public transportation instead of driving 25% 10 16 Lower Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving alone 69% 1 16 Much higher Walked or biked instead of driving 83% 4 17 Higher Natural Environment Made efforts to conserve water 76% 12 16 Similar Made efforts to make your home more energy efficient 73% 11 16 Similar Recycle at home 80% 16 25 Similar Built Environment Did NOT observe a code violation or other hazard in Bozeman 59% 9 17 Similar NOT experiencing housing costs stress 60% 18 26 Similar Economy Purchase goods or services from a business located in Bozeman 98% 2 17 Similar Economy will have positive impact on income 28% 11 25 Similar The National Citizen Survey™ 31 Percent positive Rank Number of communities in comparison Comparison to benchmark Work inside boundaries of Bozeman 77% 1 17 Much higher Recreation and Wellness Used Bozeman recreation centers or their services 73% 1 26 Higher Visited a neighborhood park or City park 93% 2 26 Similar Eat at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day 82% 10 17 Similar Participate in moderate or vigorous physical activity 92% 1 17 Similar In very good to excellent health 76% 2 17 Similar Education and Enrichment Used Bozeman public libraries or their services 74% 5 23 Similar Participated in religious or spiritual activities in Bozeman 37% 19 22 Lower Attended City-sponsored event 72% 1 17 Much higher Community Engagement Campaigned or advocated for an issue, cause or candidate 21% 6 15 Similar Contacted Bozeman elected officials (in- person, phone, email or web) to express your opinion 14% 10 16 Similar Volunteered your time to some group/activity in Bozeman 64% 2 25 Higher Participated in a club 45% 3 24 Higher Talked to or visited with your immediate neighbors 90% 5 16 Similar Done a favor for a neighbor 81% 5 16 Similar Attended a local public meeting 23% 6 25 Similar Watched (online or on television) a local public meeting 20% 18 25 Similar Read or watch local news (via television, paper, computer, etc.) 73% 15 17 Lower Vote in local elections 80% 9 25 Similar Communities included in university communities with populations from 25,000 to 75,000 comparisons The communities included in Bozeman’s custom comparisons are listed below along with their population according to the 2010 Census. Ames city, IA ........................................................... 58,965 Annapolis city, MD ................................................... 38,394 Auburn city, AL ........................................................ 53,380 Bedford city, TX ....................................................... 46,979 Bowling Green city, KY ............................................. 58,067 Bozeman city, MT .................................................... 37,280 Bristol city, TN ......................................................... 26,702 Brookline CDP, MA ................................................... 58,732 Casper city, WY ....................................................... 55,316 Castle Rock town, CO ............................................... 48,231 Charlottesville city, VA .............................................. 43,475 College Park city, MD ............................................... 30,413 Corvallis city, OR ...................................................... 54,462 Dothan city, AL ........................................................ 65,496 Dover city, NH ......................................................... 29,987 East Lansing city, MI ................................................ 48,579 Eau Claire city, WI ................................................... 65,883 Elmhurst city, IL....................................................... 44,121 Franklin city, TN ....................................................... 62,487 Galveston city, TX .................................................... 47,743 Harrisonburg city, VA ............................................... 48,914 Iowa City city, IA ..................................................... 67,862 Johnson City city, TN................................................ 63,152 La Mesa city, CA ...................................................... 57,065 Lynnwood city, WA .................................................. 35,836 Mankato city, MN ..................................................... 39,309 Monterey city, CA ..................................................... 27,810 Oak Park village, IL .................................................. 51,878 Olympia city, WA ..................................................... 46,478 Pocatello city, ID ...................................................... 54,255 Rochester Hills city, MI ............................................. 70,995 Rock Hill city, SC ...................................................... 66,154 Rockville city, MD ..................................................... 61,209 Royal Oak city, MI .................................................... 57,236 San Marcos city, TX .................................................. 44,894 San Rafael city, CA ................................................... 57,713 Sheboygan city, WI .................................................. 49,288 Skokie village, IL ...................................................... 64,784 State College borough, PA ........................................ 42,034 Temple city, TX ........................................................ 66,102 Twin Falls city, ID .................................................... 44,125 Urbandale city, IA .................................................... 39,463 Wake Forest town, NC .............................................. 30,117 Walnut Creek city, CA ............................................... 64,173 Westerville city, OH .................................................. 36,120 The National Citizen Survey™ 32 Appendix C: Detailed Survey Methods The National Citizen Survey (The NCS™), conducted by National Research Center, Inc., was developed to provide communities an accurate, affordable and easy way to assess and interpret resident opinion about important local topics. Standardization of common questions and survey methods provide the rigor to assure valid results, and each community has enough flexibility to construct a customized version of The NCS. Results offer insight into residents’ perspectives about the community as a whole, including local amenities, services, public trust, resident participation and other aspects of the community in order to support budgeting, land use and strategic planning and communication with residents. Resident demographic characteristics permit comparison to the Census as well as comparison of results for different subgroups of residents. The City of Bozeman funded this research. Please contact Robin Crough of the City of Bozeman at Rcrough@Bozeman.net if you have any questions about the survey. Survey Validity The question of survey validity has two parts: 1) how can a community be confident that the results from those who completed the questionnaire are representative of the results that would have been obtained had the survey been administered to the entire population? and 2) how closely do the perspectives recorded on the survey reflect what residents really believe or do? To answer the first question, the best survey research practices were used for the resources spent to ensure that the results from the survey respondents reflect the opinions of residents in the entire community. These practices include:  Using a mail-out/mail-back methodology, which typically gets a higher response rate than phone for the same dollars spent. A higher response rate lessens the worry that those who did not respond are different than those who did respond.  Selecting households at random within the community to receive the survey to ensure that the households selected to receive the survey are representative of the larger community.  Over-sampling multi-family housing units to improve response from hard-to-reach, lower income or younger apartment dwellers.  Selecting the respondent within the household using an unbiased sampling procedure; in this case, the “birthday method.” The cover letter included an instruction requesting that the respondent in the household be the adult (18 years old or older) who most recently had a birthday, irrespective of year of birth.  Contacting potential respondents three times to encourage response from people who may have different opinions or habits than those who would respond with only a single prompt.  Inviting response in a compelling manner (using appropriate letterhead/logos and a signature of a visible leader) to appeal to recipients’ sense of civic responsibility.  Providing a pre-addressed, postage-paid return envelope.  Offering the survey in Spanish or other language when requested by a given community.  Weighting the results to reflect the demographics of the population. The answer to the second question about how closely the perspectives recorded on the survey reflect w hat residents really believe or do is more complex. Resident responses to surveys are influenced by a variety of factors. For questions about service quality, residents ’ expectations for service quality play a role as well as the “objective” quality of the service provided, the way the resident perceives the entire community (that is, the context in which the service is provided), the scale on which the resident is asked to record his or her opinion and, of course, the opinion, itself, that a resident holds about the service. Similarly a resident’s report of certain behaviors is colored by what he or she believes is the socially desirable response (e.g., reporting tolerant behaviors toward “oppressed groups,” likelihood of voting for a tax increase for services to poor people, use of alternative modes of travel to work besides the single occupancy vehicle), his or her memory of the actual behavior (if it is not a question speculating about future actions, like a vote), his or her confidence that he or she can be honest without suffering any negative consequences (thus the need for anonymity) as well as the actual behavior itself. How closely survey results come to recording the way a person really feels or behaves often is measured by the coincidence of reported behavior with observed current behavior (e.g., driving habits), reported intentions to behave with observed future behavior (e.g., voting choices) or reported opinions about current community quality The National Citizen Survey™ 33 with objective characteristics of the community (e.g ., feelings of safety correlated with rates of crime). There is a body of scientific literature that has investigated the relationship between reported behaviors and actual behaviors. Well-conducted surveys, by and large, do capture true respondent behavio rs or intentions to act with great accuracy. Predictions of voting outcomes tend to be quite accurate using survey research, as do reported behaviors that are not about highly sensitive issues (e.g., family abuse or other illegal or morally sanctioned activities). For self-reports about highly sensitive issues, statistical adjustments can be made to correct for the respondents’ tendency to report what they think the “correct” response should be. Research on the correlation of resident opinion about service quality and “objective” ratings of service quality vary, with some showing stronger relationships than others. NRC’s own research has demonstrated that residents who report the lowest ratings of street repair live in communities with objectively worse street conditions than those who report high ratings of street repair (based on road quality, delay in street repair, number of road repair employees). Similarly, the lowest rated fire services appear to be “objectively” worse than the highest rated fire services (expenditures per capita, response time, “professional” status of firefighters, breadth of services and training provided). Resident opinion commonly reflects objective performance data but is an important measure on its own. NRC principals have written, “If you collect trash three times a day but residents think that your trash haul is lousy, you still have a problem.” Survey Sampling “Sampling” refers to the method by which households were chosen to receive the survey. All households within the City of Bozeman were eligible to participate in the survey. A list of all households within the zip codes serving Bozeman was purchased based on updated listings from the United States Postal Service. Since some of the zip codes that serve the City of Bozeman households may also serve addresses that lie outside of the community, the exact geographic location of each housing unit was compared to community boundaries using the most current municipal boundary file (updated on a quarterly basis) and addresses loca ted outside of the City of Bozeman boundaries were removed from consideration. To choose the 1,400 survey recipients, a systematic sampling method was applied to the list of households previously screened for geographic location. Systematic sampling is a procedure whereby a complete list of all possible households is culled, selecting every Nth one, giving each eligible household a known probability of selection, until the appropriate number of households is selected. Multi-family housing units were over sampled as residents of this type of housing typically respond at lower rates to surveys than do those in single -family housing units. Figure 1 displays a map of the households selected to receive the survey. In general, because of the random sampling techniques used, the displayed sampling density will closely mirror the overall housing unit density (which may be different from the population density). While the theory of probability assumes no bias in selection, there may be some minor variations in practice (meaning, an area with only 15% of the housing units might be sampled at an actual rate that is slightly above or below that). An individual within each household was selected using the birthday method. The birthday method selects a person within the household by asking the “person whose birthday has most recently passed” to complete the questionnaire. The underlying assumption in this method is that day of birth has no relationship to the way people respond to surveys. This instruction was contained in the cover letter accompanying the questionnaire. The National Citizen Survey™ 34 Figure 1: Location of Survey Recipients The National Citizen Survey™ 35 Survey Administration and Response Selected households received three mailings, one week apart, beginning on November 2, 2015. The first mailing was a prenotification postcard announcing the upcoming survey. The next mailing contained a letter from the City Manager inviting the household to participate, a questionnaire and a postage -paid return envelope. The final mailing contained a reminder letter, another survey and a postage-paid return envelope. The second cover letter asked those who had not completed the survey to do so and those who had already done so to refrain from turning in another survey. Completed surveys were collected over the following eight weeks. About 5% of the 1,400 surveys mailed were returned because the housing unit was vacant or the postal service was unable to deliver the survey as addressed. Of the remaining 1,324 households that received the survey, 404 completed the survey, providing an overall response rate of 31%. Of the 404 completed surveys, 30 were completed online. Confidence Intervals It is customary to describe the precision of estimates made from surveys by a “level of confidence” and accompanying “confidence interval” (or margin of error). A traditional level of confidence, and the one used here, is 95%. The 95% confidence interval can be any size and quantifies the sampling error or imprecision of the survey results because some residents’ opinions are relied on to estimate all residents’ opinions.1 The margin of error for the City of Bozeman survey is no greater than plus or minus five percentage points around any given percent reported for the entire sample (404 completed surveys). For subgroups of responses, the margin of error increases because the sample size for the subgroup is smaller. For subgroups of approximately 100 respondents, the margin of error is plus or minus 10 percentage points . Survey Processing (Data Entry) Upon receipt, completed surveys were assigned a unique identification number. Additionally, each survey was reviewed and “cleaned” as necessary. For example, a question may have asked a respondent to pick two items out of a list of five, but the respondent checked three; in this case, NRC would use protocols to randomly choose two of the three selected items for inclusion in the dataset. All surveys then were entered twice into an electronic dataset; any discrepancies were resolved in comparison to the original survey form. Range checks as well as other forms of quality control were also performed. Survey Data Weighting The demographic characteristics of the survey sample were compared to those found in the 2010 Census and American Community Survey estimates for adults in the City of Bozeman. The primary objective of weighting survey data is to make the survey sample reflective of the larger population of the community. The characteristics used for weighting were housing tenure, housing type, sex and age. The results of the weighting scheme are presented in the following table. 1 A 95% confidence interval indicates that for every 100 random samples of this many residents, 95 of the confidence intervals created will include the “true” population response. This theory is applied in practice to mean that the “true” perspective of the target population lies within the confidence interval created for a single survey. For example, if 75% of residents rate a service as “excellent” or “good,” then the 4% margin of error (for the 95% confidence interval) indicates that the range of likely responses for the entire community is between 71% and 79%. This source of uncertainty is called sampling error. In addition to sampling error, other sources of error may affect any survey, including the non-response of residents with opinions different from survey responders. Though standardized on The NCS, on other surveys, differences in question wording, order, translation and data entry, as examples, can lead to somewhat varying results. The National Citizen Survey™ 36 Table 79: Bozeman, MT 2015 Weighting Table Characteristic Population Norm Unweighted Data Weighted Data Housing Rent home 56% 38% 56% Own home 44% 62% 44% Detached unit 47% 55% 46% Attached unit 53% 45% 54% Race and Ethnicity White 95% 97% 95% Not white 5% 3% 5% Not Hispanic 97% 100% 99% Hispanic 3% 0% 1% Sex and Age Female 47% 28% 48% Male 53% 72% 52% 18-34 years of age 54% 38% 54% 35-54 years of age 26% 41% 25% 55+ years of age 20% 21% 21% Females 18-34 24% 14% 24% Females 35-54 12% 14% 12% Females 55+ 11% 0% 11% Males 18-34 30% 24% 30% Males 35-54 13% 28% 13% Males 55+ 9% 21% 10% Survey Data Analysis and Reporting The survey dataset was analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). For the most part, the percentages presented in the reports represent the “percent positive.” The percent positive is the combination of the top two most positive response options (i.e., “excellent” and “good,” “very safe” and “somewhat safe,” “essential” and “very important,” etc.), or, in the case of resident behaviors/participation, the percent positive represents the proportion of respondents indicating “yes” or participating in an activity at least once a month. On many of the questions in the survey respondents may answer “don’t know.” The proportion of respondents giving this reply is shown in the full set of responses included in Appendix A. However, these responses have been removed from the analyses presented in the reports. In other words, the tables and graphs display the responses from respondents who had an opinion about a specific item. The National Citizen Survey™ 37 Appendix D: Survey Materials Dear Bozeman Resident, It won’t take much of your time to make a big difference! Your household has been randomly selected to participate in a survey about your community. Your survey will arrive in a few days. Thank you for helping create a better city! Sincerely, Chris A. Kukulski City Manager Dear Bozeman Resident, It won’t take much of your time to make a big difference! Your household has been randomly selected to participate in a survey about your community. Your survey will arrive in a few days. Thank you for helping create a better city! Sincerely, Chris A. Kukulski City Manager Dear Bozeman Resident, It won’t take much of your time to make a big difference! Your household has been randomly selected to participate in a survey about your community. Your survey will arrive in a few days. Thank you for helping create a better city! Sincerely, Chris A. Kukulski City Manager Dear Bozeman Resident, It won’t take much of your time to make a big difference! Your household has been randomly selected to participate in a survey about your community. Your survey will arrive in a few days. Thank you for helping create a better city! Sincerely, Chris A. Kukulski City Manager Presorted First Class Mail US Postage PAID Boulder, CO Permit NO. 94 City of Bozeman PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 Presorted First Class Mail US Postage PAID Boulder, CO Permit NO. 94 City of Bozeman PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 Presorted First Class Mail US Postage PAID Boulder, CO Permit NO. 94 City of Bozeman PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 Presorted First Class Mail US Postage PAID Boulder, CO Permit NO. 94 City of Bozeman PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 November 2015 Dear City of Bozeman Resident: Please help us shape the future of Bozeman! You have been selected at random to participate in the 2015 Bozeman Citizen Survey. Please take a few minutes to fill out the enclosed survey. Your participation in this survey is very important – especially since your household is one of only a small number of households being surveyed. Your feedback will help Bozeman make decisions that affect our City. A few things to remember:  Your responses are completely anonymous.  In order to hear from a diverse group of residents, the adult 18 years or older in your household who most recently had a birthday should complete this survey.  You may return the survey by mail in the enclosed postage-paid envelope, or you can complete the survey online at: www.n-r-c.com/survey/bozeman.htm If you have any questions about the survey please call (406) 582-2306. Thank you for your time and participation! Sincerely, Chris A. Kukulski City Manager November 2015 Dear City of Bozeman Resident: Here’s a second chance if you haven’t already responded to the 2015 Bozeman Citizen Survey! (If you completed it and sent it back, we thank you for your time and ask you to recycle this survey. Please do not respond twice.) Please help us shape the future of Bozeman! You have been selected at random to participate in the 2015 Bozeman Citizen Survey. Please take a few minutes to fill out the enclosed survey. Your participation in this survey is very important – especially since your household is one of only a small number of households being surveyed. Your feedback will help Bozeman make decisions that affect our City. A few things to remember:  Your responses are completely anonymous.  In order to hear from a diverse group of residents, the adult 18 years or older in your household who most recently had a birthday should complete this survey.  You may return the survey by mail in the enclosed postage-paid envelope, or you can complete the survey online at: www.n-r-c.com/survey/bozeman.htm If you have any questions about the survey please call (406) 582-2306. Thank you for your time and participation! Sincerely, Chris A. Kukulski City Manager The City of Bozeman 2015 Citizen Survey Page 1 of 5 Please complete this questionnaire if you are the adult (age 18 or older) in the household who most recently had a birthday. The adult’s year of birth does not matter. Please select the response (by circling the number or checking the box) that most closely represents your opinion for each question. Your responses are anonymous and will be reported in group form only. 1. Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Bozeman as a place to live ................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Your neighborhood as a place to live................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Bozeman as a place to raise children ................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Bozeman as a place to work ............................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Bozeman as a place to visit ................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Bozeman as a place to retire .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 The overall quality of life in Bozeman ............................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 2. Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman ................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit ............................ 1 2 3 4 5 Quality of overall natural environment in Bozeman ......................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall “built environment” of Bozeman (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) .................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman ................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Overall opportunities for education and enrichment......................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall economic health of Bozeman ................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Sense of community ........................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall image or reputation of Bozeman .......................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 3. Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: Very Somewhat Somewhat Very Don’t likely likely unlikely unlikely know Recommend living in Bozeman to someone who asks ........................... 1 2 3 4 5 Remain in Bozeman for the next five years ............................................ 1 2 3 4 5 4. Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Very Somewhat Neither safe Somewhat Very Don’t safe safe nor unsafe unsafe unsafe know In your neighborhood during the day................................... 1 2 3 4 5 6 In Bozeman’s downtown/commercial area during the day ............................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 6 5. Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Traffic flow on major streets .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of public parking ........................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of travel by car in Bozeman ....................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of travel by public transportation in Bozeman .......................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of travel by bicycle in Bozeman ................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Ease of walking in Bozeman .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of paths and walking trails .............................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Air quality .......................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Cleanliness of Bozeman ..................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Overall appearance of Bozeman ........................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Public places where people want to spend time ................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Variety of housing options ................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of affordable quality housing .......................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) .......... 1 2 3 4 5 Recreational opportunities ................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of affordable quality food ................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of affordable quality health care ..................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of preventive health services ........................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Availability of affordable quality mental health care ......................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Th e N a t i o n a l Ci t i z e n S u r v e y © • ™ 2 0 0 1 -20 1 5 Na t i o n a l R e s e a r c h C e n t e r , I n c . Page 2 of 5 6. Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Availability of affordable quality child care/preschool ...................................... 1 2 3 4 5 K-12 education .................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Adult educational opportunities ......................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities ...................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Opportunities to participate in religious or spiritual events and activities ......... 1 2 3 4 5 Employment opportunities ................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Shopping opportunities ...................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Cost of living in Bozeman .................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Overall quality of business and service establishments in Bozeman .................. 1 2 3 4 5 Vibrant downtown/commercial area ................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Overall quality of new development in Bozeman .............................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Opportunities to participate in social events and activities ................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Opportunities to volunteer ................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Opportunities to participate in community matters .......................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds ....................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Neighborliness of residents in Bozeman ............................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 7. Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. No Yes Made efforts to conserve water ................................................................................................................................1 2 Made efforts to make your home more energy efficient ..........................................................................................1 2 Observed a code violation or other hazard in Bozeman (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) ..................................1 2 Household member was a victim of a crime in Bozeman ........................................................................................1 2 Reported a crime to the police in Bozeman ............................................................................................................1 2 Stocked supplies in preparation for an emergency ..................................................................................................1 2 Campaigned or advocated for an issue, cause or candidate ....................................................................................1 2 Contacted the City of Bozeman (in-person, phone, email or web) for help or information ....................................1 2 Contacted Bozeman elected officials (in-person, phone, email or web) to express your opinion .............................1 2 8. In the last 12 months, about how many times, if at all, have you or other household members done each of the following in Bozeman? 2 times a 2-4 times Once a month Not week or more a month or less at all Used Bozeman recreation centers or their services ............................................................ 1 2 3 4 Visited a neighborhood park or City park ......................................................................... 1 2 3 4 Used Bozeman public libraries or their services ................................................................ 1 2 3 4 Participated in religious or spiritual activities in Bozeman ................................................ 1 2 3 4 Attended a City-sponsored event ....................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 Used bus, rail, subway or other public transportation instead of driving ........................... 1 2 3 4 Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving alone ...................................... 1 2 3 4 Walked or biked instead of driving .................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 Volunteered your time to some group/activity in Bozeman ............................................. 1 2 3 4 Participated in a club ......................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 Talked to or visited with your immediate neighbors ......................................................... 1 2 3 4 Done a favor for a neighbor ............................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 9. Thinking about local public meetings (of local elected officials like City Council or County Commissioners, advisory boards, town halls, HOA, neighborhood watch, etc.), i n the last 12 months, about how many times, if at all, have you or other household members attended or watched a local public meeting? 2 times a 2-4 times Once a month Not week or more a month or less at all Attended a local public meeting ........................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 Watched (online or on television) a local public meeting ................................................... 1 2 3 4 The City of Bozeman 2015 Citizen Survey Page 3 of 5 10. Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know Police services .................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Fire services ........................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Ambulance or emergency medical services ....................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Crime prevention ............................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Fire prevention and education ........................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Traffic enforcement ........................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Street repair ....................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Street cleaning ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Street lighting ..................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Snow removal .................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Sidewalk maintenance ....................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Traffic signal timing ........................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Bus or transit services ......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Garbage collection ............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Recycling ........................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Yard waste pick-up ............................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Storm drainage .................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Drinking water ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Sewer services .................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Power (electric and/or gas) utility ...................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Utility billing ...................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 City parks ........................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Recreation programs or classes .......................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Recreation centers or facilities ........................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Land use, planning and zoning .......................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) ...................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Animal control ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Economic development ..................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Health services ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Public library services ........................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Public information services ................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Cable television .................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) ............................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Preservation of natural areas such as open space, farmlands and greenbelts ..... 1 2 3 4 5 Bozeman open space.......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 City-sponsored special events ............................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Overall customer service by Bozeman employees (police, receptionists, planners, etc.) .............................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 11. Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know The City of Bozeman ......................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 The Federal Government .................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 The State of Montana ........................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 12. Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don’t know The value of services for the taxes paid to Bozeman ......................................... 1 2 3 4 5 The overall direction that Bozeman is taking .................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 The job Bozeman government does at welcoming citizen involvement ............ 1 2 3 4 5 Overall confidence in Bozeman government ..................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Generally acting in the best interest of the community ..................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Being honest ....................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Treating all residents fairly ................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 5 Th e N a t i o n a l Ci t i z e n S u r v e y © • ™ 2 0 0 1 -20 1 5 Na t i o n a l R e s e a r c h C e n t e r , I n c . Page 4 of 5 13. Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years: Very Somewhat Not at all Essential important important important Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman ................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit ............................................ 1 2 3 4 Quality of overall natural environment in Bozeman ......................................................... 1 2 3 4 Overall “built environment” of Bozeman (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) ................................................................. 1 2 3 4 Health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman ................................................................. 1 2 3 4 Overall opportunities for education and enrichment ......................................................... 1 2 3 4 Overall economic health of Bozeman ................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 Sense of community ........................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 14. Please indicate the degree to which you would support or oppose a property tax increase to construct a new, multi-use Law & Justice Center jointly with the County that includes the Police Department, Sheriff’s Office, District and Municipal Courts, Prosecution, and Victim Services:  Strongly support  Somewhat support  Somewhat oppose  Strongly oppose 15. Please indicate the degree to which you would support or oppose a local sales tax on restaurants, bars, hotels, motels, and luxury retail items to help fund the following: Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly support support oppose oppose A property tax reduction ................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 Street construction ............................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 Parks facilities and equipment ........................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 Police facilities and equipment ........................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 16. Please indicate the degree to which you would support or oppose a gas tax to help fund the following: Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly support support oppose oppose A reduction in street assessment fees ................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 Street construction ............................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 Bicycle lanes ...................................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 Sidewalks............................................................................................................................ 1 2 3 4 Trails ................................................................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 Public transportation ......................................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 17. What are the top three things you value the most about living in Bozeman? 1. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18. What would you like Bozeman to be known for in the future? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The City of Bozeman 2015 Citizen Survey Page 5 of 5 Our last questions are about you and your household. Again, all of your responses to this survey are completely anonymous and will be reported in group form only. D1. How often, if at all, do you do each of the following, considering all of the times you could? Never Rarely Sometimes Usually Always Recycle at home ............................................................................................. 1 2 3 4 5 Purchase goods or services from a business located in Bozeman ................... 1 2 3 4 5 Eat at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day ...................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Participate in moderate or vigorous physical activity ..................................... 1 2 3 4 5 Read or watch local news (via television, paper, computer, etc.) ................... 1 2 3 4 5 Vote in local elections ..................................................................................... 1 2 3 4 5 D2. Would you say that in general your health is:  Excellent  Very good  Good  Fair  Poor D3. What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be:  Very positive  Somewhat positive  Neutral  Somewhat negative  Very negative D4. What is your employment status?  Working full time for pay  Working part time for pay  Unemployed, looking for paid work  Unemployed, not looking for paid work  Fully retired D5. Do you work inside the boundaries of Bozeman?  Yes, outside the home  Yes, from home  No D6. How many years have you lived in Bozeman?  Less than 2 years  11-20 years  2-5 years  More than 20 years  6-10 years D7. Which best describes the building you live in?  One family house detached from any other houses  Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apartment or condominium)  Mobile home  Other D8. Is this house, apartment or mobile home...  Rented  Owned D9. About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance and homeowners’ association (HOA) fees)?  Less than $300 per month  $300 to $599 per month  $600 to $999 per month  $1,000 to $1,499 per month  $1,500 to $2,499 per month  $2,500 or more per month D10. Do any children 17 or under live in your household?  No  Yes D11. Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older?  No  Yes D12. How much do you anticipate your household’s total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include in your total income money from all sources for all persons living in your household.)  Less than $25,000  $25,000 to $49,999  $50,000 to $99,999  $100,000 to $149,999  $150,000 or more Please respond to both questions D13 and D14: D13. Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino?  No, not Spanish, Hispanic or Latino  Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino D14. What is your race? (Mark one or more races to indicate what race you consider yourself to be.)  American Indian or Alaskan Native  Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander  Black or African American  White  Other D15. In which category is your age?  18-24 years  55-64 years  25-34 years  65-74 years  35-44 years  75 years or older  45-54 years D16. What is your sex?  Female  Male D17. Do you consider a cell phone or land line your primary telephone number?  Cell  Land line  Both Thank you for completing this survey. Please return the completed survey in the postage-paid envelope to: National Research Center, Inc., PO Box 549, Belle Mead, NJ 08502 City of Bozeman PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771 Presorted First Class Mail US Postage PAID Boulder, CO Permit NO.94