HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe NCS Supplemental Web Results-Bozeman FINAL 2016 2955 Valmont Road Suite 300 777 North Capitol Street NE Suite 500 Boulder, Colorado 80301 Washington, DC 20002 n-r-c.com • 303-444-7863 icma.org • 800-745-8780 Bozeman , MT Supplemental Online Survey Results 2016 The National Citizen Survey™ © 2001-2016 National Research Center, Inc. The NCS™ is presented by NRC in collaboration with ICMA. NRC is a charter member of the AAPOR Transparency Initiative, providing clear disclosure of our sound and ethical survey research practices. Contents About this Report ............................................................................. 1 Complete Survey Responses ............................................................. 2 Verbatim Responses to Open Ended Question ................................. 22 1 About this Report As part of its participation in The National Citizen Survey™, the City of Bozeman conducted a mailed survey of 1,400 residents. Surveys were mailed to randomly selected households in November 2015 and data was collected through December 31, 2015. After the official data collection period was over and the data were reported (see the report, The National Citizen Survey: Community Livability Report, Bozeman, MT, 2015), the City made available a web-based survey to its residents through a link on the City’s website. Visitors to the site were able to complete the survey in January 2016 and 88 surveys were received. This report contains the results of this administration of the web-based survey and have not been weighted to current population estimates of Bozeman. The National Citizen Survey™ 2 Complete Survey Responses The following pages contain a complete set of responses to each question on the survey, excluding the “don’t know” responses. The percent of respondents giving a particular response is shown followed by the number of respondents (denoted with “N=”). Responses excluding “don’t know” Table 1: Question 1 Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Bozeman as a place to live 48% N=41 46% N=39 4% N=3 2% N=2 100% N=85 Your neighborhood as a place to live 46% N=39 44% N=37 8% N=7 1% N=1 100% N=84 Bozeman as a place to raise children 49% N=38 39% N=30 10% N=8 1% N=1 100% N=77 Bozeman as a place to work 18% N=15 44% N=37 21% N=18 17% N=14 100% N=84 Bozeman as a place to visit 62% N=52 33% N=28 4% N=3 1% N=1 100% N=84 Bozeman as a place to retire 28% N=20 41% N=29 21% N=15 10% N=7 100% N=71 The overall quality of life in Bozeman 41% N=35 46% N=39 12% N=10 1% N=1 100% N=85 Table 2: Question 2 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman 52% N=42 41% N=33 6% N=5 1% N=1 100% N=81 Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 26% N=21 46% N=37 22% N=18 6% N=5 100% N=81 Quality of overall natural environment in Bozeman 51% N=41 36% N=29 9% N=7 5% N=4 100% N=81 Overall "built environment" of Bozeman (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 21% N=17 45% N=36 26% N=21 8% N=6 100% N=80 Health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman 51% N=41 36% N=29 11% N=9 2% N=2 100% N=81 Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 41% N=33 44% N=36 12% N=10 2% N=2 100% N=81 Overall economic health of Bozeman 25% N=20 40% N=32 26% N=21 10% N=8 100% N=81 Sense of community 22% N=18 44% N=36 26% N=21 7% N=6 100% N=81 Overall image or reputation of Bozeman 37% N=30 51% N=41 7% N=6 5% N=4 100% N=81 Table 3: Question 3 Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Total Recommend living in Bozeman to someone who asks 38% N=30 32% N=25 20% N=16 10% N=8 100% N=79 Remain in Bozeman for the next five years 69% N=52 19% N=14 7% N=5 5% N=4 100% N=75 Table 4: Question 4 Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe Total In your neighborhood during the day 91% N=71 8% N=6 0% N=0 1% N=1 0% N=0 100% N=78 In Bozeman's downtown/commercial area during the day 78% N=62 16% N=13 3% N=2 3% N=2 0% N=0 100% N=79 The National Citizen Survey™ 3 Table 5: Question 5 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Traffic flow on major streets 7% N=5 43% N=32 33% N=25 17% N=13 100% N=75 Ease of public parking 11% N=8 28% N=21 39% N=30 22% N=17 100% N=76 Ease of travel by car in Bozeman 20% N=15 43% N=33 30% N=23 7% N=5 100% N=76 Ease of travel by public transportation in Bozeman 13% N=7 27% N=15 36% N=20 24% N=13 100% N=55 Ease of travel by bicycle in Bozeman 16% N=10 30% N=19 32% N=20 22% N=14 100% N=63 Ease of walking in Bozeman 21% N=16 57% N=43 17% N=13 5% N=4 100% N=76 Availability of paths and walking trails 37% N=28 39% N=29 17% N=13 7% N=5 100% N=75 Air quality 49% N=37 38% N=29 11% N=8 3% N=2 100% N=76 Cleanliness of Bozeman 38% N=29 46% N=35 14% N=11 1% N=1 100% N=76 Overall appearance of Bozeman 37% N=28 51% N=39 9% N=7 3% N=2 100% N=76 Public places where people want to spend time 39% N=30 47% N=36 13% N=10 0% N=0 100% N=76 Variety of housing options 15% N=11 12% N=9 39% N=29 34% N=25 100% N=74 Availability of affordable quality housing 7% N=5 12% N=9 23% N=17 58% N=42 100% N=73 Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 47% N=36 39% N=30 13% N=10 0% N=0 100% N=76 Recreational opportunities 71% N=54 26% N=20 3% N=2 0% N=0 100% N=76 Availability of affordable quality food 22% N=17 57% N=43 13% N=10 8% N=6 100% N=76 Availability of affordable quality health care 18% N=14 47% N=36 25% N=19 9% N=7 100% N=76 Availability of preventive health services 21% N=16 61% N=46 14% N=11 4% N=3 100% N=76 Availability of affordable quality mental health care 15% N=7 29% N=14 33% N=16 23% N=11 100% N=48 Table 6: Question 6 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Availability of affordable quality child care/preschool 9% N=4 40% N=17 35% N=15 16% N=7 100% N=43 K-12 education 36% N=21 60% N=35 3% N=2 0% N=0 100% N=58 Adult educational opportunities 28% N=18 47% N=30 19% N=12 6% N=4 100% N=64 Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 38% N=27 42% N=30 17% N=12 4% N=3 100% N=72 Opportunities to participate in religious or spiritual events and activities 44% N=23 46% N=24 10% N=5 0% N=0 100% N=52 Employment opportunities 12% N=8 22% N=15 49% N=33 16% N=11 100% N=67 Shopping opportunities 23% N=17 45% N=33 30% N=22 1% N=1 100% N=73 Cost of living in Bozeman 3% N=2 11% N=8 32% N=23 55% N=40 100% N=73 Overall quality of business and service establishments in Bozeman 21% N=15 56% N=41 22% N=16 1% N=1 100% N=73 Vibrant downtown/commercial area 45% N=33 40% N=29 14% N=10 1% N=1 100% N=73 Overall quality of new development in Bozeman 15% N=11 48% N=34 24% N=17 13% N=9 100% N=71 Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 29% N=20 51% N=36 20% N=14 0% N=0 100% N=70 Opportunities to volunteer 50% N=33 41% N=27 9% N=6 0% N=0 100% N=66 Opportunities to participate in community matters 35% N=24 46% N=31 18% N=12 1% N=1 100% N=68 Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds 25% N=17 49% N=34 17% N=12 9% N=6 100% N=69 The National Citizen Survey™ 4 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Neighborliness of residents in Bozeman 18% N=13 44% N=32 32% N=23 7% N=5 100% N=73 Table 7: Question 7 Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. No Yes Total Made efforts to conserve water 19% N=14 81% N=59 100% N=73 Made efforts to make your home more energy efficient 21% N=15 79% N=58 100% N=73 Observed a code violation or other hazard in Bozeman 30% N=22 70% N=51 100% N=73 Household member was a victim of a crime in Bozeman 93% N=68 7% N=5 100% N=73 Reported a crime to the police in Bozeman 79% N=58 21% N=15 100% N=73 Stocked supplies in preparation for an emergency 71% N=52 29% N=21 100% N=73 Campaigned or advocated for an issue, cause or candidate 75% N=55 25% N=18 100% N=73 Contacted the City of Bozeman (in-person, phone, email or web) for help or information 40% N=29 60% N=44 100% N=73 Contacted Bozeman elected officials (in-person, phone, email or web) to express your opinion 63% N=46 37% N=27 100% N=73 Table 8: Question 8 In the last 12 months, about how many times, if at all, have you or other household members done each of the following in Bozeman? 2 times a week or more 2-4 times a month Once a month or less Not at all Total Used Bozeman recreation centers or their services 7% N=5 17% N=12 41% N=29 35% N=25 100% N=71 Visited a neighborhood park or City park 39% N=28 17% N=12 38% N=27 7% N=5 100% N=72 Used Bozeman public libraries or their services 8% N=6 18% N=13 46% N=33 27% N=19 100% N=71 Participated in religious or spiritual activities in Bozeman 8% N=6 17% N=12 21% N=15 54% N=39 100% N=72 Attended a City-sponsored event 4% N=3 15% N=11 56% N=40 24% N=17 100% N=71 Used bus, rail, subway or other public transportation instead of driving 1% N=1 1% N=1 30% N=21 68% N=48 100% N=71 Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving alone 20% N=14 17% N=12 17% N=12 46% N=33 100% N=71 Walked or biked instead of driving 25% N=18 20% N=14 24% N=17 31% N=22 100% N=71 Volunteered your time to some group/activity in Bozeman 13% N=9 17% N=12 32% N=23 38% N=27 100% N=71 Participated in a club 8% N=6 14% N=10 21% N=15 57% N=41 100% N=72 Talked to or visited with your immediate neighbors 32% N=23 32% N=23 26% N=19 10% N=7 100% N=72 Done a favor for a neighbor 15% N=11 26% N=19 44% N=32 14% N=10 100% N=72 Table 9: Question 9 Thinking about local public meetings (of local elected officials like City Council or County Commissioners, advisory boards, town halls, HOA, neighborhood watch, etc.), in the last 12 months, about how many times, if at all, have you or other household members attended or watched a local public meeting? 2 times a week or more 2-4 times a month Once a month or less Not at all Total Attended a local public meeting 6% N=4 12% N=8 40% N=27 43% N=29 100% N=68 Watched (online or on television) a local public meeting 7% N=5 11% N=8 31% N=22 50% N=35 100% N=70 The National Citizen Survey™ 5 Table 10: Question 10 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Police services 42% N=27 45% N=29 13% N=8 0% N=0 100% N=64 Fire services 57% N=36 33% N=21 6% N=4 3% N=2 100% N=63 Ambulance or emergency medical services 38% N=21 47% N=26 15% N=8 0% N=0 100% N=55 Crime prevention 30% N=18 61% N=37 10% N=6 0% N=0 100% N=61 Fire prevention and education 32% N=18 57% N=32 9% N=5 2% N=1 100% N=56 Traffic enforcement 22% N=14 43% N=27 25% N=16 10% N=6 100% N=63 Street repair 12% N=8 33% N=23 38% N=26 17% N=12 100% N=69 Street cleaning 12% N=8 48% N=33 26% N=18 14% N=10 100% N=69 Street lighting 15% N=10 38% N=26 34% N=23 13% N=9 100% N=68 Snow removal 14% N=10 29% N=20 30% N=21 26% N=18 100% N=69 Sidewalk maintenance 6% N=4 44% N=30 32% N=22 18% N=12 100% N=68 Traffic signal timing 6% N=4 31% N=21 34% N=23 28% N=19 100% N=67 Bus or transit services 15% N=8 50% N=26 15% N=8 19% N=10 100% N=52 Garbage collection 47% N=30 50% N=32 2% N=1 2% N=1 100% N=64 Recycling 43% N=26 31% N=19 20% N=12 7% N=4 100% N=61 Yard waste pick-up 37% N=19 39% N=20 18% N=9 6% N=3 100% N=51 Storm drainage 21% N=13 48% N=30 23% N=14 8% N=5 100% N=62 Drinking water 43% N=30 33% N=23 17% N=12 6% N=4 100% N=69 Sewer services 38% N=24 55% N=35 8% N=5 0% N=0 100% N=64 Power (electric and/or gas) utility 28% N=19 55% N=38 14% N=10 3% N=2 100% N=69 Utility billing 30% N=20 45% N=30 18% N=12 6% N=4 100% N=66 City parks 41% N=28 50% N=34 4% N=3 4% N=3 100% N=68 Recreation programs or classes 29% N=15 52% N=27 15% N=8 4% N=2 100% N=52 Recreation centers or facilities 24% N=14 50% N=29 16% N=9 10% N=6 100% N=58 Land use, planning and zoning 20% N=13 40% N=26 23% N=15 17% N=11 100% N=65 Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 14% N=8 28% N=16 33% N=19 26% N=15 100% N=58 Animal control 20% N=12 34% N=21 33% N=20 13% N=8 100% N=61 Economic development 22% N=13 42% N=25 32% N=19 5% N=3 100% N=60 Health services 20% N=13 58% N=37 19% N=12 3% N=2 100% N=64 Public library services 55% N=35 41% N=26 5% N=3 0% N=0 100% N=64 Public information services 22% N=14 54% N=34 14% N=9 10% N=6 100% N=63 Cable television 15% N=7 28% N=13 35% N=16 22% N=10 100% N=46 Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 20% N=10 34% N=17 32% N=16 14% N=7 100% N=50 Preservation of natural areas such as open space, farmlands and greenbelts 19% N=13 39% N=26 27% N=18 15% N=10 100% N=67 Bozeman open space 27% N=18 42% N=28 24% N=16 7% N=5 100% N=67 City-sponsored special events 20% N=12 48% N=29 28% N=17 5% N=3 100% N=61 The National Citizen Survey™ 6 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total Overall customer service by Bozeman employees (police, receptionists, planners, etc.) 49% N=33 36% N=24 13% N=9 1% N=1 100% N=67 Table 11: Question 11 Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? Excellent Good Fair Poor Total The City of Bozeman 38% N=26 49% N=33 9% N=6 4% N=3 100% N=68 The Federal Government 9% N=6 22% N=15 46% N=31 22% N=15 100% N=67 The State of Montana 12% N=8 42% N=28 40% N=27 6% N=4 100% N=67 Table 12: Question 12 Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance: Excellent Good Fair Poor Total The value of services for the taxes paid to Bozeman 23% N=14 37% N=23 31% N=19 10% N=6 100% N=62 The overall direction that Bozeman is taking 20% N=13 31% N=20 36% N=23 13% N=8 100% N=64 The job Bozeman government does at welcoming citizen involvement 26% N=17 42% N=27 22% N=14 11% N=7 100% N=65 Overall confidence in Bozeman government 32% N=21 29% N=19 20% N=13 18% N=12 100% N=65 Generally acting in the best interest of the community 31% N=20 36% N=23 16% N=10 17% N=11 100% N=64 Being honest 33% N=21 30% N=19 19% N=12 17% N=11 100% N=63 Treating all residents fairly 31% N=19 27% N=17 29% N=18 13% N=8 100% N=62 Table 13: Question 13 Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years: Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Total Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman 57% N=38 24% N=16 13% N=9 6% N=4 100% N=67 Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 33% N=22 51% N=34 16% N=11 0% N=0 100% N=67 Quality of overall natural environment in Bozeman 44% N=29 38% N=25 18% N=12 0% N=0 100% N=66 Overall "built environment" of Bozeman (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 40% N=27 40% N=27 18% N=12 1% N=1 100% N=67 Health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman 31% N=21 37% N=25 30% N=20 1% N=1 100% N=67 Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 34% N=23 31% N=21 34% N=23 0% N=0 100% N=67 Overall economic health of Bozeman 51% N=34 33% N=22 16% N=11 0% N=0 100% N=67 Sense of community 45% N=30 34% N=23 21% N=14 0% N=0 100% N=67 Table 14: Question 14 Please indicate the degree to with you would support or oppose a property tax increase to construct a new, multi-use Law & Justice Center jointly with the County that includes the Police Department, Sheriff's Office, District and Municipal Courts, Prosecution, and Victim Services: Percent Number Strongly support 37% N=24 Somewhat support 29% N=19 Somewhat oppose 12% N=8 Strongly oppose 22% N=14 Total 100% N=65 The National Citizen Survey™ 7 Table 15: Question 15 Please indicate the degree to which you would support or oppose a local sales tax on restaurants, bars, hotels, motels, and luxury retail items to help fund the following: Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Total A property tax reduction 39% N=25 23% N=15 14% N=9 23% N=15 100% N=64 Street construction 44% N=28 30% N=19 11% N=7 14% N=9 100% N=63 Parks facilities and equipment 30% N=19 34% N=22 19% N=12 17% N=11 100% N=64 Police facilities and equipment 35% N=22 25% N=16 17% N=11 22% N=14 100% N=63 Table 16: Question 16 Please indicate the degree to which you would support or oppose a gas tax to help fund the following: Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Total A reduction in street assessment fees 26% N=17 29% N=19 17% N=11 28% N=18 100% N=65 Street construction 42% N=27 32% N=21 11% N=7 15% N=10 100% N=65 Bicycle lanes 45% N=29 18% N=12 11% N=7 26% N=17 100% N=65 Sidewalks 41% N=26 34% N=22 9% N=6 16% N=10 100% N=64 Trails 31% N=20 25% N=16 19% N=12 25% N=16 100% N=64 Public transportation 38% N=25 32% N=21 9% N=6 20% N=13 100% N=65 Table 17: Question D1 How often, if at all, do you do each of the following, considering all of the times you could? Never Rarely Sometimes Usually Always Total Recycle at home 3% N=2 9% N=6 16% N=10 14% N=9 58% N=37 100% N=64 Purchase goods or services from a business located in Bozeman 0% N=0 2% N=1 8% N=5 55% N=35 36% N=23 100% N=64 Eat at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day 5% N=3 14% N=9 31% N=20 38% N=24 13% N=8 100% N=64 Participate in moderate or vigorous physical activity 2% N=1 11% N=7 34% N=22 41% N=26 13% N=8 100% N=64 Read or watch local news (via television, paper, computer, etc.) 3% N=2 9% N=6 16% N=10 36% N=23 36% N=23 100% N=64 Vote in local elections 3% N=2 2% N=1 2% N=1 22% N=14 71% N=45 100% N=63 Table 18: Question D2 Would you say that in general your health is: Percent Number Excellent 25% N=16 Very good 41% N=26 Good 31% N=20 Fair 3% N=2 Poor 0% N=0 Total 100% N=64 The National Citizen Survey™ 8 Table 19: Question D3 What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Percent Number Very positive 8% N=5 Somewhat positive 25% N=16 Neutral 53% N=34 Somewhat negative 9% N=6 Very negative 5% N=3 Total 100% N=64 Table 20: Question D4 What is your employment status? Percent Number Working full time for pay 84% N=53 Working part time for pay 6% N=4 Unemployed, looking for paid work 3% N=2 Unemployed, not looking for paid work 2% N=1 Fully retired 5% N=3 Total 100% N=63 Table 21: Question D5 Do you work inside the boundaries of Bozeman? Percent Number Yes, outside the home 74% N=46 Yes, from home 5% N=3 No 21% N=13 Total 100% N=62 Table 22: Question D6 How many years have you lived in Bozeman? Percent Number Less than 2 years 11% N=7 2 to 5 years 13% N=8 6 to 10 years 15% N=9 11 to 20 years 34% N=21 More than 20 years 27% N=17 Total 100% N=62 The National Citizen Survey™ 9 Table 23: Question D7 Which best describes the building you live in? Percent Number One family house detached from any other houses 66% N=41 Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apartment or condominium) 31% N=19 Mobile home 2% N=1 Other 2% N=1 Total 100% N=62 Table 24: Question D8 Is this house, apartment or mobile home... Percent Number Rented 24% N=15 Owned 76% N=48 Total 100% N=63 Table 25: Question D9 About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance and homeowners' association (HOA) fees)? Percent Number Less than $300 per month 2% N=1 $300 to $599 per month 13% N=8 $600 to $999 per month 16% N=10 $1,000 to $1,499 per month 33% N=20 $1,500 to $2,499 per month 31% N=19 $2,500 or more per month 5% N=3 Total 100% N=61 Table 26: Question D10 Do any children 17 or under live in your household? Percent Number No 62% N=39 Yes 38% N=24 Total 100% N=63 Table 27: Question D11 Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older? Percent Number No 95% N=60 Yes 5% N=3 Total 100% N=63 The National Citizen Survey™ 10 Table 28: Question D12 How much do you anticipate your household's total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include in your t otal income money from all sources for all persons living in your household.) Percent Number Less than $25,000 5% N=3 $25,000 to $49,999 28% N=17 $50,000 to $99,999 39% N=24 $100,000 to $149,999 20% N=12 $150,000 or more 8% N=5 Total 100% N=61 Table 29: Question D13 Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino? Percent Number No, not Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 98% N=59 Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 2% N=1 Total 100% N=60 Table 30: Question D14 What is your race? (Mark one or more races to indicate what race(s) you consider yourself to be.) Percent Number American Indian or Alaskan Native 7% N=4 Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander 0% N=0 Black or African American 0% N=0 White 93% N=55 Other 5% N=3 Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one option. Table 31: Question D15 In which category is your age? Percent Number 18 to 24 years 0% N=0 25 to 34 years 21% N=13 35 to 44 years 26% N=16 45 to 54 years 26% N=16 55 to 64 years 24% N=15 65 to 74 years 3% N=2 75 years or older 0% N=0 Total 100% N=62 The National Citizen Survey™ 11 Table 32: Question D16 What is your sex? Percent Number Female 50% N=30 Male 50% N=30 Total 100% N=60 Table 33: Question D17 Do you consider a cell phone or landline your primary telephone number? Percent Number Cell 81% N=51 Land line 10% N=6 Both 10% N=6 Total 100% N=63 The National Citizen Survey™ 12 Responses including “don’t know” The following pages contain a complete set of responses to each question on the survey, including the “don’t know” responses. The percent of respondents giving a particular response is shown followed by the number of r espondents (denoted with “N=“). Table 34: Question 1 Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in Bozeman: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Bozeman as a place to live 48% N=41 46% N=39 4% N=3 2% N=2 0% N=0 100% N=85 Your neighborhood as a place to live 46% N=39 44% N=37 8% N=7 1% N=1 0% N=0 100% N=84 Bozeman as a place to raise children 45% N=38 35% N=30 9% N=8 1% N=1 9% N=8 100% N=85 Bozeman as a place to work 18% N=15 44% N=37 21% N=18 16% N=14 1% N=1 100% N=85 Bozeman as a place to visit 61% N=52 33% N=28 4% N=3 1% N=1 1% N=1 100% N=85 Bozeman as a place to retire 24% N=20 35% N=29 18% N=15 8% N=7 14% N=12 100% N=83 The overall quality of life in Bozeman 41% N=35 46% N=39 12% N=10 1% N=1 0% N=0 100% N=85 Table 35: Question 2 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman 52% N=42 41% N=33 6% N=5 1% N=1 0% N=0 100% N=81 Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 26% N=21 46% N=37 22% N=18 6% N=5 0% N=0 100% N=81 Quality of overall natural environment in Bozeman 51% N=41 36% N=29 9% N=7 5% N=4 0% N=0 100% N=81 Overall "built environment" of Bozeman (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 21% N=17 45% N=36 26% N=21 8% N=6 0% N=0 100% N=80 Health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman 51% N=41 36% N=29 11% N=9 2% N=2 0% N=0 100% N=81 Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 41% N=33 44% N=36 12% N=10 2% N=2 0% N=0 100% N=81 Overall economic health of Bozeman 25% N=20 40% N=32 26% N=21 10% N=8 0% N=0 100% N=81 Sense of community 22% N=18 44% N=36 26% N=21 7% N=6 0% N=0 100% N=81 Overall image or reputation of Bozeman 37% N=30 51% N=41 7% N=6 5% N=4 0% N=0 100% N=81 Table 36: Question 3 Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: Very likely Somewhat likely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely Don't know Total Recommend living in Bozeman to someone who asks 38% N=30 32% N=25 20% N=16 10% N=8 0% N=0 100% N=79 Remain in Bozeman for the next five years 68% N=52 18% N=14 6% N=5 5% N=4 3% N=2 100% N=77 Table 37: Question 4 Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Very safe Somewhat safe Neither safe nor unsafe Somewhat unsafe Very unsafe Don't know Total In your neighborhood during the day 91% N=71 8% N=6 0% N=0 1% N=1 0% N=0 0% N=0 100% N=78 In Bozeman's downtown/commercial area during the day 78% N=62 16% N=13 3% N=2 3% N=2 0% N=0 0% N=0 100% N=79 The National Citizen Survey™ 13 Table 38: Question 5 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Traffic flow on major streets 7% N=5 42% N=32 33% N=25 17% N=13 1% N=1 100% N=76 Ease of public parking 11% N=8 28% N=21 39% N=30 22% N=17 0% N=0 100% N=76 Ease of travel by car in Bozeman 20% N=15 43% N=33 30% N=23 7% N=5 0% N=0 100% N=76 Ease of travel by public transportation in Bozeman 9% N=7 20% N=15 26% N=20 17% N=13 28% N=21 100% N=76 Ease of travel by bicycle in Bozeman 13% N=10 25% N=19 26% N=20 18% N=14 17% N=13 100% N=76 Ease of walking in Bozeman 21% N=16 57% N=43 17% N=13 5% N=4 0% N=0 100% N=76 Availability of paths and walking trails 37% N=28 38% N=29 17% N=13 7% N=5 1% N=1 100% N=76 Air quality 49% N=37 38% N=29 11% N=8 3% N=2 0% N=0 100% N=76 Cleanliness of Bozeman 38% N=29 46% N=35 14% N=11 1% N=1 0% N=0 100% N=76 Overall appearance of Bozeman 37% N=28 51% N=39 9% N=7 3% N=2 0% N=0 100% N=76 Public places where people want to spend time 39% N=30 47% N=36 13% N=10 0% N=0 0% N=0 100% N=76 Variety of housing options 14% N=11 12% N=9 38% N=29 33% N=25 3% N=2 100% N=76 Availability of affordable quality housing 7% N=5 12% N=9 22% N=17 55% N=42 4% N=3 100% N=76 Fitness opportunities (including exercise classes and paths or trails, etc.) 47% N=36 39% N=30 13% N=10 0% N=0 0% N=0 100% N=76 Recreational opportunities 71% N=54 26% N=20 3% N=2 0% N=0 0% N=0 100% N=76 Availability of affordable quality food 22% N=17 57% N=43 13% N=10 8% N=6 0% N=0 100% N=76 Availability of affordable quality health care 18% N=14 47% N=36 25% N=19 9% N=7 0% N=0 100% N=76 Availability of preventive health services 21% N=16 61% N=46 14% N=11 4% N=3 0% N=0 100% N=76 Availability of affordable quality mental health care 9% N=7 18% N=14 21% N=16 14% N=11 37% N=28 100% N=76 Table 39: Question 6 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Availability of affordable quality child care/preschool 6% N=4 24% N=17 21% N=15 10% N=7 40% N=29 100% N=72 K-12 education 29% N=21 48% N=35 3% N=2 0% N=0 21% N=15 100% N=73 Adult educational opportunities 25% N=18 42% N=30 17% N=12 6% N=4 10% N=7 100% N=71 Opportunities to attend cultural/arts/music activities 37% N=27 41% N=30 16% N=12 4% N=3 1% N=1 100% N=73 Opportunities to participate in religious or spiritual events and activities 32% N=23 33% N=24 7% N=5 0% N=0 29% N=21 100% N=73 Employment opportunities 11% N=8 21% N=15 46% N=33 15% N=11 7% N=5 100% N=72 Shopping opportunities 23% N=17 45% N=33 30% N=22 1% N=1 0% N=0 100% N=73 Cost of living in Bozeman 3% N=2 11% N=8 32% N=23 55% N=40 0% N=0 100% N=73 Overall quality of business and service establishments in Bozeman 21% N=15 56% N=41 22% N=16 1% N=1 0% N=0 100% N=73 Vibrant downtown/commercial area 45% N=33 40% N=29 14% N=10 1% N=1 0% N=0 100% N=73 Overall quality of new development in Bozeman 15% N=11 47% N=34 23% N=17 12% N=9 3% N=2 100% N=73 Opportunities to participate in social events and activities 28% N=20 50% N=36 19% N=14 0% N=0 3% N=2 100% N=72 Opportunities to volunteer 45% N=33 37% N=27 8% N=6 0% N=0 10% N=7 100% N=73 The National Citizen Survey™ 14 Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Bozeman as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Opportunities to participate in community matters 33% N=24 42% N=31 16% N=12 1% N=1 7% N=5 100% N=73 Openness and acceptance of the community toward people of diverse backgrounds 23% N=17 47% N=34 16% N=12 8% N=6 5% N=4 100% N=73 Neighborliness of residents in Bozeman 18% N=13 44% N=32 32% N=23 7% N=5 0% N=0 100% N=73 Table 40: Question 7 Please indicate whether or not you have done each of the following in the last 12 months. No Yes Total Made efforts to conserve water 19% N=14 81% N=59 100% N=73 Made efforts to make your home more energy efficient 21% N=15 79% N=58 100% N=73 Observed a code violation or other hazard in Bozeman 30% N=22 70% N=51 100% N=73 Household member was a victim of a crime in Bozeman 93% N=68 7% N=5 100% N=73 Reported a crime to the police in Bozeman 79% N=58 21% N=15 100% N=73 Stocked supplies in preparation for an emergency 71% N=52 29% N=21 100% N=73 Campaigned or advocated for an issue, cause or candidate 75% N=55 25% N=18 100% N=73 Contacted the City of Bozeman (in-person, phone, email or web) for help or information 40% N=29 60% N=44 100% N=73 Contacted Bozeman elected officials (in-person, phone, email or web) to express your opinion 63% N=46 37% N=27 100% N=73 Table 41: Question 8 In the last 12 months, about how many times, if at all, have you or other household members done each of the following in Bozeman? 2 times a week or more 2-4 times a month Once a month or less Not at all Total Used Bozeman recreation centers or their services 7% N=5 17% N=12 41% N=29 35% N=25 100% N=71 Visited a neighborhood park or City park 39% N=28 17% N=12 38% N=27 7% N=5 100% N=72 Used Bozeman public libraries or their services 8% N=6 18% N=13 46% N=33 27% N=19 100% N=71 Participated in religious or spiritual activities in Bozeman 8% N=6 17% N=12 21% N=15 54% N=39 100% N=72 Attended a City-sponsored event 4% N=3 15% N=11 56% N=40 24% N=17 100% N=71 Used bus, rail, subway or other public transportation instead of driving 1% N=1 1% N=1 30% N=21 68% N=48 100% N=71 Carpooled with other adults or children instead of driving alone 20% N=14 17% N=12 17% N=12 46% N=33 100% N=71 Walked or biked instead of driving 25% N=18 20% N=14 24% N=17 31% N=22 100% N=71 Volunteered your time to some group/activity in Bozeman 13% N=9 17% N=12 32% N=23 38% N=27 100% N=71 Participated in a club 8% N=6 14% N=10 21% N=15 57% N=41 100% N=72 Talked to or visited with your immediate neighbors 32% N=23 32% N=23 26% N=19 10% N=7 100% N=72 Done a favor for a neighbor 15% N=11 26% N=19 44% N=32 14% N=10 100% N=72 The National Citizen Survey™ 15 Table 41: Question 9 Thinking about local public meetings (of local elected officials like City Council or County Commissioners, advisory boards, town halls, HOA, neighborhood watch, etc.), in the last 12 months, about how many times, if at all, have you or other household members attended or watched a local public meeting? 2 times a week or more 2-4 times a month Once a month or less Not at all Total Attended a local public meeting 6% N=4 12% N=8 40% N=27 43% N=29 100% N=68 Watched (online or on television) a local public meeting 7% N=5 11% N=8 31% N=22 50% N=35 100% N=70 Table 42: Question 10 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Police services 40% N=27 43% N=29 12% N=8 0% N=0 6% N=4 100% N=68 Fire services 53% N=36 31% N=21 6% N=4 3% N=2 7% N=5 100% N=68 Ambulance or emergency medical services 30% N=21 38% N=26 12% N=8 0% N=0 20% N=14 100% N=69 Crime prevention 26% N=18 54% N=37 9% N=6 0% N=0 12% N=8 100% N=69 Fire prevention and education 26% N=18 46% N=32 7% N=5 1% N=1 19% N=13 100% N=69 Traffic enforcement 20% N=14 39% N=27 23% N=16 9% N=6 9% N=6 100% N=69 Street repair 12% N=8 33% N=23 38% N=26 17% N=12 0% N=0 100% N=69 Street cleaning 12% N=8 48% N=33 26% N=18 14% N=10 0% N=0 100% N=69 Street lighting 14% N=10 38% N=26 33% N=23 13% N=9 1% N=1 100% N=69 Snow removal 14% N=10 29% N=20 30% N=21 26% N=18 0% N=0 100% N=69 Sidewalk maintenance 6% N=4 43% N=30 32% N=22 17% N=12 1% N=1 100% N=69 Traffic signal timing 6% N=4 31% N=21 34% N=23 28% N=19 1% N=1 100% N=68 Bus or transit services 12% N=8 38% N=26 12% N=8 14% N=10 25% N=17 100% N=69 Garbage collection 43% N=30 46% N=32 1% N=1 1% N=1 7% N=5 100% N=69 Recycling 38% N=26 28% N=19 17% N=12 6% N=4 12% N=8 100% N=69 Yard waste pick-up 28% N=19 29% N=20 13% N=9 4% N=3 25% N=17 100% N=68 Storm drainage 19% N=13 43% N=30 20% N=14 7% N=5 10% N=7 100% N=69 Drinking water 43% N=30 33% N=23 17% N=12 6% N=4 0% N=0 100% N=69 Sewer services 35% N=24 51% N=35 7% N=5 0% N=0 6% N=4 100% N=68 Power (electric and/or gas) utility 28% N=19 55% N=38 14% N=10 3% N=2 0% N=0 100% N=69 Utility billing 29% N=20 43% N=30 17% N=12 6% N=4 4% N=3 100% N=69 City parks 41% N=28 50% N=34 4% N=3 4% N=3 0% N=0 100% N=68 Recreation programs or classes 22% N=15 39% N=27 12% N=8 3% N=2 25% N=17 100% N=69 Recreation centers or facilities 20% N=14 42% N=29 13% N=9 9% N=6 16% N=11 100% N=69 Land use, planning and zoning 19% N=13 38% N=26 22% N=15 16% N=11 4% N=3 100% N=68 Code enforcement (weeds, abandoned buildings, etc.) 12% N=8 24% N=16 28% N=19 22% N=15 15% N=10 100% N=68 Animal control 18% N=12 31% N=21 29% N=20 12% N=8 10% N=7 100% N=68 Economic development 19% N=13 37% N=25 28% N=19 4% N=3 10% N=7 100% N=67 Health services 19% N=13 54% N=37 18% N=12 3% N=2 6% N=4 100% N=68 Public library services 51% N=35 38% N=26 4% N=3 0% N=0 6% N=4 100% N=68 The National Citizen Survey™ 16 Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Bozeman: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total Public information services 21% N=14 50% N=34 13% N=9 9% N=6 7% N=5 100% N=68 Cable television 10% N=7 19% N=13 24% N=16 15% N=10 32% N=22 100% N=68 Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natural disasters or other emergency situations) 15% N=10 25% N=17 24% N=16 10% N=7 26% N=18 100% N=68 Preservation of natural areas such as open space, farmlands and greenbelts 19% N=13 38% N=26 26% N=18 14% N=10 3% N=2 100% N=69 Bozeman open space 26% N=18 41% N=28 23% N=16 7% N=5 3% N=2 100% N=69 City-sponsored special events 18% N=12 43% N=29 25% N=17 4% N=3 10% N=7 100% N=68 Overall customer service by Bozeman employees (police, receptionists, planners, etc.) 48% N=33 35% N=24 13% N=9 1% N=1 3% N=2 100% N=69 Table 43: Question 11 Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total The City of Bozeman 38% N=26 48% N=33 9% N=6 4% N=3 1% N=1 100% N=69 The Federal Government 9% N=6 22% N=15 45% N=31 22% N=15 3% N=2 100% N=69 The State of Montana 12% N=8 41% N=28 39% N=27 6% N=4 3% N=2 100% N=69 Table 44: Question 12 Please rate the following categories of Bozeman government performance: Excellent Good Fair Poor Don't know Total The value of services for the taxes paid to Bozeman 21% N=14 34% N=23 28% N=19 9% N=6 7% N=5 100% N=67 The overall direction that Bozeman is taking 20% N=13 30% N=20 35% N=23 12% N=8 3% N=2 100% N=66 The job Bozeman government does at welcoming citizen involvement 25% N=17 40% N=27 21% N=14 10% N=7 3% N=2 100% N=67 Overall confidence in Bozeman government 31% N=21 28% N=19 19% N=13 18% N=12 3% N=2 100% N=67 Generally acting in the best interest of the community 30% N=20 34% N=23 15% N=10 16% N=11 4% N=3 100% N=67 Being honest 31% N=21 28% N=19 18% N=12 16% N=11 6% N=4 100% N=67 Treating all residents fairly 29% N=19 26% N=17 27% N=18 12% N=8 6% N=4 100% N=66 Table 45: Question 13 Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years: Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Total Overall feeling of safety in Bozeman 57% N=38 24% N=16 13% N=9 6% N=4 100% N=67 Overall ease of getting to the places you usually have to visit 33% N=22 51% N=34 16% N=11 0% N=0 100% N=67 Quality of overall natural environment in Bozeman 44% N=29 38% N=25 18% N=12 0% N=0 100% N=66 Overall "built environment" of Bozeman (including overall design, buildings, parks and transportation systems) 40% N=27 40% N=27 18% N=12 1% N=1 100% N=67 Health and wellness opportunities in Bozeman 31% N=21 37% N=25 30% N=20 1% N=1 100% N=67 Overall opportunities for education and enrichment 34% N=23 31% N=21 34% N=23 0% N=0 100% N=67 Overall economic health of Bozeman 51% N=34 33% N=22 16% N=11 0% N=0 100% N=67 The National Citizen Survey™ 17 Please rate how important, if at all, you think it is for the Bozeman community to focus on each of the following in the coming two years: Essential Very important Somewhat important Not at all important Total Sense of community 45% N=30 34% N=23 21% N=14 0% N=0 100% N=67 Table 46: Question 14 Please indicate the degree to with you would support or oppose a property tax increase to construct a new, multi-use Law & Justice Center jointly with the County that includes the Police Department, Sheriff's Office, District and Municipal Courts, Prosecution, and Victim Services: Percent Number Strongly support 37% N=24 Somewhat support 29% N=19 Somewhat oppose 12% N=8 Strongly oppose 22% N=14 Total 100% N=65 Table 47: Question 15 Please indicate the degree to which you would support or oppose a local sales tax on restaurants, bars, hotels, motels, and luxury retail items to help fund the following: Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Total A property tax reduction 39% N=25 23% N=15 14% N=9 23% N=15 100% N=64 Street construction 44% N=28 30% N=19 11% N=7 14% N=9 100% N=63 Parks facilities and equipment 30% N=19 34% N=22 19% N=12 17% N=11 100% N=64 Police facilities and equipment 35% N=22 25% N=16 17% N=11 22% N=14 100% N=63 Table 48: Question 16 Please indicate the degree to which you would support or oppose a gas tax to help fund the following: Strongly support Somewhat support Somewhat oppose Strongly oppose Total A reduction in street assessment fees 26% N=17 29% N=19 17% N=11 28% N=18 100% N=65 Street construction 42% N=27 32% N=21 11% N=7 15% N=10 100% N=65 Bicycle lanes 45% N=29 18% N=12 11% N=7 26% N=17 100% N=65 Sidewalks 41% N=26 34% N=22 9% N=6 16% N=10 100% N=64 Trails 31% N=20 25% N=16 19% N=12 25% N=16 100% N=64 Public transportation 38% N=25 32% N=21 9% N=6 20% N=13 100% N=65 Table 49: Question D1 How often, if at all, do you do each of the following, considering all of the times you could? Never Rarely Sometimes Usually Always Total Recycle at home 3% N=2 9% N=6 16% N=10 14% N=9 58% N=37 100% N=64 Purchase goods or services from a business located in Bozeman 0% N=0 2% N=1 8% N=5 55% N=35 36% N=23 100% N=64 Eat at least 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day 5% N=3 14% N=9 31% N=20 38% N=24 13% N=8 100% N=64 Participate in moderate or vigorous physical activity 2% N=1 11% N=7 34% N=22 41% N=26 13% N=8 100% N=64 Read or watch local news (via television, paper, computer, etc.) 3% N=2 9% N=6 16% N=10 36% N=23 36% N=23 100% N=64 The National Citizen Survey™ 18 How often, if at all, do you do each of the following, considering all of the times you could? Never Rarely Sometimes Usually Always Total Vote in local elections 3% N=2 2% N=1 2% N=1 22% N=14 71% N=45 100% N=63 Table 50: Question D2 Would you say that in general your health is: Percent Number Excellent 25% N=16 Very good 41% N=26 Good 31% N=20 Fair 3% N=2 Poor 0% N=0 Total 100% N=64 Table 51: Question D3 What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: Percent Number Very positive 8% N=5 Somewhat positive 25% N=16 Neutral 53% N=34 Somewhat negative 9% N=6 Very negative 5% N=3 Total 100% N=64 Table 52: Question D4 What is your employment status? Percent Number Working full time for pay 84% N=53 Working part time for pay 6% N=4 Unemployed, looking for paid work 3% N=2 Unemployed, not looking for paid work 2% N=1 Fully retired 5% N=3 Total 100% N=63 Table 53: Question D5 Do you work inside the boundaries of Bozeman? Percent Number Yes, outside the home 74% N=46 Yes, from home 5% N=3 No 21% N=13 Total 100% N=62 The National Citizen Survey™ 19 Table 54: Question D6 How many years have you lived in Bozeman? Percent Number Less than 2 years 11% N=7 2 to 5 years 13% N=8 6 to 10 years 15% N=9 11 to 20 years 34% N=21 More than 20 years 27% N=17 Total 100% N=62 Table 55: Question D7 Which best describes the building you live in? Percent Number One family house detached from any other houses 66% N=41 Building with two or more homes (duplex, townhome, apartment or condominium) 31% N=19 Mobile home 2% N=1 Other 2% N=1 Total 100% N=62 Table 56: Question D8 Is this house, apartment or mobile home... Percent Number Rented 24% N=15 Owned 76% N=48 Total 100% N=63 Table 57: Question D9 About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance and homeowners' association (HOA) fees)? Percent Number Less than $300 per month 2% N=1 $300 to $599 per month 13% N=8 $600 to $999 per month 16% N=10 $1,000 to $1,499 per month 33% N=20 $1,500 to $2,499 per month 31% N=19 $2,500 or more per month 5% N=3 Total 100% N=61 Table 58: Question D10 Do any children 17 or under live in your household? Percent Number No 62% N=39 Yes 38% N=24 Total 100% N=63 The National Citizen Survey™ 20 Table 59: Question D11 Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older? Percent Number No 95% N=60 Yes 5% N=3 Total 100% N=63 Table 60: Question D12 How much do you anticipate your household's total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include in your total income money from all sources for all persons living in your household.) Percent Number Less than $25,000 5% N=3 $25,000 to $49,999 28% N=17 $50,000 to $99,999 39% N=24 $100,000 to $149,999 20% N=12 $150,000 or more 8% N=5 Total 100% N=61 Table 61: Question D13 Are you Spanish, Hispanic or Latino? Percent Number No, not Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 98% N=59 Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 2% N=1 Total 100% N=60 Table 62: Question D14 What is your race? (Mark one or more races to indicate what race(s) you consider yourself to be.) Percent Number American Indian or Alaskan Native 7% N=4 Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander 0% N=0 Black or African American 0% N=0 White 93% N=55 Other 5% N=3 Total may exceed 100% as respondents could select more than one option. The National Citizen Survey™ 21 Table 63: Question D15 In which category is your age? Percent Number 18 to 24 years 0% N=0 25 to 34 years 21% N=13 35 to 44 years 26% N=16 45 to 54 years 26% N=16 55 to 64 years 24% N=15 65 to 74 years 3% N=2 75 years or older 0% N=0 Total 100% N=62 Table 64: Question D16 What is your sex? Percent Number Female 50% N=30 Male 50% N=30 Total 100% N=60 Table 65: Question D17 Do you consider a cell phone or landline your primary telephone number? Percent Number Cell 81% N=51 Land line 10% N=6 Both 10% N=6 Total 100% N=63 The National Citizen Survey™ 22 Verbatim Responses to Open Ended Question The following pages contain the respondents’ verbatim responses as entered in the web survey and have not been edited for spelling or grammar. Responses have been organized in alphabetical order. What are the top three things you value the most about living in Bozeman?  1 - Safe community to raise my children 2 - High quality of life for my family 3 - Access to faith support - churches, bible college etc.  1) High-quality parks and open space in town; 2) Safe (off-street) biclycle and pedestrian multi-use and inter- connecting paths; 2) Dog parks  1. Friendly 2. Culturally interesting 3. The Public Library  1. Small town feel 2. Keeping open spaces 3. Open spaces  Access to nature, small town feeling, good public education  access to outdoor recreation bikeable/walkable core area MSU  Access to outdoors, sense of community, educational opportunities  Access to the outdoors; sizable enough for amenities, but not too big; general vitality (especially for a younger audience)  Access to the surrounding natural environment -- mountains, rivers, etc. Varied people in the community, value placed on education in the community Family friendly  Agriculture feel, small size, close to recreation.  Being close to downtown and the university Small town feel Healthy, active citizens  Being close to nature, national and state parks, home resale value.  Bicycling, skiing, golf  BIKING WILDLIFE IN CITY BEAUTY OF MOUNTAINS  Cleanliness, community, local business  Close to outdoor space. Able to leave Bozeman quickly. Low violent crime.  community nature the people  Community Recreational areas Sense of belonging  DTN Not too small People  Educational opportunities Space Safe environment  Having a job, quality of life, caring about more than the bottom line  Mountains, food, music.  My Job Recreation Variety of entertainment  n/a  No traffic jams. Clean. Ease of travel with all modes.  open spaces, parks/ sports fields and schools  outdoor activities, safety, community  Parks Trails Accessibility to mountains  Parks, Trails, outdoor recreation opportunities  proximity to outdoor activities, local trails and parks (dog parks), slower pace of life than in big city  Public works Public safety Trails  quality of built environment, quality of education, access to retail and restaurants  Quality of life, community, recreation opportunities.  Quality of life, ease of access to the outdoors  Quality of Life, Small town feeling, Independence  Ranch land at city limits 10 years ago, natural areas near and in city, clean streets and parks.  Safe, friendly, outdoor space in the city  Safety Health Open trails  safety, education, recreation  Safety, friendly, activities  Safety, Open spaces, parks and recreation (for people and dogs), trails, ect.) Vibrant downtown  Safety, outdoor activity, small town feeling The National Citizen Survey™ 23  Safety, restaurants, variety of housing  Safety, sense of community, ability for my family to be able to choose transportation other than driving  That it remains a fun and healthy place to live for the moment. Great selection of things to do. The proximity to open spaces.  The natural environment, living the American way of life, work opportunities  The people; outdoor quality and opportunities; learning opportunities  The safety of the community for kids; the vibrant downtown; the ski opportunities.  The scenery, care of the natural environment, recreation and educational opportunities  Trails, Parks, Open space. What would you like Bozeman to be known for in the future?  A clean safe growing tech center  a place where everyone can live a healthy life while enjoying the outdoors  A safe friendly community with a strong economy.  Absolutely nothing. I prefer most people who move here to instead stay in California.  Affordability  Affordability and fair cost of living vs wages  Affordable housing, wages equal to cost of living A place for all to be able to retire and live comfortable  All of the above  As a friendly, healthy place to raise a family.  Being a large city with still small town attractions.  Better pay, low crime, low population  Clean, respectful, peaceful community. Restriction on increasing city limits. Using space in current footprint for expansion. Enforcement of traffic laws to create safer more respectful drivers.  Economic and cultural diversity, good public education, preservation and continued access to outdoor spaces  Economically vibrant, safe community to raise a family, practice my faith and enjoy the environment.  Family friendly and the arts (I think we need some more funky public art)  Family friendly Safe Good educational opportunities  fast growing job market/population growth  friendly healthy environment to raise a family  Friendly, safe community  Friendly, small town, community focused  Good air quality (get people to stop burning wood by incentivizing alternative energy) and locally-grown food (from organic farmland preservation in the area) to protect our health  Great place to raise a family with access to natural environment for all users-- walkers, bikers, motorized users. A place that reflects Montana values and history, not the values of the wealthier immigrants to the valley.  Great schools and a wonderful place to raise children  high tech  I don't want it known!  Keeping the small local small town feel especially downtown. People originally liked Bozeman because it had local business and open fields. Stop building on these open fields. There is a lot to be said for rangeland and farmland and the rich soil in the Bozeman valley. Open fields are healthier for our bodies and mind.  Last Best Place.  less urban sprawl into county, development within city limits.  Livability  Low property taxes  Lower housing costs, higher wages, athletic complexes for kids,  n/a  No financial shell games in facing and funding community priorities - decide what you really want and then fund it. If not willing to fund then don't chase it. Thoughtful and conscientious stewardship of the community A community that is truly tolerant - to just discriminating against a different set of people in the name of tolerance The National Citizen Survey™ 24  Not being run over politically and economically by transplants from the East and West coasts.  Not to be like Jackson Hole, WY. Bozeman needs to be a friendly place to live with affordability for average people and family's.  nothing at all - best kept secret  open spaces, sports complex, families  Parks and open space.  Parks, Trails, outdoor recreation opportunities  Preserving a good thing. I would like to see Bozeman LIMIT growth. Enough is enough!  quality of built environment, being a leading community, being financi ally sound  SAFE , HEALTHY, BIKE FRIENDLY CITY  Small town feel, Excellent quality of life  Soul People Progressive planning  Staying focused on our beautiful surroundings and not destroying it for profit  STOP BUILDING ON PRIME FARM LAND!! Be EXTREMELY careful about building on the next level of farm quality land. Once gone, it's gone. Be innovative about building around these land (and NOT raising that land's taxes like it's a city property!) and promoting their agricultural use. Done right, this would really put Bozeman on the map!  Strong economy, diverse population, more varied and affordable housing  sustainability: sustainable growth, sustainable economics, sustainable transportation, sustainable environment - sustainability means that we as a community can afford how we live for the extremely long term  The best gateway town in Montana to national and state parks.  Vibrant community with the willingness to invest in that goal.