HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe NCS Open End Report 2015Bozeman, MT Open Ended Responses 2015 NRC National Research Center Inc 2955 Valmont Road Suite 300 Boulder, Colorado 80301 n- r -c.com • 303-444 -7863 ICE MA Leaders at the Core of Better Communities 777 North Capitol Street NE Suite 500 Washington, DC 20002 ima.org • 800- 745 -8780 Contents Summary.......................................................... ..............................1 Verbatim Responses to Open Ended Question ..... ..............................3 The National Citizen SurveyT © 2001 -2015 National Research Center, Inc. The NCST" is presented by NRC in collaboration with ICMA. NRC is a charter member of the AAPOR Transparency Initiative, providing clear disclosure of our sound and ethical survey research practices. Summary The National Citizen Survey"' (The NCS'"m) is a collaborative effort between National Research Center, hie. (NRC) and the International City/County Management Association (ICMA). The survey and its administration are standardized to assure high quality research methods and directly comparable results across The NCS communities. This report includes the verbatim responses to two open ended questions included on The NCS 2oz5 survey for Bozeman. Additional reports and the technical appendices are available under separate cover. Respondents were asked to record their opinions about what they value most in the community as well as what they would like Bozeman to be known for in the following questions: What are the top three things you value the most about living in Bozeman? What would you like Bozeman to be known form the future? The verbatim responses were categorized by topic area and those topics are reported in the following chart with the percent of responses given in each category. Because some comments from residents in the fast question covered more than a single topic, each topic mentioned by a resident was categorized and counted in the following chart. Verbatim comments that contain mom than one topic appear only once (in the category of the fast topic listed), however the analysis counts each of the topic areas given by all respondents regardless where those topics appeared in the comment. For the second question, if comments from residents covered mom than a single topic, those verbatim responses are grouped by the fast topic listed in each comment whenever a respondent mentioned more than a single topic. Results from the open -ended question are best understood by reviewing the frequencies that summarize responses as well as the actual verbatim responses themselves. Atotal of 404 surveys were completed by Bozeman residents; of these 328 respondents wrote in responses for the fast open -ended question. The most commonly cited things residents valued about living in Bozeman included the sense of community/small town feel /quality of life and culture, natural environment of Bozeman and recreation opport unities. Safety, education, economy and proximity to amenities were also commonly mentioned. Figure 1: Most Valued Characteristics of Bozeman What are the top three things you value the most about living in Bozeman? Sense of mmmunity/small town feel /quality of 52� life and culture Natural environment 52% Recreation opportunities 45% Safety 113% 24% Education 20°6 Business /economy % Proximity to amenities /services /cm munity events Other 28x, Don't know /nothing Total may exceed IW% as respondents could select more than one option. For the second open -ended question, 301 residents included responses for what they would like Bozeman to be known for in the future. About 30% of respondents said they wanted Bozeman to be known for being a welcoming community/family oriented. Other commonly mentioned themes were the economy /smart growth /affordability as well as Bozeman's natural environment and outdoor opportunities. Figure 2: Future of Bozeman What would you like Bozeman to be ,(mown for in the future2 Welcoming community/community and family 30% oriented Economy /smart growth /affordable F20,%2 6h Natural envinonment/outdoor opportunities Other 6 Don't know Verbatim Responses to Open Ended Question The following pages contain the respondents'verhatim responses as written or entered in the web survey and have not been edited for spelling or grammar. Responses have been organized by coded topic areas. What are the top three things you value the most about living in Bozeman? Sense of community/small town feel /quality of life and culture A blend of the latest technology and convenience with the friendly hospitality and beauty of a rural culture and setting. A great place for children. A healthful, outdoors - oriented lifestyle. A liberal community. A remarkable place for my children to grew up in. A small town feeling. Active/healthy community. Beautiful buildings. Being nearfamily. Big city awareness in small "city'. Bozeman provides a feeling of peace and comfort and friendliness as well as acceptance of diverse peoples & cultures. Calm & friendly activities of people. Can do culture. City size. Classy culture. Community involvement. Community, small town -feel. Community, welcomesness- people are happy & friendly. Community. Community. Community. Community. Community. Community. Community. Community. Community. Community. Community. Culture. Culture. Diverse culture & nondiscrimination. Diversity. Ease of life in general -no rush! Easy going energy of the community. Even though it's growing rapidly, it still feels like a small town. Extended family lives hem. Family & friends. Family. Family. Finding & meeting like- minded liberal inhabitants. Friendless of people. Friendliness & safety of community. Friendliness of communi y, Friendliness of locals. Friendliness of people. Friendliness of residents. Friendliness of the people. Friendliness. Friendliness. Friendliness. Friendly atmosphere. Friendly citizens. Friendly neighbors and strangers -sense of community. Friendly people & relaxed environment. Friendly people who care about all. Friendly. people. Friendly. Friendly. Friendly. Friendly-quiet small town atmosphere mom and pop stores!! Friends, community. Friends. Friends. Friends. Good friends. Good people & good environment. Good people. Good place to raise children. Great mix of academics, ranchers, outdoor enthusiasts. Great persons. Great place to raise kids. Great place to raise kids. Great, educated friends. Healthy place to raise children with great schools. High standard of living. Hometown atmosphere. Honest, friendly & safe. IYs just the right size, not too big or too small. IYs still not a big city. Kind people. Life style. Lifestyle. Like minded friends & people. Livable neighborhoods. Living in a moderately rural town without living in a large city with all the craziness on traffic. Living near family & friends. Low confrontation levels. Lower population. My daughter living here. My deep roots here. My personal & professional relationships /networks. Need to he a friendly and supportive town to everyone. neighborhood No mom sprawl. Not as over developed as many cities. Not too big. Not too large a city. Numerous quality cultural activities. Open minded community/community oriented. Opportunities for community participation. Our spiritual community . Our vibrant Downtown. Outdoor enthusiast communities. Overall community spirit and enthusiasm about Bozeman. Overall feeling of comfort an community. Overall friendliness & closeness of the community. Overall friendliness of the community. Pace of life. People are generous & supportive. People- mostly pretty intelligent, raring, tolerant, upbeat. People, friendly community. People. People. People. People. People -most friendly. Pride in the community, willingness to work together to make it better. Proximity to my grandchildren. Quality of life Quality of life including a clean environment, recreation. Quality of life, access to natural spaces. Quality of life, safety, health, outdoor activities. Quality of life. Quality of life. Quality of life. Quality of life. Quality of life. Quality of life. Quality of life. Quality of life. Quality of life. Quality of life. Quality of life. Quality of life. Quality of life -less traffic, slow pace. Quality of living- outdoors opportunities. Quality of living. Quality of living. Quality of living. Quiet neighborhoods. Rural setting. Sense of community. Sense of community. Sense of community. Sense of community. Sense of community. Sense of community. Sense of community. Sense of community. Sense of community. Sense of community. Sense of community. Sense of community. Sense of community. Sense of community. Sense of community. Sense of community. Sense of community/safety. Sense of community- friendliness. Sense of pride people have in their community. Sense of small/med community. Simplistic lifestyle. Size of city. Slower pace of life. Small city (good population size). Small community . Small population size. Small population. Small town charm, feel safety with great amenities. Small town feel & friendly workers. Small town feel & overall friendliness of the people. Small town feel of Downtown. Small town feel with big city opportunities. Small town feel with big town luxury. Small town feel. Small town feel. Small town feel. Small town feeling of safety/traffic. Small town, characteristics for safety, etc. Small town. Small town. Small town. Small, friendly community feeling -which seems to be eroding. Smallish town with strong economy. Smallness. Small-town feel. Small- town -feel. Smart, interesting healthy people. Social community. Strong communitywith welcoming personality. The ability to be closer to my family. The awesome people that love Bozeman. The community feeling -local shops. The community. The friendliness of the community. The friends I've made. The great people. The incredible engagement of people, & their creativity and entrepreneurialism. The intellect and goodness of the majority here. The locals. The overall friendliness not including the 1 %. The overall vibe. The people and sense of community. The people I have met are wonderful Christians with high ideals. The people of Bozeman and feeling of community. The people. The people. The people. The people. The sense of community . The seuse of community . The small size vs sprawl! The small town atmosphere-which is being lost. The small town. The unique character of the place as defined by our community & landscape. This is an open - minded, open -heart community Thought out growth policies. Vibrant community. Vibrant community. Vibrant culture with a small town feel. Vibrant population. Vibrant town. Walkable. Was a great place to raise kids. Natural environment Abundant open space. Access to natural surroundings. Access to nature. Access to nature. Access to nature. Access to the outdoors. Accessibility of seeing and enjoying creation. Accessibility to the outdoors (Hyalite /Bridger). Air quality. All around beauty ('beauty'). Beautiful natural environment. Beautiful outdoor environment w/ trail /public recreation access. Beautiful scenery. Beautiful setting. Beautiful surroundings. Beautiful view. Beautiful, natural environment. Beautiful. Beautiful. Beauty of city. Beauty of surroundings. Beauty of the area. Beauty of the environment - mountains etc. Beauty . Beauty . Beauty . Being close to the mountains to get out of the city Being surrounded by beautiful mountains! Central location to other cities. City parks & clean environment. Clean air & good water. Clean air & water. Clean air and awesome trail systems. Clean air and lovely scenery. Clean air and water. Clean air. Clean air. Clean air. Clean air. Clean air. Clean air. Clean air. Clean air /clean environment. Clean air /water. Clean air /water /food. Clean beautiful city. Clean environment and air. Clean environment. Clean environment. Clean living environment. Clean town. Clean water. Clean. Cleanliness & upkeep of most property, also beautification. Cleanliness, air quality, beauty. Cleanliness. Cleanliness. Cleanliness. Clear air to see mountains. Clear environment. Clear sky. Climate. Climate. Close access to wilderness. Close to nature & natural beauty. Close to the mountains. Close to the mountains. Closeness of nature and farms. Closeness toYNP. Environment & scenery. Environment. Environment. Environment /wilderness access. Environmental beauty. Environmental concern. Environmental quality . Fresh air -quality of life Gnat outdoors /nature opportunities. Gnat views. Green space. Greenery (trees and such). Having open space & access to mountains. Healthy environment. Healthyliving environment. How beautiful it is. Incredible natural beauty & wilderness access. Its proximity to mountains, and nature in general. Land! Land! Location (beauty of area, interstate, airport, even climate!) Location- mountains & rivers. Location. Location. Location. Location. Location. Low sound/light pollution. Mountain scenery and access. Mountain views. Mountains. Mountains. Mountains. Mountains. Mountains -view. Natural beauty & outdoor activities. Natural beauty of area. Natural beauty. Natural beauty. Natural beauty. Natural beauty. Natural beauty/landscape. Natural environment including altitude, close mountains. Natural environment. Natural environment. Natural environment. Natural environment. Natural environment. Natural environment. Natural environment - beautiful Natural scenery. Natural setting. Natural surroundings- trails, mountains, etc. Nature (trails, etc). Nature close by. Nature. Nature. Natures beauty . Open land. Open space. Open space. Open space. Open space. Open spaces and parks. Open spaces! Stop building. Open spaces, parks, trails. Open spaces. Openness of space/outdoors. Openness of surrounding spaces. Our surrounding public land access. Outdoor access. Outdoor environment -beauty & access to nature & activities related to mature. Outdoors. Outdoors. Outdoors. Parks. Preservation of natural beauty . Proximity to mountains. Proximrity to the mountains. Proximity to wilderness /mountains. Public lands & parks. Public outdoor land. Quality & accessibility of natural environment. Regional area- Southwest Montana. Respect for green spaces (& their importance in planning). Scenery (including hiking trails). Scenery. Scenery. Scenery. Scenery. Scenery. Seeing the mountains from my window. Snow. Sunshine. That it is located in MT. The beautiful environment /atmosphere. The beauty of it. The beauty of the area. The beauty of the city and surrounding mountains. The beauty, cleanliness of the town, air and wildlife areas. The bobcats!! The cleanliness of the town. The climate, I love winter. The mountain. The mountains. The mountains. The natural environment. The natural environment. The natural environment. The natural environment - mountains trees etc. The natural setting and environment regarding clean air /scenery/water & the mountains. The natural surroundings /environment. 10 The open views of the mountains. The opportunities to explore the surrounding wilderness. The outdoors- Hyalite, big sky, Bridger. The proximityto wilderness. The views of mountains & nature. The weather. Trees along streets. Very eco-friendly. View of mountains from valley. View. Views, climate, air, culture, outdoors. Water. Weather. Weather. Working in hospitality field- sharing the beauty of mountain with visitors. Recreation opportunities Abundance of recreational opportunities. Access to a wide variety of recreational activities. Access to city & regional recreation activities. Access to natural areas (trails, nearby mountains). Access to outdoor activities. Access to outdoor environments. Access to outdoor recreation opportunities. Access to outdoor recreation. Access to outdoor recreation. Access to outdoors. Access to outdoors. Access to outdoors. Access to public lands. Access to recreation and outdoor activities. Access to recreation. Access to recreation /natural amenities. Access to recreational opportunities. Access to the outdoors (fishing, skiing, hiking etc). Access to the outdoors is the most valuable thing to living in Bozeman. Access to trails & parks & outdoor activities. Access to trails in town - hiking & skiing. Accessibility of outdoor recreation. Accessibility to outdoor activities. Athletic things to do, float river, hike, fish. Availability to the outdoors, ski, hike, bike etc. Being close to outdoor activities we enjoy. Bike hails (more needed as traffic thickness). Bite of Bozeman, trails, bike lanes. Close hiking to get my dogs out & off leash. Close to camping & river access (even though getting overcrowded & needing reservations). Close to mountains rivers outdoor activities. Base of recreation. Base to quality hiking and outdoor activities. Easfly available recreation. Easy access to outdoor recreation. 11 Easy access to outdoor recreation. Easy access to outdoors; hails & skiing. Great hails & parks. Hiking, outdoor recreation. How near it is to outdoor recreation. Living close to the outdoors making hiking & easy skung. Location near outdoor recreation. Love the free access to the recreation area "pond ". Natural activities. Nearby public land. Nearby recreation opportunities, wilderness. Open space, trails. Opportunities for outdoor family activities. Opportunities. Our amazing trail systems. Outdoor activities. Outdoor activities. Outdoor activities. Outdoor activities. Outdoor activities - hiking, biking, skiing, etc. Outdoor activity access. Outdoor activity. Outdoor opportunities for recreation. Outdoor opportunities. Outdoor opportunities. Outdoor opportunities. Outdoor possibilities. Outdoor rec opportunities. Outdoor rec: skiing, fishing, hunting etc. Outdoor recreation and city hails. Outdoor recreation. Outdoor recreation. Outdoor recreation. Outdoor recreation. Outdoor recreation. Outdoor sports. Parks & trails in town. Parks /hails close to my house. Places to exercise body (Ridge the club, Peels Hill trail) & mind (MSU, library & country bookshelf). Proximity of outdoor activity. Proximity to outdoor and recreational activities. Proximity to outdoor recreation. Proximity to outdoor recreation. Proximity to outdoor recreation. Proximity to trail heads/hikes. Proximity to world-class recreation. Public land access. Quality of life. Recreation & fine arts. Recreation opportunities nearby, & beautiful scenery . Recreation opportunities. Recreation opportunities. 12 Recreation skiing, biking, biking trails. Recreation. Recreation. Recreation. Recreation. Recreation. Recreation. Recreation. Recreation. Recreation. Recreation. recreation. Recreational activities. Recreational opportunities. Recreational opportunities. Recreational opportunities. Recreational opportunities. Recreational opportunities. Recreational opportunities. Recreational opportunities. Recreational opportunities. Recreational opportunities. Recreational opportunities. Recreational options. Skiing. The access to trails & natural environments. The amount of public land nearbythat offers many outdoor opportunities. The opportunities for outdoor recreation, cultural & community events. The outdoors being so accessible. The recreational opportunities. Trails & parks. Trails through town. Trails. Trails. Trails. Trees, creeks, and open park areas. Variety of activities that are accessible. Variety of opportunities in so many areas. Various recreational activities. Wide arrange of outdoor activities vMm a short distance. Wide range of activities. Safety Feeling of safely and security. Feeling of safely. Feeling of safely. Feeling of safely. Feeling of safety. Feeling safe in the community. Feeling safe walking solo-friendly sense of community. Feeling safe. Feeling safe. 13 General feeling of safety. Healthy & safe. I feel safe. Little crime. Low crime rate and violence levels. Low crime. Not much crime. Our safe community . Public safety . Public safety . Safe & clean. Safe and clean. Safe community. Safe community. Safe environment for my children. Safe environment. Safe environment. Safe environment. Safe place to live & raise children. Safe place to live and raise children. Safe place to live. Safe place to raise a family. Safe place /good people. Safe. Safe. Safe. Safe. Safety & quality of life here. Safety for my son. Safety of street walking. Safety to raise kids. Safety, cleanliness. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. 14 Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety. Safety-I always feel safe at night. Security citizen safety. Sense of security & safety. The feeling of safety. The safe flow crime) environment for raising a family. The safety of the community . Walking safety. Education Being amongst an educated population. College town atmosphere. College. Continuing education opportunities. Educated citizenry. Education & culture opportunities. Education & the arts. Education (MSU). Education cultural, community opportunities. Education of children. Education opportunities for adult & children. Education opportunities. Education opportunity. Education. Education. Education. Education. Education. Education. Education. Education. Education. Education. Education. Education. Educational & entertainment opportunities. Educational excellence of Bozeman schools & Montana state university . Educational opportumbes. Educational opportumbes. Educational opportumbes. 15 Educational opportunities. Elementary school foreign language. Good education. Good public education. Good public schools. Good schools. Good schools. Great education system (public). Great educational opportunities. Great public school education. Great schools. Incredible education opportunities. MSU & the integration of academia & students into our community. MSU. MSU. MSU. MSU - education_ Our excellent schools & university. Proximity to MSU. Public education_ Quality education for my lads. Quality of schools. School district. School system. School system /educational opportunities. Schools. Schools. Schools. Schools. The college. The education my children one getting. The schools are wonderful but the high school is much to small for the amount of students. The university. University and & quality of educational & cultural amenities available. University appeal. University education. University town, (culture, education, diverse). University. University. University. University. Business /economy A progressive business district. Access to vibrant Downtown area. Booming economy. Business opportunities Convenience to shopping. Dining. Diverse and thriving economy. Diversity of private businesses. Downtown (well kept, safe to walls). 16 Downtown area, vital. Downtown. Downtown. Economic health. Economic vibrancy. Economy is good. Economy. Economy. Few franchise stores. Good Downtown. Good places to eat. Great restaurants & community activities. Job opportunities (engineering). Job opportunities. Job /career availability. Job /family. Local businesses. Local, friendlybusinesses. No sales tax. Proximity to shopping necessities. Recognition of needs of all economic levels in terms of housing /employment. Restaurants. Shopping and dining experience. Shopping. Stable and supportive job. Stores, vibrant community. The charming Downtown. The economic stability of the area. The job market. The tech -based economic environment. The vibrant tech sector. Thriving economy. Variety of shopping, dining, entertainment & educational opportunities. Viable Downtown/Main St area. Vibrant down -town area. Vibrant Dmvirtown, sense of community. Vibrant ]kmwntown. Vibrant ]kmwntown. Vibrant ]kmwntown. Vital, walkable Downtown w/a mix of businesses including grocery & hardware stores. Work Proximity to amenities/services /community events A high level of cultural & educational opportunities. Access to economic & cultural parks though MSU. Access to healthy/local food. Access to quality, nutritious food. Access to the arts. Airport. All of the amenities. Alternative health options. Art /music options. 17 Availability of goods and services. Being close to services - hospital, drugs, stores, movies, Bx, schools. Bozeman Senior Center. Cancer research center. City sponsored events. City- sponsored and community- sponsored activities. Club mirng. Community activities. Community events; i.e. sweet pea, art walk, music on main. Community sponsored events. Cultural environment. Cultural events. Cultural opportunities. Cultural opportunities. Development of a regional cultural center. Ease of getting to shopping & doctors offices. Emergency services. Good access to goods & services. Good assortment of community centered /city events i.e. farmer market, music on main, Sk runs. Good health care. Great variety of both cultural and outdoor activities. Grocery shopping. Has everything a big city has. Health care facilities. Health clubs. Hospital and medical. In no particular order: cultural amenities. Library. Library. Medical centers. Most everything is within 5 -10 minutes by car & more distant recreational opportunities are within 30 minutes. Numerous amenities. Olympic size ming pool. Opportunities for seniors services close to home. Our availability to services such as health care, cultural events, educational, opportunities. Peace in life walk. Proximity of everything we need near our home. Public events. Public library . Seniorcenter. So many fun events, activities, educational opportunities. Social opportunities such as senior center. Streamline bus. Swim center. The arts and culture being so readily available. The cultural arts. The cultural arts. The cultural, entertainment & recreational opportunities here. The food. The library. The music and art scene here connects us and I love it. FU The number of social & cultural events in Bozeman. The symphony! Variety of cultural & educational events. Volunteer opportimAies. Other (It used to be) affordable rent. A some want affordable cost of living. Ability to walk, bike take public transportation. Accessibility. Accessible city council -good leadership. Affordability. Affordability/sustainability. Airport transportation. America. Appropriate impact fees etc. & planning for new development. At my age moving is to much work Availability of housing. Beautiful old part of town /university neighborhood. Being able to have chickens and other animals in towns. Bicycle friendly. Bike lanes. Bowman's unique personality. Building height restrictions, so you can see the mountains! Church. City government is good. Clear transparency in government (all divisions). Community focus on reducing environmental impact. Controlled urban growth. Cost of living. Cost of living. Cost of living. Dog friendly & multiple locations for off leash. Dog parks. Ease of accessibility. Ease of escaping congestion - nearby NF. Ease of getting around town. Ease of getting around. Ease of getting around. Ease of getting from one place to another, which is eroding. Ease of getting to campus. Ease of life. Ease of riding bikes to work, school, grocery, hardware. Ease of traffic. Ease of travel to/from Bozeman. Easier parking than Wrigleyvdle, Chicago but, during construction parking is very difficult here. Easy commutes. Emphasis on health/wellness of community members. Energy. Farms and ranches at citylimits. Few people tailgate (driving). Freedom to do things I want. 19 Freedom. Get from point A to point B usually in 20" or less. Good planning - arterial streets, parks, walldng/bike paths. Great dog parks & girls with yoga pants. GVLT. Health conscious & environmentally conscious communally Healthy lifestyle, safe & healthy place to raise children. Heritage. Higher minimum wage. Higher minimum wage. Historic preservation of family tradition. I liked it when it was smaller. I love my church. Implement. Increase in minimum wage. Involvement and friendliness of emergency services. It is small-but growing too quickly. It used to he dog friendly -but not anymore. Its "home ". Its vision for future -focus on future. Jesus. Lavish neighborhood. Leash free pet areas. Less development and sprawl (were losing this!) Local government city council, police, sheriff, victim service, courts in really care about the public and all people that live in Bozeman. Love of /responsibility for pets. Low cost of living. Low cost of living. Memories of raising my family in Bozeman. Modem /forward thinking of Bozeman. Montanans born, raised, & presently living hem. More affordable housing for low income family. More open LGBT laws and rights, & protection. Neighborhoods with safe travel controls!!! Nice buildings. Not much anymore, too much population growth & way too many subdivisions. Not so many rich or catering to them. Now the rich have taken over and are bad to those who cant afford their ways. Openness and tolerance of diversity of cultures/backgrounds and not out of state, wealthy, trust funds a -holes representing the tea party. Opportunity- Opportunity- Our health focused residents. Overall appearance- including architecture and setbacks and views. Overall focus on healthy environment. People clean up after then dogs. Place to live that is big enough for my son and I. Preserving the historical buildings and homesteads. Proximity to spouse's works. Public transport. Quality of residential areas. Road maintenance of streets & traffic control. 20 Space. Streamline. Tasteful development. The ability to be close to my family. The availability of locally grown food i.e. town & county. The people love living in Bozeman & Montana. Thoughtfulness. Traffic calming. Transportation. Transportation. Value placed on conservation. weather maybe colder would entice some to mom. Don't know /nothing N /A. What would you like Bozeman to be known for in the future? Welcoming community/community and family oriented • A beautiful, safe, and enriching place to live. • A city in Montana that's progressive, yet Montanan at its core. • A city that is open to all that reduced its need for cars. A friendly beautiful town with much to offer its residents & visitors. A friendly safe town in good schools and recreational opportunities. A good place to raise children with all the opportunities for a good education and a place to stay and work. A great college town. A great place to live & bring up children. A great place to live for everyone. (Don't want to see rude drivers, threat to safety.) A great place to live! A great place to live, work, and recreate. A great place to live- affordability. A great place to raise a child. A great place to raise a family and live! A great small to mid size town that is a terrific place to visit and live in. A nice place to have & raise a family. A place for all types of people to live and greatly prosper. • A place where all are welcome and open space is a priority. • A safe and fun place to raise a family. • Awelcoming, friendly community which is family oriented. Being neighborly and there for one another. People of all ages, ethnicity, & cultures are welcome (and religious belief). The view of the mountains are beautiful skies is awesome! • A well- educated, open minded populace. • Accepting community. • All of the above a great place to work, raise a family, quality housing (no more apartment building), in a quiet, friendly small town environment. • An accepting/welcoming community . • As a good place for young people to settle down. Not as one of the most expensive places (in terms of housing). • As a great place for a family to stay close & thrive. • Be more open to the LGBT community. • Beautiful city & Downtown, wonderful place to raise children. • Best city to live. 21 Building the most creative, confident, & kindest kids in the world. Catering to those who want to work bard to earn their right to live here. City leaders & population continue to be wise in decisions to protect and improve quality of life and the environment. Class and friendliness. Comfortable place to live - welcoming visitors. Community driven, outdoor oriented, education focused. community. community. Continuing high quality of life for everyone who chooses or needs to live here of offering something for all, not just those privileged by wealth or standing. Diversity & acceptance. Excellent quality of life. Family friendly opposed to dog friendly. Forward thinking, liberal & respecthd to all. Freedom to be who one is, live one's life open and love the person you wish in the open, have the rights as everyone bas, for everyone. Friendliness and reasonable prices, which we are not known for reasonable prices. Friendliness of people. Friendliness. Friendliness. Friendly and healthy place. Friendly, honest communications in business and community. Friendly /caring people. Fun place to live. Genuine people active in community & outdoors. Good place to live. Why? too's of new homes are being built should increase properly taxes. Yet my property taxes are going up ?? Good place to raise children. Great little town. Great place to live, work and play. Great place to raise a family. Great place to raise a family. Greatest town in Montana. Growth in quality of life as well as numbers. Happiest city on Earth. It's friendly, an eco-fiiendly, atmosphere with a western flair or character. Its friendly, outdoorsy feel. Keeping small & independent more diverse. Keeping the local vibe alive. Maintaining small town charm. Maintaining the small town atmosphere. Montana's last best place. More caring of everyone- especially the elderly. Neighborliness. Nice, friendly outgoing people. Our ability to contain growth for quality of life. We don t need urban sprawl just because everyone wants to live here. Maybe they need to live somewhere more affordable. Pm not living in Tiburon, CA I don t expect them to make a place for me there. Let's preserve some of our irreplaceable farmland, keep our spirit of multi- use, &tolerance in recreation and stop trying to control everyone's life with more regulation. We should be known as the community keeping Montana spirit alive. Overcoming socioeconomic prejudice to foster a stronger sense of community. pleasant, laid back, easily affordable place to live. 22 Progressive, safety, smart growth, good looking town! Quality being the best city . Quality of life, economic opportunity. Quality of life. Quality of life. Safe, healthy place for families. Safe, healthy, happy place to live. Sense of community. Small town atmosphere. Small town feel. Not losing zo parking spots every time a new building pops up. Cheap rent. Less aggressive parking enforcement. Small, mountain town feeling. The greatest city in Montana. The most livable place, high tech innovative economy. The value it places on education, arts and culture. The willingness to be friendly and welcoming to new residents and visitors of all SES. Top quality of life for active, healthy people in the nation. True concem for all it's citizens in order to sustain a diverse population of ages, income levels, beliefs. Vibrant, small town with quality affordable living. Welcoming and caring of the environment. Welcoming for everyone. Welcoming friendly. Welcoming to all. Well kept & maintained, welcoming city . Dog friendly but with more enforcement on owners that don t control their pets. I back up (Bridger Creek) to the trail where dog owners let their pet run through our backyard. Not good! Who ya gonna call?? Wonderful community to raise a family. Economy /smart growth /affordable A city that was able to grow without losing our excellent quality of life. A city who is fair or above fair with state of pay and benefits in older for the high cost of living. A city with forethought as to the consequences of rapid growth. A good place to live. A great but difficult place to live & work A leader in economic, educational, and recreational opportunities. A place for everyone to live well not just the wealthy. A place for those who want to make a lining hem. A place people can afford to live comfortably. A place that keeps pace but also preserves its uniqueness. How do we preserve the views of the mountains as new construction obscures those views? I don't want to drive down streets and feel like I am in "anywhere" America because of blocked views of mountains fields and streams. A small town that addressed growth from a design stand point. A town of affordable housing & a focus on agriculture. Accessible housing and diversity. Affordability for all people not just the r %'ers that there is affordable housing here. Affordability. Affordable housing, good schools. Affordable place to live. Affordable place to live. Affordable. Affordable. An affordable city. 23 An affordable place for lower income people to live. Lower income families can't afford $zoo,000 homes! Bozeman needs to minimi what it requires for entrylevel homes. The very people that cant afford to travel long distances, are being forced to live out of town. Public transportation (bus) should not be free! Nearly everyone can afford .5o or more per ride, big sky and Livingston rides should not be subsidized by tax payers! An affordable place to live and work. An affordable place to raise a family that is also beautiful, safe, vibrant, culturally rich. An affordable, vibrant city with ample outdoor recreation opportunities. Being able to maintain balance between a growing, vibrant Downtown area and providing access to our beautiful outdoor surroundings. Being willing to put a cap on growth in order to maintain the quality of life that people enjoy. Big city opportunities, small town communities. Bozeman is great already - let's be mindful of keeping it that way as growth continues to be a challenge for this beautiful city. Bozeman refused to become another ugly sprawling city. Controlling growth. Diversity-economic & ethnic. Economic opporhindy. Economic vibrancy and beauty. Finding the balance between economic vmlfam /standard of living & our beautiful outdoors. For smart growth: Preserve natural environment, ensure livable wages model community & affordable housing for all residents in order to preserve diversity . Good economic opportunities after college. Good jobs- hospitality - responsibility of residents. Good paying jobs for hard working people. Not another Jackson Hole or Aspen. A real Montana town. The city is being given away to the highest bidders with the lowest paying jobs. The companies more here for the cheap labor. Good planning to protect quality of life in face of rapid growth. Great place forjob /employment opportunities. Halt the growth before Bozeman is ruined. Halt the growth it is destroyed, top 3 things will decline. Handling this upcoming growth gracefully. High paying jobs. High quality designed built environment. Higher pay rates and lower rent. The cost of living and the willingness for the local owners to pay competitive rates is a joke. The older family's have a monopoly on their reach so they doi t pay or give raises to anyone. I would love to see some labor standards where people can get a raise in less then S years. Example? Wild West Shirt Company since moving here z r/z years ago I've been struggling to pay for rent and utilities. Almost worse then CA- Housing for the 99 %, better wages for the 99 %. Housing is to expensive, and its extremely difficult to move from Bozeman, so many are stuck here due to cost availability of moving opportunities. InGll growth, protect open space, safe streets. No cell phone enforcement. It's already honing into Bozangeles, but I would like it to be more affordable and actually dog friendly. It's impossible to rent with pets here & if the county wide leash law passes it will be devastating to those who enjoy biking, camping, fishing with their pets. Keeping itself small!! Limiting growth to preserve the beauty of this valley. Lower taxes smart growth. Maintaining size & community not over developing. Modem infrastructure, ahead of the state. More affordable housing. More diverse housing availability. Much less expansion & stop building on fertile land. 24 Newworld headquarters for Google. Not becoming like crowded Denver. Not encouraging as much growth. Not growing so big, and ruining the area. Not so difficult for refill approval and subdivision review. Not too big!!! Preserving open space while growing. Purposeful city planning with good design that preserves some open space & mountain views so were not completely over shadowed by luxury condominiums Downtown. Rampant growth needs to addressed. Responsible development with less environmental impact. Sensible building /population planning that corresponds to actual resources & infrastructure vs needs of businesses to generate new income. Slow growth- maintenance of existing neighborhoods. Small but successful technology community. Smart development. Smart growth. Smart planning -bike & walking trails into and around town -safe from vehicles. Stop growing the university! Strong economics, strong sense of community natural environment to raise confident healthy families. Sustaining infrastructure and opportunity to enable our children to continue living here. That an average family can live well here, not just higher income families. To he an affordable and friendly place to live. Vibrant downtown & a community whose voice is heard in local government. We faced the challenge of affordability directly & aggressively, and b/c of that kept a diverse, vital economy in a wonderful setting, avoiding becoming yet another precious mountain town for the wealthy & tourists. Well balanced with economic development /opportunity and the natural beauty and spaces the city is located within. Well- planned growth. Wise development, more affordable housing. Zoning & carefully planned growth to preserve the qualities that are drawing people to more here. (I have been here iS years...) Natural environment/outdoor opportunities • beautiful and peaceful small town that has fresh an and crystal clear views. • community with concern for the environment and more of a focus on diversity and affordable living/housing. A friendly, capable community in which middle class families can live. Affordable housing for economically disadvantaged people is important, too. The Story Mill area was a nice trailer park. If we really are serious about affordable housing, why not use the proposed Story Mill park land for affordable housing? Although I would like to see a beautiful park there, I would give it up if affordable housing were built there instead. • great place to live an active lifestyle. • leader in planning for and use of renewable energy sources that we designed to accommodate individual or neighborhood use. A place that supports its natural environment. All around beautiful, high quality living. An unobstructed mega trail system and open space in town. Beautiful setting, clean environment. Low taxes ist importance. Being green. Better biking routes/lanes. Choosing to protect the environment valley and integrity of the city over money and growth. Clean air. Clean environment. 25 Clean, architecturally designed, welcoming. Clean, safe, affordable community. Cleanliness. Connections to nature. Connectivity of local parks and trails linking to mountains (bike and hiking). Education & natural preservation. Environmentally conscious and more affordable. Environmentally sound ethics. Environmentally /socially conscious and keep it's small town feel! Great outdoor recreation opportmities, affordable housing & shopping. Health oriented, innovative planning (outdoor rec). Meet needs of range environmentally of people - affordable proactive: (not just wealthy) energy, water, trash. Healthy active supportive friendly community and residents. Intelligent energy- efficient low cost emissions, dark sky, city planning. Its beauty. It's bike path/trail networks to take anywhere in town right now they are poorly planned & disconnected. Its outdoor recreation and sustainability. Making the outdoors and wellness available to all, not just those who can afford to pay the high price to live in Bozeman. Mom access to the surrounding lands. Mountain view with affordable housing. Natural beauty with a cool town. Natural environment; family- friendly Natural open spaces & free recreational opportmities. Nature & recreational opportunities. Open spaces; friendliness in business, neighborhoods. Opporhrnfty for recreation. Outdoor enthusiast communities. Outdoor living with small town feeling. Outdoor recreation opportunities. Outdoor sports & quality environment. Outdoors. Outdoors /fitness. Preserving natural surroundings, & smart growth. Renewable energy!!! Stewardship of the natural environment. Sustainability. The Montana state university statement of "mountains & minds ", the environmental beauty of Bozeman and the emphasis of education and learning! The mountains, Bridger Bowl, vibrant Downtown, Montessori mecca. Other • city of light. • city that does not bend to every special interest item that comes up. A planned growth which utilizes cost effectiveness. • college town and tourism town! Abeautiful cultural center of Montana! • community that eliminates fluoride from city drinking water & implements a sunlight cleansing system. A community committed to going organic in all biological practices and stays focused on reducing negative environmental impact. A commonalty w/better employment opportunities. A great college town - youthful & financially sound. All of above. All of the above & mom other positives not in my realm. All of the above (1 -31) 26 All of the above! All of the above. All the above (17). Animal control, bike and pedestrian safety, affordable living. Anytivngbut Bozeangeles!! Becoming overpriced and the low lighting is ridiculous. Would like to see single family neighborhoods without a lot of rentals mixed in and covenants in neighborhoods enforced. No motor homes and abandoned cars on streets or boats over the winter. Side streets plowed and boulevards moved so Bozeman city property doesn't look dumpy and unkempt. Arts & culture & carefully planned growth. Become as well known as a cultural destination as we already are a outdoors & recreational destination. Being a safe, clean and prosperous place. Being more like "Montana" again. Best city in America. Best party school in the United States. Best place to live in the USA- Better drivers and less college parties. Better housing for seniors. Better traffic /transportation. Clean, safe, strong middle class, great place to raise a family. Consulting funs exist that optimize traffic flow using state of the art software. Please consult them. Dog friendly city, stop imposing dog laws that aren't & necessary & take away from the appeal of Bozeman. Ease of movement, traffic flow! Everyone matters if you make rook a year or r8k a year. We are all people and money doesn't matter how you get treated. Stop tearing down the great old homes & buildings to build a new one. Embrace the history and charm of old Bozeman as it goes into new Bozeman. There is a reason we have people of 8o -roo plus years for a reason. Slow down. Fewer public employees more conservative public officials lower taxes. Fiber optic internet. Good airport transportation (now there is virtually none). Get streamline out there from the mall/downtown/sub- Great schools, great jobs, happy people. I would like Bozeman to be known for being the most dog - friendly city in the state. Keep it a secret or will lose what we have because too many people. Keep it safe for the old people. Mom foods systems stores. Mom sidewalks. Not being another Colorado ski town. Not being Bozangeles. Not going for every new idea -some real some of difference and value of green space and landscaping. Not having people begging on street corners -it makes the entire town feel like an inner-eity slum. Not meddling government! Not the greatest place to live -keep our community small. Not the winter Olympics. Not a town unlike Jackson Hole or Aspen, which are overpriced resort towns with no sense of community. A great town /city with friendly people and affordable housing, great job opportunity. People should feel safe in beautiful Bozeman day & night. Public education. Safe & affordable place to live & good jobs. Safe and clean community. Safety and beautiful environment. Safety and quality of life. Safety. Same things as above. Successful school system/best school in state. 27 To not be'tmown" too much "Bozangeles ". Turning the tide against the PC crowd as represented by Carson Taylor. Use tax dollars responsibly. Viable cor munity.r. Need leash law & less off leash parks! I have grandchild allergic to dogs so cant go to many parks.z. Also too many dogs at outdoor events, parades, etc. Wide good streets, better housing. Wonderful place to retire! World-class education and access to nature. Would love to see a big push to enforce cell phone use while driving!!! Would prefer Bozeman to be unknown. Your inability to enforce the leash law is a huge problem. I am tired of being attacked by neighbor's dogs that are "friendly" and "trained" so don't need collar or leash. does a great disservice to otherwise friendly and helpful state employees. Don't know /nothing N /A. Nothing. K-4