HomeMy WebLinkAbout16- Red Tractor Pizza Approval for On-Premise Consumption of Alcohol ..y T -�y +wry�x� iy T9�:,5 �1F�� • :'?":��? �'I,lVi tal"I i+li�J" " '+ 'il�'I,1.V. ::i'3L�- ,. 51 � A l +�ALMSE 1��r�kAY�1�..A.PL.lk��':S.l:l+.:+:l��l liltel'-cbfCloa t3�riein�lL ta: : City of Romnan C)fficc of the City cloilt P.Q.Box:1230 lti D"I'RA,.CTOR PIZZA C'ON DI IO 17 OF APPROVAL FOR ON PRII LN'IISE..U!'iE TT'4iPTTO O ALCO1. i0Ji_, 444.�.iLRiPaL41.:JA7�1{3.}��:i'34' V �ir� 1�7V�+5A,i�`YT:� _ y��'F�,[' N1li�IL'1 '�.41'IC.�F-'Ji a WHEREAS,tiao undtv,.ig)ied }}lopcity wwner a,.Aa5kMedges the reccipt of N C011ditialial ra Us4; Pc;tui.(. ixi ,l'_llovi die. gates of alcohol. QiT MA; J)Jednisc Consumption in 11m Red 'lvactor pixr_v tenant space addreswd ai.y I fW-53 West Main Strec(,Doa.,vtlail,lwlontana;and o- NN'11X13'JlUPAS. the lazes to bc'.lui:t ted ern pro oily that is ,k g illy deRcribed .as Lots "r'7, Tel{a k °l o 4St,Atibr0uC Addition, SjtitAcd 1TL Lbe Nu11Ca5t 0JjC-QLMr1UT of.9ection. 12, Tb- mt-ip , � al~ 4 f .{U[l , 1 rtrnt; iL(Soil t { �7 l4 {��'TIRR �S, the {�.Cnditi-all.01. �16 }e-rillit 1s cowifi'rbmcd vlr[- i l tl a City 1:)f D[ zt,.t i-, f i tr�rzaea of�_'�nbmunit�r l eve-1r�Uni�r)Vs TL7�1i11� application 15508,t�tx�l W14 Ir.UPAS, the Condi[i01.9 k 1j,,e vvmit is xquired fur urn-p+ consuraption of alcol� .j (bour, sand� ine) in the J3� xotAng(C`S,Trlrnainity t3tlsiitessl�istrict);and v !; WHEREAS f131: C.-Un iti.m al Use Pcmiil uppll4mloo IS Subject to the followiq., yotidhions ofal}131oyal, may:±i ;: :.•:. :. .. . ";= I 7;:�A COPY 0£11. (��li:`R���ii�lt~ D6pu�maut lcci}ail�til lizc�� �cll't11� ��tablislut�tnt slirail tc a�=! ;l�bsTli(itr9 t_..)..tile 1}epa��tment o "Cur gair.,i . De�►el€paiegi: prier to`tlic' a,l6 ul'alce,110Ii.J C=i lyeve raps. 2, nip applicanE iq rdviwd that. llmnot -oodo livivisionS, or code pro- isio"S th"t wr. r101 M©N_' :sp cifirYall}� lislw },y w6ditiCrllS Of BPPTQ�FUI, (TOCS zlut, iIa 0Y way, cre pe a w-niva 0l- (p �_ c>ih*tw�-ek Lx,-iti[)11 oftivv LaNvhll rcgiiircnteTlt.-;aFLI'ia Bo n an llll e pal.:c�dc�r�r atilt law. ~02 I 'Tho riglil to,erve alwhol to patrons is rrr.%ws..LH are rding to the provisiolis in W ik-a•tl wl Mr o� I lanic1Pt11 Code ;;eetil its -I&I9.11DLI and. .38. ,l tl kla; d on sybstalltial Eumphtial, Ln 0) fi-oun thv. „ibllc 6r i'tir m tile: Police tac�gtmobt:ru ur li n k�i bl ati c ns of,the Cit Of N bra b L . I:` $ i y ate—, Pen 2100tial. 1 ta n..er:., mirioT in...PoSS-iscion ot a1w.-:ol. or"Any otlicr [tg iii� }�l I � 1^e �rd's g-cc+�ast� nl}tin�i i,-idlorp oomm on ofukuhul. Feb.05.2016 03:36 PM MATTHIESEN 406 926 6777 PAGE. 1/ 2 ,C( NDYFJONS OVAPP,ROVAL FOR A CONDI`>"IONAL.LIS),PERNIIT.APPLICATION 4. Any expansion of this use or Facility is not permitted unless reviewed and approved as required under the applicable regulations of the Bozeman Municipal Code. 5. The applicant shall submit a written narrative outlining how each of the conditions of approval and code provisions has been satisfied with the final plan application. 6, The,red tractor shall be removed,from the site or relocated inside the building. 7. Pursuant to Section 40.02.750, BMC an inspection of the water service to determine whether the water service has backflow protection and if such protection installed is appropriate for the level of use for the facility, If the service has been found without backflow protection or cxi%ting device does not provide adequate protection all adequate protection system determined by the Water/Sewer Superintendent shall be installed prior to final plan approval. 8. If not already existing, a grease interceptor conforming to the latest adoptgd edition of the t_rniform Plumbing Code shall be installed with any development responsible for food preparation. In accordance with Municipal Code, on-site maintenance and interceptor service records shall be kept on a regular basis mid made available to the City upon request. 9. ,Any existing sidewalk panels that are damaged and adjacent to the property must be replaced. 10. All construction activities shall include routine cleaning/sweeping of material that is dragged to adjacent streets. The City may require a guarantee ,at any time during construction to ensure any damages or cleaning that are required are complete. The developer shall be responsible to reimburse the City for all costs associated with the work if it becomes necessary for the City to correct any problems that are identifidd. 11. The parking lot wheel stops shall be aligned with the angled parkin;stalls and adequately secured to eliminate potential parking conflicts with pedestrians on the adjacent sidewalk. CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAN CORRECTIONS A. Section 38.26.050.E BMC requires one largo canopy tree for each 50 feet of'total street frontage..Tile final plan..shall provide,the required number of street trees deceptable fOr planting un.der utility lines as noted in the City of Bozeman Street Tree Guide. Based _ _._ Ire projert's s`ti�cyet ftiriitage one tree shall-G& t'te(I-oit'West'Main Street and tiva trees on North 10"'Avenue B. Section 38.26.070 BMC requires installation and Subsequent maintenance of street trees within the public xight-of-way boulevard strips adjacent to private property, and, providing for irrigation, in compliance with Section 38.26.050.E.l. Final plait shall indicate h-rigation plan. C. Section BMC requires ADA accessible parking spaces and for each required disabled space there shall also be accompanied by a sign stating, `°Permit Required $100.00 line".Provide trvo ADA accessible spaces. The first AD A accessible stall shall have tin aisle eightfeet wide and shall be signed"van accessible". RE-5 TRACTOR CURZONING APPLICATION JX5 68 :PAGE-:2 Or,5. '= L40A M Section:9,215,(740,.4.5 BNSC. requires bi-vi is parking for the projcct.t}nd es-La dishes this, retluirentents lair id bic 'c Ee i rkikg. Bicyolo racics have not be urt Sltt?1 11.Oft tide plans ill cord sl%tin..cr,twith this.5eisti lY. Bicyck.parkin►g akaft be pa oiWer4 iUask. .ti..1;1V(t ..requires ki hike rack de Mil shall hc: prUaidtxl with.the. final �il�t¢r iii. ccrltolxxitinc►. with t17G CAjv's �l'rsUnsl?car4A()E, Plan. �'!'�xOVC. a detaff Of di hikes lr1G tt4ert compfu�s wi0l.the aliproved hike rack fjypes. F. secflon 3+ . 1:. 1 0_1-' T3MC requires ;ill lntr..ly;,atiictil Oquilirrtenit to be scacc:lyc:cl,` RoDflop co shall he incorpordtcxi inio [lie jw.f form or scrukawd ni Fire enclosUrc kind ground ntaurltc ci [dill .inert shatl be seac;on,-.0 4viIli W IK fetloin� Or Pi;I rrr:}itirials. :lit raqftop Shall be iuc ritnraled ivo tl?e. roof ftlrm ve sere e-ned in an vj)proi ed rooftop enc'lovure . Swc:lioz�. 3R?3.1 il.�i ti14�C=r,:ct4�ires stirrage of garbagc, rcfiisu, }mil Offiej'NUStc nitit'Wi,s1s tc,:i a-.:pro idol for r,:'ety use,.and thy. locuticm ,, L11 Eye,3110 '�m oilsitu pltz3zi. ��rey>�re�e the correct allej,locatiren 1) the AgjUSV CPTiIfXTn�?►'�p,*� f����+�tl#'fJ��flt. Wflh'AVASA tiro d,orditional. Usc Vomit applicatlon !-- sub cin.t.0 all provrsious of the Bozenitn Mtufirip;iJ {.:side includiti� the,provislcns listed below; H. 1.3ortion 39_19.110Y l3IAC shift,% tliut the right to a conditicinal u perrnit shrill bc. cuixiingent upon the fulfillnitrxt (if all general rind sp:.c'..i:al cojiditions itnpo,cxl by the. Cowli.timial Use Permit proc:wdurc. All special conditivris strut etch twovisions .shr,.ill constitute restrictions runnixigv itli the land, s1-.kg13 br,binding upon rho. ownca (if1tie.lajtcl: his suck:-►•.slurs or assigns, sliall bu c.unseiited to in vrriting by (-lie, cxlililicant pricer ku coxxim,mc crrienL cat'the iise: uid 51 ail be recoided as such Witlt 1bj0 [WILL. ire GouncY Calcd: ,md R.,,vi ixle.es Office by the: ptopeny wxner prior to ftiu final site plan appi vti ail ur 0pllnnuencerrLealt of the use, rill of Ire conditions and code: l�xc��ri.ions h'1ieciPic:ri.Iy statq.d under ,any conditiontil tme lisied M tbis title slimll apply and be adhered to by the:vwn.er of 11io lawl,sue c*es-in r oe asstgens. 1, Scalinn 31i.19.110.I.BMC Tim(titiationij lteNwation of Conditional 1) Permit apj.viD al; 1. (:01iditional un5e permits ere apfmvvd bused on a.ti a�'tlysls Of. CUrrcnt INM-1l 4'ircurt].ci inec5 and rcgtj1u1(kty iegLdliri nclits. Oval' lit-no 0100 a tltini[s 111ay Clanv wtcl ie titia Itidy no low cr k ttppr��&1cfire'to a loeEriail,` 111Oiiilali.c�ra?iT rl�e permit 1;rill bc considorcd os Wrenn avid of no furtbor c mect i E a. after have ig bccn vultiroenced,the akaprovcd us;; is nut..o.i vely conduct-cd On thlo.yiJ�For FL period of two c:oadmuotim cule11 r}ears, h. Final zoning tipprov al if) reuse the properh, for tinulhew Principal or conditional t3b,.:is gnmted; c_ The use or do vulopinovi.- eFf the site is not begun %vithiin tba Hine- liiiiiti; of tile fijlal site pjan aplx:ovral in Stalinn 39.19.130, T3MC t coin iti�tnal use vvhick has terfaitWed may lye. reestablishcd on a site by 611 r, the 1.' r' 4id approval of ct nv. t'citi�l.ttlo9inl Lase petit. application, or a dtwmriirititit�it by the Plaliiiino Director that tlic local eiN,iirjstanc s and regulatory rctluircanonho- and csscnlitilly Rio sx ne as at Elie tlm-.of Llic orisaiwal xippT.xiva.1_ A clenial ofrenv al by tho "It7l{ �l'li1Utt`i3 ' 11hiE >'R:TI+ i�tl t{ i': 4i$ 1�c1[ I.sr �, . .. Feb. 05.2016 03:38 PM MATTHIESEN 406 826 6777 PAGE. 2/ 2 CONDITIONS.7NS OPAPPROVAL FOR A CONDIT1.0NAL jJ8E:P8RIVIIT-APPLICATIOrI Plaiming Director may not be appealed. If the Planning Director determines that the conditional use permit may be renewed on a site then any conditions of approval of the original conditional use permit are also renewed. If activity begins for which a conditional use permit has been ,given natal approval, all activities must comply with any conditions of approval or code requirements. Should there be a failure to maintain compliance the City may revolte the approval through the procedures outlined in Section 38,34.160, BMC. ICED TRACTOR CUP ZONING APPLICATION 15508 PAOE�4.-OP.S v 1 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY KNOWN, that the above-noted conditions of approval and code provisions for the Conditional Use Permit shall be binding upon the undersigned owner of the subject property, and successors or assigns, as long as the sales of alcohol for on-premise consumption occurs as conditioned and does not cease for any reason for more than 90 days pursuant to Section 38.32.1010.1), BMC at 1005 West Main Street. DATED THIS 5Tin DAY OF Q CJ)11G1 r�\ JIQ ,201S. PROPERTY OWNER +S* ture #�_ Anted Name and Capacity STATE OF } ysftlY'sS) Count of On this S-01(day of FWyva , 2015, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of 0 �- , pers ally appeared KaUSly, I- anni.'m 04A i,Pkk- known to me to be the property owner that executed the within instrument. 1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day and year first above written. (Se a�o,RxgSFZ C M LARSEN (Printed Name Here) NOTARY PUBLIC for the * SEAL State of Montana Notary Public for the State of Residing at Plains,Montana sr9?F0�ub tpaP MY March Commission in25, B lres Residing at My Commissio xpires: (Use 4 digit or expiration year) I I I 3 i i 3 i 3 RED TRACTOR CUP ZONING APPLICATION 15508 PAGE 5 OF 5 I' a