HomeMy WebLinkAboutPerennial Bid Purchase Agreement BID PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made this j4, day of �` ,2015,by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN,a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Montana, 121 North Rouse Ave.,Montana 59715,hereinafter referred to as"City,"and Perennial Energy LLC, with a mailing address of 1375 County Road 8690, West Plains, Missouri 65775, hereinafter referred to as("Seller"). In consideration of the mutual promises and agreements hereinafter contained, the parties agree as follows: PROPERTY PURCHASED: Seller agrees to sell and City agrees to purchase the property requested and described in the Bid Specifications for a Gas Processing Skid and Flare Assembly from the Seller all of which is incorporated into this Purchase Agreement by this reference.By accepting this Purchase Agreement, Seller hereby agrees that the sale,use,or incorporation into manufactured products of all machines, software,hardware, materials and other devices furnished under this Purchase Agreement which are not of the Seller's design, composition, or manufacture shall be free and clear of ` infringement of any valid patent,copyright,or trademark. Seller shall hold the City harmless from any and all costs and expenses, including attorney fees, liability, and loss of any kind growing out of claims, suits,or actions alleging such infringement, and Seller agrees to defend such claims, suits, or actions. The property being purchased ("Property")consists of one Gas Processing Skid and Flare Assembly TOTAL PRICE (including shipping): $292,750.00 SPECIFICATIONS: The Seller agrees that all material and workmanship in and upon this Property complies with Addenda A and B as accepted by the City. Unless otherwise agreed to by the City, the items listed in Addendum A of this agreement, govern in the event of inconsistencies with the Seller's response to the same. PRICE: The City agrees to pay $292,750.00 Two hundred ninety two thousand seven hundred 9 and fifty dollars and no cents as the purchase price. All prices include any applicable local, state or federal taxes that may be applied to the Property to be purchased. This price is firm and not subject to escalation unless agreed to in writing by the City. 1 DELIVERY AND PAYMENT: Time is of the essence in the performance of this Purchase Agreement. Seller assumes full responsibility for all transportation, transportation scheduling, packing,handling,insurance, and other served associated with delivery of the Property. Seller agrees to delivery to the City in a full operational status and all accessories properly Y p p P Y installed no later than 18 weeks following approval of submittals.Delivery will occur at the Bozeman f Landfill located at 2143 Story Mill Road, Bozeman, MT 59715, or at a place otherwise selected by City. If delivery of the Property and/or performance of services required under this Purchase Agreement cannot be made Seller shall promptly notify the City of the earliest possible date for j delivery or performance. Notwithstanding such notice, if Seller for any reason fails to deliver the Property or perform required services within the time specific or to the City's satisfaction the City 1 JI 3 �i may terminate this Purchase Agreement or any pail therefore without liability except for good or services previously provided and accepted. The City's receipt or acceptance of any part of a.non- conforming delivery or service shall not constitute a waiver of any claim, right or remedy the City has under this Purchase Agreement or applicable law. Upon delivery and for a reasonable period thereafter,City has the right to inspect the Property to ensure that it meets Specifications as modified by Seller's responses which have been accepted by City. If the Property meets the Specifications, City shall tender the purchase price stated above to Seller through the City's normal claim process. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, payment terms shall be net thirty(30) days from the date of receipt of invoice or acceptance and delivery of goods and services by the City, whichever occurs last. Invoices will be made by the seller for 10%of the purchase price at the time of the order, 30% of the purchase price on approval of submittals, 55%of the purchase price on shipment and 5% on successful startup. Payment will be made to Seller at the address previously stated unless Seller provides a different address in writing. Invoices must be mailed to City of Bozeman, Attn: Rick Hixson at P.O.Box 1230,Bozeman,MT 59711-1230. NONDISCRIMINATION: Seller will not discriminate in the performance of this Agreement on the basis of race,color,religion,creed,sex,age,marital status,national origin,or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation,gender identity or disability and shall ensure this provision applies to all subcontracts let by the Seller in fulfillment of this Purchase Agreement. DEFAULT/ TERMINATION/ REMEDIES: In the event of Seller's breach of this Purchase Agreement, including if Seller fails to deliver the Property as set forth herein or fails to meet City's Specifications, City may, at its option, take any or all of the following actions without prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to the City by law: (i) declare the Seller in default and immediately cancel and rescind this Purchase Agreement; (ii)require Seller to repair or replace any equipment or materials used in the Property, and upon Seller's failure or refusal to do so, repair or replace the same at Seller's expense; (iii)reject any material or equipment included in the Property containing defective or nonconforming equipment or material and return for credit or replacement at Seller's option;or(iv)cancel any outstanding deliveries and treat such breach by Seller as Seller's repudiation of this Purchase Agreement.Thereafter,City may procure substitute property to replace the Property described herein. In such event, Seller is liable to City for the difference between the price set forth herein and the price paid by City for the replacement property. Additionally,the City may pursue any other remedy it has at law or in equity. In the event of the City's breach hereunder, Seller's exclusive remedy shall be Seller's recovery of the material or equipment or of the Purchase Price or portion of the Purchase Price payable for equipment and material delivered to the City prior to such breach. CHANGE ORDERS: The City shall have the right to revoke, amend, or modify this Purchase Agreement or the equipment or material included in the Quotation at any time. Seller's receipt of City's written change order without response received by the City within 10 (ten) business days or Seller's shipment or other performance reflecting the change, whichever occurs first, shall be Seller's acceptance of the change without any price or other adjustment. WARRANTY: THE SELLER SHALL WARRANTY THE PROPERTY INCLUDING ALL COMPONENT PARTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH WARRANTY SPECIFICS LISTED IN SPECIFICATION SECTION 12600 AND SHALL ASSIGN TO THE CITY ALL WARRANTIES FOR ALL COMPONENT PARTS OF THE PROPERTY NOT WARRANTIED BY SELLER.IN ADDITION,THE SELLER AGREES THE PROPERTY IS COVERED BY IMPLIED WARRANTIES FOR MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR THE PARTICULAR PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT HAS BEEN PURCHASED. IN ADDITION TO ANY OTHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED IN WRITING, SELLER ALSO WARRANTS THAT ALL EQUIPMENT DELIVERED HEREUNDER WILL BE NEW, SUITABLE FOR USE AS DESCRIBED, OF THE GRADE AND QUALITY SPECIFIED, FREE FROM ALL DEFECTS IN DESIGN, MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP; IN CONFORMITY WITH ALL SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED; IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE I FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS AND FREE FROM ANY LIENS AND ENCUMBRANCES. THESE WARRANTIES SHALL NOT BE DEEMED TO EXCLUDE SELLER'S STANDARD WARRANTIES OR OTHER RIGHTS OR WARRANTIES WHICH THE CITY MAY HAVE OR OBTAIN. I INSURANCE/INDEMNIFICATION: The Seller shall insure the Property for a minimum of the purchase price against all damages during the delivery period per the Specifications. In addition to and independent from the above,during the delivery period Seiler shall defend,indemnify,and hold the City, its officers, employees, and agents harmless against claims, demands, suits, damages, losses, and expenses connected therewith that may be asserted or claimed against, recovered from or suffered by the City by reason of any injury or loss, including but not limited to,personal injury, including bodily injury or death, property damage occasioned by, growing out of, or in any way a arising or resulting from any intentional or negligent act on the part of Seller, it's agents or �) employees. This provision shall survive delivery and acceptance by the city of the Property, ASSIGNMENT: Seller may not delegate, subcontract, or assign any duties and services or assign any rights or claims under this Purchase Agreement without the express written consent of City. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement, including its appendices, if any, embodies the entire understanding between the parties relating to the subject matter contained herein. No agent or l representative of either party has authority to make any representations, statements, warranties or agreements not herein expressed and all modifications or amendments of this Agreement,including the appendices,must be in writing and signed by an authorized representative of each of the parties hereto. APPLICABILITY: This Agreement and any extensions hereof shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana, venue shall be in the Eighteen Judicial District, y Gallatin County Montana, and the same is binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns. j i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized representatives the day and year first above written. f CITY OF BOZFMAN SELLER BY��' Date: Chris A.Kukulski, City Manager ^ Print Name: Print Title: APPROVED AS TO FORM: By Greg Sullivan,City Attorney I i Attaclnnent A Specification Section 12600 y I� t e 11 i i i 8 SECTION 12600 GAS PROCESSING SKID AND FLARE ASSEMBLY PART 1 -GENERAL 1.01 REQUIREMENTS INCLUDED This section covers the requirements for procurement, installation, and start-up of the Story Mill Road Landfill Gas Processing Skid and Flare Assembly. The accompanying contract drawings, including the Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) for the Flare Station,provide additional information regarding the components that are required to be included as part of this pre-packaged assembly. The entire assemblies shall be pre- assembled and skid mounted,with final connection of components by the Others. The Flare Assembly shall be constructed and perform in accordance with the f 11 requirements herein,and as indicated on the contract drawings. For the Story Mill Road Landfill,the assembly consists of a ground flare(rated at 6MM BTU/Hr), and its associated equipment and controls which shall be mounted on their own skid,as shown on the Contract Drawings. It is the manufacturer's responsibility to furnish a flare that is capable of processing the required flow of LFG with a methane concentration range from 20 to 50 percent and soil vapor extraction(SVE) gas as makeup air. It is also the responsibility of the manufacturer to meet all the flare performance and emissions requirements as indicated on the Flare Performance Envelope(Appendix B of these specifications). The flare manufacturer shall guarantee in writing that the performance and emission requirements will be met.Emissions from flare shall not exceed they following: Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)-0.06lb/MM BTU measured as NO2, Carbon Monoxide(CO) -0.20 lb/MM BTU. Each blare Station shall include,but not be limited to, the following components: ,f Is A. The Flare System consisting of: j a. Flare stack b. Burner unit rated at 0.6 MM to 6 MM BTU per hour of LFG and SVE gas; c. Soil vapor gas flow of 500 scfm d. Flame arrester f e. Pneumatically actuated main gas valve (shut down valve, SDV), with a spring loaded,fail close feature f. Interconnecting stainless steel piping j g. Internal electrical wiring h. Instrumentation and control devices -i. Main control panel j. Sampling ports for both inlet and outlet gases k. Supplemental fuel system port to operate flare at minimum operation 1. Pilot gas(propane)Ignition System including bottle and spare 12600-1 B. Gas and Soil Vapor Processing System: a. Gear operated main gas inlet butterfly valves as shown on P&ID b. Isolation valves c. Fuel filter/condensate knock out vessel (s) d. Two centrifugal blowers (one for LFG and one for SVE gas) e. All required meters,gauges,and safety devices necessary to monitor,operate and maintain the system. Vacuum gauges shall be capsuhelic type only. f. Stainless steel or approved equal,piping g. Flow monitoring and recording system operating simultaneously with flare exhaust temperature monitoring and recording system h. 1"diameter sampling ports and plugs for pitot tube flow measuring. C. Control System: a. Enclosures, cabinets,and junction boxes b. Control,recording and annunciation devices c. Interconnecting conduit(rigid fittings and flexible conduit)and wiring d. Alarm system auto dialer for the flare station assembly �! e. Panel air conditioner f. Two Variable frequency drives, one for each blower g. Motor Control Cabinet h. Surge suppressor for 120v circuit i D. All component items of equipment shall be the product of a manufacturer experienced in the design, construction,and operation of equipment for the purpose required. The manufacturer shall have an established record of I successfully operating such equipment it has manufactured or produced. i E. The manufacturer shall furnish the flare system, gas processing system,and control system,all piping,valves,fittings, supports,controls and accessories, as shown on the Contract Drawings,to obtain a complete and operable gas flaring system. The contractor shall install the gas processing skid and flare assembly. F. All electrical design of required electrical components (i.e.,conduits, control panels),shall be the responsibility of the manufacturer. G. All equipment shall be designed, fabricated and assembled in accordance with the i best modern engineering and shop practice. Individual parts shall be manufactured to standard sizes and gauges so that repair parts,furnished at any time, can be installed in the field. Equipment shall not have been in service at any time prior to delivery,except as required by factory testing. j H. All mechanisms and parts of the flare assembly shall be engineered to withstand the stresses which may occur during operation or for any other stresses which may occur during fabrication,transportation, installation,operation, seismic and weather events. 12600-2 1. Equipment shall include all production line improvements made by the delivery or contract date. All equipment shall comply with applicable requirements of the standards of AISC,AGA,ASME,AWS,NFPA, and UL as of the bid submittal date. The equipment shall be furnished factory assembled to the extent possible and ready for installation. J. The flare and all appurtenances shall comply with the requirements of the International Building Code(IBC). The flare and all appurtenances shall be designed to withstand lateral forces for Seismic Design Category D and a minimum basic wind speed of 100 miles per hour. Mechanical and electrical equipment,and their supports and connections, shall be designed to prevent sliding and overturning. Brackets and anchors shall be of ductile material so that they can absorb energy and continue to carry the load. K. A permanent nameplate shall be attached to the flare assembly in a conspicuous place. The following information shall be plainly marked on the nameplate: name and address of the manufacturer,model number, serial number, date of manufacture,and any other information necessary for complete identification. L. The manufacturer shall pay all royalty and license fees for the flare,unless otherwise specified. The manufacturer shall defend all suits or claims for the infringement of any patent rights,and shall hold the City harmless from loss on account thereof. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: The manufacturer shall provide submittal drawings(e.g., Mechanical,Electrical,and Structural),and receive written approval of the drawing submittal,prior to commencement of manufacturing. Drawings shall include all pertinent data.necessary for complete construction and assembly including equipment dimensions, component parts, list of materials,installation and mounting details,electrical wiring diagram and details, and control panel front view. i B. If the proposed equipment requires an arrangement differing from that indicated on the Drawings and as specified,the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for preparing and submitting for review detailed structural,mechanical,electrical and P&ID drawings,equipment lists,materials of construction, operating instructions, and written explanation for the new arrangement, showing all the necessary changes and all special features of proposed equipment. The CONTRACTOR shall make such changes, if approved by the ENGINEER,at no additional cost to the City. C. Materials List: The manufacturer shall submit three(3) copiescomplete of a list of all materials and equipment proposed to be furnished and installed under this portion of the work, giving the manufacturer's name,catalog number, and catalog cut for each item. i �I 12600-3 D. Manufacturer's Recommendations: Accompanying the materials list,submit three (3)copies of the manufacturer's current recommended method of installation for materials provided. a. Equipment supplier's written report certifying that equipment(blowers,flare, motors,etc.): b. Has been properly installed and connected. c. Is in accurate alignment. d. Is free from undue stress imposed by piping or mounting bolts. E. The flare manufacture shall provide blower performance curves showing blower operation with design composition for LFG and an elevation of 4,900 ft above mean sea level,over the entire range of operation. 1.03 WARRANTY OF WORK i A. All equipment, materials, and articles incorporated in the Work covered shall be new and subject to review and acceptance by the OWNER unless otherwise specifically provided for in the Specifications. i B. Where equipment,materials, and or articles are referred to in the Specifications or I Drawings as"or equivalent",or"equal to",or"approved equal to",the ENGINEER shall decide the question of equality. C. The CONTRACTOR shall guarantee the work against defective materials or workmanship for a minimum period of one (1) year from the date of its final acceptance under this Contract, except where longer warranty periods are specifically stated by the manufacturer of individual components. D. Warranties for all equipment provided under this specification shall be assigned to the OWNER. Equipment warranties shall include one year(from date the equipment is first put into service) of repair of all equipment including but not limited to: blowers,electric motors, level sensors,electronic components, and air conditioners. These warranties shall be inclusive of all costs such as shipping, labor,per diem and taxes. E. It is the CONTRACTOR's ultimate responsibility to deliver, at the time of final acceptance, a complete project that complies with these Specifications and Drawings.All items shall be 100%complete and ready to operate. F. During the warranty period, should the CONTRACTOR fail to remedy defective material or workmanship, or to make the replacements within five (5) days after written notice by the OWNER or ENGINEER, it is agreed that the OWNER may make such repairs and replacements at 1.5 times the actual cost of the required labor, and materials shall be chargeable to and payable by the CONTRACTOR G. In the event it is necessary for the OWNER to file suit to enforce any liability of the CONTRACTOR pursuant to this article, Control of Work, the OWNER shall be entitled to recover, from the CONTRACTOR, in addition to all other amounts f 12600-4 J 0 found due and owing, costs of suit and reasonable expenses and fees, including reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the OWNER in successful enforcing the CONTRACTOR's obligations, all to be taxed as costs and included in any judgment rendered. H. The warranty provided herein shall not be in lieu of, but shall be in addition to any warranty or other obligations otherwise imposed by law. The remedies provided herein shall not be exclusive and the OWNER shall be entitled to any and all remedies provided by law. PART 2-MATERIALS The Flare Assembly shall utilize modular systems, including all components for a complete and operational system. The Flare Assembly shall be pre-piped and pre-wired to the extent possible, requiring minimal field assembly. The Flare Assembly shall include,but not be limited to the G following equipment: 9 2.01 GAS HANDLING SYSTEM A. The systems shall be pre-fabricated with identical blowers completely installed with all pipes,fittings,valves and electrical connections. Blower operation shall be accomplished by a selector switch located on the control panel and interlocked. B. A flow meter/computer with compensation for temperature and pressure calibrated for a typical landfill gas composition shall be included. The gas flow shall be displayed and recorded in the control panel in SCFM. Location of the j} 'flow element is shown on the Construction Drawings. The flow meter and computer will be installed in a NEMA 3R enclosure as shown on the Construction Drawings. The flow meter shall be a Veris Verabar, or approved equal. C. A stainless steel flow tube shall be included on the gas processing skid upstream of the flare. The flow tube shall include either flow straightening veins or a straight uninterrupted pipe a minimum of 10 diameters upstream and 5 pipe diameters downstream of the sampling ports,or as required to assure uninterrupted flow per the manufacturer's instructions. The flow tube will include a sampling ports for the installation of the flow meter as well as a 1" k threaded port for manual flow measurement. i 2.02 GAS BLOWERS A. The blowers shall be equipped to operate outdoors and have a stainless steel nameplate which includes capacity and pressure,maximum RPM,direction of rotation,and manufacturer's name and model number. B. The blower shall be a 4-stage centrifugal unit with a 20 HP,TEFC,480 VAC, 3- phase electric motor,and capable of providing a differential pressure of at least 12b00-5 i 50-inches W.C. Each blower shall be capable of inducing up to 65-inches W.C. vacuum and 20-inch W.C.positive discharge pressure(corrected for LFG specific gravity,temperature, and altitude),as manufactured by Houston Service Industries, Inc., Model 50103,four stage,or approved equal. The blowers shall be factory assembled with direct drive capable of operating within a range of 35 SCFM to 500 SCFM. The motor shall be 480 VAC,3 phase, 60Hz,with a service factor of 1.15 -TEFC Inverter Duty motors, rated for use with variable frequency drives (VFD),and shall comply with the requirements of Subsection 2.03 ELECTRIC MOTORS. A VFD shall be included with each motor. C. The blowers shall be designed and manufactured for LFG service, which can be acidic. Proper internal coating shall be applied. D. The blowers shall be spark proof. i E. The blowers shall be equipped with shaft seals such that no contact is made between shaft, motor,and the housing other than through the bearings, such as double carbon ring bearings or approved equal. Bearings shall be 100%flooded oil type or approved equal. F. The impeller shall be precision balanced to minimize vibrations.. G. The blowers shall be installed with vibration sensors with both programmable alarm and shut down capabilities 4, H. The blowers shall be mounted on vibration isolation pads,and provided with flexible connectors on both the inlet and the outlet of the blower. 1. The systems shall be pre-fabricated with identical blowers completely installed with all pipes,fittings,valves and electrical connections. Blower operation shall be accomplished by a selector switch located on the control panel and interlocked. ? The interlock for the flare shall only allow one blower to operate at a time. 'i 2.03 ELECTRIC MOTORS Ij A. Motors shall be squirrel cage induction motors designed and applied in compliance U with NEMA,USASI, IEEE,ASA C50,and AFBMA standards and with the NEC for it the specific duty imposed by the driven equipment. B. Each motor shall be rated for continuous duty in a cold environment and shall have a horsepower output adequate for the requirements of the driven equipment,including all losses. C. Polyphase integral horsepower motor shall have a service factor of 1.15. The service factor shall provide an additional continuous rated overload capacity of not less than 15 percent over the full nameplate horsepower rating. Motors may be loaded to the full nameplate horsepower rating. The service factor shall not be used in determining 12600-6 'i i a non-overloaded condition. Any motor which is to be used with a variable frequency drive shall be rated for that use. D. Insulation materials shall be non-hygroscopic and meet or exceed Class B definition. Motor temperature rating shall not exceed Class B temperature limits when the motor is operated at full load continuously in a maximum ambient temperature of 120°F. E. Bearings shall be of the antifriction type made from vacuum degassed steel and shall be permanently sealed or grease lubricated with readily accessible inlet and outlet grease fittings to allow for "in service" regreasing. Inner bearing protection shall consist of an internal shaft flinger or inner bearing cap. Bearings shall be designed to give 25,000 hours minimum life by B-10 calculations for the conditions specified for continuous operation at full load. The proportions, mountings, and adjustments shall be consistent with best modern practices for applied radial and thrust loads at the speeds specified. F. Nameplates shall be stainless steel with embossed lettering and shall be fastened to the motor frame with corrosion-resistant pins. Each nameplate shall contain the manufacturer's name, serial number,and all the information required by the National Electrical Code. G. Data submitted shall include: a. Name of Manufacturer b. Type, Model and Frame Size c. Motor Horsepower d. Full Load Speed e. Design Letter f. Enclosure Construction g. Temperature Rise& Class of Insulation System h. Service Factor i. .Voltage,Frequency,Phase j. Full Load Current k. Locked Rotor Current 1. Minimum(B-10)Bearing Life in. Motor Efficiency at 1/2,3/4 and Full Load 2.04 FLARE A. The flare stack shall be fabricated of structural quality carbon steel. The stack shall have a self-supporting base with support gussets welded to the skid assembly. The top exterior 4'of the stack shall have a sheet of stainless steel attached. The entire interior and exterior surfaces of the stack shall be painted with high heat primer and paint coatings for corrosion protection. The interior surface shall then be lined with lightweight,2300°F refractory material. The refractory shall not require warm-up or cool-down procedures to avoid refractory damage. 12600-7 B. A ladder shall be provided on the flare for thermocouple access. The ladder shall have a protective cover, lock,and safety cage. The ladder shall be located to allow for safe thermocouple maintenance. The ladder shall be mounted in such a way that when the security cover is placed on it,it does not obstruct flare view ports. C. The stack shall be equipped with four each 4-inch diameter test ports and placed three feet below the top edge and at 90' spacing around the periphery of the round stack. Each test port shall be flanged. Blind flange bolts shall be zinc dichromate and will be coated with high temp anti-seize coating. D Four temperature elements,type Chrome]-Alumel (Type K),shall be included and installed at various elevations along the length of the flare stack. Multiple view ports shall also be provided to observe the pilot flame and main gas flame. It is desirable to have a view port next to each thermocouple and two additional view ports in the bottom section of each flare stack above the burner ports where the pilot, igniter,and burner pots can be viewed for tuning purposes. E. Two separate electrically operated combustion and quenching air louvers shall be installed. The flares temperatures will be regulated by automatic adjustment of the quenching air by the flares temperature controller. Each louver motor shall be installed in a weatherproof box with dust tight seals such as weatherization kits obtained from the manufacturer. F. The igniter assembly shall consist of pilot tip, spark plug igniter, 110/5,OOOV single pole transformer mounted in NEMA 4 enclosure. Two ultraviolet(UV) ,I scanners shall be included to monitor the flare's propane pilot and main burner flame. G. The flare station shall be equipped with a complete propane pilot assembly, including ignition transformer, electric igniter,pressure regulator, solenoid- operated valve,and two 5-gallon propane supply tanks and gauge. H. The flare station shall be equipped with a RACO Verbatim auto-dialer, with 16 input/output channels,as manufactured by RACO or approved equal. The system shall be installed within a Double Deep NEMA 4X Box. The CONTRACTOR shall supply all necessary boosters, amplifiers,or repeaters as may be necessary. 1 A battery backup shall be included for proper callout notification during power failure events. I. The flare shall be equipped with a complete set of burner plugs. J. The flare shall be equipped with a burner assembly for use with LFG with the following composition: LFG COMPONENT COMPOSITION RANGE%BY VOL. 'I Methane(CH4) 20 To 50 12600-8 i l Carbon Dioxide(CO2) 10 To 45 Nitrogen(N2) 0 To 45 Oxygen (02) 0 To 15 Water Vapor(H2O) 0 To 11 NOTE: The LFG composition does not vary linearly in between the listed range extremes. K. The flare shall have provisions for auxiliary fuel (in the event the methane concentration of LFG drops below 20%by Vol.),to maintain operations and meet performance requirements. This shall include all pre-constructed piping necessary for a single point connection. The auxiliary fuel system will not be operated at this time;however,the flare will have all necessary control logic within the PLC for operation with auxiliary fuel. L. The maximum pressure drop across the flame arrestor shall be less than 5"we at a flow of 500 SCFM of LFG. M. Flare Design Capacity: a. The flare shall be designed to process 35 SCFM to 500 SCFM LFG and.have a minimum heat rating of 6 MM BTU/HR. The required flare performance envelope is included as Appendix B. b. The heat rating of the Flare shall be 0.6 Million(MM)to 6.0 MM British Thermal Units per hour(Btu/hr). The gas processing and flare assembly manufacturer shall certify that the required efficiency can be maintained throughout the heat rating range and provide a performance envelope r describing the amount of auxiliary fuel, if any, required to meet the minimum heat rate. f, c. The LFG processing and flare assembly skid will be installed at an altitude of approximately 4,900 feet above mean sea level. The flare shall be designed to continuously burn and oxidize LFG under the following conditions: i' MINIMUM MAXIMUM I Flare flow rate (scfm) 35 500 LFG temperature 60OF 1107 Ambient air temperature 0°F 1050F Po N. Flare Combustion Efficiency: a. The minimum destruction efficiency for non-methane organic compounds (NMOC) shall be ninety-eight(98)percent, or reduction of outlet concentration to less than 20 ppmv dry basis as hexane at 3%02. The minimum destruction efficiency for methane shall be ninety-nine(99) percent. 12600-9 i b. The flare shall provide a minimum retention time of 0.6 second at a minimum temperature of 1,4009F at the design range of BTU heat rating. The flare shall provide the above minimum retention time and temperature for all other conditions using auxiliary fuel,as required. C. The maximum oxides of nitrogen (NOx)emissions for the flare shall be 0.06 pounds of NOx as NO2 per MMBtu. d. The maximum carbon monoxide(CO)emissions for the flare shall be 0.20 pounds of CO per MMBtu. 0. External Primary Burner Combustion Air Control: a. The flare shall be equipped with a primary burner combustion air control. This mechanism is intended to allow the operator to adjust the primary air/fuel ration while flare is in operation. b. Piping internal to the Flare shall consist of welded fittings. 2.05 FLARE INLET SHUTDOWN VALVE A. The flare inlet shutdown valve shall-be a pneumatically operated butterfly valve equipped with a stainless steel disk, stainless steel stem,and an EPDM seat..The flare inlet shutdown valve shall be furnished complete with a manual gear- operated override. The operator shall be driven pneumatically by instrument air. The supply air will be controlled by the use of a 3-way solenoid valve,which when power is removed will automatically position to vent allowing the valve to spring close, and will not require any electrical power to maintain this position. B. The flare inlet shutdown valve shall be activated, at a minimum, by: a. Normal shut down selection at control panel b. Flame failure(determined by ultraviolet scanner) c. High liquid Ievel in knockout vessel d. Low or high flame temperature e. Power failure f. High blower motor bearing vibration. 2.06 FLAME ARRESTERS The flare inlet flame arrester shall be horizontal type manufactured by Groth,or approved equal, equipped with inlet and discharge drain ports and a stainless steel nameplate which includes size and pressure rating along with the manufacturer's name and the model r number. The flame arrester flanges shall be 125 pound flat face. The flame arrester'sf body shall be aluminum and the flame cell shall be aluminum. The manufacturer shall 12600-10 J supply a Capsuhelic differential pressure gauge to monitor the pressure loss across the flame arrester. The gauge shall be installed with manufacturer supplied stainless steel tubing. . t 2.07 FUEL GAS FILTER/KNOCKOUT VESSEL 1, A. The CONTRACTOR shall install a fuel gas filter/knockout vessel. B. The vessel shall have a minimum removal efficiency of 99 percent for particles larger than 6 microns and shall remove all free liquids and shall be rated for up to 500 SCFM. C. The vessel shall have a minimum condensate holding capacity of 10 gallons. D. The vessel shall include vessel differential pressure indicator with taps, stainless steel tubing and valves, capacitance type Ievel controls, level gauge, condensate drain valve, as indicated on the design drawings(P&ID). 4 E. Total pressure drop(clean stage)through the element shall not exceed two inches of water column at maximum flow rate conditions. G. Material of construction shall be stainless steel or approved equal. (Note: LFG condensate may have a pH as low as 2). f H. The n design pressure shall be 120 inches of water column vacuum. Design g temperature shall be 200'F. 1. One spare demister pad identical to the one installed shall be supplied by the manufacturer. J. The knockout vessel shall be mounted to the blower skid assembly. K. The knock out vessel shall beequipped with two capacitance type level control P YP sensors. The High and Low levels shall be used to shutdown the flare. p 2.08 SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION SYSTEM GAS A. The CONTRACTOR shall install a secondary soil gas vapor injector below the main landfill gas burner. B. The secondary soil gas vapor injector shall have its own flare arrestor and be capable of processing up to 500 SUM with methane concentrations that may range from 0%to 5%. 2.09 CONTROL SYSTEM The control panel assembly shall be NEMA 12/3R and shall be mounted on the.gas handling system skid. The main control panel shall include a swing out panel. The 12600-11 i i I I 1 panels shall be pre-mounted, installed and pre-wired to the greatest extent possible prior to shipment to the site. The Control System shall be a complete installation capable of controlling the two blower motors. The panels shall include as a minimum, but not be limited to,the following components: A. A load center for all the motors, outlets,fixtures, controls and devices,etc. included with the system. One spare two-pole breaker and two spare single-pole breakers shall be provided in the load center. All breakers shall be identified. B. A KOYO,or approved equal, PLC to receive all the signals from the various safeties,controls and monitoring equipment,and to automatically control all the various components of the system. The manufacturer shall include,at no additional cost,a print out-copy and digital copy of the PLC program logic and all equipment and software necessary to modify and/or reprogram the PLC. C. A control panel to allow either manual or automatic selection for the control of the various operation components of the system. The panel shall have an integrated set point display panel which will facilitate set point adjustments in the field. D. An extended•weather/heat shield with a minimum of three-foot overhang beyond the installed panels, shall be provided to protect the control panel against radiated heat(solar and/or flare),rain,protect the face of the control panel from direct sunlight and allow.operations personnel adequate protection from adverse weather conditions. The control system shall be designed and manufactured as an outdoor system. Florescent lighting, rated for outdoor use shall be mounted underneath 4 the weather shield with an on/off control switch mounted at the control panel. E. The control panel shall be equipped with an air conditioner with an adjustable thermostat to reduce internal panel temperatures to within the equipment's rated operational temperatures. F. The control panel shall be furnished complete with a digital recorder with a ;I minimum of twelve channels. The recorder shall include a Compact Flash memory card slot,card,and spare card if recommended (CP+Adapter). The manufacturer shall supply the recorder with input signals to record the flares temperature, landfill gas flow and oxygen content. The recorder shall be as i manufactured by Yokogawa DAXStation Model DX112or approved equal. The manufacturer shall supply a copy of the programming software and manuals. G. Edging material shall be installed on all internal panel supports or edges which are exposed or free standing within the panel. H. The manufacturer shall supply a surge suppressor to protect the 120v circuit. s 'i 2.10 WIRING&CONDUIT I 12600-12 I A. Conduit shall be rigid galvanized steel. All conduit terminations shall be threaded. Threadless fittings are not acceptable. Exposed conduits shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner. They shall be level and parallel to adjacent surfaces or piping. The area within five feet of the blower seal is classified as Class 1,Division I1,Group D. All wiring within this area shall be done in a manner approved for this classification. Minimum conduit size is to be 3/4-inch,except for final connection to individual devices. B. 120-VAC wiring shall be Type THWN stranded. All wires shall be identified at both ends with wire markers to match the wiring diagrams. C. Motors and field devices shall be connected by means of flexible conduit (Thomas &Betts Type ATX or approved equal) with approved connectors. The maximum length of flexible conduit shall be 18 inches. Wire connections shall be accomplished with solderless terminals, and bolted. Wire-nut type connections are not acceptable. D. All seal-off fittings shall be properly packed with fiber material and poured with approved sealing compound after proper system operation has been verified. j i E. All flexible conduit shall be Thomas&Betts high temperature metallic liquid- tight flexible conduit,Model ATX,with Thomas &Betts Series HT fittings,or approved equal. r f i f N f r 12600-13 t I 1 i� I �I i i I I i 2.11 ADDITIONAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. All electrical equipment and control instrumentation for the blower and flare operation shall be integral to the gas processing and flare skid assemblies. B. The flare skid assembly shall include a lockable weatherproof enclosure for storage of O&M Manuals and operational data. C. The gas processing skid and flare assembly shall be assembled at the factory. Any unavoidable on-site assembly shall be performed by the CONTRACTOR under the direction of the manufacturer. D. Flare assembly shall be designed to withstand 100 MPH wind loading per ASCE 7-88,Exp. C. E. The piping immediately leading to and from the flame arrester shall be equipped with two tapped 1/2-inch holes and hand operated valves,and shall be connected to a differential pressure indicator as described in the drawing to allow determination of inlet and outlet static pressures. a F. The flare control panel lighting(below the weather shield)shall be supplied by the flare manufacturer. An on/off light switch shall be provided at the control panel. G. Area lightning for the flare station including poles,fixtures,footings,photo cells, and conduits shall be supplied by the CONTRACTOR,as shown on the construction Drawings. H. The flare control panel shall have an externally mounted clearly identifiable E- Stop which shall shutdown the entire control panel process and equipment in the i event of an emergency. j PART 3-EXECUTION 3.01 GAS PROCESSING SKID,FLARE ASSEMBLY I The gas processing skid and flare assembly or assemblies shall be delivered assembled.. Delivery shall be to the Story Mill Landfill near Bozeman,Montana. The assembly manufacturer shall be responsible for all shipping charges,permits and other j arrangements necessary to deliver the assembly. The assembly manufacturer shall be responsible for unloading and placing the assembly or assemblies on a pad. Connection of the assembly or assemblies will be by others. F I 7 y I� { 12600-14 1 3 3.02 PAINTING A. The CONTRACTOR shall paint all equipment (except motor housings)furnished by the CONTRACTOR with three coats of paint. Where it is practical to apply a shop coat,two field coats in addition to the shop coat shall be required. Where-a shop coat is not practical, one rust-prohibitive coat and two finish coats shall be applied. B. All factory-furnished equipment shall be protected from damage during erection, thoroughly cleaned after erection, and touched up as required. If the factory finish has, in the opinion of the ENGINEER,been seriously damaged,the equipment shall be given two additional field coats. C. The surfaces of all piping and structural steel shall be properly prepared and painted with one coat of rust prohibitive paint and two field coats of moisture and acid-resistant paint D. The color of the finished paint shall be as determined by the City. Dry paint thickness shall be a minimum of 3.0 microns (5.5 microns wet). f 3.03 INSPECTION The City reserves the right to appoint an inspector or other authorized representative of the ENGINEER to inspect the gas flare prior to or after shipping,with full power to reject all materials and workmanship not conforming to the Drawings and Specifications. The manufacturer shall give the City a minimum notice of five(5) working days before the completion of the fabricating operations to permit ample time for the inspection of the , gas processing and flare assembly skids. 3.04 TESTING ti It is the intent of these specifications that the flare manufacturer supply the flare and process skid assemblies,assembled and tested at their facilities and supply complete and I) working assemblies to the Site. To this extent,the gas processing and flare assembly skid will be field tested(by the CONTRACTOR)to demonstrate that it meets performance, capacity,noise, flame height,combustion temperature,skin temperature,and automatic temperature control requirements. Final acceptance of the equipment is contingent upon a successful demonstration of the automatic operation of the gas processing and flare assembly skids through the complete range of its specified design capacity. A. The manufacturer will be notified 30 days prior to testing and will be invited to observe the testing. Should the flare fail to meet the specified performance, the manufacture shall troubleshoot and correct the cause, and perform subsequent testing at their expense. j 12600-15 I f µ B. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for compliance with the emissions limits listed herein the Specifications. In addition,the CONTRACTOR shall provide any necessary logistical support in conjunction with this source test (manlift, etc.), if required. C. In the event the source test results revealed non-compliance with the performance specifications, the CONTRACTOR shall perform any necessary hardware adjustments to the Flare stack required to meet all performance criteria. These adjustments shall be conducted at the CONTRACTOR's expense. The second and subsequent source tests will be performed at the CONTRACTORS's expense. D. Source testing of each flare to demonstrate operation and performance shall be performed, if required. The Montana Bureau of Air Quality shall determine if the flare is source tested, after modification of the existing air permit. 3.05 START-UP SUPPORT The manufacturer shall provide a minimum of three days of on-site start-up services by a factory field services technician or engineer. One of the three days shall consist of on- site training by a factory field services technician or engineer. Training shall include troubleshooting electrical components,input/output cards,etc. The manufacturer shall provide the cost of an additional optional 2 days,in addition to the three standard days,of on-site service. 3.06 SPARE PARTS t P A. Prior to the completion of the work,the Contractor is required to supply a complete set of spare parts to be located at the site or as determined by the City, and a listing of local vendors where spare parts can be obtained. At a minimum t the spare parts shall include the following for new flare station: • Flare station control panel light bulbs for each installed type and size(4 EA) • Flare thermocouple and therrnowell(2) • Honeywell UV flame sensor and amplifier card (1 EA) • Spark plug • Damper actuator • Oxygen sensor Note: (XX) indicates quantity. If no number is indicated,the quantity is one of each type installed or used in the system. All spare equipment must be stored in a manner so that it is kept clean and in a like-new h condition,and must not be exposed to weather or UV effects of the sun. i 3.07 DRAWINGS AND DATA Complete as-built fabrication,assembly, support,and installation drawings, showing fabrication details,detailed specifications, materials used,parts devices and other 12600-16 1 4 accessories forming a part of the equipment furnished shall be submitted by the manufacturer for inclusion in the Operations and Maintenance Manual (O&M). 3.08 ELECTRICAL A. All electrical work shall conform to the latest edition of the National Electrical Code;City of Bozeman and State of Montana Code and Regulations,and latest revisions of the Regulations of the State Fire Marshal. B. All electrical work and equipment shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Code for the area classification given. The area within five feet from blower seal shall be Class 1, Division II, Group D. All other areas will be unclassified. C. All conduits and small piping placed on the slab or the skid surface which are in traffic areas shall have aluminum non-skid floor bridges over them to reduce trip hazards. D. Electrical work within the skid shall be constructed by an approved U.L. listed fabrication shop. it i • 3 I s i3S3 X I it Y. 12600-17 9 MPEE YYP ral AIR Foram s m "m 3 { 30 tEOfNU f{ mr.m 4 I a` CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT—NOT FOR BIDDING OR CONSTRUCTION w x i END OF SECTION I �i i it I� i� 12600-18 3 Attachment B Seller's Bid Form 1 �I 1 s rf r i BID FORM (Purchase Agreement) Gas Processing Skid and Flare Assembly i THIS BID SUBMITTED TO: Bozeman City Clerk,City of Bozeman,MT, 121 N.Rouse Ave.,Bozeman,MT 59715. 1. THE' UNDERSIGNED BIDDER proposes and agrees that if this bid is accepted, Bidder will enter into a Purchase Agreement with the City in the form included in the bidding documents and will furnish the goods or product to be purchased by the 3 City within the number of calendar days indicated in the Agreement and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the bidding documents. 2. Bidder has examined, understands, accepts, and abides by all of the terms and conditions of the Invitation to Bid, Instructions to Bidders, Bid Specifications, and Purchase Agreement. 3. Bidder expressly covenants that if Bidder is awarded the bid, Bidder will, after the bid is awarded and within the time specified in the Request for Bid, enter into a formal Purchase Agreement with City.The bid must be accompanied by Bid Security payable to the City of Bozeman for ten percent (10%)of the total amount of the bid, including alternates, if any. The Bid Security must be in a form specified in §18-1- 203,MCA,which includes,but is not limited to,certified check,cashier's check,bank draft, bid bond, guaranty bond, or surety bond. The Bid Security is attached hereto as Exhibit 1. 4. This bid will remain subject to acceptance for sixty (60) days after the bid opening, �} or for such longer period of time that Bidder may agree to in writing upon request of City. I 5. Bidder further represents that this bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed individual or entity and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group,association, organization, or corporation; n Bidder has not solicited or induced any person, firm, or corporation to refrain from iC bidding; and Bidder has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage !i over any other bidder or over City. I! i� 6. Bidder certifies that no employee or official of the City or any member of such employee or official's immediate family has any direct or indirect interest in the pecuniary profits or contracts of the Bidder. i i! i a i. Bid Form Page l of 7 l 7. Bidder will provide the goods,product, or equipment being purchased by the City in accordance with the Purchase Agreement, for the price stated on the completed Bid Specifications sheet attached hereto as Exhibit 2. 8. Bidder understands that the unit prices shall govern in checking the bid,and should a discrepancy exist in the total estimated price and total amount of unit prices bid as listed on the Bid Sheet after extensions are checked and corrections made,if any, the total amount of unit prices bid as corrected shall be used in awarding the contract. 9. Bidder certifies that Bidder is a responsible bidder. 10. Bidder agrees_ that the good, product, or equipment to be purchased by City will be delivered and ready for final payment in accordance with the Purchase Agreement. 1 11. If applicable,Bidder certifies receipt of City's revisions or additions made subsequent to the advertised proposal, which are specifically acknowledged on Receipt of Addendum, attached hereto as Exhibit 3. 12. Bidder represents that the bid is genuine and not collusive or a sham and that bidder has not colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed, directly or indirectly, with any bidder or person, to put in a sham bid or to refrain from bidding. Bidder further represents that Bidder has not sought by agreement or collusion, directly or indirectly, with any person, to fix the bid price of any other bidder, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of said bid price or that of any other bidder, or to secure any advantage against the City or any person interested in the proposed bid. Bidder affirms that all statements in this bid are true. SUBMITTED on the -'D day of Da()ACV , 20�. Bidder's Tax ID # `' '' 3 (L, 1 3 IF BIDDER is: An Individual: (Flame typed or printed) By: (SEAL) (Individual's Signature) Doing business as: Business Address: Telephone# FAX# _- I i Bid Form Page 2 of 7 i j A Partnership: (Partnership Name) By: (SEAL) (Signature) (Name typed or printed) Business Address: Telephone# FAX# A Corporation: 1'9, )0 p�j1A --j n Y j LA' (SEAL) (Corporation Name) State of Incorporation: �1/J)5r�r �1 `j Type(General Business,Professional,Service,Limited Liability): �--j` i i< t�t 1 `iY By: (Signature of Authorized Representative) Print Name and Title- Attest: s (Corporate (Signature of Secretary) , Business Address: Telephone# ZT FAX# Date of Qualification To Do Business Is: ` KATEN q'WARREN Notary Pub le, Notary Seal State of Missouri Nowell County Commission # 1 Q592467 My Commission Expires 4ch 12, 2018 A Joint Venture: Each Joint Venture Must Sign j Joint Venture Name: (SEAL) (Name) By (Signature of Joint Venture Partner) Name: (Name_,printed or typed) Title: Business Address: Telephone# FAX# l Bid Form Page 3 of 7 A Joint Venture: Each Joint Venture Must Sign Joint Venture Name: (SEAL) (Name) By: - (Signature of Joint Venture Partner) Name: (Name,printed or typed) Title: Business Address: Telephone# FAX# , Address of Joint Venture for Receipt of Official Communication: Address: Telephone# FAX# h (Each Joint Venture must sign.The manner of signing for each individual,partnership and corporation that is a party to the joint venture should be in the manner indicated above.) I tl k :E i� ;I i I� i� li 3 �E t 4 j� i� Bid form Page 4 of 7 Exhibit 2 Bid Sheet The Bidder must state the total bid price here(in numbers): i Total Bid Price(written out and in dollar amount): f� - `I'WO"C1� V6 c vi '52v6tri ULwtvEGLv I� i6 � �0 tC� I Alternative Delivery Date Bid (Alternative Delivery Bid is Optional) The Bidder must state the total bid price here(in numbers)for delivery within 120 Calendar days: �! Total Alternative Delivery Date Bid Price(Alternative Delivery Bid is Optional) (written out and in dollar amount): r $ dcrqd } , � li Signature d Title of Authorized Representative IF I� 5 Bid Form Page 6 of 7 i Exhibit 3 Receipt of Addendum {if applicable). Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addendum of revisions or additions: Addendum Number Date Issued Authorized Signature For Each l 2 3 4 5 3 u j l ,E IF kf II Ik k k Bid Form Page 7 of 7 NON-DISCRIMINATION AFFIRMATION FORM igkAjlf (..• Ek [name of entity submitting]hereby affirms it will not discriminate on the basis of race,color,religion,creed,sex,age,marital status,national origin,or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability in the performance of work performed for the city of Bozeman,if a contract is awarded to it,and also recognizes the eventual contract,if awarded,will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and that this prohibition shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the [name of entity submitting] employees and to all subcontracts it enters into in performance of the agreement with the city of Bozeman. Signature of Bidder: r .ri1 ' Person authorized to sign on behalf of the bidder li II I i a l i r N �f �I N October 51h, 2015 Office of the City Clerk City of Bozeman City Hal! 121 N. Rouse Ave Bozeman, MT 59715 Re: Bozeman Landfill Gas Processing Skid and Flare Assembly Attn: Stacey Ulmen, City Clerk Per your request, following and attached please find our Quotation to supply the described products and services relative to your landfill project requirements for the above mentioned project. We appreciate the opportunity to f ish this proposal. PEI proposes ide a unitized, modular, landfill gas extraction and flare/thermal oxidizer system, with installation by others. The gas handling system shall be able to exert a 65"WC vacuum at the inlet of the skid (70" WC vacuum at the inlet of the blower) and deliver LFG to a 6 mrrmBtulhr enclosed flare/thermal oxidizer. The flare station*shall be sized per your i request for quotation to handle 30 to {Max 6.0 MMBtu/hr) of landfill gas at between 20% I and 50% methane content. � d - Additionally the flare will thermally oxidize the SVE gas stream of 500 SCFM; 11.6 % 02, I ! 11.6% CO2, 6.9% CH4, 2.5%water vapor, 67.4% Nitrogen. (Approx. 2.07 MMBtu/hr) This gas stream will enter the flare through a separate nozzle and be combusted as it passes through the combustion zone. At no time can the total heat input to the flare exceed 6 MMBtulhr: ie: 6 MMBtulhr LFG plus 1 MMBtulhr SVE=6 MMBtulhr. ' The flare will be equipped with an supplementary fuel port for adding supplemental fuel-in the future as the LFG runs out, Vacuum/Flow control feature is accomplished with VFD blower control. The Enclosed Ground Flare Station (EGI✓S) shall include three principal sub-systems: o The Enclosed Ground Flare/Thermal Oxidizer l o The LFG/SVE Gas Handling System 1 a The Enclosed Ground Flare Station MCC/Control System Not included in this proposal are the following: o Site Civil, Electrical, or Structural Engineering a <I l 3 1375 County Road 800 West Plains,MO 65775 Phone(417)256-2002 Fax (417)256-2801 P1478 Bozeman SVt EGFS Final quote www.PerennialEnergy.cosn PEI@PerennialEnergy.com Page 1 of 7Ij o Installation. (Freight to jobsite and crane for offloading is included per specs) o Bonds or liquidated damages o Exhaust Stack Testing services o Site Air Compressor and above ground condensate tanks ` I The Enclosed Ground FlarelThermal Oxidizer shall include: o Pfl 6 MMBtu/hr Enclosed Ground Flare(Thermal Oxidizer assembly 0 ASTM A-36 W carbon steel flare shell assembly o Approximate size: 54" diameter x 24' O.A.H. 0 Stainless steel protection band around top of flare shell I P o Stainless steel insulation retainer band and weather shield at top of flare o Heat shield for protection rotection !� 0 4" ceramic fiber blanket insulation, installed in overlapping layers. This results in a maximum 250' F skin temperature. i I i o High temperature retainer pins and keepers (washers)for insulation o High temperature sealant/fixative solution sprayed on insulation i 0 2 each automatic air inlet louvers i o Three (3) thermocouples at various heights (for temperature control) in flare shell 0 Four(4)test ports for air quality testing sensor access o Five (5) view ports . . . one at each thermocouple and two to view main flame and f pilot 0 OSHA Ladder for access to.thermocouples. Includes specified heat screen behind ladder. o Protective heat screen around flare as needed 0 Honeywell UV, self checking flame safeguard sensors o Honeywell pilot ignition transformer mounted on flare G o Propane pilot system, removable for service with flare in operation 0 Propane pilot gas line with, valve and pressure gauge I?1478[3ozeinan SVE EGES Firial quote Page 2.of 7 y� I o Engineered "four foot" mounting system i o Four(4) inches of air space beneath flare floor and equipment pad o Primary air damper LFG burner design with primary air dampers adjustable from outside flare shell with flare in operation i 0 4 LFG fuel butterfly valve w/pneumatically controlled safety shutoff actuator wlspring assisted shutoff. r o Supplemental Fuel Port for future supplemental fuel system to be added later. I 0 4" LFG fuel all aluminum flame arrester assembly o SVE Gas entrance nozzle and distribution manifold for handling 500 SCFM of SVE gas per the gas composition description noted earlier. 0 6"SVE Gas butterfly valve w/pneumatically controlled safety shutoff actuator wlspring assisted shutoff. i 0 6" SVE Gas all aluminum flame arrester assembly 0 Dwyer Capsuhelic pressure gauge across flame arrester, valved for up and downstream pressure monitoring w/vent to atmosphere for zeroing l o All "on flare" flare wiring pre-installed and pre-conduited to junction boxes. Will require field reconnection of numbered wires to numbered terminals in junction box(s). The Gas Handling System shall include: LFG Equipment: 0 4"schedule 10 stainless steel (304L) inlet piping o Schedule 10 3041-weld hub assemblies w/ANSI 125#carbon steel flanges 0 4" butterfly system inlet valve w/SS disc& stem and viton elastomers and gear handle. .; o Vacuum & Temperature transmitters at system inlet # o Inlet demister/knockout. 304L SS construction with demister pad/filter rated for 99% removal efficiency at 6 micron droplet size. Removes free moisture in the incoming s landfill gas. Equipped with 8" flanged cleanout, differential pressure gauge, removable lid for element inspection and removal �I o Polypropylene knitted mesh, multiple layer, demister pad element a t>t 478 t3ozeman SVE FGFS Final quote Page 3 of 7 I n o Capacitance type (as specified) level transmitters in demister sump for high level alarm and shutdown. 0 4" butterfly valve at blower inlet w/SS disc&stem and viton elastomers and gear handle. 0 1 ea.Multi-stage centrifugal blower with cast-iron housings, aluminum impellers, heavy-duty carbon steel shaft, and Landfill gas seals. The internal cast iron parts are phenolic coated for corrosion protection. Inlet driven, direct coupled through a flexible coupling to a 25 HP TEFL inverter duty motor, 460 volt/60hz/3ph, 0 1 each 25 HP TEFL motor, 460/3160, suitable for specified environment .0 Dwyer Capsuhelic vacuum & pressure gauges at inlet&outlet of system , a o Pressure&Temperature gauges at blower inlet and outlet I o PEI Flo-tube delivery flow meter to monitor LFG flow to the Flare. Veris annubar primary element with differential pressure transmitter, Pressure compensated, temperature compensated, specific gravity compensated. PLC calculates SCFM and totalizes flow. SVE Equipment: 0 6" schedule 10 stainless steel (304L) inlet piping 0 Schedule 10 304Lweld hub assemblies w/ANSI 1.25# carbon steel flanges i 3 0 6" butterfly system inlet valve w/SS disc & stem and viton elastomers and gear handle. _ i 0 Vacuum &Temperature transmitters at system inlet o Inlet demister/knockout. 304L SS construction with demister pad/filter rated for 99% t removal efficiency at 6 micron droplet size.' Removes free moisture in the incoming landfill gas. Equipped with 8"flanged cleanout, differential pressure gauge, i! removable lid for element inspection and removal 0 Polypropylene knitted mesh, multiple layer, demister pad element 0 Capacitance type (as specified) level transmitters in demister sump for high level alarm and shutdown. F 0 6 butterfly valve at.blower inlet wl SS disc& stem and viton elastomers and gear k handle. 0 1 ea. Multi-stage centrifugal blower with cast-iron housings, aluminum impellers, heavy-duty carbon steel shaft, and Landfill gas seals. The in cast iron parts are phenolic coated for corrosion protection. Inlet driven, direct coupled through a flexible coupling to a 30 HP TEFC inverter duty motor, 460 volt/60hz/3ph. 1 f P1478 Bozeman SVE EGFS final quote Page 4 of 7 S I� i ll 0 1 each 30 HP TEFC motor, 46013/60, suitable for specified environment o Dwyer Capsuhelic vacuum & pressure gauges at inlet & outlet of system o Pressure &Temperature gauges at blower inlet and outlet o PEI Flo-tube delivery flow meter to monitor SVE flow to the Flare. Veris annubar primary element with differential pressure transmitter, Pressure compensated, temperature compensated, specific gravity compensated. PLC. . I calculates SCFM and totalizes flow. t o All carbon steel surfaces sand blasted to SSPC SP-6 standards, primed and painted to PEI standard paint specs. Note that this may be an exception to the specification o Schedule 10 SS piping, minimum 10 upstream and 5 downstream diameters for flow tube The Enclosed Ground Flare Station MCC/Control System shaft include: I o NEMA12/3R control panel wl NEMA 4 gasketing & 3 point latching, Air conditioner installed for panel cooling, as specified. 0 NEMA 3/31R Weather/Heat radiation protection = o Control panel lighting o Automation Direct PLC digital logical supervision system w/color touchscreen I 0 2 each VFD's. One for"each blower I 0 Touch Screen operator interface system o Remote communication modem system ' 0 Telephone line surge protection o Telephone installed in control panel 0 Yokogawa DX-112 digital chart recorder o Alarm and shutdown message annunciation (Touch Screen) 0 OFF/ ON switch for the System o RACO "Verbatim" 16 channel Auto Dialing Alarm System (ADAS) o TEST I CLOSED/AUTO switch for the safety shutdown valves o TEST I OFF I AUTO switch for the propane pilot ignition system P14%B Bozeman SVE EGFS Final quote Page 5 of 7 i f ii I 0 TEST/OFF/AUTO Switch for the blowers " I 0 Flame failure annunciation for the flare (Touch Screen) o Shutdown Valve failure annunciation (Touch Screen) o Low LFG flow rate annunciation (Touch Screen) 0 Surge protection and safety shutdown a Flame failure reset (ALARM RESET/LAMP TEST switch) o Electrical inlet service fused disconnect or main breaker o Distribution breakers for system and lighting loads 0 15 kVA 480-240/120 VAC single phase transformer 0 3 phase power wiring surge protection II,, . N o AC and DC control voltage surge protection General- .0 3 days of on-site start-up&training services by a factory field services technician/engineer are included. ' I 0 System is priced on an FOB Jobsite, basis. Offloading (Crane Service) is Included 0 3 copies of full engineering submittals are included. 0 3 copies of"as-built' Operation & Maintenance Manuals are included. The system as described above and attached is provided as completely pre- packaged, pre-wired, and factory pre-tested as is possible. The system is offered FOB Jobsite. The pricing does not include any site civil or structural engineering, or site preparation work of any kind. Neither does the price include any local, state or federal taxes, or any permits, or tariffs of any kind. The system as quoted is to be off loaded, set in place, installed and interconnected by others. The system is designed for installation on equipment pad(s) installed at the same finished elevation. The system includes only the standard PEI warranty for 18 months from date of shipment or 12 months from date of first service, whichever occurs first. Please see copy of PEI warranty, attached. We are pleased to honor this quotation for 30 days from the date of this document. The pricing is dependent on receiving an approved order that would include industry standard commercial terms. PEI standard terms are: k i 10%with order 30%with approved submittals 55% upon shipment P1478 Bozeman SVFF rGrS rinal quote Page 6 of 7 i I 05% upon successful start-up, unless failure to achieve successful start-up I is neither the fault nor cause of PEI, then net 60 days of shipment j i Price ......................................................................................$292,750M Sales tax not included We anticipate that we could deliver the system in 18 weeks from receipt of approved submittals or other irrevocable release to order all materials. Actual shipping estimates will have to be given at time of order. We anticipate that submittals can be provided in 2 to 3 weeks from receipt of an approved order. Alternate 120 day (17 weeks) delivery after receipt of approved submittals. Includes expedited submittal process, 1 week for blower submittal and release. Price.........................................................................................$299,260.00 Sales tax not included Thank you for your consideration of PEI landfill gas products and services. Should you have any questions, or require further information in this regard, please do not hesitate to call. Respectfully, C r t Brad Alexander � fH � Perennial Energy West Plains MO 65775 I i l • 3 4}S t I P1478 Bozeman SVE EGFS Final quote Page 7 of 7 i fi