HomeMy WebLinkAbout15- City Grant #2015-021 UCF Program Development Grant T City of Bozeman Grant Routing Cover Sheet This form is used in conjunction with Administrative Order 2014-01 adopting the Grant Application and Reception Policy. When a Department Director signs grant documents under this provision, they are certifying that they understand the provisions of the grant and its impact on city operations and finances. All the required boxes must be initialed by the appropriate departments. Use a separate routing sheet for each phase of the grant process. Utilize assigned grant number for each phase for tracking purposes. 2016 UCF Program Development Grant p Grant Document Title: Grant#(issued by City Clerk): csj) ) —0"4. I I CFDA#(applies to Federal grants) Grant Total:$10,000.00 Grant Match:$22,298.00 Department: Forestry Responsible Staff Member:Jennifer JOIIIff j Phase of Process: n Notice of Intent Application VI Award/Contract Date Document Signed: For all grants.under$20,000 Department City Attorney Finance Office City Manager Original in value. Director Office -Controller ,/ Signed Gr. t Docum t City a `` Does not require approval on Not Regul�e i No#I;egult'e`d '. V Commission meeting agenda _ a � I For all grants over$20,000 in Department City Attorney Finance Office City Manager Original value. Director Office -Controller Signed Grant i Documents to *Department Director initials verify notification to City City Clerk Commission and City Manager within 30 days of grant application. REQUIRES City Commission Approval DATE of COMMISSION MEETING: Presented by: Consent n Action Revised 10/10/2014 FOR DNRC USE ONLY Subaward# UCF-16-103 Maximum amount under this Subaward Agreement: $10,000.00 Amendment# NfA Source(s) of Funds Approved by USDA FS Grant#15-DG-11010000-008; CFDA# 10.664 FD- Fiscal Legal Project Manager Fund Subclass Oar Percent Amount Expiration Amendment 03564 555UR 5114616 100% $10,000.00 12/30/2016 N/A Workers Comp X N/A _ Attached _ Exempt Will be forwarded 2016 URBAN AND COMMUNITY FORESTRY SUBAWARD AGREEMENT CITY OF BOZEMAN PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT PROJECT This Subaward Agreement (Subaward) is accepted by City of Bozeman, hereinafter referred to as the "Subrecipient," Federal ID No. 81-6001238, DUNS#083705293, and represented by Jennifer Jolliff, Municipal Specialist Arborist, PO Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230, telephone (406) 582-3226, according to the following terms and conditions. This Subaward, awarded and administered by the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC), is consistent with the policies, procedures and objectives of the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act of 1978, Public Law 95-313, as amended. This Subaward is awarded under federal grant USDA FS Grant# 15-DG-11010000-008, executed on 06/26/2015, in the amount of$4,030,300.00, from the United States Department of Agriculture— Forest Service (USFS) and Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number 10.664 "Cooperative Forestry Assistance." SECTION 1. PURPOSE. The purpose of this Subaward is to establish mutually agreeable terms and conditions, specifications, and requirements to grant funds to the Subrecipient for an Urban and Community Forestry(UCF) Program Development project in or near, the City of Bozeman, Montana. Basis for this subaward is the UCF Program, which is administered through a partnership with the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service (USFS) and the DNRC. The Program ( FY 2016—UCF Program Development Subaward Page 1 of 8 Development Project Proposal and the addendum to the Program Development Project Proposal for this Subaward to the Subrecipient are attached hereto as Appendix"A" and Appendix "B", and are incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2. TERM. This Subaward is effective on the date of last signature. The Subrecipient shall have until December 30, 2016, to complete the project and work described in Section 4, Project Scope. The DNRC may, pursuant to Section 19, Agreement Renewal, grant an extension for completion upon request and showing of good cause by the Subrecipient. Good cause is defined as external factors preventing the Subrecipient from completing the work, including but not limited to, inadequate staff, construction, hazard trees or other barriers on project site(s), and extensive and prolonged inoperable weather conditions. A request for extension must be submitted in writing no less than thirty (30) days prior to the termination date if an extension is to be considered by DNRC. SECTION 3. DNRC's ROLE. The DNRC is administering grant funds awarded by the USFS to ensure that the funds are used according to the intent and procedures of the UCF Program Development Grant Program. The DNRC will monitor project expenditures to assure payment eligibility. DNRC assumes no responsibility for the Subrecipient's obligation to faithfully perform the tasks and activities required by this Subaward. The Subrecipient may contact the DNRC's liaison Jamie Kirby, at(406) 542-4288, jamiekirby(o,,mt.gov, 2705 Spurgin Road, Missoula, Montana 59804 for guidance related to administration of the terms of this Subaward. All requests for information and assistance shall be submitted to the DNRC liaison, or her designee. SECTION 4. PROJECT SCOPE. (a) The Subrecipient must use the proceeds provided pursuant to this Subaward to perform allowable activities under the Program. The key outcomes of the project are tree plantings and installation of educational signs at municipal disk golf course. (b) Supporting Documents/attachments. The Program i Development Project Proposal submitted by the Subrecipient, attached hereto as Appendix"A" and the Application Addendum, attached hereto as Appendix"B", describe the projects and activities to be performed upon municipal lands by Subrecipient and the required dates of completion. In addition, Subrecipient must fulfill the terms specified in Appendix "C" "Additional Requirements to Proposal", which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Funding will not be provided if the requirements outlined in Appendices "A", "B" and "C" are not fulfilled. SECTION 5. PROJECT BUDGET. Subaward funds are allocated to the following budget categories: Project Funding Summary: Direct Costs Operating Expenses $ 7,000 Payments to Beneficiaries(Cost Share) $ 0 Contracted Services $ 3,000 Subtotal—Direct Costs $ 10,000 Total Subaward Amount $ 10,000 Match Required (1;t1) $ 10,000 Total Project Funding: $20,000 FY 2016—UCF Program Development Subaward Page 2 of 8 This Subaward requires a match of 1:1 of federal to non-federal funds. No federal funds may be used to satisfy the match requirement of this Subaward. The Subrecipient may transfer up to twenty percent (20%) of the total Subaward amount between budget categories as needed to complete the project. The Subrecipient must notify DNRC of such transfers. Transfers between budget categories in excess of twenty percent (20%) of the Subaward amount must be requested by the Subrecipient, approved by DNRC, and documented in an amendment to the Subaward. SECTION 6. AVAILABILITY OF SUBAWARD FUNDS. The Subrecipient acknowledges and understands that Subaward funds become available based on federal awards to DNRC. Costs incurred by the Subrecipient no more than forty-five (45) days prior to the last signature on this Agreement may be, upon approval by the DNRC, eligible for reimbursement or may be counted as match funds. The commitment by DNRC to expend money is contingent upon the DNRC receiving funds under the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act of 1978, Public Law 95-313, as amended. No liability shall accrue to the DNRC or its officials in the event such funds are not appropriated or allotted as authorized under this legislation. Until DNRC notifies Subrecipient that obligated funds are unavailable, DNRC will continue to comply with the terms of this Subaward, including the disbursement of funds. SECTION 7. BIDDING REQUIREMENTS. Upon acquiring products and/or services with funds awarded pursuant to this Subaward, Subrecipient must submit a UCF Bid Solicitation Verification Form attached as Appendix "D" and incorporated herein by reference to DNRC establishing that Subrecipient has solicited a minimum of three (3) bids for every contract or purchase issued by the Subrecipient over One Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($1,000.00)for which subaward funds will be disbursed. Subrecipient shall follow all applicable procurement I procedures as required in Section 13, Compliance with Applicable Laws, and the applicable OMB Circular 2 CFR 200 §§ 200.317—200.326. SECTION 8. DISBURSEMENTS. The Subrecipient shall submit claims for disbursement of Subaward funds to the DNRC liaison. Documentation of reimbursable costs incurred must be submitted with the disbursement requests. Documentation may include but is not limited to itemized receipts, vendor invoices, inspection certificates, financial reports that clearly show expenditures, payroll records, copies of checks, bank statements, and other forms of proof of payment. DNRC will determine whether documentation submitted adequately supports the disbursement request and may require additional documentation before approving payment. The DNRC will verify the claims and check them against the Reports required in Section 9 and the Project Budget provided in Section 5. The DNRC will disburse Subaward funds to the Subrecipient only upon DNRC's review and approval of the documentation submitted by the Subrecipient. DNRC may withhold reimbursement for costs that are not allowed under this Subaward and may require Subrecipient to provide adequate documentation to substantiate the expenditures as allowable costs. Reimbursement of Subrecipient's expenditures will only be made for expenses included in the Project Budget provided in Section 5 that are clearly and accurately supported by the Subrecipient's records. The Subrecipient must, prior to any funds being disbursed under this Subaward, provide documentation of the one hundred percent (100%) match requirement for every disbursement request sent to the DNRC for approval and payment. The match requirement may be met by contributing cash, in-kind and/or donated contributions committed to the project. Before final FY 2016—UCF Program Development Subaward Page 3 of 8 U disbursement will be made by the DNRC to the Subrecipient, the DNRC Regional Urban Forester must approve the completed project on the Project Inspection Form and must submit the said form along with the Project Report Form, to the DNRC Liaison, pursuant to Section 9, Reports. The DNRC will withhold ten percent (10%) of the total authorized subaward amount until the project tasks outlined in Section 4, Project Scope and the Final Report required by Section 9 are completed by the Subrecipient and approved by the DNRC. Total payment for all purposes under this Subaward shall not exceed Ten Thousand and no/100 Dollars ($10,000.00). DNRC may, at its sole discretion, terminate or reduce the scope of this Subaward if available funding is reduced for any reason. DNRC will provide Subrecipient at least 30 days' notice if termination of this Subaward is determined to be necessary due to unavailability of funds. Eligible expenses incurred by Subrecipient up to the specified date and time of termination will be covered under the terms of the Subaward. I SECTION 9. REPORTS. A final Report that details the project status, results, accomplishments and financial status will be submitted to DNRC liaison by the Subrecipient for approval upon project completion. Final disbursement of Subaward funds is contingent upon DNRC's receipt and approval of the following documents: 1) Final Report, 2) DNRC Regional Urban Forester Project Inspection Form, and 3) Completed Project Report Form, which is available to download from the DNRC Urban Forestry website. The deadline for submitting the Project Report Form is thirty(30) days after the termination date provided for in Section 2, Term. Subrecipient understands that if the Project Report Form is not provided to DNRC within thirty(30) days after the termination date provided in Section 2, Term, that DNRC may elect to not make payment under the d terms of this Subaward. Furthermore, failure by Subrecipient to provide the Project Report Form(s)to the DNRC liaison as required herein may cause the DNRC to terminate this � Subaward. The DNRC shall, if necessary, provide the Subrecipient with further instructions regarding the required reporting format and other specific reporting requirements when such requirements are mandated by the Federal and/or State government(s). These new reporting requirements will be provided in writing to Subrecipient and will be added to the terms of this Subaward via an amendment should Subrecipient and the DNRC agree to those terms. The foregoing notwithstanding, Subrecipient must comply with the terms of any future reporting requirements that do not differ materially from those required by this Subaward. SECTION 10. RECORDS AND AUDITS. The Subrecipient must maintain appropriate and adequate records showing complete entries of all receipts, disbursements and other transactions relating to this Subaward for three (3) years after the later of either the final Subaward payment, or the termination or the expiration of this Subaward. The DNRC, the Montana Legislative Audit Division or the Montana Legislative Fiscal Division may, at any I reasonable time, audit all records, reports and other documents that the Subrecipient maintains under or during the course of this Subaward to ensure compliance with its terms and conditions. FY 2016—UCF Program Development Subaward Page 4 of 8 SECTION 11. PROJECT MONITORING AND ACCESS FOR INSPECTION AND MONITORING. The DNRC or its agents may monitor and inspect all phases and aspects of the Subrecipient's performance to determine compliance with this Subaward, including the adequacy of records and accounts. Because the funds awarded under this Subaward come from public funds, public access to the project site and project records must be available. The Subrecipient shall accommodate requests for public access to the site and records with due consideration for safety, private property rights, and convenience of everyone involved. i SECTION 12. EMPLOYMENT STATUS AND WORKER'S COMPENSATION. The DNRC is not an owner or general contractor for the project and the DNRC does not control the work activities or work-site of the Subrecipient or any contractors that might be engaged by the Subrecipient for completion of the project. The Subrecipient is independent from and is not an employee, officer or agent of the DNRC. The Subrecipient, its employees and contractors, are not covered by the Workers' Compensation laws applicable to the DNRC as an employer. The Subrecipient is responsible for making sure that it and its employees are covered by Workers' Compensation Insurance and that its contractors are in compliance with the coverage provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act. SECTION 13. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS. The Subrecipient must comply with the requirements of the Federal Office of Management and Budget(OMB) guidance in subparts A through F of Circular 2 CFR 200 "UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS, COST PRINCIPLES, AND AUDIT REQUIREMENTS FOR FEDERAL AWARDS" as adopted and supplemented by the USDA in 2 CFR part 400. These regulations are available online at the following website: www.ecfr.gov. Subrecipient certifies-that it will abide by all certifications and assurances set forth in Federal Form AD-1048, "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility & Voluntary Exclusion — Lower Tier Covered Transactions," this form having been signed, attached hereto as Appendix "E", and incorporated herein by reference. Per the terms of the federal award, the Subrecipient shall also require all second-tier subrecipients and contractors to sign form AD- 1048, and shall keep completed forms on file. Subrecipient shall utilize www.sam.gov to verify entities' status. All work performed under this Subaward must fully comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations, including but not limited to, the Montana Human Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Any subletting or subcontracting by the Subrecipient subjects subcontractors to the same provision. In accordance with 49-3- 207, MCA, the Subrecipient agrees that the hiring of persons to perform this Subaward will be made on the basis of merit and qualifications and without discrimination based upon race, color, religion, creed, political ideas, sex, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, or national origin of the persons performing this Subaward. It shall be the Subrecipient's responsibility to obtain all permits, licenses or authorizations that might be required from government authorities for completion of the project. Procurement of labor, services, supplies, materials and equipment shall be conducted according to applicable federal, state and local statutes. DNRC's signature on this Subaward does not guarantee the approval or issuance of any permits, licenses or any other form of authorization to take action for which Subrecipient must apply with DNRC or any other government entity and submit to DNRC to fulfill the terms of this Subaward. FY 2016—UCF Program Development Subaward Page 5 of 8 NONDISCRIMINATION STATEMENT— PRINTED, ELECTRONIC, OR AUDIOVISUAL MATERIAL. The Subrecipient shall include the following statement, in full, in any printed audiovisual material, or electronic media for public distribution developed or printed with any Federal funding. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964(voice and TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. If the material is too small to permit the full statement to be included, the material must at minimum, include the following statement, in print size no smaller than the text: "This institution is an equal opportunity provider." SECTION 14. AGENCY RECOGNITION REQUIREMENTS Use of Agency Insignia. Subrecipient shall request in writing permission from the U.S. Forest Service Northern Region and receive written permission from the USFS before using the USFS insignia on any published media, such as a webpage, printed publication, or audiovisual production. Subrecipient shall request in writing and receive written permission from DNRC before using the DNRC insignia on any published media, such as a webpage, printed publication, or audiovisual production. Public Notices. Subrecipient is encouraged to give public notice of the receipt of this subaward of federal grant funds and, from time to time, to announce progress and accomplishments. Press releases or other public notices should include a statement substantially as follows: "The funding for this project is derived in full or in part from a federal award of the U.S. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture, subawarded by the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Forestry Division." Acknowledgment in Publications, Audiovisuals, and Electronic Media. Subrecipient shall acknowledge USFS and DNRC support as appropriate in any publications, audiovisuals, and electronic media developed as a result of this subaward of USFS grant funds. SECTION 15. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY— GOVERNMENT RIGHT TO USE. Any graphic material developed under this Subaward may be copyrighted with the proviso that the State of i Montana and the USFS will have a royalty-free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable right to produce, publish or otherwise use, and authorize others to use the work for government purposes. The Subrecipient must notify DNRC in writing when any patent rights arise from, or are purchased with, funds awarded under this Subaward. SECTION 16. FAILURE TO COMPLY. If the Subrecipient fails to comply with the terms and conditions of this Subaward, the DNRC may terminate this Subaward and refuse additional disbursements of subaward funds, and take legal action to recover disbursed subaward funds. FY 2016—UCF Program Development Subaward Page 6 of 8 1 Such termination will become a consideration in any future application for subawards under the authority of the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act of 1978, Public Law 95-313, as amended. SECTION 17. ASSIGNMENT AND AMENDMENT. The Subrecipient may not assign or transfer any portion of this Subaward without DNRC's express written consent. Amendments will be attached as an integral component of this Subaward. This Subaward may be terminated by the mutual written consent of both parties. If this Subaward is terminated, the Subrecipient may not submit claims for reimbursement beyond the mutually agreed to termination date. SECTION 18. MONTANA LAW AND VENUE. Any action or judicial proceeding for enforcement of the terms of this Subaward shall be instituted only in the courts of Montana and shall be governed by the laws of Montana. Venue shall be in the First Judicial District, Lewis and Clark County, Montana. SECTION 19. AGREEMENT RENEWAL. This Subaward may, upon mutual agreement between the parties and according to its terms, be extended. SECTION 20. INDEMNITY AND LIABILITY(HOLD HARMLESS/INDEMNIFICATION). Subrecipient agrees to be financially responsible for any audit exception or other financial loss to the DNRC and the State of Montana which occurs due to the negligence, intentional acts, or failure by Subrecipient and/or its agents, employees, subcontractors, or representatives to comply with the terms of this Subaward. Subrecipient hereby agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the DNRC and the State of Montana and its agents from and against any and all claims, demands, or actions for damages to property or injury to persons or other damage to persons or entities arising out of, or resulting from the performance of this Subaward or the results of this Subaward, provided such damage to property or injury to persons is due to the negligent act or omission, recklessness, or intentional misconduct of Subrecipient or any of its employees. This Subaward is not intended to relieve a liable party of financial or H' legal responsibility. SECTION 21. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. General Requirements: The Subrecipient shall maintain for the duration of this Subaward, at its cost and expense, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, including liability, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by the Subrecipient, agents, employees, representatives, assigns, or contractors. This insurance shall cover such claims as may be caused by any negligent act or omission. Specific Requirements for Commercial General Liability: The Subrecipient shall purchase and maintain occurrence coverage with combined single limits for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage of$750,000 per occurrence and $1,500,000 aggregate per year to cover such claims as may be caused by any act, omission, or negligence of the Subrecipient or its officers, agents, representatives, assigns or contractors. This Subaward consists of pages 1 —8, plus Appendix "A" - Program Development Project Proposal, Appendix"B" -Addendum to the Program Development Project Proposal, Appendix "C" - Additional Requirements to Proposal, Appendix "D" - UCF Bid Solicitation Verification Form, and Appendix"E" - Federal Form AD-1048. FY 2016—UCF Program Development Subaward Page 7 of S 6' The Subrecipient hereby accepts this Subaward according to the above terms and conditions. /4-,-9. ''_cPD/�''-' By: I a»_ . r, Date Sub ; ie ent o A uba cipient s A utho ie. Representative ./W//1r c ///. Printed Name r2 -;:,/ i /i - r By: = Date DNRQjclithorized Representative 1 Printed Name d 1 i k I FY 2016—UCF Program Development Subaward Page 8 of 8 1 1 I Nov. 6, 2015 10:47AM No, 0821 P. 1 Appendix A 5 Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) 2016 Urban Forestry Grant Application COMMUNITY DUNS NUMBER FEDERAL TAX ID NUMBER City of Bozeman 81-600128 COMMUNITY ADDRESS CITY/TOWN STATE ZIP P.O.Box 1230 Bozeman MT 59771 PRINCIPAL REPRESENTATIVE(person DNRC will utilize as TITLE primary contact) Jennifer lathy Arborist Municipal Specialist,City of Bozeman Forestry PRINCIPAL REP ADDRESS(if same as above,leave blank) CITY/TOWN STATE ZIP PHONE(DAYTIME) FAX EMAIL (405)582-3226 jjolllff@bozemon.net OTHER IMPORTANT CONTACTS:List by name,title,and contact Information(phone,email) Mitch Overton,Director of Parks and Recreation,(406)582-3222,movetton@bozeman.net Vince Galli,Forestry Foreman,(406)5823205,vgalli rdibozeman.net .TOTAL REQUEST AMOUNT(maximum request 515,000) ARE YOU A CURRENT TREE CITY USA?(Y/N) $15,000.00 Y Use this page as the cover sheet and include separate paper for the Project Narrative. Please use the Budget Calculation sheets provided. This document must be signed and dated by an individual that is legally authorized to act on the community's behalf. Please answer clearly and concisely,and be sure to include all required attachments. Failure to do so will result In disqualification. PROJECT NARRATIVE All of the following elements must be addressed In application.Try to limit responses to S00 words pet section. 1. PROJECT ABSTRACT:Describe the type of project and clearly outline its purpose and goals. Are they in line with federal and state program goals?Does the project address a strategic urban forestry objective?Describe how this project fits into the'Big Picture'of urban forestry in your community. 2. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT:How will this project help your community develop or improve a sustainable urban forestry program?Is the project drawn from utilizing existing resources(i.e.inventory,management plan)?Refer to any existing& current annual work plan,strategy,list of 3-5 year goals,or items In a long-term management plan. 3. PROJECT PERSONNEL;The personnel should possess the necessary qualifications or expertise to carry out project&program goals.Please include name,title/qualification,project role,and level of involvement,A community representative will also be required to view o presentation on grants administration led by(WC Please Identify this person in this section, 4. LEVERAGING LOCAL SUPPORT&OUTREACH: Please include any planned activities with partners,volunteers and/or public education related to this project, Identify any other agencies,groups,etc.that will be involved. 5. PROJECT WORN PLAN AND SCHEDULE:Provide a work plan/schedule for completing each activity and timetable for completion with start and finish dates.Assume that tree planting&maintenance projects have until June 151h,2016;other projects have until September 30th,2016. 6. PROJECT MONITORING&EFFECTIVENESS:How will you measure this project's success and accomplishments?Note that tree planting and maintenance projects require a 3-year establishment plan(example at http://dnrc.mt.gov/Forestry/Assistance/Urban/Grants,asp). J certify that the community/organization listed above has the approval of the local government ro conduct this project. PRINCIPAL REPRESENTATIVE:Name,Signature '[! r _' Ate, t, ,,ea// i/ i,, AUTHORIZED COMMUNITY OFFICIAL Name, Title,Signature , ►'✓�i I OveYl Appendix A ROSE PARK PROJECT PROJECT NARRATIVE 1. PROJECT ABSTRACT: The purpose of the Rose Park Project is to enhance and improve Bozeman's disc golf course by creating a more sustainable landscape. By providing a connection between people and our natural resources,our goal is to promote a healthy,diverse tree population while raising public awareness and improving livability through outdoor recreation. z G x 1 45E • it � a The City of Bozeman is currently in the process of developing an Urban Forest Management Plan to ensure the future of a healthy, beautiful urban forest. Our community is experiencing a rapid growth in population,resulting in the urbanization of large areas of '... land which were historically used for agriculture. Rose Park consists of approximately 20 acres of bare ground adjacent to an open space area with protected wetlands,and bordered on the other sides by multi-family housing and commercial properties. There is potential for Rose Park,in combination with the open space,to provide numerous environmental and ecological benefits if strategically planted with a sustainable urban forest resource. To raise community awareness and emphasize the importance of species diversification and the conservation of natural ecosystems, we plan to create an arboretum by using eleven tree species selected specifically for the Rose Park landscape. A different species will be planted at each T-box accompanied by an interpretive sign to illustrate its unique features and benefits it provides. A large sign will be displayed at the beginning of the course to provide information about the project and continued care for the new trees. Appendix A Objectives: • Lessen urbanization impacts on existing landscape. • Provide green infrastructure to mitigate storm water run-off and erosion. • Provide shade and aesthetics for park patrons and neighbors. • Improve wildlife habitat and stream ecology. • Strengthen community ties and create opportunities for public education and awareness. • Improve human health benefits by encouraging outdoor recreation. 2. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT: The Rose Park project is an opportunity for the Bozeman Urban Forestry Program to expand the urban forest benefit by planting additional trees and increasing tree canopy,mitigating storm runoff and erosion,beautifying,and raising public awareness about the city forestry program and the urban forest resource. The effects of urbanization will be lessened in a highly developed area, and fragmentation reduced by connecting the park with the adjacent open space area and wetland ecosystem. 3-5 Year Goals: • Trees established(staking removed after 1 year and periodic structural pruning) • Improvements according to existing Master Plan for Rose Park completed with landscape incorporated into long-term maintenance schedule • Public awareness and pride of ownership • Increased aesthetic value • Increase in ecological,environmental,and health benefits 3. PROJECT PERSONNEL: City of Bozeman Forestry Division: The four full-time employees that will be involved in the project are all ISA certified arborists and have substantial experience in tree installation and structural pruning. The staff is knowledgeable in tree health care practices,soils and irrigation needs,and landscape design regarding tree placement. • Vince Galli, Forestry 1: Division Foreman, ISA certified arborist Operations supervisor,tree installation,sign installation,will oversee irrigation and maintenance • Jennifer Jolliff,Forestry 2: ISA certified arborist and Municipal Specialist Community representative,grant implementation,project design,sign graphics • Amy Hansen, Forestry 3: ISA certified arborist Structural pruning, maintenance • Wynn Krauss, Forestry 4: ISA certified arborist Tree installation,sign installation,maintenance,irrigation • Seasonal: Tree installation,sign installation, maintenance Director of Parks,Cemetery and Recreation: • Mitch Overton: MS,CPRP Director of Forestry Division will provide guidance,coordination with contractor for irrigation system improvements,and implementation of Rose Park Master Plan. City of Bozeman Tree Advisory Board: The Tree Advisory Board members will be available for advice and to assist with public outreach and education. • Scott Makoutz,CTLA Consulting Arborist,chairperson @k@k • Bill Hoch, MSU Horticulturist,vice chair • Elisa Boyd • Patrick Cross • Rebekah VanWieren II Appendix A 4. LEVERAGING LOCAL SUPPORT&OUTREACH: The Rose Park project will ultimately contribute to the well-being of our entire community,but disc golf enthusiasts and other park visitors will receive the greatest benefit. According to the reviews posted on local disc golf websites,www.dgcoursereview and www.discgolfscene.com,disc golf players expressed the following thoughts about the Rose Park course by saying,"...Plant trees...", "If trees were planted,this could be a really fun course"and the park"...would be greatly improved by interpretive/informational nature signs...". Forming community ties with the local recreationalists is important,since the Bozeman area is known for its many recreational opportunities. Disc golf tournaments would be a possible way for the forestry program to make the connection between park visitors and the urban forest resource. The 2016 Arbor Day Celebration is another event in which the Rose Park project could be featured. p z Qu s t M k S. PROJECT WORK PLAN AND SCHEDULE: February 2016: • Order plant material April 2016: • Locate underground utilities • Mark tree locations • Install sign posts May 2016: • Advertise project through webpage,newspaper article,flyers • Order water bags • Purchase stakes • Plant trees,stake and attach water bags • Install signage June—October 2016: • Fill water bags 2x per week • Structural pruning if needed • Improve existing permanent irrigation system L,, Appendix A ROSE PARK DISC GOLF COURSE AND ARBORETUM PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN 70/2°.X2015 Rase Park Disc Golf Ccurae =a~e'* '>< �'�"'' 7;7,._ IJ�i Rose Parr cs. DM fie c.t, r-r'a r zs- 6 F MAP LEGEND tera `,.., t�: , 3t r „� it,- ..�' ., ,�r" ;: r �' X z ::' ,- , rz - * �^ iu� e��� v' Y : i f f 'k ir- m €, . spy a - Fah y _ 4-...............- 'd- ��.,, "Y a 37: .�` "a Y ti-r .�. 3 >s s 3x.H ;r P$ '-4 , /itp `-F _.- • i-.8.-'rc^ ^kfy't Ar y�s`-�t3 .jf Y "% ... 't• -,Y ai� s4° It :lik • h fi1-; tom:3.. - fax- tz ,.± f - ,i F - ' s - ... "f rf� tiw[ _ ls " 4cd € tas CA.rt ;: ms(. • i ,c"€ s t mit `� sib" gir x.,i' tat s.;' a}xt. ' r till; �r ' f T`. ' x � 3' iff " r' ,I s -qCt �, a .0 Fes_ - *-ft s;,- _ .�x? "r'+ f- , .� *ly� �`"k `" `' ' RELATED MAPS ,E j!' LMap data®2075 Google hnagery©2015,PtgltelGbbe Terms__________-1-06-4-- y-* _�"" � =^ hftps)/wiwi google.coMmaoJd ill)Me vtr9msa O'rn10=zIjwZ111V_KDI kOOagIR0nro 1/1 Appendix A ROSE PARK DISC GOLF COURSE AND ARBORETUM LANDSCAPE TREES- LEGEND HOLE#1: RED LEAF MAYDAY'MERLOT'(Prunus padus'Merlot') HOLE#2: 'PLUMOSA'SCOTCH PINE(Pinus sylvestrus'Pumosa') HOLE#3: BOX ELDER(Acer negundo) HOLE#4: SILVER POPLAR(Populus alba) HOLE#5: CRABAPPLE(Malus spp.) HOLE#6: PONDEROSA PINE(Pinus ponderosa) HOLE#7: DOUGLAS FIR(Pseudotsuga menziesii) HOLE#8: EASTERN COTTONWOOD(Populus deltoids) HOLE#9: BUR OAK(Quercus macrocarpa) HOLE#10: BLACK HILLS SPRUCE(Picea glauca densata) HOLE#11: ROCKY MOUNTAIN JUNIPER(Juniperus scopulorum) Plant material will be balled and burlapped. Deciduous trees will be a minimum size of 1%:"in trunk diameter,and conifers will be in the 6ft.to 7ft.size. Tree installation will include at least two support stakes,strapping,and mulch. Plan will be subject to change, depending on availability of plant material. HOLE#9: BUR OAK At each T-pad on the course, there will be an interpretive sign (71/2"x 91/2") 1,4%4, displayed with information about the �' tree species featured at the designated hole. ‘14, /""' Signage will be attached to existing posts that are positioned at each T-pad to Oak is our national tree,a symbol of strength&endurance. define the layout of the course. • It can live for up to 200 years. ■ Oak acorns provide a food source for deer,squirrels,and birds. 6. PROJECT MONITORING&EFFECTIVENESS: Rose Park will be monitored twice per week during routine watering of the newly planted trees. After the first year,staking and strapping will be removed. Structural pruning will be done upon inspection of the trees,as needed,along with repair of any damaged limbs due to storm events or vandalism. Disc golf players offer reviews through several websites, including www.pdga.com www.dgcoursereview and www.discgolfscene. The City of Bozeman has a main website,and feedback may be obtained through the Forestry webpage or through the Parks and Recreation page. The project will be a success if we have created a more sustainable landscape,with a high percentage of tree survival after the first three years,and by enhancing the course for disc golf in Bozeman. Contribution to the urban forest and the health of the community will be improved,although maximum tree benefits will not be realized for a number of years. Appendix A 1 BUDGET CALCULATION FORM APPLICANT $VALUE OF f PROJECT EXPENSES QUANTITY/HOURLY RATE GRANT FUNDS CASH MATCH DONATED TOTAL OR PIECE RATE REQUESTED(A)* (B) AND IN-KIND A+B+C (C) PERSONNEL EXPENSES (SALARIES/WAGES/BENEFITS) *Requested grant funds cannot be used for regular personnel costs of city/town employees. However,forestry student interns or summer forestry apprentice costs can be included as grant funds. Forestry 1 140 hrs. @$25.00/hr. $3,500.00 $3,500.00 Forestry 2 160 hrs. @$23.00/hr. $3,680.00 $3,680.00 Forestry 3 16 hrs. @$23.00/hr. $368.00 $368.00 Forestry 4 92 hrs. @$18.00/hr. $1,6500 $1,656.00 Seasonal employee 272 hrs. @$11.00/hr. $2,992.00 $2,992.00 Tree Board(list of names 5 hours @$75.00/hr. $375.00 $375.00 provided) TOTAL PERSONNEL EXPENSES $12,196.00 $375.00 $12,571.00 OPERATING EXPENDITURES (TRAVEL, SUPPLIES, RENTALS, ETC.) Is, Trees and shrubs(list provided) 44 $7,100.00® i 9�� s (`" $7,100.00 Metal T-posts 92 @$6.00 $552.00 "a y. r $552.00 Trunk protectors 32 @$9.00 $99 Ip') ., r`;'.00 $288.00 Water bags(donut style) 24 @$21.00 $$DLb jw. $504.00 Water bags(upright) 40 @$23.00 ,�+ Fl.00 $920.00 Interpretive signs 9(7.5"x 9.5'9@$42.00 784(2 $378.00 Main entrance sign 1(36"x 48')and set up fee �: $3..x;.0 $374.00 i Main entrance sign frame Posts,rails,hardware . k•., ' 'b J-. ,/:®0 $573.00 Pickup truck 40 hrs. @$14.00/hr. Sr) $560.00 $560.00 Pickup and flatbed trailer 80 hrs. @$40.00/hrky_ `-,_r $3,200.00 $3,200.00 Water truck 192 hrs. @$20.fol'ti ,., ° $3,840.00 $3,840.00 Backhoe 80 hrs. @$2V!-,.5 ,_ \,, $1,880.00 $1,880.00 Water(880 gal./week) 12 weeks,45,10 1,o9I;'Va i $54.00 $54.00 Advertising brochures �4 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $10,500.00 $9,723.00 $20,223.00 CONTRACTED PROFESSIONAL SFII?V W&S Irrigation contractor $4,500.00 $4,500.00 TOTAL CONTRACTED SERVICES $4,500.00 $4,500.00 TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURE ES m . . . � I $15,000.00 I $21,919.00 I $375.00 ( $37,294.00 N IMPORTANT NOTE: UPON REQUESTING REIMBURSEMENT,ALL EXPENDITURES(INCLUDING CASH,DONATIONS AND IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS TO BE APPLIED TO 100%MATCH)MUST BE SUBSTANTIATED WITH PROOF OF PAYMENT. FEDERAL FUNDS MAY NOT BE USED FOR APPLICANT CASH, DONATED AND/OR IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS. Appendix A From: Jennifer Jolliff To: palm, Lone Subject: UF Program Development Grant Application Date: Friday,November 06,2015 9:06:25 AM Attachments: 2016. Prooram Development Application.docx Hi Lonie, Attached is the Program Development Grant application for the City of Bozeman. Signature form and City of Bozeman Grant Approval Sheet to accompany the application will be faxed to you later this morning. Thank you for the opportunity. Jennifer,7o14/f ISA Certified Arborist Municipal Specialist City of Bozeman Forestry Division All City of Bozeman emails are subject to the Right to Know provisions of Montana's Constitution (Art. II, Sect. 9) and may be considered a"public record"per Sect. 2-6-202 and Sect. 2-6-401,Montana Code Annotated. As such, this email,its sender and receiver, and the contents may be available for public disclosure and will be retained pursuant to the City's record retention policies. Emails that contain confidential information related to individual privacy may be protected from disclosure under law. IH li Appendix B BUDGET CALCULATION FORM APPLICANT $VALUE OF PROJECT EXPENSES QUANTITY/HOURLY RATE GRANT FUNDS CASH MATCH DONATED TOTAL OR PIECE RATE REQUESTED(A)* (B) AND IN-KIND A+B+C (C) PERSONNEL EXPENSES (SALARIES/WAGES/BENEFITS) *Requested grant funds cannot be used for regular personnel costs of city/town employees. However,forestry student interns or summer forestry apprentice costs can be included as grant funds. Forestry 1 140 hrs. @$25.00/hr. $3,500.00 $3,500.00 Forestry 2 160 hrs. @$23.00/hr. $3,680.00 $3,680.00 Forestry 3 16 hrs. @$23.00/hr. $368.00 $368.00 Forestry 4 82 hrs. @$18.00/hr. $1,476.00 $1,476.00 Seasonal employee 240 hrs. @$11.00/hr. $2,640.00 $2,640.00 Tree Board(list of names 5 hours @$75.00/hr. $375.00 $375.00 provided) TOTAL PERSONNEL EXPENSES $11,664.00 $375.00 $12,039.00 OPERATING EXPENDITURES (TRAVEL, SUPPLIES, RENTALS, ETC.) Trees(list provided) 36 $5,400.00 $5,400.00 Metal T-posts 46 @$5.98 $275.00 $275.00 Trunk protectors 28 @$9.00 $252.00 $252.00 Water bags(donut style) 20 @$21.00 $420.00 $420.00 Water bags(upright) 36 @$23.00 $828.00 $828.00 Interpretive signs 9(7.5"x 9.5")@$42.00 $378.00 $378.00 Main entrance sign 1(36"x 48")and set up fee $374.00 $374.00 Main entrance sign frame Posts,rails,hardware $573.00 $573.00 Pickup truck 40 hrs. @$14.00/hr. $560.00 $560.00 Pickup and flatbed trailer 80 hrs. @$40.00/hr. $3,200.00 $3,200.00 Water truck 172 hrs. @$20.00/hr. $3,440.00 $3,440.00 Backhoe 80 hrs. @$23.50/hr. $1,880.00 $1,880.00 Water(880 gal./week) 12 weeks @$5.05/1,000 gal. $54.00 $54.00 Advertising brochures TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $7,000.00 $10,634.00 $17,634.00 CONTRACTED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Irrigation contractor $3,000.00 $3,000.00 TOTAL CONTRACTED SERVICES $3,000.00 $3,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES $10,000.00 $22,298.00 $375.00 $32,673.00 IMPORTANT NOTE: UPON REQUESTING REIMBURSEMENT,ALL EXPENDITURES(INCLUDING CASH, DONATIONS AND IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS TO BE APPLIED TO 100%MATCH)MUST BE SUBSTANTIATED WITH PROOF OF PAYMENT. FEDERAL FUNDS MAY NOT BE USED FOR APPLICANT CASH, DONATED AND/OR IN-KIND CONTRIBUTIONS. Appendix B 2. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT: The Rose Park project is an opportunity for the Bozeman Urban Forestry Program to expand the urban forest benefit by planting additional trees and increasing tree canopy,mitigating storm runoff and erosion,beautifying,and raising public awareness to gain support for the city forestry program and the urban forest resource. The effects of urbanization will be lessened in a highly developed area, and fragmentation reduced by connecting the park with the adjacent open space area and wetland ecosystem. 3-5 Year Goals: • Trees established(staking removed after 1 year and periodic structural pruning) • Improvements according to existing Master Plan for Rose Park completed with landscape incorporated into long-term maintenance schedule • Public awareness and pride of ownership • Increased aesthetic value • Increase in ecological,environmental,and health benefits 3. PROJECT PERSONNEL: City of Bozeman Forestry Division: The four full-time employees that will be involved in the project are all ISA certified arborists and have substantial experience in tree installation and structural pruning. The staff is knowledgeable in tree health care practices,soils and irrigation needs,and landscape design regarding tree placement. • Vince Galli,Forestry 1: Division Foreman, ISA certified arborist Operations supervisor,tree installation,sign installation,will oversee irrigation and maintenance • Jennifer Jolliff, Forestry 2: ISA certified arborist and Municipal Specialist �. Community representative,grant implementation, project design,sign graphics • Amy Hansen, Forestry 3: ISA certified arborist Structural pruning,maintenance • Wynn Krauss, Forestry 4: ISA certified arborist Tree installation,sign installation, maintenance,irrigation • Seasonal: Tree installation,sign installation, maintenance Director of Parks,Cemetery and Recreation: • Mitch Overton: MS,CPRP Director of Parks and Recreation will provide guidance,coordination with irrigation contractor,and oversee implementation of grant award in accordance to Rose Park Master Plan. City Forester: • To further advance the development of Bozeman's Urban Forestry Program,an Urban Forest Management Plan is pending adoption by the Bozeman City Commission. The plan recommends the creation of a City Forester position for future plan implementation and administration of the program. City of Bozeman Tree Advisory Board: The Tree Advisory Board members will be available for advice and to assist with public outreach and education. • Scott Makoutz,CTLA Consulting Arborist,chairperson • Bill Hoch, MSU Horticulturist,vice chair • Elisa Boyd • Patrick Cross • Rebekah VanWieren Appendix B ROSE PARK DISC GOLF COURSE AND ARBORETUM PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN 10/75/7.015 Rose Park Disc Goll Course r s may,.-g, r -Para,,-c.,'" i s� t t' MAP LEGEND r^ -4A. ;� ; ' � nes 1� " r ` st,6i�#+ ,pry. '2,--'„G ` ;— -4'€ s;x w eV -,a- Fd ".5 1 t. rtr t_ (t _J ' W 1P-t r. r ff a t€"z t • K rz s y*d„,..Ya 'zi p 8 rh f - Ft of i ✓ £ ate '�` .. x s' a. rff vii ''• ,y _ r x ,t --,, ,- :4;6..-,--'.'-'-:--,-.;.-'‘„- 3 � 1 F aS t-� s ,t w �� , s :=::,-,-, s\-4_7•1_i- Y' 1 �>�Fd .,; -.)---.:--,:t -v '" 1 ,,t-sem t. _ Y e.-.4...,:::';' f � S- $(. -•y" thy }/cz , s �,r- I ri oms k - t 1 S s 1': �.i - - v_ �' l veli. li It 'sst, `#C ,�:.� t z - 6 r � .t( % •e " *' r ,4,...-:,,e,;-_ �iib " �' 'rr ,t "�r�- sE *., ' � r i *;'''.4::.: ' '^ w41 "s€ y yf .^ar `�S.b SX�#� 1 kt`'`�r~ir fs` tm 1 c. ,. .s" ate' �x e° msr: ,� ,§r`'S,Y"1' ' �. I'. -a: 4-1-7-4 ,;kg� y_,_ .:s .. 1 RELATED MAPS _ I. Map data©2DGoogle imagery©2015,DlgitalGlobe Terms 100 ft ...),,,,,...,._,5„,r8._-____-- - " --, r^�> F hltps-hvrnv.google.com/mepsINW0tviever7mse=08mld=zljv2WV KDI.kOQeglR9nm 1/1 , I: Appendix B ROSE PARK DISC GOLF COURSE AND ARBORETUM I LANDSCAPE TREES- LEGEND HOLE#1: RED LEAF MAYDAY'MERLOT'(Prunus padus'Merlot') HOLE#2: 'PLUMOSA'SCOTCH PINE(Pinus sylvestrus'Pumosa') HOLE#3: BOX ELDER(Acer negundo) HOLE#4: SILVER POPLAR(Populus alba) ., _• . .,.rs.. i,� -_a HOLE#6: PONDEROSA PINE(Pinus ponderosa) HOLE#7: DOUGLAS FIR(Pseudotsuga menziesii) HOLE#8: EASTERN COTTONWOOD(Populus deltoids) HOLE#9: BUR OAK(Quercus macrocarpa) HOLE#10: BLACK HILLS SPRUCE(Picea glauca densata) Plant material will be balled and burlapped. Deciduous trees will be a minimum size of 1'A"in trunk diameter,and conifers will be in the 6ft.to 7ft.size. Tree installation will include at least two support stakes,strapping,and mulch. Plan will be subject to change,depending on availability of plant material. HOLE# 9: BUR OAK At each T-pad on the course, there will be an interpretive sign (71/2"x 91/2") displayed with information about the � ".tt er • tree species featured at the designated hole. NIP; 'iv A Signage will be attached to existing posts that are positioned at each T-pad to • Oak is our national tree,a symbol of strength&endurance. define the layout of the course. • It can live for up to 200 years. • Oak acorns provide a food source for deer,squirrels,and birds. ggg 6. PROJECT MONITORING&EFFECTIVENESS: Rose Park will be monitored under supervision of the Parks&Recreation Director or new City Forester twice per week during routine watering of the newly planted trees. After the first year,staking and strapping will be removed. Structural pruning will be done upon inspection of the trees,as needed,along with repair of any damaged limbs due to storm events or vandalism. Disc golf players offer reviews through several websites, including www.pdga.com www.dgcoursereview and www.discgolfscene. The City of Bozeman has a main website,and feedback may be obtained through the Forestry webpage or through the Parks and Recreation page. The project will be a success if we have created a more sustainable landscape,with a high percentage of tree survival after the first three years,and by enhancing the course for disc golf in Bozeman. Contribution to the urban forest and the health of the community will be improved, although maximum tree benefits will not be realized for a number of years. 1 Appendix B From: Kirby,Jamie To: Palm,Lode Subject: FW: Bozeman-UCF Program Development Grant Notification Date: Thursday,December 10,2015 1:10:30 PM Attachments: 201. Proram Devlo.m-n A., • .n... ATF00001.txt From: Jennifer Jolliff[mailto:jjolliff@BOZEMAN.NET] Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 12:10 PM To: Kirby,Jamie Cc: Mitchell Overton Subject: RE: Bozeman - UCF Program Development Grant Notification Dear Ms. Kirby, Attached is the revised copy of our application for the 2016 Program Development Grant. The Budget Calculation Form has been adjusted for the amount of$10,000, indicating a reduction in allocated funds for irrigation. On page 6,the Urban Forest Management Plan is mentioned, including the way our project will help program development through species diversification and balancing the effects of urbanization with the natural landscape, providing the connection between trees and people. We are glad to hear that we have support from the committee regarding the eventual hiring of a city forester to enhance Bozeman's forestry program. The application has been modified to acknowledge the role a city forester would have in the administration of this grant award. Thank you. ,Iennfer',9ollff ISA Certified Arborist Municipal Specialist City of Bozeman Forestry Division BOAMT Forestry From: Kirby,Jamie [maiito:iamiekirbv@mt.00v] Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 4:02 PM To: Jennifer Jolliff; Mitchell Overton; Vincent Galli li ii Appendix B Cc: Palm, Lode Subject: RE: Bozeman - UCF Program Development Grant Notification I apologize for showing Kalispell in the previous message. All items mentioned in the message pertain specifically to Bozeman. -Jamie From: Kirby, Jamie Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2015 3:18 PM To: Jennifer Jolliff; Mitch Overton; Vince Galli Cc: Palm, Lode Subject: Bozeman - UCF Program Development Grant Notification Hello Ms.Jolliff, The selection committee has tentatively approved Bozeman's UCF program development grant proposal at$10,000. The following modification is needed: 1) Adjust budget form to reflect award amount of$10,000. In doing so, remember that no more than 30%of total project can be allocated towards irrigation. Please revise your budget calculation form to reflect these modifications During the screening process,the committee noticed little mention or tie to Bozeman's Urban Forest Management Plan. In future proposals, it will be important to implement components of the plan or show ties to it.Additionally, in order to be a more sustainable program and successfully administer grants like these,the committee supports Bozeman establishing a city forester position. Please acknowledge or respond to these items and submit a revised budget calculation form by December 9. Thanks,and congratulations! } Jamie Kirby Montana DNRC Urban & Community Forestry Phone: 406-542-4288 Email: ja mieklrbvPmt.gov II Appendix C Additional Requirements to Proposal In addition to the specifications provided in Appendix A, the following must be completed: 1) Tree planting specifications - Part (A) 2) Final Work Inspection Form -Part(B) Part (A) — Tree Planting All tree planting projects must follow the Best Management Practices for Tree Planting, a special companion publication to the ANSI A300 Pad 6: Tree, Shrub, and Other Woody Plant Maintenance—Standard Practices (Transplanting). This booklet covers bare root, containerized, and balled and burlap tree stock. Specifications are summarized here: ❑ Time of Year-The ideal time to plant a tree is when it is in a dormant condition, either in early spring before bud-break, or in the fall, after ' leaves have dropped.Weather conditions at these times are generally cool, allowing plants to establish new roots before the onset of harsh r temperatures. \ ❑ Location—Visualize the tree in 20 years. Consider site restrictions � (available growing space, soil, pavement, overhead/underground ', 4' "'- utilities, etc.)Call local utility services at least 2 days prior to digging to locate underground utilities. (Usually 811 or 1-800-424-5555 in MT) ' /, ❑ Tree selection—Carefully inspect trees and only purchase those that v .z0":'�f have a strong stem and no physical damage.Avoid trees with circling roots, severe pruning cuts, dead bark or signs of insects and disease. ❑ Site preparation—Dig a hole three times as wide as the root ball, but not deeper. Amending soil is not necessary unless planting in disturbed sites or poor soil quality. Break up compacted soil on sides of the hole, and leave bottom firm. ❑ Tree preparation— 1) Identify root flare-part of the trunk where the roots spread out at the base of the tree. Root flare should be visible after the tree has been planted. You may have to remove some soil from the top of the root ball to find the flare. 2)Cut away strings and burlap or plastic from around the trunk. If tree is container grown, carefully remove container. ❑ Tree placement—Lift tree into planting space by the root ball, not the trunk. Ensure tree is at proper depth and never plant too deep. Trunk flare and top of root ball should be at grade. Balance tree upright at ; + r center of planting space. Pull back burlap as much as possible without removing soil from the root ball. i ❑ Fill with soil—Fill the hole while watering, periodically pausing to gently I tamp base,ensuring the tree is firmly settling in the planting space. r '" Keoi mulch 2-3' Finish filling soil just below the trunk flare. tory fr°,,, LiMulch—Apply 2 inches of organic material i.e.wood chips or similar °°'flare composted material. Leave bare soil around the trunk. Remove any tags, mulch depth Top of root bal wrap, flagging, etc. from the tree. Such items were only meant as ground leyol protection during transportation and installation. _ ❑ Only stake if necessary-Trees will establish more quickly and develop stronger trunk and root systems if they are not staked at the time of planting. However, protective staking may be required on sites where Planting Bole Bottom of roof rines root equipment, animal damage, vandalism or windy conditions are concerns. ball on firm soil ha 7'3 tiecdiameter Use a wide,flexible tying material to avoid injuring trunk and allow the Diagram courtesy of San Antonio Parks and Recreation fi q Appendix C tree to move or sway. Remove staking and ties after one year. ❑ Establishment—Do not fertilize at planting time.Water regularly throughout the first growing season (about once a week unless significant rainfall is received), but do not overwater. Keep lawn mowers and string trimmers away from tree to avoid wounding bark. Only prune dead or injured branches at time of planting. ❑ Long term care& protection—Have a 3-year annual inspection program to replace mulch, provide small tree training (light pruning cuts), and check for signs of stress, insects, disease, or vandalism. Keep trunk area free and clear of weeds and other competing vegetation. Put a fence around tree if site is a feeding ground for rabbits, deer, or other wildlife. Part (B) — Project Inspection Form Once the Subaward Project is complete, the Subrecipient must contact the DNRC regional urban forester to schedule a final project inspection. The inspection will verify that all required work has been completed and performed in accordance with state and program specifications. The Project Inspection Form must be completed by the DNRC regional urban forester or duly designated DNRC representative. Upon completion and submittal of the Project Inspection Form, a final payment of subaward agreement funds, including any funds that may have been withheld from earlier payment requests, is made to the Subrecipient. If the project is not inspected and approved by the DNRC regional urban forester, or deficiencies are found during inspection and not corrected,funds may be withheld from the Subrecipient. g7 ii Appendix D a � N' MONTANA URBAN & COMMUNITY 1 N_. FORESTRY SUBAWARD •NMeA(assch/�yA vime BID SOLICITATION VERIFICATION FORM SUBAWARD PROGRAM: SUBAWARD AGREEMENT#: COMMUNITY/ORGANIZATION NAME COMMUNITY/ORGANIZATION ADDRESS CITY/TOWN STATE ZIP PHONE EMAIL SUBAWARD'S PRINCIPAL CONTACT NAME AND TITLE PRINCIPAL CONTACT EMAIL& PHONE NUMBER SERVICES BEING PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR OR VENDOR: CONTRACTOR OR VENDOR NAME(Just list top 3 bid requests) BID AMOUNT A B C SELECTED CONTRACTOR or VENDOR 1) Please describe the bid solicitation process: 2) Please explain why you chose the selected contractor or vendor: 3) If three bids are unavailable for submission please also describe the issue(s): Appendix E Form AD-1048(1/92) U.S.DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion -Lower Tier Covered Transactions This certification is required by the regulations implementing Executive Order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, 7 CFR Part 3017, Section 3017.510, Participants'responsibilities. The regulations were published as Part IV of the January 30, 1989, Federal Register(pages 4722-4733). Copies of the regulations may be obtained by contacting the Department of Agriculture agency with which this transaction originated. (BEFORE COMPLETING CERTIFICATION,READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE.) (1) The prospective lower tier participant certifies, by submission of this proposal,that neither it nor its principals is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction by any Federal department or agency. (2) Where the prospective lower tier participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this proposal. ORGANIZATION NAME I PR/AWARDNUMBER OR PROJECT NAME oeBDzemujz sitz r4y a CF f nyram7J2evelecancn N-ejezf /Diiosind (,fast Petrk) NAME(S)AND TITLE(S)OF AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Uerznihr ✓a/Cliff; ,4-kbcr sA 4, ,W vzlct ai Spat list, C%i✓ of Boze.nan 71--0732s17--jj7 .re6Ion-L. SIGNATURES) I DATE I� "'7r ~ a /ot --en-,,,e,,,6 • i I it I I 1 oft I Appendix E Form AD-1048/REVERSE) INSTRUCTIONS FOR CERTIFICATION I. By signing and submitting this form,the prospective lower tier participant is providing the certification set out on the reverse side in accordance with these instructions. 2. The certification in this clause is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was entered into. If it is later determined that the prospective lower tier participant knowingly rendered an erroneous certification,in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government,the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies,including suspension and/or debarment. 3. The prospective lower tier participant shall provide immediate written notice to the person to which this proposal is submitted if at any time the prospective lower tier participant learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. 4. The terms"covered transaction," "debarred," "suspended," "ineligible," "lower tier covered transaction," "participant," "person," "primary covered transaction,""principal," "proposal,"and"voluntarily excluded,"as used in this clause,have the meanings set out in the Definitions and Coverage sections of rules implementing Executive Order 12549. You may contact the person to which this proposal is submitted for assistance in obtaining a copy of those regulations. 5. The prospective lower tier participant agrees by submitting this form that,should the proposed covered transaction be entered into,it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is debarred,suspended,declared ineligible,or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction,unless authorized by the department or agency with which this transaction originated. 6. The prospective lower tier participant further agrees by submitting this form that it will include this clause titled"Certification Regarding Debarment,Suspension,Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier Covered Transactions,"without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all solicitations for lower tier covered transactions. 7. A participant in a covered transaction may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is not debarred, suspended, ineligible,or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction,unless it knows that the certification is erroneous. A participant may decide the method and frequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. Each participant may,but is not required to, check the Nonprocurement List. 8. Nothing contained in the foregoing shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this clause. The knowledge and information of a Cps participant is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary fr course of business dealings. 9. Except for transactions authorized under paragraph 5 of these instructions,if a participant in a covered transaction knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended,debarred, ineligible,or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction,in addition to other remedies available to the Federal Government,the department or agency with which this transaction originated may pursue available remedies,including suspension and/or debarment. 2 2 of 2