HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-23-2015 Archive City Commission Minutes li i THE, CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Monday,November 23, 2015 I Mayor-Jeff Krauss: Present Deputy Mayor-Carson Taylor: Present Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Present Commissioner-Cynthia Andrus: Present Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy:Present F Staff Present: City Manager Chris Kukulski, City Attorney Greg Sullivan and City Clerk Stacy Ulmen. A. 06:00:53 PM Call to Order--6:00 PM-Commission Room, City Hall, 121 North i Rouse Mayor Krauss called the meeting order at 6 p.m. B. 06:00:55 PM Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 06:01:54 PM Changes to the Agenda Mayor Krauss asked City Manager Chris Kukulski if there were any changes to the i agenda. Mr. Kukulski stated no. i D. 06:02:01 PM Public Service Announcement- City Offices Closed on Thursday November 26 and Friday November 27 in recognition of Thanksgiving(Ulmen) E. 06:02:35 PM Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services(LaMeres) j 2. Approval of Depository Bonds and Pledged Securities as of September 30, 2015 (Clark) 3. Change Order Amendment 1 with Omdahl Excavation&Utilities Inc.for the 2015 Water Renovations Contract(Gamradt) j Page 1 of 8 November 23,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes 4. Extension of the Professional Services Agreement with The Nest Collective, LLC for Public Works Department Public Relations Services(Woolard) 5. Notice of Award to Perennial Energy LLC for the Purchase of the Gas Processing Skid and Flare Assembly for the Story Mill Landfill(Hixson) 06:02:46 PM City Manager over view of Consent items. Mr. Kukulski gave an over view of each Consent item as submitted. 06:03:40 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment on the Consent agenda. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 06:03:52 PM Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items 1-5 as submitted. Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Motion Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: 2nd _Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve F. 06:04:13 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened general public comment. 06:04:37 PM Mary [rant Hull,Public Comment Ms.Vant Hull spoke regarding the Transportation plan and biking. She spoke regarding safe trails and the need to try to get the County involved. 06:06:40 PM Public Comment closed Mayor Krauss closed public comment. G. 06:06:47 PM Special Presentation 1. Bozeman Transportation Master Plan Update(Hixson/JeffKey,Project Engineer) Mr.Hixson introduced Jeff Key,the Project Engineer for the Bozeman Transportation Master Plan Update. They have launched a Wikimap commenting platform. Feedback is monitored. There will be a transportation survey. Mr. Key spoke regarding governing principles for guiding this effort. He spoke about meeting goals and the Federal Government's desire to link to the goals. Page 2 of 8 November 23,2025 Bozeman City Commission Minutes i 06:18:31 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed what socioeconomic and land use base lining and forecasting is defined as,boundaries and merging with neighboring towns,the designation as an MPO,hazmat planning and interfacing, coordination, the County's involvement, when roadways are used, the issue of when, changing the way that business is done and if this is being contemplated, travel demand management and the creation of a position to manage this, the size of the geographical area, and reactions to the City land use planning and looking at plans into the future. H. 06:35:44 PM Action Items i 1. 06:35:47 PM Continue the Public Hearing on the Simmental Growth Policy Amendment Application., 15429 from November 23, 2015 to December 7, 2015 (Brekke) 06:36:03 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 06:36:12 PM Motion and Vote to hereby continue the public hearing on the Simmental Growth Policy Amendment application,file no. 15429,from November 23,2015 to December 7, 2015. I i Commissioner-Cynthia Andrus: Motion Commissioner-Chris Mehl: 2nd Mayor-Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 2. 06:36:48 PM Letter of Support for the Northern Rocky Mountain Economic Development District (NRMEDD) to serve as a Certified Regional Development Corporation(CRDC) (Fontenot) i f I 06:36:52 PM Staff Presentation Economic Director Brit Fontenot gave the presentation for the Letter of Support for the Northern Rocky Mountain Economic Development District (NRMEDD) to serve as a Certified Regional Development Corporation(CRDC). The NRMEDD representatives gave their presentation as well li hf and gave a back ground of the group. ;E II 06:40:27 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed the letter and the apostrophe,what NRMEDD does presently FI including attracting high tech companies,dark fiber,economic impact studies in the area,they are 1j Page 3 of 8 November 23,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes a non-profit and they assist with startup businesses,the fact that the City is on the NRMEDD Board and they have assisted on an economic analysis, how to measure success going forward, goals related to receiving the funding and who wrote the letter and the board membership. 06:55:06 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. 06:55:15 PM Motion to approve a Letter of Support for the Northern Rocky Mountain Economic Development District (NRMEDD) in their Service as the Designated Agency for the Montana Department of Commerce as its Certfed Regional Development Corporation. Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd 06:55:43 PM Commission discussion on the Motion Mayor Krauss stated to endorse both and send to the state level. He spoke regarding the prior applicant. Deputy Mayor Taylor stated that he doesn't want to get into a position of choosing. Cr.Andrus spoke regarding the metrics by the prior applicant and she is willing to sign this letter as well and is reluctant because they are unsure of where they are going to accomplish. Cr.Pomeroy stated that this is a good organization. Cr. Mehl stated that he will support but that it is frustrating and there is not a lot of room for duplication. He stated that he supports. He spoke regarding different roles and proposals. 07:02:38 PM Vote on the Motion to approve a Letter of Support for the Northern Rocky Mountain Economic Development District (NRMEDD) in their Service as the Designated Agency for the Montana Department of Commerce as its Certified Regional Development Corporation. Commissioner- Chris Mehl: Motion Commissioner-I-Ilo Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor- Jeff Krauss: Approve Del2uty Mayor_-_Carson Taylor: Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl_Appprove Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 3. 07:03:29 PM A Conditional Use Permit(CUP)Application Requesting the Change In Use of a Portion of the Building located at 708 North Rouse Avenue from a Professional Office to Extended Stay(vacation rental),Un-Knotted Extended Stay, Application 15422 (Quasi-Judicial) (Brekke) Page 4 of 8 November 23,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes 07:03:43 PM Staff Presentation Staff Planner Allyson Brekke gave the staff presentation regarding A Conditional Use Permit (CUP)Application Requesting the Change In Use of a Portion of the Building located at 709 North Rouse Avenue from a Professional Office to Extended Stay (vacation rental), Un-Knotted Extended Stay,Application 15422. 07:08:59 PM Commission questions for Staff The Commission and Staff discussed the accumulative amount of people,the restaurant, parking, and the impacts of the widening of Rouse Avenue. 07:11:17 PM Applicant Presentation The Applicant representative gave their presentation regarding a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) Application Requesting the Change in Use of a Portion of the Building located at 708 North Rouse Avenue from a Professional Office to Extended Stay(vacation rental),Un-Knotted Extended Stay, Application 15422. 07:11:45 PM Commission questions for Applicant The Commission and applicant discussed complaints and how they will be handled and hours of the catering business and neighbor complaints. 07:14:27 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. i 07:14:36 PM Motion that leaving reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented,I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application no. 15422 and move to approve the Un-Knotted Extended Stay Conditional Use Permit to allow a change in use of a portion of the building located at 708 North Rouse Avenue from professional office to extended stay, with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. i Commissioner-I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: 2nd 07:15:19 PM Commission discussion on the Motion Cr.Pomeroy spoke regarding tourism in Bozeman and tourists need places to stay. Deputy Mayor Taylor spoke regarding sufficient parking and that there have not been any complaints and stated the conditions for approval. 07:16:12 PM Vote on the Motion that having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment,and all the information presented,I hereby adopt the findings presented in the Page 5 of 8 I i November 23,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes staff report for application no. 15422 and move to approve the Un Knotted Extended Stay Conditional Use Permit to allow a change in use of a portion of the building located at 708 North Rouse Avenue from professional office to extended stay, with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Commissioner- I-I10 Pomeroy:_Motion Deputy Mayor- Carson Taylor: 2nd Ma or-Jeff Krauss: Approve Deputy Mayor-Carson Taylor:Approve Commissioner- Chris Mehl:Approve Commissioner- Cynthia Andrus: Approve Commissioner_-_I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve 4. 07:16:42 PM Unified Development Code Update (Rogers) 07:17:06 PM Staff Presentation Staff Planner Tom Rogers gave the Staff Presentation for the Unified Development Code Update. He asked the City Commission to discuss building frontage and mass and height.He then reviewed existing codes and conducted a survey. He then discussed block frontages,storefronts,greenspace, commercial types, housing types, streetscapes and public amenities, applying to all commercial districts in the City, and who the committee is. Block Frontage Concept Comments The Commission discussed who the groups are that came up with the comments, the concept of block frontage seems like a good concept and makes sense, applying this to the other commercial and how the frontages will be applied to other districts and how it works on North 7th, they like having options,when we are talking about B-3 we are talking about B-3 not so much main street, provisions for parking in the back or in between buildings,limited curb cuts and minimal parking frontage and certain types in certain areas. 07:43:14 PM Continued Staff presentation Mr. Rogers continued the Staff presentation regarding the character of North 7'h, the Midtown priorities. Midtown to Main Street Character The Commission discussed historic nature, the fact that in order to achieve a dense walk-able midtown, going up is where we are going to go, envisioning taller buildings closer to the streets, people living closer to the downtown,how to work with land owners that have vacant land in that area,incentives and extensions. 07:54:29 PM Continued Staff presentation Mr. Rogers discussed housing diversity to fill in gap in affordable housing and what we are doing today including accessory dwelling units, detached single housing, cottages and walkup apartments. Page 6 of 8 November 23,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes Housing Type Concept The Commission discussed existing apartment buildings in R-4 districts and concerns of larger buildings,height not being a concern, several versions of ADU's and concerns related to lots and figuring out space and being outdoors and using it, concerns of not having any place to go, mitigating fears of big building with landscaping and design, the need to have context and not a flat approach, some depth, good with ADUs next to a garage, density and mixed use support,the need for a reason for density generally because it is close to employers,height and density around entryway corridors and possibly parks and things that encourage small is valuable. 08:13:23 PM Continued Staff presentation Mr. Rogers continued to talk about context related to design guidance for large buildings and articulation standards. Housing Type Concept The Commission discussed the approved designed codes and that they would like outside consultants to melt the two together and the fact that this is being looked at thoughtfidly. 08:20:15 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. 08:20:35 PM Kevin Thane,Public Comment Mr.Thane has concerns with the direction the UDC is taking and hopes that a discussion will take place about what will be added to encourage affordable housing. He hopes that innovative design concepts are addressed. He spoke regarding starter homes.This should be encouraged in the UDC. 08:23:11 PM Public Comment Mayor Krauss closed public comment. I. 08:23:25 PM FYI/Discussion 1. No Meeting on Monday,November 30th due to 5th Monday (Ulmen) 2. Lighting in the Mid-town. 08:24:47 PM Break Mayor Krauss declared a Break. i J. 08:34:37 PM Call to Order-Executive Session Mayor Krauss called the Executive Session to Order for the City Manager Evaluation. Mr. Kukulski stated that he would like the meeting to be in a closed session. The Mayor closed to the public this meeting pursuant to Sect. 2-3-203(3), MCA, finding that the discussion relates to a matter of individual privacy and the Mayor determines the demands of the individual's privacy clearly exceed the merits of public disclosure. A separate set of minutes have been pr°epared for the Executive Session, 3 Page 7 of 8 November 23,2015 Bozeman City Commission Minutes 9:50 p.m. Executive Session Comments Mayor Krauss opened back up the Public Meeting. The Commission Chamber doors were unlocked. Mayor Krauss stated that the Commission and City Manager had a robust conversation and the evaluation was generally favorable and everybody discussed areas of improvement. The Commission has recognized that there may be deficiencies in the City Manager's contract and Commissioners Chris Mehl and Carson Taylor have volunteered to go over the contract with the City Manager for changes. It will then be put on a public agenda and will be debated in a Public Meeting. K. 9:53 p.m. Adjournment of Regular Meeting Mayor Krauss adjourned the meeting at 9:53 p.m. f I Jeffrey K.Krauss Mayor ATTEST: c' ,. Sfacy U16icn; CMC �. ` ' . :i;�• ,C ty Clerk 01) PREPARED BY: } Stacy Ulmen, CMC --J City Clerk Approved out Page 8 of 8