HomeMy WebLinkAbout199410 _.._~------,-- . ~ t "., ' .. \t .,;,f .. . ',1 Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report . JI-0ct~94 Alarm Number: 940718 Date: 31-Oct-94 Time Out: 12:20 Location of Run: 11 Glacier Court On Scene: 12:22 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 12:27 Kind of Run: Hazardous Condition Response District: 23 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No -_. Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: eris Errett Occupant Phone: 585-2746 Occupant Address: 11 Glacier Court Owner Name: MSU Owner Phone: Owner Address: MSU Bozeman Mt. Type of OccupanyNehicle: License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No \ Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 . Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 .~ 1 ~. ~ j ."..' , :J ..... -~ $" Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alann Number 940718 Fire DeDartment ODerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: S. Hougland & D. Shyne Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Fire Department personnel responded to the scene of a malfunctioning electric range. A Kenmore electric range (serial-lC547946 Model-l 1964881 10 89KW) had a burner that had an electrical short and was shorting out. MSU maintenance personnel responded to the scene to repair the problem. Officer in Charge: S. Hougland Person Making Report: C. Vander Molen 2 -,. ~ . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report OJ-Noy-94 arrived and was able to talk to the victim, the Fire Department Personnel assisted in loading only. Officer in Charge: D. Miller Person Making Report: D. Miller . , , "- Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 30-0ct-94 Alarm Number: 940716 Date: 30..Qct-94 Time Can Received: 12:34 Location of Run: Corner of Main @N. 7th Time Out: 12:34 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 12:35 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 12:47 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance, Bozeman Police Department Fire Fighters at Scene: L. Hancock, J. Polus Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Kim Sinrode Sex: Female Patient's Address: 103 N. Grogan; Belgrade, Mt. Zip Code: 59714 Age: 29 Patient's Phone: 388-6973 Position/Location of Patient: Sitting on the front seat of her car. ComplaintIProblem: Neck Pain. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a report an injury accident in which Halls Ambulance were requesting additional manpower. Fire personnel responded code I to the accident. Upon arrival firefighters assisted Halls Ambulance with the extrication of the patient from the vehicle. Officer in Charge: L. Hancock Person Making Report: M. Thompson f, .- Bozeman Fire Deparbnent - EMS Report 29-Oct.94 Alarm Number: 940715 Date: 29-Oct.94 Time Call Received: 09:38 Location of Rua: 918 Woodland Time Out: 09:39 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 09:43 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 10:02 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine I: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 R.espoDding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Hoey, T. Greene Unprotected Exposure: No Customer InfolIDation Patient Name: Esther De'Onis Sex: Female Patient's Address: 2824 4th Street Zip Code: 59715 Age: 80 Patient.s Phone: 303443.1566 PositionlLocation of Patient: Laying on her right side on the dining room floor. ComplaintJProblem.: The patient temporarily lost consciousness. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD lJlood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (IfTakcA): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: BozemanFirefighters responded to assist an elderly womau who bad temporarily lost consciousness. Firefighters performed. a prinwy.and seoondarysorvey and assisted ambulance people with patient.carc. The patient refused transport. Officer in Charge: M. Hoey Persoa.MakiDg Report: G. Duntsch . . Bozeman Fire Deparbnent - EMS Report 29-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940714 Date: 28-Oct.94 Time Call Received: 23:08 Location of Run: Ruskie Hall , MSU campus Time Out: 23:11 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 23:12 Kind of RUB: Medical Assist In Service: 23:12 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No EngiDe. 1: No Bngiae 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1; No Other: No Response District: 0 Respondiag From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Thompson - T. Shearman Unprotected Bxposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: So: Patient's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patieat's PIloae: PositionlLocationofPatient: nla ComplaintlProblem: nla CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by Fe Blood Pressure (lfTakea): Not taken by PO Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken by PO Level of Ccmcioumess: unknown Treatment by Bozeman Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department wasdispaU:kedto MSVs Raskie HaD to assist someone who had a bicycle accident. However they were candled inroute. Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Penon Making Report: D. Miller _.u. . --- -.-- .--- -.--.---.--.----..--..-... .."...-. ._- t . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 28-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940713 Date: 28-Oct.94 Time Out: 21:04 Locatioa of Run: West Main Mall . J. C.Penney's On Scene: 21:08 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 21:11 KiDd of Rnn: False can . Good intent Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: 1. C. Penny's Occupant Phone: S87-4238 Occupant Address: West Main Mall Owner Name: J. C. Penny Co Inc. Owner Phone: 587-4238 Owner Address: Type ofOccupanyNehicle: "BM Ucense: Fire Originated In ..spread to: N/a Caused by; Workers working on the sprinkler system. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No SIIlOke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No Ifit Aaivated. did it save a life: No How maDY Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property damap: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information EstimtlfMLoss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Iosu.rance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 t . Bozeman Fire Departmeat - Fire Reportpg. 2 Alarm Number 940713 Fire Deoartment Operations Units Res.ponding: Engine I: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with.: Soun:eof Water: Amount of Water Used.: ??oo Gallons Fire Figbtersat Scene: M. Thompson. & T. Shearman Call Back Personnel Pagod: No Special Teams Paged: No Off'Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: IDcident Narrative: The Bozeman Fire Department responded to J. C. Penny's at the Main Mall just to chedc out an alarm that they had been told to disreprdmomeots earlier by the workers who were working on the system. The alarm Company appalendy was not informed 8Dd.reponed the alarm. Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Person Making Report: D. Miller 2 . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 28-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940712 Date: 28-Qct..94 Time Out: 20:03 Location of Run: 208 East Main On Scene: 20:05 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 20:28 Kind of Rw: Hazardous Condition Respouse District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Itlfonnation Occupant Name: First Security Bank of Bozeman Occupant Phone: S87-0641 Occupant Address: 208 East Main Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehide: "a" License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: n/a Caused by: Mechanical failure of a neon sign. Started. by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smote DectectorPreseat: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How ID8DY Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No fire Loss and In$Uf8l1ce Infonnation :&ri-JltNt Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 IDsuraIu:e on Coatents: $(too 1 -..---..-....-.. ...--.. ".......-. --"...----.....--. ".-...- ....-. ... . . Bozeman FiteDepartment - Fire Report pg. 2 AlIna Number 940712 Fire Denarbnent Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: .Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad. I: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: ~ofWater: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller ~ K. Johnson ~ R. Cima Call Back Personnel Paged:: No special Teams PaJed: No Oft'Duty Persoael: Equipment Used: EquipmcDtLost or Brokea: Incident Narrative: The Bozeman Fire Department responded. to the First Security Bank when a night seauity penon walked into the Fire Station and reported that one of the signs at the bank was arcing. The Fire DeparimeRtstoodby until a bank employee arrived to turn otJtbe.sign. Officer in Cbarge: D. MiUer Person Making Report: D. Miller 2 . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 28-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940711 Date: 28-0ct-94 Time Call Received: 18:00 LocatioIl of Ibm: Hedges North Time Out: 18:01 Type ofRuo: Emergency On Scene: 18:03 Kind of Ran: MedicalAssist In Service: 18:14 Fire Department ~tions Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Easme 2: Yes Re8ate 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 23 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambu.18JlCe: Yes Other Agencies at Scene; Halls AmbuIanCle Fire FigIlters at Scene: M. Thompson ~ T. Shearman unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: James Raines sex: Male Paneats Address: Hedges North~ room 1'06MSU campos Zip Code: S9717 Age: 19 Padeat's PItoIle: 406~279-3501 PositioDlLocatiOll ofPatieBt: Sitting in a chair in the lobby. ComplaintlProblem: A possible broken ankle. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If THea): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (1f Tatca): Not taken by PO RespiralioDs (If TakeJt): Not taken by PO Pupils; Not taken byFD Level of Conc:iousDeSS: Alert TreatmeDt by Bozeman Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department wasdispatcbed to MStrsHedges North to assist anilldtvidual who had mjured his ankle.Oa anivaltbey found the victim sitting in a chair. They assisted Halls witIt applying a splint and belped load. Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Peno1l MatiDC Report: D. MiUer . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 28.Qct-94 Alarm Number: 940710 Date: 28..Qct~94 Time Call Received: 13:10 Location of Run: 1120 West Babcock Time Out: 13;11 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 13;16 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 13:35 Fire Deoartment Ooerations lawsot Life Used: No Engine 1: No .Rngine 2: No ltacuc 1: Yes Ladder 1: No TtDdcr 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 IlespondiDg FfODl: Station linaad Station 2 out at time. of ca Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies atSc:ene: .HaUs Ambulance Fire Fighters at &ene: D. Miller - R. Cima Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: JoeBos Sex: Male Patients Address: 1120 WestBabcxdc Zip Code: S9715 Age: 81 Patient.. ftone: S86~S397 PositionlLocation of Patient: Laying on the floor of his living room on his back. ComplaintlProblem: To weak to getup. No.otIJer apparent problems. CPR. Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Tatcn): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by m PapJJs: Not taken by PO Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatmeat by Bozeman Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department was dispatched to 1120 West Babcock to assist an individual who was unable to get up. On arrival tlteyassiste4 HaDs Ambulance in loading.ODIy. Ofticer in Charge: D. Miller Person Matias. Report: D. Miller . . Bozeman Fire Department- EMS Report 28-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940709 Date: 2S-Oct..94 Time Call Received: 07:12 Location ofRml: 12lS Durston Rd. Time Out: 07:13 Type of RIm: NoneIncJ'gency On Scene: 07:17 KiDd ofRo: Medical Assist In Service: 07:24 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No EDgiDc I: No EngiDe 2: No Rescue I: Yes Ladder I: No Tender I: No Other: No Respoase Distric:t: 21 Resproadiq From.: Station I Did we arrive befOre Amba1aDce: Yes OtberA,encies at Sccae: None-service caU. Fire Fighters at Scene:K. Johnson, RCima Uaprotected. Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: MayBrooks Sex: Female Patielltts Address: 121S Durston Rd. room#U3 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 71 Pllient's PJtoac: 586-2769 Positicm/I..c)cof Patiell't: Patient was laying on the floor. ComplaintlProblem: PatientbadfaUen audcouldn'tget up. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood PreSlkUe (lfT--): Not taken by m RespiratioDs (If Take:D.): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousaess: Alert Treatment by Bozema.ll Fire: Bozeman fire personnel responded to assist an elderly female who had falIcm. and reqaired help to get back up. Officer in Charge: K. Johnson Penon Mak:iq Report:. K. Johnson . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS. Report 28~Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940108 Date: 28.()ct-94 Time Call Received: 02:34 Location ofR:un: 2301 W. Main #103 Time Out: 02:34 Type oflbm: Emergency On &:ene: 02:35 KiBd of Run: Medical Assist fa Service: 02:54 Fire De.partment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Eqine I: No .EagiDe 1: Yes Rescue 1: No Laddar 1: No Tender 1: No QIhcr: No RespoDsc Distria: 22 Respoadiag From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Am1Jutance: Yes Other Agencies at Seeae: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: L. kkman, M. Hoey Uoprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Dora Lanphear Sex: Female PatieJd:'S Address: 3110 N. D 49th St. ~ Vancou.ver,Wa. 98661 Zip Code: S9715 Age: S4 Patieat', PhoIle: 206-694-6938 Positioa/LocatiOD ofPatieDt: The patient answered tbc door then returned to her bed. COmplaintlProblem: Stomach pain. CPR Perfonned: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure.(If Takea): Not taken by PO R.espirations(lf Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Condousness: Alert Treatment by Boz.enallnFire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a report of a woman witltstOlD8Ch pain. UpOD arrival firefighters found a woman who uswered her door and was CCMnpIwiDingof stomaeh pain. Filefighten performed a primary and second8Iy smvey on the patient and assi9M Halls AmbulaBce with the packaging and loading of the patient ibrtransport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Offieer in Charge: V. Backman Pmon MakiDg Report: M: 'I'hompIon . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 27..Qct-94 Alarm. Number: 940707 Date: 27.oct~94 Time Call Received: 17:12 Locat:ionuf Roll: 107 West Villard Time OUt: 17:12 Type of Run: Ell1ergency On Scene: 17:16 KiDd of Ibm: Medical Assist In Service: 17:30 fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teadel' 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 R.espoDding..From: Station 1 in and Station 2 out at time of ca Did we arrive before Am1:IuIaIK:e: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Hans Emergency Fire Fighters atSceRc: V.~Ml,M Hoey Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Steve Rohacek Sex: Male Patient's Address: 807 West Vtllard Zip Code: 59715 Ap: 65 PatieDt's PIaoae: S87..2397 PositionILoca1i ofPaticat: Patient was in pidatptruckin front of home. .Rdfused any treatment. CompIaintlProblem: Intoxicated. CPR. Pe.ftnmed: No Pulse (If Taken:): Not taken by FD Blood Presswe (1fT"): Not taken by PO Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by PO PIIpiJs: Not taken byFD Level of ConcioumeIs: Alert Tteat4aeat by Bozeman File: Patient refused any treatment. Oftieer in Charge: V. BaCkman, M. Hoey Persoa Makiaa Repon.: D.Shyne . . Bozeman Fire Department- EMS Report 27-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940706 Date: 27..Qct-94 Time Call Received: 15:52 Location of R.ua: 1110 West Main, Time Oat: 1':52 Type ofRa: Emergency On Scene: 15:58 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Scrvi<:e: 16:08 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No .EngiDe 1: No Baghte2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Teadel' 1: No Other: No Respoase District: 22 Responding From.: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other.AgeDcies at Scene: Halls Emergency, .Bm-n Police Fire Fighters at Scene: V. Backman, D. Shyne Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Johnathan Foster Sex: Male Patients Address: tIle Julia Martin Zip Code: S97lS Age: 13 Patients PIloae: SSS-9S23 PositiODlLocation ofPatieat:Lyina on back in driveway witb baci:pack under his head. ComplaintlProblem: Patient had fallen from bis bicycle. CPR. Pufoidk:4:No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pr.uae (JfTaten): Not taken by FD Respilations (If Taken): Not takenbyFD Pupils: NottakenbyFD Level of Coociousncss: Alert Treat:meIIt by Bozeman Fire: 13 year old male fell from his bicycle bitting his head ondle sidewaIk.. PatieDts father was contacted and he reported to the scene ad transported the boy home. Oft'icer in Charge: V. Backman PenoIl Mating Report: D. Shyae . . <0;;>' Bozeman Fire Depamnent.. Fire Report 27-Oct.;.94 Alarm Number: 94()7()5 Date: 27.Qct..94 Time Oat: 15:09 LocaCiee ofltlm: 17 w. Lamme On Scene: 15:10 TyJIeef....: EInelgenCy III Seniee: 15:28 ICiad ef Raur: False Call -Malicious RespoRte District: 11 ReIpoBdiIIg Froa: BothStatlonsin at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No M....... Aht'ReeeIvett: No Customer Information Ot:cuput N.-e: Heritage Apartments CIOBilI Salsman Omapant PIlune: 586-8S60 Oecapaat Address: 17 W. Lamme OWaer NUDe: Dick Klein OwDerPllone: 259-1357 Owner Address: P.O. Box 2006 Billings MI' 59104 Type of OcaIpanylVddde: Ap:anmeutComplex I..keIuIe: Fire Origiaatedla ..8preadto: No Fire Catiedby: Started by a JuvenIle: No .PIdwns T....: No SMIle .DecteetorPaaeltC: Ye$ .. .~,.,. .,~..~-. .~,. ~.. ."'-"",-'- Did it Activate: Yes If it Aetivated, did. it save a We: No Bow ...., Lives Saved: 0 Ifit Ad.ilMed, ..it prewDt major pnperty daIIIaIe: No Fire Loss and Insurance lDformation"".,"----- Estimated Loss OD Property: $0.00 Eadmated Lossoa.COIIteBtI: SO.OO IBlUrance COIDpaBY: lluaraace oaProperty: $0.00 Insaraaee Oft ConteatI: $0.00 J .. ...-.--.. .-------..-..-.---....-...-..-..----. .---. ..... . . ~J Bozeman FlreDepartaellt -Il'tre Report PI- 2 Ala... N8IIlber 94070S Fire DeDartment Operations Units Respondin,: EngiBe 1: Yes EDglae2: Yes ReIcBe 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Sqaad t: No .Odler: No 1JDit and ....ping Dme: Pumps not used E~P.d with: Saarce elWater: Amount of Water Vied: ??oo Gaflons I'iftFlgbtenatSceae:M Thompson, M. Hoey, V. Badcamn, D. Archer. Call Back Penouel Paged: No SpedaI T.........: No Off Duty PenoneI: Equlpnteot Vsed: Eqaipmeatlmt or Bn*ea: IBcidellt Narrative: A phone caD was recievedby tbeBozenuul Fire Dtpamnentstatingtbat the fire alarm atthe.Heritagc Apta.-lh...was..activate4 .lavestigationon scene found a puDed alarm sIation. Occupants stated that they bad seen some children running fromtbesceue just before the alarm was activated. Offteer in Charge: M. Thompson Penoa Making .Report: M. Hoey 2 . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 26-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940704 Date: 26wOct-94 Time Call R.cceivcd.: 12:55 LocatiOllof Ran: 211 North Orand Time Out: 12:55 Type ofR\Ul: Emergency OIl Scene: 12:37 Kind of RBa: Medical Assist In ServU:e: 13:00 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Itescue 1: No Ladder 1: No TCDdcr 1: No 0tIler: No Response Distri<:t: 11 Responding. Prom: Station 1 Did we arrive before j\IIIhHIR-.:e: Yes Other Agencies at Sceae: Pire Fighters at Scene: G. Duntsch, T.Greene, K. Bushnen Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Ipfonnation Patient Name: Sex: Patieut's Address: Zip Code: 397lS Ap: 0 PatieBt's PhoBe: PositioDILocati of Patient: ComplaintlProblem.: CPR. PerfonncId: No Pulse (If Taten): Not taken by PO Blood Pressure (IfTabB): Not talcenby FD Respirations (If TakcD.): Not taken by FD PapiIs: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozemaa.Fire: Boz.eman Firefishters were summoned.to assist witb.patient restraint. The.pWent had vacated the premises prior to Firefighters arrival_ we were.amceIled at., scene. Ofticer inCbarge: G. Duntsch Penoa MakiDg Report: G. Drmtscb . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 26-0ct-94 Alann Number: 940703 Date: 26-Qct-94 Time Call Received: 09:50 Location of Run: 1820 W.Lincoln Time Out: 09:50 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 09:55 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 10:05 Fire DeDartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 1 in and Station 2 out at time of ca Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Fire Fighters at Scene: G.Clutter K.Rowe Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Briggs Reeder Sex: male Patient's Address: 821 Church Zip Code: 59715 Age: 21 Patient's Phone: no phone PositionlLocation of Patient: Lying in Dentist chair ComplaintIProblem: Patient slipped on step ladder striking the bridge of his nose on the ladder rung. CPR Perfonned: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters were called to provide medical assistance to a 21 year old man who was injured during a fall from a step ladder. Firefighters assisted Halls with patient loading for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Clutter _..._____ ._.u_ . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 01wNov-94 Alarm Number: 940702 Date: 26..Qctw94 Time Call Received: 07:19 Location of Run: So. Wilson & Mason St. Time Out: 07:20 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 07:25 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 07:40 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman Police Department Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Rowe, K, Bushnell Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Gail Engle Sex: Female Patient's Address: 1211 Holly Dr. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 53 Patient's Phone: 587-7705 Position/Location of Patient: Sitting on curb, Northeast Corner of intersection. ComplaintlProblem: Patient complained of a broken nose and pain in left side. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to the corner of S. Wilson and Mason St. to the report of a pedestrian that was strock by a vehicle. Unpon arrival firefighters treated a woman who had apparently collided with a pickup truck that was making a left turn onto Mason St. Firefighters treated the woman and prepared her for transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Person Making Report: K. Rowe . .- Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 25-Qct-94 Alarm Number: 940701 Date: 2S-Oct-94 Time Out: IS:5O Location of R.ua: 1228 W. MaiD On Scene: 15:53 Type ofRn: Emergency In Service: 16:04 Kiad ofR.ua: Vehicle Fire Response Disttict: 22 RespoDdi:Dg From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aiel Received: No Customer.Infonnation Oc::cupent Name: Heather Wyma Occupant Phone: 585-8265 Occupant Address: Owner Name: Kathy Anderson Owner Phone: 388-7863 Owner Address: #16 Voegleespr& Trailer Court Type of OccupenyNehicle: 1983 Ford Escord L License: 6-P-12D Fire OrigjnllfP.(J In ~Spread to: Fire originated in theengiDe compartment and was contained to that area, Causedby-: Fuel line failure. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No SmokeDec:tector Present: No Diet.it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How JUDy Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major propertyclamqe: No m..Loss and, Insurance Information EMfi-tect Loss on Property: $100.00 Estimated Loss on Ccmtents: $0.00 Insurance Company: IDsurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 . . Bozeman Fire DepIrbneDt ~'ire Report pg. 2 AlanD Number 940701 Fire Department Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No EngiDe2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder I: No Tender I: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: 0 Extinguished with: Portable Extinguislter Source of Water: Amount ofWaser Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighten at Scene: D. Miller &. K. .Johnson Call Bade.Pmonnel Paged: No Special Teems Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Tool box Equipment Lost or Broken: Iacident Narrative: Bozeman Fire was dispat<:hedto a vebical fire at 1228 W. Main, The fire bad .becn eJttinguished with a fite extinguisher prior tokesues .l's arrival. . An investigation revealed.a damaged fUel line was the probable cause of the fire. Firetightersdiscomlectedthe battery. Ofticer in Charge: D. Miller Person Making Report: C. Vander Molen 2 - . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 24-0ct-94 Alarm Number: 940700 Date: 24-0ct-94 Time Can Received: 19:30 Location of Run: 1701 South 19th Time Out: 19:30 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 19:31 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 19:49 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: V. Backman, R. Cima Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Betsy Bair Sex: Female Patient's Address: 902 Woodland Drive Zip Code: 59715 Age: 9 Patient's Phone: 585-9787 PositionlLocation of Patient: Sitting in a chair. ComplaintlProblem: Pain in her wrist. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a report of a girl who had injured her arm. Upon arrival firefighters encountered a girl who had a possible broken wrist. Firefighters splinted the girls wrist and assisted Halls Ambulance personnel with the packaging and loading of the patient for transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: V. Backman Person Making Report: M. Thompson ,~ ~. - - Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 24-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940699 Date: 24..Qct-94 Time Call Received: 12:00 Location of Run: 621 West Mendenhall Time Out: 12:00 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 12:04 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 12:15 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine I: No Eqine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 Responding From: Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman Police ADd Halls Fire Fighters at Scene: V. Backman T. Greene R Cima Uaprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Will Natsues Sex: Male Patieat's Address: 417 West Koch Zip Code: S9715 Age: 12 PaticDt's PhoDe: S86-4S18 PositionlLocation of Patient: Standing up on drive to Vidio library. ComplaintlProblem: No injuries. CPR. Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If TakeD): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Concioumess: Alert TreatmeDt by Bozemaa File: No iinjuries. Officer in Charge: V. Backman Person MatiDg Report: V. BlIclnnlln . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 24-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940697 Date: 24..Qct-94 Time Out: 03:24 Location of Run: 1601 West Main On Scene: 03:28 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 03:49 Kind of Run: Struc:ture Fire Response District: 21 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid. Given: No Mutual Aid R.eoeived: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Hastings Video Kelly McCarty-Mgr. O::cupanl Phone: 583-7735 Occupant Address: 1601 West Main Owner Name: Hastinv Video Owner Phone: 587..sol6 Owner Address: 1601 West Main Type of OccupanyNebicle: Retail store License: Fire OrigiIllAtNl In ~spreadto: No fire. Causedby': Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectecror Present: Yes Did it Aetivate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damale: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0;00 1 . . Bozeman Fire Departmcat ~ Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940697 Fire Deoartment Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes EngiBe 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender I: No Squad I: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extiaguishedwith: Sourccof Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Rowe, D. Archer. K.BushneU G. Clutter, T. Greene Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No 0Jf.Dt4y Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters received a phone in fire alarm from the SealritecCompany in Houston Texas stating an alarm was going oft' at Hastings Video. Upoon their arrival, firefighters could not find the cause of the alarm after searching the building. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Person Making Report: D. Archer 2 ., . Bozeman Fire Department -Fire Report 23-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940696 Datt: 23..()ct.94 Time Out: 16:12 Location of R1ID: Gibson's Discount Center On Scene: 16:15 Type of R.1UI: Emergency In Service: 16:18 KiBd of Run: False Call ~ Good Intent Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual AiclGiven: No M\ltWil Aid ~wd: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Gibson's Discount Center Occupant Phone: 587-0624 Occupant Address: 2121 W. Main St. Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: LiceDse: Fire Originated In ..8pread. to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector.. Present: No Did itAetivate: No Ifit Activated. did it savea1ife: No HowmaayLives 5avcd: 0 lOt Activated. did it prevent major property damqe: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Lo*S OIlQmtents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insuraac:e oaPropcrty: $0.00 Insurance on Con_U1: $0.00 1 .----..-- .-...". . . Bozeman Fire DepertmeDt ~ Fire Reportpg. 2 Alarm. Number 940696 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No EqiDC 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tcader I: No Sqaad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used ExUnpishedwith: Soun:e of Water: Amou11t of Water Used: ??oo Gallons FireFighters at Scetle: G.Clulter. T. Greene Call :8ack PersoImeI Paged: No Special Tams PapcI: No OJIDuty Pcnouel: EquipmeDt Used: EquipmeBt Lost orBrokeB: Incident Narrative: Bozeman firefighters responded to an alarm at 2121 West Main St. Firefighters were cancelled upon arrival. Offic:er in Charge: G. Outter Person.Making Report: K. Rowe 2 ~~ J e ,A' .--._,,,('~'- - . .:.-~ .'- Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 23-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940695 Date: 23...Qct-94 Time Out: 23:15 Location of Ron: 907 W. Babcock On Scene: 23:18 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 23:26 Kind of Run: Service Call Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information <kcupmt Name: David Miciewicz <kcupmt Phone: 587-7659 Oc<:vpant Address: 907 W. Baboock Owner Name: David Miciewicz Owner Phone: same Owaer Address: same Type of OccupanyNebicle: License: FireOrigi-t~ In _Spread to: Cavsed by: Started by a 11lvenile: No Pictures Taken: NO' Smoke Dtdec&or Present: No Did it Adivate: No If it Adi~ated. did it save a life: No How may Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it preveDt major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information EPi--*"'" Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 InsuraJlceCompaay: Insurance on Property: $0.00 IBsa.raace on CoDteats: $0.00 1 -. . Bozeman Fire Dcpartmeu.t ~ Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940695 Fire Deoartment.Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No EDgiae 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad. 1: No Other: Yes Unit and PumpiDg Time: Pumps not used Extiaguished with: Sourceof' Waller: AmouDt of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: 1. Polus Call Bact Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Papd: No Oft'Duty Persomtel: EquipmeBt Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: lJH:ident Narrative: A lady called from out of town and statcdishe had left a garden helle f'UIUliBg water in berback yard at 907 W. Babcodt. When firefighters arrivedtbe hose - .... ..""'''''' ClIWI'leOIle else. . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 22-Oct-!J4 Alarm Number: 940694 Date: 22..();t-94 Time Call Received: 16:11 Locaticm. of Ibm: 8thandCollege Time Out: 16:11 Type of Ibm: Emergency 00. Scene: 16:14 Kincl of Ran: Medical Assist In Servi<:e: 16:27 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Eqblc2: Yes Resc:uc 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Odler: No Response District: 22 RespondiDg From: Statioa 1 bt and Station 2 out at time of ca Did we arrive before A.nfM1aace: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Emergency Fue Fighters at Scene: S. Hougland, T.Sttearman Unprotected EJlpoIure: No Customer Information PatieDt Name: Rindi White Sex: Female ..-. '. -"""... . .y Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 22-0ct~94 Alarm Number: 940693 Date: 22-Oct~94 Time Call Received: 12:46 Location of Run: 504 W, Cleveland Time Out: 12:47 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 12:50 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 13:35 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station lout and Station 2 in at time of ca Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance & Bozeman Police Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Shyne & 1. Polus Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Francis Woods Sex: Male Patient's Address: 504 W, Ceveland Zip Code: 59715 Age: 78 Patient's Phone: 587-7712 PositionlLocation of Patient: Lying on his back in bed. ComplaintIProblem: Patient not breathing and unresponsive CPR Performed: Yes Pulse (If Taken): none Blood Pressure (If Taken): none Respirations (If Taken): none Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Unresponsive Treatment by Bozeman Fire: A seventy~ight year old male was found unresponsive by family members. CPR was initiated by patients son and a police officer. Firefighter assisted in CPR and helped package patient for transportation to the hospital. Officer in Charge: D. Shyne Person Making Report: C. Vander Molen . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 22-0ct-94 Alarm Number: 940692 Date: 22-Oct-94 Time Call Received: 12:15 Location of Run: 1303 South Fourth Time Out: 12:15 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 12:19 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 12:29 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before Amhulance: No Other Agencies at SceDe: Halls Ambulance & Bozeman Police Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Shyne & J. Polus Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Kathryn Cochran Sex: Female Patient's Address: 1303 S. 4th. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 40 Patient's Phone: 582-1912 PositionlLocation of Patient: Lying on her back on the Iivingroom floor. ComplaintIProblem: Patient stated she was studying German when she became faint and her fingers began to tingle. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department personnel were called to the scene of a lady who stated she was feeling faint and had a tingling sensation in her fingers. Fire Dept. personnel assisted Halls in preparing patient for transportation to the hospital. Officer in Charge: D, Shyne Person Making Report: C. Vander Molen . e Bozeman Fire Deparbnent - EMS Report 2J-Qct-94 Alarm Number: 940691 Date: 21..Qct.94 Time Call Received: 21:21 LocationofRua: 1011 E. Curtiss Time Out: 21:23 Type of Run: Emergency OBScene: 21:25 Kind ofllua: Medical Assist In Service: 21:49 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No EAgine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No TeDder. 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: L. Hancock, 1. Polus Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Denise Rogers Sex: Female Patient's Address: 10l1E. Curtiss Zip Code: 59715 Age: 42 Patient'$:PtJ.oae: 581-1804 PositionJLocatioaof Patient: StllJ'di1'lg in the basement of berhowie. Comp1aintlProblem: Chest pain. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 100 Blood Pressure. (If Taba): 140180 Respiratioas (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken byFD Level. of Concioasaess: Alert Treatmentby' BozenumFire: Bozeman firefighters responded toa report of a woman haviq chest. pain. Upon arrival firefighters found a woman in the.basement of her house who was having chest .pain. Firefigbters took the patients vital signs andperformedaprimaly an4seCoDdary survey. Filetigbtersalsoobtaineda paDenthistory an4 administered oxygen to the patient. Firefighters assistecJ Halls Ambulance pcrsouelwiththe packaging tmd loading. of the patient for transport to.BozemanDeaco8esS Hospital. OfticcrinCbarge: M. Thompson. PenoD. MakiDgReport: M. ThompsOn . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 21-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940690 Date: 21..Qct*94 Time Out: IS:34 Location of R.un: Fairway Drive OnSceae: 15:42 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: IS:44 Kind of R:ua: Structure Fire R.espoase District: 12 RespondiJlg From: Neither Station.jn at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid. Jteceiwd: No Customer Infonnation ()(:cupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehic1c: LicellSC: Fire Originated.1n ..8preM to: COntrolled burn , no fire spread. Cavsed.by: Started by a JUVCDi1e: No Pidlues Taltea: No Smoke Dcctectet Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save. life: No How IUIIY LivcsSawd: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information EstJ~tecl Loss on Property: $0.00 EPinwtecl Loss OD Coateats: $0,00 IDsurance Company: InsuraDce OD Property: $0.00 Insurance on CoDtelUs: $0.00 1 . . Bozenwt Fire Oepartmeat - Fire Report pt. 2 Alarm Number 940690 Fire Deoartment Operations Units Responding: Engine I: Yes EItgiae 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender I: No Squad I: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at S"ne: M. Thompson, L. Hancock, 1. Polus,M.Hoey. RCima Call Bad Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Pqcd: No Off Duty PersoDD.eI: Equipment Used: BquipmentLostor Broken.: Incident Narrative: Bozeman firefigbters responded to a report of a possible structure fire on Fairway Drive. While ea-route we were iatonnedtbatiswas a COBtroHedbum. Station 2 continued there respollSC andconftrmcd the situation. 0IJ'icer in Charge: M. 'l"homp&on Person Making Report: M. Thompson 2 . . .. Bozeman Fire Deparbnent - EMS Report 2()..()ct-94 Alarm Number: 940689 Date: w..oct-94 Time Call Received: 21:16 Location of Ron: 916 West Villard Time Out: 21:17 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 21:20 Kind ofbD: Medical Assist In Service: 21:42 fire Dq>artment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender I: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulaace: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman Poli<:e, Halls.AmbuIance Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter. T. Greene Unprotected E~e: No Customer. Information Patient Name: Cheryl Brooks Sex: Female Patient's Address: 916 West Villard Zip Code: S971S Age: 39 Patient's PhoDe: S86-3813 PositionlLocation .ofPatieDt: Sitting in a kitchen chair. ComplaintJProblem: The patient bacia seizure resulting in violentbebavior. Emergency persoDllCl had to physically restrain the patient. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by PO Blood Pressate (If Taba): Not taken by PO Respirations (If Tat.ea): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozemaa. Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a reported female experienQDg aseizuIeresul1ing in violent actions. Firefighters. PoIicean4Ambulance personnel peckaged and Ioadcdthe patient for transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer inCbarge: G. Clutter PeII01l Makiag Report: G. Duntscb , . '~ Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 20-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940688 Date: 20.Qct~94 Time Out: 14:38 Location of Run: 82S S.5th. On Scene: 14:43 Type of Ran: Emergency In Service; 14:48 Kind of Ran: Vehicle Fire Respcmse District: 12 Responding From; Station 1 Mutual Aid Given; No Mutual AidR.ec:eived: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Oceupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Jane Rowgbton Owner Phone: 586-0714 Owner Address: 82S S.Sth Type of OccupanyNebicle; 1987 Chevy Van License: 6P-7909C Fire Origillldwl In -Spread to: No fire Caused by: Overheated cooling system. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smote Decteetor Present: No Did it Activate: No }fit Activated, did it save a life: No How III8IIy Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 &dimllteet Loss OR Contents: $0.00 Insuranc:e COmpmy: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 .. . -. Bozeman Fire Departmen.t ~ Fire Report pg. 2 AlanD Number 940688 Fire Department Operations Units Re:wonding: EngiDe 1: No EqjDe 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No SqUIId 1: No Odter: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguilbed.with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G.Clutter O.Archer Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teaau Pased: No Off Duty Personucl: Equipment Used: EquipmeIltLost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a vddcIe on fire. Upon arrivial it was learned thattbe problem wasaduafly causodbyan overheated cooling system. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Clutter 2 . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 20-Oot-94 Alarm Number: 940687 Date: 20-<kt-94 Time Call Received: 13:S2 Location of Ru.: 133 W. Mendenhall St. Time Out: 13:S2 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 13:54 Kincl of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 14:27 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used.: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No TeDder 1: No 0tIler: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Rowe, T. Greene Unprotected Exposure: No Customer InfonnatiQn Patient Name: Mina Saylor Sex: Female Patient's Address: 95Quaw St. Belgrade Mr. Zip Code: 59714 Age: 79 Patients Phone: 388-6097 Positi.onILocation of Patient: Lying supjJle on the Door. ComplaintlProblem: Patient was complaining of feeling dizzy and sweaty. She was helped to the floor by employees of the business. CPR Petfonned: No Pulse (ItTaken): 65 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 120\90 Respirations.(If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Pearl Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters responded to the 100 block ofW. Mendenhall to the aid of a 79 year old"WOtn8ll who felt faint. The patient refused transport to Bozeman Deaoottess hospital and was released to her daughters care. Ofticer in Charge: K. Rowe Persoa M8IdDs Report: Ie Rowe ------.".- . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 20-0ct-94 Alarm Number: 940686 Date: 20.Qct-94 Time Out: 12:42 l.cK:ation of Run: N.7 th. &; Baxter In. On Scene: 12:46 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 13:31 Killd of Run: Hazardous Condition Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Christopher Kelly Owner Phone: 38S-9372 Owner Address: 416 W. Koch Type of Occupa:nyNebicle: 1969 Ford Bronco License: 6p.7127E Fue Origjn!lted bt _Spread to: No fire. Caused by: Ron over Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smote Dectcdor. Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it saw a life: No How IIWIJ Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: SO.OO I Est1m!1ted Lasson CoDteIlf.s: $0.00 Insurance Comp8Jly: Insurance on Properly: $0.00 I:nsuranceon Contents: $0.00 1 . . Bozeman Fire Department ~ FireR.eport pg.2 Alann Number 940686 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No EngiDe 2: Yes Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender. 1: No Squad 1: Yes Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: R-l, 2S min. Extinguished with: Source of Water: Taak Amount of Water Used: 0100 Gallons FireFighters atSceae: G.C1utter D.Arclter K.RoweT:GreeneKJohnson Call Back Personnel Paged: Yes Special Teams Pqed: No Off Duty Pcrsonae1: R.Cima KJobnson Equipment Used: SCBA, Booster line from R.l,cold clean Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a ODe car ronover at the comer of N.7th. & Baxter lane. Upon arriviaI firefighters found theovertumed vebicle leaking fuel from both fUel tanks. Yuefiprterspmvided fireprotcdion while WIeCker crews removed the veIUcle from the roadway. After crews removed the. vehicle firefighters seemed. the fuel. spill with aneuttaUzing agent. Ofticer in Charge: G.Clutter Person MakingR.eport: G. Clutter 2 ~;i;f" T -- - ---- ------... '. .' ':J:, Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 18-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940685 Date: 18..Qct.94 Time Call Received: 21:13 LocatiOll of Ru.: 304 N.Cleveland. Time OUt: 21:15 Type of Ran: Emergency On Scene: 21:18 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 21:39 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Amhtl~: Yes Other Agencies. at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: L. Hancock, 1. Polus Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Breta Kravick Sex: Female Patient's Address: 304N. Cleveland Zip Code: 59715 Age: 76 Patient's Phone: SS6-0470 PositioDlLocation of Patient: Standing at front door to greet us ComplaintlProblem: Patient was complaining of chest and abdomen pUns, as weUas, sIaortnessofbreatb. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 90 mood Pressure (If Taken): 110190 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken byFD Level of Concioumess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a report of a womanexperienciJ1g chest pains. Firefighters administered oxygen. took vitals and assisted anibulance persoaneI in peckagiDgan410ading for transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. OJIicer in Charge: L. Hancock Penon MakiDa Report: I.Polus . . Bozeman Fire Department- Fire Report J 8-Oct~94 Alarm Number: 940684 Date: 18..Qct~94 Time Oot: OS:48 Locatioa of Run: Hwy 191 Mile Post #69 On Scene: Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 10:30 Kind of Run: Hazardous Condition Response District: 0 Responding From: Station I Mutual Aid Given: Yes Mutual Aid ~ No Customer Information Occupant Name: Forrest Spence Lentban OccupantPlloac: Occupant Address: 113 West First South. ReJcburg 10. 83440 Owner Name: Roddey Oil Inc. Owner Phone: Owner Address: P. O. Box 781, Rexburg m.83440 Type of OccupaIlyNchiCle: Petelbuik 1980 Ser. #1XPSPB9X2W2 Uceasc: AA7623 Fire Origioatcd In -Spread to: No Fire Caused by: S~by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No SInoteDectector Present: No Did it Activate: No Kit Adivated. did it sae a life: No How maayLivesSaved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent DUtiof property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estim.ted Loss OIl Property . $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 IuuranoeCompany: InsuraIlce on Properly: $0.00 Insaraace on Contents: $0.00 J . -- . . Bozeman Fire Department ~ Fire Report PR. 2 AlanD Number 940684 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine I: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder I: No Tender 1: No Squad. 1: Yes Othec: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extiaguishedwith: .Soun:eof Water: AmOUllt of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters atSccme: A. Scholes, C. Wimt,MHoey, G. Clutter, D. AJdtcr,D. Miller. Call BadcPersonnel Paged: Yes Special Teams Papd: HazMatTeam OIfDuty PenoImeI: T. .<Jreene, D. Arcber,G. Clutter, M. Hoey, A. Scholes,C. WiRn, D.MiIler, R. Cima, K. Johnson. BquipmeDt UaecI: 3 each BlueTarps, CeIular. Phone, Haz-MatUbrary,SCBA's, 30 Feet Absorbent Boom. Equipment Lost or BroteD: 3 Blue Tmps, 30 Feet .AbSOIbam Boom. Incident Narrative: The Bozeman Fire Department Hazardous Materials Team was dispatched to a reported gastruckroUover OIlHiglrway 191, mile .DII!ker #69. The Bozeman City/Gallatin County Haatdous.MateriaJ. Squad Truck and 6 Hazmat team members were sent to the scene, On arrival it was dcterminedthat a semi tmck and trailer hauliDg fttel.badovertumedits pup trailer when tbe driver attempted to avoid a deer on the road. The pup traileroontainedapproximatly 3800 gaIloDs of #2 Diesel. All the Wwas spi1ledalong tberoad side.except about SOO gallons. The Gallatin Gateway. Volunteer Fire Department Chief acted as Incident Contmlmder.AgeIIcies assiting on scene were theMontana Highway Patrol , Montana High'way.Depertment, MODtaDa Ready Mix and M and W Wreckers. TIle spill wascontaincd with dibs aadtlteremainingfuel was removed from the.pup with out further incident. The Department of Emergency Services was informed of the accident ClcaD upot die sight was begun at 1030 hours and is on going. 0Bic;er ia Cbarge: A.Scboles Person Making Report: M. Hoey 2 . . . usgo' l tJaD'. ~/ pEJJS 1\ '" <. 4 -uJIM-I ~tA~ z ~"-rl\12~~Y,j;. ~-="!>o 0 IJ\. S I ,... e. ~ Ii' (.. ., 0700 S-rt\~" D~S ~+. DJ I S- ":fb~"'I CA t.L ii.;1~ k-It':, C.O~ k (ri!2.~ ~.""7 '170 M) (t~,k L{t. 01'1 '7U/je. I ?us.t+f c;> . ~..J oL-t 1t..:A.J I~O(iJ~ o 75"> 17<4 -<< It.. ~70'pnJ ~ o ~~ 7 ~d) 11lLJLJ::.:') oN~~~ - 1) t/le' Ec.Jrf. ,~ .., ~...& Pi. ""'/'? "" (:? ~ conr,d dQ..' f ........,0 I'-Z-( 1'-3/,H/~U:;/~~ ?,/..~~ i ~4 f6i..J/A/6 ~rtJS Ctl/ l',ltU.l IJJhhj /i1..1eI~ to /Jt <1L'{t~~.(,{' IO~Ll-'()PS t ~ p~-e - ~, -- · Le; I Lj('t-, III . ow4 /~\.;,)N fk;l.-Vl6. 7\ *4 11j~ CrILl ~,,1) L~IA fir[ ~ IN I?t ! I ill.'} fit ~<<c- - ceAJ ~ 6NL jfbl{ ;/<<. , - ~ . t /) ~c.f 5?7zo f,! "-- '(t-- f2-: r ~ .., .. :d ~ t/(>C --\1 rill?- IS <:-""..k <:. u _ -:s. u/~~ _"' J((.;,. ~ - 3'~ ,"'-0 I~ (\) ~. I )"'~~. II {~ \1-gOO - tl; ,"r 8, "/ (;. .~ .. . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 17-0ct-94 Alarm Number: 940683 Date: 17-Qct-94 Time Out: 15:38 Location of Run: Rt. 191 1/2 mile west of Love Lane On Scene: 16:10 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 16:32 Kind of Run: Hazardous Condition Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Information Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: no fire Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940683 Fire Deoartment Qoerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: Yes Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G.Clutter T. Greene Call Back Personnel Paged: Yes Special Teams Paged: No Oft'Duty Personnel: K.Rowe IPolus Equipment Used: Soda, Rubber gloves Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: The Bozeman Haz-Mat team responded to a report of a 5 gal. container of Hydrochoric Acid in the barrow pit on the north side of Highway 191 west of Love lane. Team members neutralized the contents of the container ( about I qt.) and with the assistance of RAE, Fire disposed of the product. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Clutter 2 . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 17-0ct-94 Alarm Number: 940682 Date: 17-0ct~94 Time Call Received: 03:54 Location of Run: 421 West Main Time Out: 03:55 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 03:59 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 04:21 Fire Department Onerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Otber: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: C. VanderMolen - K. Johnson Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Richard Keys Sex: Male Patient's Address: ComforltInn 1370 North 7th. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 40 Patient's Phone: 587-2322 PositionlLocation of Patient: Laying on the floor. ComplaintlProblem: Both ankles were injured. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: ear Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department responded to the Four B's restaurant where a worker had fallen off of the roof and injured both of his ankles. They performed the primary and secondary surveys and administered 02. On Halls arrival they helped load. Officer in Charge: C. Vander Molen Person Making Report: D. Miller . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 17-0ct-94 Alarm Number: 940681 Date: 16-0ct-94 Time Call Received: 22:14 Location of Run: So. Hedges MSU - room 925 Time Out: 22:14 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 22:19 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 22:38 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 23 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Hoey - T. Shearman Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Cristi Anderson Sex: Female Patient's Address: South Hedges MSU Room 925 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 18 Patient's Phone: 994-3717 PositionlLocation of Patient: Sitting on the floor. ComplaintlProblem: Asthma attack. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 104 Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): 24 Pupils: ear Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department responded to MSU's South Hedges dormitory and assisted a young person who was having an asthma attack. They performed primary and secondary surveys, administered 02 and helped load. Officer in Charge: M. Hoey Person Making Report: D. Miller . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 16-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940680 Date: 16..Qct~94 Time Out: 17:29 Location of Run: Cooley Lab MSU On Scene: 17:33 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 19:41 Kind. of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 23 Responding From: Neither Station in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received.: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Cooley Lab ~ MSU Occupant Phone: 994.0211 Occupant Address: MSU campus Owner Name: State of Montana Owner Phone: 994.0211 Owner Address: Helena, Mt Type of OccupanyNebicle: Chemistry lab License: Fire Originated In -.Spread to: nla Caused by: Unknown smell. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved.: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: SO.OO Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 . . Bozeman Fire Depm1ment - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940680 Fire Department Operations Units Res'ponding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes ~l: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: Yes Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: A Scholes ~ C. Wino ~ S. Hougland. M. Hoey ~ C. VanderMolen ~ D. Archer ~ T. Shearman ~ Call Back Personnel.Paged: Yes Special Teams Pqed: HazMat Team Off Duty Personnel: A Scholes. C. Winn ~ S. Hougland. ~ D. Archer ~ T. Green Equipment Used: SCBA's and PP fans Equipment Lost or Broken: none reported Incident Narrative: The Bozeman Fire Department called. in their Hazardous Material team to investigate an unknown smell found in Cooley Lab on MStrs campus. The building was evacuated and Haz~Matteam members wearing SCBA's . (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) , performed a room by room search for anything that could account for the smell. Nothing was found. Positive pressure fans were then used to remove the oder in the building and chemistry personnel then took a look. Still nothing was found. Officer in Charge: A. Scholes Person Making Report: D. Miller i 2 .. . , BOZEMAN FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RESPONSE REPORT Bozeman units Sauad & E-2 Date 10-16-94 . Type of Incident Haz-Mat Time, 17:29 Incident number q"O'-iO L.ocation Coolev Lab. . (MSU) 1',f..1 , . . . .:\ MATERIAL ..u.;.m . , . , ' j t,.,,~ "L,: ' " Pos:itive:nressure fan- _.,'n SCBA's ." ;' . . ," 'Y r. II' A"~ :' t', ,.' / L" ","-' ". ,> ," , 'r""' ";". ,',. _:. ..., I, . "lIP -- . , . .. .,. DESCR1PTION ...... .,.., - ~',. ...,,,.,, .. .' ',' "" ',I. . ' ' ,I' ....................';~..............'................;;.......'........ . ....."'.;,'.',~'."",," ,'^" ..._'.".'" ".,-', "_" :,.~."A'" ",,,,,,--,,.,,-,,,..,.,.,,.. . Contac:t/releph1::ine'# Vehicle 1.0. Vehicle 1.0 Driver/Responsible Party IJr:-iver/Respons1ble .... ~., .- - . - ,. , ........,....",.... ........' ~.,,--~-~--_.~-~,._','., .. e , Hazardous Materials Report Page 2 . -". ' . ADDITIONAL~rNFDRMATION Someone reported a.chemical'smell in Cooley Lab. atM.S.UT.! The Haz-Mat team was paged to investigate the smell. The source GI-ad Student 1 and Paul Griffin .(MSUChemical and ,;~' .____,.~,...:, ,...;.:.1,~"~"~~~,..,;:;,,::':~......,:,.~:,~,~,,:',~~>~',:::,,:;.:.;':,,~: ~w"~.,,,,+':~.~~.j ~,'~: "'~::"'::'~~;;i::I~:~~',_:~':'~:,~~,~~~ ,:;'. .. :: "W , "'" .... . .... ..... ... ..it~":~'~~;"~~l,":\:::.':':>};"f:;~;: .. ....... ...........~~..~.....tII..~..~lu~t:;~..~'r':::!!1t11~~L-::....=,.~,-~e-~=~~........!........ . ......,....7H.IS..... 'F"ORM:J~;'IO..:BE.......:t:[JMP1.E:TED;IA$"V$[JDN,~AS":rPOSSI!LE;!.);PIFIER';lINCrDENT.:., ,.<HAS ..gJ;r;L,J.R~IJ~;JJ''4 i'QRDER~,mJi.EPL.'t-lCE~ED';;~!1A1E;~J,~,~.!,l::tJj~,S,,;,F:ORMi":IS ,TO ,BE'COMP1.ETED,\l N,!:';DUPLICATE.'1:r:OP'l;.'ff:DR:~EPaRTMENl'~L\'i,RECDRDS ;,'.1.... ......... ..,. .. COpy 'FOR i,'HAZ"nAT"FILES. '.,::{". ':.H~<' :...,: ;;,;'i.'.i<,,>:')<:"', ..... ,'" ...... ........ ......' , '"'' ,,',:, ,': .'.:, " '. .,,',:..,,~"~: ".:.::e:af..,:;-~,\,;,' ~'~,~',:" :,,,,,;.;i:"'! ':".i';.."':">~,:",-:::\""\,'.,,,,-:,,,,:',:',~,;"'::',:~,(,;:...' "\,!,,,:.,.,,',i"'~',~,,'''''I',;''.J ':': " .':',.,.,'..,. "','''""",,~,',~''"'''"'I"~' ',~"'" ."':"_."""W~ ,', oJ,,,..,,;.,'.' '" " " , , '", ""._I~"",I:~'~I' ' " ,,'" ",'.,' '.'.. :," ,:"j,o:.,,,,,~,,,,,,,,','i,,,,.,,"'!I,,~~..~...,j.,,,,"~_:,,,,~~,~,,,.<.t~,'.Ci"oA:~.<.,~".~r'''''~~'':''':'"'.'''''::'I'"~.,.~,.~m. ,;:,,,,:,,,' . ,.................................~~.......~t""...~(~.................. :r ..,"'. . 'J'_',,~ ~ . - , '''-, -. . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report l6-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940679 Date: 16-Qct-94 Time Call Received: 16:57 Location of Run: J. C. Penney Co Inc. - Main Mall - 2825 W. Main Time Out: 16:57 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 17:01 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 17:16 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 ' Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Boey & T. Shearman Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Rozanna McConnic Sex: Female Patient's Address: 703 1/2 So. 11th. #D Zip Code: 59715 Age: 22 Patient's Phone: S87~3857 Position/Location of Patient: Laying on the floor. ComplaintlProblem: She was pregnant and passed out. CPR. Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 80 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 160n2 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken byFD Pupils: ear Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department was dispatched to the Main Mall to assist a 22 year old pregnant lady who had passed. out. Tbey checked her vitals and when Halls Ambulance arrived to transport her to the hospital she refused. Officer in Charge: M. Hoey Person Making Report: D. Miller , . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 16-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940678 Date: 16..Qct-94 Time Out: 13:37 Location of Run: 209 South Grand On Scene: 13:40 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 13:46 Kind of Run: Service Call Response District: 12 Responding From: Station I Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Pat Morgan Occupant Phone: 586-6218 Occupant Address: 209 South Grand Owner Name: Pat Morgan Owner Phone: 586-6218 Owner Address: 209 South Grand Type of OccupanyNebicle: residents. License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: nla Caused by: Pat fell out of her wheelchair and needed help getting up. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 '" . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940678 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine I: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: C. VanderMolen" K. Johnson Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: The Bozeman Fire Department was asked to respond to 209 South Grand to assist a person who had. fallen out of their Wheelchair and was not able to get back up. No injuries were reported. Officer in Charge: C. VanderMolen Person Making Report: D. Miller 2 -.. . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 16~Oct.94 Alarm Number: 940677 Date: 16..Qct~94 Time Call Received: 12:43 Location of Run: 2025 West College Time Out: 12:43 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 12:45 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 13:06 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Hoey &. T. Shearman Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Asgef Mikkelsen Sex: Male Patient's Address: 2025 West College Zip Code: 59715 Age: 91 Patient's Phone: 587~193 PositionlLocation of Patient: Laying on his back on the couch. ComplaintlProblem: Very nervous with chest pains &. difficulty in breathing. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 80 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 146/86 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: pear Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department was sent to 2025 West College to asSist a person having chest pains. They took his vitals and administered 02. When Halls arrived they helped load the person fOf transporting to the Hospital. Officer in Charge: M. Hoey Person Making Report: D. Miller e . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report J 6-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940676 Date: 16-Oct.94 Time Call Received: 12:37 Location of Ruu.: 2100 West Main Time Oot: 12:37 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 12:42 Kind of aun: Medical Assist In Service: 12:43 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used.: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Hoey & T. Shearman Unprotected Exposure: No Customer htformation Patient Name: Sex: Patient's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 PatiMt's Phone: PositionlLocation of Patient: nla ComplaintJProblem: none CPR Performed: No Pulse (IfTaten): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by BozemanFite: The Bozeman Fire Department was dispatched to 2100 West Main toa reported auto accidlmt. They were canceled on arrival because there were no injuries. Officer in Charge: M. Hoey Penon Makiq Report: D. Miller . . Bozeman Fire Deparbnent - EMS Report l6-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940675 Date: l6-Oct.94 Time Call Received: 10:57 Location of Run: 606 N. 5th. #122 Time Out: 10:57 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 11:01 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 11:15 Fire Oq>arJment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulaaee: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: Vander Molen &; K. Johnson '...M.........,...', Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Vivian Hess Sex: Female Patient's Address: 606 N. 5th. Zip Code: 59715 Ace: n Patient's Phone: 585-1108 PositiouILocatiof Patient: Sitting in a chair. CompIaintlProblem: Vivian stated she had been vomiting blood into the toilet, but no blood was observed by fire department personnel. CPR. Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by PO Blood Pressure (If Takal): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken byFD Level of Coneiousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: A seventy-seven year old female was complainiDg of Mmach pain. Fire department personnel assisted Halls Ambulance in padc~ng patieut for hkk$p('llMion to the hospital. Patient stated she had a previous history of ulcers. Oft'icer in Charge: C. Vander Molen Persoa Making. Report: C. Vander Molen . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 1 fi..Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940674 Date: 16-Qct.94 Time Out: 00:11 Location of Run: 29 Sheridan Place On Scene: 00:16 Type of Run: Nonem.ergency In Service: 00:38 Kind of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid R.ec:eived: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Robert McDonald Occupant Phone: 587.5439 Occupant Address: 29 Sheridan Place Owner Name: same Owner Phone: same Owner Address: same Type of OccupanyNebicle: Lk:ense: Pire Originsted In .Spread to: No fire. Caused by: No fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smote 1Jectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How IIWIY Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damqe= No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss Oft Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 InsuraDce Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 e e Bozeman Fire Department . Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940674 Fire Deoartment ~tions Units Responding: Bngine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Soun:e of Water: Amout of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Shyne and D. Archer. catl Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters responded to 29 Sheridan Plac;eto investipte a smoke odor. Firefighters found that the home at 29 Sheridan Place bad been constrocted in the spring. Sawdust from construction hacl settl'ed on top of the heating fumaceandwben homeowners turned the tumace onuodor of smoke emerged. Ofticer in Charge: D.Shyne Person Making Report: T. Sutherland 2 _._......._.u_ .__ - e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 15..()ct-94 Alarm Number: 940673 Date: IS-Qct~94 Time Out: 17:58 Location of Run: 306 E. Story On Scene: 18:04 Type ofRu: Nonemergency III Service: 18:08 KiDd. of Run: HazardousCondition Response District: 12 Responding Prom: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: License: Pire Origj1lated In -Spread to: No fire. Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No Ifit Adivated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent auVor property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on 'Property: $0.00 EstimAtPilLoss on Contents: $0.00 luuranccCompany: Insurance on Property: $0.00 IDsarance on Contents: $0.00 1 e It Bozeman Fire Department -Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm. Number 940673 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes EagiDe2: No R.escue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used EXlinguished with: Souroe of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Thompson, and Johnson Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Pqed: No Off DutyPersomte1: EqQipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters were dispatched to the area of 306 E. Story for crossed power lines. Firefighteufound a kite string ana powerliDe.Firdighters removed the kite string and cleared Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Person Making Report: T. Sutherland 2 . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report l$-Qct-94 Alarm Number: 940672 Date: 15..Qct-94 Time Call Received: 15:54 Location of Run: 7th and Kagy Time Out: 15:55 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 16:00 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 16:14 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 23 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Campus Security, and Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: Shyne & Archer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Aaron Frick Sex: Male Patient's Address: 1321 S. 5th Zip Code: 59715 Age: 19 Patient's Phone: 586-3141 PositionlLocation of Patient: The patient was on his back on the playing field. ComplaintlProblem: Tbe patient injured his left knee while playing football. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters responded to the practice football field at MSU in response to a knee injury. Firefighters assisted the ambulance crew in packaging for transport. Officer in Charge: D. Shyne Person Making Report: T. Sutherland -.-. . - Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 15-Qct-94 Alarm Number: 940671 Date: 15-Qct.94 Time Call Received: 09:30 Location of Ran: 606 N. Sth Rm. A-IOI Time Out: 09:30 Type of R.ua: E.meraency On Scene: 09:36 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 09:4S Fire Department Operations Jaws of ute Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladd.er 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before Am&ulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters atSeene: M. Thompson, K. Johnson Unprotected. Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Bobbie Hall sex: Female Patient's Address: 606 N.5th Rm. A-lOt Zip Code: 59715 Ale: 88 Patient's Phone: 587-3967 Position/Location of PatieDt: Layin& on her back on the couch. ComplaintlProblem: Back pain. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taten): Not takenby' FD Blood Pl~ (lfT*-): Not taken by I'D Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by I'D hpits: Not takenbyFD Level of Conciousaess: Alert TreatmeDt by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded at the request ofHaDs Ambulaace to areportofa woman who was having back pain. Firefi.ghten assisted HaUs Ambulance personnel with tbe ~"g and loading of the patient for transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Penoa MakiDa Report: M. Thompson . . Bozeman Fire Deparbnent .. Fire Report 15-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940670 Date: 15..Qct-94 Time Out: 04:35 LocatiOll of Ran: 912 N. 7th ( Van's lOA Parking Lot) On SceDe: 04:41 TypeofR.un: Emergency In Service: 05:10 Kind. of Run: Vehicle Fire Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Ai4 Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Zackariah Anderson Occupant Phone: 581.;()419 Occupant Address: P.O. Box 5213 Bozeman, MT. S9115 Owner Name: Same Owner Phone: " Owaer Address: " Type of OccupanyNehicle: 90 Dodge Shadow License: 1- JIMMYUP Fire Originated In _Spread to: Engine compartment aDd spread into area behind the fire wall. Caused by: Unknown Started by a Juvenile: No PictureS Taken: No Smoke :Deetec*n' PreseDt: No Did it Amvate: No If it Activated. did. itsavc a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated., did. it prevcatmajor plupcrty damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss 011. Contents: $0.00 Insuraace Company: Insurance on Property: $0,00 Insurance OD Contents: $0.00 1 .. - . . Bozeman Fire Depa:rtmeo.t - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940670 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad I: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: IS Minutes Extinguished with: Water Sourccof Water: Tank Amount of Water Used: OSOO Gallons Fire Fighters at Sceae: G. Duntsch , K. Rowe, K Bushnel1 Call Back Personnel Paged.: No SpeGiaI Teams Pap::d: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used.: Hatigan tool, K2 saw, SCBA. 1"1\2 Hose line. Equipment Lost or BrakeD.: Incident Narrative: Firefighters responded to the 700 Block of West Tamarack 8t. earl'y Saturday morning toa vehicle tire. Upon arrival firefighters found. a .1990 passenger car heavly involved with fire. FirefiPters cxtinquished the fire and determined the cause to be unknown at this time. Officer in Charge: G. Duntsch Penon Making Report: K. Rowe 2 . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 15-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940669 Date: 14...Qet-94 Time Call Received: 20:53 Location of Run: 1922 W. Main.St. (BebindBurgerKing) Time Out: 20:53 Type of Ram: Emergency On Scene: 20:54 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 21:20 Fire D~artment Ouerations Jaws of Life Used: No EJI&ine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 Respondiag From: Station 2 Did we arrive before ~: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Ambulance Fire Figbtersat Scene: D. Archer, T. Greene Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Brenda Kjorstad Sex: Female Patient's Address: 14 Glacier Court. (MSU) Bozeman, Mr. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 21 Patients Phoae: 581-8372 PositionlLocation of Patient: Lying supine in the street. ComplaintJProblem: Extreme lower back pain. CPR Perfonnecl: No Pulse (If Taken): 120 Blood Pressure (IfTatea): 140/90 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Concioumess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: A 21 year old woman was struck by a car in the 1900 blacl of West :Babco<:k Frldayevening. The patient was transported to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital for further evatua1ion. Officer in Charge: D. Archer Persoft MakiB&. Report: K. Rowe e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 14-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940668 Date: 14..Qct~94 Time Call Received: 18:41 Location orRan: 824 West Main (Lewis & ClaIk Motel) Time Out: 18:42 Type of Run; Emergency On Scene: 18:44 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 18:S0 Fire Department Ooer~tions Jaws of Life Used: No Engiae 1: No Ba&ine2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teuder 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 RespoDding FIODl: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman PoIioe, Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Archer, T. Greene Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Dale CaIpenter Sex: Male Patientl, Ac:kIress: I06A Julia Martin Drive Zip Code: S9715 Ale: 33 PatieDt'i Phone: PositiODlLocation of Paticmt: Sitting on the couch in the motel lobby. ConJplaintIProbem: Injmy to the rigbtlmee. CPR Performed; No Pulse (If Taken): 120 Blood Pre~e (lfTaten): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken. by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatmeat by Bozemaa Fire: Bozeman Firefighters respondedto the. scene. of a 33 year oId.ma.withak:nee injury. Firefighters performed a primary exam aDd assistedambulancepencmnelwith~.andloadiPg for transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: D, Archer Penou. Making Report: G. DwUrch e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 14-Qct-94 Alarm Number: 940667 Date: 14..Qct-94 Time Out: 15:40 Location of Run: 720 West Main (Country Flower Shop Par On. Scene: 15:42 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 15:48 Kiacl of Run: Vehicle Fire Response District: 22 Responding From; Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual AidReceiwd: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Bill Smith OccupaatPhone: 585-1163 Occupant Address: 2002 West.Koch, Bozeman, MI' Owner Name: Carl Newman Owner Phone: S86~ 7889 0wRer Address: 8404 Huffine Lane Type of Otcup8DyNebicle: 1962 Studebaker LiceDse: 6P-71360 Fire OriJiaated In lipread. to: The fire originated in the carburator and was confined to the C8Iburat0r. Caused by: Gasoline was being poured into theC8lburator when it backfired_ignited. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures TakOll: No Smote Dcc:tector. Present: NO Di4it Activate; No If it Activated. did it savo a life: No How .--.y .LivesSaved.: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss 08. Contents: $0.00 1Dsuraace. Company: IDsurance onPropcrty: $0.00 lasuraDceou. Coateats: SO,()Q 1 ___. ..u e e Bozeman Fire Department -Fire Report PI. 2 AJann Number 940667 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad. 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extiapishecl with: Sou.<<:eof Walei': Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Archer, T. Greene Can Bade Personnel Paged.: No Special Team Paged: No OffDuty' Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters were dispatched to a ear fiR at the CountIyFlower Shop. While enroute, Firefighters were notified that tbe fire had been extinguished by a dry chemical extinguisher. Firdijhters contin~ response and investigated the incideDt. OBicer in Charge: D. Archer Person Making Report: G. IJuntsch 2 . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report l4-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940666 Date: l4-Oct~94 Time Call Received: 13:40 Location of Run~ 5 Baxter Lane TimeOut: 13:40 Type of Rua.: Emergency On Scene: 13:43 KiDd of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 13:54 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2~No Racue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Halls AmbuIanoe Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Duntsch. K. Rowe Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Jenny Luna (Mike LU118 - Father) Sex: Female Patients Address: Hummingbird Street, Missoula, MT Zip Code: 59802 Age: 15 Patient's Phoae: 728-7788 Position/Location of Patient: Lying supine next to. the swimming pool. ComplaiatlProblem: The patient had experienced an asthmaattadt. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Takea): Not taken by FD BloodPreaure(JfTakeD): Not taken by FD Respi:rations (If TabB): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters were SU'IDIUOIIed to the scene of a IS year old girl 1hat bad experienced an astbama attack. Firefighters stood by to assistatnbuJance peI'SOD8el if needed. Oftieerin Charge: G. Duntsch PenonMakin& Report: G. Duntsch e e Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 14-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940665 Date: 14..Qct~94 Time Out: 12:48 Location of Run: Intersection of Main and Bozeman On Scene: 12:50 Type of Ron: Emergenty In . Service: 13:25 Kim:l of Run: Vehicle Fire Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Rcc:cived: No Customer Infonnation Occuplm Name: McDonald North American Van Lines ()ccupant Phone: 252-6396 Occupant Address: 1400 Monad Road, Billings, MT Owner Name: McDonald North American Van Lines Owner Phone: 252-6396 Owner Address: 1400 Monad Road, Billings. MT Type of OccupuyNebicle: Tractorrrrailer License: MT P06609 Fire Origi:oated In _Spread to: The fire started in a wiring barness on the lower left frame area below the cab aDd was confined to that specific area. Caused by: The cause was a direct electrical short in the wireing harness. Started by a luveaile: No PicturesTab:n:No Smoke I>ectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Adivated.. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. dklit prcvcIlt major plupt1ty damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 EPimmed Loss on CoIlteDts: $0.00 Insurance Company: IDsurance 08 Property: $0.00 IIl5Ul'8llCC on Contents: $0.00 1 - ---..-..----..- - e . Bozeman Fire I>c:pIrtmcot - Fire Report pg. 2 A18rmNumba' 940665 Fire Department Ooerations Units Responding: Engine I: Yes EagiDc 2: No R.eseue I: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad I: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Sceae: G. Duntsch, K.. Rowe, K.. BusbneH Call Bade: Personael Paged: No Special Te8IQS Paged: No OffDatyPersolmel: Equipment Used: Wrench, pump can, 25# chemical absorbent Equipment Lost or Broken: IIlcident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded. to an:ported. semi. tractorltrailer fire. The small fire was caused. by a direct 'elec.1rica1 shott. in a wiring bamess in the engine comparbDeJlt. The fire caused a power steerirlg line to rapture, spilling about a ga1lon Of powcr.steeriag fluid 00 the:street. Firefightersdisconnected the. batteries and.extinguished the small :ftre with a pump can. Officer in Charge: G.Duntsclt Person Making Report: G, Duntsch 2 . . Bozeman Fire Deparbnent- Fire Report 14-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940664 Date: 14-oct-94 Time Out: 08:26 Location of Run: 300 Highland Boulevard On Scene: 08:32 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 08:45 Kind of Ran: Structure Fire Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 in &; Station 2 out at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Liz Sillin1an Occupant Phone: 587-0631 Occupant Address: 300 Highland Boulevard Owner Name: Eldon Dahl Owner Phone: 586-2123 Owner Address: 1214 East Curtiss Type of OccupanyNebid.e: Funeral Home License: Fire Ori~II11ted In -Spread to: The fire originated on the kitchen stOVe and was confined to the stove top. Caused by: A plastic makeup container was.~ on a hot burner causing tbe plastic to ignite. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taten: No Smoke. Dectector Present: No Did it Acti,,*: No If it Activated,ctid it save a life: No HOw many Lives Saved: 0 Ifit Activated. did it pEeVeDt major pbpe1ty damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on. Property: Estimated Loss on. Contents: $1,SOO.OO IIISUI'8QCe ComJaay: UnkDown Insurance on Property: $0.00 IIIsuraAce .onContents: $0.00 1 . . Bozemam Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 AIamJ. Number 940664 Fire Dq>artment Ooerations Units Responding: Engine.l: Yes EngiDe 2: Yes Rescue 1; No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extioguishcd with: Soun:cof Water; Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Duntsch, KRowe, K. BusbneI1 D. Archer, T.Greene Call Back: Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Pased: No Off Duty Personnel: EquipmeDt Used: 1 SCBA, Positive Pressure Fan EquipmcntLostor Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters were summoned to a reported. kitchen fire that was possibly out. Firefighters foundtbe fire outonarrivalbutheavy smoke throughout the structure. Firefighters used positive pressure ventilatioD to remove the smoke. The occupaDt was informed toDOtify herinsurance.agent before attempting81'ly cleanup. OftiCUl' in Charge: G.Duntsch Penon Mating Report:G. Duntsch 2 . e Bozeman Fire Department- EMS Report 14-00t-94 Alarm. N~; 940663 Date: 14..Qct-94 Time Call Received: 01:12 Location of Run: MSU - Soutbe Hedges Time Out; 01:13 1'ypeofR:un: Emergency On Scene: 01: 15 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 01:32 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 RcspondiD.g From: Station. 2 Did we anive. before Ambulance: Yes Other Ageocies at Sc:ene; Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: S. Hoogland - T. Shearman Unprotected Exposure: No Customer fuformation Patient Name: Zoltan Krasznai Sex: Male Patient.sAddress: 1604 Lloyd Zip Code; 59715 Age: 25 Patient's Phone: 585.1238 PositionlLocation. of Patient: Laying on his back in the lobby. CompIai:ntIProbIem; Light beaded , dizzy &sbacking. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken); 72 Blood Pl~e (If Taten): 165/100 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: pear Level of Coneiousness: Alert Treatment by BozemaD.Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department was dispatched to MSU'J Southe Hedps.toassist an individual who was have an unknown health problem. They responded.and adminislered.02 , .cbecked his vitals and..assisted Halls Ambulance in loading. Officer in Charge: S. Hougland Penon MakiD&. Report: D. Miller ---... -.. . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report l4-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940662 Date: 13.Qct-94 Time Out: 19:15 Location of Ru:J1: 2020 West Babcock On Scene: 19:19 Type of RUJl: Nonemergency In Service: 19:30 K.inct of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual AiclR.cceived: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Leo Olson Occupant Phone: 586.5431 Occupant Address: 2020 West Babcock Owner Name: Leo Olson Owner Pbone: 586-5431 Owner Address: 7020 Bristol Ln Type of OccupaDyNehicle: Domino's Pizza LiceDse: Fire Origiuated In _Spread to: no fire. Caused by: The odor will be investigated further the foIlowiDl day. It was thought that one of tbe.other business in the complex may have giving 0<< the odor. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No SmokeDectector PreseDt: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it saye a life: No How BllDYLivcs Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 F.JZtimAtP.d Loss onCoateo1s: $0.00 Insuraace Company: Insuranc;e OIl Property: $0.00 IDSUr8Jlee on Contents: $0.00 J e . 'l.-- 8ozemlm. Fire Dep8rtmeDt -Fire Rqort Pa. 2 Alarm Number 940662 Fire Deoartment Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Odler: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps Dot used Extinguished with: Souroe of Water: Amount of Water Used.: ??oo Gallons Fire Fightenat Scene: S. Hougland & T. Shearman Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special te&1D8 Paged: No Off Duty Persoonel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: One of BPD.officers called the Fi11: ~bnent on the blIsiness line and asked if the Fire department.woulct.respoIKlto.JJomiDo Pizzaaudiavestigatean odd odor. We respondecl anct investigated" found no source. The investigation will continue on Friday when the other businesses open. Officer in Charge: S. Hougland Person Mak.inc Report: D. Miller 2 - - Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 12,.Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940661 Date: 12-Oct-94 Time Out: 13:05 Location of Run: Detention Center On SceDe: 13:20 Typo of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 13:30 KiIMl of Rma: Suspicious Odor Response Distri<:t: 22 Responding From: Station I Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual. Aid~: No Customer Information 0ccup8IIt Name: Dention Center 0ccup8IIt Phone: 585-1475 0ccup8IIt Address: 615 South 16th. Bozemal\ MT 59715 Owner Name: Gallatin County Owner Phone: 585-1475 Owner Address: 615 South 16th. Bozeman, MT 59715 Type of OccupaDyIVelUcle: Jail LiccDse: Fire OrigjRSlted In "Spread to: No fire Caused by: Started by a Juveaile: No Pictures TateD: No Smote Decaector PreIeDt: No Did it Aa:ivate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How maay Lives Saved: 0 If it Aaivated.di.dit .pnMBt.llUIjor plopcrty damge: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Bstimsteel Loss on CoDteats: $0.00 IIISUJ'aIM:e Compuy: InsuraDce 01l Property: $0.00 IIlSUI'8IlC:e OIl Ccmtents: $0,00 1 . e Bozeman Fire l)qNlrtmcnt ~ FireR.eport PI,. 2 AIann Number 940661 Fire D~artment Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No EDgine 2: No Rescue. 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad I: No Odaer: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used ExtinguislIed witll: Sourcefl Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: T. Sutberland. CallBack PersoDDel Paged: No Special T..... Pqed: No Off Duty Personael: Equipment Used: combust. gas lIlODitor Equipment Lost or Brokea: Incident Narrative: Sheri1f Slaughter cal1cd aDd reported tbat tile: water at the De&entioD Center was oontmni~witb ethel edler. .He requesliClCI that.. .rapond.tothe Detention Center aIld check the air quality. He wanted to know if there was any danger from the vapors. T. Sutherland respoDded widtthe combust. gas monitor and took air samples, It was deter:miDed. that there was not a dangerous CODdition. Ofticer in Charge: T. Sutherland Person MaJd:a.s RqJort: M. Hocy 2 e . BOZEMAN FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RESPONSE REPORT Bozeman units Squad 1 Date Oct. 12 1994 Tb/pe of Incident Hazardous condi tioltime 13: 05 Incident number Location Detent~on Center MATERIAL ~ DESCRIPTION QUANTITY Air Monitor . FIRE DEPARTMENT . MATERIALS/SUPPLIES CONTAMINATED DESCRIPTION QUANTITY None ~ ................................................................. INVOLUED PARTIES INCIDENT COMMANDER Ia ElLb ~ Name of Carrier Name of Supplier Law and Justice CenterCl Address 615 S. 16th I. Address Bo z.eman MT. 59715 Contact/Telephone # Contact/Telephone # 585-1475 . Vehicle 1.0. Vehicle I.D Driver/Responsible Party Driver/Responsible Party . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report JO-OCt-94 Alarm Number: 940660 Date: It).()ct-94 Time Call Received: 22:33 Location of RuB: 717 No. 7tk. Time Oat: 22:33 Type ofRu: Emergency OR Scene: 22:36 Killd of R.1m: Medi\?al Assist In Service: 22:S0 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Bqine 1: No EngiJle2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No R.espcmse District: 21 RespoadiD:g Prom: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulanc:e: No Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulanoe Fire FiShters at Scene: C. VanderMolen &: K. JoImson Unprotected E1qJOSU!e: No Customer Information Patient Name: Joe Sirmans Sex: Male Patienrs Address: Santo Ca Zip Code: 92071 Ale: 72 P8tieat"s Phoae: PositionlLocati.OIl ofPatieAt: Layilng down in a booth. Comp1aiBtIProbl: Chest pains. CPR. Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by PO BloodPnssale (IfT"): Not taken by FD RespiratioBs(If Taken): Not taken byFD Pupils: Not takenbyFD Level of Coaeioumess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman. fire: The Bozeman Fire.Department was dispatched to 717 No. 7th. to assist an individual who was complaining of chest pains. On arrivaltheyfoand .a72 year oIdpersoalayin&down mone of the booths. They assisted Halls AmbuIancewithgivia&him02 and loading. Officer in Charse: C. Vander Molen PenonMaki1ll Report: D. Miller -.------.-..-.-..--.- -.--.----..".....-......--.---.-------...--. - .--...-.-----.--.--,,-. .. . .---..-. ..". . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report JO-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940659 Date: 10...Qct.94 Time Out: 16:34 Location of Rn: 200 South 23rd. On Scene: 16:36 Type of Run: Nonemergency IaService: 16:38 Kiad of Run: False Call . Good Intent Response Distria: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Remwd: No Customer Infonnation Occo.pant Name: Ernst Home Center Occo.pantPhone: 586--8281 Occo.pant Address: 200 S 23 Owner Name: Ernst Owner Phone: 586..s281 Owner Address: 200S. 23rd. Type of OccupaDyNebicle: LieeDse: Fire QriVnllted In ..spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke 1Jecteclor. Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it saw a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major propelty damage: No Fire Loss and InsW'80ce Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 EstimMNI Loss on Contents: $0.00 IDsuraDce Compally: ~oaProperty: $0.00 IIIS1H'aIlCe on ConteDts: $0.00 J e . Bozemm Fire Depattmad: ~ FiJeR.eport PI- 2 AlmD Number 940659 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine I: No EqiBe2: Yes Rescue I: No Ladder I: No Tender 1: No Squad I: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extiapishecl with: Sourec of Wa1er: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: S.Hougland &; D. Shyne Call Bact. Personnel Paged: No SpeeieI TeesPapd: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Station U was dispatched to Ernst beamsea water flow alarm hadbeea activated. Before Eqine <<had left SGltion U, Emst called and stated they bad a company workins on thier alamt.system. Officer iDCharge: S.Hougland. Persott Making Report: S. Hougland 2 . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report Jf)...Oct~94 Alarm Number: 940658 Date: 10..()et.94 Time Out: 01:04 Location of R.ua: Between 8 th &9 th on Babcock On Scene: 01:10 Type of R:UD: Emergency In. Service: 01:18 KiDd of Ran: False CalI- Good latent Response District: 21 ResponcIia& From: Both Statioosin at time of call Mutual Aid <JiveD: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupauyNehicle: LiCCDSC: Fire OrigjnllfAd In -Spmut to: No Fire Caused by: Started by a J'IIVenile: No Pictures Tatca: No Smote Dectcctor. Presellt: No Did it Activate: No )fit Activated. did it save a life: No How num.y Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major pt.,')' &....: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss OIl ConteIl1s: $0.00 Iilsutance Compmy: InsuraJlc:e on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 e . Bozeman Fire Department -FireReport pg.2 AlanoNumber 940658 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: EDgine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue I: No Ladder 1: No TeDder I: No Squad. 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used ExtinguiShed with: Sou.roe of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: a.Outler M.Thompson I.PoIus MHoey Reima Call Bact: PersoDllCI Paged: No Special Teama Paged: No OtfDuty PersmmeI: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Iacident Narrative: Caller reported large volume of smoke in tbcviciaity or8 th 4: Babcock. Upon investigation, . nothing was found. Officer in Charge: a. Clutter Penon Making Report: G.Clutter 2 . e Bozeman Fire Department- EMS Report 09-Oct~94 Alarm Number: 940657 Date: 09..Qct-94 Time Call Received: 01:24 Loeatioa ofRuD: 211 East Main, The Watering Hole Time Out: 01:27 Type of Rua: Emergency On Scene: 01:31 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Serviee: 01:31 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engble 1: Yes Eagine2: No Rtseue I: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Otter: No Response District: 11 RespeDding Prom: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulaoee: Yes Other Agendes at Stene: Bozeman Police Fire Fighten at Scene: G. Duntsch., K. BushneIl,K. Jolmson Unprotected Es:pesure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Sex: Male Patient's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patie8t's PhoDe: PositionILotatioofPatient: Patient was gone upon aniva1 ComplaintlProble8l: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the Watering Hole for a report of a male suffering from possible alcohol poisoning. . As engine one arrived on scene,Bozeman Police advisedtbat the subject bad left the scene. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taka): Not taken by PO Blood Pressare (If Takea): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of CondoUIneu: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the Watering Hole for a report of a male suffering from possible alcohol poisoning. The subject was gone when firefighters arrived. Offker inCllarge: G. Duntsch PerIoD MaldaaReport: K. Bushnell ..-....------.--.-.-- . _..__._".__u____._.__.._.. . e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 09..()ct~94 Alann Number: 9406S6 Date: 09..Qct-94 Time Call Received: 00: 17 Location of Ran: 51S W. Aspen...Litt1e Johns Time Out: 00:21 Type of Run: Emergency OnSeene: 00:33 Kind of Rua: Medic:al Assist In Service: 00:40 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No :Engine 1: Yes :EaglDe Z: No ReIae 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Respoose District: 11 RespondiDg From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Amb8laDce: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance, Bozeman Police, County sheri1l' Fire Fighters at Seene: G. Duntscb, K.Busbnel1, K. JohnsoJl Unproteded E:qJOIUre: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Josh Shook: Sex: Male Patient'. Address: 401 W. Lamme Zip Code: S971S Age: 20 Patient's PIleae: 587-8304 PositionlLoeation of Patient: Standing near 5th Street to the east otthe bar with law enforcement officers. ComplaintJProbIem: Bozeman Firefighters were called to an apparent MY Albicyde ac:ci4ent. As it turned out, somebody punched the bicyclist in tbehead as he rodcby. Patient had two soriousbarationsne&f bisleft eye and a swollen lip. Patient declined transport and treatment and.was advised to. have.the wounds attended.to by a.pbysician. CPR petfDrmed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood l"R-.re (1fT"'): Not taken by FD RapiratioBs (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupib: PEARL Level of ConclcMainess: Alert Treatnlentby BozeIDaa Fire: Bozeman Firefighters. responded to a report of a bicyclist struCk. by._ automobile near Little Johns Bar. Apparently the bicyclist wasn't struck by a car, he was strack in the face by an aIIgI'y citizen. The 20 year old male bad some cuts and swelling near his eye and was advised to get it stitched up. ----.-----...- e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 09-Oct-94 Officer in Charge: G. Duntsch PenoD MakiDg Repott: K. Bushnell --.... e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 08~Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940655 Date: OS..Qct.94 Time Call Received: 07:59 Location of Run: 121S W. Durston Time Out: 07:59 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 08:02 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 08:13 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response Disttict: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Soene: FireFighters at Scene: G.Clutter R.Cima Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: George Smith Sex: Male Patient's Address: 1215 W.Durston #216 Zip Code: 59715 ~: 68 Patient's PIloae: 586-3056 PositionlLocation of Patient: Sitting on floor in his bedroom. ComplaintlProblem: Could not get up after a fall. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Patient had fallen and could not get up, we assisted him to his feet. Hans canceled after they where informed tbat Mr. Smith did not want to go to the hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter PersoIl MaId... Kcport: G. Clutter e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report OS..oct-94 Alarm Number: 940654 Date: 08-Qct~94 Time Call Received: 02:10 LocatioD of RoD: 11th and Koch Time Out: 02:12 Type of Ram: Emergency On Scene: 02:19 KiDcI of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 02:24 Fire Denartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No EDgine 1: No Eagiae %: Yes ReIcue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No Re5poDseDiltrict: 22 ltespeDdiog From: Both Stations in at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agenda atSeeae: HaIls Ambulance, Bozeman Police Fire FIghters at Scene: S. Hougland M. Hoey Unprotected E:r.posure: No Customer Information Patient N....e: Jane McMillan Sex: Female Patient's Address: 2Hodgeman Canyon Road Zip Code: S911S Age: 30 Patiellt'. PhoIae: S86.1269 PositioaILocation of Patient: Standing next to her car. ComplalDt/ProbIenl: CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood PI essare (If Takea): Not taken by FD Respiratioas (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of CondOusness: Alert Treatmeotby BozemaIl Fire: Firefighters responded to a report of a two vehicle aecidcot. Upon arrival they fOund a 30 year old woman who refused treatment. OfI"Ker in Charge: S. Hougland PeI"lOll M..... Report: D. AIcher e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 08-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940653 Date: 08..Qct.94 nme Call Reteived: 00:42 LocatioD of RaIl: Gallatin County Detention Center 615 South 15th Time Oat: 00:43 Type of RoD: Emergency On Scene: 00:45 Kind of Ibm: Medical Assist In Service: 01:01 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No EngIae 1: No E..pae 2: Yes Retae 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No 0tIter: No Response District: 22 Respendbag Frooa: Both Stations in at time of can Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agenda at Seeee: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighten at SeeDe: S. Houglmd M. Hoey Unproteded Exposure: No ClJ.stomer Information Patient NUDe: Dwayne Kline Sex: Male Patient's Address: Gallatin County Detention Center61S South 15th Zip Code: 59715 Age: 35 Patient'. ftoDe: 585.1478 Posit1on/1A)catien of Patieat: Lying on back: on cell floor ComplaiDtlProblem: Patient was complaining of chest 81ld stomach pains CPR Performed: No Pulse (U Taken): 60 Blood Preslare (If Taba): lSOl9O Respirations (U Taken): Not taken by FD Papa": Not taken by FD Level of CoaeioasDess: Alert Treatment by Bozeat.. Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to the Gallatin County DetentiOllcenter after reteiving a report of a sick inmate. Upon arrival they found a 35 year old man compIaJni:ng of chest and stomach pains. Firefighters helped ambulance persotmelloadthe pItient for traDSpOrt to tile hospital. Oft1cer In Charge: S. Houglan4 Penon MIldDgI1epert: D. Archer -----.-.-..... e . Bozeman Fire Deparbnent - EMS Report 07-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940652 Date: 07..()ct.94 Time Call Received: 12:42 Location of Run: 305 Fieldstone Dr. Time Out: 12:42 TypeofRua: E~ On Scene: 12:50 KiBeI ofRu: Medical Assist In Service: 13:06 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No EDgine 2: Yes Reseue t: No Ladder 1: No TCBder 1: No Other: No RespHu;e District: 12 Respoadiag From: Station 2 Did we arrive before AmbuJaDce: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Nnbularo: Fire Fighters at Scene: S. Hougland & D. Archer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Beth Noack Sex: Female Patient's Address: 305 Fieldstone Dr. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 51 Patieat's PboDe: 587.5688 Positio8lLocation of Patient: She was (0UDd1aying on her back in her 'bed. Complaint/Problcm: She said that she was baYing chest pains. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 80 Blood PRa,...e (1fT"): l20n6 Respiraticms (If Taken): 20 Pupils: pear Level of Condoumess: Alert Treat1Ilent by Bozeman: Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department was dispatched to 305 F'teld$De Dr; to.assist a person who was reported to be having a possibleSttOke. ()narrival they found the penon laying inbeclaadcomplaining about chest pains. they adminislerecf 02 aDd checked the vitals. WheDlWIsarrivcdthey assisted in loading. 0f6cer in Charge: S. Hougland Penoa MakiD& lteport: D. Miller e e Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 07-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940651 Date: 07-Qct-94 Time Out: 00:08 Location of Run: 6 W. Babcock On Scene: 00:11 Type of Ran: Emergency In Service: 00:34 Kind of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 12 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Oc:cu:pant Name: SusieMiller Oc:cu:pant Phone: Oc:cu:pant Address: 6 W. Babcock #208 Owner Name: Bob Johnson Owner Plume: 586-0373 Owner Address: 6 W. Babcock Type of OccupaayNebicle: Apartment Building License: Fire Orig;n~ In ~Spread to: The fire originated in a mattress in the bedroom. Caued by: The mattress was ignited from a cigarette. Started. by a Jvvenile: No Picrares Taken: No Smoke Dec:tectorPresent: Yes Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent navor property dIuuqe: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Ptopcity: Esti-stecl Loss on Contents: $SO.OO Insurance Company: Flynn Insc., Billings I1ISUI1UK:C OD Property: $0.00 hlsurance on .Coateats: SO.OO 1 ~~.. . ^~ . e Bozeman Fire Deputment - Fire R.eport pg. 2 Alarm Number 9406S 1 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Resale 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squd 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used ExtiDguishedwitl1: Water Soatceof Water: Amount of Water Used: 0001 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Sutherland, Hancock. BIIthtlm. TbompJon. and Shyne. Call Back Personnel Paged: No SpcdaI TClIIIIS Paged: No Off Daly Persounel: EquipmeDt Used: PP Fan Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: The :fire was started from a cigarette tbat the occupant had been smoking in bed. Officer in Charge: T. Sutherland Person Making Report: T. Sutherland 2 . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 06-0ct-94 Alarm Number: 940650 Date: 06-0ct~94 Time Call Received: 08:09 Location of Run: 801 L St. Time Out: 08:10 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 08:14 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 08:50 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: Sutherland, and Thompson Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Rory Figgins Sex: Male Patient's Address: none Zip Code: 59715 Age: 24 Patient's Phone: Position/Location of Patient: The patient was sitting on the walkway to a business. ComplaintIProblem: The patient is a diabetic and had not eaten or taken insulin for several days. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 120 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 120/P Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Responsive to Verbal Stimulus Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters were dispatched to 80 I L Street with the report of a man coughing and choking. Firefighters encountered a diabetic that had not eaten or taken insulin for several days. Officer in Charge: T. Sutherland Person Making Report: T. Sutherland . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 06-0ct-94 Alarm Number: 940649 Date: 06-Qct-94 Time Call Received: 07:28 Location of Run: Comer of 6th & Grant Time Out: 07:28 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 07:33 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 07:41 Fire Department QDerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman Police Department, Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: L. Hancock, M. Thompson Unprotected Exposure; No Customer Information Patient Name: Adam Dehner Sex: Male Patient's Address: 210 E. Mason Zip Code: 59715 Age: 12 Patient's Phone: 587-3807 PositionlLocation of Patient: Laying on the ground beside the street. Complaint/Problem: He fell off of his bike and had a bloody nose. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a report of a bike vs. car accident. Upon our arrival we encountered a young boy laying on the grass who had a bloody nose. Firefighters did not perform any treatment and returned to station 1. Officer in Charge: L. Hancock Person Making Report: M. Thompson .- It Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 05-Oot-94 Alarm Number: 940648 Date: OS..Qct-94 Time Out: 19:12 Locatioa of Rml: 282S West Main (Main Mall) On. Scene: 19:16 Type of Rua: Nonemergency In Service: 20:08 KinctofR.un: Hazardous Condition Response District: 21 Respoadiag From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid ReceivecI: No Customer Information Oc:leupu.tt Name: Main Mall 0ccupImt Phone: SS6-4S6S 0ccupImt Address: 2S2S West Main, J3ovo:maft, MT Owner Name: DauieI Loessberg Owner Phone: 222--9607 Owner Address: 1413 East Gallatin Road, LiviDgstoR, MT Typeof~Nehiele: 1973 Dodge Pic:b1p Lieerule: 4CJ.. T8411 Fire Orig;mdM IA -Spread. to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures T": No Smote Deetector. Present: No Diclit Adivate: No If it Adivated. clidit saw a life: No HowID8llY Lives &m:lcl: 0 If it Activated. did it preveJlt major property clIImase: No Fire Loss and msurance Information Estimated Loss OIl Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 IDsurance Compea;: lnsuraAce OIl Property: $0.00 IasuraBc:e on Con1eQts: SO.OO 1 . - Bozeman Fire Dc:partmcat . Fire Report PH. 2 Alarm Number 940648 Fire Def'artment Ooerations Units Responding: Engine I: Yes Engiae 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No TeDder I: No Squad I; No Other: No . Unit and Pumping Time: S minutes ExtiJlgu.ished with: Soura: of Water: Tank Amount of Water Used: 0100 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G, Clutter, D. Archer, T. Oreeae Call Back Personnel. Paged: No Special Teama PlIpd: No Off Duty PersoIU1el: EqoipmeDt Used: Msorbant, COld Clean EqoipmeDtLost or Brokea: IncideDt Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters resp&Dded. to the SQCDC.ofa vehidt leaking gasoline. Firefighters fouDd tbefiJl tubesewred aDdpsoliDe~ftom thctube. Firefighters placed absortJeDtoa the spill,.1'eIDOVeCI dac absotbut and treated the spill area withCokt Clean. 'Ibe spi1l was .wasbe4dmm with water. The vehicle owner was loeatedandtakentothe scene. Main Mall management was provided with the whiole.owner iDformation. Officer in Charge: H Clutter Person MatiDg Report: G. Duntsch 2 . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 05-Qct-94 Alarm Number: 940647 Date: 05..Qct-94 Time Out: 14:45 Loca1ioa of Run: 900 W.Main On Scene: 14:49 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 14:57 KiDd of Ibm: Vehicle Fire Response District: 21 Responding From: Station. 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Heidi Dougherty Owner Phone: 585-0237 Owner Address: 2425 Turkey Red Rd. Type of Occup;myNehicle: 1915 GMCvan License: 6P6S7E. Fire Originated In _Spread to: No Fire Caused by: Overheated engine. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No SIDoke.Dectector Prwcnt: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did. it save.1ife: No How JUDy Lives . Saved: 0 If it ActMtecI, did it prevent major propertydamagc: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Compay: IIISUJ'8BQe on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0,00 1 . e Bozeman Fire Department ~ File Report PR. 2 Alarm Number 940647 Fire DeoartJnent Ooerations Units Responding: EngiDe 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit aI1d Pumping Time: Pumps DOt used Extinguished witIl: Soarcc of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at8<:ene: a.CIutter D.Archer T.Greene Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty PenoIt1lel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Brokea: Incident Narrative: Bazeman Fire PenonneI responded toa nport ofa van on fire. Upon arrivial, it was determined that the vehicle had. 0Ya'hc:atc:d Officer in Charge: G. ClUtter Persoa.Makin& Report: G.Qutler 2 . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 05-0ct-94 Alarm Number: 940646 Date: 04-0ct-94 Time Call Received: 23:07 Location of Run: MSU's duck pond on So. 11th. Time Out: 23:08 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 23:13 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 23:23 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 23 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance & MSU's campus police Fire Fighters at Scene: S. Hougland & T. Shearman Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Anon Mercier Sex: Male Patient's Address: 1005 No. Hedges Zip Code: 59717 Age: 18 Patient's Phone: 994.2147 PositionlLocation of Patient: Laying on his back on the grass. ComplaintJProblem: Face, neck and shoulder abrasions. CPR Perfonned: No Pulse (If Taken): 100 Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): 16 Pupils: pear Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department was called to respond to MSU's duck pond to assist an 18 year old individual who had an accident on his bicycle. On arrival they assisted halls Ambulance with holding C- spine and loading. Officer in Charge: s. Hougland Person Making Report: D. Miller . . -:;;.' lb '.'.. Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report O4-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940645 Date: 04-0ct-94 Time Call Received: 05:22 Location of Run: 1615 S. Black Time Out: 05:23 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 05:29 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 05:56 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine I: No Engine 2: No Rescue I: Yes. Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighten at Scene: H.ancock. and Polus Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Don JODes Sex: Male Patient's Address: 1615 S Black Zip <;ode: 59715 Age: Sb 0 Patie:Dt's Pbone: 586-2237 PositionlLocatioa of Patient: The patient was in bed on his back. ComplaiatlProblem: The patient was experiencing an insulin reaction. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD BloocIPressure (1fT_en): 17S1100 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Coaciousness: Alert TreatmeDtby Bozeman Fire: Firefighters were dispatched to 1615 S. Black for a diabetic problem. Firefighters administered glucose and assisted the ambulance in packaging the patient fbrttansport. Officer in Charge: L. Hancock Per8onMakiagIteport: T. SUtherland . . .. Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 03-0ct-94 Alarm Number: 940644 Date: 03-Oct-94 Time Call Received: 15:58 Location of Run: 18th and Beall Time Out: 15:59 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 16:00 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 16:03 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: BPD Fire Fighters at Scene: Backman, and Hancock Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: none Sex: Patient's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's Phone: PositionlLocation of Patient: No patient, no injuries. ComplaintIProblem: No injuries. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters were dispatched to 18th and Beall for an injury MY A. When firefighters arrived they determined that there were no injuries. Officer in Charge: V. Backman Person Making Report: T. Sutherland . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 03-0ct-94 Alarm Number: 940643 Date: 03-Qct-94 Time Out: 13:07 Location of Run: III S. Grand On Scene: 13:11 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 13:15 Kind of Run: Service Call Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 in & Station 2 out at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Emerson Cultural Center Occupant Phone: 587-9797 Occupant Address: III S. Grand Owner Name: City of Bozeman Owner Phone: 586-3321 Owner Address: 34 N. Rouse Type of OccupanylVehicle: License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: No fire. Carpet layers removed a heat radiator to install carpet and did not reconnect the radiator to the steam pipe. When the boiler was turned on today room 104 was filled with steam. Caused by: No fire. Steam from a radiator connection gave the appearance of smoke. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No H it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow many Lives Saved: 0 H it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 e . Bozeman Fire Department ~ Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940643 Fire Department Onerations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Sutherland, Backman, Hancock, Polus and Cima Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Fire fighters were dispatched to Emerson Cultural Center to investigate a room filled with steam. Carpet layers removed a heat radiator while installing carpet and neglected to reconnect the radiator to the steam pipe. Officer in Charge: T, Sutherland Person Making Report: T. Sutherland 2 - . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 03-0ct-94 Alarm Number: 940642 Date: 03-Qct-94 Time Call Received: 08:15 Location of Run: 2005 N. Rouse, The Filling Station Time Out: 08:16 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 08:19 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 08:30 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at S~ene: Halls Ambulance and BPD Fire Fighters at Scene: Sutherland and Polus Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Joe Kennedy Sex: Male Patient's Address: 315 E. Griffin Dr. #18 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 59 Patient's Phone: none PositionlLocation of Patient: The patient was on his side on the concrete floor. ComplaintIProblem: The patient had fallen and hit his head. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters responded to 2005 N. Rouse for a man down, unknown problem. Firefighters arrived after the ambulance and helped package the patient for transport. Officer in Charge: T. Sutherland Person Making Report: T. Sutherland .._.._..____.____.__ ____._....._."..___..u . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 02-Qct-94 Alarm Number: 940641 Date: 02-C>ct-94 Time Call Received: 19:20 Location of Run: S44 N. Montana Time Out: 19:21 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 19;23 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service; 19;37 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Rowe, T. Greene Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Ashley House (Grandmothers name = An Sex: Female Patient's Address: 544 N. Montana Zip Code: 59715 Age: 2 Patient's Phone: 587..0407 Position/Location of Patient: Patient was lying on back on living room. floor. ComplaintlProblem: Mother stated that the child was standing on her sboulders as they played. The child did a fi'ont flip forward landing with force which stared the patient possiblycausi.ng her to stop breathiDg momentarily. The mother and grandmother requested the child be transported to Bw.emanDeaconess Hospital for further assessment. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken byFD Pupils: Pearl Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by BozemaaFire: Firefighters responded. to the 500 block of North Montana to assist a two year old child that bad fallen. The child was transported to Boranan Deaconess Hospital for further treatment. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Person Making Report: K. Rowe . . Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report OJ-Oct-94 Alarm. Number: 940640 nate: 01..()ct~94 Time Out: 22:30 Location of Run: 2311 South7tb. On. Scene: 22:35 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 22:58 Kind of RIIn.: ServiceCaU Response District: 22 Responding From: Station lout & Station 2 in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Video Lottery Consultants Occupant Phone: 58S-6600 Occupant Address: 2311 S. 7th Owner Name: V.L.T. Owner Phone: 585-6600 Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNebicle: License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How IiUIIlJ Lives Saved:: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Inswcmce Information Estimated. Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 J . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940640 Fire Dej)artment Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Otber: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: .Sourc;e of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Vander MoIen,Hoey, 1obDson. Shyne, andSbeannan Call Back Personnel Paged: No special TeI11DlI Papd: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or BrokeR: Incident Narrative: Alarm malfuntion Officer in Cbarge: C. Vander Moten Person Making Report: C. Vander Molen 2 . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report OJ-OCt-94 Alarm Number: 940639 Date: 01.Qct-94 Time Catl Received: 12:18 Location of Run: MSU S.o. B. Barn Time Out: 12:18 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 12:22 Kind of Rurt: Medical Assist In Service: 12:35 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used.: No Engine 1: No EngiDe 2: Yes RelIcue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 23 Reiponding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before AmbaJance: Yes Olher Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulaoe Fire Pighten at Scene: D. Shyne & T. Shearman Unprotected. Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Paula Copeland Sex: Female Patient's Address: 837 West Lewis PocateIo Id 83204 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 24 PatieDttsPhonc: 208~232~7857 PositioDlLocation of Patient: Lying on the ground. ComplaintlProblem.: CPR. Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 100 Blood Pressure (If Tatea): 140/100 R.espiraticms (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by PI) Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by BozemaaFire: A twenty~four year old female was complaining of a SOre back after being bit by a fellow rugby player. Fire departmentpersontld did a primary, secondary, took vitals, and assisted Halls Ambubmce in packaging patient for transportation to the hospital. Officer in Charge: D. Shyne Penon M81dq Report: C. Vander Molen . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report OJ-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940638 Date: 0I-oct-94 Time Call Received: 11:23 Location of Run: 319 South Black: Time Out: 11:23 Type of Run: E~gency OnSc::ene: 11:28 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 11:45 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes ~(p Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance uc1 Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Hoey & K. Johnson 0' Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Shawn Marchal-Pryde Sex: Male Patient's Address: 610 Dell Place #10 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 31 Patientts Phone: S87~9S 18 PositionlLocation of Patient: Patient was laying on bis back on the ground. ComplaintlProblem: Pain in the lower right back and dilocated elbow. CPR. Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by PO Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by PO Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: Nattaken by PO Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters were dispatched to a report of a man that had fallen from a roof. Firefighters found a 31 year old man that had fallen from a roof. Patient oomplainedofpainin his back and had a dislocated elbow. Firefighters performed primary and secondary surveys. The firefighters assisted in packaging and loading the patient for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: M Hoey Person Mating Report: M. Hoey . '. Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report OJ-Oct-94 Alarm Number: 940637 Date: 01..Qct.94 Time Call Received: 23:41 Location of Run: 1600 S. 11th Time Out: 23:42 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 23:46 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 23:57 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used.: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 23 Responding Prom: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: BPD Fire Fighters at Scene: Thompson, and Greene Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Jennifer Slyba Sex: Female Patient.s Address: 406 Roskie Zip Code: 59715 Age: 18 Patient"s Phone: 994-3627 PositionlLocatioo of Patient: The patient was sitting in a vehicle. ComplaintlProblem: The patient was involved in an MY A as she was being transported to the hospital for stomach pain. CPR. Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FO Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FO Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters responded to an MY A at 11th and Lincoln. The patient complained of stomach pain. Ofticer in Charge: M. Thompson Person Making Report: T. Sutbetland . . ,_. Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 29~Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940636 Date: 29~Sep-94 Time Call Received: 16:03 Location of Run: 32 S. Rouse. Bozeman Chronicle Time Out: 16:03 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 16:03 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 16:19 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Rowe T. Greene Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Clint Portnell Sex: Male Patient's Address: III Secretariat, Belgrade Zip Code: 59714 Age: 37 Patient's Phone: 388-1810 PositionlLocation of Patient: Patient was sitting in a chair by the back door. ComplaintlProblem: Patient was complaining of sever lower back pain due to a twisting motion. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 76 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 154/100 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a medical assist call of a man complaining of severe lower back pain. Firefighters assisted in the packaging and loading of patient for transport to Bozeman Deacones Hospital. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Person Making Report: T. Greene . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 28-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940635 Date: 28-Sep-94 Time Call Received: 19:06 Location of Run: 2020 No. 7th. Time Out: 19:06 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 19:11 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 19:21 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman Police Department & Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller - C. VanderMolen Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient N ante: Flynn Barry McLean Sex: Male Patient's Address: 3208 Verona Dr. Iff nw~ Zip Code: 20906 Age: 52 Patient's Phone: 301~871-8757 PositionILocation of Patient: Sitting up in the passenger seat of their car. ComplaintIProblem: Passed out. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department responded to 2020 North 7th. to a call for medical assist. Halls Ambulance was first on the scene and found that the individual was alert and talking. The individual refused to be taken to the hospital, however did indicate that he would have his wife drive him there. Officer in Charge: D. Miller Person Making Report: D. Miller . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 28-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940634 Date: 28-Sep-94 Time Out: 15:52 Location of Run: 620 So. 16th. On Scene: 15:54 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 16:15 Kind of Run: Dwnpster Fire Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: MLEA Occupant Phone: 994-3918 Occupant Address: 620 So. 16th. Owner Name: State of Montana Owner Phone: 994-3918 Owner Address: 620 So. 16th. Type of OccupanyNehicle: Garbage dumpster License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: The fire started in the dumpster and was confined to same. Caused by: A plastic bag full of cigarette butts was found near the area of origin and was reported to be the probable cause. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940634 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: 1 Min. Euinguished with: Water Source of Water: Tank Amount of Water Used: 0050 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: S. Hougland - D. Shyne Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Pike pole and 50 ft. of inch & half Equipment Lost or Broken: none Incident Narrative: The Bozeman Fire Department was dispatched to the Montana State Law Enforcement Academy to extinguish a dumpster fire. After the fire was extinguished, an investigation revealed that the probable cause was a plastic bag full of cigarette butts. Officer in Charge: S. Hougland Person Making Report: D. Miller 2 e . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 27-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940633 Date: 27~Sep~94 Time Call Received: 08:28 Location of Run: 11 th and Lamme Time Out: 08:29 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 08:33 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 08:41 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: BPD and Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: Backman, Hoey, and Cima Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Jason Booth Sex: Male Patient's Address: 106 S. Grand Zip Code: 59715 Age: 14 Patient's Phone: 587-1466 PositionlLocation of Patient: The patient was on his back on the grass. ComplaintIProblem: Firefighters were dispatched to 11th and Lamme for a man down, unknown problem. Firefighters encountered a young intoxicated male passed out on the lawn. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Unresponsive Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters were dispatched to 11th and Lamme for a man down, unknown problem. Officer in Charge: V. Backman Person Making Report: T. Sutherland _____._u__ . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 25-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940632 Date: 25-Sep-94 Time Out: 18:54 Location of Run: 415 Wilda Ln. On Scene: 18:59 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 19:22 Kind of Run: Grass Fire Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Delani Smith Occupant Phone: 586-3969 Occupant Address: 415 Wilda Ln. Owner Name: Not reported. Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: Grass field. License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Grass and was confined. Caused by: Two boys were playing with a rocket that used a solid fuel propulsion devise that set the grass on fire when it landed. Todd Gooper called it in.- 586-6792 Started by a Juvenile: Yes Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940632 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: E-2 Pumped 5 miD. Extinguished with: 20 Source of Water: Tank Amount of Water Used: 0020 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Shyne - T. Shearman Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: 50 ft. of inch & half Equipment Lost or Broken: none Incident Narrative: The Bozeman Fire Department responded to 415 Wilda Ln. to a reported grass fire. The fire was out on arrival, however they did use about 20 gallons of water just to wet down the area. Investigation revealed that two boys had been playing with a solid fuel rocket that set the grass on fire when it landed. The two boys and one mother used blankets to fight the fire. An area of about 20' X 50' had been burnt. Officer in Charge: D. Shyne Person Making Report: D. Miller 2 e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 24-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940631 Date: 24-Sep-94 Time Call Received: 12:25 Location of Run: 606 N. 5th Time Out: 12:25 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 12:26 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 12:28 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Thompson, 1. Polus Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Edith Baker Sex: Female Patient's Address: 606 N. 5th Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's Phone: PositionlLocation of Patient: Laying on her left side in the parking lot. ComplaintJProblem: She had fallen out of her wheelchair. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a report of a woman who had fallen in the parking lot of Darlington Manor. Upon our arrival it was determined by Halls Ambulance that our services were not needed. Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Person Making Report: M. Thompson e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 24-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940630 Date: 24-Sep-94 Time Out: 11:58 Location of Run: 721 N. 7th On Scene: 12:00 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 12:10 Kind of Run: Hazardous Condition Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: No fire Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 I . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940630 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Rescue 1 , 2 minutes Extinguished with: Source of Water: Tank Amount of Water Used: 0015 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Thompson, 1. Polus Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Booster line and nozzle Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman fire received a telephone call from Bozeman Police dispatch that one of their officers was requesting a fire truck to wash down a small radiator leak caused by and automobile accident. Bozeman firefighters washed down the spill. Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Person Making Report: M. Thompson 2 . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 23-Scp-94 Alarm Number: 940629 Date: 23.Sep-94 Time Out: 19:58 Location of Run: 420 South Tracy On Scene: 20:05 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 20:16 Kind of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Stuart Beiswanger Occupant Phone: 586.0069 Occupant Address: 420 South Tracy Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNebicle: License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activ.te: No If' it Activated. did it save a life: No How maay Lives Saved: 0 If'it Actinted. did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance htfonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimllted. Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 e . Bozeman Fire I.lepatment - Fire Report pg.2 Alarm Number 940629 Fire Deparbnent Operations Units Re&ponding: Engine 1: No EDgine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad. 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Rowe Call Back Personnel Pagec:l: No Special TeaDlS Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters were sununoned to investigate a suspicious odor in the vicinity of the 4OO.block on South Traq. After.investigation, the source of the odor could not be determined. There had been other complaints in and West of the Bozeman area of similiarodors not common to the area. Ofticer in Charge: K. Rowe Person Making Report: G. Duntsch 2 . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 23-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940628 Date: 23.Sep-94 Time Out: 19:10 Location of:Run: 1714 South 19th, in the barrow pit On. Scene: 19:15 Type ofRnn: Emergency In Service: 19:22 Kind of:Run: Gtass Fire Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid ReceivecI: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Steven Watters Occupant Phone: 585-2490 Occupant Address: 1714 South 19th, #12 Owner Name: Gallatin County Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: Barrow pit next to a roadway Licease: Fire Originated In _Spread to: The fire originated in the grass in the barrow pit and was confined to a small area. The fire was out on arrival. Caused by: Child playillg with a cigarette lighter. The fire was started by Ricbard Watters . Age 8. Firefighter Hoey had a talk with the boy and told his father that the boy would have to attend a Juvenile Firesetter session. Started by a Juvenlle: Yes Pictures Taken: No Smote Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. dkI it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 Hit Activated. did it prevea.t major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated. Loss on Properly: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 AlannNumber 940628 Fire Dq>artment Operations Units Responding; Engine 1: No Hngine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad. 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used ExtiDguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons FireFighters at Scene: M. Hoey, K. Johnson can Sack PersoDDel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman firefighters were summoned to a crass fire at 1714 Sooth 19th. The fire was in the barrow pit next to the roadway and was out upon arrival. It was determined that the fire bad been started by a young boy and was extinguished by his father. OfIic::er in Charge: M. Hoey Person Making Report: G.Duntsch 2 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 23-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940627 Date: 23-Sep-94 Time Out: 19:00 Location of Run: 2121 West Main On Scene: 19:02 Type otRun: Nonemergency In8ervice: 19:10 KiD.d of Run: Service Call Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Kelly Barreu Oeeupant Phone: 681-3176 Occupant Address: 17600 Highway 324, Dillon, MT 59725 Owner Name: Gibson's Discount Center Owner Phone:5S7.0624 Owner Address: 2121 West Main Type of OccupanylVebicle: 1988 Chevrolet Scottsdale pickup License: IST-822C Fire Originated In ..spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smote Dectector Present: No Did. it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major propertydamase: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Conteats: $0.00 1 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 AIannNumber 940627 fire Deoartment Operations Units Respondins: Engine 1: No EogiDe 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Engine-2; S minutes Extiaguishedwith: Source of Water: Tank Amount of Water Use4: 0100 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Hoey, K. Johnson Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paacd: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters were dispatched to a single veIiicle accident in Gibson's parking lot to wash down anti-freeze that bad leaked from the radiator. Officer in Charge: M. Hoey Person Making Report: M. Hoey 2 . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 2J-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940626 Date: 23-Sep-94 Time Call Received: 14:21 Location of Run: Intersection of 9th and Olive Time Out: 14:21 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 14:26 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Setvice: 14:38 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue I: No Ladder I: No Tender I: No Other: No Response District: 22 RespOnding From:StaUon 1 Did we arrive before Ambu1aace: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance, Bozeman Police Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Duntsch, K. Rowe, K. Busbnel1 Unprotected Exposure: NO Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Pearl Mullen Sex: . Female Patient's Address: 302 South Willson Zip Code: 59715 Age: 80 Patient's Pbone: PositionlLocation of Patient: Sitting in the drivers seat of her car. ComplaintlProblem: Pain in neck and upper shoulders. CPR Pe,formed: .No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not takenbyFD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Boxemstn Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to an unknown injury two vehicle accident. Fireftghtersperformed C. spine immobolization and assisted ambulance personnetwith packaging and loading the patient for transp>rt to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Duntsch Penon. Makiac Report: G.Duntsch e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 23-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940625 Date: 23-Sep-94 Time Out: 10:25 Location ofRua: Gaines Hall, Montana State University On Scene: 10:32 Type olRun: Emergency In Service: 12:14 Kind of Run: Hazardous Condition Response District: 23 Responc:ti.ng From.: Station 1 out & Station 2 in at time of call Mutua1 Aid Given: No Mutwil Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Gaines Hall Occupant Phone: Occupa:at Address: Montana State University Campus Owner Name: State of Montana Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNebicle: Chemistry Building License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectedor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss onPtoperty: $0.00 Estimated Loss on COntents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 InsuraJwe on COntents: $0.00 J e e Bozeman Fire Department ~ Fire Report pg.2 Alum Number 940625 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad I: Yes Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Engine-I; 20 minutes Extinguished with: Source of Water: Tank Amount of Water Used: 0100 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: A. Scholes, C. Winn, O. Duntsch, S. Hougland, M. Hoey, K Rowe, T. Greene, K Bushnell Call Back Personnel Paged: Yes Special Teama p..,ed:HazMat Team Oft'Duty Personnel: S.Hougland, M. Hoey Equipment Used: 5 SCBA. I Plastic Pool, 4 Haz Mat Bags, 2 ScntbBrushes, I Combined Gas Monitor Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fighters were dispatched to a Hazardous Materials Incident at Gaines Hall, Montana State University. The Chemical Safety Department was disposing of two herbicides using a third compound. When the third chemical was introduced, a rapid readion took place generating smoke and heat. The Bozeman Fire Department Hazardous Materials Response Team was called.. The scene was controlled and survey and search teams were sent into the building. Positive pressure ventilation was introduced and the drum plugs were secured after determining the reaction was (lOncluded. The (lOntainer was placed in an overpack drum and scaled.. The building was released to Montana State University at 1200 hours at which time the officials closed the building until Monday morning. Officer in Charge: G.Duntsch Person Making Report: 0. Duntsch 2 _0' _ ~_______ . e. BOZEMAN FIRE DEPARTMENT HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RESPONSE REPORT Bozeman units E-1,S-1~F-9,F-3 Date 23 Sept 94 T~pe of Incident Chemical Reaction Time 1024 hrs. Inc:ident number 940625 Loc:ationGaines Hall, MSU MATERIAL ~ DESCRIPTION QUANTITY 1 Plastic Pool 4 Hazardous Materials Bags 2 Scrub Brushes 5 SCBA 1 Combines Gas Monitor FIRE DEPARTMENT MATERIALS/SUPPLIES CONTAMINATED DESCRIPTION , QUANTITY Plastic Pool 1 . Hazardous Materials Bags 4 Scrub Brushes 2 .. ................................................................. INVOLVED PARTIES INCIDENT COMMANDER Ia ~ QYI Name of CarrierMontana State Univ. Name of' Supplier I Address Chemical Safety Office Address Contact/Telephone # 994-3572 Contact/Telephone # . Vehicle 1. D. Vehicle I.D Driver/Responsible Party Driver/Responsible Party -- I . It Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 22-Scp-94 Alarm Number: 940624 Date: 22.Sep-94 Time Out: 07:14 Location of Run: 108 North nth. On Scene: 07:18 Type ofRua: Emergency In Service: 07:29 Kind of Run: False Can . Good Intent Response District: 21 Responding From.: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Dr. Spane Occupant Phone: Oocupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: Dentist Oflice License: FireOri,;n~ted In -Spread. to: False alarm. Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Piaures Taken: No Smoke DectectorPrcsent: No Did it Actiwte: No If itAc&ivated, did it save a life: No Row DWly LivesSave4: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation EstimJltedLosson Property: $OJ)O Estimated Loss on Contents: $O.()O I.Dsurancle Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 IDsurance on Contents: $0.00 1 " . Bozeman Fire l)epartmeDt - Fire Report PH- 2 AlmaNUDiba' 940624 Fire ~artment Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Re8euc 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender I: No Squad I: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: S. Hougland and T. Shearman Call Back Penoonel Paged: No Special Tams Paae4: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipmeat Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: False ~. maJ.t'Undion in the sytem. Officer in Cbarae: S. Hougland Person MaIdDg Report: K. Jobnson 2 . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 22-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940623 Date: 22-Sep-94 Time Out: 05:47 LocatioB ofRu: 108 N. 11th On SCene: 05:50 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 05:52 KiacI of R.u: Other Fire Response District: 21 RespoDdiAg From.: Both Stations in at time of ca11 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Rcc:civcd: No Customer Information 0caIpa~ Name: Kenneth Spain, DDS Occupmt Phone: 587-5435 Occupmt Address: Owner Name: Kenneth Spain, DDS Owner PIloDe: 587.5435 Owner Address: Type. of OccupanyNehkle: Lic:eDse: Fire OriginAted In. _Spread to: No fire. Caused by: Started by a J1lVcDilc: No Pictures Taken: No SlDClke ~ Present:. Yes Did it Activate: Yes Ilit Activated. did it. save a life: No How maIlY Lives saved; 0 If it Activated, did it prevent JWUor property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: SO.OO Bstim-Ied Loss on Coateats: $0.00 Insurance Compmy: lnsuraac;e on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: SO. ()() J .....-- ....- .__._n..". . --~_._. ..--- .- -. - . . Bozeman Fire Dcpart:maat - Fire Report PI. 2 AlanllNumber 940623 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue. 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit aDd Pumping Time: Plnnpsnot used Extinguished with: Sourc:e of Water: Amount of Water Used': ??oo GaUOIIII Fire Fighters at Scene: Sutherland, BacIanan, Hancock. Hoey. Tbompson, _Polus CallBack Personnel Paged: No 8pcc:iat Te&DlS Pqed:. No Off Duty PersoaneI: EquipmentUsed: Equipment Lost or Broten: Incident Narrative: Alarm Mal.tUnct.ion. Ofticeria CIwge: T. Sutherland Person Making Report: T. Sutherland 2 . . Bozeman Fire Department -Fire Report 22-Sep-94 Alarm N1lIIlbcr: 940622 Date: 22.Sep..94 Time Out: 00:08 Location 01 Run: 9lS HighlaudBlvd Oa. Sceae: 00:19 Type oflbm.: Emergency In Service: 00:24 KiDd of Ibm: Other Fire RespoDse District: 11 RespoDding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mulual Aid Ra:civccl:No Customer htfonnation Occupant Name: Bozeman Deconess Hospital 0c:aIpant Phone: 585.2000 0c:aIpant Address: 915 HigbJand Blvd. Oner Name: 0wDer PIloae: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNebicle: LiceDse: Fire Origjnllfedlll..8preacho: No fire. Owscd by: The fire alarm was activated when workmen cbaaged to emergeacy power while cbaDging a faulty breaker. Star1cd by a luveDi:le: No Pictures Taba: No Smote~ PtcIeIlt: Yes Did it AcI:i'Vate: Yes If it Actiwtcd. did it sac a lite: No How maay Lives Saved.: 0 If it Activated, did it pteveBt .;or property ~: No Fire Loss . and Insurance Information BstimatecI Loss _ Property: $0.00 EstimAted Loss on CoDteAts: $0.00 IDsurauce COmpaay: InsuraJlce on ~t,: $0.00 IDsuaace on Ccmtellts: $0.00 I . . Bozeman Fire Oepartmmt - Fire Report PI- 2 AIamt N8mber- 940622 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Enpae I: Yes Eqinc 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender I: No Squad 1: No Other. No Unit and Pumping TilDe: Pumps not used btiQpWtacd with: Soun:e of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: SutherIaad,&adcnm"t,Hancock, Hoey, 'I'bompson, and Polus. Call Back PeI'SOlUleI Paged: No Spceial Teams Papd: No OJI'Duty PersonaeI: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: h1cident Narrative: The fire alarm was activated when workmen chaaged to emergency power while cbangiDga faulty breaker. Officer in Charge: T. Sutherland Person Ma1dag Report: T. Sutherland 2 . It Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 2J-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940621 Date: 2 1~Sep-94 TiJaeCaD Received: 20:26 Locatioaof Ibm: Graf.t 3rd Time Out: 20:27 Type ofR1m: Emergency On 8ccAe: 20:30 KiDdof Rua: MediQIJ Assist In Service: 20:36 Fire Department Operations laws of Life Used: No EqiDe I: No F.~ae 2: No Rescue 1: Y cs Ladder I: No TCIIder 1: No Odler: No RespoaseDistrict: 12 Responding From: Station t Did we arrive before AIabu1ance: Yes Other Ageacies at SceDe: BPI> Fire Fighters It &ene: I4PCOC1r, and TbompsoD Uoprotected B.1l.pOSbIe: No Customer Information PatieD& Name: Mike Yorio Sex: Male Patient's Addras: 3004 Langbor Zip Code: S97tS Age: 14 Patieatt, Pboac: S86.06S34 PosiUonILoeat.ion of Patient: Sitting on the ~ ComplabuIProble . . MY A Bicycle VI auto. CPR. PerfotmecI: No Pulse (lfTaken): Not taken by FD Blood PJasuro (If TabD): Not taken by FD Respirations (lfTatea.): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken by.m Level of ConciousBess: Alert TrcatmeJd byBozemaa Fire: Patient ran into a vebi<:1e while riding his bike. Tbe patient sufl'etedoo app8ten.t injuries and refused traDS:pOrt. Officer in Charge: L. Hancock PersoD.MatiD& Report: T. Sutlterland . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 21-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940620 Date: 21-Sep-94 Time Out: 12:58 Location of Run: Nelson Story Tower, MSU On Scene: 00:00 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 13:05 Kind of Run: Other Fire Response District: 23 Responding From: Station 1 in & Station 2 out at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: State of Montana Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: No fire. Firefighters were dispatched to an alarm at Nelson Story Tower, MSU and were cancelled enroute. Caused by: No fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940620 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Sutherland, Hancock, Backman, Roey and Thompson. Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters were dispatched to an alarm at Nelson Story Tower and were cancelled enroute. Officer in Charge: T. Sutherland Person Making Report: T. Sutherland 2 .___._._ "_.0.0. . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 21-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940619 Date: 2O-Sep-94 Time Out: 21:32 LocatioB ofR.uD: 544 North Moo.tana Ave. On Scene: 21:34 Type of:au: Nonemergency In Service: 21:46 Kind of Ron: Suspicious Odor Response District: 11 Responding From: Statioo. 1 Mutual Aid GiVeD.: No Mutual Aid ReceiYed: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Sheri House Occupant Phone: 587.()4()7 Occupant Address: 544 N. Montana Ave. Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: License: Fire OrigjnmM In _Spread. to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No SmokeDoctector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent ~r property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Esri-ted Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 I.nsuraIwe Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 iDsuraDce on Contents: $0.00 1 . . Bozeman Fire Deputment - Fire Report PR. 2 AIann Number 940619 Fire Deoarbnent Operations Units Resj)Onding: Engine 1: No EngiJle 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder .1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No 0tIaer: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: County I Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at SeeIlC: Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Pqed: No Oft'Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broten: Incident Narrative: A woman called concerned about a suspicous odOr in the air outside her home. Fire Department persoIlIlCl investigated the area and noted a kerosene type odor in the vicinity. No source could be found. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe f'erSOll Making Report: K. Rowe 2 -_._,,--- .- -- - _r. .. . . Bozeman Fire Departtnent .. EMS Report 20-&p-94 Alarm Number; 940618 Date; 2O-Sep-94 Time Call Received; 10:23 LocatioD orRan: 104 Grant Chamberlain Apt. I-c TimeOut: 10:24 Typc.oflbm: Emergency On Scene: 10:29 KiIId of Ru; Medical Assist IDServioe: 10:41 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Lifeu.cd: No EagiIle 1: No Eugiae 2; Yes Raa1e I: No Ladder I: No Tender I; No Other: No Respo District 22 ~ FIOID: NeitherStatioD. in at the lime of ad) IlK . : Did we arrive before .AmbaIaDce: Yes 0t1ter AgeDciesat bne: Halls ~- Fue Fighters at Sc;ene: C. Vandennoten D. Arcbel' uaprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patieut Name; Taylor Willie Sex: Male Patients Addtess: 104 Grant Chamber1aiD Apt. l-C Zip Code; 59715 Ale; 1 Patiad"s Pbcme; 586-6077 PositioDILocatiofPatient; Patient was outside beingbekl in ms mother's arms. CompJaiAtIProbIem: PaUem's. mother stated that her SOJl had 1akeB a fall off their cooch. CPR Pc.atv.IIIlCd:No Pulse (lfTabD): Not taken by FD Blood Prasue (If TaRa): Not taken by FD RespiratioRs (It TIba);Not taken by.PO Papi1s; Not taken by FD Level of Conci01lSDeSS: Alert T~by.Bozemaa Fire: Firefighters respmded to a report of an infimt wbobad faJ1ea. Upon arrival. firefighters found the boy in good condition and had not sustained any seriousiJUuries. Of&ccr in Cbarge: D. Archer PenoA .MaJdDc.Ite:port: .D. Archer -~ . . ,. I '" Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 18-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940617 Date: 18-Sep-94 Time Call Rec:civecl: 14:29 Location ofRu: 1201 E. Main Time Oat: 14;29 Type oflt..; ErIageIq Oa Scene; 14:31 Kiad ofRu: Medical Assist In Servicle; 14:43 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life U_ No Eqmcl; No EagiBe2: No Retaae I: Yes Laddet 1; No Te'IIder I: No Other; No RespoDSC District; 12 RcspoIIcIiDgproa; Station 1 Did we arrive before A~: Yes Odaer .Apades at SeeM; HaHs AmbUlance Fire Fighters at Sceae: M. TbompsoD , J. Polus UaprotectedE~SUIC;No Customer Information Patient Name: Carlton Hamilton Sex: Male PatieDt.. Address: 11 S. Yellowstone # 2 Zip Code: 59715 Ale: 70 PMieat's PIJoac: 587-240& PositionILoc:at of Patieat: Layingon.JHs back in the.paddag lot. CompJaiDtJProtd: The patient coukt DOt remember what bad .1Iawe1lled to JYm. He had appMendy pessed out. CPR .PcfforaNd: No hIse (If TakeD): Not taken by FD Blood Pleuwe (lfT*-): Not 1akeIlby FD ..ReIpiratioDs.(lfTake8): Not taken byFD PIIpiIs: Not taken byPD Level. of CoDdouI"tSS: Alert TlabDeDtby ~DFire: Bozeman fireJighters rts~ to a report of a man who W pIIIIDCl out m de .pllkinclot at The Store. Upon arrivaIfRJigldets ..eacouJdered a man IayiDg.OB tie graun4P-BCftlltta'sappliocltlaCtioato dte patients C-spine. FireftgJ1tem also assisted HaHsAa6danc:e pefIOmld with thpdaging andloadiDg ofChe patient foruauport to Bo7eman Deac.1ones8 HOIpitaI. 0fIkct ill Clmrge: M. TbompsoD Penma Matiaa Report: M. TbompsoD . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report J 8-Sep-!J4 Alarm Nuwk.: 940616 Date: IS.Sep..94 Time Out: 01:48 Location of Itua: W'dson HaU.MSUCampus On Sceae: 01:S2 Type of RuD.: Emergency In. Service: 02:02 Kiadof Ibm: DlImp:tel Fire ResponseDist:rict: 23 R.espondia.g From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of ~upanyNeIIicle: License: Fire Originated In. -Spread to: Fire was oonfined to the pduge can. Caused by: Ullkown cause of origin. Started by a .Iuvenile:No PktuRs Taken: No Smoke Dectector Praalt: No Dicl it. Adivate: No Hit Adivated, did it save . life: No How IDaIly UvcsSaved: 0 If it Activated. did it pI1MlBt major J'l'~.1y ~: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $100.00 ESlimlltM Loss OR Contents: $0.00 IDsuraac:e CoJll1lBDY: Insu.raIlceoa Property: $0.00 I:nsuranc:e on COntents: $0.00 1 ---.---..---.. . . Bozeman Fire Depertmcnt -Fire Report PI- 2 Alatm Number 940616 BnL~artment Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engiae 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teac1er I: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used BXliquishedwith: Portable Extinguisher Source of Water: Tank Amount of Water Used: 0004 Gallons Fire Fighters at Sceae:C. Wino, D. Archer CaU Bact Persomlel Paged: No Special Teams Paaed:No Off Duty PenomIcl: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Brokea: I1lcideDt Narrative: Bozeman Firefigbters responded to" a tepOrt of agarblge can fire at Wilson BaIlon MSU Campus. The fire was .ocmfiaed to" tile plbage can and was extinguished quickly with a portabte.extinguisher. 0t1k:er in Cbarae:C. WinD Person Mating Report: K.Buslmcll 2 . . Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 18-Scp.-fJ4 Alarm Number: 940615 Date: l,..Sep-94 Time Call R.cceived: 23:S7 Locatioa of Run: South Hedges. MSUCampus Time Out: 23:S9 Type of Ran: Emergency On Scene: 00:04 KiDd of Ru.: Medical Assist In Service: 00:36 Fire :Depa.rt:Qlent Operations laws of Life Used: No Ensine I: No EIlgiae 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder I: No Tetldor I: No 0tIaer: No Response.Distrid: 23 RespoudiDg Prom: Station 2 Did we arrive before A:mbuIaacc: Yes Other Agencies at Sceae: Halls Ambulanee, MSU Polite Fire Fighters at ScleDe:C, Wiml, D. Archer Unproteetcd Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Blaine Thompson Sex: male Patientts AddRss: 803Soudt Hedges Zip Code: S91lS Age: 18 Patieats .PIIoae: PositioDILocati ofPatieDt:Lyingon bisstomacb. OIl the tJoor ia a poolofvomilu. CompIaiat/ProbI: Patient had reportedly consumed over a.fifth of whiskey and was aufferin&from aIeo1tol poisoning. Firefighters maiJdaincd an airway ancl monitored vitals unIil ~ pcnomIeI arrived.. CPR. Performect. No Pulse (If Taken): 12 Blood PreIsaR(lf Taken): 1221S3 RespiratioDI (If TakeR): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of ConQoaaess: Responsive to Vertlel Stimulus TreatIBeDI by Boa:maDFire: BozemanFireftghters responded toa report of a posssible aIcohoto~erdose atSoutb Hcdps. An 18 year old male had appareDtly ~&Oda fifth of whiskey and had,pISIed _Firefighters provided. basic life support and assisted ambalance tasonaelwitb ha45pOJt toBcra:maa :Dt:aooaessHospital. Oftic:eria Charge: C. Winn PenOD MIki8c Report:K..BushneIl .' ,- " Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report J7~Scp-94 Alarm Number: 940614 Date: 11-8ep-94 Time Out: 19:36 LocaIion of Ru.: 1621 West College OaSceae: 19:37 Type of lbIII: Nonemergeacy In Service: 20:08 Kind of R.ua: Haza.rdous Condition Response District: 22 R.espondiDg From: Station 2 Mutual AiclGivcn: No M1atuaI Aid ~flld: No Customer Infonnation 0c::aIpant Name: Sherwood Apartments 0c::aIpant PboIIe: OtcbpaDt Address: 1621 West College Owner Name: Greg 'Garcia Owner Phone: Owner Address: 112 Bmudway, Denton, MT Type of OccupaayNehicle: 1978Chevrolc:l Nova LiccIIsc: NASTIE Fire Origj-t<<l In ..8pJard. to: Caascd by: Started by a JUYeDiIe: No Pidares TabD: No .Smale Dec:tectorPreseat: No Did it Activate: No If it Adivated.. did it save a life: No How ....,. Lives Saved: 0 If it Aaivatcd,did it preveat major ..opMy....~ge: No Fire Loss and Insuranee Information H~ Loss onPropctty: $0.00 B-ti~ Loss on Coa.IeBts: $0:00 Insurance Compaj: IJIsutaace OD Property: $0.00 mswanc;c on Ccnd.eJIts: $0.00 I . It ~ Bazteman Fire Dq..,bm.ut.Pire Report PI. 2 Alana Numbec 940614 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Units Responding: EngiDe 1: No EDgiDe 2: Yes Iles<:ue 1: No Ladder I: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No 0tIl0I': No Unit and P'wnpi;ftg Time: Engine 2; 20 minutes ExtiDpishcdwidt: Soarce of Water: Tak Amount of Water Used: 0750 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: C. WiIm,D. Archer Call Back PenollDel Papd: No Special T..., Papd:. No OODaty P.a~: Equipment Used: Cold clean Equipment Lost orBrokcD.: IncideDt Narrative: Bozeman Firefigbter$ were dispatched to tile sceneinvolviDg a leaking gas taDt. . Firefigbter$ pluuedtbetealdagtaRk, appIiedColclCJeanto tile 5-10 gallon gasoline spjJl, ancI wasJaed cIowD.the parking tot.. OJlicer ill C1Iarce: C. Wino Penon Making Report: G. Duntscb 2 . e- ,-~ Bozeman'FireDepartment -Fire Report 17-Scp-94 Alarm Number: 940613 Date: 17-sep..94 Time Out: 16:52 Locatioa ofRaa: 1620 West Linc:ob1 ODSclaIe: 16:S7 Type of Ran: Emergency In Service: 17:06 KiDdofRua: Grass Fire RapoucDistric:t: 23 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual AidOiven: No Matual Aid Receiwd:' No Customer Information Occupant Name: Howard Billips Occupant Pbcme: 587.7415 Occupant Address: 1620 WestLintoln Owner' Name: Howard Billips Owner Phone: 587-7415 Owner Address: 1620 West Li:ncola Type of O""'~yNehide: Vacant lot Lic:cJIIe: File 0riginate41B ~ to: The fireorirj~ intbebanow pit and spread to the a4aoent vacant lot. Caused by: Probable cause was discanJed smoking materials. Started by a Juveaile: No Piet:uMs Tatrea:No Smolte'Dectec:tor Pracnt: No Did it Activate: No Kit &ti,,~ didit.Ja'Vealile: No Hew maay Lives 5avcd: 0 If it Activated, cIic:I it pnmmt ....praperty ....c; No Fire Loss and, InSW'allce In(ormation Estimatccl LossOD ~up;dy: $0.00 Estimated Loss oa CoDtcDts: $0.00 IIISUUlCe Co.lDp8D.}l: 1:nsuraDc;e OD Pi~ly: $0.00 Iasunmce OD ConteDts: $0.00 J . e BozaIaa... Fire J)epu1meDt - Fire Report PI- 2 Alarm Number' 940613 Fire Department Operations Units Resj)Onding: Engine 1: No F.qgj1llll!! 2: Yes Restue 1: No Ladder I: No Teadel' I: No Squad 1: No 0tIIer: No Unit 8lld ~ Time: Engine 2; 2 minutes Extinguished with: Water Source of Water: Tank Amouut ofWaaer Used: 0025 Gallons FireFigkters atbae: C. WinD,D. Archer CaU Bad: PelsoaaelPapd: No SpceiaJ T..... Papd: No Off~ Petsonne1: ~Dt Used: Equipmeat Lost or Bruta: IneideDt Narrative: Bolemaa Fuefigbters were 5DID81ODeCI todae scene of a grass fire approximately 118acre inD. FiRfigbten .~ ttaeb1azc and determined theprobeble cause to be discarded~ IDIIeriats. omcer in CIuqe:C. WinD Penon MaJdag Report: G. Duntsch 2 . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 17-Scp-94 Alarm Number: 940612 Date: 16-&p-94 Time CaJI.R.eceived: 23:36 LocatiOD of Ru: 1010 South Hedges Time Out: 23:43 Type of Run: Emergency On. Scene: 23:48 KiIldof Run: Medical Assist IB Service: 23:58 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine I: No EDgiDe 2: Yes Resate 1: No Ladder I: No Teadel' I: No Otker: No RespoDse District: 23 RespcmdiDg From: Station 2 Did. we arrive before Ambu.IaDce: No Other Agencies at Scene: HaIrs Ambulance and MSU Potic:e Fire Fighters at Scene: V. ~naad T. Sboarman U:aprotected ~e: No Customer Information Patient Name: Kristina Dickerson Sex: Female Patienfs Address: 1010 South Hedges Zip Code: 59772 Ap: 18 Patients Phoac:994-38SO .Po&itioDILocati of Patient: Laying on the bed, receivingtIeatmeJtt trom.HalrsAnftdflnlP. personnel. CompIaiDtIProblem: Migrain headache with nausea. CPR. Performed: No PbIse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pitt..dCl (If Taken): Not taken by PO Respirations (If TabD): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken by fD Level of Coociousaess: Alert Treatmeat by BozemaaFire: Bozeman Fire responded to assist alemale student .suIferiDg&o:m severe.migrain and nausea. Fire .persomd assistedHall's AIPbo1anoe with thcloeding of tile pJtieDtfor ..tDR1pOrt totbc ho5pitaL Ofticer in Charge: V. Baclrftlllln Penon MaliDa Report: K. Jobnson . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 16-Sep-JJ4 Alarm Number: 940611 Date: 16-Sep.94 IlIDCCaD Receiwd: 18:16 ~ ofRuD: Tape.Kiug in Uaivenily Square Shopping Center Time Out: 18:23 Typc.oflbm: Emergency On SceIIie: 18:24 KmcI of Run: Medica1Assist fa Service: 18:3S Fire Dt<Partment Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No EagiDe 1: No Eqiae 2: Yes Rescue I: No Ladder 1: No TOBder 1: No Odtcr: No RespoDse District: 22 R.espoDdiJts From: Station 2 Did we arrive before AmbuIaace: Yes Other Ageneics at Scene: Hall's AmbuJaDce lid BPD FireFighters at Sceae: T. Sbcarman. V. .~n UDprotected &posurc: No Customer Information Patient Name: Jay Christenson Sex: Male Pa1ieat's Address: 1000 N. 17th Zip Code: 59715 Age: 30 PatieDt's PIloIIe: '86-786S PositioDlLocation ofPatieat: Sitting in puldnglot ComplaiDtlProblem: Seizure CPR. Performed: No Pulse (If TateD): Not taken by FD Blood Prarnm. (JfTIbD): Not taken by FD Respirations (1fT"): Not taken by FD PapiIs: Not takeo byFD Level of CoIlciousDess: Responsive to VerbIl Stimulus Treatment by ~n Fire: Bozeman Fire responded to a 30 year old male suffering aaeizaR.ne patient was given oxygen and tben ttansportedto thebospitalby HaII's Ambulance petsODDd. Offk:er in Chaqe: V. Baclrmsm PerIoIl MatiBg Report: K. 10bDs0n . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 15-Scp-94 Alarm Number: 940610 Date: 15-Sep-94 Time Out: 08:24 Location of Run: 20180. Wallace On Scene: 08:28 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 09:11 Killd. of Run: HazardousCondition . Response District: 12 RcspoDc:ting From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Lowen Springer Occupmt Phone: 585-2400 Occupmt Address: 201 So. Wallace Owner Name: Lowell Springer Owner Phone: 585-2400 Owner Address: 201 So. Wallace Type of OccupanyNebicle: Office Building License: Fire Originated In _Spread. to: No fire, gas line 1'Uplure. Causedby-: Construction workers caused a natura1 gas feed line tofaiJ. Started by a Juvenile: No Pittures. Takea: No Smoke Dectector PreseDt: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save. life: No How many Lms Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major ~~ dama&c: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated. Loss OR Contents: $0.00 IDsuraace Company: IDsuraIIc:e on. Property: $0.00 Insuranc:e0ll Ccmtellts: $0.00 1 . . Bozeman Fire Department . Fire Report PH. 2 AlanD. Number 940610 Fire Dq>artment Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes EagiDe 2: Yes Rescue I: No Ladder I: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: No pumping time Extinguished. with: Not a fire Source of Water: No water used Amomat of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Deputy Chief Scholes, T. Sutherland, L. Hancock, M. Thompson, D. Shyne, MHoey, R Cima can Back Persomtel Paged: No Special Teams Paaed: No Oft'Duty Personnd.: Equipment Used: Gas detector, from Squad 1 EqaipmeJtt Lost or Broten: none Inc:ideDt Narrative: Construction wOlken caused a BatUtaI gas line to.fail. The Montana Power . company was called to the scene. After shutting oft'a.suppIy valve to damaged area, repairs were comp1eted. Ofticer in Charge: T. Sutherland Person Mating Report: D. Shyne 2 - . e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 14-Scp--94 Alarm. Number: 940609 Date: 14-Sep-94 Time Call Received: 15:19 Location of Ron: 923 North 7th (Gallatin Valley Furniture Time Out: 15:19 Type of Ron: Emergency On Scene: 15:23 Kind of Ron: Medical Assist In Service: 15:57 Fire Dqlarbnent Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Not in Station at time of tall Did we arrive before Ambalance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Halla Ambulance Fire Fipters at Scene: D. Archer, T. Greene Unprotected Exposure: No Customer lnfonnatioD Patient Name: Julie Hamilton Sex: Female Patient's Address: 715 South 15th Zip Code: 59715 Age: 37 Patient's Phoae: None PositionlLocation of Patient: Sitting ina chair. ComplaintlProblem: Middle hack. paiD, tingling in both arms and legs. CPR. P\a!\,..med: No PultlC (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood PressuJe (If Taten): 122/84 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of COnciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozemaa Fire: Bozeman Firefightels responded to assist a woman experienciDg a medic:a1 emergency. Firefighters took the patient's blood pressure and assisted lUIIhMnce per50DDelwith packaging and loading for transport to BozemaB Deaconess Hospital. Officer in CharJe: D. Archer Penon MakiDg Report: G. Duntsch .---.--- e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 13-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 9406q9 Date: 13-Sep-94 Time Out: 17:07 Location of Run: 2500 Mc Ilhattan Road On Scene: 17:12 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 17:27 Kind of Run: Grass Fire Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Information Occupant Name: Dave Manley, Bridger Creek Golf Course Occupant Phone: 586-2333 Occupant Address: 1280 Story Mill Road Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehic1e: Golf Course License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Fire was started as a controled burn. Fire was extuinguished by first responding units. Caused by: Intent to have a controled burn. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 9406~ Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: County Fire One, No pumping time. Belgrade mutual Extinguished with: Water Source of Water: Tank Amount of Water Used: 0020 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Shyne, K. Johnson. Belgrade I.C. Chestnut and two crews. Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Dispatch (593) recieved a call reporting a grass fire and a lot of smoke near Manley Road. Belgrade dispatched three units. Upon arrival Belgrade officers noted that this area was inside the Bozeman city limits. Responding with C-l we found that Belgrade Fire had put out three piles of brush and grass. Officer in Charge: D. Shyne Person Making Report: D. Shyne 2 . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 13-Scp-94 Alarm Number: 94060' Date: 13-Sep-94 Time Call Received: IS:24 Location of R.un: 422 South 9th Time Out: 15:25 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 15:27 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 15:59 Fire OenRrtment Oner::rtions Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 R.esponding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: '''m. .J,.~'':' Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: Hougland & T. Shearmanl Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Cli1furd F;;!!;;~ (:0..., _ l"'f..l., n_.~:I.__~~~' Jl.,'!!."!_.....," ,""11 C' O(!.. ~ "to"'l'....~ -::----= ,.: . -=-=- "'D"'-":":' "-.- ....... - ~._- 7~..... r"'~.......-!.-.. ~n..,."!~ AJ'\p...... 01 C.....f.."Io..".""... 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Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report J 3-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940606 Date: 13.Sep..94 Time Call Received: 11:58 Location of Run: 900 No. 17th Time Out: 11:58 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 12:03 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 12:07 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Halls Emergency, Bozeman Police Fire Fighters at Scene: Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Martello, Tom Sex: male Patient's Address: 225 Lane Dr. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 36 Patient's Phone: 586-6080 PositionlLocation of Patient: Sitting in his mail truck. ComplaintJProblem: None CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of ConciousneSs: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Mr. Martello was involved in a accident where he was struck from behind. He refused transport and traetment of any kind. Officer in Charge: S. Hougland Person Making Report: D. Shyne . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report lJ-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940604 Date: 13-Sep-94 Time Call Received: 00:54 Location of Rim: 1605 Durston Rd., #56 Time Out: 00:55 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 01:03 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 01:18 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used.: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Fire Fighters at Scene: Backman, and Rowe Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Joe Beny Sex: Male Patient's Address: 1605 DurstonRd, #56 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 73 Patient.s Phone: 587.3946 PositionlLocation of Patient: The patient was laying in bed. ComplaintlProblem: The patient was in bed pulseless and breathless. and CPR was initiated. CPR Performed.: Yes Pulse (If Taken): no pulse Blood Press8re (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): no respirations Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Unresponsive Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters were dispatched to a possible stroke. Firefighters found the patient with no pulse and not breathing and CPR was initiated. Officer in Charge: V. Backman Person Making Report: T. Sutherland . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 12-Scp-94 Alarm Number: 940603 Date: 12..sep.94 Time Call Received: 16:57 Location of Run: North Willson and Main St. Time Out: 16:58 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 16:59 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 16:59 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine I: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder I: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman P.O. Fire Fighters at Scene: V. Backman J. Polis. Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: None Sex: Patient's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 PatieDt's Phone: PositionlLocation of Patient: ComplaintlProblem: CPR. Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by PO Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Report of accident at Willson and Main. Fire dept. was canceled in route. Officer in Charge: V. Bat!1rman Person Making Report: V. Baclrman . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report J 2-Sep-94 . Alarm Number: 940602 Date: 12-Sep-94 Time Out: 15:22 Location of Run: 829 North 17th On Scene: 15:29 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 15:39 Kind of Run: Other Fire Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Reeeived: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Nadine Liule Occupant Phone: 5874319 Occupant Address: 829 North 17th Owner Name: Same Owner Phone: Same Owner Address: Same Type of OccupanyNehide: Single family Dwelling License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Deeteetor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No Bow many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Conteats: $0.00 1 . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 12-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940601 Date: 12-Sep-94 Time Out: 13:31 Location of Run: Willson and Villard On Scene: 13:34 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 13:54 Kind of Run: Vehicle Fire Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Paul Grasseschi Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: 1462 W. Broadway, Idaho Falls, ill 83402 Owner Name: same Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: 1977 Ford F150 Custom License: 2T-3940A Fire Originated In _Spread to: An overheated transfer case caused the rubber shift lever boot to melt and fill the cab with smoke. Caused by: Overheated transfer case. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $10.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940601 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: 5 minutes Extinguished with: Water Source of Water: Tank Amount of Water Used: 0005 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Sutherland, and Rowe. Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters were dispateched to Wilson and Villard for a report of a vehicle fire. Firefighters found an overheated transfer case in a pickup caused the shift lever boot to melt and fill the cab with smoke. Officer in Charge: T. Sutherland Person Making Report: T. Sutherland 2 . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 12-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940600 Date: 12-Sep-94 Time Call Received: 09:07 LocatIon of Run: Main and Black Time Out: 09:08 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 09:10 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Serviee: 10:00 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No ingine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Relate 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 in and Station 2 out at time of ca Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: BPD Fire Fighters at Scene: Backman, Hancock, Rowe, and Polus. Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Danette Ness Sex: Female Patient's Address: 910 Evans, Butte, Montana 59701 Zip Code: 59701 Age: 22 Patient's PIlOJle: 494-1916 PositionlLocation of Patient: Sitting in passengesrseat of car. ComplaiDtJProblem: Additional Patients involved in a MY A at Black and Main. 1. Barbara Ness, 116 Whitetail Rd, Whiteball. Mt., 59759, and Brent Pfeiffer, 3640 Bozeman Trail Rd., Bozeman, Mt. 59715. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Takea): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (Jf Takea): Not taken by FD Respirations (Jf Taken): Not taken by FD PupUs: Not taken by FD Level of ConciOUllleS8: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters were dispatcbed to an MY A at Black and Main. Firefighters assisted in C-spine management and. packaging for transport. omcer in Charge: V. Backman Penoa MakiBg Report: T. Sutherland . u..._____.____. ._ ____ . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report J2-S~94 Alarm Number: 940599 Date: 11-Sep-94 Time Call Received: 11:17 Location of Run: Comer of Tenth Ave and Curtis St. Time Out: 11:19 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 11:20 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 11:28 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine I: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue I: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Bozman P.D. and Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Archer, T, Grecme Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Dina Winkle Sex: Female Patient's Address: 305 D Hapner Hall , MSU Zip Code: 59715 Age: 19 Patient's Phone: 994-2754 PositionlLocation of Patient: Patient was sitting on curb on side of street. ComplaintlProblem: Pain in left shoulder and neck. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighers responded to the comer of Tenth Ave and Curtis St. to the aid of a 19 year old female who was involved ina motor vechicle accident. Patient refused. transpOrt to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: D. Archer Penon MakiDg Report: K. Rowe . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 11-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940598 Date: 1O-Sep-94 Time Call Received: 11:27 Location of Run: 212 So. Black #b Time Out: 11:28 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 11:30 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 11:37 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman Police & Halls Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: C. Vander Molen J. Polis Unprotected Exposure: No CUmOmerllUormation Patient Name: Paul Parrinello Sex: Male Patient's Address: 212 So. Black #B Zip Code: 59715 Age: 27 Patient's Phone: 586-4137 PositionlLocation of Patient: Standing on sidewalk. ComplaintJProblem: CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: A twenty-seven year old male was complaining of a pain in his right shoulder. The patient stated he had fallen off his bicycle and was requesting a ride to the hospital. Fire department personnel assisted patient into the ambulance. Officer in Charge: C. Vander Molen Person Making Report: C. Vander Molen e . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 10-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940597 Date: 10-Sep-94 Time Call Received: 14:46 Location of Run: 1120 West Babcock, Unit 10 Time Out: 14:46 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 14:49 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 15:12 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Hall's Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: S. Hougland & T. Shearman Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Mary Lewis Sex: Female Patient's Address: 1120 W. Babcock, Unit 10 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 75 Patient's Phone: 587-4960 PositionlLocation of Patient: Standing by her walker in her livingroom. ComplaintJProblem: CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 60 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 170/100. Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: A seventy.five year old female had fallen earlier in the day and was now feeling some back pain. Fire department personnel took vitals, administered oxygen, and assisted Halls in packaging patient for transportation to the hospital. Ofticer in Charge: S. Hougland Person Making Report: C. Vander Molen e . Bozeman Fire Deparbnent - Fire Report ()9..Sep-94 Alarm Number: 94OS96 Date: 09-Sep-94 Time Out: 20:19 Location of Run: 2311 S. 7th On Scene: 20:24 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 20:34 KincI of Run: Grass Fire Response District: 13 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aiel Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: VL T Occupant Phone: 585-6600 Occupant Address: 2311 S. 7th Owner Name: VL T Owner Phone: 585-6600 Owner Address: 2311 S. 7th Type of OccupanyNehicle: License: Fire Origjn~ted In _Spread to: Grass fire contained in a 10ftX15ft area. Caused by: Children playing with matches. Started by a Juvenile: Yes Pictures Taken: No Smoke Oectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. diet it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss anQ.lnsW'aDce Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report PR. 2 Alarm Number 940596 Fire Denartment Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder I: No Tender I: No Squad I: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: County 1, S minutes Extinguished with: Water Source of Water: Tank Amount of Water Used: 0020 Gallons Fire Fighters at &ene: Hancock, and Thompson Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged; No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters were dispatched to a grass fire at VLT. Officer in Charge: L. Hancock Person Making Report: T. Sutherland 2 . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 09-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940595 Date: 09-Sep-94 Time Out: 14:32 Location of Run: 611 S. 8th, Irving School On Scene: 14:35 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 14:41 Kind of Run: Other Fire Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 1 in & Station 2 out at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Irving School Occupant Phone: 585-1600 Occupant Address: 611 S. 8th Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: No fire. Alarm malfunction. Caused by: No fire. Alarm malfunction. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940595 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Sutherland, Hoey , Hancock, Thompson, and Cima. Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: The alarm system malfunctioned at the Irving School. Officer in Charge: T. Sutherland Person Making Report: T. Sutherland 2 . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 09-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940594 Date: 09-Sep-94 Time Call Received: 13:54 Location of Run: 202 N. Church Time Out: 13:54 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 13:55 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 14:11 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Fire Fighters at Scene: Sutherland, and Thompson. Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Marie Benzinger Sex: Female Patient's Address: 202 N. Church Zip Code: 59715 Age: 38 Patient's Phone: 586-8798 PositionlLocation of Patient: The patient was sitting on the floor of the living room. ComplaintJProblem: The patient is a diabetic. Firefighters were dispatched to aid a diabetic possibly in insulin shock. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 84 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 160/90 Respirations (If Taken): 20 Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Responsive to Verbal Stimulus Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters were dispatched to 202 N Church to aid a diabetic. Officer in Charge: T. Sutherland Person Making Report: T. Sutherland . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 09-Sep~94 Alarm Number: 940593 Date: 09-Sep-94 Time Out: 13:25 Location of Run: Parking lot behind station I. 422 E. Mend On Scene: 13:25 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 13:30 Kind of Run: Vehicle Fire Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Laura Smith Occupant Phone: 586-5471 Occupant Address: 890 Hidden Valley Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: 1975 Ford Elite License: 6P-1850B Fire Originated In -Spread to: The fire originated in the engine compartment and was contained there. Caused by: It appeared that the fire was caused by a fuel leak. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $200.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Farmers Insurance Co. Insurance on Property: Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940593 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Hancock. Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: 1 portable extinguisher. Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Hancock noticed smoke coming from the engine compartment of a car that pulled into the parking lot behind the fire station. He extinguished the fire with a dry chemical extinguisher. Officer in Charge: L. Hancock Person Making Report: T. Sutherland 2 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 09-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940592 Date: 09-Sep-94 Time Out: 12:39 Location of Run: 2520 Springcreek Dr. On Scene: 12:50 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 12:58 Kind of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Linda Johnson Occupant Phone: 587-6155 Occupant Address: 2520 Springcreek Dr. Owner Name: Linda Johnson Owner Phone: 587-6155 Owner Address: 2520 Springcreek Dr. Type of OccupanyNehicle: Single Family Dwelling License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: No fire. Suspicious odor. Caused by: The odor came from rags saturated with linseed oil. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 1 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 940592 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Hancock, and Thompson Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters were dispatched to investigate an odor. Firefighters traced the odor to rags saturated with linseed oil. Officer in Charge: L. Hancock Person Making Report: T. Sutherland 2 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 09-Sep-94 Alarm Number: 940591 Date: 09-Sep-94 Time Out: 12:06 Location of Run: Leon Johnson Hall #524 M.S.U. On Scene: 12:12 Type of....: Emergency In Seniee: 12:40 KiD4 of Run: Suspicious Odor Response DistrIct: 23 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Chen: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Leon Johnson Hall, Montana State University Occupant Phone: 994-0211 Oceupant Address: Montana State University Owner Name: State of Montana Owner Phone: Owner Addreu: Montan State University Type of <keupanyNehide: Ueense: Fire OrigiDatedIn ..spread to: No Fire. Caused by: Started by a JaveaiIe: No Pietures Takm: No S....Dedeetor Preseat: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it.save a ute: No How 18uy Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it ~enc .... property daJnace; No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Eltiaaatecl Loss on Property: $0.00 Eltbnated Loss on ConteDtl: $200.00 Ia.ranee Compuy: InIurance on.ProperCy: $0.00 InlUraaee on Contents: $0.00 1