HomeMy WebLinkAboutG1. SP Water Divisions Annual Report Commission Memorandum Report To: Honorable Mayor and City Commission From: Lain Leoniak, Water Conservation Specialist Brian Heaston, Senior Engineer John Alston, Water and Sewer Superintendent Eric Campbell, Water Treatment Plant Superintendent Craig Woolard, Director of Public Works Subject: City of Bozeman Water Divisions Annual Report to the City Commission Meeting Date: February 8, 2016 Agenda Item Type: Special Presentation Recommendation: The City of Bozeman Water Divisions’ annual programmatic accomplishments and project updates are summarized for review and discussion by the City Commission. Annual Reports and Exhibits are attached. Staff requests that the Commission review these supporting documents and provide feedback and guidance as appropriate. Background: The City of Bozeman Water Divisions come before the City Commission to provide updates as to annual program accomplishments and information pertaining to the status of various projects underway that are all intended to improve the water security and resiliency of the City of Bozeman now and in the future. Program updates include summaries of the Annual Water Conservation Report, the Annual Water Quality Report, accomplishments from the Water and Sewer Division, and project updates relating to the 2015 Water Facility Plan Update, the development of a municipal groundwater supply and the preliminary engineering report of the Lyman Creek Water Source. 2015 Water Conservation Program Report The 2015 Water Conservation Program Report (See Attached) is the first annual report for the City of Bozeman’s Water Conservation Program. The Report analyzes water demand data and highlights accomplishments over the last two years since the program’s inception. 131 New Water Treatment Plant Update The City’s new Water Treatment Facility has been fully operational for almost 2 years. While issues are common when commissioning any facility as complex as the water treatment plant, very few issues were encountered during startup. Since commissioning the new Water Treatment Plant, there has been a reduction in the volumes of water treated due to conservation as well as reductions in treated water turbidity as a result of our improved treatment process. Chlorine residual concentrations in the distribution system have been reduced while maintaining adequate disinfection residuals. All treated water quality data has been summarized is in an improved Consumer Confidence Report which will be sent to all customers in February (See Attached). The City has met or exceeded all treated water quality standards. Water and Sewer Department Operations During 2015, the water and sewer department operations crew conducted 5,472 one call locate requests, rotated 556 water meters, leak detected 251 miles of water main, flowed 569 fire hydrants, installed 92 water main taps for new water mains, and removed snow from 2,533 fire hydrants. Water Projects Engineering studies are underway to update the city’s water facility plan, investigate areas for potential municipal groundwater supplies, and expand the Lyman Creek water supply system. Update briefs are provided below for each respective project. Water Facility Plan Work is progressing on schedule with professional services on budget. Tasks to support the preparation of the distribution system water model are underway and have been the primary focus of activity on the project to-date. Comprehensive distribution system pressure and flow testing were completed last fall to acquire actual system data necessary to develop a calibrated water model. Significant data analysis and packaging efforts have been completed by the GIS Department to deliver to the consultant an ‘all pipes’ geodatabase that will integrate with the water model. The model will be completed by the consultant on the InfoWater software platform developed by Innovyze. InfoWater provides industry-leading integration with GIS which allows the city to leverage the significant investment it has made in its GIS data/asset management and work order systems. As the distribution system is expanded and updated in GIS, new pipe segments will seamlessly integrate into the InfoWater model. Thus, only one dataset has to be maintained and the water model will reflect an up-to-date configuration of the distribution system. Once calibrated and complete, the model will serve as a crucial decision support backbone for future capital improvements planning and water systems operations. Groundwater Investigation Work is progressing on schedule with professional services on budget. The consultant team is currently focusing efforts on developing a hydrogeological model of the aquifer system in the Gallatin Valley utilizing readily available data from various sources. The Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology is putting the finishing touches on a scoping paper which identifies areas in 132 the valley with the highest potential for significant groundwater yields. A graphic depicting the scoping areas is attached. The model and scoping areas will be used in conjunction with each other to evaluate groundwater development scenarios. To permit the development of new groundwater sources the City must ultimately acquire mitigation water to offset the effects of groundwater pumping on surface water sources. A groundwater mitigation bank is being pursued by a stakeholder group - which the city is participating in - as a successful mitigation bank could provide for flexible acquisition of mitigation water over time as groundwater supplies are developed. City staff has participated in a number stakeholder meetings as well as presentations to the Association of Gallatin Agricultural Irrigators (AGAI) and the MT Water Policy Interim Committee (WPIC) to advance the concept and utility of groundwater mitigation banking. Mitigation bank stakeholders are taking appropriate efforts to build consensus around the concept with present efforts focusing on listening to agricultural stakeholders and identifying and understanding their concerns. To supplement mitigation bank development, the City was awarded a $50k grant by the Montana Department of Natural Resources which will be utilized to build additional detail into the hydrologeological model being prepared for the groundwater investigation project. This detail can produce a higher level of model functionality and provide meaningful support for planning- level decisions that will be necessary for the ongoing development of mitigation water supplies in the Gallatin. A grant contract will be presented to the Commission for approval in the near future. The work plan and scope of work for the grant funds is attached to this memo. Lyman Creek Expansion Work is also progressing on schedule with professional services on budget. The consultant team has completed a preliminary characterization of the Lyman Creek aquifer system utilizing desktop and geologic field study techniques. Lyman Creek generally originates from a karst limestone aquifer system in the Mission Canyon Limestone formation. The aquifer is believed to be recharged by annual snowmelt occurring over the southern flank of the Bridger Mountain Range. A karst aquifer can be thought of as subterranean river moving through a network of connected fissures and larger passages within the limestone itself. Existing diversion infrastructure captures water where Lyman Creek first emerges from the ground at springs located on city-owned property in Lyman Canyon. Analysis of diversion records and correlated snowpack data indicate that the aquifer is likely an isolated ‘fill and spill’ system which can be thought of simplistically as a bathtub set on an incline. The tub is filled by annual snowmelt delivered by an underground river which then spills over the low edge of the tub at the springs. The actual volume of the tub is unknown and is dependent upon the orientation of the tub walls themselves. To continue with this analogy, the tub walls represent the subsurface geologic boundary of the Mission Canyon Limestone formation. The boundary between Mission Canyon and neighboring formations occur along lines of contact referred to as geologic faults. It is the three-dimensional orientation of these subsurface fault lines that determines the potential volume of the Mission Canyon aquifer serving the city’s Lyman water system. Findings of the geologic field work and desktop study are informing the development of an exploratory well drilling plan. The exploratory well drilling objectives are to gather crucial subsurface data for better understanding of fault orientations and to provide access to deeper portions of the aquifer for yield testing and monitoring. The Integrated Water Resources Plan 133 estimates the reliable yield of the springs to be 1,790 acre-feet, but the city’s total water right is significantly larger at 4,346 acre-feet. The potential exists for the wells to increase the annual reliable yield somewhere between the 1,790 acre-feet current yield and the 4,346 acre-feet water right. Alternatives: As suggested by the Commission. Fiscal Effects: Not included with this Presentation Attachments:  2015 Water Conservation Program Report  2015 Water Quality Report  Work Plan For DNRC Grant Funding  Groundwater Scoping Areas 134 135 2 This page is intentionally left blank 136 3 WATER CONSERVATION SNAPSHOT FOR 2014-2015 Water demand in Bozeman declined over the last two years from 122 gpcd (gallons per capita per day) in 2013 to 113 gpcd in 2015 despite increases in population and metered connections, and drier than average years.1 More specifically, between 2013 and 2015, overall residential water use declined from 74 gpcd to 71 gpcd and water use during the summer months, otherwise known as “peak water use” declined from 164 gpcd to 152 gpcd in 2015.2 This rate of decline exceeds historical rates of reduction in water use throughout Montana and the United States.3 The City of Bozeman’s Water Conservation Program has provided an opportunity for Bozeman water customers to take advantage of targeted conservation and education programs and to invest in effective efficiency initiatives. 1 Assumes same annual rate of growth of 2.8% in 2015 that occurred between 2010-2014. See e.g. United States Census Bureau available at: http://www.census.gov/quickfacts/table/PST045215/3008950,00 Last visited: January 16, 2016; Metered connections increased by 6.8% between 2013 and 2015 and 3.9% from 2014 to 2015. 2 Assumes peak water use between May and October. 3 See e.g. Water Sue Trends in the United States Pacific Institute (April 2015) available at: http://pacinst.org/wp- content/uploads/sites/21/2015/04/Water-Use-Trends-Report.pdf last visited: February 1, 2016. 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 - 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 Population Billions of Gallons Population & Water Use Over Time Water Consumption (Billions of Gallons) Population (US Census Estimates) 137 4 Despite the drier than average years in 2014 and 2015, the city was able to meet peak demands for watering during the summer months without instituting watering restrictions. It is important to note however, that regardless of available voluntary initiatives designed to conserve water supplies, consumption is closely associated with area weather conditions including but not limited to precipitation and solar radiation which is commonly expressed as evapotranspiration (ET). This rate indicates how much water has been used by landscapes or lost to the atmosphere and to be replaced in order to maintain healthy vegetation. This correlation is evidenced by the graph below. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Inches Precipitation Bozeman, Montana 2014-2015 Normal 2015 2014 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 - 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 May June July August September October ET (inches) Water Use Millions of Gallons Outdoor Water Use & ET 2013 2014 2015 2013 ET 2014 ET 2015 ET 138 5 In 2014-2015 the water conservation program provided:  Residential Water Conservation Customer Survey of 400 single-family residents.  Watershed specific pilot educational programs for 5 teachers and ~ 100 students in Bozeman schools.  Professional landscape irrigation efficiency education and certification for 31 irrigation professionals working in Bozeman and the surrounding area.  Thirty-five presentations and demonstrations to professional and government organizations, trade shows, homeowner’s associations, neighborhood and community groups.  Project support for a utility water loss audit that indicates water losses of ~ 14%.  Twenty landscape irrigation audits and system assessments of single-family residential properties. In 2014-2015 the conservation program facilitated:  $67,435.62 invested in rebates and incentives and annual savings of ~ 20 AF. This is enough water saved each year to supply water to 85 new single family or 161 multi-family units.  144 high efficiency toilets were rebated in 2014 and 206 in 2015.  156 high efficiency clothes washer installations in 2014 (program launched November 20, 2014) and 2015.  11 irrigation system retrofits (program launched May 1, 2015).  Over 1.1 million dollars in water savings. Next Steps for 2016 include:  Expand indoor and outdoor rebate initiatives and bulk retrofit programs for residential and commercial customers.  Expand water demand tracking tool capabilities.  Expand water education pilot program for Bozeman schools.  Advance projects to shift irrigation of city property from treated to raw surface water supplies.  Develop a drought management plan.  Work with other divisions to identify opportunities to generate additional water savings. 139 6 WATER CONSERVATION IN BOZEMAN Bozeman’s Integrated Water Resources Plan The Integrated Water Resources Plan (IWRP) is a proactive long-range plan which resulted from the City of Bozeman’s recognition that continued growth will occur into the future and eventually exceed the capacity of current water supplies. The City’s existing water supply sources are finite; thus, new supplies must be developed to meet projected future needs. The Commission’s adoption of the IWRP, and the IWRP Implementation Plan highlights the significant role that water conservation plays in addressing the City’s long-term water supply needs. Water Conservation Program The goal of the City of Bozeman’s Water Conservation Program is to protect and enhance water resources through conservation in order to meet the IWRP’s 50-year water planning target. The program objectives include (i) establishing and strengthening the community’s water conservation ethic; (ii) ensuring adequate supplies are available to meet current and future customer demands; (iii) ensuring adequate supplies are available in time of drought for emergency response and long term drought mitigation. The strategies implemented to facilitate the achievement of the goal include (i) providing an equitable distribution of water conservation benefits throughout all of the customer classes and the community; (ii) utilizing a variety of methods to raise awareness of the value of water, ways to conserve, and to encourage participation in initiatives; and (iii) to develop and implement mechanisms to track and forecast demands and evaluate and modify elements of the water conservation program as needed. Program Evaluation In order to determine if the Water Conservation Program is meeting the aforementioned goals, strategies and objectives, a variety of tracking and forecasting tools are utilized to monitor effectiveness. A. Demand Side Management The role of the Water Conservation Program is to balance the development of sufficient water supplies with customer demand. Supply-side strategies emphasize meeting customer needs in the most cost-efficient and effective manner. Demand-side strategies highlight customer education and voluntary retrofits of end use devices with high efficiency fixtures like toilets, clothes washers and irrigation system components. New water conservation initiatives typically evolve from pilot projects and case studies to ensure that they meet the goals, objectives and strategies of the program. 140 7 The City of Bozeman’s rebates are based on the cost of the water saved rather than the direct cost of the retrofit. The Water Conservation Division will continue to assess cost per acre foot (af) to maximize budget and staff resources. Table 1.1 2014-2015 REBATES SUMMARY Initiative4 Expenditure5 Water Saved/year (MGY) Water Savings Over Life of Components (AF)6 Cost per HCF Cost per AF of Water Saved No. of Rebates Issued Residential HE7 Toilet Pre 1996 $37,625.00 3.913 120.1 $7.19 $313.28 301 Residential HE Toilets Post 1996 $2,450.00 .286 13.17 $6.39 $186.02 49 Commercial HE Toilet $3,395.00 .378 11.6 $6.72 $292.67 23 Single Family HE Clothes Washer $22,250.00 1.248 57.4 $13.34 $395.92 156 Single Family HE Irrigation Components $1,715.62 TBD TBD TBD TBD 11 TOTALS $67,435.62 5.825 202.3 $33.64 $1,187.89 540 4 Includes 2014 and 2015. 5 Does not include administrative costs. 6 10 years average life expectancy for HET; 15 years average life expectancy of HECW. 7 HE = High Efficiency 141 8 2014-2015 ACCOMPLISHMENTS EDUCATION, OUTREACH, AND ENGAGEMENT Education and outreach initiatives are a cornerstone of the City of Bozeman’s Water Conservation program. Initiatives focus on raising awareness of the value of water in a headwaters community like Bozeman and how to use our water resources wisely. These initiatives reach students, adults, residents, and businesses. Residential Water User Survey A statistically valid survey of Bozeman residents was conducted in the fall of 2014. According to the survey, the majority of Bozeman residents (59%) are now paying more attention to their water use than they have in the past. A similar proportion of residents (60%) indicate that they have changed how much water they use during the past few years. Concerns about current or future water scarcity and the environmental impacts of water use are the largest factors motivating these changes, but financial motivations (concerns about the cost of water) are also an important consideration for many Bozeman residents. Most single-family homes in Bozeman now have in ground sprinkler systems (72%). On average, Bozeman households water landscapes 2.8 times per week during the summer season. Newer Bozeman residents and younger residents generally water more frequently than longtime residents and older residents. Overall, about 27 percent of Bozeman households water their landscapes more than three days per week during the summer season. However, few residents (6%) water their yards during the heat of the day (between 9AM and 5PM). Additionally, forty-eight percent of respondents were unaware of any water conservation measures they could implement to reduce water use around the home and the vast majority (80%) were unaware of water conservation initiatives by the City of Bozeman. As this survey was conducted prior to the launch of the Water Conservation Program, this is unsurprising and will hopefully serve as reliable baseline data from which to assess the relative effectiveness of current and future education and outreach programs. Overall, the survey’s findings demonstrated the high level of water awareness among Bozeman water customers and provided great guidance as to where to focus water conservation initiatives to maximize budget and staff resources. More specifically, messaging to single family residential customers focused on simple actions they could engage in to save money and the resulting environmental benefits that come from water conservation. Tools and information were made available on the water conservation website, in customer mailers, good neighbor bags, at neighborhood presentations and other community events to capitalize on those wanting to make changes in their daily water use. 142 9 Moreover, the fact that a very high percentage of residents have automatic in-ground sprinkler systems determined the substantive elements of the outdoor rebate initiative and the selection of the outdoor sprinkler system components that are currently available for rebate. Specifically, the program supports rebates for weather based irrigation controllers, MSMT nozzles and rain sensors which are components that can be easily retrofitted on existing systems and can improve outdoor watering efficiency by thirty percent or more. Additionally, both the indoor and outdoor rebate initiatives address customers’ concerns about costs to support those wanting to install high efficiency fixtures. The targeted efforts that stemmed from the survey findings have generated over 1.1 million dollars in water savings. Going forward, subsequent surveys will facilitate a means in which to measure the effectiveness of education, outreach and engagement initiatives in addition to guiding program development. School Education The Water Conservation Division in partnership with the Stormwater Division and Project WET, developed a Bozeman specific Educator Guide with interactive science activities that helped five area teachers educate students in Bozeman schools about the area’s watershed and how individual actions can impact our watershed. The goal was to present complex concepts specifically related to Bozeman’s watersheds, water conservation and stormwater, to educators via lessons plans that are relevant, accessible and create positive experiences for young learners. The Initiative was so popular with teachers and students alike that it is being introduced into two more area schools in 2016, increasing the scope of this education pilot project. Public Information Campaign The first phase of the Water Conservation Division’s website went live early March 2015 and includes information about the value of water, the benefits of water conservation, water resource plans, the Bozeman survey and other water conservation resources, applications and instructions for rebates and incentives for indoor fixtures, and a home use water calculator. It received over 19,000 hits as of December 2015. The second phase of the website went live May 2015 and includes information about calculating outdoor water use, DIY sprinkler system assessment and audit instructions, instructions and applications for rebates and incentives for sprinkler system components, drought tolerant and water smart plant lists specifically geared for Bozeman’s climates, water related news items and much more. The second phase garnered 2,533 additional hits as of the end of August 2015 for a total of over 21,000 hits to the website as of December 2015. 143 10 Presentations regarding Bozeman’s water supplies and ways to conserve water were given to various organizations including the Greater Gallatin Watershed Council, Montana State University Fall Water School, Idaho-Montana Parks and Recreation Fall Conference, the League of Women Voters, MSU Sustainability Series, Bozeman Public Library Wonderlust Series Friday Forum, Bozeman homeowners associations and neighborhood councils. Various articles in local, state and national publications were written about the water conservation program, initiatives and public outreach including, AWWA Journal, Montana Quarterly, Bozeman Chronicle, and Bozeman Magazine.8 Local television news media ran several stories highlighting where Bozeman’s water comes from, the need to conserve water and resources offered by the city’s water conservation division to help customers save water.9 Indoor Residential Water Usage Public Education Campaign  Bill stuffers sent to all Bozeman water customers informing them about the high efficiency toilet and clothes washer rebate initiatives offered.  The utility bill was redesigned to include customer’s historical water usage by month and how single family residential customers compare with their neighbors.  Facts and tips for free and simple ways to save water around the home were included in the Good Neighbor Bags distributed to over 500 residents two times each year.  Provided free leak detection kits, aerators, shower timers, and water to customers. Outdoor Residential Water Usage Public Education Campaign  Ran ads in local print and online news outlets throughout the 2015 irrigation season providing easy tips for ways to save water outside homes and business and alerting them to new rebate initiatives for sprinkler system components that reduce water use. 8 See AWWA Journal Vol. 107 No. 8 August (2015); Montana Quarterly, (2015); available at: http://www.themontanaquarterly.com/; “Where Does Bozeman’s Water Come From” Bozeman Magazine (December 2015); http://bozemanmagazine.com/articles/2015/12/01/25724_where_does_bozemans_water_come_from 9 See e.g. http://bozemanmagazine.com/articles/2015/12/01/25724_where_does_bozemans_water_come_from; http://www.nbcmontana.com/news/Recent-dry-spell-prompts-water-conservation-education-in-Bozeman/34938842; http://www.kbzk.com/Clip/11634628/water-conservation-the-focus-for-city-official. 144 11  Ran radio ads throughout the 2015 irrigation season directing customers to the Water Conservation Division’s website for information and rebates to reduce outdoor watering.  Circulated bill stuffers to all Bozeman residential customers informing them about the new rebates for sprinkler systems.  Ran slides on Channel 20 throughout the 2015 irrigation season that directed people to the website for more information about outdoor water saving tips and rebates.  Organized and sponsored a Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditors Class with the Irrigation Association held in Bozeman in March 2015. The class was for irrigation professionals with at least two years of field experience. It was sold out with thirty-one attendees and a waiting list. Several staff from the City of Bozeman Parks and Facilities Departments attended.  Hosted the Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor’s Exam March 2015. Fifteen irrigation professionals sat for the irrigation exam.  Provided twenty sprinkler system assessments and audits to Bozeman residential customers. Assessments and audits covered sprinkler equipment, system performance, maintenance, and irrigation schedules.  The Water Bottle Fill Station was made available at Bogert Farmer’s Market, Music on Main, Sweet Pea Festival of the Arts, MSU CatWalk, and other community events throughout the summer. The Water Bottle Fill Station encourages residents to bring their own water bottles to community events instead of purchasing bottled water and to appreciate the high quality of Bozeman tap water.  In partnership with local experts, developed nine plant lists that detail drought tolerant and watersmart shrubs, perennials and grasses that create seasonal interest, require little or no water and are suitable for Bozeman’s climates. Rebates and Incentives Pursuant to the initiatives for the conservation program outlined in the IWRP and adopted by the Bozeman City Commission and a review of Bozeman customer meter data, the first year of the Water Conservation Program focused on voluntary rebate initiatives to encourage replacement of fixtures with the largest water footprints in single and multi family residences. 145 12 Water consumption by customer class for 2013 shows that single family residential accounted for 38% and multi family customers 23% for a total of 61% of all water consumed. Commercial and Industrial (CII) customers were responsible for 28% of all water consumed in 2013 while MSU users account for ~9 % of overall consumption. As a result of the 2013 data of water use by customer class, voluntary initiatives were developed that targeted single and multi-family and commercial water users. Residential End Uses of Water Study10 10 Residential End Uses of Water Study available at: http://www.allianceforwaterefficiency.org/residential-end-uses-of-water-study- 1999.aspx last visited: January 22, 2016. - 20,000,000 40,000,000 60,000,000 80,000,000 100,000,000 120,000,000 140,000,000 2013 Monthly Water Demand by Customer Categories Single Family Commercial/Industrial Multi-Family MSU Government 146 13 High Efficiency Toilet Rebate Program The majority of indoor water use for residential customers occurs in bathrooms. Toilets are the largest water user inside the home and account for approximately thirty percent of total indoor use. Retrofitting toilets saves on both water and sewer bills. The high efficiency toilet rebate initiative was implemented July 1, 2008 and rebooted in 2014. This rebate is designed to encourage customers to retrofit older toilets with high efficiency models. Only WaterSense® labeled models that use 1.28 gallons per flush (gpf) or less are eligible.11 WaterSense, a partnership program by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, seeks to protect the future of our nation's water supply by offering people a simple way to use less water with water-efficient products, new homes, and services. WaterSense brings together a variety of stakeholders to promote the value of water efficiency, provide consumers with easy ways to save water, as both a label for products and an information resource to help people use water more efficiently, to encourage innovation in manufacturing, and to decrease water use and reduce strain on water resources and infrastructure. Products and services that have earned the WaterSense label have been certified to be at least 20 percent more efficient without sacrificing performance. 11 Reflects activity through December 2015 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 2013 2014 2015 Toilets Replaced Through Rebate Initiative Pre 1996 Post 1996 147 14 Pre-1996 toilets consume 3.5 – 10 gpf versus post 1996 toilets that require 1.6 gpf.12 The rebate allows for $125.00 for the replacement of pre-1996 toilets and $50.00 for the replacement of post 1996 toilets, with a maximum of $250.00 per residence. Twelve hundred toilets have been replaced through the 2015 rebate initiative that resulted in almost sixteen million gallons of water saved through October 2015. These savings will continue for the life of the fixtures and increase as customers continue to participate in the initiative.13 Residential High Efficiency Clothes Washer Rebate Program 12 The estimate savings conservatively use 3.5 gpf per fixture. 13 See HET Savings Table 1.2 below. 0 2,000,000 4,000,000 6,000,000 8,000,000 10,000,000 12,000,000 14,000,000 16,000,000 18,000,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Gallons Estimated Water Savings: Toilet Rebate Initiative Total Gallons Saved 148 15 Washing clothes is the second largest water user inside the home with an estimated 400 loads per year per household. On average, approximately twenty-two percent of residential water use goes to laundry. The residential high efficiency clothes washer initiative was implemented November 2014 and is designed to encourage residential customers to retrofit traditional clothes washers that use 40-45 gallons per load with high efficiency clothes washers that use 15-20 gallons per load. The rebate allows for $150.00 for the replacement of a traditional clothes washer with a high efficiency model that is CEE Tier Two14 or higher and does not use silver ion technology, limited to one per residence.15 The Consortium for Energy Efficiency (CEE) identifies efficiency tiers based on energy and water use. Clothes washer efficiency is based on an integrated Modified Energy and Water Factors. The Modified Energy Factor is a ratio that calculates the capacity of the clothes container divided by the total clothes washer energy consumption per cycle. A higher number indicates lower consumption and more efficient use of energy. The integrated Water Factor is a ratio that calculates the number of gallons of water needed for each cubic foot of laundry. A lower number indicates lower consumption and a more efficient use of water. Based on the water factor, high-efficiency clothes washers are divided into three tiers, with Tier 2 and 3 being the most water and energy efficient. Tier 2 and 3 clothes washers use less than 15 gallons per load compared to typical top-loading models that use 40 or more gallons per full load. A Tier 2 or 3 high-efficiency clothes washer can reduce water use by 85 percent. 14 Consortium for Energy Efficiency available at: http://library.cee1.org/content/qualifying-product-lists-residential-clothes-washers, last visited November 11, 2015. 15 Silver ion technology is a nanotechnology that involves the use of particles of silver that are dispersed throughout the water and is classified as a pesticide by the EPA. 0 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 2014 2015 Gallons Estimated Water Savings: Clothes Washer Initiative 149 16 As of December 30, 2015, 156 clothes washers had been rebated, resulting in 1,096,000 gallons saved per year for the life of the fixtures. The average life span of a high efficiency clothes washer is 15 years. The amount of water saved will continue to increase as more customers participate in the rebate program.16 Outdoor Residential Irrigation Rebates Residential customers (single family and multi-family) are the largest user class comprising over 74% of all accounts. Additionally, sixty percent of total water usage during the summer months goes to residential customers. Seventy-two percent of single family households in Bozeman have automatic in-ground sprinkler systems. If installed, operated and maintained, these systems can reduce outdoor water use without sacrificing turf and landscape aesthetics. However, in many instances, these systems consume significant amounts of water. In an effort to provide resources and support for Bozeman water customers wishing to reduce outdoor water usage while preserving the quality of their outdoor landscapes, the Water Conservation Division launched two outdoor sprinkler system initiatives in May 2015. The first initiative is a residential irrigation product rebate initiative in which customers could receive rebates on select high efficiency sprinkler system components. Rebates were offered on (1) weather based irrigation controllers (WBICs) that use local atmospheric data like precipitation, wind and solar radiation, to determine when and how long to water, (2) rain sensors that override sprinkler systems to shut the system off when 1/8th “ of rain or more is detected and then resume normal function when the sensor dries, and (3) multi- spray multi-trajectory (MSMT) nozzles that can be retrofitted into sprinkler spray bodies and are better able to apply water efficiently to the intended landscape and reduce water loss due to evaporation and drift. Each component can reduce water use by thirty percent or more. When used in combination, water savings of forty percent or more can be realized. Nineteen irrigation rebates have been preliminarily approved and are at varying stages of completion. Water savings data will be provided as soon as it becomes available. The second initiative launched in May 2015 is a residential landscape irrigation sprinkler assessment and audit service provided by the Water Conservation Division free of charge to city 16 See Table 1.1 2014-2015 Rebates Summary above. 150 17 water customers. Twenty systems were assessed and audited during the 2015 irrigation season. Each received an evaluation of sprinkler system performance, proposed watering schedule and other recommendations specific to each site based on soil type, microclimate, turf and landscape type, exposure and slope in order to improve irrigation system efficiency. For those who participated in the residential landscape sprinkler assessments, half experienced a thirty to fifty percent reduction in water usage when compared with irrigation during the 2014 season by the same owner. Water usage data between 2013 and 2015, indicates that water use increased slightly, by 0.15%. However, this increase is far less than anticipated with the addition of 760 new meters during that time period and actually reflects a 7.4% reduction in gpcd from 122 gpcd in 2013 to 113 gpcd in 2015 despite drier than average years and increases in population. The chart below illustrates monthly water usage for single family customers during 2013 and 2015. In many instances the 2015 data demonstrates no change or reductions in monthly consumption from 2013 consumption despite 2.8% average growth rate each year. The exception occurs in June 2015, where water usage is noticeably more than 2013. During June 2015, Bozeman received far less precipitation than the historical average, resulting in a significant increase in outdoor watering.17 17 See Bozeman Precipitation Chart page 4 above. - 20,000,000 40,000,000 60,000,000 80,000,000 100,000,000 120,000,000 140,000,000 Monthly Consumption for Single Family Homes 2013 2015 151 18 Bulk Retrofit Initiative HRDC Properties Bathroom Fixture Replacement Project is a partnership with HRDC and the City of Bozeman’s Water Conservation Division to upgrade HRDC properties including apartments and single family homes, to install high efficiency bathroom fixtures in all bathrooms. The apartment retrofits were completed in December 2015 and the single family residences will be completed in January 2016. Water usage before and after the installations will be monitored. This makes water, energy and money savings available to families in need who might not otherwise be able to participate in the city’s fixture rebate initiatives and helps the Water Conservation Division on the path to achieving water conservation goals. After meeting with the developer and project management team for Stoneridge Apartments affordable housing project to discuss water conservation strategies, the team agreed to make the complex an Enterprise Green Communities Project that will incorporate high efficiency fixtures in all units and commons areas as part of the certification for the Enterprise Green Communities 2011 Program. The Water Conservation Division has offered assistance to the team in the form of educational materials about the benefits of water conservation and bulk rebates on various high efficiency fixtures. Utility Management N. 7th Ave. Drought Tolerant and Native Plant Pilot Project Data from the drought tolerant pilot project installed in July 2014 demonstrates that the shrubs, perennials and grasses planted in the two medians along N. 7th Avenue require 86% less water than Bozeman’s medians planted with turf grass. This also results in a 23% reduction in the monthly water bill and creates an attractive, yet water smart landscape feature for one of Bozeman’s primary entryway corridors. The N. 7th Avenue medians highlight the beauty of Southwest Montana’s native landscapes, provide examples of drought tolerant plants that would thrive in any Bozeman garden and are described in greater detail on the Water Conservation Division’s website. COB MSU Native Grasses Project In an effort to identify various native grass cultivars that can thrive with little or no supplemental irrigation after establishment, no fertilizer and infrequent mowing, the Water Conservation and Streets Divisions partnered with Montana State University to study how various native grasses perform under extreme landscape conditions in two medians in order to develop protocols for use throughout the city. 152 19 The project advances the outdoor water savings objectives of the Water Conservation Program by reducing the amount of traditional landscapes that require regular and frequent supplemental irrigation. Additionally, it provides the development community with viable drought tolerant alternatives to consider when designing landscapes and determining water requirements for a project. Professor of Plant Sciences at MSU, Tracy Dougher, is the lead researcher. Dr. Dougher brings over two decades of experience to the project and specializes in the study of native grasses for turfgrass applications for the Intermountain West and their water requirements. Utility Water Loss Audit In order to quantify utility system water losses and identify sectors attributable for the losses, the Water Conservation Division partnered with Public Works, Water and Sewer and Water Treatment Plant Divisions to provide project support for contracted services to conduct a utility water loss audit. The findings of the audit indicate that system losses are approximately 14%. The audit identified specific areas in which to focus current and future efforts to reduce system loss and methods to employ in order to reduce system inefficiencies. Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project In an effort to generate additional supplies of water through demand side management, the Water Conservation Division partnered with the Parks and Recreation Division to contract for services to generate a preliminary engineering report that will examine alternatives available to the City of Bozeman to utilize an existing irrigation right decreed to irrigate Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park and cease irrigation of said lands using treated water supplies. Alternatives for ditch diversion and delivery and irrigation system improvements will be provided to increase existing system efficiencies. The project advances the outdoor water savings objectives of the Water Conservation Program by reducing the amount of treated water used to irrigate city lands and improving irrigation system efficiencies to maximize utilization of available water resources. 153 20 Moreover, it generates additional drinking water supplies to accommodate growth, mitigate drought and improve aquatic habitats. Drought Management Plan On December 28, 2015, the City Commission consented to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with the engineering firm of Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. (AE2S), to develop a Drought Management Plan for the city in the interests of public health and safety to mitigate and respond to drought events. There is growing evidence that climate change is causing longer and more frequent droughts in some areas including Southwest Montana. Drought directly impacts the City of Bozeman’s ability to deliver water and increases the risk of wildfire in key locations within the city’s watershed. As the city continues to grow, the utility must build resiliency to drought through proactive and comprehensive drought planning in advance of a crisis. The city’s Integrated Water Resources Plan recommends drought contingency planning as a component of the Water Conservation Program and includes some suggested drought response actions. The Plan recognizes that water conservation and drought management combine to insure the availability of firm yields to cover indoor water demands during a drought emergency. Research shows that planning for drought is far more cost effective than emergency response. Taking steps ahead of time to prevent known impacts from a drought emergency is far less expensive than measures taken in the midst of a drought. Moreover, post- drought relief is costly and may not reach the people most in need of assistance. Water Conservation Technician Effective December 30, 2015, a water conservation technician has joined the Water Conservation Division. Of fifty-seven applicants for the position, the chosen candidate is a graduate of MSU and brings water conservation education experience to the position. Primary duties include expanding the scope of education and outreach initiatives and administering rebate initiatives to support the city’s water conservation goals. Parks Irrigation Systems Improvements and Upgrades The Water Conservation Division has been working closely with the Parks and Recreation Department to assess the efficiency of existing irrigation systems, develop protocols for new parks and research various options for central irrigation system control options. These efforts are on- going and will be largely driven by the progress on the Sports Complex, Story Mill Park and Sunset Hills and Lindley Park projects. 154 21 NEXT STEPS For the FY 2016-2017, The City of Bozeman Water Conservation Division plans to offer the same resources and initiatives that were offered in FY 2014-2015 but with goals to expand and accelerate visibility and participation. New initiatives will continue to be evaluated to determine which projects will best meet the goals of the Water Conservation Program in the future. The Water Conservation Division will increase public outreach, engagement and partnerships with the community and will work closely with other city divisions to implement the IWRP and related master planning efforts. As a part of all of these endeavors, the Water Conservation Division will continue to evaluate the resources needed to successfully manage and implement the Water Conservation Program policies and objectives. 155 www.bozeman.net 1 2015 Water Quality Report January 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015 www.bozeman.net156 2 City of Bozeman - 2015 Water Quality Report www.bozeman.net 3 Middle Creek and Middle Creek Reservoir Water from Middle Creek flows into Middle Creek Reservoir (Hyalite Reservoir) where it is stored. The water then flows down Hyalite Creek to the intake and carried by pipeline to the water treatment plant. Sourdough Creek (Bozeman Creek) Creek water is drawn from the watershed in Sourdough Canyon. No storage reservoir exists here since the breaching of Mystic Lake Dam in 1985. From the intake on Sourdough Creek, the water is carried by pipeline to the water treatment plant where it is mixed with Middle Creek water. Sourdough Canyon Water Treatment Plant In March 2014, a new 22 million gallon per day (MGD) microfiltration membrane filtration plant with robust pretreatment began treating water from Sourdough and Middle Creek. It replaced a 15 MGD direct filtration multimedia plant. The City is now better able to meet increased service demands and The City of Bozeman is Pleased to Present our 2015 Water Quality Report(also called the Consumer Confidence Report) We are proud to report that Bozeman’s drinking water meets, or exceeds, all established federal and state water quality standards. The City of Bozeman Water Treatment Plant had zero violations in 2015. The report informs you about the quality of drinking water and services delivered to residents each day. It contains a list of all detected contaminants found in Bozeman’s drinking water and information on the water sources. If you have any questions regarding this brochure, please call the City of Bozeman Water Treatment Plant Superintendent at 406-994-0501. This report is also available at the City of Bozeman website, www.bozeman.net/ waterquality. If you are a landlord or property manager, or know someone who is not billed directly, please share this report with your tenants and friends. The City of Bozeman encourages all citizens to become active in protecting our water sources and to participate in the decisions affecting Bozeman’s drinking water. The Bozeman City Commission meets Monday evenings at 6 p.m. at City Hall at 121 North Rouse Avenue. Where Does Your Water Come From? And How Is It Treated? The City of Bozeman drinking water is collected from two mountain ranges, and is treated in one of two water treatment plants. These facilities treat raw water supplied by Middle Creek, Middle Creek Reservoir (Hyalite Reservoir), Sourdough Creek, and Lyman Creek. All Middle Creek and Sourdough Creek water is treated at the water treatment plant located on Sourdough Canyon Road South of Bozeman. Lyman Creek water is treated at a plant northeast of town. INTERSTATE 9 0 H W Y EVA HT91 SFRONTA G E R D JACK R A B B I T L N EV A D R 3 S DR DOOWNOTTOCBRIDGERCANYONRD GOOCH HILL RD SPRINGHILL RD SQUAWCREEKRD HUFFINE LN DURSTON RD BLACKWOOD RD TRAILCREEKRD JACKSONCREEKRD DR NOSLENAIRPORT RD VERRD STUCKY RD GALLATINRD JOHNSON RD E VALLEY CENTER RD DR HGUODRUOSW MAIN ST KELLYCANYONRD E BASELINE RD MCILHATTANRD EVA HT7 NWOODCHUCKRD BOZEMANHILLRD DR Y E L N A M PORTNELLRD DR TTEKCUP REPRAHSTUBLARRDDRYCREEKRDBEASLEYCREEKRD MOFFITGULCHRD E CAMERON BRIDGE RD DR SILLE TROFE MAIN ST DR BBUT DR SREDNEREGNILOBNORRIS RD DR YTTAEBHYALITECANYONRD COBB HILL RD BRIDGER DR AMSTERDAMRD GLASGOWRD SCHOOLGULCHRD COTTONWOODCANYONRD N19THAVE DR EKALAASKAFRONTAGERD W MADISON AVE MARTINEZSPRINGRD N WEAVE R S T SKYLINELN ARNOLD ST NCENEYRD ROCKY CREEK R D LAKE DR EVA ESUOR N CANYONVIEWRD DR LLIH YROTS SPRINGHILL LN QUIN N C R E E K R D MOSS BRIDGE RD E MADISON AVE RD NIATNUOM ELBATSOUR D O UG H R D EVA HT7 NINTERS T A T E 9 0 H W Y JOHNSON RD FRONTAGE RD SQUAWCREEKRD DR NITALLAGFRONTA G E RD EVA DR3 SBozeman CreekWatershed Hyalite Creek Watershed Lyman SpringRecharge Area Bozeman Bozeman CreekWatershed Hyalite Creek Watershed Lyman SpringRecharge Area Bozeman Bozeman Watershed 157 4 City of Bozeman - 2015 Water Quality Report www.bozeman.net 5 comply with the Environmental Protection Agency and Montana Department of Environmental Quality regulations. (See Sourdough Creek Treatment Process). The membrane filtration plant consists of grit removal, flocculation and sedimentation to remove larger contaminants. The water then goes through 300 micron strainers to remove more contaminants. Membranes then filter the water through 0.1 micron pores of the membrane fibers. As final steps in the treatment process, sodium hypochlorite is added for disinfection, sodium hydroxide is added for pH adjustment and corrosion control, and fluoride is added for cavity prevention. (See Sourdough Creek Treatment Process). Raw water can vary during the year. It is affected by spring runoff, rainstorms, accidental spills, and landslides. The water treatment facility has capability to treat these varying conditions, thus provides a very high quality of drinking water to Bozeman consistently. Lyman Creek Located in the southern foothills of the Bridger Mountains, this source is a fully enclosed spring and is classified as a groundwater source. The quality of this water varies little throughout the year. The water is captured underground and flows to the treatment plant via a pipeline. Lyman Creek Water Treatment Plant The water is treated with sodium hypochlorite for disinfection, is stored in a 5 million gallon tank, and fluoride is added as it leaves the tank for cavity prevention. (See Lyman Creek Treatment Process). Sourdough Creek Treatment Process Water from Bozeman Creek and Hyalite Creek are mixed together then enter the plant. Filtrate Conduit and Distribution System The treatment process starts with grit removal and addition of a flocculant. This combines with suspended particles to form “floc”. It is mixed at progressively slower speeds. The flocculated suspended particles and chemical settle out in the sedimentation basin. Inclined plate settlers speed up the settling process. The sludge that is formed is pumped to the solids handling processes. The water is then pumped through strainers to remove particles and goes to the membranes. The membranes have 6,350 fibers in each module and 124 modules in each rack. Each fiber has pores in them with a nominal pore size of 0.1 microns. Chlorine is added for disinfection, sodium hydroxide is added for pH adjustment, and fluoride is added prior to going to the distribution system. Lyman Creek Treatment Process Treated water is stored for use. Distribution system Fluoride is added for cavity prevention. Chlorine is added for disinfection. 158 6 City of Bozeman - 2015 Water Quality Report www.bozeman.net 7 Action Level (AL): The concentration of a contaminant which, if exceeded, triggers treatment, or other requirements, which a water system must follow. Ninety percent of samples must be at, or below, this level. Lead and copper are measured at the 90th percentile. Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL): The highest level of a contaminant allowed in drinking water. MCLs are set as close to the MCLGs as feasible, using the best available treatment technology. Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG): The level of contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MCLGs allow for a margin of safety. Maximum Residual Disinfection Level (MRDL): The highest level of disinfectant allowed in drinking water. There is convincing evidence that addition of a disinfectant is necessary for control of microbial contaminants (4.0 mg/l). Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal (MRDLG): The level of a drinking water disinfectant below which there is no known or expected risk to health. MRDLG’s do not reflect the benefits of the use of disinfectants to control microbial contamination (4.0 mg/l). Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU): Level of turbidity in filtered water. ppm: parts per million ppb: parts per billion pCi/L: Picocuries per liter (a measure of radioactivity). Treatment Technique (TT): Required process intended to reduce the level of contaminant in drinking water. Running Annual Average (RRA): Average of the results for the most recent four quarters. Locational Running Annual Average (LRAA): Average of the results for a location for the most recent four quarters. UCMR3: Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule #3. Sampled at each WTP entry point (EP) to the system and in the distribution system Maximum Residence Time (MRT) for each source. Listed in the tables on the following pages are all the contaminants detected in Bozeman’s drinking water after treatment during the 2015 calendar year. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State of Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) require monitoring of over 80 contaminants. There is also additional information frequently requested in the Additional Water Quality Information Tables. 2015 Test Results Definitions Source Water Assessment Bozeman’s watersheds are devoid of significant potential sources of contamination. The exception is the transportation corridor along Hyalite Creek, which has a very high susceptibility to contamination by transportation of chemicals, including vehicle fluids, on Hyalite Road. The City of Bozeman’s Source Water Delineation and Assessment Report is available for viewing at the Bozeman Public Library. The Sourdough (Bozeman) Creek and Middle (Hyalite) Creek watersheds are very highly recreated areas. Cross country skiers, ice climbers, mountain bikers, hikers, dog walkers, fishermen, and rock climbers all use the watersheds on an almost daily basis. What Are Water Contaminates? The sources of drinking water for tap water and bottled water include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs, and groundwater. As water travels over the surface of the land or through the ground, it dissolves naturally occurring minerals and, in some cases, radioactive material. Water can also pick up substances resulting from animal or human activity. Contaminants that may be present in water prior to treatment include: -Microbial contaminants such as viruses and bacteria that can come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems, agricultural operations, wildlife, and domestic animals. -Inorganic contaminants such as salts and metals, which can be naturally occurring or result from urban storm runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and gas production, mining, or farming. -Pesticides and herbicides that may come from a variety of sources, such as agriculture, urban storm water runoff, and residential uses. -Organic chemical contaminants including synthetic and volatile organic compounds, which are by-products of industrial processes and petroleum production. These contaminants may also come from gas stations, urban storm water runoff, and septic systems. -Radioactive contaminants that can be naturally occurring or be the result of oil and gas production and mining activities. 159 8 City of Bozeman - 2015 Water Quality Report www.bozeman.net 9 2015 Sourdough Test Results SYSTEM LOCATION MIN MAX DETECTED LEVEL OR AVERAGE UNITS MCL AL MCLG TYPICAL CONTAMINANT SOURCE Trihalomethanes (THMs)80 By-product of drinking water chlorination DBP1 9.40 9.40 9.40 ppb DBP2 2.70 2.70 2.70 ppb DBP3 5.60 14.00 10.28 ppb DBP4 19.00 33.00 25.50 ppb Haloacetic Acids (HAA5s)60 By-product of drinking water chlorination DBP1 8.40 8.40 8.40 ppb DBP2 0.90 0.90 0.90 ppb DBP3 5.00 12.00 8.63 ppb DBP4 13.00 24.00 17.00 ppb Lead**Zero Sites exceeded A.L. 4.0 (90th percentile)ppb 15 0 Erosion of natural deposits; corrosion of household plumbing systems Copper**Zero Sites exceeded A.L. 0.081 (90th percentile)ppm 1.3 1.3 Erosion of natural deposits; corrosion of household plumbing systems Total Coliform 0 positive samples <5% of samples/mo 0 Naturally present in the environment SOURDOUGH Native Fluoride Plant Influent 0.02 0.40 0.19 ppm 4 4 Erosion of natural deposits 1st Service Fluoride 0.06 1.05 0.60 ppm 4 4 Erosion of natural deposits; water additive which promotes strong teeth Turbidity ***Plant Effluent 0.011 0.058 0.058 NTU TT= 1 NTU TT= 95% < 0.15 NTU Natural result of soil runoff EP Chlorate*Entry Point 502 26.8 49.7 38.2 ppb Results from disinfection with sodium hypochlorite EP Chromium-6* Entry Point 502 0.10 0.12 0.11 ppb Total Cr = 100 Naturally occurring or from industrial activities EP Strontium*Entry Point 502 66.0 78.1 73.2 ppb Naturally occurring in the environment EP Vanadium*Entry Point 502 0.36 0.73 0.53 ppb Naturally occurring in the environment MRT Chlorate*Max. Residence Time 502 25.6 50.5 38.0 ppb Results from disinfection with sodium hypochlorite MRT Chromium-6* Max. Residence Time 502 0.09 0.14 0.12 ppb Total Cr = 100 Naturally occurring or from industrial activities MRT Strontium*Max. Residence Time 502 65.0 78.6 71.9 ppb Naturally occurring in the environment MRT Vanadium*Max. Residence Time 502 0.35 0.78 0.53 ppb Naturally occurring in the environment ADDITIONAL WATER QUALITY INFORMATION Alkalinity Plant Effluent 54.40 98.80 78.02 ppm NA Chloride Plant Effluent 0.10 20.00 10.07 ppm 250 Free Chlorine Plant Effluent 0.79 1.60 1.10 ppm 4 (MRDL) Calcium Hardness Plant Effluent 40.80 73.00 57.28 ppm NA Calcium Plant Effluent 16.32 29.20 22.91 ppm NA Magnesium Hardness Plant Effluent 17.60 40.80 28.99 ppm NA Magnesium Plant Effluent 4.30 9.96 7.08 ppm NA Total Hardness Plant Effluent 63.20 100.80 86.27 ppm NA Total Hardness (Grains)Plant Effluent 3.69 5.89 5.04 Grains NA pH Plant Effluent 7.74 8.56 8.28 SU 6.5-8.5 (SMCL) Sodium Plant Effluent 2.28 19.90 6.56 ppm 20 Sulfate Plant Effluent 1.00 24.00 4.79 ppm 250 Iron Plant Effluent 0.000 0.030 0.011 ppm 0.3 Total Dissolved Solids Plant Effluent 76.30 113.30 96.02 ppm 500 Dissolved Oxygen Plant Effluent 3.70 12.00 9.86 ppm NA Aluminum Plant Effluent 0.000 0.316 0.021 ppm 0.20 Manganese Plant Effluent 0.000 0.800 0.195 ppm 0.05 UV254 (Organics)Plant Effluent 90.60 102.30 96.38 %T NA * Last collected in 2014 per EPA requirements **Lead has not been detected in Bozeman’s source water. This sampling was done in July of 2015 in accordance with EPA regulations. Lead and Copper are regulated over the entire distribution system (not by source), so these results were not repeated for the Lyman source. If present, elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. Lead in drinking water is primarily from materials and components associated with service lines and home plumbing. The City of Bozeman is responsible for providing high-quality drinking water, but cannot control the variety of materials used in plumbing components. When your water has been sitting for several hours, you can minimize the potential for lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30 seconds to 2 minutes before using water for drinking or cooking. If you are concerned about lead in your water, you may wish to have your water tested. Information on lead in drinking water, testing methods, and steps you can take to minimize exposure is available from the Safe Drinking Water Hotline (1-800-426-4791) or at www.epa.gov/safewater/lead. ***Turbidity has no health effects. However, turbidity can interfere with disinfection and provide a medium for microbial growth. The City of Bozeman’s filtered water must be less than, or equal to 0.15 NTU in at least 95% of monthly measurements, and it can never exceed 1 NTU. The single highest measurement was 0.058 NTU. Bozeman’s average daily turbidity was 0.014 NTU. 160 10 City of Bozeman - 2015 Water Quality Report www.bozeman.net 11 2015 Lyman Creek Test Results LOCATION MIN MAX DETECTED LEVEL OR AVERAGE UNITS MCL AL MCLG TYPICAL CONTAMINANT SOURCE LYMAN CREEK Nitrate + Nitrite Entry Point 504 0.16 ppm Nitrate -10 ppm Nitrite - 1 ppm 10 ppm 1ppm Runoff from fertilizer use; leaching from septic tanks; sewage; erosion of natural deposits Fluoride Entry Point 504 0.13 1.17 0.69 ppm 4 ppm 4 ppm Erosion of natural deposits; water additive which promotes strong teeth Radium*** (Combined 226/228)Entry Point 504 0.8 (+/-0.4) pCi/L 5 pCi/L 0 pCi/L Erosion of natural deposits Gross Alpha***Entry Point 504 2.0 (+/-1.4)pCi/L 15 pCi/L 0 pCi/L Erosion of natural deposits UCMR3 EP Chlorate*Entry Point 504 103.7 ppb Results from disinfection with sodium hypochlorite EP Chromium-6* Entry Point 504 0.088 ppb Total Cr = 100 ppb Naturally occuring or from industrial activities EP Molybdemum* Entry Point 504 1.01 ppb Naturally occuring in the environment EP Strontium*Entry Point 504 94.7 ppb Naturally occuring in the environment EP Vanadium*Entry Point 504 0.369 ppb Naturally occuring in the environment MRT Chlorate*Max. Residence Time 504 103.1 ppb Results from disinfection with sodium hypochlorite MRT Chromium-6* Max. Residence Time 504 0.093 ppb Total Cr = 100 ppb Naturally occuring or from industrial activities MRT Molybdemum* Max. Residence Time 504 1.04 ppb Naturally occuring in the environment MRT Strontium*Max. Residence Time 504 95.3 ppb Naturally occuring in the environment MRT Vanadium*Max. Residence Time 504 0.382 ppb Naturally occuring in the environment ADDITIONAL WATER QUALITY INFORMATION Alkalinity Plant Effluent 109.00 151.00 129.58 ppm NA Chloride Plant Effluent 5.00 25.00 10.47 ppm 250 Free Chlorine Plant Effluent 0.78 1.15 1.05 ppm 4 (MRDL)4 ppm Calcium Hardness Plant Effluent 95.00 104.00 100.42 ppm NA Calcium Plant Effluent 38.00 41.60 40.17 ppm NA Magnesium Hardness Plant Effluent 59.00 77.00 65.27 ppm NA Magnesium Plant Effluent 14.41 18.80 15.94 ppm NA Total Hardness Plant Effluent 159.20 172.00 165.68 ppm NA Total Hardness (Grains)Plant Effluent 9.30 10.05 9.68 Grains NA pH Plant Effluent 7.44 8.11 7.87 SU 6.5-8.5 (SMCL) Sodium Plant Effluent 0.89 10.30 3.22 ppm 20 Sulfate Plant Effluent 1.50 31.00 16.96 ppm 250 Iron Plant Effluent 0.01 0.07 0.02 ppm 0.3 Total Dissolved Solids Plant Effluent 159.90 168.30 163.96 ppm 500 Turbidity (in NTU)Plant Effluent 0.03 0.12 0.06 NTU <1.0 Dissolved Oxygen Plant Effluent 7.70 9.60 8.53 ppm NA Aluminum Plant Effluent 0.000 0.010 0.003 ppm 0.20 Manganese Plant Effluent 0.010 0.400 0.168 ppm 0.05 UV254 (Organics)Plant Effluent 99.800 101.400 100.108 %T NA ***last collected in 2010 per EPA regulations* Last collected in 2014 per EPA requirements 161 12 City of Bozeman - 2015 Water Quality Reportwww.bozeman.net Water and Your Health All drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least small amounts of some contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the public in general. Immunocompromised persons, such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV-AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk of infections from contaminants. These people should seek advice about drinking water from their health care providers. More information about contaminants and potential health effects, or to receive a copy of the EPA and the US Center for Disease Control guidelines on appropriate means to lessen the risk of infection by Cryptosporidium and microbiological contaminants, can be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791. For More Information Eric Campbell, Superintendent City of Bozeman - Public Works, Water Treatment Plant 406-994-0501 · reservoir@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net 162 Page 1 of 5 WORK PLAN FOR DNRC GRANT FUNDING Groundwater Model Refinement to Support Future Groundwater Right Applications, Mitigation Changes, and the Formation of a Water Bank in the Gallatin Valley January 2016 1. INTRODUCTION In planning for its future water supply needs, the City of Bozeman (COB) has determined that it will need additional supply to meet its projected 2062 demand, and is considering developing a groundwater supply system to meet a significant portion of those needs. As part of the planning process, COB is performing an investigation of groundwater resources within the Gallatin Valley for potential future municipal use. The goal of the project is to identify locations where groundwater quantity is likely sufficient to supply relatively high capacity wells and to rank these locations based on additional criteria including: water quality and infrastructure considerations, and the mitigation strategies that would be required to permit new groundwater sources in the different areas. COB understands that in order to permit new supply wells, any net depletion to surface water must be offset through mitigation, such that demands by senior water users are satisfied and adverse effects to current beneficial uses are prevented. COB is considering several mitigation strategies for potential new water supplies, including the potential for acquiring mitigation water through an established water bank. COB has been involved in meeting with the various stakeholders involved in efforts to create a water bank for portions of the Gallatin Valley. These stakeholders include: Association of Gallatin Agricultural Irrigators, Trout Unlimited, The Nature Conservancy, DNRC, Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, and Montana Aquatic Resources Services (MARS). The goal of developing a water bank would be to market water for the purpose of mitigating new water right permits in the valley. COB is developing a numerical groundwater flow model of the Gallatin Valley to serve as a water supply planning tool. Initially the model will be used to evaluate relative differences, in terms of sustainable yield and predicted impacts to existing groundwater and surface water users, among candidate well sites. This model will also be used to evaluate general mitigation strategies of candidate sites. DNRC funding would be used to improve the numerical groundwater flow model’s usability as a planning tool. The objective of this work is to build additional detail into the groundwater flow model being developed by COB in order to enhance the predictive capabilities of the model, with specific respect to the timing and location of stream depletion/accretion resulting from proposed permits/changes in select locations in the Gallatin Valley. With this additional temporal and spatial detail, the model would be a lasting and more suitable tool for use in evaluating permits and changes for mitigation brought to DNRC by applicants in the Gallatin Valley, including any future Water Bank. 163 Page 2 of 5 2. SCOPE OF WORK COB developed a scope of work to guide the next phase of their water planning process. The following work tasks were developed to meet project objectives: Task 01: Build Additional Temporal Detail into Model The objective of this task will be to incorporate transient information into the groundwater model to account for seasonal hydrogeologic changes and allow the model to be used to examine the timing of simulated drawdown effects and stream depletion/accretion. The model being developed currently for the COB is intended to be a preliminary screening tool for siting new water supply wells and evaluate general mitigation strategies. The initial model development will not be capable of simulating some of the specific conditions that must be examined as part of applications for new groundwater permits and associated mitigation strategies. Therefore, the current model will need to be modified in order to simulate the specific conditions required as part of these permitting processes. In order to adequately simulate the timing and location of surface water depletions associated with proposed new groundwater diversions, transient conditions such as seasonal changes in stream/canal stage and flow, irrigation-related consumptive use, and irrigation water return flows, will be incorporated into the model. Transient data such as seasonal changes in groundwater elevations and river gain/loss will be used to calibrate the model. Existing surface water flow data will be compiled and examined to identify representative data for the model. The data identified through this process will be incorporated into the model by breaking the steady-state model into transient time steps (likely by month), using the available data to modify model boundary conditions and properties (e.g. rivers, streams, and recharge) to vary with time. Transient calibration targets will also be developed using the data discussed above. For example, MBMG and the Gallatin Local Water Quality District measure and record water levels in a network of wells located throughout the Gallatin Valley on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. These data will be used to create groundwater hydrographs, which will establish transient groundwater elevation (head) targets throughout the model domain. Aquifer test results from tests performed at various locations in the Valley may also be used for calibration of the model in specific areas in order to provide additional detail on a site scale. By simulating these aquifer tests and comparing simulated drawdown to observed drawdown, the ability of the model to predict potential effects of proposed new wells on water levels in nearby existing wells will be enhanced. Once calibrated to transient targets, the groundwater model will be capable of predicting the temporal effects on surface water from proposed groundwater diversion and from potential mitigation strategies, including aquifer recharge. Task 02: Build Additional Spatial Detail into Model In order to more accurately predict the impacts of proposed permits and changes, the groundwater model will likely need to incorporate additional detail with respect to the distribution of aquifer properties and the locations of smaller surface water features such as second order streams and irrigation canals. Water right information will be evaluated to determine what specific sources of supply 164 Page 3 of 5 are most utilized and which are most likely to be affected by the development of new groundwater resources in the Valley. This information, in combination with an evaluation of where changes to current water-use practices are most likely to occur will be used to determine where model refinement should be focused. Model properties to be assigned in the steady-state model being developed for COB include the number of model layers and associated elevations, aquifer properties (hydraulic conductivity), and recharge. Model layer elevations/thicknesses and hydraulic conductivity’s have been assigned based on the geology of the study area, taking into account spatial and vertical distribution of hydraulic conductivity described in previous investigations and information obtained from MBMG. A review of publicly available information will be completed to identify site-specific hydrogeologic studies that may contain information regarding aquifer properties and recharge to groundwater. More detailed information regarding the spatial variability of aquifer properties such as hydraulic conductivity and storage in the Gallatin Valley. Aquifer storage properties have not been assigned in the current model because it is a steady-state model which does not require storage coefficients. Storage coefficient estimates identified will be used to assign storage coefficients to all of the water-bearing zones represented in the model. Task 03: Specific Steps toward Establishing a Water Bank Additional model development and simulations will be performed specifically aimed at advancing the establishment of a Water Bank in the Gallatin Valley. Depending on the resources available following the establishment of a calibrated transient groundwater flow model, this model may be used to run a number of scenarios aimed at producing sets of depletion and accretion results that can be used by potential water right applicant and the Water Bank as a planning tool to understand what type of mitigation would be required to offset depletion associated with a certain proposed groundwater diversion. Similar to the concept of developing Stream Depletion Factors, these results would provide planning level information that could be used by the Water Bank or other applicant considering specific permit application and/or mitigation plans. For example, an applicant considering the installation of a new water supply well in a certain location could get an understanding of what surface water source or sources would likely be affected by the new well, where the surface water depletion is likely to occur, and what the month-to-month timing of the depletion would be. Other model results would allow the applicant to understand whether or not, for example, the infiltration of a seasonally-available irrigation water right in another part of the Valley would likely be sufficient to offset the anticipated depletion, with respect to volume, location and timing. Model results will then be used to begin the process of developing a more specific planning tool for water banking through the development of unit response functions within the model domain. Response functions are analytical expressions, graphs, or coefficients that describe the relative response of the aquifer system at a given location to a unit stress at a second location. Response functions are derived to express temporal relationships between cause and effect at specific points within the aquifer and are developed through simulation (Johnson and Cosgrove 1998). Because the response is expressed in 165 Page 4 of 5 relative terms, it may be scaled to any magnitude of stress desired. The functions may express transient or steady-state response of the system to the stress. The development and use of response functions require that response is proportional to the magnitude of the stress; consequently, the governing equations must be approximately linear. Responses may be in terms of aquifer water level change (drawdown), changes in head-dependent flux (capture), change in storage, or changes in groundwater flow velocity. There are several ways in which response functions may be applied. They may be used to 1) conceptualize and visualize the manner in which pumping or recharge effects propagate through an aquifer, 2) quantify how aquifer pumping or recharge impacts groundwater levels or stream flows, or 3) provide mathematical expressions or matrices to incorporate into more comprehensive water models or optimization schemes. These applications can be accommodated without performing specific predictive modeling scenarios. Response functions can aid in visualization and conceptualization of pumping and recharge effects because the response is assumed to be proportional to the stress. This relationship allows a generic presentation of cause and effect relationships. Quantification of impacts from individual pumping or recharge activities may be required in adjudication of water rights or development of mitigation plans. Johnson et al (1993) evaluated the depletion of springs from the Snake River Plain aquifer by generating response functions for 18 selected stress locations on the eastern Snake River Plain. The impacts of groundwater use on spring discharge and flow of the Snake River can be approximately assessed for any location on the Plain by using response functions from the nearest location. Similar information could be used to establish mitigation requirements for groundwater pumping in the Gallatin Valley. The various stakeholders currently involved in establishing a Gallatin Valley Water Bank will be consulted to identify parcels/areas that have been proposed as aquifer recharge sites. A few test-case response functions will be developed for these areas, with the understanding that complete development of this planning tool would require additional time and funding. Potential sites could include: properties where engineered infiltration galleries are proposed; surface water features such as pits, ponds, streams, or ditches; and, wetlands. Task 04: Groundwater Modeling Report A technical report that includes all data, analyses, and findings from the work completed during this project, including all hydrogeologic modeling files, will be prepared at the conclusion of the project. The report will include all text, figures, tables, appendices and documentation of analyses used to present a sound basis for the conclusions and recommendations provided. The report will discuss findings, major issues encountered, data gaps, anticipated challenges, and provide guidance for next steps to be taken in the planning and permitting processes, and for future model refinement and use. The report will also be furnished electronically in a searchable PDF format. 166 Page 5 of 5 3. ESTIMATED COST OF THE WORK The total estimated cost for this Scope of Services is $ 50,000. A detailed cost summary for each task is provided under separate cover as Attachment A. 4. PROJECT SCHEDULE A schedule of specific tasks to complete the project is provided under separate cover as Attachment B. 5. REFERENCES Johnson, G.S., C.W. Bishop, J.M. Hubbell, J.G. Lucas, 1993. Simulation of Impacts of Snake River Plain Aquifer Water Use on Flow in the Snake River. Idaho Water Resources Research Institute, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, 56 p. Gary S. Johnson, G.S, D.M. Cosgrove, and J. Spinazola, 1998. Use of MODFLOW for Development of Response Functions. University of Idaho, Idaho Water Resources Research Institute, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 7 p. Presented At: Modflow '98, Golden, Co., October 48, 1998. 167 TASK ITEMRATETOTALTask 1: Build Additional Temporal Detail into ModelLaborData Collection42 hrs $100 $4,200Data Review10 hrs $135 $1,350Model Refinement40 hrs $135 $5,400GIS/Database Technical Support16 hrs $110$1,760Model Review8 hrs $175$1,400Task 1: Subtotal $14,110Task 2: Build Additional Spatial Detail into ModelLaborData Collection42 hrs $100 $4,200Data Review20 hrs $135 $2,700Model Refinement40 hrs $135 $5,400GIS/Database Technical Support12 hrs $110$1,320Model Review8 hrs $175$1,400Task 2: Subtotal $15,020Task 3: Additional Refinement/Simulation to Support Water BankLaborData Collection42 hrs $100 $4,200Data Review10 hrs $135 $1,350Model Refinement50 hrs $135 $6,750GIS/Database Technical Support12 hrs $110$1,320Model Review8 hrs $175$1,400Task 3: Subtotal $15,020Task 4: Prepare Groundwater Modeling ReportLaborPrepare Technical Report24 hrs $135$3,240GIS/Database Technical Support11 hrs $110$1,210Report Review8 hrs $175$1,400Task D Subtotal $5,850TOTAL ESTIMATED COSTS $50,000UNITJanuary 2016Groundwater Model Refinement to Support Future Groundwater Right Applications, Mitigation Changes, and the Formation of a Water Bank in the Gallatin ValleyProposed Cost BreakdownGallatin Valley, MontanaATTACHMENT APage 1 of 1168 AugSepOctNovDecJanFebMarAprMayJunJul1 Build Additional Temporal Detail into Model2 Build Additional Spatial Detail into Model3 Additional Refinement/Simulation to Support Water Bank4 Prepare Groundwater Modeling ReportTaskTask DescriptionATTACHMENT BGroundwater Model Refinement to Support Future Groundwater Right Applications, Mitigation Changes, and the Formation of a Water Bank in the Gallatin ValleyGallatin Valley, MontanaProposed Project ScheduleJanuary 201620172016Page 1 of 1169 Model –Groundwater Scoping AreasScoping AreasA‐Gallatin Front Range DeepB‐Gallatin GatewayCSouthBelgradeC‐South BelgradeD‐East Belgrade‐Bridger Front DeepENorth BelgradeFBaker Creek‐Stage CoachRoadCoach Road170