HomeMy WebLinkAboutTOCTable of Contents Agenda 4 Bozeman Creek and Tributaries Draft Floodplain Maps and Land Use/Policy Considerations Related to Development occurring in the Floodplain cc Memo 7 state model ordinance 11 Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes from December 7, December 14 and December 28, 2015 and User Access to Linked Minutes. Approval of the Minutes from December 2015 66 Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services Claims Memo 108 Amendment 5 to the Professional Services Agreement with Morrison Maierle for the 2014 Wastewater Collection System Facility Plan Update commission memo 109 Amendment No. 5 110 Amendment 6 to the Professional Services Agreement with HDR Engineering for the 2007 Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) Upgrade Phase I Expansion Project Commission memo 117 Amendment No. 6 119 Appoint Mayor Taylor and Commissioner Mehl to review the Depository Bonds and Pledged Securities as of December 31, 2015 Commission Memo - Pledged Securities - Appoint Sub- Committee 1215 133 Depository Bonds & Securities 1215 135 Six (6) Temporary Access Agreements with Adjacent Property Owners to Allow Construction of Improvements Associated with the Bozeman Creek Enhancement at Bogert Park Trails, Open Space, and Parks Bond Project and Authorize the City Manager to sign the Appropriate Documents Commission Memo - Access Agreements for Bozeman Creek TOP Project 137 Attachment A 139 Attachment B 142 Attachment C 145 Attachment D 148 Attachment E 151 Attachment F 154 Public Access Easement for a Trail for the use of the Public, Lot 1, Block 2, Valley Creek Subdivision with Josephine F. Ziegler Commission Memo & Access Easement - Valley Creek Subdivision 158 1 Montana Department of Commerce Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund Program Contract, Business Assistance Agreement and Management Plan and Authorize the City Manager, or their Designee, to Execute Additional Grant Documents required to Facilitate and Manage the Grant Award to Elixiter cc memo 01-25-16 BSTF Contract Docs Elixiter FINAL 01-15-16 163 Exhibit 1 Resolution 15- 4630 Application to Attachment 1 Big Sky Economic Development Trust Fund Program on behalf of Elixiter, INC.166 Exhibit 2 BSTF Award Letter 11-12-15 168 Exhibit 3 City of Bozeman - Elixiter Contract Executed 1-9-16 169 Exhibit 4 BSTF Elixiter Mgmt Plan 2016 184 Exhibit 5 BSTF Elixiter Business Assistance Agmt 2016 191 Exhibit 6 CategoryISignatureCertification (1)199 Exhibit 7 1-14-16 BTSF Grant Budget Amendment 201 Findings of Fact and Order for the Gordon Mandeville State School Section Minor Subdivision Preliminary Plat, Application 15-449 Gordon Mandeville State School Section MiSub Commission Memo 202 Gordon Mandeville State School Section MiSub Findings of Fact 203 Gordon Mandeville State School Section MiSub Preliminary Plat 223 City of Bozeman Sunset HIlls Cemetery and Lindley Park Water Conservation Project Grant Application to the Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Water Efficincy Grant Program FY 2016 Commission Memorandum 224 Commission Grant Resolution 225 Grant Application 227 2016 State of the Neighborhoods Address 2016 State of the Neighborhoods Address 272 Appeal of the Administrative Project Decision for the Streamline Sign Permit, Application 1522995 (Quasi-Judicial) (This item was moved from the January 11, 2016 Agenda) Memo 291 Appeal 295 Appeal justification 299 Sign permit 316 Sign permit decision 324 DPG Comprehensive Sign Plan 326 Section 38.28[1].050BMC 334 Consideration of Reclaiming Review Authority of Zoning Application No. 15531 for Development at 4835 Golden Gate Avenue (Quasi-Judicial) 2 1 Golden Gate Condominiums Site Plan and COA Commission Memo 336 2 Golden Gate Condominiums Site Plan and COA Applicant's Letter Requesting for Break in Review Process 337 3 Golden Gate Condominiums Site Plan and COA Application Materials 338 4 Golden Gate Condiminiums Site Plan and COA Application Supplements 352 5 Golden Gate Condominiums Site Plan and COA Application Drawings 362 Easement Modification Agreement and License Agreement with NorthWestern Energy for Gas Pipeline in Story Mill Park Commission Memo 377 Attachment A - Easement Modification Agreement 379 Attachment B - License Agreement 389 Appointments to the Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District (BTBID) Board of Trustees FULL 1-25-16 BTBID Appointments Comm Memo 407 (Re) Appointments to the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board 01-25-2016 FULL BABAB Memo 412 Appointment to the Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board (CAHAB) 1-25-16 FULL Cahab Appointment 427 3