HomeMy WebLinkAboutH1. Policy Discussion Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Craig Woolard, Public Works Director Brian Heaston, Senior Engineer SUBJECT: Bozeman Creek and tributaries draft floodplain maps and land use/policy considerations related to development occurring in the floodplain. MEETING DATE: January 25, 2016 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Policy Discussion KEY ISSUES AND RECOMMENDATIONS: FEMA has prepared draft floodplain maps for Bozeman Creek and its tributaries that will replace outdated floodplain maps. The draft maps must proceed through a formal public review and appeal process which is anticipated to take the next 18–24 months before they can be officially adopted by future Ordinance of the City. The draft maps were developed utilizing best available data and modern engineering methods and accurately depict floodplains for the flood sources studied: Bozeman Creek, Mathew Bird Creek, Nash Spring Creek, Flat Creek, and Mill Ditch Diversion. Once officially adopted, these draft floodplains will replace the outdated floodplains shown on the effective floodplain maps which were delineated by studies conducted in the mid 1970’s and mid 1980’s. The future ordinance that will officially adopt the new maps must reflect current floodplain rules and regulations promulgated by the State of Montana and FEMA. The state has prepared a ‘model ordinance’ which meets state and federal rules that the City can use as a template in preparing its local floodplain regulations to the satisfaction of current state and federal rules. The state’s model ordinance (attached) is expansive so it will take time and measured approach to review and incorporate the model regulations into the City’s code structure. A working group comprised of appropriate federal, state, and city staff is currently being contemplated to work through a wholesale update to the city’s local floodplain regulations. Over the interim period leading up to official adoption of the maps, Staff recommends the below- described actions to occur. Additional discussion concerning the implications of these recommendations is provided in the background section of this memorandum. We are not requesting official action be taken on these items now as policy discussion must occur first to set the proceeding direction for Staff. 7 • Maximize the protection of public health, safety, and welfare by immediately recognizing the draft floodplain maps for regulatory purposes during the interim period until official map adoption. • Create redevelopment flexibility by immediately removing the local limitation that residential structures in floodplains be elevated on fill and thereby allow elevating to occur by other means. • Modify immediately the City’s local floodplain variance procedures to reflect federal and state requirements in the model floodplain ordinance. • Endorse the working group process to update the City’s floodplain regulations. BACKGROUND: Building on the January 11, 2016 flood hazard overview special presentation, the City Commission will be presented with draft floodplain maps prepared by FEMA for the Bozeman Creek and Tributaries floodplain mapping project. Flood sources being mapped by this project are limited to: Bozeman Creek, Mathew Bird Creek, Nash Spring Creek, Flat Creek and Mill Ditch Diversion. These draft maps will eventually replace the floodplain maps that are currently effective for these flooding sources. It is worth mentioning that no new flood sources are being mapped with this project; nor are any updates occurring to the floodplains of Bridger Creek and East Gallatin River. Floodplain maps are utilized by the City to administer its floodplain regulations, to communicate flood risk to property owners, and by lending institutions and insurance agents to determine flood insurance requirements and premiums. Floodplain mapping is a component of the National Flood Insurance Program administered by FEMA. The accuracy of floodplain maps is important for the proper administration of regulations and the equitable determination of insurance requirements and policy rates. The City’s local floodplain regulations are codified in Bozeman Municipal Code Chapter 38.31. These local regulations must be consistent with state statute, state administrative rules, and federal rules in order for federal flood insurance to be made available to properties within the City when new floodplain maps are adopted. Floodplain maps for Bozeman Creek and its tributaries, as well as Bridger Creek and the East Gallatin River, were first prepared from data compiled in the mid 1970’s. Floodplains of select Bozeman Creek tributaries were extended upstream in the mid 1980’s. Data and engineering methods utilized to map the floodplains for Bozeman Creek and its tributaries are now 30 – 40 years old and are outdated. Floodplains of Bridger Creek and the East Gallatin River were restudied in the mid 2000’s and thus are not a part of the current mapping project. Over the past 3 years, FEMA has acquired and analyzed new data to complete draft floodplain maps that update the floodplains for Bozeman Creek and its tributaries. The draft floodplains may be viewed by visiting FEMA’s online web map, a user-friendly portal for the public to access. FEMA hydraulic work maps depicting the draft floodplains are also attached to this memorandum. Key statistics will be presented to the Commission during the January 25, 2016 meeting regarding the number of properties and buildings newly mapped into the floodplain. Exhibits illustrating this information will be handed out to the Commission and be available to the public at that time. 8 The floodplain maps are currently in draft form and have not yet initiated the public review and appeal process. FEMA and DNRC staff will present the Commission with the ‘map adoption’ process - its milestones, and timelines - that must take place in order for the maps to move from their present draft status to final maps that are officially adopted by Ordinance. This process is currently estimated to take the next 18-24 months to complete. The draft floodplains were developed using best available data and modern engineering methods. Floodplains shown on the currently effective floodplain maps were developed 30 – 40 years ago and are outdated. The City is currently required by BMC Chapter 38.31 to administer its floodplain regulations to the effective, yet outdated information. The health, safety, and welfare of the public, however, is better served and protected by recognizing the draft floodplains for regulatory purposes over the 18-24 month interim period that is leading up to official map adoption. Recognition of the draft floodplains for regulatory purposes is recommended by Staff, but is a policy decision that the Commission must weigh. We are not requesting that action be taken at the January 25, 2016 meeting. However, we do request that the Commission discuss this policy matter and provide direction concerning its willingness to take formal action at a later time to recognize the draft floodplains over the course of the interim period. In its discussion, the Commission should understand the practical implications of what it means to have property located in a floodplain and how such property can, and in many instances cannot, be (re)developed. Local floodplain regulations must reflect rules imposed at the state and federal levels in order for flood insurance to be made available to properties in the City. These rules protect life and property, are largely rigid, and do not allow for much flexibility as the consequences of major flooding can be perilous. Important regulatory concepts and their implications are presented below. • New building construction is prohibited in the regulatory floodway => May render some existing tracts of land undevelopable; footprint additions to existing structures in the floodway require detailed engineering analysis to prove they do not obstruct flood waters or increase the flood elevation. • Substantial improvement to existing residential structures in the floodplain or floodway must obtain a floodplain development permit and be elevated 2’ above the flood elevation. => Disputes concerning determination of ‘substantial improvement’ are likely; practical difficulties of elevating existing structures in a dense urban and historic neighborhood; significant construction cost increase. • Substantial improvement to existing commercial structures in the floodplain or floodway must obtain a floodplain development permit and be elevated or flood-proofed 2’ above the flood elevation. => Disputes concerning determination of ‘substantial improvement’ are likely; practical difficulties of raising or flood-proofing structure particularly for historic buildings; significant construction cost increase. • Variances to floodplain regulations may be granted by the Commission. => The granting of a variance can remove specific regulatory requirements that are purposed with protecting life and property. 9 • New floodplain crossings (e.g. streets, pedestrian trail bridges, etc.) or stream restoration projects that encroach into the floodway must undertake an extensive engineering analysis to prove that the crossing or restoration does not increase the flood elevation. Increases in flood elevation are allowable, but must be approved by FEMA before the crossing or restoration project can begin. In many cases increases in flood elevation are unavoidable for these kinds of projects. Furthermore, and regardless of whether an increase in the flood elevation occurs or not, a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) must be approved by FEMA to revise the floodway extents if any floodway changes occur. => The FEMA LOMR process is very time consuming and adds significant expense to crossing projects. The state has developed a ‘model ordinance’ to assist communities in developing floodplain regulations that meet state and federal requirements. This model ordinance is expansive and is attached. The City’s current floodplain regulations are in need of an update. Since the draft floodplain maps must be officially adopted by ordinance, Staff recommends that a wholesale effort to update its floodplain regulations be initiated now. A working group consisting of federal, state, and City representatives is currently contemplated to work through the ordinance update process. ALTERNATIVES: As Suggested by the Commission. FISCAL EFFECTS: Not included with this Special Presentation. Attachments: FEMA hydraulic work maps depicting draft floodplain areas State model floodplain ordinance Report compiled on January 19, 2016 10 ))))))))1369 D 1253 2347 E 1410 1512 F 2032 645 1022 A 185 C 961 !"4728.1 !"4726.6 !"4736.7 !"4729.1 !"4729.3 !"4733.7 !"4720.6 !"4724.8 !"473 1 . 6 !"4723.9 !"4732. 0 !"4718.2 !"4717.9 !"4715.6 B 596 B 321 92461A 30B 596 !"4732. 0 BozemanCreek BozemanCreek C I T Y O FC I T Y O F B O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N GOLD AVENUEBRYANT STREET E GRIFFIN DR 4720 472 0 G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U T N YC O U T N Y RAILROAD4730I-90 SplitRAI LRO AD 4730473 0 PARADISE VISTA ROAD4730 4730 4720 472 0 473 0 4730 4730 473047 3 0 4 73 0 473 0 BRIDGERDRIVE Bridge Bridge BOND ST C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N RAILROAD1-Percent-Annual Chance Depth is lessthan 1 foot from I-90 Split confluence withEast Gallatin River to RS 2033 This map page contains areas thattie into the effective DFIRM data. Effective Floodway Effective 100 YearFloodplain Effective 500 YearFloodplain 4730 472047304720 473047204720 4740 4740 4 7 2 0 472047204720 4740 4730 47404740 473 0 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 1 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: )))) ))))))))))))ííE 221 6 581K 4 2 5 3 A 394B 781 M 5170 2033 G 3105F 2782I 3503 1890 2333 L 4766 4795 D 1772 2412H 3357 G 2707 !"4750. 8 !"4764.8!"47 5 3 . 1 !"4762.4!"4767.5 !"4761.8 !"4746.9 !"4755.9!"4755.8!"4747.3 !"4744.5 !"4751.9 !"4759.0!"4759.2 !"4743.2 !"4754.1!"4744.9 !"4739.2 !"4743.2 !"4747.1 !"4740.8 !"4752.7 !"4755.4 !"47 5 3 . 0 !"4756. 3 !"4738.5 !"4736.63163 3384 1552 J 3 8 1 7 4295 40234476 1314 C 1101 B 368 !"4 7 4 3 . 2 D 1 7 7 2 !"4756.0ROUSE AVENUEBozeman Creek BozemanCreek Wallace Avenue Bozeman Creek Sp l i t C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y §¨¦90 !(86 GOLDAVENUERA I L R O A D I-90 Split G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N 4740 R A I L R O A DRAILROAD RAILROADI-90 SplitN ROUSE AVENUE4760 E OAK ST PE A R S T R E E T L STREET I-90 Split!(86 4740 4780 4750 4750 4760 4770 4760 4780 4770 4760 4760L STRE JUNIPER ST CE D A R S TGOLD AVENUEE OAK ST Bridge 1%-ANNUAL-CHANCEFLOOD DISCHARGECONTAINED IN STRUCTURE Bridge Bridge BOND ST 1-Percent-Annual Chance Depth is lessthan 1 foot from I-90 Split confluence withEast Gallatin River to RS 2033 R A I L R O A D 4760 4750 4770 4780 47404760 4740 476 0 4760 47 6 0 47604740 4 7 4 0 47404750 47 6 0 4740 4770 4760 4 7 5 0 474047604750 4750 4740 476047404740 475 0 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 2 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: ííA 1 5!"4755.9!"4733 . 0 924 !"4736 . 6 C 110 1 1314 !"4738.5 !"4740.8 1552 !"4 7 4 3 . 2 D 1 7 7 2 B 596 !"4732. 0 G 3105I-90 Split G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U T N YC O U T N Y BO H A R T L A N E C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A N B O Z E M A NRAILROAD RAI LROAD47304740474047404740 47604740L STREETBI G G U L C H D R 4740 474 0 4770 476047504750 4770478047804790480048104820483048404850486048704 7 6 0 G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U T N YC O U T N Y C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N §¨¦90 RAILROAD 1-Percent-Annual ChanceDepth is less than 1 footfrom I-90 Split confluencewith East Gallatin River toRS 2033 This map page contains areas thattie into the effective DFIRM data. Effective Floodway Effective 100 YearFloodplain Effective 500 YearFloodplain I-90 Split GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 3 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: )))))))))))) )))))))) 1013 B 865 D 1817 A 311 1084 564 E 2168 C 1373 F 2786 2094 1721 B 781 5842 5393 7512 R 7530 5858 6899 Q 7189 6824 7293 7029 5490 7091 6968 7334 7394 7444 6652 6551 5585 P 6765 O 6297 6709 56405626N 555 1 !"4770.1 !"4791.5 !"4777.0 !"4784.7 !"4770.6 !"4788.5 !"4781.8 !"4773.0 !"4789.6 !"4781.1 !"4775.9 !"4767.5 !"4768.9 !"4762.8 !"4789.1 !"4789.6 !"4769.2 !"4782.8 !"4784.3 !"4782.6 !"4786.5 !"4783.4 !"4763.7 !"4784.3 !"4782.9 !"4787.2!"4788.4 !"4789.1 !"4779.7 !"4777.5 !"4767.6 !"4782.4 !"4774.8 !"4779.5 !"4768.3 !"4767.8 !"4767.4 7394 7334!"4787.2!"4788.4 Bozeman Creek BozemanCreek Wallace Avenue SplitN ROUSE AVENUEN ROUSE AVENUEE PEACH ST N ROUSE AVENUE N CHURCH AVE!(86 !(86C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N E COTTONWOOD ST E TAMARACK ST4770 4770 E TAMARACK ST R A I L R O A D N MONTANA AVEE ASPEN STREET E ASPEN STREET N BOZEMAN AVENUEN BLACK AVENUE4780E PEACH ST E COTTONWOOD ST 4790478047704790 47 9 0 4780 4780 4770 4760478047 7 0 N BLACK AVENUEE SHORT ST WALLACE AVENUEWALLACEAVENUEIDA AVENUEF R O N T S T PERKINS PLN CHURCH AVEBRADY AVEBridge Footbridge Bridge Bridge 1-Percent-Annual ChanceDepth is less than 1 footalong Church Avenue Splitfrom confluence withBozeman Creek to RS 2919 RA I L R O A D Wallace Avenue SplitChurch Avenue Split47804770 47904770 47704780478047 7 0 4790477047904770478047804780 47904770GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 4 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: íííí) ) ) )íííí ííC 932D 13121404 12913748 2706 E 1 3 3 2H 3806G 203238 0 9 357613 5 9 12313683 599 C 815 B 403 804 309 79 68 3598 692 C 671K 35342149D 1 1 1 2 F 1629 26 6 1611 A 15 H 232 2 633 B 282 590A 1 3 4 336A 122 !"4756.6!"4757.0!"4759 . 0!"4756.9!"4755.9!"4764.8 !"47 5 6 . 3 !"4755.9!"4759.8 !"47 7 4 . 5 !"4773.7!"47 5 6 . 5!"4756.9!"4774 . 3 !"4760.0 !"4762. 3 !"4759.3 !"4762 . 3 !"4759 . 2 !"4752. 3 !"4752. 3 !"47 7 3 . 8 !"4762.3 !"4755.9!"4773.7!"4761.7!"4755.8 !"4759.2 !"475 5 . 8 !"4759. 2 !"4750 . 0 !"4762.7 !"4756.5 !"475 5 . 9 !"4756.5!"47 5 5 . 9 !"475 5 . 9 !"4759 . 2 !"475 6 . 0 B 368 !"4756.0 Cedar Street Split Mill DitchCedar StreetSplit §¨¦90 CE D A R S T RAILROADC I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N R A I L R O A D 4780RAI L R O A D RAILROAD47 7 0 4 7 6 0 4760 4760476047604770 477 0 4780 47604750 47504760§¨¦90 IDA AVENUEFR O N T S T CE D A R S T R E E T CE D A R S T R E E T FR O N T S T R E E T BO H A R T L A N E Culvert 1%-ANNUAL-CHANCEFLOOD DISCHARGECONTAINED INSTRUCTURE C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N Mill Ditch 1%-ANNUAL-CHANCEFLOOD DISCHARGECONTAINED INSTRUCTURE This map page contains areas thattie into the effective DFIRM data. Effective Floodway Effective 100 YearFloodplain Effective 500 YearFloodplain R A I L R O A D RAIL R O A D I-90 S p l i t Mill RailroadSplit Mill D i t c h 476 0 47604760 475 0 47504750 47 6 0 476047 5 0 4750 4760 47604750476 0 47 6 0 47 6 0 47 5 0 47 7 04760 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 5 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))íííí íí I 4345 97 0 2878 B 865 J 482647991689 C 1421 F 2786 G 3319 32381306 3607 45 1 9 2595 2824 4631D 1774 3715 4095 7772 2177 7665 H 3982 E 2436 2069 7597 S 7863 7512 R 7530 8312 86608691 T 8225 8137 8385 886787708728 8741 8025 7951 8709 U 8627 7444 8533 V 9009 9078 9224 9208 92469161 9182 8566 8948 9721 !"4809.7 !"4792.6 !"4790.6 !"4791.5 !"4810.8!"4810.8!"4801.9 !"4798.2 !"4789.6 !"4795.35 !"4794.5!"4796.7 !"4798.7 !"4810.3!"4811.9 !"4814.8 !"4810.5!"4830.0 !"4799.9 !"4805.6 !"4791.2 !"4807.6 !"4790.6 !"4804.3 !"4810.9 !"4806.5 !"4789.8 !"4792.1 !"4789.1 !"4789.6 !"4797.0 !"4800.5!"4800.4 !"4796.7 !"4794.8 !"4797.9 !"4802.9 !"4802.7 !"4802.0 !"4802.5 !"4794.0!"4793.7 !"4800.4 !"4800.6 !"4789.1 !"4799.1 !"4805.0 !"4805.2 !"4810.2!"4809.7 !"4810.0 !"4807.4!"4809.8 !"4799.4 !"4803.7 !"4813.9 !"4814.0W 9573 7394 7334!"4787.2!"4788.4 Bozeman Creek Bozeman Creek Wallace Avenue SplitWallace Avenue SplitMAIN ST S CHURCH AVEN CHURCH AVEN CHURCH AVENUEN ROUSE AVE!(86 !(86 S ROUSE AVE£¤MAIN STREET191 £¤191 C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N E LAMME ST E MENDENHALL ST E MENDENHALL ST C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N DAVIS ST 4810 N BLACK AVENUEN BOZEMAN AVENUEN MONTANA AVENUEE LAMME ST WALLACE AVENUE4790 479 0 48004800 4800 E SHORT ST N TRACY AVENUEN TRACY AVENUEN BLACK AVENUEN BOZEMAN AVENUEPERKINS PLFRIDLEY ST E BEALL ST E VILLARD ST Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Culvert 1-Percent-Annual ChanceDepth is less than 1 footalong Church AvenueSplit from confluencewith Bozeman Creek toRS 2919 RAILROADChurch Avenue SplitBozemanCreekChurch Avenue Split4810 4800 4810 4800 481048004810 48104800 48004790 4790 48104810479048 0 0 4810 4810 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 6 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: ) ) ))íí) ) ))íííííí íííí íí5429 Q 64 9 7 634 2 4869 63316509 33635491 347964 1 0 61 6 3 6560 433 0 L 4077 4818 31786083 J 3058M 4536 301 8 4486 52635307O 5603 5865 N 5207 5864 5655 P 5973 293 7 !"4799. 4 !"48 0 9 . 1 !"4774.5!"48 0 9 . 0 !"4792. 5 !"480 6 . 2 !"480 9 . 1 !"4770.7!"4800.4 !"4770.9!"48 0 9 . 1 !"4804 . 3 !"4809.3 !"478 5 . 9 !"478 3 . 9 !"4790 . 0 !"4769.3!"4804.2 !"4768.8!"478 9 . 3 !"476 8 . 6 !"4787.2 !"4797.6 !"4798.4 !"4800.6 !"4802.1!"4797.1 !"4802.3 !"4800.6 !"4803.1 !"4767 . 8 !"4767 . 83809I 2926 Mill Ditch 4770 477 0 C I T Y O F C I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N RAI L R O A DFRONT STREETN BROADWAY AVEN BROADWAY AVE£¤191 Mill Ditch C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N RAILROADRAILROAD £¤191 E LAMME ST R E E T VILLAGE DOWNTOWN BLVD479048104800 481 0 48304820 4830482048304830 48204810 478 0 4800 47 9 0 4780 477 0 47 7 0 47804800 480047904780 47 7 0 4790483048204810PLUM AVENUEIDA AVENUEE MENDENHALL ST CYPRESS AVEFRIDLEY ST FRIDLEY ST DAVIS STREET 1%-ANNUAL-CHANCEFLOOD DISCHARGECONTAINED INSTRUCTURE Bridge Culvert 1%-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOODDISCHARGE CONTAINED INSTRUCTURE Footbridge 1%-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOODDISCHARGE CONTAINED INSTRUCTUREMill DitchMill Ditch 4790 4790 4800 47804800 481048 1 0 47804770 480048004800477 0 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 7 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: íííí íí )))))))) ) ) ) )))))íííí ííííS 815 8 8458T 847 6 Q 64 9 7 634 2 7442 8561 63317770 8745 650 9 64 1 0 6560 8668G 34497086 6604 H 360135412824 6930F 2919 R 691510202 6615 6778 9965Z 10970 3176X 990510951 11561 11043 11204 9721 Y 10582 !"4830. 1 !"4834.3!"48 3 5 . 4 !"48 0 9 . 1 !"48 0 9 . 0 !"4820.6 !"4835.6 !"480 6 . 2 !"4825.0 !"48 3 7 . 9 !"480 9 . 1 !"48 0 9 . 1!"4809.3 !"483 5 . 6!"4817.9!"4815.8 !"4809.7 !"4818.8!"4818.4!"4814.8 !"4814.7!"4815.4 !"4814.1!"4821.3 !"4811.5 !"4811.9 !"4817.5 !"4826.8 !"4816.4 !"4817.5 !"4826.3 !"4835.4 !"4827.7 !"4829.4 !"4813.9 !"4821.7 !"4832.6!"4834.7 AA 11367 11423C I T Y O F C I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N Church Avenue SplitE OLIVE ST S ROUSEAVENUE S CHURCH AVENUE4820 S CHURCH AVEE STORY ST C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A NS BOZEMAN AVENUE48904850 4860 4870 4880 48904900 49104880487048604850483048204820 4820 48504870E BABCOCK ST E BABCOCK ST E CURTISS ST E CURTIS STE KOCH ST LINDLEY PLACES BOZEMAN AVENUEDELL PLBOGERT PL Culvert Culvert Footbridge Footbridge Bridge Bridge 1%-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD DISCHARGECONTAINED IN STRUCTURE Culvert Mill Ditch 1-Percent-Annual ChanceDepth is less than 1 footalong Church AvenueSplit from confluencewith Bozeman Creek toRS 2919 Mill Ditch Bozeman Creek Mill DitchBozemanCreek48304820 4840482048104830 48304830 48104830 48304830 484048204830GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 8 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: )))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))íí))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))íííí ííV 9226 C 920 867 398384A 593417092 1 1 1018 622 B 5 4 1 4659052 A 24 5 C 1006 8745 9018 C 826 F 1689 B 2 7 9 A 1932032 8668 2231 1754 B 1005 G 2220 648834 757 A 45 665 80 U 8938 516 1696 B 748751 B 354157 12135224 AB 11781 1843 258 1431 1581 1833 AD 12350 1453 E 1427 1476 11927 1471 1239 1330 1199 12088 122791245 12402AC 12267 D 1154 12790 1149 14737 AG 13932 AE 12960 13322 AH 14471 AI 15162 !"4838.4 !"4863.2 !"4862.7 !"4848.4!"4847.6!"4858.6!"4858.6!"486 0 . 9 !"4858.6!"4863.7 !"48 5 9 . 8 !"48 5 8 . 6 !"4848.6!"4838.4!"4846.2!"4 8 5 0 . 6 !"48 3 7 . 9 !"4838.2!"4864.2 !"4858.0 !"4 8 4 0 . 5 !"4860.6!"4862.5 !"4835 . 6 !"4863.9!"4859.3 !"4861.2 !"4863.8 !"4849.3!"4850.1 !"484 9 . 8 !"4839.5 !"4862.6 !"4840.1 !"4838.1 !"48 6 1 . 8 !"4858.5 !"4 8 4 9 . 3 !"4859.5 !"4861.3!"4840.1 !"4841.3!"4840.1 !"4837.3 !"4861.3 !"4840.4 !"4856.1 !"4857.1 !"4861.1 !"4843.2 !"4856.3 !"4855.3!"4856.8 !"4839.5 !"4856.3 !"4853.6 !"4854.1 !"4853.4 !"4840.6!"4842.9 !"4854.0 !"4843.3!"4842.1 !"4852.9 !"4845.6 !"4852.1 !"4860.2 !"4855.2 !"4848.0 !"4849.6 !"4858.3 !"4862.9 !"4838.7 !"4858.4 !"4854.2 !"4857.9 !"4853.1 !"4857.6 !"4848.7 !"4853.6 !"4852.4 !"4851.0!"4851.5 11829 A 59613805 14205 13683 13969 12997 13696 13624 AF 13506 13553 S CHURCH AVE 4840Gallagator Split Mill Ditch Mathew Bird Creek Rouse Avenue SplitBozemanCreek SCHURCHAVEC I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N CLEVELANDSTREET ROUSE AVE ICE PONDROAD S BLACKAVES BLACK AVES TRACY AVEBozeman Creek COLLEGE AVE 4910 484048504860487049304950496049704950 49 4 0 49 3 0 492 0 49 1 0 48 9 0 4 8 7 0 48504870C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A NS TRACY AVEE ANDERSON ST E HARRISON STREET E DICKERSONAVE DELL PLS MONTANA AVE1%-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD DISCHARGECONTAINED IN STRUCTURE 1%-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOOD DISCHARGECONTAINED IN STRUCTURE Bridge Footbridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Footbridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge 1-Percent-Annual ChanceDepth is less than 1 footalong Lower Black Splitfrom RS 541 to RS 1164 1-Percent-Annual ChanceDepth is less than 1 footalong Garfield Street Splitfrom confluence withRouse Avenue Split toRS 974 1-Percent-Annual ChanceDepth is less than 1 footalong Rouse AvenueSplit from confluence ofLower Black Split to RS 4452Mathew BirdCreek Garfield Street Split Lower BlackSplit Mill DitchMathewBird Creek Bozeman Creek Bozeman Creek 4840 48504850 48604860 48 8 04840 4860 486048504860 4860 490 0 4 8 6 0 48704860 48504850 4850 484 0 48404 8 4 0 4 8 8 0 48604860 486048 5 0 485048 6 0 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 9 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))íí íí1427 1513 D 1639 1710 1707 2451 329 1018 D 2065A 71 239 2536 1399 C 1489 3143 1090 2752 C 1005 B 314 E 1459 1243 D 1266 F 3062 A 106 E 2636 C 826 1371 2262 D 11172231 1164 4384 G 2220 1212974 I 2789 15770 2418 10402455H 2450 15704 AK 15842 16965 2506 25112479 15686 AM 16704 30 9 7 AN 17312 J 3109 15848 17327 16671 AL 16299 AJ 15545 14737 K 3508 3918 L 4057 15610 4145 15574 AI 15162 !"4885.3!"4886.2 !"4887.7!"4888.6 !"4872.1 !"4881.4 !"488 7 . 9 !"4863.7 !"4876.9!"486 7 .9 !"4869.8 !"4882.4 !"4867.1 !"4868.5 !"4886.2 !"4879.7 !"4884.1 !"4878.8 !"4870.7 !"4868.9 !"4866.7!"4867.0 !"4885.3 !"4886.9 !"4883.4 !"4864.2 !"4 86 8 .2 !"4863.4 !"4867.1!"4863.9!"4865.3 !"4886.8 !"4863.8 !"486 7 . 5 !"4866.1 !"4870.8 !"4868.0 !"4870.6 !"486 6 . 6 !"487 0 . 7 !"4870.7 !"4867.8 !"4868.0 !"4876.6 !"4870.8 !"4870.8 !"4870.8 !"4866.9 !"4875.6!"48 7 2 . 5 !"4882.0 !"4872.9 !"4869.0 !"4882.3 !"4874.6 !"4870.8 !"4865.0 !"4860.2 !"4877.2 !"4881.9 !"4885.5 !"4866.4 !"4885.9 !"4866.5 !"4862.9 C I T Y O F C I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N S CHURCH AVE Mathew Bird Creek STRACYAVE S MONTANA AVEBlack Avenue Split Mathew BirdCreek MathewBird Creek LowerBlack Split GarfieldSplit Flat Creek Bozeman Creek E GARFIELD STREET S BOZEMAN AVENUEE LINCOLN STREET W MASON ST S ROUSE AVENUE48904900491049204930494049504870487048804870 48904890 G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T YS BLACK AVEE MASON STREET Bridge 1%-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOODDISCHARGE CONTAINED INSTRUCTURE Bridge Bridge Culvert Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge 1-Percent-Annual ChanceDepth is less than 1 footalong Rouse AvenueSplit from confluence ofLower Black Split to RS 4452 1-Percent-Annual ChanceDepth is less than 1 footalong Garfield Street Splitfrom confluence withRouse Avenue Split toRS 974 1-Percent-Annual ChanceDepth is less than 1 footalong Lower Black Splitfrom RS 541 to RS 1164 1-Percent-Annual ChanceDepth is less than 1 footalong Black Avenue Splitfrom confluence withGarfield Street Split toRS 2545 1-Percent-Annual Chance Depthis less than 1 foot along TracyAvenue Split from confluence withMathew Bird Creek to RS 572 1-Percent-Annual Chance Depthis less than 1 foot along TracyAvenue Split from confluence withMathew Bird Creek to RS 572 Rouse Avenue SplitTracyAvenueSplit Bozeman Creek Rouse Avenue SplitBlack Avenue Split48704870488 0 4870 48704 8 8 0 490048704870 4 8 7 04880 4 88 0 4870 488048704 8 8 0 4880488048904 8 7 0 48704880 4 8 7 0 48804890 486048 6 0 4880 487 0 4870 48804900487048804870488048 9 0 48 8 0 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 10 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: íí íííí)))) ) )) ))))))))))))) ) ) ) )))))))))))))))))íí))))))))íí))))))))))))íí ))))))))))))ííA 15B 280C 840 395514 2043 D 1639 1710 322414 A 279B 686329 1962 901B 572 3 1 4 754 25765951772 459 A 318 D 1324 M 4616 6897 6707 6774 117392 1584384 216S 6639 6646 R 64 1 9 12 1 4 2753 C 59 6 642 6 1611 2530 6780 65581424 6118 6063P 5884 6843 6252 4955 6156 2719 E 14 3 1 2800 G 2689 2711 27 0 0 6905 E 1890 6196 6348 6246 93 7 64 4 7 6526 6479 6070 Q 61 5 1945 21986551 6472 A 189N 5050 C 1 0 7 9 F 19 6 2 837 880 1862D 886 1791 1268 51445747 O 5414 1808 5117 5582 !"4895.0!"4898.0!"4897.8 !"4898.2!"48 9 9 . 6 !"4893.0 !"4888.6 !"4898.0!"4899.4!"4903.7!"4906.3!"4887 . 9 !"4892.0 !"4909.3!"4890.9 !"4 9 2 4 . 7 !"4894.8 !"4896.7!"4909.7!"4909.0!"4907.8 !"4906.8!"4913.3 !"4887.9 !"4912.3 !"4910.4 !"4910.8!"4896.0!"492 5 . 7 !"4896.5!"4886.8 !"4896.6!"4909.8 !"4910.2 !"4907.2!"49 0 4 . 3 !"4921.5 !"4900.8 !"4907.7!"4907 . 6 !"4918.8 !"4911.2 !"4909.6!"4 9 0 5 . 3 !"4904.9 !"4904 . 6 !"4902.1 !"4911.6 !"4906.2 !"4890.8 !"4905.3 !"4921.4 !"4905 . 3 !"4922.0 !"4920.9 !"4921.3 !"4921.2 !"4913.0 !"4912.1 !"4905.7!"4907.0 !"4905.9!"49 0 4 . 3 !"4907.8!"4909.6 !"4909.4 !"4904 . 6 !"4905.1!"4904.3!"491 4 . 2 !"4909.6 !"4908.8!"4922.4!"4893.7 !"4911.0 !"491 4 . 4 !"4904.2 !"4904 . 2 !"4914.4!"4 9 0 4 . 2 !"4911.1!"4913.0!"4896.6 !"4902.3 !"4911.4 !"4896.4 !"4 9 0 2 . 3 F 1962!"4914.4!"4914.418626843!"4911.6 C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N Tracy Avenue Split Mathew Bird Creek Flat /Kagy Split Figgins Creek Figgins Creek Figgins CreekMathewBird Creek Mathew Bird Creek BlackAvenueSplit FigginsTRACY AVE GREEK WAYWILLISON AVES BLACK AVE W KAGY BLVD W KAGY BLVD3RD AVENUE3RD AVENUESPRING CREEK DRHOFFMA N D R G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y 489048904890491049204930 492049204920 4920 494049304920490049204930CreekSplit S TRACY AVENUE HILL ST HIGHLAND CTHILL ST FAIRWAY DRBridge Bridge Culvert Culvert Culvert Culvert Bridge Bridge 1%-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOODDISCHARGE CONTAINED INSTRUCTURE Bridge BridgeBridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge 1-Percent-Annual Chance Depthis less than 1 foot along TracyAvenue Split from confluence withMathew Bird Creek to RS 572 1-Percent-Annual Chance Depthis less than 1 foot along BlackAvenue Split from confluence withGarfiled Street Split to RS 2545 1-Percent-Annual Chance Depthis less than 1 foot along 3rd / KagySplit from just upstream of RS 279to RS 901 MuseumSplit FigginsCreek 3rd / Kagy 49204890491049004910 49004900 49104900489 0 49 1 0 4900 490049104900 4910 490049104910491049 0 0 4910 48 9 0 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 11 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: ))))íí))))))))))))íííííí)))) ) )) )íí íí324 8 3188 3 1 4 1557 3812 33 2 2 3980396 4 D 1561 1463 C 106 9 1312 B 610 J 3 3 6 7 392 1238 3 6 9 0 I 3047 3 4 0 4 34 6 7 2753 2897 2991 2530 3 9 7 0 79 8 906 H 2817 2719 2800 G 2689 2711 27 0 0 3633 467 5 3682 4263 2198K 3576A 189L 4026!"49 2 8 . 3!"4 9 2 6 . 9!"4 9 2 4 . 7 !"4938.6 !"4935. 5 !"49 2 9 . 2 !"4936.9!"4937.0!"4938.9 !"4938.0 !"4934. 0 !"4937.4 !"4929.1 !"49 2 9 . 8 !"4925 . 7 !"4936.5 !"49 3 5 . 0 !"4926.5 !"4929 .9 !"493 1 . 6 !"4921.5 !"4923.7!"4924.6 !"4918.8 !"49 3 7 . 2 !"4931.2!"4932.3 !"4922.2 !"4921.4 !"4922.0 !"4920.9 !"4921.3 !"4921.2 !"4935.0 !"494 7 . 0 !"4935.0 !"4941.0 !"491 4 . 2 !"4934. 9 !"4922.4!"4940.7F 1962!"4914.4!"4914.41862C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N Figgins CreekFigginsCreek Figgins CreekFiggins3RD AVENUEC I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A NS 7TH AVEWESTRIDGE DR S 3RD AVENUELANGOHR AVE49204920 4920496 0 4950 4950 4950496049504940 49404940 493049304930492049304 9 4 0 494049304950 4950 4950495049404950 4960CreekG A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y CUTTING STREET MORROW STREET SPRING CREEK DR CIRCLE DRWESTRIDGE DRIVEOPPORTUNITY WAY HILL ST Bridge Bridge Bridge Culvert Culvert 1%-ANNUAL-CHANCEFLOOD DISCHARGECONTAINED INSTRUCTURE 1%-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOODDISCHARGE CONTAINED INSTRUCTURE BridgeMuseum Split MuseumSplit 49204930 4930 4940494049304930 49504950 49304940 49404930 4940GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 12 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: ííííííM 5005 5017 5882 6882 N 5 86 4 5155 O 6643 6460 6112 5567 6766 !"4952.3!"4953 . 0 !"4966. 0 !"4981.6 !"4965.5 !"4954.6 !"4976.6 !"4975.6 !"4971.0 !"4961.1 !"4978.2 C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N ARNOLD DRIVE WESTRIDGE STREETSECOR AVENUEGRAF STREET BROOKDALE DRBROOKDALE DR 3RD AVENUEC I T Y O F C I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y 49904980 4980 4980 49804990498049704970 496049604970 FIELDSTONE DRTESLOW DRRITTER DRGARDENBROOK LNHILLCREST DRSUMMERSETDRIVECulvert Culvert 1%-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOODDISCHARGE CONTAINED INSTRUCTURE Figgins CreekFiggins Creek49804970498049804980498049804970 496049804980 49804980 49 8 0 4970GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 13 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: ííííS 9071 P 74 8 4 7336 7498 8363 7602 8856 7681 Q 7727 84927747 R 8618 7946 7832 !"5014.3 !"4990.6 !"4990.1 !"4991.3 !"5003.5 !"4991.4 !"5012.2 !"4993.1 !"4994.7 !"5007.1 !"4995.6 !"5008.7 !"4997.0 !"4995.8 C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A NFiggins CreekSUMMERSET DRHILLCREST DRALDER CREEK DRMADRONA LNALDER CREEK DR CAMBRIDGE DRSUMMERSET DRC I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y 5000 4990 49905000 5000 5000 5 0 1 0 5 0 1 0 50205010 5010 5020 SPRING RIDGE DRSUMMER VIEW LNGARDENBROOK LN1%-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOODDISCHARGE CONTAINED INSTRUCTURE Culvert Figgins Creek5000 5000501049904990 5010GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 14 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: )))))))))))))))))))) ))))))))))))íí))))))))))))íííííííí))))))))))))ííB 1191 A 336 F 2695 3832 205 2411 B 697E 2318 H 42112545 2 932 1123 I 476912701002 G 3545 951939 116 47277714452 942 616 869 F 2076 900 G 2972 86657 955C 12994391319482B 723 A 4 0 43380 45 3 3 1344 556 A 35620605 1893817731 19609 AU 2047618783 17713 17601 849 AO 17686 2014118765 19369 19152 1411 AS 19387 D 1 5 9 2 17616 1702 17494 AT 19933B 755 403 1004 C 1066 10 6 2 AR 19042 19031 AQ 18 5 5 9 !"4902.7 !"4893.0 !"4901.5 !"4897.0 !"4892.3 !"4895.8 !"4909.2 !"4894.7 !"4900.4!"4898.5 !"4903.5 !"4901.4 !"4911.4 AP 18140 !"4904.2!"4905.1!"4899. 2 !"4892.7!"4898.4!"4898.0 !"4891.0 !"4903.9!"4896.6!"4902.3 !"4898.2 !"4895.0 !"4897. 1 !"4912.3 !"4897. 2 !"4903.7!"4897.0 !"4890 . 6 !"4899.1 !"4905.1 !"4894.6!"49 0 6 . 0 !"4912.0!"4903.2 !"4 8 9 7 . 0 !"4890.1 !"49 0 2 . 8 !"4906.1 !"4901.4 !"4911.8!"4910.4 !"4896.5!"4886.0!"4901.8 !"4909.0 !"4895.8 !"4885.9 !"4884.2 !"4904.3 !"4885.8 !"4905.6 !"4894.5!"4900.1 !"4899.2 !"49 0 6 . 3 !"4900.8 !"49 0 9 . 8 !"4885.1 !"4909. 8 !"4883.3 !"4904.3 !"4912.9 !"4894.6 !"4906.5!"4907.0 !"4907.0 !"4898.1!"4897.8!"4897.2 !"4893.7 !"4889.7 1808!"4912.1 E 1890 !"4911.1 1791A 318!"4906.8 C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N Flat CreekFlat CreekGolf Course Spli t Bozeman Creek Bozeman Creek ACCOLA DR E KAGYBLVDS ROUSE AVENUES O U R D O U G H R D S O U R D O U G H R D C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y E KAGY BLVD E KAGY BLVD 4890 49 3 0 4 94 0 4 9 5 0 4960 497 04980 499 0 5000 5010 5020 50 3 0 5040 5050 50605070506050505040501049904980497049604950494049304920491050805090 5070506049204910 4940 LOMAS DR K N A A B D R KEN Y O N D R Culvert Culvert Culvert Culvert Bridge Bridge Culvert Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge 1-Percent-Annual ChanceDepth is less than 1 footalong Black Avenue Splitfrom confluence with GarfieldSteet Split to RS 2545 1-Percent-Annual ChanceDepth is less than 1 footalong Rouse Avenue Splitfrom confluence with LowerBlack Split to RS 4452 Kagy / Rouse SplitFlatCreek490049104910491049004900 489 0 4900 49304930490049104880489049 2 0 491 0 48904910 4910 4 9 0 0 4900 492 0 4910 49 0 0 49004 9 1 0 4890 4930489049 1 0 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 15 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))íí))))íí)))) ))))))) ))))))))))))) ))))íííí)))) ) )) )íííííííííí íí))))))))))))))))))))) ) ) ) )))))))))))) F 2076 T 7017 482H 283270236897 2269 A 3567224 G 24 6 4 D 1654 1436 8033 2653 K 4282 6965 1564 2471 2840 9551 32 6 1 2982 943 7454 U 7448 7819 I 3268 7892 Y 9245 6905 8233 7971 3929 C 1266 Z 9834 7726 8372 7826 M 2642 8173 7861 2773 L 2513 8013 7483 8165 2996 8597 I 159136 3 1 2516 8029 2576 3652 7640 7513 160 1 3797 8316 7506 2375 N 2843 J 3948 1084 7531 !"4923.1 V 7918 3485 B 755 141936 8 8 2848 7586 264887157535 O 3110 8018 3119 8771 3746 1919X 8835 850737218461 2293K 2288 8428 2244 8323 8728 7622J 22 0 0 W 8422 8499 2209 8842 !"4912.3!"4913.7 !"4912.0!"4918.4!"49 1 3 . 9 !"4912.3 !"4914.3 !"4911.8!"4915.1 !"4915.6 !"4921.1!"4 9 2 5 . 1 !"4917.3 !"4935.2 !"4913.4 !"4919.5 !"4916.7 !"4918.9 !"4934.7 !"4922. 6 !"4919.6 !"4913.2 !"4918.1!"4917.3 !"4922.8 !"4923.2 !"4923.3 !"4933.5 !"4913.0 !"4926. 6 !"4924.6 !"4930.8 !"4916.3 !"4936.6 !"4922.7 !"4927.6 !"4922.9 !"4932.4 !"4926.3 !"4933.5 !"4932.1 !"4924.8 !"4918.1 !"4926.1 !"4935.3 !"4928.6 !"4924.4!"49 2 7 . 4 !"4932.1 !"4925.1 !"4932.2 !"4927.9 !"4922.5 !"4919.9 !"493 0 . 8 !"4927.1 !"4919.0 !"4931.0 !"4934.4 !"4924. 6 !"49 3 0 . 9 !"4913.9 !"4919.9 !"4924.2 !"492 5 . 1 !"4912.9 !"4917.7 !"4928.0 !"4934.7 !"4920.2 !"4932.5 !"4929.8 !"4920.1 !"4935.8 !"4925.0 !"4936.1 !"4931.1 !"493 0 . 8 !"4931.4 !"4928.3 !"49 2 8 . 1 !"4928.0 !"4928.6 !"4928.6 !"4928.0 !"4928.5 !"4927.4 !"4931.1 !"4920.3 !"4928.3 !"4927.9!"4928.2 !"4928.4!"4931.8 6843!"4911.6 !"4923.2 !"4926.2 !"4937.5 4480 !"4935.844514381!"4935.4C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N Flat Creek CourseSplitMathew Bird Creek Mathew Bird Creek Mathew Bird CreekS 3RD AVENUEG A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T Y C O U N T Y G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y SPRING CREEK DRFAIRWAYDRIVEARNOLD ST WESTRIDG E D R4940 4960495049404930493049304970 49604920 CIRCLE DRHIGHLANDCOURTHENDERSON ST SPRING MEADOW DRBridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Culvert Culvert Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Culvert Culvert Bridge Bridge Bridge Culvert Culvert Bridge Bridge Bridge Culvert Bridge Bridge GolfFlat CreekFlat Creek Nash SpringCreek 4930 4910493049304940 4930 4930 4930 494049204 9 3 0 492049204920 4930495049304 9 1 0 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 16 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: íí íí))))))) ))))))))))))) ))))))))))))))))))))))))íííííí íí íí ))))íí))))) ) ) ) ))))))))))))))))íí5490 5429 5201 12071 5359 11820 AC 11625 O 556649145002 5551M 5031AB 1 1 0 8 0 11704 117121205312100 54374808 12179 11354 12278 11228 10921 3456N 5384L 483011096 11204 Z 9834 11198 4767 3272 12185 464410944 11238 2996 12135 P 3392 11139 3428 12131 357143813396 Q 345112012 4451405410593 11957 A D 1 1 9 5 2 12075 12158 10223 O 3110 3119 U 4609 12017 11980 10708 10558 4415 10510 AA 10488 !"4946.9 !"4946.7 !"4943.4 !"4945.7 !"4957.6 !"4954.3 !"4947.9 !"4940.2!"4940.5 !"4947.8!"4942.0!"4949.3 !"4956.2 !"4956.7 !"4959.1!"4959.7 !"4946.8 !"4938.4 !"4960.4 !"4950.6 !"4960.9 !"4950.1 !"4959.4 !"4945.6 !"4939.6!"4946.7 !"4940.1 !"4949.6!"4950.0 !"4936.6 !"4950.0 !"4937.3 !"4937.9 !"4960.5 !"4937.5 !"49 4 7 . 9 !"4950.2 !"4935.3 !"4960.2 !"4939.1 !"4949. 7 !"4939.4 !"4960.2 !"4940.5!"4935.4!"4939.3!"4939.5!"4958.7 !"4935.8!"4945.7!"4943.7 !"4958.6 !"4958.5 !"4959.6!"4960.3 !"4939.6 !"4935.8!"4936.1 !"4952.1 !"4958.9!"4958.7 !"4945.7 !"4943.7 !"4950.2 !"4943.7!"4942.4 !"4937.5 4480 C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N Mathew Bird Creek NashSpringCreek F l a t C r e e k Mathew Bird Creek Mathew Bird Creek Fl a t Flat Creek GRAF STREET S 3RD AVENUECOLTER AVEMATHEW BIRD CIRWAGONWHEEL ROADNOSTALGIA LN GRAF STREET C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y G A L L A T I N G A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y 496049804980 4990 4970 4970 4970 497049704960 49704 9 4 0 49604960 49 6 0 496049904940G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y HENDERSON ST SILVERWOOD DR LEXINGTON DR CONCORD DR FIELDSTONE DRLANGOHR AVESPRING MEADOWS DRNASH CREEK RD Culvert Bridge Bridge Bridge Culvert Culvert Culvert Culvert 1%-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOODDISCHARGE CONTAINED INSTRUCTURE Bridge Culvert Bridge Bridge Bridge C r e e k Bridge 496049504940 4 9 4 0 4950494 0 49 5 04940 4950 49504940 4 9 4 0 4 9 4 0 495049704960 4950GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 17 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))))))))))))) )))))))))))) 14706 14634 20114644 14668 AJ 14697 14042314801525 451AI 142 8 7 B 379 912 1198 202 759 A 98 12278 14409 14294 13136 12566 794 12569 13295 13196 12418 12992 AE 12412 13075 13466 12718 13202 13688 AG 13370 12496 13569 13081 13579 AH 13851 12919 13864 13377 AF 12924 13948 14014 14073 14022 !"4989.9 !"4988.6 !"4981.0!"4989.5!"4989.6!"4989.8 !"4987.7 !"4981.0 !"4991.2 !"4988.1!"4981.0!"4984.0 !"4985.9 !"4982.6 !"4985.5 !"4983.2 !"4981.0!"4981.9 !"4960.9 !"4985.7 !"4984.3 !"4970.0 !"4964.3 !"4981.9!"4964.6 !"4972.4 !"4971.7 !"4962.5 !"4968.8 !"4961.9 !"4969.5 !"4973.4 !"4966.3 !"4972.0 !"4976.0 !"4972.6 !"4962.9 !"4974.5 !"4969.8 !"4975.0 !"4977.9 !"4968.2 !"4978.1 !"4972.9 !"4968.3 !"4979.1 !"4980.2!"4980.7 !"4980.4 C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N Mathew Bird Creek Mathew Bird Creek Mathew Bird CreekWAGONWHEEL ROADWAGONWHEEL ROADW FIELDVIEW CIR BUNGALOW LN WAGONWHEEL ROAD OXFORD RDSTANFORD DRW FIELDVIEW CIR GRAF STREETC I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y 49904990 49905000 500050005010 50105020 4990 4980 4980 49804970 50004970G A L L A T I N G A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N SILVERWOOD DR PRINCETON PL CORNELL DRIV E NASH CREEK RD ARCADIA LN Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Peace PipeSplit49704980498049 7 0 498049 7 0 4980 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 18 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: )))))))))))) ) ) ) )))))))))íííí 1165D 1180 1023 2527278626831404 C 792 28732877 15773 15247 AK 15481 17137 2329 17125 15911 15713 1829 2063 235 8 16192 AL 1607 5 16961 1624 16 3 5 5 AM 163 6 2 1675 16791 AN 16796 16089 !"4999.3!"4999.4 !"4996.6 !"500 1 . 2 !"5002.4!"5002.4!"4987.7 !"4991.7 !"500 4 . 4 !"5 0 0 4 . 5 !"5004.4 !"4997.4 !"5000.3 !"5022.8 !"4998.8 !"5022.0 !"5004.7 !"5002.6 !"4991.4 !"4995.1 !"5000.6 !"500 7 . 1 !"5005.3 !"5020.1 !"4989.3 !"501 0 . 8 !"5011.5!"4991.3!"5018.5 !"50 1 8 . 8 !"5005.7 !"5014. 9 16626 C I T Y O F C I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N Mathew Bird Creek Mathew Bird Creek Rain Roper Split Mathew Bird Creek WAGONWHEEL ROAD GO L D M E D I C I N E W A Y RAM ROPER DRPEACE PIPE DR PEACE PIPE DR GRAF ST C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y 5020 500050105020502050205 0 3 050305030 5030 5 0 3 0 5020503050105010 5010 502 0TRAILS EN D R D WHIT E E AG L E C IR CENTENNIAL TRL1%-ANNUAL-CHANCE FLOODDISCHARGE CONTAINED INSTRUCTURE Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Peace Pipe Split C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N 502050005010 5 0 0 0 50205030502049905 0 1 0 50005000499050 0 0 50 0 0 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 19 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: ))))))))íííí íííííííí17137 18514 17125 AS 1 9 2 9 8 19464 17221 18089 19026 AQ 18341 AP 17832 18319 19329 AO 17289 19615 19812 AR 18720 18708 17477 AT 19639 17343 !"5022.8 !"5044.6 !"5022.0 !"5055.7 !"5057.1 !"5023.9 !"5036.8 !"5050.9 !"5043.9 !"5030.6 !"5041.0 !"5057.2 !"5025.4 !"5060.3 !"5062.6 !"5048.5 !"5047.9 !"5029.9 !"5062.1 !"5029.9 C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N Mathew Bird Creek GOLDENSTEIN WAYGOLDSTEIN WAY G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y 50405050 5050 5050 50 50 50605060 5070 5060 5060 50605070 5060Bridge Culvert Culvert Culvert Culvert Culvert Mathew Bird Creek 506050605050 505050405040 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 20 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: íííí20256 AU 2 0 0 0 6 20032 19812 AV 20778 AT 19639 !"5068.2 !"5066.1 !"5066.9 !"5062.6 !"5075.1 !"5062.1 G A L L A T I N C O U N T YG A L L A T I N C O U N T Y Mathew Bird Creek ABAGAIL RANCH RD G A L L A T I N C O U N T YG A L L A T I N C O U N T Y 5070 507050805080 5080 5070 5090 5090 509050905060Culvert Culvert 5060507050705070GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 21 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))íí))))íí íí))))))))D 624 344 B 3 34 E 66 9 A 9 0 45 8 96 C 4 4 1 1157 515 H 1267 3951 2 8 3 226G 1054 D 1654 1436 1064 752 1564 994 943 22749 F 891 896 21303 AW 21307AY 22348 23389 20724 21756C 1266 AX 21766BA 22960 AZ 22755 1436 22079 22862 23092 BB 23292I 1591AV 2078622954 16 0 1 1084 !"4923.1 232481419191921539!"4915. 3 !"4913.7!"4913.2 !"4917.0 !"4910.8!"4 9 1 4 . 7 !"4911.8!"4914.3 !"4920.4 !"4915.3 !"4921.0 !"4914.3!"49 2 1 . 4 !"4912 . 5 !"4919.5 !"4921.1 !"4923.1 !"4920.1 !"4917.0 !"4919.5 !"4917.8 !"4913.2 !"4927.6 !"4917.8!"4917.9 !"4914.1!"4914.2!"4923.5 !"4935.8 !"4911.0 !"4918.5!"4916.3 !"4919.0!"4931.9 !"4928.8 !"4921.5 !"4929.4 !"4932.5 !"4935.0!"4924.4 !"4911.2 !"4930.8 !"4924.6 !"4924.4 !"4924. 6 !"4913.9 !"4933.4 !"4917.7 16 0 1 !"4916.6I 1591 !"4926.2 C I T Y O F B O Z E M A NC I T Y O F B O Z E M A N CourseSplitBozeman Creek Nash Spring Creek SOURDOUGH RDSOURDOUGH RDG A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y49504960497049 80 4990500050105020503050405050506049504930 4 93 0 4930 4920 4940 4940 50 2 0 503 0CANDY LNBRADLEY RD Bridge Footbridge Footbridge Foot-bridge Bridge Bridge Culvert Bridge Culvert Bridge Culvert Bridge BridgeGolf Bozeman Creek Bozeman Creek NashSpringCreek Bozeman Creek Nash SpringCreek 49404930 49404930494049304930 492049304 9 2 0 4 9 4 0 4910 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 22 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: )))))))) )))))))))))) ) ) ) ))))) íí )))) ))))))))))))))))))))íííí5571 23944 5275V 4996 BD 23953W 5544 3951 2376525827 S 3946 24554BC 2356023527T 4160 BE 24567 4176 BG 25342 24384 720 3855 207R 3727!"4965.4 A 157 276805 BJ 2662435713733 893 BI 26012 25688 26023 B 629 3776 3766 BH 25699 3745 4054394 26153 BF 2497724791 24966 !"4964.5 !"4941.4 !"4959.4 !"4955.3 !"4941.7!"4963.7 !"4945.0 !"4939.7!"4957.5 !"4944.7 !"4947.7!"4937.7!"4937.3!"4947.4 !"4947.8 !"4947.9 !"4954.5 !"4945.7 !"4955.5 !"4943.7 !"4955.4C 1165!"4942.0!"4954.8 !"4955.4 !"4960.1 !"4963.9!"4940.5!"4942.3 !"4961.7 !"4959.5 !"4956.9 !"4959.5 !"4955.5 !"4942.9 !"4942.7 !"4957.1 !"4942.6 !"4945.7!"4955.4 !"4960.5 !"4952.3 !"4950.1 !"4952.0 !"4952.1 U 4609!"4950.2 4415 !"4939.3 3396 Q 3451!"4939.5!"4939.6 3456 C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N NashSpringCreek Nash Spring Creek Sourdough Trail Split Bozeman Creek Bozeman Creek SOURDOUGH RDSOURDOUGH RDSOURDOUGH RDG A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y4940495049504960 4960 4960 49704980499050005 0 1 0497049804990500050104950 4950 4950 49804970SOU R D O U G H R I D G E R D Bridge Culvert Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge CulvertNash Spring Creek497049604 9 5 0 4940 495049604950 495049 6 0 495049604950 4950 4960 49604950496049504 9 6 0 497049604 9 4 0 496049704940497049 5 0 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 23 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: )))))))))))) ) ) ) )íí))))))))))))íí 5636X 5905 273 0 5 8172 BK 27296 6475 BM 28041 Z 6660 28142D 1765 BL 2 7 6 8 4 289 2 3 BO 29316 1753 710 4 6308 2803 2 Y 6297 AA 700 6 69 9 1 28517 1549 BN 28687 AB 72 6 6 28677 27 2 6 4 2703 9 C 1165 72607426 7896 !"4964.5!"4967.4 !"497 2 . 2 !"4991 . 6 !"4972.0 !"4974.5 !"4978.5 !"4976.0!"4979.1!"4971.2!"4973.8 !"49 8 5 . 7 !"4989.3 !"4970.9 !"49 8 0 . 2 !"4973.2 !"4977.6 !"4972.8 !"4979.8 !"4978 . 9 !"4982.6 !"4969.1 !"4983.8 !"4982. 0 !"4 9 8 3 . 7 !"49 7 0 . 8 !"4967. 2 !"4965.4 !"4981.3!"4983.8 !"4988.8 !"4988.4 !"4986.9 7745AC 7724 !"4963.9 BJ 26624 Nash Spring Creek Nash SpringCreek Bozeman Creek Bozeman CreekNash SpringCreek FIELD V I E W C I R CANDLE LN GARDNER PARK DR C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y GRAFF STG A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y 4980 49 9 0 49905000501050204980 4980497049704970 49804990 500050105000STONY BROOK LNSO U R D O U G H C R E E K D R Bridge Bridge BridgeBridge Culvert Bridge Bridge Bozeman Creek So u r d o u g h T r a i l S p l i t4970 499049804980498049 9 0 498049704970 49 90 4980 497049804970 4970497049704990 49804980 497049 8 0 49904980 49904980 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 24 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: )))) )))))))) ) )))ííBT 32217 BQ 30507 30094 9284 30932 BP 297 2 1 9513 10183 AE 9870 8930 BS 31772 BR 31302 AD 8626 1038431688 31585 AF 1 0 3 9 2 10524 10 4 5 5 AG 10574 !"5020.2 !"5001.0 !"4997.1 !"4998.4 !"5006.5 !"4993.3 !"5000.1 !"5009.9 !"5004.1 !"4996.6 !"5016.9 !"5009.9 !"4994.0 !"5011.7 !"5014.0 !"5013.2!"5011.7!"5014.4!"50 1 2 . 3 !"5017.3 C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N C I T Y O FC I T Y O FB O Z E M A NB O Z E M A N Nash SpringCreek Bozeman Creek Bozeman Creek Nash SpringCreek Bozeman CreekGARDNER PARK DRHITCHING POST RD HI T C H I N G P O S T R DGARDNER PARK DRMORNING SUN DRG A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y GOLDENSTEIN LN 5030 50305040 5 0 3 050205010501050105000 5010 501050 1 0 5000 5020 5 0 1 0 ANN E T T E P A R K D R GARDNERPARK DRMORNINGSUN DRBridge BridgeCulvert Nash Spring Creek 502050005 0 1 0 50204990501050005000 50105010 500050105000 50005020 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 25 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: ))))))))))))10860 AH 11411 AJ 13529 13259 11813 129 18 34879 BX 34449 AI 12 2 8 7 125 8 4 33985 34010 35340 !"5018.9 !"5024. 7 !"5047.5 !"5045.3 !"5028.0 !"5 0 4 1 . 8 !"5040.8 !"5037.5 !"5033. 9 !"503 7 . 7 !"5034.1!"5035.2 !"5044.7 !"5022.4!"5021.8 !"5024.6 !"5022.7 !"5023.3 !"5026.5 !"5024.3 !"5030.0 !"5032.1 32451 32438 BV 32709 BU 3249132 5 8 7 3315432693 33526 BW 33782 G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y Bozeman Creek Bozeman Creek Bozeman Creek W HITCHING POST RDG A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y G A L L A T I N G A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y W HITCHING POST RD5030 5030 5020502050205 0 5 0 5 0 6 0 5 0 5 050405 0 5 0 5040 5040504050405050 50 4 0 Bridge Bridge BridgeNash Spring CreekNash SpringCreekNash SpringCreek 5040502050 3 0 505050 2 0 5020 50 4 0 50605040 5050 5030505 0 5040504050405020 5050504050405030 5030 5020GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 26 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: 14160 14 0 7 9 AK 1 4 0 8 9 1380 0 BY 35745 37308 3800438382 !"5055.1!"5 0 5 3 . 8 !"5055 . 0 !"5049 . 7 !"5047.7 !"5060.4 !"5069.4!"5073.4!"5054.6 !"5051.8 !"5065.9!"5057.6 36649 36364 CA 37744 BZ 36929 G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y Bozeman Creek Bozeman Creek COBB L E C R E E K R D G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y HORSETAIL ROAD50705070 508050705070 5070508050805 0 7 0 Nash SpringCreek Bozeman Creek 50705050 50605 0 7 0505050 5 0 505050505060505050 5 0 507 05070 5080506050605060 5 0 6 0 5070 50 7 050605050 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 27 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: CB 38737 CC 39830 39189 39441 CD 40502 40172 40891 !"5077.0!"5088.5 !"5081.3 !"5085.3 !"5095.3 !"5092.0 !"5099.2 CE 41142!"5102.4 G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y HORSETAIL ROAD G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y50905100 51005100 51105 1 1 0 5100 5090 5090 5 1 1 0 51205 1 1 0 5 1 1 0 G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y Bozeman Creek Bozeman Creek 5100508 0 50905120 5090 509050905100508050905100 5090 5080 5 0 8 0 5090 5 0 9 0 50 8 0 5090510050 8 0 51 0 0 5090GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 28 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: ) ))))))) CF 41643 41958 41938 CE 41142 42877 CI 43944 CH 43067 43400CG 42337 !"5109.0 !"51 1 3 . 1 !"5112.4 !"5102.4 !"5121.9 !"5134.1 !"5124.5 !"5129.6 !"5116.0 !"5125.4 !"5124.7 43133 43122 Bozeman Creek Bozeman Creek G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y 5110 511051205120 51205130513051405 1 3 0 51305120Bridge Bridge G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y 5130 5 1 2 05110 514051205130 5130 5140 5120 51305110 51105140511051305 1 30 51205120 5 1 2 0 51205110 5110 GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 29 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: ííCL 46610 45955 CK 45788 46877 A 16144257 46067456 44673 B 934 CJ 44994 45459 !"5164.0 !"5156.0 !"5154.1 !"5166.5 !"5152.6 !"5136.5!"5156.9!"5156.4 !"5140.2!"5163.2 !"5143.6 !"5148.4 G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y G A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y Bozeman Creek Bozeman Creek 517051705160516051405140 51505150 5160 5160 Nash Road Split Nash RoadSplit Bo z em a n C r e e k516051 4 0 516051405150516051 6 0 5170 5150 518051705 1 4 0 515051705150515051705150GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 30 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: íí47038 CM 47519 CN 47979470911327 D 1882 E 2373 1378 C 1417 !"5170.5 !"5176.0 !"5181.8 !"5176.0 !"5167.0 !"5173.2 !"5179.2 !"5169.7 !"5169.9 Nash Road Sp l i t NASH ROAD NASH ROAD SOURDOUGH CANYON RDNASH VIEW RDG A L L A T I NG A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y 5170 5170 519051805200519052005190 1%-ANNUAL-CHANCEFLOOD DISCHARGECONTAINED IN STRUCTURE G A L L A T I N G A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y G A L L A T I N G A L L A T I NC O U N T YC O U N T Y This map page contains areas thattie into the effective DFIRM data. Effective Floodway Effective 100 YearFloodplain Effective 500 YearFloodplain Bozeman Creek 518 0 519051805 17 0 51805180 517051805180 51805180 5170 51805170 51 8 0 519051705180GallatinCounty GallatinCounty City ofBozeman Gallatin County City ofBozeman LOCATOR MAP 7 3 9 56421 8 11 2021 2519 10 2728293031 1817 2216 141312 15 26 24 23 Bozeman Map 31 CITY OF BOZEMANHYDRAULICWORKMAP I0100200300Feet 165 S. UNION BLVD.SUITE 200LAKEWOOD, CO 80228PHONE: 720-514-1100 1 inch = 200 feet LEGEND Study Profile BaselineProposed Lettered Cross Section 10 FT Contour Line2 FT Contour LineInterstate Political Area Railroad Highway Mapbook Page Proposed Floodway Proposed 1-Percent-Annual Chance Event Proposed 0.2-Percent-Annual Chance Event ))))Bridge íí Culvert Proposed Non-Lettered Cross Section Proposed Administrative Floodway Coordinate System: NAD 1983 2011 StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 Ft IntProjection: Lambert Conformal ConicDatum: NAD 1983 2011 Vertical Datum: NAVD 88Units: Feet DATA FRAME PROPERTIES: Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 1 February 20, 2014 2014 MODEL REGULATIONS September 3, 2013 Revision February 20, 2014 FLOODPLAIN HAZARD MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION WATER RESOURCES DIVISION 1424 9TH Avenue P.O. Box 201601 Helena, Montana 59620-1601 http://www.mtfloodplain.mt.gov 11 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 2 February 20, 2014 2014 Model Regulations Purpose and Considerations PURPOSE: Provide communities with current (2013) Model Regulations; the 1989, 1990, 1992 and 2006 versions are obsolete. Draft versions of the 2014 Model were utilized in 2012 and 2013 by several communities and should be updated. Provides a model and template for local land use regulations for local floodplain hazard management. Communities participating in the National Flood Insurance Program are required to have up to date floodplain management regulations. Includes State and FEMA minimum procedural and development standards. CONSIDERATIONS: Substantial adherence to the Model will facilitate reviews by DNRC and FEMA. Legal cites to supporting federal and state statutes and regulations are noted in the Model and are for reference during drafting and should be removed before final adoption. The information within the boxes is informational and should be removed as well. Communities may adopt higher standards pursuant to 76-5-301(1), MCA and are denoted as “(Higher Standard)” following the specific regulation in this model. Higher standards as well as those suggested in the Model may have health and safety as well as economic and ecological benefits to the community. Those communities may have to make findings of fact when adopting floodplain management regulations as to why the higher standards are appropriate in their community. The Regulated Flood Hazard Area is required to be specifically described and updated if necessary. Local regulations require local notice and adoption. The special review panel needs to be specified in the Variance and Administrative Appeals Sections. 12 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 3 February 20, 2014 DNRC must find the local Floodplain Hazard Mitigation Regulations are adequate before local adoption, allow 30 days for review. FEMA Region VIII must find the regulations adequate and acceptable before community adoption as well, allow 30 days for review. Local regulations are required to be updated to the current State and FEMA minimum regulatory standards within 6 months of a State or FEMA revision or update to the Regulated Flood Hazard Area. Adopting the requirements by regulation, resolution or ordinance as the appropriate vehicle must be determined by the political subdivision. 13 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 4 February 20, 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1. TITLE, PURPOSE, AUTHORITY AND GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 Floodplain Hazard Management Regulations 1.2 Statutory Authority 1.3 Findings of Fact 1.4 Purpose 1.5 Methods to Reduce Losses 1.6 Regulated Area 1.7 Floodplain Administrator 1.8 Compliance 1.9 Abrogation and Greater Responsibility 1.10 Regulation Interpretation 1.11 Warning and Disclaimer of Liability 1.12 Severability 1.13 Disclosure Provision 1.14 Amendment of Regulations 1.15 Public Records 1.16 Subdivision Review 1.17 Disaster Recovery SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS SECTION 3. FORMS AND FEES 3.1 Forms 3.2 Fees SECTION 4. REGULATED FLOOD HAZARD AREAS 4.1 Regulated Flood Hazard Areas 4.2 Interpretation of Regulated Flood Hazard Area Boundaries 4.3 Alteration of Regulated Flood Hazard Area SECTION 5. USES ALLOWED WITHOUT A PERMIT WITHIN THE REGULATED FLOOD HAZARD AREA 5.1 General 5.2 Open Space Uses SECTION 6. PROHIBITED USES, ACTIVITIES AND STRUCTURES WITHIN THE REGULATED FLOOD HAZARD AREA 6.1 Floodway 6.2 Flood Fringe or Regulated Flood Hazard Area Without a Floodway 14 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 5 February 20, 2014 SECTION 7. FLOODPLAIN PERMIT APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS 7.1 General 7.2 Required Floodplain Permit Application Information SECTION 8. APPLICATION EVALUATION 8.1 Floodplain Permit Application Review 8.2 Notice Requirements for Floodplain Permit Applications 8.3 Floodplain Permit Criteria 8.4 Decision 8.5 Floodplain Permit Conditions and Requirements SECTION 9. DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS IN THE FLOODWAY 9.1 Uses Requiring Permits 9.2 General Requirements 9.3 Mining Of Material Requiring Excavation From Pits Or Pools 9.4 Railroad, Highway And Street Stream Crossings 9.5 Limited Filling For Road And Railroad Embankments 9.6 Buried Or Suspended Utility Transmission Lines 9.7 Storage Of Materials And Equipment 9.8 Domestic Water Supply Wells 9.9 Buried And Sealed Vaults For Sewage Disposal in Campgrounds and Recreational Areas 9.10 Public and Private Campgrounds 9.11 Structures Accessory Or Appurtenant 9.12 Construction Of Or Modifications To Surface Water Diversions 9.13 Flood Control And Stream Bank Stabilization Measures 9.14 Stream and Bank Restoration 9.15 Existing Residential and Nonresidential Buildings SECTION 10. DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS IN THE FLOOD FRINGE OR REGULATED FLOOD HAZARD AREA WITH NO FLOODWAY 10.1. Uses Requiring Permits 10.2. General Requirements 10.3. Residential Building, Exceptions and Additional Requirements 10.4. Non-Residential Building, Exceptions and Additional Requirements SECTION 11. EMERGENCIES 11.1 General 11.2 Emergency Notification and Application Requirements 15 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 6 February 20, 2014 SECTION 12. VARIANCES 12.1 General 12.2 Variance Application Requirements 12.3 Notice Requirements for Floodplain Variance Application 12.4 Evaluation of Variance Application 12.5 Decision 12.6 Judicial Review SECTION 13. ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS 13.1 General 13.2 Appeals Requirements 13.3 Notice and Hearing 13.4 Decision 13.5 Judicial Review SECTION 14. ENFORCEMENT 14.1. Investigation Request 14.2. Notices To Enter And Investigate Lands Or Waters 14.3. Notice To Respond And Order To Take Corrective Action 14.4. Administrative Review 14.5. Appeal of Administrative Decision 14.6. Failure to Comply With Order to Take Corrective Action 14.7. Judicial Review 14.8. Other Remedies SECTION 15. PENALTIES 15.1 Misdemeanor 15.2 Declaration to the Federal Flood Insurance Administrator 16 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 7 February 20, 2014 SECTION 1. TITLE, PURPOSE, AUTHORITY AND GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 FLOODPLAIN HAZARD MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS These regulations are known and may be cited as the “Floodplain Hazard Management Regulations;” hereinafter referred to as “these regulations.” 1.2 STATUTORY AUTHORITY 1. Floodplain and Floodway Management is incorporated in Montana Code Annotated (MCA) Title 76, Chapter 5 and describes the authority, procedures and minimum standards for local regulations and is further described in Montana Administrative Rule (ARM) 36, Chapter 15. 2. The authority to regulate development in specifically identified flood hazard areas has been accepted pursuant to 76-5-301, MCA. 1.3 FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Flood hazard areas specifically adopted herein as Regulated Flood Hazard Areas have been delineated and designated by order or determination of the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) pursuant to MCA 76-5-201 et.seq. 2. These regulations have been reviewed by Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation has found the regulations acceptable in meeting the Department minimum standards. The Federal Emergency Management Agency finds that these regulations are adequate and consistent with the comprehensive criteria for land management and use pursuant to the standards established in 44 CFR 60.3. (76-5-302, MCA, ARM 36.15.202, 44 CFR60.1(b), 42USC 4022) 1.4 PURPOSE The purpose of these regulations is to promote public health, safety and general welfare of the residents and minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in Regulated Flood Hazard Areas. These Regulations are intended to: 1. Protect human life and health; 2. Minimize expenditure of public money for costly flood control projects; 3. Minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding and generally undertaken at the expense of the general public; 4. Minimize prolonged business and public service interruptions; 17 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 8 February 20, 2014 5. Minimize damage to public facilities and utilities such as water and gas mains, electric, telephone and sewer lines, streets and bridges; 6. Help maintain a stable tax base by providing for the sound use and development of flood-prone areas in such a manner as to minimize future flood disruptions; and to 7. Ensure compliance with the minimum standards for the continued participation in the National Flood Insurance Program for the benefit of the residents. 1.5 METHODS TO REDUCE LOSSES In accordance with 76-5-102, MCA, these regulations are intended to reduce flood losses through the following methods: 1. Restrict or prohibit uses that are dangerous to health, safety or property in times of flooding or that may cause excessive increases in flood heights or velocities; 2. Require that uses of land vulnerable to floods, including public facilities, be developed or constructed to at least minimum standards or to otherwise minimize flood damage; 3. Regulate the alteration of natural floodplains, stream channels, and natural protective barriers which are needed to accommodate floodwaters; 4. Regulate filling, grading, dredging and other development which may increase flood damage; 5. Prevent or regulate the construction of flood barriers which will impact other land, flood water depth or velocity of floodwaters; 6. Distinguish between the land use regulations applied to the floodway within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area and those applied to that portion of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area not contained in the floodway; 7. Apply more restrictive land use regulations within the floodway of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area; and 8. Ensure that regulations and minimum standards balance the greatest public good with the least private injury. 1.6 REGULATED AREA These regulations apply only to the flood hazard areas specifically adopted herein as Regulated Flood Hazard Areas which are more fully and specifically described in Section 4. Requirements and approvals for alterations to the Regulated Flood Hazard Area are specified in Section 4. The Regulated Flood Hazard Area includes areas specifically identified, labeled and illustrated on maps such as Floodplain, Floodway, or Flood Fringe that have differing uses allowed and minimum building standards that apply. The Regulated Flood Hazard Area is the geographic area inundated by the Flood of 100-year Frequency illustrated and depicted in the referenced studies and maps. The Regulated Flood Hazard Area supporting study and maps illustrating the regulatory area are based on studies and maps that have been specifically adopted pursuant to 76-5-201et.seq. The maps and accompanying study become the Regulated Flood 18 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 9 February 20, 2014 Hazard Area only when formally adopted by DNRC and subsequently by the political subdivision by these regulations. The original source of studies and data may be from a Flood Insurance Study by FEMA, or other studies by Corps of Engineers, Soil Conservation, United States Geological Service or other federal or state agency. 1.7 FLOODPLAIN ADMINISTRATOR A Floodplain Administrator is hereby officially appointed and is the responsibility of the office of __________. The Floodplain Administrator’s duty is to administer and implement the provisions of these regulations. The Floodplain Administrator must serve to meet and maintain the commitments pursuant to 44 CFR 59.22(a) to FEMA to remain eligible for National Flood Insurance for individuals and business within the political subdivision. ((44 CFR 59.22(b)(1)) (ARM 36.15.204(2)(h)) 1.8 COMPLIANCE Development, New Construction, Alteration or Substantial Improvement may not commence without full compliance with the provisions of these regulations. 1.9 ABROGATION AND GREATER RESPONSIBILITY It is not intended by these regulations to repeal, abrogate, or impair any existing easements, covenants, deed restrictions, zoning or other regulations in effect. However, where these regulations impose greater restrictions, the provision of these regulations must prevail. (44 CFR 60.1(d)) 1.10 REGULATION INTERPRETATION In the interpretation and application of these regulations, all provisions shall be: (1) considered as minimum requirements; (2) liberally construed in favor of the governing body; and (3) deemed neither to limit nor repeal any other powers granted under state statutes. (44 CFR 60.1) 1.11 WARNING AND DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY These regulations do not imply that land outside the Regulated Flood Hazard Areas or uses permitted within such areas will be free from flooding or flood damages. These regulations shall not create liability on the part of the community or any official or employee thereof for any flood damages that result from reliance on these regulations or any administrative decision lawfully made hereunder. 1.12 SEVERABILITY If any section, clause, sentence, or phrase of these regulations is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding will in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of these regulations. 1.13 DISCLOSURE PROVISION All property owners or their agents in the Regulated Flood Hazard Areas shall notify potential buyers or their agents that such property, including any permitted uses transferred, is located within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area and is subject to regulation and any permitted uses that are transferred. Information regarding 19 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 10 February 20, 2014 Regulated Flood Hazard Area and the repository for Floodplain maps is available in the Floodplain Administrator’s office. (ARM 36.15.204(2)(g)) 1.14 AMENDMENT OF REGULATIONS These regulations may be amended after notice and public hearing in regard to the amendments to these regulations. The amendments must be found adequate and acceptable by DNRC and FEMA to be effective and must be submitted for review at least 30 days prior to official adoption. 1.15 PUBLIC RECORDS Records, including permits and applications, elevation and flood proofing certificates, certificates of compliance, fee receipts, and other matters relating to these regulations must be maintained by the Floodplain Administrator and are public records and must be made available for inspection and for copies upon reasonable request. A reasonable copying cost for copying documents for members of the public may be charged and may require payments of the costs before providing the copies. (44 CFR 60.3(b)(5)(iii) & 44 CFR 59.22 (a)(9)(iii)) 1.16 SUBDIVISION REVIEW Within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area, subdivisions including new or expansion of existing manufactured home parks, must be designed to meet the following criteria: 1. The Base Flood Elevations and boundary of the Regulated Flood Hazard area must be determined and considered during lot layout and building location design; 2. Locations for future structures and development must be reasonably safe from flooding; (44CFR 60.3(a)(4)) 3. Adequate surface water drainage must be provided to reduce exposure to flood hazards; (44 CFR 60.3 (a)(4)(iii)) 4. Public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems must be located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage; and (44 CFR 60.3(a)(4)(ii)) 5. Floodplain permits must be obtained according to these regulations before development occurs that is within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area. (44 CFR 60.3(b)) FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Consider a companion regulation in the subdivision regulations. 20 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 11 February 20, 2014 1.17 DISASTER RECOVERY In the event of a natural or man-made disaster, the Floodplain Administrator should participate in the coordination of assistance and provide information to structure owners concerning Hazard Mitigation and Recovery measures with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Montana Disaster Emergency Services, Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, and other state, local and private emergency service organizations. Upon completion of cursory street view structure condition survey within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area, the Floodplain Administrator shall notify owners that a permit may be necessary for an alteration or substantial improvement before repair or reconstruction commences on damaged structures because of damages caused by natural or man-made disasters such as floods, fires or winds. Owners should be advised that structures that have suffered substantial damage and will undergo substantial improvements require a floodplain application and permit and must be upgraded to meet the minimum building standards herein during repair or reconstruction.((MCA 76-5-404(3)(b) (ARM 36.15.702) (44 CFR 60.3(c)(2 and 3)) FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) program standard for community Floodplain management ordinances specifies that the local government is to consider flood hazards when reviewing and approving subdivisions within the Special Flood Hazard Area. Floodplain Administrators should check their subdivision ordinances to ensure flood hazards outside of Regulated Flood Hazard Areas are addressed in development proposals. For example, the Montana Model Subdivision Regulations suggests that for any portion of a proposed subdivision that is within 2,000 horizontal feet and 20 vertical feet of a stream draining an area of 25 square miles or more, where no official floodplain studies of the stream have been made, the subdivider may be required to conduct a flood hazard evaluation study. The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation may, if requested, review the flood hazard analysis on the merit of its technical adequacy and make a recommendation back to the Floodplain Administrator. A technical review by DNRC is not intended to be a formal designation of a floodplain or floodway pursuant to MCA 76-5-201 et.seq. for floodplain management regulatory purposes unless specifically requested and subsequently adopted by DNRC. 21 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 12 February 20, 2014 SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in these regulations shall be interpreted as to give them the meaning they have in common usage and the most reasonable application. For the purpose of these regulations, the following definitions are adopted: 100-year Flood – One percent (1%) annual chance flood. See Base Flood Alteration – Any change or addition to an artificial obstruction that either increases its external dimensions or increases its potential flood hazard. (ARM 36.15.101(2)) Appurtenant Structure – A structure in which the use is incidental or accessory to the use of a principal structure. (44 CFR 59.1) Artificial Obstruction – Any obstruction which is not natural and includes any development, dam, diversion, wall, riprap, embankment, levee, dike, pile, abutment, projection, revetment, excavation, channel rectification, road, bridge, conduit, culvert, building, refuse, automobile body, fill or other analogous structure or matter in, along, across, or projecting into any Regulated Flood Hazard Area that may impede, retard, or change the direction of the flow of water, either in itself or by catching or collecting debris carried by the water, or that is placed where the natural flow of the water would carry the same downstream to the damage or detriment of either life or property. See also Development. (ARM 36.15.101(3) & MCA 76-5-103(1)) FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY There is a large list of definitions of terms and nomenclature normally used in floodplain hazard management guidelines and explanations. Be aware the same word may mean something different when applied to flood insurance, minimum standards, or a regulatory requirement. The definitions in 76-5-103, MCA and ARM 36.15.101 where applicable may be considered however several of those definitions are specifically for describing the role and responsibility of the DNRC in regard to development and adoption of flood hazard studies and map and other responsibilities. FEMA definitions 44 CFR 59.1 may be considered. Definitions are used to describe the FEMA minimum standards for floodplain management if communities want to join the National Flood Insurance Program so individuals and businesses are eligible for flood insurance in that community. However, some definitions are specifically for insurance purposes under the National Flood Insurance Program. Another source of information including definitions is the FEMA National Flood Insurance Manual. 22 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 13 February 20, 2014 Base Flood (Flood of 100 Year Frequency) – A flood having a one percent (1%) chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year (ARM 36.15.101(4) & (44 CFR 59.1) Base Flood Elevation (BFE) – The elevation above sea level of the Base Flood in relation to the National Geodic Vertical Datum of 1929 or the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 or unless otherwise specified. (ARM 36.15.101(5)) Basement – Any area of a building, except a crawl space, as having its Lowest floor below ground level on all sides. (44 CFR 59.1) (NFIP Insurance Manual, Rev. May 2013) Building – A walled and roofed structure, including a gas or liquid storage tank that is principally above ground, as well as a manufactured home. (44 CFR 59.1) Channel – The geographical area within either the natural or artificial banks of a watercourse or drain way. (MCA 76-5-103(2)) Crawl Space – An enclosure that has its interior floor area no more than 5 feet below the top of the next highest floor. See Enclosure and Sub grade Crawlspace. (NFIP Insurance Manual, Rev. May 2013) DNRC – Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Development –Any man-made change to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations or storage of equipment or materials. See also Artificial Obstruction. (44 CFR59.1) Elevated Building – A building that has no Basement and that has it lowest elevated floor raised above ground level by foundation walls, shear walls, posts, piers, pilings or columns. A building on a crawlspace is considered an elevated building. (NFIP Insurance Manual, Rev. May 2013) Enclosure – That portion below the lowest elevated floor of an elevated building that is either partially or fully shut in by rigid walls including a crawlspace, sub grade crawlspace, stairwell, elevator or a garage below or attached. Encroachment – Activities or construction within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area including fill, new construction, substantial improvements, and other development. Encroachment Analysis – A hydrologic and hydraulic analysis performed by an engineer to assess the effects of the proposed artificial obstruction or nonconforming use on Base Flood Elevation, flood flows and flood velocities. 23 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 14 February 20, 2014 Establish – To construct, place, insert, or excavate. (MCA 76-5-103(7) (ARM 36.15.101(9)) Existing Artificial Obstruction or Nonconforming Use – An artificial obstruction or nonconforming use that was established before land use regulations were adopted pursuant to Section 76-5-301(1), MCA. (MCA 76-5-404(3)) FEMA – Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Fringe – The identified portion of the Floodplain of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area outside the limits of the Floodway. (ARM 36.15.101(10)) Flood of 100 Year Frequency (Base Flood) – A flood magnitude expected to recur on the average of once every 100-years or a flood magnitude that has a 1% chance of occurring in any given year. (MCA 76-5-103(9)) (44 CFR 59.1) Floodplain – The area of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area including and adjoining the watercourse or drainway that would be covered by the floodwater of a Base Flood. The area is partitioned into a Flood Fringe and Floodway where specifically designated. See Regulated Flood Hazard Area. Floodway – The identified portion of the Floodplain of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area that is the channel and the area adjoining the channel that is reasonably required to carry the discharge of the Base Flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface by more than one half foot. (MCA 76-5-103(11)) (MCA 76-5-103(5)) Floodplain Administrator – Community official or representative appointed to administer and implement the provisions of this ordinance. Flood Proofing – Any combination of structural and non-structural additions, changes, or adjustments to structures which reduce or eliminate flood damage to real estate or improved real property, water and sanitary facilities, electrical, plumbing, HVAC systems, structures and their contents. The term includes wet flood proofing, dry flood proofing and elevation of structures. ((44 CFR 59.1) Letter of Map Change (LOMC) – An official response from FEMA that amends or revises the FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area and FEMA Flood Insurance Study for flood insurance purposes and/or flood risk hazard. FEMA Letters of Map Change specific to an amendment or revision include: Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) – A letter of determination from FEMA issued in response to a request that a property or structure is not subject to the mandatory flood insurance requirement because it was inadvertently located in the effective FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area. The material submitted and response from FEMA may be considered by the Floodplain Administrator for 24 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 15 February 20, 2014 determining if a property or structure is within the Regulated Flood Hazard area and subject to these regulations. Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-F) – A letter of approval from FEMA removing the mandatory requirement for flood insurance on property based on placement of fill or an addition. Placement of fill or an addition must be preceded by a permit pursuant to these regulations. Placement of fill does not remove the development from the Regulated Flood Hazard Area or these regulations. Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) – An official FEMA amendment to the currently effective FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map or FEMA Flood Boundary Map based on a physical change to the floodplain of the Special Flood Hazard Area. It is issued by FEMA and changes flood zones, delineations, and elevations on the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map or FEMA Flood Boundary Map and may amend the FEMA Flood Insurance Study. It must be preceded by an approved alteration of the designated floodplain from DNRC and subsequently an amendment to the Regulated Flood Hazard Area. Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) – A FEMA letter of approval for a proposed physical change that when completed would propose to change the flood zones, delineation or elevations on the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map or FEMA Flood Boundary Map and may amend the FEMA Flood Insurance Study through a subsequent LOMR,. The CLOMR may be considered in an evaluation by DNRC and the Floodplain Administrator during consideration of a proposed alteration to the Regulated Flood Hazard Area. Lowest Floor – Any floor of a building including a basement used for living purposes, storage, or recreation. This includes any floor that could be converted to such a use. ((ARM 36.15.101(14)) (44 CFR 59.1)) Manufactured Home Park or Subdivision – Includes the construction of facilities for servicing the manufactured home lots and at a minimum includes the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads. (44 CFR 59.1) Manufactured or Mobile Home – A building that may be residential or non-residential, is transportable in one or more sections, built on a permanent chassis, and designed to be used with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities and includes park trailers, travel trailers, and other similar vehicles placed on a site for greater than 180 consecutive days. (ARM 36.15.101(15)) New Construction – Structures for which the commencement of clearing, grading, filling, or excavating to prepare a site for construction occurs on or after the effective date of these regulations and includes any subsequent improvements to such structures. (ARM 36.15.101(20)) (44 CFR 59.1) New Manufactured Home Park Or Subdivision – A manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the 25 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 16 February 20, 2014 manufactured homes are to be affixed includes at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads and is completed on or after the effective date of floodplain management regulations adopted by a community. (44 CFR 59.1) Non-Residential– Buildings including manufactured homes that are not residential including commercial, agricultural, industrial buildings and accessory buildings. See Residential. Owner – Any person who has dominion over, control of, or title to an artificial obstruction. (MCA 76-5-103(13)) Person – Includes any individual, or group of individuals, corporation, partnership, association or any other entity, including State and local governments and agencies. (44 CFR 59.1) Recreational Vehicle – A park trailer, travel trailer, or other similar vehicle which is (a) built on a single chassis; (b) 400 square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projections; (c) designed to be self-propelled or permanently towable by a motorized vehicle; and (d) designed primarily for use as temporary living quarters for recreation, camping, travel, or seasonal use, not for use as a permanent dwelling. (44 CFR 59.1) Regulated Flood Hazard Area – A Floodplain whose limits have been designated pursuant to Part 2, Chapter 5 of Title 76, MCA, and is determined to be the area adjoining the watercourse that would be covered by the floodwater of a Base Flood. The Regulated Flood Hazard Area consists of the Floodway and Flood Fringe where specifically designated. (MCA 76-5-103(4)), (MCA 76-5-103(10), (ARM 36-15-101(11)) Residential Building – A dwelling or building for living purposes or place of assembly or permanent use by human beings and including any mixed use of residential and non-residential use. All other buildings are non-residential. Riprap – Stone, rocks, concrete blocks, or analogous materials that are placed along the bed or banks of a watercourse or drainway for the purpose of preventing or alleviating erosion. (ARM 36.15.101(18)) Scour Depth – The maximum depth of streambed scour caused by erosive forces of the Base Flood. Special Flood Hazard Area – Land area which has been specifically identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as the floodplain within a community subject to a 1 percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year. It is useful for the purposes of identifying flood hazards by local subdivisions of government for regulatory purposes as well as use by the National Flood Insurance Program for establishing risk zones and flood insurance premium rates. The FEMA flood hazard area zone 26 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 17 February 20, 2014 designation or flood risk potential is as illustrated on FEMA’s Flood Hazard Boundary Map or Flood Insurance Rate Map. Structure – Any Artificial Obstruction. Sub grade Crawlspace – A Crawlspace foundation enclosure that has its interior floor no more than 5 feet below the top of the next higher floor and no more than 2 feet below the lowest adjacent grade on all sides. A foundation exceeding either dimension is a Basement. (NFIP Insurance Manual, Rev. May 2013) Substantial Damage – Damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its before-damaged condition would exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred. (44 CFR 59.1) Substantial Improvement – Any repair, reconstruction or improvement of a structure where the cost equals or exceeds fifty percent (50) of the market value of the structure either before the improvement or repair is started or if the structure has been damaged, and is being restored, before the damage occurred; 1. Substantial improvement is considered to occur when the first construction of any wall, ceiling, floor or other structural part of the building commences; 2. The term does not include: 1. Any project for improvement of a structure to comply with existing state or local health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which are solely necessary to assure safe living conditions; or 2. Any alteration of a structure listed on the national register of historic places or state inventory of historic places. (ARM 36.15.101(21)) (44 CFR 59.1)) Suitable Fill – Fill material which is stable, compacted, well graded, and pervious, not adversely affected by water and frost, devoid of trash or similar foreign matter, tree stumps or other organic material; and is fitting for the purpose of supporting the intended use and/or permanent structure. (ARM 36.15.101(22)) Variance – Means a grant or relief from the development requirements of these regulations which would permit construction in a manner that would be otherwise prohibited by these regulations by an approval pursuant Section 12. (ARM 36.15.101(23)) Violation – A finding and order pursuant to the regulations against the owner or responsible party of the failure of a structure or other development to be fully compliant with these regulations. (44 CFR 59.1) 27 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 18 February 20, 2014 SECTION 3. FORMS AND FEES 3.1 Forms The following forms may be required by the Floodplain Administrator: 1. Floodplain Permit Application Form –The “Joint Application for Proposed Work in Montana’s Steams, Wetlands, Regulated Flood Hazard Areas, and Other Water Bodies”, or other designated application form. A completed FEMA MT-1 form may be required to accompany the application when required by the Floodplain Administrator. 2. Floodplain Permit Compliance Report – A report required to be submitted by the Applicant to the Floodplain Administrator once the permitted project in the Regulated Flood Hazard Area is completed or within the designated time stipulated on the Floodplain permit. A compliance report including an elevation and or flood proofing certificate may be required where specified for the purpose of documenting compliance with the requirements of the permit. 3. Floodplain Variance Application Form – An application submitted by the Applicant to the Floodplain Administrator to initiate a proposed variance from the requirements of these regulations as described in Section 12 . 4. Floodplain Appeal Notice Form– A form submitted by the Applicant or an aggrieved party to initiate the appeal process described in Section 13. 5. Floodplain Emergency Notification Form– A written notification form required pursuant to Section 11 of these regulations. 6. Official Complaint Form – A form that may be used by any person to notify the Floodplain Administrator of an activity taking place that appears to be noncompliant with the requirements of these regulations. 3.2 Fees A reasonable application fee for processing of permit applications may be imposed. Fees may be adopted for costs of permit applications, notices, variances, inspections, certifications or other administrative actions required by these regulations. (ARM 36.15.204(3)(b)) 28 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 19 February 20, 2014 SECTION 4. REGULATED FLOOD HAZARD AREA 4.1 REGULATED FLOOD HAZARD AREAS 1. The Regulated Flood Hazard Areas are the 100-year floodplains illustrated and referenced in the following specific studies and reports described as follows: 1. Specific title and Order date of specific flood study including maps and areas of the 100-year floodplain, and 1. A list of subsequent amendments to the Regulated Flood Hazard Area; and 2. Other specific studies or and Orders. 2. The Regulated Flood Hazard Areas specifically described or illustrated in the above referenced studies and maps of the 100-year floodplain have been delineated, designated and established by order or determination by the DNRC pursuant to 76-5-201et.seq., MCA. 3. Use allowances, design and construction requirements specifically in Sections 5, 6, 9, and 10 in these regulations vary by the specific Floodplain areas including areas identified as Floodway and Flood Fringe within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area. 4.2 INTERPRETATION OF REGULATED FLOOD HAZARD AREA BOUNDARIES 1. The mapped boundaries of the Floodplain illustrated in the referenced studies and maps in this Section are a guide for determining whether property is within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area. 2. A determination of the outer limits and boundaries of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area or the Flood Fringe and Floodway within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area includes an evaluation of the maps as well as the particular study data referenced in this Section. Supporting study material for Base Flood Elevations takes precedence over any map illustrations if it exists. EXAMPLE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY 1. August 16, 2014 FEMA Flood Insurance Study (FIS) and Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for Missoula County, Montana, and 1. As amended in conformance with DNRC Approval dated July 15, 2015 and FEMA Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) dated August 16, 2015; and 2. Floodplain Management Study for Swan River adopted by DNRC on July 10, 2016. 29 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 20 February 20, 2014 3. The Regulated Flood Hazard Area boundary is delineated by the Base Flood Elevation. The physical field regulatory boundary of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area is the actual intersection of the applicable study Base Flood Elevation with the existing adjacent terrain of the watercourse or drainway. (ARM 36.15.501(6)) 4. The Floodway boundary where identified within the Floodplain is as illustrated on the referenced maps and studies. Since the Floodway boundary is a study feature, the location of the boundary may be physically located by referencing the study data to a ground feature. The Floodplain Administrator’s interpretation of the boundary and decision may be appealed as set forth in Section 13. 5. The Floodplain Administrator may request additional information described below to determine whether or not the proposed development is within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area: 1. Where Base Flood Elevations exist, the property owner may provide additional information which may include elevation information provided by an engineer or land surveyor in order to determine if the proposed development is subject to these regulations. (ARM 36.15.501(6)) 2. Where Base Flood Elevations do not exist, the property owner may provide additional information to be considered to determine the location of the regulatory boundary or alternatively provide a computed Base Flood Elevation provided by an engineer. 3. The Floodplain Administrator’s interpretation of the boundaries and decision may be appealed as set forth in Section 13. 6. Any owner or lessee of property who believes his property has been inadvertently included in the Regulated Flood Hazard Area including the Floodway or Flood Fringe may submit scientific and/or technical information to the Floodplain Administrator for a determination if the property is appropriately located. Scientific or technical information submitted to FEMA by an owner to affect the insurance rating for insurance purposes may be considered by the Floodplain Administrator. A determination by the Floodplain Administrator is independent of any determination by FEMA for insurance purposes. FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY When property located within the Regulated Flood Hazard area is naturally above the Base Flood Elevation as proven by a certified elevation survey provided by an engineer or land surveyor, the property owner may submit a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) to FEMA in order to affect the flood risk designation for insurance purposes. Information on the process and requirements are available through FEMA. 30 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 21 February 20, 2014 4.3 ALTERATION OF REGULATED FLOOD HAZARD AREA 1. Revisions or updates to the specific maps and data that alter the established Floodplains or Floodway of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area requires DNRC approval pursuant to 75-5-203, MCA. An alteration of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area is a DNRC approved amendment to the DNRC order that originally delineated and designated the 100-year floodplain and is the basis of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area referenced in Section 4.1.2. A DNRC approved alteration consists of revisions or updates to the specific maps and data of the referenced studies in this Section and forms the basis for an amendment to the Regulated Flood Hazard Area in these regulations; (ARM 36.15.505) 2. Any change to the Regulated Flood Hazard Area as a result of a DNRC alteration is effective upon amendment to the Regulated Flood Hazard Area described in Section 4.1.1; 3. Substantial natural physical change or new technical or scientific flood data showing that the Base Flood Elevation has or may be changed or was erroneously established shall be brought to the attention of DNRC and FEMA; (ARM 36.15.505(1)(a)) (44 CFR 65.3) 4. Any Floodplain permit application for a proposed development or artificial obstruction must be denied until a DNRC alteration pursuant to 76-5-203, MCA is approved if it causes an increase of 0.5 feet or more to the Base Flood Elevation of a Regulated Flood Hazard Area without a Floodway or an increase of more than 0.00 feet to the Base Flood Elevation of a Floodway. 5. To propose an alteration a petition must be submitted to DNRC and must include the following information: 1. Certification that no buildings are located in the areas which would be impacted by the increased Base Flood Elevation; (44 CFR 65.12(a)(5) 2. Evidence of notice to all property and land owners of the proposed impacts to their properties explaining the proposed impact on their property; (44 CFR 65.12(a)(3)) 3. Information that demonstrates that alternatives are not feasible; (44 CFR 65.12(2)) 4. Information that demonstrates that development is for a public use or benefit; and 5. Any other supporting information and data as needed for approvals. 31 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 22 February 20, 2014 ((ARM 36.15.505) (44 CFR 60.3(c)(10)) (44 CFR 60.3(d)(3)) (44 CFR 65.7(3)) (44 CFR 65.12)) 6. The Floodplain Administrator may represent the permit authority for any necessary applications, approvals or endorsements such as the FEMA Community Acknowledgement Form to FEMA where affecting the FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area; 7. A determination by the Floodplain Administrator that land areas located within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area are above the Base Flood Elevation as proven by a certified elevation survey does not constitute or require an alteration or an amendment of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area and may be maintained as a public record that more explicitly defines the Regulated Flood Hazard Area boundary; and 8. Elevating with suitable fill as permitted does not alter the Regulated Flood Hazard Area or remove the elevated area from the Regulated Flood Hazard Area. (ARM 36.15.505(2)) 9. A floodplain permit implementing the physical change cannot be approved until a CLOMR has been issued by FEMA. FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY Once DNRC approves an Alteration and the community amends the Regulated Flood Hazard Area, the community is then required per agreement between the community and FEMA to obtain approval by CLOMR from FEMA before there is any physical change to the Special Flood Hazard Area. (44 CFR 59.21, 44 CFR 65.12) 32 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 23 February 20, 2014 SECTION 5. USES ALLOWED WITHOUT A PERMIT WITHIN THE REGULATED FLOOD HAZARD AREA 5.1 - GENERAL Existing artificial obstructions or nonconforming uses established before land use regulations pursuant to Section 76-5-301, MCA were effective, are allowed without a permit. However, alteration or substantial improvement of an existing artificial obstruction or nonconforming use requires a floodplain permit. Maintenance of an existing artificial obstruction or nonconforming use does not require a floodplain permit if it does not cause an alteration or substantial improvement. (MCA 76-5-404(3) 5.2 OPEN SPACE USES The following open space uses shall be allowed without a permit in the Regulated Flood Hazard Area, provided that such uses are not prohibited by any other regulation or statute, do not require structures, and do not require fill, grading, excavation or storage of materials or equipment: ((ARM 36.15.601) (ARM 36.15.701)(1) (MCA 76-5-401) (MCA 76-5-404(3)) 1. Agricultural uses, not including related structures, such as tilling, farming, irrigation, ranching, harvesting, grazing, etc; ((ARM 36.15.601(1)(a)) (MCA 76-5-401(1))) 2. Accessory uses, not including structures, such as loading and parking areas, or emergency landing strips associated with industrial or commercial facilities; ((ARM 36.15.601(1)(b)) (MCA 76-5-401(2),)) 3. Forestry, including processing of forest products with portable equipment; ((ARM 36.15.601(1)(d)) (MCA 76-5-401(4))) 4. Recreational vehicle use provided that the vehicle is on the site for fewer than 180 consecutive days and the vehicle is fully licensed and ready for highway use. A recreational vehicle is ready for highway use if it is on its wheels or jacking system with wheels intact, is attached to the site only by quick disconnect type utilities and security devices, and has no permanently attached additions; (44 CFR 60.3(c)(14)) 5. Residential uses such as lawns, gardens, parking areas, and play areas; ((ARM 36.15.601(1)(e)) (MCA 76-5-401(5))) 6. Maintenance of the existing state of an existing open space uses including preventive maintenance activities such as bridge deck rehabilitation and roadway pavement preservation activities. Maintenance cannot increase the external size or increase the hazard potential of the existing open space use; (MCA 76-5- 404(3)(b)) 7. Public or private recreational uses not requiring structures such as picnic grounds, swimming areas, boat ramps, parks, campgrounds, golf courses, 33 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 24 February 20, 2014 driving ranges, archery ranges, wildlife management and natural areas, alternative livestock ranches (game farms), fish hatcheries, shooting preserves, target ranges, trap and skeet ranges, hunting and fishing areas, and hiking and horseback riding trails; (ARM 36.15.601(a)(c)) (MCA 76-5-401,)) 8. Fences that have a low impact to the flow of water such as barbed wire fences and wood rail fences, and not including permanent fences crossing channels. Fences that have the potential to stop or impede flow or debris such as a chain link or privacy fence requires a floodplain permit and meet the requirements of Section 9.11; (ARM 36.15.601(2)(b)) (MCA 76-5-401)) 9. Addition of highway guard rail, signing and utility poles that have a low impact to the flow of water along an existing roadway. 10. Irrigation and livestock supply wells, provided that they are located at least 500 feet from domestic water supply wells and with the top of casing 18” above the Base Flood Elevation. ((ARM 36.15.601(2)(a)) (MCA 76-5-401) (ARM 36.21.647)) 34 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 25 February 20, 2014 SECTION 6. PROHIBITED USES, ACTIVITIES AND STRUCTURES WITHIN THE REGULATED FLOOD HAZARD AREA 6.1 FLOODWAY The following artificial obstructions and nonconforming uses are prohibited in the Floodway of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area, except for those established before land use regulations pursuant to Section 76-5-301, MCA have been adopted: (MCA 76-5-404(3)) 1. A building for residential or non-residential purposes; (MCA 76-5-403(1), (ARM 36.15.605)(1a)), (ARM 36.15.605(2b), (ARM 36.15.605(2)(a)). 2. A structure, fill, or excavation that would cause water to be diverted from the Floodway, cause erosion, obstruct the natural flow of waters or reduce the carrying capacity of the Floodway. Notwithstanding these requirements, excavation or fill may be allowed when it is a component to a permitted use allowed in these regulations; (MCA 76-5-403(2)). 3. The construction or storage of an object (artificial obstruction) subject to flotation or movement during flood level periods; (MCA 76-5-403(3) and ARM 36.15.605(1)(c)) 4. Solid and hazardous waste disposal and individual and multiple family sewage disposal systems unless the systems meet the local health and sanitation regulations and when permitted pursuant to these regulations and are designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters and avoid impairment or contamination; ((ARM 36-15-605(2c)) (44 CFR 60.3(a)(3))) 5. Storage of toxic, flammable, hazardous or explosive materials; and (ARM 36.15.605(2d)) 6. Cemeteries, mausoleums, or any other burial grounds. (Higher Standard) 6.2 FLOOD FRINGE OR REGULATED FLOOD HAZARD AREA WITHOUT A FLOODWAY The following artificial obstructions and nonconforming uses are prohibited in the Flood Fringe or Regulated Flood Hazard Area without a Floodway, except for those established before land use regulations have been adopted: (MCA 76-5-404(3)) 1. Solid and hazardous waste disposal and individual and multiple family sewage disposal systems unless the systems meet the local health and sanitation regulations and when permitted pursuant to these regulations and are designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters and avoid impairment or contamination; ((ARM 36-15-703(1)) (44 CFR 60.3(a)(3))) 35 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 26 February 20, 2014 2. Storage of toxic, flammable, hazardous or explosive materials; (ARM 36-15-703(2)) 3. The construction or storage of an artificial obstruction subject to flotation or movement during flood level periods; (Higher Standard) 4. Cemeteries, mausoleums, or any other burial grounds; and (Higher Standard) 5. Critical facilities, including buildings and associated structures that provide essential community care and emergency operation functions such as schools, hospitals, nursing home facilities, fire stations and police stations. ( Higher Standard) (44CFR 60.22(a)(2)) 36 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 27 February 20, 2014 SECTION 7. FLOODPLAIN PERMIT APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS 7.1 GENERAL 1. A Floodplain permit is required for a person to establish, alter or substantially improve an artificial obstruction, nonconforming use or development within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area; ((44 CFR 60.1) (MCA 76-5-404) (ARM 36.15.204(2)(a))) 2. A Floodplain permit is required for artificial obstructions, developments and uses not specifically listed in Sections 9 and 10, except as allowed without a Floodplain permit in Section 5, or as prohibited as specified in Section 6, within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area; 3. Artificial obstructions and nonconforming uses in a Regulated Flood Hazard Area not exempt under Section 5 are public nuisances unless a Floodplain permit has been obtained; (MCA 76-5-404(1)) 4. A Floodplain permit is required for an alteration of an existing artificial obstruction or nonconforming use that increases the external size or increases its potential flood hazard and not exempt under Section 5; ((MCA 76-5-404(3)(b)) (ARM 36.15.204(2)(a))) 5. A Floodplain permit is required to reconstruct or repair an existing artificial obstruction that has experienced substantial damage and will undergo substantial improvement; and 6. Maintenance of an existing artificial obstruction or use that is a substantial improvement or an alteration requires a Floodplain permit. (MCA 76-5-404(3)(b)) 7.2 REQUIRED FLOODPLAIN PERMIT APPLICATION INFORMATION 1. A Floodplain permit application shall include, but is not limited to the following: 1. A completed and signed Floodplain Permit Application; 2. The required review fee; 3. Plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the location, dimensions, and elevation of the proposed project including landscape alterations, existing and proposed structures, and the location of the foregoing in relation to the 37 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 28 February 20, 2014 Regulated Flood Hazard Areas and if applicable the Floodway boundary; ((MCA 76-5-405) (ARM 36.15.216)) 4. A copy of other applicable permits or pending applications required by Federal or State law as submitted which may include but are not limited to a 310 permit, SPA 124 permit, Section 404 Permit, 318 Authorization, 401 Certification or a Navigable Rivers Land Use License or Easement for the proposed project; and the applicant must show that the Floodplain permit application is not in conflict with the relevant and applicable permits; and (44 CFR 60.3(a)(2)) 5. Additional information related to the specific use or activity that demonstrates the design criteria and construction standards are met or exceeded as specified in Sections 9 and 10. ((MCA 76-5-405) (ARM 36.15.216)) 38 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 29 February 20, 2014 SECTION 8. FLOODPLAIN PERMIT APPLICATION EVALUATION 8. 1 FLOODPLAIN PERMIT APPLICATION REVIEW 1. The Floodplain Administrator shall review and evaluate the Floodplain permit application and shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application within (60 days or a time specified) of receipt of a correct and complete application. (MCA 76-5-405(2)) 2. The Floodplain Administrator shall determine whether the Floodplain permit application contains the applicable elements required in these regulations and shall notify the applicant of the Floodplain Administrator's determination. 3. If the Floodplain permit application is found to be missing the required elements and if the applicant corrects the identified deficiencies and resubmits the Floodplain application, the Floodplain Administrator shall notify the applicant whether the resubmitted Floodplain application contains all the elements required by these regulations, as applicable. 4. This process shall be repeated until the applicant submits a completed Floodplain permit application containing all the elements required by these regulations, or the application is withdrawn. 5. If after a reasonable effort the Floodplain Administrator determines that the Floodplain application remains incomplete, the Floodplain Administrator shall deny the Floodplain permit application and notify the applicant of missing elements. No further action shall be taken on the Floodplain permit application by the Floodplain Administrator until the Floodplain permit application is resubmitted. 6. A determination that a Floodplain permit application is correct and complete for review does not ensure that the Floodplain permit application will be approved or conditionally approved and does not limit the ability of the Floodplain Administrator to request additional information during the review process. 8.2. NOTICE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOODPLAIN PERMIT APPLICATIONS: 1. Upon receipt of a complete application for a Floodplain permit, the Floodplain Administrator shall prepare a notice containing the facts pertinent to the Floodplain permit application and shall: 1. Publish the notice at least once in a newspaper of general circulation in the area; (ARM 36.15.204(2)(c)) 39 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 30 February 20, 2014 2. Serve notice by first-class mail upon adjacent property owners; (ARM 36.15.204(2)(c)) 3. Serve notice to the State National Flood Insurance Program Coordinator located in DNRC by the most efficient method. Notice to other permitting agencies or other impacted property owners may be provided; and 4. Prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse in the Regulated Flood Hazard Area, additionally provide notice to FEMA and adjacent communities. (44 CFR 60.3 (b)(6)) 2. The notice shall provide a reasonable period of time, not less than 15 days, for interested parties to submit comments on the proposed activity. (ARM 36.15.204(2)(c)) 8. 3 FLOODPLAIN PERMIT CRITERIA 1. Floodplain permit applications shall be approved provided the proposed new construction, substantial improvement, or alteration of an artificial obstruction meets the requirements of the minimum standards and criteria in Sections 9 and 10 and other requirements of these regulations. ((MCA 76-5-406) (44 CFR 60.3)) 2. A Flood Plain permit application for a development that will cause an increase of more than 0.00 feet to the Base Flood Elevation of the Floodway or more than 0.50 feet to the Base Flood Elevation of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area without a Floodway shall not be approved until approval for an Alteration pursuant to Section 4.3 has been approved, the Regulated Flood Hazard Area is amended and a FEMA CLOMR where required is issued. 3. The Floodplain Administrator shall determine that all necessary permits have been received from those governmental agencies from which approval is required by Federal or State law, including section 404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendment of 1972, 36 U.S.C. 1334.(44 CFR 60.3(a)(2) 8.4 DECISION 1. The Floodplain Administrator shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny the proposed Floodplain permit application. The Floodplain Administrator shall notify the applicant of his action and the reasons thereof within (60 days or time specified) of receipt of a correct and complete Floodplain permit application unless otherwise specified. A copy of the approved Floodplain permit must be provided to DNRC. ((MCA 76-5-405(2)) (ARM 36.15.204(2)(e)) 40 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 31 February 20, 2014 2. The approval of a Floodplain permit application does not affect any other type of approval required by any other statute or ordinance of the state or any political subdivision or the United States, but is an added requirement. (MCA 76-5-108) 8.5 FLOODPLAIN PERMIT CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS 1. Upon approval or conditional approval of the Floodplain permit application, the Floodplain Administrator shall provide the applicant with a Floodplain permit with applicable specific requirements and conditions including but not limited to the following: 1. The Floodplain permit will become valid when all other necessary permits required by Federal or State law are in place;(44 CFR 60.3(a)(2) 2. Completion of the development pursuant to the Floodplain permit shall be completed within one year from the date of Floodplain permit issuance or a time limit commensurate with the project construction time line for completion of the project or development. The applicant may request an extension for up to an additional year. The request must be made at least 30 days prior to the permitted completion deadline; 3. The applicant shall notify subsequent property owners and their agents and potential buyers of the Floodplain development permit issued on the property and that such property is located within a Regulated Flood Hazard Area and shall record the notice with the Floodplain Administrator; (ARM 36.15.204(2)(g)) 4. The applicant shall maintain the artificial obstruction or use to comply with the conditions and specifications of the permit; 5. The applicant shall allow the Floodplain Administrator to perform on site inspections at select intervals during construction or completion; 6. The applicant shall provide periodic engineering oversight and/or interim reports during the construction period to be submitted to the Floodplain Administrator to confirm constructed elevations and other project elements; 7. The applicant shall submit a compliance report including certifications where required and applicable including flood proofing, elevation, surface drainage, proper enclosure openings and materials to the Floodplain Administrator within 30 days of completion or other time as specified; 8. The applicant shall submit an annual performance and maintenance report on bank stabilization or other projects utilizing maturing vegetative components to the Floodplain Administrator for a period of 5 years or a time specified in the permit; or 41 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 32 February 20, 2014 9. The applicant shall submit evidence of a submittal of a FEMA Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) to FEMA and applicable fees within 6 months of project completion and proceed with due diligence for acceptance of the document and necessary supporting materials by FEMA. (44 CFR 65.3) 42 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 33 February 20, 2014 SECTION 9. DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS IN THE FLOODWAY 9.1 USES REQUIRING PERMITS Artificial obstructions including alterations and substantial improvements specifically listed in Sections 9.3 to 9.15 may be allowed by permit within the Floodway, provided the General Requirements in Section 9.2 and the applicable requirements in Sections 9.3 to 9.15 are met. 9.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS An application for a permit shall meet the following requirements: 1. All projects shall be designed and constructed to ensure that they do not adversely affect the flood hazard on other properties and are reasonably safe from flooding; 2. All projects shall assure that the carrying capacity of the Floodway is not reduced. All projects in the Floodway shall meet the following: 1. Demonstrate that the project does not increase the Base Flood Elevation by conducting an encroachment analysis certified by an engineer. A minimal or qualitative encroachment analysis may be accepted when the project or development does not require a structure, alteration of the Floodway, involve fill, grading, excavation or storage of materials or equipment but is also certified by an engineer to not exceed the allowable encroachment to the Base Flood Elevation; and 2. The allowable encroachment to the Base Flood Elevation is 0.00 feet, and no significant increase to the velocity or flow of the stream or water course unless approval of an alteration of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area pursuant to Section 4.3 and an approved FEMA Conditional Letter of Map Revision occurs before permit issuance; and ((ARM 36.15.604) (ARM 36.15.505) (ARM 36.15.605(b)) (44 CFR 60.3(a)(3 and 4)) (44CFR 65.12(a)) 3. An application for a Floodplain permit must also demonstrate the following factors are considered and incorporated into the design of the use or artificial obstruction in the Floodway: 1. The danger to life and property due to backwater or diverted flow caused by the obstruction or use; ((MCA 76-5-406(1)) (ARM 36.15.216(2)(a))) 2. The danger that the obstruction or use may be swept downstream to the injury of others; ((MCA 76-5-406(2)) (ARM 36.15.216(2)(b))) 3. The availability of alternative locations; ((MCA 76-5-406(3)) (ARM 36.15.216(2)(c)) 43 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 34 February 20, 2014 4. Construct or alter the obstruction or use in such manner as to lessen the flooding danger; ((MCA 76-5-406(4)) (ARM 36.15.216(2)(d))) 5. The permanence of the obstruction or use and is reasonably safe from flooding; ((MCA 76-5-406(5) (ARM 36.15.216(2e))) 6. The anticipated development in the foreseeable future of the area which may be affected by the obstruction or use; ((MCA 76-5-406(6)) (ARM 36.15.216(2f))) 7. Relevant and related permits for the project have been obtained; (44 CFR 60.3(a)(2)) 8. Such other factors as are in harmony with the purposes of these regulations, the Montana Floodplain and Floodway Management Act, and the accompanying Administrative Rules of Montana; and ((MCA 76-5-406(7)) (ARM 36.15.216(2)(g))) 9. The safety of access to property in times of flooding for ordinary and emergency services. (44CFR 60.22 (c)(7)) (Higher Standard) 9.3 MINING OF MATERIAL REQUIRING EXCAVATION FROM PITS OR POOLS provided, in addition to the requirements of Section 9.2, that: 1. A buffer strip of undisturbed land of sufficient width as determined by an engineer to prevent flood flows from channeling into the excavation is left between the edge of the channel and the edge of the excavation; (ARM 36.15.602(1)(a)) 2. The excavation meets all applicable laws and regulations of other local and state agencies; and (ARM 36.15.602(1)(b)) 3. Excavated material may be processed on site but is stockpiled outside the Floodway.(ARM 36.15.602(1)(c)) 9.4 RAILROAD, HIGHWAY AND STREET STREAM CROSSINGS, including other transportation related crossings provided, in addition to the requirements of Section 9.2, that: 1. Crossings are designed to offer minimal obstructions to the flood flow; (ARM 36.15.602(2)) 2. Where failure or interruption of public transportation facilities would result in danger to public health or safety and where practicable and in consideration of FHWA Federal-Aid Policy Guide 23CFR650A: 44 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 35 February 20, 2014 1. Bridge lower chords shall have freeboard to at least two (2) feet above the Base Flood Elevation to help pass ice flows, the base flood discharge and any debris associated with the discharge; and 2. Culverts shall be designed to pass the Base Flood discharge and maintain at least two (2) feet freeboard on the crossing surface; 3. Normal overflow channels, if possible are preserved to allow passage of sediments to prevent aggradations; and 4. Mid stream supports for bridges, if necessary, have footings buried below the maximum scour depth. 9.5 LIMITED FILLING FOR ROAD AND RAILROAD EMBANKMENTS, including other transportation related embankments not associated with stream crossings and bridges provided, in addition to the requirements of Section 9.2, that: 1. The fill is suitable fill; 2. Reasonable alternate transportation routes outside the floodway are not available; and (ARM 36.15.602(3)) 3. The encroachment is located as far from the stream channel as possible. (ARM 36.15.602(3)) 9.6 BURIED OR SUSPENDED UTILITY TRANSMISSION LINES provided, in addition to the requirements of Section 9.2, that: 1. Suspended utility transmission lines are designed such that the lowest point of the suspended line is at least six (6) feet higher than the Base Flood Elevation; (ARM 36.15.602(4)) 2. Towers and other appurtenant structures are designed and placed to withstand and offer minimal obstruction to flood flows; (ARM 36.15.602(4)) 3. Alternatives such as alternative routes, directional drilling, and aerial crossings are considered when technically feasible; and 4. Utility transmission lines carrying toxic or flammable materials are buried to a depth of at least twice the calculated maximum scour depth determined by an engineer for the Base Flood. (ARM 36.15.602(4)) 9.7 STORAGE OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT provided, in addition to the requirements of Section 9.2, that: 45 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 36 February 20, 2014 1. The material or equipment is not subject to major damage by flooding and is properly anchored to prevent flotation or downstream movement; or (ARM 36.15.602(5)(a)) 2. The material or equipment is readily removable within the limited time available after flood warning. Storage of flammable, toxic or explosive materials shall not be permitted.(ARM 36.15.602(5)(b)) 9.8 DOMESTIC WATER SUPPLY WELLS provided, in addition to the requirements of Section 9.2, that: 1. They are driven or drilled wells located on ground higher than surrounding ground to assure positive drainage from the well; (ARM 36.15.602(6)) 2. They require no other structures (e.g. a well house); (ARM 36.15.602(6)) 3. Well casings are water tight to a distance of at least twenty five (25) feet below the ground surface and the well casing height is a minimum of two (2) feet above the Base Flood Elevation or capped with a watertight seal and vented two (2) feet above the Base Flood Elevation; ((ARM 36.15.602(6)) ) 4. Water supply lines have a watertight seal where the lines enter the casing; (ARM 36.15.602(6)) 5. All pumps and electrical lines and equipment are either of the submersible type or are adequately flood proofed; and (ARM 36.15.602(6)) 6. Check valves are installed on main water lines at wells and at all building entry locations. ((44 CFR 60.3 (a)(5)) (ARM 36.15.602(6))) 9.9 BURIED AND SEALED VAULTS FOR SEWAGE DISPOSAL IN CAMPGROUNDS AND RECREATIONAL AREAS provided, in addition to the requirements of Section 9.2, demonstrate approval by Montana Department of Environmental Quality and local health and sanitation permits or approvals. ((44 CFR 60.3(a)(6)) (ARM 36.15.602(7))) 9.10 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE CAMPGROUNDS provided, in addition to the requirements of Section 9.2, that: 1. Access roads require only limited fill and do not obstruct or divert flood waters; (ARM 36.15.602(8)) 2. The project meets the accessory structures requirements in this Section; 3. No dwellings or permanent mobile homes are allowed; (ARM 36.15.602(8)) 46 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 37 February 20, 2014 4. Recreational vehicles and travel trailers are ready for highway use with wheels intact, with only quick disconnect type utilities and securing devices, and have no permanently attached additions; and (44 CFR 60.3(c)(14)) 5. There is no large-scale clearing of riparian vegetation within 50 feet of the mean annual high water mark. (Higher Standard) 9.11 STRUCTURES ACCESSORY OR APPURTENANT to permitted uses such as boat docks, loading and parking areas, marinas, sheds, emergency airstrips, permanent fences crossing channels that may impede or stop flows or debris, picnic shelters and tables and lavatories, that are incidental to a principal structure or use, provided in addition to the requirements of Section 9.2, that: 1. The structures are not intended for human habitation or supportive of human habitation; (ARM 36.15.602(9)) 2. The structures will have low flood damage potential; (ARM 36.15.602(9)) 3. The structures will, insofar as possible, be located on ground higher than the surrounding ground and as far from the channel as possible; (ARM 36.15.602(9)) 4. The structures will be constructed and placed so as to offer a minimal obstruction to flood flows; (ARM 36.15.602(9)) 5. Only those wastewater disposal systems that are approved under health and sanitation regulations are allowed; 6. Service facilities within these structures such as electrical, heating and plumbing are flood proofed according to the requirements in Section 10; (ARM 36.15.602(9)) 7. The structures are firmly anchored to prevent flotation; (ARM 36.15.602(9)) 8. The structures do not require fill and/or substantial excavation; 9. The structures or use cannot be changed or altered without permit approval; and 10. There is no clearing of riparian vegetation within 50 feet of the mean annual high water mark. (Higher Standard) 9.12 CONSTRUCTION OF OR MODIFICATIONS TO SURFACE WATER DIVERSIONS provided, in addition to the requirements of Section 9.2, that the design is reviewed and approved by an engineer and includes: 1. Measures to minimize potential erosion from a Base Flood; and (ARM 36.15.603(3)(b)) 47 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 38 February 20, 2014 2. Designs and plans that demonstrate any permanent structure in the stream is designed to safely withstand up to the Base Flood considering the forces associated with hydrodynamic and hydrostatic pressures including flood depths, velocities, impact, ice buoyancy, and uplift forces associated with the Base Flood. ((ARM 36.15.603(3)(c) ((CFR 60.3(a)(3) (CFR 60.3(d)(3))) 9.13 FLOOD CONTROL AND STREAM BANK STABILIZATION MEASURES provided, in addition to the requirements of Section 9.2, that the design is reviewed and approved by an engineer and constructed to substantially resist or withstand the forces associated with hydrodynamic and hydrostatic pressures, including flood depths, velocities, impact, ice, buoyancy, and uplift associated with the Base Flood. The design must also show compliance with the following applicable criteria: ((CFR 60.3(a)(3) (CFR 60.3(d)(3)) (ARM 36.15.606)) 1. LEVEE AND FLOODWALL construction or alteration: 1. Must be designed and constructed with suitable fill and be designed to safely convey a Base Flood; (ARM 36.15.606(1)(a)) 2. Must be constructed at least 3 feet higher than the elevation of the Base Flood unless the levee or floodwall protects agricultural land only; (ARM 36.15.606(2)(a)) 3. Must meet state and federal levee engineering and construction standards and be publically owned and maintained if it protects structures of more than one landowner; and (ARM 36.15.505(1)(c)(ii)and (iii)) 4. For any increase in the elevation of the Base Flood, an alteration of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area requires approvals pursuant to Section 4.3. 2. STREAM BANK STABILIZATION, PIER AND ABUTMENT PROTECTION projects: 1. Must be designed and constructed using methods and materials that are the least environmentally damaging yet practicable, and should be designed to withstand a Base Flood once the project’s vegetative components are mature within a period of up to 5 years or other time as required by the Floodplain Administrator. Once vegetation is mature and established it should not require substantial yearly maintenance after the initial period; 2. Materials for the project may be designed to erode over time but not fail catastrophically and impact others. Erosion, sedimentation, and transport of the materials may be designed to be at least similar in amount and rate of existing stable natural stream banks during the Base Flood; 48 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 39 February 20, 2014 3. Must not increase erosion upstream, downstream, across from or adjacent to the site in excess of the existing stable natural stream bank during the Base Flood; and (ARM 36.15.606(1)(b)) 4. Materials for the project may include but are not limited to riprap, root wads, brush mattresses, willow wattles, natural woody debris or combinations of analogous materials. 3. CHANNELIZATION PROJECTS where the excavation and/or construction of an channel is for the purpose of diverting the entire or a portion of the flow of a stream from its established course, the project must: 1. Not increase the magnitude, velocity, or elevation of the Base Flood; and 2. Meet the requirements of Section 9.13.2. (ARM 36.15.101(7)) (ARM 36.15.606(1)(c)) 4. DAMS: 1. The design and construction shall be in accordance with the Montana Dam Safety Act and applicable safety standards; and 2. The project shall not increase flood hazards downstream either through operational procedures or improper hydrologic/hydraulic design. (ARM 36.15.606(1)(d) 9.14 STREAM AND BANK RESTORATION projects intended to reestablish the terrestrial and aquatic attributes of a natural stream and not for protection of a structure or development provided, in addition to the requirements of Section 9.2, that: 1. The project will not increase velocity or erosion upstream, downstream, across from or adjacent to the site; (ARM 36.15.606(1)(b)) 2. Materials may include but are not limited to boulders, rock cobble, gravel, native stream bed materials, root wads, brush mattresses, willow wattles, natural woody debris or combinations of analogous materials and that reasonably replicates the bed and bank of the natural stream; 3. Erosion, sedimentation, and transport of the materials are not more than the amount and rate of existing natural stream banks during the Base Flood; and 4. The project may be designed to allow vegetative materials to mature within a period up to 5 years or other time as required by the Floodplain Administrator. Once vegetation is mature and established it should not require substantial yearly maintenance after the initial period. 49 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 40 February 20, 2014 9.15 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS IN THE FLOODWAY any alteration or substantial improvement to an existing building must meet the requirements of Section 9.2 and the applicable requirements in Section 10 for residential or non-residential buildings. (MCA76-5-404(3)(b)) 50 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 41 February 20, 2014 SECTION 10. DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS IN THE FLOOD FRINGE OR REGULATED FLOOD HAZARD AREA WITH NO FLOODWAY 10.1 USES REQUIRING PERMITS – All uses allowed by permit in the Floodway shall also be allowed by permit within the Flood Fringe or Regulated Flood Hazard Area with no Floodway. Such uses are subject to the requirements in Section 9, with the exception of the encroachment limit of Section 9.2.2. Instead, such uses are subject to the encroachment limits of this Section 10.2.9. Except for prohibited artificial obstructions in Section 6.2, all other artificial obstructions including new construction, substantial improvements, alterations to residential, and nonresidential structures including manufactured homes, and related suitable fill or excavation shall be allowed by permit and are subject to the requirements in this Section and General Requirements of Section 9.2, with the exception of the encroachment limit of Section 9.2.2. (ARM 36.15.701(2)) 10.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS An application for a Floodplain permit must demonstrate or meet the following applicable requirements: 1. Base Flood Elevation Where necessary to meet the appropriate elevation requirement in these regulations, the Base Flood Elevation(s) must be determined by an engineer and utilized in the design and layout of the project demonstrating the design and construction criteria herein are met. For Regulated Flood Hazard Areas that do not have computed and published Base Flood Elevations in the adopted flood hazard study referenced in Section 4, a Base Flood Elevation must be determined or obtained from a reliable source, utilizing appropriate engineering methods and analyses; 2. Flood Damage Structures must be constructed by methods and practices that minimize flood damage and structures must be reasonably safe from flooding; ((44 CFR 60.3(a)) (44 CFR 60.3(a)(3)(iii))) 3. Surface Drainage Adequate surface drainage must be provided around structures; 4. Materials Structures must be constructed with materials resistant to flood damage; ((44 CFR 60.3(a)) (44 CFR 60.3(a)(3)(ii)) 5. Artificial Obstructions Structures, excavation or fill must not be prohibited by any other statute, regulation, ordinance, or resolution; and must be compatible with subdivision, zoning and any other land use regulations, if any; (ARM 36.15.701(3)(a)) ((ARM 36.15.701(3)(b)) 51 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 42 February 20, 2014 6. Anchoring All construction and substantial improvements must be designed and adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement of the structure resulting from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy;(44CFR 60.3(a)(3) 7. Certification Certification by an engineer, architect, land surveyor, or other qualified person must accompany the application where required including for an encroachment analysis, adequacy of structural elevations, Base Flood Elevation determinations, flood-proofing, enclosure flood openings and design and construction to withstand the hydrodynamic forces and hydrostatic pressures of flood depths, velocities, impact, buoyancy, uplift forces associated with the Base Flood and surface drainage. A certification is not intended to constitute a warranty or guarantee of performance, expressed or implied; ((ARM 36.15.606(1) (ARM 36.15.702(2)(c)) (ARM 36.15.801(3)(b)) (44 CFR 60.3(c)(3 &4)) (44 CFR 60.3 (d)(3))) 8. Access Structures must have safe access during times of flooding up to the Base Flood for ordinary and emergency services provided there are no reasonable alternate locations for structures; (Higher Standard) 9. Encroachment Analysis 1. All applications in the Regulated Flood Hazard Area without a Floodway must be supported by an encroachment analysis of the proposed use, a thorough hydrologic and hydraulic analysis except as provided in following paragraph 4, Section, prepared by an engineer to demonstrate the effect of the structure on flood flows, velocities and the Base Flood Elevation; ((ARM 36.15.604) (44 CFR 60.3(a)(3)) 2. The maximum allowable encroachment is certified to be at or less than 0.5 feet increase to the Base Flood Elevation unless approval of an alteration of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area pursuant to Section 4 and an approved FEMA Conditional Letter of Map Revision occurs before permit issuance; ((ARM 36.15.604) (ARM 36.15.505) (44 CFR 60.3(c)(13))) 3. An encroachment analysis is not required for any development in the Flood Fringe where an accompanying Floodway has been designated within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area; and 4. Although all other development standards herein apply, a minimal or qualitative encroachment analysis may be accepted when the project or development does not require a structure, alteration of the Floodplain, involve fill, grading, excavation or storage of materials or equipment and also is certified by an engineer to not exceed the allowable encroachment. 52 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 43 February 20, 2014 10. Electrical Systems Flood Proofing All electrical service materials, equipment and installation for uses in a Regulated Flood Hazard Area must be certified to meet the following requirements: 1. All incoming power service equipment including all metering equipment, control centers, transformers, distribution and lighting panels and all other stationary equipment must be located at least two feet above the Base Flood Elevation; (ARM 36.15.901(1)(a)) 2. Portable and movable electrical equipment may be placed below the Base Flood Elevation, provided that the equipment can be disconnected by a single plug and socket assembly of the submersible type; (ARM 36.15.901(1)(b)) 3. The main power service lines must have automatically operated electrical disconnect equipment or manually operated electrical disconnect equipment located at an accessible remote location outside the Regulated Flood Hazard Area or two feet above the Base Flood Elevation; and (ARM 36.15.901(1)(c)) 4. All electrical wiring systems installed below the Base Flood Elevation must be suitable for continuous submergence and may not contain fibrous components. (ARM 36.15.901(1)(d)) 11. Heating and Cooling Systems Flood Proofing Heating and cooling systems for uses in a Regulated Flood Hazard Area must be certified to meet the following requirements: 1. Float operated automatic control valves must be installed so that fuel supply is automatically shut off when flood waters reach the floor level where the heating and cooling systems are located; (ARM36.15.902(1)(a)) 2. Manually operated gate valves must be installed in gas supply lines. The gate valves must be operable from a location above the Base Flood Elevation; (ARM36.15.902(1)(b)) 3. Electrical Systems flood proofing must be met; and (ARM36.15.902(1)(c)) 4. Furnaces and cooling units must be installed at least two (2) feet above the Base Flood Elevation and the ductwork installed above the Base Flood Elevation. 12. Plumbing Systems Flood Proofing Plumbing systems for uses in the Regulated Flood Hazard Area must be certified to meet the following requirements: 53 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 44 February 20, 2014 1. Sewer lines, except those to a buried and sealed vault, must have check valves installed to prevent sewage backup into permitted structures; and (ARM 36.15.903(1)(a)) 2. All toilets, stools, sinks, urinals, vaults, and drains must be located so the lowest point of possible flood water entry is at least two (2) feet above the Base Flood Elevation. (ARM 36.15.903(1)(b)) 13. Structural Fill Flood Proofing Fill used to elevate structures, including but not limited to residential and non-residential buildings must be certified to meet the following requirements: 1. The filled area must be at or above the Base Flood Elevation and extend at least fifteen (15) feet beyond the structure in all directions; 2. Fill material must be suitable fill, that is stable, compacted, well graded, and pervious, not adversely affected by water and frost, devoid of trash or similar foreign matter, tree stumps or other organic material; and is fitting for the purpose of supporting the intended use and/or permanent structure. (ARM 36.15.101(22)) 3. The fill must be compacted to minimize settlement and compacted to 95 percent of the maximum density. Compaction of earthen fill must be certified by a engineer; 4. No portion of the fill is allowed within the floodway; 5. The fill slope must not be steeper than 1 ½ horizontal to 1 vertical unless substantiating data justifying a steeper slope is provided and adequate erosion protection is provided for fill slopes exposed to floodwaters; and 6. The fill must be a minimum of 0.5 feet above the Base Flood Elevation and extend at least fifteen (15) feet beyond the structure in all directions. (Higher Standard—replace sentence number 1. above) 14. Wet Flood Proofing Building designs with an enclosure below the lowest floor must be certified to meet the following: 1. Materials used for walls and floors are resistant to flooding to an elevation two (2) feet or more above the Base Flood Elevation; (ARM 36.15.702(2)(a)) 2. The enclosure must be designed to equalize hydrostatic forces on walls by allowing for entry and exit of floodwaters. Opening designs must either be certified by an engineer or architect or meet or exceed the following: 1. Automatically allow entry and exit of floodwaters through screens, louvers, valves, and other coverings or devices; 54 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 45 February 20, 2014 2. Have two (2) or more openings with a total net area of not less than one (1) square inch for every one (1) square foot of enclosed area below the Lowest Floor, except if the enclosure is partially subgrade, a minimum of 2 openings may be provided on a single wall; and 3. Have the bottom of all openings no higher than one (1) foot above the higher of the exterior or interior adjacent grade or floor immediately below the openings. (44 CFR 60.3(c)(5)) (NFIP Insurance Manual, Rev. May 2013) 15. Dry Flood Proofing Building designs that do not allow internal flooding must be certified according to these regulations to meet the following: 1. Building use must be for non-residential use only and does not include mixed residential and non-residential use; 2. Be Flood Proofed to an elevation no lower than two (2) feet above the Base Flood Elevation; 3. Be constructed of impermeable membranes or materials for floors and walls and have water tight enclosures for all windows, doors and other openings; and 4. Be designed to withstand the hydrostatic pressures and hydrodynamic forces resulting from the Base Flood and the effects of buoyancy. ((ARM 36.15.702(2)(b)) (44 CFR 60.3(c)(3)) 16. Elevation of the Lowest Floor Elevating the lowest floor may be by either suitable fill, foundation wall enclosure, stem walls, pilings, posts, piers, columns or other acceptable means; ((MCA 76-5-402(2)(b)) (44 CFR 60.3(b)(8)) (44 CFR 60.3(c)(6))) 17. Crawl Spaces Crawl space foundation enclosures including sub grade crawlspace enclosures below the lowest floor must meet the wet flood proofing requirements and be designed so that the crawl space floor is at or above the Base Flood Elevation. Crawl space foundations must have an inside dimension of not more than five (5) feet from the ground to the top of the living floor level and a sub grade crawlspace must also have the interior ground surface no more than two (2) feet below the exterior lowest adjacent ground surface on all sides. A sub grade foundation exceeding either dimension is a basement; 18. Manufactured Home Anchors For new placement, substantial improvement or replacement of manufactured homes for residential or nonresidential use including additions, the chassis must be secure and must resist flotation, collapse or lateral movement by anchoring with anchoring components capable of carrying a force of 4,800 pounds and as follows: 55 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 46 February 20, 2014 1. For manufactured homes less than fifty (50) feet long, over-the-top ties to ground anchors are required at each of the four (4) corners of the home, with two additional ties per side at intermediate locations; or 2. For manufactured homes more than fifty (50) feet long, frame ties to ground anchors are required at each corner of the home with five (5) additional ties per side at intermediate points; and ((CFR 60.3(b)(8)) CFR 60.3(c)(6))) 19. Access Access for emergency vehicles is provided. For manufactured homes, access for a manufactured home hauler is also provided. (Higher Standard) 10.3 RESIDENTIAL BUILDING, EXCEPTIONS OR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS New construction, alterations, and substantial improvements of residential dwellings, manufactured homes, including replacement of manufactured homes, must be constructed such that: 1. Elevation of the Lowest Floor The Lowest Floor of the building including an attached garage or basement must be two (2) feet or more above the Base Flood Elevation; (ARM 36.15.701(3)) 2. Enclosure Enclosures of elevated buildings cannot be dry flood proofed. Use for an enclosure is limited to facilitating building component access. The enclosure including a crawlspace must be wet flood proofed and the enclosure floor must be at or above the Base Flood Elevation. An attached garage floor must be two (2) or more feet above the Base Flood Elevation; and 3. Recreation Vehicles Recreational vehicles on site for more than 180 days or not ready for highway use must meet the requirements for manufactured homes for residential use. 10.4 NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDING, EXCEPTIONS OR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS New construction, alterations, and substantial improvements of non- residential including agricultural, commercial and industrial buildings and residential and non-residential accessory buildings must be constructed such that: 1. Elevation of the Lowest Floor The Lowest Floor of the building must be elevated two (2) feet above the Base Flood Elevation or adequately dry flood proofed according to this Section. The Lowest Floor may be wet proofed provided the use is limited to only parking, loading and storage of equipment or materials not appreciably affected by floodwater; ((ARM 36.15.702(2) (44 CFR 60.3(c)(3)(ii) (44 CFR 60.3(c)(3) & (4))) 2. Enclosure Enclosures below the Lowest Floor on elevated buildings must be wet flood proofed and the use must be limited to parking, access or storage or must be adequately dry flood proofed according to this Section; 56 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 47 February 20, 2014 3. Manufactured homes Manufactured homes proposed for use as non-residential buildings cannot be dry flood proofed; and 4. Agricultural structures Agricultural structures not intended to be insurable, used solely for agricultural purposes, having low flood damage potential, used exclusively in connection with the production, harvesting, storage, drying, or raising of agricultural commodities including raising of livestock, and not intended for human habitation are exempt from the elevation requirement, dry or wet flood proofing, but shall: 1. Be located on higher ground and as far from the channel as possible; 2. Offer minimal obstruction to flood flows; 3. Be adequately anchored to prevent flotation or collapse; 4. Where electrical, heating and plumbing systems are installed, meet the flood proofing requirements in Sections 10.2.10, 10.2.11, and 10.2.12; and 5. Meet the elevation or dry flood proofing requirements if the structure is an animal confinement facility. ((ARM 36.15.602(9) (ARM 36.15.701(3)(e)) (ARM 36.15.702(2)) 57 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 48 February 20, 2014 SECTION 11. EMERGENCIES 11.1 General 1. Emergency repair and replacement of severely damaged artificial obstructions and development in the Regulated Flood Hazard Area, including public transportation facilities, public water and sewer facilities, flood control works, and private projects are subject to the permitting requirements of these regulations.(ARM 36.15.217) 2. The provisions of these regulations are not intended to affect other actions that are necessary to safeguard life or structures during periods of emergency. 11.2 Emergency Notification and Application Requirements 1. The property owner and or the person responsible for taking emergency action must notify the Floodplain Administrator prior to initiating any emergency action in a Regulated Flood Hazard Area normally requiring a Floodplain permit. An Emergency Notification Form must be submitted to the Floodplain Administrator within five (5) days of the action taken as a result of an emergency. 2. Unless otherwise specified by the Floodplain Administrator, within 30 days of initiating the emergency action, a person who has undertaken an emergency action must submit a Floodplain Permit Application that describes what action has taken place during the emergency and describe any additional work that may be required to bring the project in compliance with these regulations. 3. A person who has undertaken an emergency action may be required to modify or remove the project in order to meet the permit requirements. 58 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 49 February 20, 2014 SECTION 12. VARIANCES 12.1 GENERAL - A variance from the minimum development standards of these regulations may be allowed. An approved variance would permit construction in a manner otherwise as required or prohibited by these regulations. ((44 CFR 59.1) (ARM 36.15.218)) 12.2 VARIANCE APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: 1. Prior to any consideration of a variance from any development standard in these regulations, a completed Floodplain Permit application and required supporting material must be submitted. 2. Additionally, supporting materials in a Variance application specific to the variance request including facts and information addressing the criteria in this Section must be submitted. 3. If the Floodplain permit application and Variance application is deemed not correct and complete, the Floodplain Administrator shall notify the applicant of deficiencies within a reasonable time not to exceed 30 days. Under no circumstances should it be assumed that the variance is automatically granted. 12.3 NOTICE REQUIREMENTS FOR FLOODPLAIN VARIANCE APPLICATION Public Notice of the Floodplain permit application and Variance application shall be given pursuant to Section 8.2. 12.4 EVALUATION OF VARIANCE APPLICATION 1. A Floodplain permit and Variance shall only be issued upon a determination that the variance is the minimum allowance necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief from these regulations and provided all of the following criteria are met: 1. There is a good and sufficient cause. Financial hardship is not a good and sufficient cause; (44 CFR 60.6(a)(3)) 2. Failure to grant the variance would result in exceptional hardship to the applicant; (44 CFR 60.3(a)(3)) & ARM 36.15.218(b)) 3. Residential and nonresidential buildings are not in the Floodway except for alterations or substantial improvement to existing buildings, Residential dwellings including basements and attached garages do not have the lowest floor elevation below the Base Flood Elevation; 59 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 50 February 20, 2014 4. Any enclosure including a crawl space must meet the requirements of Section 10.2.14, Wet Flood Proofing if the enclosure interior grade is at or below the Base Flood Elevation; 5. Granting of a variance will not result in increased flood heights to existing buildings, additional threats to public safety, extraordinary public expense, create nuisances, cause fraud on or victimization of the public, or conflict with other existing local laws or ordinances; (44 CFR 60.6 (a)(3) & (ARM 36.15.218(a)) 6. The proposed use is adequately flood proofed; (ARM 36.15.218(c)) 7. The variance is the minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief; (44 CFR 60.6(a)(4)) 8. Reasonable alternative locations are not available; (MCA 76-5-406(3) & ARM 36.15.218(d)) 9. An encroachment does not cause an increase to the Base Flood Elevation that is beyond that allowed in these regulations; and (44 CFR 60.6(a)(1)) 10. All other criteria for a Floodplain permit besides the specific development standard requested by variance are met. 2. An exception to the variance criteria may be allowed as follows: 1. For either new construction of a structure outside of the Floodway only or for substantial improvements or an alteration of a structure, on a lot of one-half acres or less that is contiguous to and surrounded by lots with existing structures constructed below the Base Flood Elevation; or (44 CFR 60.6(a). 2. For Historic Structures – variances may be issued for the repair or rehabilitation of historic structures upon a determination that the proposed repair or rehabilitation will not preclude the structure's continued designation as a historic structure and the variance is the minimum relief necessary to preserve the historic character and design of the structure. The historic nature of the building must be designated as a preliminary or historic structure by U.S. Secretary of Interior or an approved state or local government historic preservation program. (44 CFR 60.6(a)) 12.5 DECISION 1. The {Board of Adjustment, County Commission, or other panel} shall: 1. Evaluate the Floodplain permit application and Variance application using 60 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 51 February 20, 2014 the criteria in Section 12.4, and the application requirements and minimum development standards in Section 9 and 10; 2. Make findings, and approve, conditionally approve or deny a Floodplain permit and variance within 60 days of a complete application. 3. If approved, attach conditions to the approval of Floodplain permit and Variance including a project completion date and inspections during and after construction. 4. Notify the applicant that the issuance of a Floodplain permit and Variance to construct a structure not meeting the minimum building requirements in these regulations may result in increased premium rates for flood insurance and that flood insurance premiums are determined by actuarial risk and will not be modified by the granting of a variance. (44CFR 60.6(a)) 5. Submit to the Floodplain Administrator a record of all actions involving a Floodplain permit and variance, including the findings and decision and send a copy of each variance granted to DNRC.(44 CFR 60.6(a)(6) & MCA 76-5-405) 12.6 JUDICIAL REVIEW Any person or persons aggrieved by the Floodplain permit and variance decision may appeal such decision in a court of competent jurisdiction. 61 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 52 February 20, 2014 SECTION 13. ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS 13.1 GENERAL An administrative appeal may be brought before the {Board of Adjustment, County Commission, or other panel} for review of the Floodplain Administrator’s order, decision to grant, condition or deny a floodplain permit or interpretation of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area boundary. 13.2 APPEALS REQUIREMENTS The following provisions apply to administrative appeals: 1. An appeal shall include the basis of the appeal and supporting information including specific findings and conclusions of the Floodplain Administrator’s decision being appealed; 2. An appeal may be submitted by an applicant and/or anyone who may be aggrieved by the Floodplain Administrator’s decision or order; 3. Appeals must be received within 30 days of the date of the decision or order of the Floodplain Administrator; and 4. Additional information specific to the appeal request may be requested by the review panel. 13.3 NOTICE AND HEARING 1. Notice of the pending appeal and hearing shall be provided pursuant to Section 8.2. The Floodplain Administrator may notify DNRC and FEMA of pending appeals. 2. A public hearing on the appeal must be held within 30 days of the Notice unless set otherwise. 13.4 DECISION A judgment on an appeal shall be made within 30 days of the hearing unless set otherwise. The decision may affirm, modify, or overturn the Floodplain Administrator’s decision. A decision on an appeal of a permit cannot grant or issue a variance. A decision may support, reverse or remand an order or determination of a boundary of the Regulated Flood Hazard Area by the Floodplain Administrator. 13.5 JUDICIAL REVIEW Any person or persons aggrieved by the decision on an administrative appeal may appeal such decision in a court of competent jurisdiction. 62 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 53 February 20, 2014 SECTION 14. ENFORCEMENT 14.1 INVESTIGATION REQUEST An investigation to determine compliance with these regulations for an artificial obstruction or nonconforming use within the Regulated Flood Hazard Area may be made either on the initiative of the Floodplain Administrator or on the written request of three titleholders of land which may be affected by the activity. The names and addresses of the persons requesting the investigation shall be released if requested. (MCA 76-5-105)(2) 14.2 NOTICE TO ENTER AND INVESTIGATE LANDS OR WATERS The Floodplain Administrator may make reasonable entry upon any lands and waters for the purpose of making an investigation, inspection or survey to verify compliance with these regulations. (MCA 76-5-105(1)) 1. The Floodplain Administrator shall provide notice of entry by mail, electronic mail, phone call, or personal delivery to the owner, owner’s agent, lessee, or lessee’s agent whose lands will be entered. 2. If none of these persons can be found, the Floodplain Administrator shall affix a copy of the notice to one or more conspicuous places on the property. 3. If the owners do not respond, cannot be located or refuse entry to the Floodplain Administrator, the Floodplain Administrator may initiate a Search Warrant. (Higher Standard) 14.3 NOTICE TO RESPOND AND ORDER TO TAKE CORRECTIVE ACTION When the Floodplain Administrator determines that a violation may have occurred, the Floodplain Administrator may issue written notice to the owner or an agent of the owner, either personally or by certified mail. Such notice shall cite the regulatory offense and include an order to take corrective action within a reasonable time or to respond by requesting an administrative review by the Floodplain Administrator. 14.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW The order to take corrective action is final, unless within five (5) working days or any granted extension, after the order is received, the owner submits a written request for an administrative review by the Floodplain Administrator. A request for an administrative review does not stay the order. 14.5 APPEAL OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISION Within ten (10) working days or any granted extension of receipt of the Floodplain Administrator’s decision concluding the administrative review, the property owner or owner’s agent may appeal the decision pursuant to Section 13. 14.6 FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH ORDER TO TAKE CORRECTIVE ACTION If the owner fails to comply with the order for corrective action, remedies may include administrative or legal actions, or penalties through court. 63 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 54 February 20, 2014 14.7 OTHER REMEDIES This section does not prevent efforts to obtain voluntary compliance through warning, conference, or any other appropriate means. Action under this part shall not bar enforcement of these regulations by injunction or other appropriate remedy. 64 Model Regulations Feb 20 2014.doc 55 February 20, 2014 SECTION 15. PENALTIES 15.1 MISDEMEANOR Violation of the provisions of these regulations or failure to comply with any of the requirements, including failure to obtain permit approval prior to development in the Regulated Flood Hazard Area except for an emergency, shall constitute a misdemeanor and may be treated as a public nuisance. Any person who violates these regulations or fails to comply with any of its requirements shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than $100 or imprisoned for not more than 10 days or both. Each day’s continuance of a violation shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense. (MCA 76-5-110) 15.2 DECLARATION TO THE FEDERAL FLOOD INSURANCE ADMINISTRATOR Upon finding of a violation and failure of the owner to take corrective action as ordered, the Floodplain Administrator may submit notice and request a 1316 Violation Declaration to the Federal Insurance Administrator. The Federal Insurance Administrator has the authority to deny new and renewal flood insurance for a structure upon finding a valid violation declaration. (44 CFR 73.3) The Floodplain Administrator shall provide the Federal Insurance Administrator the following: 1. The name(s) of the property owner(s) and address or legal description of the property sufficient to confirm its identity and location; 2. A clear and unequivocal declaration that the property is in violation of a cited State or local law, regulation or ordinance; 3. A clear statement that the public body making the declaration has authority to do so and a citation to that authority; 4. Evidence that the property owner has been provided notice of the violation and the prospective denial of insurance; and 5. A clear statement that the declaration is being submitted pursuant to section 1316 of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as amended. 65