HomeMy WebLinkAboutA5. Bike Appointments Bozeman Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Pearl Michalson, Deputy City Clerk Stacy Ulmen, CMC City Clerk SUBJECT: (Re) Appointments to the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board MEETING DATE: January 25, 2016 MEETING TYPE: Action RECOMMENDED MOTION: I move to (re) appoint up to five applicants to the positions on the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board that expired on December 31st, 2015. BACKGROUND: Five terms on this board have expired December 31st, 2015. Four existing members have reapplied for their positions and one existing member decided not to reapply. Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board (BABAB) was created by the City Commission in September 1990 (Resolution No. 2817). Its purpose is to recommend safe bicycle practices throughout Bozeman in regard to enhanced bicycle circulation and design, community-wide bicycle education and safety programs, and other matters relating to bicycling in the Bozeman area. Bozeman Municipal Code Sec. 2.05.2510 Membership. A. The bicycle advisory board shall consist of up to 11 voting members and one non-voting liaison to be appointed by the city commission. One member shall be a student of Montana State University. One member representing the county may be recommended by the county commission and appointed by the city commission. One additional non-voting liaison shall be a student of Bozeman High School. Members of this board shall serve two-year staggered terms. Each member may be reappointed without any limitation on the number of reappointments. Vacancies shall be filled in the same manner as original appointments for the balance of the term remaining. B. With the exception of the non-voting high school liaison, only persons of legal age may be appointed to the board. High school representatives under age 18 must provide a signed consent from a legal guardian stating they may participate in board activities. A majority of the board shall be residents of the city. Nonresident members of the board shall have some interest in the city by virtue of working in the city, owning property in the city, or entering the city frequently for any lawful purpose. In addition, the members should be knowledgeable of bicycling and/or traffic safety in the Bozeman area. This board has five positions and seven applicants in total. Four applicants are existing members asking to be reconsidered and three are new applicants. 412 Re-Applicants: New Applicants Steven Blair Candace Mastel Rebecca Gleason Don Funke Juliana Olliff Ursula Neese Zach Steffl Attachments: Board Applications 413 AdvisoryBoardApplicationID: 259 Form inserted: 12/31/2015 2:10:06 PM Form updated: 12/31/2015 2:10:06 PM Name: Steven Last Name: Blair Physical Address *: 4213 Benepe St. P.O Box: City*: Bozeman State*: Montana Zip Code*: 59718 Primary Phone *: (406) 223-3741 Additional Phone: Email *: stbmtdc@gmail.com Your current occupation *: Doctor of Chiropractic Employer *: Gallatin Valley Chiropractic How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? *: 6-10 yr Which position are you applying for? *: (BABAB) City Limits *: yes Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? *: yes If so, how long?: 1 year, current If so, where ?: BABAB Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences. *: I am a currently serving BABAB member. I am a road biker and bicycle commuter and would like to continue to advocate for transportation safety and infrastructure improvement as it relates to bicycles and pedestrians. 414 Reference 1 *: Joni Evans 406-579-0939 inojsnave@gmial.com Are you willing to comply with all ethics training requirements?: yes Reference 2 *: Dustin Rising 406-570-5667 doctorrising@gmail.com Other Info: How did you hear about us?: I am a currently serving board member. 415 AdvisoryBoardApplicationID: 258 Form inserted: 12/29/2015 2:39:18 PM Form updated: 12/29/2015 2:39:18 PM Name: Rebecca Last Name: Gleason Physical Address *: 1139 N Spruce Dr P.O Box: City*: Bozeman State*: Montana Zip Code*: 59715 Primary Phone *: (406) 600-0800 Additional Phone: Email *: bgleaso@yahoo.com Your current occupation *: Research Engineer Employer *: Western Transportation Institute How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? *: >10 yr Which position are you applying for? *: (BABAB) City Limits *: yes 416 AdvisoryBoardApplicationID: 260 Form inserted: 1/1/2016 1:26:44 PM Form updated: 1/1/2016 1:26:44 PM Name: Juliana Last Name: Olliff Physical Address *: 813 S. 5th Ave. P.O Box: City*: Bozeman State*: Montana Zip Code*: 59715 Primary Phone *: (406) 581-0542 Additional Phone: Email *: jules.olliff@yahoo.com Your current occupation *: None Employer *: None How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? *: 6-10 yr Which position are you applying for? *: (BABAB) City Limits *: yes Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? *: yes If so, how long?: 1 year If so, where ?: BABAB Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences. *: I am interested in returning to my position as the High School Representative, a position which I held for the last year. 417 Reference 1 *: Dillon Warn dillon.warn@gmail.com 406-431-7941 Are you willing to comply with all ethics training requirements?: yes Reference 2 *: Rebecca Gleason rebecca.gleason1@montana.edu Other Info: How did you hear about us?: 418 AdvisoryBoardApplicationID: 254 Form inserted: 12/25/2015 12:08:55 PM Form updated: 12/25/2015 12:08:55 PM Name: Zach Last Name: Steffl Physical Address *: 215 S 18th Ave #4 P.O Box: City*: Bozeman State*: Montana Zip Code*: 59715 Primary Phone *: (651) 253-7424 Additional Phone: Email *: zachary.steffl@msu.montana.edu Your current occupation *: Snowboard Instructor Employer *: Big Sky Resort How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? *: 1-5 yr Which position are you applying for? *: (BABAB) City Limits *: yes Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? *: yes If so, how long?: 1 year If so, where ?: BABAB Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences. *: I'd like to renew my seat on the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board. With a special interest in improving bicycle infrastructure, education, and overall transportation safety, I'd like to continue serving as a Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board member. 419 Reference 1 *: Dan Kilgore 603-828-2061 dannykilgore603@gmail.com Are you willing to comply with all ethics training requirements?: yes Reference 2 *: Marsha Ackerman 952-925-6800 mackerman@loffler.com Other Info: How did you hear about us?: Previous member 420 AdvisoryBoardApplicationID: 255 Form inserted: 12/26/2015 6:12:37 PM Form updated: 12/26/2015 6:12:37 PM Name: Don Last Name: Funke Physical Address *: 108 Mcintosh unit C P.O Box: City*: Bozeman State*: Montana Zip Code*: 59715 Primary Phone *: (406) 209-3585 Additional Phone: Email *: donfunkedc@gmail.com Your current occupation *: Chiropractor Employer *: Wellness works How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? *: 6-10 yr Which position are you applying for? *: (BABAB) City Limits *: yes Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? *: no If so, how long?: If so, where ?: Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences. *: I am interested in improving bicycle transportation options in Bozeman. Reference 1 *: Blake Willhite Wellness Worx 719-688-1874 421 Are you willing to comply with all ethics training requirements?: yes Reference 2 *: Dan Dutton Wellness Worx 406-544-1146 Other Info: How did you hear about us?: W 422 AdvisoryBoardApplicationID: 239 Form inserted: 11/24/2015 4:55:51 PM Form updated: 11/24/2015 4:55:51 PM Name: Candace Last Name: Mastel Physical Address *: 3139 Rose Street P.O Box: City*: Bozeman State*: Montana Zip Code*: 59718 Primary Phone *: (406) 599-8273 Additional Phone: (406) 994-7457 Email *: candace.mastel@montana.edu Your current occupation *: Assistant Planner Employer *: Montana State University How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? *: >10 yr Which position are you applying for? *: (BABAB) City Limits *: yes Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? *: yes If so, how long?: 2-3 years If so, where ?: Beautification Board Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences. *: As the Assistant Planner at MSU I have the unique ability to work in both long term planning and project management of construction projects on campus. With this dual role I can collaborate in both the planning of campus facilities and the implementation of the final plans for development. Through my work 423 here I have become very involved in the alternative transportation opportunities and am a part of the Bicycle Task Force, which has been instrumental in changing attitudes on bicycling as a transportation option to and within campus. In addition, I have studied abroad to learn how other countries, namely the Netherlands and Germany, have implemented their bicycle friendly policies and infrastructure. I am an avid bike commuter and recreational mountain biker. This town means a lot to me and I would like to see opportunities for cyclists of all types supported and expanded. Reference 1 *: Rebecca Gleason, MS, PE Western Transportation Institute P.O. Box 174250 Bozeman, MT 59717-6541 406-994-6541 rebecca.gleason@coe.montana.edu Are you willing to comply with all ethics training requirements?: yes Reference 2 *: Allyson Brekke City of Bozeman Associate Planner 20 East Olive Bozeman, MT 59715 406-582-2260 abrekke@bozeman.net Other Info: How did you hear about us?: Facebook 424 AdvisoryBoardApplicationID: 270 Form inserted: 1/15/2016 3:43:26 PM Form updated: 1/15/2016 3:43:26 PM Name: Ursula Last Name: Neese Physical Address *: 5532 Fowler Lane P.O Box: City*: Bozeman State*: Montana Zip Code*: 59718 Primary Phone *: (406) 223-2555 Additional Phone: Email *: Ursula@wispwest.net Your current occupation *: Metal artist Employer *: Myself How long have you lived in the Bozeman Area? *: >10 yr Which position are you applying for? *: (BABAB) City Limits *: no Have you ever served on a City or County Board or Commission? *: yes If so, how long?: 4 years If so, where ?: Gallatin and Park counties Please explain your relevant qualifications, interests and experiences. *: Over the 37 years that I have lived and worked in Gallatin and Park counties I have been on various boards and appointed commissions. I served on the food coop's board, and helped start the recycling coalition. I was on the chamber's board in Livingston, the battered women's shelter board in 425 Livingston, and Bozeman. I was appointed to the growth policy advisers board for park county, and served on the trails committee for park county. I helped start the farmers market in Livingston. Thank you for considering my application. Reference 1 *: Denise Hayman 406-579-1986 Are you willing to comply with all ethics training requirements?: yes Reference 2 *: Geoff Stephens 917-301-9496 Other Info: I know how important bike paths and trails are especially in the very fast paced growth spurt that Bozeman is experiencing. I'm an avid biker and would love to see all roads in Bozeman and surrounding areas bike friendly and safe. I do believe an educational campaign would benefit all drivers and bikers. I also feel strongly that all subdivisions should be connected by bike lanes and or paths. How did you hear about us?: Carson Taylor 426