HomeMy WebLinkAboutA7. Assign Liaisons Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Pearl Michalson, Deputy City Clerk Stacy Ulmen CMC, City Clerk SUBJECT: Appointment of Mayor and Commissioners to Voting Board Positions and Assignment of Mayor and Commissioners to act as Liaisons to City Citizen Advisory Boards MEETING DATE: January 4, 2016 MEETING TYPE: Action RECOMMENDATIONS: ASSIGNMENT TO VOTING BOARDS/COMMITTEES: Recommended Motion: Assign the Mayor or Commissioners to serve on the following Voting Board/Committees:  Audit Committee (Two) (Currently Krauss & Pomeroy)  City Planning Board (Currently Krauss)  Prospera Business Network Revolving Loan Fund Committee (two from Commission and/or Staff) (Currently Mehl and Fontenot)  Transportation Coordinating Committee (Currently Krauss) NOTE: The Following Voting Boards/Committees have remaining terms. No action needed.  City- County Board of Health (Currently Taylor until January 1, 2018)  Gallatin Local Water Quality Board (Currently Andrus with a term expiration of September 30, 2016)  The Streamline Advisory Board (Currently Andrus with a term expiration of July 23, 2016) 59 ASSIGNMENT TO ACT AS LIASONS TO BOARDS/COUNCILS/COMMITTEES: Recommended Motion: Assign the Mayor or a Commissioner to act as a liaison to the following Boards/Councils/Committees as follows: (2014 list attached)  Beautification Advisory Board  Board of Adjustment  Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board  Bozeman Historic Preservation Advisory Board  Bozeman Midtown Urban Renewal Board (formally North Seventh Urban Renewal Board)  Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District  Building Board of Appeals  Cemetery Advisory Board  Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board  Community Alcohol Coalition  Criminal Justice Coordinating Council  Design Review Board  Downtown Bozeman Improvement District / Tax Increment Finance (IDB/TIF)  Downtown Business Improvement District (BID)  Economic Development Council  Fire Code Board of Appeals  Impact Fee Advisory Committee  Inter-neighborhood Council  Library Board of Trustees  Northeast Urban Renewal Board  Parking Commission  Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee  Recreation and Parks Advisory Board  Trails, Open Space and Parks Advisory Board  Tree Advisory Board  Wetlands Review Board  Zoning Commission BACKGROUND: Every two years, after a new Commission has been seated, the City Commission assigns themselves as liaisons to the city of Bozeman citizen advisory boards. In addition, several city boards or boards within the community have voting positions set aside specifically for a city of Bozeman elected official. City Commissioners attend a majority of meetings of the advisory board they liaison, acting as a conduit between the board and the Commission. Liaisons do not vote on the board. City Commissioners appointed as voting board members are considered full members of the board with all associated voting and participation responsibilities. As a member of a particular board, Commissioners vote in their capacity as a board member not as a Commission member. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Commission. 60 Bozeman City Commission Agenda and Minutes, January 13, 2014 Page 10 of 14 07:53:01 PM The Commission began picking boards to act as liaisons and to act as voting board members beginning with Mayor Krauss. The following were the picks made by each Commission member: Krauss – Planning Board Taylor – Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board Mehl – Economic Development Council Andrus – Parking Commission Pomeroy – Bike Board Pomeroy – Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Andrus – Trails, Open Space and Parks Board Krauss – Zoning Commission Mehl – South Bozeman Technology District Board Taylor – Downtown TIF Krauss – Tourism Business Improvement District Krauss – Transportation Coordinating Council Taylor – City-County Board of Health Mehl – Gallatin Local Water Quality District Board Andrus – Historic Board Pomeroy – Streamline Advisory Board Pomeroy – Beautification Board Andrus – Downtown BID Mehl – Prospera Revolving Loan Fund Taylor – Inter-Neighborhood Council Krauss – Library Board of Trustees Krauss – Audit Committee Taylor – North Seventh Urban Renewal Board Mehl – Impact Fee Committee Andrus – Cemetery Board Pomeroy – Audit Committee Pomeroy – Board of Appeals Andrus – Fire Code Board of Appeals Mehl – Design Review Board Taylor – Recreation and Parks Mayor – Tree Advisory Board Taylor – Wetland Review Board Mehl – Community Alcohol Coalition Andrus – Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee Pomeroy – Northeast Urban Renewal Board 08:09:40 PM Break Mayor Krauss called for a break. Back from Break 61