HomeMy WebLinkAbout15- GCN MARTA Outbrief Document v20 Atlanta, Georgia January 31th, 2006 MARTA Executive Out-brief 1 The purpose of this document is to provide a summary of the key activities performed by Booz Allen in support of the 2007 strategic planning effort Present the Strategic planning framework and timeline of the key activities Provide a summary of the artifacts produced in support of the process –Environmental scan –Internal interviews –External interviews –Senior Staff offsite material –Board of Directors retreat material –CEO Team retreat material –Draft FY 2007-2012 Strategic Plan –Status briefings and summary documents Recommend next steps –Implementation process –Deployment plan Document Objectives 2 Table of Contents Strategic Planning Framework and Timeline 3 Summary of Artifacts 6 –Environmental Scan 7 –Internal Interviews 8 –External Interviews 9 –Senior Staff Offsite 10 –Board of Directors Retreat 11 –CEO Team Retreat 12 –Draft FY 2005-2012 Strategic Plan 15 –Status Briefing 16 Next Steps 14 –Implementation process 15 –Deployment plan 16 Appendix 18 3 The Booz Allen team utilized a five step process in support of the MARTA 2007-2012 strategic planning effort Perform Data Collection Develop Vision and External Goals and Objectives Develop Strategic Plan and Goal Team Charters Finalize Plan Recommend Future Next Steps Strategic Planning Process Establish a Deployment and Implementation Plan Data Collection External Scan - Transit Industry analysis - Leading practices - Regional demographic analysis -Performance data -Leadership interviews Develop detailed planning methodology and present to AGMs Deliver Environmental scan Interview key external stakeholders Interview key internal contacts Facilitate off site with Senior Staff Develop planning assumptions Facilitate offsite with Board of Directors (Visioning) Develop Offsite planning book Facilitate Leadership Offsite Develop draft of Strategic Plan Deliver draft plan Develop proposed Key Performance Indicators Develop proposed goal team charters Identify goal team sponsors Develop deployment plan -Develop communications plan to develop a draft briefing -Deploy the plan to key stakeholders -Capture feedback and present to CEO team Establish implementation plan -Identify goal team members -Develop business case template to assist in prioritizing initiatives Complete and publish the final plan based on the CEO teams directives Execute on the implementation plan -Identify key initiatives -Prioritize and fund initiatives -Monitor key performance indicators associated with the objectives as well as the progress of the initiatives 4 Key tasks were performed from October 2005 to January 2006 in support of the strategic planning process Develop 2007-2012 Strategic Plan Oct Nov Dec Jan Data Collection External Scan • Transit Industry analysis • Leading practices • Regional demographic analysis Developed detailed planning methodology and presented to AGMs Supported refinement of FY06 Strategic Plan Data Collection Internal Scan • Performance data • Leadership interviews Delivered Environmental scan Interviewed key external stakeholders Interviewed key internal contacts •Facilitated off site with Senior Staff •Developed planning assumptions •Facilitated offsite with Board of Directors (Visioning) •Developed Offsite planning book •Facilitated Leadership Offsite/ Plan Development •Summary plan delivered •Draft plan delivered • Supported development of CEO Transition document •Developed proposed Key Performance Indicators • Developed proposed goal team charters •Began effort to deploy the plan (developed proposed briefing, met with Dir. of Com.) • Developed proposed business case template • Supported 2007 budget effort Draft FY07 Plan Delivered Leadership Offsite Key tasks Completed 5 Strategic Planning Framework and Timeline Summary of Artifacts –Environmental Scan –Internal Interviews –External Interviews –Senior Staff Offsite –Board of Directors Retreat –CEO Team Retreat –Draft FY 2005-2012 Strategic Plan –Status Briefing Next Steps –Implementation process –Deployment plan Appendix 6 A number of artifacts were created in support of the strategic planning effort Environmental Scan Summary of internal leadership interviews Summary of external stakeholder interviews Senior Staff, Board of Directors and CEO team facilitation materials Summary of the MARTA Strategic Planning session Draft Strategic Plan Status briefings Implementation and Deployment Plan, as part of recommended next steps List of Artifacts *Please refer to appendix for the completed deliverables 7 The environmental scan* provides a detailed analysis of the future opportunities and threats that MARTA will face in 2012 Environmental Scan The environmental scan is built around concepts laid out by Kaplan and Norton in “The Balanced Scorecard” and identifies what must be done for MARTA to be successful from the following perspectives: Customer 1.Satisfying current “basic” needs (Service reliability, Cleanliness of stations and vehicles and a safe and secure environment) should be a prerequisite to satisfying their potentially more sophisticated needs 2.As customer needs and travel patterns continue to change, MARTA will have to be flexible to meet those changing needs Internal Business (Operations and Maintenance and Safety and Security) 1.Operations and Maintenance of the future must deliver the basic needs of reliability, cost effectiveness and on time performance 2.Apply Six Sigma techniques to improve service delivery and improve customer satisfaction Learning and Growth (Human Resources and Technology) 1.Ensuring leaders and employees share the same vision of the organization will not only build better, smarter, happier workers but better corporate representatives as well 2.Improve prioritization of technology investment to what is most important to the customer and business needs Financial 1.Improving efficiencies to support cost controls and increasing existing and new revenue sources will enable MARTA to balance its budget while providing expanded, more efficient services *Please refer to appendix A for the completed environmental scan 8 Internal leadership interviews* were conducted as part of the data gathering process for the 2007-2012 plan development to collect their input on the direction of the Authority DATA GATHERING INTERVIEWS: AGMs 1. Who are this organization’s important customers today? How will they change in the next five years? 2. Who are the organization’s key stakeholders? What do they want from MARTA in the next five years? 3. What are organization’s key products and services? How will they change in the next five years? 4. On a scale from 1 to 7, with 1 being very poor and 7 being very well, how well do you think this organization is accomplishing its mission? How do you know? 5. How far out do you think the organization should plan for? (This is the planning horizon.) 6. What do you want this organization to look like at the end of this planning horizon if you are being successful? 7. What makes that different from the current state? 8. What does the organization need to do to make that future state happen? 9. What are the major obstacles to implementing your strategic plan right now? 10. What must the organization do to overcome the planning obstacles? 11. AGM specific questions: (Finance: Funding sources; Other AGMs: current initiatives, operational budgets, review 06 planning objectives, measures and tactics) *Please refer to appendix B for the summary of internal leadership interviews 9 A cross section of external stakeholders were also interviewed* between 28th November and 5th December 2005 to prepare for MARTA’s strategic planning offsite Stakeholders Interviewed Key Issues Identified Have Improved Regional Partnerships Need to have improved service to customer…friendlier, clean, safe, reliable…also more nimble, flexible to meet the changing needs of riders Fiscal efficiency…need to be fiscally smarter and more responsible Need better communications with customers and stakeholders “The future of MARTA”…key inputs Governor’s Representative (CFO) GDOT Commissioner ARC Chairman Atlanta Chamber of Commerce Representative TMA Representatives (Airport and Downtown) MARTOC MARTA Board of Directors *Please refer to appendix C for the summary of internal leadership interviews 10 The Booz Allen team facilitated an offsite session with the senior staff to validate and provide input to the strategic issues and assumptions that were derived from the data collection effort Senior Staff Offsite *Please refer to appendix D for the senior staff facilitation material Presented the strategic planning process and timeline Reviewed findings from the environmental scan –Key opportunities and threats facing MARTA in the future Brainstormed key issues facing MARTA Captured input to the strategic issues and key assumptions Identified future goals and objectives for each of the following perspectives –Stakeholder –Customer –Operations and maintenance –Safety and security –Human Resources –Technology –Finance 11 The Booz Allen team facilitated the board of directors retreat to capture the key Vision elements to set the direction of the Authority “MARTA is a Key Partner in the Atlanta Regional Transit environment, providing reliable, convenient service in a customer friendly, fiscally responsible and efficient manner that improves the quality of life of the community” Proposed Vision (Not approved) MARTA’s service is reliable and convenient to its customers MARTA stakeholders consider the Authority as efficient-- “lean and mean” MARTA will have built strong relationships with political and business leaders as well as state and regional transit partners MARTA will have become financially stable to include a balanced budget MARTA will have developed public transportation as a lifestyle choice MARTA will have an improved image in the eyes of their customers: “They understand that we hear them and want to improve their experience” Key Vision Elements *Please refer to appendix E for the board of directors facilitation material 12 Based on the Vision elements, the overarching strategies for each of the Balanced Scorecard perspective areas were developed at the CEO team retreat* Perspective Goal Objectives Stakeholder “MARTA is seen as a major asset that impacts the quality of lives of those who live in and visit the region” 1. Improve service delivery^ 2. Increase flexibility and “nimbleness^^ 3. Balance the budget 4. Improve MARTA’s image Customer “MARTA is the transportation choice that provides safe, reliable service that meets the changing needs of its customers” 1. Improve the customer experience: Improve service delivery* Improve attitude of employees Improve cleanliness of stations, buses and trains Improve the station experience Improve perception of safety** 2. Increase integration into customer lifestyle External Focus ^Objective that will be driven within the Operations and Maintenance perspective ^^Objective that will be driven within the Safety and Security Perspective *Please refer to appendix F for the CEO facilitation material and appendix G for the draft Strategic Plan 13 Based on the Vision elements, the overarching strategies for each of the Balanced Scorecard perspective areas were developed at the CEO team retreat*…continued Perspective Goal Objectives Business Perspective: Operations and Management “MARTA is a flexible, standard-driven organization that efficiently provides quality service to proactively meet customer needs” 1. Improve the customer experience: Improve Reliability of trains and buses Improve Cleanliness of stations, buses and trains* Improve the station experience^ Improve attitude of employees^ 2. Increase integration into customer lifestyle Business Perspective: Safety and Security “MARTA provides a safe and secure experience to our customers and the community” 1. Increase presence of staff in stations and visible locations 2. Educate employees and public on their responsibilities in creating a safe & secure environment 3. Improve coordinated communication 4. Decrease vulnerability of facilities 5. Increase responsiveness to events Internal Business Focus ^Objectives that span both the customer and operations and maintenance perspectives *Please refer to appendix F for the CEO facilitation material and appendix G for the draft Strategic Plan 14 Based on the Vision elements, the overarching strategies for each of the Balanced Scorecard perspective areas were developed at the CEO team retreat*…continued Perspective Goal Objectives Technology “MARTA applies relevant technology to improve service delivery, enhance customer experience and increase efficiency” 1. Improve prioritization of technology investment to what is most important to the customer 2. Increase use of technology to enhance and expand the customer experience (i.e. smart cards, communication) 3. Leverage technology to improve planning, marketing and accountability Human Resources “An employer of choice with a professional, highly skilled workforce that is motivated, flexible and committed to service excellence” 1. Improve stability in the organization (reduce turnover) 2. Increase communication to the workforce 3. Improve link between compensation and performance 4. Improve work environment for employees Increase employee engagement in organization 5. Improve relationship with labor 6. Improve diversity awareness 7. Increase workforce development Financial “MARTA will ensure its own financial viability” 1. Improve financial viability by reducing costs, increasing revenue sources and maintaining reserves 2. Increase use of technology to streamline financial operations 3. Cultivate a culture of good financial stewardship 4. Increase leveraging of our assets to generate revenue Internal Support Focus *Please refer to appendix F for the CEO facilitation material and appendix G for the draft Strategic Plan 15 As a result of the CEO team retreat, a draft strategic plan was developed to support key implementation efforts Draft Strategic Plan Presented new mission statement formulated at the retreat Presented revised organizational values Identified goals for all key seven perspective areas Identified high level objectives Additional tasks needed for finalizing plan (with recommended timeframe) Establish targets for strategic objectives (Feb) Identify key performance indicators for monitoring progress against objective targets (Feb) Identify key initiatives needed to support each objective (Feb) Collect employee and stakeholder feedback (Feb/Mar) Finalize and publish the plan (May) 16 During the process the Booz Allen team provided regular status briefings leveraging a variety of channels Weekly status reports Regular status provided via emails to the leadership team Presented summary decks at the end of key activities Face to face briefings to the leadership team *Please refer to appendix H for the status reports 17 Strategic Planning Framework and Timeline Summary of Artifacts –Environmental Scan –Internal Interviews –External Interviews –Senior Staff Offsite –Board of Directors Retreat –CEO Team Retreat –Draft FY 2005-2012 Strategic Plan –Status Briefing Next Steps –Implementation process –Deployment plan Appendix 18 The planning timeline identifies that the plan must be deployed, updated with feedback, and briefed to the Board of Directors during the month of January 2006 Develop 2007-2012 Strategic Plan Oct Nov Dec Jan Data Collection External Scan • Transit Industry analysis • Leading practices • Regional demographic analysis Data Collection Internal Scan • Performance data • Leadership interviews Leadership Offsite/ Plan Development •Off site with Senior Staff •Offsite with Board of Directors (Visioning) • Publish/deploy the plan • Deliver to Board of Directors Strategy teams can then develop tactics and business units can develop cascade scorecards Complete Draft FY07 Plan Main Focus Leadership Offsite Strategic Planning Timeline 19 The deployment of the 2007-2012 Strategic Plan will be instrumental in getting employee buy-in to the plan Deployment Process Prepare Standardized Presentation Brief to Customers & Stakeholders Obtain Feedback Finalize and Publish Plan •Work with communications staff to develop a draft briefing •Help as needed to ensure all employees are briefed on the plan •Set up feedback mechanism •Work with communications staff to develop a draft briefing •Help deploy the plan to key stakeholders •Set up feedback mechanism •Capture feedback from employees and stakeholders and present to CEO Team •Complete final plan based on CEO team direction •Publish the plan 20 Implementation of the 2007-2012 plan should begin immediately to ensure momentum for change is kept in place Implementation Process Assign Responsibility for each Goal area Charter/Staff Strategy Teams Identify Key Initiatives Prioritize and Fund Initiatives Create Process to Monitor Progress •Goal Sponsors were identified at the planning retreat •Team leads and team members need to be assigned •Goal team charters should be developed to identify the scope and expectations of the teams •Each goal team will identify the key initiatives needed for MARTA to achieve their objectives •Business cases will be developed for each initiative •Based on the business cases, initiatives will be prioritized against impact to the customer •Existing initiatives will be reviewed to ensure they are in alignment with the direction of the Authority •Monitoring of key performance indicators associated with the objectives as well as the progress of initiatives will need to take place *Please refer to appendix I for the implementation process and goal team charters 21 Now that a draft strategic plan is in place, additional activities are required to ensure it is implemented and monitored effectively Brief customers and stakeholders on strategic plan (get feedback) Provide facilitation support to goal teams (finalize objectives, KPIs and identify initiatives) Ensure the 2007 Strategic Plan is utilized within budget process Work with business units to develop cascade scorecards Ensure new Key Performance Indicators are placed into Oracle-based Balanced Scorecard tool Monitor progress of goal teams and initiatives, set up quarterly progress reports to CEO team 22 Strategic Planning Framework and Timeline Summary of Artifacts –Environmental Scan –Internal Interviews –External Interviews –Senior Staff Offsite –Board of Directors Retreat –CEO Team Retreat –Draft FY 2005-2012 Strategic Plan –Status Briefing Next Steps –Implementation process –Deployment plan Appendix 23 Appendix A : Environmental Scan v23.doc B : Data Gathering Interviews – Combined_v2.doc C : Stakeholder Interview Combined_v1.ppt D : Environmental Scan Review_v1.ppt MARTA Planning Process Revised-11282005-v1.ppt E : Environmental Scan Review_v1.ppt MARTA Planning Process Revised-11282005-v1.ppt F : CEO Team Strategic Planning Offsite_v1.ppt G: Draft 2007-2012 MARTA Strategic Plan-V3.doc H : *Status Report-Strategic Planning team.doc Summary 2007-2012 Strategic Plan-V2.ppt BOD Vision input_v4.ppt Goal + Objective development worksheets v6.ppt Outbrief for Mr. McCrillis.ppt MARTA Planning Process Revised-For GM-CEO.ppt I : Implementation Process-v2.ppt