HomeMy WebLinkAbout15- Open Window Cost Schedule- Strat Plan RFPOpen Window Consulting Proposal COST SCHEDULE 2015 Strategic Plan RFP [1] Schedule of Costs Open Window Consulting, LLC, proposes to provide the services requested by the City of Bozeman in its “2015 Strategic Plan RFP” for the total fixed fee of $120,792.00. Table 1, Schedule of costs, takes the information from the Proposed Work Plan and provides a summary of each major task in the first column; the estimated completion date (relative to award date) in the second column; and the costs of labor (fully loaded rates) and other items for each major task in the third column. We note that, since we are a Bozeman company, we propose no charge for onsite visits, trip costs, or video conference calls. Further, we do not anticipate any cost for purchasing data. All other costs including planning services, supplies, community input, data gathering and analysis, and other costs associated with the strategic planning process are described and included in table 1. Other direct costs (ODCs) include dedicated website, survey software (SurveyMonkey), venues for meetings, advertising, and printing and materials (above and beyond regular office materials; includes workshop posters). Table 1 Schedule of costs Major tasks (taken from the Proposed Work Plan) Completion estimate: Costs for tasks Contract execution Date of Award (DOA) N/A Kick-off DOA + 2 days (included in next item) Project initiation (kick-off prep, draft surveys, set up SurveyMonkey, create website, collect info, draft media advisories, reserve venues; ODCs: advertising, website, survey software, venues) DOA + 14 days $6,832 labor $965 other direct costs (ODCs) Vision (manage survey, prepare and run open house, analyze survey and open house results, draft #2 surveys, public word clouds and survey 2, prepare for and host stakeholder workshop, analyze workshop results, prepare for and host public workshop, combine workshop results and produce discussion doc, prepare and host City Vision Session, create vision statement and publish; ODCs: advertising, posters, venues) DOA + 70 days $25,620 labor $1,020 ODCs Strategic analysis (collect data and information, analysis, write discussion, create final analysis, public graphic, and publish; ODCs: poster) DOA + 84 days $18,056 labor $200 ODCs Open Window Consulting Proposal COST SCHEDULE 2015 Strategic Plan RFP [2] Major tasks (taken from the Proposed Work Plan) Completion estimate: Costs for tasks Strategic plan (goals: produce goal discussion doc, prepare for and host goal session 1, prepare for and host session2, including mission, create draft goals and publish, report on public comment and finalize goals; objectives: city meetings and objectives discussion doc, prepare for and host objectives session 1, prepare for and host objectives session 2, create draft objectives and publish, report on public comment and finalize objectives; prioritization: draft prioritization mechanism and discussion doc, collect comments and finalize prioritization mechanism; ODCs: venues, posters) DOA + 151 days $33,672 labor $670 ODCs Implementation plan (assign responsibilities, collaboration framework, align city plans; metrics for goals and objectives, including data needs; budget and staffing alignment frameworks; dashboard(s) and communications plans, including resources; update schedule, adaptive/feedback mechanisms; ODCs: poster) DOA + 188 days $28,792 labor $85 ODCs Final deliverable (prepare and publish final deliverable, tie-up loose ends, prepare follow-up) DOA + 195 days $4,880 labor Total fixed price for completing services and deliverables $120,792.00 Open Window Consulting Proposal COST SCHEDULE 2015 Strategic Plan RFP [3] Proposed payment schedule Progress on the project is expected to be linear throughout the contract. Open Window Consulting proposes the following schedule of payments (see Table 2), which reflects our estimates of linear project progress. Payment is proposed to be net 30 days following last day of respective month. Table 2 Proposed payment schedule Schedule of payments Milestones and deliverables during month Proposed Payment January 2016 Contract execution Kick-off meeting/call Draft initial surveys Create strategic plan website $18,000 February 2016 Vision: Surveys Open house Word clouds Stakeholder workshop City Vision Session Create vision statement $18,000 March 2016 Continuation from February Strategic analysis Initiate strategic plan work $18,000 April 2016 Strategic plan Goal sessions 1 & 2 Finalize goals Objective sessions 1& 2 Draft objectives document Draft and finalize prioritization mechanism $18,000 May 2016 Continuation from April Begin implementation plan $18,000 June 2016 Implementation plan $18,000 July 2016 Finalize strategic plan $12,792 Total fixed price for completing services and deliverables $120,792.00