HomeMy WebLinkAboutA4. UDO Update Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Tom Rogers, Senior Planner Wendy Thomas, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: UDC, Chapter 38 Update MEETING DATE: November 23, 2015 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action RECOMMENDATION: Direction and comment at the Commissions desire. RECOMMENDED MOTION: As directed by the Commission. BACKGROUND: The Department of Community Development in concert with our code update consultant team held a five day intensive studio with two workshops from the afternoon of Sunday, November 15 through Thursday morning, November 19, 2015 to evaluate Midtown design concepts, interact with the public, business owners and property owners on desired outcomes of the Midtown District and the City wide code update project. On Monday evening, November 16 a Midtown workshop was held to refine block frontage concepts, provide greater clarity of characteristics within the Midtown corridor and provide specific direction to the consultant team as they continue to create development code to implement the North 7th Corridor Plan and the expanded North 7th Urban Renewal District goals and objectives. Three example documents are attached to this report to provide some context of the design concepts and map exercise. Staff will provide additional outcomes and examples for your consideration at the Commission meeting on Monday, November 16, 2015. 96 A second public workshop will be help on Wednesday evening, November, 18, 2015 to present City wide issues and solutions summarize feedback from the Midtown workshop and interact with residents of the City on challenges facing the City and possible solutions. More information, schedule of events, and draft materials, as available, can be found on the Bozemancodeupdate.com web site. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None. ALTERNATIVES: As determined by the City Commission FISCAL EFFECTS: To be determined. Report compiled on: November 18, 2015 Attachments: Goals & Policy Review Form Studio Map Exercise Instructions Draft Community Design Framework 97 The City and North 7th Ave Urban Renewal Board (NSURB) are jointly planning for the revitalization and reinvestment in North 7th Ave. This process continues work adopted as part the 2006 North 7th Ave plan – and changes in the economy have caused both agencies to take an active position in achieving the plan’s objectives. We have provided goals, policies, and recommendations from the 2006 plan that underpin adopted direction for development on North 7th. Please take a few minutes to review each, letting us know how important you believe it is today. If anything’s missing, add notes or new items for us to include. (Scoring: 1 = Least Important, 3 = Important, and 5 = Most Important). Bonus! If you’ve completed this front side quickly, turn the page over and look at the design framework from the 2006 plan. It will help you as you move into the second stage of tonight’s exercise. Goals, Policies, and Recommendations 1 2 3 4 5 Notes Design & Connectivity Plan for North 7th Ave Maintain views of the mountains to the east and south. Expand a landscape median to soften the hardscape. Promote installation of street trees. Establish small pockets of public and private open space. Minimize visual clutter along the corridor. Accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists. As this is a primary entryway for first-time visitors, provide signage that indicates areas of interest such as the University, the Museum of the Rockies and Downtown. Encourage the rehabilitation and redevelopment of parcels that are underutilized or do not meet current standards. Establish a stronger relationship between buildings and the street by providing pedestrian connections and orienting buildings to the street. Incorporate pedestrian amenities and landscaping in existing developments as well as in new ones. Incorporate public art in small pocket parks and plazas. Promote designs that add interest as seen from the road while establishing a sense of relatedness to the region overall. Encourage buildings of two or more stories to increase density. Provide a distinct identity for the corridor. Develop the corridor as a focus for commercial and entertainment activities that serve residents and visitors alike. Strengthen the corridor as a neighborhood service center. Provide mixed use development. Clearly defi ne gateways at key locations along the corridor. Improve auto, bicycle and pedestrian circulation along the corridor. Provide pedestrian connections to adjacent neighborhoods. Establish a wayfinding system. Guide new development along the corridor such that it improves the aesthetic experience. Coordinate public and private improvements. Strengthen connections between complementary uses. Provide flexible public space along the corridor. Additional goals, policies, or considerations you’d add: Activity 1: Goal and Policy Review 98 99 Revision and Update to the City of Bozeman Development Code Instructions for Group Mapping Exercise The purpose of the mapping exercise review is to explore what features and activities community members would like to see in the Midtown area within the next 20+ years. A consultant or city staff member will help facilitate the discussion/exercise for each group. And we’ll ask you to present your findings to the rest of the folks here. Step 1: Block Frontage Approach As a useful tool in guiding future development to achieve the desired vision for the corridor, we suggest using a “form-based” approach to designate basic block frontage approaches. Study the proposed designations and the possible standards for each. Mark on your base map the following:  Particular block frontages where “storefronts” should be required in the future (Red pen)  Any other changes you’d suggest to the proposed block frontage designations (Purple for Mixed, Green for Landscaped, and a bold X for block fronts that should be something else.) Step 2: Development Types Review the images in the attached Sourcebook and either cut out or write the particular image number on the map to illustrate uses/development types that are desired along the corridor or within the greater Midtown planning area. o Residential uses o Commercial uses o Mixed uses KEY QUESTIONS FOR THE GROUP: 1. Should zoning be adjusted in some or all areas to encourage “more” housing? 2. Should housing be allowed on the ground floor on side streets and/or parts of the North 7th Avenue block frontages? Step 3: Public Realm & Streetscape Character Review the images in the attached Sourcebook and either cut out or write the particular image number on the map to illustrate desired streetscape elements desired for the corridor. o Sidewalk design o Landscaping elements o Lighting o Directional signage elements 100 Doc Title MAKERS architecture and urban design Page 2 Studio_map-ex_v2 - 11/18/15 o Public art o Bicycle accommodations o Separated trail corridors Step 4: Anything Else? Mark any other suggestions you have on the map! 101 MIDTOWN DRAFT COMMUNITY DESIGN FRAMEWORKStorefrontůŽĐŬ&ƌŽŶƚĂŐĞĞƐŝŐŶĂƟŽŶƐdžŝƐƟŶŐStreetsProposedŽŶŶĞĐƟŽŶƐMixedLandscapeKƚŚĞƌ,ŝŐŚsŝƐŝďŝůŝƚLJ/ŶƚĞƌƐĞĐƟŽŶ;ƐƉĞĐŝĂůĚĞƐŝŐŶǁŽƵůĚĂƉƉůLJͿdƌĂŝůŽƌƌŝĚŽƌ;džŝƐƟŶŐŽƌWůĂŶŶĞĚͿhZŽƵŶĚĂƌLJ´0 250 500125FeetOAK STOAK ST7TH AVE7TH AVEBAXTER LNBAXTER LNGRIFFIN DRGRIFFIN DRMANLEY RDMANLEY RD11TH AVE11TH AVE14TH AVE14TH AVEPATRICK STPATRICK ST15TH AVE15TH AVEWHEAT DRWHEAT DREVERGREEN DREVERGREEN DRMANDEVILLE LNMANDEVILLE LNNIKLES DRNIKLES DRLEA AVELEA AVEMAUS LNMAUS LNRED WING DRRED WING DRFRONTAGE R D FRONTAGE R D FLORA LNFLORA LNGILKERSON DRGILKERSON DRGALLATI N P ARK DR GALLATI N P ARK DR ALLEY ALLEY 17TH17TH12TH AVE12TH AVE8TH AVE8TH AVE7TH AVE7TH AVEINTERSTATE 90 HWYINTERSTATE 90 HWY11TH AVE11TH AVEEAST GALLATIN RECREATION ANORTH 9TH, PARK 1PARCEL 3 PARK MINOR SUB 154AB-2M-1M-2PLIM-1PLIM-2R-4R-1BR-OR-4R-3 -MIDTOWN SOUTHMIDTOWN NORTHINTERSTATE 90 HWY MAIN STFRONTAGE RDSTUCKY RDCOTTONWOOD RDGOOCH HILL RD7TH AVEVALLEY CENTER RDMCILHATTA N R D ROUSE AVEBLACKWOOD RDBAXTER LNBRIDGER DRMANLEY RDSTORY MILL RDGRIFFIN DRKAGY RDLAKE RDHIDDEN VALLEY RDDAVIS LNGOLDENSTEIN LNFLANDERS MILL RDFRONTAGE RD19TH AVEACCESS 7TH AVEPROJECT LOCATIONMIDTOWN NORTHMIDTOWN SOUTHBozeman Development Code UpdateR-OR-4R-4R-3R-3PLIR-1R-3PLIR-4R-2R-3R-4R-4B-2R-O7TH AVEOAK STMAIN ST5TH AVEBEALL STVILLARD STTRACY AVELAMME STGRAND AVE3RD AVE11TH AVE9TH AVEPEACH ST14TH AVE10TH AVEMENDENHALL STWILLSON AVEDURSTON RDTAMARACK ST15TH AVESHORT ST12TH AVE4TH AVE6TH AVEBABCOCK STASPEN STCOTTONWOOD STHEMLOCK STMATHESON WAYBIRCH STRUTH THIEBAULT WAYCRABAPPLE DRMAE STJUNIPER STROY STOAK PARK DRIVAN AVEROYAL CT8TH AVESHORT ST3RD AVEJUNIPER ST7TH AVE8TH AVELAMME STBABCOCK STASPEN ST11TH AVE9TH AVEWESTLAKEPARKNORTH 9TH,PARK 2OAKMEADOWSSUBDIVISIONPARK 4NORTH 9TH,PARK 1CENTENNIAL PARKOAK MEADOWSSUBDIVISIONPARK 1SACAJAWEAPARKNORTH GRAND FIELD32´0 250 500125FeetNOVEMBER 20151. Example Development Illustrations from 2006 Plan3. Example Development Illustrations from 2006 Plan3. Example Development Illustrations from 2006 Plan4. Should we designate any block frontages as storefront?30”10’Street3. Example Development Illustrations from 2006 Plan5th Ave 7th Ave 3rd Ave Oak STHemlock ST102