HomeMy WebLinkAbout15- PublicStuff for Mobile App SoftwarePUBLICSTUFF an Acee/a, Inc. company Please complete the information highlighted in yellow below. I Date fo/a,14/ Jlbl 5 ~•ee~ l:, 2015 ... Order form valid for 30 days after Date of delivery. Pro Edition Order Schedule (OS) Confirmation General Information Client Name Bozeman, MT Client Contact Scott McMahan Client Contact Email SMcMahan@bozeman.net A~unt$._P~yat,,I_~ InfQrm~tjqn Accounts pa~ble contact Will re®i°Ve:tnv-ok:e.vle.email, PJ.ease~t:er.t~l.rinform~tlon l:>elow: AP Contact 2633 CAMINO RAMON, Ste. 500, San ramon, ca 94583 AP Address AP Contact Email ACCOUNTSRECEIVABLES@ACCELA.COM Agreement Term Invoices will be sent out using the term start and end dates below: Term Start November 1, 2015 Term End October 31, 2016 PublicStuff, an Acc:ela Company 214 W 29th street, Room 205, New York, NY 10001 I email: sales@publicstuff.com I phone: (347) 442~7227 Description of Services Accela CRM, formerly known as PubllcStuff, Inc. ("PubllcStuff'') will provide Client with access to Accela's citizen engagement & workflow management suite (the "Services"), which includes the following: • Custom branded smartphone applications • Public-facing web portal • Cloud-based CRM and administrative dashboard Staff User Accounts Unlimited Mobile Application City branded in-app store application for iOS & Android, with Unlimited widgets. General Blackberry & Windows app. Mapping Features Google (standard) and ESRI ( enhanced) Reporting Enhanced reporting with analytics System Configuration Remote, account manager assisted Training Remote1 account manager assisted Account Support Account Management support Is available Monday through Friday between 4:00am and 6:00pm PT, excluding holidays. PublicStoff, an Ac.cela Company 2.14 W 29th Street, Room 205, New York, NY 10001 I emall: sales@publlcstuff.com J phone: (347) 442~7227 Products & Pricing Conditions Prcduc:t Pridhl SS6$.APSl1020001 SS65APSTPOPGZ01 Aa:ela Publtc Stuff CRM Tier 2 15K-1DOK popufstran Accefa Public stuff CRM ner 2. Populatk>n Fee; per SK In population over 15K Annual $4,500 Annual Accela <:RM M flt89H!l:nitr. $31600 ~ <;,r\f':::,-,s~s-~~~~~f'le;~ii-l~~w"r.""""~~00~,....-i+.~c~1tvwc~i~u~·~~ltlll!':t:rn1~1•~A~S~~~~~~~~~~~;:-:;rr~ Payment Acoela wilt send C:ffent Jnwlces on an upfront basJs based on the Acdea Agreement Tenn Start Date. Payments wlB be due within 30 days of ihe Acdea Agreement Term start Date, Jlny changes to the Term Start Date needs to be approved rn writing by both parties. Should Awea not re«Elve payment when due, Aa:efa reserves the right: 1X> dlsamUnue Setvkes upon mn days prior With written notice. aient wBI be responsible for au costs and e><perlS8S (lndudfng, Without lfmltalfon, reasonable attnmeys fees) Aca!Ja inasrs In oollectlng late payment5 not dfspuled In good faith. Pllbllcsturf, an AclCelll CDmpaaw 214 w 29lh ~ Room 205, New Yoitr,, NY :100011 aman: ~.cam l phone: (347) "142r-7227 Acceptance & Authorization This Order Schedule C'OS'') ls entered into between Client and Accela. Client accepts and agrees to adhere to the Terms and Conditions for Acclea Services hereby incorporated, whlch 1 together with this OS will be referenced as the "Agreement." This Agreement between Client and Accela, which Client hereby acknowledges and accepts, constitutes the entire agreement between Accela and Client governing the Services referenced above. Client represents that its signatory below has the authority to bind Client to the tenns of this Agreement. Additionally, Client hereby consents to extend to other municipalities the terms, with the exclusion of pricing, of this Agreement for use in inter-governmental cooperative purchasing ("Piggybacking"), ACCELA,Inc Client: By~ By: ~,{ Printed Name: Colin Samuels 11tle: Assistant Corpor~te Secretary r PublicStuff, an Accela Company 214 w 29th Street, Room 205, New York, NY 10001 I email: sales@publicstuff.com I phone: (347) 442-7227 Terms and Conditions for Accela CRM Servlces Exhibit A (Terms and Conditions) These terms and conditions for services ("agreement") and one or more written orders ("order schedulesn} govern use of our services. If you are entering Into this agreement on behalf ofa munlc:lpallty or other legal or governmental entity, vou represent that you have the authority to bind such entity to these terms and conditions. in which case the terms "vcu" or •your" shall refer to such entity. If vou do not have such authority, or lfvau do not agree with these terms and conditions, vou must not accept this agreement and mav not use the services. You are entering Into this agreement with Accala, Inc., a California corporation ("Accela", "we", •us" or "ours"), Acee la provides a tool that You can use to understand Issues surfaced by users of tha Accala applications In respect of Your dty, munlclpality, faclllty, complex, building or campus. By subscrlblng to the Accela Service, Accala allows Vouto Interact directly with Individuals In Your location by providing such indlvlduals with tools and appllcatlons to report Issues, co nee ms or problems to You for efficient resolution. 1he Accela Services are made available to You through a password-protected hosted lnterfa(t) and dashboard provided by Accela. This Agreement and the applicable Order Schedules (Incorporated herein bv reference) are effective. between You and Accela as of the date that You accept these Terms and conditions. 1, DEFINITIONS •"Implementation Services" means services provided to You to Integrate and lmplementthe Accala Services, as mav be mutually agreed upon by the parties. •"PlatformN means an ideas, concepts, Inventions, systems, platfcrms, software, dashboards, Interfaces, tools, utilities, templates, forms, techniques, methods, processes, algorithms, know-how, trade se<:rets and other technologies, Implementations and Information that are used hv Accela in providing the Acee la Services. •" Acee la DataH means all data and Information created, received, processed or provlded by Accela In performing the Accala Services, or that result from perfonnance of the Accela Services. •"Accela Services" means, collectively, the Interface and dashboard hosted by Accela and provided to You from time to time, the Accela Data, the Platform, the Implementation Services and the documentation. The Accela Services Include anv change, improvement, extension or other new verslon thereof that is developed or otherwise made available to You. •''Third-Party Applications" means onllne, Web-based applications and oflllne software products that are provlded by third parties, Interoperate with the Accela services, and are Identified as third-party applications. •"User Gulde" means the onllne user guide for the Services, accessible via login at accounts.publicstuff.com as updated from time to tirne. •"Users" means Jndlvlduals who are authorlied by You to use the Accela Services and who have been supplied user Identifications and passwords by You (or by Us at Your request). Users may Include but are not limited to Your employees, consultants, contractors and agents. •"You" or "Your• means the Munlcipallty or other legal or governmental entity for which you are accepting this Agreement. •"Your Data" means all electronic data or information submitted by You to the Accela Services. 2, ACCJ;LA SERvtces 2.1 Order Sched u!es Tliese Terms and Conditions will be Implemented through one or more written orders that reference this Agreement and contain such other Information as Your contact Information, the Accela Services to be accessed, any third-party applfcatrons to be accessed, subscription fees, Implementation services, the term and agreed-upon termination provisions. Any change to the terms of this Agreement within an Order Schedule will apply onlv to the Acee la Service described therein, Accela may provide the Accela Services directly, or indirectly using contractor.; or other third party vendors or service providers. Acee la agrees that It shall be fully responsible for perfonnance of Accela Services for You by any such thlrd party contractors, vendors or seivice providers. 2,2 Accela Services Subject to thesa terms and conditions and the Order Schedules, Accala will use commerclally reasonable efforts to operate and host the Platform In connection with making the Accala Services available to Customer in accordance with the service levels which can be ae<:essed on our website at http://www.puhncstuff.com/terms as amended, from time to time, Acee la reserves the right to modily the Acrela Services (in whole or In part) at any time, provided that Acee la wlll not materially reduce the functionality of the Accela Services. Publlcstuff, an Accela Company 214 W 29th Street, Room 205, New York, NY 10001 I email: sales@publicstuff.com I phone: (347) 442~7227 2.3 Analytics Accela hereby grants You all necessary rights to access and analyze Accela Data, solely via the Accela Services during the term defined ln the applicable Order Schedule. 2.4 Third-Party Products and Services Accela may offer Third-Party Applications for sale under Order Schedules. Any other acquisition by You of Third-Party Applications, and any exchange of data between You and anythtrd-party provider, Is solely betwean You and the applicable third-party provider. Accela does not warrant or support third-party products or services, extept as specified in an Order Schedule. No purchase of third-party products or services is required to use the Afcela Services, 2.5 Third-Party Applications and Customer Content If You Install or enable Third-Party Appllcatlons for use with the Accela Services, You acknowledges thatAccela may allow providers of those Third-Party Applk:atfons to access Your content as required for the: Interoperation of such Third-Party Appllcations with the Accela Services. Accela shall not be responsible for any disclosure, modification or deletion of Your content resulting from any such access by Third-Party Application providers. 2,6 Availability ofThird Party Applications Accela Service features that interoperate with Third Party Applicatrons depend on the continuingavallabllity of such Third Party Applications. If such Third Party Applications cease to be available on reasonable terms for Inclusion In the Acee la Services, Accela may cease providing such Third Party Applications without entitling You to any refund, credit, or other compensation. 2.7 support Accela will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide You with the necessary technical support and updates for the Accela SeNlces. 2.8 Limitations Accela wlll not be responsible or Jlable for any faHure in the Acee la Sen1ices resulting from or attributable to {a} usage In excess of the usage for which You have ordered pursu;,ntto an applicable Order Schedule, (b) fallures In any teletommunlcations, network or other service or equipment that are not within Accela's reasonable control, (c) Your negligence, acts or omissions, (d) any force majeure or other cause beyond Accela's reasonable contro~ or {e) unauthorized access, breach of firewalls or other hacking by third parties, except to the extent such access, breach or hacking Is caused by Accela's negligence or wlllful misconduct. 2.9 Privacy Accela shall collect, process and store personally Identifiable Information In accordance with Accela's prlvatY policy located at http://www.publicstuff.com/prlvacy. 2.10 User subscriptions Unless otherwise specified In the applicable Order Confirmation, (ii Services are pU1'hased as User subscriptions and may be acce$Sed by no more than the specified number of User.;, (II) addltlonal User subscriptions may be added during the appllcable subscription term at the same pricing as that for the pre-existing subscrtptlons thereunder, prorated for the remainder of the subscription term In effect at the time the additional User subscriptions are added, and (Ill} the added User subscriptions shall terminate on the same date as the pre-existing subscriptions. User subscriptions are for designated Users only and cannot be shared or used by more than one User but may be reassigned to new Users replacing former Users. 3, FEES AND PAYMENTS 3,1 Fees You agree to pay Aa:ela all fees and expenses in the amounts and at the times spedfled in the appllcable Order Schedule. 3.2 PaymentTerms Unless speclfled otherwise or subject to a good faith dispute, all amounts due hereunder $hall be paid in full (without deduction, set-off or counterdaiml within 30 days after Your receipt of Invoke In US dollars at Accela's address or to an account specified by Accala. 3.3 overdue Charges If any charges are not received from Yuu by the d4e date, then at Our discretion, (a} such charges may accrue late Interest at the rate of 1.5% of the outstanding balance per month, or the ma><imum rate permitted by law, whichever Is lower, from the date such payment was due until the PublicStuff1 an Accela Company 214 W 29th street, Room 205, New York, NY 10001 I email: sales@publicstuff.com I phone: (347) 442~7227 date paid, and/or (bl We may condition future subscription renewals and Order Confirmations on payment terms shorter than those specified above. 3.4 Suspension of Service and Acreleration If any amount owing by You under this or any other agreement for Our services ls 30 or more days overdue, We may, without limiting Our other rights and remedies, accelerate Your unpaid fee obUgat!ons under such agreements so that all such obligations become lmmed!ately due and payable, and suspend Our services to You until such amounts are paid in full. 4. PROPRIETARY RIGHTS 4.1 Accela Services Except for the limited rights and licenses expressly granted to You hereunder, no other llcense Is granted, no other use Is permitted and Accela (and Its lfcensors] shall retain all rights, title and interests (including all Intellectual property and proprietary rights) in and to the Accela Services. 4.2 customer Content You shall own all rights in all content and data created or provided by You, subject to the rights and licenses granted herein. During the term of this Agreement, You hereby grant Acce!a and Its successors a worldwide royaltyfree, nonexclusive, subllcensable right and license to exploit and use Your content in connection with the provision or exploitation of the Accela ServTces. 4.3 Restrictions Except as expressly permitted in this Agreement, You shall not directly or Indirectly (a) use any of AOO!la's Confidential Information (as defined herein) to create any service, software, documentation or data that Is sJmllarto any aspect of the Ar:cela Services, provided that the foregoing does not prohibit independent development of slmllar functlonallty by You or third parties, {b) disassemble, decomplle, reverse engineer or use any other means to attempt to discover any source code of the Platform, or the underlying ideas, algorithms or trade secrets therein, (c) encumber, subllcense, transfer, rent, lease, time-share or use the Accela Se!Vlces ln any service bureau arrangement or otherwise for the benefit of any third party, (d) copy, distribute, manufacture, adapt, create derivative works of, translate, localize, port or otherwise modify any aspect of the Acee la Services, (e} use or allow the transmission, transfer, export, re-export or other transfer of any product, technology or Information It obtains or learns pursuant to this Agreement {or any direct product thereof) In violation of any export control or other laws and regulations of the United States or any other relevant Jurisdiction or (f) permit any third party to engage In any of the foregoing proscribed acts. 5, CONFIDUlTl.AUTY Each party agrees that the business, technlcal and financial Information, that Ts designated In wrlt!ng as confldent!al, or Is disclosed In a manner that a reasonable person would understand the confidentiality of the Information disclosed, shal! be the confldentlal property of the dlscloslng party and lts llcensors (HConfident!al Information"). Confident!al Information does not Include Information that (a} Is previously rightfully known to the receiving party without restriction on dlscfosure, (b) Is or beCDmes known to the general public, through no act or omission on the p11rt of the receiving party, (c) ls disclosed to the receMng party by a third party without breach of any separate npndisclosure obl!gatlon, or {d) ts Independently developed by the receiving party. Except as expressly and unamb!guously allowed herein, the receiving party will hold in confidence and not use or disclose any Confidential Information and shall similarly bind Its employees, consultants, and Independent contractors. Upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement, aJJ of the Confidential Information (including any copies) will be returned to the disclosing party, and receiving party will make no further use of such materials. If required by law, the receiving party may disclose Confldentla I Information of the disclosing party, but wll! give adequate prior notice of such disclosure to the drsclosJng party to permit the disclosing party to Intervene and to request protectiVe orders or other confidential treatment therefor. 6. LIMITl!O WARRAN'TV ANO DISCLAIMERS 6.1General Each party represents and warrants that: (a) It is a duly organized and validly existing underthe laws of the Jurisdiction in which it is organized; (b) it has full power and authority, and has obtained all approvals, permissions and consents necessary, to enter Into this Agreement and to perform its obligations hereunder; (c) this Agreement ls legally binding upon It and enforceable in accordance with its terms; and {d) the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement does not and wlll not conflict with any agreement, Instrument, judgment or understanding, oral or wrltten, to which It Is a party or by which It may be bound. 6.2Accela Acce!a warrants to Customer that (1) theAcce!a Sef\llces wm be provided In a professional and workmanlike manner; (n) the Aocela Services wlll perform in accorda nee With the documentation In all material respects; (Iii) the Accela services as delivered by Aoce!a do not contiin any Trojan horses, worms, or undocumented disabling devices; and (iv) Accela scans the Accela Services and the hosted envlmnmeotfor known viruses using Industry standard virus detection techniques. 6,3 Dlsdaimers ACCElA DOES NOTWARRANTTHA'fi'HE ACCElA SERVICES Will MEET YOUR REQUillEMENTS OR RESUL'f IN ANY OUTCOME, OR THAT THEIR OPERAllON WIU BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, ACCELA HEREBY DISCLAIMS (FOR ITSELF PublicStuff, an Accela Company 214 W 29th street, Room 205, New York, NY 10001 I email: sales@publrcstuff.com I phone; (347) 442~7227 ANO ITS SUPPLIERS) ALL OTHER WARRANTJES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, ORAi.OR WRITTEN, WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCELASERVICl:S JNCLUOING, WITHOUT LIMl'fATION, ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, QUIET ENJOYMENT, INTEGRATION, MERCHANTABIUlY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULM PURPOSE AND ALL WARRANTIES ARISING FROM ANY COURSE OF DEALING, COURSE OF PERFORMANCE OR USAGE OF TRADE. 7, INDEMNIFICATION 7.1 Infringement Except as provided below, Accela agrees to (a) defend You against any claim by a third party that the Ac<:ela service Infringes a valJd us patent (Issued as ofthe Effective Date), or any copyright or trade secret, of such third party and (b) Indemnify You far settlement amounts or damages, llablfltles, costs and e>1penses (Including reasonable attorneys' fees) awarded and arising out of such claim. If any Accela Service becomes or, In Accela's opinion, ls likely to become the subject of any injunction preventing Its use as contemplated herein, Accela may, at Its option (i] obtain for You the right to continue using the Accela service or (!I) replace or modify the Accela Service so that It becomes non-lnfringlng without substantially compromising Its prlnc!pal functions, If If) and (II) are not reasonably avallable to Accela then It may (IR) terminate this Agreement upon written notice to You and refund to You any Accala Service fees that were pre-paid for the then current term, pro-rated for the remainder thereof. 7.2 Exclusions Accela shall have no llabllity or obligation hereunder with respect to any claim based upon (a) use of any Accela Service In an applicatlon or environment or on a platform or with devices for which it was not designed or contemplated, (b) modifications, alterations, combinations or enhancements of the Aci:efa service not created by or for Accela (c) any of your content, (d) any portion of the Acee la Service that Implements Your requirements, (e) Your continuing allegedly Infringing activity after being notified thereof or Its continuing use of any version after being provided modifications that would have avoided the alleged Infringement or (f} any Intellectual propertv right In which You or any of Its affiliates has an Interest. 7.3 Procedures Any claim for Indemnification hereunder requlms that (a) the Indemnified party provides prompt written notice of the claim and reasonable cooperation, information, and assistance in connection therewith, and (b) the Indemnifying party shall have sole control and authority to defend, settle or compromise such claim. The indemnifying party shall not make any settlement that requires a materially adverse act or admission by the Indemnified party wlthoutthe Indemnified party's written consent (such consent notto be unreasonably delayed, conditioned or withheld). The Indemnifying party shall not be Hable for any settlement made without its prior written consent, 7,4 Entrre Llablllty The foregoing states the entire liabllfty !)f Accela and Your e>1tlusive remedy, with respect to any actual or alleged violation of intellectual property rlghtS by the Accela Services, any part thereof or Its use or operation. 8. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY EXCEPT FOR ANY BREACH OF SECTION 5 (CONFlDENTIALITYj, INDEMNIFICATION OBllGATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 7 ORA PARiY"S GROSS NEGLIGENCE OR WILFULL MISCONDUCT, IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE CONCERNING THE SUl3JECT MATIER OF TiiESE TERMS AND CO NOTIONS OR ANY ORDER SCHEDULE, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ANY ClAIM ORAcnoN (WHETHER IN CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABllllY OR OTHEREWISE), FOR ANY (A) LOSS OR INACCURACY OF DATA, LOSS OR INTERRUPTION OF USE, OR COST OF PROCURING SUBSTrrlJTETECHNOLOGY, GOODS ORSERVlCEs, (BJ INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, RELIANCE, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF BUSINESS, REVENUES, PROFITS ANO GOODWILL OR (C) DAMAGES IN THE AGGREGATE, IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT PAID TO IT {IN THE CASE OF ACCELA) OR PAID AND PAYABLE BY IT {IN THE CASE OF YOU} HEREUNDER DURING THE PREVIOUS 12 MONTHS, EVEN IF IT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 9, TERM AND Tl!RMINA110N 9.1Term These Terms and Conditions and each applicable Order Schedule shall commence upon your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and each Order Schedule and shall continue In effect until terminated in ai::.::ordance with the Order Schedule. 9.2 Termination This Agreement may be terminated (in whole, or In respect of any order Schedule) by a party (a] If the other party materially breaches a provision of these Terms and Conditions or the applicable Order Schedule and falls to cure such breach within 30 days (10 days In the case of non-payment) after receiving written notice of such breach from the non-breaching party or (b) as otherwise set forth in the Order Schedule. 9,3 Effects ofTermlnatfon PublicStuff, an Aa:ela Company 214 W 29th Street, Room 205, New York, NY 10001 I email: sales@publicstuff.com I phone: (347) 442-7227 Upon any expiration or termination of any Order Schedule or the termination of these Terms and amdltions, all corresponding rights, obligations a_nd llcenses of the parties shall cease, except that {a) all obligations that accrued prior to the effective date of termination (lnduding without !Imitation, all payment obligations) shall sutl/lve and (bl the provisions of Sections 3 (Fees and Payments), 4 (Proprietary Rights), s (Conftdentlality), 6 (limited warranty and DlsclaTmers), 7 (Indemnification), 8 [Limitation of llablllty), 10 (General Provisions) and this Section 9,3 shall survive. 10. GENERAL PROVISIONS 10.1 Entire Agreement These Terms and Conditions (Including the Order Schedules) constitutes the entire agreement, and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings or agreements {oral or written), between the parties regarding the subject matter of these Terms and conditions (and all post de;ilfng or industry custom). Any Inconsistent or addltlonal terms on any related writing or slmllarform, even If signed by the parties hereafter, shall have no effect under these Terms & conditions, Accela reserves the right to change these Terms; and Conditions from time to time upon written notice to You. The falfure of either party to enforce its rights under these Terms and CondfUons at any time for any period wlll not be construed as a waiver of such rights, and the exercise of one right or remedy will not be deemed a waiver of any other right or remedy. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions Is determined to be Illegal or unenforceable, that provision wfll be lfmlted or eltmlnated to the minimum extent necessary so that these Terms and Conditions will otherwise remain In fult force and effect and enforceable. 10.2 Prevailing PaJ'W In any action or proceeding to enforce these Terms and Conditions, the prevalllng party wlll be entitled to recover from the other party Its costs and el<penses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) incurred in connection with such action or proceeding and enforcing any Judgment or order obtained. 10.3 Remedies Except as specifically provided otherwise herein, each right and remedy In these Terms and Conditions is in addition to any other right or remedy, at law or In equity. Each party agrees that, In the event of any breach or threatened breach of Section 4 or 5, the non-breaching party will suffer irreparable damage for whldi it will have no adequate remedy at law. Accordingly, the non-breaching party shall be entitled to lnJunctive and other equitable remedies to prevent or restroin such breach or threatened breach, without the necessity of posting any bond. 10.4 Notices All notices under these Terms and Conditions wlll be In wrlting, in English and delivered to the parties at their respective addresses stated herein or at such other address designated by written notice. Notices will be deemed to have been duly glven when received, If personally delivered; when receipt is electronically confirmed, If transmitted by facslmlle; the day after being sent, If sent for next day delivery by rl!CO!llllzed overnight detlvery service; or upon receipt, If sent by certified or registered molt, return receipt requested. 10.5 Force Majeure In the event that either party is prevented from performing, or Is unable to perform, any of its obligations under these Terms and Conditions and Order Schedule(s) (except payment obllgatlons} due to any cause beyond Its reasonable control, the affected party shall give written notice thereof to the other party and Its performance shall be extended for the period of delay or lnablllty to perform due to sucll ott0rrence. 10.6 PubOclty Neither party shall use the other party's trademarks, trade names or make any public statements concerning the relationship between the parties without the other party's priar written consent, which wlll not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, Notwithstanding the foregoing, You hereby grant to Acce[a the right to use, reproduce and publlsh, Your name, trademarks, service marks, brand names and brand marks in connection with advertising, marketing and sales. 10.7 Assignment These Terms and Conditions and the rights and obligations hereunder may not be assigned, fn whale or In part, by either party without the other party's written consent, not to be unreasonably with held, conditioned or delayed. However, without consent, either party may assign their rights and obligations hereunder to any successor to .ill or substantlally all of its business (whether by sale of assets nr equity, merger, consolldatlon or otherwise}. These Terms and Conditions shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the successors, representatives and permitted assigns of the parties hereto. 10.8 Independent Contractors The parties shall be Independent contractors, and nothing herein will constitute either party as the employer, employee, agent or represent.itlve of the other party, or both parties as Joint venturers or partners for any purpose. 10.9 Anti-Corruption You have not received or been offered any illegal or Improper bribe, kickback, payment, gift, or thing of value from any of Our employees or agents In connection with these Terms and Conditions, If You learn of anyviolatlon of the above restriction, You agree to contact us immediately. PubllcStuff, an Accela Company 214 W 29th Street, Room 205, New Yori<, NY 100011 email: sales@publlcstuff.com J phone: (347) 442-7227 PublicStuff, an Accela Company 214 W 29th Street, Room 205, New York, NY 10001 I email: sales@pubflcstuff.com I phone: (347) 442-7227 ADDENDUM TO THE AGREEMENT BElWEEN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN AND ACCELA, INC. FOR Citizen Engagement & Workflow Management Suite (the "Services"), This Addendum to the Terms and Conditions for Accela CRM, formerly Publicstuff Pro Services, (the "Agreement'') between the City of Bozeman ("Citt) and Accela, Inc., a California corporation ("Accela" or "Contractor") (collectiv§_IY, the ''Partiesn) (referred to herein as the "Agreement") is hereby entered into as of this a.liz_'"'day of October, 2015. RECITALS The Parties seek to enter into an agreement for Accala to provide Subscription Services; and The Parties desire to amend various provisions in the "Services Terms and Conditions" to clarify the terms and conditions of the products and services provided by Accela. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Parties' performance of the promises, covenants, and conditions stated herein, the Parties hereby amend the Agreement as follows: The attached "Services Terms and Conditions" are hereby amended as indicated by the corresponding Sections below: 1. Section 8 (language added) EXCEPT FOR ANY BREACH OF SECTION 5 {CONFIDENTIALITY), INDEMNIFICATION OBLIGATIONS PURSUANT TO SECTION 7 OR A PARTY"S NEGLIGENCE OR WILFULL MISCONDUCT, IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE CONCERNING THE SUBJECT MATTER OF THESE TERMS AND CONDTJONS OR ANY ORDER SCHEDULE, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF ANY CLAIM OR ACTION (WHETHER IN CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHEREWISE), FOR ANY {A) LOSS OR INACCURACY OF DATA, LOSS OR INTERRUPTION OF USE, OR COST OF PROCURING SUBSTITUTE TECHNOLOGY, GOODS OR SERVICES, (8) INDIRECT, PUNITNE, INCIDENTAL, RELIANCE, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, LOSS OF BUSINESS, REVENUES, PROFITS AND GOODWILL OR (C) DAMAGES IN THE AGGREGATE, IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT PAID TO IT (IN THE CASE OF PUBLJCSTUFF) OR PAID AND PAY ABLE BY IT (IN THE CASE OF YOU) HEREUNDER DURING THE PREVIOUS 12 MONTHS, EVEN IF IT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. ACCELA'S LIMITATION OF LIABLITY DESCRIBED ABOVE IS NOT OFFSET BY ITS INSURANCE COVERAGE AND JS PROVIDED TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITIED BY APPLICABLE LAWS. Insurance Coverage: During the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall, at Contractor's expense, obtain insurance coverage which insures the liabilities and obligations assumed by the Contractor under this Agreement In amounts not less than as follows: • Workers' Compensation -statutory; -1- 12IOO-OOOI\1686960v3.doc • Employers' Liability~ $1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate; • Commerclal General Liability -$1,000,000 per occurrence; $2,000,000 annual aggregate. The City of Bozeman, lts officers, agents, and employees shall be endorsed as an additional or named insured on a primary noncontributory basis on the Commercial General Liability policy. The Insurance and required endorsements must be in a form suitable to City and Contractor shall provide no less than a thirty (30} day notice of cancellation or non~renewal. The City must approve all insurance coverage and endorsements prior to the Contractor commencing work and non-approval will result in cancellation and will not be considered breach. Contractor shall notify City within two (2} business days of Contractor's receipt of notice that any required insurance coverage will be terminated or Contractor's decision to terminate any required Insurance coverage for any reason. 2. Section A·2 (language added): Subject to these terms and conditions and the Order Schedules, Accela will use commercially reasonable efforts to operate and host the Platform In connection with making the Services available to Customer. Accela reserves the right to modify the Accela Services On whole or in part) at any time, provided that Accela will not materially reduce the functionality of the Accela Services. Accela warrants that the Services will be available (accessible through the API) no less than ninety-nine point nine percent (99.9%} of each calendar month. For each month during which the avallabllity of the Services does not achieve the established standard, Accela will provide a credit to Customer's account, as indicated below as liquidated damages provided that the unavailabillty is timely identified by Customer in writing and can be objectively verified. Credits accumulated pursuant to this Section may be applied to Customer's choice of (1) future Service renewal costs; (2) additional Accela products and/or services,-; or (3) If Customer does not renew the Services and credits are available, Accela shall pay to customer and amount equal to the value of Credits. The availability requirements for the Services, excluding planned maintenance downtime, are below. The availability "Uptime'' is calculated on a calendar month basis as LJ;::Q/(M-P)*100, where U is Uptime, 0 Is the amount of operational uptime for the Services during a given month, Mis the number of minutes In the month, and Pis the number of minutes of planned downtime during the month. Credits are calculated on pro~rated monthly fees for the applicable Service. Uptime Credit ~99.9% None <99.9% but i':99.0% 15% <99.0% but ~95.0% 35% <95.0% 100% 3. Non·discriminatlon (language added). -2- 12100-0001 \l 686960v3.doc \ \. The Contractor agrees that all hiring by Contractor of persons performing this Agreement shall be on the basis of merit and qualifications. The Contractor will have a policy to provide equal employment opportunity In accordance with all applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws, regulations, and contracts. The Contractor will not refuse employment to a person, bar a person from employment, or discriminate against a person in compensation or in a term, condition, or privilege of employment because of race, color, religion, creed, political ideas, sex, age, marital status, national origin, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental disability, except when the reasonable demands of the position require an age, physical or mental disabllity, marital status or sex distinction. The Contractor shall be subject to and comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Section 140, Title 2, United States Code, and all regulations promulgated thereunder. The Contractor shall require these nondiscrimination terms of Its sub-Contractors providing services under this Agreement. Unless expressly modified herein, all of the remaining tenns and conditions set forth in the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Addendum on the day and year first shown above. CITY OF BOZEMAN Print name: tG«.,{ .I\J ,t;;,4M~-i Print name: Chris Kukulski Title: CA~ ~A(,?1 Title: City Manager Dated ~ N0~-1€._ Z9rc;-Dated \ o--z~ ..... Jr 12100-0001\1686960v3.doc