HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-29-2015 Joint City and County Commission Minutes ` �e,Q�tmbex z.°I2Ot5 Snin�G'�/Coun�.. l`�inui-GS E Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes Summary Journal No.52 September County Commission Time speaker Note $-M -These log notes provide only a part of the official record: The remainder of the official record is in the audio recording of the meeting per Section 2-3-212, MCA. The audio recording is available upon request. 9:00:42 AM 'Chairman White Call to Order, Moment of Silence, Pledge of Allegiance. l Present were Commissioners White and Skinner, Deputy County Attorney Chris Gray, and Acting Clerk to the Board : 9:b1.31 AM Chairman White " Announcement,, 'Reminder to the public that the meeting Is being recorded, televised live by Charter Communications _ and streamed aver theinternefi_� 9:01:53 AM Chairman White There was no public comments on any matters within the Commission'sjurisdiction,:,____...._.....__._._�_._.._...___----...._._.__�._ 9:02:12 AM Chairman White Made note That Commissioner Seifert was excused from toda 's meetin , i l l � i I' f i I' 9/29/2015 1 of 7 Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes Summary Journal No.52 September County Commission 9:02:27 AM Clerk to the Board Mary Read the consent agenda Into the record as follows: 1. Miller Approval of Claims 2.Approval of Contract(s): Grant Application to the Montana Mental Health Trust for Funding of Fresh Start Program (Detention Center) ($82,720); Grant Application to the Montana Mental Health Trust for Statewide CIT Coordinator Position held by the Sheriffs Office($119,454); Grant Application to AGR Noxious Weed Trust Fund FY 16 'Special County Grant for Weed Department to Purchase UTV and Sprayer($7,500);Acceptance of Grant Award from the US Department of Justice/Bureau of Justice Assistance for the Purchase of Bullet Proof Vests for FY 2016 with a 50150 Match ($1,852.74); Acceptance of Grant Award 16-331-74070-0 from Montana Department of Health and Human Service Addictive&Mental Disorders Division for Crisis Intervention and Jail Division($147,032);Acceptance of Grant Award from Montana Department of Transportation for the Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) ($23,000);Acceptance of Grant Award of State Highway Traffic Safety Selection In-Car Video Systems for the Sheriff's Office ($8,150);Agreement with Sutron for Maintenance of Middle Creek Early Warning System and Migration to Windows 7 Servers ($10,000);Approval of a Grazing Lease on the Logan Springs Property to Craig and Taryn DeBoer d/b/a C-T Red Angus($2,400);Approval of a Contract for Propane Service at the Logan Landfill to Madison River Propane ($1.18/gallon)-continued until October 6, 2015; and Approval of Modification#1 to Cooperative Law Enforcement Annual Operating &Financial Plan Between USDA, Forest Service and Gallatin County ($8,800)3.Approval of Budget Transfer for Facilities Department 4.Approval of an Engagement letter with D.A. Davidson for the sale of$3,200,000 in new Open Space Bonds and the refinancing of the 2008 Open Space Bonds 5.Approval of a Bond Counsel Agreement with Robert Murdo Bond Counsel 6. Decision on a Common Boundary Relocation Exemption Within a Subdivision from Subdivision Review for Nason 7. Findings of Fact,Conclusions of Law and Order for the Spanish Peaks Resort Phase 5 Major Subdivision 8. Decision on a Utility Lot I Exemption from Subdivision Review for Northwestern Energy 9, Decision on a Common Boundary Relocation Exemption from Subdivision Review for Kundert and Orosz 10. Decision on a Common Boundary Relocation Exemption from Subdivision Review for Kundert, Kundert,Orosz, and Woods 11. Decision on a Common Boundary Relocation Exemption from Subdivision Review for Frase-continued until a future date.12. Decision on an Agricultural Exemption from Subdivision Review for Nygard 13. Decision on a Common Boundary 9/29/2016 2 of 7 I Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes Summary Journal No.52 September County Commission 9:06:09 AM 'Chairman White Noted that consent agenda item#11 was continued to a _ future date. __.__-__•__.__ _ __..•._•�......._..._._--___-.• 9:08:23 AM _ There was no public comment. 9:06:38 AM Commissioner Skinner I'll move to approve the consent agenda minus the contract with Logan Springs property and the contract for propane service at the Logan Landfill and agenda item#11,which is i a common boundary relocation exemption for Frase. 9:06:5$A_M Chairman White 4 -- Second__•._____w_____..___-,._.._______._._•. _____—�_ 9:07:01 AM _..__.__.»»N.�_____....•.._•_...• . Motion_passed»unanimously, «,»�»-'. .._._•..._____-.- 9:07: 0 AM ChairmanWhite »-__._ Joist Public Hearing and Decisilonn by the Gallatin County Commission and City of Bozeman Regarding f= Approval of an Architecture Contract with ThinkOne Architects for the New Law&Justice Center ..._M _C______.-_..n__-___. ._._._--e--_.__•..___._________.•._..__..-_.__.._ -.._.._._ ._m__ - I 9:07�52 AM Chairman White Welcomed the City Commission _ 9:0$:14 AM I Jeff Krauss,'City of _ -- Called the City Commission to Order far the Special i Bozeman_ .dint �e�tin-a-_^�•-_�.T__.__._-__.____..____-_-_--__ 9:0$:21 AM Chairman White City and County Commission are now in Joint session. 9:0$:33 AM Procurement Manager Presentation - Master Agreement terms _ Nick Borzak 9:09:19 AM Discussion and Questions including Commissioner Skinner, City Commissioner Carson Taylor, Chairman White, City Commissioner Denise Andrus, Mayor Jeff Krauss, and City Commissioner I-Ho Pomeroy 9:15:38 AM - ._w-..___•.___.._.- There was no public comment. - ----..__ . ..._.•.._. f 9:15:64 AM Chuck Wlnn,Assistant Presentation 9:1$:37 AM Jeff Krauss, City of I would entertain a motion. _ Bozeman Ma or 9:1$:56 AM Carson Taylor, City !Having considered public comment-and the information Commission Deputy presented by staff, I hereby move to authorize the City i Mayor Manager to sign the professional services agreement with ThinkOne Architects subject to final legal review and contingent upon Commission approval of a budget amendment authorizing funding, i I' 9:19;11 AM I-Ho Pomero City Second lCommissioner ._-._-_.-_--- 9:1914 AMA___„ •».,w.__,...�_._.�•----•.-__•.._•_..__ City Commission Board discussion - 9:20:52 AM Motion passed 5:0. (Mayor Krauss, Commissioners _.---_._-•--- -r---------___._ Pomero_Mehl.Tavior and Andrus) __...._...._._..••.__.�----- 9:21:06 AM ¢Commissioner Skinner I would move to approve the professional service contract Iwith ThinkOne Architecture. This would be AiA document ,B121-2014, 9:21:17+A _M Chairman Wh—it e—______.__.... Second _ Board discussion and read a letter from Commissioner Seifert into the record. 9:23:05 AM [ Motion passed unanimously. 9:23:18 AM Procurement Manager Fiat Service Order AIA Document B221-Option 30%vs Nick Borzak 80%construction documents for schematic design 7�i8 957 9/29/2016 3 of 7 Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes Summary Journal No, 52 September County Commission 9:24:03 AM (Discussion and Questions including Commissioner Skinner _. __•....___..._._.•._.._•_....,..,.�_....,__• __._.__.... ....:...._._._.__._._•_I and Mayor Jeff Krauss 9:25:33 AM Public comment Bill Hanson, Presiden#of 7hinkOne Architects 9:30:54 AM Chuck Winn, Assistant Presentation 9'33 10 AM Deputy County Attorney Presentation Chris 9:34:30 AM Discussion and Questions 9:35:08 AM Closed public comment. 9.35:13 AM Jeff Krauss, City of Do 1 have a motion? w•_.•____.....___._.._. Bozeman Mayor•.._T,_ _..._ 9:35:33 AM Gommissioner l-Ho 1 move to 30% design, , 9:35:39 AM Commissioner Chris Mehl Second, I assume you're then also supporting this document B221 and the not to exceed amount. Which is a good idea for the several months that we'll have a cap.And that's Included in that? �.•_�__• 9:35;54 AM Jeff Krauss, City of Do you want to incorporate that in your motion? __........__. .•._•.Bozeman•Mayor__•..,._.. a___. 9:35:59 AM Commissioner I-Ho yes. -E�omero� 9:36:01 AM City Commission Board discussion 9:38:09 AM. Motion passed 5:0- (Mayor Krauss, Commissioners Mehl,WTaylorjand 9:38:20 AM Commissioner Skinner I'll move to approve Service Order#1 with ThlnkOne I Architecture which would AIA document B221-2014, which would limit the, t guess in this Service Order#1,we would be limiting it to 30% construction document. 9:38:48 AM Chairman WhiteSecond ..� _•............ ...__._• _._____. _----��___•__._._ •._•__._..._• •9:38�M. .•..._.__....._•�.._._._.�._.....___.._—_. .Board•discussion---____..__,.._•...•_..._.._•w.•_....w._..._..____.®__.._..__..._.._•.,.•_..__.. 9:41:11 AM Motion passed unanimously, 9:41:19 AM Discussion between the County Commission and Assistant Cit�r Manager Chuck Winn___,_-•__,_••_.•_______ _ -� •�__ 9:42:40 AM Jeff Krauss, City of Joint City Commission meeting is adjourned, .._�. Bozeman Mayor_.__.._._._._..• 9:42:52 AM Chairman White Joint County Commission_meeting is adjourned. _9::44:13 AM Chairman W its— Board Appointment(s). DUI Task Forcetl��� 9 45 04 AM There was no public comment. 9.45;11 AM Commissioner Skinner Move to appoint Lacy McConnell and Kate Tilison to the __._•_.._•_.m.•, _.w. ..•.,._• DUI„Task,Force.._•....__.. 9:45:17 AM Chairman White _ Second 45:20 AM _ Motion passed unanimously. 9:45:30 AM Commissioner Skinner Mental Health Local Advisory Counail 9:46:06 AM '�. ...,_.....__'y.• WN.W-_.—u There was Yno`public comment. ___.ry y_ ;�,�•_.• •...y.�.^.Y`••._. 9:46:12 AM Commissioner Skinner Move to appoint Jasmine VanAntwerp to the Mental Health _ Local Advisory Council. 9:46:'f 7 AM Chairman White Second µ _9:46:15 AM_. ...._�..........•.•.•.w•..•_..,..••_•..•....._.•m,�.._..... •M_ofian passed unanimously. 9:46 24 AM Chairman White.__._.__' M Rere reeForks Ambulance Service DistrictAM was nv�public comment. __._...___.�._..•.._.._...•.______•.__........_.•...m. 9/29/2015 4 of 7 , ^ - / Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes Summary Journal No. 82 September County Commission Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes Summary Journal No. 52 September County Commission 9:59:13 AM Motion passed unanimously. 9 59.21 AM Chairman White Public Hearing and Decision on a Resolution Relating to$107,000 Rural Special Improvement District No. 2607 Bonds; Fixing the Form and Details and Providing for the Execution and Delivery Thereof and Security 9:59:43 AM Jack Schunke, Morrison- Presentation Maierig ....... •._.___..._____ ......._._ .m__•_.._•.__•._,_•._..._..._._ .�.._.•_.m...... __.___._____�.__... 10:02:02 AM _ _,� _._ iThere was no public comment. _.._............_.•......___•....._......_......M_..__ •..__... .M.__.m_...• .•,.�.w,.•.�.•_.•••_.._,._,.___ _..._ .__..___.._ ____.••y.• ....._,.................. •_.••._._._...,_ 10:02:09 AM Commissioner Skinner I will move to approve Resolution#RID-15-2607D. 10:02;17 AMYCtiairman White Second 10'02:21 AM Motion passed unanimously. 10:02:28 AM Chairman Vl/hlte Public Hearing and Decision on a Resolution of intent to Amend the FY 2016 Gallatin County Crime Control Fund to Reflect Receipt of$156,462 in Grant Funding and $8,457 in Matching Funds 10;02:52 AM Undersheriff Dan Springer Presentation 10:03:40 AM Public comment _ Finance Coordinator Justine Swanson 1 Q:04.f AM Commissioner Skinner Move to approve Resolution of Intent#2015-105. _ 10:04:22 AM Chairman White �iSecond _..•.-..____..•� ..^w..m. ��...,..4,`µ4�_,_�•__.__._...-__ _� __..�.__ 10:04:25 --( Motion passed unanimously. 10:04:36 AM Chairman White Public Hearing and Decision on a Resolution on the Approval Authorizing the Issuance of$3,200,000 In New Open Space Bonds and the Refinancing of Up To $2,800,000 in Applicable 2008 Open Space Bonds 10.04:56 AM C?pen IndsI.Board--._•- .Presentation m�mm M�_.. __..__.._..___.__._._._ __—___....._.w_.._._.• _�....._._ CoordinatorMike Wards ---- -..�. _ W..W._...._•••.•_•___.�...._•_.•.._.._•......•...._..___.__..•.w•...__... AM _ ...,..Discussion and Questions.. ..__.•.._.,_M•_...__•.__,..•....•••........._..••......,.•_._..• .•r.. 10 Q7:18 AM Bridget Ekstrom, DAM Presentation Davidson & Co. 1 Q:09:20 AM Discussion and Questions _ .•'(�q:11:06�AM� _._...__...,m,._._...__.___...._..._.....•.•._ There was no public comment. �•�'•,._._......._.�._......__..._.._....•_._..__._.._••. 1 Q 11 12 ANi Commissioner Skinner Move to approve Resolution#2016-106:� .10 i'!:^18yAM(Chairman White w M N Second �_�...••...•_.•_• •_�•.�.,_.. 10:11:21 AM - w..._.,...W Hoard discussion •. ..._•. �._•_•._m. tl ..m.,' .,�,. . _... - 10:11:39 AMA _•.... .•_...••_•.•.•....•._,._.•.. ._...__.. Motion passed unanimously ,_ ____..._....__._.._.__•_.•.__._........_._..._. .._.•. 10:11:44 AM _ Recess 10:17:53 AM hairman White Reconvene to meeting. Public Hearing and Decision on a Request for a Three-Year Extension of the Preliminary Plat Approval Period for the Jack Rabbit Business Park Subdivision 10:18:17 AM Planner Randy Johnson Staff report 10:20:33 AM Discussion between Commission, Deputy County Attorney Chris Gra Ai2q_R9Lrjqy Johnson 10:21:40 AM There was no public comment. 9/2912015 6 of 7 Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes Summary Journal No. 52 September County Commission 10:21:46 AM,Commissioner Skinner I'll move to grant the 8-year extension to Jackrabbit ( Business Park Major Subdivision and enter into an i agreement for extension of the preliminary plat that will he i _ __ -•--_ signed by both i?arties__..__..".._.._._..._.�__.._..__.__••_.---•-•---- - 10:22:01 AM Chairman White ~� Second 10:22:07 AM -� hoard discussion 10:22:31 AM I Motion passed unanimously. 10:22:42 AM!Chairman White Public Hearing and Decision on a Request for Family # Transfer Exemption from Subdivision Review for 10:22:53 AM Planner Megan Gibson Staff report I 10:29:04 AM Tom Henesh, Big Sky Presentation on behalf of applicant Kathryn R. Phelps and ]Land Consulting_w" as Power of Attorney __ ___.__.-•_._____.__.___._."__-. ___ 10:29:21 AM Discussion and Questions 10:32:24 AM Publio comment Attorney Brian Gallik submitted written testimony labeled __ Exhibit A, Item#11 1033:33 AM Discussion between the Commission, Brian Gallik, Deputy- County Attorney Chris Gray, and Tom Henesh •'10:44_:'i4A_M�__."_,,.___•_�..,_...,,...__�___._.-------•- There was ne public comment �"~"_.....�.___,�__._•-.•�......._W...._._____ 10:44:24 AM�Commissiener skinner 1 would move to continue this item until a date agreeable to the applicant and In my motion I would commit to providing the legal question before this Friday,which I don't know what the date that would be. I think that's October 2 for them to provide the record and answer to my question. 10:44:56 AM Chairman White _ Second 10:45:04 AM Motion passed unanimously. 10.45.15 AM Meeting adjourned. f r f9 i k 9/29/2016 7 of 7 i i Commission Present: Mayor Jeff Krauss, Deputy Mayor Carson Taylor, Commissioner Mehl, Commissioner Andrus and Commissioner Pomeroy Staff Present: City Manager Chris Kukulski, Assistant City Manager Chuck Winn, Administrative Services Director Anna Rosenberry and City Clerk Stacy Ulmen. Approval of the September 29,2015 Gallatin County Commission Meeting Minutes in Regards to a Special Meeting between the City Commission and the County Commission w G c Jeffrey K. Krauss Mayor k ATTEST: Sta6y,VlM' en' CMC I1'T co City Clerk PREPARED BY: i Gallatin County Recording Secretary Approved on: _ Q Ur , i' I i r'