HomeMy WebLinkAbout15- RFQ FULL Scope N7th Urban Renewal Engineering ServicesPage 1 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS STREET, INTERSECTION, TRANSPORTATION, LIGHTING, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND STORMWATER ENGINEERING SERVICES The City of Bozeman (City) is seeking Statements of Qualification (SOQs) from firms qualified to provide professional engineering planning, design, construction management and inspection and other related services for various designated and undesignated transportation network, lighting, telecommunications and stormwater related projects that may be undertaken in the North Seventh Urban Renewal District (NSURD). The City intends to develop a 3 year term contract with the selected firm to provide engineering services for the NSURD including but not limited to those described in the Scope of Services document. The work may be broken into several projects over multiple fiscal years and may require the submission of proposed scopes of work as requested by staff. Copies of the proposed Scope of Services, Qualifications Evaluation Criteria and the City's Consultant Selection Procedure are available at the City’s Economic Development Department, 121 North Rouse Avenue, P.O. Box 1230, Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230, or by calling 406- 551-0209 during normal business hours. All SOQs must contain the following information: 1. A cover statement demonstrating an understanding of the NSURD Urban Renewal Plan and N. 7th Avenue Design and Connectivity Plan and how the firm’s capabilities, as enumerated in the scope of services, are suited to meeting the objectives of these plans. (No more than 4 pages) [District Plans are available at http://www.nsurb.net/grants/documents-resources/ ] 2. Provide a section entitled, “Location, Capacity and Previous Work” on no more than two (2) pages immediately following the cover statement addressing the following considerations:  Location of firm and the ability to provide on demand and in-person support to the NSURB and Economic Development staff;  Capability to meet project schedule and budget requirements;  Present and projected workloads;  Recent and current work for the City of Bozeman shows good attention to detail; and  Recent and current work for the City of Bozeman in existing TIF Districts. 3. Five (5) case studies that demonstrate how the firm provided an innovative approach to the kinds of projects contemplated by the NSURD Plans. (No more than 2 pages per case study, pictures welcomed) Page 2 4. At the discretion of the firm, no more than five (5) typewritten, single- spaced pages more fully describing the firm's qualifications as related to the scope of services. 5. Resume for the staff member designated as the project manager and point of contact for the work that will be undertaken as well as up to 5 resumes for additional principle staff that will be providing their expertise to projects under this contract. 6. At the discretion of the firm, a company brochure. Six (6) hard copies of the proposal must be submitted no later than 4 p.m. on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 to: Bozeman City Clerk City of Bozeman 121 North Rouse Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 OR One (1) digital copy of the proposal must be submitted, by CD or USB drive, no later than 4 p.m. on on Tuesday, November 17, 2015 to: agenda@bozeman.net Responses received after 5:00 p.m. on this date will not be considered. This Request for Qualifications will be published in the Sunday Bozeman Daily Chronicle on the following dates: November 1, 2015 November 8, 2015 Page 3 SCOPE OF SERVICES STREET, INTERSECTION, TRANSPORTATION, LIGHTING, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND STORMWATER ENGINEERING SERVICES The City of Bozeman (City) is seeking Statements of Qualification (SOQs) from firms qualified to provide professional engineering planning, design, construction management and inspection, and other related services for various designated and undesignated transportation network and stormwater related projects. The general scope of engineering services is itemized below. The City will evaluate firms on strengths in the following five (5) specific categories: 1. STREET, TRANSPORTATION, AND STORMWATER: Basic Project Criteria a. Pre-design services including: project scope definition, preparation of design alternatives and preliminary cost estimates, preliminary layouts, utility conflict and encroachment analysis, and basic hydraulics. b. Familiarity with Federal, State, and Local design standards and applicable specifications. c. Design and construction surveys, including coordination with aerial surveying firms. d. Soils and pavement design evaluations, including soils testing and analysis. e. Design alternatives for street storm drainage systems, including hydrologic and hydraulic analyses. f. Design report preparation. g. Preparation of preliminary and final plans and specifications, contract documents, and construction cost estimates in accordance with applicable City standards. h. Plan review and approval coordination with State, County, and other local agencies. i. Analyze and recommend alternative pavement design. j. Identify and secure any necessary, 124, 310, 404, MPDES permit, other permits needed for design and construction. k. ADA requirements in concert with master planned street and highway improvements. l. Coordinate with Montana Department of Transportation for improvements on designated state and urban routes. m. Bid period and post-bid period activities coordination. n. Construction administration and inspection including surveying, soils, pavement, and materials testing, construction certification and warranty inspection. 2. STREET, TRANSPORTATION, AND STORMWATER: Complex Project Criteria (in addition to basic project criteria) a. Right-of-way and easement research and complete acquisition services. b. Utility relocation coordination. c. Complex alignment and geometric design issues. d. Environmental Impact Assessments. Page 4 e. Detailed structural designs (i.e. bridges, reinforced walls, culverts, channels, levees) f. Signal, roundabout, and sign warrant analyses. g. Plans and specifications in accordance with Montana Department of Transportation design standards (i.e. utilize Intergraph, etc.). h. Comprehensive traffic studies including developing traffic projections and modeling. i. Construction administration and inspection services including surveying, asphalt and soils materials testing/certification, construction certification and warranty inspection for large and complex projects. j. Comprehensive geologic and geotechnical services. k. Mitigate adverse impacts to wetlands or other sensitive lands. l. Pedestrian/trail/bike route studies and AASHTO requirements. m. Pavement management systems. n. Preparation of transportation and stormwater facility plans. o. Complex flood studies and floodplain map amendments. p. Coordination and procurement of EPA Phase II Stormwater permitting. q. Coordinate with Montana Department of Transportation for improvements on designated state and urban routes. r. Development and implementation of public involvement plans and leadership of informational/community meetings. 3. INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS a. Predesign services including: defining project scope, design alternatives (including roundabouts), preliminary cost estimate, preliminary layouts, identification of utility conflicts, encroachment and preliminary right-of-way requirements. b. Right-of-way and easement research and complete acquisition services. c. Signal, roundabout and signage warrant analyses. d. Evaluation of existing Transportation Facility Plan intersection improvement recommendations. e. Design alternatives including roundabouts, signals, intersection geometry, signal operation, drainage, utilities and control devices. f. Prepare design surveys, design reports, and comprehensive traffic studies. g. Environmental Impact Assessments. h. Coordinate with Montana Department of Transportation for intersection improvements on designated state and urban routes. i. Preparation of plans, specifications and estimates in accordance with City, State and Federal design standards. j. Bid period and post-bid period activities coordination. k. Construction administration and inspection including surveying, soils, pavement and materials testing, signal operation, construction certification and warranty inspection. l. Traffic calming and pedestrian crossings. m. Roundabout design and construction administration. n. Development and implementation of public involvements plans and leadership of information/community meetings. Page 5 4. WATER AND WASTEWATER ENGINEERING SERVICES Basic Project Criteria a. Pre-design services including: project scope definition, preparation of design alternatives and preliminary cost estimates, preliminary layouts, utility conflict and encroachment analysis, and basic hydraulics. b. Review and evaluation of applicable Federal, State, and Local government requirements. c. Design report and project schedule preparation. d. Identification and procurement of any necessary 124, 310, 404, Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit, or other permits required for design and construction approval. e. Preparation of preliminary and final plans and specifications, contract documents, and construction cost estimates in accordance with applicable City standards. f. Coordination of plan and specification review and approval with the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) and other agencies having jurisdiction. g. Assist the City of Bozeman during the bidding phase, including attendance of pre-bid conferences, answering bidders' questions, preparation of addenda, and attendance of bid openings. h. Bid review services, preparation of bid summaries, research of contractor references and license status, and appropriate award recommendation. i. Construction administration and inspection including but not limited to surveying, soils, pavement, and materials testing, construction certification, and warranty inspection. Page 6 5. LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS: Basic Project Criteria a. Site Evaluation – the Contractor will conduct a site evaluation to determine existing conditions within the NSURD. i. Engineering Survey – The Contractor will use a combination of the City’s GIS information, aerial photography, and in field surveying to establish a base map for the entire NSURD. The base map will include ROW location, easements, and property boundaries. The base map will also include, but not be limited to, the location of existing sidewalks, curbs, driveway accesses, ADA accessible ramps, lighting fixtures, locations of electrical power for lighting, traffic signals, and additional utilities that would impact location of pedestrian facilities and potential lighting locations. b. Lighting Studies- i. Street and Pedestrian Lighting Study – The Contractor will prepare a lighting study to determine the locations best suited to adequately illuminate all street and pedestrian corridors within the NSURD. The study shall identify existing pole heights, an evaluation of the existing lighting levels, determination of existing power routing, possible types of lighting designs, and a utility conduit design. ii. Lighting Plan – The Contractor will work with the NSURD to discuss options for developing a lighting plan that utilizes the existing lighting and provides for increased lighting levels where required or desired through a combination of street, pedestrian and traffic lighting that meet the criteria of the Board for developing the sense of character for the NSURD. The Contractor will also work with the NSURD to identify locations where overhead power for existing lighting can be located underground. iii. Coordination with Northwestern Energy (NWE) – The Contractor will have preliminary discussions with NWE regarding the potential of putting power lines underground. Discussions will include the power for the lighting as well as transmission lines within the NSURD. iv. Coordination with the City of Bozeman - The Contractor will have discussions with the City of Bozeman regarding the potential for utilizing LED lighting within the NSURD. v. Cost Estimate – The Contactor will prepare a cost estimate based on the findings of the street, pedestrian and traffic lighting studies and the initial site investigation. The estimate will include, but is not necessarily limited to: lighting, cost of right of way acquisition, infill of sidewalk or equivalent pedestrian infrastructure missing from the District. Page 7 6. TELECOMMUNICATION IMPROVEMENTS: Basic Project Criteria a. Fiber Optic Engineering i. Pre-design services including: project scope definition, preparation of design alternatives and preliminary cost estimates, preliminary layouts, and utility conflict and encroachment analysis. ii. Familiarity with Federal, State, and Local design standards and applicable specifications. iii. Design and construction surveys, including coordination with surveying firms. iv. Design report preparation. v. Preparation of preliminary and final plans and specifications, contract documents, and construction cost estimates in accordance with applicable City standards. vi. Plan review and approval coordination with State, County, and other local agencies. vii. Bid period and post-bid period activities coordination Construction project management, administration and inspection The above-referenced general scope may be applied to several projects within the NSURDand may require additional approvals and subsequent task orders which may be negotiated over a period of time. Detailed project schedules will be established during contract negotiations. Proposals must clearly demonstrate the firm's ability to provide the services detailed above given their current staffing. QUALIFICATIONS EVALUATION CRITERIA STREET, INTERSECTION, TRANSPORTATION, LIGHTING, TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND STORMWATER ENGINEERING SERVICES Respondents to the Request for Qualifications (RFQs) shall be evaluated on the following criteria and the requirements of 18-8-201 et seq. MCA with the selection committee choosing, in its opinion, the most qualified firm to provide the services required for the proposed project: 30% -- The qualifications of professional personnel to be assigned to the project; 30% -- Related experience on similar projects; 15% -- Innovative approach to case study projects; 10% -- Location of firm and the ability to provide on demand and in-person support to the NSURB and Economic Development staff; 5% -- Capability to meet project schedule and budget requirements; 5% -- Present and projected workloads; 5% -- Recent and current work for the City of Bozeman shows good attention to detail; and 5% -- Recent and current work for the City of Bozeman in existing TIF Districts. Each firm will be ranked in accordance with each of these main disciplines listed in the Scope of Services section included in the Request for Qualifications. The selection of finalists to be interviewed will be made by a selection committee representing the City of Bozeman (City) and at least one member of the NSURD Board. The selection of interview candidates will be based on an evaluation of the written responses to the RFQs. Award will be made following contract negotiations to the most qualified firm at a price which the City determines to be fair and reasonable taking into account the estimated value of services to be rendered, as well as the scope, complexity, and professional nature thereof. If the City is unable to negotiate a satisfactory contract with the firm initially selected at a price the agency deems to be fair and reasonable, negotiations with that firm will be formally terminated and the agency shall select another firm in accordance with 18-8-204 MCA, and continue until an agreement is reached or the process is terminated. All submitted proposals must be complete and contain the information required as stated in the "Request for Qualifications”. NON-DISCRIMINATION AFFIRMATION FORM _________________________ [name of entity submitting] hereby affirms it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability in the performance of work performed for the city of Bozeman, if a contract is awarded to it, and also recognizes the eventual contract, if awarded, will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and that this prohibition shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the _________________________ [name of entity submitting] employees and to all subcontracts it enters into in performance of the agreement with the city of Bozeman. Signature of Bidder: ______________________________ Person authorized to sign on behalf of the bidder