HomeMy WebLinkAbout199604 . e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 29-Apr~96 Alarm Number: 960327 Date: 29.Apr.96 Time Call Received: 14:49 lAJeatioJl of Run: Under the East Frontage road underpass Time Out: 14:51 Type of Rua: Emergency On Scene: 14:52 KiDd of"': Medical Assist In Service: 14:54 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Eagine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No Response Distrid: 12 Respondbag From: Neither ~ in at the time of call Did we arrive before Ambuluee: Yes Other Agencies at Sceae: Bozeman Police Department, " Med- Trans Ambulance Fire Fighten at Scene: D. Miller, v, Backman, 1. Sbrauger, &, S. Mueller Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patieat Name: n/a Sex: Male Patient's Addtess: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's PbeD.e: PositioD/Location of Patient: Sitting up in the drivers seat. ComplaintJPrebkw: none. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Preuure(lf TakeD): Not taken by I'D BelpiratioBs (If Taba): Not taken by FD PwpiIt: Not taken by FD Level of Coneious.ness: Alert Treatment by BuaaaaFire: The Bozeman Fire Department was dispatched to the east Frontage roacfs underpass to assist a.possible heart attack victim. On arrival fire personnel found a startled individual who hadjust pulled over to rest. No medical help was needed. ()ft'ker in Charge: D. Miller Pel'lOll Making Report: D. Miller ------.----.--.--------,..,. . e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 01-M~96 Alarm Number: 960326 Date: 29.Apr.96 Time Call Reeeived: 1:43 LocatioB of RIm: 523 N. Montana Time Out: 1:43 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 1:46 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In SeMice: 2:06 Fire Denartment Ot>erations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Re8cue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teuder 1: No Other: No Response Distrid: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Amhlance: Yes Other Agencies at Seene: Med Trans of Montana Fire Fighters at Scene: Thompson, Polus .. Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient N..: Alvin Hunt!lmlllU Sa: male Patient's Address: 523 N. Montana Zip Code: 59715 Age: 63 PatieDt'. Phooe: 586-2269 PositionlLocation of Patient: Sitting in a chair in the living room. CODlplaiDtJProblem: Chest pain. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 120 Blood PretlllIft (If Taken): 145/95 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: PEARL Level of Condousuess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters respcmded to a report of a man who was having chest pain. We took the patient's vital signs and a patient history. We also applied oxygen and assisted Med Trans personnel with packaging and loading of the patient. Oft1cer in Charge: M. Thompson Person Making Report: M. Thompson e e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 29-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960325 Date: 27.Apr-96 TiRle Call Jteceived: 1:37 LoeltiGaof Baa: Eighth a1ld Lamme Time Out: 1:39 Type of Run: Emergency on Scene: 1:42 lOad of....: Medical Assist In Service: 1:49 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No IDgiae 2: Yes Resale 1: No Ladder 1: No TeD4er 1: No Other: No Response District: 0 Responding From.: Station 2 Did we arrive before AIIIIndance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman Police, Med-Trans Ambulance Fite Fighters at Scene: D. Miller, 1. Shrauger, S. Mueller Unprotected ExpoIUre: No Customer Information Patient Name: Joshua Turner Sa: Male Patient's Address: 237 West Main t.ip Code: 59715 Age: 20 Patient's Phoae: 994-9327 PotitionILocati of Patient: Patient was sitting in the front.seat of a vebic1e. ComplaiatlProbleto: Patient bad a small cut to the bridge of his nose. CPR Perfol'lBed: No Pulse (II TaIu:n): Not taken by FD Blood PreMare (If TakeIt): Not taken by FD Respiratio8l (If Takea): Not taken by FD PupUs: Not taken by FD Level of Coneioumess: Alert TreatDtenf by Bozema Fin: BozemanPirefighters received a call to. Eighth and Lamme to a report of a 20 year old male that bad cut his face. Upon arrival firefighters assisted the patient with a cut that he received on the bridge of his nose resu1tingfrom a fight earlier in the evening. The patient refusedtraDSpOrtto the hospital. Officer in Charge: D. Miller Penon MaIdq Report: 1. Sbrauger . e --,.,'.. Bozeman Fire DepartMent... EMS Report 26-1fpr-96 ...- --" AlIhW NHlIIer: 960124 o.te: 26-Apr..c)6 11ae c.u Ikftiwd: 19:34 ........", ..., 101 UacJllfOIh Olart TiIae o.t: 19:36 T!te iii": BID8fSeIICJ 0. SceIle: 1~:37 ...,. of" Modictl AIIJIt 11tSerrit;e: 19:55 Fire DeoartmentQperati~ Jaww of J..ik 11_: No ....1: No ~1: Yes .... 1: No ......... 1: No T....h No Odtt!r: No ..... Diatrict: 23 "<<~I"'''' F.-, S&ation 2 Did"e anWt tefere AMIMllaeer. Ves 0ItJer ~ at Seale: MSU's Campus lW1o:& Mel:I-TI'8II8 AmbuJaace fire FIPten. Sctar. D. Miller, 1. SJtrau&tr, a: s. Mueller u.,roteetecI I"...rc No Customet: Infonnation PatleIlt N..-e: SbaDe BIIbcI Sa: Mate PaUatt..~. Coodo F iu )&r.J~ Court Zip Code: 59715 AMt 19 .....I.~ 582-1391 ~fII~ Lyiugin bisbed. ~ Shane _be bad~ CPa~d; No ..... (JI T....: 120 ... ..~, (U TlIfIa): Nol1ltkea by Fl> IIeIpiratieet (If TMea): Not tIJrea by fD ...... Not taba by PO Lefej 01 ~ AJert TratIDrat by 'IIo'.r.Ma Ji'Ire: The Bozeman.F~ Deputment was ~Md to 108 Ner....Cotut CO..... irIdmdaaIwbo bid pnt'lIlmnni, File pet~ lOOk vitaIa _...... &iocI- TQaI..........~.wdJt lo8diq. 0Ifieer iB CMJwe: D. MUter ft!nDII~~ D.Mider I 'd 6EtO Z8S gOt 'ON XV.'f Z# NOILnSNVWRZOa Nd tS:9 LVS 96-9Z-adV . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 26-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960323 Date: 26.Apr.96 Time CaD Received: 22:26 Location of BuD: 19th &:. Durston Time Out: 22:28 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 22:29 Kind of Run: Vehicle Accident In Senice: 22:S1 Fire Department Ooorations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No EngineZ: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulaac:e: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Med Trans, Bozeman P.O. Sheriff Fire Figbtenat Scene: Hougland, Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: DavidLettow Sex: Male Patientts Address: 1923 W. Beall Zip Code: S9715 Age: 31 Patient's Phone: P08itionlLocation of Patient: Lying on back in middle of intersection. CODiplaiatJProblem: Hit from behind by car, lower back and left hip pain. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Takeu): 90 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 140/100 Reipirations(If Taken): Not taken by I'D Papils: pearl Level of Ceudousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire responded to assist a man on a motorcycle who had been bit from behind by a car while waiting at an intersecUon. Firefighters assisted in the application of a traction splint and cervical collar. Officer in Charge: S. Hougland PeJ'8Oll Makbag Report: 1. Polus . e Bozeman Fire Department'" EMS Report 26~Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960322 Date: 26-Apr-96 Time Call Received: 21:43 Location of Run: 102 3F Grant Chamberlain Dr. TiJbe Out: 21:44 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 21:48 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Serviee: 22:07 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Beseuel: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 23 Responding Froot: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambtdance: Yes Other Ageneies at SceDe: Med Trans, MSU Police Fire Fighters at Scene: Hougland, Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Natalie Davis Sex: female Patient's Address: 102 3F Grant Chamberlain Dr. Zip Code: 59115 Age: 3. Patient'. Phone: 585-2989 PoUtionlLoeation of Patient: Sitting on sofa. ComplaintlProblem: Pregnant - cramping, spotting. CPR Perfol'Rled: No Pulse (If Taken): 80 Blood Preuure (If Taken): 135/90 Respiration. (If Taken): Not taken by FD PaptIs: PEARL Level of Coneiousness: Alert Treatment by BozemIR Fire: Bozeman Fire responded to assist a pregnant female who had been experiencing severe cramping. Off'aeer in Charge: S. Hougland Penoa MakiDg Report: J. Polus . . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 25-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960321 Date: 25-Apr.96 Time Out: 17:08 Locatioa of Rua: 1221 W. Durston On Sce8e: 17:13 Type of ItPa: Emergency In Service: 17:19 Kind of Run: False Call - Good Intent Bespon8e Distrkt: 21 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: CXcupant PboDe: Occupant Address: Owaer Name: Owner Phone: Owner Addren: Type of OccupanylVehicle: Lic:eue: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Picture. Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Row ....,. Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property d..age: No Fire Loss and Jnsurance Infonnation Estimated Lon OIl Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 IawtlUlce Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insuraae.e oa ConteIltl: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire Departmellt - Fire Report pg.2 Alarm Nlllllhr 960321 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Eagine %: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squd 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used EniBguithed with: Seuree of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Sceae: Hougland, Thompson, Hoell, Polus. Fischer Call Back Personuel Paged: No Spedal Tea... Paged: No Oft'Duty Penomael: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire was canceled enroute to a fire alarm at the Gallatin County Rest Home. A pull station was mistakenly activated. Officer in Cbarge: S. HouglaDd. Penon Making Report: 1. Polus e It Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 25-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960320 Date: 25-Apr-96 Time Call Reeeived: 16:26 Loeation of Run: S W. Koch Time Out: 16:27 Type of Run: Emergency On Seene: 16:29 KiDdof Ru.a: MediQl1 Assist In Service: 16:46 Fire Department Operations JaW8 of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Resme 1: No Ladder 1: No Tauler 1: No 0tIlet: No Response District: 12 Responding Frona: Station 1 Did we arrive before Adlbulaace: Yes other Ageucies at Scene: Me<! Trans Fire Fighten at Scene: S. Hougland, 1. Fischer Unproteeted Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Margaret McDonald Sex: Female Patient's Address:S W. Koch #3 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 90 Patient's Phone: 586-6281 PositionlLecation of Patient: Lying in her bed. ComplaitatJProblem: Her oxygen line had become entangled in her bed and she needed assistance untangling it. CPR Perfonaed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Prtuure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Takea): Not taken by FD hpiJs: Not taken by FD Level of Condousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire responded to assist an elderly woman who had. become entangled in her oxygen line. Oftker in Charge: S. Houglaad I'enoJl MaIdag Report: 1. Polus e e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 25-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960319 Date: 25-Apr-96 Time CaD .Received: 15:12 Lee'" f1I Baa: 4th & Villard Time Out: 15:13 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 15:15 Ki8d of Bull: Vehicle Accident In Service: 15:23 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No EBgine 2: Yes Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Teadel' 1: No Other: No Re.ponse District: 11 Responding I'ronl: Station I Did we arrive before ADlbulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman P.O. Fire Fightert at Scene: S. Hougland, G. Hoell, 1. Polus, 1. Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Non Injury Sex: Patient's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patieat'. Pboae: PositioRlLocadon of Patieat: ComplaintIProblem: CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pretsue (If Taken): Not taken by PO Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Condousness: Alert Treatnlent by Bozeman Fire:: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a three vehicle, non-iJijury accident at the intersection of 4th & Villard Off"u:er in Charge: S. Hougland Pel'lOP MakiDg Report: 1. Polus . . Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 24-Apr~96 Alarm Nwnber: 960318 Date: 24-Apr.96 Time Call Received: 23:35 Locatioa of Rua: 112 N.1th. Time Out: 23:36 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 23:40 Kiadof Ran: Meidi<:al Assist In Service: 23:41 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Eagine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No 0tIIer: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before Amtndance: No other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter K. Bushnell Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Sex: Patient's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Pa1ieBt'. Phone: PositionJLocati of Patieat: ComplaintlProbIem: CPR Performed: No Poise (If Taken): Not taken by FD Btoed Pressure (IlTakeD): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Takea): Not taken by FD hpiIs: Not taken by FD Level of Conc:iousness: Alert Treatment by Bo:r.eIDaa Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a request for medical a&&istattce from a man who had been sprayed with pepper spray at the Cat's .Paw.FireJigbters were c:uc:e1e4 upou.anival my MedTrans. Officer in Charge: G. autter' Person Maldag ",rt: G. Clutter . . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 24-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960317 Date: 24~Apr-96 Time CaD Received: 13:35 Location of Rn: Willson &, Olive .. TIlDe Out: 13:37 Type of Ran: Emergency On Scene: 13:39 Kind of Run: Vehicle Accident In Service: 13:50 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Eagiae 1: Yes Engiae2: Yes Resaae 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No 0tIter: No Respoue Di8trict: 12 Responding Fl'OIIl: Neither Station in at the time of call Did we arrive before AmbulaBce: Yes 0tIter Agencies atScelae: Bozeman Police, MedI'rans Fire Figbten at Stae: G. Clutter, K. Bushnell, D. Archer, T. Greene, 1. Fassbinder Unprotedecl Esposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: lessica Gembarowski Ses: Female PatieIlt's A44ress: 724 North Montana Zip Code: 59715 Age: 22 Patieat's Phoae: 582-7442 PoIition/LoeadoBef Patieat: Sitting in front seat of vehicle. ComplaiDtlProblem: Knee injury. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood PreIsare (If TakeD): Not taken by PO Relpiratieas (If T__): Not taken by FD PupiIr. Not taken by PO Level of Condousness: Alert TreatmeD.t by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a report of a motor Whicle accident at.the comer of Wilson &. Olive. Upon arrival firefighters found a 22 year Old female who had injured her bee. Firefiptet's assisted MedTrans with patient care and packaging for transp>rt to the hospital. Three other passengers also involved in the accident were notiajured. Oftkeri.Ch~: G.Cm~ PerIoD M.... Report: G. Clutter '. e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 24-Apr-96 Alarm Number. 960315 Date: 24-Apr-96 TimcCaU Reeeived: 10:29 Locadon of RIUl: 203 Hagerty Laae Time Out: 10:29 Type ofRD: Emergency Ou Sceae: 10:29 Kind of BIIIl: Medical Assist ID Service: 10:51 Fire Department Onerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes EqiDe 2; No Racae 1: No La4der 1: No Telldel' 1: No Odaer: No Response District: 12 Responding ,...: Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive before AmbaIanee: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Med.Trans Fire Fighien at Scene: G.Clutter K. BusshneU D. Shyne (off duty) Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient N ....e: Bernard Allen Sex: Male Patient's .AddJ:'esI: 1010 Amo1d Zip Cede: 59715 Age: 55 Patient's PhoBe: 586-3721 pOllitioD/l.oeat of PatieBt: Supine on floor. ComplaiDtlProblena: Possible cardiac arrest. CPR Perforwed: No Pulse (If T.-): 107 Blood Preu8re (If Takat): 150190 Respiratiou (If Takat): Not taken by FD hpllt: fixed and dia1ate Level of ConeiouDess: Unresponsive TreatDleIlt by.-.a Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a request for medical assistm;;e for an 55 year old male who had passed. out while working out. Upon. arrival., fiRfighters found. the man Ul1COIlScious and having breathing problems. Firefighters administered. oxygen took vital sips and assisted MedTrans with loading the patient for transport to the Hospital. Oft'ieer in Charge: G. Clutter PenoII Ma1d8g Report: G. Clutter e e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 24.Apr-96 Alann Number: 960314 Date: 24-Apr-96 Time Call ReteivetI: 8:15 Lotadoaof ....:Chief Joseph Middle School 309 N. 11th. Tune Out: 8:16 Type of Ibm: Emergency On Scene: 8:19 Kitad of": Medical Assist In Senice: 8:33 Fire Department Onerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes EagiDe 2: No "'1: No LathIer 1: No Teader 1: No 0tIler: No Response District: 21 RespondIng Froaa: Station 1 DitI we a.rrhe before A*J..daau: Yes Odler Agencies atSee8e: MedTrans Fire FfIIUen at Seeae: O. Cider K. Bushnell Unprotected E~re: No Customer Information Patiellt Name: Alex Hraeovsky Sex: male PatieBt'sA4dress: 115 F lulia Martin Drive Zip Code: 59715 Age: 13 :Patient"s JilIaoae: 587- 9153 PositioRILocati of PatieDt: On his side on .0Q!d00r basketballcomt. ComplaiDtJProblem: Possible dislocated knee. CPRPerfonned: No PaIse (If Taken): Not taken by FD BIeod Pnuue. (If TabD): Not taken by FD Ite8piratioJn (If Taken): Not taken by FD PupIls: Not takea by FD Level of COIICioasness: Alert Treatnlent by Bo:ratan Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a request formedica1assistance for a 13 year old male who had injured his knee while playing baskdball. Firefighters assisted MtdI'ram withpd:agjng the boy for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Penon MaIdag Report: G.Clutter --.-----".... -.--...- APR-23-96 WED 11:33 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 2 , e e ~. -" 1Jopn."" Fire Departmeat... Fire R~ 24-Apr~96 AlanD .NuIber. 960313 BaR: 23-Aproo96 Time Old: 2):2' 1<<llil" ", HInt: 842' West M8in UnSeat: 23:30 Type of AD: EtnI:l:'r__j III Seniee: 21:57 kiIMI of ....: Ra7.ardous CondiOOn IlapuaM:: IHItrId: 21 RespoIMIi"l From: Both Stations in It time of call. M1RHI. Aid Gtmt: No ..... Aklllet:tmd: No Customer Infonnaijon 0a:Iap&t Nuae: Banana Bay Oceap" Phoee: '87-0484 Ocap_ AMrat: 3425 West Main One.. N..: K\1ft SIIuU o.r.u fIIIeIIc: .586-4726 ow... AdtIretI: 22 Httetting AJIt Rei. Type of ~JIVddek.: Bar a: Restaurant LIceIIIe: Fire O~.IIted.. Sprea4 to: fl/a Caned by: Gas .ine was broken. Started by . JfleIdIe: No ......N. ,-...: No s.eIce IJeeIed8r P.~t~ No DkI it Adivate: No Wit.uti. l~i. didil1MMalife: No Ilw IMIIl1 Lifts Sated: 0 JIlt Aai'1Ied, did it pnMet'..... pnpeI'Cf "'-y No Fire Loss and Insurance Information t:ltiMIkd ....... _ PrupeIt1.: $0.00 1'....... 1.-_ ~ $0.00 ........IIIee C.pay: "'raaeeee Pntpea1.1: $0.00 1iIJIrMce. ~. $0.00 APR-23-96 WED 11:33 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 1 e e ........ J'h D+-'" Ill' - hoe...... ,..1 AIIra~ 960313 -"'-~'-' '_r.'., Fire Deoartment Ooerations Units Resoonclins: hplel. Yes EItPIe 2: Yes "'1: No Ladder 1: No T.... I: No ~t: No Other. No U.at .. ......t1'.. n.e: Pam,p& DOt U&ed I!:"'~~d wHIa: s.rce .f6Wata': AaGuDt ofW_r Vied: ??oo 6aIloIIS ftre ll1tfden at SaIR: D. Miller, &. V. ~ Cd .aek I'erIo88d Papd: No Spedtd T_....: No Oft'Duty Penoftllel; t:~1It UIIid: PoeItivc plCSSOfe jU lIDd the ~..~. EQIIipIDeIIt ...... or JJnIra: IIOIIe 1addeJd~: The ~ Fire Dot-~ WlIIditIpiItohcdfo 842S West Maia toa ~,U4 p&.... Oa lIIIival fiIo.p;4 -*..d........ a BoiIratID Police oJIket WalRtady...oIlU............ f'q ~18d UIlld a laD to vatdJatc.dIe an:a ofUll leak aad a ~~.. lIS dr.Udor lO.c:Iael:t;. fbr my ~tt8" 'I1acOWlWvaI adriaed aut to usc., oftk~ WIliI _Hac 'WaS ~ MllMoataaa... PeIOUd hid a c:haI:u to d1cc:k tor odJet )tab. 0Ifieer ill CItarp: D. Miller fenoa. MaId1Ic Repert: D. Miller . . Bozeman Fire DepartmeDt - EMS Report 23-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960312 Date: 23..Apr-96 Time Call Received: 17:06 Locadonof...: 7lh & Main TUne Out: 17:07 Type of....: Emergency Oa Seene: 17:09 KiDd of RB: Vebide Accident Ia Servke: 17:15 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engiae 2: Yes Beseae 1: Yes Ladder 1: No TeDder' l:No 06er: No Response District: 11 RespoDdbtg 'FOlD: Both Stations in at time of call Did. we anivebefore AmbuIaace: Yes Other A.geaeies at Scene: Fire Figbten at Seeae: 1. Fassbinder. K. Rowe, V. B~Aft> D. Miller: Uaproteeted E....re No Customer ~ormation Patieat Name: none Sex: PaiieRt's Address: none Zip Code: 59715 Ace: 0 Padeat's Pboae: PoskioBILocatioa of Patieat: There was no patleAt. Complah1tlProbIem: Canceled on scene. CPR Perfonaed: No PulIIe (If Taken): Not taken by FD BIood.....re (If TakeD): Not taken by FD Respiratiolu(If Taka): Not taken by FD Papik: Not taken by FD Level of Coaeiousaess: Not taken by FD perso1UJCI Treataent by~- Fire: Bozeman Fire responded to a motorvehicle cwcident at the c::omet.ofMain and 7th. Upon arrival firefighters found that the persons iavolvedin the accideat ba4 rea the sceae. omcer in Charge: K. Rowe PerIoD M.........: T. Shearman e e Bozeman Fire Departmeat ... EMS Report 23-Apr-96 Alarm NUDlber: 960311 . Date: 23-Apr-96 TilDe Call R.eeetved: 14:31 LotatioD 01.....: 6 W. Babcock Apt. #210 TilDe Out: 14:32 Type of RD: Emergency Oil Sceae: 14:34 KiIld of Ru: Medical Assist ID Service: 15:01 Fire Department Operations Jawsof'Life Used: No :Engine 1: Yes Eqiae 2: No Re8cue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tela4erl: No Other. No Response Dilltrid: 12 ~. FI"OIIl: Station 1 Did we anivebefore AddJuIaace: Yes Other Ageaeies at Seeae: MedTrans Fire FiPten at SeeiIe: K. Rowe. T. Shearman, J.Fassbinder UllprotectedEsposul'e: No Customer Information Patient Nanae: Traci Erickson SeE female Patieat's Addretl: 6 W. Babcock Apt.. 210 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 38 PadeDt's PboDe: 582..s216 PositioD/LocadG of P....t: Sitting Oft coud1 in livi:nc room. COIdPlaiatlProbIem: Patient appeared to had suffered repeated strokes over a .weets.thIJe. Patient had bruises all over ber body from fa11i.og .in her apt. Sbecouldn't speak but ooulcI understa8d oral ~Nltioa. A friend of hers{ WaIt Selph 440 E. Main St. am. 585-5812 } called9U wherlbe stopped by to see her and discovered her conditon. He informed me that she had sulferedtwo strcices prior miter life. CPR Pedormed: No Poise (If TakeD): Not taken by FD Blood Preslure (If Takm): Not taken by PO ResplratioDs (If TakeD): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Coacieameu: Responsive to Verbal Stimulus Treatment byBcw... Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to the unitbloek of W. Babcock to the report of a woman who had suffered a possible. stroke. firefighters treated the patient whowasuansported toBo'Mm- Deaconess Hospital for further evaluation. e e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 23-Apr-96 1>fficer in Charge: K. Rowe PenoB MtIdeg Report: K..Rowe e e Bozeman Fire Departmeat .. EMS Report 23-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960310 Date: 23-Apr-96 TUne Call Received: 7:07 Locatioa of Ru: 70S North 17th Time Out: 7:08 Type of....: Nonemergency On Stene: 7:11 Kiadot....: Medical Assist ... Service: 7:23 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No ElIgiae 1: No EJIIiae 2: Yes ReIe1Ie 1: No La44eI' 1: No Tauter 1: No Odaer: No Response Distrid: 21 RespoDdiDg From: Station 2 Old we anivebefore AmbulaKe: Yes Other Agencies at Seene: None Fire FigIden at Sceae: D. Miner, &: V. B~n Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Gertrude Osborn Sa: Female PatieDt's Addresa: 705 North 17th Zip Code: 59715 Age: 82 PadeJIt'. PhoDe: 586--6269 PositioDILocationof Patient: Sitting on the edgeoI her bed. CODIplaiutlProblea: She could not get from her bed intO her wheelchair. CPR PerfonRed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Preuure (If TIkea): Not taken by FO Respiratioas (flTaken): Not taken by FD .....: NottakenbyFD Level. 01 CoIH:ioasness: Alert Treatmeat by ~- Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department was dispatched to 705 North 17th to.. assist a penon who was having trouble getting into a wheelchair. Fire personnel responded (code 1) withoatemergency lights andsireus and gave assistance to the individual. OfficerillCbarge: D. Miller Penea..MakbII Report: D. Miller e e Bozeman Fire Department · Fire Report 22-Apr-96 Alarm Num1ter: 960309 Date: 22-Apr~96 Time Out: 12:49 Loadoa 8f RR: 192Q South Black On Scene: 12:54 Type of Run: Emergency In Serrite: 13:09 Kiacl f4 Run: Suspicious Odor Response Distriet: 12 Rapofttling From: Station 1 in & Station. 2 out at time of call MatualAid Givea: No Mutaal Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Judy Lamluros Oeeupant Pbeue: 587-9664 Occupant Address: 1920 South Black Owner Name: ludy Lamluros Owner Pbo8e: S87~964 Owner Address: ludyLamluros Type of OceupanylVehiele: Multi-Family Dwelling LiceJue: Fire origiuted In. ..spread to: No Fire. Caused by: Cause of smoke was due to a wooden spoon on the drying element of a dishwasher. Started by a Juftldle: No Piduret Taken: No .SalOJce J)eetedor PreIeat: No Did it Activate: No If'it Activated, did. it save a life: No Bow lbaDy Uves Saved: 0 If it Attivatetl, ditlit prevtat majorpreperty dmage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information EstiDrated Loss OB Property: $0.00 EstinUded Loss OB COBtenls: $0.00 mSUnKe Company: InSUanceOB Property: $0.00- Insutuee on Contents: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire Department - J'ire Report PI- 2 Ailn'a-Nimlber 960309 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engiae 1: Yes ~ngine 2: Yes Ratue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Sqaad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used E'Kti~widl: Souree ofWMer: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons , Fire Fighten at Sceae: M. Thompson, K. Johnson, M. Criner, 1. Shrau.ger, 1. Fischer Call Back Penoanel Paged: No Spedal Te... Papd: No. Oft' hty Penouel: Equipment Used: Equipaleot Lost or Bnken: Incideat Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a smell of smoke m. a South Black residence. Cause of the smell was due to a woodl:n spoon fa1ling on the heating element of a dishwasher. There was no actual fire at the 1'e$idence. Off"acer iACflar&e: 1. Sbrauger Penon Making.Report: J. Shrauger . e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 21-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960307 Date: 21-Apr-96 TIme Call Received: 7:00 LocatioB of Run: 800 Wheat Dr. ( Super 8 Motel) Time Out: 7:01 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 7:07 KiDd of Bull: Medical Assist In SeMite: 7:21 Fire Department Opetations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No EqiJte 2: Yes ReI(ue 1: No Ladder 1: No TeIhIer 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding FroDI: Station 2 Did we arrive before Aa1buIaBce: No Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Seeae: Dos, Fassbinder, Greene Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Bobbie Heidel Sex: Female Patient's Address: P.O. Box 51 Broadus MT. Zip Code: 59317 Age: 68 'adem's Phone: 436-2276 PositienJLocatieu of Patient: Lying supine in bed. ComplaintJProblem: Patient had taken a fall on to the floor and was complaining of leg and back pain. Cl-a Performed: No PaIse (If Taken): Not taken by I'D Blood Pressure (II TakeR): Not taken by FD Relpiratioos(lf Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Cootioumess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters were called to a local motel for a 68 year okt female who had fallen and injured he back. Firefighters assisted ambulance personnel in assessing her c:JODditioll and loadiagfOr transpOrt to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: T. Greene Persoa MakiDc Report: T. Greene . e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 2J-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960306 Date: 21-Apr-96 Time Call Received: 0:15 l.Gea.tioaofRaa: 420 W. Peach St. Time Out: 0:15 Type of RuD: Emergency Oa Scene: 0:15 KiDd of Rua: Medical Assist In Service: 0:15 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Eagbte 2: No Raeue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No 0tIler: No Respo.nte District: 11 RespondiDg From: Station 1 Did we anivebtfore AMbaI8IIte: No Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighten at Sceae: K. Rowe, T. Shearman, K. 10bn&0n. F. Devine UDprotected Es:posure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Sex: female Patient's Address: 420 W. Peach St. Zip Code: 59715 Age: Patiellt's Phoae: PositionllA>>catioDof Patieat: ComplaintlProblem: Bozeman Fire was dispatched to a report of a woman having a seizure. We were cancelled before we left the dorm room. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Prelsure (If Taka): Not taken by FD Respiratiou (If Taken): Not taken by FD hpiI8: Not taken by FD Level of Coneioume..: Alert TreatDlent by Bor.emaD Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to the 400 block of W. Peach 8t to the report of a woman having a seizure. Firefighters were cancelled enroute. Offteer in Charge: K. Rowe Penon MakiDg Report: K. Rowe . e Bozeman Fire l>epartment.. EMS Report 20-Apr-96 Alal'lil Number: 960305 Date: 2()..Apr-96 TiIIle Call Received: 16:27 Leeatioa of Rua: 421 E. Peach St. Time Out: 16:32 Type. of Rn: Emergency OnScefte: 16:35 Kiad.. RIID: MecIical Assist In Service: 16:51 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Eagiae 1: Yes Eagine 2: No ReIeae 1: No Ladder t: No Teadel' 1: No Odaer: No RespoDse District: 11 Rapondiag From: Station I Did we arrive .Wow AmlMdaace: Yes Other Ageaeles at Scene: MedTrans Fire Ffthten at Scene: K. Rowe, T.Shearmaa, K. JoImson,F. Devine Unprotected Exposu:re: No Customer Information Patient Name: Melanie Hames Sa: Female PatieDt's Addrea: 417 S. 10th Ave Zip Code: 59715 Age: 16 htie8t's PIlMte: 585.7570 PoIitionIl.eead elPatieat: Sitting in chair in liviltg room. CompIaiDtIProblent: Patient had been beaten by her father. Shesuft'ered a black eye on the rigbtside with more bruising behind her right ear. Patient also had a swollea lip and a possibly .brokal righthalld. CPR Perfonaed.: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Bleed PraRve (If T....: Not taken by FD ..rations .(Jf Taken): Nottakonby FD PwpiII: Not taken hyPO Level of Coneieuness: Alert Treataaeatby B..f..... Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to the 400 block of E. PeaehSt to the aid of a 16 year old female who had been beaten badly. Firefighters prepared the patieDt fix tnmsport to 8Q7~ Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Penoa MakialIktHtrt: K. Rowe e . Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report 20-Apr-96 AlarmNwnber: 960304 Date: 20.Apr-96 TiaIe Out: 11:40 lAcatloBof BallI: UTh &CoUege On Seene: 11:44 Type." Ru: Emergency III Servke: 0:08 Kiad., a.: Dumpster Fire Response District: 23 .~ Frea: Station 2 Mutual Aid. Givea: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer J:n.t:ormation Otcupallt Naaae: Langford Hall M.S.U. Ot(Upaut PIaoae: 994.2121 (ke8paat Ad.dmI: 11 Th &Coltege Owner Name: Montana State University Owaer PIaoIle: 994-2121 Owner Address: 11 Th & College Type of OcatpaDylVeIHde: Dumpster UeeMe: Fire Originated III ..8preadto:Fire originatecl ina garbage dumpster and was contained in the dumpster. C..Bed by: Suspicious. Started by a J1IVeDiIc: No Pictures TIkea: No SIMIle. Deeteetor Prtlalt~ No Did it Adivate: No .. it Aetivated, 4IhI it save a life: No 1Iew..., UvesSaved: 0 If it Activated, did it pnwent major property .....: No Fire Lossan4 Insurance Information EItiIIIated LoIs on property: $0.00 Estimated Loss OD CODtetds: $0.00 laSlll'allleeCompIDY: ltuul'llllee Oft Property: $0.00 lnsaruce on C0Dteat8: $0.00 e e ...... Fire DepartJBent. Fire 1Ieport PI- 2 AlanD Nt.tmber 960304 Fire Department Operations Units Res1)ooding: EnghIe 1: No Eagiae 2: Yes ReKue 1: No Ladder 1: No TeItder 1: No Squad 1: No 0tIIer: No Unit and Pumping Time: 10 Minutes E1titlpished with: Water Souce efWater: Tank AmouIlt of Water Used: ??oo GaUoos fireFighters atSceae: S. Hougland. M. Criner, 1. Fischer Call Baek Persouael Paged: No Special T.- Paged: Fire Cause Team. Off Daty PenoHel: Chuck Wiml EqulpJDtDt Used: SOft of I 1/2 hoseIine aud pike pole. f4uipeaent Lost or B.....: Incident Narrative: E-2 arrived on scenebehindLaagford. Hall tohd. a dampster iDvolved in fire. The fire was extinguished with approximately 100 gallons of water. The fire was suspicious in origin.ChtJck WiDn was called to the scene to investigate. 0fIim' inCllarge: S. Hougland Penon MaIdDg RetJert: M. Criner . e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 19-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960303 Date: 19~Apr-96 Time CaD Received: 19:46 LocatiOIl of Bu.: 322 N. 21st. Time Out: 19:47 Type of Ibm: Emergency On SeeDe: 19:51 Kin4 of ....: Me4ical Assist In Senice: 20:07 Fire D~artment Ooerations ,Jaws of Life Used: No Eagine 1: No Eqine 2: Yes ReIcue 1: No La4der t: No Tader t: No Odter: No Response District: 21 Respoading Froer. Station 2 Did. we arrivebef~ AmbulalM:e: Yes Otber Ageneies at SceBe: Med- Trans Ambulance Fire Figbters,.,tSceDe: S. Hougland, M. Criner, 1. Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer lnformation Patient Name: Amber Buck Sex: Female PatieDt'. Addl'ess: 522 North 21st. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 25 Patiellt's Pbooe: 5874778 PoIitioalLoutiooof Patieat: Patient was lying on the tloorin her living room. CODlplaiatlProblem: Patient was complaining of a pain in her right side aDd that her legs were feeling numb. CPR Perf~: No Pulse (If Taba): 80 Blood ~re (It Takea): 140198 Rapiratieas(lf Taka): Not taken byFD hpiIt: Equal and Reacti Level of Condoa....: Alert Treanae.t by BcrIe8w>> Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a North 21st. address to-a report.of a woman who WQ feeling.iU from a spider bitetbatshe recieved two days prior. Firefighters took Walsips and prepared the patient for transpOrt to the hospital for fi.uther evaluation. 0II'icer in Charge: S. Hougland Penon Makiq Report: I.Sbrauger . e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 19-AP""96 Alarm Numbel': 960302 Date: 19-Apr-96 Time CaD Reeeived: 18:44 LoeatioD of....: 411 West Harrison Tiate Out: 18:46 TYJe of 1tD: Emergency On Stene: 18:49 Kinel of RIm; Medi<:al Assist III Service: 19:02 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Ufe Used: No EngiDe 1: No E..pae 2: Yes lteIcae 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No 0tIIer: No RespoeseDistrid: 12 RespoIatIia& r....: Station2 Did we arrive before Ambal88Ce: Yes Other AgalCieI8iSceee: Med- Trans Ambulance Fire Fighten at Scene: S. Hougland. M. Criner, 1. Fischer Unpretected EspMllre: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Allee lODeS So: Female Patient" AcIdren: 411 West Harrison Zip Code: 5971S Age: 89 PadeDt's PhIIe: 586-6629 PositionILocatioa of Patieat: Patient was sitting in her wheel chair. CoaapJaintIProblem: The patient had no complaint. The patient's nwse felt the the patieDt was slurring her speech and had weakness in her right side. CPR Performed: No Pulse (1fT"'): 95 Bleed Preuure (If TaIIeA): 120no RapiratioDs (If Taken): Not taken byFD Pupils: Not taken by PO Level of Coneiousness: Alert Trutment by Bozemo.Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a 89 }'ear. old female who was possibly suft'ering from a stroke. Firefighters took vital signs, administered oxygen, andassi,ted Med-Trans Ambulance in preparing the patient for transport to the hospital for further evaluation. Of'fker in Charge: S. Hougland PenoA Maki8c ~ 1. Shrauger . . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 19-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960301 Date: 19.Apr.96 Time Call Rec:emd: 17:59 Loeatioeof Rn: ~S.U.Campus TilDe Out: 18:02 Type. or Run: Emergency On Scene: 18:07 Kind of RIIR: Mdc:al Assist In Service: 18:30 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes EIIgiDe 2: No ae.e.e 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 23 Responding f.....: Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive before AmIMdeee: No Other Agencies at SeetIe: MSU Police, Med- Trans Ambalance Fift Fighters at Seene: G. HoeB, 1. Shrauger Unproteetecl Exposure: No Customer Information PatieDt Name: Youkela Heineman Sa: Male Patieat's A44raI: P.O. Box 429 Vineyard Havea, Ma. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 19 ........ PItoae:586..s937 PoeitioaIl<<ation of Patielat: Patient was tyiag on the ground ill the middle of the football field. COIIlplaiDtlProIJleIn: Patient had an injUred knee. CPR Pertomaed: No PaIse (It Taken): Not taken by FD Blood. Pntatre (lfT--): Not taken by FD Be8piratioll.(If Taken): Not taken by FD PapiIt: Not taken by FD Level of Conci08Jfted: Alert Treatment by BozeIDuFire: Bozeman FirefiShters responded to the SQCcer fields at the MSU Caq:las ibr a report of an athlete with an injured bee. F~shteR assisted Med- TI'8DS Ambulan<:e iaprepariagtbe patient for transport to the hospital for further evaluation. Oft'i~ i. CIaarp: G. Hoell PenoaMaIdDI Report: J. Shraugcr . It Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 18-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960300 Date: 18-Apr-96 TIme Call Received: 22:07 Location of Raul: 31S E. Griffin # 18 Time Out: 22:09 Type of RuD: Emergency On Scene: 22:14 Kind of...: Medical Assist In Senice: 22:25 Fire Devartment Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Eagiae 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No TeDder 1: No Odter: No Response District: 11 RespondiDg From: Station I Did we arrive before AmbulaDce: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Filhters at Scene: G. Clutter K. Bushnell], Shrauget Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: 100 Kennedy Sex: male Patient's Address: same Zip Code: 59715 Age: 60 Patient'. Phone: 582-1428 PositionILoeatioa ofPatieDt: Supine on oouch. ComplaintJProblem: Uncontrollable nose bleed.. CPRPerfonaed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pre_Fe (If Takea): Not taken by FD RespiratioDJ(If TakeR): Not taken by FD ......: Not taken by FD Level of CODcioumess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a request for medicalaaistancefrom a 60 year old male with an uncontrollable nosebleed Firefighters assisted ModTraas withloadiDg the patient for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Pe....MakiDg Report: G. Clutter . e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 18-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960299 . Date: 18-Apr-96 Time Call Received: 14:13 Lotatlon of RIm: 2307 West Main TilDe Out: 14:14 Typeolau.: Emergency On Scene: 14:21 KiIHl of Rua: Medical Assist In Senice: 14:31 ~eDartment.Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Eagiae 1: No IDgiae 2: Yes ReIc8e 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No RetpeDse District: 21 RespoatIiag From: Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive before AmbuIaJKe: Yes Other AleacieI at Seeae: Med-Trans Ambulance Fire Figbten at Stene: T. Green, K. Bushnell, J. Bos Unprotected E:qMt8Ilf'e: No Customer Info{llU1tion Patient Name: Gil Dickerson Sa: Male PatieBt's Address: 321 North 5th Ave. B()7.eMAn Care Cen1er Zip Code: '9715 Age: 44 PatiDt's PIloDe: 587-4404 PosiUoDILoeadon of PatieDt: Sitting bythc swimming pool in his wheel chair. CompIaiDt/ProbIeIR: Patient was possibly having a seizure. CPKPerfonned: No Paise (If Taken): Not take1i by FD BIoo4.~ (If Takea): Not taken by FD Respiradons (If TakeD): Not taken by FD PapUa: Not taken by FD Level of COlldousness: Alert Treat'IIIellt by .BozeBuut Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a West Main Street address to a report ofa 44 year 014 male that was possibly having a seizure. Fire penonnel assistecl Med- Trans Ambu1aIlcein prcparingthe patient for transport to the hospital for further evaluation. Ofticerin Charge: T. Greene Penoe MaIdq .,..rt: J. Shrauger . e Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report J8~Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960298 Date: 18-Apr-96 Time Out: 7:18 Locatioa of Raa: 1750 Evergreen Drive On Scene: 7;19 Type of Run: Emergency In Senice: 7:19 Kbtd of Run;. FalseCall- Good bttent Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 out &: Station 2 in at time of call Mutual Aid GiveR: No Mtrtual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Cardinal Distributing Co. Occu.plllt Phoae: 586"()241 Occupant Address: 1750 Evergreen Drive Owner Name: Cardinal Distributing Co. Owner Phone: 586"()24 I Owaer Address: 1750 Evergreen Drive Type of OttupanylVebicte: Lieense: Fire OrigiDated In -Spreaclto: No Fire Caused by: False Alarm Started by a Juvenile: No Pictlu'es Taken: No S....Dectedor Present: yes Did it Activate: Yes If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow ....y Lives Saved: 0 Jlit Activated, did it prevent otajor preperty d-.ge: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated LossOllCOIlfents: $0.00 Insurance Company: buurance OIl Property': $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e e Bozemaa Fire Departmeat ~ Fire Report pg. 2 AlaFlll Number 960298 Fire Deoartment Qoerations Units Re&ponding: Engine 1: Yes EngiDe 2: Yes Bacue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squd 1: No 0dIer: No Unit aDd Pumping Time: Pumps not used EUiIlpiIhed with: Soaree efWater: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Figbtenat Scene: G. Clutter, K. Bushnell, 1. Shrauger Call Back PenoJlDel Paged: No SpedaI Tea_ Paced: No OfI'Duty Penomael: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: ~, Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters recieved a call to an Evergreen Drive address to a report of an activated alarm system. Pimighters were amoe1led enroute to the call. There was no fire at that address. Officer in Cbarge: G. Clutter Penon MakiIlg Report: 1. Shrauger . . ~.~ Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 17-Apr-96 Alarm NURtber: 960297 Date: 17-Apr-96 Time Call Received: 8:06 LocatioaofRlut: 712 North 22nd Time Out: 8:07 Type ofRu: Emergency OIl SceBe: 8:10 Kbul of BB.: Medical Assist Ja Senice: 8:24 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engiae 1: No It..- 2: Yes "'1: No Lachler 1: No Tauter 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Retpondiag F...: Station 2 Did we anivebefore AntbuIaIIee: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Med Trans Ambulance Fire Fighters at SceIle: D.Mi11er, V. ~n> S.Mue1ler Unpr0tecte4 Exposure: No Customer tnJonnation Patient NlUDe: Patricia Nielsen Sa: Female PatieBt'. Address: 506 North 21st Zip Code: 59715 Age: 8 PatleIIe. Phone: 587..Q 127 PositionlLoeation of Patient: Sitting on sidewalk CompIaintJProblem: Patient was complaining of pain in right knee and between lep caused by running into patb.d car with her bike. CPR Perronned: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD BIeod Preuun(lf TakeII): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Takea): Not taken by FD Pupilt: Not taken byFD Level of COBcloasaess: Alert TreatmeDt by Bo.r.eIua Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a medical call involving. a girl in a bicycle accident. Care was provided and we assisted with packaging for transport to hospital. OffICer in Charge: D. Miller Penon MIkiBg Repert: S. Mueller APR-16-96 WED 10:06 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 FAX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 2 . . ...- Boze.auFire Departmeat.. EMS Report J6-Apr--96 -. "'. .. '. ..~ .....~.. ~.-.~ ~ NPIber; 960296 0_ 16-Apr.96 Time Call 1I.ceeh'ed: 22;$4 Lealdea fila..: 1&' Gant CIIlunt:IRlain Dr. Apt. 3A TiIae OUt: 22:57 1)pe of...; ~....'Y O. &:ae: 22:58 Kiad or...: Medical AI8ist Id senite: 23;02 Fire De.pattJpent Ooerations Jaw. of LIfe Vied: No :Eqiae J: No ..... 2: Yes .....1: No I..ad4a' 1: No ,.....1: No 0tIIer: No ..,... DIItrtd: 23 ~,rn.; SUUioa2 Did we arrive.1JeIere A-w~ res Other Axacln at Salle: M.S.U. PoIk:c lire flII*n at Sa:at: s. Hoq)aDd M. Criner, J. Fiscber u..atk___ J:.-re: No CUstomer Infonnation PatIeIIt N_: Sedt AdamS Ses; Male PafieJU'I.M4ras: 10' Grant ('1IamberIaiD. Dr. Apt. 3A Zip Code: 59115 Ap: 1 ............ 58S-90S7 PoIitioIIILoc.... 01 PatkGt: 1D faIbcrs arms. C_pl.~ CaD came in as a Ietbargtc infaDt, upon .mivalJm.p:obIem. fotmd. CPR.~: No Nile (II Takea): Not taken by FD ............. (If TaIleII): Not takea by FD Bbfwb~. TIkeD); Not takeD.by PO PIIpIII; Not taDn by FD LewI af eo.ct....: Alert TreaMeatby.....11re: Fitalgbter& responded to a e:aU of a letblqi4;: iDfant. Vpoa lIJIi\'Il fiRfigbtaI bdId.that the problem no Ioaaer mated. Officer' hi CUp: S. IfouIIa8d Penau MIIdiII~ M. CriDer ~ ........... ~ ~ = .. -: ...::: BozeIIlan Fire Department... Fire Report 16-Apr-96 - = Alarm NUlDber: 960295 Date: 16-Apr-96 nae Oat: 13:44 J.,etatioa of....: 1114 west AlderSOn and Bozema1l Landfil 08 SeeM: 13:54 Type of Run: Emergency ID Service: 16:25 KiD4 of -au: Hazardous Condition J.lespOIlllC DiItrid: 22 lteIpODdblI From: Station 1 Mutual Aid (iiveJr. No Mutual Aid Reteived: No Customer Information ()eeUpaat Name: City of Bozem3D. Sanitation DepartmCIlt Octnp. PIleIle: 587-7890 OeeUP-t Addrell: BozI:'1'S\n La",",11 ()w8er Naar. City ofBozenWl ()wiler PhoDe: 587-7890 Owner Adtlress: Bozeman Landfill Type of ()eeupaDyNehie1e: Public Alley aodJ.>>dfiU J..ice8Ie: Fire OrigiDated .. -8prea4 to: No fire. Caud by: Unauthorized dumPing of bazafdous material in a public dumIJSler. Started by a Jeveaile: No PkbJCS TalIS: No Saeke ~P..-at: No Did it Activate: No If it AdivJied, dld it tave a life: No Bow ..Y LiveS Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prev- .... propertY ~ No Fire Loss and Insurance Information EstiJUted. LoA 08 PropertY: $0.00 Esttaaated. IAJII 08 CoateJdt: $0.00 In_ranee CODlPUY: InSllroee OIl Property: $0.00 ~08 CoJReIltI: $0.00 .-.- . . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 24-Apr-96 Alanil Number: 960292 Date: 15-Apr-96 Time Call Reteived: 18:36 LocatioR of Run: 2Q8 Aa:oIa Time Out: 18:38 Type of Ran: Emergency o. Steae: 18:45 Kiad of Bu.: Medical Assist In Service: 19:00 Fire Department ODerations Jaw-sofUfe Used: No Eagine 1: No EagiDe 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Odaer: No Response District: 0 Responding From: Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive before AaabIdaaet: Yes Otber Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Flpten at Sene: G. Clutter, 0, Archer, 1. 80s Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Tn.fQrmation Patient Name: Janenc Gray Sex: Female .atieDt's Address: 208 Accola Zip Code: 59715 Age: 20 Patient's Phone: 585.9064 PositionlLocation of Patient: Lying on bathroom floor. ConaplaintJPrvblem: Patient had suffered a seizure. She experienced several more seizures while we were administering care. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If 1'aken): Not taken by FD Blood Preaare (If Taken): 150/90 RetpiratioDs (If Takea): 20 Papi1s: Not taken by I'D Level of Coaclouness: Unresponsive Treatment by Bozemu Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a 20 year old woman who was unresponsive. Upon arrival, firefighters found a 20 year old woman wbobad had a seizure, sbehadabistory of scizuresaccording to an acquaintance on scene. Firefighters took vitals, admini1tered oxygen, and helped ambulance personnel ~dcage and load the patient for transport to the hospltal. Ofticer in Charge: O. Clutter Penon Makiag Iteport: D. Archer . e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 15-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960291 Date: 15-Apr-96 TilBeCaII R<<eivecI: 16:14 Locatiea of Itwa: 1109 Woodland Time Out: 16:15 Type of RIm: Emergency O.SeeJie: 16:20 Kind. of RIID: Medical Assist In Senice: 17:21 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No EngIae 2: Yes llaeae 1: No LH4er 1: No Teadel' 1: No OtIIer:No Response Distriet: 21 Respo&diDg FI'08l: Not.in Station at tirtle of call Did we arrive beforeA..dMdaace: No Other Ageneie8at Sceae; MedTrans Fire Figltters at SceIae: C. Winn, G. Clutter, D. Archer, K. BusJmeU, F, Devine. 1. Bas Unpretected Esposure: No Customer Informatic;m Patient Name: Emma lean Hermann Sa: Female Patient's Address: 1109 Woodland Zip Code: 59715 Age: 78 PaUeat'l PIteae: 5874159 PositioDlLoc:atioa of PatieDt: Lying on her back in the bouse"s crawl space. cOlllplaiat/PrOl The patient had fallen down the access hole to the crawl space and had injured her right leg. CPR Performed: No PaI8e (If TakeD): Not taken by I'D Bleed~(lfTIkeD): 220/130,210/13 Respirations (If 'fakeD): Not taken by FD Papils: Not taken by I'D Level 01 COJl(:ioulless: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a woman who bad faDeD. at her home. Upon anival, firefighters fOUll4 a 78 year old woman who Iwt fa1Ieatbrough the home's accessho1e to the crawl space and had injured her right leg. Two Bozeman Fite.crewsassisted ambaIaace personnel in extricating the victim from the crawl space and packaging and loading her for transport: to the hospital. Oft'ker inChaI'ge: G. Clutter Penoa MaIdug. Report: D. Archer e . Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report 15-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960290 Date: 15-Apr-96 TimeOut: 12:44 Locltioa of Ran: 1223 lJun;ton Rd. On Scene: 12;47 Type of RIm: Emergency In Serviee: 12:51 KiM.~ a..: Grass Fin: Response District: 21 ReIpoDding Ftom: Station 1 in &: Station 2 out at time of call Mtttual Aid Given: No MutuJ Aid Receh'etI: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Occ:upaBt PIaone: Occupant Address: 1223 Durston Rd. Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owaer Address: Type of O<<upanyNebicle: Liceue: Fire OrigiBated la-Spread to: Controlled bum. Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pletares Taketa: No Smoke Decteder Praem: No Did it Adivate: No If it Activlted, did it SAftallfe: No ae.r "'1 Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property tta.age: No Fire Loss and Insurance ]J1fonnation Esdutated Lon on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on CODtents: $0.00 lasuraace Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 IJalllraDCe on Ceatents: $0.00 . . ....1Ul Fire DeparbaeJlt - Fire Beport PI- 2 Alama N..ber 960290 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Units Responding: EDgine t: No Engine 2: Yes Reseue t: No Ladder 1: No TeDder 1: No 8<<pIad I: No 0dIer: Nc) Unit and Pumpiax Time: Pumps not used Emnguislted witla: Seureeof Water: AmOlUltofWater U8ed: ??oo GallON Fire Fightenat Seene:G. Clutter, J. Bas, D. Archer. Call Back Penouel Paged: No s"daI TeaDlI Paged: No orr '!P,',,......e1: , ".,11.,,1 ! Eq"~,..,..t Used: ii' ' E~' ~ or Btoken: Infi~ffl'. ~~~W:Bozeman Firefighters responded to a reported grass fire on Dunton Road. ,. :,; '..' , , , Upon arrival, it was found to be a controlled burn. ~. m flmA'; G. Clutter :!, :1: ,I:' / "; " Penoa Ma\ffll~; 1. f30s . tit Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report 15-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960289 Date: IS-Apr-96 Time Out: 11:17 Locatioa ofRml: Nelson Story Tower, MSU Campus OttSeelae: 11:23 Type of Ru: Emergency lD Servk;e: 11:35 KUul of Ran: False Call- Good Inqmt Response District: 23 Responding From: Station 1 in &. Station 2 out at time of call Mlltual.Aid GiVeD: No MatuaI Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation OmqJant Name: Married. student housing ~ various0ceup8nts Occuput Pboae: 994-2661 OecaplUlt Add:rews: Julia Martin Drive. MSU.Cam:pus OWner Name: State of Montana Owuer PIIoae: Owner Address: Type of OccuplltyNehicle: Married student housing high rise apart LieeMe: Fire Origio~ ID _Spread to: Nota fire. Caused by: Alarm malfunction. Started by a Juvenile; No Pietum TakeD: No SIDOke Dectedor. PreteDt: No ',lHd it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save . lite: No Bow .....y Lives Saved: 0 JIlt Activated, did it ,reveatlUjoI' property .....: No Fire Loss and Insurance I:q.formation Estimated 1.0.. oR ~t1Y: $0.00 Estimated I.o-. ftIl C~ $0.00 In.ranee Comp...y: Insurance OIl Property: $0.00 InIaruce on COIlteDtS: $0.00 . e BoIeIlWl Fire Department - Fire Report PI- 2 Ahl... Naaaber 960289 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes EngiDe 2: Yes Racue.l: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad t: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used . ExtiDpished With: Seuree .f6Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighten at Sceae: G. Clutter D. Archer 1. Bas K. Bus1mel1 F.DeviDe Call Baek Personnel Paged: No Spedal Teama Paged: No Oft'Duty Penomtel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department responded to Nelson Story fora repottof an activated fire a1arIi1. Upmatrival it was 4etermiaed that the system was malfunctioning. Repairs were underway before firefighters cleared the scene. Officer iDCIwge: G.Outler Person Making Report: G. Clutter , It Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 24-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960288 Date: IS-Apr-96 Tuae Call Received.: 10:34 Locatioa 01..: 606 N. 5th Time Out: 10:36 Type of Run: Emergency o. Sceae: 10:38 KiDd of RIUl: Medical Assist In Senice: 11:05 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No 'Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No 0tIIer. No Response Distriet: 11 Responding Fro.: Not in Station at time of call Did we art'iv,e before Aabulaece: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans I1re Fighters at Scene:G. Clutter, D. Archer, 1. Bas Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: K. Wheat Sex: Female Patient', AddftSS: 606 N. 5th, room # 111 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 80 Patient's PItoIlC: 587~8034 PositioDJLocatioDoI Patient: LyiDg on bathroom floor. COlllplaintIProbIem: CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 96 Blood Pre8lre(ltTakea): 150/88 Respirati,eas(lf Taken): Not taken by FO Pupils: Not taken by PO Level of Coaciousness: Responsive to Verbal Stimulus Treatment by Bozeata Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a woman who had fallen in her apartment at Darlinton Manor. Upon arrival, firefighters foun4 aD. 80 year old. woman who had faIleaonthe bathroom floor. Firefighters took vitals, applied oxygen, and, helpedambu1ance personnel package and load the patient for ttansportto the hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Penon Making Report: G. Clutter APR-14-96 MON 6:51 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 1 . .' .,.------... - nO Bozemaa Fire Department - EMS Report U-Apr..96 h."....'..__ Alana NW8ber: 960287 Date; 14-Apr-96 nme CaJlReceimt: 17;44 ..... vi RIDl: 901 West Main 11Iae Old; 17;45 Tyftaf...: Emergency o. keoe: 17:47 KiDd of Ba: MedK:al Assist III Senice: 13:05 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaw, of LIlt Ud: No ..,.1: No I:apte 1: Yes Rea:ae 1; No ........ 1: No Taatler 1; No utIIm No Rapoue DUhict: 21 ........, fnml: Station 2 Did we arri..e befOre AIIdJIdaDce; Yes OtIttr ~ at SceIle: McQ-Trans AmholllllN'! Jl'iR I1Ibten II Scene: D. Miller, V. ~> ct $. MueUcr U.,reteeted ~No CustQtner Information htiedt Name: DI:Iborah L. ScoU Se1: Feomle Patieat'.AcIdrnr. 411 WestAmold Zip Code; 59715 Age: 49 .....'.....: '87-8097 PuIitioJaIIMadoa of PlItiatt: Lyin.g on her rigIU side OIl tile floor of Slrfeway's. eo.~; She had pa55CId out and fell biK:kwards JUttiDg her bead Oft tbe.8ooI' bani enoqb to ClIbSe an open woond. CPR l'etI'obRd: No AtIlt (If Taka): 64 Bleed :rr..re (If T....): 140187 BespiradoIlS (If T.-.); Not taken by I'D hpJIa: Not.taIccn by FD Level of CotIeioIaaeu: Alert T....... by Boi&emaIl.Fift: The Bozeman Fire Departmem was di5pllltdJed to 90) Well Main to assist a pmsDD who.bad paued cut. Onaniwl fire pcnonneI fouDd ODe ofdleir oft' dutyfiraDcn ~J to die lhc UIdMdual. Vitals bad been taken. Fire pet&OltDCll8Sllisted with the loading wbeG the ambo1aD:e crew arrived. Oftker iD CII:IrJe: D. Miller Pe..- M.aIdq lIep011:. D. Miller . . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 14-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960286 Date: 14-Apr-96 Time Call Received: 15:15 Location of Run: South Side Park Time Out: 15:15 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 15: 18 KiIld of Run: Medical Assist lQ Service: 15:28 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes EnaiDe 2: No ~1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MSU Police Fire Figlrten at Scene: F. Devine, K,lohonson, T. Shearman Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient NaQl~: Kim Beck Sex: Female Patient's Address: 519 South 7th Zip Code: 59715 Age: 28 Patient's Phone: 585-5346 PositionlLocatien of Patiellt: Flat on her back at the tennis courts Complaint/Problem: Patient was not complaining of anything but was confused. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 120 Blood PressUre (If Taked): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD PapHs: Not"'by PO Level of Conciousness: Responsive to VeIbal.Stimulus TreataJeut by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire responded to a call of woman who had col1apse4 at the South Side Park tennis courts. The woman was taken to the hospital for fUrther evaluation. o<<icerin Charge: T. Sheadnan Penon Maldag Report: T. Shearman -.---. .,..- . -, Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report 14-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960285 Date: 14-Apr-96 Time Out: 11:52 Location of BuD: 2000 Hillside Lane On Scene: 12:00 Type of Ibm: Emergency In Senice: 12:04 Kind of Run: Vehicle Fire Response District: 11 Responding From: Not in Station at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Dave Crofts Occupant Phone: 585-5458 Occupant Address: 2000 Hillside Lane Owner Name: Dave Crofts Owner Phone: 58$.5458 Owner Addresi: 2000 Hillside Lane Type of OccupanyNehit1e: Chevy Pick-up LieeDse: Fire Originated In ..spread to: There was rubbish in the back of the truck that was smoldering. Caused by: The owner bad burned. some rubbish in the yard the day before and put the ashes in the back of the truck. A neighbor saw the smoke and. called it in. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Deeteetor Present: No Did it ActIvMe: No If it Activated, did it save . ute: No lIow.....y Ova Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No fire.Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0,00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insuraace CODlpaay: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insunlll<< on Coatents: $0.00 . e. Bozeman Fire Depllrtm.ent- Fire Report pg. 2 Alana N...ber 960285 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teacler 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit ad Pumping TilDe: none Extinguished with: Water Source of Water: On Site Supply MOIID:t of Water Used: 0005 Gallons Fire Fighten at Scene: F. Devine, K. 10honson, T. Shearman Call Back Penouel Paged: No Spechd TeaIIlI Paced: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment UIed.: Equipment Lost or Broken: Intident Narrative: Bozeman Fire reponded to a call of rubbish burning in the back oftruck:. Upon arrival firefi~ found smokeooming from asbesthat had been from a fire the day before. The resident bad been burning the day before and was cleaning up the area by placing the ashes in the box of the truck. The ashes did not start to smoke until the resident had gone inside his home. The ashes where cooled by the resident. Officer in Charge: T. Shearman Person Making Report: T. Shearman . . Bozeman Fire Departnlen.t... Fire Report J 3-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960284 D.te: 13-Apr-96 Time Out: 21:16 Location of Rml: 10hnstone Center On Seese: 21:20 Type of Ru: Emergency In Service: 21:40 Kind of Roll: False Call - Good Intent RespoDae District: 13 Responding From: Station 1 out & Station 2 in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Information Occupant Name: George Varalmi Occupant Phone: 9944173 OccupautAddress: Johnstone Center # 4409 Owner Name: State of Montana Owner Phone: 994.()21I Owner Address: Unknown Type of Occupany/Vehicle: Dormitory License: Fire Originatedlu. ...spread to: Not a fire. C-.sed by: Not a fire. Started by a JuvenUe: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke DectectorPresent: Yes Did it Activate: Yes If it Activated, did it SPe a life: No Bow DUtDy Uves Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property dldlage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estbnated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurlllce Company: ln80rance 011. Property: $0.00 In80rance on Contents: $0.00 . . Bozeman Fire Depart:llleDt - Fire Report pg. 2 A1al'lllN8lber . 960284 Fire Department Operations Units Responqing: Engine 1: Yes Engine Z: Yes ae.cue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squd. 1: No Odaer: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used EDinguished with: .Source tlWater: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighten at Scene: Thompson, Bos, Hougland, Criner. Fischer, Winn, Holst. Call Back Personnel Paged: Yes Special Teams Plged~ No Oft'Duty Persouel: Hoell, Devine. Equipment Used: Positive pressure fan. Equipment Lost or Brnkea: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a fire alarm with smoke showing at 10hnstone Center on the MSU ,Campus. Upon arrival we were informed by MSU POlice that a resident bad bumedhisdinner and it had activated the alarm system. We ventil~ the roomiRqu.estion and mid the alarm. OIIicerin Cbarge: M Thompson Penon Making Report: M. Thompson - . . Bozeman Fire Depamnent... EMS Report 13-Apr-96 Alarm Number: %0283 Date: 13-Apr~96 Time Call Received: 14:23 LocadoD of RIUI: Wal-Mart parking lot Time Out: 14:23 Type of Bun: Emergency On Sc:ene: 14:28 Kind of Rn: Vehicle Accident In Service: 15:02 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Resc:ue 1= Yes Ladder 1: No Teadel' 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 .Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Med Ttans of Montana, Bozeman Police Department Fire Fighten at Scene: Thompson, Bas, Hougland, Criner, Fiscl1er Unprotected ExpolUre: No Customer Information Patient Name: lessie Clark Sex: female Patient's Acklress: 1040 Frank Road Zip Code: 59714 Age: 14 Patieat's PItoDe: 388..ooS9 PositionIIAK:atioD of Patient: Lying on the front seat of the vehicle. ComplaiDtlProblem: Head and neck pain. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Preaure (If T"): Not taken by I'D Respiratioas(lf Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by PO Level of Conclousness: Alert TreatlRent byBoraaaa Fire: Bozeman Firefighters respon<W to a repOrt of a motor vehicle ac:cidentin thcparking lot of Wal-~. Firefighters assisted Med- Trans personnel withdle pacbgiagandloadingofdtepatient's. We also inspected the vehicles for hazards and cleaned up radiator coolant that bad leaked. OfficeriD Cbarxe: M. Thompson PeI"llOll Makiag ~ M 1'bompson . e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 15-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960282 Date: 13-Apr~96 Time Call ~ed: 0:54 LecadoD of Run: South 13th.& West Koch Time Oat: 0:56 Type of....: Emergency 0.. Seese: 0:57 KiM of ....: Medical Assist IB Sen1ce: 1:08 Fire DqlartmentOperations Jaws of Life Used: No EogiDe 1: No EIlJiDe 2: Yes ....1: No ~r 1: No TtWIer t:No .0tJaer. No Response Distrkt: 22 Respoading From: Station 2 Did we al"l'k>eWore Ambtdaaee: Yes other Agencies at Stelle: Bozeman Police, MSU Police MedTrans Fire Figlatenat Scene: D. Archer, T. Greene, 1. Bas Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Cbad Osborne Se:l: Male Patient.s AckIress: 1219 1/2 West Koch Zip Code: 59715 Aae: 24 Patielltts Photae: PositioltlLocatiofPatieDt: Standing on sidcwaUc. CompJaiat/Problem: This roan bad been in a fight. CPR Perfonaed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD B10ed ......re (If TakeIt); Not taken by PO RespiratioBs (If TakeJa): Not taken by PO Papils: Not taken byFD Leve1 of ConeiouJness: Alert TreatmeDt by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded toa report of a man down that. had been involved in.a.fight. Upon arrival, firefighters found the man talking with police officersaad he refuscdany treatment, Offk:er in Charge: D. Archer Pen8Il Maldeg-lepert: D. Archer e e Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 13-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960281 Date: 12-Apr-96 Timeo.tt: 21:08 I..GcatioafJf Ra: Fai:rfield Inn 828 Wheat Drive On Scene: 21:12 Type of Run: Emergency InSenice: 21:30 Kind of Rue: False Call- Good Intent Response District: 21 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Omtp.t .N8IBe: Susan Madsen..Qeneral Manager Oc:cupant Phone: S87-2222 Otcupant Addre88: 828 Wheat Drive Owner Name: Faifield Inn-Marriott Company 0wRer Phone: Owner Address: Type of OtcupanylVehicle: Multi story motel LIcemle: Fire Originated III ..spread to: Not a tire. Caused by: Not a tire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke DeetedorPrelent: Yes Did it Activate: Yes It it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow many Lives Saved: 0 JfitActivate4, did it preveat major pntpeI'ty cta.age: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss DB. Property: $0.00 EIthDated Loss on Conteats: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e e Bo.r.em.... Fire Department. Fire Report PI- 2 Alarm. Naaber 960281 Fire Department Operations Units Re&ponding: Engine 1: Yes Eugine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No TeDder 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping nme: Pumps not used Eninpisbed with: Souau of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighten at Scene: D. Archer, T. Greene, 1. Bos, G. Clutter, K. Jobnson Call Back Personnel Paged: No Specia. Teams Paced: No Off Duty Pe......eI: Equipnlent Used: Equipment Lost or ....: Incident Narrative: Firefighters responded to a fire alarm at the Fairfield Inn. Upon atrival, firefighters iuvestigated.and determined the alarm was activate4 because of cigarette smoke. Officeri. Charge: G. Outler Penon Making Report: D. Archer -. ''";:~ e . Bozeman Fire Departmeat ... EMS Report 12-Apr-96 Alann Number. 960280 Date: 12-Apr..96 Time Call Reeeived: 6:35 Lee.... ~....: 31842 Froatage Rd. SJIII$h1ne Trailer Park Time Out: 6:36 Type of Rua: Emergency On Scene: 6:38 lCiDd. of Ibm: Medical Assist In Senice: 7:02 Fire Deoartment OPerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes bgiae 2: No BeIeue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teoder 1: No 0tI1er: No Response District: 11 RapoatIing From: Station 1 Did weanivebefore Aabulaace: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Me<lTrans Fire Fighters at Seeae: K. Rowe. T. Shearman Unproteeted Exposure: No C)Jstomer Information Patient Nauae: Caroline Witham Ses:fema1e Patieat'. Address: 104 22nd Ave, Polson, MT. Zip Code: S9860 Age: 94 Patieat'. Phone: 406..s83..(i749 PoiitionlLoutioD.of Patient: Lying on bed ia motothome. ComplaintlProblem: Persistent nose bleed from left nostril. CPR PerforDled: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by Fe Blood pret8Ift (II Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Papils: Not taken. by PO Level of ConciousDess: Alert Treatment by Bor.enllDl Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded. to Sunshine Tra11er Park to the ai4 of a 94 year old female with a persistant nose bleed The patient was transported to Bot.ema1l DeooDess Hmpitat for f\uther evaluation. Oftlcer in Cbarge: K. Rowe Penea MaIdBg Report: K. Rowe e e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report ll-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960279 Date: I1-Apr-96 Time Call Received: 15:26 LocatioB .of Run: 519 North 15th Time Out: 15:27 Type of Run: Emergcmcy On Scene: 15:30 kiH of Rmt: Medical Assist In SeMice: 15:47 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Te&der 1: No Odrter: No Response Dietrict: 21 RespoadiDI FI'OID: Station 1 Did we arrive Wore~: No Other Ageudes at Scene: Med- Trans Fire Fightenat Seaae: KRowe T. Shearman Unprotected ElpOID.re: No Customer Information Patient Name: Bob Newman Sex: Male Patient's Address: 519,North 15th Zip Code: 59715 Age: S5 Patieat's Pboae: 587..0908 PesitioaILocati_ or Patiellt: Sitting in the Jiving room. chair. ComplaiDtlProbIem: Patient was complaining of weakness. CPR PerfOl'llled: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD BIeocI........re (If Taken): nO/80 Relpirations (If Takee): Not taken by FD hpih: PEARL Level of Coocioutness: Alert TreatIIlebt byBoze8aa Fire: Bozeman Firefighters respoltded to the call of man who was fediDg.ill. Upon arrival firefighters assessed the patient. The patient was transported to thebospital for furtbcrevaluation. OffICer in Charge: K. Rowe Pe..... MakiBg....rt: T. Shearman .n _ ....._.. e e Bozeman Fire Department.. F,ire Report 11~Apr~96 Alarm Number: %0278 Date: ll-Apr-96 Time Out: 13:46 LoeatioD of Boa: 9.' Highland Boulevard ()D Scene: 13:51 TypeolMa:Emergency fa Service: 14:26 Kiad 01 Baa: Structure Fire Raponse District: 12 ResPODding Ft'OJIl: Station 2 MutBaI Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer lnfolJ1lation Occupant Name: Bozeman Deaconess Occaplllt PbeDe: 585-SOOO Occapant Address: 915 Highlluid Boulevard OwneJ." Name: Owner Pbone: S8S-SOOO Owner AHren: Type of OttupanyNehiele: Hospital Ucease: Fire Originated In ..spread to: Fire started in the aireoaditionerawl beater _ filter. The motor became extremely hot an6 started the fiJteron fire. The fire did not spread, it was putout \7ya ~ eui.ish<<. Cau.sed by: The over heating of the room climante control unit motor. Started by a Juvenile: No Pidala Taka: Yes SJBOke Deetedor PreseDt: No Did it Activate: No JI it ActivMecJ, did it save a Ufe: No Ihw ...y Uves Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it.prevat major property cIamap: No Fire Loss and InSW'ance InfOlmation Estimated Loll on PropertY: $0.00 ElItimated LoSSOD ConteDts: $0,00 lalllranee C...,..y: IDsarance on Property: $0.00 IAlllranceoa Conteats: $0.00 e e Bozeman lire Deparbnent - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm N_ber 960278 Fire Department Operations Units Respondmg: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes BeKue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Sttad 1: No Odaer. No Unit and Pumping TillIe: Pumps not used ExtlngWJhed with: Portable Extinguisher S8IlIreeef Water: Amoum of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighten at Same: K.Rowe T.S~ CaD Back Penennel Paged: No SpedaJ. Teaa.Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: E~ Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters respcmdedto the report ofa fire at Bozeman Deaconess. Upon arrival the firefightersf0un4 the fire had been putout by tltecorrect use of a portable extinguisher. Otficer in Charge: K. Rowe Per'$Oll MakiRg Report: T. Shearman - '_."~ . e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report ll-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960277 Date: l1-Apr-96 Time CaD Received: 12:30 Loeatioa et Rua: MSU'sHealth & P. E.complex Time Out: 12:31 Type of Rua: Emergency OnScaae: 12:35 Kiad of Bull: Medical Assist In Servke: 12:45 Fire Depa.J1ment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Eap.e %: Yes ReIeae.l; No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No Response District: 23 RespoBdbag From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Amblllaltce: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Moo- Trans Ambulance &; MSU'sCatnpus Police Fire Figbten at Sceae: D. Miller. V. Backman, S. Mueller Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Steve Sen<Jen Sex: Male Patient's Address: 107 So. Yellowstone Zip Code: 59717 Age: 29 Padeat's PIaone:587~2381 PositioDJLocatioD of Patieat: Sitting on the gym floor with an k:e pack on his left knee. CODlplaiatJProblem: Steve injured his knee playing basketbaJ1. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by I'D Blood PUla<< (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD PapiIs: Not taken by FD Level of Coaciousness: Alert Treatment by )Imftn.. Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department was dispatched to MSU's Health &; P.E. .compIex to assist an individual wbobad injured his knee while playingbaWetbaU. Fire persouelkqJttheiDdividual.quiet untilMed- Trans Ambulance arrived and then helped in loading only. OIfker in Charge: D. Miller Penon Making Report: D. Miller e . Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report ll-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960276 Date: 10-Apr-96 Time Call Received: 20:23 Location of lbQt: 217 S. Tracy Tinle Out: 20:24- Type of Ru: E..-gency On Stene: 20:26 Kind 01 Rnn: Medical Assist In Senke: 20:43 Fire Department Opera~ons Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Eugiae 2: No Rucue 1: No Ladder t: No Tea4er t: No Other: No .Respoase District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did 'We arrive beforeAm1Mdaace: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire FigIaten at Scene: M. Thonpson, G. Hoell. 1. Polus Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Charlie Te Walt Sex: male Patient's Address: 217 S. Tracy Zip Code: 59715 Age: 15 PatleJttf. PImae: 587-3830 Po8itionILoeati of Patient: Lying on his couch. ComplaintJProbiem: A flour bomb exploded, burning his face, ear and upper atm. CPR Ped0nne4: No Pulse (II Taken): 100 Blood PreMare (If T....): 1201P RapiratioDII(Jf Taken): 24- Papits: PEARL Level of CondouSDeSs: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a report of a 15 year olcl boy wbobadbumt his face when atlour bomb exploded in bishaDds. Firefighters pe.fOld1ed. basi.c:1ife support anclassisted in prepping the boy for transport to the hospital. ORieer m Charge: M. Th01npSOlt Penon MaIdq Report: 1. Polus Bozem.an Fire Dep"'&t ... Fire Report -- ll-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960275 Date: 10-Apr-96 Time Out: 17:32 Loeation of Rua: Highway 191 MiJemarker 69 ODScene: Type "RB: Emergency In Seniee: 17:48 KiDd of Rn: Hazardous Condition Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Motaal Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Octupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owuer Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OctupanyNehicle: LiceDse: Fire Originated In ..spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures TakeD: No Smoke Dectedor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activatedt 61 it save a life: No Bow DIU)' Uvea Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and htsurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estintated Loti onCoatents: $0.00 Insurance Company: lD..ranu on Property: $0.00 Insurance on ConteDts: $0.00 .e .e ..... Fire DepartDaeDt- Fire Report PI- 2 Alarm NtHIlher 960275 Fire Department ODerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No ReIcue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: Yes 0dIer: No Unit and Pumping time: Pumps not used Extinguislled witll: Sea... et Water. Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scale: Hougland and Hoell Call Back Personnel Paged: Yes Spedal Teauu Paged: HazMat Team Off Duty PenoIUleI: K.. 10bns0n S. Mueller 3U- Equip . t Lost or .....: Incide ~arrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the report of a gas spin on highway 191. .. Firefighters were cancelled enroute. oLr in Cbarge: S. Hougland Penen MJang Report: M. Thompson . e Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report ll-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960274 Date: 10-Apra96 Time Out: 11: l~ Location of...: 21S W. Mendenhall OIl Scene: 11:20 Type.of Rma: Emergency In Service: 11:29 Kind of Run: False can . Good Intent Response District: 11 Responding From: Neither Station in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid~: No Customer Infonnation Ottupant Name: Diane Nash Occupant Phone: 581-4554 Occupant Address: 215 W. Mendenhall Owner Name: lim Bienvenue awnerPhone: 587-3661 Owner Address: Unknown Type of <kcupanyNehicle: Office building Ueense: "reOrigin", fa -Spread to: Not a fire. Caused by: Not a fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dedeetor PrelJeat: No Did it Activate: No If it Adivated, did it Ia\'e a life: No IIowlURy UveI Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major pnperty damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation ElItiIlIate4 Lou on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 IBsorance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 lasurance on Conte_: $0.00 . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number %0274 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Re8cue t: No Ladder 1: No TeDder 1: No Sqaacll: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Enillguished witb: Sea.. of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire FigItters at Scene: Thompson, Hoell, Polus, Houglaad, Criner. Call Back Personnel Paged: No SpedaI TeaIIIt Paged: No Oft'Duty Penoanel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or B.....: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a fire alarm at 215 W. Mendenhall. We investigated the building and determined that the alarm had been set oft'by a water surge. Off"lCer in Charge: M. Thompson Penon Making Report: M. Thompson . ,_ Bozeman Fire Department · EMS Report l1-Apr-96 Alann Number: 960273 Date: to-Apr-96 Time Call Reeeived: 1:43 Location of .....: SlS W. Aspen TIme Out: 1:46 TypeofRllll: Emergency On Scene: 1:48 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Sernce: 1:57 Fire Deoarbnent Operations Jaws of ute Used: No Engine 1: Yes Eagiae 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No OtIler: No Re8poJue District: 11 Respondblg From: Station I Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencielat Scene: BPD MedTrans Fire Fighten at Scene: G. Clutter K. Bushnell F. Devine U~ Exposu.re: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: lash ~ Sex: Male Patienti. Address: 222 Cottonwood lane. Livingston Mt. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 21 Padeat', PhoDe: 222-0607 POIitiooILocatio of Patient: Supine on flOQl'. Complaint/ProbJem: CPR Perl'0I1Iled: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by PO Blood Pyagre (1fT"': Not taken by FD Rapiradon.(If Taken): Not taken by FD PupilI: Not taken by FD Level of Conciou8lleS8: Alert TreatJRent by .Bezeuuua Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded toLittie lohn's Bar fora request formedic:a1assistancefor a 21 year old male who hadbeeniAju.rcd.in a fight. Witnes8es. statcddlat1he maa. bad been unoonscious fora few minutes prior to firefighters arrival. After an initial assessment the patient refused care. OffIcer in Charge: a.Clutter l'eawB MaId8g Report: a.Clutter Bozeman Fire Depa~Dt .. Fire Report . l1-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960272 Date: 09-Apr-96 Time Out: 22:25 Loeaden of Rua: 300 N. Willson On Scene: 22:28 Type of Run: Emergency InSenice: 23:07 KiDd of RIUI: StructuJie Fire Response District: 11 Rttpondillg From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid ~d: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Medical ArtsBuildingl Debbie Smith Otcupant Phone: 587-4831 Oecupaat Addren:same Owner Name: same Owner Phone: same Owner Address: same 'type of OccupaaylVehicle: Commercial Ucense: Fire Originated In -Spread to: DO tire Cawed by: Activated. smoke detector Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: Yes Did it Activate: Yes If it Aetlvated. did it saw . Ute; No Row .....y Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevcat majerpl'OJlel'tyd...: No , fire Loss and Insurance Information Estbnated Loss on Property; $0.00 Estimated. Loss on Coateatt: $0.00 Insurance Company: latllruee OR Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents; $0.00 e .' Bozeatan Fire Depan.ent ~ Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960272 Fire Department Operations Units Respondins: Engiae 1: Yes Eqine 2: Yes Retcue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teder 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pnmping Time: Pumps not used ExtitIpithed witIa~ Seuee etWaier: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Figlatenat Seeae:G. autter K. Bushnell F. Devine D. Archer t.Greeae 1. 80s Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Tea.. Papd: No Off Duty Penoanel: Equipment Used: E..qaipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire DepartJnent responded to the Medical Arts building at 300 N. WiIJsoa for a report ofanactivatedtite alarm. Upon ilweMigation, firefighters determined that someone had been smoking to near a smoke detector causing it to go off. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Penon Making Report: G. Clutter .., . . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 24-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960273 Date: IO-Apr-96 Time Call Reteived: 1:43 LoeatioD of8llD: SlS W. Aspen Time Out: 1:46 Type of RIm: Emergency On SceBe: 1:48 KiDd of....: Medical Assist In Senice: 1:57 Fire DeDartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No 0tIter: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulaace: Yes Oller Agencies at Scene: BPD MedTrans l'irettpten at Scene: G. Quuer K. Bushnel1F. Devine Unprotected Esposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: lash Kalasar Sex: Male PatieDt's Addren: 222 Cottonwood laDe, Livingston Mt. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 21 Patient', PIIoae:222-0607 PositiolllLocatioll of PatieDt: Supine on floor. CODlplaintIProblem: CPR Perfonued: No Pulse (If TakeIl): Not taken by m Blood Preuure (II Takea): Not taken by FD RespiratieD.(lfTakeD): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by m Level of COIICiOUlJlelS: Alert Treatlllent by BozemaaFire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to Little John's Bar for a request for medical assistance for a 21 year old male who bad been injured in a fight. WitDesses.stated that tbemau. bad been. unconscious fora few minutes prior to firefishter's arrival. After an initial assessmenttbe patient reCused care. .- Offker ia Charge: G. Clutter Penoa MakiIlg .8epert: G.Clutter . . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 24-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960272 Date: 09~Apr~96 Time Out: 22:25 LocatioR ~...: 300 N. Willson On Scene: 22:28 Type of Ran: Emergency In Serviee: 23:07 Kind of Bua: Structure Fue Response District: 11 RespoDdiIlg Fronl: Both . Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer h)fonnation Otcupant Name: Medical Arts Building! Debbie SnUtb. Occupant Phone: 5814831 Oecapant Address: same Owner Name: same Owner PIaoae: same Owner Address: same Type of OccuPllDylVebicle: Commercial LiceDte: Fire Originateclln -Spread to: no fire Caused by: Activated smoke detector Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures TakeD.: No SDIGke Dectedor Praeltt: Yes Did it Activate: Yes If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow ..y lives Saved: 0 Uit Activated, did it preveBt major property 4....: No Fire Loss andjnsurance Information Estimated Loss OIl Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on COIlteItts: $0.00 Inmrance Company: InIurance OIl Property: $0.00 Inmrance on Contents: $0.00 . e Bozeman Fire Departmeut - F'ireltClpOn PI- 2 Alarm. N..ber 960272 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: :Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No TeadeI'1: No Squd 1: No Other: No Unit aDd Pumping Time: Pumps not used ExtiDguisbed witI1: Souree ~ Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Sc:.eae: G. Clutter K.BuslmeU F. DeviDe D. An:her T.Greene J. Bas CaD Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams PIpd: No Off Duty Penoanel: Jtquipment Used: Equipment Lest orBrokea: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department responded to the Medical Arts building at 300 N. Willson for a report of an activate4 firealann. Upon ittvestiption, firefighters determined that someone had been smolcing too near a smoke detector causing it to go off. OfIker in Charge: G. Clutter Penoa MakiDg Report: G. Outler . . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 10-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960271 Date: 09-Apr-96 TiDte Call Received: 18:15 LocatieD f4 Bu.: 1201 West CoUegc Time Out: 18:17 Type of RIm: Emergency On Scene: 18:19 Kind. 4. ....: Medical Assist In Service: 18:33 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No EDgiDe 1: No Eagine 2: Yes ReIcue 1: No Ladder t: No Teadel' 1: No Other: No Response Diltrid: 12 Responding ..From: Station 2 Did we anive.before Ambulaace: No Other Agencies at Stene: MedTrans Fire FigIltenat Scene: D. Archer, T. Greene, 1. Dos Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonna$ion Patient Name: Lawrence Allsop Sa: Mate Patient's Address: 1207 West College Zip Code: 5971S Age: S9 Patient's PIloae: 586-9047 PosidonlL<<ation of Patient: Sitting on bed. Complaint/Problem: Mr. Allsop felt dizzy and weak. CPR Perfonned: No PaIse (If Taken): Not taken by PO BIoed Pre.an (If TaIIa): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taka): Not taken by PO PIIpiIJ: Not taken by PO Level of ConcieMness: Alert Treat8tent by BozenaH. Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded. to a report of a man not f.eetiDg wen at 1207 WeSt College. Upon arrival, firefighters found a 59 year old maletbat felt weak and dizzy. Firetighters assisted ambulance personnel in packaging a:nd.loading the patient for transport to the hospital. OfflCel'in Charxe:D.Archer Penoe MaldagReport: D.Archer . e Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report 1 (}"'Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960270 Date: 09-Apr-96 Time Out: 10:52 I..<<atioB of RIIII: Langford: Hall, MSU Campus On Scene: 10:56 Type of""': Emergency In Service: 11:22 KiM of Ran: SUucture Fire Response District: 23 RespondiagFrom: Station lin &:. Station 2 out at time of call M." AidGivell: No Mutual Aid JIeceived: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Dormitory - various occupants Occupant PIaoae:994-3291 Occupant Address: University Cilmpus Owner N...: State. of Montana Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OcmpanyNehide: Multi - story dormitory Uteate: Fire Origiaated In -Spread to: Southwest stairwell first tlQor. The fire did not spread Caused by: A paper bag Ml of garbage was set on :fire in the southwest stairwell on the first floor. Matches in the vicinity indicated. the fire was ~JJy set. Photos were taken of the scene and witnesses were interviewed.. AppareatIy several fires have been set in the vicinity of Langfordrecent1y. An investigation isbderway. Started by aJuveDile: No Pietures Taken: Yes Smoke Deeteetor ~ Yes Did it Activate: . Yes If it Aetivated. did it save a life: Yes Hew ...,. Uves Saved: 100 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: Yes Fire Loss and Iqsurance Information Estintated.Uss 011 Property: SO.OO Estimated Loss on .CoDteDts: so. 00 InturanceCfHDPuy: InlUnUlU on Property: $0.00 IDsunmce oaContents: SO.OO . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report PI. 2 Alarm Nulllber 960270 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: bgbae 1: Yes EagiDe2: Yes Rescae 1: No Ladder 1: No Teadel' 1: No Sqaaul 1: No Other. No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguislled witb: Make shift aids SMm:e of Water: Amount .ofWater Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fightenat Stene: G. Outler. K. Buslmel1. F. Devine, D. Archer. t. Greene. 1. Bas CaD Batk PeI'lf)D1lel Paged: No Spedal Tea.... Paged.: No Off Duty Penomael: Equipment UIed: Camera Equipment Lost or BroIrea: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a fire that.had been started and extinguished. in the southwest stairwell. first floor. Langford Hall. Upon arrival. firefighters found where a bag of garbage had been tit on fire in this stairwell. and a dorm R.A had extinguished it. Offieer in Cbarae: D. Archer Penoa MaIdq Report: D. Archer .--. e . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 24-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960269 Date: 09-Apr-96 Time Call Received: 7:10 Loeation of Rua: 606 N. 5th Time OUt: 7:11 Type of Run: Emergency OaScelle: 7:13 KiH of au: Mcdka1 Assist In Service: 7:35 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Eagine 2: No Re8eae 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No OIlIer: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before ABdMdaaee: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighten atSee8e: G.Clutter K.BushneUF. Devine 'Vftprotected EXpollUre: No Customer Information Patient Name: Elizabeth O'Donnel Sex: female PatieDt's Ad4ress:606 N. 5th. # 414 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 89 Patient's PheBe: 587-2203 Positiola/l..ocaof Patient: Sitting in livingroom chair. ComplailltJProbJem: Possible heart attack. CPR Perfonued: No Pulse (If Taken): 128 8Ieod Preuure (If TakeD): 150/110 RespiratioDs(lf TakeR): 16 Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Concioamess: Alert Treatment by Bozemaa Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to 606 N. 5th. for a request for medical assistance from an 89 year old female who thought she was having a hcartattack. FirefigtIten .admiaistered.oxygen, took vital signs and assisted Medtrans with preparing the patient for transport to the ~ta1. Oftker in Charge: G. Clutter PeI'lOll MUiag Report: G.Outter . . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 08~Apr-96 Alann Number: 960268 Date: Os..Apr~96 Time CaD Reee.ivetl: 11:06 LocadeBGI"': 1l4,E.MaiA Time Out: 17:07 Type GI RIm: Emergency OBScene: 17:09 Kiadof....: Vellicle Accident III Seniee: 17:24 Fire Department Operations Jaws 01 Life Used: No EDgiBe 1: No EJIIine 2: Yes Rac:ue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Teatler 1: No 0tJaer: No Response District: 12 RetpedtIiD& J'rcJiD:. Station 1 inattd Station 2 out at time of ca Did we arrive before AmbuIaace: Yes Other Agentiei at Scene: MedTrans Ambulance, Bozeman Police fireFighters at SceDe: K. Rowe,F. Devine, D. Miller, V.Backman, 1. Shrauger, S. Mueller Uaproteeted Exposwe: No Customer Information PatieDt Name: Esther Lyna Dupont Sa: Female Padent's Address: 1229 Nelson. Road, Bozeman, Mt. Zip Code: 59715 Ate: i8 hdeat'.PIlone: 58'.3507 PesitioDILocati of Patient: Sitting in the driver's side front seat of her car. ContpIahttIProblem: Patient had hit the left side of her head on the center post between the doors on the drivers side of the car. She also oomplai:nedtbat her left leg felt sore. Other patient was: JeuniferCoiliAs, 52 Williams Rd. East Gallatin Gateway,Mt. 59730. D.O.B.-9\30\14, female, phone #763-5636. CPR PerfOrnted: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by PO Blood Prenure (If TakeII): Not taken by PO MespiratiODl (If Taken): Rapid and deep PapiIs: PEAR Level of Condousaess: Alert Tft.~by Bozeaaaa Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of m in:jUly accidenton East MaiD. Upon arrival, firefighters held C-spine on the patient and assisted MedTraas withemiadion _ paclc~ of patient for transportation to the hospital. Off"1CeI' in Charge: K. Rowe Penoa MaIdDg Report: F. Devine . - Bozeman Fire Department -Fire Report OB-Apr-96 Alarm N.-ber: 960267 Date: 08-Apr..96 TiIIae Out: 12:25 Lee'" tI....: 319 N. 7t1l On Scene: 12:27 Type ~ lIa: Emergency Ia ..Senice: 12:43 KIM ., RIIa: Vehicle Fire Response District: 21 RespoDdiDg Froa: MtItPaI Aid GiveQ: No Mutual Aid ReeeimI: No Customer InfoQllation Occapant Name: SbawnCurtiss Occupant Phone: 388-1829 ~_ Address: 208 Huffinan #2 OwDel' Name: Shawn Curtiss .Owtler PIloae: 388-1829 Owner Address: 208 Huffman #2 Type of OceupanylVehide: 1985 Chevy S..10 Tahoe Ueea8e: 19..15SSA Fire OrigiDa&ed III -Spread to: Fire originatedintheengiDe ~ of the vehicle. Caused by: El~cal malfu.oction. Started by a Juvenile: No PietweJ TaIIn: Yes SDMJke Deeteeter. Preseat: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow ...., Uves Saved: 0 !fit Adivated, did it preveot.1Ujor property 4aaaIe: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss OR Property: $500.00 Estimated LossonCOIIte8tS: $0.00 . ln8uance CompallY: InsuruceOD PrGperty: $0.00 IMu.raoce on COtItents: $0.00 . . Bozeman Fire DepartMellt- lire Report pc. 2 Al...~ 960267 Fire Department Operations Units Respondins: Engine 1: No Engiae 2: Yes ReIcae.l: No Ladder 1: No TeDder 1: No Squd 1: No 0d1er: No Unit aadPlunpillg Tiuae: Pumps notused Estiapithed with.: Portable Extinguisher StMauof Water: ~ of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fipten at Scene: D. Miller. V. Bac1cmaIl, J. Shrauger, S. Mueller Call Back Penonael Paged: No SpedaI T.....Papd: No Off DBtyPersoalad: Ecpdpmeat Used: Equip8leDt Lest or .....: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters lespo.aded toa report of a vebicle on fire in me parking lot of a North Seventh Business. The file had.beeIlextiDguished using a portable extinguisher the owner had in his vehicle. The ~lIn Fire Department would like toremi:ad. our custmuersof tbe importance of pOssessing an extinguisher in aU. of your vehides. OtIbr iD CIaarge: D. Miller PeI'IOIl Makblg Report: 1. Shrauger e e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 07-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960266 Date: 07-Apr-96 Thne CaD ReeeivetI: 9:41 L<<atioaof Rua; 172~ S. 11th Resurrection Parish Time Out: 9:48 Type of RuJl:Emergency 0aSeeae: 9:54 Kiacl.of Jlua: Medical Assist In Serviee: 9:55 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No F.ngiae 1: Yes Jagiae 2: No Re8eue 1; No LMder 1: No TeIICIer 1: No 0dIer: No RespoD1Je District: 22 RespoacIin& J'l"OIDt Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive.1tefere A....I..-ee: Yes Other Age1Ides at Scene: Fire FigIltenatSeeae: 1. Polus, M. Thompson Unprotected EspollUft: No Customer Information Patient Name: Sa: PatieAt's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Padeat'. Phone: PositioDll.Gcatiof Patieltt: C8dtplaintlProbIem: CPR. Perfornaed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Bteod PraIIae (If TIkea): Not taken by PO RespiratioDs(lfTakeD): Not taken by FD PapiII: Not taken by PO I..ftel of Condousness: Alert TreatIneIltby BezemlUl Fire: Firefighters responded to a report of a 15 year okIfema1e who had faimed in chur<:h.Her parents.took her home. Cancledupon arrival. OfflCel' in Charge: M. Thompson PenoaMIIIdBg Report: 1. Polus e e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 07-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960264 Date: 07-Apr-96 Time Call Received: 1:01 Lotlfioaof BB: WiIl80a aDd Main. Time om: 1:03 Type of ....: Emergency On Sene: 1:05 Kiad ~ 8M: Medical Assist In Servtee: 1:20 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No EagiBe 2: No RaeIIe 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Te.DUr 1: No 0tIaer: No Respoue District: 11 RespoadiDg J'nMn: Station 1 Did we arrive.1Jet'ore Ambulance: Yes Other Apneies at Scene: Med. Trans, Bozeman P.O. and S.Q. Fire Fighters at SceIIe: RCintaand K. BusbncI1 Unprotected E~ No Customer Information Patient Name: Narain Schroeder Ses: Male Patient's Address: 419 N. 9th Zip Code: 59715 Age: 28 Padeat'1 PIaoae: 582-1455 PositioalLocatton of Patient: Patient was lyiag in the iDterscctionofWiHsonaodMain. C08IplailltlProbIem: P1ltient was complaining of hea4 and face injury. CPR PerfOl'lBed: No PaIse (II Taken): Not taken by PO Blood PlellllU'e (If TakeR): Not taken by FD Re8piradolls (If TakeD): Not taken by PO .PHpiIs: Not taken by FD Level of CODdousaess: Alert Treatmeat by BozeIDan Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded. to a reportcdbyoyleaccldentoa Willson and Main. Uponarrival firefighters assessed patient and assisted Med Trans 'With:~g and ttanspo11ation. Oft'ieerin Cbarge: R. Cima Pt...- MaIdDg Report: . R. Cima . ---..-... . . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 18-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960263 Date: ~Apr-96 TimecaU Received: 18:39 1<<ation of Ran: 1011 W. eon. Time Out: 18:40 Type uI BuD: Bmergency On Scene: 18:44 Kiad of RIlla: Mediad Assist In Service: 19:19 Fire Deuartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No EqjDe 1: No Eqiae2: Yes Resale. 1: No Ladder 1: No TeadeI'l: No Odaer: No Responle Distriet: 22 RespoacUng From: Not in Station. at time of call Did we arrive Were Ambula8ce: Yes Other AgeD.eles at.Steae: MedTrans Bozeman Police Fire FiPters at Sceae: Greene, Johnson, Bas Unprotected E:qMHI8re: No Customer Information Patient Name: Billy McWilliams Sex: Male Patieut's Address: 1513 S. Grand Zip Code: 59715 Age: 35 Patieat'1 Phoae: 586-S052 PositionILocatief Patient: Laying on the floor. ComplaintlProblem: Patient had a seizure. CPR Performed: No Putle (II Taken): 80 Blood PnIIDre (If T...): Not taken by PO Respiratiolts(lf Takea.): Not taken by FD hpUr. Nottakea by FD Level of Coaciousaess: Unresponsive TreatateDtby BozeIit.. Fire: Firefighters were called to a business for a 35 year oldmalcwllo badmdferedasoizure. Firefighters assisted MedTraus personnel in assessing his condition and toacIina.ofthe.pati.ent for transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. otrlCer in Charge: T. Greene Penoa MakiBI Report: T. Greene - e . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 06-Apr-96 Alarm. Number: 960262 Date: ()6..Apr-96 Time CaB Received.: 10:13 Location of..: Alley behind. 316 S. 3rd Time Out: 10:13 TypeofRD: Emergency On Scene: 10:16 Khld of ....: Medical Assist In Service: 10:31 Fire Department Operatjons Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes LHder 1: No Tea_I: No otIaer: No Response District: 12 Responding Il'rom:Station 1 Did we .arrive before AlRbuIa:nce: Yes Other Agencies at SceDe: Med Trans, Bozeman P.O. and S.O. Fire Fighters at ..Sce8e: R.Cima and K. Buslmel1 UBP~d E~re: No Customer Information PatieDt N.ame: Catherine Cockrane sex: Female faticat'. ~~: 620 E. Peach ~ f~: 59715 Age: 41 Patieltt's Phoae: 585-1615 ...~ ~ ~~: Patient was lyiRgon the porch behind 316 S. 3rd (::omplaiDtJProb~:' . . Patient compl~ of'-9k pain. .Rl\P~: No ~.'. (lfl'aakea): 88 BIoodPresatre (If Take&): Not taken by PO : ". 'j i. /~ ,.', ' i i. i ,: " ' ~~.(If Takea): Not taken by FD PapiIs: Not taken by m Level of CODdotuDess: Alert Trel1t1neatlty Bozemlbl Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a reported woman with back pUn, Upon arrival firefigbters assessed patient and assistedMe4 Trans with packaging and traaspOrtation. OKKer in Cihu1e: R. Cima Penon Making Report: RCima e . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report Oj~Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960261 Date: OS-Apr-96 Time Call Reeeived: 17:S6 Loeation of Ru: 6 West Babcock Time Out: 17:56 Type of Run: Emergency On5eeae: 17:58 Kind of R1nt: Medical Assist ID Service: 18:17 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No EngiDe 1: No EDgine 2: No Racae 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No 0tIIer: No Response District: 12 RespondiDg From: Station I Did we arrive before AmIJuIaDee: Yes Other Agencies at SceDe: Med.Trans Fire Figbtenat SceDe: K. Rowe and. K. lolutsoD UDproteeted Jbposure: No Customer Infonnation Patieat Name: Chris Relation Sm. male PadeDt's Addftss:6 West Babcock Apt.#6 Zip Code: 59115 Age: 2S Patient'. Phoae: S82-1098 PesitieDILocati of PatieRt: Sittittg on amch Complaint/Problem: Patient suffered a possible rib injury with variouscontusioDs resulting from an attempt to slam dunk a basketball. (White men can't jump) CPR Performed: No Palse(U Taken): 72 BkMHIPreaare (If TakeB): 148/110 Retpiratioas (lfTakeB): Not taken by FD hpiIs: pear Level of COIIdouness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to assist a male patient who had suft'ered injunct playing basketball. Primary._ seconda1:v surveys were done aad.tl1e patient was taken. to the hospital for further evaluation. OfI'ieer in Charge: K. Rowe PerIoD MakiDg. Report: K. 101mson e e Bozeman ~ire Department... EMS Report 05.Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960260 Date: 05-Apr-96 nme Call Received: 17:25 Locatioa or Rum 10th and Story Tillie Out: 17:27 Type of Rata: Emergency On Scene: 17:29 Kind of R1nr: Vehicle Accident :ta .Senke: 17:49 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No EaPae 1: No EacIae 2: Yes ReIeae t: Yes Ladder t: No Tender I: No 0tIIer: No Responle DUtria: 11 RespoDdhtgFroI8: Both Stations in at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulante: Yes Other AgendesatSceDe: Bozeman Police, McdTmns Fife Fighten at Scene: K. Rowe, K. 10hnson, D. Miller, 1. Shrauger, S. Mueller No Allison Webb, Molly McGinnis Sex: Female iPatient's Ad4ress: 933 North Hedges Zip Code: 59717 Age: 19 Patieat'. PItone:994~538 aden of Patient: Sitting on grass ComplaintJProbIem.: Allison.Sore collar bone and shoulder, abrasion of the lower left back CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by I'D Blood PresfJare (If TakeD): Not taken by PO Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FO Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert 1'reatmeat by Bor.etaan Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a two vehicle accident with iqjuries. Upon arrival the vehicles were stabilized and the .patieots were prepared fortnmsport to.tJ1e hofJpitaJ. otYicer in Charge: D. Miller Penoa Making Report: K. Johnson .- APR- 5-~fi SAT ~: 14 PM BOZEMAN STATION #7. F AX NO. 40R ,87. 04:l9 P. I ,,- e e ...,-~... >.---'-., .._,,,., .~. ..~~-~....~ ..,-~~_.,- Bozeman Fire DepartmeDt... EMS Report OS.,AP'..g~ "..~ ~,' ..- ~_,;~ '~-::.!r,,- ~ . - Alarm N..... 9602!l9 .. 05,..Apr.;J6 1'iIDe CIdI.1Iecdved: 11:1'9 LocadoJl ........Maia ud 711.. 'I'b8e Oat: 11;20 Type or....: ~ 0Ia.Smtt: H:24 KIllKl or Ra: Medica1 Assist lit SerriH; 11:32 Fire Department Ooerations Jim or Ufe Vied: No EBJ:iae 1: No .EDJriDe 2: Yes ....1: No I...... 1: No Taitt 1: No 0dIer. No ...,... D&trict: 22 ~ ......: NQt in Station . time 'VfcaU DId we lP'I'Wt kfe;e~.-et: No OtI.er Agcada at Scae: Imeman Police, Med-TQN AmbuIanc::e rP'C fillden at 5c9ae: l). Miller, }, ~, S, M-'kr l1l1prottctedl.,....-e; Nt) Customer Information Padeat Name: KeWe Bulb Sa! Ft:IBlIle .......'. .1\ChIr'a$: 71.1 112 North Mc.nuana Zip ~; 59715 Ate: 39 ......,~. 586-6600 hii~ efhtieltt: ~t WI$ fWDdsiUiag <-ta cb1drin tbeKwik Kopy priDl $bop. Compl~: Paticnl was su#'mq from a ..n m Mr left bee, CPR ~r.,.,.: No f'uIR (If TalrcaJ: N<< mlen tJy fP .....~ (It''taea): Not ~ by f1) ~ (If T",); Nor tlII<<,m ""I'D .hpfIa: Not Iabn by tV LereI or CoaciOo#IIUt: AIcrt 1'raaRea1 by~.I'in; The fiozeman F~ ~ ~~bed to the ~C)il Qf1th P/;I ~n lQ a report of~ ia9un:d penon due to an auto aocldem On arrlwi the~. t\laDcl1be lD,jured.pmcmli1Q.ug in Ole ~ ofthr; Kwik Kopy PriJIijng \Ju$iIJm. TIle iDjumt perIQD.had been Wmped into by a vebide wbile troIi&ing.. ~ ~ Pi", petl10IIIId belp:dkllldthepcnan 1br .~~to *..... OfJker ia Cbar&e: p, Miller Pcnea MaId8& IIqMN1: D, Miller . . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 05-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960258 Date: 04-Apr-96 Time Call Received: 20:24 Location of Ron: 2825 West Main, Main Mall Time Out: 20:25 Type of RuB: Emergency On Scene: 20:28 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 20:47 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No ERline 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Responle Diltrict: 21 Responding Fnma: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman Police, MedTrans Fire Fighters at Stene: S. Hougland, D. Archer, 1. Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Patty Swenson Sex: Female Patient's Address: 5814 Arrowwood, Bozeman Zip Code: 59715 Age: 58 Patient's Pbone: 586-7487 PositionlLocation of Patient: Patient was found lying on her left side on thef100r in the public restroom at the Main Mall. ComplaiDtlPl1)blem: Patient complained of nausea, constipation, general weakness, dizziness. CPR Performed.: No Pulse (If Taken): 98 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 140n5 Respirations (If Taken): 20 Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by BozentaaFire: Patient complained of nausea and was unable to sit up straight. She was found lying on the floor. After vital signs were taken and oxygen given, she was transported. to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: S. Hougland Penon MaIdItg Report: S. Hougland e . Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report 04-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960257 Date: Q4-Apr-96 Th8e Oat: 15:52 Locadoa of RuB: Gallatia CouDtyRest Home, 1221 West D On Scene: 15:56 Type of Run: Emergency In Senice: 16:03 Kiatd of Run: False CalI- GoodIDtent Response bistrkt: 21 ltespondiag Froat: Neither Station in at time of call '. Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid BKeived: No Customer Information Oecupant NaIIle: Gallatin County Rest Home Occupant Phone: 585-1470 OcaIpaat Address: 1221 West Dunton Owner Name: Gallatin County Owner "'-e: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehide: Rest Home Licen8e: Fire OrigiRate4 Ia ..spread to: Not a tire. Caused by: Not a fire. Started by a JaveaiIe: No Pidares Taira: No Smoke Dedector Present: No Did it Activate: No Uk Adivatecl, did it ..1Me a life: No Row..., Uva Saved: 0 If it Attivated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information EstiJutecllMs OR property: so,()() Estimated Loss onC_teats: SO.OO IluuranceCompuy: Insurante on Property: so. 00 lasuranee on Centeats: $0.00 e e BozeIlUUl Fire Departaeat - Fire Reportpg. 2 Alua N1uaber 960257 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engiae 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes ReIcue t: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguilbed with: Searee of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Figbten at Scene: S. Hougland, D. Archer Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Teuu Paged: No Off Duty Persouel: Equipment Used: EqaipnteDt Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of afire alarm going off at the Gallatin ColIBty Rest Home. Upoo.arrivat, firefighters leameda resident had activated a pull station inadvertently. Firefighters assisted rest home personnel in re-setting the system. OffICer in Cbarge: S. Hougland Penon Making Report: D. Archer e e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 04~Apr46 Alarm Number: 960256 Date: 04-Apr-96 n.. CaB ltecei\Ied: 13:02 Loeatien of Rft: E~ Building MS.U., 1300 blocIc South 6 Time Out: 13:02 Type 01 Run: Emergency Os Sceee: 13:06 Kiad of Rd: Medical Assist In Service: 13:29 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No EngiBe 2: Yes Ratu 1: No Ladder 1: No TeDder 1: No 0tItet': No Responle District: 12 Responding 1'1'OIIl: Station 2 Did we arrive beIere~: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedI'rans Fire FigIltenat Sceae: S. Hougland, D. Archer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Frank Kubis Sa: Male Patient1s Address: 1076th Avenue N.W. Zip Code: 59427 Age: 43 Patient'. Pboae: PositioolLocation of Patient: Sitting with back against wall. ComplaintJProblenl; The patient had suffered from an apparent tan after having what may have been a seizure. No one witnessed what bappeDed, and he ~.UD8ble to recall aay ofthcevems. CPR Performed: No PaIse (If Taken): 88 Blood i're8sure (If TakaI): 130/85 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Cendoa__: Alert TrutnaeRt by IIezetua Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a ...that had fallen at the newengineeriBg building on the M.S.U. campus, upon arrival, firefighters foun4 a 43yeat oldmaa thatW possibly had a seizure and had fallen. The patient was coascious and talking when firetiglltersarrived.. Firefighters took vitals, and assisted MedTrans perSODDel in packaging and loading the petieDt ibrtraosporttothe hospital. Officer in Charge: S. Hougland PeI'108 MaIdag Report: D. Archer ---. -.----.-..-..-- -...-.........---....-........---..... . . Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report OS~Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960255 Date: 03-Apr-96 Time Out: 13:14 Location of.....: 215 W. Men4enhal1 On Scene: 13:17 Type of RaM: Emergency In Service: 13:22 Kind of Run: False Call- Good Intent Response Dlltriet: 11 Responding From: Station I Mutual Aid GimI: No Mutual Aid Reeei\'ed: No Customer Infonnation Otcupant Name: lim Bievnue Oecupant PboJte: 587-3661 Occupant Address: 120 Arrowhead Dr. Owner Name: same Owner Pltoile: Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVehicle: Single story commercial Licente: Fire Origiuted III -Spread to: No fire Caused by: Alann malfunction. Started by a Juveuile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Deetector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Acdvated. cHd it IllVe _life: No How ...y lAva Saved: 0 II it Activated, did it prevetU major property d.-age: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss Oil Property: $0.00 Ettimated 1.... _ COIlteIltS: $0,00 IDsuranceCompany: Inmraace Oil Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e . Bozemlln Fire DeplIrtmeRt - Fire Report PI- 2 Alara N_ber 960255 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No EugiDe Z: No ReIcue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: No OdIer:No Unit aad Pumping Time: Pumps not used EDinpisbed with: hrce of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire lighten at Scene: R Cima K. Bushnell 1. Fisher Call Back Penonael Paged: No Spedlll TeltM. PlIged: No Off Duty Pel'llOllDd: Equipment Used: Equipanent Lost or Brokea: Incident Narrative: Bozeman firefighters responded to a fire alarm sounding at 215 W. Mendenball. Upon arrival firefighters were notified that the aJarmwas malfunctioning and a service man was in route. Officer in Charge: R Cima Penon Making Report: R Cima e . Bozem.an Fire Department... Fire Report 03-Apr..96 Alarm Number: 960254 Date: 03-Apr~96 Time Out: 13:06 LoeatioIt of:au: 600 E. Kagy On SCeIle: Type of RIIIl: BmergeDCy In Senice: 13:07 Kktd of Ru: False Call - Good Intent RespoIUe DiJtrkt: 13 Responding From: Station 1 in & Station 2 out at time of can Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Reeeived: Yes Customer Information Occupant Nante: Museum of the Rockies Occupaut Phone: 994-5283 Occupant Address: same as above. Owner Name: State of Montana Owner PhoDe: same as above Owner Address: II II Type of OccupanyNehicJe: Museum Ucense: Fire Originated 1Il.-8preadto: No fire Caused by: Alarm malfunction Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Take.: No SDlOb.Dedector PreseIlt: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How Rlany Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevcatlDajor.property....: No Fire Loss and Insurance I:(lformation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estidlated LoIIonCoateBts: $0.00 Insurance Compauy: IDsuraace OB Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire 'Depu1:metlt - Fire Report PI- 2 AWa N..ber 960254 Fire Denartment Operations Units Respondins: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Teader 1: No Squad 1: No other:. No Unit and Pumping Time: Pmnps not used EstinguiJhed widt: Souree ef Wilier: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Figbienat Seene: CaD Back PenonDel Paged: No SpedaI T.... Paged: No Off Duty Penoael: Equipment Used: ltqaipuaent Lost orlrokea: lIlcident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department ~ to report of a fire alarm. activation at the MuseumOf The Rockies. fire dc.partmeotunitJ where canoelcd. while responding. Disspatch was infonnedby.musewn m$ntainance that. there \VaS an alarm malfunction. Oftieer in Charge: G. Clutter Penon Making Report: G. Clutter . . Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report OJ-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 9602S3 Date: 03-Aprw96 Time Out: 11:28 Locatioa of~ 215 W. ~~Jl On Scene: 11:30 Type of Ran: Emergent1 In Serviee: 12:00 IOIId of ....: Structure Fire Response District: 12 RespondiJIg r....: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid~: Yes Customer Infonnation Octupant Name: lim Bienvnue Occupant Phone: 587-3661 Occup. Address: 120 Arrowhead Dr. Owner Name: Owner Pbone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVehkle: Single story commercial license: FireOrigiaated In -Spread. to: No fire Caued by: Malfunctioning alarm system. Started by a Jnv~ilet No Pictures Taken: No Smoke ~tor Present: No Did it ^-ctivate: No B' it Aetivated, cIkIit .JaW a life: No ........, Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estituted Loss OR Prvperty: $0.00 Estimated Loss on COIlteDts: $0.00 In_ranee Compay: Iasuranee on Property: $0.00 lamranee onCollteats: $0.00 . . Bozeman Fire Departmeat - Fire Report PI- 2 ...... NUlbel' 960253 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rac:&e 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Sctud 1: No .Odaer: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source .~Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighten at Seeae: G. Clutter R. Cima K. Bushaell T. Greene F.Devine Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Tnashpd: No Off Duty Penouel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Brukea: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire .Department:respQnded to a fire alarm at 215 W. Mendenhall. Upon investigation it was deta:m.iaed that there was apmblemwith the sprinkler system. Firefighters advised the building Occupants tooontact the sprinkler maintenaJWe techDician. Ofticer in Charge: G. Clutter Penoll MakiqReport: G. Clutter . . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 15-Apr-96 Alarm N..ber: 960256 Date: 04-Apr-96 Time Call Received: 13:02 LocatioD of Ran: Engineering Building M.S. U., 1300 block South 6 Time Out: 13:02 Type of RInr. Emergency On Scene: 13:06 Kind of a.n: Me.dicaI Assist In Service: 13:29 Fire De\>artment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Eapae 1: No EatIiDe 2: Yes ...1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 ReIpoadiDgFrom: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other AgeIld.es at Stene: MedTrans Fire Fipten at Scene: S. Hougland, D. Archer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation PatieDtN8Ibe: Frank: Kubis Sex: Male Patient's Address: 107 6th Avenue N.W. Zip Code: 59427 Age: 43 Patient's PboDe: PositionILoclltion of Patient: Sitting with back against wall. ComplaiDtIProblem: The patient had su:fferedfrom an apparent fall after having what may have been a seizure. No one witnessed what happened, and he was unable to recaJl any of the eveDts. CPR Ped'onnecl: No Pulse (If Takea): 88 Blood .PreIRft. (If TakeR): 130/S' Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD PapiIt: Not taken by FD Level of Condeusness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of aJDaD who had fallen at the new engineering building on the M.S. U. campus. Upon arrival, firefighters found a 43 year old man who bad possibly bad a seizure and had fallen. The patient was conscious and talking when fileftghters arrived. firetighterstook vitals, andassisled MedTranspersonnel in packaging and loading the patient fortnmSpOrt to the hospital. Oftieer in Charge: S. Hougland Penon MakiDgReport: D. Archer --.-.--.....- .. . ~.. . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 02-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960251 Date: 02-Apr-96 Tune Call Received: 22:38 Locatioll ofRlUl: 606 North 5th Time Out: 22:39 Type of Run: Emergency On Seale: 22:42 KiM 81 Ru: Medical Assist In Senice: 23;08 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Bettue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tea4er 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding FI"OI8: Station 1 Did we arrive before A8lbulaaee: Yes Otber Agencies at Scene: Fire Fighters at.Sceae: T. Shearman 1. FassbJnder Unprotected Expo8tlre: No Customer Information Patient Name: Nancy May Sex: Female Patieat's Address: 606 Nortk 5th Zip Code: 59715 Age: 70 Patient'sPbone: Unlisted PositioaILGtatiof Patient: On her rigthside between the bathtub and the stool. ComplaintIProblem: The patient had fallen in the bathroom and could not get up. CPR Perfornted: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Preaare (If Takea): Not taken by FD Respirations (It Takea): Not talreD by I'D Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert TreatIJlentlty JIorr- Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department responded to the call ofawomen who had fallen and was unable to get up. Upon arrival firefighters found a woman who bad becIl OIl the floor for several boars. The woman was transported to the hospital for treatment. Otficer in CIla.rce: T. Sheannan Penoa MaldalRepert: T. Shearman , "*' . Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report 02-Apr...;96 Alarm N1lIDber: 960250 Date: 02-Apr-96 Time Out: 18:Q8 Leeadon. of lID: N. Bozeman and BeaU Oil Sceue: 18:10 Type of Run; Emergency Ia Service: 18;22 Kiadof Ru: HazardousCooditi.on Response District: 11 Respoading FnJDl: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupaat Name: Lisa Tesseneer Occupant PboIle: 587-6126 Oecupat Address: P.O. Box 1069 Owner Name: Ken Milledge OwBer Phone: Owner Address: 1186 Julia Martin Dr. Type of OccepaaylVeWeIe: 831eep Wagoneer\ 13 m.zer 1.Jeftue: Fire Originated ID. -'spread to: NO FIRE, MY A at the intersection of N. Bozeman and BeaU st. Dispatch responded Bo:1~tlFireto cleanup approximately 4 gallons of antifreeze leaking from the leep.BFD poured 50 Ibs ofabsorbant on the spill and asked the wrecker driver to sweep it up. He agreed. CauIed by: Ruptured radiator. Started by a Juvenile: No Pia.res Tue.: No S.... Deetector PraeDt: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated,did it save. a life: No How..,. Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevemmajor property dUlaae: No Fire Loss and Insurance {nformation E..-.. Lou on Property: SO.OO Estimated Loss on COIItents: $0.00 IuuranceCOIIlpany: Insurance on Property: $0.00 IIlSU1'llllCe OIICoateDts: $0.00 . . Bozeman Fio! Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alara Number 960250 Fire Department Ooerations Units Re$ponding; Engine 1: No Engine 2: No BeKue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Teader 1: No Squad 1: No Odler: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used ExtinpitIted with: SoatuufWater: Amount of Water Used: ()()()() Gallons Fire Fichtenat Sceae: K. Rowe, K. Johnson, 1. Fas&binder Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Oft'Dety PersonaeI: Equipment Used: SO Ibs of absorbent. EquJpIIlent LeIt or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman firefighters responded to the intersection of N. Bozeman and Beall for a Hazmat call. AcoI1ision betweentwovehiclesresulled in hazardous fluid leaking from one of the vehicles. Firefighters applied chemical absorbent to soak up the fluid. Officer i. Charge: K. Rowe Penon Makiag Repo.-t: K. Rowe "'ll:. . e Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 02-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960249 Date: 01-Apr-96 Time Out: 4:36 Location of Run: Manley lWad On Scene: 4:49 Type of Ittul: Emergency In SeMice: 5:24 Kind of Run: Other Fire Response Dilltrkt: 11 Responding From: Station I Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Reteived: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name; Tom Yant ~ Phone: 586-2211 Occupant Address: Unknown OwDer Name: Unknown Owner Phone; Unknown Owner Address: Unknown Type of OceupanylVehiele: No occupancy. License: Fire Origiuted In..8pread to: The fire was a rekindle of a tontroUed burn pile and was contained there. Caused by: A reki$ile. Started by a Juvenile: No PicturesTakat: No Smoke Dedeetor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did. it save a life: No Bow m..y Lh>eI Saftd: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property dUll.: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estiaated Loss 011 Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on. Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insul"lUlce OR CoateDts: $0.00 """ e e Bor.emaa Fire Department. Fire Report PI- 2 Ala.. N..ber 960249 Fire Deoartment Operations Units Responding: Enpne 1: No EDgiae 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder i: No Teader 1: Yes Squad 1: No 0tIaer: No Unit and Pumping Time: Tender 1 , 20 minutes Extinguished witIl: Water SuurceofWaier: Tank Amount of Water Used: 0750 Gallons Fire Figlttenat Sceae: Thompson, Polus Call Back Pel'SOanel Paged: No ~ Teams Paged: No Oft' Duty Pel'lOlPaCl: Equipment Used: I 1/2" hose and nozzle. Equipment Lost or BrokeIl: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded toa report of a construction bon fire on Manley Rd. We bad a small fire upoIl arrival tbatbad rekindled from the previous day. Firefighters extinguished the fire. otrlter ita Charge: M. Thompson PerSOD Making Report: M. Thompson .. e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report Ol-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960248 Date: 01-Apr-96 Time Out: 18:40 Location of Ran: 714 S.8th Oa Seaae: 18:45 Type ef BIut: Noaemergency In Serviee: 18:57 Kind of Run: Structure Fire Re8pOIue District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given.: No MIa" Aid Recme4: No Customer Information Oec:UPlUlt Name: Christus Collegum Occupant Phone: 586--3172 Occupant Address: 714 South 8th Owner Name: Christus Collegum Owner Phone: 586-3172 Owaer A~ 714 South 8th Type of OecupanyNebiele: Chapel Lkense: Fire Origiaated In -Sprea4to:Fire originated on theraof' ud wasooutiued to an area less than 1 square foot. Caused by: Cause of fire was suspicious. There were llOvisiblc causes. Started by a JuveDile: No PictureI TakeD: No Smoke DeeteetorPraent: No Did it Activate: No H it Activated, did it save. a life: No How ..y Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent..r pnpel1ytlamage: No Fire Loss and msurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $250.00 EstlDlated Less OIl Coateat8: $0.00 Insurance Company: lauuruee OR Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 .__n ._.__ ..___.__._____.__...._..___..._ ------..------.---. ..--- .w." e . Bozen\. Fire Department - Fin IIleport PI- 2 AWe Namber 960248 Fire Department Ooerations Units Responding: Engiae 1: No bgine 2: Yes ReItue 1: No Ladder 1: No TeIl4er 1: No Sqa41: No Odtet: No Unit and Punaping Tinae: Pumps not.used ExtUtguilhed with: S4mru of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighten atSeelie: S. Hougland, M. Criner, J. Fischer Call BaekPenonnel Paged: No SpedalTeaIllt Pqed: No Off Duty PenonaeI: Equipment Used: Equipmeat Lost or BrokeR: Incident Narrative: Occu.pant of building called Fire Station on. 582-2350 to report a fire On the roof that the occupants bad ~E-2respondocl to investigate. Investigation. detennined an. area less tban 1 square foot in. size burned on the roof The origin of the fire Was'suspicious as no cause was 4etermiBed or apparent. Speculation 'WaS tbat a firework from a neighboring area might have landed on the roof and started the fire. ,'-< ...... \~"'\.'" ~ Charge: S. Hougland PeI'lOlt. . Jeport: S. Hougland 'lIllI,. . e Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report Ol-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960247 Date: 01-Apr-96 Time o.t: 18:11 I..<<atiOII of Itu: 220 N. Broadway On Scene: 18:11 Type of RUIl: Nonemergency In Sen1ce: 18:25 Kiad f'A Rua: GrassFire Response Distriet: 11 BeSpoadiDg From: Not in Station at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Reeeived: No Customer Infonnation Oc:ciapant Name: John Hodgson Ocenpant Phone: 586-4319 Oc:cupaatAddress: 220 N. Broadway Owner Name: John Hodgson 0w1ter Phone: 586-4319 Owner Address: 220 N. Broadway Type of o<<upanylVehic:le: Open field LiceDtIe: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Controlled burn without a permit. Cnsedby: Controlled. bum. Started by a Juvenile: No Pktures Taken: No SmokeDectedor Present: No Did it Aetivate: No If it Activated., did. it save a life; No Bmv...y Uves Saved: 0 H it Activated, did it pre\'eDt major property dllDage: No Fire Loss and fusurance Information Estimated Loss OIl Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 In....ance C...pany: Insurance on Property: $0.00 luuraac:e on COIlten.ts: $0.00 - - , e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire JIeport PI- 1 AJara N...... 960247 Fire Department Ooerations Units Responding: J:ngble 1: No Engine 2: Yes ReIClle I: No Ladder 1: No TeDder I: No S.... 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used ExtiquiIhed with: Portable Extinguisher hn:e ~Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Figltten at Scene: D. Archer, M. Criner, J. Fischer CaD Back Pel'8OllDelPaged: No Special. Teams Paged: No Off Duty Penonnel: Equipment Used: Portable Extinguisher, shovel. EquiplIlCD.t Lost or BrokeB: IDtident Narrative: Firefighters respotl<bi to N. Broadway after obIerviDg smoke coming from tbatarea. Upon arrival fireJigbters fouDda c0ntr01ed born without a permit. Firefighters extinguished the fire and told the occupant to obtain a bum permit before burning again. OffICer in Charge: D. Archer Persoll MakiDg Report: M. Criner e . Bozeman Fire Department ...Fire Report Ol-Apr-96 Alarm. Number: 960246 Date: 01-Apr-96 Time Old: 17:14 Leea1ioa of Ra: East Frontage Rd On Scene: 17:21 Type of Jua: Emergency In Service: 18:00 Kbulof au: Grass Fire Response District: 11 Respondillg From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid RKeived: Yes Customer Infonnation Oec:upant Naete: Railroad. right ofway. Occupant Phone: Oc:cupant.Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of Oc:cupanylVehicle: Litense: Fire Origiaated In -Spread to: Fire originated akmgtherailroad tracks aadspreadwas minimal. Caused by: Sparks from a train. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Deetector Prtlent: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a 'life: No lIuw...y Uves Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property dam.: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loll on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 luuraaee CfJIIlpany: Insurance on Property: $0.00 InlUranee on CoateD..: $0.00 __.__.__ n____._... e . Bor.em.. Fire DepartlneDt - Fire Report PI- 2 Alana NlIIIlw 960246 Fire Department Operations Units Responding; Engine 1: No Engiue 2: Yes ReIeae t: No Ladder 1: No Tauter 1: No SqNd 1: No Odaer: No UDit and Pumping Time: 30 minutes ExtinguiJhed with: Water Source'f6 Water: Tank AmOUDt of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Figbters at Sceae: D. Archer, M. Criner,I. Fischer Call Blltk Personnel Paged: No SpedalTeams Paged: No Oft'Duty PenoDlid: Equipment Used: 50 Ft. 1 1/2 hose Equipmeat Loster Brokea: Incident Narrative: Firefighters responded to a reportofa grass fire along the railroad tracks on East Frontage Road.. Upon arrival several small spot fires were visible. Firefighters extinguished them with the help of Fort Ellis Fire Dept. Officer In Charge,: D. Archer Person Making Report: M. Criner . . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report Ql-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960245 Date: 01-Apr-96 Time Out: 17:04 LoeatioD of RIm: Railroad right a away behind Lebrkind's B On Scene: 17:06 Type of RIm: Emergency In Service: 17:56 IQad of....: Grass Fire Response District: 12 Besponditrg From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Motual Aid Received: Yes Customer Information OecuplUtt Name: Lebtkind'sBottling Co. Occupant Phone: 586-2029 Oc:aapant Address: Ins N. Rouse Owner Name: Carl Lehrkind m 0wDer Phone: 586-6326 , Owner Address: 4840 Fowler Lane Type of Ouapu.yNebide: Ueease: Fire Originated In -Spread to: CMised: by: Montana R.ailliDk Train passing through. Started by a Juveaile: No Pictures Takea: No Smoke.Deetedor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated., dkI it SDe a life: No Row .MU:y Lives Saftd: 0 If it Activated, did it preveat major property damage: No Fire Loss and msurance Infonnation Estimated LoIs OIl Pruperty: $0,00 Estimated.Loss 08 Contents: $0.00 Insurance C08lpaIly: Insuranee Oil Property: $0.00 .....r..ce onConteats: $0.00 . e BozemlUl Fire Departmeat ~ Fire Reportpg. 1 AI..-. N...her 960245 Fire De98fUnent Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Eugine 2: No Resale 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender t: No Squad 1: No Odaer: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: County Fire One EDillgui8bed witIa: Water Source of Water. . Tank Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Setae: M. Thompson, 1. Polus Call Back PenoDDel Paged: No Spedal Te.. Paged: No Off Duty PenoImeI: Equipment Used: Hand tools, Hose reel EquipmeDt LeIt or Broken: lDcident Narrative: Bozeman firefighters responded to the 1700b1ock. ofN. Rou5etotbe report of a grass fire. Upon arrivaUireligbters found a grass fire along the railroad tracks probably started by attain. Bozeman fire requested mutual aid froin Belgrade Fire station 2 wbo responded with an engine and crew. They assisted US with the extinguishment of the fire. Oft'ieer ill Charge: M. Thompson Person Making Report: M. Thompson . .' Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report Ol-Apr~96 Alarm Number: 960244 Date: o I.Apr-96 Time Call Received: 23:46 Location. of Run: 217 W. Koch #1 Time Out: 23:48 Type of Run: Emergency On Seeae: 23:57 KiRd of Run: Medical Assist In Sernce: 0:15 Fire Denartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Raeae 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Teatler 1: No Odler: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambalaace: No Other Agencies at Scene: Moo Trans Fire Fighten at 8mle: RCima and K. Johnson Unprotected E:tposure: No Customer fufonnation PatieDt Name: Arnold Happel Sex: Male Patient's Address: 217 W. Koch #1 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 82 Patient's Phone: 586-6671 Position/Location of Patieat: Patient was sitting up in a chair. ComplaintlProblem: Patient was bleeding from his right foot. CPR Performed: No Pulse (It Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pftllllre (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respiratioas (If TakeR): Not taken by FD Pupil~ Not ~llby FD Level of COIldousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeaaaa Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a reported man bleeding from his foot. Upon arrival firefighters assisted Med Trans with patient care and transportation. Officer in Charge: R Cima Person Making Report: R. Cima -_.,.,_.~'", -'"1"" . -~. . . BozemlUl Fire Dep.rtment - Fire Report pg. 2 AI.... NlUbber 960243 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Eugiae2: Yes Relate 1: No Ladder .1: No Tauler 1: No Squad 1: No .0Iher: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not 1,l5ed Extinguished witlt: Water Source of Water: pump can Amount of Water Died: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Sceae: Greene, Devine, 80s Call Baek Personnel Paged: No Spedll Teaau Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: pumpcan lquipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters were called to a IqX)rt of a fire in the intersection of 11th and college. Upon arrival they found a small rubbish fire ~was quicldy extinguished. Off'JCef blCharge: T. Greene Penon Making Report: T. Greene