HomeMy WebLinkAbout19960229 -. . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 29-Feb~96 Alarm Number: 960177 Date: 29-Feb-96 Time Out: 16:30 Location of Run: Humane Society, 2125 North Rouse On Scene: 16:36 Type of Run: Emergency In Senice: 16:42 Kind of Run: Other Fire Response District: 11 Responding From: Station I Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Samuel A. Rotelini Occupant Phone: 587-2281 Occupant Address: 2125 North Rouse Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVehicle: Animal Shelter License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: The fire started in a straw bale outside the building in the parking lot. Caused by: Unkown. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectedor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $2.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960177 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: none Extinguished with: none Sourte of Water: none Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Archer, T. Shearman, S. Mueller, V. Backman, K. Johnson Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Teams Paged: No Oft'Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Axe, balligan Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded. to a report of bay bales on fire near the Humane Society office at 2125 North Rouse. Upon arrival, firefighters found a straw bale in the parking lot that bad been extinguished with portable extinguishers by employees of the Humane Society. Firefighters broke the bale apart to check for hot spots. OtTlCer in Charge: D. Archer Person Making Report: D. Archer FEB-29-96 FR! 1: 51 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 1 . . ...._,.......... ......~_._---...,--~ ..............---- Bozeman Fire DepartJDeat... Fire Report 29-Feb-96 ... ,.... ., , ..." ._.._~'r- Alarm N.-bcr: 960176 Date: 29-Feb--96 TiDle Out: 13:25 ........ "lID: 411 West CurUIs 011 Seeae: 13:33 Type '" RD: E.D1c:rgeIJJy Ja Senke: 13:44 DId _BaD: 5uspidous Odor ReIpodJt DistriCt: 21 RttpO"'dh\g J'rum: S1atioD 1 out..t StaU0Il2 in.at time of aIll Mt$laI AldGWea: No M1duI Aid Jkcetfed: No Customer Infonnation ~ N-= Pegy McClutMI 0mIpaId PIIu8e: 586-29S4 0eaapIIIt AddreJr. 411 West Cutiss OWller Naae: I\:gy M:Clou4 0WIIeI' ~ 586-2954 Owaer AdtIreII: 411 Wesl CartiIs Type ~ Ocapu:rlVeIdde: SiD&Ie tamely Liecate; FIre 0........ III .spread to; No me. Caaed b)': No m. Started by a..f1mDile: No ~,_ T..: No 5DIob DtdtdOI PnIe8t: No Did it AdiYate: No If it Adhatcd, did it saw a Dte: No 1Iew aIID1 LMt Sale4: 0 U it AdJ,'" _It.......... ~ ..,.... No Fire Loss and Insurance Infnnnaticm EIUmaW Loss .. Propert): $0.00 EtCiIDated Loll _ ec.teats: $0.00 ......... eo.pIIl)'l ....raaee - p.+- I): $0.00 IJIIm'&8Ce en c...~: $0.00 FEB-29-96 FRr 1: 51 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 2 . . ......1'Ire ~ -I'h llepart PI- 2 AIlnl.Number 960176 Fire De.partment Operations Units Re!QKlndi118: EIIIiM 1: No ...... z: Yea ... 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Taldcr I; No Squd t: No 0dIer: No u.tt ... ....... Tiaet Paunps DOl used hdDpi.... widl: s.ru ofWa&ter: AnIauDt of Water UIId: ??oo QaIkms J'ire fiPters at SeeDe; V RlIclmum K. JobDsoD D. AIdler T. kSbelII'miD S. Mueller Call Back ~ PlIed: No ...~~ No Off Duty ............ ~UKd; Eqwd..~t Lost or 8rukea: IIIddeIIt Narnth'e: F'in:fiCbteri MK QIOcd to a IIoaIIl: to cbcx;t OIl a RIIJlidoUs odor. It was a ~1 ftdlm'eofthe _in the~. 0I'ftcer hi CIIarge: V. BadanaII PenrMI MIlkiDIIkpoI1: V. ftookmlltt . . Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 29-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960175 Date: 29-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 9:05 Location of Ran: 606 North 5th, #114 Time Out: 9:08 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 9:11 Kind of Bu.: Medical Assist In Service: 9:25 Fire Department Operations Jaws ofLlfe Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: Yes Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: D.Archer, S. Mueller Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Dolores Maykuth Sex: Female Patient's Address: 606 North 5th, #114 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 87 Patient's Phone: 586-1316 PositionJLocatioa of Patient: Sitting on bed in her romm. ComplaintIProblem: Mrs. Maykuth had fallen and needed assistance getting up, she was sitting on her bed when we arrived. She had some bleeding inside her mouth and was complaining of sore legs. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by PO Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by PO Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken by PO Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of an 87 year old woman that had fallen and needed assistance getting up. She was unable to stand up on her own and decided. to go up to the hospital to get checked out. Firefighters assisted ambulance personnel in packaging and loading the patient for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: D. Archer Person Making Report: D. Archer . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 29-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960174 Date: 29-Feb-96 Time Out: 3:53 Location of Run: 421 112 N. Rouse On Scene: 3:55 Type of Bu.: Nonemergency In Service: 4:17 Kind of Run: Service Call Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Jennifer Strong Occupant Phone: 585-3414 Occupant Address: 4211/2 N. Rouse Owner Name: Dave Miller Owner Phone: 587..0307 Owner Address: 3601 Toole Type of OccupanyNehlcle: Duplex License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Not a fire. Caused by: Not a fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 - . .~ Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960174 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No E.giDe 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: 1. Polus Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Teams Paged: No Oft' Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire responded to a service call for a wood burning stove that was not venting properly. The stove and chimney were inspected. with nothing out of the ordinary found. Officer in Charge: 1. Polus Person Making Report: 1. Polus ,.. -- Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 29-Feb-96 Alarm Number: %0173 Date: 29-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 2:10 Location of Run: 512 South 15th Time Out: 2:13 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 2:15 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 2:44 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engi.e 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans, Hospice Nurse Fire Fighters at Scene: S. Hougland, M. Criner Unprotected Exposure: No Customer fufonnation Patient Name: MaryianTunby Sex: Female Patient's Address: 512 South 15th Zip Code: 59715 Age: 74 Patient's Phone: 586-5049 PositionlLocation of Patient: Patient was found lying on her back on the floor in her bedroom. ComplaintIProblem: Patient had been released from the hospital yesterday. She had liver cancer. Upon our arrival, she was alert and complained of difficulty breathing. Her pupils were dia1ated. Her pulse was 72 and very weak. The Hospice Nurse arrived and notified the hospital. Following the arrival ofMedI'rans and the Hospice Nurse, the patient's conditioned worsened quickly. Despite our efforts, the patient quickly expired on the scene. The Hospice Nurse, on directions from the hospital, directed us to cease our efforts to assist the patient. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 72 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 110/95 Respirations (If Taken): 15 Pupils: Dialated Level of Conciousnell: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters were called to the scene of a 74 year old female having difficulty breathing. After oxygen was given and vital signs taken, MedTrans arrived on scene. The patient's Hospice Nurse arrived and coordinated all efforts through the hospital to aid and comfort the patient as she expired. . . Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 29-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960172 Date: 28-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 12:55 Loeation of Run: 1500 N. 7th Time Out: 12:56 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 12:59 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Senice: 13:13 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Otber: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambnlance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Med Trans of Montana Fire Fighters at Scene: Thompson, Hoell, Polus Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Jake Catron Sex: male Patient's Address: 617 Mountain View Drive Zip Code: 59715 Age: 23 Patient's Phone: 586..7013 PositionlLocation of Patient: Lying on his back on the floor. ComplaintIProblem: The patient had had a seizure. CPR Perfonned: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by PO Respirations (U Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozemaa Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a man who had had a seizure at Wal-Mart. We assisted Moo Trans personnel with the packaging and loading of the patient for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Person Making Report: M. Thompson . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 29-Feb~96 Alarm Number: 960171 Date: 28-Feb-96 Time Out: 10:00 Location of Run: 336 S. Church On Scene: 10:05 Type of Ran: Nonemergency In Service: 10:20 Kind of Run: Hazardous Condition Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: William Penttila Occupant Phone: 586-5177 Occupant Address: 336 S. Church Owaer Name: William Penttila Owaer Phone: 586-5177 Owner Address: 336 S. Church Type of OccupanyNehicle: single family dwelling License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: no fire Caused by: no cause Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dedector present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow many Lives Saved: 0 U it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Co.tents: $0.00 - . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg.] Alarm. Number 960171 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Hoell, J. Polus Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters were sent to a home to check the atmosphere for carbon monoxide. FirefighterS used a detector through out the house and found no carbon monoxide. OffICer in Charge: G. Hoell Person MakiDg Report: G. Hoell I . . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS R.eport 29-Feb-96 Officer in Charge: S. Hougland 1.Person Making ~rt: S. Hougland e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 29~Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960170 Date: 27-Peb-96 Time Oat: 21:24 Location of Ran: 308 S. Church On Scene: 21:26 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 1:12 Kind of Run: Structure Fire Response District: 11 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Information Occupant Name: Mary Zourke, Nelle Thompson, Fredrick Ric Occupant Phone: 587-5790 Occupant Address: same as above Owner Name: T. Crawford Owner Pbone: 585-9333 Owner Address: 15 N. Tracy # 8 Type of OccupanylVebicle: Single family dwelling License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: Originated in the attic and spread to roof. Caused by: Improper installation of a wood stove. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: Yes Smoke Decteetor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did It save a life: No Bow many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $40,000.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $4,000.00 Insurance Company: First West Insurance on Property: $66,000.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960170 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No E.gine 2: Yes Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: Yes Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: L-llS min. E-2 -3 hr. Extinguished with: Water Source of Water: Hydrant Amount of Water Used: 0500 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter K. Bushnell 1. Bos D. Shyne R Cima Call Back Personnel Paged: Yes Special Teams PlIIed: No Off Duty Person.el: D. Archer M. Criner J. Fisher G. Hoell A Holst K. Johnson T. Shearman J. Shrauger F. Devine Equipment Used: 3 _ 1 1/2and lines, LDB, ground ladders, attic ladders, ppv fan, forceble entry tools, pike poles. portable lights, Equipment Lost or Broken: 1- 11/2 handline Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department, aided by Belgrade, Rae and Sourdough Fire Departments, responded to a structure fire at 308 S. Church. Upon arrival, firefighters found a single family dwelling showing heavy smoke and moderate flame venting from the roof. Due to the construction methods used to remodel the house, it took approximately two hours to fully contain and extinguish the blaze. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Clutter - FEB-27-96 WED 8:41 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 1 e . _.,~_.,.. "'~..~- ..,.". -. ---- ,--" Bozeman Fire Depal1JDent - Fire Report 27-Feb~96 --- ---- AlanD NUl8ber: 960169 lltl*r. 27~Feb-96 Time Oat: 17:48 LecaIiIB of MIaa: 1800 W. Main 011 Scae: 17:51 'I)pe crt.. Eu.etaeocY 10 $eniCe: 18:05 IChad ..,...: St.rlICtUm Fite ...... Disn'kt: 22 BapoaIdIac from: Not in Station at tune of call MutuI Aid GiveR: No ~ AltJ JIcCeIftd: Yet Customer Infnnnation Ocalput N.-: Bozeman Ford OCaplUltPllaDe: 581-1221 Occap_ AcIdmI: 1800 West Main Owner NlUIIr. Nom1 WaIliD owaer....: S86~9167 Ow..- AddmI: 2422 SpriD& Creek. Drive 1)pe 01 OteapaaylVeIllde: Commercial Lic:eIIIr. fire 0rigIIUlted "'-Spread to: No Fire. CaaIed b1: No file. Started by.1ovaiIe: No I'ldveI T"': No s..- DcdedOI' Pft:IeIIt: No Did it AcdvJde: No If It Adinted, dkl it ....1Ife: No Ilcnf IUIl1 U\reI S......: 0 U it Adivlded, did It p~ aujor pnperty ..... No Fire Loss anq Insurance Information EItiIDated .... - p.epertr- $0.00 EIIdJuIed LoII_ C8IIte8b: $0.00 IDatnmce C.,aay: I....... - PnpeI1y: $0.00 latur.-e" CoatePP; $0.00 FEB-27-96 WED 8:42 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 FAX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 2 . e ....... FIre DeplU'1IIIeIlt - rtre BepGrt pg. 2 A-. rc.dMr 960169 Fire ~t Operations Units~8: EDaiM I: No Eca- z: Yes IIacUe 1: YeI Ladder 1: Yes Tauter 1: No S41D- 1: No ()daer. No UBlt .. ....... n.e: Pumps not used EsdDpfsIIcd witIl: SGuru 01 Water. A.....n: of Water Vied: ??oo GalkJoa I1re FigIden at SeeItt: D. Shyne R. Cima K. Basbncll f. DcviDe G. Cktttcr J. Bas CIIl Back Pe....... Papd: No s,.ewT~"": No Off Duty f'tk .....: E........ 1Iwd: 24 foot mo( ladder, ft~Jbt. E....... LoR or BrokeIIl: None IDddeIlt N........m:: ~ fin:IlgJ*nWCR called to.BozaIIIIl FOld 'lUeIday aftemb01l with a seport of smoke ill the tbap... Fiaeft&lakn fouad 18 oil burDinS t\1maCe bad. a small amount ofl81~U"...Aq fmIIl u. flue WIlL TIle fUm8ce was sIBJ&dowD. md die shop r-..-lIicl.be woaI4 bam the faraIcc chec:bd me next day. Oftker .. <:Jw1e: D. Sbyne Penoa MaId8& Report: D. S1ryae e e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 29-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960168 Date: 27-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 17:37 Location of Run: 722 N. Rouse Time Out: 17:39 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 17:40 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 17:49 Fire Deoartment Onerations Jaws of Life Used: No E.gine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter J. Bas Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Rosa McHenery Sex: female Patient's Address: 425 E. Aspen Zip Code: 59715 Age: 72 Patient's Phone: 587-7157 PositionlLocation of Patient: Standing on sidewalk. ComplaintJProblem: Knee injury. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Condousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a request for medical assistance for a report of a woman who had fallen. Upon arrival, firefighters found a 72 year old woman with an injured knee. Firefighters assisted MedTrans with packaging her for transport to the hospital. Also while on, scene fire department personnel assisted the woman's husband who had an emphysemic attack due to the cold weather. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter PerIOD Making Report: G. Clutter . . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 27-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960167 Date: 27~Feb-96 Time Oat: 16:18 Location of Run: Gallatin County Court House On Scene: Type of Run: Emergency In Senice: 16:22 Kind of Run: Hazardous Condition Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Gallatin County Occupant Phone: Gallatin County Occupant Address: 411 West Main Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVebicle: License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: No fire. Caused by: No fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Take.: No Smoke Dectedor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it live a life: No Bow maay Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it preve.t major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss 08 Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960167 Fire Department Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Shyne, R. Cima Call Back Personnel Paged: No SpedalTeaIIlI Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman firefighterS were called to the Gallatin County Court House Tuesday afternoon. A local business man left his briefcase in a conspicuous place and authorities believed it could be dangerous. OtJicer in Charge: D. Shyne Person Making Report: D. Shyne - -". . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 27-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960 166 Date: 27-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 16:10 Location of Run: 1031 E. Curtiss Time Oat: 16:11 Type of Run: Emergency On Sceae: 16:17 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Senice: 16:35 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws ofUfe Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes other Agencies at Sce.e: Med Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter, K. Bushnell, 1. Bas Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Ariella Kutzman Se:l: female Patient's Address: 1031 E. Curtiss Zip Code: 5971S Age: 84 PatieDt's Phone: S86-5311 Positioa/Locatioo of Patient: Sitting on a chair in the kitchen. ComplaintlProblem: 84 year old female passed out. Unknown problem. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Preuure (If Taken): 100/60 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD PupUs: Not taken by FD Level of Conclousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of an 84 year old female who had passed out. Firefighters provided patient care and assisted ambulance personnel with tranSpOrt to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. omcer in Charge: G. Clutter Penoa MakiDg Report: K. Bushnell . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 29-Feb.96 Alarm Number: 960165 Date: 27-Feb-96 Time Oat: 12:55 Location of Run: 400 E. Babcock On Scene: 12:56 Type of Ru.: Emergency In Service: 13:08 Kind of Ran: Structure Fire Response District: 12 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Reeeived: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Salvation Army Occupant Phone: 587-9710 Occupant Address: Same as above Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of Oc(upanyNebicle: Conunercial LIcense: Fire Originated In ..spread to: No fire. Caused by: Electrical problem. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 - . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm N1Ubber 960165 Fire Department ODerations Units Responding: Engiae 1: No Engiae 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo GalloDS Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter K. Bushnell I. Bas Call Back Personnel Paged: No Speda' Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department responded to the Salvation Army building for a reported electrical short in the breaker box. FirefighterS advised the manager to leave the power off and to contact their electrician. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Penon Making Report: G. Clutter I . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 27-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960164 Date: 27-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 8:34 LocatioD of RuD: 425 E. Main # 4 Time Out: 8:35 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 8:38 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 8:56 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No E.giDe 1: No Engine 2: No ReIcae 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Sceae: Moo Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Bushnell, J. Bos Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Ida Herwick sex: Female Patient's Address: 425 E. Main # 4 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 94 Patient's PboDe: 587-1426 position/LOCatWn of Patient: Lying supine in her bed. ComplaintIProblem: 94 year old female suffering from abdominal pain. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 60 Blood Preslare (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by PO Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a 94 year old female having chest pain. Firefighters provided patient care and assisted ambulance per5OD1\el with transpOrt to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer iD Charge: K. Bushnell Penon MaIdDg Report: K. Bushnell - e . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 29-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960163 Date: 27-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 8:12 Location of Run: 206 S. 8th. Time Out: Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: Kind of Run: Vehicle Accident In Senice: 8:13 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter K. Bushnell J. Bas D. Shyne R. Cima Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Sex: Patient's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's Phone: Positioo/Location of Patient: ComplaintJProblem: CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Concioasness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a request for medical assistance for a two car accident at 206 S.8 tho Fire units were canceled. while responding. Officer in Charge: D. Shyne Person Making :Meport: G. Clutter e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 27~Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960162 Date: 26-Feb-96 Time Out: 20:59 LocatioD of RD.: 19th and Main On Scene: 21:03 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 21:15 Kind of Run: Suspicious OOOr Response District: 22 Respo.ding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Receiftd: No Customer htformation Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Pho.e: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: Lkense: Fire Originated In ..spread to: No fire. Caused by: No fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectedor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a DIe: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss OR Property: $0.00 Estimated Lonon Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . e Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960162 Fire Deoartment Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller, 1 Fassbinder Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Pitied: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a reported gas smell at 19th and Main. Upon arrival firefighters were unable to locate any source, or odor. Ofticer in Charge: D. Miller Person Making Report: 1. Fassbinder . FEB-26-96 TUE 3:56 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 FAX NO. 406 582 0439 1'. 1 e e .::""~." -..------ , .- . ,- ...,- BozemaD Fire DepattDItDt .. EMS Report 26-Feb-96 - . ... .".-.... - AlanD N.-kr: 960161 Date: 26-Fcb-96 TiIBt CaD. Meeeiml: 14:34 LeuIiO* __: 111h A Main 1'iM OUt: 14:3S T,pe~-= ~ OIl SttDe. 14:37 KiDd anla: veJDglc AQci4IPt In Ser\'k'.e: 14:42 Fjre~pt~ons Jaws of LIfe v..: No &..pae 1: No IaP* 2: Yes ~ 1: l\IQ lAdder 1: No TtIMkr 1: No OilIer. NO BeIJMtIIK DBtriet: 21 lb: Ifv4lD& n-s BodL S\ad.ODl in at time of call Did we arrive lief.... A~ NO Odaer Apdet at Scete: )kraImI1l Po\k1e J1re J1aI*n at SceH: D. MUacr. &: 1. ~ndet 1Jap~kd~ No S:ustomer Information Padad N_: SPt PlItietd"1 AtJdft:U: Zip Code: 59715 Ale: 0 ~J ...... PolIi~ ofPadfllt; tJl$ C_pl~: none CPR PeI....d~ No .,... (If T$eII): Not takeD. by FD ..... fl. .:II It; (If TakeR): Not &akIlIl by PJ) :JeIpinldMI (II T....): Not tabn by }l1) JIQl1I1 Not" by FD Lcvd of C~ Alert T~ b,. :uo:.e-- J'ift: 1be 8olAmII1 File IJqRdtlIlCIIt -was ~ tv 11th & MaiD to a nported -MVA" , McMn& Vebido AcQdent On arrival fire pa..-l t'IRtRd _ injuria Fit'e pa--d ... die ICeDB until P\)Iite ()I'Iklen anivc40D1y. omeer ill awxe: D. Millet .....MIIdJtI......: D. Miller - FEB.26..96 TUE 3: 02 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 . FAX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 2 . . . - ....-... .. BoIem.*, Fire Dtpartmebt - EMS Report 26-Feb-96 AIanra N_ber: %0160 ua.: 26-Fcb-96 ..... Cd lkcehed: 11:50 1M.... tl"1IaD: 1611 Dunton n.e Oat: 11:51 lJpeera-= EmerplIq' o. Scale: 11:'4 lOad ef IIluu Milldiad Ass1Il Id. Serviee: 12:31 firep~ent Open\1ions JlWlof LIfe 111M: NO EqbIe 1: No E8t*1: Yes ___ 1: No LacIder I: No T....l: No (Htel'; No R iF..- Diltrtct: 21 .......... ~ S1ItioD 2 Did we ar'I'h'e lM:fere ~ Yes 0tIIer Apedes It Sceaet Mad-Tnns ...~~ nre f1Pten Ii Sccac; D. Miller. 4 J.~ 11DpaMtCted~ No C;ustonler Information Padeat tf_: Marpet P:..D51IICr 8m Female Plldcatt. ~ 1617 0urst0R Zip COCIe: '971~ Ace: 89 PMiad'.~ ~-$3~9 ~ ofPatlelU; J... va bl::ft.t. e~ Brokco hip. CPR. Pwf....: No ..lie (B'Taea): 80 IIIuud ~ (lfT1lUa): 14'160 ~ (If TIIrea): 17 PafiIt: eoDIU1cted Level tlc...... ~ to v.... StiImIlus Tteataaat b)' ~_ Jl'ift: The Bozeman Fin: OI;pIiweat W8Ii dispFihlD to 1617 DunIOO tollSiBt a 1ft'A........d wIJU JM&iblY bad a bIokcI1 hip. On srrival fim. pbtaoucl bpi U. iGlIMdIIlqlliW_ t8CIk vtt:Ik Wlll;g ~~ Arnbu1aDQe pnoanc1 antved. fi1'8 pwlMMlMI-.w4 U- wiUl..loadiD& of the iDdividull for tl....,uttAtion. to tbe boIpital, omter ill curae: D. Millet ....MIIdDI RlIpem D. Miller FEB-26-96 TUE 10:34 AM BOZiMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 2 . . ---- .. . . ....~ DOze.au Fire Department - EMS Report 26-Feb.96 .. .. ,'.~ Ala... NUl8ber: 960159 Date; 26-Fcb-96 1_ ed RecdmI: 9:53 lAeaIiolIlfttua: 424 S I,th TiIIleOut: 9:" TflIe~- ~ On See.: 9:57 KIM ", Jtaa: MedIcat. Assist ID~ 10:32 wDemu1ment Operations Jaw. or LIfe URd: No Eagiae t: No ~2:Yes .~ I: No LatIder 1: No 1'eIader 1: No 0tIIer. No RetpulueDillh'lct: 22 ~,..,.; SlidiOD.2 Did 1ft arrive bcIfoR AadJuIuet: Yes 0tIIer ~_ :.. at 5aeo: McdI'nms 11ft f'IcI*n It SceIte: D. Miller, 1. P85lbiDdcr Uapruteeted~. No Customer Informatinn PaUeat Name: AJigc: BradfOrd Ser. Pemale Pldleatt. Addrcu: 424 S 15th ZIp Cede: '971' . 70 ......'.IIteIte: 587.7721 PeIkltDiLoeIdM" ~ LyiDllUpiDe_ JMua room floor CcaplabatJI'nJItlaD: Called. to a posat."blc ~ CIIIIlqCIlCy. a-a.~ No NIt (If TIke$ 80 IIIeod rre..e.- TaIrat): IS8I12 lIeIpiradeIU (If Takea): 18 ~ PERL LntI 01 CMc:r Dna~n: Alen ~ by. ~_ JlIre; Bozeman Pba'Igbtas ""' adIod 10 . J'OIIiI* diBbeIio -.-'"Y. Upon IIJ'i\'al, ftRlflgbIe:Is ll'm' dinDld 10 _ pttiont lyiq on her baI:k. havilll SOIIIIO Dli1a.&eizuIe acdYity.piftdllbl8n adnainis1erel1 glucose to Ibc petient and aaiskld MeclTratIJ with viIal...... Patient was CbeD ....ccUbr ~, 10 llospttaI. OIIker ill CJaarce: D. MUlet ....... Bepart: J.:F...... . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 25~Feb~96 Alarm Number: 960158 Date: 25-Feb-96 Time Out: 17:10 Location of Run: 6 W. Babcock On Scene: 17:15 Type of Ran: Emergency In Service: 17:36 Kind of Ran: False Call - Good Intent Response District: 12 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Information Occupant Name: Kay Allison- Manager Occupant Phone: 587-1797 Occupant Address: 6 W. Babcock # 407 Owner Name: Unknown Owner Phone: Unknown Owner Address: Unknown Type of OccupanyNehic1e: Apartment building License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Not a fire. Caused by: Not a fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictnres Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: Yes Did it Activate: Yes If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent. major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: SO.OO Estimated Loss o. Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960158 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Thompson, Polus, Fischer, Archer, Criner, Shrauger, Volko, Coil, Hyyppa, Croker. Call Back Personnel Paged: No Speda. Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Positive pressure fan. Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a fire alarm at 6 W. Babcock. The fire alarm had apparently been set offby a resident smoking in the vicinity of the smoke detector in the hallway on the first floor. Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Person Making Report: M. Thompson . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 26~Feb~96 Alarm Number: 960157 Date: 25-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 3:38 Locatioa of Ran: Gallatin County rest home Time Out: 3:41 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 3:44 Kind of Ran: Medical Assist In Service: 3:56 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Otber Agencies at Scene: Med- Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: T. Greene, G. Hoell, R. Cima U.protected Exposure: No Customer Infofillation Patient Name: Loretta Postma Sex: Female Patient's Address: 1221 W. Durston Zip Code: 59715 Age: 83 Patient's Phone: POIitionlLocatioa of Patient: Patient was sitting in bed. ComplaintIPl'Oblem: The care givers at the rest home were feeding her when the patient aspirated some food. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 97 Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of CODciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozemaa Fire: Firefighters were called to the Gallatin County rest home for an 83 year old female that was having trouble breathing. Firefighters assisted in the packaging and loading for transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Cbarge: T. Greene Perso. Making Report: T. Greene . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 29-Feb~96 Alarm Number: 960156 Date: 24~Feb-96 Time Call Received: 12:55 Location of Run: 104 E. Babcock Time Out: 12:56 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 12:58 Kind of Ru.: Medical Assist In Senice: 13:25 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter K. Bushnell Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Estrilla Ramon Sex: Female Patient's Address: 702 Bridger Drive # 66 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 14 Patient's Phone: 586-9208 POIitionJLocatioD of Patie.t: Sitting in chair in bank drive through. ComplaintIProblem: Possible broken right arm. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 104 Blood Pressure (If Taken): l04n4 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: == & reactive Level of Concioasnell: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a request for medical assistance for a 14 year old girl who had fallen on the ice, injuring her ann. Firefighters took vital signs and administered oxygen. The girl's family transported her to the hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Penon Making Report: G. Clutter . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 24-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960155 Date: 24..Feb-96 Time Out: 10:04 Location of Run: 2311 S. 7 tho On Scene: 10:12 Type of Run: Emergency In Senice: 10:23 Ki.d of Run: Structure Fire Response District: 13 Responding From: Neither Station in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: VIL. Occupant Phone: 585-6600 Occupant Address: Same as above Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVehicle: Commercial License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: No fire Caused by: Burnt popcorn. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: SO.OO Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960155 Fire Deoartment Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No EagiDe 1: Yes Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter K. Bushnell G. Hoell T. Greene R. Cima Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special TeaMS Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a fire alarm at Video Lottery Technologies. Firefighters where cancaled by dispatch upon arrival. The alarm had sounded when an employee burned some popcorn. Officer in Charge: T. Greene Person Making Report: G. Clutter e . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 24-Feb~96 Alarm Number: 960154 Date: 24-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 8:37 Location of Run: 813 W. Villard Time Out: 8:38 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 8:41 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 8:55 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Hespondi.g From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Hoell T. Greene R. Cima Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Nellie Breilsford Sex: Female Patient's Address: Same as above Zip Code: 59715 Age: 80 Patient's Phone: 587-3518 PosltionlLocation of Patient: Sitting on couch. Complaint/Problem: Not feeling well. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Take.): 140/Palp. Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousneu: Alert Treatmeat by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a request for medical assistance for an 80 year old female who was not feeling well. Firefighters stabilized the patient and assisted MedTrans with packaging for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Hoell Penon Making Report: G. Clutter . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 24-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960153 Date: 24-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 22:51 Location of Ran: 602 S. 7th Time Out: 22:52 Type of Ran: Emergency On Scene: 22:58 Kind of Ran: Medical Assist In Senice: 23:22 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Otber Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Figbters at Scene: D. Miller, K. Johnson, J. Shrauger Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Daniela Srajer Sex: Female Patient's Address: 602 S. 7th Zip Code: 59715 Age: 42 Patie.t's Phone: 587-3598 PositlonlLocation of Patient: ComplaintIProblem: Food Poisoning CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Take.): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: The Bozeman Fire Department was dispatched to assist a person, who was believed to be suffering from food poisoning. Fire personnel took vitals and administered oxygen. The individual recovered and refused to be transported. Officer in Charge: D. Miller Penon Making Report: G. Hoell .. . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 24-Feb~96 Alarm Number: 960152 Date: 24-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 22:50 Location of Run: 101 E. Main Time Out: 22:53 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 22:56 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 23:24 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Age.cies at Scene: Bozeman Police Department, Med Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Hoell, T. Shearman, S. Mueller Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Helen Derencin Sex: Female Patient's Address: 2602 Spring Creek Dr. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 50 Patient's Phone: 585-0201 POIitionJLocation of Patient: Standing at the side of husband that was supporting her weight. ComplaintIProblem: lower back pain CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Take.): 90 Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Take.): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Concioas.ess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters were summoned to the call of a women with severe back pain. Firefighters helped package the women for transport to Bozeman Deaconess. Officer in Charge: G. Hoell Person Making Report: G. Hoell . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 23-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960151 Date: 23.Feb-96 Time Call Received: 21:19 Location of Ran: 434 N. Tracy Time Out: 21:20 Type of Run: Emergency On SceDe: 21:23 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 22:07 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Othen No Response District: In Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman Police Department , Moo Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Hoell, T. Shearman, S. Mueller Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Clarance Johnson Sex: Male Patient's Address: 434 N. Tracy Zip Code: 59715 Age: 61 Patient's Phone: 587-7329 position/Location of Patient: laying on sidewalk on his back ComplaintJProblem: man not breathing CPR Performed: Yes Pulse (If Taken): 36 62 66 72 Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): 0 0 0 6 Pupils: fixed and dialate Level of Concioas.ess: Unresponsive Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters were called to the scene of a man not breathing.Upon arrival we found a man in respiratory arrest. Firefighters resuscitated the man and helped package for transport to Bozeman Deaconess. Ofticer in Charge: G.Hoell Penon Making Report: G. Hoell e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 23-Feb~96 Alarm Number: 960150 Date: 23..Feb-96 Time Call Received: 16:26 Location of Run: Durston and 19th Time Out: 16:26 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: Kind of Run: Vehicle Accident In Semce: 16:29 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No E.giue 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Respo.ding From: Neither Station in at the time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller K. Johnson 1. Shrauger Unprotected E:qJOIIlre: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Sex: Patient's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's Phone: positionlLocation of Patient: Cancelled in route. ComplaintIProblem: Cancelled in route. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respiratio.s (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Concloas.ess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire responded. to a report of a vehicle accident at 19th and Durston before arriving on scene Bozeman Fire was cancelled. Officer in Charge: D. Miller Penon Making Report: T. Shearman . e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 23-Feb~96 Alarm Number: 960149 Date: 23-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 16:15 Location of Run: Reid Hall (MSU) Time Out: 16:17 Type of Ra.: Emergency On Sce.e: 16:21 Kind of Ran: Medical Assist In Senice: 16:26 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 23 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller K. Johnson J. Shrauger Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Sex: Patient's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's Phone: PositionlLocatioa of Patient: Cancelled upon arrival. ComplaintlProblem: Cancelled upon arrival. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Concioumess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire responded to a report of a woman who had fallen at Reid Hall. Bozeman Fire was cancelled upon arrival. OMcer in Charge: D. Miller Penon Making Report: T. Shearman e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 23-Feb-96 Alann Number: 960148 Date: 23-Feb-% Time Call Received: 15:49 Location of Ran: 5th and Main Time Out: 15:50 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: Kind of Ran: Vehicle Accident In Service: 15:50 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller K. Johnson 1. Shrauger Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Sex: Patient's Addrell: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's Phone: Positlon/Location of Patient: Cancelled before arrival ComplaintIProblem: Cancelled before arrival CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Co.cioalDell: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire responded to a vehicle accident at 5th and Main, we were cancelled in route. Officer in Charge: D. Miller Penon Making Report: T.Shearman . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 23-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960147 Date: 23-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 20:52 Location of Ran: 309 N. 11th Chief Joseph Middle School Time Out: 20:52 Type of Ran: Emergency On Scene: 20:54 Kind of Ran: Medical Assist In Service: 21:18 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Moo Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Hoell, J. Polus Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Regina Yorio Sex: Female Patient's Address: 3004 Langhor Zip Code: 59715 Age: 15 Patient's Phone: 586-6534 PositionlLocation of Patient: Lying on the concrete ComplaintIProblem: Patient fell and hit her head, hip, and elbow. CPR Performed: No PaIse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Preual'e (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level 01 Concioasnell: Alert Treatment Uy Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a report of a female who had slipped. and fallen on the ice. Firefighters assisted Moo Trans in assessing, packaging and loading the patient. Officer in Charge: G. Hoell Person Making Report: J. Polus . . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 23-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960146 Date: 22-Feb-96 Time Out: 16:06 Location of Ran: 2602 Spring Creek Drive On Scene: 16:15 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 16:48 Kind of Ran: Structure Fire Response District: 12 Responding From: Station lout & Station 2 in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Information Occupant Name: Ron Derencin Occupant Phone: 585-0201 Occupant Address: 2602 Spring Creek Drive Owner Name: Ron Derencin Owner Phone: 585-0201 Owner Address: 2602 Spring Creek Drive Type of OccupanyNehicle: Single family dwelling License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: The fire started in the bedroom and was confinded there. Caused by: A small night stand light with a 60 watt light bulb caught the paper lamp shade of the light on fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: Yes Smoke Dectector Present: Yes Did it Activate: Yes If it Activated, did it save a life: Yes How many Lives Saved: 5 If'it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: Yes Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $2,000.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $500.00 Insurance Company: Unknown Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960146 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Out on Arrival Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Thompson, Cima, Fischer, Hoell, Polus, Volko, Croker, Spicklen, Dayhuff Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Positive pressure fan , tarp floor runner. Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a fire alarm at 2602 Spring Creek Drive. The fire was out on arrival due to the quick thinking of the resident, who used. two fire extinguishers located in the house to extinguish the fire while another person called 911 to report the fire. Damage was kept to a minimum and the occupants were able to evacuate the house without injury. qfficer in Charge: M. Thompson Person Making Report: M. Thompson e . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 22-Feb-96 Alami Number: 960145 Date: 22..Feb-96 Time Call Received: 13:56 Location of Ran: 424 N. Wallace Time Out: 13:57 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 14:02 Kind of Ran: Medical Assist In Service: 14:19 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Otlaer: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: <J. Floell, J. Polus Unprotected E:qJOIUre: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Tina Pruijs Sex: Female Patient's Address: 424 N. Wallace Zip Code: 59715 Age: 19 PatieDt's PbODe: 586-6781 POIition/Location of Patient: Sitting on a couch. ComplaintIProblem: Pregnant female had overdosed on anti-depressents (12-7mg Wellbutron tablets). CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Concioasness: Responsive to Verbal Stimulus Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters were dispatched to a report of a pregnant female who had overdosed on anti.. depressents. Firefighters assisted the ambulance crew in stabilizing the patient for transportation to the hospital. Officer in Charge: <J. Floell Penon Making Report: F. Devine --..--..-----.-- e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 22-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960144 Date: 22-Feb-96 Time Out: 3:02 Location of Ran: 1235 N. 7th. On Scene: 3:07 Type of Ran: Emergency In Senice: 3:32 Kind of Ran: Suspicious Odor Response District: 21 Responding From: Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Sante Fe Red's Occupant Phone: S87~5838 Occupant Address: same as above Owner Name: Bay inc. Owner Phone: same Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: Restaurant License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: No fire Caused by: Power outage Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Row many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e . Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number %0144 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter K. Bushnell Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Team. Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a report of a natural gas leak at 1235 N. 7 tho Upon investigation it was determined that the pilot lights had gone out due to last nights power outage. Firefighters notified the manager, Montana Power Company, ventilated the building and shut off the gas to the building. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Clutter e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 21~Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960143 Date: 21-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 21:26 Location of Run: Butterys parking lot Time Out: 21:27 Type of Ran: Emergency On Scene: 21:30 Kind of Ran: Medical Assist In Service: 21:36 Fire Department Operations Jaws ofUfe Used: No Engine 1: No Eagine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans BPD Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Archer T. Greene K. Johnson Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Clark Berquist Sex: Male Patient's Address: 5258 Arrowood. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's Phone: PositionlLocation of Patient: Sitting in front seat of truck. ComplaintIProblem: Possible intoxication. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Take.): Not taken by FD Blood PreSlllre (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Concioasneu: Responsive to Verbal Stimulus Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a request for medical assistance for a unconscious man in a truck parked at Buttery's. Investigation revealed that the man was resting after a hard day. Officer in Charge: D. Archer Penon Making Report: D.Archer e . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 24-Feb-96 Alann Number: 960142 Date: 21-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 14:14 Location of Ru.: 430 S. Black Time Out: 14:14 Type of Ran: Nonemergency On Sceae: 14:18 Ki.d of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 14:36 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Otber Agencies at SeeM: Med'fraDS Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter K. Bushnell Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Vem Boddy Sex: Male Patient's Address: Same as above Zip Code: 59715 Age: 87 Patient's Phone: 586-5976 PositionlLocation of Patient: Supine on bed ComplaintIProblem: unstable and unable to walk. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Preuare(If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Coneloumess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a request for medical assistance to an 87 year old who was having problems walking. Firefighters assisted MedTrans with patient packaging for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Penon Making Report: G. Clutter e It Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 26-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960141 Date: 21-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 13:39 Location of Run: 1500 N. 17th. Time Out: 13:45 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 13:54 Kind of Ran: Medical Assist In Servlee: Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No EagiDe 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes TeDder 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Respo.ding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter K. Bushnell Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Chris McGlaughlin Sex: male Patient's Address: 3833 Valley Center Rd Zip Code: 59715 Age: 19 Patient's Phoae: 587-2018 PositionlLocation of Patie.t: Standing in snack bar area. ComplaintIProblem: Choking CPR Performed: No Paise (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pres8are (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD PupDs: Not taken by FD Level of Coneioumess: Alert Treatment by Bauman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded toa requesUor medic::al assisbUlce for a 19 year old male who was choking on a chicken bone. Firefighters assisted MedTrans with patient stabilization. Patient refused transport to the hospital Oflicer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Clutter e . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 21-Feb~96 Alarm Number: %0140 Date: 21-Feb-% Time Out: 8:50 Location of Run: 1412 S. Sth On Scene: 8:57 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 9:23 Kind of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Janet Herwig Occupant Phone: 587-4390 Occupant Address: 1412 S. 5th Owner Name: same Owner Phone: same Owner Address: same Type of OccupanylVehicle: single family dwelling License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: not a fire Caused by: Started by a Juve.Ue: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it ~jvate: No If it Activated. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it preveat major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Compuy: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Co.tents: $0.00 . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg.:Z Alarm Number 960140 Fire Deoartment Operations Units Responding: E.gine 1: No EngiDe 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Archer, Greene Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters were called. to investigate a odor. They could not:find the source, and suggested. that the roomn be aired. out. Officer in Charge: D. Archer Person Making Report: T. Greene ---- . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 26-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960 139 Date: 21-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 7:22 Location of Run: 113 N. Third Time Out: 7:24 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 7:25 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 7:41 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Eagine 1: No Engiae 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Respo.se District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulaacc: No Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter K. Bushnell Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Ed Svejkovsky Sex: Male Patient's Address: Same as above Zip Code: 59715 Age: 67 Patient's Phone: 586-6045 PositionlLocation of Patient: Supine in bed. ComplaintJProblem: Multiple health problems. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If TakeD): Not taken by FD RespiratioDs (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Coacioamess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded. to a request for medical assistance for a 67 year old male who had become ill. Firefighters assisted MedTrans with packaging for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Perso. Making Report: G. Clutter . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 20-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960138 Date: 20-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 17:18 Location of Run: Dickerson and 12 th Time Out: 17:24 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 17:28 Kind of Run: Vehicle Accident In Service: 17:44 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engiae 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Fire Fighten at Scene: D. Miller V. Backman 1. Shrauger Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Reven Larrere Sex: Female Patient's Address: 106 Julia Martin Drive Zip Code: 59715 Age: 11 Patient's Phone: 582-0043 Position/Location of Patient: Patient was on her back. ComplaintJProblem: The patient was complaining of pain in her wrist,elbow and the back of her head CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Fighters responded to a report of a vehicle versus bicycle accident at the corner of 12 th and Dickerson. The patient was treated and transported to Bozeman Deaconess for further evaluation. Officer in Charge: D. Miller Person Making Report: T. Shearman t e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 20-Feb-96 Alarm Number. 960137 Date: 2o-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 9:05 Location of Ran: Cottonwood. and Tracy Time Out: 9:05 Type of Ru.: Emergency On Scene: 9:06 Kind of Run: Vehicle Accident In Service: 10:07 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No E.gine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Respondi.g From: Station I Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman Police Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Rowe T. Shearman Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Jennifer Kingsbeck Sex: Female Patient's Address: 910 North 17 tho Zip Code: 59715 Age: 25 Patient's Phone: 585-5944 Position/Location of Patient: Patient was on the couch of a near by residence. ComplaintJProblem: Patient had a cut on the inside of her lower lip. She was also ~ng of pain in the right forearm. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the report of.two vehicle accident at the comer of Cottonwood and Tracy. Upon arrival firefighters found no major injuries and patients refused transport. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Penon Making Report: T.Shearman t . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 20-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960 136 Date: 20-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 8:35 Location of Run: 422 North Tracy Time Oat: 8:37 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 8:39 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 8:59 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No EDgiae 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Ageacies at Scene: Bozeman Police Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Rowe, T. Shearman Unprotected Exposure: No Customer fufonnation Patient Name: Clara M. Sager Sex: Feamle Patient's Address: 422 North Tracy Zip Code: 59715 Age: 84 Patient's Phone: 586-9160 Position/Location of Patient: Patient was flat on her back on the living room floor. ComplaintJProblem: Patient was unable to pick herself up off of the floor. She had been then for awhile. The last time someone had seen her was Sunday night. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): 160\90 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Concioasness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters reponded to the report of a woman who was unable to pick herselfup off of the floor. The patient was treated and transported to Bozeman Deaconess for further evaluation.. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Penon Making Report: T. Shearman . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 19-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960135 Date: 19-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 16:18 Location of Run: 221 1/2 S. Bozeman Time Out: 16:21 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 16:23 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Senice: 16:40 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Reseue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulaace: Yes Other Agencies at Sceae: MedTrans of Montana Fire Fighters at Scene: Thompson, Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Marjorie Jacobs Sex: female Patient's Address: 221 1/2 S. Bozeman Zip Code: S9715 Age: 46 Patient's Phone: 587-0435 PositionlLocation of Patient: Lying on her back on a stairway landing. Complaint/Problem: Pain in her neck, lower back, left ankle and head CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 100 Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD PupUs: Not taken by FD Level of CO.ciOUSDeSS: Alert Treatment by BozemaD Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a report of a 48 year old woman who had fallen. Upon arrival we discovered a woman lying on her back on a stairway landing unable to get up. We assessed the patient's condition and assisted MedTrans personnel with the packaging and loading of the patient for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Person Makiag Report: M. Thompson . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 18-Feb-96 Alann Number: 960134 Date: 18-Feb-96 Time Out: 21:52 Locatio. of Ran: 6 W. Babcock On Scene: 21:53 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 21:55 Kind of Ran: Structure Fire Response District: 12 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: SaraLee Occupant Phone: 585-9980 Occupant Address: 6 W. Babcock # 404 Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: Apartment Bid. License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: no fire Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it preve.t major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960134 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Figbten at Scene: G. Clutter K. Bushnell 1. Bas G. Hoell T. Greene S. Muller Crew of 4 from Sourdough Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Fans Incident Narrative: Bozeman and Sourdough Fire Departments responded to a reported fire at 6 W. Babcock. Upon arrival firefighters determined that the problem was with a steam valve that had malfunctioned. Firefighters used fans to ventilate the steam from the apartment. A plumber was called to the scene to repair the valve. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Clutter . . Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 21~Feb~96 Alarm Number: 960133 Date: 18-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 16:18 Location of RuD: 6 W. Babcock Time Out: 16:19 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 16:21 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Senice: 16:34 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulaace: Yes Other Age.cies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighten at Scene: G. Clutter K. Bushnell J. Bos Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Lisa Hathaway Sex: Female Patient's Address: 6 W. Babcock # 203 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 25 Patie.t's Phone: 587-4695 PositionlLocation of Patient: Standing on outside stairway. ComplaintJProblem: Small abrasion to rear of head. CPR Performed: No Paise (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: = & nonreative Level ofConcioasDess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a request for medical assistance for a 25 year old woman who had fallen and injured her head. Firefighters stabilized the patient, applied oxygen and assisted MedTrans with packaging the patient for transport to the hospital. OfI"tter in Charge: G. Clutter Penon Maldng Report: G. Clutter '': ~: FEB~17~96 SUN 10:44 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 1 e . _r __ Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report J7-FeIJ-96 ~-----,... ~...........-....--"' .." " _.. -~,. ..-........ "._.,,~.. -...-. ............ AlanD. NfIIIlber: 960132 Date: 17~f'eb.96 11me Out: 21:58 1<<'" oIRu: 2307 W Main OIl Seeoe: 22;02 11Pe 01 a.: EJnergcmy Iii Senice: 22:3~ Kiad ef...: Hazardous Condition Rapense DiItritt: 22 RespoudIq ......: S'IItioft 2 Mutual Aid Givea: No M..... AId ReeeimI: NQ Customer Information Ottaput NIIIle; Bobcat LQcIp 0ctupUt PflGDe: 587.5241 Octa,. AddraI: 2307 W Main 0wDer N~ Jame& Ooodltfft OWBerPllode: 701.256-3186 OMIU Ad4Iras: 601 8th we LaQIdoD. North Dak<<a. 58249 Type or OeapaaylVeIdde: Chevrolet station wagon 1...Ic.Ie: DBL-838 Fire ~ .IIl-5pnad 10: No fire CauJed b1': No fire. SWted. i)y ..JenaiIe: No PkSIua 'hIIeII: No SMiIt~Fa~ No Did it Aetivate: No If it Ac:tivatecl, diG It laVe . life: No How IUBf lhes Saved: 0 u it ActIfIltd,1N It ,i'ncld ..jar property cr..aae: No Fire Loss and Insurance InformatiO{1 E,.;......1Ma _ PnIpcrty: $0.00 Estimated Loll 011 c.taU: $0.00 IDtlltaitU C6ilip~ IIIsanua<< Oft Property: SQ.OO Insarmce OD Codtedb: $0.00 ---------- --- ------ FEB~17-96 SUN 10:45 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 2 e . ..... I1re Deplu1IDmt.. FIn Report ...:1 AIu1Il Number 960132 ~.~-~.-".".., ....,..-. .... - Fire ~artment Ooerations Units Re$pnMtfl8; EDIiR I: No E.-21 Yes BeINe I: No LWdtt I: No TlllcIa't: No SfpIIld 1: No Odttr; YCI Unit ..... ........ 11IIle: Pumps not used ExtJ~ widl: s..rce ", Wafer. AIuoat af W.... UIId: ??oo Gallons Fire Fipten at Seeae: y, ~. M CriMI', 1. FaS5biDder. S. Mud1er CaD BlIck PcruIaeI ~ NQ SpecW Tesaa hpd; No Oft'Duty Penound: EfpIiJiIimit u...: 1 lOb dIlavtbadt, two oil pUIS. &___ Lott or Bnkaa: I~ N.....ad.e: RtmlmIln Fire.tiPters I~~ 10 allJXl'lWdfucl spill. t1pOjl aniViI, ~ 0ICd ab.udlat 10 dike tbc pIS. .........thflai4i16 _ tilt leIk. 'two oil JlRDI were ldt with the 0WDili. and be WIt IdYbed to moal1or their c;ooditioIlaDd see a ~ir. iD 1BC t\VJI'IWt8. 0IIker III CIIarp: y,~ Pe.... MaIdq Meport: 1. Fassbindet' e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 21-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960131 Date: 17-Feb-96 Time Out: 19:00 Lotation of Run: 801 W Main On Scene: 19:04 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 19:25 Kind of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Hankes Occupant Phone: 586-4225 Occupant Address: 801 WMain Owner Name: Hardees Owner Phone: 586-4225 Owner Address: 801 WMain Type of OccupanyNehicle: Fast food. restaurant. License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: No fire. Cansed by: No fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Pre8eDt: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a Ufe: No HowlDany Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 .--..--... . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960131 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Reseue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: V. Backman, M. Criner, 1. Fassbinder Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Team. Paged: No Oft'Duty PersonDeI: EquipmeDt Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of an electrical smell. Upon further investigation, firefighters found an overheated electrical panel. The shift manager was advised to contact an electrician for further assistance. Breaker was secured, and management was advised to leave it off until it can be checked by an electrician. Officer in Charge: V. Backman Person Making Report: J. Fassbinder FEB...17-96 SUN 5 : 44 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 2 . . " ." .. -----~...- Bo.zeDlaD Fire Deparbaent .. Fire Report /7.Feb-96 .. .._-_.~. ManII NIIIIIbfr: 960130 Batt: 17.J1eJ>.96 1'iDIe Oat: 16;50 IAtIIiDIt fill Rn: 2<<JO W Main OD Scale: 16:53 1)fe .,...: BmcI"pdI;y bI~ 17:00 KIM ffl.Rlat: DluDpIter F~ ReIpoaw DiIIrkt: 22 Jtup,'\l~" ,.....: Not in 5tItion attimc of 0811 MaalaI Aid GIftlI: No MiltuIAid ,~ No Customer Information OeaIpaat N..: ~~ Oc:cupaat Addrea: 2600 W Main Owner N...= O;nter PIto8e: Ow..~ T1JJe of OccupaDyNdIide: Strip Mall UaiiiIe: Fin 0riClIIf.tft Ia ~.. CODfined to ~,~. CUlled by: UDkDown. Started by. A.nIk: No ",*",TaIIIlD: No s.-lJeeta:'ar f'Iaalt: No DId it Admtte: No II it Adh-..., dhllt JIM a lire: No ...... u* 5._: 0 If It AdWated, ...it preftIIt ...... pnpertJ da8IIpt No }l'ft Loss and Insurance Infonnation IIdaateC 'twt w PrQperty: $0.00 ~ lAII_ CataIb: $0.00 .......-..cc C~: .......-e oa Profetty: $0.00 1JuurmK:e.. c.te8tI: $0.00 FEB-17~96 SUN 5:45 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 3 . e ..... Jln nep..... - FIre Itepori PI- 2 AlaN Ita,*, 960130 ~. .. n___ .- - ,- Fire Detlartment OoeratiOllS Units Res;ondinR: Eagiae II No ..... 2: Yes ....1: No IAd*r 1; No Tcadtrl; No ....1; No 0tIaer': No v.it.. ...... n.e: Eftginc z. , IIIiadeI EUiJIa-i.....td "..; Water Seurte ofWtter: Tank A....a ofW.... UIed: 0100 Gldloas rift Fiplen It $ceDe: V. B&ckmp, M Criftef. 1. passbiDder Call Baek Pe......a Paged; Nq -SpedIlI TIIIMI.....: No Oft'Duty Pw u_d: EquipIDCM Vied: Pike Polo. Bqvip..... LoIt or B1"8ka: Jaddellt Narradfe: Rtr:nmum Pbeft8bIers.espcmded to iil _....,..1be. 'File WIll coat..tw.d Dd ~ft~ 0IIlev ill Cia...... V. BPckmllft PerIOIl M....lIeport: 1. FasbIadcr . . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 26-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960129 Date: 16~Feb-96 Time Out: 2:15 Location of Run: 11 th and College On Scene: 2:19 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 2:45 Kind of Run: Service Call Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Montana Power Occupant Pbene: 586.1331 Occupant Address: 11 th and College Owner Name: Montana Power Owner Phone: 586-1331 Owner Address: 315 E. Griffin Dr. Type of Occnpany/Vehicle: License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: No fire. Caused by: No fire. Started by a JuvenDe: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectedor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and msurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960129 Fire Department Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 1: Yes Reteue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Soul"te of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Shyne, T. Greene, R Cima Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special TealDl Paged: No Oft'Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters responded to a report of an electrical smell coming from the substation at 11th and College. No problem was found OffICer in Charge: D. Shyne Person Making Report: D. Shyne FEB-15-96 FRI 8:09 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 2 e .. . - .-.".. .,.', . . u_.___.. -- Bozeman FJre Department - Fire Report lJ-feb-96 _......," ._. _, _~ ~,_..~.w__'~~.~ .... ._.~___._ ~ AJanR N_lKr. %0.28 D~ 1,-Feb-96 'I'bDt Out: J9:44 1..oaIiM.,.... 324 No. 23rd o. Stene: 19:47 Type'" a.: Enterpnq lit Sentce: 20:00 DatI er _= Other FiR' RapcJaIe Dilltrict: 21 ~4i"& ......: Station z MutuJ Aid Giml: No M1dtIII AId ICfteimI: No CUstomer Informatiuu O<<up_ N_: Dan Rosenpm Omlpall1 PIloBe: 581.7826 OmIpaat Addras: 324 No. 23rd 0wIIer H_: Dan Rosengren Owaer PIIcJae: 581~7826 OwHI' Add..... 374l"19- 73<<1 Type of OmtpaDylVeIIidc; Lk:eIIIc: Fire Ortgiaated.I8-Spread UN Trasb. fiR Caase4 by: Occupant Started .11)' . Jfltde: No Pid8RtI T..... No s.- ~PreIeDt: No Did it AdivIlte: No II it AdIvated, did It _ . Dfe:No a.w .., u.a Saftd: 0 If It Aetivawd, did It preveat IIIajor pnpert1'-" No Fife Loss ~d Insurance Infonnation 'EstiIDated Leu 011 PI"",I b= $0.00 tttimated Loll OD CODtad1: $0.00 .........Oapuy: IDIIu'lmce OD Prvpertf: $0.00 ".ranee GO CoIItAlia. SO.OO FEB-15-96 FRI 8:09 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 1 . . IIoD:uaan F....... Departmtnl ~ Plre Rtptft PI-:I Akmii !'ftliHe1' 960 12.8 ......... "".., w. ...~ ' n~.~_......-----._~_'~ Fire lJq)artment Operations Units Responding: J:ragiDe 1: No bIiDt 2: y~ Jtaael: No Ladda' J: No TeDder 1: No Squd 1: No 0tIler: No Ullit ad ,....... Tac: NODe EnIapiIIled witIa: SWIft of Water: Amouat ofWatv Used: ??oo Galloau; Fin Fipten .. Scene: D. Sbyne, T. Greene. R. Cima can Bek PeI'IDIUId hied: No s,.w r.....hI"; No Oft' Bat)' Penoaad: EquipJllCbt Vied: EfIU~ t.- ,r B....: IaddeRt Narrative: Fircfi&bterI respcmct.d to a poaiIlle pas 1lre. u,cm arrival ftnftgheD buld the oa:upaRt hid ckIlIDod up the,.m 1mNDd his.new home and.W8$ bumint Ihe 5a1IP lumber. fie 0CQIpIlId was hA......d thMno opeD bumiDa is allowed durins the winter moftths. TbcBre waspuL oat. OfIkerill CJw&e: D. SbJue Penoa Maid.. Report: D. Shyne . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report lS-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960127 Date: 15-Fe~% Time Call Received: 9:55 Location of Run: Lamme & Willson Time Out: 9:57 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 10:02 Kind of Run: Vehicle Accident In Service: 10:15 Fire Denartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Neither Station in at the time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans, BPD Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter 1. Bos D. Shyne T. Greene R Cima Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Sex: Patient's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's Phone: P08itionlLocation of Patient: No patient ComplaintIProblem: CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a two vehicle accident at the comer of Lamme & Willson. After determining that there where only minor injuries to one of the drivers, firefighters disconnected the battery cables of one of the vehicles and spread a chemical absorbent to contain anti- freeze that had leaked onto the street. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Penon Making Report: G. Clutter . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 21-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960126 Date: IS.Feb-% Time Out: 6:09 Locatioa of Ran: 412 South Grand On Scene: 6:13 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 6:22 Kiud of Run: Structure Fire Response District: 11 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Tina Rodriguez Occupant Phone: 582-6472 Occupant Address: 412 South Grand Owner Name: Tom Young Owner Phone: Owner Address: Wash. Type of OccupanyNehicle: Apartment Building License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: Fire started in the bathroom and was confined to that room. Caused by: Caused by a shin that was laid over a space heater. Started by a Juveraile: No Pictures Takea: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life:. No Bow many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: State Farm Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 -.-".--. . . . Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960126 Fire DeDartment Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Portable Extinguisher Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: V. Backman T. Shearman O. Miller J. Shrauger J. Fassbinder Call Back Penonnel Paged: No Speda. Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters were called to an apartmenuhat was full of smoke. Upon our arrival Police officers said the fire was out. We cleared the smoke out and on investigation found that the lady who .lived there had put. a shirt over a space heater to dry it out and the shirt caught on fire. There was no damage to the aparbnent other than smoke. Officer in Charge: V. Backman Person Making Report: V. Backman e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 26-Feb-96 Alarm Number. 960125 Date: 14-Feb-96 Time Out: 12:22 LocatioB of Run: 215 South 15th On Scene: 12:24 Type of Run: Emergency In Senice: 12:30 Kind of Run: Hazardous Condition Response District: 22 Responding From: Not in Station at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information <kcupant Name: Dwight Miller Occupant Phone: 587.2318 Occupant Address: 215 South 15th Owner Name: Ris Higgins Owner Phone: 585~5423 Owner Address: 309 Canary Lane Type of <kcupanyNebicle: Four Plex LiceDse: Fire Originated In -Spread to: No Fire. Small electrical short on an exterior p1ug..jn for vehicle heaters. Caused by: Outlet post that bad been knocked overby a car some time in the past few weeks. Started by a JUveDlIe: No Pictures TakeR: No SJDOke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow mauy Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Lou on Property: SO.OO Estimated Loss on Contents: SO.OO Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contests: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960125 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Miller, Shrauger, Fassbinder Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Teams Paged: No Oft'Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a vehicle plug.in that had been knocked over by a car and was sparking. Upon arrival firefighters assisted Montana Power crews in shutting oft'the power to the post and informed the owner of the problem. Off"lCer in Charge: D. Miller Person Making Report: 1. Shrauger . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 14-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960124 Date: 14-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 16:33 Location of Run: 417 South Black Time Out: 16:35 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 16:37 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 16:55 Fire DeDartment OlJerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Otber: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Otber Agencies at Scene: Fire Fighters at Scene: V.Backnmn T.Sb~ Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Ethel Main . Sex: Female Patient's Address: 308 South Black Zip Code: 59715 Age: 83 Patient's Phone: 5864112 PositionlLocatioo of Patient: Lying on the ground on ber back. ComplaintIProblem: Right leg and rigbt hip was hurting. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters were called to help a lady that had fallen and could not get up. Firefighters helped Moo Trans load the patient for transport to the hospital. Officer in Cbarge: V. Backman Person Making Report: V. Backnmn . e Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report 21-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960123 Date: 14-Feb-96 Time Out: 10:57 Location of Rua: 6 West Babcock On Scene: 11:01 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 11:36 Kind of Run: Structure Fire Response District: 21 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Motual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Boulevard Apartments Occupant Phone: 586.8837 Occupant Address: 6 West Babcock Owner Name: Integrity Management Inc. Owner Phone: Owner Address: 1517 14th st. West Suite 219 Billings Mt. Type of OccupanyNehicle: Apartment Building License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: False alarm. Some one pulled an alarm box. Caused by: False Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Decteetor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . e Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960123 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Re8me 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used. Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: V. Backman T. Shearman D. Miller 1. Shrauger 1. Fassbinder Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters were called to an apartment where the alarm was going off. Upon our arrival one of the tenants said they saw some one run through the hall and pull the alarm as they went out the door. Firefighters reset the system . Officer in Charge: V. Backman Person Making Report: V. Backman . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 13-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960122 Date: 13-Feb-96 Time Out: 15:50 Lotation of Run: 5 Baxter Lane (Holiday Inn) On Scene: 15:57 Type of Run: Emergency In Senice: 16:07 Kind of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Holiday Inn ( Randy Haynes, Gen. Manager) Occupant Phone: 5874561 Occupant Address: 5 Baxter Lane Owner Name: Labovitz Corp. Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVehide: Hotel License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Not a fire. Caused by: Not a fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectec:tor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance OB Contents: $0.00 . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960122 Fire Department Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: S. Hougland, G. Hoell, D. Archer, M. Criner, J. Fischer Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal TeaDis Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters were called to the report of a suspicious odor at 5 Baxter Lane. Upon arrival The odor was discovered to have been salmon being smoked in the kitchen. Officer in Cbarge: S. Hougland Person Making Report: 1. Fischer FEB-13-96 WED 12:56 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 2 . . ., "... .....-. ---.- ..--- ..---. "',-- .l"'i" ---...... . ... ..'...,- ... ,",- . ~ . ~nFlre DepartmeJlt.. EMS Report 13-Feb.96 .. .~. --- AllU'IIl N....ber: 960121 Date: 13-Fcbw96 .l'bae Call BecmetI: 12:07 ~ofRu: I013WeltCeUe&e '11me Out: 12:07 1)peelltlllc ~ OaStae: 12:10 Klad of ...: Mcdic;aI Auist. 1a Senice: 12:44 Fir;~ I2!martq}~t Operations Jl'ft otLlfe Ulletl: No hJlHl: No ~2: Yes ReIeae 1: No WIder I: No Tetlderl: No Odler. No ReIpoue District: 22- ........ ",.. Sta1ioD 2, D14 W~ arrlw IJefore ~ Yes OIlIer Apada. at Salle: Msl'f18ll8 Fire Y.pten at Scae: S. HovgJ-\ D. Arehcr, M CriDcr Unpaotutcd 1t~: No Customer Information P..... N'-= hnny BnDdi sa: Female Patieat'. Addns 64$i) UuIIalQ\leny LaDe, Bot.aDaD Zip Code: '9715 Ace: 40 Ptdeat'1.-...e: 586-3066 ~ ufPatieat: PlUient 'WaS tbuud \1IlCOII$CiOU&, siUiII& in a <:hair, being aupportc:d by her bRJtbet. ~ Patient was laving a diabetic: nlICdoD. ShcI.was foaDll UIKlO8ICioUs _\uu~'VC to paiD. She was given initial medlcalllid OIl sceae by Bazcman Fire peI&ClDDd and MelIl'raDs. She rdbIcd turtla tIt\aUDeIlt and tAl\5pOrt to the bospiad ..0. gaiaiag. consciCJQSIICM. CPR Pelf......: No Pdle (II T..): 100 .... ~(B'T""); 1241100 ReIpi......(lfTakR): 16 I'Iqdle; consuiQcd UftIuf Ce8t""UI: UDllQDIcious 'I'rto.-nt by BorIeIB_ Fire: PatieDt was f<<m4 $ittiDg in a chair, supported by' her bIotII<<. ram.s a SllYCR diabl:tic relICtioa. 811e was ~._1JDlCSIlOIISi'V to pUn. We p" u-~ .... primary care, 8IIiste4 MecrI'rIDs with administeriDg intmeDOUS fluids aod ~ A1ter aa CldilI8lIDd.U.!JCIiOd. tbe.paIi.c8t rcpinod COI1&CiouIDe$S. She rcfuIecI further treatmeDt 8Dll also reI\ded tranJpOrt in tile h.oIpi\al. .-.-- --- FEB-1S-96 WED 12:57 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 p, 3 . . , -" ..._.~.:::,~.,.. ... Bozeman Fire Departm_t - EMS Report 13-Feb-96 ~_... . -~~., . --. -~... .i.""'-, .0 0fI'inr ill Charge: S. llougIaDd Pea-.. MMiIt& RlepoIt: S. HflUShD\d e . .'. ., . Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Repert J j-Feb-96 ~.. .. .AJar. N......~ %(H20 Date; 13..FelJ..96 Tillie Call1teotived~ 2:43 lMa1ioII of... 2025 WcstCollcge Tiae Oat: 1:43 Type~" ~ OIl Smae: :bi6 Klatt et..: Mcdic8l Assist III Sen1tt: 3:12 Fire Denartment Operations Jaw. of Ul'eUsed:NO Ettti_l: No .... 2: Yea ....1: No Ladcler t: No T__l: No 0dIer: No ~DWrId: 22 ........ rr..: Station 2 Did we arrive before ~ Yes ou. A<<endH lit Sceae: MedTrans II1re J"IcIaten at keDe: D, Shyne, T. Gaene. R. Qma Uap.o6etlcd ~ No Customer Information Pa6eat N.-e: BllhI.l\.IIik-~ Se'c Female htieatt..AddNR4 1015 West CoUqJe Zip Co*: 59715 Ale: 87 Padelltt.ft.e: 587-8193 ~ ofPadeM; StJpmo on WiD. bedmam. C..,.....1PntIaIeat: It was belived she was IIavin& a stroke, CPR Pert-.d: No .... (If T....)t 123 .....~ (ll'T....)t IlJ01100 ~(lITabIa): 11 PupOe: Not taken by FD ~ ofCOJId. .1 <:'I~ Respcmsiwto VabM ~ TreMID... by Ikill... Fire: Boaman fiMfi.gIdas raponded to a report ofll11ek1edy f'emIIe poaiIIIy haYiqalUtlb. Upm ani9It fi1'llfighters hltIped stAhil~ pac:kap _1014 the..... tor~ 10 thcbospital. Offtcer.. Chaqe: D. Shyne ...... MaIdIIa Report: O. Sbyuc 1 'd BEtO zag 90v 'ON xv ~ z# NOIlVlS NVWgZOg WVll:E aglt\ 9B..El..gga e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 12-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960119 Date: 12-Feb-96 Time Out: 17:34 Location of Rue: 94th Ave. East Three Forks On Scene: 17:40 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 17:55 KiDd of Run: Hazardous . Condition Response District: 21 Responding From: Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Ocmpant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNebicle: Ucense: Fire Originated In ..spread to: No fire. Caused by: No fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . e Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report PI- 2 Alarm Number 960119 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No RelCUe 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: Yes Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Shyne, T. Greene, R. Cima CaD Back Personnel Paged: Yes Special Teams Paged: No Oft'Duty Personnel: S. Hougland, J. Shrauget, J. Fischer Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Three Forks Fire Department requested. the Bozeman Fire Department Haz. Mat Team respond. to a Three Forks address. A -woman returned. home after a day at work to find. her house full of an awful smell and her family pet dead. Three Forks firefighters determined the cause and Bozeman Fire was cancelled in route. Officer in Charge: D. Shyne Penon Making Report: D. Shyne . . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 12-Feb-96 Alarm NUmber: 960118 Date: 12.Febw96 Time Out: 12:47 Location of Run: 6 W. Babcock, Apt. 309 On Scene: 12:50 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 12:59 Kiad of Ran: Service Call . Response District: 22 Responding From: Not in Station at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Gail Crousby Oeeupant Phone: 582-1098 Occupant Address: 6 W. Babcock. Apt. 309 Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVehicle: Residential Lkense: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Not a fire. . Caused by: Not a fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pidures Taken: No Smoke Dettedor Present: Yes Did it Activate: Yes If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow moy LiveJ Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property d....age: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Lon on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Nt A Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . . e Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm N1UIlber 960118 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 1: No Resale 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Outter, K. Bushnell, I. Bas. Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Team. Plied: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Inddent Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department was called to 6 W. Babcock for an activated. smoke alarm. The alarm was set offby tenants who had burned a pizza. Officer in. Charge: G. Clutter Penon Making Report: lBos . . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 12-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960 117 Date: 12~Feb-% Time Out: 10:40 Location of Run: 321 E. Main St. On Scene: 10:42 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Senia: 10:43 Kind of Ru: Service Call Response District: 11 Responding Fro...: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information <Xcupant Name: Zebra Club Occupant Phone: 587-2339 <Xcupant Address: 321 E. Main St. Owner Name: Zebra Club Owner Pboue: 587.2339 Owner Address: 321E, Main St. Type of OccupanyNehicle: Club t Bar License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Not a fire. Caused by: Not a fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Nt A Insurance on Property: Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . e Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960 117 Fire Deparbnent Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No ReSClle 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Sou.u of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: John Bos Can Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Oft'Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Bolt cutters Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department was asked to cut a padlock on the front door of the Zebra Club. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: Bas , /". ~ Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 15-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960116 Date: 12-Feb-96 Time Out: 7:00 Location of Run: 1145 Cheny Drive On Scene: 7:05 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 7:54 Kind of Run: Structure Fire Response District: 12 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Robert Mitchell Occupant Phone: 587-5307 Occupant Address: 1145 Cheny Drive Owner Name: Same Owner Phone: Same Owner Address: Same Type of Occupany/Vehicle: Single Family dwelling License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: Linen closet Caused by: Improper storage of combustible material near a hot water heater. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: Yes Smoke Dedector Present: Yes Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $1,000.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $100.00 Insurance Company: State FarmI Lyle Kohs Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e . Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 14-Feb-96 Alarm Number: %OIlS Date: 11.Febw96 Time Call Received: 21:S8 Location of Run: North Hedges, MSU ~ Room 209 Time Out: 21:59 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 22:02 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 22:18 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 23 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Med~ Trans Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller, J. Shrauger, & J. Fassbinder Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Laura Hopkinson Sex: Female Patient's Address: SlS 1/2 W Babcock Zip Code: 59715 Age: 22 Patient's Phone: 585-7804 PositionlLocation of Patient: Lying on her back on the floor. ComplaintIProblem: Hot & cold flashes. CPR Perform~: No Pulse (If Taken): 90 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 140/90 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: fixed Level of Conciousnells: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department personnel responded to MSU's North Hedges to assist a student who was experiencing hot and cold flashes. Fire personnel performed primary and secondary surveys and administered 02. The student was transported to the hospital for further evaluation. Officer in Charge: D. Miller Person Making Report: D. Miller . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 12-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960114 Date: 11-Feb-96 Time Out: 21:05 Location of Run: 315 East Cottonwood On Scene: 21:09 Type of Run: Emergency In Senice: 21:24 Kind of Run: Structure Fire Response District: 11 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Marv Miller Occupant Phone: 582-0610 Occupant Address: 315 East Cottonwood. Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: Apartment building License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Fire was confined. to the stove. Caused by: Pan left on the stove with burner on under it. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: Yes Did it Activate: Yes II it Activated, did it save a life: Yes How many Lives Saved: I II it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: Yes Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 --. . Bozeman Fire Department - Ftrt Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960114 Fire Department Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Make shift aids Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: V. Backman T. Shearman K. Johnson S. Mueller D. Miller 1. Shrauger J. Fassbinder Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams P8pd: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Halligan Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters were called to an apartment by some peOple that said an alann was going off next door. Upon our arrival firefightersf0un4 smoke in the apartment. We gained entry and found a pan of food on the stove that bad caught on fire. Firefighters carried the pan outside and cleared the smoke out of the apartment. Officer in Charge: V. Backman Person Makiag Report: V. Baclanan . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 14-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960113 Date: 11-Feb-96 Time Out: 13:00 Locatio. of Run: 10 East Babcock On Scene: 13:05 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 15:52 Kind of Run: Other Fire Response District: 12 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Federal Building Occupant Phone: 587-8345 Occupant Address: 10 East Babcock Owner Name: U. S. Goverment Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: Post Office License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No II it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e . Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960113 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes ReKue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No- Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: V. Backman T. Sherarman K. Johson D. Miller J. Shrauger 1. Fassbinder Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters were called to the Federal building to evacuate the people inside because of a bomb scare. Firefighters then stayed and blocked the street and the building until the scare was over. Officer in Charge: V. Backman Person Making Report: V. Backman .' . Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report ll-Feb-96 Alarm Number: %0112 Date: I1-Feb-% Time Call Received: 0:31 Location of Run: 3rd & Lamme Time Out: 0:33 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 0:35 Kind of Run: Vehicle Accident In Service: 0:44 Fire Department Qoerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Bozeman Police, MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Archer, J. Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Ashley Lessley Sex: Female Patient's Address: 79979 Gallatin Road Zip Code: 59715 Age: 1 Patient's Phone: 587.3476 PositionJLocation of Patient: Being held on her mother's lap, in the back of a police car. ComplaintIProblem: The patient had been jostled during a vehicle accident and her mother wanted the girl checked out. CPR Performed: No Pulse (H Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (H Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (H Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a vehicle accident at the comer of 3rd and Lamme. Upon arrival, firefighters found a four month old girl that had been involved in the accident and was not in a car seat at the time. Firefighters examined the girl, and performed primary and secondary surveys on the patient. The patient was transported to the hospital to be checked out. Officer in Charge: D. Archer Penon Making Report: D. Archer -.--.- ---- . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report Il-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960 III Date: 10-F~96 TUne Call Received: 21:19 Location of Run: Lindley Park Time Out: 21:21 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 21:23 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 21:30 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Neither Station in at the time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: B.P.D., MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Archer, 1. Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Josh Hossner Sex: male Patient's Address: 3023 Irwin Zip Code: 59715 Age: 20 Patient's Phone: 586-7455 PositionlLocation of Patient: The patient was found seated in a car. ComplaintJProblem: The patient had suffered blunt trauma to the mouth, nose, and below his left eye. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters were called to a report of a man bleeding profusely at Lindley Park. Upon arrival, the patient was evaluated by firefighters and MedTrans personnel. The patient refused transport. Officer in Charge: D. Archer Person Making Report: J. Fischer . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 12-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960 110 Date: 09~Feb-% Time Out: 14:34 Location of Run: River Road, Logan On Scene: 15:14 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 16:15 Kind of Run: Hazardous Condition Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: No Fire. Caused by: No Fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No H it Activated. did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 H it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: SO.OO Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . . Bozeman Fire Department ~ Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960 11 0 Fire Department Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Re~e 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: Yes Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo. Gallons Fire Fighten at Scene: D. Shyne, T. Greene, R. Cima and Al Scholes with G. Clutter. Call Back Penonnel Paged: Yes Special Teamu PlIfJed: Haz-Mat, Water Rescue Off Duty Personnel: G. Hoell, S. Mueller. Equipment Used: Cold water entry gear. Equipment Lost or Broken: 100 foot, 1/2" nylon rope. Incident Narrative: The Bozeman Fire Department's Hazardous Materials Response Team was called. to Logan Friday afternoon. After arriving on scene Haz-Mat Team members found a 250 gallon propane tank was floating in the flood waters from the Gallatin River. The tank was being held in place by the supply line to the residence. Haz-Mat Team members dressed in cold water entry gear were taken to the residence by Gallatin.County Search and Rescue Members in a boat. After reaching the tank, Haz-Mat team members turned off the discharge valve, unhooked. the supply line to the house and moved. the tank to a safe location and tied it down. Also on scene were Manhattan Fire, Three Forks Fire, Montana Power and the Gallatin County Search and Rescue with their rescue boat. Officer in Charge: D. Shyne Penon Making Report: D. Shyne e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 09-Feb-96 Alann Number: 960109 Date: 09-Feb-96 Time Out: 12:03 Location of Run: 1803 S. Church On Scene: 12:08 Type of Run: emergency In Service: 12:58 Kind of Run: Service Call Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 in & Station 2 out at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Jennifer Tate Occupant Pbone: 5860793 Occupant Address: 1803 S. Church Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNebicle: License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: Not a fire. Explosion. Caused by: Dynamite. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Deeteetor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow lIWly Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm. Number 960109 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: V. Backman, K.Bushnell, 1. Bos, D. Shyne, T. Greene, R Cima. Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the 18 hundred block of S. Church for a report of a possible explosion. Someone had apparently tired of the beaver dams along the creek and removed them with dynamite. A nearby window was broken during the blast. Officer in Charge: V. Backman Person Making Report: K. Bushnell - - e . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 08-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960108 Date: 08-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 17:27 Location of Run: Cannery Lounge, 43 W. Main St. Time Out: 17:27 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 17:28 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 17:36 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Otber: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Not in. Station at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Ageneies at Scene: MedTrans, Police Fire Fighters at Scene: K.Rowe,T.S~,S.~eller Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Dave Richerson Sex: Male Patient's Address: P.O. Box 103 Ennis, Mr. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 38 Patient's Phone: 682-5413 PositionlLocation of Patient: Lying across bar stools sleeping. ComplaintIProblem: Patient had been drinking for hours and went to sleep. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If TakeIl): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Coneiousness: Responsive to Verbal Stimulus Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the Cannery Lounge to a report of a unconscious male. Firefighters determined the patient to be very tired Patient refused any medical assistance. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Penon Making Report: K. Rowe e . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 08-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960107 Date: OS.Feb-96 Time Call Received: 16:40 Location of RWl: 6 W. Babcock Apt. 10S Time Out: 16:40 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 16:41 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Senice: 17:02 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Rowe, T. Shearman, S. Mueller Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Stephen Caracciolo Sex: male Patient's Address: 6 W. Babcock Apt. 10S Zip Code: 59715 Age: 33 Patient's Phone: Position/Location of Patient: Sitting on living room couch. ComplaintJProblem: Chest pain in sternum area. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 72 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 118/86 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Pearl Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the Babcock Apartments to the report of a male with chest pains. Upon arrival firefighters treated a 33 year old male with pain in the sternum area. Patient refused transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Person Making Report: K. Rowe e . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report OB-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960106 Date: 08.Febw96 Time Call Received: 12:50 Location of Run: 122 West Main, #114 Time Out: 12:52 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 12:53 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 13:19 Fire DeDartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans, BPD Fire Fighten at Scene: K. Rowe, T. Shearman, S. Mueller Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Larry D. Kamp Sex: Male Patient's Address: 105 W. Main 3E Zip Code: 59715 Age: 34 Patient's Phone: 585-3440 Position/Location of Patient: Lying on right side in a bed. ComplaintIProblem: The patient was reported as unconscious, upon arrival the patient was conscious and combative. He reported that he had been drinking alcohol and had ingested some pills. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 66 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 130/100 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a medical emergency involving a unconscious male at the Econo Lodge. Upon arrival the patient was conscious and reported that he had ingested. alcohol and pills. Firefighters took vitals and assisted in packaging and loading the patient for transport to the hospital. OtIicer in Charge: K. Rowe Penon Making Report: S. Mueller . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 08-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960105 Date: 08-Febw96 Time Call Received: 9:17 Location of Run: 816 N. 17Th. #26 Time Out: 9:18 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 9:25 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 9:33 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller, M. Criner Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Gladys Gorman Sex: Female Patient's Address: 816 N. 17Th. #26 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 81 Patient's Phone: 586- 5630 Position/Location of Patient: Sitting on the ground. ComplaintIProblem: Patient fell down and was unable to get back up. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by PO Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters responded to a call of a woman who had fallen down and was unable to get up. Firefighters and ambulance personnel assisted the patient to her feet and back into her residence. Officer in Charge: D. Miller Person Making Report: M. Criner . . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 19-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960104 Date: 07~Fe"'96 Time Out: 17:43 Location of Run: 2124 N. Rouse On Scene: 17:46 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 21:05 Kind of Run: Hazardous Condition Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Mark Edgerly Occupant Phone: 587-8313 Occupant Address: 315 E. Griffin Drive Owner Name: Unknown Owner Phone: Unknown Owner Address: Unknown Type of OccupanyNehicle: Trailer court License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Not a fire. Caused by: Not a fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: Estimated Loss on Contents: SO.OO Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 - . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960104 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: Yes Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: Thompson, Hoell, Polus, Bas. Scholes, Clutter, Johnson, Greene Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Team. Paged: White Water Off Duty Personnel: Bos, Clutter, Johnson, Greene Equipment Used: Water rescue equipment, haligan Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a woman and her child who were trapped in their trailer due to the East Gallatin River flooding. Upon arrival we were informed that the the woman did not need to be rescued We evacuated the trailer court of as many people as would leave. A water rescue team was on scene to perform any rescue work required. A crew working with backhoes worked to free the ice dam that was causing the flooding in the trailer court. After the ice dam was removed the residents were able to return to their residences. Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Person Making Report: M. Thompson