HomeMy WebLinkAbout199603 ---.. -- -- , ,~ ~ '" Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 31-Mar.,96 Abmn Number: 960242 Date: 31-Mar.96 Time Call Received: 16:38 L<<a.tion of Ru: Willson and College Time Out: 16:40 Type of Itwa: Emergency Oil Scene: 16:42 lOad of Bun: Medical Assist ID Seniee: 16:51 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Relene I: Yes Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No Response Distriet: 12 Responding from: Station 1 Did we arrive before Aabulaoee: Yes other Ageneies at Scene; Moo Trans and Bozemart P.D. Fire Fighters at Seeae: R. Cima and K. Johnson Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Leonard Baloski Sex: Male Patient's Address: 1416 S. Rouse Zip Code: 59715 Age: 41 Patient'. Phone: 587-3382 Positioll/Loeatioa of Patient: Patient was lying in the street. ComplaiDtIProblem: Patient had a left wmpound tibia fracture. CPR Pedonned: No Pulse (If T.ua): Not taken by PO BIoocI Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by PO Respiratioos (If TakeD.): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by PO Level of Concioumess: Alert Treatll1eDt by 80-10-"" Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a vehicle verses motOrcycle accident on College and. Willson. Upon arrival Firefighters assessed patient and assisted Med Trans with splinting and transportation. Oft'icer in Charge: R. Cima PenoIl MaIdJIg Report: R. Cima . . Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 31-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960241 Date: 31~Mar-96 Time Call Received: 9:58 Loudon of Ru: 205 N. Tracy Time OUt: 10:01 Type of Rull: Emergency On Scene: 10:03 Kind of Ran: Medical Assist In Service: 10:21 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Reseae 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response Di_riet: 11 RespoudiDg FI'OIIl: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Med Trans Fire Figbten at Scene: R Cima and K. Johnson. Unproteeted Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: George Hoadley Sex: Male Patient's Address: 205 N. Tracy Zip Code: 59715 Age: 78 Patient's PhoDe: PositionJLocatioD of Patieat: Patient was lying in bed ComplaintIProblem: Patient was complaining of hip pain due to a fall which bad occured approxamately 2 hours ppor to the dispatched. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken \:JY PO Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils; Not taken l\v FD Level of ConciousDeSs: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a reported. hip injury at Mountain View Care Center. Upon arqral firefighters assisted Med Trans with patient care and transportation. Otticer in Charge: R Cima Penon Making Report: R Cima . . Bozeman Fire Departltlent .. EMS Report 31-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960240 Date: 3()..Mar.96 Time Call Received: 21:06 Location of Run: 117 Julia Martin Drive #C Time Out: 21:07 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 21:10 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Senice: 21:22 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Eggloe 2: No Rescue.: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response Dilltri(t: 0 Responding FI'OIB: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes OtIlerAgendes at Scene: MSU PoUce, Med.~ Trans Ambulance Fire Fighters at Seene: V. Backman, J. Shrauger, S. Mueller Unprotected EspoIUre: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Aziz Alkhayyatt Sex: Male Patient', Address: 117 Julia Martin Drive #C Zip Code: 59715 Age: 4 Patient's Phone: 585~8320 Positioo/Location of Patient: Upon arrival Firefighters found the patient lying on his back on a bed. ComplaintIProblem: Patient had vomitted and had. become uttconcious for one to two minutes. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): 90 Palp RespiratioDs{lf Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Contiousne8s: Alert TreatJb.eJlt by BozeataD Fire: Bozeman Firefighters respOnded to a Julia Martin Drive residence toa report of a 4 year old child that had vomitted and become unooncious tor about 2 minutes. Firefighters took vital signs and prepared the patient for transport to the hospital for further evaluation. Otticerin Charge: V. Backman Penon Makiq Report: J. Sbrauger . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 30-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960239 Date: 3o..Mar..96 TiJBe CaD Received: 19:40 LotatioB of Ru: 121 South Willson Ave. Time Out: 19:42 Type of Baa: Emergency On Scene: 19:42 KiIld of.... M.edical Assist 1:0 Service: 19:43 Fire. DeDartment Operations Jaws of Lile Uled: No Engine 1: No Enaine %: No Re8ale 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tea4er 1: No Other: No Bespenle District: 12 Respon.ding From: Not in Station at time of call Did 'We arrive before AmbuJaace: No Other Agendesat Scene: Fire Fighters at Sceae: K. Rowe, 1. Fischer Unprotetted Esposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Sex: Male Patieot'. Addras: Zip Code: 59115 Age: 0 Patieltt'. Phone: PositioalLoeatioD of Patieat: CompJaintlProblem: CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD BIGod Presatre (If TakeR): Not taken by FD RespiratioDI (If Taken): Not taken by FD hpiIs: Not taken by FD Level of Coneioumess: Alert TreatmeBt by BozemaaFJre: Bozeman Fire responded to the 100 block of S. Willson to the report of a male who needed medical assistance. Emergency units were canceledemoute. Otticer in Charge: K. Rowe PenoIl MaIdDg Report: K. Rowe . . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 30-Mar-96 Alarm NUJDber: 960238 DIde: 3()..Maf-96 Time Call Reeeived: 11:31 Loc:atioD of IbID: 221 N. C1mrcl1 St. Time O\1t: 11:31 Type of Bun: Emergency On SceJle: 11:33 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 11:51 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes TeDder 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulan<<: Yes Other Agenc:ies at SCene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Rowe, 1. Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Will Beardslee SeJ.: male Patient's Address: 221 N. Church St. Zip Cede: 59715 Age: 10 PatieDt's PIt..,: 586-8357 PositiolllLocation of Patient: Standing in living room. ComplaintlProblem: Very minor cut on left index finger. The boy's parents weren't home and could not be reached by telephone. I decided to request Med'trans response for liability protection concerning leaving the scene in regard to a very minor injury and leaving the child. in his home alone. MedTrans tesponded and assessed the injury agreeing with Bozeman Fire that it required. no further treatment. MedTrans personnel on scene were, Maggie Danner and Matt Majerus. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by PO Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Concl4Rlsness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to the 200 block of N. Church to the report of a 10 year old boy who had cut his finger. Upon arrival the patient had stopped the bleeding and refused transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. . ----.--".--.--.." ..-.---..--- ---..... -.----.... . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 30-Mar-96 Officer ill Charge: K. Rowe Fe.... Mak.iac Report: K. Rowe . -- - Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 3()..Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960237 Date: 30-Mar-96 TiIiIe Call Received: 9:19 Loeatiea of Rua: Fieldhouse, MSU Campus Time Out: 9:19 Type of Rua: Emergency On Scene: KiBei of Ibm: Medical Assist In Service: 9:20 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No EqjDe 2: Yes RefltUe 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No Response District: 0 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before AntbaIaace: No Other Agencies at Stelle: MOO..Trans Ambulance Fire Fightel'$ at SceDe: V. Backman, 1. Sbrauger, S. Mueller Unprotected EXpolIPre: No Customer Information Patient Name: Sex: Patient's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's PIMae: Position/l<<atioBof PatieDt: ComplaintlProblem: Possible broken clavicle. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If TakeD): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD PapUs: Not taken by FD Level of CODCioosllelll: Alert Treatment by Boze8laa ftre: Bozeman Firefighters recieved a call to the MSU campus for a report of a six year old with a possible broken clavicle. Fire Department personnel were canceUedbcfOre leaving the station. Officer in Charge; V. Backman Penoa Making Report: J. Sbrattger e - Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 30-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960236 Date: 30~Mar~96 Time Call Received: 8:33 Location of Run: 800 Wheat Drive ~e Out: 8:34 Type of....: Emergency On Scene: 8:41 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 8:45 Fire Department Operations Jaw. of Life Used:: No Engble 1: No Engiae2: Yes RaaIe 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No Response District: 0 ltespondhlg From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Ageaeies at Scene: MecJ.. TratlS Ambuhmce Fire Fightenat Scene: V. Backman, J. Shrauger, S. MueUer Unprotected ExpoIIIre; No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: HaroldG. Geer Sex: Male Patient'. Address: 1229Finnay Cody, Wyoming Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 l'atieat's Phone: PositionJLotation of Patient: Upon arrival the patient was sitting in the front seat of his vehicle. ComplaintIProblem: Patient bad a pain in his abdominal area. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood PreIIure (If Taken): Not taken by PO Respirations (If Takea): Not taken by FD Pupilt: Not taken by FD Level of ConeiousDess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the 800 block of Wheat Drive to a report of a man who was sick sitting in his vehicle. Upon arrival :firefighters disooveredama1e whobadsttong pains in his abdominal area. Firefighters assisted in packaging the patient for transport to the hospital for fiu1her evaluation. Officer in Charge: V. Backman Pert8ll MaIdag Report: 1. Shrauger e e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 3Q..Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960235 Date: 29.Mar-96 Time Call k<<eived: 16:51 Loeatioa of RoD: 810 N, 7th, #8 Time Out: 16:52 Type of Run: Emergency OD Stene: 16:55 Kind of BIUl: Medical Assist In Service: 17:30 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine %: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Teader 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Statiqnl Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: M. Thompson, J. Polus, J. Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Jean Logan Sn: Female Patient's Address: 810 N. 7th, #8 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 52 Patient's Phone: 582-0757 PositionlLocation of Patient: The patient was found lying in her bed at the back of the trailer. ComplaintIProbIem: The patient felt weak and cold andclamy. CPR Perfonned.: No Pulse (If Taken): 70 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 120170 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousneu: Responsive to Verbal Stimulus Treatment by Jlozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters were called to theSOO block of N. 7th, to report of a woman feeling cold and clamy. Upon arrival the woman was assesed and packaged for transport to the hospital. OffICer in Charge: M. Thompson Person Making Report: J. Fischer . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 30-MaJ'o-96 Alarm Number: 960234 Date: 29-Mar~96 Time Out: 16:50 Locatioa of Ran: 410 S9uth 19th On Scene: 16:50 Type of RIut: Emergency In Service: 17:01 Kind of Ran: Hazardous Condition Bespoue District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No M.... Aid Braived: No Customer Infonnation Occopant Name: Laura Vada Brist Ottopaat PbODe: 257..()224 Occopant Address: 6225 Ashley Lake Road, Kila, MT Owner Name: Laura Vada Brist Owner Phone: 257"()224 Owaer Address: 6225 Ashley Lake Road, Kila, MT59920 Type of OccupanylVehicle: 87 Jeep Cherokee LiceJlle: "LAMBS" Fire Originated In ..spread to: No Fire. Caused by: Minor vehicle accident. Radiator coolant leak. Started by a .JuveaiIe: No Pictura Takea: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did 1t .ave a life: No Bow many Lives Sa:mJ: 0 If it Activaied, did it prevent major pnperty daIuge: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Lolls on ConteDts: $0.00 Insurance Company: Iasorance on Property: $0.00 Insurance 00 Contents: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire Departmeat - Fire Report PI- 2 AI.... Number 960234 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Eagiae 2: Yes Reseue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tea4er 1: No Squd. 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: s..ru of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighten atSeeae: S. Hougland, M. Criner Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Teams Paced: No Off Duty Penouel: Equipment Used: Absorbant, shovel, traffic cones Eqpipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Minor two vehicle accident in from of Station 2. We sprinkled absorbant on the leaking radiator coolant ... cleaned. up the spilled. fluid. There were no injuries. Officer in Charge: S. Hougland Penoo MaId.g Report: S. Hougland e e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 30-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960233 DaR: 29~Mar.96 Time Call Received: 14:51 Location of Ru.: 303 Accola Time Out: 14:53 Type of Ron: Emergency On Scene: 14:57 Kind of....: Mediad Assist In SeMite: 15:28 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Anlblllanee: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: BPD, MedTrans Fire Fighten at Scene: M. Thompson, 1. Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Nikki Westfall Sex: female Patient's Address: 303 Accola Zip Code: 59715 Age: 8 Patient's Phone: 582-1973 PositionJLocation of Patieat: The patient was found. being restrained. by her mother who was sitting in a chair. ComplaintlProbIem: The child had attempted to jump out of a moving car. The mother wanted her restrained and. transported to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FO Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FJ;> Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Contiousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman firefighters were called to the 300 block of Accola to report of a child who was suicidal. Upon arrival firefighters assisted in restraining the child Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Person MakiDg Report: 1. Fischer e, e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 28-Mar-96 Alarm NlImber: 960232 Date: 28-Mar-96 Time Call Received: 18:40 Location of Run: 1325 N 7th Time Out: 18:42 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 18:45 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Sernce: 18:50 Fire Department ~rations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Moo Trans Fire Fighten at Scene: D. Archer and R. Cima Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Mary Lewis Sex: Female Patient's Address: 1120 W. Babcock #10 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 77 Patient's Pbone: 587-4960 PositionlLocation of Patient: Patient was sitting up in a chair in the lobby. ComplaiotJProblem: Patient complained of choking while eating dinner. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Prenure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman. Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded. to a reported woman choking at the Grantree Inn. Upon arrival firefighters assisted Med. Trans with packaging and transpOrtation. Officer in Cbarge: D. Archer Person Making Report: R. Oma . e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 03-Apr-96 Alarm Number: 960231 Date: 28.Mar-96 Time Call Received: 10:22 Location of Run: 3 rd and Lamme TilDe Oat: 10:23 Type of Rn: Emergency On Stene: 10:25 Kind of Run: Vehicle Accident In Senite: 10:39 Fire DeD&tment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Eagiae 1: No lBgiae Z: No Raeue t: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Respoue District: 11 ReIpoRdiag From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Atnbulance: Yes OtIaer Agencies at ~: Bozeman P.D. and Me4 Trans ) Fire Fighten at Sane: D, Archer and R Cima Uaproteded EXpoIUre: No Customer Information Patient Name: Vickie Walton Sex: Female Padeat's Addren: 103 N. Westent Dr. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 28 Patieot's Phone: 585..2675 PositionlLocation of Patient: Patient was sitting up in the front seat of her car. CompIaintJProbIeID: Patient was complaining of neck pain only. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 100 Blood Pressure (If TakeD): Not taken by FD RespiratkHu (If Takea): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Coneiousneu: Alert Treatment try Boleeaaa. Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded toa vehicle accident at 3rd and Lamme. Upon arrival firefighters assessed <me patient an4assi~ M.ed Trans with pecbgiagad traDspoIta1ion. Off"ICer in Charge: D. Archer Penon MaIdDg Report: R. Cima e . Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report 28-Mar-96 Alarm Nuntber: 960230 Date: 27.Mar-96 Tinte Out: 23:09 Location of Run: Museum of the Rockies On Scene: 23:15 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 23:35 Kind of Run: False Call - Good Intent Response District: 13 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Museum of the Rockies Occupant Phone: 994.2251 Occupant Address: 600 West Kagy Owner Name: Museum of the Rockies Owner Phone: 994-2251 Owner Addre8ll: 600 West Kagy Type of OccupanylVehide: Museum License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: No Fire. Alarm Malfunction. Caused by: Workers had been working on the alarm system earlier in the day. Possibly could be related to the work being done. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Decteclor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bowmuy Lka Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 __.n e e Bozeman Fire Department ~ Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960230 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No EagiDe 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Sourte of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo. Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Rowe, D. Miller, V. Backman. T. Shearman, J. Shrauger, J. Fassbinder Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: EqIIipment Lost or Broken: lJItident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the Museum of the Rockies to a fire alarm activation. Workers had been wodting on the sprinkler system earlier in the day. There was no fire and the alarm system was reset. Officer in Charge: D. Miller Person Makbl& Report: J. Shrauger e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 28-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960229 Date: 26.Mar.96 Time Call Received: 11:46 Location of RIm: 620 W. Peach Time Out: 11:48 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 11:49 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 11:59 Fire Del'artment Qoerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engin.e 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Med Trans of Montana, Bozeman Police Department Fire Fighters at Scene: Thompson, Devine Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Kathryn Cochrine Sex: female Patiellt's Address: 620 W. Peach Zip Code: 59715 Age: 41 Patient's Phone: unknown P05ition/tocation of Patient: Lying on her back. on the living room floor. Complaint/Problem: Back spasms. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 76 Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a woman who was having back spasms. We took the patient's vital signs and assisted Med Trans perso1J.Dd with the packaging and loading of the patient for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Person MakDlg Report: M. Thompson e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 28-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960228 Date: 26-Mar~96 Time Out: 1:14 Location of Ran: 8615 Dry Creek, ae1grade On Scene: Type of Run: Emel'gency In Service: 3:45 Kind of Run: Structure Fire Response District: 0 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: Yes MlItuaI Aid Received: No Customer lnformation Occupant Name: Occapant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Pbone: Owner Address: Type of ()ccupanylVebicle: License: Fire O~ated ID ...spread to: Unknown, this was a mutual aid call for Belgrade Cause~ by: Unknown Start~iJy a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Decteetor Present: No Did,,it~: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow DWly Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, <lid it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: Estimated Loss on Contents: Insurance COJDpany: Insurance on Property: Insurance on coateD..: e It Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report pg.:1 Alarm Number 960228 Fire Depai4tient Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: Yes Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: 20 min. Extinguished with: Water Soaree of Water: Tank Amount of Water Used: 2400 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: J.Bos Call Back Personnel Paged: Yes Spedat Teams Paged: No OfT Duty Personnel: F. Devine Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Dept. was contacted for a mutual aid response to Belgrade with a water tender for a structure fire. Officer in Charge: R Cima pe..1tIaking Report: R.Cima - , -, '. BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 1 MAR-25-96 TUE 10:28 PM e . -----.............~._.~.. ~'. ." _. ._~-",,_. --'-'. BozeDUlB Fue Departmeat.. EMS Report 2S.MaI'-96 "'- ~, .- Alarm N...... 960227 DIee: 2S.Mar-96 n.e Cd Rec:eMd: 21:36 1M'" of _: Sduoyao Gym. MSU n.e OM: 21:37 1)peflla.: ~ 0.. Seae: 21:41 KiIId vi a.: Medical, Assist .. Senice: 22:01 Fire DeDal'tment ~4; Jaws of .... Vied: No &apae 1: No ..... 2; Yes Resc:ae 1: No Ladder 1: No T....l: No 0tIaer: No Ra,.1e DI:Itrict: 23 "'1 ~ "-: SIatio.n 2 DId we anift IIeIaft 4.' 1MCr. Yes 0tIler Apaela It Scare: MSIJ PcQ:e, McdTnras 11ft J'Ipcm, It Scale: D. Sbype. J. SIuauIl:r UIlpl'OMle4,~ No Customer Infonnatiog Padeat llf_: BrikMichiel GnJeDcdijk Sa: Male Patie8t'. AddraI: QuId A #208, MSu Zip COde: 59715 AIr. 23 PMIeai'...... '85-7823 ~ vI~ LyiaafacedownOllpftoor. ~'Ale.: Erik had been JJIa>1DI bIsbdld, wbUe juJIIpiaa Jbr die baD a8d8llOdler ptaycrt Jmor;W his _oat from WIder him c:ausiDg him to hit his bead_ tbcftoor. W--. aid Erik weal _ a seizure. CPR ftd'onIIecI: No PaIse (Jf Takea>: 130 ... ~(ltT"" 102182 .......... (II TIkea,: 13 P8piII: Equal aacl fixed Lewt ofCvaciu . T"': ReIpoasivc to VCItJII Sdalul. ....-.....,. - "'"' rfr .....,. --lImIIploa__..... H....1t!. ......... Mm. Upoa~ lImIIploa tbuocI a23 year old... that had bcal..,..W........ wIIiIe jampiac for the bell anotbet player knocbd'lUt teet Qatlioat UJd:l.r.. CI8IiItc- eo JUt .__OIlthe.floor, said be waR iDto a seizme. PIdeDt was ~ 'lOIded lid UJIIIponecl tOttae......",. Mcd1'rans. 0ftIcer Ja C'brIe: D. Sbyae Jla-....... Repen: D. SbJ'De . It Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 25-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 96(}226 Date: 25.Mar~96 Time Out.: 16:10 Locatioa fA Ra: 802 N. Grand. On Scene: 16:15 Type of....: Emergency In Semce: 16:24 Khtcl of Run: Dumpster Fire Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received.: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: 802 N. Grand Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: Dumpster License: Fire Originated lit _Spread to: Fire was contained to the dumpster where it originated. Caused by: Unknown Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Deetector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow DUUly Uva Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on COntents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . e Bozeman Fire Departmut - Fire ~port pg. 1 Alarm Number 960226 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping nme: 0 Extinguished with: Portable Extinguisher Source of Water: On Site Supply Amount of Water Used: 0003 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: R Cima, F. Devine, 1. Bos Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Tams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: F. Devine Equipment Used: Pump can Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman firefighters responded to a reported dumpster fire at the Legion Villa Apartments. Upon arrival firefighters extinguished a smoldering dumpster. Officer in Charge: R. Cima Persoe Making Report: R. Cima e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 25-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960225 Date: 25~Mat-96 Time Call Received: 14:12 Locatio. of Run: 703 Bridger Dr. #70 TIme Out: 14:13 Type of RIIa: Emergency On Scene: Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Senice: 14:15 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Ufe Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Re8cue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 RespondiDg From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agendes at Scene: canceled prior to arrival Fire Figbten at Scene: RCima, K. Bushnell, J. Bos Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Sex: PatieJlt's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's Pbone: PositionlLoea.tion of Patient: ComplaintJProblem: Ladder 1 was cancelled prior to arrival CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FO Blood Preuore (If Tabu): Not taken by PO Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not t$en by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters were dispatched to a man down and cancelled prior to arrival. ~ In Charge: R Cima Penon MaJdq Report: R. Cima e . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 25-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960224 Date: 2S.Mar-96 Time Out: 0:33 LotatioD of Ru: 1813 South Rouse On Stene: 0:37 Type of Ram: Emergency In Service: 1:16 Kiad of RDD: Other Fire Response District: 12 Respon~g From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Dean Derby O<<upant PIlOBe: Occupant Address: 1813 South Rouse Owaer Name: Unknown Owner Pbone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVebicle: Apartments Lken.se: Fire OrigiDated In ..spread to: No Fire. Caused by: No Fire. Started by a JuvenUe: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke DeetedOr Present: Yes Did It Adivate: Yes If it Activated, did it save &life: No Bow many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estinlated lAss on Property: $0.00 Estimated. Lo$s OIl Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Inw.rance on Property: $0.00 InSUJ1Ulte on Contents: $0.00 e e BozeDWI Fire Department - Fire Report pg.2 AlanD Number 960224 Fire Department,~ Units Responding: t.~r,1: No Engine 1: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes _der 1: No Squad 1: No OUter; No Unit and Pumping TilDe: Pumps not used Extiupillled with: Seuree of. Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: V. Backman T. Shearman S. Mueller 1. Sbrauger 1. Fassbinder Call Back Personnel Paged: No SpedaI Teams Paced.: No Oft'Duty Personoel: Equipment UlIed: Equipaaeat Lost or BroIreJa: Incident Narrative: Firefighters responded to an apartment building to a report of a smoke detector SOU11ding. After turther iIlvestigation it was determined that the alarm was malfunctioning. Off'reer In Charge: V. BaclrmliD Penon Making Report: V. Backmat1 . . MAR-25-96 TUE 12:49 AM BOZEMAN STATION #2 FAX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 1 e e -" .. ." "-" ...--..--.-. .,- Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report Z5-MCI1'-96 - , '-, .... . AlanD N...ber: 960223 Date: 25-Mar-96 n.e Oat; 0:01 I..oc:ad.- of Ibur. 1821 West Koch 0. SceIIe: 0:05 Type aI"': Bu."...y .. Serrice; 0;27 J(iIId ~ Ru: False CaD - Good Intent ........ Dbltric:t: 22 RapoIIdIai J'roat: Both S1ations in lit time of c:aII M.... Aid GMa: No MIdual Ai4 Reeehett No Cu~er lnformation 0eaIpaat Name: Vacant 0ceupu1 PIIode: Oceapaat AddraI: 1827 West Koch o...ner N..-: Iim SuUoIl Owaer......: ~8().7201 o.mer Addrat; 5028 IustinLane 1)pe 01 OceupaoyIVcbide: Apartment BuUdiug LiceaIe: FiR Ori&iDaad fa ..spread to: No Fire. AlatDl'MaIfunctioa. CatHClCI b7: Statted by ..IIm:aUe: No Pktura TIIkat: No s.okc ~. 1'rIIeId: Yes DidltAdivate: Yes If it Adlvatal.did It lave . life: No Bow...., Iha Sa\'td: 0 If It AdJTated, did It preveat -.Jar pnpaty .-.. No Fire Loss and lnsunp1ce InfonnatiQJl E.....Jb!d Loll 011 Pnlpc:rty: $0.00 EsfiIumI LM 011 Coatmts: $0.00 InaI'8DCe c~: IIIIarUee 08 Preperty: $0.00 IDItmmce OB CoateDtt: $0.00 MAR-25-96 TUE 12:50 AM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 2 e e ...... Pin Depu...... - FIne Repart ... 2 AIInn N_bw 960223 Fire DeDartment Operations Units Responding; Eaalae 1: No ~Z: Yes ReIc8e 1: No Ladder 1: Yes TeIIder I: No S4tuId 1: No otIIer: No VItit ....1'ruDpiq T"IDIC: Pumps JlfJt DICd ~""'''Il'td with: s.rce tI Wiler: Amon. ofWlder Vied: ??oo Gallons Jl'ift li'lpten at Seeae: V. ~n. T. S1Jearman, S. Mueller, J. SIIrauSet, l. FaSlbindcr Cd Raek Penoae.I.....: No SpedalT_ '-PI: No Off oua, Fe........ Equi,.. UIed: E.......toet. BtokeII: IaddeaI NlI1Tative: &v.eman Filefighters ~ to a -vaat West Koch 4lpUldlieal.buil<Iiq; to a repon of a smoke dctcQor ICJIIIldiDS. no 0WDeI' of. die. blllltWqg was ~todle ~ to pin acass to die Jaidmce, After ftntber i.mutiplion it was detemdDcd 1hIt ........ was rnalt\mctioaina. OfIkcr" ctwae: J. Sbrauger Fe.... MIIdaa RqJoa1: 1. Shrauger . - . ---- .-.-.- e e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 24-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960222 Date: 24.Mar.96 Time Call Received: 4:00 I.Gtatioa of Run: 12 E. Garfield Time Out: 4:00 Type of Rwl: Emergency On Scene: 4:06 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Senice: 4:30 fire Department Operations Jaws ofUfe Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue t: Yes Ladder t: No Teoder t: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Otber Agencies at Scene: Moo Trans, Gallatin County Sheriff Fire Fighters at Scene: 1. Polus 1. Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Larry DiSanto Sex: Male Patient's Address: 12 E. Garfield A3 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 58 Patient's PboDe: 587.1143 PositioolLotation of PatieDt: Sitting on couch ComplaintJProblem: Pain in chest, jaw, and back of neck CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 70 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 140/90 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD hpils: perl Level of Conclousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Fire fighters responded to assist a man experiencing chest, jaw, and neck pain. Officer in Charge: 1. Polus Person MaIdag Report: J. Polus e . Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 23-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960221 Date: 23-Mar-96 Time Call Received: 16;33 Location of Run: 202 N. Church Time Out: 16:34 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 16:36 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 16:56 Fire Department Ooerations JaW's of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Otber Agendes at Scene: Moo Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: J. Polus 1. Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Marie Benzinger Sex: Female Patient's Address: 202 N. Churcb Zip Code: 59715 Age: 39 Patient's Phone: 586--8798 Position/Location of Patient: Lying face down next to her couch. COIIlplaintJProblem.: Diabetic reaction CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 110 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 130/100 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD PupUs: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Responsive to Verbal Stimulus Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters responded to assist a female experiencing a severe diabetic reaction. Oftker in Charge: 1. Polus Penon MaIdDg Report: 1. Polus e . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 25-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960220 Date: 23-Mar-96 Time Call Received: 0:33 L<<ation of Burt: 808 N. Rouse Time Out: 0:34 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 0:43 Kind of Rp: Medical Assist In Service: 0:55 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No RellCUe 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive befOl'e Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Med Trans, Bozeman P.D.,Gal Co. Sheriff Fire Fighters at Scene: R Cima , J. Bos Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Richard Johnson Sex: Male Patient's Address: 808 N, Rouse Zip Code: 59715 Age: 33 Patient's Phone: PoIitiooJLocation. of Patient: Patient was walking around the house upon our arrival. ComplaintlProblem: Patient was complaining of head and face pain. Additional info- Address recieved by dispatch was incorrect and this resulted in a delayed respoDCe ~. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD PupIls: Not taken by FD Level of CondousDess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman firefighters r~ to a call of a reported bleeding person. Upon arrival patient was waIking around complaining of head and face.paindue to being stIuck with a bat. Officer in Cb39: R. Cima Penon Making Report: R Cima --" e e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 28-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960219 Date: 23-Mar.96 Time Call Received: 23:31 Location of Run: 620 E. Peach Time Out: 23:31 Type of Ran: Emergency On Scene: 23:34 Kilid of Bun: Medical Assist In Service: 23:44 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine Z: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive before AmbulaDce: No Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans, Bozeman Police Fire Fighters at Scene: Greene, Devine, Criner Unprotected Exposute: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Katbren Cochran Sex: Female Patient's Ad~: 620 E. Peach Zip C9F: 59715 Age: Patient's Phone: i~1 ~ of Patient: Patient was lying on living room Door. ComplldaOPreb1em: Patient was complaining of back pains. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by PO BloodPrenure (If Taken): Not taken by PO Respiratiolll (If Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: Not taken by PO Level ofConciousness: Alert Treatment by BOZeDUUl Fire: Firefighters responded. to a call of a woman having back pains. Firefighters assisted in the packaging and loading for transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. otpcer in Charge: T. Greene Penon MaiDg Report: T. Greene e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 28-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960218 Date: 23.Mar-96 Time Call Received: 23:15 Location of Run: MSU Shroyer Gym Time Out: 23:15 Type of Run.: Emergency On Scene: 23:15 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 23:40 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No EngiDe 2: Yes BeIcue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 23 Respoadin.g.ll'roDl: Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive before Ambuluce: No other Agencies at Scene: Me4Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: Greene, Devine, Criner Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Daria Almanza Sex: Female Patient's Address: 528 N. Hedges Zip Code: 59715 Age: 19 PatieDt's Phone: Position/Locatioll of Patient: Laying on floor of bathroom. ComplaintJProblem: Patient had a seizure after a boxing match she was in. CPR Performed: blo Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If TaIu;D): Not taken by FD Respiratioas ~~: Not taken by FD Pupil.: Not taken by FD Level of con~.fess: Unresponsive Treatmen~: Firefigh . ,.,,,,', '_... anee personnel in packaging and loading a 19 year old female suffering from a seizure ca~bya boxing match. McdTrans personnel traDSpOrted the paticat to Bozeman Deaooness Hospital .. ..., 011"_ hi CIIarp, t~ - M11da11lepoI'l: T. Greeoe ., - e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 28-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960217 Date: 22-Mat~96 Time CaD Received: 16:13 Location of Run: 3816 BrOadwater Time Out: 16:13 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 16:21 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 16:59 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No EngiDe 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: Greene, Devine, Criner Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Harvey Lee Sex: Male Patient's Address: 3816 Broadwater Zip Code: 59715 Age: 55 Patient's Phone: PositionlLoca~ODof Patient: Patient was sitting by the front door. '~BtlProblem: ~ent was cqpJJing of hip pain due to falling and shortness of breath. ptR"Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 135 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 16O/P Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: PEARL Level of Concioumess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters were called to the home of a 55 year old male who bad fallen. Firefighters assisted ambulance personnel with loading patient for transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: T. Greene Penon Making Report: T. Greene ,~ . " ----..".. . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 25-Mar-96 Alarm Nwnber: 960216 Date: 22-Mar-96 Time Out: 8:25 Location of Rue: 402 E. Babcock On Stene: 8:27 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 8:30 Kind of Rua: False Call- Good Intent Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Cu~omerbllonnation Occupant Name: Dan Marshall Occupant Phoae: 587.9710 Occupant Address: 402 E. Babcock OwIler Name: Salvation Army Owner Phone: 587-9710 Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVebicle: Store\property License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Not a fire. Caused by: Not a fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No SJDOke Decteetor Pre!IeDt: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Row many Lives Saved.: If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 IIlsurance on Contents: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire DepartmeJ1t - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Numbet 960216 Fire DeDartment Operations Units Responding; Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Bestue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: R Cima and 1. Bos Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Teams Paged:: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the Salvation Army for a report of smoke in the building. Upon. arrival firefighters were informed that the smoke was due to a diesel trock being started outside near the loading dock. 0tT1Ce.f inCbarge: R.. Cima Person Making Report: R. Cima ---.- e e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 28-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960215 Date: 22-Mar~96 Time Call Received: 7:47 LocatioD of Run: 316 N. 19th Ave. Time Out: 7:51 Type of Run: Emetgency On Scene: 7:54 Kind of Run: Vehicle Accident In Service: 8:15 Fire Denartment Qoerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding Fro...: Both Stations in at time of call Did we arrive before Am.bulante: Yes other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans, Bozeman Police, Sheriff Fire Figbten at Scene: T. Greene, Devine, Johnson, Cima, Bas Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Dave Brekhus and Laurann Olsen Sex: Male Patient's Address: 1840 E. Valley Center/331 Crest Dr Zip Code: 59715 Age: Patient's Phone: Position/LOcation of Patient: Standing by vehicle. ComplaintIProblem: Mr. Brekhus was complaing of dizziness. Ms. Olsen was unconscious and lying in the passenger seat. She had apparently hit her head on the windshield. She. remained responsive to vetba1stimolus. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 78 Blood Pressure (If TaIren): Not taken by FD RespiratioD8 (If TakeD): Not taken by FD Pupils: PEARL Level of Conciousnes8: Alert Treatment by Bozemaa Fire: Firefighters responded to a report of a five vehicle accident. Upon arrival there were two patients. Firefighters assisted in the packaging and loading for ttansport oftbepatief1ts to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: T. Greene Penon MakiDg Report: T. Greene .' . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 21-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960214 Date: 21.Mar-96 Time Out: 10:12 Locatloa III Bu: 1237 North Rouse On Scene: 10:17 Type of Run: 'Nonemergency InSenice: 10:32 Kind of RIIIl: Other Fire Response District: 11 Responding F'-: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Weissman's OccupantPbone: 587-1285 Occupant Address: 1237 North Rouse Owner Name: Weissman's Owner Phone: 587-1285 Owner Address: 1237 North Rouse Type of OuupanylVebide: Open field, burning old lumber LkeDse: Fire Originated In ...spread to: Fire was a controlled burn. No spread of fire. Complaint of excessive smoke. Caused by: Controlled bum. Complaint of excessive smoke. Started by a Juvenile: No Pietura TIIteu.: No Smoke Deeteetor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it ~ve a life: No Bow many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major propertydaaa.tle: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: SO.OO Insurance COPlpaoy: Insuraoce on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e e Bozemllll Fire Department ~ J'1re Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960214 Fire Department Operations Units ResSJonding: Engine 1: No EDgiae 2: No Rescue. 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squd 1: No 0tIIer: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used 'Extinguished with: Soarc:e of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighten at Scene: V. Backman Call Back Personnel Paged: No Sped.1 Team. Paged: No Oft' Duty PeI'lOJ1Del: Equipment Used: Jtqaipment Lost or 'Broken: Incident Narrative: This was a controlled bum, permit iSS1.led. The owner was asked to extinguish the fire because of excessive smoke in the neigbborbood ~ter in Cb~e: S. Hougland "Penon MaIdDg IJeport: S. Hougland . e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 21-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960213 Date: 21-Mar-96 Time Call Reteived: 7:58 Lotatioa of RIUl: S 16 Dell Place Time Ou:t: 7:58 Type of BuD; Emergency On Scene: 8:00 Kind of RuD: Medical Assist In Service: 8:19 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Eagine 1: No EagiDe 2: No Racue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other. No ReIponte District: 12 RespondiDg rro.: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencie. at Scene: Med. Trans Fire Fighten at Scene: T. Shearman S. Mueller Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: R8y Peden Sex: Male Patient's Address: 516 Dell Place Zip Code: 5971S Age: 83 Patient's PhOJle: :5874105 positionJLocation ofPatieDt: Sitting on the floor. ComplaintlProblem: Patient was bleeding from the back ofboth hands and from the face. CPR Perl'onned:: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressare (If Taken): 120\70 RespiratiolUl (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: PEARL Level of Conciousnels: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire responded to the report of a man who had fallen and. was bleeding from the face. Upon arrival firefighters found a man suft'ering from facial and. band injuries. The patient was treated for his injuries and transported to the hospital for futher evaluation. Officer in Charge: T. Shearman PerIoD MakiJtg Report: T. Shearman e e Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report 19-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960212 Date: 19-Mar-96 Time Out: 17:33 toc:.... ~ BuD: 519 1/2 E. Lamme On Scene: 17:35 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 18:08 KJad of Rua: Suspicious Odor Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Carolyn Price Occupant Phone: none Oteupant Address: same as above Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVehicle: Single family dwelling License: Fire Originated In ...spread to: No fire Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pietures Taken: No Smoke Deeteetor PreteDt: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Hew ...y Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property daaaage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 InIurance on Contents: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire DepartJneDt ~ Fire Report PI- 2 A1araNumber 960212 Fire Department Operations Units Re$ponding: Engine 1: No Eagiae%: Yes Re8cue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: No 0tIter. No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: SoulUof Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Figbters at Scene: G. Clutter K. Bushnell 1. Bas Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teaau Pap4: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Hand tools Attic ladder EquiplileDt Lost or BrokeR: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department responded to 5191/2 E. Lamme for an odor investigation. The investiptiondetermiaed that there was a problem with the furnace. Fir~ghters advised the owner to discontinue using the furnace until she had it serviced Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Clutter e e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 19-Mar-96 Alarm Number: %0211 Date: 19.Mar-96 Time Call Received: 10:39 LocatioD of Ran: 11 S. Yellowstone #8 Time Out; 10:41 Type of Run: Emergency On Stene: 10:48 Kind of Bun: Medical Assist In Senice: 11:06 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engiae 1: No Ename 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No TeDder 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding '.-om: Station 1 in and Station 2 out at time of ca Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Med Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Bushnell, J. BoS Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Edith Lessley Sex: female Patient's Address: 11 S. YeUowstone # 8 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 78 Patient's Phone: 587-7943 Position/Location of Patient: Sitting on the floor in a bedroom. ComplaintJProblem: Report of a woman who had fallen and possibly broken her arm. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 80 Blood PreIIBre (If Taken): 158/82 Respintions (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Coneioumess: Alert Treatment by .8cJ:aDan Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of an elderly female who had fallen and possibly broken her arm. Firefighters provided patient care and assisted Med Trans personnel with transPOrt to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: K. Bushnell Penoa MaIdDg Report: K. Bushnell e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 19-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960210 Date: 19.Mar-96 Time Call Received: 8:27 Letatioa of Rmr. 124 East Main Time Out: 8:29 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 8:33 Kind of Roll: M~ Assist In Service: 8:56 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Restue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Moo Trans Fire Figbten at Scene: K. Bushnell, 1. 80s Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: w. 1. Sullivan Sex: Male Patient's Address: 124 E. Main Zip Code: 59715 Age: 86 Patient's Phone: 586-6630 Position/Location of Patient: Lying on his stomach in the bathroom. ComplaintlProblem: Report of an 86 year old male who had fallen and couldn't get up. Firefighters provided patient care and assisted Moo Tans personnel with transport to Bozeman. Deaconess Hospital. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Preuure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respiratioas(Jf Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of an elderly male who had fallen. Firefighters provided patient care and assisted Med Trans personnel with transpOrt to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: K. Bushnell Person Making Report: K. Bushnell . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 18-Mar.96 Alarm Number: 960209 Date: 18.Mar-96 Time Call Received: 19:32 Location of Run: 2602 Springcreek Dr. Time Oat: 19:36 Type of Ra: Emergency On Scene: 19:41 Kind of Run; Medical Assist In Servke: 19:55 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used.: No Engine 1: No EDglue 2: No ReIcue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 RespondingF1'oe: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulanee: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Rowe, G. Hoell, S. Mueller Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Helen Derencin Sex: female Patient's Address: 2602 Springcreek Dr. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 50 Patiellt's Phone: 585..0201 PositiOlllLocatiOll of Patient: Lying on dining room floor. ComplaintIProblem: Lower back pain. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pre8sure (If TakeD): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD PupiII: Not taken by FD Level of Condousness: Responsive to Verbal Stimulus Treatment by80zeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the 2000 block of Springcreek Dr. to tbereport of a woman having severe back pain. The patient was transpOrted to Bozeman DeaoonessHospitalfor further treatment. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Penon Making Report: K. Rowe e e Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 18-Mar-96 AlllI'1ll Num.ber: 960208 Date: 18-Mar-96 Time Out: 18:{)3 Location of RIm: Alley on north side of Bozeman Cbronical On Scene: 18:04 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 18:13 Killd of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 12 Responding From.: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Bozeman Daily Chronica1 Occupant Phone: 587-4491 Occupant Addrea: 32 South Rouse Ave. Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVebicle: License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: No Fire Caused by: Started by a JuveDile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dedector Pltient: :No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it ptevent major property duutge: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss 011. Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on COJIteats: $0.00 Insarance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report PI- 2 Alana N1UIIber 960208 Fire Deoartment Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes ReJcue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tencler 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Rowe, G. Hoell, S, Mueller, D. Miller, J. Shrauger, 1. Polus CaD Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Oft'Duty Persormel: Equipment Used: SCBA Equipment Lost or Brokm: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the alley on the north side of the Bozeman Daily Cbronical to the report of a strong natural gas odor. Firefighters detected no leak in the area. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Person Making Report: K. Rowe MAR-18-96 TUE 7:44 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 2 e e .-"- - " Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report J8-MaI'>96 ~, "'-"'--'- -,- "- AI...... N..1ler. 960207 Date: 18-Mar-96 TIme Out: 16:13 1M..... 01 RIlle 37 East Main 0. Sceae; 16;18 1)pe""': N~y III Senice; 16:38 KJad,vI.... Saspicious,Qdor ....... DiItJiet:: U ........ 1'roIa: Statioa 1 in 4 StIUon 2 outat time of adl MacuaI Aid Gm:e: No Mac.I Aid Recei....: No Customer'Infonnation Oeeupaut HIlDe: Wes&c:m Land BrokerIIC Ottwp_ PIlG8e: S86w9052 Ocaapadt Add....: 37 ,East Main Owaer Name: CberyJ ADa 0n:cnwIy Owaer PhuIIe: 388-6292 o....r Adilras: 608 Dakota . Bel&radc. Mt S9714 T)1e 01 Oc:eapaaJlVeItide: Brobtage Oft'ke I..IraIte: I1re Orillaated 10 ..spread to: ala elllltd by: .PIu:mbiD& in die WsemenI. Stu1ed by I JwmaUe: No PldaresT*ta: No SIaIIle~ '*LWfll: No DIGit Adivat:e: No U it Aed,..A4, diet it ~ life: No ..., ....,...... Saftd: 0 II it Adivated, did It............. "'-'''' daaaIe: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infntm~on J:~ J..- - PnpaI1: $0.00 EltiJllamlIAm _ CeaWats: $0.00 IllatIIItC Compaay: ........... Property: $0.00 ".1'DI:e OD C...... $0.00 MAR-1B-96 TUE 7:43 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 1 e e .. _Fh~L t.l'fn~ ...2 AJ.nnN__ 960207 Fire Deoartment ODerations Units Responding: x..- t: No z..- 2; Yea ... J: No LIltIW J: No Tc:ada' I: No ___ t: No Oller: No (Jail ... ...... 1'-e: Pumps DOt used J:'d"',"" with: SMm:t.-Water; AabMat flfWater 11"': ??oo GIUoas Fire Itpten at Smae: CIU Back PcnoDDeI PtlJtd: No SpecW T_Plpd= No Oft Duty Penouel: EqIdpIMat tJled: Hell dMtor gun. Efp..... LolIt or ....: IIIdMt N~ The Bc2eiaal Pire ~ 'MIS taUed to invatipte a IDt01l at 37 East Main. During the iIrmltiption dleyMX i6~ .....~~.hadWOlbd aU dIy in tbe blsc.-dt ~ a FiIe.SIwb*b' syMIl. That WIIIhe cause of the smell. 0If"..... .CIrarJe: D. Miller ra- MaIdDg Report: O,.l',tillet . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 18-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960206 Date: 17.Mar-96 Time Out: 7:16 Locatiolr,olRun: 413 N. 25th On Scene: 7:26 Type of RaIl: Nonemergency In Service: 8:28 KiDd of Run: Service Call Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual. Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Phyllis Miles Occuput Phone: 582~250 Occupant Address: 413 N. 25th Owner Name: Phyllis Miles Owner Phone: 582-8250 Owner Address: 413 N. 25th Type of OccupanylVehide: Single Family License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: Not a fire. Caused by: Not a file. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Deeteetor Present: Yes Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow llUlDy Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it preveJlt major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated LossOD Contents: $0.00 Insurance Comp...y: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: SO.oo . . Bozeman Fire Departmellt . Fin Report 1'1. 2 Alarm N1IIIlber 960206 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Eagine2: Yes R.e8cue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: SourteofWater: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Archer, M. Criner, 1. Fassbinder can Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Team. Paged: No Oft Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters responded. to 413 N. 25th fora report of a smoke detector chirping. Firefighters found that the cause was do to low batteries. Firefighters replaced the batteries in all detectors in the residence. Officer in Charge: D. Archer Person Making Report: M. Criner e e BozeD1an Fire Department.. EMS Report 12-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960205 Dllte: 17.Mar.96 Time CaD Received: 3:04 LocatiOD of Run: 32 N. Rouse Time Out: 3:07 Type of RIID: Emergency On Scene: 3:10 Kind of Run: Medical Assist III Service: 3:21 Fire Department Onerations Jaws of Life Used: No EngiDe 1: No Eqiae 2: No Bacae t: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Rapoa.ding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Med Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: R. Cima, K. Bushnell, J. Bos Unprotec.tedExposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Dan Lund Sex: Male Patient" Address: 2220 W. Main Zip Code: 59715 Age: 35 Patient', PboIle: 585-9786 PositioalLocatioll of Patient: Patient wassittiftg up in a chair. ComplaiDt/Problem: Patient fainted while working. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If TakeD): Not taken by I'D Blood Pressure (If TakeIt): Not taken by I'D Resplratioas(lf Taken): Not taken byFD Pupils: Not take11 byFD Level of Conelousness: Alert Treatmea.t by BozaDaIl Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a report of a man who CO\11d not.get up. Upon arrival firefighters assessed the patient and. assisted Med. Trans with packaging. Oft'ker in Charge: R. Cima PeI'SOll Making Report: R. Cima , . Bozeman Fire Department'" EMS Report 17-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960204 Date: 16.Mar-96 Time Call Received: 22:21 Location of Run: 40S S. 19th #0 Time Out: 22:23 Type of RlUl: Emergency On Scene: 22:23 KbJd of Bun: Medical Assist In Service: 22:49 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: O. Shyne T. Greene F. Devine Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Desiree Alexander Sex: Female Patient's Address: same Zip Code: 59715 Age: 21 Patient's Phone: PositionlLocation of Patient: Supine on bedroom floor. ComplaintIProblem: Patient was complaining of difficulty breathing. Plltienthas plurasy. She refused transport due to lack of health insurance. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 84 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 130nS Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD PupUs: PEARL Level of Condousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters were called to the home of a 21 year old female who was having trouble breathing. Firefighters assisted patient until ambulance arrived The patient refused transportation to the hospital. Officer in Charge: O. Shyne Person Making Report: T.Greene . . .--",'. _.'--~ Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 15-Mar-96 -..-." .---" AI_ NIUIIber: 960203 Jbtr. 1S-Mar-% Tidle CaB Il.ceetftd: 23:03 lM:ado1J. ." tt.: 1001 BreatwOOd n.eOat: 2~:04 1'ype ." RtIa: EmetJC'DCY OIl Scene: 23:08 KW fA a.: Medical Assist ID $enke: 23:18 Fire Department Ooerations JawI of Life U.re No bciDe t: No bIlae 2: Yes "'1: No Ladder 1: No Tader 1: No ()dw: No ItapoMe DiItrid: ' 21 ~~ StatioD2 DId we arrive before .blbuluce: Yes 0tMr A.p8des at SeeM: Bozcmal1 Police &; Med- Taus AmbnlAftM l'ire ll'l&I*n at keM: D. Miller. 1. Sbnllpt. &: 1. Flu.itit"r u.,rottded Espowft: No ~ustomer InformAtion PatieBt NaMe: SU: Male PaIiut's Addrar. Zip Code: S971~ Aae: 0 PIdeat'J 1'II8IIe: ~CIfPldiat: n/a ~ R4ported 8811111D down. CPR Pelfend: No PII1Je (ltTakea): Not tabn by PO 8Iaod....... (H TaIrto:t. Not 1abn by FD ~ (lfTakeIl): Not taken by PO Papk Nottallr.nby PO J...em or ~ Alert TreatJBeat by .........,.. fire: The aozeman Fire DeputmeDt was dispItichl!Cl to 1001 ~ to.& Icported maD dl:nm On arrival. ft~ pel'SOIU1d aad ~11 police were uoable to :find a victim. at that location. OfIker ill Charp: O. Miller PenoIa MaIdIIc Repon: D. MiJIcr 1 'd 6EtO Zag 90t 'ON xv d z# Noans NVl'{!zoa Nd tZ:ll lVS 96-S1-HVW ~ MAR-14-96 FR I 11: 22 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 FAX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 4 . . ,- ..... - ........" -~ .". .~ .. - Boz.eman Fire DepartIIIftlt - EMS Report 14-Mar-96 -'. AIua NudJer: 960202 DMe: l....Mar.96 n. Cd ReedmI: 22:44 J.... fill": 420 North 20th Tiae OM: 22:46 Type "'Baa: EmeI'~ 0. Scae: 22:49 KiIMIofRlllll Vebk!e .~ Ja Senke: 2.3:12 Fire peoartment Ooerations JIIW'S efLifelJled: No Eqiae I; No EqI8e z: Yes .... I; Yes' LIdder I; No T..... I: No 0dIer: No ReIpoB1e DiItrict: 21 llapoadIIIc :I'rM: Buth Statiofts in at time of call Did we arrtve before AIaIlulute: Yes 0tIter ~. Sdee: Bozeman Police. ModTraas Fin: Jl1&I*:n at Scale: S.1fouSIaad, D. AR:bcr,F. Dwiae tJ.proteeeed EspoRIn:: No C:ustomer Information patJeat Naae: Wa.y>>e Arnold Sex: Male Patleat', AddraI: 411 North 20th ZipCode: 5971' Ate: 76 ........ ~ '86-09442 ~'efPadeR Pldieat,. feuDd.sildDgin the... ~scatofbts car. c~ Patient's head had stnIC:k tile windsbie1d witIl CDOIIIfa 1bn:c to ft'al::tIft tbc ..1rir.IcJ ~ flee luId. J11UIlCroU8 cuts. CPR PerlOJWed: No PuIIe(W TOm): n ..... rw~(. (If'T....>>: Not cMat by PI) Rapfrad8u (II T.-.): 16 PIIpiIt: Not taba by FD LefeI fI/f'COM_.e~ Alert Treat "r_ by JIG. .... J1re: PaticDt's car bad crasbcd tJuousb the bmierOll Narth 20th StnlIt. HilIlc8d lIItnd * ~. bmddD& the wiDdSbield and cuttiD& JUs face 8Ddlrad. lie ,..'..... 011'" by IiNfialdcn IUJd transported 10 the boepital by Mct.1Tra5. 0Ifker" CIIarF S. HoqlaaId ,.,.. .....1feJIoI1; S.lbIglamd .--. MAR-14-96FRll1:19PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 p, 1 . . . .- .. Bozeman Fire DepartmeDt - Fire Report 14-Mar-96 ~.. ...,".. ~ Alata Nulber: 960201 D.-ae: 14-Mar-96 n. Out: 21:'2 1M_ilL" Mu: MSU, Comet ofKagy & South 11th On Seae: 21:57 Type fII a...: En-..-1 ID Senlce: 22:06 DIll fII-': Other Fire Respotut Dbtrkt: 23 ....diq FnIB: Station 2 M.-.I Aid Gha: No MutuI Aid: ReeeMd; No Customer Information OmIput N.... Montana State UJd\lersity OceIIp.c.PboDe: 994-2121 ~p_ AdtI:reII: Kagy & South 11th Owaer N...: Montaaa State UDivcnhy Owacr fteDet 994-2121 owaer Addrar. Ka&Y &: South 11th Type of ~/VdIide: OUt of doorJ fire LiceIItIe: Fire Ori&iJaakd ...spread te: Fire ~.iIl. ~ IOta in a pI1kiDS lot IIDdwat ~ to the objec;t oforiJin. C.... by: Suspicious, DO ~ or DIlhUal QJu. Q)ukl be bmd. Started 1J1a .lIn'eaiIt: No ..... T..: No S8IIlIle Dee__ .PrCIaIt: No Did it Activate: No U it Adivatld,dId it taft _Bfe: No u.w..., u.. Saved: 0 B' it Activated, dldlt pmdt ..... ,.......,. .,..: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estiaatetl.... _ Property: $0,00 EldIU.ted LoII_ C~ $0.00 ~C""': .....uee _ Pnpet1y: $0.00 ItuunuIce _ COIlteIlb: $0.00 MAR-14-96 FRI 11:20 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 2 . e ...... I'Ire ~......:aep.t pt.1 AlvIn ....... 960201 Fire Department Operations Units Re$~: EItgiDe 1; No bpIe 2: Yes ......1: No Ladder 1: No Y....l; No StpI8d 1: No 0Ihu: No Udit ud ......... TillIe: Pumps not used EaiIIgaisIled wtdi: Portable Extinguisher ~ afW..-: On Site Sapply AIDoat of water II..: ??oo Gallons Fire filbtenat Seale: S. Hougland, D. Arcbcr. F. Dev1ne Call Back l'erIoIUId'hIed: No SptlIM T__ Pqed: No Oft'Daty JIIn~ EquipaeDt 111ed: Pump CaD. SCBA Ecpdpmeat L.- or Broken: .baddeId NarntiYe: We l~ to a rcpxtcd bed. OIl fire ia die prutia& lor JOUth ottbc Fic14 Houle oa. MSU aID1pII&. Wc.mecl1Dd fbuDd Ole bed uearty ~by the fire. We ~cJwttbe fire lritJI. a pump QD.. The In: was IUIpicious ill origin. 0I6cer ia ~: S. fJoug1pd Penoa MakiII& Report: S. fIoa-rnd . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 14-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960200 Date: 14-Mar-96 Time Out: 19:45 Location of Ran: 517E. Davis St On Scene: 19:48 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Senrke: 20:05 Kind of Run: Service Call Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Ocwpant Name: Occupant Pbone: Ottupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNebicle: License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: 'Not a fire. Caused by: Not a fire, Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dededor Pre8ent: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated. did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: ~rance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960200 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue I; No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Hoell, J, Fischer Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams.Paged: No Oft'Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters received. a third telephone call regarding the cat up the power pole at 517 E. Davis St.. Firefighters responded to asses the situation. Upon arrival the cat was spotted at the top of the pole, sitting on the cross member. At this time it was deemed nec:cessaryto notify Montana Power Co. MPC notified us that due to the amount of electricity running through the lines at that location, they would. be unable to retrieve the cat. Officer in Charge: G. Hoell Person MaldngReport: 1. Fischer tit . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report J 4-Mar-96 Alarm NUQlber: 960199 Date: 14~Mar..% Time Out: 6:55 LocatDa 0I1tuo: 517 E. Davis St. On Scene: 6:57 Type 01 Rmt: NOQemergency In Senite: 7:05 Kind of....: Service Call Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Otcupant Name: Occupant Phone: OccQ:pant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type ofOccupanylVehicle: License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: Not a fire, Caused by: Not a Fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Deetector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow mlDY Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Lon on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insunmce on Contents: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report PI. 2 Alarm Number 960199 Fire Department Onerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No ReKue'I: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used E:ltinguislled with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Figbten at Scene: 1. Fischer CaD Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Oft'Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken; Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters were called to 517E.DavisSt. to report ofa cat stuck up a power potel was asked to resp.mde to the incident and explain the departments policy on situations like this one. Upon arrival I spotted the cat approx. 15 to 20 feet off the ground, sitting on what appeared. to be a cable or telephone line. I informed the lady who lives at 517 E. Davis that the department does not retrieve animals from power poles. Officer in Charge: 1. Fischer Penon Making Report: 1. Fischer e . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 14-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960198 Date: 13.Mar-96 Time Call Received: 19:34 Location of Rua: 105 A Branigan Ct. Time Out: 19:36 Type of Ru: Emergency On Scene: 19:37 Kind of Run: Medical Assist InSen1ce: 19:48 Fire Deoartment Qperations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No EagiDe 2: Yes ReJeiae 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No OtJJ.er: No Response District: 23 RespoDding Frona: StatiOD 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Stene: MedTrans, MSU Police Fire Figbten at SceDe: D. Shyne, T, Greene, J. Polus Uaprotected E.-re: No Customer Information Patient Name: Winter Ashcraft Sa: Female Patient'. Address: 105 A Branigan Ct. Zip Code: 59715 Age: 1 Patient's Pbooe: 585-5805 Posltioa/Locati of Patient: In Mothers arms. ComplaintlProblem: Child bad choked. on a food. item but had cleared by the timefirefigbt.ers aurived. CPR Perforated: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood PreHure (If TakeD): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken byFD Pupk pearl Level of Condoasneu: Alert Treatment by ~... Fire: Wednesday evening firefighters responded to a report of a9 month oldchi1d that was choking. Upon arrival fitefighters found the child in.hermothcrs armsabd breathing normaUy. The mother stated that the child bad choked. on a piece offood but it had come out. ()ftker ia Charge: D. Shyne Penoa MaIdag Report: D, Shyne e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 14-Mar-96 Alarm'Number: 960197 Date: 13.Mar..;96 Time Call Received: 14:53 Location of Ran: 8th and Harrison Time OUt: 14:53 Type of R1DI: Emergency On Scene: 14:55 Kind. of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 15:03 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Use4: No EagiDe t: No Engine 2: Yes ReIeae 1: No Ladder 1; No Tender 1: No Other. No Raponte District: 23 RespondiJIg From: Nat inStltion at time meatl Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other AgeDcies at Seeae: MedTrans, MSU Police Fire Fighten at Scene: D. Shyne, T. Greene, J. Polus Unprotected Esposare: No Customer Information Patient Name: Andrew Simpson So: Male Patient's Address: Pryor Hall #215 MSU Zip Code: 59715 Age: 40 Padent'i.Pbo8e: 994.3323 PositionlLocation. of PatieJlt: Lying on couch in Johnston Center, MSU ComplaiDtIProblem: Firefighters responded to a report of a man having nausea. cramps and dizzyness. Upon arrival firefighters learned the patient was prabably baviIlg a diabetic siezue. Patient was ~, loadedtmd taken to the hospital by MedTrans. CPR Perfonned: No PoIse (If Taken): 80 Blood Preuure (If Taken): 134/90 Respiratiou (If Taken): 10 PbpiII: Not taken by FD Level of CondOlllJDe8S: Responsive to Verbal Stimtdus Treatment by Bozaaaa. Fire: Firefighters responded to a report of a man having nausea, crampsanddizzyness. Upon arrival firefighters learned the patient was prababIy having a diabetic siez\ue. Patient was packaged, loaded and taken to the hospital by MedTrans. Oft'icer in Charge: D. -Shyne Penon .Makhag. Bepcn1: D. Shyne e tit Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 14~Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960196 Date: 13.Mar-96 Time Out: 13:13 Leca.tioa of...: 101 North 9th. On Scene: 13:18 T~ of....: Nonemergency In Senice: 13:45 Kbtd of RuIl:Suspiclous Odor Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Reeeived: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Steve Kilwein Occupant Phone: 586--7719 Ott1apantAddress: 101 No. 9th Owner Name: Steve Kilwein Owner Phone: 586.7719 Owner Address: 101 No. 9th Type of OccupaayNebicle: Liceate: Fire Originated III ..spread to: Woodstove Caused by: Need for heat Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Takea: No SInoIce. Deetector.PnseJm No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow IDIlI1 Lives Saved: 0 U it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Lon OIl Pnperty: $0.00 . \'tstimated Loss oa€OIlteRtM $0.00 ...~ Co..,.ny: InstIrailCe __Property: $0.00 "'J"tl~~-€~-".' $0.00 . e BozeJnan Fire Department - Fire Report PI- 1 Alarm Nember 960 196 Fire Department ~ations Units Responding: Engine 1: No EDgiDe 1: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1; No Teader 1: No Sqaad 1: No .Odler. No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used. E1tiagaisbedwith: SourceefWater: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Flgbten at Sceae: D, S~. T. Greene, 1. Polus Call Back PenonnelPaged: No Speda. Teams Paged: No Off DItty Penoanel: Equipment U~: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters were asked to investigate a smoke smell Wednesday afternoon. Smoke from a neigbbors wood stove was found to be the problem. Ofticer in Charge: D. Shyne PerIoD Making Report: D. Shyne e . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 12-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960195 Date: 12-Mar-96 Time Call Received: 7:09 Location of Run: 606 South 5th Time Out: 7:09 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 7:11 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 7:32 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Otber: No Response District: 11 ltesponding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Otber Agencies at Scene: Ambulance Fire Figbten at Scene: T. Shearman K. Johnson Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Jane Dickman Sex: Female Patient's Address: 606 South 5th, #418 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 68 Patient's Pbone: 586-4836 PollitionlLocation of Patient: Standing at the front door, waiting for EMS service. ComplaintIProblem: Stomach pain, did not transport, CPR Performed: No Pulse (U Taken): 120 Blood PreIiIure (If Taken.): 180/100 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: pearl Level of Condoumess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire responded to South 5th for a woman complaining of stomach pain, Upon arrival firefighters found she was feeling much better and she was not transported Officer in Cbarge: T. Shearman Penon Making Report: T, Shearman e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 10-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960194 Date: 10-Mar.96 Time Out: 2:57 LotatioD of \t.m: Quad C MSU Campus On Scene: 3:01 Type of RuB: Emergency In Senice: 3:15 Kiad of Run: False Call - Malicious Response District: 13 Responding From: Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Information Occupant Name: MSU Occupant Phone: 994-4320 Occupant Address: Owner Name: MSU Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVebide: LieenIe: Fire Originated In -Spread to: No fire. Caused by: Resident shot off fire extinguisher thus setting off smoke detector in hallway. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dedector Present: Yes Did it Activate: Yes If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 H it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0,00 Insurance on Contents: $0,00 e . Bozeman Fire Department ~ Fire Report pg. 2 Alal'lb Number 960 194 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No EogiIIe 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Otber: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished witb: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Figbters at Scene: V. Backman. 1. Shrauger, 1. Fassbinder, K. Rowe, T. Shearman, S. Mueller. Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Team. Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: SCBA Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman firefighters responded to Quad C early sunday morning to the report of a structure fire. Upon arrival firefighters found that a resident had maliciously shot off an extinguisher whicb activated the alarm system, omcer in Charge: K. Rowe :Person Making Report: K. Rowe . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 09-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960193 Date: 09~Mar~96 Time Call Received: 5:01 Location of Run: 118 F Julia Martin Drive TOOe Out: 5:02 Type of 'Run: Emergency On Scene: 5:06 Kind of Rua: Medical Assist In Service: 5:30 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Ufe Used: No Engine 1: No EagiDe 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender I: No Other: No Response District: 23 Respollding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes other Agendes at Scene: Bozeman Police, MSU Security, MedTrans 'Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Archer, T. Greene, M. Criner Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Iris Main Sex: Female Patient's Address: 118 F Julia Martin Drive Zip Code: 59715 Age: 21 PatieDt'. Phone: 582~8253 PositionlLocation of Patient: Lying on bed. ComplaintIProblem: The patient stated she had consumed a large quantity of unknown medications. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 104 Blood Prenare (If Taken): 140/90 Respirations (If Taken): 16 Pupils: Equal &, reactive Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a woman who had possibly ovetdosed on medications. Upon arrival, firefighters found a 21 year old woman lying on her bed feeling nauseous. Firefighters took vitals, applied oxygen, and assisted MedTrans personnel in packaging and loading the patient for transport to the hospital. Offi.cer in Charge: D. Archer Penon Making Report: D. Archer . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 14-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960192 Date: 08~Mar-96 Time Call Received: 15:12 LocatiOll of Run: MSU Quad A. room 208 TIlDe Out: 15:18 Type of Ru.: Emergency On Scene: 15:21 Kind of R1m: Medical Assist In Seniee: 15:41 Fire Deoartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No EBgine 2: No Resale 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No ReIpon8e District: 13 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulana: No Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire fighters at Scene: D. Shyne, 1. Fischer Unprotected EJfOSUre: No Customer Information Patient Name: Ando Kenidri Sex: Mde Patient'. Address: 208 Quad. A MSU Zip Code: 59715 Age: 25 Patient's PhoBe: no phone PositionlLocation of Patient: Sitting on dorm room bed, ComplaintlProblem: Drug overdose. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken)~ 146 Blood Preuure (IlTaken): 135\80 Respirations (If Taken): 15 hpits: Not taken by FD Level of Conclousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeaau Fire: Bozeman firefighters . responded to MSU Friday afternoon to a reportecl drug overdose, Firefighters helped MedTrans package and load the patient for transport to the hospital. OffICer in Charge: D. Shyne Penoa Making Report: D. Shyne e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 14-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960191 Date: 08-Mar~96 Time Call Received: 13:56 Location of Run: 802 North Grand, Apt. 3AI2 Time Oat: 13:58 Type ef ltIm: Nonemergency On Scene: 14:01 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In. Serviee: 14:19 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Eagfae 2: No Ratae 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No other. No Response District: 11 RespondiDgFroal: Station I Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at SceIle: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Shyne, J. Fischer UDProtected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Jack Nichols SeX:. Male Patient's Address: 802 No. Grand Apt 3A12 Zip Code: 59115 Age: 54 PatteDt'S PIIoue: 587-4859 PositionlLocatiou of Patient: Supine in bed, ComplaintJProblem: A back problem from a previous accident prevented him from getting out of bed. CPR Perfonnecl: No Pulse (If Taken):- 80 Blood Pt. esa.,-e (If Taken): 130\80 RespiratioBs (If Taken): 12 hpIIr. pearl Level of Conciousness: AIert Treatmellt by BozeJuD Fire: Firefighters responded. to a North Grand address Friday a1'terno()n to. help MedI'rans personnel move a patieJ1t out of a third story apartment for transport to the hospital. OffICer in Charge: D, Shyne Penon Making Report: D. Shyne . . --",. ._.",.~. .. -.. . ~ ,-, ..~",...~~,.~,~~--~ ,.............~ ~~ ~~._- - ._,~- -"...- Bozeman Fire Department - EMS ~eport 08.Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960190 Date: OS-Mar.96 Time can Received: 8:17 Location of Run: 606 North Sth, Apt 103 Time Oot: 8:18 Type of Ran: Bmergency On Scene: 8:22 Kind of Ran: Medical Assist In Service: 8:4' ~#e.Q~~~~l ~~i!!i9ns, Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue t: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans fire Fighten at Scene: G, Hoell, 1. Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Custom~ InfQ!l1l~on Patient Name: Morene Thomas Ses: female Patient's Address: 606 North ,th, Apt, 103 Zip Code: '9715 Age: 93 Patient's Phone: S86.,918 PosltioalLoc:ation of Patient: The patient was seated on the edge of her bed upon our arrival. ComplaintlProblem: The patient was complaining of having a hard time breathing. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If TakeD): 80 Blood P~.\: nr TakeD): Not taken by FD Respirations (II Taken): 16 Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Condousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters were called to 606 North 5th, Apt. 103, toa report of a woman who possibly had pneumonia. Upon arrival Firefighters found a 93 year old female who was having difticulty breathing. Bozeman Fire assisted MedTrans in packaging an4 transporting the patient. Off"1CeI' in Cbarge: G. Hoell PenoB MakiDg Report: J. Fischer . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 05-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960189 Date: 04.Mar.96 Time Out: 18:39 Location of RuB: 113 S, 8th On Scene: 18:43 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 20:06 Kind of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 1 in & Station 2 out at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Ian Nicholson Otcupant Phone: '86.7494 Occupant Address: 113 S. 8th Owner Name: same Owner Phone: same Owner Address: same Type of OccupanyNehicle: Single fatnily dwelling License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: Not a fire Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dedeetor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save _Ufe: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property dam.: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0, ()() Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0,00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960189 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No EqiDe 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter K. Bushnell R Cima 1. Bos D. Shyne T. Greene F. Devine Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal TeaMS Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters were called to the report of smoke smell in a single family home, Firefighters found a dirty filter in the furnace that was causing the smell, Officer in Cbatge: D. Shyne Person ~g Report: T,Greene . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 07-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960188 Date: 04-Mar.96 Time Call Received: 14:24 Location of Run: Chief Joseph Middle School 309 N. 11 tho Time Out: 14:25 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 14:33 Kind of Run: Medical Assist InSenice: 14:55 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 Responding From: Neither Station in at the time of call Did we arrive before Ambuluee: No Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: O. Clutter J. Bos Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Larry Ellison Sex: Male Patient's Address: 3301 W. Babcock Zip Code: 59715 Age: 51 Patient's PIKme: 587-4505 Position1Location of Patient: Supine on floor. ComplaintJProblem: Possible broken hip. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Preslure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD PupUs: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to the Chief Joseph Middle School to provide medical assistance to a 51 year old man who had fallen from a ladder. Firefighters assisted MedTrans with patient care and packaging for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Penon MaIdng Report: G. Clutter e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 07-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960187 Date: 04-Mar.96 Time Call Received: 8:18 Location of Run: 1203 Pinecrest Time Out: 8:21 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 8:25 KiDd of Run: Medical Assist In Senice: 9:46 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Teuder 1: No Otller: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Ambulance Fire Fighters at Scene: R. Cima and 1. Bos Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Ruth Dueringer Sex: Female Patient's Address: 1203 Pinecrest Zip Code: 59715 Age: 70 Patient's PIlone: 586-6254 Position/Location of Patient: Patient was laying in bed.. ComplaintJProblem: Patient was unresponsive. CPR Performed: Yes Pulse (If Taken): Patient had no p Blood Pressure (If taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD PupUs: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Unresponsive Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a call where a 70 yr. old female was reported as unconscious. Upon arrival, the patient was pulseless and not breathing. Firefighters initiated CPR and assisted MedTrans personnel in transporting the patient to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: R. Cima Penon MakiDg Report: ], Bos e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 06-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960186 Date: 03-Mar-96 Time Call Received: 8:47 Location of Run: 521 South Black Time Out: 8:47 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 8:55 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 9:15 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Re8cue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 out and Station 2 in at time of ca Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Med Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: Backman, Shearman. Mueller Unprotected Esposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Ken Monroe Sex: Male Patient's Address: 521 South Black Zip Code: 59715 Age: 78 Patient's Phone: 586e6348 PositionlLocation of Patient: Sitting on toliet in bathroom ComplaintJProblem: Patient complaint of possible heart attack or stroke. unconscious and breathing. Upon arrival patient was conscious and somewhata1ert and not complaining of symptoms relating to heart attack or stroke. Vitals were taken and assisted Med Trans with packaging and loading of patient for transport to hospital. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 93 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 150nO Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Coneiousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a man having a heart attack. Upon arrival the patient was conscious and breathing, We took vitals and assisted Med Trans personnel with packaging and loading of patient for transport to the hospital. Ofticer in Charge: V.Backman Person Making Report: S. Mueller e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 06-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960185 Date: 03-Mar-96 Time Call Received: 5:52 Location of Run: 606 N. 5th # 219 Time Out: 5:54 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 5:57 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 6:15 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Eagine 2: No Re8cue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Moo Trans of Montana Fire Fighters at Scene: Thompson, Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Gwen Anderson Sex: female Patient's Address: 606 N. 5th # 219 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 88 PatieDt's Pboae: 587-8886 Position/Location of Patient: Lying on her back in her bedroom, ComplaiDtlProblem: Pain in her right knee and she could not get up. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 90 Blood Preuure (If Taken): 153/82 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: PEARL Level of Concioumess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report to a woman who had fallen and could not get up. We took the patient's vital signs and a patient medical history. We also assisted Mod Trans personnel with the packaging and loading of the patient for transport to the hospital. OfI'"reer in Charge: M, Thompson Person Makbtg Report: M. Thompson . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 02-Mar~96 Alarm Number: 960 184 Date: 02-Mar-96 Time Call Received: 11:14 Location of Run: 606 N. 5th # 411 Time Out: 11:16 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 11:17 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 11:51 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: No RellCUe 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Med Trans of Montana Fire Fighters at Scene: Thompson, Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Ruth Holtzman Sex: female Patient's Address: 606 N. 5th # 411 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 85 Patient's Phone: 587-2280 PositionlLocation of Patient: Lying on her back on the floor in the living room. Complaint/Problem: Chest pain, CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 70 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 160/100 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by PO Pupils: PEARL Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a woman who wasbaving chest pain. We took the patient's vital signs and a patient history. We applied oxygen and assisted Med Trans personnel with the packaging and loading of the patient for transport to the hospital, Officer in Charge: M, Thompson Person Making Report: M. Thompson . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 02-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960183 Date: 02-Mar-96 Time Out: 5:19 Location of Run: 11th and College On Scene: Type of Run: Emergency In Senice: 5:22 Kind of Ron: Other Fire Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVehicle: Ucense: Fire Originated In ..spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Decteetor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0,00 Insurance on Contents: $0,00 . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960183 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Souree of Water: Amoont of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: 0, ShJme, T, Greene, F, Devine Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Oft'Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: EaJ'1y Saturday morning Bozeman firefighters responded to a fire located in the middle of the intersection at 11th and College. The firefighters response was cancelled before arriving on scene. Officer in Charge: D. Shyne . Penon Making Report: 0, Shyne "", e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 02-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960182 Date: 02.Mar-96 Time Out: 4:40 Location of Run: 11th and College On Scene: 4:43 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 4:48 Kind of Run: Other Fire Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanylVehicle: License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Fire originated. in middle of street and spread to nothing. Caused by: Prankster set. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Instlrance on Property: $0,00 InSbrance on Contents: $0,00 . .' Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number %0182 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D, Shyne, T. Greene, F. Devine Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Team. Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Early Saturday morning Bozeman firefighters responded to a fire located in the middle of the intersection at 11th and College. A prankster had ignited. a small amount of newspaper. Ofticer in Charge: D. Shyne Person Making Report: D. Shyne . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 02-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960181 Date: 01-Mar-96 Time Out: 19:30 Location of Run: 810 West Main On Scene: 19:36 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Senice: 20:00 Kind of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Howard Nye Occupant Phone: 586-3070 Occupant Address: 801 West Main Owner Name: Howard Nye Owner Phone: 587-2730 Owner Address: 1216 South Montana Type of OccupanyNehkle: License: Fire Originated In _Spread to: No fire, Caused by: No fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectedor Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0,00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . . Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960181 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D, Shyne, T. Greene Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Team. Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: CO detector Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Friday evening firefighters responded to a report from a concerned citizen, The caller indicated he thought a furnace in a local business was malfunctioning and filling the business with CO. A Montana Power service person also responded to the business, Upon investigation, a level of 6S parts per million CO were found to be present in the business. The power company service person then red tagged the furnace and turned off the natural gas. Officer in Charge: D, Shyne Person Making Report: D. Shyne e . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 02-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960180 Date: 01-Mar-96 Time Call Received: 13:44 Location of Run: 506 Nelson Story Tower, MSU Time Out: 13:45 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 13:52 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 14:06 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine .2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 23 Responding From: Station I Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: MSU Police, MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: D, Shyne, 1. Bos Unprotected Exposure: No Customer fufonnation Patient Name: Gullapatli Kamaraswamy Sex: Male Patient's Address: 506 Nelson Story Tower Zip Code: 59715 Age: 33 Patient's Phone: 582-8131 PositionlLocation of Patient: Sitting on couch in livingroom. ComplaintIProblem: Patient felt ill with pain in his chest. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 126 Blood Pressore (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: pearl Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters responded Friday afternoon to a MSU residence hall. A 33 year old male was complaining of chest pain. Patient refused care and transport to the hospital. Matter was turned over to MSU police. Officer in Charge: D. Shyne Person Making Report: D. Shyne . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report Ol-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960179 Date: o 1 ~Mar-96 Time Call Received: 11:10 Location of Run: 411 West Harrison Time Out: 11:10 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 11:15 KiDdof Rua: Medical Assist In Senice: 11:34 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws ofLlfe Used: No Engine 1: No EogiDe 1: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No Response Bistriet: 22 Responding FroJ8: Not in Station at time of call Bid we arrive before Ambulance:' No Other Agenda at Scene: Med Trans Fire Figbten at Scene: K. Bushnell R. Cima Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Alice Jones Sex: Female Patient's Address: 411 W, Harrison Zip Code: 59715 Age: 89 Patient's PhoIIe: 586-6029 Position/Location of Patient: Lying supine in her bed. ComplaintIProblem: 89 year old female having stroke-like symptoms. Firefighters providc:d. patient care and assisted ambulance personnel with transport to Bo7P.mlln Deaconess Hospital. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 80 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 1101Palp Respiratioos (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of ConciouSllelS: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of an elderly woman feeling ill. Firefighters provided patient care and assisted ambulance personnel with traDSpOrt to Bo:1PJman.Deaooness Hospital. Officer in Charge: K. Bushnell Penon MakiDg Report: K. Bushnell e . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 06-Mar-96 Alarm Number: 960178 Date: 29..f'eb-96 Time Call Reeeived: 18:03 Location of Run: 309 North 11th Time Out: 18:04 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 18,:07 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Sernee: 18:22 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Med Trans Fire Fighters at Scene: V.B~knmn K.Jo~n Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Marry Cline Sex: Female Patient's Address: 404 West Grant Zip Code: S971S Age: 73 Patient's Phone: 587-8988 PositionJLocation of Patient: Lying on her back on a bleacher. ComplaintJProblem: Dizzy and not felling well. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD PupUs: Not taken by FD Level of CODeioumess: Alert Treatmellt by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters were called to the middle school for a lady who was feeling ill. On our arrival. Med Trans was there and we helped load the patient for transport to the hospital, OfrlCer in Charge: V. B~kman Pel'lOD Making Report: V. Backman