HomeMy WebLinkAbout199602 e . " - - ...... .,,~ Bozeman Fire DepartmeDt. EMS Report 07~Feb~96 . .. _.~.~-..,.. --- AW'Ia' Number. 960103 Batt:: 07-Feb-96 Tbae c...~: 17:54 baIdoe fII....: 1415 West Koch 'hIDe o.t: t7;SS Type of": ~ 0. Sc:eae: 17:57 Kiad 01...: Mediad Assist III Setriee: 18:29 Fire ])q>>artment Operations J.... 01 IJfe VIelI: No ....' I: No __2: Yet .RI'lItIte 1: No Lacltkr I: No T.... I: No Other: No ReIpoase DiItrict: 22 ~..... Fro.: StaIion 2 Did we arrtve before AmIluIece: Yes Other Aa-des" s..e: MedTrans Fire J1CIDn at SceIle: D. Archer, M. Criner V.protected J::qMIUe: No Customer Information Patfent Name: DoDaldCorconm lies: Malo PatInt'I,.u4IraI: 1415 West Koch Zip Code: 59115 Ale: 73 Patiellt'. JlheIIe: 586-6737 ~ ofPatield: Lying on bod. CoatpIai~; Mr. Con:orall was incoIIa:eDt wbcn we atrived. PamiJJ II1CIIIher$ stated he was a cIiabetic aDd. bid a history of Ileartproblems. We adminidNed glucase orally, resldtiq ill ftOnodc:eabIe ofIanse m Ids coadidon. We applied. ~ took vitals, an411epJed ~ flICkqe aad ,load fOr traDBllOftto tbehoapital. CPR hfoIw.~': No PIdse (1fT"'): Not taken by PO ..... P.-ft (If T....): lSOll4 135180 ReIpinIticHIs (1fT*-): Not taka1 by PO PapIk: Not u.lteD by PO teweI of eo.d1I..e.' lksponsM 10 VerbIl St:iJmdus ~ by 11M ...1'Ire: Bozeman Firctigbten ~ to a report ofa 73 year oldGWl haviaa mecfiatlproblcms. Upon arrival. ftrdigbters ibuDd the maD, semi CODICiouIon his bed. Fudi....leamedtbe patiaIt had a history of diabetes aad bcart probIaas. Firefighters admillicmed gIacoIe, orally, applied ,oxypa, took vitals, and assisted Me4I'raDs pcI'IIODDd in ~g;", aadloldiq the 'pIIicnt for trusport to the hosp:ta1 E 'd SEtO Z8S gOt 'ON XVd Z# NOIIVlS NVWaZOff Wd 81:L fiHl 9S-L -ffH e . ,.+-&"... -- Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 07-Feb-96 _" J. .... . -~ .. , Alarm NIIWIher: 960102 Date: 07~F"96 11_ Call RHeIved: 16:02 ~.,..: 1601 WCSlMain. HasIinp TiuIe o.~ 16:03 Typeof-.a: Emergency O. St8e: 16:05 KW'IlI"': MecIic:al ASIist III SenIee: 16:40 Fire ~tQperations Jaws of Life Ultd: No J:aaiM 1: No EDIiae 2: Yes ReItIle t: No Ladder 1: No ,......1: No Odter: No .... DiItrid: 21 ~1."'~ Stadon2 Did we arrive Won ~ Yes Other ApJu:Ies .. Sceae: MedTIUS Jl1re t1tJden at Sa.e: D. Ardler. M, CriDer U.protected EJPOIUft: No Cust~ Infonnatlon .atIeot Male: RDbert IIoUoway ~ Male patfeDtl, AddreII: 260' Westridge Zip Code: 5971~ Ale: 71 ......'. PIlMe: ~2735 ~ of Padcat: Siaiq in drivers seat of cat. CoIIlpWat/Probllllr. ComplAint", of IOI1Ie cMsl paios aDd &aid he.&lt .1igIat beaded. CPR Perfoneed; No PaIse (If Taira): Not takcft byFD "'Pn.re.(If TOa): :Not taken by R> RapiratIGIaa (If TIkee): Not taken by m PtqlIIs: Not takcn by PO Level of C-l_--est: Alert TftaCm_ hy -- Fire: Bo:zeman Firefigbtcno Iwtjl(.... to a report or a 11 year old mile sufl'eriDS from chest. paiDsat Haathlss. in the ButSely's Shoppina CaUr. Firdigbtcn .hli....oxypa. _ vitals, ad 8IIisted Mcd.TraDI personnel in packagUtg and loadiD, the pItioat for trIDIpOlt 10 dte hoIpitaI. Oftker iD Qarp:D. Archer Pa'IClB M", ~ D. Archer S 'd 6EtO Z8S gOt 'ON XVd Z# NOIlVlS NVWaZOff Nd 61:L ilHl 96-L -ffH e . ....... -.' ,. _._,- -.. .-.....'.... Bozeman Fire DepartJnent... EMS Report 07~Fe1J.96 -. " .......' ''''~',. . .. _....... Oftker fa Cbrie: O. Archer ~ M.... JI4port: O. Archer t 'd 600 28S 90t 'ON XV1i Z# NOIIVlS Nvwazoa Nd SI:L fiHJ 9S-L -aad . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 15-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960101 Date: 07-Feb--96 Time Call Received: 0:57 Location of Run: 620 S, 5th. Time Out: 0:59 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 1:05 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Semce: 2:04 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans BPD Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter 1. Bos Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Lisa Hopper Sex: female Patient's Address: same as above Zip Code: 59715 Age: 34 Patient', Phone: 582-8271 Position/LocatioD of Patient: supine on couch ComplaintIProblem: prossible Lithum overdose. CPR Performed: No Pulse (H Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (H Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (H Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Responsive to Verbal Stimulus Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a request for medical assistance for a 34 year old female who was complaining of severe abdominal pain. Firefighters assisted MedTrans with packaging and transport to the hospital, Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G, Clutter ~&:1.'1\fM:; ; e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 06-Feb-96 Alarm Number: %0100 Date: 06-Feb-96 Time Out: 15:05 Location of Run: 107 A Julia Martin Drive On Scene: 15:11 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 15:22 Kind of Run: Structure Fire Response District: 23 Responding From: Neither Station in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Information Occupant Name: Ann Harms Occupant Pbone: 586-7543 Occupant Address: 107 A Julia Martin Drive Owner Name: M.S.U. Owner Pbone: Owner Address: Type of Occupany/Vebicle: 4Plex License: Fire Originated In ~Spread to: Fire was started by wind from an open window blowing on a candle which ignited some curtains, Fire spread. was prevented by occupants with pans of water whicb extinguished the fire, Caused by: Wind from an open window blowing on a candle whicb ignited curtains, Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: Yes Smoke Dectector Present: Yes Did it Activate: Yes If it Activated, did it save a life: Yes How many Lives Saved: 2 U it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: Yes Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0,00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $100.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960100 Fire Devartment Overations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Otber: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguisbed witb: Out on Arrival Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Figbters at Scene: A. Scholes, F. Devine, D. Shyne, J. Shrauger, J, Polus, G. Clutter, 1. Bos Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Camera Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a report of a structure fire at an apartment complex on Julia Martin Drive. The fire, which had been started by a candle placed under the curtains of an open window, was out upon arrival. Officer in Cbarge: D. Shyne Person Making Report: 1. Polus FEB- 5-96 TUE 10:35 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO, 406 582 0439 p, 2 e e , ~, .. ~~ .-.. Bozeman Fire Departmeut .. Fire Report OJ~Feb-96 .,,-'.-_... .. ...-.---- .~- ., . .,.o.""r ....~.- ._-_... A1arm Nlllllber. 960099 Date: OS-Fcb-96 Tiw Out: 21:51 1M.... of R&: 410 N lllh On Sceoe: 21:54 1)pe....: ~ In Seniee: 22:13 J(Iad of Ru: Servioc Call ReIpoaIe DiItrid: 21 BapoDtIiD& Froaa; Station 2 M-.I Aid Gh'eD: No MtdaJ. Aid Realh'ed; No Customer Information Ouopat Name: Oeue Ydc OealpaatPllolae: '87-1716 oec.plDt Addrell: 410 N 11th Ow..- Nuae: GeDt Yde 0wDer PboBe: 581-1716 Oner Address: 410 N 11th Type of Occup8flVtbIde: Multi-famiJy with b8semeDt ...tn.cm. l.k:aIe: nre OJ'iPuded .. ..spread to: nla C... by: F$llty CO detector Started by . JtnediIe: No Pidua T"': No s..- ~tvt pftlellt: No Did it Activate: No If it .A.dMaell. 61 It 18ft. lire: No Bow..y Lives Sawdt 0 If It ActIV*d. did It premd ...;or propel1f ...-.. No Fire Loss and Insurance InfonnatiQD EstiDlate4 Lou 8D Pk up"i'. I): $0.00 EItiInte4 lMI_ CeDCcut1I; $0.00 ~c_,...y: ....nI8Ce OD Frepetty. $0.00 ....raaa _ CQ8teDtJ: $0.00 FEB- 5-96 TUE 10:35 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 p, 3 . e lG&ema. Fin Depa""'" - Fire....... PI- 1 Ahra N...\tel' 960099 ~.~" , Fire De,partb.1ent Operations Units Respondine: '....1: No -'-2: Yes "'1: No Ladder 1: No Teadel' 1: No S4pIa4 1: No 0tIler. No Uah: and ....... TinIe: Pumps DOt used ExtiJIpWted witIa: SoDru., Water. ~t8fWater UIed: ??oo Gallons nn FiPten at Seae: D. Miller. 1. FastbiDdet CaD Back PermIuIeI.hpd: No Spedld 1'elDI Paced: No Off Duty Penoud: E4pIipIDut U": Gas detedor. OX-82 Equi,... LoIt or BrvkeD: lladdeat N~ Bozlcman FirefisJders RllIp-IIICted to a n:lpOIt or a CO deCeciCor activation. Upon arrival :ftre&ghters 11SCd a Pi dItcleIor to hdpkate IDY ):IOIlIitlIe lIIIzardous conditioas. None were found. Tbe 0WIa' was advised 10 CODt8Ct the CO detector_~. Ofticerbl CUrcc O. Miller ~ MIIdDg Report: 1. FassbiDdcr . e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 05-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960098 Date: 05-Feb-96 Time Out: 16:57 Location of Run: 2631 W Main On Scene: 17:02 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 17:45 Kind of Run: Service Call Response District: 21 Responding From: Not in Station at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: State Capitol Employees Credit Union Occupant Phone: 586-1505 Occupant Address: 2631 W Main Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: Single Story / - Bank License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: nla Caused by: Attempted. robbery Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0,00 Insurance 00 Contents: $0,00 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg.:Z Alarm Number 960098 Fire Department Onerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D, Miner, J, Fassbinder, K. Johnson & c. WinD. Call Back Personnel Paged: No Speda. Team. Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Chain saw, PP fan, Electic fan, Dust pan & wisp broom & the owner's vacuum Equipment Lost or Broken: none Incide~t Narrative: Bozeman Fire Personnel were dispatched to 2631 W Main to assist the Bozeman Police ,Department with attaining and preserving evidence from a crime scene. Officer in Charge: D. Miller ,~n Making Report: D, Miller - e Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 05-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960097 Date: 05-Fe~96 Time Out: 9:04 Location of Run: 1102 East Curtiss St. On Scene: 9:07 Type of Run: Emergency In Senice: 9:34 Kind of Run: False Call - Good Intent Response District: 12 Responding From: Station lout & Station 2 in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Lindley Park Center Occupant Phone: 586~7097 Occupant Address: 1102 E. Curtiss St. Owner Name: City of Bozeman Owner Phone: 586-2300 Owner Address: 34 N, Rouse Ave, Type of OccupanyNehicle: License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: No Fire Caused by: Interstate Alarm Co. service man was working on the system, Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Decteetor Present: Yes Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0,00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960097 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amoont of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Rowe, K. Johnson, S, Mueller Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Flashlights, Turnout gear, Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the Lindley Park Center to the report of a fire alarm, Upon arrival Firefighters found that a service representive working on the buildings alarm system had accidently triggered the alarm, Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Person Making Report: K. Rowe e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 05-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960096 Date: 05~Feb-96 Time Out: 8:39 Location of Run: 210 N. 7th Ave. On Scene: 8:44 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 8:55 Kind of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Dave's Key Shop Occupant Phone: 586~5187 Occupant Address: 210 N, 7th Ave, Owner Name: Norine GaIdie Owner Phone: 586-6686 Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicle: License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: No Fire Caused by: Montana Power Co. handled this incident. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0,00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960096 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighten at Scene: 0, Miller, J, Fassbinder Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Gas Sniffer, Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the 200 block ofN, 7th Avenue to the report of a strong gas smell in a commercial business. Upon arrival Montana Power Co. personnel advised Firefighters that there wasn't an emergency and that they would handle the incident. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Person Making Report: K. Rowe ,I . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 04-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960093 Date: 04-Feb-96 Time Out: 14:18 Location of Run: 2825 W. Main Main Mall On Scene: 14:20 Type of Run: Emergency In Senice: 15:16 Kind of Run: False Call ~ Good. Intent Response District: 21 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Information Occupant Name: Dan Muzquiz Occupant Phone: 587'()327 Occupant Address: Owner Name: Main Mall Owner Phone: 586-4565 Owner Address: 2825 W. Main Type of Occupany/Vehicle: Commercial License: Fire Originated In Spread to: Sprinkler system flow due to cold weather. No Fire.. Caused by: Extremely cold temperatures Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0,00 I L . e Bozeman Fire Department ~ Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960093 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Archer, M. Thompson, M, Criner, 1. Fischer, 1. Polus Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Team. Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire and Rae Fire responded to a sprinkler flow alarm at the old Payless section of the Main Mall. Upon arrival, fire fighters determined that a valve in the system had failed due to the cold temperatures. Mall maintenance personnel were notified and indicated they would fix the problem, Officer in Charge: D, Archer Person Making Report: 1. Polus . . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 06-Feb-96 Alarm Number: %0092 Date: 04-Feb-96 Time Out: 12:02 Location of Run: 17 W. Main On Scene: 12:03 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 12:41 Kind of Run: Structure Fire Response District: 11 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Information Occupant Name: Ellen theater/ Josh Dutter Occupant Phone: 582- 1381 Occupant Address: 17W.Main Owner Name: Greg Russell Owner Phone: Owner Address: Rochester, Minn. Type of OccupanyNehicle: Theater License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: No Fire Caused by: Electrical short. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0,00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e . Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960092 Fire Department Operations Units Re&ponding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: Yes Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G, Clutter 1. Polus 1. Fisher D. Archer M, Criner Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Teams Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: 1. Shrauger Equipment Used: SCBA, handlight Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman, Belgrade, Sourdough & Rae Fire Departments responded to a report of smoke in the Ellen Theater, Upon arrival, firefighters determined that the smoke was a result of a faulty relay switch in the heater fan, Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Clutter . . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 04-Feb~96 Alarm Number: 960091 Date: 04-Feb-96 Time Out: 11:40 Location of Run: 15 N, Rouse On Scene: 11:41 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 11:59 Kind of Run: Service Call Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Phil Schneider Owner Phone: 587-7982 Owner Address: 106 Virgina Rd. Type of OccupanyNebicle: Restaurant - License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dettector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0,00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0,00 e . Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960091 Fire Department Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Clutter J. Polus J. Fisher Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Team_ Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department provided assistance to the owner of the Overland Restaurant by helping shut oft'the water to the building after a water pipe had broken, Firefighters also contacted the City Water Department to provide further help to the building occupants, OftIcer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Clutter e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 06-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960090 Date: 03~Feb-96 Time Out: 22:21 Location of Run: 421 W,Main On Scene: 22:23 Type of Run: Emergency In Senice: 22:23 Kind of Run: Vehicle Fire Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Occnpant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNehicIe: License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0,00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0,00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0,00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . . Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report pg, 2 Alarm Number 960090 Fire DeDartment Operations Units Respondin~: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G, Clutter 1. Bos Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Team. Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: . Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a report of a vehicle fire at the Four B'S restaurant. Firefighters were canceled while responding. Officer in Charge: G, Clutter Person Making Report: G, Clutter e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 06-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960089 Date: 03-Feb-96 Time Out: 19:50 LocatioD of Run: 219 S. 5 th, On Scene: 19:54 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Senice: 20:03 Kind of Run: Service Call Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Sonny Greer Owner Phone: 586-2407 Owner Address: samr as above Type of OccupanyNehicle: single family dwelling License: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No U it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 U it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0,00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0,00 Insurance on Contents: $0,00 . . Bauman Fire Department. Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm. Number 960089 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Hoell T, Shearman T. Greene Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Tel.Dlll Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: CO detector Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a call at a residence in which a caroon monoxide detector had sounded several times. Firefighters did an investigation and determined the detector to be malfunctioning. Officer in Charge: G, Hoell Pef~m Making Report: G, Clutter 'I . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 06-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960088 Date: 03-Feb--96 Time Out: 9:26 Location of Run: 603 S, 10th On Scene: 9:29 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 9:38 Kind of Run: Vehicle Fire Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Brandy Owner Phone: 582-1797 Owner Address: same as above Type of OccupanyNehicle: 1986 Saab License: 49-7407A Fire Originated In -Spread to: Dash board. Caused by: possible short circuit Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $600,00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0,00 Insurance Company: Horace Mann Insurance on Property: $0,00 Insurance on Contents: $0,00 . e Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960088 Fire Department Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes RellCUe 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender I: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Portable Extinguisher Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: G. Hoell T. Shearman T. Greene Call Back Personnel Paged: No SpedaI Team. Paged: No Oft Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Hand tools. Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a vehicle fire on South 10th, The fire was out upon arrival, It was determined that a short circuit was the problem, Firefighters disconnected the car battery to eliminate further problems. Officer in Charge: Q, Hoell Person Making Report: G. Clutter . . ./ Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 1 O.Feb~96 Alarm Number: 960087 Date: 02-Feb-96 Time Call Received: 16:42 Location of Run: Story Mill Road Time Out: 16:45 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 16:52 Kind of Run: Vehicle Accident In Service: 17:15 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Otber Agencies at Scene: Bozeman Police, G.C,S,Q., MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: 0, Arcber, S, Mueller Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Rory Figgins/Judy Powell Sex: Male Patient's Address: 716 East 0ak/708 N Black Zip Code: 59715 Age: 28 Patient's Pbone: 587-4666 PositionlLocation of Patient: Standing beside car. ComplaintJProblem: Patient #1 a year old man had cuts in his mouth, had bumped his head, and had a hurt right leg, He had pain in the hip and knee area, He was a passenger and his head hit the windshield upon impact, Patient #2, a year old woman was driving and received a bump on the head and had some neck pain. CPR Performed: No Pulse (H Taken): 78 Blood Pressure (H Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (H Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters responded to a report of a two vehicle collision with injuries on Story Mill Road near the stockyards, Upon arrival, firefighters found a two vehicle collision with two people that had received injuries, A man received head, facial, and leg injuries. The second patient, a woman, received head and neck injuries. Firefighters assisted MedTrans personnel in taking vitals, providing C~spine immobilization, and packaging and loading the patients for transport to the hospital. e . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report JO-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960086 Date: 02-Feb-96 Time Out: 9:25 Location of Ron: 1024 Woodland Drive, Brentwood Subdivi On Scene: 9:30 Type of Ron: Emergency In Senice: 9:40 Kind of Run: Vehicle Fire Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Tom G, Beck Occupant Phone: 585~ 7231 Occupant Address: 1024 Woodland Owner Name: Tom G. Beck Owner Phone: 585-7231 Owner Address: 1024 Woodland Drive Type of OccupanyNehicle: 1984 GMC S~15 "Gypsy" pickup License: 6T-5523C Fire Originated In ..spread to: Fire originated in the engine compartment and was contained there. Caused hy: The fire appeared to have been caused by a fuel leak in the engine compartment. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dedector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $500.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960086 Fire Deoartment Operations Units Respondin~: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Out on Arrival Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: I>,~er.J. Shrauger, J. FasSbtnder Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Oft'Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipmeut Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a vehicle on fire at 1024 Woodland Upon arrival, firefighters found the fire bad been extinguished by a neighbor with his portable fire extinguisher. The fire appeared to have been caused by a fuel leak in the engine compartment. Firefighters disconnected the vehicle's battery and advised the owner to have the vehicle checked out before driving it. Officer in Charge: D, Miller Person Making Report: D. Archer e . Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report 02~Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960085 Date: 02-Feb-96 Time Out: 7:36 Location of Rail: 702 East Lamme On Scene: 7:39 Type of Run: Nonemcrgency In Serviee: 7:46 KiDd ofRmt: Service Call Response District: 11 . Relpondiq From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Reeeived: No Customer Infotmation OcmpaDt Name: Sharon Townsend Occupant Phone: 587-0234 Occupant Address: 702 East Lamme Owner Name: Sharon Townsend Owlter PboIle: 587-0234 Owner Address: 702 East Lamme Type of Oceupaay/Vebide: residence Ueense: Fire Originated In -Spread to: Not a fire. Cosedby: Not a fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectettor Present: Yes Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it lave a Ufe:No Bow .....y lAves Saved: 0 If it Attivated, did it pm'eDt major property damage: No Fire Loss and_Insurance . Information Estimated Loa on Property: $0,00 Estimated I...oIs on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: InIurance on Property: $0,00 In..raac.e OD CODteDts: $0.00 .---- . e Bozeman Fire Department ~ Fire Report PI- 2 Alana NUlber 960085 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Units Resj>onding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: No Racae 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Squad 1: No 01her: Yes Uait aad Pumpiag Time: Pumps not used ExtiDguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Figbters at &ene: K. Johnson Call Back Pel'lOllDel Paged: No Sped" Team. Paged: No Oft'Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Combustible gas indicator, EquipmeatLost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department was called bya citizen with concerns about a carbon monoxide.detector that was beeping. A firefighter went to the residence with an air monitoring.device and investigated. It was determined that the air was safe and that the detector may be extra sensitive, Tbisresidence had two detectors and only one was sounding. The people were informed that if the detectors continue to sound to call the Fire Department again and we would re- monitor the air. Offtcerin Charge: K. Johnson Penon Making Report: K. Johnson . e Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 02-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960084 Date: 01-Feb-96 Time Out: 17:12 Location of Run: 34 N. Bozeman On Scene: 17:1S Type of RQn: Emergency In Service: 17:21 Kind of Run: Vehicle Fire Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid RKeived: No Customer Information Ocaapant Name: Rob Patterson Occupant Phone: S8S~7468 Occupant Address: 2220 W. Main #73 Owner Name: Bill Truex Owner Phone: Unknown Owner Address: Unknown Type of OccupaoyNebkle: Parking lot. License: 6P-5S42B Fire Origioated In -Spread to: Engine compartment. Caused by: Leaking oil onto the catalytic converter, Started by a JuvenUe: No PicturesTaken: No Smoke Dectedor Praent: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property d....: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0,00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0,00 InllDrance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0,00 . e Bozemlln Fire Departmeftt ~ Fire Repert PI- 2 Alarm Muaber 960084 Fire Department Qperations Units Responding: EagiDe 1: Yes Eaglae 2: No ReIcae 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squd 1: No 0tIter; No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0001 Gallons Fire Fighten at Scene: Thompson. Fischer CaD Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Teams P-aed: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Pump can. Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report ofa vehicle:tire in the alley behind Conlins. Upon arrival the fire was out due to the owner putting snow it. We cooled down the catalytic converter with a water pump can. The fire was small and caused no damage, The owner wanted to drive his car home so we escorted. him to his residence. ()fI'Icer in Charge: M. Thompson . Person Making Report: M, Thompson - e Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 02-Feb-96 Alarm Number: %0083 Date: 01~Feb-96 Time Out: 16:11 LocatioIl of Run: 2020 Wheat Drive On Scene: 16:16 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 16:28 Kind of Run: False Call ~Good Intent ReSpoBlIe District: 21 Responding From: Station 1 in & Station 2 out at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mamal Aid Received: Yes Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Dusty Tnunble OccupantPhoDe: 585-2626 Occupant Address: 2020 Wheat Drive OwDer Name: L T Enterprises Owner Phone: 605~348~7S36 Owner Address: Rapid City, S.D. Type of Occup~ylVebide: Motel License: Fire Ori&inated In .spread to: Not a fire. Caused by: Not a tire. Started by a Juvenile: No Picture. TUten: No Smoke Decteetor Pretent: No Did it Activate: No If itAdivated, did it save a life: No Bow many Uves Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it preveRt major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Lou on Contents: SO.OO Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire Department. FIre Report PI. 2 Alal1ll NUlQber 960083 Fire Department Ooeratjons Units Respondini: EagiAe 1: Yes Eugloe 2: Yes Raeue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender I: No Squad 1: No ()daer: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo OaUons Fire Fighten at SeeDe: Hougland, Archer, Polus, Thompson. Fischer Call Back Personnel Paged: No Sped" TeuuPqed: No Off Duty Penonnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a fire alann and broken water pipes at the Ramada Inn. We investigated the scene and discovered a broken water pipe in the sprinkler system. Personnel from Fire Suppression Systems shut the main valves to the sprinkler system off and disarmed the alarm system. OtTker in Charge: M. Thompson Penon MaIdog Report: M. Thompson e e Bozeman Fire. Department.. Fire Report Ol-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960082 Date: 01~Feb--96 Time Out: 12:55 LocatIoa 01 Run: 1224 S. Montana OBScene: 13:01 Type of Rua: Nonemergency In Service: 13:28 Kind of Ran: Service Call ReIpoDae District: 12 .Responding From: Station 2 Mutual AidGtvea: No Mutual AklReceMd: No Customer Information Occupaat Name: M4u'garet Lovely OecupaatPbone: 585-9168 Occupant Address: 1224 S. MoDtana Owner Name: Margaret Lovely Owner PbOlle: 585-9168 Owaer Address: 1224 g, Montana Type of OccapanyNehkle: Single Family Home LleeIue: Fire OrigiDated In -Spread to: After turning on a natural gas heater that bad not been on in over two years a strange smell.W8S present and. the smoke detector alerted. Caused by: Dust in thebaeting unit. Started by a Juveaile: No PictBres TakeR: No SJDOke Dedeetot' Preteat: Yes Did it Activate: Yes If it Activated, did it 8aft . life: No Bow many Uves Saved: 0 Ilit Activated, did it preveat aaajorpropeny daDaage: No Fire Loss andJnslU'8.t1ce {niormation :Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Eltialated Lou eoCoateats: $0,00 Insurance Compuy: Iasurute OD Property: $0.00 Inlllrante Oil. COIlteDt8: $0.00 , e e )beman Fire DepartllleJlt - Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960082 Fire Department Onerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No :Eagiae 2: No Ratae 1: No Ladder 1: No Teaderl: No Squad 1: No Other: Yes Unit and Pumping TIme: Pumps not used. Estiapished with: Source of Wider: Amount of Water Uled: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: 1. Polus , Call Back Personnel Paged: No SpedaI Te8DlI Paged: No Oft'Duty Persouel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Brokep: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire responded to a service call for a heater that was emitting a strange smell and had alerted a smoke detector, Fire fighters found large qmm.tities of dust in the heater and advised the occupant to have it cleaned, Off"ttetin Charge: J. Polus Person Making Report: J. Polus . e Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 03-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960079 Date: 31-Jan.96 Time Out: 13:08 Location of Run: 410 No, 11th. On Scene: 13:12 Type of Run: Nonemergency In Service: 13:17 Kind of Run: Suspicious Odor Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Gene Wide Occupant Phone: 587-1716 Occupant Address: same as above Owner Name: same Owner Phone: same Owner Address: same Type of OccupanyNebicle: two family dwelling License: Fire Originated In --Spread to: no fire Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dectector Present: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0,00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insurance Company: In.surance on Property: $0,00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . e Bozeman Fire Department ~ Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960079 -~_.~---~~".- Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Reseue 1: No Ladder 1: No I Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Figbters at Scene: G. Clutter T, Greene Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Team. Paged: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: The Bozeman Fire Department responded to a report of a CO detector going off, Upon arrival, firefighters were informed by the owner that he bad found a CO detector was going off in the downstairs apartment. Montana Power was notified and arrived at the scene a short time later, Montana Power checked the residence and found no apparent problem, Montana Power informed the owner to take the battery out of the detector for 12 hours to reset the unit. Officer in Charge: G, Clutter Person Making Report: Q, Clutter . e Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 31-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960078 Date: 31-Jan~96 Time Out: 13:05 LecatioBof Rua: 1116 No, 8th. On Scene: 13:10 Type ofRu: Nonemetgency In Seniee: 13:47 KiDd of BaD: Suspicious Odor Respome District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid BeceivecI: No Customer Information Ottupant Name: Chuck and Lavern Lacey Occupant Phone: 586-2608 Occupant Address: 1116 No, 8th. Owner Name: Chuck and Lavern Lacey Owner Phone: 586~2608 Owner Address: 1116 No. 8th, Type of OecupanyNebkle: LiceDIt: Fire Originated In ..spread to: No fire, Caused by: No fire, Started by a Juvenile: No Pidures Taken: No Smoke Dedector Present: No Did it Aetiv&te: No If it Activated, did it lave a life: No How ....y. Uves Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Eltimated Lon on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on ConteDts: $0,00 lulraneeCompany: Insurance on Property: $0,00 Insuraate on Coatents: $0,00 e . BozemaD Fire Department. Fire Report pg. 2 Alana NUlbel' 960078 Fit:~ I;>epartment Ooerations Units Respon~: Engine 1: No b&lae.2: No Resaae 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squ4 1: No Other: Yes Unit and hmping Time: Pumps not used ExtiDpisbed with: Source ofWatu: Anaount of Water UIed: ??oo Gallons Fire Figbten at Scene: D, Shyne Call Bad PenonaelPaged: No Special Team. Paged: No Off Duty Penouel: Equipment. Used: CO detector Equipment Lost or Broken: Inddent Narrative: The Bozeman Fife Dept. responded to a report of a CO detector sounding off. This was the second.respQBSe to the same address intbe same day; Upon arrival, firefighters could dctect no CO in the residenQe. Montana Power was notified and arrived at tI1e..soenea short time later. . The Montana Power service perIOn tested the at:mosphere in the home and found no COs present. The furnace was found. to have a loose panel that could Jet CO into the house. The panel was replaced and the firefighter and the power QO,service person left. OfIieeriD Charge: D. Shyne Penon Makiag Report: D, Shyne . e e Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 31-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960077 Date: 31~Jan-96 Time Odt: 10:05 LoeatioD of RIm: 1116 North 8th On Scene: 10:12 Type of Bun: Nonemergency In Senite: 10:47 Kind of RIIIl: Hazardous Condition Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received:. No Customer In!ormation Oceupaat Name: Chuck and Lavern Lacey Occupant Phone: S86-2608 Occupant AckIreu: 1116 North 8th Owner Name: Chuck Lacey OwDB' PIlone: S86~2608 Owner Address: same Type of OceupanyNeJlide: Home LieenIe: Fire Origiaated In ..8pread to: co detector sounding off Caused by: unknown Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dedeetor Present: No Did it Activate: No It it Activated, did it .ave a fife: NQ How I118DY Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated., did it preveDt major property.....e: No Fire Loss and Insurapce Information Estimated Lots OIl Property: $0.00 EItbnated Louoa CoDtent8: $0.00 In.rute Compaay: Jnsuraace on Property: $0.00 Insurance OD Contents: $0,00 e '. Bozeman Fire Department ~ Fire Report PI- 2 AlanD N.....r 960017 Fire Deoartment OoeratiODS Units Responding: Engine 1: No Eagbae 2: No Re8aIe 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squd 1: No Other: Yes Unit and PmnpiDI Time: Pumps not used ExtiDguillaed witb: Source ~ Water: AmOUDt of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Figlden at Scene: Dan Shyne . Call Back Persouel Paged: No Special T_. Paged: No Off Duty Pel'llOllllel: Equipmeat Used: Gas monitor Equipmeat Lest or Broken: laddent Narrative: Resident called with a CO detector soundin& oJf. Firefighter responded in U2 with a gas monitor. No dangerouscoadition COdld. be found because. the house had been vented. AU of the appliances were tumedback on and the detector was utilized again and stin no .daDgerous.oondition could be found. Officer in Chaqe: D, Shyne Penon Making Report: K. Johnson . . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 14-Feb~96 Alarm Number: 960076 Date: 31-Jan-96 Time Out: 1:08 Location of Run: 521 South 3rd On Scene: 1:15 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 1:27 Kind of Run: Service Call Response District: 21 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Esther Mathews Occupant Phone: 587-7731 Occupant Address: Same Owner Name: Same Owner Phone: Same Owner Address: Same Type of OccupanyNebkle: Single Family. License: Fire Originated In ..spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Dedectot Present: Yes Did it Activate: Yes If it Activated, did it save a life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on Contents: $0,00 Insurance Company: Insurance on Property: $0.00 Insurance on Contents: $0.00 . . Bozeman Fire Department. Fire Report pg. 2 Alarm Number 960076 Fire Deoartment Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extinguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Scene: V, Backman K. Johnson S. Mueller D. Miller 1. Fassbinder Call Back Personnel Paged: No Special Teams Paged: No Oft'Duty Personnel: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighter responded to an alarm that bad gone off in a house. On our arival we found that the smoke alarm was bad and told the owner she needed a new smoke alarm, Officer in Charge: V. Backman Person Making Report: V, Backman .- e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 3O-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960075 Date: 30-Jan~96 Time Call Reteived: 21:37 Location of Run: S West Koch #3 Time Out: 21:37 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 21:41 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 22:15 Fire Deoartment Ooerations Jaws of Ufe Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Respondhag From: Station 1 Did we arrive before AmbullDU: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Fire Figbters at Scene: V. Backman K. Johnson S. Mueller Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Margret McDonald Sex: Female Patient's Address: 5 West Koch #3 Zip Code: 5971S Age: 89 Patient's PhoBe: S~281 PolitiolllLocatiOll of Patient: Lying on back in bed. ComplaintJProblem: Problem breathing. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 84 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 160/90 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of ConeiOUJDess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters were called to a house on Koch for a lady thatwas having trouble breathing. Firefighters help Moo Trans load the patient for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: V.Backman Penoa Making Report: V. Backman e e Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 30-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960074 Date: 30~Jan~96 Time Out: 19:53 Location ofBua: 6 West Babcock On Scene: 19:57 Type of Ru: Emergency In Senice: 20:03 Kind of RuB: Other Fire Response District: 21 Be.poading From.: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Givea: No Mutual Aid Received: Yes Customer Information Occupant Name: Boulevard Apartments Occupant Phone: 586_8837 Oceupant Addras: 6 West Babcock Owner Name: Barbara Berndt Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OteupanyNehkle: Apartment Btlilctiing Licease: Fire OrigiBaied In .8pread to: Caused by: Started by a JllVeBUe: No Pietures Taken: No Smoke Dectedor Pretest: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save aUfe: No. How ......, Uva Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevellt major property damage: No Fire Loss and. Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0,00 Estimated. LoItonCenteats: $0.00 Insuranee Compaay: . IBsuranee on Property: $0.00 IBlIaranee on ConteBts: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire Departmellt ~ Fire Report pg. 2 Ala... NUDlber 960074 Fire De1>artment Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engine Z: Yes Raeue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used ExtiJlguisbed with: Sogree of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fightenat Sceae: V. Backman K, Johnson S. Mueller D.Miner 1. Fassbinder Call Badt Persounel Paged: No Spedal TetIU PIpd: No Off D1lty PenoueI: Equipment Used: EquiplDeDt Lost or Broken: Incident Narrative: Firefighters were called to an apartment boule when the tire atarm.s sounded. Onarival the ~all8gersaid some ODe baclbumtpopcomand set the alarm oft'.Fifefighters reset the alarm for the manager, Oftk:er in Charge: V.Bac1cmaJl Person Making Report: V. Backman JAN-30-96 WED 1: 31 PM BOZEMAN/STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 2 ,- e e. ....-. -.... ----..-" . ., .. Bozeman Fire Depar1lDeJlt ..'EMS Report J(J.Van-96 -,-_....~. .. .._.~ ..~.,.. .-- AI..... ~..ber: 960073 Daae: 3o.Jan..96 'DIlle Cd R<<eJved: U:42 Ltc..... cI'"_: 151 S lIth TillIe Out: 12:44 1)pe'~a.: Emergacy OIl Seeae: 12:47 KJIId vf" Vebide A(:ddmt Ia Sonke: 12:54 Fire Deoarttnent Operati.01ls Jaws of Ufe Un: No ..... J: No IaPIe J: Yes 8aaIe I: Yes Laddtr 1: No TeItder 1; No Other: No RapcNbe DUtrIet: 22 ....... .....: Both.SUdicIu ill at time of call Dldwe~ Mtere~: No OIlier A&tRdn at Seeae; McdI'taM, ~'POIke Jl'irt I'ighten .. Stale: O. Miller. J. F~. u.,ntected Exposure: No Customer Information PatitIIt N_: DaaUdle Sbevatier Sa: Female PIdieDC', AddftIt: J 5 I S 1 Hit apt 12 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 19 PItIeDt'. PIIoae: '81-'993 ~ ofPaalart: Staadia& 10 tbcrear of~. c~: Bol.eman Fire rwp.nded to RlplXt of a two.vebide acdcbd Upoa arri.Yal, assisted MedTnms with Joeding of patient. CPR Perfon8ed: No Pulse (It Takea): Not. tabll by FD Blood ~(JfTakea): Not taken by PO ReIpintJou.(If T.s.); Not tabD by PO PIIpIIt: Not taken by FD Level ef Ceador'PilI*; Alert T~ by .-r",.I'Ire: Bozeman Fiteftshters responde4 to a n!pOIt of a twv ftbidt acddeat, Upcm arrival. firdigIden' asisted MedTnms with loading of ODe patient torlr~t to bolIpUl. Offiter blCllarge: D. Miller Penae MaIdq Report: J,Passbinder ~ e e Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report 3O-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960072 Date: 30~1an-96 Time Out: 8:58 Location of Run: 2304 North 7th On Scene: 9:02 Type of Run: Emergency In Service: 9:11 Kind of Run: Sttueture Fire Response Distrid: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Occupant Phone: Occupant Address: Owner Name: Owner Phone: Owner Address: Type of OttupanyNehicle: Lieense: Fire Originated In ..spread to: Caused by: No fire, Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No S8aoke Dectedor Pre8ent: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow IUDY Lives Smd: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No fire Loss andJnsurance Information Estimated Lost on Property: $0,00 EatilDated Loss on Contents: $0.00 Insuranee Comp...y: Insuraaceoa Property: $0,00 Insurance OD ConteDt8: $0.00 e e Bozeman Fire Depllrtment - Fire Report PI- 2 Alarm Number 960072 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes EngiDe 2: No Rescue I: No Ladder I: No TeDder I: No Squad 1: No Other: No , Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extioguished with: Source of Water: Amount of Water UIed: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighters at Seene: Call Back Personnel Paged: No Sped" Teams PlIIed: No Off Duty Personnel: Equipment UIeCI: Equipment Lost or BnkeD: Incident Narrative: Firefighters responded to an alarm on North 7th . And found that a company was installing a alannsystem that bad gone oft' , Officer in Charge: V. Backman Person Making Report: V, Baclqulln e e / Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 29-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960071 Date: 29aJan-96 Time Call Received: 12:07 Location of RIm: Our$ton and N. 7th Time Out: 12:09 Type of Rud: Emergency On Scene: Kind of Ru: Vehicle Accident In Service: 12:12 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No TeDder 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Agencies at Scene: Fire Fighten at Scene: Polus, Shrauger, Criner Unprotected ExpolUre: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Sex: Patient's Address: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 Patient's Phone: PositionlLocation of Patient: ComglaintlProblem: CPR. Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If TlIken): Not taken by FD RespiratioDs (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters responded to a report of a vehicle accident at the intersection ofDurston and N, 7th. Cancled enroute. Oftlcer in Charge: J. Polus Person Making Report: J. Polus JAN-29-95 TUE 6:20 AM BOZEMAN STATION #2 FAX NO. 406 582 0439 p, 1 e . BozemanFJre DepaJ1meut.. EMS Report 2!hllllf-96 - _n "~ _. AlanaN..mer: 960070 Date: 2S-Jan..96 TIlM: Cd Recdved: 22:49 LeatiDJ&.......: 61S So. 16th. n. Out: 22:~3 Type III....: EmcrgcDcy o. SceIte; 22:'" KIalI "au.: MediQl Assist lit Senta: 23:43 Fire Department OperatiOl}S Jaw. fill LIte Used: No EapIe J: No ..... 2: Yes .....:1: No Ladder I: No TCll4trt: No 0dIer: No ~ .DisCrict: 22 Rart.~~.......: StIUoa2 ~.wc III'I"Iw bclon AaIHIIuee: Yes Otber Ap11cic18t Sc:aac: INr.'Vl'u_" Police., aau.m Co. SberUl'Dept., ~. Cc:Ider Q8iQa rue f'iIIden at Setaee D.~, D. A1dier, J. Pilcher t11tpMetted .~No Customer Infonnatl9ll PaiJetIt Naae: Davi4 Bati&t Su: Male Padad'..AcIdnsI:804 So. WdIson ZIp Cede: 591U AIr. 24 ....... n.e: ~3 P.*'-'IM.... of Pade8t: Lying OIl floor in boIdiDacd1at .0eIcati0U. CeaIer. ~: Paticmt had beeD arresIed tor pohItiqg a pD.lIOIMODC. W1We ill a boldiIt& c:eIl at 1he dDfeation 0CIItat he UyCdto killbimrelf. CPR~. No ...... (If TaIreD): Not tabft by PO .... Pi_'CD' T.... No\ f8kcaby FD aespi...... (If T__>: Nut blbn by PO PtIpIIr. Not lakeD by PO Letdef~k ..a.at:.: Alert ~ by'" - - Ftn::: Boz.cma. PircftgfIren l~ wdlc QIdIadD CorIayDdea1l"l'""^ CaIIOr.wtae tbey I1elpedpolM;e oftiaml and sherift& crfIkers.plICb&e _Uolld. .--.tnlalpDltflt_bosphal. 0IJIcer III ClW'ge: D. SIIyaf .ren. MIJdIIc......-r: D. SJayae JAN-28-96 MON 9: 18 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 FAX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 2 e . - Bozemaa Fire DepartJDeDt - Fire Report 21J..JQII~!J6 .._...~ .... ..- ~ AlIna NII8IIJer. 960069 Date: 28-JaD-96 n. GIlt: 20:36 ......."...: 208 So. Ydow~ 011 Seale: 20:44 TJfe" lima; Noocma~i fa SeNke; 20:'8 KW fila.: ScniwCaB. 8(., rwtIIL 1JiItrId: 22 ..,..D...Il'lwI: Staticm 2 M.... AN GhtD: No M1ItIIIII AId ......ea~ No Customer 'ftMrm~ Oa", 1(...: Wcady MDrU:al ~ PIIoDe; Sl6-7202 Oetupaat AtIdraI1 208 So. YeUowsloDc o-erN~ Ow...~ 0wMI' Ad4reII: Type vi ~lVcfIiCIe: LIeeIIJc fire 0rI&Ia*d ....5pftad fa; No FiN. c..e.. ..,: No Fire 5IarIed lP1a..JtmDlle: No . PIaIIm T.a..: No ... __.I't.aut No DWit~ No If k Adh.... dN It taft ,life: No 11ft .., LiW!I SIMd: 0 If It AdlYIted, dW It JIm8C....... pn.II'ty~.. No fire Loss and IJtstromcelnfntmAtion 1'......--..... ~~: $0,00 E"'Me41M1_C~ $0.00 LiIwIuce c.p.y: ......... _ PI.....)': $0.00 ~..c.liIt...,: $0.00 JAN-28-96 MON 9: 18 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 p, 3 e e Ball - .. Fih.......... - FIre RIIport "' 2 AlMIa N_ 960069 .-------. Fire Deoartment Operations Units R.esl)onding: ...... I: No .... 2: No "'1: No Ladder 1: No T__l: No Sltudl: Yes OIlIer: No 11* IlIklF ,.. 'I1aae: Pumps not used &dI-p'-"'e' w.; s.rceGtw-.r. AIDlJIIat ulW... Vied: ??oo 011I10115 lite ~n .. Scaae: D. Archer, J. FJICber C.1Iack P.wu.A.-d .....: No ...... T....- ......: No. 011_, hi""': E4'Il~_l1_ Co2 dlilb:dur ~11ARIt or B~ ....... NaI'I'ldhe: Bot.emIn fireftsJ*n ~. a lIlpOl1 ofat'02 .... tIIIIt 'MJUIda't mid.. Upm lIIIivat. fiIel1Pl,e:nfiNad 1Jle lady af..llDuaeball..... car iDtbe ....... and let it __ up witIIuat DIlMrJI die '* 0IItBidt. The cdausl frolll tile all .. otr1be ddIeaor. Oft"...itaa.ae: D..Arda Fe.-. ..... Report: D, Shyne . e e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 28-Jan-96 AI"",, Number: 960068 Date: 28-1an-96 nme Call Received: 0:01 LocatioII etRua: 117 B. Aspen St. TillIe Oat: 0:03 Type of...: Emergency OD SeeDe: 0:09 KbuI or RaIl: Medical Assist Ie Semce: 0:20 Fire Deparbnent Operations Jaw. of LIfe Used: No .Eap8e 1: Yes .... %: No ReIaIe 1: No Ladder 1: No Tlllder 1: No Other: No ....... .Dittriet: 11 1k.........,J'r.-: Statioa I Did we arrive before AlDlMduce: Yes Other ApadelatSeeae: Bo1:etwut P,D.. .MecJt'rans Fire Fiabten at Seene: K. Rowe. 1. Bos UnprvtectedEIp8IUI'e: No Customer Information Patient Nnae: Katawren Gabriel Sex: Female Patiat'sAddra8:. 117 E. Aspett Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 PatieDt'. PboDe: 585~7315 Positien/LocatiOD oIPatialt: Lying on ooucbin livina room. ComplaiDtlProblem: Patient stated she bad taken too much medication for her Beiztmls. CPR Perfenaed; No Pulse (If Taka): 80 Blood Pru.re (If TIkeD): 138190 Respiratiou(lf Takea): Not taken by I'D PupIls: Pearl Level el CODdoumeu: Alert Tratmeat by ..... Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the 100 block of E. Aspen to the repOrt of a female with a possible drug overdose. Firefighters prepared the patieDt for.~" Bw.emaa DeacoDcss. Hospital forfurtber evaluation, Officer iD Charge: K.Rowe Penoa MaIdBg Report: K. Rowe . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 14-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960067 Date: 27~Jan-96 Time Call Received: 13:29 Location of RuB: 1503 West Main Time Out: 13:29 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 13:31 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Semce: 14:00 Fire Denartment Operations Jaws of Ufe Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Restue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: Fire Fighters at Scene: V. Backman K. Johnson J. Sbrauger Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: William Schneider Sex: Male Patient's Address: 611 South Hedges Zip Code: 59715 Age: 20 Patient's Phone: 994-4879 Position/Location of Patient: Sitting on front seat of his truck. ComplaintIProblem: None CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by PO Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Firefighters were called to a injury addent. Upon or araval the patient had been transported to the hospital by Bozeman police, Officer in Charge: V, Backman Penon Making Report: V, Backman . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 27J(1n-96 Alarm NUlDber: 960066 Date: 26-Jan~96 Time Call Received: 23:07 Loeadoaof Baa: 6. W Babcock TUne Oat: 23:10 Type .~.lbul: Bmergency 00 S&:eDe: 23:11 KiRd of.RUlu Medical Assist In Sen1ee: 23:22 . Fire DeJ>8.I1ment ~tions .I.Jof Life UK No Jtqiae 1: Yes E8a1De2: No ... t: No Ladder 1: No Teder 1: No Other: No ....se Dittrlct: 12 RetpoB4Iag .......: Station 1 Did we.amve Wore AmbalaDee: No 0tIaer AgeRdaat Smae: Medl'raus Fire Fighters at Sceae: G. Hoell, J. Polus, J. FassbindN' UaptotededEspotIUe: No Customer Information Patient Name: Marty Crosby Sa: Female Patiellt'tAddras: .6 W Babcock Zip Code: S9715 Ale: 21 PMIeat'. PIIeDe: 582-1098 PollltioD/IAeadof Patient: Lying supine on prney, CompIaiBtJProblelD: Bozeman Firefighters were called to assist Med1'raDs with .the loading of a patient from her 3rd story apartment. CPR Performed: No PuIIe (If TaIleD): Not taken by FD BIood....re (If TakeII): Not taken by FD Retpiratloti (1fT"): Not taken by Fa PupIl: Not taken by FD lAMIofCoadoolDeU: Alert TreataleIltby--...11re: Bozeman Firefiahters were called to assist MedI'rans with loadiqoftbe patient from her 3rd story apartment. Offker io CIwge: G. Hoell PeI'lOll M....1Ieport: J. Fassbindcr . . e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 14-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960065 Date: 26-Jan-96 Time Call Received: 16:16 Location of Run: 108 N 11th Time Out: 16:17 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 16:21 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 16:35 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws ofUfe Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Otber Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighten at Scene: Q, Hoell, 1. Polus, J. Fassbinder Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Vicki Dygert Sex: Female Patient's Address: 725 E Cameron Bridge Road Zip Code: 59715 Age: 45 Patient's Pbone: 388-4335 PositionlLocation of Patient: Lying supine in dentists chair. ComplaintlProblem: Bozeman Fire responded to a report of a woman having diabetic seizures. Firemen took vitals and assisted MedTrans with loading of patient. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 96,88 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 160/90 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a woman having a diabetic seizure. Upon arrival, firefighters performed. a primary survey of patient, and assisted. Med.Trans with loading of patient for transport to hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Hoell Person Making Report: J. Fassbinder JAN-26-96 SAT 7:54 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 FAX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 1 e . .'....- ,." ~ .. ~~ ; Bozeman Fire DeparhDeDt... Fire Rcpert 2tW~96 ...- - . .. --. -- ~.~ AlanD N.-beI': 960064 IJIae: 26--J__96 'n-08C; 16:15 .........a.: 106B~ Court Oa Stale: 16:18 1)pe fila.: BlalqaIq' 1ItStnic:e: 16:36 KtMl.""': sm.:tunl Fire ..... DIIbitt: 23 ........1'reIII: Bod1 StaticIIs mil u.e. of c:aU .....AN GMa: No MnIII AkI ~.ed: Yes Customer InformatiQJl ~ N-= KaIhl.cBvWbr ~.ftMr. S82..ft244 01 \'IIP- AddraI: 106E MldallOlll Court Oner N_: MoJdaa State U~ o.r.r PIleM: 99400211 o..er I\MnII: MoaIaaa SlIde UDiwtsity TJpe flIOcapaIIJlVeIdde: ~ Lltellr. I'In 0JiIiuIed .....s,r.I to; FiR onp--t. iP tile litdIeD aad WIIWrdl-v,t 10 tile.. of 0Ji&iD. SDIob ................. .......' c.- b1: P"JfC WlIf QUledby abund1tl...... I~ oJecuigd pIu&. TIle plua Wa pOUDd ImIt that did:DOt trip. the tolIM. Qlu8bt lite. staned '" . s.WldI: No I'kaIra T.... Y. s..IIe DetIeUW hmlll; Yea Didil~ y" JIlt AdI..... tlldlt_ I lire: No ...,...., U\'D Sawd: 0 If It A.:ii.Ad,...it pmaIt.... pnpertJ ~- .I~ No Fire l,..oss and Inmlnmce Infnnnation ~i bII ~_P'I~I rt1: $SOO.OO ~ 1.-_ c......t $0.00 1RIuueeee.p.y: ........... Pnpertr- $0.00 r-.ee _ C~ll,,4., $0.00 JAN-26-96 SAT 8: 1 0 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 1 e e BMlM~.lIIft .,.,.,.... ~ Pite....... PI- Z ....~ 9r6OO64 ~- -. Fire I>e\lartment Operations Units~: ....1: Ya I..... 2; Va ....1: No La4Ner J: No Talder 1; No Squd I: No 0dIIIcr: Yet 11........... n.e: Pfmrpi RCJt tilled "',Jl""" wfdI; .Qd on.AII'MI s..fIlW..-: ~ ofW....lJtetl; ??oo 0alI0aa fire IlIJ*n at Sceae: S.lfoaIlaad, D.AIc:Mr. S. MudIer. .,. DlM1Ie, M. Hoey. A. Sdda. c. WimI CIH JladLPenllM[1 PlIed: No IpedII T_...... No 011 DIItJ Pa...-l: ........Vled: ~ PftMut'e PaD I~'. - nat ..... _........ .....PfIl'J'llth.e: BoriemIa"~"" ~.. ftlJKIIt fIlalR. 1.1I;iIdlea. UJlO.D anM1 of'B-2. we.. .J.iShl....... die...,!! "ad..... tile..... .... 6t1OUlCl or die fa. ......... TIle...... a cobikt told.... banc4tbc ...lIIddle..... ...,drd We" miIor flame daaul&eto _ cabibda _.c:od<< 1Up ill tile tiIdlcIt TbI fire lied ..,~.~ WI cIelIml die ....__ cf IIIdle. We adkd.. dDctrk:i1m to ~tbt 1w1ty eiedrk:al. wall plug. otIker.. CIIarp: S. JfeaJIaad PeIIIIl M8iJ1&..... s. JlgupaDcl '. e e Rozema.. Fire DeparhDeat - EMS Report 26Jan-96 AlanD NaMber: 96006S Due: 26~Jan.96 n.e Ca1I8eceimI: 16:16 LoeadoII tI...: lOIN 11th ThDe Out: 16:17 1'ypeofRllll: EmergeDCy Ou Sane: 16:21 KIDcl tARIHt: Mediclil.Assist In Senice: 16:3S Fire De,partment.OP3'ations Jaws of Life URCt: No 1....1: Yes J.aaIae 2: No Resale I: No Ladder 1: No T....l: No ()daer: No ReIpoDse Distriet: 21 RespeD" tna: Station 1 Did welO'l'ift Wore~: Yes Other AleDdes at Setae: Medfrans 1'1", FiaWen at Sceae: G. ..HaeU. J.Polus, f.F....... Uaproteded lipOIUe: No Cu~tomer Inf9flD.ation Padeet Name: Vicki Dysert Sa: Female Patielltfs Addrea:72S BCamaon8l'idse Road 1Jp Code: S971S Age: 45 ."", PItoee: 388-4335 positloaJLoeatio ofPatieat: Lying supine in dentists chair. Coalpllblt/PnJMelb: BoDm1l1ft Fire responded to a report of a woman baviDgdiabetic seizures. Firemen took vitals and assisted MedTraDs withloadiDg ofpatieDt. CPR Perfonaed: No Pulle (If TakeR): 96,88 Bleod P.fa.R (If T....): 160190 RaplradoBI (If Taira): NoUakea. by FD ......: Not taken by PO Level. of COIIdoIuaeIs: Alert TreatmeRt b1~rl'ire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report ofwomaahavill& a diabetic seizure. UpoD arrival, firefighters~ouneda primary survey ofpltieDt. an4ISSi1tedMell'rans widlJoMi". ofpatient for tranSpOrt to hospital. OlIker ia CIWp:G. Hoell ~..MaIdaa Report: 1: FassbiDder --.---- e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 26-Jan-96 AlanD Number: 960063 Date: 26-Jan..96 n.e CdRereMd: 14:42 1M... eI RB: 2100 N Rouse nme Out: 14:42 Type of...: Emergency OIl Sceae: 14:43 KIM f6"': VebicIe AtcldeIlt III Seniee: 15:12 fire Deoartment Operations Jaw. of Ufe Used: No Eu&iae 1: Yes bple 2: No Racue 1: No LldWl: No T....l:No Odaer; Yes ReIpoDse District: 11 RespontIiag.1'1'OBI: Not inSCation at time ofcaU Did we arrive Won .4.......-: No Odatr AgeIades ldSceBe: MedI'rans, Bo7emlcn Police J1re FigldenldScae:G. HoeD. 1. FISI!Ibinder, J. Polus, S. Mueller Unprotected J:'SpOIIII'e: No Customer Information patJeat N..: Robin Chambers Sa: Female Patient', Address: 863 Hulbert #A ZIp Code: 59715 Ace: 35 .P......1'IIeae: 388-4666 ~ c1Padeat: SiUiDg uprigbt, ~ side ,front seat, CompIaiBtIProbIeID: Bozeman Fire responded to a two vehicle accident. Upon arriVal. assi_ MedTrans with ~ of patient, and transport to bDIpital. CPR Performed: No P8IIe (If Takea): Not1aken by PO .........re.(If T....): Not.taten.by PO ReIpintioIIs(lf Taira): Not taken by PO .PatIIr. Not ~ hyPO Level of C......as: Alert T1utJaeatby .....I'ift: BozemaJ1 Firefighters responded to a two vehicleaccidrnt with one iajured.perIOD. Upon arrival fi.refigbters assisIedMedTrans with pwh.. aDduanspott of paticAttokolpRal. Oftker iD CIw'ge: G. Hoell Pe..... Maldilglleport: 1. FassbiDdcr JAN-26-96 SAT 10: 13 AM BOZEMAN STATION #2 FAX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 2 e e BozeJaan Fire Department - EMS Report 26-Jan~96 Alarm Ntnal>>er: 960062 Ihdr. u..-JIID"96 u.eCaII Retthre4: 9:15 LtaIIilIIa fII": I2lS West Danton # 216 n.e Oat: 9:16 1)pe vi"': ~ OIl keae: 9:19 KIM fI Rial: Mcdk:al AJSisl Ia Senke: 9:41 Fire Denarunent OJxntions Jawsfl Life V_: No a..-1: No ....1: Yes ....1: No LIddl:r I: No T__l: No OIlier. No ..,.... JMRrkt: 21 ~ "'-= Stadon2 Did we 1D'I'M.1refen ~ Yes OGIer ~. Scaae: McdTt8DIl JireFlpien at Sceee: S, HougIaDd. S. Mueller tJllp""" Ba....n: No ~tomer Information ..... N.-: .EdMn Jaqcr Sex: Male P....'..A.tNRIt: I2lS Weill Dunton .216 ZIp Code: 5911s Ace: 65 ......'..-...: '83-'893 ~ efPllielat: .Patiat was .fbaDd....ina dIaIr ill fliJ.rm.t.mom, CuaIpI~: Paticat.~ ofnausea. 4jmnP.ll!l, wid..... "DcJq.~" tbcJuPt$. PlIUcnt had..... out iD.1IJe tl8rlnom ycstaday. CPR rafo;~ No ..... (If Tar..): 60 .....'i __1 re(lf T...): 110180 ........ar T.a..): 24 PwpiII: Not tabu.'" PD LevtI of C-'a In llII: Alert Tn..' Mtb,. .....1'in1 PatiaIt complaincclofll8Ullll. ~ udQ)ld swats. .PIUIDl Wperioatly.puscdoat. Vital sips were takCiI, MedTnlIIIltartId.. IV amd dlepll&iealt was ~ to ........ CJftIcv .. Qaree; S. In&,.....t ~..... BIJleI't:S. fM&t.-' e e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 25.Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960060 Date: 2S~Jan.96 n.e Call Received: 11:28 LoeatioD of.... 115 Kagy Blvd Time Oat: 11:30 Typeof'RIID: Emergency On Scene: 11:36 KiR4 ef Ru: Mediat1 Assist In Service: 11:53 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No :Ellli_ 1: Yes Eagfne. Z: No lteIeue 1: No LacI*r 1: No Teader 1: No Other. No ~poRse District: 12 Re8pondiDg :from: Station 1 Did we a.rril'e before AaIJaIace: No Other AgeDdes at SeeDe: Med Trans FireFigbten atSceae: R. 'Cima, M,CriJler Unprotected ElpOSUR: No Customer Information Patieat Name: Erma Bettencourt Sa:. Female Patientts AddrettlJ: 3980 Jackson Creek Zip Code: 59715 Age: 68 Patient's PIloae: 587-2762 PoJitioeILGcatioll ofPatteDt: Patient was .1yiDa in a dentist chair. ComplaiartJProblem: Patient was comp1ainingofcbest pain. CPR Performed: No PuIIe (If Taken): Not taken by FD BIaodPnuare(lf Takera): NottakeD by FD Rapirationl(llTakn): Not taken by FD PRpiIs: Not tatently fD Level of ConciouIaeII: Alert TreatIDeDt by ........ Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded. to provide medical '"~to a woman in a cklctors office complaining of chest pain. Firefighters assisted MecffraDs in ~~-.g ancl transport, OftIcer in Charge: R Cima Penon MaIdDI Report: R. Cima e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 25-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960059 Date: 25~Jan-96 Time Out: 1:42 Loeation of Ru: 1102 East Curtis St. Lindley Park Center, On Seeoe: 1:48 Type ~ Rn: Emergency In Senice: 2:08 Kiud of RaIl: False Call ~Good Intent RespoueDittrict: 12 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Ghet: No Mtltual Aid It.eceived: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Lindley Park Center, City of Bozeman owner Oecupant PIlone: 582-2000 <kcupaat Address: P.O. BOX. 640 OwfterName: City of Bozeman Owner Phone: OwDer Adtlrea: Type of <kcupanylVehide: LieeJllle: Fire Originated In ..8pIUdto: No fire Caused by: Malfunction of the alarm system. Bozeman Fire was unable to n:setthe system so it was temporarilydisabled until a serviceman couIdevatuate. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictares Taken: No SntekeDeetector Praent: No Did it Activate: No If it Adiv1ded, did it .-ve a life: No Bow...y Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property damage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information EttUaated Lessen Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss oa Coate....: $0,00 IluurllK'e Compaay: InsuraJlCe 08 Property: $0.00 IBsuraKe OD CoateIItI: $0,00 . . ..... Fire Departaellt ~ Il'tre Report PI- 2 AI.... Nulbel' 960059 Fire Department Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes E.... 2: Yes BnaIe 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Squad 1: No 0tIter: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumpsnotused E1tinpilhedwitlt: StMarce of Water: Amount of Water UIed: ??oo Gallons Fire Figtden atSeeae: K. Rowe, T, Shearman, 1. Dos, O,.MiJler, V, BlINrmm, 1. Shrauger Call Batk Penouel Paged: No SpedaI T... P.pd: No Oft' DutyPeI'tl8DDel: EeJ.npment UIed: Eqaiplaent Lost or BrekeD: Intident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the Lindley Park Center early this morning for a fire alarm. After inveIf.iptiag filefigtders fuuDd a malfbnctiODingalatm system. Firefigbters advised that the system be serviced by an alarm teclutician. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Penon Makhtg Report: K. Rowe e . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 24-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960058 Date: 24~Jan-96 Tbne Call Reteived: 16:50 LocatioIlofRull: 2104 So$ Tracy Time Out: 16:52 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 16:58 KiIld of Ru: Medical Assist In Serna: 17:22 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No RellCuel: No Ladder I: No Teader 1: No Other. No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we. arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: K. Rowe, T, Shearman, 1. 80s Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Florence Memer Sex: Female Patient's Address: 2104 South Tracy Zip Code: 59715 Age: 89 Patient's Phone: 587-2943 PositionlLocation of Patient: Patient was sitting in a chair Complaint/PrOblem: Patient was complaining of shoulder pain, lower arm pain, and.of pain in her left hip. Patient had what looked like a broken ann about 3isches abOve her left wrist. CPR. Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pre88are(lf Taken): 110/66 Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: PEARL Level of Conciousness: Alert TreatmeBt by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the report of a woman who had fallen and pOssibly broken her ann and hip. Firefighters treated the woman and she was tranJported to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital for further evaluation. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Person Making Report: T. Shearman e e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 25.Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960055 Date: 22-Jan~96 Time Call Received: 23:35 LocatloD of Ru: 307 East Peach Time Out: 23:36 Type ~8IIIr. Emergency OD SceDe: 23:38 JUDd 01 RIm: Medical Assist ID Senke: 23:55 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No .EDgiDe 1: Yes EDgiDe 2: No .ReIeH 1: No Ladder 1: No TeDder 1: No Other: No RespoueDiltrict: 11 RespondiD& Froat: Stationl Did we arrive before ADtballJlte: Yes Other AgeDdesatScelte:MedTrans Fire Figbten at Sceae: G. Duntsch, K. Bushnell, R. Cima UoprotectedEs.poIIIre: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Marcy Crosby Sa: Female PatieDt'. Address: 6 West Babcock, #304 Zip Code: S971S Age: 21 PatieDt'. PhoDe: S82~1098 POIitioD/Loeatio of PatieDt:Lying supine on the floor, CODlplaiBtlProblem: Possible seizure. CPR Performed: No Pullie(lf Taken): 101 Blood Pramre (If Taka): 130 XPalp BapiratioDs(lfTaken): Rapid &: Sludlow Pwpib: PEARL Level of CODeiousnesI: Unresponsive TreatmeJlt by ......Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to provide medical assi-AftCO toa woman having a possible seizure, Firefighters assisted ambulance persotmel with patient care and ~ aDd loading for trauport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital Officer in Charge: G, Duntsch Penoa MaIdDg Report: G. Duntsch e . Bozeman Fire Department .. Fire Report 21-Jan.96 Alarm Number: 960054 Date: 22~lan~96 Time Out: 19:23 Location oflbua: 716 E, Peach OIl SceIle: 19:25 Type Of RuB: Nonemergency III Service: 19:35 KiDd of....: Suspicious Odor RespeDse Dittrkt: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Mutual Aid GiveB: No MwtuI Aid Reteiwld: No Customer Information Ottupant Name: Chandre Dayton Oecup_ PItone: 581-3585 Occupant Addft..: 716 E. Peach Owner. Name: CbandreDayton Owner Phone: OwDer Atldrar. Type of OccupanylVeIlkle: LkeMe: Fire OrigiDaded III -8pread to: Not a Fire Caused by: Started by a Juveaile: No Pietures TaIleD: No Smoke Dededor Present: No DId it Activate: No "it AetivatecI, did it.JPe . Ufe: No Bow IUBY Lives Samt: 0 If it Activated, did it prevent major property daDlage: No Fire Loss and Insurance. Information Estimated Lola .. Property: $0.00 Estimated LosIOD CODteats: $0.00 luaranee Compaay: IDsunllKe Oft Property: $0,00 ".raace 811 COIItents: $0.00 ___.._____...... n__ . e Bozeman Fire Departllleld - Ii1re Report pt.2 Alana Nulber 960054 Fire Department Ooerations Units Responding: Eogioe 1: No E.... 2: No ReKue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tauter 1: No Sqaa4 1: No 0dIer. Yes Unit ad Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extingui8bed with: Source of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire FigIltenatSceoe: K.BusImelt Call Back Penonnel Paged: No Spedal Team. Paged: No Off Duty PenoueI: Equipmeat Used: Equip....t Lost or Brokm: Incidellt Narrative: Report of a chemical smell in the 700 block otE. Peach. A delivery truck burning number one diesel was hm4 to be the culprit The tntck soon left the scene and all was well. OtIicerin CIuu'Ie: K.Busbnell Penon Making Report: K. Bushnell . e e Bozeman FIre Department -Fire Report 22~an-96 Alano Number: 960053 Date: 22-Jan~96 Time Out: 13:53 Loeatioa of RH: 1006 North 7th OIl Scene: 14:00 1'Jpe ~...: Nonemergency In Sen1ce: 14:04 Kind of Ibm: Other Fire ReIpoIate Dittrict: 11 Responding From: Not in Station at time of call M.... Aid.Giftn: No M..... AId Roer:eMct: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Bozeman Glass .Oceupat PIIoBe: 587-420S Occupant Addrea: 1006 North 7th Owaer Naaae: Harold Stepbeus Owner Phone: 587~8502 Owaer Address: Type of OecupanylVehkle: Retail sales and service LieeDse: FireOripated In -BpJUd to: ThefireorigiDated iD. a bum pile aDd was .contaiDed. to that pile. Caused by: Intentionally set, Started by a Juveaile: No PieturesTIke.: No 8DlokeDedeetor PraeDt: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated. did it laW a Ute: No Hew ....., Uvea Sawd: 0 If it Activlted, 4i4 itprewat...... property dataae: No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Lo.. on Property: $0.00 E"'-~ LeIs_ Conteats: $0.00 lDsu.rlUlCe Company: ltiunaee OBPNpeI'ty: $0.00 Insuranee oa CoateDts: $0,00 . e BoIemanFtre ~ ~ Jire Report...2 Alana Nutbel' 9600S3 Fire Department Operations Units Res,ponding: Eagiae 1: Yes Eugiae 2: No ReIeue 1: No Ladder 1: No TeIlder 1: No Squad 1: No Other: No Unit and PuDlpiagTime: Pumps not used J:s:t.iBpWted with: SeBree of Wafer: Amount of Water Vied: ??oo Gallons Fire FiglttenatSeeae: 0, DuDtsch, K.Bus1md1, R Cima CaD Back Penouel Paged: No SpedaI Teuu Papd: No Off Daty PeI'l8llllel: Equipment UIed: ~ IMt or Brokar. Incident Namltive: Bozeman Firefighters responded toa complaint of a business. conducting an open bum, Firefigbters ~mlll!!dlO tlacbusiaess owner that open burning was out of season and asked him to extinpish the fire. otIieerin CIuqe: G. DtuUsch Penon Maki... Report: G. Duntsch e e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 31-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960052 Date: 22-Jan-96 Time Call Received: 12:05 LoeatioIl of RuIl: 326 North Broadway Time Out: 12:07 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 12:09 Kind of Ru: Vehicle Accident In Senice: 12:22 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Ellgiae 1: Yes Engine 2: No ReJeue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No other: No Response District: 11 RespondiBgFront: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Otber AgeDdes at Seeae: Bozeman Police Fire Fighters at Scene: G, Duntsch, K, BushneU, R Cima Unproteded Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Patient 1 - Renae Benner Sex: Female PatieDt's Address: P.Q, Box 333, Belgrade, MT Zip Code: 59714 Age: 32 Patleat'. PboDe: 26,64802 PositioaJLocationof Patient: Patient 2 ~ Bonnie Bamhart,614 S. 6th, Boze.JM1t, MT 59715 Phone: 587~36S7, Female, 40 years of age --Both patients were out of the car, CompJaiJltJProblem: This was a non~injury 2 vehicle accident with an anti-freeze spill. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of ConeioutDell: Alert TreatDlelltby Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a reported non-injury accident with an anti-freeze spill. Firefighters assessed the patients and cleaned. up the spill. ~inCh~e: G,Duntsch Pel'lOll Making Report: G, Dontsch JAN-22-96 TUE 4: 59 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO. 406 582 0439 P. I e e - .~ . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 22.Jon-96 ~_~.'_~_r.___'''' .-...-- ......... ... ,. '.," I~. __~~'~..r'.~'__~_._ . Alarm Number: 960051 Date: 22-Jan-96 Time c>.1t: 11:09 Lotatloll of Run: 1-90, Mile Post 313,4 00 Seeae: 11:29 1)pe of Ran: Emergency In Service: 12:35 Kidd of Run: Hazardous Conditi()D &$pOnst District: 0 Responding From: Station 2 Mm" Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Rteeived: No Customer Infonnation Oceup..t Name: Terry Brooks Occupant Pbone: 406-646w2S 14 Ottupant Address: 8943 Moiese Valley Rd. Owner Name: Terry Brooks Owner Phone: 406-646-2514 Owner AddtesS: 8943 Moiese Valley Rd T)-pt of <kcupuylVebide: 1994 Keaworth Trudt LiteDse: P-13836 Fire Origidated In -.Spread to: No fire. Caused by: No fire. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures Taken: No Smoke Deetmor Present: No Did it Attivate: No U it Activated, did it nve & life: No How many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, ~d It prevent major property .....: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss Oil Property: $0.00 Estimated Loa 00 CObteDtI: $0.00 lD5Urante COlllplllly: Inmrance 00 Property: $0.00 11IJU1'aIIU on ConteDts: $0.00 JAN-22-96 TUE 5:00 PM BOZEMAN STATION #2 F AX NO, 406 582 0439 p, 2 e . ___ f'ip DepII.... ~ l1nr""rt PI-.z Alana Naaber 9600S1 _. --~ Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Eaple 1: No IJcIDe 2: No "'1: No Ladder 1: No Tender I: No Squd 1: Yes OCher: No UBit ad .....piIIa TilDe: Pumps DOl U8Cd .EUiapIfIled wftfI: s.ua.rw.... AJawat. of Water UIed: ??oo GaUons Fire FigIden .. SaM; D. Slr:yDe, T. Orecnc Call BICk PeI'llOUd Papd: Yes SpedllI T-...... No Oft'Duty I"eaIOllllel: M,~ M. CriDer E4pdp8aeIIt Vied: 5 bigs ofablolballt. UDkDcnnl DUmber of ~tlut booms and atJSOtb8nt used by Fort EJlisFirc. l;qIdp_t LoIt or 1Inb8: Inddeat Nid .Mi..e: The Boilemlm fire DepIJ'tIIICDt J:OJpOIICIDd to afuelspUl at JIIaIbt 313,4 1-90 West baaD41aDe. A fcmIle ...-ast ...........uy kilt CIQRIRd of her \'Cbic1e ud drove iDIo the ~ of.~ tNCk, AgWcDimaIely lOO.pUoas or diesel fid wem spilled itdo tM difdl aIoaetlle.road. Pildgldcrs IRt off die ao&I CM:t valve p.luJpd the Ide i8 * IeakiDI tank. 0IIker ill CJblt&e: D Shyne I'enaII MaIdDI Report: D. Shyne - e '. Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 24..Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960050 Date: 21-Jan-96 Time Call R<<eived: 11:38 LoeatioDof Ran: Petes Hill South Church Time Out: 11:40 'type of Bun.: Emergency On Stene: 11:43 Kind of Ran: Medical Assist In Service: 11:57 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engiue 1: No EDgbae 2: Yes Restue 1: No Ladder 1: No TeDder 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive before Ambulanee: Yes Otber Agencies at Scene: Med- Trans Ambulance Fire Fighters at Beene: D. Miller, T. Shearman. J. Sbrauger Unproteded Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Stephene Tronson SeE Female Patient's Address: 402 Teton Ave, Zip Code: 59715 Ale: 4 PadeDt'. Phone: 586-3211 PoIition/Location of Patient: Patient was lying on her back on the bill in the snow, ComplaiDtlProblem: Patient was complaining of pain in her back resulting from erasbjDg on 1ler sled. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If TakeD): Not taken by FD BIeod PreIItJre (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatmelit by Bozeman. Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a female who had a back injury resulting from a sledding accident on Petes Hill, Upon arrival firefighters did primary aac:l secondary surveys and prepared the patient for transport to the hospital for further evaluation. Oft1eer io Charge: 0, Miller PeI'lOJl Maklng Report: J. Shrauger . . Bozeman Fire Department. EMS. Report 2O-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960048 Date: 20-Jan-96 Time Call Received: 17:55 Locatioll of RuB: Bogert Park. Pavillion Time Out: 17:55 Type of Run: Emergency On SeeDe: 17:56 KiDd of Rua: Medical Assist In Service: 18:18 Fire DeDartment Ooerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes EdgiDe 2: No ReIIeue 1: No Ladder 1: No 1'eHer 1: No Odler: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station. 1 Did we arrive before AmItulaDce: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans of Montana Fire Fiptenat SeeDe: Thompson. FassbiDdcr Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Brent McMillan Sex: male Patient'. Addrelll: 46SS Wyoming Zip Code: 5970 1 Age: 11 Patient'. Phone: 494~3819 Positiooll.GtatioB of Patient: Lying on his back on the ice. ComplaintIProblem: Neck pain from being hit while playing hockey. CPR Perfonued: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood PretSUl't (If Taken): Not taken by FD RespiratioN (If TakeD): Not taken by FD PupIls: Not taken by PO Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by IIezeJBaQ Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of an UIlknown injury at the Bogert Park Pavillion. We found a young boy on the ice oomplainiDg of neck pain, WeassistedMecfI'raas personnel in the packaging and loadi,ng of patient for transpOrt to the hospital. Officer in CIlarge: M, Thompson Penoa Maki-x Report: M. Thompson . .......... . e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 20-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960047 Date: 20-Jan-96 Time Call Reeeh'ed: 16:26 Location of Run: 620 E. Peach Time Out: 16:27 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 16:29 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Senice: 16:41 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans of Montana Fire Figbters at Scene: Thompson, Fassbinder Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Kathryn Cochrane Sex: female Patient's Address: 620 E, Peach Zip Code: 59715 Age: 41 Patient's Phone: 58S~731S PositionlLocation of Patient: Lying in a right lateral recumbent position on the floor. ComplaintIProblem: She was complaining of severe head pain, CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Le\'el of CODciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a report of a woman who had a history of head trama and was asking for medical assistance. Firefighters assisted. MedTrans personnel with the packaging of the patient for transport to the hospital. Officer in Cbarge: M, Thompson Person Making Report: M, Thompson e e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 2O-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960046 Date: 20-Jan~96 Time Call Received: 9:27 Location of Ran: Bogert Pavillion Ti_ Out: 9:28 Type of Bua: Emergency On Scene: 9:32 Kind of Roll: Medical Assist btServiee: 9:41 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life UIed: No Engi8e 1: Yes b&iae Z: No ReIe8e 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Rapetie District: 12 BespoDding '"*: Not in Statio.. at time of ca1t Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Ageadesat Steae: MedTrans of Montana Fire Fighten at Scene: Thompson, Fassbinder Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patieut Name: Jeff Hyma Sex: male Patient', A4cIreu: 406 Westridge Drive Zip Code: 5971S Age: 11 PatieDt',Pbone: S86-1173 PoIldonlLocation of Patiatt: Lying on his back on a piece ofplywood.. ComplaintlProblem: The patient was bit while playing hockey and was complaining of neck pain. CPR Perfonnetl: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Bleed Prasare(lf TakeD): Not taken by PO RespiratioIllI (If TakeR): Not taken by PO PtapiIs: Not taken by FD Level of COIldousness: Alert TreatDteot by Bezemu Fire: Bozeman Fir~ghters responded to a report of an injured. hockey player at the Boger Park Pavillion, Firefighters.disoovered a young male IyiDg OIl his back ~ngof Beck pam. We applied traction to the boys neck and assisted MedTrans personnel with the packaging and loading of the patient for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Pel'lOli Making Report: M. .ThQlnpBon e . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 2O-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960045 Date: 20~Jan-96 Time Oat: 7:39 L8cadeIt vf Rwnt: 1418 Deer On Stene: 7:44 Type of Ru: Emergency In Service: 7:52 Kind of au: Hazardous Condition Response District: 23 Respoacling From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Received: No Customer lQfonnation Omtp8llt Name: Bill O'Neil Oecup8llt Phone: 587"()331 O<<up...t Address: 1418 Deer Owner Name: Bill O'Neil Owner Phene: 587-0331 Owner Address: 1418 Deer Type of OeeupanyNehide: Married Student Housing License: Fire OrigiBated ....8preadto: Married Student Housing Caused by: Loose connection on vent of gas space heater. Started by a Juvenile: No Pidara Takm: No Smoke Deeteetor Praeat: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No B~ DWly Lives Saved: 0 If it Adivated, did it prevelltmajor pruperty ~ No Fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $0.00 Estimated Lou OIl CODteIlts: $0,00 IDsurance Company: Insurance ouProperty: $0,00 Insurance on CODtents: $0.00 e e Bor.emu Fire Departalellt - Fire Repert pg.2 Alana NUlber 960045 Fire Department Ooerations Units Responding: Engine 1: No Eagine 2: Yes ReItue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tauler 1: No SfpIad 1: No 0tIaer: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used Extiaguisbed with: Soareeof Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire FigbtersatSce8e: D, Archer, M, Criner, S.Muellcr Call Back Personnel Paged: No Spedal Teaaal Paged: Oft'Duty Penouel: Equipment Used: Gas detector Eqaipmeltt Loster Broken.: 'addent Narrative: Bozeman Fire responded. to a report of a CO detector that had activated.. Upon arrival, the source was detetmiDed to be a loose coan.eaionon a gas space heater. Tenants were advised to contact MontaDa Power Company for further assistance. Oft1cer in Charge: D. Archer Person Making RepOrt: 1. Fassbinder - e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 22.Jan..:96 Alarm Number: 960044 Date: 19-Jan~96 TiM Call Received: 23:13 LocatioR of....: 610 Amo14 Time Out: 23:17 Type of Bud: Emetgency On Steae: 23:23 Kind of B.u: Mectica1 Assist In Seniee: 23:34 Fire Department Operations Jaw. of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes EDgine 2: No Relate 1: No La44er t: No Tender 1: No Other: No RelpOllse Diltrict: 12 Relpondiog From: station 1 Did we arrive before A~IptP.: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTra1tS Fire Figbtenat Seeae: G.Duntsch, K. Bushnell, R Cima Unprotected ExpoIUre: No Customer Ittformation Patient Name: Bobbie Weinreis Sex: female Patient'. Addre8I: Zip Code: 59105 Age: 19 Patte.t', PbGde: 406-65S..s662 ~ ofPatieat: Lying supine on thesidemdk ,,:,,', ' "."raJtltJProblem: Report of a female down. Unknown problem. CPRl'erfonae4: No Pulse (If TakeR): Not ta1ren by FD Blood Prtsmte (If Taken): Not taken by FD Respiratioas(lf Tahm): Not taken by FD PupiIt: Not taken by FD Level of ConclouSlltll: Alert TreatmeRt by ....an Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a female down, Upon arrival they found a 19 year old. female who had. consumed alooholand dietarypiDsaDd. was sutferiD& from anxiety. FUefighters provided patient care and assisted. with transpOrt to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. ()ff'ker in Cbarge: G. Duntsch Penea Maki8g Report: 1(. BusboeU e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report 22~an-96 Alarm Number: 960043 Date: 19-Jan-96 Time Out: 20:04 Location of Ra: 5th and Main OBScene: 20:07 Type of ....: Emer&ei\'Y III Service: 20:17 KiDd of Run: False Call - Good Intent ReIpoBJe District: 11 RespondiDg From: Station 1 MutaaI AidGivea: No M.... Aid Recehed: No Customer Information Ottupant Name: Adam Winger Ocapaat Phoae: 587-2862 Occupant Addras: 2205 West College Owner N..-: AdamWmger Owner Phone: 587-2862 Oner Adclras: 2205 West CoUege Type of OtalJtllDyNebide: 1981 Toyota Corolla Ucense:6P-9621F Fire OrigiDatedla -Spread to: Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No PieNns Taken: No Smoke Dededor Prelent: No Did it AetiVllte: No If It Activated, did It uve a life: No How....y U'\1e8 Saved: 0 If it Activated, 4idk pre\'eJlt8lajorpropert)' ~ No Fire Loss Qtl<t Insurance Ip.fonn~on ~stimated Lost on Property: $0,00 EtdIIlated Lolls OR CODteDtI: $0.00 InSUranet Company: ID....-..ce GIlPnperty: $0,00 InlUranetOO ConteDts: $0,00 It e ..... Fire Departaellt -ll'Ire Report PI.] Alarm NIIaIJer 960043 Fire Deoartment Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes EagIae ]: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Sqad 1: No Odler. No Unit and Plamping Time: Pumps not used EDiapisIaed with: SouneofWater: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire FlPteI'I atScme: G. Dwttsclt, K. Busbtte1I, R. Cima Call Back Pel'SOllJlel Paged: No SpedalT..... Paged: :No Off Duty PenonneI: Equipment Used: EqulpUlellt Lest 01' .....: lneident NalTlltive: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a reported car fire at 5th &. Main. Firefighters found the problem lobe a ruptured .beater bose spilling _-freeze on the engine. Offieerill.aaarae: G.Duntsch Person MakiBg Report: G. Duntsch . e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report J 9~an-96 Alarm Number: 960042 Date: 19~Jan..96 11aae CaD Received: 11:35 LoeatieIafJI It&: 717 NotdlCllurch Time Out: 17:36 Type 01..: Emergency On Scene: 17:38 KbuI of..: Medical Assist In Serviee: 17:46 Eil:U>epartmentOperations Jaws of Ufe Used: No EDPae 1: Yes &aghae 2: No Retcae 1: No Ladder I: No TeIIder 1: No Odaer: No Response District: 11 RespoadiDl ,...: Station 1 Did we antve before AlBWaaee: No OtIaer Aaeneies at Seeae: Bozeman Police, MedTrans Fire FJP1en at Scene: G. Duntsch. It. Cima Unprotected Esposare: No Customer Information PatieDt Name: James Douglas Sa: Male Patient', AckIreIs: 106 North Tracy, Bozeman, MT Zip Code: 59715 Ate: 36 Patiellt'. PhoBe: 586-5714 POIiti8lllLoeatioa 01 Patient: Sittill$ OItthe ground. COBlplaillt/Pt'elJleB: The patient was in diabetic shock, CPR PerftmIled: No Puhe(lf TakeD): Not taken by FD Blood .....re (If Taken): Not taken by FD llespintimIs(U Taka): Not taken by FD PapiIs: Not taken by FD Level of COIleioumess: Responsive to Vetbal Stimulus TI'UtMad" lIotmDaaFire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to provide medical assistance to a 36 year old male who was in diabetic shock. Firefighters assiDd ambulance pet'IODDCI with rftebt<:arc.GlUCOllC was administered lOtbe patient and he refused traD$pOrt to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. OftkerinCharge: Q,Duntsch Pen8ft MakbtcBepert: G. Durdsch e e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 20.Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960041 Date: 19-Jan~96 Time CaD Received: 14:44 LotatioIl ~....: 1525 W Main Time Out: 14:44 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 14:45 Kiad Of R1IIl: Medical Assist ID Service: 15:01 Fire Denartment ODerations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Eagiae 2: Yes ~1: No Ladder 1: No Taader 1: No Other: No Response District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before ADIb8Iuce: Yes Other Agencies at Seene: MedTrans Fire Fighten at Scene: G.Cutter, J.Polus Unprotected Exposore: No Customer Information Patient Name: Brian Vander-Vonn ~: Male Patient's Address: lSTaiLane ,Zip Code: 59715 Age: 21 Patient's PboDe: 582-1273 PesitloD/I..oca of Patieat: Sitting upright in chair, Complaint/PrOblem: 21 year old male filiAting repeatedly, CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood .....re(JfTaken): 85/55,10SnO,10 Ilespiratioas (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Concloumess: Alert Treatmeat by BozentaD Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a request for medical assistance for a man baving fainted repeatedly. Upon arrival, firefighters found a 21 year old male who. wbi1e filliDg a prescription. began to repeatedly faint. Fire personnel did both a primary and. secondary survey and administered oxygen. Once the patient stabilized. he refused tranSport to the hospital. Fireft&hters advised the man to call his dentist, and to seek medical assistance if the fainting returned. Oft"acer in Charge: G.Clutter Penon Makiag Bepnt: G. Outter e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 03-Feb-96 Alarm Number: 960040 Date: 19-Jan-% Time Call Received: 13:42 Location of Run: 19th and College Time Out: 13:43 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 13:43 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 13:57 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No Engine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No Response District: 22 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Fighters at Scene: G.Clutter, 1.Polus Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Owen Howell Se:s:: Female Patient's Address: 204 S Yellowstone Zip Code: 59715 Age: 19 Patient's Phone: 586-1957 PositionlLocation of Patient: Sitting upright, drivers seat. ComplaintJProblem: Report of woman having seizures at intersection of 19th and College. Firefighters stabilized the patient, and assisted MedTrans with packaging patient for transport to Deaconness, CPR Performed: No Pulse (H Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Pressure (H Taken): Not taken by FD Respirations (H Taken): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken by FD Level of Conciousness: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a request for medical assistance for a woman having a seizure. Upon arrival, firefighters found a 19 year old female who, while driving through the intersection of 19th and College, suffered an apparent seizure. Fire personnel stabilized the patient, did both a primary and secondary survey and assisted MedTrans with pacfca~ng the patient for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: G. Clutter Person Making Report: G. Clutter e e Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 19.Jan.96 Alana N....ber: 960039 Date: 19~1an..96 ThnecaU Bfteived: 12:39 Leead8a or...: 321 North _Room. 214 Time Out: 12;40 Type 01....: Emergency 0. Sceae: 12:42 IQIId ofllaa: Mediad Assist In Senke: 13;02 Fire Dwartment Operations Jaw. of ute Used: No Enciae 1: Yes bpIe 1: No Itaeue 1: No Ladder 1: No .Teader 11 No Other. No RapoDse District: 11 Re8poIl4ing I'nND:Statioa 1 DklwearriveWere~ Yes 0tIter Ageaeie8 at Seeae: Mec:ttrans Fire ~ at Sceae: G. DuIttscb, K,. BuslmeI1. R. Cima Uaproteeted ExpoIIIl'e: No Customer Information Patient Name: Theodore Metzler Sex: Male Patient'. Addreu: 321 North.Stb, Room :2 14 Zip Code: ~971~ Age: 73 Padellt'. PboDe: ~87-4404 PoIidoDII..ec:aofPadeat: Lying supifteOll the ftoor. CompIaJlItIProbletn: The petient bad experienced a seizure and possible cardiac arrest. Care WOIkers bad iditiated and ceased CPR. prior to our arrival. CPR PeIfOl'llled: Yes Pulse (If Takea): 120 Bleed Preuare (If T*-): 160110 Raplrafiou (UTlIkeA): LaboredIshaItow .hpiII: Umesponsive lAMl 01 C~ Unresponsive ,"atIDeIIt by ....... I'ire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to provide assistaDceto III eldertyman who was experiencing a reponed seizure. Firefighters took pulse, blood pressme.administerecl oxygen. and ~lUIIbuIance pet'SOIlftd with packaging an<lloadiDg for traDapOrt to ~ DeaoonessHo&pita1. 0I'fIcer iaCllarge: G. Dunbch Penoa MaIdIta Report:G. DuntsCh e e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 18-Jan-96 Alarm Number: %0038 Date: 18-Jan~96 Time Call Received: 17:40 Location of Run: 15th and Durston TilllC Out: 17:41 Type of..: Emergency On Scene: 17:47 KiDd of Run: Vehicle Accident III Service: 18:02 Fire Deoartment Ooerations JawI of Life Uted: No Eagiae 1: No EqiDe 2: Yes Rescue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender t: No Other: No Bespollle District: 21 Raponding Fro8l: Station 1 Did we arrive before AmbulaDte: Yes Other Ageades at Seene: B.P.D,aad Mec:f1"rans. Fire Fighters at Sceoe: Johnson, Backman, Rowe, Shearman, and 80s, Unproteded.Exposue: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Kaylene Pew Sex: Female Patient'l Address: 130 Comfort Lane Zip Code: 59715 Age: 15 PatleDt'l Phone: 587-7553 P08ition/Location of Patient: Sitting in the backseat of a police car. ComplaiatJProblem.: Sore neck, CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 90 Blood PresRre (JfTakea): Not taken by FD Respira1ions(Jf TIkeIl): Not taken by FD Pupils: PERL Level of ConeiOUlness: Alert Treatment by IJotleMaa Fire: Bozeman Fire Department was dispatched to the scene of a motor vehicle accident Firefighters assisted ambulance personnel in the care of one patient comp1aiaingofileCk pains. Officer in Charge: V. Backman tenoR MaIdag Report: 1. Bos . II Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 18-Jan-96 Al8l1b Number: 960037 Date: 18-Jan-96 Time CdReceivecl: 17:00 Loeadoa of Blur. 19th and Main Time OUt: 17:02 Type f4 RUD: Emergency 0.. Scale: 17:06 Khad or...; Vehicle Ao;ident In Sen'ke: 17:17 Fire Denartment Operations Jaws of Life Use4: No Engine 1: Yes Eqiae 2: No ReIeue t: Yes Ladder 1: No T.... t: No Odler: Yes Response Dlstritt: 22 ReIpoDding 11'1'81II: Station 1 DId we arrive before MbuIaDee: Yes Other Ageacies at Scene: Bozeman Police. MedTrans AmbuJ.anQe Fire lighters at kate: V. Backman, K. Jobnson, J. Bos,K.Rowe. T. Shearman Unprotected EXJIOlIUre: No Customer Information Patient Name: Peggy Vincent Ses: Female Patient's Adcltess: 680 Low Bench Rd. Gallatin Gateway, MT, Zip Code: S971S Age: 50 Patient's Phone: 763~301O PositiOll/Locatlon of Patient: Sitting in vehicle. CompIaiat/Prublenl: Patient cotnplained of neck pain, CPJt Performed: No Pulse (If Takeo): Not taken by FD BIoodPreuare (If Takea): Not taken by FD Rapiratlons (If Taken): Not taken by fD hpUJ: Not taken by FD Level of Coodoumess: Alert Treataeatby 1JoItaI. Il'lre: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a motOr vehicle accideat located in the 100blockofN, 19th Avenue. Firefighters treated and packaged one female patient 1br transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital for further evaluation, Oft'ker bt Charge: K. Rowe Pel10ll M.... Report: K. Rowe . e Bouman Fire Department ..EMS Report 18.Jan-96 Alarm NUlBber: 960036 Date: 18-Jan-96 Time Call Received: 11:23 Lot.... of Ram: 300 North Willson T".-e.0ut: 11:24 Type of Ran: Emergency On S4:ene: 11:26 Kind of RIID: Medical Alsist Ia Serriee: U:33 Fire DeDartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Eaaiae t: No IqIae 2: Yes Relate t: No Ladder 1: No Tellder 1: No Otlaer: No Respoase District: II ~ J'roat:StatioD 1 Did we arrive before Ambllluce: Yes OtIaer Agaacielat SeeIae: MedTraDs Fire Figbten atkeae: K. Rowe, T. Shearman, 1. Bos Uaprotected ExpoIIll'e: No Customer Infonnation PatieDt Name: Catherine Larsen Ses: Female PatieDt'.AMrets: P.O.Box 149 Clyde Park. MT. Zip Code: 59018 Ale: 87 Patieat'. PIIoDe:686-4914 PosltioDILocati of Patiellt: LyiAg on West aide ofWiDsoa Avenue oo'exIeDSion plUtof grass. ComplaiatIProblem: Unrespondsive, Doctors on scene when Engiae 1 arrived. Dr.Gype aDd unlaiown Dr, Bystanders were proforming CPR at umeguIar intervals when BID arrived. Patient madesouads and was.breatbina on her own during primary assessment. CPR. PerfOl'Md: No Paise (If TIkeD): Not taken by FD BJeod PreIIure(Jf Tala): Not taken by PO ReIpi......(If'TaIa): Not taken by FD PtIpila: Not taken by FD Level of Coadoulllell: Responsive to Pain Stimulus T......byBtWJelllH fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to the 300 block of N. WiUsou to die report of a woman down. Upon arrival firefighters treated a87 year old female who bad.'col1asped while exiting her car. ThepatieDt was transported to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital fot' furthor evaluation. Oftieer ia Charge: K,Rowe PeIWD MaIdIt& Report: K. Rowe . . Rozema. Fire Depar1DleDt - Fire Report 18~an-96 Alarm MUlRber: 960035 Date: 18~Jan~96 Time Out: 10:17 Lor'" of RPa: 1010 &st Main St. OnSceae: 10:19 Type of RIlla: BmergeDcy .. Service: 10:31 kJad of Ru: Vehicle Fire ReIpoo8e District: 12 Retpondial F....: Both Stations in at time ofca1l M...... Aid Gha: No MIltuJ AId Retehed: No Customer Information Oeeup8llt Name: Michael Koep Oecuplftt .Phoae: 208-76S-1730 OceupaDt Addreu: 1724 Front St., Coeurd'Aleoe, JD. 83814 Ow8erHuae:Same as above Owner Phone: Owner Add....: Type of OuupuylVeblde: Volkswagon Bu.s LleeDIe: K111627 ftte Origbaated fa .8p1Ud to: Confined to eagiDetolDpllltll1ell. VIM ## 2312027386 c.... by: Owners using a portable propane beater to thaw the engine out. OUtside temperature 0 degrees, Started by a Juvenile: No PlctaresTakeIl: No SJROIre Dettedor PrMent: No Did it Aedvate: No ..it Adtvated, dhtlt IIlft . We: No Hew..y ..LheJ s.ved: 0 If it Actlvated,dldlt prevent IUjer property 'AP"'Ip: No Fire Loss 884 Insurance Information .~wtM Lou.. Property: 51,400.00 EItbbated Lo8s oa CooteDII: $0.00 llnaraaee eo.,.y:AlliedInsatanoe Compmy. ID8unmce OD Property: $0.00 "'raace .. .CeBfe&tI: $0,00 ,:~ . - ....... Fire ~ -I'lre Report,.. 2 Alana N~ 960035 Fire D~partment Operations Units Responding: Enaioe 1: Yes ~2: Yes ReIcue 1: No Ladder 1: No TeacIer 1: No Squ.d 1: No 0dIer. No Unit and Pumpi... Time: Pumps not used EsthIguhIaed widI: Pot1lib1e ExtiDpisber Seuee GfWafer: Anlout of Water Used: ??oo Ga1lons Fire F'iaI*n at SteRe: K. Rowe, T.Shearman, 1. 80s Call Ba Pel'lOlUld Paged: No Sped" T__"': No Off Duty PeI"lOllDel: EquiplDent Used: EqaipateDt Loll or Bt-.: laddeat Narrative: Firefighters responded to a vehide fire reported at the Blue Sky Motel OR East Main St. The fire was ~by.pcsts of the ..JDOtel usiagpol1ab1e extinguishers. 0IIieer1a Otarae: K. Rowe Penoa MaJdnaReport: K. Rowe . fI~ RozemanFire Department. EMS Report 17-Jan-96 Alarm NUDlber: 960034 Date: 17-Jan~96 nme CaB Jteeek'ed: 20:16 LocatloD ___: 408 N. WiUaon n_ Out: 20:17 Type of RuB: Emergency On Scene: 20:19 J(hItIofRall: Medical Assist In Sen1ee: 20:47 rire Qepartment Ooerations JawsolUfe Used: No EngiDe 1: Yes E....l: No Reseue 1: No Ladder 1: No TeIMIer.l:No Other: No Response District: 11 ReIpoadlag J'rom: station 1 Did we arrive before AlDIt1l!I1"'-e: Yes Other AgeDdes at Sceae: MedTrans Fire FIpten at Seeae: 0, Hoell. 1. Polus, K, Bushnell Unprotected EspolIUre: No Customer Information Patient Name: Luke Pickett Sa: male PatieDt's AdcIna: 408 N. Willson Zip Code: 59715 Age: 11 ,adeM's PhoDe: S82..0472 ~atioIlef.Padeiat: SiUing OD. couch in Iivin& room CompIaint/ProbIem: Report of an 11 year old male having an insulin reaction. CPR PerfOl'Dled: No Pulse (If Takea): 112 81004 Prel8n (If Takea): 130170 ReIpiratloas (If TIIba): Not takeR by m P8pih: pearl Level of Cooeioasnell: Alert Treatmeat by lJ.cImaa Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of an 11 year olcImale baYing an iDsulin JaCtion. The boy bad a streBUOUI day 011 the slopes aDd needed a btood.... boost.FIl'eftPtenassisted. ambuIanc:le personnel witbpatieDt care and. contacte<l the boys mother at work. She retumecl home to care for.her son. Offieer in Charge: G. Hoell PenoaM.... Report: K. Busbnell . e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS. Report J 7.JtJll...96 Alarm Number: 960033 Date: 17-Jan..96 n.ae Cd B.eeeMd: 13:32 LoeatiGBof....: 3OO11.lll~ nme Out: 13:35 Type of Run: Emergency On Scene: 13:40 KlDd of...: Medic:al Assist In Service: 14:00 Fire Department ~ons Jaw. of Life Used: No EDgIne 1: Yes EaaiDe 2: No ReIe8e 1: No Ladder 1: No T....t: No Oller: No Response Dlstritt: 0 Reapoadina Froa: Station 1 DId we arrive before AmWaac:e: No OtherAgeneie. at Scene: MedTrans, BozemaaP.D. I1re fiPten . .Seelae:G, Hoell, K. BuslmelI, J. Polus Unproteded ExpoIUre: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Jacqueline Joyce Boomhower Sex: Female PatieBt'. Address: 3001Langhor 7Jp Code: 59715 Age: 56 PItieDt'. PboDe: 587-4708 PositioalLocatioD of Patient: Sitting across the arms of an easy chair, CompIaiatJProbI: D.O.A Patient was last seen the previous night around 10:00. Herdaughter, Tracey Soderstrom, brought her lunch to her and found her dead. CPR Pelformed: No Pulse (If Take8): Not taken by FD Blood Pralwre (If Takea): Not taken by FD Bapiradoal (If Taka): Not taken by PO PIIpiII: Not taken. byFD Level ofCondou....: Unresponsive Treaaaeatby~.11re: Bozeman Fire Department confirmed a report of a deceased female. 0fIiter iR .0Iarp: G. Hoell .Fe...- .Ma1d1II.1tepert: J,Polus . . . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 18~an-96 Alarm Number: 960032 Date: 17-Jan-96 TIme can Reteived: 11:01 l<<atioD of Run: #95 Kountz Trailer Court. 8628 Huffine Lane Dme Out: 11:03 Type ofBlua: Emergency 0.. Scene: 11:08 Kind of Rua: Medical Assist In Senice: 11:33 Fire Deoartment Operations JaM of ute Va: No Engiae 1: No Eqiae2: Yes ReIaIe 1: No Ladder 1: No TeDder 1: No Other: No Respoale District: 22 ReIpon4iDg From: Station 2 Did we arrive before.ABahulaoce: Yes ~r Ageacla at.Sceae: MedTraDs Fire Figltten at Scene: D. Archer, S. Mueller VIIpI'Oteded E.-re: No Customer l;nformation Patient Name: Cyrina Howard Sex: Female Patieat'. Addras:#9S KOWltz Trailer.CcJurt. 8628 Huffine Laae Zip Code: 59715 Age: 11 Patiellt'. PboD.e: 586-7182 PositionlLoeation of PatieJlt: Sitting in chair in front room. Co.pIaiBtlPr8lttela: Patient was having di1Iicu1ty breathing. Her breaths were labored aod raspy when we arrived. She had called her mother at walk tellingbcrshe was having difticu1ty breathing and was UDCODSCious whenbet' mother got home. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken. by FD Blood PreIMu'e (If Takea): Not taken by FD RapiratioIlt (If Takaa): Not taken by FD Pupils: Not taken byFD Level of CoaeioUlRess: Unresponsive TreatIDeat by ~- Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a request for medical asst,tance from theOaUatin County Sherift's Office for an 11 year oktgirl havingdifticulty breathing at ## 95 KOUiltz Trailer CoIHt. Upon arrival, firefighters found the girl unconcious sitting in a chair bavinglabored breathing. Firefighters applied oxygen and aided her.breathing.usin& an AMBU bag until ambulance penonuetarrived. Firefighters assisted ambulance personnel in their treatment of the patient and helped them package and load the . . Bozeman Fire Department · EMS Report 18Jan-96 patient for transport to the hospital; OtIieerill Charge: D. Archer re.... ..... Report: D. Archer e e Bozeman Fire Department -EMS Report J7-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960031 Date: l1-1an..96 Time Call Reteived: 10:27 Lotadon of Bun: 311 S. Willson 1ime Out: 10:28 Type of ....: Einergency On Scene: 10:31 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Senice: 10:45 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Eagbae 1: No EaPae %: No ReIcae 1: Yes Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No RespoMe .Distriet: 12 ReIpoadiIJg FI'ODI: Station 1 Did we arrive before AmbulaJKe: Yes 0tIIer A&atdaat SceDe: Med Tl'8DB Fire Figbten at Stene: K. Bushnell, J. Polus Uaproteeted J:.-re: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: AI Rudner Sex: Male Patient'. Addrea: 311 S. WiUson Zip Code: 59715 Age: 92 Pad.eut'. Phone: 586..5521 PoIitioaILoeatiof PadaIt: Lying supine indoonvay between bathroom and bedroom. ComplaiDtlProblem: Complaining of back pain in lower regiOl'tS. CPR Perfonned: No Pulse (If Taka): Not taken by FO BIGod Preaare (If TakeR): Not taken by FD Rapi.......(If TaIrea): Not taken by PO PapIh: Not taken by 10 Level of ConcioutneU: Alert TreataaeDt It)' Bor.etua Fire: Bozeman Pire Department responded to a report of a man down with possible injuries. Fire fighters assisted Med Trans in ~gillg the patient for transpon. Otrreerin Charge: K. Bushnell Pel"lOll MaldqReport: 1. Polus e e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Repo~ 22.Jan~96 Alarm Number: 960030 Date: 17-180...96 Time Call Received: 8:19 LoeMien .81.....: Comer of 3rd and Kagy Time Out: 8:21 Type of Rua: Emergency On SeeIle: 8:25 KiM 81....: Vehicle Accident In Service: 8:29 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Ufe Used: No Engiae 1: Yes bgiBe 2: No Reae 1: No Ladder I: No TeadeI't: No Oftaer: No Response District: 12 Rapoodina FroID: .Station 1 Did we anivebefore "'.......nee: Yes Other Agencies at Seeae: Medl'rans Ambulance. Bozeman. Police fireFigllten .. Scene: G. HoeU, J. Polus, K. BurbueU Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patien.t Name: Sa: Patient's Add.ra8: Zip Code: 59715 Age: 0 ,adeM's Phoae: P08itioDll..GeatioR of PatieDt: No patient found.. ComplaintJProblem: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a sJide..in with unknown injuries at the comer of Kagy and. S. 3rd. No one was at the scene upon arrival. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If TakeR): Not taken by FD Bleod Preuure(If Takea): Not taken by FD Respiratioes (If Takea.): Not taken by FD PapiIs: Not taken by FD Level of CoacioasDess: Alert Tre~by a--..I'tre: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the comer of S. 3rd an<1 Kagy for a report ofa vehicle in the ditch. Noone was around the vebicle upon atrival. Ot'f'ker ill Charge: G. Hoell PedO. MaIdDa.Report: K. Busbnel1 . . Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report 17..Jan~96 Alarm Number: 960029 Date: 17-Jan..96 Time Out: 0:32 Loeatioaof RaIl: 515 W. Aspen On Scene: 0:37 Type of Run: Emergency In Seniee: 0:43 Kiad of...: Vehicle Fire Response District: 11 RespoDdiag Fmm: Both Stations in at time of call Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid ReceIved: No Customer Information Occupat Name: lustin Morris Occupaat Phone: 586-4947 Oceupaat Acklreas: 231.5 N. Church Owner Name: Little Johns Owaer PhoIle: 587-1652 Owner Address: Type of OccupanyNebitle: LIceaJe: Fire OrigiDated In .spread to: Fire started in enginecompat'UDeDt. Confined to engine compat'UDeDt. Caused by: Gas leak on manifold. Started by a Juvenile: No Pictures TakeD: No Smoke Decteetor Preseat: No Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did it save a life: No Bow .....yLlves Saved: 0 U it Aetivate4l, did. it preveat major pi""" daatage: No Fire lAss and lnsurance Information Estimated Loss on Property: $200.00 Estimated Loss ooConteats: $0:00 Insurance Compaay: ......ranee OB Property: $0,00 Insurance 08 Contents: $0.00 e . _ FIre Depa..... - FIre Report pg.1 AluaN....... 960029 Fire Department Operations Units Respondins: Encine t: Yes EagIne 2: Yes Resale 1: No Ladder t: No .. TeDder 1: No Sftud.l: No 0tIaer: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used It''''hhed with: Saen:e ef Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Flghten at SceBe: G. Duntscb. K.Buslmell, RCima Call Back Penouel Paged: No Spedal Team. Paged: No Off Duty PenoHeI: Eqalpmeat Used: Eq.ip__ LoIter....: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a vehicle :Ore in the parking lot of Little Jobns. The fife was eat upon arrival. Off"lCer ill Charge: G. Duntsch PenoaMaIdq Report: KBasbnell . e . Bozeman Fire Department - Fire Report J7-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960028 Oate: 16..Jan-96 TillIe Out: 22:12 l.eeatioa of RIIII: 15 N. loth On Scene: 22:17 Type of Ru.: Emergency In Service: 22:42 KiIId of Raa: Hazardous Condition Response District: 21 Respoading FI"OIIU Station 2 Mutual Aid Givu: No Mutual Aid Reeeived: No Customer Information OeQlplUlt Name: OccapantPboae: OcaIplUlt Addl"elll: Owner Name: Montana Power Co. OwMr PIaoDe: 586-1331 Owner Address: 121 B. Griffin Drive. Type of.OmapaaylVeIdde: Lieeate: Fire Originated In _Spread to: no fire Caused by: Broken iDsu1ator Started by a Juveaile: No Pidares Taken: No Smoke Dectedor Praeot: No Did.it ActIvate: No II it Attivated, did it me aBle: No Bow .., UveI Saved: 0 II it Activated, did. it preveat major property damage: No Fire Loss and" Insurance InfonnaU91l EIdIIIated LotIoa Property: $0.00 Estimated Loss on ConteDtI: SO.OO IDIaI'lD(e COIOPDY: Insurance on Property: $0.00 IuBI'IDCe OIl COIIteIItr. $0.00 . . _.n _ ___,,_ no e e ....... Fire Depat1aOIIt - JI1n Report PI- 2 Alana NlIIIlber 960028 Fire Dellamnent Operations Units Responding: EagiJle 1: No EqiJIe 2: Yes Racue 1: No Ladder 1: No TeMer 1: No Squad. 1: No Other: No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used EDiDgaislled wida: Saute of Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire l'iglden atSeeJle: G. Clutter D. Shyne 1. Fisher Call Back PenolUlel Paged: No Spedal Teuu Paged: No Off Duty Penoaael: EquipmeDt Used: EquipmeDtLolt or BroIB: Incldeat Narrative: Bozeman Fire Oepartmem responded to a report of a transformer shorting out at the comer of loth & Main. Upon arrival. fire6p.ters foUDd what appeared to be a broken insulator on a power pole. Firefighters secured the area $ld stood by until Montafia Power. arrived on the scene. 0fIicer in Cltarae: G. Clutter Penon MakbIg Report: O. Clutter . e Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report 16.Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960027 Date: 16-Jan-96 Time Out: 10:33 Location of Rua: 2300 W. Main Oa Scene: 10:35 Type at....: Emergency In Service: 10:42 Khtd of Run: Vehicle Fire RespoDJe District: 21 Responding From: Station 1 out & Station 2 in at time of can Mutual Aid Given: No Mutual Aid Reeeived: No Customer Infonnation Occupant Name: Pizza Hut - parking lot Occupant Phone: 587..9500 Occuput. Address: 2300 W. Main Owner Name: DaveSkattum. Owner Pbene: 222-0846 Owner Address: Box 1081 Livingston, Mt. Type of Oeaapany/Vebide: 1967 Ford Tnd: LkeIa.: 49t-521A Fire Originated In ..spread to: Started in the engine compartment, andSUtyed in that area. Cused by: Unknown. Started by a Juvenile: No Pittare. Taken: No Smoke Deetedor Preleat: No Did it Activate: No If It Activated, did it lave a life: No Row many Lives Saved: 0 If it Activated, did itpreveat ataJor property f-.~ No Fire Loss and Insurance Infonnation Estimated Loss 08 Property: $750.00 Estimated Lou 08 CODteIltI: $0.00 Insurance Compaay: Unknown. m...ranceon Property: $0.00 Insurance 08 Contents: $0.00 e . Bozeman Fire DepartDlent - FIre Report PI- 2 AlllI'IIl N1I1Her 960027 Fire Department Operations Units Respondins: Engine 1: Yes Eqiae 2: Yes Retcue1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No StpIad 1: No Odler: No Unit and PumpIBg Time: Pumps not used E:Dinguished witb:Portab1e Extinguisher ScMnt:eof W*r: Antouat of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Figlaten at Sceae: G. Clutter, D. Shyne, 1. Fischer CaD Back Personnel Paged: No SpedaI T.... Paged: No Off Duty PenoaaeI: Equipment Used: Equipment Lost or BrokeD: IBcldem Narrative: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a vehicle fire at 2300 W. Main, Upon arrival, firefighten found that the fire bad been put out with a portable extinguisher by the truck owner. Fite1lghters made sure that the tire was completely out. Officer i. Charge: G. Clutter Penon Making Report: F. Devine . e Bozeman Fire Department... Fire Report 18.Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960026 Date: IS..Jan-96 Time Out: 22:05 LocatioD of Ru: 3601 Toole OR SeeDe: 22:11 Type of....: Nonemergency In Service: 22:25 KiDd of ItIua: Service Call RespoDse District: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Mutual Aid Given: No MutuI AidReeeiwd: No Customer Information Occupant Name: Stacy Miller Occupaat Phoae: 587-Q307 Occupant Addrell: 3601 Toole Owtler Name: Davi4 L. Miller Owaer Phone: 587.Q307 Owner Address: 360 1 Toole Type of OccopaaylVehicle: R-l License: Fire Orlgioated III ..spread to: NI A Caused by: Smoke detector battery needed replacing. Started by a Juvenile: No Pimu'eI TakeI1:No 8a* Dec:teetor PreIeat: Yes Did it Activate: Yes If it Adivated, did it tave ante: No HOWDWlY Lives Saved: 0 If it ActIvated, 4id itpftVellt .1Ujor pnperty ....: No Fire Loss and hlsurance Iqformation Estimated Los, OD Property: $0.00 EstialaWd Le8s ODCoatents: $0.00 Insurance Compaay: fasurance on pmperty: $0.00 Insurance oa COIlteDts: $0.00 -..-"...-.. e . BoIeIDaD Fire Dep.....t.. Fin Report PI- 2 A1a1!lll NlIIIlber 960026 Fire Dq>arttnentOperations Units Responding: Engiae 1: No EngiDe 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No TeDder 1: No Squad 1: No OUter: Yes Udit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used ExtiDgulshed wida: Soun:eof Water: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Fighten at Sceae: D. Miller CaD BKkPenonael Paged: No Sped.al TelIDIS Paged: No Off Duty Pel'lOlUlel: EqPipdleDt Used: no~! EquipnteIlt LoIt or Broken.: None! incident Narrative: An onooduty Bozeman Firefighter (South 19th location) was contacted by his wife, reporting that their smoke detector was chirping. She realizecl that this indicated that the battery needed replacement. but bad been unable to disconnect the detector.11tefirefigbter responded withautitity vehicle and replaced thebaUery. MICeI' ill Cltarge: D. Miller Person Ma1d.Ilg Report: D. Miller e . Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 15.Jan-96 Alarm Number: %0025 Date: 15-J8O.-% Time Call Received: 21:53 Locatiea of RaIl: 708 N. Black Avenue. Time Out: 21:55 Type of Bun: Emergency On Scene: 21:53 Klatt of .....: Medical Assist In Senice: 22:20 Fire DCllartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No Ten.tler 1: No Ottaer. No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before AlBbaIaaee: Yes Other Agencies at Scene: MedTrans FireFighten at SeeIle: K. Rowe, K. lohnson, 1. 80s Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Rory Figgins Sex: male Patient's Address: 708 N. Btaok Avenue Zip Code: 59715 Age: 28 Padent's PIaone: 587-0831 PositioaILotatioll of Patient: Lying on living room floor. ComplaintJProblem: Patient was in Insulin shock. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by PO Blood Preaure (If Taken): Not taken by PO Respiratiens (If Taken): Not taken by FD Pupih: Not taken by FD Level of ConcioulDels: Responsive to Pain Stimulus TreatmeDtby Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the 700 block of N. Black Ave. to the report of a diabetic male in insulin shock. The patient was transported to.BozemanDeaconessHospital. for fi.u1her evaluation. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe Penon Makiag Report: K. Rowe e . Bozeman Fire Department ..EMSReport 18-Jan-96 AJarm Number: 960024 Date: 15-Jan-96 Time Call Received: 18:13 Locaticm of ....: College and Main TUBe Out: 18:14 Type 81....~ Emergeucy On Scene: 18:18 KiDdof Mua: Vehicle Accident Ia Senk:e: 19:20 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life UIed: No Eagine I: No Eqiae 2: Yes Resaae 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No ~ Yes RespeaseDistrict: 22 ......... '1'81: Station 2 Did we arrive before Ambulance: No Other Ageades. atSeeDe: Bozeman Police, Med-Tnms Ambulanc:e Fire Figllten at Scene: D. Miller, V. Backman, 1. Shrauger, 1. 80s Unprotetted Esposure: No Customer fuformation Patiellt Name: Mary Schweitzer Sa: Female Pa1ieat'. Address: 3042 Deer Creek Drive Zip Code: 59715 Age: 41 PIde8t'. PItoDe: 587-4368 PositJoulLocation of Patient: Patient was in drivers side of vehicle behind the steering wheel. Her daughter was in the batt. scat on the passenger side of the vehicle. Both patients had their seat belts on. CoIDpIaiDtJProb: Both patients were transported due to chest pain from tbeirseat belts. Tho daughters nalIle was Leanne. They were driving a 1992 aids Bravada, lisceDse plate f6p-3082t The pa1ieDt in .t1leother vdtid.e that was transported had injuries to her left wrist. Her name is Julia Jackson. Her address is 5520 Sourdough Road. Phone#S85-3462. She is 24 years old and wasdrMng a 1981 Dodge DaIcotapicbp. Liscenseplate #6t~ 2123c. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If TakeD): Not taken by FD BIeodPreMre (If TIkea): Not taken by FD Relpiratioas (If T.....): Not taken by FD PtIpik: Not taken by PO Level of CoIldousaess: Alert Treataaeat by BcPem~.Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a two vehicle IlCCident with i1\iUries at the intersection of College and e e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 18-Jan-96 Main. Three patients were transported to Bozeman .Deaconess Hospital.for further evaluation. Oftkeria Charge: D. Miller PeI'IIHI Maki8g Report: J. Shrauger e - Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 16.Jan~96 Alarm Number: 960023 Date: 1'-J8O.-96 TIme Call Received: 11:37 Locatioa of...: North Hedges Lobby Time Out: 11:48 Type of BUD: Emergency On Sceae: 11:42 Kia4 of RuB: Medical Assist In Service: 11:S7 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: No E.gine 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Ladder I: No TeHer 1: No 0tIIer: No Response District: 23 Responding From: Not in Station at time of call Did. we arrive before Antbalaace: Yes Otber Agencies at Scene: MSU Police, Med- Trans Ambulance Fire Fighters at Sceae: D. Miller, V. B~ft, 1. Shrauger Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Gary Lowman Sex: Female PatieDt's Address: Route I PaIkCity, Montana Zip Code: Age: 38 Patient's PboDe: (406)633-2649 PositioolLocatioD of Patient: Patient was on the floor next to. some scafOlding. CemplaintlProbleDl: Patient was having some pain in his lower back and to the rear of his head CPR Perferme4: No PlIl8e (If Taken): 88 Blood Pressare(lf Taken): 118190 Re8piratiens (If Taken): Not taken by FD .Pupfts: equal and reactiv Level of Co.cioumess: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firefighters responded to the lobby of the NortbHedps building toa report of a ma:~:..I fallen and injured. his back. Upon arrival, firefighters did primary aud secondary surveys and the patient for transport to the hospital for further evaluation. 0IIIcer in Charge: D. Miller Penon MaIdac Repert: 1. Shrauger e e Bozem.an Fire Department... Fire Report 14.Jan-96 Alarm NUlAber: 960022 Date: 14-Jan-96 Time Oat: 18:18 Location of....: Holiday Inn 5 Baxter Lane ODSteIIe: 18:23 Type of Run: Emergency In Seniee: 18:31 KiIId of....: False Call .. Good Intent Raponse Diltrict: 21 Responding From: Both Stations in at time of call MtduaI Aid GfveB: No Matall AklReeehed: No Customer Information Occupat Name: Holiday Inn Oecapaat Phone: 587-4561 I ekeupant Address: S Baxter Lane Owner NII8e: Holiday Inn Owner Phone: 587-4561 Owner Address: 5 Baxter Lane Type of OccupuyNdlkle: Motel LieeDIe: Fin Origtaateclln ..8prftd.to: False Call.... Good Intent Caused by: Started by a Juvenile: No Pktura TIkea: No Smolte Dedector Preseat: No Did it Aedvate: No If it Aetivated, did it tave a life: No Bow ...y UYa Saved: 0 JIlt Activated,dkI It prevent major property daIaage: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information E.abnated Loa on Property: $0.00 EItintated Lon 011 COIIteDtI: $0.00 lD..ranceCODIpuy: ".ranee OIl Preperty: SO.OO Insaranee on CoateDtI: $0.00 . e e .....It.. Fire Depu1aeIIt. 11ft Report PI- 2 AIara Ntll8ber 960022 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Engine 1: Yes Engiue 2: Yes ReIaIe 1: No Ladder 1: No Tea4er I: No Squad 1: No 0tIIer; No Unit and Pumping Time: Pumps not used IstiapUbecl with: SoIIree of Water: Amount of Water Used: 0000 Gallons Fire Figbten at Scene: CaD Back Penoanel Paged: No Spedal Tn. PlIed: No 011 Duty PeI'lOllllel: Equipment Used: IquIpnleat Lost or Brekea: Incideat Narrative: Bozeman Fire Oepartment responc:bt to a fire alarm at the Holiday Inn. Hotel management and firefighters found. no fire and confirmec1amaltUnction in the alarm system. OfficeriD Charge: G. Hoell Penon MakiDg Report: 1. Polus e . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 16-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960021 Date: 13-Jan-96 Time Call Received: 18:25 Lotadoll of Ran: 112 lulia Martin Drive nme Out: 18:26 Type of Rn: Emergency On Scene: 18:37 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 18:43 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No EDgiae 1: No .Eqiae 2: Yes Relate 1: No Ladder I: No Teade..l: No Other: No RespoaseDistrict: 23 ReipoDdiag 11'1'018: Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive before Amlmlaace: No Other Ageae~ at Sese: MSU Security MedTraas Fire Fighters at Sceae: G. Clutter K. Johnson J. Fisher Unprotected E:a.posure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Catlin McWhorter Sex: Female Patient'. Address: 112 Julia Martin Drive Zip Code: 59715 Age: 2 ,ltieDt'. Plume: 587-7301 PositiouILocatioa of Patieat: In mothers arms. ComplaintJProblem: CPR Perfonaed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Prenare (If TakeD): Not taken by FD Respiratieas (If Takea): Not taken by FD PupiIr. Not taken by FD Level of Coacioasoess: Alert TreatmeDt by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Fire Department responded to a request for medi<:a1 assistance for a infant that bad fallen down a flight of stairs. Upon arrival, firelighters fOund .Mafl'raDsOllthe tceRe, .f'iIe pcrson1lClassisted Med.Trans with loading the patient for transport to the hospital. OfrKer in Charge: G. Outler .PenuaMaldllcI1eport:G. Clutter . ,I \;:' Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 16-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960020 Date: 12-1an-96 Time Call ReceIved: 14:17 LocatioIl of .....: 118 N. 7th Ave. Time Out: 14:18 Type of Run: Emergency Oa Sceoe: 14:20 KiIld of ltIUl: Medical Assist In Senice: 14:30 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Engine 1: Yes Engine 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No TeDder 1: No 0tIter: No Response District: 11 Responding From: Station 1 Did. we arrive before Ambalaate: Yes Otber Agencies at Scene: MedTrans Fire Figbten at Sceae: K. Rowe, T. Shearman, J. Bos UnpIVtected Exposure: No Customer Information Patient Name: Mary Hespen Sex: female PatieIlt's Address: 1415 South Black Ave. Zip Code: 5971S Age: 72 Pa1ient's PIaoDe: 586-9620 PositionlLocatioa of PatieBt: Sitting in chair. ComplaintIProblem: Left leg pain. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by m Blood P'reuure(lf Taken): Not taken by PO RespiratioJtJ (If Taken): Not taken byFO PupIls: Not taken by FD Levelof' Conciousness: Alert TreatllleDt by lIo7aaaa Fire: Firefighters responded to the 100 block ofN. 7tb Ave. to assist a woman who slipped and fell on ice injuring her left leg. Firefiglttcrs prepared the patient for k-.pMto Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer in Charge: K. Rowe PenoD MaIdDg Report: K. Rowe . e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 12.Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960019 Date: ll-Jan-'96 TlmeCall B.ecei'vN: 17:57 LoeatioB. of Rua: 411 W. Harrison Time Out: 17:58 Type of RIm: Emergency On Scene: 18:01 Kind of BIIIl: Medical Assist In Service: 18:18 Fire Department Ooerations Jaws of Life UIed: No Eagiae 1: Yes EDgine 1: No Retcue 1: No Ladder 1: No T_der 1: No Other: No Response District: 12 Responding From: Station 1 Did we arrive before Ambubulee: Yes Other Agencies at Sceae: MedTrans of Montana Fire Fighten at Sceae: Thompson, Hoell, Polus, FlSItJinder Unprotected E....re: No Customer Information Patient Name: Alice Jones Sa: female Patient's Address: 411 W. Harrison Zip Code: 59715 Age: 89 Pa.tieat's PheBe: 586..6629 PoIitiooILocatioa of Patient: Lying in a right lateral rec:umbentposition. ComplaintIProblem: The patient was complaining of pain in her left hip and her nurse thought that she had bad a stroke. CPR Perfonned: No Paille (If Taken): 68 Blood P.....re(lfT...): 100/60 BeBpirations (If Taken): Not taken by FD PapiII: Unequal Level of Coacioumeu: Alert Treatment by Bozeman Fire: Bozeman Firelighters responded to a report at a person. who had bad a stroke. Firefighters performed a primary and sewndary patient assessment, applied oxygen, took the peticnt's vital signs. and.assistec1 MedTrans personnel with the packaging and loading at the patient for transport to the hospital. Oft'"acer i. Charge: M. Thompson ~1'IIOIl M.... Report: M. 'Ibontpson JAN-11-96 FRI 4:26 PM BOZ~N STATION #2 FAX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 1 . Bozeman Fire Department - EMS Report 11.Jan-96 " -" - "." n.._.._ .. "'"' AI.... N...ber, 960018 BaR: 11-Jan-96 Tbae C'" IIetciml: IS:SI J..oeeti8a .......; 1221 WatDuntou Gallatin CoUDty Rest. Home n. Oat: IS:52 Type flllIuII: EmerpD;:y OIl Stear. lS:SS ~.- -= MccIk:al AsIist Ie Seniee: 16:14 Fire Deoartment Ooerations laWl of Life tJlCld: No t:atpIc 1: No &-'2: Yes ....1: No ........ I: No 1'eIadcr I: No otIIcr: No RapeDee DiItrid: 21 ReIpaBdiDg no.: StaticJD 2 Did we anive Wore ~ Yes 0dIer ~ at Setae: MecII'raDs Fift FIpten at ScleIIr. S, HoqIBDcI, D. AIdIcr. M. Criacr VDprotected E~ No Cpstomcr Information Patiellt N..: Bcmk:e 0iID6'aDdsc0 Sa: FaI8e Patiut'l Address: 1221 West DunloD Zip Co4e: 59715 Ace: 85 ....... ftIIIe:. ~1470 ~ ofPadat: Patient was bmd lyiJlI on berblck on 1befloor in tbe baIIway at the rest..1loale, C~: RltieDt ~.,d to Itavc a fiacbtred rigblltip. SIIc aIao bumped _ hcadoadle 1Ioo.r u sbc feU. CPR Pe1fonIed: No Pdle (If TaIrat): 64 ..... PIn I · e (If TIIIta): 14Mj() ..,......... (If Takm): 16 ..... Not takat by PO Level of C""1lI"rc,* Alert TreatIIleIII bJ. ....... Jl'irt: Bozemah Fire respondc(l to a c;:aU 1br an elde:rIy WOIDllIl .. rcnad iqjured ha" ript. hip aDd bumped her head. After vitallipl ~ taka1, oxypA was JMIt. the iJUaftd hip..1ta1liliml aDd tile patient was traIlSpOI'IOCl to the hoIpilal. otIker b1 Qup: S. IfouSIand ~ M.....1kpeI1: S. Houpmd. . . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 09.Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960017 Date: 09-1an-96 Time Call Reeeived: 14:21 Location of RIIII: 317 North 10th Time Out: 14:22 Type of Roll: Emergency OnSc:eBe: 14:26 Kiad at.*-: Medical Assist In Service: 15:32 Fire Deoartment Operations J.ws of Ute Used: No Engiae 1: No E.. 2: Yes Re8cue 1: No Ladder 1: No TeDder 1: No 0tIter. No Respome >>i8trid: 21 Responding From: Station 2 Did we arrive.~~: No Other Ageucies at Scene: Med-TransAmbu1ance Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller, J. Sbrauger Unprotected Exposure: No Customer I,nformation Patieat Name: Jack Brant Sex: Male Patient.s Address: 317 North 10th Zip Code: 59715 Age: 87 Patient's ......: 586-6793 PositiouILoutioll of Patieet: Patient was founc1 OIl the floor in his bedroom lying on bis right side. ComplaintIProblem: Patient was complaining that be was feeling weak and tbathe could not get up:from. the.floor. cPR Pel'forMe4: No Nile (If TakeD): 58 Blood Pressure (If TakeIt): 120/80 Relpiratiolu (If Taken:): Not taken by FD Pupih: right side fixed Level of Coneiousnell: Alert Treatment by Bor-- lire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a North 10th residence to a.report Of a. man who could not get off the floor. Firefighters did primary and secondary surveysan4preplRd tile patient for transport to the hospital. Oft"'reer in Cba.rge: D. Millet Penon MaIdac.Repert: J. Sbrauger e e Bozeman Fire Department.. EMS Report 09.Jan-96 Alarm Num~r: 960016 Date: 09-180.-96 Tune CaU Received: 10:05 Location of RIm: 816 North 17 # 9 Time Out: 10:0S Type of Ra: Emergcw:y On Scene: 10:10 Kind of.Rua: Medical Assist IB Seniee: 10:31 Fire Department Ooerations .Jaws of Life Use4: No EagiBe 1: No E81iee2: Yes Re.ate 1: No Ladder 1: No TeDd.er 1: No Other: No Rapoate District: 21 RetpoediIIgFr8nl: Not inStatiol1 at time of cal1 Did we arrive before AmbullUlee: No Other Agencies at SceRe: Med- Trans AmtNIance Fire Fighters at Scene: D. Miller, V. Backman, 1. Sbrauger Unprotected EspollUre: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Marjorie Lutes sex: Female Patient's Address: 816 North 17th #9 Zip Code: 59715 Age: 82 PatieJlt'sPhcme: 587-0424 PosltloalLocadon of Patient: Patient was on the floor near her kitchen tablc,on her right side. ComplaintlProblem: Patient bad taken 3 nitro pills prior to our arrival fora pain in her cbest. The patient also bad a pain in her left hip. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 78 Blood Pressure (If Taken): Not taken by FD RespiratieIuJ (If TakeB): Not taken by FD ....Ds: Not taken by FD Lewl of Concioulllell: Alert I'lUt8IeIlt:l.y ~... F(re: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a North 17th trail~ court to a report of a woman who had a pain in her hip. Upon arrival firefighters did primary and toCondary surveys _ prepared. ~ patient fur transport to the hospital for further evaluation. orraceria Charge: D. Miller PeI'lOllMaWng Report: J.Shrauger . -...-----.--- ---..-----.-- .. .-... e e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report r 07.Jan~96 Alarm Number: 960015 Date: 07-180.-96 11I8eCaDReceiVfJd: 14:36 I..ocatioII of RaIl: 502 South CJuud1 Time Oat: 14:37 Type of Rua: Bmergency On Sceae: 14:39 lOad 41Wa: Medical Assist ID Service: 15:05 Fire Department OQerations Jaws of Life Used: No EDglae 1: No Engine 2: No Racae 1: Yes ........ t: No Teader 1: No Odter: No Respoue District: 12 ReIpoatIIag FI'OIIl: Station 1 Did we aniftbefore .~ Yes Other Acencies at.SceDe: MedTrans Firell1pten at Seeae: D.SIIyne, R.CiJtJa Unpl'Vteded IbpolUre: No Customer Information Patiellt Name: Nick Burgard Sa: Male Patieat's Address: 3017 Scc:or Zip Code: 5971S Age: 8 Plltieat'. PIIoDe: 597-6293 PosItioRILoeati of PaIie8t; Sitting by small tree in.mek boUom at the bottom of a sledding hill. ComplaintlProbleJn: Patient said his bead and oedt burt. CPR Perfonaed: No Pulse (If TakeD): Not taken by FD BIood~re (lfTIIIreD): Not taken by PO Rapi......(If Taken): 12 P8piIt: PEARL Level 4 Cone.....: Alert TreatDleatby ----Fire: Firefighters responded to a reported sledding accident. Upon arrivaU'iraftghters found an8 year old male that ran off course and ran into a smaU tree. Patient was .~ .loIded aa4 taken to the hospital. Officer inCltaqe: . D. Shyne PerIoD M....lteport: D. Shyne . tit Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report Q7.Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960014 Date: 07-Jan-96 Time Call ReceIved: 1:37 l..Geatieaof Ra.: 300 Wheat Drive TIme Oat: 7:38 Type of Ram: Emergency OnSeeBe: 1:41 kbatI of Rua: Medical Assist In Senice: 1:47 fire Denartment Operations Jaws of Life U8ed: No Engiae 1: No Eagine 2: No Releue 1: Yes Ladder 1: No TeDder 1: No .~ No Response District: 21 Respondlag Fl'ODI: Station 1 Did we arrift before A811IuIaee: No Other Agende. at Sene: MedTrans Fire Filhten at Scene:D. Shyne, R.Cima Unproteded XspGiare: No Customer Information Patient NlUlle: Bill Frye Sex: Male PatieDt'. AddrellS: 406 Harriet, Missoula Zip Code: Age: 32 Patieat'. PhoDe: 406-~42-2070 PctIitioBILoeat of PatieRt: Standing in Me DonakIs.pmting lot. ComplaintJProblem: Patient had suffered a seizure arid was unsure about siong to the hospital. CPR Petfonaed:No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Blood Preslure (If TakeR): Not taken by FD Rapiratleu(lfTakeIi): Not taken byFD hpib: Not takeit by FD Level ofCo.dousnen: Alert TreatmeDt by Bozemaa Fire: Firefighters responded to a report of a 32 year 014 male who hacI suffered a seizure. Upon our arrival MedI'ransemployees.wcre loading the patient fur transport to tbebolpital. Offker in Charge: D. Shyne PeI'lOll MIIdnx Report: D. Shyne e . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 07.Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960013 Date: 06-Jan-96 Time Call Received: 12:52 Location of Run: 6 W. Babcock Apt. 309 TilDe OUt: l2:54 Type 01 Rtul: Emergency On Scene: 12:56 Kilad of Ibm: Medical Assist In Seniee: 13:18 Fire Department Ooerations IMVI of Life Used: No Eapte I: Yes ..... 2: No ... 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No ReIponte Dittritt: 12 ReIpondlDlI'ruIa: Station 1 Did we arrive before Aalbtdaace: Yes Other Agencies at Sce8e: Mecffrans Fire Fighten at Seeae: K. Rowe, T. Shearman, 1. Dos Uaproteded Es:poIlIre: No Customer Wfonnation Patient Name: Marcy Crosby Sex: Male Patient., Address: 6 W. Babcock Apt. 3M Zip Code: 59715 Age: 21 "adeat', Phone: 582-1098 PeIitioaILoeati 01 PatieDt: Lying supine on kitchen floor. ComplaiRtJProblent: Fainted andfel1 to ftoor. Palicnt 1tated she bit her bead. CPR Pelformed: No Pulse (If Taken): 68 Blood .....re (If TakeJI): 110190 RespiratioDs(lf Taka): Not taken by FD Pupi1r. Not taken by m Level of Coaeloome8l: Responsive to Vertl81Stimulus TreatDleatby ~p Pre: Bozeman firefighters responded to6 W. Babcock to the report of a 21 year old female that bad fidlen and hit her head. Firefighters treated the patient aadloaded her for transport to Bozeman Deaconess Hospital. Officer iD Charge: K. Rowe PeI'llOD .MaIdeg Report: K. Rowe JAN- 5-96 SAT 4:04 PM BOZ~ STATION #2 FAX NO. 406 582 0439 P. 1 . .. ........ Bozeman Fire DepartmeJJt.. EMS Report OJ../on-96 ...~ ',..._~. ~..- .. AI_ N_ber. 960012 u.tc: 05-Jan.96 Ti_ C'" RecdmI: 15:25 l~"'" fII B8: 205 Nonh 11th Bozeman Senior High School 'l1IIIe Oat: 15:26 Type fA"': EJntqeacy OIl SUIle: 15:28 Xbtd fII Ru: Mcdk:aI Assist la Senice: 15:43 Fire Demu:tment Ot)erations J.ws or Life Vied: No 1:....1: No EDII8e 1: Yes Macae 1: No Ladder f: No Taa*r 1: No OilIer: No ..... DUtrtet: 21 BapodditIJ J'lwa: s.ion 2 Did we aJ'1'ift befOte ADaWa.ct: Yes Odler AIftICin at Scf:De: Med'I'rads Fift J1pCen at Steae; S. HodgIaDd, M. CriDer, S. MadIer U.protected "1Ip-'I'e: No Customer Information Patient N-= 'l'i'lM5 Oabel Sb: *Ie Patient'. AddreIa: 553 West F Street Huntley, MI' Dp Code: 59037 Ace: l~ ........n.e: 343-2~ PoIitIoJaI.Loeaot Padeat: Pafjeat wasl'baod Iyiaa Otl his beck oa tile ~ floor. C~ Patient was puticipatin& ill a wrestliD& toomameIlt. I>ariIl& the ...... be ftac:lvhd bis lower left arm. CPRI'erfQmatd; No Palle (If T....): 66 BIoud ~ {If T.......: 132/S3 Rapind.IoIIs (It TaUa): U PupIls: Not taken by PO LeftlfII ec.-u--at: Alert Trwmeat by BorteI8aIl Fin; 'fbe paIicnt. was partklip&dDg ill. wradiD& tounIUIICDt DIrrbt& dlc JDIIC1I, be frac&uIed bis lower left arm. .BolanaJt Fire paadld toOk DtaI sips. lIdIfti.........oxy... IIIllliSfI:ld Medna'as with app1:yina additiooa1 sp1iJds and aidBd ill prepuin& pdieDt tbr 1IIRIpOIt to tile. Dpitat. otftcer III CIIaqc: S.lbIgIaud Fe...- ......ltepOrt: S. Haq1aDd e e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 04-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 9600 11 Date: 04-Jan-96 Thae Call Rec:eiM: 8:10 Locatioa fA....: Reid HaU#213 11me Out: 8:12 Type of Rua: Emergency o.Sceee: 8:17 .-. fA a.: Medical Assist IJl Servite: 8:33 .E:im.De1>arbnent Operations Jaw. of Life Used: No EagiIle 1: No E.pne2: Yes ReIeue 1: No Ladder 1: No Tt!eder 1: No Odaer: No Response District: 23 Respondblg 1'.....: Station. 1 Did we arrive before .baWa8ee: Yes Other Ageneiel at Seelle: MedTrans Fire npten at8ceBe: D.Shyne, 1. Fischer Unprotected Exposure: No Customer Infonnation Patient N..e: Shelly Fleming Se1:: Female PatieBt'. AddnII: 514 N. Ninth Zip Code: 59715 Age: 30 Padeat'. PIIo8e: 586-9397 .Po8itioa/Locati of PatieDtPatientwas found. seated behind a desk ia room 213 of Reid ball CODIPIabltlProb...: The patient ~ of left wrist pein. cpa Performed: No PaIlle (If Takea): Not taken by FD Blood PraIItre (If Talrn): Not taken by FD Respiratiolls(lf TaIrat): Not taken by Ft> ... ....... Not takeA by FD LevelofCoaeiOUllle8l: Alert 'l'reat.entlty BGr.l<Je_. lire: Bozeman Firefighters were called to room 213 ofReid.HaU toassistawomaa who bad faUen.and itVUrod her wrist. UponarrivaJ.. firdightersassitsedMed1'nms withpatieat auelDdloadiJlg forb.~'tto Bozeman Deaconess Hospital OftIcer ill Charge: D. Shyne PenoB MakiII& Report: J. Fischer e e Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 03.Jan.96 AlannN8IDber: 960010 Date: 03.1an..96 Time Call Receiwd: 11:48 LocatioD of....: 2050 Fairway Dr. TiaIe Out: 11:'1 Type.of RIul: Emergency OR Sceae: 11:57 Khadof Rua: Medical Assist Ia .Seniee: 12:10 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Vied: No ~ 1: Yes ... 2: No ltaaIe 1: No Ladder 1: No Tender 1: No Other: No ReIpoIqe DIttrtCt: 12 .~ .......: Nolin Stational time of <:all Did we arrive before AndJaIaJtec: No Other Ageades at Setae: .MedTnms Fire Figbten at Scene: K. Rowe, T. Shearman, 1. 80s UIlpnJteded I~ No Customer Infonnation Patiellt NUDe: Rand Marsball Sex: male Patieat'. Addras: 2125 BaxIer Dr. Zip Code: ,971S Age: 42 ,....t's PIao8e: 582-8944 PosideItILGeatiof Padeat: L:Yin&on floor iaupstairs oDice. CODlplaiDtlProblelD: Dizzy, nauseated,cbiJls. CPR Perfonaed: No PuIJe (If TakeD): Not taken by FD Bleed ......re (If T..): Not taken by FD RespiratioDt (If TaIrea): Not taken by F'D ...... Not taken byFD Level of CoacloullletS: Alert TreatIMIIt by ......nre: Firefighters responded to the report of a mando'WD ill the 2000b1ock of Fairway Dr. Firefighters treated the patient who was traDspoItCId. to Bozeman DeacoaessHospitaJ for tUnherCMdultion. OMcer in Cluarxe: K. Rowe PenoR M.... Report: K. Rowe e e 4 Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report Q3.JanM96 Alarm Number: 960009 Date: 03-lan-96 11I8e Call Received: 10:42 Lueatleafl...: 121 Aylsworth TUne Out: 10:43 Type of RD: Emergency 00 SceBe: 10:46 IQad fJl a.: Medical Assist In Seniee: 10:59 Fire Department Operations Jaws otLife Used: No Eqbte 1: Yes bIiae 2: No Rescue 1: No Ladder 1: No T..... I: No Odaer.No Response Distritt: 12 :Respoadilll FroIa: Not in Station at time of call Did we arrive before AIaWace: No Otber Ageaeies at Scene: MedTraus FIre Fiptenat Stene: K. Rowe, T. Shearman, J. 80s Unprotected ExpOIUre: No Customerwfonnation Patient Name: John P. McCoy Sa: male Patienf. Address: 121 Alysworth Zip Code: 59715 Age: 80 Patieat's PMae: 582~8944 PositlonlUcatlonof ,atieDt: Sitting on front porch steps. C....aiIIt/PnJbIem: Left hip and shoulder pain. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): Not taken by FD Bleed PreIIBre. (If Taken): Not taken by FD Rf:Ipintioas (If Taka): Not taken by I'D PQiIr. Not taken by FD Level of Condoa....: Alert TreMmeDtby....Flre: Firefighters responded to the 100 block of S. Alysworth to the n:port of amantbat ba4fid1en on the ice. A80 year 014 man hads1ippe4 breaking bisleft hip. His ...- .walkingto leDdaicho her father fell also breaking her ann. Both patients were traRsferred to BotJllmAJl Deaconess Hospital for further treatment. Offleer in Cbarge: K. Rowe PenoR MaldllaReport: K. Rowe - ~ . e Bozeman Fire Department ...Fire Report 03.Jrm~96 Alarm N....ber: 960008 Date: 03-180.-96 Time Oat: 9:43 Locatioll of RIm: Law and. Justice Center, Room 305 OnSeeae: 9:S2 Type 01 Ra: Noaemergeacy In Service: 10:03 Kiad of Ru: Suspicious Odor RetpoBse Diltrid: 22 ItespoDdInx. From: Not in Station at time of gill Malaal Aid GMa: No MatuaI Ai4 Reclehed: No Customer Information Oceupant Name: ludge Olsons chambers .Oeeupaat PhoBe: 582.2160 Oceupant Addreu: Law and Justice Center 0wIIer Name: OWnerPbolle: Ow8er A4dreu: Type of OccupanyNehide: Lieaue: FireOrigiaated fa ..s,read to: No Fire Caasedby: Malfunction in the alarm system. Started by a .l1IVeIIiIe: No Piaures TMa: No s.- Dtdedor.PreJmt: Yes Did it Activate: No If it Activated, did.it Ave a life: No IIew ....y Ibes SQed: 0 If it Activated, did it preveat majorpropet1ydulap: No Fire Loss and Insurance Information ElliBlatect.... eaProperty: $0.00 Estimated Lou on Contents: SO.OO lD.ruee Compo)': .huuranee 08 Property: SO.OO .....raace on Coateats: $0.00 e . ......... Fire DepartI8eM - lire .,.rtpg. 2 AlalaN.-ber 960008 Fire Department Operations Units Res'pondi~g: Eqine 1: Yes Eqtae 2: No ReIeae 1: No L.... t: No Teader 1: No 8fIu4 t: No Other: No Unit andPwnplug TIme: Pumps not used EstiDpiIIaed With: Swrce fIIWater. . Amoutof Water Used: ??oo Gallons Firell'lPten It Seeae: K. Rowe, T. Shearman, 1. 80s Call Back Penollliel Paged: No SpedalTeaml Paaed: No Off Duty PenunaeI: EquipmeDt Used: Ifauipmeat LoIt or B......: Incident Narrative: Firefighters responded to iavestigate a trouble alarm in the Law and lustice Center. Pirefighters acMIloddleoocuplratll to monitor die system and call a service representative iffurther nuance aIanns occurred. . Offieer ill CIaarp: K. Rowe Penoa MakiDg Report: K. Rowe 1 -- . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 03.Jan-96 Alarm NWRber: 960007 Date: 03..Jan-96 Time CaR ReteMd: 7:45 LoeItieD ofB.a: 1620 West Lincoln Time Out: 7:46 Type of RIm: Emergency Oa SmIe: 7:41 Kfad erRlut:MedicalAssist In Service: 8:17 fire Department Operations Jaws of Lile Used: No I_ae 1: No 1:""'2: Yes ....1: No Led4er 1: No Tcaderl:No .0dIer. No ReIpODlJe District: 22 RespeHiag FrHa: Station 2 Did we arriftlJel'ore AaIMIIMce: Yes Otber Agencies at Sceae: Med- Trans Ambulance 111reF1ghters at.See8e: V..lt~J'I , J.. Shrauger Unprotected 1::I.pOIID'e: No Customer Information Pa1ieat Name: Howard Billips Sex: Male Patients A.ddrea: 1620 WestLincolD Zip Code: 59715 Age: 83 Pade8t's PIIoRe: 587-7415 PositioDlLocation of PatIeat: Patient was sitting. in a chair in his livi8g rOOll1. CoaIpIaiatJProb: Patient was having chest pain upon arrival of fire personnel. Patient was DOt able to take his nitro pills because he was unabletotmd them. CPR Performed: No Pulse (If Taken): 35 Blood Preaare (D'Taken): . 128n0 Rerpiratioas(lf TabD): Not taken by FD PwpIJs: Not tabn by FD Level of CondouDess: Alert TreatJReat by ~,. FIre: Bozeman Firefighters responded to a report of a man having cbestpains at a West Lincoln residence. Upon urival freJi.ghterscticl primary and secondarysu.rveysaad prepared the patient fOr tnmsport to the hospital for further evaluation. OffIcer ill Charge: V. BacJrmlln PeI'llOll MaIdag Report: J. Shrauger ~, . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 03.Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960006 Date: 03..J8O.-96 Time Call Received: 0:39 Location of Ran: 1215 West Du.rston Legion Villa Time Out: 0:42 Type of Run: Emergency On Seene: 0:4S lOad of RIID: Medical Assist In Service: 1:12 Fire Department Operations Jaws of Life Used: No Eugine 1: No Eagiae 2: Yes Rescue 1: No Laclder 1: No Tender 1: No 0dIer: No Respouse Distriet: 21 :Respoodiaa FI"9ID: Station 2 Did we arrive before AmlJuIaaee: Yes Other Ageneies at Sceae: Bozeman.PoIice, MedTrans Fire FlgIaten at SeeDe: S. Houg1am:l, R Cima, S. Mueller Unproteeted 'Exposure: No Customer Information Patient NIIne: Hazel Martin Sex: Female Patiellt'. Address: 1215 West Durston Apt 201 Zip Code: 59715 Age: n Patielat's PIioDe: S86-4210 PesitioDILoeati of Padeat: Patient was fuund lying in her bed ComplaiDtlProblem: Patient complained of nausea and dizziness. CPR Performed: No Paise (If Take.): 76 Blood Presatre (If TaIrea): IS8/100 Respirations (If TaIreD): 15 PIqtUs: Not taken by FD Level of ConeiOusnets: Alert Treatlaeat by ___ Fire: Patient complained of nausea and. dizziness. Bozeman Fire took vital sigos, administered oxygen and assisted McdTrans with preparing patient for transport to the hospital. Oftieer in Charge: S. Hougland PeI'SOB MaIdItg Report: S. Hougland \ . . Bozeman Fire Department.. Fire Report 03.Jan-96 Alarm Number: 96000~ Date: 02-Jan-96 Time Oat: 16:11 lM.....or.a.: S09 North 7th Credit Cars On Scene: 16:16 Type of Rn: Emergency In Seniee: 16:23 'KiDd of Ru: Vehicle Fire Response J)istritt: 11 Responding .....: Station 2 Mutual Aid GiftD: No Mutual Aid lteceiftd: No Customer Information Oeeupaat NIIM: CreditCars OccuplUlt Phone: S8S-0044 Oceuput Adctms: S09 North 7th Owner Name: Credit Cars Owner Phone: 585-0044 Owner Address: 509 North 7th Type of OecupanylVehicle: 1971 Mercedes Benz LiceDfle: 6P-9322E Fire onput.ed In -Spread to: Fire origi~ in the engine compartment aud was confined tbere. Caused by: The fire was caused by an e1ectrica1 short circuit. The car had been driven into the parking lot and tumed off about S Ift_,.~ prior to fire. Started by a JaveaiIe: No Pictures Takea: No SJIIOke Dedeetor PreIeat: No DId it Activate: No II it Activated, did it save a life: No How .....y Ufts Saved: 0 If it Activated, diet it ..pnMW major pruperty.~ No fire Loss and Insurance Information Estimated Lou 08 Property: SI,5OO.00 EItilDated. LotI 8Il C8IdeIltr. 50.00 InlUraIlCe COIIIpaay: .......-e 011 Property: $0.00 1uul1UlCe on ConteDt8: $0.00 . . . ....... Fire DepartIIleIIt .. Fin Iteport PI-:% AIua Nllatber 960005 Fire Department Operations Units Responding: Eagine 1: No Eagine 2: Yes Rescue I: No Ladder 1: No Tea4er 1: No Squad t: No Odter: No Unit and Pumping TillIe: Pumps not used EDiaphhedwitlt:PortabIeExtinguisher Soaree of Water: Amoallt of Water UIed: ??oo Gallons Fire Figbten at Scene: S. Hougland. S. Mueller CaD Back Personnel Paged: No SpedaI Teall P-aed: No Off Duty Pel'8Ollael: Eqalpmeat Used: No equipment used EqaipaeDt LoR or Brokea: Incident Narrative: Bozeman Fire Department responded. to a car on fire. On arrival, the fire was out. The fire had been extinpished bytbc employees of the car lot with portable fire eWlguishers. Oft'leerill Chmp: S. Hougland Penon Makhtg Report: S. Hougland \ e . Bozeman Fire Department... EMS Report 03~an-96 Alarm Number: 960004 Date: 02-180.-96 Time Call Received: 16:02 Location of Run: Church and Story (Pete's Hill) TIDIe Out: 16:04 Type of....: Emergency On Sceae: 16:07 Kind of a....: Medical Assist In Serviee: 16:25 Fire Dq>artment Operations Jaws of Life Vied: No Eaghae 1: Yes J:Bgiae 2: No ReIaIe 1: No Ladder 1: No Teuder 1: No Other: No ReIpoase District: 12 ReIpoadiaI r....: .StatioD 1 Did we arri~ before Ambulance: Yes other Aaeatiesat Seeae: MedTrans Fireli'igbten at Sceae: Capt. M Thompson, I.Fassbinder UIlpI'Otected EIptIIII'e: No Customer Infonnation Patlent Name: Tammy Baughman Sex: Female PatieDt's Address: 804 Church St. Zip Code: 59714 Age: 16 Patie8t'. PboDe: 388-1SS0 PotitioBILetatien of Patie8t: Lying supine on Peets Hilt. ComplaintIProblem: Patient was hit by another sledder from behind and was complaiDing of mid and lower back pain. CPR Perfonaed: No Puhe (If Taken): 88 Blood PreIIBre (If Takea): Not taken by FD Respiratioat (If Taketa): Not taken by FD PupIls: perl Level of Colldoulllel8: Alert Treaaaeat by BozeaIa nre: Bozeman firefighters responded to a report of a sledding 8Qcident with possible beck iDjQries on .Peet's Hill. A young woman was bit from. behind by uot1tcr slcdder and was complaiDing of mid and lower back pain. Firefighters took the patient's vital signs and a patient history. WeassistedMedTrans personnel with applying a cervic::al collar to the.patieat and with packaging and loading. Thc:patient was taken to the hospital for further evaluation. Officer iDCItafIe: M. Thompson Penoa MIkiIII Report: M. 1bompsoo i . . Bozeman Fire Department ...EMS Report 03.Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960003 Date: 02-Jan-96 Time Call Received: 12:43 Location of Run: 106 E. Main TiMe Oat: 12:44 Type of Ran: Emergency On Scene: 12:46 Kind of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 13:04 Fire Devartment Operations Jaws of Life Used: No EDgiDe 1: Yes EJIIiae 2: No Reseue 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Other: No Responte District: 12 RetpoIIdiag FronI: Station 1 Did we arrive befOft Ambulance: Yes Other Agencies at Seeae:MedTrans of Montana Fire Fighten at Scene: Thompson, Criner, Fassbinder U.protected E:qJOSUft: No Customer InfQnnation Patient Name: DickBacon Sex: male PatieDt's AdcIras: 113 D. Gallatin Drive Zip Code: S9715 Age: 73 Patie.t's hoae: 5874090 PesitioRILGcatioa of PatieBt: Lying on his back ComplaiatlProblem: He said that he felt dizzy and fell to the floor. CPR Perfonaed: No PaIse (If Taken): 60 Blood Pressure (If Taken): 102168 Respiratioes (If TakeR): Not taken by FD Pupils: reactive-only ha Level of Coneioumess: Alert TreatRaea.t by ..... Fire: Bozeman firefighters responded to a report of person who had passed out. Upon arrival the man was conscious and alert. Firefighters took the patient's vital signs, patient history, applied oxygen, applied a cervical collar and assisted MedTrans personnel with the packaging and loading of the patient for transport to the hospital. Officer in Charge: M. Thompson Penon MaIdq.Report: M. Thompson. ~~,_..,', - ~...'.. ,~-' .,~ - i . . -.- Fire ne,....... - Fire Report ... 2 Alana "'her 960002 Fire Department Operations Units Respondins: Engine 1: Yes Engine 1: Yes ReIeae 1: No Ladder 1: No Teader 1: No Squ4 1: No Other: No Uait and Pumping Time: Pumps not used EDiDpIsbed witb: SeurteofWater: Amount of Water Used: ??oo Gallons Fire Figldenat Scette: G. Duntsch, K. Bushnell. T. Greene, G. Clutter, D. Shyne, 1. Fischer Call Back PenoJlllel Paged: No SpedaI T_. hpd: No Off Duty Penouel: EquipateDt Used: EqaipllleBt LoR or .......: Iacldeat Narratift: Bozeman Firefighters responded to an alarm activation at Medical Arts Center. After a thoroqh in\>estigation of the area iDdicated on the alarm panel, it was determined that the alarm was a malfunction. Offtcer in Charge: G. Duntsch . Penoa Making Report: T. Greene " . . . Bozeman Fire Departmeot... EMS Report 02-Jan-96 Alarm Number: 960001 Date: 01-Jan-96 Time Call Received: 14:48 Location of Rua: 1215 W.Durston Time Out: 14:49 Type of Bn: BmcrgeDCY On Scene: 14:51 Kiad of Run: Medical Assist In Service: 15:35 Fire Department Operations Jaws of ureUa: No EagiBe 1: No Eagiae Z: Yes ReIcue t: No Ladder t: No Teader 1: No Other: No ReIpeDte Diltrid: 21 Respoadhag From: Station 2 Did we arrive before AmbulaDce: Yes Other AgeDdeI atSceae: MedI'rans Fire Fighters at Scene: G.ClutterD. Shyne 1. Fisher UaproteetedE'IpOIIlft: No Customer Infonnation Patient Name: Margareda Vidal Sex: Female ,......'s Address: 1215 W. Ourston # 213 Zip Code: S971S Age: 84 P......Pboae: 587.5292 PosltioDf{.ocatof Patieat: SittincOD cntrywaybench. CompIaiatJProblem: Possible right hip injury. CPR Perfonted: No Paise (U Taken): Not taken by FD BIGod Preuure (If Taken): Not taken by FD Baplratioas (If TakeD): Not taken by FD PapiIt: Not taken by FD Levd of CoadcJusllesS: Alert Tratmetlt by 80RalIIl Fire: Bozeman Fire DepartnteDt responde4 to a request for medical assistance to 1215 W. Durston. Upon arrival, firefighters fouDd a84 year old female ~ilri. of pain in bcr..fi&hthip after a fall on the ice. Bozeman Firefighters assisted MedTrans withpackagillgthe paUent for tranSpOrt to the hospital. Off"lCer in Claarge: G.Clut1er PenoD MaldaaReport: a.Clutter -