HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-11-27 ..~'- . _._'_J,~_ ......',.~ _'::~,","I!l:~ , ~ -j, .. i -, MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION BOZEMAN, MONT ANA November 27, 1989 ************************ The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session in the Commission Room, Municipal Building, November 27, 1989, at 2:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Stiff, Commissioner Hawks, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Goehrung, Acting City Manager Gamradt, City Attorney Becker and Clerk of the Commis- sion Sullivan. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence. Minutes- November 20 Mayor Stiff deferred action on the minutes of the regular meeting of November 20, 1989, for a period of one week. Acting City Manager Gamradt presented Commission Resolution No. 2767, as ap- proved by City Attorney, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2767 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, ESTABLISHING A POLICY THAT ALL WATER AND SEWER AC- COUNTS BE PLACED IN THE NAME OF PROPERTY OWNERS AND REQUIRING PROPERTY OWNERS TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE WATER AND SEWER BILLS ASSOCIATED WITH THE PROPERTY; AND ESTABLISHING A POLICY OF SHUTTING OFF WATER SERVICE TO PROPERTIES THAT ARE SIXTY (60) DAYS OR MORE DELINQUENT ON A WATER/SEWER BILL. The Acting City Manager reminded the Commission that this item was discussed at the regular Commission meeting held on November 6. He noted at that time the Commission indicated support for bringing back a resolution to establish a policy that the water and sewer account be placed in the property owner's name and become his/her responsibility. He further noted that the Commission concurred with the proposal to shorten the shut-off time for delinquent bills from ninety days to sixty days. The Acting City Manager then noted two questions were raised at that meeting; and he has prepared a memo addressing those questions. He noted the possibility of increas- ing the deposit for water and sewer accounts was discussed. He stated that he feels to place the account in the property owner's name will decrease the number of delinquent bills incurred; therefore, he does not feel a deposit will be necessary, let alone an in- creased deposit. He also noted that the shortened shut-off period on delinquent bills will decrease the amount. He stated the second issue raised was whether the bill could be 11-27-89 ,,;t~ i>- ' ~\ :-;;", '-' ..-...;..,: -- .. - t . -2- sent to the tenant as well as the property owner. He noted that this would cause staff to incur the same amount of book work as it does currently to maintain an accurate listing of tenants as well as property owners. Acting City Manager Gamradt then reviewed the procedure which will be followed when an account becomes delinquent. He noted that the current policy of sending a "friendly reminder" after thirty days will be maintained. He stated that the process will then be shortened, with a final notice to be mailed to the property owner after forty-five days. A door hanger will then be placed on the door approximately three days before shut-off, so the tenant is aware of the pending shut-off. He suggested that if the prop- erty owner lives out of town or does not plan to pay the water bill, the tenant could then pay the bill and not incur the shut-off. Commissioner Hawks stated he feels that a deposit should be required from whoever requests the water and sewer service. He indicated he believes there is a substantial turnover in property ownership in the community, since statistics reveal that 80 percent of the community1s population turns over every five years; and he feels that the requirement for a deposit should be retained. Acting City Manager Gamradt stated he does not believe the City will incur as many problems with delinquencies if the bill is in the property owner's name. He noted that it is easy for a renter to move out and leave an unpaid bill; however, that is much more dif- ficult for a property owner. He further noted that the unpaid sewer portion of the bill may be placed as a lien against the property under the state statutes, even though the water portion may not be. Commissioner Hawks stated he feels the City should allow the water and sewer ser- vice to be placed in a tenant's name if requested to do so. He noted that he feels to re- tain the present system, with an increased deposit required, could address the delinquen- cy problem as well as the policy set forth in the resolution under consideration. Commissioner Vant Hull stated support for the policy set forth in the resolution. She noted that Acting City Manager Camradt has reviewed the issue and proposed what he believes to be the best option; and she feels the Commission should support that proposal. Commissioner Martel expressed concerns and his disapproval of this proposed poli- cy. He stated the City is selling a product--water--and it should be responsible for co 1- iecting the monies due for that service rendered. He stated that he feels to place respon- sibility for payment on the property owner is inappropriate, since that may not be the in- dividual receiving the service. Commissioner Martel stated he feels that the City should address the root of the problem through a workable process, rather than adopting the proposed pol icy. He sug- gested this could be accomplished through requiring a deposit in an amount equal to two 11-27-89 , - t . . -3- months of normal average use. He noted that when a delinquency over thirty days is in- curred, the City could then take a portion of the deposit to cover that amount, then re- quire the customer to make the deposit whole again. He noted this would, in essence, re- sult in a two-month cushion for accounts at all times. The Commissioner also suggested that those requesting service should be required to complete a rather comprehensive appli- cation form. In response to Commissioner Martel's question about the legality of the notification process proposed, the Acting City Manager responded that the property owner will receive two mailed notifications about the delinquent water bill; and the tenant will receive one courtesy notice through the door hanger. He noted that those notifications meet all of the legal requirements, indicating this is the same process currently followed only on a slightly compressed timeframe. Commissioner Goehrung noted that the proposed policy will decrease the City's oversight because it will eliminate the need to keep track of changes in tenants. He then indicated he would prefer to see no deposit required, particularly with the number of de- posits required for other services. He then suggested that the Commission adopt this res- olution, with the policy as proposed. He noted that staff could then be directed to care- fully watch delinquencies under the new policy for a period of six months; and the Com- mission could determine at that time whether some type of deposit requirement should be added. Acting City Manager Gamradt briefly reviewed alternatives for implementation of this policy. He noted that the change from tenant to property owner could be required at the time the tenant changes; however, that could cause the process to cover an extended peri- od of time. The other feasible alternative is to notify all current tenants and property owners by placing a brief notice on the water bills and by mailing special notices to every- one on the special assessment billing list. He suggested the latter is the best alternative, even though it would create a substantial number of changes all at once. The Acting City Manager stated that he has contacted the Public Service Commission about this proposed change in policy as well as the proposal to place a message on the wa- ter bi lis. He indicated the PSC has no problem with either issue. He then proposed this new policy could be implemented as of February 1, 1990, or March 1, 1990, if that appears necessary. He noted this should allow property owners adequate time to accommodate the change in policy. Mayor Stiff stated support for the proposed policy change. He noted the time for implementation seems reasonable, allowing property owners an ample amount of time to re- act. He then noted that this change is appropriate and consistent with the manner in which garbage is assessed. He also indicated he feels this will cause people to be treated 11-27-89 l -4- in a more even-handed manner. Commissioner Hawks stated he feels the City will incur problems with the substantial number of out-of-town landlords under this proposed change. He noted they are more dif- ficult to communicate with than the tenants; and he feels an option should be provided as it has been in the past. He noted that he feels to establish a strict deposit requirement would be in the City's best interests. Commissioner Vant Hull reiterated her support for the proposed policy. She noted that the Acting City Manager has proposed various changes during his tenure with the City, after careful review of the situation; and she feels his proposals are in the City's best interests. She noted that after watching the process for six months, it may be nec- essary to fine tune the process slightly; but she feels it is a sound basic policy. Acting City Manager Gamradtstated that the amount of delinquencies written off each year is not large when considering the total amount billed. He reminded the Commis- sion, however, that the amount submitted to the Commission for approval to write off does not include the amounts already collected by collection agencies, for which the City re- ceives only one-half of the amount collected. It was moved by Commissioner Hawks, seconded by Commissioner Martel, that the Commission adopt Commission Resolution No. 2767, as revised to include a provision that a deposit equal to the amount of two months average usage be required for all new services, and that the bill be sent to either the tenant or the property owner as requested. The motion failed by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Hawks and Commissioner Martel; those voting No being Commissioner Vant Hull; Commis- sioner Goehrung and Mayor Stiff. It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Goehrung, that the Commission adopt Commission Resolution No. 2767, as submitted, establishing a policy that water and sewer bills be placed in the name of the property owner and made the re- sponsibility of the property owner, and establishing a shut-off policy for water services sixty days delinquent. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those vot- ing Aye being Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Hawks and Mayor Stiff; those voting No being Commissioner Martel. Discussion - process for resolving delinquent assessments which are over three years old Acting City Manager Gamradt submitted to the Commission a memo listing the vari- ous alternatives they may consider for resolving delinquent assessments which are over three years old. He noted that in October, the staff reviewed delinquencies and found twenty-six properties (excluding Valley Unit and the Bozeman Hotel) with delinquencies over three years old; and a listing of those properties and delinquencies is attached to the 11-27-89 . -5- memo. He noted that delinquent accelerated assessments on nine other properties, less than three years old, are not included on this list; and the delinquencies on those amounts total $63,000. The Acting City Manager then briefly highl ighted the options which the Commission may consider. He noted that the State statutes differentiate between those properties with delinquent assessments in an amount less than $2.500 and greater than $2,500. He stated that for those properties with delinquencies less than $2,500, the City may file a complaint in City Court, following the appropriate procedures to recover the monies owed. He in- dicated that for properties with delinquencies greater than $2,500, that option is not avail- able. He stated, however, that for all delinquencies, the City may proceed with a tax deed process very similar to the one being used for the Valley Unit iot sales at the pres- ent time. He noted the one additional step in that process would be a quiet title process through the court system. The Acting City Manager stated the staff would not recommend that the Commission consider the third option available, which would allow the City to decelerate assessments or to waive penalties and interest on delinquent assessments. He noted this option became effective on April 5, 1989, upon passage of new legislation. Commissioner Vant Hull asked how the new iegislation would affect Commission action taken on a request submitted last year by Mr. Bob Kern. The Acting City Manager responded it would have no impact. He noted that at the time the Commission considered the request, it did not have the option of deceleration or waiving penalties and interest available for consideration. In response to a question from Commissioner Vant Hull, the Acting City Manager stated the Commission may not selectively make exceptions or waive penalties and interest, unless it has an extremely good reason to do so; and it would be extremely difficult to es- tablish criteria for such exceptions. He reminded the Commission that all delinquencies were accelerated during the period from 1982 to 1987, which was a period when high inter- est was paid, to encourage property owners to pay their assessments on time. He noted that the acceleration policy was terminated in 1987, when the high interest period had passed. Commissioner Vant Hull noted that when a mortgage company sells a mortgage to an- other company, people don't always know that fact, or if the new mortgage company has paid the assessment as it is supposed to, thus incurring delinquencies. The Acting City Manager stated that people are supposed to check with their mort- gage companies to make sure the assessments and taxes have been paid. He stated it would be extremely difficult to tell one person his excuse is good enough and tell the next person his is not, even with criteria. City Attorney Becker stated concurrence with the Acting City Manager's position. 11-27-89 ,.. . -6- He indicated that a uniform policy must be established; and all requests must be treated in the same manner. Commissioner Goehrung stated the concerns raised by Commissioner Vant Hull are issues to be addressed between the mortgage company and the individual; and the City should not become involved. Mayor Stiff stated he has problems with deceleration of delinquent assessments unless the Commission backdates its action to April 5, 1989, when the State law became effective. He noted it is not fair to waive the accelerated penalties and interest for those who have not yet paid their delinquencies while requiring those who have paid their delinquencies over the past few months to pay those fees. In response to a question from Commissioner Hawks, the Acting City Manager stated the oldest delinquencies on the list are dated 1979-80. Commissioner Hawks stated it would be of benefit to know what the difference would be in the amount due if the delinquencies, including those less than three years old, were decelerated. He then expressed concern about decelerating assessments, particularly since those owing the delinquent amounts rode through the high interest times. He noted that has cost the City and its taxpayers money, since the bonds were sold at high interest rates; and those paymen ts had to be made. It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull that action on this item be deferred for a period of one week, to allow the Commission time to seek input from the Commissioners- Elect. The motion failed for lack of a second. Acting City Manager Gamradt stated that, unless the Commission tells staff differ- ent, he will proceed with pursuing those delinquencies under $2,500 through the City Court system and those over $2,500 through the tax deed process. Commissioner Hawks suggested this item be brought back to the Commission next week for further discussion. He indicated he would like an opportunity to review the in- formation received today, as well as responses to his question about the difference in in- terest on accelerated and decelerated delinquencies, prior to any action being taken. Commissioner Martel concurred that the information on delinquencies and the finan- cial impact of deceleration could be beneficial in the decision-making process. Acting City Manager Gamradt stated he will research the records to determine how many accelerated delinquencies were paid between April 5 and today. He indicated that he will prepare information on the amounts to be refunded to those individuals if the Commis- sion decides to decelerate the accelerated delinquencies. The Acting City Manager then stated that the monies paid on the delinquent assess- ments will be placed in the SID funds to which they apply. After all of the bonds have been retired, any remaining monies will be transferred to the 510 Revolving Fund and 11-27-89 . . -7- used to call the bonds for those special improvement districts located in the Valley Unit Subdivision, thus reducing the mill levy to the general taxpayer. It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Hawks, that action on this item be tabled for a period of one week. The motion carried by the follow- ing Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Hawks, Commissioner Coehrung, Commissioner Martel and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. Commission Resolution No. 2768 - authorizing the Fire Department to advertise and accept bids for sale of one 1970 Ford Cab-Over Series 8000 pumper truck Acting City Manager Camradt presented Commission Resolution No. 2768, as ap- proved by City Attorney, entitled: COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 2768 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AUTHORIZINC THE BOZEMAN FIRE DEPARTMENT TO ADVER- TISE AND ACCEPT BIDS FOR SALE OF ONE 1970 FORD CAB-OVER SERIES 8000 PUMPER TRUCK. The Acting City Manager stated this resolution authorizes the advertisement of bids for the sa Ie of the City's 1970 pumper truck. He noted that the new fire pumper truck is scheduled for delivery in late December; and it is anticipated the truck will be ready for service in early January. He noted this resolution would provide for the sale of the old fire pumper truck, which will no longer be needed, in mid-January or whenever the new truck is in service, whichever occurs last. Commissioner Martel asked if the City is obligated to advertise this truck for sale, or if it can sell to another governmental entity without going through this process. City Attorney Becker responded he has reviewed the statutes and the situation; and in this instance he feels it is in the City's best interests to advertise the truck for sale. Commissioner Goehrung asked if giving preference to a local bidder in the event that the two highest bids are identical will create any problems. The City Attorney responded that he had considered that item when reviewing this resolution. He noted he does not anticipate two identical bids; therefore, he does not believe that will be an issue. He further noted there are no statutory limitations against such a preference statement. It was moved by Commissioner Martel, seconded by Commissioner Goehrung, that the Commission adopt Commission Resolution No. 2768, authorizing staff to advertise and accept bids for the sale of the 1970 Ford Cab-over Series 8000 pumper truck. T he motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Coehrung, Commissioner Hawks, Commissioner Vant Hull and Mayor Stiff; 11-27-89 . , -8- those voting No, none. member to the Communit Review The Acting City Manager stated that Commissioner Vant Hull had requested this item be placed on the agenda. Commissioner Vant Hull stated that she has pulled the minutes from the meetings at which this issue was previously discussed. She noted that on July 10, the Commission first discussed the issue of appointing a sixth member to the CDBG Loan Review Commit- tee, to represent the low- and moderate-income persons in the community; and on July 17, the Commission adopted a resolution adding a sixth member to that committee. S he noted on September 5 the Commission again discussed the issue and referred the applications re- ceived to the Committee for review and a recommendation. She noted that to date, the Commission has not taken any further action; and she feels some action should be taken. Mayor Stiff asked about the status of this item. Clerk of the Commission Sullivan responded that she has received a memo from Planner Arkell concerning the item; and she has scheduled it for the December 4 agenda. Mayor Stiff asked the Commissioners if they concur with the schedule proposed; they concurred. Update re planning process - Planning Director Epple and Roger Craft Acting City Manager Gamradt stated that Planning Director Epple and Mr. Roger Craft, ad hoc implementation committee, are present to submit an update on the planning process. Mr. Roger Craft noted he received a copy of a letter from the Gallatin County Com- mission indicating that they will conduct their public hearing on the master plan on Janu- ary 9, 1990. He then stated that the public hearing on the master plan and capital im- provement plan scheduled before the City-County Planning Board for Wednesday, November 29, has been advertised; and he plans to proceed with that public hearing. He noted that the letter from the County Commission provides several options for the City Commission: (1) conduct the public hearing on December 11, as originally planned; (2) conduct the public hearing on December 18; (3) delay the hearing to coincide with the January date selected by the County Commission; or (4) none of the above. Mr. Craft then stated that if the Commission wishes to maintain the December 11 public hearing date, he must know now, since the advertisement must go to the newspaper tomorrow for publication on Thurs- day. Mr. Craft stated that Mr. Rich Ungar, who has been working on the zone code, will 11-27-89 .. . . ., -9- be in Bozeman to work on the sign code during the Zoning Commission meeting to be held tomorrow night. He then noted that on Wednesday morning, the ad hoc implementation committee will review items carrying over from last week's meeting and prepare for the De- cember 4 submittal of the final draft of the zone code. He noted that if the committee is not comfortable with the information to be contained in the zone code, including the sign code, by the end of the Wednesday morning meeting, this portion of the process may be delayed for one week. He then indicated it is critical to complete the public hearings and revision process on the master plan before the Commission delves into the zone code, since the master plan is the basis for that document. Mayor Stiff noted he has been hearing from the public that this process is moving too fast, and asked Mr. Craft if he is hearing those same comments. Mr. Roger Craft responded that he has heard similar comments from individuals who have not followed the process closely. He then reminded the Commission that some people have been working on the master plan update for two years; and he feels it is time to complete the process. Mayor Stiff stated he tried to remain close to the update process since the consul- tants were hired and the drafts began arriving; and he feels it may be moving too rapid- Iy. He noted that the third and final draft of the master plan was on his desk at the be- ginning of this meeting; and the City-County Planning Board's public hearing is to be held on Wednesday night. He then noted that most businesses do one-third of their business in December as well as preparing for inventory; and people are also involved in Christmas preparations and Christmas parties during the upcoming month. He noted that he has ex- pressed concern about the condensed timeframe during this entire process; and he now feels it is very important for the Commission to wait until February to allow those interest- ed an opportunity to review the document prior to the public hearing. The Mayor further noted that he feels a separate pUblic hearing should be held on the sign code and historic preservation section of the zone code. Mr. Craft noted that not everyone will agree on the sign code which is finally in- cluded in the zone code. He stated that at the present time, the main question is which sign code is being considered. Commissioner Hawks asked if there is any problem with conducting the public hear- ing on the master plan and capital improvement plan as scheduled. since those are the conceptual guidelines for the entire process. He noted if there are any major problems with the concepts and guidelines in that document, they must be revised prior to finalizing of the zone code. He suggested that to continue this portion of the process on schedule could eliminate some unnecessary delays later in the process. He then noted that if the Commission does not feel that adequate public input has been received during the Oecem- 11-27-89 .' " . ,. " -10- ber public hearing, the hearing could be continued to a date certain in January to allow additional review time and input. Commissioner Hawks reminded the Commission that a public input session for the master plan was conducted two years ago; and that input has been a part of the basis for the revised document. He then noted that drafts of the master plan have been available for the past couple months; and the major changes made have been in the historic preser- vation section. He then asked if there is any reason not to proceed as scheduled. Mayor Stiff stated he feels there is reason to lengthen the process t as he had noted above. He noted that he has just received the third draft of the master plan document; and he must read it to determine the changes which have been made and what this docu- ment contains, even though he has read the two previous drafts. Commissioner Vant Hull stated she feels it would be beneficial to begin the public hearing process on the master plan as scheduled; however, she noted that process should be continued until the Commission feels that the subject has been completely covered. She noted that might be within a couple weeks or it might take until January. Mayor Stiff stated that the master plan is the springboard into the zone code; and no one has seen the final draft of the zone code to see how the documents fit together. He stated he feels it is important to have the final drafts of both documents available for careful review prior to conducting public hearings on any of the documents. Commissioner Martel noted the present Commission has been involved with the up- date process since its beginning. He noted it would be nice to have this Commission com- plete the work, ensuring the final form of the documents. He noted that if the documents are not finalized prior to seating of the new Commission, new phiiosophies could come into play; and the document may take on a completely different form before it is finalized. The Commissioner then stated it will be extremely difficult for the public to review the final draft of the master plan and capital improvement plan and be prepared to speak at the public hearings as currently scheduled, particularly since it was just received and is available for review in the City offices only during regular business hours. Commissioner Goehrung stated that he has remained cautiously optimistic that the Commission could meet the timeframe set forth by the ad hoc implementation committee. He noted it is important to set a date for completion of the process. He noted, however, that the information has not been adequately disseminated to the public to allow them to intelli- gently express their support or reservations on the documents. He then suggested that the City-County Planning Board meeting scheduled for November 29 be utilized as an in- formational session rather than as a public hearing. He noted that the public hearing could be held at a later date, stating it is conceivable that the process could carryover into the new year. 11-27-89 " " ~ . , ., -11- Commissioner Goehrung asked if the public will be given a period to submit written comments following the Commission's public hearing on the master plan. Mr. Craft re- sponded that written comments are to be submitted prior to the public hearing; and no pe- riod has been scheduied after the public hearing is held. Commissioner Hawks stated that he has received telephone calls from the public about the process, as the other Commissioners have, and it appears there are many rumors floating around about what is contained in the documents. He noted that drafts of the documents have been available for review during the update process; however, public re- view has not been extensive. He then suggested that the City-County Planning Board conduct its public hearing as scheduled. He noted the City Commission can then open and conduct its public hearing as scheduled, continuing that hearing to a date certain if de- termined necessary. Mayor Stiff reiterated his concerns about maintaining the proposed timeframe. He noted that it would be nice to complete the process before the first of the year; however, he noted this process is too important to rush through. Mr. Roger Craft stated the City is scheduled to receive the final draft of the zone code documents on December 4. He noted those documents could then be compared with the final draft of the master plan and capital improvement plan prior to the public hearing before the City Commission. He suggested that the Commission could also schedule its public hearing for December 18, rather than December 11 as currently proposed. Following a brief discussion, a majority of the Commissioners indicated preference for maintaining the timeframe as proposed and for conducting the public hearing on Decem- ber 11, recognizing it may be continued to a date certain if determined to be in the public interest. Claims Acting City Manager Gamradt submitted to the Commission a listing of the claims for the past two-week period. He noted this is the only item which would have been included under "Consent Items" and recommended approval. It was moved by Commissioner Goehrung, seconded by Commissioner Hawks, that the Commission approve the claims as listed and order the Director of Finance to pay same. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Hawks, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Martel and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. Discussion - FY I Items Acting City Manager Gamradt presented to the Commission the following "For Your 11-27-89 -_._-_._-~._-_._-- .' .' . , -12- Information" items. (1) Agenda and packet for the Zoning Commission meeting to be held on Tues- day, November 28. (2) A letter from the Gallatin County Commissioners to Roger Craft, dated No- vember 21, indicating the County Commission will conduct its public hearing on the master plan on January 9, 1990. (This letter was discussed in the update on the pianning pro- cess earlier on this agenda.) (3) A memo from Commissioner Vant Hull, dated November 27, 1989, regarding public input not currently contained in the master plan. Commissioner Vant Hull stated that some of the items previously discussed have been omitted from the current draft of the master plan. She then indicated she feels it is important to discuss these issues and items prior to the public hearing on the master plan, requesting that it be placed on next week's agenda. (4) Commissioner Hawks distributed to the Commission copies of a brochure from the Lincoln I nstitute of Land Policy, Cambridge, Massachusetts, for their seminar entitled, "Community Amenities and Economic Development: Striking a Balance". He noted that one of the sessions is to be held in Tucson, Arizona, on January 8-9, 1990; and suggested it may be beneficial to send two Commissioners to that seminar. He then estimated the cost of sending two Commissioners at $1,300; and stated that he would be willing to attend, and Commissioner-Elect Swanson has indicated his willingness to participate. Commissioner Hawks briefly highlighted the information contained in this brochure, stating he feels the program is comprehensive. He noted that having two Commissioners present would allow for better gathering of information as well as lend credibility to the information brought back. He then noted that with the short timeframe before the semi- nar, it is important for the Commission to act on possible approval of this request as quickly as possible. Mayor Stiff asked Commissioner Hawks if he has talked to the Lincoln I nstitute of Land Policy to determine if there are still vacancies for this seminar or if the deadline for registration has passed. He also suggested it may be beneficial to indicate possible inter- est as soon as possible to ensure that a vacancy may remain. Commissioner Hawks responded he has not talked to the Institute; and it is his im- pression that reservations are made based on receipt of registration forms. Commissioner Goehrung asked if anyone from the Gallatin Development Corporation or the Chamber of Commerce may be interested in attending this seminar. Mrs. Daria Joyner, Executive Director of the Bozeman Area Chamber of Commerce, stated that members of the Chamber and GDC discussed this item and decided it would be better for a City Commissioner to attend. She then indicated that the two groups further 11-27-89 .. " -13- indicated a willingness to help the City fund one Commissioner's attendance at the seminar if the Commission determined it beneficial to send someone to the seminar. Commissioner Vant Hull noted that at the workshops sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce concerning striking a balance between beautifying the community and economic development, that Mr. Keith Swenson stated he does not feel striking a balance is appro- priate; rather, that community's amenities must be protected, and the desired economic de- velopment activities will be attracted to locate here. She then indicated it is her reading of the recent election that the residents of the community don't want to strike a com- promise or try to reach a balance between amenities and development, but prefer to main- tain the existing amenities. Mayor Stiff asked Commissioner Hawks to contact the Clerk of the Commission if he wishes this item placed on a future agenda for further discussion and action. (5) Commissioner Vant Hull noted the new Newsweek contains an article on gar- bage, entitled, IIBuried Alive: the Garbage Glutll. She suggested that copies of the article should be distributed to Ms. Ursula Neese and Director of Public Service Forbes. Mayor Stiff stated he has also received the magazine; and Commissioner Vant Hull indicated she will give her copy to Ms. Neese and the Mayor can submit his copy to the Director of Pub- lic Service when he has finished with the magazine. (6) Commissioner Vant Hull noted that she had distributed copies of an article concerning zoning in the Commissioners' mailboxes. She noted that the article indicates it is important to maintain retail establishments on the ground level in the downtown area. She indicated that the subcommittee on which she serves met at 7:00 a.m. on Friday, and has suggested that this approach be used in future development and possible changes of use. (7) Commissioner Goehrung stated that he met with Historic Preservation Officer Dennis Seibel and Mr. Donovan Gray, who has been hired to conduct the arts assessment through use of the Montana Arts Council grant monies. He noted they discussed strategy for conducting the survey as well as cooperation with the City of Missoula. He then in- dicated a press release will probably be issued in the next couple of weeks to make the public aware of this project. (8) Mayor Stiff stated that he and Acting City Manager Gamradt have been asked to attend a meeting with representatives of the School District and representatives from Moody's tomorrow morning concerning the bond rating for the school district's bond issues. The Acting City Manager stated that he will meet with those same Moody's represen- tatives tomorrow afternoon concerning the City's financial position. 11-27-89 "p" .. ' ; '" . ";- . . . -14- Adjournment - 3:40 p.m. There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Hawks, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that the meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Hawks, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Goehrung and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none. 11-27-89