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July 10, 1989
The Commission of the City of Bozeman met in regular session In the Commission
Room, Municipal Building, July 10, 1989, at 2:00 p.m. Present were Mayor Stiff, Commis-
sioner Hawks, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Goehrung, City
Manager Wysocki and Clerk of the Commission Sullivan.
The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence.
Mayor Stiff asked if any of the Commissioners wished any of the Consent Items be
removed for discussion. City Manager Wysocki requested that the request for waiver of
the open container ordinance, as requested for the All 50's Class Reunion, be removed for
It was moved by Commissioner Hawks, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that
the minutes of the regular meeting of June 26, 1989, be approved as submitted. The mo-
tion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner
Hawks, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Goehrung and Mayor
Stiff; those voting No, none.
Open bids - one 1989 sanitary landfill compactor (CIP)
This was the time and place set for opening of bids for one 1989 sanitary landfill
compactor. The City Manager reminded the Commission that monies for this item have been
budgeted in the Capital Improvements Program.
The affidavit of publication of the Call for Bids was presented.
It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Martel, that
the bids be opened and read. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote:
those voting Aye being Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Martel, Commissioner
Goehrun9, Commissioner Hawks and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none.
The following bids were opened and read aloud:
Total Bid
Tractor and Equipment Option No. 1 $157,963.00
Billings, Montana Option No. 2 $156,819.00
Western Plains Machinery Co.
Billings, Montana $143,956.00
It was moved by Commissioner Martel, seconded by Commissioner Goehrung, that
the bids be referred to staff for review and a recommendation to be submitted at next
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week's meeting. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye
being Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Hawks, Commissioner
Vant Hull and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none.
Discussion - request from the Recreation Advisory Board for naming of linear park
City Manager Wysocki submitted to the Commission a memo from the Recreation Ad-
visory Board recommending that the the linear park, located along the old Chicago,
Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right-Of-way. be named the "Gallagator Linear
Park" . He noted the memo elaborates on this suggestion, providing the historical back-
ground for the name and proposing that interpretive signs be installed to provide a brief
history of the railroad line.
Commissioner Martel suggested it may be more appropriate to conduct a contest for
naming of the linear park, rather than using this process. He stated appreciation for the
historical background of the railroad; however, he suggested there may be a more appro-
priate name than nGallagator".
Mr. Dick Pohl, member of the Recreation Advisory Board, indicated the Board dis-
cussed opening the naming of the park to a public contest; however, they determined this
suggestion would be better because of its historical significance. He then reminded the
Commission that the Board has a written policy for naming of parks; and they felt it would
be best to adhere to that pol icy.
Mr. Pohl stated that a commuter train ran from Bozeman to Salesville, which is now
Gallatin Gateway. The train was slow-moving, thus the "Gallagator" name was attached.
He indicated that several other ideas and names for the park were discussed; however, the
Board felt that this would be the most appropriate.
Commissioner Martel questioned some of the historical data attached to the memo.
He once again indicated that he feels the public should be involved in the naming of the
park, rather than the Commission accepting the Board's recommendation at this time. He
noted that such a contest would require specific guidelines, including the historical signifi-
cance or background of the site. These guidelines would eliminate flashy names, and pos-
sibly provide a more appropriate name for the park.
In response to a request from Commissioner Goehrung, Mr. Pohl briefly reviewed
the Board's policy for naming of parks. He indicated that the name should have signifi-
cance to the general region of the park. If historical names can be identified, they should
be used if appropriate. The policy also indicates that general solicitation might be used if
determined appropriate. He noted that after the Board members have received the input
they determine appropriate, they then submit a recommendation to the City Commission for
naming of the park.
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Mayor Stiff noted that the name "Gallagator" has been a familiar name in Bozeman
for many years, indicating support for the Board's recommendation.
Mr. Dick Pohl reminded the Commission that in the mid-1970's, a comprehensive re-
port was done on developing a bikeway/park from Three Forks to Bozeman along the
Milwaukee Railroad right-of-way; and the title of that report was the "Gallagator Park".
City Manager Wysocki suggested that naming of the park be done by resolution, so
the document can be readily identified and reviewed, rather than through motion and vote.
He noted that the Commission could take action on its intent to name the park at this time,
with the Resolution being brought back for Commission action at a future meeting.
It was moved by Commissioner Goehrung, seconded by Commissioner Hawks, that
the Commission authorize and direct staff to prepare a resolution designating the linear
park as the "Gallagator Linear Park", and that it be brought back for action as soon as
possible. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Hawks, Commissioner Vant Hull and Mayor Stiff;
those voting No being Commissioner Martel.
In response to a question from City Manager Wysocki, the Commission expressed an
interest in reviewing the Recreation Advisory Board's policy for naming of parks.
Discussion - size and composition of the CDBG Loan Review Committee
City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that Commissioner Vant Hull had re-
quested this item be placed on the agenda. He then distributed to the Commission a memo
from Planner Debbie Arkell giving a brief background on this item, along with a copy of
the minutes from the November 23, 1987, Commission meeting. He noted that at that meet-
ing, the staff was instructed to prepare a resolution expanding the membership on the
Community Development Block Grant Loan Review Committee from five to seven members;
however, that resolution was not completed. He stated that the Committee has had a
change in philosophy since that time; and they suggest that the membership be left at five
Planner Debbie Arkell reminded the Commission that the CDBG Loan Review Commit-
tee has very limited funds to distribute at this time; therefore, it is a relatively inactive
comm i ttee . She then briefly reviewed the composition of the existing Committee, noting
that she serves as a staff member for the Committee, outside of the Committee structure,
and does not vote. She then suggested that if the Commission decides that a low- and
moderate-income representative should be on the Committee, someone from a group repre-
senting those individuals sh~uld be selected rather than a low- or moderate-income person,
due to the potential for conflicts of interest.
Commissioner Vant Hull submitted to the Commission a copy of a page from Roberts
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Rules of Order concerning establishment of a quorum, noting it states that II... a pro-
vision of the bylaws should specify the number of members that shall constitute a quorum,
which should approximate the largest number that can be depended on to attend any meet-
ing except in very bad weather or other extremely unfavorable conditions. II She noted
that these rules are generally followed in informal groups as well as in deliberative assem-
blies, which is the section under which this provision is found.
Commissioner Vant Hull then stated that she has discussed the possible addition of
a position' to the Committee with Marcia Youngman, member of the Bozeman Housing Coali-
tion. She noted that Ms. Youngman feels that adding a representative of low- and moderate-
income persons would be beneficial. The Commissioner further noted that the City may
receive CDBG monies in the future, and the Committee may be much more active. She sug-
gested that the increased membership be established at this time so the Committee is pre-
pared for such a possibility.
City Manager Wysocki questioned whether the Bozeman Housing Coalition is an or-
ganized group, or if it is simply an informal group of low- and moderate-income persons.
He then reminded the Commission that the issue is whether to expand the Committee. He
noted the Commission has previously authorized expansion from five to seven members and
asked if they wish to pursue that at this time, or possible expansion from five to six members.
Following discussion, a majority of the Commission concurred that the membership of
the CDBG Loan Review Committee should be expanded from five to seven members, with
one of those members being a Planning staff person in an ex officio status. This would
provide a voting membership of six, with the new position being filled by a low- and mod-
erate-i ncome representative.
Planner Arkell then stated that the members on the Committee currently serve two-
year terms; and all of those terms expire at the same time since the Committee was all ap-
pointed at the same time.
City Manager Wysocki suggested that restructuring of the Committee be included in
the resolution expanding the membership. He noted that three-year terms could be estab-
lished, with the initial terms being one-, two- and three-year terms to provide a staggered
The Commission then discussed whether the Committee shou Id recommend replace-
ment members or the vacancies should be advertised, as with other boards and com-
missions. It was determined that all vacancies and expirations of terms should be ad-
vertised, with the applications being submitted to the Committee for review and a rec-
ommendation to be submitted to the Commission.
The Commission also discussed the number for a quorum, finally deciding that three
would be an appropriate number.
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It was moved by Commissioner Hawks, seconded by Commissioner Vant Hull, that
the Commission direct the staff to prepare a resolution revising the structure of the Com-
munity Development Block Grant Loan Review Committee to include seven members, with
one being a Planning staff member in an ex officio capacity; that staggered three-year
terms be established; and that three members will constitute a quorum. The motion
carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Hawks,
Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Goehrung and Mayor Stiff; those voting No being
Commissioner Martel.
City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that Commissioner Goehrung had re-
quested this item be placed on the agenda.
Commissioner Goehrung stated he had placed a memo in the packets, along with a
copy of the invoice and tentative agenda for the session. He noted that he was successful
in his application for a scholarship to cover one-half of the registration fee, as previously
requested by the Commlssiorl.
Commissioner Goehrung then stated he feels that he has served well on the Commis-
sion in the past year and one-half. He noted that professional development is important;
and he views this as an opportunity for improvement as well as the pOSSibility to bring in-
formation back to the community. He also cited his recent completion of the Leadership
Bozeman program as an example of his dedication to professional development.
Mayor Stiff noted that feedback after the seminar is important for the Commission
and to receive the most benefit for the monies spent.
Commissioner Goehrung indicated he will provide as much information as possible.
He then stated an Interest in providing oral reports on the session, probably in at least
two parts, so the entire Commission may benefit.
Commissioner Goehrung then stated a benefit of this program is that participants
and past participants may contact the Center with questions and requests for specific in-
formation. He also noted that this will provide expanded contacts, which could benefit
Bozeman in the future.
Commissioner Martel stated he has expressed reservations about this program in the
past; and he continues to have those reservations. He noted, therefore, that he wi II not
support this request.
It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Hawks, that
the Commission authorize Commissioner Goehrung's attendance at the Center for the Im-
provement of Public Management, to be held at Copper Mountain, Colorado, on August
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3-12, and that, it being in the pUblic Interest, the City pay appropriate costs. The mo-
tion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Vant
Hull, Commissioner Hawks and Mayor Stiff; those voting No being Commissioner Martel.
Commissioner Goehrung abstained.
Discussion - possible combining of Arts Advisory Committee and Beautification Committee
City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that Commissioner Goehrung had re-
quested this item be placed on the agenda. He noted that included in the packet were
copies of information submitted to the Montana Arts Council for the grant application as
well as a list of members on the Beautification Committee.
Commissioner Goehrung reviewed the information submitted in the packet. He noted
that one of the items is a 12-month plan, which was submitted in a memo to the Montana
Arts Council dated April 26, 1989. He indicated that under this plan. the City is to ad-
vertise for applicants for the newly-expanded Arts Advisory Committee; and those appoint-
ments are to be made in early August.
Commissioner Goehrung suggested that under the application for grant monies from
the Montana Arts Council, which was approved, the City is to authorize the Arts Advisory
Committee to oversee the person or persons who are to conduct the cultural survey. He
then indicated that since the Arts Advisory Committee and Beautification Committee are
working in similar areas, and since there is currently only one member on the Arts Advi-
sory Committee, it may be appropriate to combine the two committees to create one expand-
ed committee to assume all duties for both committees, as well as new duties. He also re-
minded the Commission that the Beautification Committee is to sunset at the first of the
Commissioner Hawks stated support for combining the two committees. He noted
that to allow a combined committee to serve through the end of the year, when the sunset
prOVision becomes effective" could provide a stronger, more realistic review and approach
to future organization and activities .
City Manager Wysocki noted that the grant under which this program is to operate
is on a fiscal year basis; and the proposed committee would sunset at the end of the cal-
endar year, which is one-half way through the term of the grant.
Commissioner Goehrung suggested that the person selected to conduct the cultural
survey would probably identify arts groups and complete the survey portion by January,
then compile the results of the survey by March. He noted that the planning document
would then be completed and adopted prior to the end of the fiscal year, under the calen-
dar of events which was submitted to the Montana Arts Council.
Commissioner Martel expressed concern about combining the two existing committees,
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particularly since one is scheduled to sunset in December. He then noted an Interest in
allowing the two existing committees to continue functioning as they are, and establishing a
new committee to provide the desired oversight to fulfill the application for grant monies.
Commissioner Goehrung noted that combining of the two committees could leave
weaknesses. He suggested that during appointment of new members, however, those
weaknesses could be eliminated.
Mayor Stiff asked about the job description for the new proposed combined commit-
tee, noting one must be developed.
City Manager Wysocki noted that since the Arts Advisory Committee currently has
only one member, it would be best to combine the committees at this time, rather than fill-
ing the two vacancies, then disbanding the committee and combining It with another com....
Mayor Stiff expressed concern that fiscal Impacts of the proposed cultural programs
have not been projected. He noted that the projected revenues for the beautification pro-
ject are not being realized; and the City is carrying the short-fall. He stated this pro-
gram could create a financial drain on the City, which should be addressing the general
welfare of the community as its first priority. He indicated that he feels projections of
future costs, such as are done with the operating budget and the Capital Improvement Pro-
gram, are essential.
Commissioner Goehrung stated that Bozeman is one of the first communities to at-
tempt development of a cultural plan. He suggested that the Montana Arts Council may
favorably consider future applications to fund continuation of the development of the plan
because it is one of the first In the State.
Commissioner Hawks noted that the beautification program was established, with the
City to provide some leadership and minimal financial Involvement, with a majority of the
work to be done by volunteers and monies to be derived from private sources.
Mayor Stiff expressed concern that the City is paying the difference between neces-
sary expenditures and the revenues which have been generated through private sources.
He noted that most of the sources for this year's funding are one-time sources. He once
again indicated that prOjections of fiscal impacts are imperative, so the Commission can
make informed decisions on the program.
Commissioner Hawks suggested the City may be eligible to receive similar grant
monies next year if this year's program is successful. He further noted that in most ar-
eas, a beautification program can be self-supporting after three or four years; however,
good grant writing is an Important part of that process.
City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that they have established a Beauti-
fication Committee, whose first responsibility was to develop a program for the Centennial
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Year. The Committee was then to address longer-term issues, including items such as
competitions and possible installation of a sculpture along North 7th Avenue. He then
suggested that since the activities of this Committee appear parallel to the Arts Advisory
Committee, it may be appropriate to combine the two at this time, which would eliminate
the sunset provision for the Beautification Committee.
I n response to a question from Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Goehrung re-
minded the Commission that he was authorized to submit the grant application to the
Montana Arts Council; and the proposed timeframe was a part of that application. He in-
dicated the issue which must be determined at this time is whether to appoint a five-
member Arts Advisory Committee or combine the existing Arts Advisory Committee with the
Beauti fication Commi ttee. He suggested it may be logical to combine the two committees,
which would eliminate the creation of yet another committee.
City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that the application submitted to the
Montana Arts Council specifies that the Commission will expand the existing Arts Advisory
Committee to a five- to seven-member board. He then suggested that any variation from
that statement should be submitted to the Council for approval so the grant monies are not
jeopardized, prior to the appointment of a new committee. He further reminded the Com-
mission that the Beautification Committee already has a staff person; and that individual
could serve under the new committee. He then suggested that it may be appropriate to
rename the committee, possibly to the Cultural Affairs Committee.
Commissioner Hawks noted that at their last meeting, the Beautification Committee
discussed the pOSSibility of combining with the Arts Advisory Committee; and there were
no negative comments.
Commissioner Martel suggested that the performing arts should also be represented
on th is type of committee.
Commissioner Hawks noted the issue of sunsetting has been discussed and asked if
the Commission wishes to sunset the Cultural Affairs Committee on June 30, 1990, which is
the ending date of the grant, in that one of the original tasks of the Beautification Com-
mittee was to further a recommendation on the make-up of an ongoing committee which
would represent cultural affairs.
B rea k - 3: 32 to 3: 37 p. m .
Mayor Stiff declared a break from 3:32 p.m. to 3:37 p.m., in accordance with Com-
mission policy established at their regular meeting of March 14, 1983.
Discussion (continued) - possible combinin of Arts Advisor Committee and Beautification
It was moved by Commissioner Martel, seconded by Commissioner Goehrung, that it
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is the intent of the Commission to combine the Arts Advisory Committee with the Beauti-
fication Committee, terminating those .committees and creating a Cultural Affairs Advisory
Committee comprised of those members currently on the two committees, contingent upon
approval from the Montana Arts Council. The motion carried by the following Aye and No
vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner
Hawks, Commissioner Vant Hull and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none.
Discussion - possible chang~ of meeting time to 1:00 p.m. on Monday, July 17
City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that the tentative agenda for the
planning consultant's field trip to Bozeman Includes a 3: 00 p. m. workshop on Monday, July
17, for Master Plan alternatives. He noted tJ:lat many of the Commissioners will probably
wish to attend this session and suggested, therefore, that next week's Commission meeting
be set for 1: 00 p. m. so they can complete their business and attend the meeting.
It was moved by. Commissioner Goehru:ng;, seconded by Commissioner Hawks, that
the Commission meeting for July 17 be scheduled to begin at 1 :00 p.m. rather than 2:00
p.m., due to the planning'consultant~s meeting scheduled for 3:00 p.m. The motion car-
ried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Goehrung,
Commissioner Hawks, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Martel and Mayor Stiff; those
voting No, none.
Appointment of subcommittee to review Pledged Securities as of June 30, 1989
City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that the pledged securities must be
reviewed quarterly according to State Statute.
It was moved by Commissioner Martel, seconded by Commissioner Goehrung, that
Commissioner Hawks and Commissioner Vant Hull be appointed to review the pledged secu-
rities as of June 30, 1989. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those
voting Aye being Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Goehrun9, Commissioner Hawks, Com-
missioner Vant Hull and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none.
ordinance - All 50's Class Reunion - Lindle Park
- : p.m.
City Manager Wysocki reminded the Commission that he had requested this item be
removed from the Consent Items, following discussion with Commissioner Vant Hull.
Commissioner Vant Hull stated she had requested this item be removed from the
Consent Items for discussion. She stated that she feels the fee for groups of more than
100 people should be more than $10 because of the park maintenance needed, including
clean-up and watering to protect the grass following such use. She indicated she feels
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that this would be an appropriate user's fee to consider Increasing, possibly on a sliding
scale based on the number In the group. She suggested a possibility would be $50 for 100
people, plus $10 or $15 for each additional 100 persons.
City Manager Wysocki suggested that this issue be referred to the Recreation Advi-
sory Board for their consideration. He noted that the Commission could then address the
Issue after they have submitted a recommendation.
It was moved by Commissioner Hawks, seconded by Commissioner Martel, that the
Commission approve the request for waiver of the open container ordinance for the All 50's
Class Reunion to be held in Lindley Park on Saturday, July 29, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00
p.m. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being Com-
missioner Hawks, Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Vant Hull
and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none.
It was moved by Commissioner Vant Hull, seconded by Commissioner Martel, that
the Recreation Advisory Board be requested to review the application fee for waivers of
the open container ordinance for large groups, with a recommendation to be submitted back
to the Commission. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting
Aye being Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Goehrung, Commis-
sioner Hawks and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none.
Discussion - FY I Items
City Manager Wysocki presented to the Commission the following "For Your Informa-
tion" Items.
(1) A copy of the agenda for the Highway Commission meeting to be held on Fri-
day, July 14, in Helena.
The City Manager noted that a public hearing is scheduled at 10:30 a.m. on the
Valley Center / North 19th roadway. He Indicated that someone from the City wi II try to
attend that meeting; and the County will be represented.
(2) A memo from Dennis Seibel, Beautification Coordinator, providing an update
on that program.
(3) A memo from Senior Planner Ron Brey providing a status report on the sign
(4) A thank you letter from Gordon Clark, Manager of the College National
Finals Rodeo.
(5) Agenda for the Board of Adjustment meeting which is being held today.
(6) City Manager's weekly report, as follows: (1) Flags and baskets have been
missing along the street, due in part to the winds. (2) The Lindley Park test well ap-
pears to be productive, therefore, a production well will be drilled for irrigation of the
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park as well as part of the cemetery. (3) Reminder that the planning consultants will ar-
rive on Thursday for their fieldwork. (4) Yard piping is nearly complete at Lyman Creek;
and the reservoir cover just arrived. (5) The Pace Construction contract for expansion of
the landfill is nearly complete, except for seeding and clean-up. (6) The Wally Byam rally
has been successfully completed; and some comments were made about thei r return in 1994.
(7) Staff is currently in the process of identifying parcels within the city limits and devel-
oping a data base in preparation for creation of a street maintenance district, as well as
possibly other maintenance districts In the future. In response to a question from Com-
missioner Hawks, the City Manager indicated that the method of assessment is to be de-
termined by the Commission; but the base data will accommodate any assessment mechanism
chosen. (8) The weed program was begun on Wednesday, July 5; and letters will be sent
starting tomorrow. Under this program, an employee will view sites, listing those yards
and lots which need to be cleaned up. A letter will then be sent, giving the person ten
days in which to clean the site. I f no action is taken, the matter wi II be referred to City
Cou rt . In response to a question from Commissioner Martel, the City Manager responded
that the Individual property owners are responsible for the boulevards in front of their
residences. (9) The City's insurance carrier has agreed to settle the case of Lutey vs.
the City for $12,500. (10) Water usage averaged 9 to 9.5 million gallons per day for the
past week until yesterday, when it dropped dramatically to about 6 mill ion gallons. (11)
The "pet patrol" has had four people working for approximately two weeks. As of Friday
morning, approximately 150 d~g licenses and 100 cat registrations had been sold. The
door-to-door survey should be completed within the next month. (12) The staff will pre-
pare a proposed schedule of work sessions on the budget, which has just been distributed
to the Commissioners as a part of the Consent Items, below. (13) The City Manager indi-
cated he responded to a telephone call from Senator Dorothy Eck late Friday, concerning
amendments being placed on the water development bond bill in the Legislature. He cau-
tioned that this should be watched closely since the amendments do not pertain to the bill;
however, they could create problems for passage of the bi II. He noted that monies for the
second phase of Lyman Creek improvements as well as monies for the Hyalite Dam project
are included in the bill. (14) The selection committee, which includes Commissioner
Martel, is reviewing proposals for the water treatment plant expansion.
(7) Mayor Stiff noted that the Commissioners received copies of a letter from
Planner Arkell to County Road Superintendent Gianfrancisco re a minor subdivision located
outside city limits just prior to the meeting.
(8) Commissioner Vant Hull noted the copies of the Master Plan goals and objec-
tives being distributed prior to the public meetings being held by the consultant do not
include the City's revisions. She then suggested that copies of the City's comments, made
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on colored paper, be made available for publiC review also. Following discussion, a majority
of the Commission concurred.
(9) Commissioner Goehrung noted the recent newspaper article on the separation
of garbage in which he, Lance Kelley and Dennis Seibel participated. He noted that the
results of that separation will be included In recommendations for possible changes in solid
waste management.
(10) City Manager Wysocki noted that Director of Public Service Forbes and
Ursula Neese, member of the Bozeman Recycling Coalition, will attend the recycling confer-
ence to be held in Seattle.
(11) Commissioner Hawks asked if the Commissioners plan to attend the consul-
tant's meetings this next week.
Commissioner Goehrung noted he will be out of town, but he will review any infor-
mation and listen to any tapes of those meetings.
(12 ) Commissioner Hawks submitted to the Commissioners a letter from Dan Kamp,
which he had previously distributed to the Commission, concerning revision of the planning
and zoning process. He suggested the issues raised in that letter be considered as the
review process Is completed.
Consent Items
City Manager Wysoc,,1 presented to the Commission the following Consent Items.
A Loan Review
It was moved by Commissioner Martel, seconded by Commissioner Goehrung, that
the Consent Items be approved as listed, and the appropriate persons be authorized and
directed to complete the necessary actions. The motion carried by the following Aye and
No vote: those voting Aye being Commissioner Martel, Commissioner Goehrung. Commis-
sioner Hawks, Commissioner Vant Hull and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none.
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Adjournment - 4:12 p.m.
There being no further business to come before the Commission at this time, it was
moved by Commissioner Goehrung, seconded by Commissioner Hawks, that the meeting be
adjourned. The motion carried by the following Aye and No vote: those voting Aye being
Commissioner Goehrung, Commissioner Hawks, Commissioner Vant Hull, Commissioner Martel
and Mayor Stiff; those voting No, none.