HomeMy WebLinkAbout15- Addendum 1 Landfill LDG/SVE Treatment SystemAddendum No. 1 Call for Bids Bozeman Landfill LFG/SVE System Bozeman Landfill This Addendum No. 1 is issued on October 8, 2015, to the Call for Bids for the Bozeman Landfill LFG/SVE System dated October 1, 2015. Completed bids must acknowledge receipt of this addendum at the appropriate place in the bidding documents. The Call for Bids directs interested bidders to obtain documents at the Bozeman City Engineering Office. All bidding documents including plans, specifications, contract documents and supporting information are available on the City’s website at http://www.bozeman.net/City-Government/BIDs. Plans and specifications are not available at the City Engineering Office. Section 01010 (Project Scheduling), Section 1.08, fifth sentence is amended to read: Based on the anticipated flare delivery date of about March 15, 2016, the construction should be completed 160 days after the Notice to Proceed. Section 01410 refers to the Project CQC manual which must be adhered to. The DEQ approved manual is attached to this addendum as Attachment 1. The Bid Due Date is changed to October 27, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at the location and in the form indicated in the Call for Bids. Landfill Gas Well Drilling tasks are added to the work items for this contract. As a result, the bid sheet has been revised adding tasks 52, 53, 54 and 55. A revised bid sheet is included with this Addendum as Attachment 2. The bid must be submitted on the revised bid sheet. Specification Section 01029 (Measurement and Payment) has been revised to reflect the addition of the new tasks noted above related to Landfill Gas Well Drilling. The revised Section 01029 is attached with this Addendum as Attachment 3. Appendix D is hereby added to the Bid and Contract Documents. Appendix D shows details for the locations, depths and construction details for the Landfill Gas Wells noted above. Appendix D to the Bid and Contract Documents is attached to this Addendum as Attachment 4. Attachment 1 DEQ approved CQA/CQC Plan Construction Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan Bozeman Landfill LFG/SVE/AI and Treatment System City of Bozeman Landfill; Bozeman, MT #114-560487 July 10, 2015 PRESENTED TO PRESENTED BY City of Bozeman PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59711-1230 Tetra Tech, Inc. 303 Irene Street Helena, MT 59601 P +1-406-443-5210 F +1-406-449-3729 tetratech.com Prepared by: Mary Bell July 10, 2015 Reviewed by: Larry Cawlfield, P.E., P.H. Engineer/Hydrologist July 10, 2015 Authorized by: Larry Cawlfield, P.E., P.H. Engineer/Hydrologist July 10, 2015 Construction Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan LFG/SVE/AI and Treatment System i City of Bozeman Landfill TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 CQCQAP Organization ..................................................................................................................................1 2.0 PROJECT QA/QC ORGANIZATION ...................................................................................................................2 2.1 Responsibilities and Authorities of Key Personnel ........................................................................................2 2.1.1 Engineer of Record ...............................................................................................................................2 2.1.2 QA On-Site Supervisor .........................................................................................................................3 2.1.3 QC Supervisor ......................................................................................................................................3 3.0 INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION ACTIVITIES ...............................................................................................3 3.1 General Construction Inspection and Verification Requirements ..................................................................3 3.1.1 QC Inspections .....................................................................................................................................3 3.1.2 QA Inspections .....................................................................................................................................4 3.1.3 Construction Audits ..............................................................................................................................5 4.0 CONSTRUCTION DEFICIENCIES ......................................................................................................................5 4.1 Contractor QC Deficiency Identification and Control .....................................................................................5 4.2 Contractor Deficiency Correction ...................................................................................................................6 4.3 Preventive Actions .........................................................................................................................................6 5.0 FIELD CHANGES ................................................................................................................................................6 5.1 CQCQAP Changes ........................................................................................................................................6 6.0 DOCUMENTATION ..............................................................................................................................................6 6.1 QC Daily Record Keeping ..............................................................................................................................6 6.2 QA Daily Construction Report ........................................................................................................................7 6.3 Inspection and Testing Checklists .................................................................................................................7 6.4 Record Drawings ............................................................................................................................................7 6.4.1 Responsibilities .....................................................................................................................................7 6.4.2 Preparation of As-Built Drawings .........................................................................................................7 6.4.3 Review of As-Built Drawings ................................................................................................................8 6.5 Control of Quality Records .............................................................................................................................8 6.6 Post-Construction Documentation .................................................................................................................8 7.0 REFERENCES .....................................................................................................................................................8 LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1. Quality Assurance Testing and Frequency ...............................................................................................4 Construction Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan LFG/SVE/AI and Treatment System ii City of Bozeman Landfill APPENDICES APPENDIX A - FIELD FORMS Construction Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan LFG/SVE/AI and Treatment System iii City of Bozeman Landfill ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS Acronyms/Abbreviations Definition AI Air Injection CQCQAP Construction Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan LFG Landfill Gas GC General Contractor OSS On-Site Supervisor QA Quality Assurance QC Quality Control QC/QA Quality Control/Quality Assurance SVE Soil Vapor Extraction Construction Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan LFG/SVE/AI and Treatment System 1 City of Bozeman Landfill 1.0 INTRODUCTION On behalf of the City of Bozeman, Tetra Tech, Inc. (Tetra Tech) has prepared this Construction Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan (CQCQAP) to support the proposed Landfill Gas/Soil Vapor Extraction/Air Injection (LFG/SVE/AI) and Treatment System at the City of Bozeman Landfill in Bozeman, Montana. The system will include installation of: 1) an equipment slab; 2) flare or thermal oxidizer; 3) gas handling system; 4) condensate holding tank; 5) air compressor; 6) six LFG extraction wells; 7) six AI wells; 8) five SVE wells; and 9) SVE vaults, AI vaults, and condensate sumps. Collectively, the construction activities are referred to as Alternative F as described in a Revised Corrective Measures Assessment Report (Tetra Tech, 2014). This CQCQAP is a companion document to the Plans, Specifications and Contract Documents for Alternative F and establishes project procedures and general responsibilities for the quality control program to ensure that the LFG/SVE/AI and Treatment System is executed in accordance with the relevant portions of the Plans and Specifications. The objectives of this CQCQAP are to:  Describe the quality program and organization to be implemented so that the project is conducted in accordance with contract requirements and industry standards;  Describe guidelines for inspection and documentation of activities;  Provide reasonable assurance that the completed work will meet or exceed the requirements of the construction drawings and specifications;  Describe how any unexpected changes or conditions that could affect the construction quality will be detected, documented, and addressed during construction. A General Contractor (GC) will be selected through a competitive bidding process and be responsible for conducting the work and providing quality control in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. Each subcontractor is also responsible for controlling the quality of his/her work to meet contract plans, specifications, and related requirements. Quality Control (QC) is the systematic implementation of a program of inspections, tests, and controls to attain the required standards of quality and to preclude problems resulting from noncompliance. Tetra Tech will provide Quality Assurance (QA) through daily monitoring and scheduled inspections to verify that contract requirements are being met. Tetra Tech's On-Site Supervisor (OSS) will be responsible for the day-to- day coordination of QA measures in the field. The OSS will assure that QA is working effectively and that the resultant construction complies with the quality requirements established by the contract. 1.1 CQCQAP ORGANIZATION This Construction Quality Control Plan is organized as follows: Section 1 — Introduction: Provides a CQCQAP quality program overview Section 2 — Project QC Organization: Presents organization and key personnel involved in the second-phase expansion, their responsibilities and authorities, and the structure of the Quality Control/Quality Assurance (QC/QA) organization Section 3 — Inspection and Verification Activities: Provides procedures for tracking construction inspection and verification activities for the contract, construction acceptance criteria, and construction audits Section 4 — Construction Deficiencies: Describes the procedures for tracking construction deficiencies from identification through acceptable corrective action Section 5 — Field Changes: Describes handling of quality plan changes to assure QC/QA objectives are met Construction Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan LFG/SVE/AI and Treatment System 2 City of Bozeman Landfill Section 6 — Documentation: Describes procedures for project document management in a secure document filing and storage system 2.0 PROJECT QA/QC ORGANIZATION This section presents the responsibilities and authorities of key personnel involved in the construction of Alternative F, and the structure of the QC/QA organization. 2.1 RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITIES OF KEY PERSONNEL Key personnel involved in the LFG/SVE/AI and Treatment System construction and their QC/QA roles and responsibilities are described below in Section 2.1.1 and Section 2.1.2. The OSS will maintain a CQCQAP Staffing List of CQCQAP personnel, including each person’s role and organization. When personnel changes occur, Tetra Tech will provide an updated list for this CQCQAP. The figure below shows an organization chart for the CQCQAP team. 2.1.1 Engineer of Record Tetra Tech is the engineer and will provide resolution of design issues as they arise during the expansion work with approval from the City of Bozeman for any changes in the design. The Engineer of Record is Keith Johnson, P.E., a Montana-licensed Professional Engineer sealing the design report and other design documents. The Engineer of Record will serve as the ultimate decision maker for questions relating to design issues or questions regarding QC/QA measures during construction. Construction Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan LFG/SVE/AI and Treatment System 3 City of Bozeman Landfill 2.1.2 QA On-Site Supervisor The OSS, who shall be named at a later date, is responsible for implementation of this CQCQAP. The OSS is the Tetra Tech primary point of contact for the City of Bozeman on all construction management issues. The OSS is responsible for the overall management of activities related to the construction program, including the implementation of the CQCQAP and the health and safety program. The OSS will manage the Alternative F construction on behalf of the City of Bozeman. The OSS will provide QA and monitor the day-to-day construction QC activities performed by the GC and its subcontractors to verify compliance with the contract plans and specifications. Additionally, the OSS may be assigned management of any third party QA inspection and testing firms retained by the City of Bozeman or the GC. The OSS may designate other Tetra Tech employees as necessary to provide QA oversight. 2.1.3 QC Supervisor The GC shall designate a QC Supervisor who shall be responsible for implementing all the aspects of QC described in this plan. The QC Supervisor will be named at a later date after a GC has been selected and before construction begins. The QC Supervisor will implement the QC plans by implementing the following:  Inspect all materials and equipment for conformance with technical specifications,  Perform all QC tests as required by the technical specifications,  Coordinate all QC activities among its subcontractors, and  Submit all QC reports and other QC documentation to the OSS. The QC Supervisor may designate other GC employees as necessary to perform QC measures or reporting, including employees of its subcontractors. 3.0 INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION ACTIVITIES 3.1 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION AND VERIFICATION REQUIREMENTS The GC QC Supervisor and all other personnel as designated will perform the inspections and tests as prescribed in the technical specifications. QA inspection and testing will be used to verify the adequacy and effectiveness of the GC’s QC program. 3.1.1 QC Inspections The GC will establish and implement a program for inspection of activities affecting quality that will cover the entire construction site. Inspections will be performed to verify compliance with documented instructions, drawings, procedures, and specifications as required by the contract. All inspections will be documented by the contractor. A four-phase inspection program will be followed for each definable feature of the work. The four phases of inspection are: Preparatory Inspection The QC Supervisor will perform preparatory inspections prior to beginning any work on any definable feature of the work. As part of the preparatory inspection, the QC Supervisor will:  Ensure that preparatory work includes a review of contract requirements  Ensure that all materials and/or equipment have been tested, submitted, and approved Construction Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan LFG/SVE/AI and Treatment System 4 City of Bozeman Landfill  Examine materials and equipment to ensure that they conform to design documents, that all materials and/or equipment are on hand, and that all monitoring and measuring equipment is properly calibrated and in proper working condition  Record preparatory inspections in the QC documentation Initial Inspection The QC Supervisor will perform an initial inspection as soon as a representative portion of the particular feature of work has been accomplished. The QC Supervisor will:  Examine the quality of workmanship  Review control testing for compliance with contract requirements  Review dimensional aspects of the work  Record initial inspections in the QC documentation Follow-up Inspection The QC Supervisor will perform follow-up inspections daily to:  Ensure continuing compliance with contract requirements  Ensure continuing compliance with control testing until completion of particular feature of work  Record follow-up inspections in the daily inspection report  Conduct final follow-up inspections and correct test deficiencies prior to the addition of new features of work Completion Inspection The QC Supervisor will perform a completion inspection of the work to:  Develop a “punch list” of items that do not conform to the approved plans and specifications  Include the punch list in the construction QC documentation  Indicate the estimated date by which the deficiencies will be corrected  Perform a second completion inspection after punch list items have been completed The daily inspection reports will identify inspections conducted, results of inspections, location and nature of defects found, causes for rejection, and remedial or corrective action taken or proposed. When deficiencies are discovered during the four-phase or other inspection processes, the OSS will be informed of any quality issues and the resolution. When material or performed work is found to be deficient and/or does not meet the project specifications on the basis of focused inspections, the OSS will assure deficiency correction is implemented, as discussed in Section 4. 3.1.2 QA Inspections The OSS will perform periodic testing and inspection of construction activities. These will include witnessing of the GC’s testing or performance of independent tests and inspections. At a minimum, the testing will be as described in Table 3-1. Table 3-1. Quality Assurance Testing and Frequency Construction Element Type of Test Test Subject Minimum Frequency Buried Piping Witness Pressure Test Each QC Test Independent Verification Compaction 1 Per Every 10 QC Tests Construction Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan LFG/SVE/AI and Treatment System 5 City of Bozeman Landfill Material Gradation, Atterberg Limits 1 Per Project Concrete Independent Verification Rebar Size and Placement Each Pour Witness Concrete Mix Each Pour Independent Verification Pad Location, Dimensions and Depth Each Pour Well Drilling Witness Well Completion Details (Depth, Casing Type, Wellhead Details, Gravel Placement) Each Well Excavation Witness Utilities Marked. Utility Locate Ticket Active. Each Day 3.1.3 Construction Audits Tetra Tech will establish and document an auditing system to verify its own (and the GC’s) implementation of and conformance to the CQCQAP and contract technical specification requirements. The auditing system will be used to make a determination regarding the effectiveness of the QC/QA system. Audits will be performed by qualified and properly trained personnel who are familiar with the QC/QA system, auditing procedures and techniques. Selection of auditors and the conduct of audits will ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the audit process. The OSS or any designated QA personnel designated by the OSS may not be an independent auditor. The auditing system will cover all activities affecting quality for construction. The results of the audits will be documented and reported to the OSS. All non-conformance conditions identified during the audit will be re-audited to verify effectiveness of corrective actions taken by the appropriate organization. Audits will be conducted periodically during construction of Alternative F. 4.0 CONSTRUCTION DEFICIENCIES This section provides procedures for tracking construction deficiencies (noncompliance) from identification through acceptable corrective action. It defines the controls and related responsibilities and authorities for dealing with noncompliant products or services. Deficiency occurs when performed work does not meet the plans and/or specifications for the project. 4.1 CONTRACTOR QC DEFICIENCY IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL When performed work is found deficient, a QC Supervisor (or designee) will ensure that the non-conforming work is identified and controlled to prevent unintended use or delivery. The QC Supervisor will notify the OSS of any noncompliance with any of the foregoing requirements. Minor deficiencies noted during inspection are verbally reported to the OSS and noted on the Daily Construction Report. Minor deficiencies are items that do not require significant rework or repair work to correct and will not result in significant deviations from required quality standard if corrected immediately. Control and disposition of minor deficiencies will be conducted by the QC Supervisor and do not require formal action by the OSS. Ideally, such minor deficiencies can be corrected on the Construction Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan LFG/SVE/AI and Treatment System 6 City of Bozeman Landfill spot by agreement with the OSS. Non-conformances are major deviations from the contract requirement and/or accepted standard of quality, which must be formally documented for corrective action by the QC Supervisor and the OSS. 4.2 CONTRACTOR DEFICIENCY CORRECTION When performed work is found to be deficient and/or does not meet the project specifications, the QC Supervisor will ensure deficiency correction is implemented. The QC Supervisor will ensure that the non-conforming work is identified and controlled to prevent unintended use. The QC Supervisor is responsible for documenting the non- conformance. The GC will implement corrective actions to remedy work that is not in accordance with the drawings and specifications. The corrective actions will include removal and replacement of deficient work using methods approved by OSS. Replacement will be done in accordance with the corresponding technical specifications. Replacement will be subjected to the same scope of QC/QA inspection and testing as the original work. If the replacement work is not in accordance with the drawings and specifications, the replacement work will be removed, replaced, re-inspected, and re-tested. 4.3 PREVENTIVE ACTIONS Preventive actions are taken to eliminate the cause of a potential non-conformity. The OSS will take preventive actions as necessary to eliminate the causes of potential deficiencies so as to prevent their occurrence. 5.0 FIELD CHANGES Field changes for QC/QA will be limited to changes to this CQCQAP. Changes to construction processes or design plans and specifications are governed by the design change order procedures. 5.1 CQCQAP CHANGES The City of Bozeman, the OSS, or the QC Supervisor may initiate revisions to this CQCQAP. The CQCQAP may be revised when it becomes apparent that existing procedures or controls are inadequate or deemed to be more excessive than required to support work being produced in conformance with the specified quality requirements. Tetra Tech will notify managing contractor in writing of changes to QA or QC procedures necessitating modification to this CQCQAP. All changes are subject to City of Bozeman acceptance. 6.0 DOCUMENTATION Documentation will cover all aspects of QC/QA program activities and include Daily Construction Reports, equipment and system inspection forms, and testing checklists. 6.1 QC DAILY RECORD KEEPING Project documents will be managed through a combination of a secure document filing and storage system. Sufficient records will be prepared and maintained as work is performed to furnish documentary evidence of the quality of construction and activities affecting quality. The QC Supervisor will maintain a daily log of all QC inspections performed and subcontractor operations on a form acceptable to the OSS. The daily log will be signed by the QC Supervisor. At least one copy of each daily log will be provided to the OSS on the work day following the day of record. Construction Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan LFG/SVE/AI and Treatment System 7 City of Bozeman Landfill 6.2 QA DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT A Daily Construction Report (Appendix A) will be prepared and signed by the OSS. The report will include a summary of the daily construction activities. Supporting inspection data sheets will be attached to the daily report where needed. At a minimum, the Daily Construction Report will include the following information:  Date, project name, location, and other identification  Reports and results of any meetings held  Record of visitors to site  Locations of construction underway during that day  Equipment and personnel working in each activity, including subcontractors  Descriptions of work being inspected  Decisions made regarding approval of units of material or work and corrective actions to be taken  Description of problems or delays and resolution  Communications with contractor staff  Construction activities completed and/or in progress  Signature of the report preparer The QA Daily Construction Reports will be routed on a daily basis to the project QC/QA files and maintained as part of the permanent project record. These reports are reviewed by the Engineer of Record, and also distributed to the City of Bozeman. 6.3 INSPECTION AND TESTING CHECKLISTS Inspection forms and testing checklists, provided in Appendix A, will be completed and include:  Description or title of the inspection activity  Location of the inspection activity  Recorded observation or test data  Results of the inspection activity  Personnel involved in the inspection activity  Signature of the inspector 6.4 RECORD DRAWINGS Tetra Tech will prepare final record drawings. The draft record drawings will be submitted on one set of CDs. Record drawings submitted on CD will be the latest version of AutoCAD by AutoDesk, Inc. 6.4.1 Responsibilities The QC Supervisor will be responsible for ensuring that red-line record drawings are maintained daily throughout the construction process. These red-line record drawings will be used to update the design drawings to as-built status at the completion of the work. 6.4.2 Preparation of As-Built Drawings The QC will be responsible for red-lining construction drawings in the field as preparation for as-built drawings. The as-built drawings will record actual, approved field conditions upon completion of the work. The original design drawings will be marked up by the QC Supervisor as the project progresses to indicate as-built conditions. Where there was a change to a dimension, location, or other feature, the as-built drawing will indicate the work performed. Construction Quality Control/Quality Assurance Plan LFG/SVE/AI and Treatment System 8 City of Bozeman Landfill 6.4.3 Review of As-Built Drawings Upon completion of the as-built red-line drawings, the QC Supervisor will submit the red-line mark-up drawings to the Engineer of Record who will incorporate the mark-ups and issue the final as-built drawings to the City of Bozeman and the managing contractor representative. 6.5 CONTROL OF QUALITY RECORDS The OSS verifies QA record accuracy and maintains copies of all quality-related documentation. This includes, but may not be limited to:  Daily construction QA logs and records  Daily QC reports  Inspection checklists and reports  Surveillance reports  Non-conformance reports These records will be stored in files maintained in the project document control files. All original documents pertaining to project information will be maintained in the project file located at the Tetra Tech Helena, Montana, office. The OSS has primary responsibility for the centralized document control files for the project and construction documentation. All records will be available for inspection and audit by the City of Bozeman at any time. 6.6 POST-CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION Tetra Tech will include quality related documents for the LFG/SVE/AI and Treatment System with the post- construction documentation, which will consist of the as-built drawings and updated System Operation and Maintenance Manual. 7.0 REFERENCES Tetra Tech, 2014. Draft Revised Corrective Measures Assessment, Bozeman Landfill, Gallatin County Montana. Helena, MT. September 4, 2014. APPENDIX A - FIELD FORMS Bozeman Landfill Corrective Measures Assessment Implementation DAILY CONSTRUCTION REPORT DATE: ________ ARRIVAL TIME: ____________ DEPARTURE TIME: ____________ WEATHER CONDITIONS: ______________________________________________ SUMMARY OF WORK / MAJOR ACTIVITIES PERSONNEL ON-SITE: Name Company Name Company HEALTH & SAFETY TOPICS OR ISSUES: (see daily work permit[s]) QC PROCEDURES/INSPECTIONS/TESTING TO BE PERFORMED TODAY: STATUS OUTSTANDING ISSUES AND ACTIONS/DEFICIENCIES CORRECTED TODAY: PLANNED ACTIVITIES FOR NEXT WORKING DAY: Attachment 2 Revised Bid Sheet BID SHEET PAY ITEM DESCRIPTION UNITS APPROX. QTY.UNIT PRICE AMOUNT SVE DRILLING 1 Drill Rig Mobilization/Demobilization LS 1 2 SVE Well Drilling and Completion, 12" diameter boring, 4" SCH 80 PVC Well Casing (per Detail 2/8)VF 438 3 Air Injection Drilling and Completion, 12" diameter boring, 2" SCH 80 PVC Well Casing (per Detail 3/8)VF 203 DRILLING TOTAL: FIELD CONSTRUCTION (Sheets 1-12, 23) 4 Piping Crew Mobilization/Demobilization LS 1 5 SVE Well Vault/Assembly at well casing (per Detail 4/9)EA 16 6 SVE Remote Wellhead Assembly (per Detail 2/9)EA 16 7 Pneumatic Submersible Pump, Bundled Tubing, Level Probe/Indicator, Easy Fittings, and Clamps. Mount to wellhead assembly (per Detail 1 or 2/11) EA 16 8 Dual Extraction Wellhead Assembly (per Detail 1 or 2/11)EA 16 9 Air Injection Vault/Assembly at well casing (per Detail 5/9)EA 6 10 Air Injection Remote Wellhead Assembly (per Detail 3/9)EA 6 11 Manifold Vault, 30" x 60" Concrete Vault with Spring Assisted Cover (See Details 2 and 3, Sheet 9)EA 6 12 8" SDR 17 HDPE pipe & fittings, below grade (per Detail 7/9)LF 1,420 13 6" SDR 17 HDPE pipe & fittings, below grade (per Detail 7/9)LF 1,050 14 4" SDR 17 HDPE pipe & fittings, below grade (SVE or LFG) in individual trench (per Detail 7/9)LF 2,160 15 4" SDR 17 HDPE pipe & fittings, below grade (SVE) in common trench (per Detail 7/9)LF 860 16 4" SDR 9 HDPE Compressed Air pipe & fittings, below grade in common trench with LFG piping (per Detail 7/9)LF 2,450 17 2" SDR 11 HDPE Condensate pipe & fittings, below grade in individual trench (or considered primary pipe when combined with air LF 4,270 18 2" SDR 11 HDPE Condensate pipe & fittings, below grade in common trench (per Detail 7/9)LF 2,410 19 2" SDR 9 HDPE Compressed Air pipe & fittings, below grade in individual trench (per Detail 7/9)LF 470 20 2" SDR 9 HDPE Compressed Air pipe & fittings, below grade in common trench (per Detail 7/9)LF 5,360 21 Condensate Sump #2 Assembly (per Detail 2/12)ASSY 1 22 Condensate Line Connection at Existing Tank (per Detail 1/10)ASSY 1 DRILLING, FIELD PIPING AND TREATMENT SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION BID SHEET CITY OF BOZEMAN LANDFILL BOZEMAN LANDFILL GAS/SOIL VAPOR EXTRACTION TREATMENT SYSTEM 23 12" Corrugated HDPE Sleeve (per Detail 1/9)LF 60 24 18" Corrugated HDPE Sleeve (per Detail 8 or 9/9)LF 70 25 Remove & Re-install Fencing to provide access to well drilling/trenching locations LF 240 26 New 3 Phase Electrical Service to Treatment Plant (Verify tie-in location with City, conduit and wire size)LS 1 FIELD CONSTRUCTION TOTAL: TREATMENT FACILITY (Sheets 13-22) 27 Mobilization/Demobilization (Concrete/Mechanical Subs)LS 1 28 Install Flare, Blower Skid, and appurtenances, including: flame arrestors, pneumatic shutdown valves, valves, flex hoses, 4" and 6" SS interconnect piping, anchoring (City to Purchase Equipment) LS 1 29 Equipment Concrete Pad, 20' x 40' x 6" (per Detail 1/17)LS 1 30 Flare Concrete Pad, 10' x 10' x 12" (per Detail 2/17)LS 1 31 Concrete Footing and Rebar cage for Light Pole (per Detail 9/19)LS 1 32 Finish Grading, pavement cutting, overexcavation for slabs, compaction, place gravel around flare/equipment pads LS 1 33 Ingersoll Rand Oil-Free Rotary Screw Air Compressor (SL37)EA 1 34 Condensate Storage System, including: 1,150 gallon tank, seismic restraint, 55 gallon GAC canister, ladder, piping, valves, flame check, support rack, and camlocks (Per Sheet 16 and Detail 8/19) LS 1 35 Electrical Installation (conduits, wiring of equipment/ components, thermal oxidizer, compressor, level transmitter, flow elements, pressure switch, area lighting, seal-offs, trenching ground grid system per sheets 21/22 and applicable details) LS 1 36 Condensate Sump #1 Assembly (per Detail 1/12)LS 1 37 Pipe Insulation and Heat Trace for 2" above grade pipe and Condensate Tank LS 1 38 Site Fencing and Gates (2-3' gates and 1 -12' gate)LF 150 39 1/2" B.I. Propane pipe & fittings (below/above grade)LF 30 40 1/2" CS Compressed Air Line pipe & fittings (below/above grade)LF 50 41 1" SDR 9 HDPE, Compressed Air pipe & fittings, below grade LF 10 42 2" SDR 9 HDPE, Compressed Air pipe & fittings, below grade LF 40 43 2" SDR 11 HDPE, Condensate Conveyance pipe & fittings, below/above grade LF 120 44 4" SDR 17 HDPE pipe & fittings (connect to KO)LF 6 45 8" SDR 17 HDPE pipe & fittings (below/above grade)LF 20 46 Pipe Support (Detail 6/19)EA 1 47 Pipe Support (Detail 1/19)EA 12 48 Pipe Support (Detail 3/19)EA 6 49 Pipe Support (Detail 5/19)EA 7 50 Pipe Support (Detail 7/19)EA 1 51 Remove and Dispose of existing blower skid and utility flare LS 1 Treatment Facility Total: LFG DRILLING 52 LFG Drill Rig Mobilization LS 1 53 Drilling LFG Wells within waste LF 580 54 Set and Complete each drilled well LF 580 55 LFG Drill Rig Standby Time HR NA NA LFG DRILLING TOTAL SVE DRILLING TOTAL: FIELD CONSTRUCTION TOTAL: TREATMENT FACILITY TOTAL: LFG DRILLING TOTAL TOTAL BID: 3822 East University Drive, Suite 2 Phoenix, Arizona 85034 Notes: Prepared By: SNA Checked By: LC Job No. 114-560487 Updated: 10/7/2015 ________________________________ WRITTEN WORDS TOTAL AMOUNT OF BID: Attachment 3 Revised Section 01029 Measurement and Payment 01029-1 SECTION 01029 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 CONTRACT PAY ITEMS This section includes the items of work and the basis of payment for City of Bozeman Story Mill Road Landfill Gas Extraction System Expansion and Soil Vapor Extraction/Air Injection System Installation. The CONTRACTOR shall bid Items 1 through 51 below separately and provide unit prices and a total sum for all work items. The CONTRACTOR is responsible for supplying all materials, equipment and labor necessary for the complete construction and installation of all work as described in these specifications and as shown on the Construction Drawings. Payment for each work item will be made on either a unit price, lineal foot or lump sum basis, and only after that portion of the project has been completed. 1. SVE/AI Drill Rig Mobilization/Demobilization: This task includes any and all temporary facilities and utilities, safety plans, and construction equipment required for this project. Payment for this work will be made on a lump sum basis. Fifty (50) percent of the lump sum price bid will be paid with the first payment request following satisfactory evidence of mobilization of sufficient labor, equipment and material to adequately progress the work of this contract. Fifty (50) percent of the lump sum price bid will be paid with the Final Payment request once drilling has been completed. The price bid in the proposal for this item shall not exceed five (5) percent of the original drilling total amount. 2. SVE Well Vertical Drilling and Completion: Supply all material, equipment and labor necessary for the drilling of approximately 298 vertical feet of SVE well as shown on the Construction Drawings (Detail 2 on Sheet 8). This item shall include all resources necessary to prepare access roads and drill rig pads, drilling the SVE well borings, and returning the drill location to its original condition. This item includes the installation of the well casing, backfill material, and finishing. This item does not include well vaults. Payment for this item shall be per vertical foot installed. 3. Air Injection Well Vertical Drilling and Completion: Supply all material, equipment and labor necessary for the drilling of approximately 298 vertical feet of air injection well as shown on the Construction Drawings (Detail 3 on Sheet 8). This item shall include all resources necessary to prepare access roads and drill rig pads, drilling the air injection well borings, and returning the drill location to its original condition. This item includes the installation of the well casing, backfill material, and finishing. This item does not include well vaults. Payment for this item shall be per vertical foot installed. 4. Piping Crew Mobilization and Demobilization: This task includes any and all temporary facilities and utilities, safety plans, and construction equipment required for this project. Payment for this work will be made on a lump sum basis. Fifty (50) percent of the lump sum price bid will be paid with the first payment request following satisfactory evidence of mobilization of sufficient labor, equipment and material to adequately progress the work of this contract. Fifty (50) percent of the lump sum price bid will be paid with the Final Payment request once all field construction has been completed. The price bid in 01029-2 the proposal for this item shall not exceed five (5) percent of the original bid amount subtotal for field construction. 5. SVE Well Vault, Top of Well Transition & Assembly: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the construction and installation of nine (9) SVE well vaults including sampling ports, sample valve, and all associated fittings, backfilling, backfill material, dust control, gravel, finishing, and returning the site to it’s original condition. This item includes all materials as shown on the Construction Drawings (Detail 4 on Sheet 9). This item also includes the HDPE to Stainless Steel transition fitting. Payment for this item shall be per unit installed. 6. SVE Remote Wellhead & Assembly: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the construction and installation of nine (9) SVE remote wellhead assemblies, sampling ports, sample valve, and all associated fittings, backfilling, backfill material, dust control, gravel, finishing, and returning the site to its original condition. This item includes all materials as shown on the Construction Drawings (Detail 2 on Sheet 9). Payment for this item shall be per unit installed. 7. Pneumatic Submersible Pump and fittings: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the construction of twelve (12) pneumatic submersible pumps for the dual extraction wellhead assemblies per Details 1 & 2 on Sheet 11 of the Construction Drawings. Include all labor and materials, bundled tubing, level probe/indicator, fittings, clamps, valves, and mounting to well. Payment for this item shall be per unit installed. 8. Dual Extraction Well head Assembly and fittings: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the construction of six (6) dual extraction wellhead assemblies per Details 1 & 2 on Sheet 11 of the Construction Drawings. Include all labor and materials for the HDPE pipe, fittings, valves, and necessary trenching, backfill material, backfilling, compaction, removal and disposal of refuse and returning the site to its original condition. Payment for this item shall be per unit installed. 9. Air Injection Well Vault/Assembly and Top of Well Transition: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the construction and installation of six (6) air injection well vaults including sampling ports, sample valve, and all associated fittings, backfilling, backfill material, dust control, gravel, finishing, and returning the site to it’s original condition. This item includes all materials as shown on the Construction Drawings (Detail 5 on Sheet 9). This item also includes the HDPE to Stainless Steel transition fitting. Payment for this item shall be per unit installed. 10. Air Injection Remote Wellhead & Assembly: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the construction and installation of six (6) air injection remote wellhead assemblies, sampling ports, sample valve, and all associated fittings, backfilling, backfill material, dust control, gravel, finishing, and returning the site to its original condition. This item includes all materials as shown on the Construction Drawings (Detail 3 on Sheet 9). Payment for this item shall be per unit installed. 11. Manifold Vault/Assembly: Supply and install six (6) manifold vaults, 30” x 60” concrete vault with spring assisted covers. This item includes all materials, equipment and labor 01029-3 for the construction and installation of the manifold vaults including backfilling, backfill material, gravel, finishing, and returning the site to its original condition. This item includes just the vaults as shown on the Construction Drawings (Details 2 and 3 on Sheet 9). Payment for this item shall be per unit installed. 12. 8” SDR 17 HDPE pipe and fittings: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the construction and installation of approximately 1,420 lineal feet of below grade 8" diameter HDPE SDR 17 piping as shown on Detail 7, Sheet 9 of the Construction Drawings. Include all labor and materials for the HDPE pipe, fittings, joining, and necessary trenching, excavation, shoring, backfill material, backfilling, compaction, removal and disposal of any refuse encountered and returning the site to its original condition. Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 13. 6” SDR 17 HDPE pipe and fittings: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the construction and installation of approximately 1,050 lineal feet of below grade 6" diameter HDPE SDR 17 piping as shown on Detail 7, Sheet 9 of the Construction Drawings. Include all labor and materials for the HDPE pipe, fittings, joining, and necessary trenching, excavation, shoring, backfill material, backfilling, compaction, removal and disposal of any refuse encountered and returning the site to its original condition. Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 14. 4” SDR 17 HDPE pipe and fittings, in individual trench: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the construction and installation of approximately 2,160 lineal feet of below grade 4" diameter HDPE SDR 17 piping as shown on Detail 7, Sheet 9 of the Construction Drawings. Include all labor and materials for the HDPE pipe, fittings, joining, and necessary trenching, excavation, shoring, backfill material, backfilling, compaction, removal and disposal of any refuse encountered and returning the site to its original condition. Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 15. 4” SDR 17 HDPE pipe and fittings, in common trench: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the construction and installation of approximately 860 lineal feet of below grade 4" diameter HDPE SDR 17 piping as shown on Detail 7, Sheet 9 of the Construction Drawings. Include all labor and materials for the HDPE pipe, fittings, joining, and necessary trenching, excavation, shoring, backfill material, backfilling, compaction, removal and disposal of any refuse encountered and returning the site to its original condition. Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 16. 4” SDR 9 HDPE Compressed Air pipe and fittings, in common trench: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the construction and installation of approximately 2,450 lineal feet of below grade 4" diameter HDPE SDR 9 piping as shown on Detail 7, Sheet 9 of the Construction Drawings. Include all labor and materials for the HDPE pipe, fittings, joining, and necessary trenching, excavation, shoring, backfill material, backfilling, compaction, removal and disposal of any refuse encountered and returning the site to its original condition. Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 17. 2” SDR 11 HDPE Condensate pipe and fittings, in individual trench: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the construction and installation of approximately 4,270 lineal feet of below grade 2" diameter HDPE SDR 11 piping as shown on Detail 7, 01029-4 Sheet 9 of the Construction Drawings. Include all labor and materials for the HDPE pipe, fittings, joining, and necessary trenching, excavation, shoring, backfill material, backfilling, compaction, removal and disposal of any refuse encountered and returning the site to its original condition. Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 18. 2” SDR 11 HDPE Condensate pipe and fittings, in common trench: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the construction and installation of approximately 2,410 lineal feet of below grade 2" diameter HDPE SDR 11 piping as shown on Detail 7, Sheet 9 of the Construction Drawings. Include all labor and materials for the HDPE pipe, fittings, joining, and necessary trenching, excavation, shoring, backfill material, backfilling, compaction, removal and disposal of any refuse encountered and returning the site to its original condition. Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 19. 2” SDR 9 HDPE Compressed Air pipe and fittings, in individual trench: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the construction and installation of approximately 470 lineal feet of below grade 2" diameter HDPE SDR 9 piping as shown on Detail 7, Sheet 9 of the Construction Drawings. Include all labor and materials for the HDPE pipe, fittings, joining, and necessary trenching, excavation, shoring, backfill material, backfilling, compaction, removal and disposal of any refuse encountered and returning the site to its original condition. Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 01029-5 20. 2” SDR 9 HDPE Compressed Air pipe and fittings, in common trench: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the construction and installation of approximately 5,360 lineal feet of below grade 2" diameter HDPE SDR 9 piping as shown on Detail 7, Sheet 9 of the Construction Drawings. Include all labor and materials for the HDPE pipe, fittings, joining, and necessary trenching, excavation, shoring, backfill material, backfilling, compaction, removal and disposal of any refuse encountered and returning the site to its original condition. Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 21. Condensate Sump #2 Assembly, below grade: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the construction and installation of one condensate sump assembly as shown in Detail 2 on Sheet 12 of the Construction Drawings. Include all labor and materials for the HDPE pipe, joining, and necessary trenching, excavation, shoring, backfill material, backfilling, compaction, removal and disposal of refuse encountered and returning the site to its original condition. Payment for this item shall be per unit installed. 22. Condensate line connection to existing tank: Supply all materials, equipment and labor for the connection of the condensate line to the existing condensate holding tank as shown in Detail 1 on Sheet 10 of the Construction Drawings. Include all labor and materials for the HDPE pipe, joining, and necessary trenching, excavation, shoring, backfill material, backfilling, compaction, removal and disposal of refuse encountered and returning the site to its original condition. Payment for this item shall be per unit installed. 23. Corrugated 12” HDPE Sleeve: Supply all materials, equipment and labor to install sixty (60) lineal feet of 12” HDPE N-12 pipe sleeve as shown in Detail 1 on Sheet 9 of the Construction Drawings. Include all labor and materials for the HDPE pipe, joining, and necessary trenching, excavation, shoring, backfill material, backfilling, compaction, removal and disposal of refuse encountered and returning the site to its original condition. Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 24. Corrugated 18” HDPE Sleeve: Supply all materials, equipment and labor to install seventy (70) lineal feet of 18” HDPE N-12 pipe sleeve as shown in Details 8 or 9 on Sheet 9 of the Construction Drawings. Include all labor and materials for the HDPE pipe, joining, and necessary trenching, excavation, shoring, backfill material, backfilling, compaction, removal and disposal of refuse encountered and returning the site to its original condition. Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 25. Remove and Install Fencing: Remove and re-install 240 lineal feet of fencing to provide access to well drilling/trenching locations. Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 26. New 3-phase Electrical Service to the Flare Skid: Per electrical drawings Sheets 20, 21, 22, and 23 of the Construction Drawings. This item includes all on-site electrical conduit and wiring not provided by the flare manufacturer. Payment for this item shall be on a lump sum basis. 01029-6 27. Treatment Facility Mobilization/Demobilization: This task includes any and all temporary facilities and utilities, safety plans, and construction equipment required for this project. Payment for this work will be made on a lump sum basis. Fifty (50) percent of the lump sum price bid will be paid with the first payment request following satisfactory evidence of mobilization of sufficient labor, equipment and material to adequately progress the work of this contract. Fifty (50) percent of the lump sum price bid will be paid with the Final Payment request once construction has been completed. The price bid in the proposal for this item shall not exceed five (5) percent of the original subtotal bid amount for the treatment facility. 28. Flare Station: Supply all materials and labor for the installation of the owner-supplied Landfill’s gas handling skid and flare. Payment for this work will be made as a Lump Sum following final installation of the flare and gas handling skid. 29. Supply all materials and labor for the construction and installation of the process equipment concrete pad, including 15 cy of Class A concrete, preparation of the flare station area; removal and disposal of refuse and rocks; excavating and backfilling; compaction; forming, reinforcing and placing concrete as shown on the Construction Drawings. Payment for this work will be made based on the cubic yards (cy) installed. 30. Supply all materials and labor for the construction and installation of the flare concrete foundation, including 4 cy of Class A concrete, preparation of the flare station area; removal and disposal of refuse and rocks; excavating and backfilling; compaction; forming, reinforcing and placing concrete as shown on the Construction Drawings. Payment for this work will be on a lump sum basis. 31. Supply all materials and labor for the construction and installation of the light pole foundation, including approximately 0.5 cy of Class A concrete, preparation of the light pole area; removal and disposal of refuse and rocks; excavating and backfilling; compaction; forming, reinforcing and placing concrete as shown on the Construction Drawings. Payment for this work will be on a lump sum basis. 32. The Contractor shall supply all materials, equipment and labor to perform excavation, pavement cutting, filling, compaction, and grading to install the process skid and flare. Payment for this work will be on a lump sum basis. 33. The Contractor shall supply and install one (1) Ingersoll Rand Sierra Oil-free Rotary Screw Air Compressor, Model H50a, or approved equal. This bid item includes factory Start-Up Service. Payment for this work will be on a lump sum basis. 34. Supply all equipment, materials and labor for the construction and installation of one 1,150 gallon condensate holding tank, seismic restraint, associated piping, fittings, GAC canister, and appurtenances. The Contractor shall provide all piping and connections to the flare skid. Payment for this work will be made on a lump sum basis. 01029-7 35. Complete Electrical Installation: Supply and install all materials, equipment and labor to construct a complete electrical installation as shown on the Construction Drawings. This work will include, but not be limited to, the service entrance section, distribution panels, transformer, area lighting, telephone service, grounding, level element/transmitter, buried and above ground conduits, wiring, seal-offs and trenching ground grid system per sheets 21 & 22 of the Construction Drawings. Wiring that is internal to the flare/gas handling skid will be performed by the flare manufacturer. Payment for this item shall be on a lump sum basis. 36. Supply Condensate Sump #1 Assembly per Detail 1 on Sheet 12. Payment for this work will be made on a lump sum basis. 37. Supply pipe insulation and heat trace for all above grade pipe and the condensate tank. Payment for this work will be made on a lump sum basis. 38. Install site fencing and gates per Montana Department of Transportation specifications (Appendix A of the Specifications). Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 39. Install ½” black iron propane pipe and fittings (wrapped below grade). Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 40. Install ½” CS compressed air pipe and fittings (below and above grade). Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 41. Install 1” SDR 9 HDPE compressed air pipe and fittings (below grade). Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 42. Install 2” SDR 9 HDPE compressed air pipe and fittings (below grade). Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 43. Install 2” SDR 11 HDPE condensate conveyance pipe and fittings (above and below grade). Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 44. Install 4” SDR 17 HDPE pipe and fittings (connection to KO vessel). Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 45. Install 8” SDR 17 HDPE pipe and fittings (above and below grade). Payment for this item shall be per lineal foot installed. 46. Install pipe supports per Detail 6 on Sheet 19. Payment for this item shall be per each pipe support installed. 47. Install pipe supports per Detail 1 on Sheet 19. Payment for this item shall be per each pipe support installed. 48. Install pipe supports per Detail 3 on Sheet 19. Payment for this item shall be per each pipe support installed. 01029-8 49. Install pipe supports per Detail 5 on Sheet 19. Payment for this item shall be per each pipe support installed. 50. Install pipe supports per Detail 7 on Sheet 19. Payment for this item shall be per each pipe support installed. 51. Contractor shall remove and dispose of the existing blower and flare equipment. The Contractor shall coordinate with the Engineer to salvage any portions of the existing equipment. Payment for this item shall be on a lump sum basis. 52. LFG Drill Rig Mobilization/Demobilization: This task includes any and all temporary facilities and utilities, safety plans, and construction equipment required for this project. Payment for this work will be made on a lump sum basis. Fifty (50) percent of the lump sum price bid will be paid with the first payment request following satisfactory evidence of mobilization of sufficient labor, equipment and material to adequately progress the work of this item. Fifty (50) percent of the lump sum price bid will be paid with the payment request once drilling has been completed and LFG equipment has left the site. 53. Drilling LFG wells with the waste. This task includes the drilling of boreholes in the waste at the locations and to the depths shown in Appendix D. This task also includes the removal and disposal of any waste in the drill cuttings. The Contractor shall contain and transport wastes in sealed leakproof containers to a licensed landfill. If water is encountered and must be pumped during drilling, pumping will be considered an incidental to this item. The City will provide a truck or tank into which water may be pumped. If water is needed for drilling, work for this item shall include hauling water from a City-supplied source near the City Shop at the intersection of South Rouse and Bridger Drive. Payment for this item shall be made on a Linear Foot basis. Measurement shall be from ground surface to the bottom of each casing placed in item 54. 54. Set and Complete Each Drilled Well. This task includes the setting of owner supplied casing and screen (as detailed in Appendix D), grout, backfill materials, owner supplied wellheads (as detailed in Appendix D) and other materials as shown on Figure 2 in Appendix D. This item also includes connection of the wellheads to the existing LFG collection system. Payment for this item shall be on a Linear Foot basis. Measurement shall be made from the ground surface to the bottom of each casing. 55. LFG Drill Rig Standby Time. This task includes drill rig standby time. Payment will be made on a per hour basis. Measurement shall only be made for approved standby time. The Contractor shall provide a description of conditions that in the Contractor’s opinion would normally be grounds for Standby Time. 1.02 Non Pay Items A. No separate payment will be made for items not specifically set forth in the bid proposal. Include costs for such items in prices named in the bid proposal for identified items of work. Items of work described in Contract Documents, but not listed in the Schedule of Work items of the bid form are, in general, applicable to more than one listed work item. 01029-9 Therefore, no separate work item is provided. Include costs of work not listed but necessary to complete the project per the Contract Document in listed Work items of the bid form. 1.03 Total Cost A. Bids for Work are intended to establish a total cost for the work in its entirety. Should the CONTRACTOR feel that the cost for the Work has not been completely established by specific items in the bid form, he shall include the cost for that work in some related bid item so that his bid proposal reflects the total cost for completing the Work in its entirety. 1.04 Quantity Overruns A. No payment will be made for quantity overruns unless work is expressly required by the Contract Documents or authorized in writing by the OWNER or OWNER’S Representative in advance of the work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not used. PART 3 - EXECUTION Not used. END OF SECTION Attachment 4 Appendix D – LFG well details !.!. !.!.!.!. !. !. !.!.STORY MILL ROADSW GW-7A MW-7B BLG-6 GW-13AGW-12A GW-10A MW-6B MW-16 MW-7A,B GW-26GW-25GW-24GW-23 GW-22GW-214815 4820 4750 480048054795481048254790 4755 4785 4760 4775 47804770 4765 4830 4 83 5 48404745 4 8 4 5 47404735 4 8 5 0 4 73 0 4 8 5 5 4725 4 8 6 0 4 7 2 0 4865487048754880488548904 7 1 5 489547104900 4 7 0 5 4710 482047054830 4815471048954900 48004840 48254755 4715 4760 48904715 48104 8 10 4795 4750 474547354725 4 710 4 7 8 0 4780 4720 4835 4 845 47 1 5 4805 47 15Imagery ©2015 , DigitalGlobe, USDA Farm Service Agency Datum: NAD83 StatePlane Montana 0 100 200 FeetO:\A-G\Bozeman City of\114-560487 - Boz LF CMA Inplementation\120-GIS\GIS\ArcMap\Proposed LFG Well Locations11x17.mxdBOZEMAN CITY OF BOZEMAN LANDFILL STORY MILL ROADM cIL H A T T A N R O A D !.Proposed Landfill Gas Extraction Well City of Bozeman Landfill Property Figure 1Proposed LFG Well LocationsCity of Bozeman LandfillBozeman, Montana ² 1 Table 1 Anticipated LFG Well Completion Details Well Number Borehole Depth (ft) Slotted Pipe (ft) Solid Pipe (ft) Stickup (ft) GW-21 54 33 20 3 GW-22 74 53 20 3 GW-23 53 32 20 3 GW-24 44 23 20 3 GW-25 31 20 10 3 GW-26 29 8 20 3 GW-7A 62 41 20 3 GW-10A 63 42 20 3 GW-12A 70 49 20 3 GW-13A 100 79 20 3 2.00'8.00' (MIN) “18" MINSLOTTED CASING1SOLID CASING1CEMENT GROUT WITH 20% BENTONITE POWDER ‘6&+&39&:,7+52:6 OF 0.040" SLOTS1 3/8" MINUS WASHED GRAVEL SALVAGED LOCAL TOPSOIL ‘6&+&39&1 SOLID CASING ORP 35 WELLHEAD1 WITH 1 4" SAMPLE BARBS ENDCAP1 1' (MIN) CLEAN SOIL GEOTEXTILE DONUT 1'2.00'Q Q Q QED FINE TUNE1 CONTROL VALVE QED QWC 6284 WELL CAP1 2" HDPE RISER ELECTROFUSION COUPLING EXISTING HDPE LFG COLLECTION SYSTEM5.00'APPROX.QED SOLARGUARD HOSE \\MMIS080FS01\Projects\A-G\Bozeman City of\114-560487 - Boz LF CMA Inplementation\110-2D CADD\CAD\SheetFiles\F-02-Proposed LFG Well Construction.dwg SAVED:10/7/15 PRINTED:10/8/15 BY:BROOKS.QUAINTANCEThis Drawing, in the form transmitted, is the original work product of TETRA TECH. This drawing cannot be altered, revised or reproduced without the prior written consent of TETRA TECH. An original will be retained by TETRA TECH as the "record copy" for purposes of this project. TETRA TECH does not approve of or warrant these documents if any alteration or modification is made without TETRA TECH's written approval. Proposed LFG Well Construction City of Bozeman Landfill Bozeman, Montana FIGURE 2 NOTES 1.Supplied By Owner Attachment A List of City Supplied Materials Related to LFG Well Construction Invoice Date 8/7/2015 Invoice # TT-1900 Bill To Tetra Tech Inc 303 Irene Street Helena, MT 59601 SD Drilling Inc. P.O. Box 1818 Ramona, CA 92065 S.O. No.Terms Due on receipt We appreciate your prompt payment. Tel:(760) 789-4935 Total DescriptionQuantity Rate Amount BOZEMAN MT LANDFILL 6in x 20ft CPVC Sch 80 pipe PE260 31.20 8,112.00 6in x 20ft CPVC Sch 80 Screen PE - .040, 3 Rows @ 120 deg, 1/4' Spacing420 38.40 16,128.00 6in CPVC Sch 80 Slip Cap10 90.00 900.00 6in CPVC Sch 80 Slip Coupling34 50.40 1,713.60 CPVC Cement4 123.60 494.40 6' SCH 40 Slip Cap10 15.60 156.00 PVC / CPVC Purple Primer Prim 70P-040, Gallon2 66.00 132.00 LG Cap Swab Fit 2-7/8' Neck 4' Length8 18.00 144.00 1/4' Self Tapping Screw200 0.66 132.00 7' ID x 30' OD Geocomposite Ring For Gas Well10 26.40 264.00 Shipping & Handling 426.62 426.62 Freight1 2,500.00 2,500.00 $31,102.62 Original Invoice Invoice Date:07/28/2015 Invoice Number:0000220470 QED Order No:15R-05188 Bill To: TET650 TETRA TECH ATTN ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 303 IRENE ST HELENA, MT 59601 USA Your Purchase Order: 415424 Ship To: TETRA TECH 851 BRIDGER DR BOZEMAN, MT 59178 USA Terms:0% - 0 NET: 30 Ship Date:07/28/2015 NET Due Date:08/27/2015 Shipped Via:.UPS GROUND Shipment NO:190252 Pro Number:1Z4159760360188694 10 10 0 ORP215 2 INCH ORIFICE PLATE PVC WELLHEAD W/CONTROL VALVE 380.00 3,800.00 5 5 0 40770 KIT ORIFICE PLATE MOLDED 2 INCH WELLHEAD 25.00 125.00 10 10 0 GWC6284 WELL CAP DUAL EXTRAC. 6 INCH TO 2 INCH GAS 1 INCH TUBE 300.00 3,000.00 10 10 0 40588 FITTINGS KIT 6 INCH CAP 1 INCH DISCHARGE 122.00 1,220.00 ****************************************** ORDERED BY: Larry Cawlfield ** ALL RETURNS ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL/RESTOCKING FEE** A 1% SERVICE CHARGE WILL BE APPLIED TO ALL PAST DUE INVOICES ------------------------------ Remittance Instructions ------------------------------ Check and Money Order Payments QED Environmental Systems Inc PO Box 935668 Atlanta, GA 31193-5668 734-995-2547 / info@qedenv.com ACH and Wire Payments Wells Fargo Bank Account No: 4000070326 ABA No: 121000248 Swift Code: WFBIUS6S Sales Total:8,145.00 Sales Tax:0.00 Shipping & Handling:147.01 Less:0.00 Other Charges:0.00 Total USD:8,292.01 Qty Ordered Qty Shipped Qty Back Ordered Item Number and Description Unit Price Extended Price