HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-13-2015 Archive Joint City and County Minutes �pF BO �v ov. IN Co. o Monday, July 13, 2015 THE JOINT SPECIAL MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA AND GALLATIN COUNTY Minutes An Audio Copy of this meeting is located at: http://weblink.bozeman.net/WebLink8/Browse.aspx?startid=87372&dbid=0 Present City Commissioners: Mayor Krauss, Deputy Mayor Taylor, Commissioners Cyndy Andrus, Chris Mehl and I-Ho Pomeroy. Present County Commissioners: Joe Skinner, Steve White and Don Seifert. Multiple Staff members from both the City and County Departments. A. Call to Order- 7 a.m. Commission Room, City Hall, 121 N. Rouse Mayor Krauss called the meeting to order at 7:03 a.m. Mayor Krauss spoke regarding the purpose of the meeting in regards to a Joint City-County Resolution in combined efforts related to the joint location of a new or improved Law& Justice Center. B. Public Comment Mayor Krauss opened public comment. No person commented. Mayor Krauss closed public comment. C. Agenda Items 1. Joint Resolution adopting the recommendation of the Joint Advisory Committee on improvements at the Law and Justice Campus (Commissioner Skinner and Mayor Krauss) County Cr. Skinner spoke regarding the formation of the Joint Advisory Committee established to explore cooperation on joint improvements at the Law & Justice Center campus. He spoke of the Committee and their purpose. Cr. Skinner stated that both parties have an interest in this but it is complicated. There is an interest in doing this in one phase and then go to the voters with one project. There are pros and cons as to whether we should do law enforcement first. Instead of piece mill, the thought is to do it all at once. The best way to do it is to have two bonds, City and July 13,2015 Minutes of the Joint City and County Meeting County. The group tried to figure out a way to do one bond, but it wasn't possible. They would like to do this in a condominium style and have ownership of parts of the building. He spoke regarding using a Construction Manager at risk. He spoke regarding Finding Number 3 and ways to run the facility, but the details are difficult. The plan is to go to the voters in the fall of 2016. They have been working on RFPs for architects etc. They want to keep the City on board and want to be transparent. Questions and Commission.Comments Deputy Mayor Taylor spoke regarding both parties understanding that this needs to be done. He spoke regarding the numbers and he would rather guess too high than too low. He feels that we have worked well together and will work well together. The idea is to have one architect and this will make a difference. He feels that this is a big step forward. Mayor Krauss spoke regarding the challenges mentioned and stated that these are not so much about cooperating but more about legalities. He spoke regarding State Law and the specifics related to the County. We have looked at having cooperation and a district but couldn't find where it was in law or if even allowed. The limitations are well spelled out and there is a need to go into this with"this is what we want to put in front of the voters". He stated that this will be a significant building and a significant ask of the tax payers. It is a large public works project. He spoke regarding other items on the ballot etc. This is a big one. There are a lot of issues that we have to deal with. Cr. White spoke regarding the Rouse site and the plan that was put together for it and wondered if that plan will be used as a foundation for this site. Mayor Krauss stated that the County will have a significant amount. Cr. Mehl stated that we will show the architect the plans. The City needs assessment is completed. Deputy Mayor Taylor stated that some of the ideas that went into it will be helpful. Cr. Andrus spoke regarding the former drawings for the L & J Site. Cr. White spoke regarding the consideration of a shared police department and shared courts. Cr. Skinner spoke regarding the RFP template. He sees two challenges including the design and noticing decisions. There is a need to have a Committee responsible for design. There is a need for education for City and County residents. Discussion commenced regarding the fact that the City residents will carry the bulk of this. Cr. Pomeroy asked about money received from prisoners, and wondered if we can somehow use the funds from prison's inmates. The County stated no. Staff discussed designing and construction so that the tax payers don't need to be asked for expansions. They spoke regarding the funding of inmates and where it goes. Cr. Mehl spoke regarding revenue avenues. He thanked everyone for what has been done. Discussion took place regarding the revenue and the future of the Task Force. Cr. Mehl thought that it was a roll over. The County is working on a needs assessment. The Committee decided on a group to do the RFP. Some of the difficulty is how the County Commissioner's can take part. They are looking at legalities. It is going to take a lot of work. Mayor Krauss stated that the challenges are going to be the Commission's releasing some decisions to the Committee. Cr. Seifert stated that we all need to be committed. The Resolution lays out making it happen. The group spoke regarding all working together and decisions can't be made by each body a little at a time. Being informed needs to occur. It is a tight timeline. Cr. Skinner stated that another complication is that we don't know what the design is, and there is a need to work on working together into the future at the site. We need to decide how this work into the future. Mayor Krauss stated that this is a good point and spoke regarding communication with the public. The needs assessment needs to be 10 years and what is after that and there is a Page 2 of 3 July 13,2015 Minutes of the Joint City and County Meeting need to be careful about dreaming about the future. As far as one bond, it is related to legalities. The Commissioners then discussed scenarios related to asking the voters for bonding. City manager Chris Kukulski spoke regarding the savings with going into a joint facility. Collectively a good size of savings will occur. Cr. Andrus wondered if by approving the resolution means that we are ready to start spending money? Mayor Krauss stated it was approved in the budget and will approved again. Mayor Krauss is willing to continue. Cr. Seifert spoke regarding meetings into the future. City Manager Kukulski stated that there will be a budget amendment that will need to go to the Commission for spending for design. D. Adjourned. Mayor Krauss adjourned the meeting at 7:52 a.m. r Jeffrey K. Krauss Mayor 5 T: j Stadfrnri;CMC ._ L) i -- CJt Cleat � A > `WIN C� t PREPARED BY: Ak t ' ` Stacy Ulmen, CIVIC t _ . City Clerk Approved on. Page 3 of 3