HomeMy WebLinkAbout99- Cape-France, Bridger Peaks, & Rose Park Holdings; N. 19th St. & Baxter Ln Signal Improvements - Cost Share Agreement llf A ,.,. .'~, Cost Share Agreement For North 19th Avenue Street and Traffic Signal Improvements This Agreement is made and entered into this ~ day of September , 1999, by and between Cape-France, Inc., 16 North 9th Avenue, Suite 1, Bozeman, Montana; Bridger Peaks Limited Liability Company, P.O. Box 16101, Missoula, Montana 59808; Rose Park Holdings L.L.C., 1716 West Main, Bozeman, Montana; Affordable Housing of Montana L.L.C.,413 W. Idaho, Suite 200, Boise, Idaho; hereinafter called the "DEVELOPERS," and the City of Bozeman, a Municipal Corporation of the State of Montana, P.O. Box 640, Bozeman, MT 59715, hereinafter called the "CITY". WHEREAS, the DEVELOPERS have agreed to design and install improvements along North 19th A venue, as shown on EXHIBIT A, generally to include the addition of one north bound and one south bound lane along N. 19th Avenue from Oak Street to north of Baxter Lane, complete geometric storage improvements to the intersection of North 19th Avenue and Baxter Lane and the intersection of North 19th Avenue and Oak Street.; and WHEREAS, DEVELOPERS have elected to have these improvements designed by Morrison-Maierle, Inc., 901 Technology Blvd., Bozeman, MT 59718, hereinafter called "CONSULTANT", for approval by the CITY and Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) and said improvements will have benefits to the Community; and WHEREAS, CONSULTANT shall develop signal plans for the intersection of Oak Street and North 19th Avenue and Baxter Lane and North 19th Avenue. Upon approval by the MDT of signal plans for the intersection of Oak Street and North 19th A venue and Baxter Lane and North 19th Avenue, said plans and Special Provisions shall be delivered to MDT. MDT shall then bid out this phase of the project, provide Construction Inspection and payment to their CONTRACTOR for the installation of the signal and necessary equipment. WHEREAS, it is the intent and purpose ofthe DEVELOPERS and the CITY to hereby enter into an Agreement which will offset the DEVELOPERS' cost through certain disburseme~ts for satisfactory and timely completion of the IMPROVEMENTS. WHEREAS, the parties of this Agreement recognize that the Southwest Montana B'uilding Industry Association has filed Cause No. DV -99-71 against the City of Bozeman which may affect "Impact Fee Credits" defined in Chapter 3.24 of the City of Bozeman Municipal Code and current Impact Fee Revenues of the CITY. WHEREAS, the United States Postal Service has entered into an agreement dated April 19, 1999 with the CITY to provide a lump sum payment of $100,000.00 for the improvements to the intersection of Baxter Lane and North 19th Avenue. 1 ---.--..---.--....... ,. .. . . WHEREAS, the CITY has agreed to provide the DEVELOPERS an Impact Fee Credit as defined in Chapter 3.24 of the City of Bozeman Municipal Code. All parties of this agreement recognize that Cause No. DV-99-71 may affect the monetary value of any future impact fees or credits. If the final Determination of Cause No. DV -99~ 71 is that Impact Fees or Impact Fee Credits can not be charged or credited by the City of Bozeman then no Impact Fee Credits will be issued to the DEVELOPERS under this agreement. If the final determination of Cause No. DV -99-71 is that the CITY can still charge Impact Fees in accordance with Chapter 3.24 of the City of Bozeman Municipal Code then the CITY shall offer the DEVELOPERS Impact Fee Credits as per the following schedule: The CITY shall offer each DEVELOPER an Impact Fee Credit based on their proportionate share of the total cost incurred by all DEVELOPERS. The credit shall be a dollar per dollar credit for the first $155,000.00 total to all DEVELOPERS and then 50 cents per dollar for the balance of the cost incurred by the DEVELOPERS. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, it is agreed as follows: 1. Improvements and Estimated Cost of Im\)rovements The proposed IMPROVEMENTS generally consist of the construction of additional bituminous pavement including sub-base and base preparation and necessary drainage improvements along North 19th A venue including the intersections with Oak Street and Baxter Lane. The project shall begin south of the intersection of Oak Street and proceed north through the intersection of Baxter Lane to a point determined during the design phase of the project. The design shall also include new traffic signals at the intersections of North 19th Avenue and Oak Street and North 19th Avenue and Baxter Lane. MDT shall install the signals at the intersections of North 19th Avenue and Oak Street and North 19th Avenue and Baxter Lane. The signal design shall include intersection lighting. The estimated cost of the IMPROVEMENTS is shown on EXHIBIT B. The total estimated cost of the IMPROVEMENTS is $689.855.40. The estimated cost of the IMPROVEMENTS are divided into four general categories as follows: 1) design engineering services includq"g the preparation of full plans and specifications for the project and all required permits, approvals and this Cost Share Agreement; 2) cost share agreement preparation and right~of~way acqujsition including all negotiations, preparation of necessary exhibits and documents to complete the cost share agreement and the acquisition of all rights-of-way required for the project; 3) construction engineering services to include full time observation of the IMPROVEMENTS, contract administration, project certification (including a copy of Construction Observation diaries and all testing records) and preparation of record drawings; and 4) construction costs to include all equipment, material, labor and contingencies to complete the installation of the IMPROVEMENTS. It is the intent of the parties to this agreement to provide for a completed project and although the description and estimate of the IMPROVEMENTS have been placed into distinct categories for 2 --......---.....--....-... . . compensation purposes, it is understood that the total anticipated cost listed in EXHIBIT B represents the entire completed project and will not be exceeded except as otherwise allowed in the Agreement. It is agreed that the design engineering services and cost share agreement and right~of~ way acquisition services have been determined to be a fixed fee amount as shown on EXHIBIT B, with further detail shown on EXHIBIT C. Based on negotiations between the DEVELOPERS and their CONSULTANT and the CITY, the parties acknowledge that the fixed costs are commensurate with the services to be provided. It is understood that the construction engineering services have been estimated based on expected costs and that the actual expenses incurred by the DEVELOPERS will be reimbursed by the CITY for their share of the costs in an amount not to exceed the amount listed in EXHIBIT B, with further detail shown on EXHIBIT C. It is agreed that the actual construction costs for the project will be utilized as a basis for reimbursement by the CITY to the DEVELOPERS for their proportionate share and for any Impact Fee Credits. The DEVELOPERS agree that the IMPROVEMENTS will be competitively bid as one project with the construction contract being awarded to the lowest qualified bidder which will mutually benefit the DEVELOPERS and CITY. The schedule of payments and details of compensation for any and all work completed under this agreement shall be made in accordance with Section 5, below. It is understood that the CITY has limited funds for reimbursement to the DEVELOPERS for the IMPROVEMENTS, therefore the DEVELOPERS are obligated to apprize the CITY of any expected increases in the cost of the IMPROVEMENTS. If the DEVELOPERS duly notify the CITY that the costs may exceed those outlined in EXHIBIT B, the CITY may direct the DEVELOPERS to (1) amend this Agreement to reduce the scope of the project to reduce the costs and/or (2) amend this Agreement to allow for additional compensation and cost participation among the parties. The CITY is under no obligation to give the DEVELOPERS consideration above and beyond the total amount shown on EXHIBIT B. .;, 2. Time of Comoletion of Imorovements - It is the mutual understanding of the CITY and the DEVELOPERS that the.time of completion of the IMPROVEMENTS is of critical importance in that the IMPROVEMENTS are required as part of final approval for the DEVELOPERS' projects. The construction of the IMPROVEMENTS shall not commence until the plans and specifications for the project have been approved by the MDT and the CITY. EXHIBIT D of this agreement outlines the estimated dates of completion of various steps of completing the IMPROVEMENTS including a construction completion date of December 31, 1999. 3 . . 3. Construction Observation The DEVELOPERS shall provide qualified Professional Engineering services for full-time construction observation, post-construction certification, and preparation of record drawings. Representatives of the CITY shall have the right, at any reasonable time, to inspect the IMPROVEMENTS and determine if the DEVELOPERS are in compliance with this Agreement and with the approved plans and specifications. 4. Default It is mutually understood that the IMPROVEMENTS specified in this Agreement cannot be completed unless the DEVELOPERS fully perform their obligation, therefore the DEVELOPERS shall not be due any compensation under this agreement if they do not complete the IMPROVEMENTS, unless it is determined to be in the best interest of the CITY to provide compensation. 5. ComDensation It is the mutual understanding of the CITY and the DEVELOPERS that the benefits of the IMPROVEMENTS are not completely derived until such time as they are fully completed. As such, the timing of compensation from the CITY to the DEVELOPERS for the IMPROVEMENTS shall be made in accordance with the following schedule: a. Total Project Costs The IMPROVEMENTS shall be paid for by the DEVELOPERS with the CITY reimbursing the herein agreed portion ofproject costs to the DEVELOPERS. The funds paid toward completing the IMPROVEMENTS by the DEVELOPERS, in accordance with their participation shown below, shall receive a Street Impact Fee Credit in accordance with Section 3.24 of the City of Bozeman Municipal Code and in accordance with this agreement dependent upon the final decision of Southwest Montana Building Industry Association vs. City of Bozeman, Cause No. DV -99-71. The Street Impact Fee Credit shall be delivered to the DEVELOPERS at the time that the pro,iect is substantially complete. The percent participation of the parties included in this agreement shall be as follows: '. 4 . . Participant Percent Participation Cost City of Bozeman 33.34% $230,000.00. Cape-France, Inc. 27.35% $188,675.45 Bridger Peaks Limited Liability Company 27.35% $188,675.45 Rose Park Holdings, L.L.C. 6.85% $ 47,244.85 Affordable Housing of Montana, L.L.C. 5.11% $ 35.259.65 100% $689,855.40 '" estimated cost includes $100,000 in escrow from United States Postal Service. b. Engineering Services 1). A single payment of $86,000.00 for design engineering services and easement acquisition negotiation shall be made to the CONSULTANT by the DEVELOPERS with reimbursement by the CITY at such time as the plans and specifications for the IMPROVEMENTS have been approved by :MDT and CITY. 2). A maximum of four reimbursement payments for construction phase services, plus miscellaneous expenses not to exceed a total of $43,000.00, shall be made. Compensation for miscellaneous expenses incurred by the CONSULTANT shall be limited to the actual expenses incurred. c. Construction Costs / Reimbursement Payments for construction services shall be based on the actual cost of the final installed IMPROVEMENTS based on the unit costs of the various components of the work as will be established by a contract between the DEVELOPERS and their contractor for the equipment, labor and materials needed to fully construct the IMPROVEMENTS. The DEVELOPERS shall utilize adequate means in procuring a contractor to ensure that the resulting construction costs will be in the best interest of the CITY and the DEVELOPERS. The payment for construction services incurred by the DEVELOPERS shall not exceed $560,855.40 except as provided under Section 1 of this agreement. Reimbursements by the CITY to the DEVELOPER will be made in a maxlmum of four installments as outlined below. '. 1). Upon completion of 30% of the IMPROVEMENTS in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, based on a percentage of construction cost, reimbursement will be paid by the CITY to the DEVELOPERS based on the CITY's proportionate share as established in Section 5.a. of this agreement of the actual construction completed to date less 10% retainage. 2). Upon completion of 60% of the IMPROVEMENTS in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, based on a percentage of construction cost, reimbursement will be paid by the CITY to the DEVELOPERS based on the CITY's proportionate share as established in Section ,5.a. of this agreement of the actual construction completed to date less 10% retainage. 5 . . 3). Upon completion of 90% of the IMPROVEMENTS in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, based on a percentage of construction cost, reimbursement will be paid by the CITY to the DEVELOPERS based on the CITY's proportionate share as established in Section 5.a. of this agreement of the actual construction completed to date less 10% retainage. 4). Upon final completion of the IMPROVEMENTS and acceptance of the IMPROVEMENTS by the CITY and MDT, the fmal reimbursement for the construction costs of all work completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications will be paid to the DEVELOPERS by the CITY based on the CITY's proportionate share as established in Section 5.a. of this agreement. d. Administrative Costs This Agreement does not provide for the CITY or the DEVELOPERS to be reimbursed for any administrative or indirect costs that may be incurred by entering into this Agreement unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement. Reimbursement by the CITY will be made in accordance with Section 5 of this Agreement at such time as documented costs are provided to the CITY by the DEVELOPERS and the CONSULTANT. Documentation of costs shall include a detailed breakdown of unit costs of the various components of work for both construction costs and engineering services. Both the DEVELOPERS and their engineer shall provide a written certification that the costs are accurate and representative of the work completed. The DEVELOPERS shall submit a standard CITY claim form with all the requests for payment. Upon receipt of a complete and accurate claim, the CITY and will process said claim in accordance with the CITY's standard procedures in effect at the time payment is requested pursuant to the terms of this paragraph. Prior to the final payment for construction, the DEVELOPERS shall provide evidence in the form of lien releases or other suitable means that the DEVELOPERS have paid their contractor in full for the IMPROVEMENTS and the DEVELOPERS' contractor has fully paid all suppliers and subcontractors on the project. Prior to the final payment for construction engineering services the DEVELOPE~ will provide project certification (including a copy of construction observation diaries and all 'testing records), record drawings, a certificate of substantial completion, and the CONSULTANT' ~ written certification the improvements were completed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications and all terms of this Agreement. The DEVELOPERS shall require their CONTRACTORto provide performance and payment bonds in the name of the DEVELOPERS in the amount oflOO% of the contract amount. Copies of said performance and payment bonds shall be provided to the CITY prior to the initiation of the Construction of the IMPROVEMENTS. 6 . . 6. Warranty The DEVELOPERS shall warrant against defects of the IMPROVEMENTS for a period of one year from the date of their substantial completion by including such warranty in the contract betweenthe DEVELOPERS and the DEVELOPERS' contractor, a copy of which shall be provided to the CITY prior to initiation of construction on the IMPROVEMENTS. 7. Governine: Law and Venue This Agreement shall be construed according to the laws of the State of Montana. In the event of litigation concerning this Agreement, venue is in the Eighteenth Judicial District Court, Gallatin County, State of Montana. 8. Modifications or Alterations No modifications or amendments of this Agreement shall be valid, unless agreed to in writing by the parties hereto. This Agreement does not alleviate the DEVELOPER, andlorthe CITY from complying with all terms and conditions established for the development of their properties. 9. Invalid Provision The invalidity or Ullenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions hereof, and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid or unenforceable provisions were omitted. 10. Assie:nment It is expressly agreed that the DEVELOPERS or CITY shall not assign this Agreement in whole, or in part, without prior written consent of all parties of this Agreement. 11. Successors Except as provided by Paragraph 10, this Agreement shall be binding upon, enur~. to the benefit of, and be enforceable by the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors and assigns. 12. Attornev Fees In the event it becomes necessary for either party of this Agreement to retain an attorney to enforce any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement or give any notice required herein, then the prevailing party or the party giving notice shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's fees and costs, including fees, salary and cost ofin~house counsel to include the City Attorney. 7 . 13. Waiver A waiver of any breach of default by the CITY shall not be a waiver of any other breach or default. The CITY's approval of any act by the DEVELOPERS requiring consent of approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary CITY consent to or approval of any subsequent or similar act. 14. Records The DEVELOPERS shall keep an accurate account of all costs associated with the IMPROVEMENTS, at all times, which shall be available for inspection by the CITY and/or their representatives. The DEVELOPERS shall make available, upon request, all related documents to the IMPROVEMENTS and maintain all documents related to the IMPROVEMENTS for a period of three years from the date of final payment for the improvements. . 8 . DEVELOPERS ff/.J/99 / / STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss COUNTYO~ ~ TbiSinstrwnentwasacknOWledg~fOre~eO~~ ' 19~ ~()~f?' ('/\/:)o. as dJ.f)tJAJJ). of -~-O~lt1 , . \\\\\111/1/1 ~~6-Il7.~ ,\\ ~ N III "\l'- . l:" (SEAL) ....' Q .......... '<Ui'''~ ~~. '. Q'" ... " . ..; E ....,::~OTARI..q.(.~;, N Public the State of Montana Residing at = * ' -'- : = - . .*- My commission ~(1),>."', SEAL :' ~f -:;. ""~" ..'-t ~ ..", It........ ~'\ " .., OF MO " 'II \" 11111/ 11\\\\\ 9 . . BRIDGER PEAKS LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY . Dat:--~/(I / qc; 7' Harold D. McNee, Jr., Pr . ent ~ H & S Financial Corporation Managing Member STATE OF IDAHO ) :SS COUNTY OF Blaine ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on 11 sept. , 19 99 by Harold D. McNee. Jr. as President of H & S Financial Corooration. ~ - ~ ... ~. ' '" ,,"',. . (SEAL 2 .- .~.... ...- '~ II - . ;.,... . Notary Publ c for the State of . Residing at ailey - - - ~ - . ''"'- My commission expires June 23, 2000 '\,' 10 . ROSE PARK HOLD ate -=;/9/', . . STATE OF MONTANA ) :ss COUNTY OF c?~ ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on .A.pl:tmbLA- 9 , 19 99 , by ~ ~. :J2:w;s as 7#V~ of 76.' /Juk. MM~ t.t.C. " I I I '.."'....,... LEt: I", '.> c..,...."..1I1 b ' .... ","oJ.' -..r .. .......... ..:..... -"\. . . '1,,1 ,; ~:-: ~""'~' . '"A ~ ,.". ,,,1'"-..,,." 'O'TA 0/..1 " ~ ... :::'CI'\'" I fl"t...-;e-:::. ~, .(SEAb)" ,- : :: ~ ,.. '~"AI * - \('~;'" :.)1: ... ,I,,: ~g ot~ Public for th tate of Montana --;,. ')"1;.. ..' ~~ ResldlOg a~7~ "'/,: ~ OF M" 6~~,'" My commissIon expires ~- ~.2a?'3 II \' 11/1111\1\\\ 11 I . . NT ANA, L.L.C. L Date cr t, /q r .-) """' Q. "':r~ STATE OF \ dO) :ss COUNTY OF AM -- 1 ~s instrument was acknowl~ed before me on~. ~ .:Lis, 19 9.q , by l11Y\IJ.A e. Y'V111V1VtS(hVJ~ . .~ ~ 0 . ' U. thnJ~ J"'?) Dr (YlLm l-zut.", LlL (SEAL) . . 12 . . CITY CITY OF BOZEMAN --~-l --"" - Date 'D\~\1L STATE OF MONTANA ) COUNTY oFGr1{Ir1ft'~ :ss ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on JJvI:ob- Lf , 19 CJCJ , by C{c1.~hVlA-tflA- as CC~t1pf ~, J'1/t1. (SEAL) LJW~ ~ - Notary Public for eState 0 ontana - Residing at ~ - My commission expires 3/z'5703 '''~ ._. - .;. " H:\3121\OO 1\042\agreement. wpd ,13 . . I . D' BAXTER LANE ... 4- -(p ~ 'Vl. ~ 1999 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS N. 19TH AVE. - BAXTER LANE TO OAK ST. I --. " --- , ~-_..." '. , Z \ , ~ , . .... :E: :. . " ~ HEW INTERSECTION SlCNAl./ZA 1ltW BY MONTANA O[PARlllENT Of lRANSPOR1lllN " ' "'- -.'..-. - - SCALE 4- OAK ST. 1"=80' -(p ~ 'Vl. (' H: \31 Zl \001 \01\04J\E)CHIBIT-19,OWG I N. 19TH AVE. - BAXTER LANE TO OAK ST. - 8'I'l-SI:IIL IIIMSIDNS e , CI<<'D. 8'I'l-SIIL c4tJ MORRISON ~EPII YDIFY 'It'...I.t r. BOZEMAN KDIIIII naf ...... llIW . !l MONTANA MAIERLE,INC. - IIUIlICm lJN( 1fUIlr' -- .,-l! N'PR.8'I'l_ PIAMtIJIS _ 11M[ IHCIION 8 e z !WE: 9/J/99 SINCE 1"5 -- P ... ---J iD'II .. a...,..., EXHIBIT A lIAIIf:o'IEW III = IW. -"11I M1l1 I , 8'I'l 1li\K:_ - 140lJ 1-41121 fll: (lIIj 511-1111 ~ -. e_1IIOU. IC. I. NO. IlESCIIPIlIlN Ili\I[ .... . . ~MORR[SON 03.sep.99 MM' 3121. O=:J MAIERLE,INC. M~1211OO11011042/ElCHlB_B-NEW.W8~ A.E~C_ EXHIBIT B PROBABLE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR NORTH 19TH AVENUE STREET AND TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION " QUANnlV UNITS UNIT COST TOTAL COST SCHEDULE I. North 19th Road Widening 101 EMBANKMENT - SPECIAL BORROW .IN PLACE 10928 CY $8.00 $87,424.00 102 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION 15945 CY $4.00 $63,780.00 103 CRUSHED llASE COURSE - 1-%" MINUS. TYPE A. GRADE 5 -IN PLACE 5385 CY $10.00 $53,850.00 104 CRUSHED TOP COURSE - 314" MINUS. TYPE A - GRADE 2 - IN PLACE 1240 CY $17.50 $21,700.00 105 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT -IN PLACE 538 GAL $2,00 $1,076,00 106 AGGREGATE BITUMINOUS SURFACE COURSE .IN PLACE 3465 TONS $28,00 $97,020.00 107 CHIP SEAL N. 19TH AVENUE WIDENING, COMPLETE 9445 SY $2.00 $18,890.00 108 SAW-CUT ASPHALT - IN PLACE 8376 LF $1,00 $8,376,00 109 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC - IN PLACE 13264 SY $1.00 $13,264.00 110 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 273 LF $2.00 SS46.00 111 NEW CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER - IN PLACE 339 LF $15.00 $5,065.00 112 REMOVE SIDEWALK 565 SF $0.75 $438.75 113 SIDEWALK. STANDARD 5' WIDE INCLUDING PEDESTRIAN RAMPS 1467 SF $3.00 $4,401.00 114 INSTALL 16-INCH CMP CULVERT .IN PLACE 40 LF $52,00 $2,080.00 115 RELOCATE 16X29 RCPA CULVERT .IN PLACE 68 LF $33.00 $2,244.00 116 RELOCATE 24" X 60" CMP CULVERT AT 144 + 96 LEFT 60 LF $25.00 $1,500.00 117 EXTEND 36 X 54 RCPA CULVERT -IN PLACE 96 LF $150.00 $14,400.00 118 EXTEND 6O-INCH CMP WICUT IN FLARE. IN PLACE 12 LF $145.00 $1,740.00 119 ADJUST WATER VALVE 2EA $100.00 $200.00 120 ADJUST MANHOLE 3EA $150.00 $450.00 121 CURB MARKING - YELLOW PAINT. IN PLACE 5 GAL $31.00 $155.00 122 REMOVE EXISTING SIGNS 5EA $20.00 $100.00 123 RE-SET EXISTING ROADWAY SIGNAGE -IN PLACE 19 EA $50.00 $950,00 124 INSTALL NEW ROADWAY SIGNS -IN PLACE 167.5 SF $27.00 $4,622.50 125 RE.SET EXISTING DELINEATORS - IN PLACE 50EA $15.00 $750.00 126 RELOCATE MAILBOX -IN PLACE lEA $100.00 $100.00 127 REMOVE WORDS AND SYMBOLS 228 SF $8,00 $1,368.00 128 REMOVE S" WHITE THERMO-PLASTIC STRIPING 700 LF $3.00 $2,100.00 129 REMOVE 24" WHITE THERMO-PLASTIC STRIPING 60 LF $8,20 $496.00 130 REMOVE 4" YELLOW THERMO-PLASTIC STRIPING 3100 LF $1.50 $4,650,00 131 STRIPING. WHITE PAINT 4 INCH - IN PLACE 11502 LF $0.30 $3,4S0.eo 132 STRIPING - WHITE THERMO-PLASTIC 4 INCH - IN PLACE 1605 LF $1.80 $2,889.00 133 STRIPING. WHITE THERMO-PLASTIC S INCH. IN PLACE 4040 LF $4.50 $18.180.00 134 STRIPING - WHITE THERMO-PLASTIC 24 INCH. IN PLACE 713 LF $11.00 $7,843.00 135 STRIPING - YELLOW THERMO-PLASTIC 4 INCH. IN PLACE 8535 LF $1.50 $12,602.50 136 STRIPING - YELLOW THERMO-PLASTIC 24 INCH -IN PLACE 147 LF $12.50 $1,837.50 137 WORDS & SYMBOLS. WHITE THERMO-PLASTIC - IN PLACE 1197 SF $12.00 $1<4,364.00 " 138 SEEDING - IN PLACE 5 AC $SOO.OO $2.500.00 139 REMOVE AND REPLACE TOPSOIL - IN PLACE 4025 CY $2.50 $10,062.50 - 140 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1 LS $35,500.00 $35,500.00 '. 141 MOBILIZATION 1 LS $27,420.05 $27,420.05 SCHEDULE I. SUBTOTAL SS50.505,4O SCHEDULE lA . ADDITIONAL ITEMS 203A CONDUIT. STEEL 2 INCH RIGID .IN PLACE 360 LF $16.00 $5,760.00 230A 2 %" PERFORATED SIGN POSTS 9EA $510.00 $4.590.00 SCHEDULE IA - SUBTOTAL $10,350.00 SUB~OTALOFROADWORK $110,815.40 Ce.ign Engineering $86,000.00 Construction Engineering $43,000.00 GRAND TOTAL $688,855.40 SUMMAR~ OP VROPOS~U KNG!N~~RING COSTS PROJBCT : North 19th Avenue Design PAGE 1 OF 4 PAGES . . CONTRACT NO: DATE: April 26, 1999 .........a...~_...a====z=_~========.=m=================:=~==========m=.==========~======================== BSTIMA'1'BD LABOR DBPT TOTAL Total Labor . . MAJOR WORK I'l'EJIl ADMIN HEAD ENGR TECH DRAFT SURVEY REPRO CLERC HOURS with profit ---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ---... -- ------ -----... ... ----------- Preliminary Meetings 20 20 6 46 2,911 Prepare Cost Share Agreement 57 20 10 87 5,916 Preliminary Cost Estimaes 10 16 26 1,631 Project Sketches 1 2 4 7 360 Prepare Specifications- Road Geometrics 24 40 16 80 4,583 Prepare Plans 20 sheets- Road Geometrics 108 21D 160 46 524 30,487 Preliminary Plan in Hand- Road Geometrics ID 6 8 24 1,397 Prepare Design Report 12 40 8 60 3,402 Pinal Plan in Hand- Road Geometrics 12 16 8 36 2,140 Prepare Specifications-Oak Signal 12 16 8 36 2,140 Prepare Plans 10 sheets- Oak Signal 48 no 40 8 206 12,008 Preliminary Plan in Hand- Oak Signal 12 16 28 1,789 Pinal Plan in Hand- Oak Signal 12 16 28 1,789 Prepare Specifications-Baxter Signal 8 8 16 1,052 Prepare Plans 8 sheets- Baxter Signal 32 80 40 12 164 9,506 Final Plan in Hand- Baxter Signal 12 16 28 1,789 0 0 ------- -----... ... ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ... TOTAL 0 390 632 6 268 66 0 34 1,396 82,900 .........a..........mc.......a==.=.....===============m===========_=====================~D=======a==.m============ StlMMARy OP BSTIMATBD LABOR COSTS DIRECT TOTAL TOTAL HOURS RATE LABOR RATE LABOR Administrative 0 30.00 $0.00 76.25 0.00 Department Head 390 27.00 $10,530.00 68.63 26764.88 Engineer 632 18.00 $11,376.00 45.75 28915.22 Technician 6 16.00 $96.00 4D.67 244.01 Draftsman 268 15.00 $4,020.00 38.13 10217.93 Surveyor 66 29.00 $1,914.00 73.71 4864.95 Reproduction 0 12.50 $0.00 31.77 0.00 Clerical 34 12.5D $425.00 31. 77 1080.25 --------------------------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL LABOR 1,396 28361.00 72087.24 .........=.....ma..=====a:.===========_=========aa..============================_================================= TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE QUANTITY RATE COST Vehicle: Hours 12 $3.50 $42.00 Miles 650 0.41 267.00 Aircraft Rental , D 0.00 O.OD Air Travel ,.1. 0 1500.00 0.00 Room: Nights D 0.00 0.00 Meals: Days 0 0.00 0.00 Vehicle Rental 0 0.00 0.00 ----------------------------- --------- TOTAL TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE $309.00 =============================================================================~==================================== Blue Line Prints 3,000 Sq. Ft. $0.10 300.00 . . Photocopies 5,000 Copies 0.10 500.00 Mylars 38 Each 6.00 228.00 Multilith Paper 0 Reams 5.00 0.00 . . Telephone 500.00 Postage 450.00 COIIIputer 300.00 Equipment Rental 500.00 Maps, Photos, Etc. O.DO Plan reduction 0.00 ----------------------------- --------- TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS $2,778.00 ..=..........=..============__....:c========= =========a=============___a_========== =======~===================== ================-=== OUTSIDE SERVICES AND SUBCONTRACTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 --------- TOTAL OUTSIDE SERVICES $0.00 D......_.==.====~=..aa...Da==z=====~...=..._a==============~2=======================================a._==_==:s:=== FEE SUMMARY Total Estimated Labor $28,361 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 52.76 t of Total Labor Costs Fringe Applied 14, 963 --------- Subtotal 43,324 overhead 66.39 " of Total Payroll Costs Overhead Applied 28,763 --------- TOTAL LABOR AND OVERHEAD 72,087 Travel and Subsistence 309 Other Direct Costs 2,778 OUtside Services 0 -...----..-- TOTAL EXPENSES 3,087 --------- TOTAL COSTS 75,174 PROFIT 10,813 ---------- .~ . ,.' File: C:\ TOTAL ENGINEERING FEE $85,987 ========= SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ENGINEERING COSTS PROJECT : North 19th Avenue Inspection PAGE 3 OF 4 PAGES " . CONTRACT NO: DATE: April 26, 1999 .............a...==.c.m===c====m====c==.================~====.===s..c.=..=u_==_=.a..a._.===._.c.=.....=.~.=== ESTIMATED LABOR DEPT TOTAL Total Labor " . M}\JOR WORK ITEM ADMIN HEAD ENGR TECH DRAFT SURVEY REPRO CLERC HOURS with profit ---------------------------- ------ ------ ----.... .... ------ .... -----.... ------ ------ ----- .... ------- ----------- Pre Bid conference 8 6 14 947 Bidding of Project 24 32 10 66 3,943 Final Estimate & Bid Opening 8 6 14 947 Review Traffic Control 4 6 10 631 Prepare Contract Document 14 14 1,105 Pre Construction Conference 8 6 4 18 1,134 Project Inspection 145 days) 64 36 320 420 21,911 Complete Final Punch List Items 8 8 16 32 1,801 Pinal Project Closeout 8 16 40 64 3,344 Construction Survey 2 8 40 50 3,969 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -----.... .... TOTAL D 148 124 380 0 40 0 10 702 39,133 ...D.....D.......==..a.a...=.c..a.=a=~a=a_c...a..=c.=..a=====_~.ma..=....===.=.=D.===...=D.___C==.=...============ SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED LABOR COSTS DIRECT TOTAL TOTAL HOURS RATE LABOR RATE LABOR Administrative 0 30.00 $0.00 76.25 0.00 Department Head 148 21.00 $3,996,00 68.63 10156.93 Engineer 124 18.00 $2,232.00 45.75 5613.24 Technician 380 16.00 $6,080.00 40.67 15453.98 Draftsman 0 15.00 $O.DO 38.13 D.OO Surveyor 40 29.00 $1,160.00 13.71 2948.46 Reproduction 0 12.50 $0.00 31.77 0.00 Clerical 10 12.50 $125.00 31.77 317.72 --------------------------- --------- --------- --------- TOTAL LABOR 702 $13,593.00 3455D.33 .........._..S.__.=R_==.c=.=ac===.==a=__=._~=====a==c=a=_=.========~==_=a=====c..=.=.==_a_._=...._==.============= TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE QUANTITY RATE COST Vehicle: Hours 400 3.50 $1,400.00 Miles 4,000 0.41 1,640.00 Aircraft Rental 0" 0 0.00 0.00 Air Travel , ,.' 0 1500.00 0.00 RoOlft : Nights 0 0.00 0.00 Meals: Days 0 0.00 0.00 Vehicle Rental 0 O.DO 0.00 ----------------------------- --------- TOTAL TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE $3,040.00 ~~;~~~~~;=;~_;;=;_~_MM~~_M=~M=;~~_~_M~__=~~~__~___~____~________~~______~__..______~_________________________------. v............:........ 1.J...J.....a.:......... ""......:J,........ k.....-.... --..... ...'-4-..__ ---.... - . ~ Blue Line Prints 60 Sq. Ft. $0.10 6.00 Photocopies 1,100 Copies 0.10 110.00 Mylars 0 Each 6.00 0.00 Multilith Paper 0 Reams 5.00 0.00 .." . Telephone 50.00 Postage 43.00 COIIIputer 100.00 Equipment Rental 0.00 Maps, Photos, Etc. 0.00 Plan reduction 0.00 ----------------------------- --------- TOTAL OTHER DIRECT COSTS $309.00 ._....=.=============~====.=~a.._=Rg========= ========.....aa..................:====.= =====.....====.============== ========-..~~......= OUTSIDE SERVICES AND SUBCONTRACTS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 --------- TOTAL OUTSIDE SERVICES $0.00 =....=~~===c=o=.m==m=====c=.====.===.==...a.===================================c================================== FEE SUMMARY Total Estimated Labor $13,593 Payroll Taxes and Benefits 52.76 , of Total Labor Costs Fringe Applied 7,172 --------- Subtotal 20,765 OVerhead 66.39 , of Total Payroll Costs Overhead Applied 13,786 --------- TOTAL LABOR AND OVERHEAD 34,551 Travel and Subsistence 3,040 Other Direct Costs 309 OUtside Services 0 --------- TOTAL EXPENSES 3,349 --------- TOTAL COSTS 37,900 PROFIT 5,183 ---------- < t.1. File: C:\ TOTAL ENGINEERING FEE $43,083 ========= . ,. ..... "" EXHIBIT D NORTH 19TH AVENUE STREET AND TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS COMPLETION SCHEDULE. FOR COST SHARE AGREEMENT DESCRIPTION DATE MORRISON~MAIERLE, INC. shall submit Improvement Plans, Project Manual and Design Report for review May 7,1999 Complete executed Improvements Agreement July 7, 1999 CITY/MDT/DEVELOPER REVIEW 60 DAYS July 16,1999 BEGIN CONSTRUCTION OF GEOMETRICS September 13, 1999 FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF GEOMETRICS AND BEGIN CONSTRUCTION OF SIGNALS October 20, 1999 FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF SIGNALS December 31, 1999 H:\3121 \001 \042\SCHED.WPD . . , '.