HomeMy WebLinkAboutA4. Prov Ord 1922Page 1 of 15 15358, Staff Report for the Rescission of the Existing Workforce Housing provisions in Chapter 10, Section 8 and Creating Article 43 in Chapter 38, Unified Development Code, for an Inclusionary Housing Program including definitions, incentives and requirements for the provision of affordable housing for public hearing September 21, 2015 Project Description: A text amendment to the Unified Development Code to create an Inclusionary Housing Program including definitions, incentives and requirements. Further amending the Unified Development Code to change existing references within the Bozeman Municipal Code from Chapter 10 Section 8 to Chapter 38, Section 43. Recommended Motion: Having reviewed the staff report, considered public comment, and considered all of the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application Z-15358 and move to recommend Provisional Adoption of Ordinance 1922, creating an Inclusionary Housing Program. Report Date: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 Staff Contact: Wendy Thomas, AICP, Community Development Director TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 2 BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................................... 3 PROGRAM COMPONENTS ................................................................................................... 3 SECTION 1 – RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS ........................................ 7 SECTION 2 - STAFF ANALYSIS........................................................................................... 8 Section 76-2-304, MCA (Zoning) Criteria ......................................................................... 8 APPENDIX A –AFFECTED ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY PROVISIONS ............. 12 APPENDIX B – ADVISORY BOARD REVIEW ................................................................. 14 APPENDIX C – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT ................................................... 14 APPENDIX D - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF............................ 14 157 Z-13220, Staff Report for the Definition of Manufacturing Municipal Code Amendment Page 2 of 15 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Text in italics are additions to the staff report from the staff report provided to the Planning Board, Zoning Commission, Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board and the Recreation Parks Advisory Board. A successful inclusionary housing program is understandable, implementable and built on a foundation of cooperation between all parties involved in the creation of housing. The program being proposed is iterative, balanced and focused on addressing housing needs within Bozeman. Successful housing policies and programs are community specific. The program being proposed has been developed based on best practice research that has been modified after obtaining input from our community. The City Commission directed staff to engage the services of an affordable housing consultant to revise the City’s affordable housing ordinance. After conducting public meetings to seek the input of the community, interviewing developers and housing producers, and seeking the input of bankers and realtors, Werwath and Associates proposed a program that required the creation of affordable housing units and introduced significant incentives to facilitate the creation of units. Werwath recommends the inclusionary housing program focus on creation of detached units because his research shows this segment of housing has the highest demand and the lowest inventory in the city. The City Commission challenged staff, builders, and developers to work with Werwath’s recommendations, but alter the program to move away from a mandatory requirement to an incentive based program. The inclusionary housing program being proposed, please see Attachment A, is a full program that has a requirement for the provision of affordable units; however, based on City Commission direction, staff is recommending a phase in period, for up to two years, to gauge the effectiveness of the incentives to facilitate the creation of affordable units without a mandatory requirement. A summary of the goals, incentives and price points is available in Attachment B. As proposed, Ordinance 1922 will be a temporary ordinance to be replaced by a full ordinance when contingencies have been met. The contingencies are based on the phased goals for housing creation. The customary effective date for an ordinance is 30 days after final adoption. In this case, staff is recommending a 60 day effective date in order to provide adequate time to prepare all administrative documents and drafting of follow up resolutions for City Commission action. The draft ordinance has been reviewed by the following advisory boards: • Recreation and Parks Advisory Board, recommended approval • Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board, recommended approval 158 Z-13220, Staff Report for the Definition of Manufacturing Municipal Code Amendment Page 3 of 15 • Planning Board, motion to approve failed • Zoning Commission, motion to approve failed If approved by the City Commission, the ordinance will be the first step in the re-creation of the City’s affordable housing program. Additional steps are needed to fully activate the program which would include: contracting with an agency or organization to assist in income verification and monitoring of the program, creation of an innovative housing ordinance, creation of an administrative manual, adoption of a program to support the creation of affordable rentals, and the allocation of affordable housing funds for affordable rentals. BACKGROUND In 2007 the City Commission adopted ordinance 1710 creating an affordable housing program that allowed code relaxations and incentives in exchange for the creation of affordable housing units. In 2008-2009 the housing market in Bozeman, and across the United States, experienced a sharp decline in both demand and pricing. The City Commission took action to suspend the affordable housing program for a period of two years. Since 2013, staff has been providing the Commission with quarterly updates on the status of housing pricing in the City. In September 2014, the City Commission directed staff to move forward with a study and recommendation on development of a new affordable housing program. On February 2, 2015, Werwath and Associates presented the results of their affordable housing study. Please see Attachment C. The study recommended a program that focused on the creation of detached single-family dwellings. Detached units that meet the price point affordable to households earning 70% of Area Median Income (AMI) are not currently being created within Bozeman. The lower the sale price of a unit, the more subsidy is needed in order to have the home sold at a target price. PROGRAM COMPONENTS At this time, there are several not for profit organizations that continually work to provide housing opportunities to meet the spectrum of housing need in this community. These housing providers layer subsides to make housing opportunities available to households, including down payment assistance, private contributions, sweat equity, land donations and public funding for affordable housing. As the real estate market has improved in Bozeman, the price of every aspect of the home building industry has escalated. A perfect storm of increasing land costs, increasing material costs and shortage of labor has resulted in a market where housing costs are rapidly increasing. The incentives that are being proposed in conjunction with the affordable housing program are focused in three areas: financial, regulatory offsets, and timing. 159 Z-13220, Staff Report for the Definition of Manufacturing Municipal Code Amendment Page 4 of 15 Incentives: The incentives are proposed so they facilitate the creation of affordable housing throughout the development process. Developer Incentives: Incentives to create lots for the placement of affordable housing include waiver of sub-division pre-application, concurrent construction of infrastructure, reduced lot sizes, and reduction of parkland dedication for qualifying units. Builder Incentives: Incentives to facilitate construction of affordable homes includes expedited permitting, development and implementation of an innovative housing ordinance, reduced parking requirements and payment of impact fees for qualifying units. Buyer Incentives: Creation of units that are close to employment, transportation, and services, payment of impact fees and down payment assistance. At this time, there are existing provisions for the creation of homes on smaller lots in the Unified Development Code (UDC). Staff is recommending that these provisions again become effective. Staff also recommends the creation of an Innovative Housing Ordinance that will allow smaller lots, cottage developments and create opportunities for the creation of affordable housing based on the flexibility of trade-offs provided in the existing Planned Unit Development (PUD) without having to dedicate the time and resources needed to create and entitle a PUD. The ordinance is being drafted as part of the first phase of the update to the UDC. According the schedule for the UDC update the first phase is scheduled to be completed in four months. The update commenced on September 10, 2015. Finally, staff is also recommending as part of the UDC update that the definition of lot be amended in order to facilitate the creation of cottage developments. An example of a cottage development can be found in Attachment D. The contract for the update of the UDC was approved by the City Commission on August 24, 2015. A critical component of the incentives is the reduction in parkland dedication. This incentive is being proposed for only the homes in the 70% AMI price point. This incentive is the only incentive that is limited by the goal for creation of housing units, as established by the City Commission annually. The goal, as proposed is extremely modest, three units, for several reasons. The goal is modest goal due to the proportional amount of incentives that are needed to create the units. Maximum incentives are needed for the minimum price point homes. The community opinion regarding the dedication of parkland, supports giving parkland for these homes, up to a limited number and only when the homes are constructed as part of mixed income housing where parkland will be or was dedicated. The Recreation Parks Advisory Board was clearly supportive of the reduction in the dedication of parkland only if these two conditions were incorporated into the ordinance. The Southwest Montana Building Industry Association (SWMBIA) worked with city staff with regard to the proposed incentives. Through the ordinance development process, SWMBIA has worked constructively with interested parties, however, they are proposing a 160 Z-13220, Staff Report for the Definition of Manufacturing Municipal Code Amendment Page 5 of 15 series of incentives that are different from those incorporated into the ordinance. The SWMBIA incentives are included in this report as Attachment E. Definitions: The proposed ordinance defines Affordable Housing as well as Lower Price Homes and Moderate Priced Homes. The program seeks to create housing in both the lower and moderate price home ranges. The lower price home definition encompasses homes in the 65-80% AMI. The incentives are divided into three categories, 70, 80 and 90% AMI because it is important to recognize the lower the price point of the housing the more incentives are needed in order to make the home construction financially feasible. A critical component of the program is the allowance for the reduction in the dedication of parkland for the homes in the 70% AMI price range. The reduction in parkland dedication was a divisive component in the prior Work Force Housing Ordinance. In an effort to craft a program that aligned with the priorities of the community, the draft ordinance proposes only limited use of this incentive and therefore use of three incentive ranges within the two definitions. Administration: Utilization of incentives will require the developer or builder create and submit an Affordable Housing Plan. The affordable housing plan will outline the type of homes (lots) to be created, timing of delivery, price point of home, size of home, and applicant information. Review and approval of the plan will be concurrent with the review of development applications. The agreement will be legally binding and will be recorded with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder. Incentives that are created at the platting stage will require a note on the plat designating which lots are designated for the creation of affordable homes and the AMI to be served. By noting the restriction on the face of the plat, the restriction on the lot will be known to future purchasers. Unlike the Restricted Size Lot (RSL) program that the City used in the past to create affordable housing opportunities, this restriction would not limited the square footage of the home. This small change will capitalize on the City’s experience with RSLs and eliminate the unintended consequence that resulted from placing a square footage limitation on the home. The price point for homes will be set annually based on Area Median Income (AMI) data provided by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). HUD updates the numbers each year, generally in December. The price point calculation will also include down payment, mortgage rates, and household size. Under a mandatory program the ordinance allows for alternate compliance by allowing the dedication of cash in lieu of construction of homes or the dedication of land. The dedication of land, as currently proposed, directs the dedication be given to the City of Bozeman. At the Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board, public comment was received requesting that the ordinance be modified in order to allow the dedication of land to a qualified not for profit that is also an approved Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO). A 161 Z-13220, Staff Report for the Definition of Manufacturing Municipal Code Amendment Page 6 of 15 CHDO is a private non-profit, community based, service organization that has, or intends to obtain, staff with the capacity to develop affordable housing for the community it serves. At the direction of the City Commission, staff will create an administrative manual for the affordable housing program. The manual will be brought to the City Commission for review and approval through a resolution. Goals: Annually, while a voluntary affordable housing program is in effect, the City Commission will set a goal of housing creation in tandem with the update of the price point data. Staff recommends that the goal be 10% of a five year rolling average of the number of building permits issued for the housing type. At this time, the City Commission has indicated they are interested in setting a goal for detached and duplex, triplex and townhouse units. For the purpose of simplicity, the attached units are combined in Attachment B. Based on this calculations, the goal of 54 housing units over the next two years is shown on the attachment. This goal is also incorporated into the draft ordinance as the contingencies, please see page 38 of the draft ordinance. The Commission may wish to consider increasing or decreasing the target number of units. A minimum to consider may be 30 units to be created over the course of the two year phase in period with 25% of those units qualifying as Lower Priced Homes. The goals as shown on Attachment B focus primarily on housing creation in the 90% AMI range. Per the recommendation of Werwath and Associates, this is the housing price point that is most in demand in Bozeman. In addition, this price point requires fewer incentives, has limited restrictions on sales/occupancy and has no resale restrictions or repayment provisions. The Commission has provided feedback that the purpose of setting a goal is to provide clarity on how to gauge success of the program. Recognizing that the program is new and untested in Bozeman, the Staff is recommending the goal have interim targets to encourage the ongoing creation of affordable units while recognizing that each of the participants in the housing creation process will need time to understand and implement the new program. For setting the goal of creation of detached affordable housing, Staff recommends a five year rolling average. A rolling average would take into account the cyclic nature of housing construction in Bozeman. Werwath suggested 10% of the residential units created by affordable homes. The City Commission indicated in policy feedback sessions the goal should include attached residential units. Staff also recommends that such a program be phased in over the course of 24 months to ensure that the appropriate programs and policies are in place for the program to succeed. A successful affordable housing program is a partnership between the local government, housing creators (both for profit and not-for- profit), homebuyers, bankers/lenders, and housing program providers. If there is any disconnect between the parties the program will struggle with being successful. Phasing in a program will ensure maximum coordination and capacity for each of the critical parties. Phase In Proposal: 162 Z-13220, Staff Report for the Definition of Manufacturing Municipal Code Amendment Page 7 of 15 0-9 months: ¼ of target goal 10-18 months: ½ of target goal 18-24 months: meet goal. Thereafter: Production of half of goal units within each six month period with a 45 day flexibility window for weather variations. Code Consistency: The program, as proposed would require modification to the UDC to incorporate definitions and also to create consistency within the document. References within the UDC would need to be amended to reflect the change from having the affordable housing program in Chapter 10 of the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) to incorporation into the UDC. Staff is proposing that the program be incorporated into the UDC because it is tied so closely to development. In addition, based on feedback from affordable housing developers, for ease of access in locating the inclusionary housing program, the UDC is where they are looking for the provisions, not in the general code sections of the BMC. As such, staff is proposing the recession of Chapter 10, Article 8 and changing all references in the UDC from Chapter 10 to Chapter 38.43. SECTION 1 – RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS Project Name: Inclusionary Housing Program File: 15358 Having considered the criteria established for a municipal code amendment, the Staff recommends the approval of the text as submitted, with the implementation of a phased ordinance with an effective date of 60 days after the final approval by the City Commission for the incentives, affordable housing plan requirements, and subsidy recapture provisions. The remainder of the ordinance shall have an effective date based on the contingencies. The Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing on the proposed text amendment on September 8, 2015. The meeting minutes are attached to this report. The Zoning Commission voted 0-3 on an affirmative motion to recommend approval of Ordinance 1922. The draft ordinance was also presented to the Planning Board seeking input on the program for the benefit of the City Commission. The Planning Board voted 3-5 on an affirmative motion to recommend approval of Ordinance 1922. Both the Planning Board and the Zoning Commission found that the incentive package was a key component of the program; however, both bodies did not support the mandatory provisions that would become effective if the contingencies were not met. There was discussion regarding the repayment provisions in the ordinance if a property was refinanced. The Planning Board recommended the ordinance be revised to only require the payback for a cash out refinance and not for a term refinance. Additionally, the Board recommended that section 38.43.090 be amended to clarify that the 163 Z-13220, Staff Report for the Definition of Manufacturing Municipal Code Amendment Page 8 of 15 section is intended to address bedroom count and not bedroom size. Finally, the Board sought clarification on why the program was focused on first time homebuyers. The City Commission will hold a public hearing on the text of the amendment on September 21, 2015. SECTION 2 - STAFF ANALYSIS In considering applications for approval under this title, the advisory boards and City Commission shall consider the following: Section 76-2-304, MCA (Zoning) Criteria A. Be in accordance with a growth policy. Yes. Chapter six of the Bozeman Community Plan describes the need for a diverse housing stock within the City of Bozeman. If the community is to prosper, it is essential to address residential issues. Housing is critical for the vitality of the City and is a critical component of the economic landscape. Business and industry that consider locating in Bozeman evaluate the availability of housing for their employees of all salary levels. In addition, it is of primary importance is to ensure that current and future residents of the community, who come from a diversity of socioeconomic backgrounds, have adequate and quality housing available to them. The quality and availability of housing for all socioeconomic groups furthers community goals regarding housing, economic development, transportation and provision of infrastructure. There are several goals and objectives which interact with the amendments and these principles. As described in Appendix B, the review and update for the regulations regarding manufacturing are appropriate to match regulations to the physical impacts of development and to provide opportunities for additional economic activity. Goal H-1: Promote an adequate supply of safe, quality housing that is diverse in type, density, cost, and location with an emphasis on maintaining neighborhood character and stability. Rationale: A community needs a variety of housing stock to accommodate the diversity in personal circumstances and preferences of its population. The type of housing required may be different throughout a person’s life. A healthy community has a wide range of citizens with differing age, education, economic condition, and other factors. Stable 164 Z-13220, Staff Report for the Definition of Manufacturing Municipal Code Amendment Page 9 of 15 neighborhoods encourage reinvestment, both financial and emotional that strengthens and builds the community. Objective 1.1 - Encourage and support the creation of a broad range of housing types in proximity to services and transportation options. Objective 1.3 - Promote the provision of a wide variety of housing types in a range of costs to meet the diverse residential needs of Bozeman residents. Objective 1.4 Recognize the role of housing in economic development. Goal H-2: Promote the creation of housing which advances the seven guiding land use principles of Chapter 3. Rationale: Housing is the land use which consumes the greatest land area in the community. It is critical in advancing and achieving the community’s aspirations. Choice of housing location and type strongly influences other issues such as mode of travel and participation in the society building aspects of the community. Objective 2.1 - Encourage socially and economically diverse neighborhoods. Objective 2.2 - Promote energy efficiency and incorporation of sustainable features in new and existing housing. Objective 2.3 - Support infill development and the preservation of existing affordable housing and encourage the inclusion of additional affordable housing in new infill developments. Goal H-3– Encourage an adequate supply of affordable housing and land for affordable housing. Rationale: There will always be a portion of the population which earns less than the median income. This may be for many reasons. This affects the ability to find market rate housing which is adequate for basic housing needs. Lack of adequate housing effects health, social stability, and many other issues which can have severe negative and inter- generation effects. Objective 3.1 – Encourage the provision of affordable housing. Objective 3.2 – Encourage the preservation and rehabilitation of the existing housing stock to protect the health, safety, and welfare of Bozeman residents. Objective 3.3. – Promote the development of a wide variety of housing types, designs, and costs to meet the wide range of residential needs of Bozeman residents. Objective 3.4 – Encourage development of education and employment opportunities which increase incomes so that the cost of housing and ability to pay for housing are more closely matched. 165 Z-13220, Staff Report for the Definition of Manufacturing Municipal Code Amendment Page 10 of 15 Objective ED-1.1: Support business creation, retention, and expansion. Emphasize small businesses, ‘green’ businesses, and e-businesses. Goal ED-2: Support balanced policies and programs to encourage a durable, vigorous, and diverse economy. Rationale: A lack of balance in economic policy can lead to loss of community viability by sacrificing high long term value community assets for short term, “quick fix” benefits. It is important to recognize the economic importance of the social, cultural, and natural assets of Bozeman. Bozeman’s Economic Values: • Strengthen and further diversify the local economy • Increase economic activity • Create higher paying jobs • Create high quality employment in Bozeman to match the high quality of life • Support our homegrown business community (Source: Bozeman Economic Development Plan) The Bozeman Economic Development Plan indicates that affordable housing for workers was the highest rated community concern for furthering economic development when the plan was drafted. Affordable Housing for Workers: The need for affordable housing for workers was rated as a priority for all groups with the other business leader group rating this the highest at 3.51, the community members at 3.47, and the in-person business leaders at 3.21. B. The effect on motorized and non-motorized transportation systems. Neutral. The proposed amendments address affordable housing. No changes to transportation standards are proposed. However, the creation of affordable units within the City of Bozeman may have an impact on the transportation network by reducing the number of trips on local roads by allowing households who work in Bozeman the ability to live in Bozeman. C. Secure safety from fire, panic, and other dangers. Neutral. The proposed amendments will not materially affect safety from fire, panic and other dangers. D. Promote public health, public safety, and general welfare. Yes. The proposed amendments do not change the requirements for provision of water or sewer systems, provision of emergency response capability, or similar existing standards. The provisions will ensure the creation of housing opportunity within proximity to services 166 Z-13220, Staff Report for the Definition of Manufacturing Municipal Code Amendment Page 11 of 15 including employment and transportation. Creation of housing opportunities within the city reduces the average daily trips created on city streets which result in decrease emissions and reduced impact from Stormwater run-off on water resources. In addition, creating housing opportunity enhances the general welfare by creating a diverse community that allow residents the option to live in the community within which they are working; as such, the provision of affordable housing is critical to the economic vitality of the city. Jobs and housing are integrally linked and together they create a diverse economy that contributes to the overall welfare of the community. E. Reasonable provision of adequate light and air. Neutral. The amendments will allow for increased density by allowing for the creation of smaller lot sizes, however these lots will not result in diminished access to adequate light and air because minimum setbacks and open space requirements will be required. F. Prevention of overcrowding of land. Neutral. These amendments may have an impact on density by encouraging density at levels that are consistent with the City’s adopted Community Plan (Growth Policy) but the amendments will not allow density at a level that exceeds the existing provisions within the Unified Development Code. G. Avoiding undue concentration of population. Yes. The proposed amendments will not result in an adverse concentration of population. The intent in the program is to provide adequate housing opportunities for households within the City while ensuring the creation of affordable housing units are dispersed throughout the City. H. Facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements. Neutral. The amendments do not alter the requirements for mitigation of infrastructure impacts. The site plan, conditional use, or subdivision review procedures remain as presently constituted and are adequate to analyze and mitigate demands for services. I. Conserving the value of buildings. Neutral. The proposed amendments will not have an adverse impact on the value of buildings within the community. The building codes adopted by the City will ensure that needed safety features are included with any new development that includes a residential component within a building which will prevent fire or other hazards from being a detriment. J. Character of the district. Yes. The amendments apply to the B-1, B-2, B-3, M-1, M-2, HMU, UMU, REMU, R-S, R-1, R-2, R-3 and R-4 zoning districts. These amendments are carefully constructed to allow the character of the district to be preserved. The affordable housing program encourages the 167 Z-13220, Staff Report for the Definition of Manufacturing Municipal Code Amendment Page 12 of 15 development of affordable units in all zone districts that allow residential uses. Diversity in housing stock and opportunities integrated into a comprehensive development where households of different incomes have an opportunity to live with create diverse and vibrant neighborhoods that do not fundamentally alter their character. K. Peculiar suitability for particular uses. Neutral. The proposed amendments do not make material changes to the various zoning districts. L. Encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the jurisdictional area. Yes. The proposed amendments do encourage creative design opportunities to enhance housing opportunities, however there will be no change to existing zoning districts. These districts themselves have previously been found acceptable. The current application does not alter the zoning map. M. Promotion of Compatible Urban Growth. Neutral. The proposed amendments do not alter the ability of the City to expand. They do not change the character of the affected districts in a way that would cause them to be a problem to adjacent areas. The amendments do not affect provision of any municipal services. APPENDIX A –AFFECTED ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY PROVISIONS Zoning Designation and Land Uses: The adopted Workforce (affordable) Housing program, as codified in Chapter 10 Section 8 of the Bozeman Municipal Code will be rescinded. A new Affordable Housing program will be created and incorporated into the Unified Development Code (UDC) in Chapter 38, Section 43. The proposed ordinance does not include a major incentive, the development of an “Innovative Housing Ordinance” that will be incorporated into the UDC. The Innovative Housing Ordinance has been incorporated into the scope for the UDC update as a part of Phase One. 38.42. (Definitions), 38.43. (Affordable Housing) Adopted Growth Policy Designation: The proposed amendment will not directly affects the implementing regulations for any growth policy designations. The proposed new regulations and definitions associated with the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance are not expected to have any material impact on the character of any of the land use designations or implementing zoning districts. For 168 Z-13220, Staff Report for the Definition of Manufacturing Municipal Code Amendment Page 13 of 15 discussion about conformance of the proposed amendments to the Bozeman Community plan please see review criterion A. 169 Z-13220, Staff Report for the Definition of Manufacturing Municipal Code Amendment Page 14 of 15 APPENDIX B – ADVISORY BOARD REVIEW The incentives proposed as part of the new Article 43 of the Unified Development Code have been reviewed by the Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board (CAHAB) and the Subdivision review subcommittee of the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board (RPAB). The minutes for the advisory boards are attached to this staff report. The draft program will be taken to the full RPAB in September prior to the September 21, 2015 City Commission public hearing. The proposal was also presented to the Inter-Neighborhood Council (INC) on July 9, 2015. The advisory boards supported the program; however there were concerns expressed by each of the advisory boards regarding reduction in dedication of parkland. The CAHAB felt that this incentive was crucial to the success of the incentives. RPAB felt parkland dedications generally should not be reduced, but supported the incentive tied to creation of only the most affordable units because the goal for creation of units within this price point is modest and the incorporation of the units into developments with modest and market rates homes would not result in neighborhoods without access to parkland. RPAB also reviewed the proposal for a tiered dedication of parkland. After reviewing the proposal, they recommended the parkland reduction for only the units affordable to 70% AMI households. The CAHAB will conducted a meeting on September 9, 2015 when they made a favorable final recommendation to the City Commission on the draft ordinance. CAHAB recommended that the City Commission hold an additional public meeting prior the effective date of the mandatory provisions. APPENDIX C – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT Noticing for a text amendment is provided by publication in the legal advertisement section of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on August 2nd and September 6th. Notice will be provided at least 15 and not more than 45 days prior to the Zoning Commission and City Commission public hearings. At the time of the drafting of the staff report, no public comment has been received. APPENDIX D - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF Applicant: City of Bozeman, PO Box 1230, Bozeman MT 59771 Representative: Department of Community Development Report By: Wendy Thomas, Director of Community Development 170 Z-13220, Staff Report for the Definition of Manufacturing Municipal Code Amendment Page 15 of 15 Attachment A, Ordinance 1922 Attachment B, Inclusionary Housing Goals and Incentives Handout Attachment C, Werwath Report Attachment D, Cottage Development Example Attachment E, SWMBIA Incentives Paper Attachment F, Application for Code Amendment Attachment G, Changes to UDC to Update References to Chapter 10 Attachment H, Sample Affordable Housing Plan/Developer Agreement Attachment I, Securing Community Investment in Affordable Housing White Paper Attachment J, CAHAB July, August and September Meeting Minutes Attachment K, RPAB Subdivision Subcommittee Meeting Summary Attachment L, Planning Board and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes 171 Ordinance 1922 Page 1 of 39 ORDINANCE NO. 1922 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA REPEALING CHAPTER 10, ARTICLE 8 OF THE BOZEMAN MUNICIPAL CODE, ADOPTING A NEW ARTICLE REGARDING AFFORDABLE HOUSING TO TERMINATE ONLY UPON THE OCCURRENCE OF CERTAIN CONTINGENCIES, AND ADOPTING AN ARTICLE REGARDING AFFORDABLE HOUSING TO BE EFFECTIVE ON THE OCCURRENCE OF SPECIFIC CONTINGENCIES AND PROVIDING EFFECTIVE DATES NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA: Section 1 Chapter 10, Article 8 of the Bozeman Municipal Code is repealed in its entirety. Section 2 A new article shall be added to Chapter 38, BMC to be entitled “Affordable Housing” to read as follows: “[(Temporary) ARTICLE 43 DIVISION 1. – FINDINGS AND PURPOSE. 38.43.010. - Legislative findings. The city commission hereby finds: A. The Bozeman Community Plan establishes a goal to encourage an adequate supply of affordable housing and land for affordable housing in Bozeman. A lack of affordable housing affects the ability of many residents to find housing which is adequate for their basic housing needs. A lack of adequate housing affects health, social stability, and other 172 Ordinance 1922 Page 2 of 39 issues which can have negative and intergenerational effects. To fulfill this goal, the Community Plan establishes an objective to promote the development of a variety of housing types, designs, and costs to meet the wide range of needs of Bozeman residents. B. The Affordable Housing Action Plan: 2012 - 2016 (Action Plan) analyzed housing needs and existing market conditions and determined housing affordability has become an acute problem as demonstrated by the number of households paying over 30% of their incomes for housing. A 2015 update to the city’s housing needs analysis (Action Plan Update) concluded that the group of homebuyers with significant affordability gaps have incomes at or below 80% of the area medium income and are in need of subsidies and/or below- market home prices. The Action Plan Update also determined that buying opportunities are increasingly scarce for homebuyers with incomes between 60% and 100% of AMI, and that housing and land prices have increased faster than incomes for many of Bozeman’s residents. C. Since the adoption of the Bozeman Community Plan and the Action Plan, the median sales price of housing has continued to climb. According to the Action Plan Update, as of the end of November 2014, the median home price was $287,000. D. The Action Plan Update states that the number of detached homes priced below $250,000, a rough indicator of housing affordability for a family of three at 100% of AMI, has fallen from 48.4% of the market in 2012 to just 18.6% in 2014. E. There is a critical shortage of for-sale housing affordable to Bozeman households with incomes at and below the area median income, as currently calculated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. As a result, some residents pay excessive amounts of income for housing, reducing the amounts available for other necessities and a decent and adequate standard of living. F. Limited housing opportunities within the city requires households to seek housing outside of the city limits which has a negative impact on transportation infrastructure by adding unnecessary trips to the network. Increased driving distance to affordable housing also negatively impacts air and water quality. To maintain a sufficient resident workforce in all 173 Ordinance 1922 Page 3 of 39 fields of employment, and to ensure the public safety and general welfare of the residents of the city of Bozeman, affordable housing needs must be addressed. G. The city can achieve its goals of promoting the development of more affordable housing and its goal of achieving an economically balanced community only if part of the new housing built is affordable to households with low and moderate incomes. H. The inclusionary housing regulations codified in this ordinance will substantially advance the city’s legitimate interest in assuring that additional housing is built in the city that is affordable to residents, including low- and moderate-income households and dispersed throughout the city in order to encourage economic integration of the city’s residents. I. This ordinance is adopted pursuant to the city’s self-governing powers and the city’s independent general police power to protect public health, safety, and welfare. Encouraging the construction of affordable housing within certain developments is consistent with the community’s housing goals of protecting the public welfare by fostering an adequate supply of housing for persons at all economic levels and maintaining both economic diversity and geographically dispersed affordable housing. J. Providing housing affordable to low and moderate-income households is reasonably related to the impacts of newly created market-rate housing projects because: 1. Rising land prices are a key factor in preventing development of new affordable housing. New market-rate housing construction in Bozeman has generally created strong and increasing demand for a finite stock of unbuilt land within the city, and thus continues to drive up the price of remaining land. New development without affordable units reduces the amount of land development opportunities available for the construction of affordable housing. 2. New residents of market-rate housing place demands on services provided by both public and private sectors, creating a demand for new employees. Some of these public and private sector employees needed to meet the needs of the new residents earn incomes only adequate to pay for affordable housing. Because affordable housing is in short supply in the city, such employees may be forced to live in less than adequate housing within the city, pay a disproportionate share of their incomes to live in adequate 174 Ordinance 1922 Page 4 of 39 housing in the city, or commute ever increasing distances to their jobs from housing located outside the city. These circumstances harm the city's ability to attain employment and housing goals articulated in the Community Plan and place strains on the city's ability to accept and service new market-rate housing development. 38.43.020. - Purpose. The purpose of this article is to promote the public health, safety, and welfare by encouraging the creation of affordable housing for the residents of Bozeman. In addition, the purpose of this article is to promote the dispersal of quality affordable housing throughout Bozeman’s neighborhoods for households of a variety of income levels including low- and moderate-income residents to meet the goals of the Community Plan and the Action Plan by encouraging a mix of housing types throughout the city and integrating affordable housing so as to not concentrate affordable housing in a particular area. In addition, the ordinance is intended to alleviate the impacts that would result from the use of available residential land solely for the benefit of households that are able to afford market-rate housing and to mitigate the service burden imposed by households in new market-rate residential developments by making additional affordable housing available for service employees. The ordinance is also intended to mitigate environmental and other impacts that accompany new residential development by reducing traffic, transit and related air quality impacts, promoting jobs/housing balance and reducing the demands placed on transportation infrastructure. The ordinance provides incentives for housing developers to ensure houses are constructed and sold in a manner that furthers the city’s affordable housing goals. DIVISION 2. – APPLICABILITY AND DEFINITIONS. 38.43.030. – Applicability. This article applies to developments seeking to use incentives to develop affordable housing. 175 Ordinance 1922 Page 5 of 39 38.43.040. – Definitions. 1. Affordable housing or affordable home – A dwelling for purchase by an owner-occupant that requires no more than 33% of a household’s income for housing payments and meets the definition of a lower-priced home or moderate-priced home. 2. Area Median Income or AMI – As calculated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), AMI is the median income for a family of four within a specific geographical area, such as Gallatin County. For each such region, HUD adjusts this AMI calculation for households of different sizes and updates the calculations annually based on estimated changes in area incomes. For purposes of this article, the city hereby adopts HUD’s AMI calculations as an equitable and reasonable method to determine affordability, based on percentages of AMI specified in this article. 3. Developer – For purposes of this article, a developer is the person or legal entity, or their successor(s) in interest who: (a) submits an affordable housing plan for a subject property along with other submissions required for land use approvals, zoning, or permit reviews by the city, and/or (b) is the owner of property subject to this article during the development phase or a successor in title, such as a builder, obligated to implement an approved affordable housing plan with respect to one or more lots or parcels of land and/or (c) receives incentives for the production of affordable housing. 4. Lower-priced home – Newly created dwelling for purchase, determined by the city in accordance with this article to be affordable to a household with an income between 65% and 80% of AMI. 5. Market-rate home – Any dwelling subject to this article which is not an affordable home, including detached dwellings, attached town houses, and condominium units but not including housing units that are developed for exclusive use as a rental. 6. Moderate-priced home – Newly created dwelling for purchase, affordable to a household with an income between 81% and 100% of AMI. 176 Ordinance 1922 Page 6 of 39 DIVISION 3. – Reserved. 38.43.050. – Pricing of affordable homes. A. The city will calculate on an annual basis the maximum sales price a developer may charge for each category of affordable home included in a developer’s affordable housing plan as follows: 1. Lower-priced homes. The sales price for lower-priced homes affordable to buyer- households with incomes from 65% to 80% of AMI will be calculated based on a household income of 70% of AMI. 2. Moderate-priced homes. The sales price for moderate-priced homes affordable to buyer-households with incomes from 81% to 100% of AMI will be calculated based on a household income of 90% of AMI. B. Affordable home sales price schedule. 1. The city will annually publish a schedule of sales prices for low-priced homes and moderate-priced homes within 30 calendar days of the HUD’s annual publication of updated AMI calculations. The sales price schedule will be effective on the date of publication by the city. The new sales price schedule will apply to applications for building permits received after the effective date of the new sales price schedule. A developer may request that a new sales price schedule apply to the sale of an affordable home approved under a previous sales price schedule. 2. The city, at the city’s sole discretion, may recalculate the sales price schedule if prevailing mortgage interest rates have increased by 50 basis points or more over the assumption used for the previous schedule. 3. Considerations. The following factors will be considered by the city in calculating the sales price schedule. The Planning Director may make de minimis exceptions to application of these factors: a. AMI for the Bozeman area; b. Gross monthly income will be calculated as the appropriate HUD AMI calculations income divided by 12; 177 Ordinance 1922 Page 7 of 39 c. The maximum monthly payment will be 33% of gross monthly income. The maximum monthly payment will include costs directly applicable to a mortgage such as payment of principal, interest, as well as assumptions for typical costs of taxes, public assessments, property insurance premiums, mortgage insurance premiums (assuming the higher of either government or private mortgage insurance), and homeowner/condominium association fees; d. The interest rate will be determined by the city by a survey of at least three local mortgage lenders, averaging their current rates for loans for homes with price ranges within the low-priced homes range and the moderate-priced homes range; e. The financing will be a conventional or government-insured fixed-rate loan with a term of 15 to 30 years; and f. A borrower will typically provide a down payment of 3% of the purchase price. C. Household occupancy assumptions. To determine the maximum sales prices of affordable homes with different numbers of bedrooms, the city will base its calculation on the AMIs for households of different sizes, as follows: 1. Zero bedroom or studio unit – AMI for a one-person household; 2. One bedroom unit – AMI for a two-person household; 3. Two bedroom unit – AMI for a three-person household; and 4. Three bedroom unit or larger – AMI for a four-person household. 38.43.060. – Timing of delivery of affordable homes. Affordable homes included in an approved affordable housing plan must be provided in accordance with the following: A. In each development in which more than one affordable home is proposed to be sold, the affordable housing plan shall specify that affordable homes are to be sold concurrently and in proportion to the sale of unimproved lots or market-rate homes. Such timing will be represented in an affordable homes pricing and delivery schedule as described in section 38.43.080. 178 Ordinance 1922 Page 8 of 39 B. A developer may sell affordable homes earlier than required in an affordable housing plan. 38.43.070. – Minimum design and construction standards for affordable homes. A. Required numbers of bedrooms in affordable homes. In each development subject to the requirements of an approved affordable housing plan, affordable homes shall represent a mix of bedrooms per unit as similar as possible (given rounding of numbers) to the mix of bedroom of the market-rate homes in the development. B. Standards for design and construction. The city shall define reasonable standards for the design and construction of affordable homes to ensure livability and compatibility with nearby market-rate homes in the development. Affordable homes may have different interior finishes and features than other dwellings within the development, as long as the finishes and features are functionally equivalent and of good quality. Finishes include, but are not limited to, design and materials, the provision of appliances, cabinets, and floor treatment. Features include, but are not limited to, the numbers of bathrooms, garages and parking areas, mechanical equipment and hookups, and green building features. C. Amenities. Affordable homes shall have the same amenities as the market-rate homes in the development, including the same access to and enjoyment of common open space and facilities in the development. 38.43.080. – Submission of affordable housing plan; approval. A. Affordable housing plan. The applicant for any development seeking to utilize the incentives to create affordable housing must submit an affordable housing plan in a form provided by or approved by the city that describes how the provisions of this article will be satisfied. When approved by the city, the affordable housing plan must be incorporated by reference in the recorded subdivision plat, site plan or annexation agreement. B. Affordable housing plan as binding agreement. An affordable housing plan approved by the city will be considered a binding contract between the developer and the developer’s successors in interest to the lot or dwelling. Such plan will be included in a separate recorded written agreement between the developer and the city, or incorporated into 179 Ordinance 1922 Page 9 of 39 another recorded document wherein the developer is required to implement the affordable housing plan. C. Contents of affordable housing plan. The affordable housing plan submitted by the developer must include, at a minimum: 1. Number of affordable homes proposed in each affordable home category; 2. The number of bedrooms in each affordable home; 3. Number of market-rate homes in the development; 4. The number of bedrooms in each market-rate home; 5. Location of affordable homes in the development (lots in the plat or units within a site plan); 6. Timing of delivery of the affordable homes in relation to the market-rate homes in the development; 7. Marketing plan describing how affordable homes will be offered to the public; and 8. Any other information that is reasonably necessary to evaluate the compliance of the affordable housing plan with the requirements of this article. D. Pricing and delivery schedules in affordable housing plans. The affordable homes pricing and delivery schedule shall be in the form of a chart that contains the numbers of required affordable homes by bedroom count and affordable home category, and shall indicate the current affordable home prices as calculated by the city. E. Approval of affordable housing plan. The affordable housing plan will be reviewed as part of the initial application approval process for the type of development proposed. A condition shall be attached to the approval of any subdivision plat or site plan to require recordation of the affordable housing plan or other separate agreement obligating the developer to meet the requirements of this article. 38.43.090. – Marketing, sales and occupancy of affordable homes. Developers subject to this article shall market and sell affordable homes in accordance with provisions described in the city’s published instructions for preparing affordable housing plans. 180 Ordinance 1922 Page 10 of 39 These provisions will address factors such as waiting list management, marketing materials, responsibilities for marketing affordable homes, actions to be taken in the event of inability to identify qualified buyers, procedures for certification of buyer eligibility, purchase contracts, and full disclosures to buyers of their obligations and rights under this article. 38.43.100. – Recording requirements upon sale of affordable home. A developer selling an affordable home shall cause to be recorded in the offices of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder, simultaneously with the recording of the deed of conveyance, a restrictive covenant, deed of trust or other legal instrument, approved as to form by the Bozeman City Attorney that fulfills the resale and recapture requirements described in section 38.43.130. DIVISION 4 – INCENTIVES 38.43.110. – Incentives available for affordable housing. Developers may apply for incentives in conjunction with a development application by submitting an affordable housing plan pursuant to section 38.43.080. 181 Ordinance 1922 Page 11 of 39 Incentives Description Lower-priced homes Moderate- priced homes 70% AMI 80% AMI 90% AMI Impact fee subsidy Full or partial subsidization of impact fees, paid from municipal funds if such funds are available; such subsidization must be secured with a lien instrument due upon sale, transfer or non-rate/term refinance of the home. X X Down payment assistance Subject to the availability of funds, the city will provide on a first-come first-served basis, down payment assistance not to exceed $10,000 per home benefiting households. Down-payment assistance will only be provided directly to the qualifying homebuyer. This assistance shall be secured with a lien instrument due upon sale, transfer or non-rate/term refinance of the home. X X Waiver of subdivision pre- application Waive pre-application for subdivision when 10% of units are designated for lower price homes. X X Reduction of parkland 1 Allow a 1:1 square foot reduction in the amount of parkland dedication required per square foot of lot size for lower homes. If a developer provides more than the required number of lower priced homes, the lot area square footage of the additional lower priced homes shall not further reduce the required parkland dedication. X Reduced Minimum Lot Sizes Per the provisions in this chapter, affordable homes may utilize reduced setback requirements and reduced sized lots. The reduction in lot size shall be allowed to create an increase in maximum unit density beyond the maximum currently allowed in a given zoning district. X X X 1 This incentive is available only until the city has approved affordable housing plan(s) that include the number of lower-priced homes at 70% AMI as established by commission resolution. In addition, a developer seeking to use 182 Ordinance 1922 Page 12 of 39 Incentives Description Lower-priced homes Moderate- priced homes 70% AMI 80% AMI 90% AMI Concurrent infrastructure housing construction Concurrent construction of infrastructure and housing development at the installation of gravel-base roads, provided the developer has provided assurance through a performance bond, letter of credit or other financial security acceptable to the City Attorney ensuring the completion of infrastructure. X X Expedited review for affordable housing 1+1 Detached homes and attached homes in groups of less than 6 units will receive expedited (3 business day) building permit review for affordable housing. For each building permit for an affordable home, a market rate unit will receive the same expedited review. X X X Reduced parking requirements Reduced parking requirement of two spaces per three-bedroom dwelling. X X DIVISION 5 – BUYER QUALIFICATION AND SUBSIDY RECAPTURE 38.43.120. – Qualification of buyers of affordable homes. A. Lower-priced homes. To qualify for purchase of a lower-priced home, a buyer must meet the following criteria: 1. A household income in the 65%-80% AMI range, as verified and certified by the city; such certification must have been provided no more than one year prior to the closing date of the purchase. Income verification will be performed using HUD’s online income certification tool or a similar method that meets Code of Federal Regulations this incentive may only do so if the affordable homes at 70% AMI constitute no more than 10% of the total units in a development or the unit is to be constructed on a single lot wherein the parkland dedication requirement has not previously been provided. 183 Ordinance 1922 Page 13 of 39 (CFR) 24 part 5, as amended, which adjusts gross incomes based on extraordinary expenses and imputation of assets to income. 2. Maximum assets of $25,000. Assets will be determined using 24 CFR part 5.603, as amended. 3. The household occupying the lower-priced home must meet the definition of “Household” in 38.42.1420. 4. The buyer must meet one of the following definitions of “First-Time Homebuyer”: a. An individual who has had no ownership interest in a principal residence during the 3-year period ending with the date of purchase; or b. A single parent whose only prior home was owned with a former spouse while married; or c. An individual who is a displaced homemaker and has only owned with a spouse; or d. An individual who has only owned a principal residence not permanently affixed to a permanent foundation in accordance with applicable regulations; or e. An individual who has only owned a property that was not in compliance with state, local or model building codes and which cannot be brought into compliance for less than the cost of construction a permanent structure. 5. The buyer must contribute at least three percent of the home purchase price towards the purchase of the home unless waived in writing by the city because of extraordinary circumstances, such as death of primary or secondary income earner or qualification as displaced homemaker. 6. The buyer must utilize conventional or government-insured fixed-rate first-mortgage financing with a term of 15 to 30 years. 7. The household in a lower-priced home must occupy the home as its primary residence. Lower-priced homes may not be rented to another party, since the intent of the program is to provide these homes only for income-qualified owner occupants, with the exception of rentals for a limited period of time necessitated by a family hardship 184 Ordinance 1922 Page 14 of 39 or a temporary move for one year or less, if approved in advance by the city. B. Moderate-priced homes. To purchase a moderate-priced home, a buyer must occupy the home as his primary residence. The developer must provide evidence satisfactory to the city verifying the initial owner will use the home as their primary residence at time of sale. 38.43.130. – Subsidy recapture for lower-priced homes. To ensure that the community investment in affordable housing is perpetuated and that beneficiaries of affordable housing programs do not receive a windfall financial benefit, the city requires repayment of subsidies as follows: A. Requirement for repayment of cash subsidy. The buyer of a lower-priced home that received cash support in the form of funds from the Affordable Housing Fund or other funding through the city, including but not limited to down payment assistance, impact fee payment, or other funding shall be required to repay the subsidy, at 0% interest, when the dwelling or property is sold, transferred, refinanced or when the initial buyer who qualified for the subsidy has failed to abide by the requirements of this article. The subsidy will be recorded as a lien against the property at the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorders office. B. Requirement for repayment of non-cash subsidy. Because most or all lower-priced homes will be sold at a discount from market value, defined as the difference between the appraised value and the maximum allowed price of a lower-priced home at the time of the initial sale to a qualified buyer, the city commission finds that it gives a subsidy with cash value to the initial buyer which may be recaptured under certain circumstances. Therefore, upon resale or transfer of a lower-priced home, the city aims to further its housing affordability goals by recapturing the principal amount of the subsidy by use of a lien in favor of the city in that amount, which will be due and payable to the city, at 0% interest, when the home is sold or transferred or when the initial buyer who qualified for the affordable home has failed to abide by the terms of this article. The appraisal used to calculate the amount of subsidy may be the appraisal obtained by the buyer’s mortgage lender or, if that is not available, a professional appraisal provided by the purchaser. C. Use of repayments to the city. The city shall only use repayments of the lien amounts to fund: 185 Ordinance 1922 Page 15 of 39 1. Down payment assistance for buyers of new or existing homes in Bozeman with household incomes at or below 80% of AMI; 2. Affordable rental opportunities for residents of Bozeman with incomes at or below 60% of AMI; or 3. Any other use approved by the city commission that increases affordable homeownership opportunities for residents of Bozeman with income at or below 80% of AMI. DIVISION 6 – ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT 38.43.140. – Administration. A. Planning director authority. The planning director or an agent designated by the city commission shall have authority to promulgate and enforce all reasonable rules and regulations and take all actions necessary to the effective operation and enforcement of this article, unless such authority is expressly reserved to the city commission or another city official, including but not limited to: 1. Reviewing a developers’ affordable housing plan for compliance with this article; 2. Adopting all forms and prescribing the information to be given therein; 3. Monitoring developers’ compliance with their approved affordable housing plan, notifying the developer of noncompliance, and ordering compliance; 4. Imposing any and all sanctions permitted by this article; and 5. Calculating the annual pricing targets for affordable homes and causing a sales price schedule to be published. The planning director may make de minimis exceptions to the factors considered in calculating the price targets. B. Administrative manual. The city will publish administrative rules and instructions approved by the city commission, including but not limited to instructions for completing the affordable housing plan, valuations required by this article, and the distribution of the required number of affordable homes between the two affordable home categories and required number of bedrooms. Such distribution by affordable home category shall be 186 Ordinance 1922 Page 16 of 39 based primarily upon an assessment by the city of housing needs among the income groups corresponding to each affordable home category, but shall take into account the economic impact on developments subject to the requirements of this article. C. Verification of sales prices and income certification prior to closing. The City Manager may create standards for documentation the city will use to verify the sale price of a home created pursuant to this article. For the initial sale of an affordable home, the seller must provide the city with a copy of the HUD-1 form prepared by an attorney or title company indicating the sales price. The final sales price on the HUD-1 form may not exceed the maximum price for a specific affordable home as described in the current price schedule pursuant to section 38.43.050 plus an allowed maximum of $3,000 in buyer selected upgrades, if allowed by the first mortgage lender underwriters. In addition, the city shall require certification satisfactory to the city of homebuyer income qualification. D. Monitoring completed sales. Upon receipt of a settlement statement for an affordable home, the city will determine if the completed affordable home sale complies with the approved affordable housing plan and the requirements of this article, and if not, respond to the non- compliance as provided in section 38.43.150. 38.43.150. – Noncompliance; sanctions. A. Cancellation of incentives provided. If a developer fails to comply with the terms of the approved affordable housing plan or any other recorded documentation obligating developer to comply with this article, the developer must, prior to the release by the city of the dwelling from the affordable housing plan or binding agreement, pay the city the cash in lieu fee for each unconstructed dwelling or any dwelling not sold to an income qualified household as defined in this article. B. Discovery of noncompliance. If the city determines a developer subject to an affordable housing plan has failed to comply with any terms or conditions of the affordable housing plan or this article, the planning director or authorized agent shall notify the developer of the noncompliance in writing and order compliance by the most reasonable and expeditious means as determined by the city. Notification shall describe a date certain by which the developer must be in full compliance (which may not be less than one week or more than 187 Ordinance 1922 Page 17 of 39 one year from the date of the notice), and shall describe: (i) the exact nature of the noncompliance; and (ii) the possible sanctions for noncompliance with this notification. C. Sanctions for noncompliance. In addition to other remedies available to the city pursuant to this article, if on a date certain by which compliance has been ordered by the planning director or authorized agent, the developer remains in noncompliance, the planning director or authorized agent shall notify the City Attorney of the noncompliance and request that sanctions be imposed. The city shall have the authority to impose one or more sanctions including but not limited to the following which the city deems most effective and appropriate considering the nature of the noncompliance: 1. Withholding or revoking building permits, 2. Issuing stop-work orders, and/or 3. Withholding or revoking certificates of occupancy. (temporary)]” Section 3 A new article shall be added to Chapter 38, BMC effective upon the occurrence of contingencies as stated in Section 10 of this Ordinance to be entitled “Affordable Housing” to read as follows: “[(Effective upon the occurrence of the contingencies provided for in Section 10 of this Ordinance) ARTICLE 43 DIVISION 1. – FINDINGS AND PURPOSE. 38.43.010. - Legislative findings. The city commission hereby finds: A. The Bozeman Community Plan establishes a goal to encourage an adequate supply of affordable housing and land for affordable housing in Bozeman. A lack of affordable housing affects the ability of many residents to find housing which is adequate for their basic housing needs. A lack of adequate housing affects health, social stability, and other issues which can have negative and intergenerational effects. To fulfill this goal, the 188 Ordinance 1922 Page 18 of 39 Community Plan establishes an objective to promote the development of a variety of housing types, designs, and costs to meet the wide range of needs of Bozeman residents. B. The Affordable Housing Action Plan: 2012 - 2016 (Action Plan) analyzed housing needs and existing market conditions and determined housing affordability has become an acute problem as demonstrated by the number of households paying over 30% of their incomes for housing. A 2015 update to the city’s housing needs analysis (Action Plan Update) concluded that the group of homebuyers with significant affordability gaps have incomes at or below 80% of the area medium income and are in need of subsidies and/or below- market home prices. The Action Plan Update also determined that buying opportunities are increasingly scarce for homebuyers with incomes between 60% and 100% of AMI, and that housing and land prices have increased faster than incomes for many of Bozeman’s residents. C. Since the adoption of the Bozeman Community Plan and the Action Plan, the median sales price of housing has continued to climb. According to the Action Plan Update, as of the end of November 2014, the median home price was $287,000. D. The Action Plan Update states that the number of detached homes priced below $250,000, a rough indicator of housing affordability for a family of three at 100% of AMI, has fallen from 48.4% of the market in 2012 to just 18.6% in 2014. E. There is a critical shortage of for-sale housing affordable to Bozeman households with incomes at and below the area median income, as currently calculated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. As a result, some residents pay excessive amounts of income for housing, reducing the amounts available for other necessities and a decent and adequate standard of living. F. Limited housing opportunities within the city requires households to seek housing outside of the city limits which has a negative impact on transportation infrastructure by adding unnecessary trips to the network. Increased driving distance to affordable housing also negatively impacts air and water quality. To maintain a sufficient resident workforce in all fields of employment, and to ensure the public safety and general welfare of the residents of the city of Bozeman, affordable housing needs must be addressed. 189 Ordinance 1922 Page 19 of 39 G. The city can achieve its goals of providing more affordable housing and its goal of achieving an economically balanced community only if part of the new housing built is affordable to households with low and moderate incomes. H. The inclusionary housing regulations codified in this ordinance will substantially advance the city’s legitimate interest in assuring that additional housing is built in the city that is affordable to residents, including low- and moderate-income households and dispersed throughout the city in order to encourage economic integration of the city’s residents. I. This ordinance is adopted pursuant to the city’s self-governing powers and the city’s independent general police power to protect public health, safety, and welfare. Requiring affordable housing within certain developments is consistent with the community’s housing goals of protecting the public welfare by fostering an adequate supply of housing for persons at all economic levels and maintaining both economic diversity and geographically dispersed affordable housing. J. Requiring developers of newly created market-rate housing to provide some housing affordable to low and moderate-income households is reasonably related to the impacts of their projects because: a. Rising land prices are a key factor in preventing development of new affordable housing. New market-rate housing construction in Bozeman has generally created strong and increasing demand for a finite stock of unbuilt land within the city, and thus continues to drive up the price of remaining land. New development without affordable units reduces the amount of land development opportunities available for the construction of affordable housing. b. New residents of market-rate housing place demands on services provided by both public and private sectors, creating a demand for new employees. Some of these public and private sector employees needed to meet the needs of the new residents earn incomes only adequate to pay for affordable housing. Because affordable housing is in short supply in the city, such employees may be forced to live in less than adequate housing within the city, pay a disproportionate share of their incomes to live in adequate housing in the city, or commute ever increasing distances to their jobs from housing 190 Ordinance 1922 Page 20 of 39 located outside the city. These circumstances harm the city's ability to attain employment and housing goals articulated in the Community Plan and place strains on the city's ability to accept and service new market-rate housing development. 38.43.020. - Purpose. The purpose of this article is to promote the public health, safety, and welfare by ensuring that the affordable housing needs of the residents of Bozeman are addressed. In addition, the purpose of this article is to ensure that quality housing is dispersed throughout Bozeman’s neighborhoods for households of a variety of income levels including low- and moderate-income residents to meet the goals of the Community Plan and the Action Plan by encouraging a mix of housing types throughout the city and integrating affordable housing so as to not concentrate affordable housing in a particular area. In addition, the ordinance is intended to alleviate the impacts that would result from the use of available residential land solely for the benefit of households that are able to afford market-rate housing and to mitigate the service burden imposed by households in new market-rate residential developments by making additional affordable housing available for service employees. The ordinance is also intended to mitigate environmental and other impacts that accompany new residential development by reducing traffic, transit and related air quality impacts, promoting jobs/housing balance and reducing the demands placed on transportation infrastructure. The ordinance provides residential developers with a menu of options from which to select alternatives to the construction of inclusionary units on the same site as market-rate residential developments, and provides incentives for housing developers to ensure houses are constructed and sold in a manner that furthers the city’s affordable housing goals. Finally, the ordinance provides incentives for housing developers who are not legally required to comply with the requirements for construction of inclusionary housing, but nevertheless choose to construct affordable housing. DIVISION 2. – APPLICABILITY AND DEFINITIONS. 38.43.030. – Applicability. A. This article applies to: 191 Ordinance 1922 Page 21 of 39 1. Subdivisions and site plans which propose 10 or more market-rate homes, to be created through development, new construction, substantial improvement or reuse. 2. Annexations where the net developable area of the annexing parcel when considering the applicable zoning could result in 10 or more dwellings. In such a case, the annexation agreement shall require the provision of affordable housing pursuant to this article. 3. Developments seeking to use incentives to develop affordable housing. B. Contiguous tracts under common ownership and control. A developer may not avoid the requirements for construction of affordable homes by submitting piecemeal applications for development. At the time of the initial application for approval of a subdivision or site plan, the developer shall identify all contiguous property under common ownership and control in the affordable housing plan required by section 38.43.100. C. Development applications approved prior to the effective date of this article. A site plan or subdivision having received sufficiency approval as of the effective date of this article or a preliminary site plan or preliminary plat granted approval prior to the effective date of this article may apply for one or more of the incentives described herein. Only that portion of the amended preliminary plat or site plan pertaining to the request for approval of one or more incentives will be subject to review. The requirements of section 38.19.130 for the amendment of plans will not apply. D. Newly proposed residential developments which include affordable housing in excess of this article’s requirements for building affordable homes are eligible for incentives as provided in section 38.43.130. Such request shall require the preliminary plat or site plan to evidence compliance with all other requirements of this article. E. Exemptions. Developments comprised exclusively of rental housing units are exempt from these requirements. 38.43.040. – Definitions. 1. Affordable housing or affordable home – A dwelling for purchase by an owner-occupant that requires no more than 33% of a household’s income for housing payments and meets the definition of a lower-priced home or moderate-priced home. 192 Ordinance 1922 Page 22 of 39 2. Area Median Income or AMI – As calculated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), AMI is the median income for a family of four within a specific geographical area, such as Gallatin County. For each such region, HUD adjusts this AMI calculation for households of different sizes and updates the calculations annually based on estimated changes in area incomes. For purposes of this article, the city hereby adopts HUD’s AMI calculations as an equitable and reasonable method to determine affordability, based on percentages of AMI specified in this article. 3. Common ownership or control – “Common ownership or control” refers to property owned or controlled by the same person, persons, or entity, or by separate entities in which any shareholder, partner, member, or family member of an investor of the entity owns ten percent (10%) or more of the interest in the property. 4. Developer – For purposes of this article, a developer is the person or legal entity, or their successor(s) in interest who: (a) submits an affordable housing plan for a subject property along with other submissions required for land use approvals, zoning, or permit reviews by the city, and/or (b) is the owner of property subject to this article during the development phase or a successor in title, such as a builder, obligated to implement the affordable housing plan required by this article with respect to one or more lots or parcels of land and/or (c) receives incentives for the production of affordable housing. 5. Lower-priced home – Newly created dwelling for purchase, determined by the city in accordance with this article to be affordable to a household with an income between 65% and 80% of AMI. 6. Market-rate home – Any dwelling subject to this article which is not an affordable home, including detached dwellings, attached town houses, and condominium units but not including housing units that are developed for exclusive use as a rental. The number of market-rate homes in a development is used to determine the required number of affordable homes, as described in this article. 7. Moderate-priced home – Newly created dwelling for purchase, affordable to a household with an income between 81% and 100% of AMI. DIVISION 3. – REQUIREMENTS. 193 Ordinance 1922 Page 23 of 39 38.43.050. – Requirement to build and sell affordable homes. All development subject to this article must include affordable homes. 38.43.060. – Number of affordable homes required. The number of affordable homes a developer is required to build is a percentage of the total dwellings in the development plan. A. The developer may: 1. Build and sell low-priced homes. 10% of the total dwellings constructed within the subdivision or site plan must be built and sold at price targets as established by the city pursuant to section 38.43.070 to households with incomes at or below 80% of AMI; or 2. Build and sell moderate-priced homes. 30% of the total dwellings proposed must be sold at price targets as established by the city pursuant to section 38.43.070 to households with incomes from 81% to 100% of AMI; or 3. Build and sell a mix of both types of homes. If a developer proposes a mix of both low- priced and moderate-priced homes, the developer starts with the 10% calculation for low-priced homes. For each low-priced home eliminated from the resulting number, the developer may substitute three moderate-priced homes. The distribution of homes between the two categories of affordable homes will be identified in the affordable housing plan required by section 38.43.100. In some cases, the city may prescribe the distribution of affordable homes to be built between the two categories pursuant to section 38.43.170. B. Fractions. If the calculation of the required number of affordable homes results in a fraction of a home, this obligation will be satisfied by payment of a fee-in-lieu pursuant to section 38.43.140 or by providing an additional moderate-priced home. C. Calculating number of affordable homes in phased developments. It is anticipated that in developments being built in phases, the number of market-rate homes may not be certain at the time the developer submits the affordable housing plan pursuant to section 38.43.100. In such cases, the developer must estimate the number of market-rate homes and number 194 Ordinance 1922 Page 24 of 39 of affordable homes required for all phases. If the number of homes in the first phase of such development is certain at the time of the city’s approval of the affordable housing plan, a separate affordable homes pricing and delivery schedule for that phase shall be incorporated in the affordable housing plan at the time of development or construction of each subsequent phase. As the number of homes in future phases becomes certain, the affordable housing plan shall provide for subsequent affordable homes pricing and delivery schedules for future phases of the development, consistent with the affordable housing plan and section 38.43.070.B. 38.43.070. – Pricing of affordable homes. A. The city will calculate on an annual basis the maximum sales price a developer may charge for each category of affordable home required by this article as follows: 1. Lower-priced homes. The sales price for lower-priced homes affordable to buyer- households with incomes from 65% to 80% of AMI will be calculated based on a household income of 70% of AMI. 2. Moderate-priced homes. The sales price for moderate-priced homes affordable to buyer-households with incomes from 81% to 100% of AMI will be calculated based on a household income of 90% of AMI. B. Affordable home sales price schedule. 1. The city will annually publish a schedule of sales prices for low-priced homes and moderate-priced homes within 30 calendar days of the HUD’s annual publication of updated AMI calculations. The sales price schedule will be effective on the date of publication by the city. The new sales price schedule will apply to applications for building permits received after the effective date of the new sales price schedule. A developer may request that a new sales price schedule apply to the sale of an affordable home approved under a previous sales price schedule. 2. The city, at the city’s sole discretion, may recalculate the sales price schedule if prevailing mortgage interest rates have increased by 50 basis points or more over the assumption used for the previous schedule. 195 Ordinance 1922 Page 25 of 39 3. Considerations. The following factors will be considered by the city in calculating the sales price schedule. The Planning Director may make de minimis exceptions to application of these factors: a. AMI for the Bozeman area; b. Gross monthly income will be calculated as the appropriate HUD AMI calculations income divided by 12; c. The maximum monthly payment will be 33% of gross monthly income. The maximum monthly payment will include costs directly applicable to a mortgage such as payment of principal, interest, as well as assumptions for typical costs of taxes, public assessments, property insurance premiums, mortgage insurance premiums (assuming the higher of either government or private mortgage insurance), and homeowner/condominium association fees; d. The interest rate will be determined by the city by a survey of at least three local mortgage lenders, averaging their current rates for loans for homes with price ranges within the low-priced homes range and the moderate-priced homes range; e. The financing will be a conventional or government-insured fixed-rate loan with a term of 15 to 30 years; and f. A borrower will typically provide a down payment of 3% of the purchase price. C. Household occupancy assumptions. To determine the maximum sales prices of affordable homes with different numbers of bedrooms, the city will base its calculation on the AMIs for households of different sizes, as follows: 1. Zero bedroom or studio unit – AMI for a one-person household; 2. One bedroom unit – AMI for a two-person household; 3. Two bedroom unit – AMI for a three-person household; and 4. Three bedroom unit or larger – AMI for a four-person household. 38.43.080. – Timing of delivery of affordable homes. Required affordable homes must be provided in accordance with the following: 196 Ordinance 1922 Page 26 of 39 A. In each development in which more than one affordable home is required to be sold, the affordable housing plan shall specify that affordable homes are to be sold concurrently and in proportion to the sale of unimproved lots or market-rate homes. Such timing of compliance will be represented in an affordable homes pricing and delivery schedule as described in section 38.43.100. B. A developer may sell affordable homes earlier than required in an affordable housing plan. 38.43.090. – Minimum design and construction standards for affordable homes. A. Required numbers of bedrooms in affordable homes. In each development subject to the requirements of this article, affordable homes shall represent a mix of bedrooms as similar as possible (given rounding of numbers) to the mix of bedrooms of the market-rate homes in the development. B. Standards for design and construction. The city shall define reasonable standards for the design and construction of affordable homes to ensure livability and compatibility with nearby market-rate homes in the development. Affordable homes may have different interior finishes and features than other dwellings within the development, as long as the finishes and features are functionally equivalent and of good quality. Finishes include, but are not limited to, design and materials, the provision of appliances, cabinets, and floor treatment. Features include, but are not limited to, the numbers of bathrooms, garages and parking areas, mechanical equipment and hookups, and green building features. C. Amenities. Affordable homes shall have the same amenities as the market-rate homes in the development, including the same access to and enjoyment of common open space and facilities in the development. 38.43.100. – Submission of affordable housing plan; approval. A. Affordable housing plan. The applicant for any development seeking to utilize the incentives to create affordable housing or subject to the requirements of this article must submit an affordable housing plan in a form provided by or approved by the city that describes how the requirements of this article will be satisfied. When approved by the city, the affordable housing plan must be incorporated by reference in the recorded subdivision 197 Ordinance 1922 Page 27 of 39 plat, site plan or annexation agreement. The applicant will provide only one affordable housing plan to meet the requirements of this article. B. Affordable housing plan as binding agreement. An affordable housing plan approved by the city will be considered a binding contract between the developer and the developer’s successors in interest to the lot or dwelling. Such plan will be included in a separate recorded written agreement between the developer and the city, or incorporated into another recorded document wherein the developer is required to implement the affordable housing plan. C. Contents of affordable housing plan. The affordable housing plan submitted by the developer must include, at a minimum: 1. Number of affordable homes proposed in each affordable home category; 2. The number of bedrooms in each affordable home; 3. Number of market-rate homes in the development; 4. The number of bedrooms in each market-rate home; 5. Location of affordable homes in the development (lots in the plat or units within a site plan); 6. Timing of delivery of the affordable homes in relation to the market-rate homes in the development; 7. Marketing plan describing how affordable homes will be offered to the public; and 8. Any other information that is reasonably necessary to evaluate the compliance of the affordable housing plan with the requirements of this article. D. Pricing and delivery schedules in affordable housing plans. The affordable homes pricing and delivery schedule shall be in the form of a chart that contains the numbers of required affordable homes by bedroom count and affordable home category, and shall indicate the current affordable home prices as calculated by the city. E. Approval of affordable housing plan. The affordable housing plan will be reviewed as part of the initial application approval process for the type of development proposed. A condition shall be attached to the approval of any subdivision plat or site plan to require 198 Ordinance 1922 Page 28 of 39 recordation of the affordable housing plan or other separate agreement obligating the developer to meet the requirements of this article. 38.43.110. – Marketing, sales and occupancy of affordable homes. Developers subject to this article shall market and sell affordable homes in accordance with provisions described in the city’s published instructions for preparing affordable housing plans. These provisions will address factors such as waiting list management, marketing materials, responsibilities for marketing affordable homes, actions to be taken in the event of inability to identify qualified buyers, procedures for certification of buyer eligibility, purchase contracts, and full disclosures to buyers of their obligations and rights under this article. 38.43.120. – Recording requirements upon sale of affordable home. A developer selling an affordable home shall cause to be recorded in the offices of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder, simultaneously with the recording of the deed of conveyance, a restrictive covenant, deed of trust or other legal instrument, approved as to form by the Bozeman City Attorney that fulfills the resale and recapture requirements described in section 38.43.160. DIVISION 4 – INCENTIVES 38.43.130. – Incentives available for affordable housing. Developers may apply for incentives in conjunction with a development application by submitting an affordable housing plan pursuant to section 38.43.100. 199 Ordinance 1922 Page 29 of 39 Incentives Description Lower-priced homes Moderate- priced homes 70% AMI 80% AMI 90% AMI Impact fee subsidy Full or partial subsidization of impact fees, paid from municipal funds if such funds are available; such subsidization must be secured with a lien instrument due upon sale, transfer or non-rate/term refinance of the home. X X Down payment assistance Subject to the availability of funds, the city will provide on a first-come first-served basis, down payment assistance not to exceed $10,000 per home benefiting households. Down-payment assistance will only be provided directly to the qualifying homebuyer. This assistance shall be secured with a lien instrument due upon sale, transfer or non-rate/term refinance of the home. X X Waiver of subdivision pre-application Waive pre-application for subdivision when 10% of units are designated for lower price homes. X X Reduction of parkland 1 Allow a 1:1 square foot reduction in the amount of parkland dedication required per square foot of lot size for lower homes. If a developer provides more than the required number of lower priced homes, the lot area square footage of the additional lower priced homes shall not further reduce the required parkland dedication. X Reduced Minimum Lot Sizes Per the provisions in this chapter, affordable homes may utilize reduced setback requirements and reduced sized lots. The reduction in lot size shall be allowed to create an increase in maximum unit density beyond the maximum currently allowed in a given zoning district. X X X 1 This incentive is available only until the city has approved affordable housing plan(s) that include the number of lower-priced homes at 70% AMI as established by commission resolution. In addition, a developer seeking to use this incentive may only do so if the affordable homes at 70% AMI constitute no more than 10% of the total units in a development or the unit is to be constructed on a single lot wherein the parkland dedication requirement has not previously been provided. 200 Ordinance 1922 Page 30 of 39 Incentives Description Lower-priced homes Moderate- priced homes 70% AMI 80% AMI 90% AMI Concurrent infrastructure housing construction Concurrent construction of infrastructure and housing development at the installation of gravel-base roads, provided the developer has provided assurance through a performance bond, letter of credit or other financial security acceptable to the City Attorney ensuring the completion of infrastructure. X X Expedited review for affordable housing 1+1 Detached homes and attached homes in groups of less than 6 units will receive expedited (3 business day) building permit review for affordable housing. For each building permit for an affordable home, a market rate unit will receive the same expedited review. X X X Reduced parking requirements Reduced parking requirement of two spaces per three- bedroom dwelling. X X DIVISION 5 – ALTERNATIVE MEANS OF COMPLIANCE 38.43.140. – Alternative means of compliance; payments of fees-in-lieu. A. Alternatives to building lower-priced homes. The city may authorize a developer otherwise required to provide affordable homes within a development to provide an alternative means of compliance of equal value to the affordable homes otherwise required to be constructed pursuant to this article. B. Allowable alternative means of compliance. If approved by the city, a developer may satisfy the affordable housing requirements of this article by providing (i) a cash or in-kind payment in lieu or (ii) a donation of land. 1. Payment of cash in lieu. Payment shall be made to the city of a payment of cash-in- lieu per a fee schedule adopted annually by the city commission. For each required affordable home not built, the cash-in-lieu amount will be the difference between the 201 Ordinance 1922 Page 31 of 39 sales price of a lower-priced home according to the then-current schedule of affordable home prices and the sales price of a market-rate home. The sale price for the market- rate home will be based on a median sale price of dwellings of a similar type, location and square footage for the prior two years. Cash-in-lieu payments shall be paid prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy for any dwelling or building in the development subject to this article. 2. Donation of land. Credits for donation of house lots or multi-family parcels. At the city’s discretion, it may accept donations of: (a) ready-to-build house lots; or (b) parcels of land suitable for construction of affordable multifamily housing. Such donations, if approved, will provide credits against this article’s requirements for building lower-priced homes. The credits will be determined as follows: a. House lots. The value of the lot or lots, as determined by the city, will be divided by the city’s then-current average of cash-in-lieu payments for homes of different sizes. The product of that division to two decimal points will constitute the credit against the otherwise required number of lower-priced homes. b. Parcels of land. The city shall periodically adopt a valuation for donation of parcels of land intended for multifamily development, for purposes of determining credits against the number of affordable homes that would otherwise be required in a development subject to this article. The parcel of land must be zoned R-4. C. Timing of delivery of alternative means of compliance. 1. Timing of providing in-lieu contributions. In-lieu contributions when permitted shall be due and deliverable to the city before the recordation of the affordable housing plan. A developer may propose an alternative to this requirement in which staged contributions are made upon the predicted occurrence of certain events, such as the sale of lots, which alternative may be approved at the sole discretion of the city. 2. Staged delivery of in-lieu contributions. In the case of staged delivery of in-kind contributions when permitted, the city’s determination of the value of each contribution shall take into account the differential financial value of payments that are made later 202 Ordinance 1922 Page 32 of 39 than recordation of the affordable housing plan using conventional methods of discounting future cash flows to present value. DIVISION 6 – BUYER QUALIFICATION AND SUBSIDY RECAPTURE 38.43.150. – Qualification of buyers of affordable homes. A. Lower-priced homes. To qualify for purchase of a lower-priced home, a buyer must meet the following criteria: 1. A household income in the 65%-80% AMI range, as verified and certified by the city; such certification must have been provided no more than one year prior to the closing date of the purchase. Income verification will be performed using HUD’s online income certification tool or a similar method that meets Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 24 part 5, as amended, which adjusts gross incomes based on extraordinary expenses and imputation of assets to income. 2. Maximum assets of $25,000. Assets will be determined using 24 CFR part 5.603, as amended. 3. The household occupying the lower-priced home must meet the definition of “Household” in 38.42.1420. 4. The buyer must meet one of the following definitions of “First-Time Homebuyer”: a. An individual who has had no ownership interest in a principal residence during the 3-year period ending with the date of purchase; or b. A single parent whose only prior home was owned with a former spouse while married; or c. An individual who is a displaced homemaker and has only owned with a spouse; or d. An individual who has only owned a principal residence not permanently affixed to a permanent foundation in accordance with applicable regulations; or e. An individual who has only owned a property that was not in compliance with state, local or model building codes and which cannot be brought into compliance 203 Ordinance 1922 Page 33 of 39 for less than the cost of construction a permanent structure. 5. The buyer must contribute at least three percent of the home purchase price towards the purchase of the home unless waived in writing by the city because of extraordinary circumstances, such as death of primary or secondary income earner or qualification as displaced homemaker. 6. The buyer must utilize conventional or government-insured fixed-rate first-mortgage financing with a term of 15 to 30 years. 7. The household in a lower-priced home must occupy the home as its primary residence. Lower-priced homes may not be rented to another party, since the intent of the program is to provide these homes only for income-qualified owner occupants, with the exception of rentals for a limited period of time necessitated by a family hardship or a temporary move for one year or less, if approved in advance by the city. B. Moderate-priced homes. To purchase a moderate-priced home, a buyer must occupy the home as his primary residence. The developer must provide evidence satisfactory to the city verifying the initial owner will use the home as their primary residence at time of sale. 38.43.160. – Subsidy recapture for lower-priced homes. To ensure that the community investment in affordable housing is perpetuated and that beneficiaries of affordable housing programs do not receive a windfall financial benefit, the city requires repayment of subsidies as follows: A. Requirement for repayment of cash subsidy. The buyer of a lower-priced home that received cash support in the form of funds from the Affordable Housing Fund or other funding through the city, including but not limited to down payment assistance, impact fee payment, or other funding shall be required to repay the subsidy, at 0% interest, when the dwelling or property is sold, transferred, refinanced or when the initial buyer who qualified for the subsidy has failed to abide by the requirements of this article. The subsidy will be recorded as a lien against the property at the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorders office. B. Requirement for repayment of non-cash subsidy. Because most or all lower-priced homes will be sold at a discount from market value, defined as the difference between the 204 Ordinance 1922 Page 34 of 39 appraised value and the maximum allowed price of a lower-priced home at the time of the initial sale to a qualified buyer, the city commission finds that it gives a subsidy with cash value to the initial buyer which may be recaptured under certain circumstances. Therefore, upon resale or transfer of a lower-priced home, the city aims to further its housing affordability goals by recapturing the principal amount of the subsidy by use of a lien in favor of the city in that amount, which will be due and payable to the city, at 0% interest, when the home is sold or transferred or when the initial buyer who qualified for the affordable home has failed to abide by the terms of this article. The appraisal used to calculate the amount of subsidy may be the appraisal obtained by the buyer’s mortgage lender or, if that is not available, a professional appraisal provided by the purchaser. C. Use of repayments to the city. The city shall only use repayments of the lien amounts to fund: 1. Down payment assistance for buyers of new or existing homes in Bozeman with household incomes at or below 80% of AMI; 2. Affordable rental opportunities for residents of Bozeman with incomes at or below 60% of AMI; or 3. Any other use approved by the city commission that increases affordable homeownership opportunities for residents of Bozeman with income at or below 80% of AMI. DIVISION 7 – ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT 38.43.170. – Administration. A. Planning director authority. The planning director or an agent designated by the city commission shall have authority to promulgate and enforce all reasonable rules and regulations and take all actions necessary to the effective operation and enforcement of this article, unless such authority is expressly reserved to the city commission or another city official, including but not limited to: 1. Reviewing a developers’ affordable housing plan for compliance with this article; 2. Adopting all forms and prescribing the information to be given therein; 205 Ordinance 1922 Page 35 of 39 3. Monitoring developers’ compliance with this article, notifying the developer of noncompliance, and ordering compliance; 4. Imposing any and all sanctions permitted by this article; and 5. Calculating the annual pricing targets for affordable homes and causing a sales price schedule to be published. The planning director may make de minimis exceptions to the factors considered in calculating the price targets. B. Administrative manual. The city will publish administrative rules and instructions approved by the city commission, including but not limited to instructions for completing the affordable housing plan, valuations required by this article, and the distribution of the required number of affordable homes between the two affordable home categories and required number of bedrooms. Such distribution by affordable home category shall be based primarily upon an assessment by the city of housing needs among the income groups corresponding to each affordable home category, but shall take into account the economic impact on developments subject to the requirements of this article. C. Verification of sales prices and income certification prior to closing. The City Manager may create standards for documentation the city will use to verify the sale price of a home created pursuant to this article. For the initial sale of an affordable home, the seller must provide the city with a copy of the HUD-1 form prepared by an attorney or title company indicating the sales price. The final sales price on the HUD-1 form may not exceed the maximum price for a specific affordable home as described in the current price schedule pursuant to section 38.43.070 plus an allowed maximum of $3,000 in buyer selected upgrades, if allowed by the first mortgage lender underwriters. In addition, the city shall require certification satisfactory to the city of homebuyer income qualification. D. Monitoring completed sales. Upon receipt of a settlement statement for an affordable home, the city will determine if the completed affordable home sale complies with the approved affordable housing plan and the requirements of this article, and if not, respond to the non- compliance as provided in section 38.43.180. 206 Ordinance 1922 Page 36 of 39 38.43.180. – Noncompliance; sanctions. A. Cancellation of incentives provided. If a developer fails to comply with the terms of the approved affordable housing plan or any other recorded documentation obligating developer to comply with this article, the developer must, prior to the release by the city of the dwelling from the affordable housing plan or binding agreement, pay the city the cash in lieu fee for each unconstructed dwelling or any dwelling not sold to an income qualified household as defined in this article. B. Discovery of noncompliance. If the city determines a developer subject to an affordable housing plan has failed to comply with any terms or conditions of the affordable housing plan or this article, the planning director or authorized agent shall notify the developer of the noncompliance in writing and order compliance by the most reasonable and expeditious means as determined by the city. Notification shall describe a date certain by which the developer must be in full compliance (which may not be less than one week or more than one year from the date of the notice), and shall describe: (i) the exact nature of the noncompliance; and (ii) the possible sanctions for noncompliance with this notification. C. Sanctions for noncompliance. In addition to other remedies available to the city pursuant to this article, if on a date certain by which compliance has been ordered by the planning director or authorized agent, the developer remains in noncompliance, the planning director or authorized agent shall notify the City Attorney of the noncompliance and request that sanctions be imposed. The city shall have the authority to impose one or more sanctions including but not limited to the following which the city deems most effective and appropriate considering the nature of the noncompliance: 1. Withholding or revoking building permits, 2. Issuing stop-work orders, and/or 3. Withholding or revoking certificates of occupancy.]” 207 Ordinance 1922 Page 37 of 39 Section 4 Contingent termination. Section 2 terminates only on the occurrence of any of the contingencies provided for in Section 10 of this Ordinance. Section 5 Savings clause. Any approval or requirement applied to any subdivision or site plan created to Chapter 10, Article 8 (Workforce Housing) adopted, applied, imposed, or required prior to the effective date of this Ordinance continues in full force and effect. Sections 1, 2, and 3 of this Ordinance does not affect the rights, responsibilities, duties, or requirements imposed upon a subdivision or site plan pursuant to Chapter 10, Article 8 (Workforce Housing) pursuant to a final approval of such prior to the date of this Ordinance. All other provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code not amended by this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 6 Repealer. All provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bozeman in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other provisions of the ordinances of the City of Bozeman not in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect. Section 7 Severability. That should any sentence, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or section of this Ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance as a whole, or any part or provision thereof, other than the part so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional, and shall not affect the validity of the Bozeman Municipal Code as a whole. Section 8 Codification. This Ordinance shall be codified as indicated in Sections 1 – 3. Section 9 Cross references and codification orders. Any necessary cross reference to any portion of this Ordinance that is necessary to be made elsewhere in the municipal code is hereby amended to reflect this Ordinance. The City Attorney is authorized to issue codification orders to implement this Section. 208 Ordinance 1922 Page 38 of 39 Section 10 Effective date – Contingent effective date. Sections 1 and 2 of this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect sixty (60) days after final adoption. Section 3 of this Ordinance shall be effective upon the occurrence of any one of the following contingencies: i. If less than 14 (fourteen) affordable homes, as defined in Section 2 of this Ordinance, are constructed and sold as single household detached dwellings or townhomes and sold cumulatively throughout the city prior to September 12, 2016 and of these 14 affordable homes no less than four (4) qualify as lower-priced homes; or ii. If less than 27 (twenty seven) affordable homes, as defined in Section 2 of this Ordinance, are constructed and sold as single household detached dwellings or townhomes and sold cumulatively throughout the city prior to June 12, 2017 and of these 27 affordable homes no less than seven (7) qualify as lower-priced homes; or iii. If less than 54 (fifty four) affordable homes, as defined in Section 2 of this Ordinance, are constructed and sold as single household detached dwellings or townhomes and sold cumulatively throughout the city prior to December 12, 2017 and of these 54 affordable homes no less than 12 (twelve) qualify as lower-priced homes. Section 11 Applicability. This Ordinance applies to applications received by the City on or after [the effective date of this Ordinance]. 209 Ordinance 1922 Page 39 of 39 PROVISIONALLY ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, on first reading at a regular session held on the _____ day of ________________, 2015. ____________________________________ JEFFREY K. KRAUSS Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ STACY ULMEN, CMC City Clerk FINALLY PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana on second reading at a regular session thereof held on the ___ of ____________________, 2015. The effective date of this ordinance is __________, __, 2015. ____________________________________ JEFFREY K. KRAUSS Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ STACY ULMEN, CMC City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney 210 7/20/2015 DRAFT Affordable Housing Incentives – 2015 ~ 2017 Goal: Create 54 Homes 90% AMI* Max Purchase Price: $213,000 $237,000 Goal: 75% of Units • Innovative Housing Ordinance • 1+1 Permit Review *Area Mean Income - $55,600-$61,750 80% AMI* Max Purchase Price: $190,000 $210,000 Goal: 20% of Units • Impact Fee Subsidy • Down Payment Assistance • Waive Subdivision Pre-application • Simultaneous Construction of Housing Infrastructure • Reduced Parking * Area Mean Income - $49,450- $54,900 70 % AMI* Max Purchase Price: $161,000 $179,000 Goal: 5% of Units • Reduction of Parkland *Area Mean Income - $43,200-$48,000 + 18 22 5 6 1 2 + Household Size Units Incentives Attachment B, Affordable Housing Incentives Handout - Page 1 211 Recommendations For Regulatory Changes To Support Affordable Housing Development A Report for the City of Bozeman, Montana By: Werwath Associates January 30, 2015 Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 1 212 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,1, ! TABLE,OF,CONTENTS,,, Executive,Summary,..................................................................................................................,2, 1.,,Project,Goals,........................................................................................................................,6, 2.,,Methodology,and,Acknowledgments,..................................................................................,7, 3.,,Regulatory,and,Policy,Background,......................................................................................,8, 4.,,Incomes,and,Affordability,....................................................................................................,9, 5.,,A,Revived,and,Less,Affordable,Market,for,Home,Purchases,.............................................,12, 6.,,Housing,Development,Activity,..........................................................................................,16, 7.,,Public,Input,on,Housing,and,Affordability,Issues,,..............................................................,19, 8.,,Recommended,Definition,of,Affordable,Housing,..............................................................,22, 9.,,Recommended,Requirements,for,Providing,Affordable,Housing,......................................,25, 10.,,Recommended,Incentives,for,Building,Affordable,Housing,............................................,30, 11.,,Other,Strategies,to,Promote,Affordable,Housing,Production,.........................................,35, Appendix:,,Individuals,Interviewed,&,Organizations,That,Provided,Input, , Project,team:,Daniel,Werwath,and,Peter,Werwath, Werwath,Associates, Santa,Fe,,New,Mexico,and,Columbia,,Maryland, www.werwathassociates.com,,,, ,, ,, Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 2 213 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,2, ! Executive,Summary, ! The,City,of,Bozeman,adopted,an,inclusionary,zoning,ordinance,,titled,the,Workforce,Housing, Ordinance,(WFHO),,which,was,in,effect,from,2007,until,its,suspension,in,2011.,The,WFHO, required,residential,developments,to,provide,moderate^priced,homes.,The,ordinance,was, reviewed,in,2012,as,part,of,the,City’s,Affordable,Housing,Needs,Assessment1,and,the,Affordable, Housing,Action,Plan2.,The,Action,Plan,called,for,the,continued,suspension,of,the,Workforce, Housing,Ordinance,until,the,housing,market,strengthened.,, , In,November,,2014,,the,firm,of,Werwath,Associates,was,engaged,by,the,City,to,evaluate,if,key, market,data,indicate,that,the,time,is,ripe,to,consider,reinstating,the,WFHO.,,In,addition,, Werwath,Associates,was,asked,to,recommend,what,policy,or,regulatory,changes,should,be, considered,to,support,the,production,of,affordable,housing.,, , Recommendations! The,study,determined,that,Bozeman’s,housing,market,is,in,the,midst,of,a,robust,recovery,and, recommends,inclusionary,zoning,requirements,be,reinstated.,,Many,aspects,of,the,original, WFHO,ordinance,were,considered,well,designed,,and,the,consultants,recommend,carrying,over, those,provisions.,The,major,recommended,changes,are,as,follows.,,, , 1.#Apply#inclusionary#requirements#to#a#broader#range#of#housing#developments## The,original,WFHO,applied,to,subdivisions,with,10,or,more,lots.,,The,requirements,should, also,apply,to,applications,for,annexations,and,site,plans,that,include,10,or,more,residential, units,of,any,type:,detached,homes,,townhomes,and,condominiums., # 2.##Have#two#simplified#price#tiers#for#affordable#homes#### Developers,should,be,given,two,simplified,options,for,providing,affordable,homes,within, each,new,residential,development.,It,is,assumed,that,future,residential,developments,will, represent,a,mix,of,both,options,,thus,serving,a,broad,range,of,low^,and,moderate^income, homebuyers.,Each,developer,would,choose,one,of,these,options:, , ¥ Provide,Low^Priced,Homes,^,A,development,could,choose,to,provide,one,unit,out,of, every,ten,at,a,price,affordable,to,families,at,70%,to,80%,of,area,median,income,, translating,to,a,current,three^bedroom,home,price,of,$198,000;,or, , ¥ Provide,Moderate^Priced,Homes,^,A,development,could,opt,to,provide,30%,of,the, subdivision,affordable,to,families,at,100%,of,area,median,income,,translating,to,a, current,three^bedroom,home,price,of,$255,000., , 3.##Simplify#requirements#for#buyer#income#restrictions# The,low^price,tier,of,homes,will,typically,have,below^market,prices,and,thus,represent,price, concessions,by,the,developer,,according,to,the,consultants’,analysis.,Since,buyers,of,low^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1!Affordable!Housing!Needs!Assessment!for!the!City!of!Bozeman,!March!6,!2012,!Werwath!Associates! ! 2!City!of!Bozeman!Affordable!Housing!Action!Plan:!2012D2016,!April!12,!2012,!Werwath!Associates! Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 3 214 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,3, ! priced,homes,will,benefit,from,price,discounts,not,available,elsewhere,in,the,market,,the, requirements,for,income,certifications,and,long^term,affordability,controls,should,apply.,, However,,moderate^priced,homes,are,expected,to,sell,at,low^market^rate,prices,,and, therefore,no,income,certification,requirements,or,long^term,affordability,controls,are, proposed.,The,moderate^price,tier,is,essentially,designed,to,offer,a,much^simplified,“safe, harbor”,for,developers,who,normally,target,this,niche., , 4.##Focus#on#providing#homes# Complex,requirements,for,offering,designated,lots,for,sale,would,be,eliminated.,We,propose, that,the,developer,provide,the,required,,price^capped,homes,or,pay,a,substantial,penalty, unless,an,alternative,means,of,compliance,is,approved,by,the,City,as,a,result,of,extreme, hardship.,,, 5.##Encourage#donations#of#land#for#affordable#rental#housing## Donations,of,larger,tracts,of,land,for,affordable,housing,construction,should,be,an,option, that,most,developers,could,use,to,meet,all,or,part,of,their,affordable,housing,requirements., Donations,of,large,tracts,of,land,(3,to,4,acres),for,very,affordable,rental,projects,would,help, the,City,meet,its,Action,Plan,goals,for,aiding,low^income,renters.,Donation,of,house,lots,to, nonprofits,should,also,be,allowed., 6.##Simplified#standards#for#providing#homes#of#different#types#and#sizes# The,types,of,housing,and,bedroom,mix,of,the,price^capped,homes,should,mirror,the,product, mix,of,the,market^rate,homes,or,condos.,This,will,make,it,more,likely,that,the,price^capped, homes,fit,in,seamlessly,with,the,market^rate,homes,and,will,widen,the,choices,of,price^ capped,homes,to,include,studio,and,one^bedroom,condos.,,, 7.##Strengthen#incentives#for#building#lowF#and#moderateFpriced#homes# The,City,should,continue,the,incentives,in,the,current,Workforce,Housing,Ordinance,,as, listed,below:,,,,, ¥ Impact,fee,deferral, ¥ Partial,financing,for,infrastructure,development, ¥ Reduction,or,waivers,in,subdivision,and,building,fees, ¥ Reduced,parkland,requirements, ¥ Density,bonus, ¥ Reduced,lot,sizes, ¥ Allowance,for,simultaneous,infrastructure,and,housing,construction, ¥ Study,of,narrower,street,options, ¥ Expedited,review,for,100%,affordable,projects,, ¥ Streamlined,review,of,smaller,subdivision,applications, ¥ Lower,parking,requirements, , 8.##Make#incentives#more#widely#available# Incentives,should,apply,,as,appropriate,,to,any,construction,of,low^,and,moderate^priced, homes,and,rental,units—such,as,100%,affordable,projects,or,portions,that,exceed,the, minimum,number,of,price^capped,homes,required,by,the,ordinance.,,, , Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 4 215 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,4, ! 9.##Increase#Capitalization#of#the#Affordable#Housing#Fund# Long^term,deferrals,of,impact,fees,and,low^cost,financing,for,infrastructure,development,are, identified,in,the,study,as,important,incentives,in,terms,of,reducing,out^of^pocket,costs.,,Both, of,these,incentives,will,require,increased,capitalization,of,the,City’s,Workforce,Housing,Fund, through,general,revenue,or,full,use,of,the,voter^authorized,mil,rate,for,affordable,housing., , Other!Recommended!Strategies!to!Promote!Affordable!Housing!Production! Regulations,alone,cannot,be,relied,upon,to,solve,the,affordable,housing,challenges,facing,the, community.,In,addition,,this,report,reiterates,key,strategies,in,the,City’s,current,Affordable, Housing,Action,Plan,,as,well,as,new,strategies,to,compliment,the,recommended,regulatory, changes.,These,strategies,include:, ¥ City,support,for,new,,subsidized,affordable,rental,housing,developments, ¥ Promotion,of,employer^sponsored,affordable,housing,development, ¥ New,strategies,for,the,preservation,of,mobile,homes, ¥ Evaluation,of,options,for,new,rental,subdivisions, ¥ Reassessment,of,the,restrictions,around,accessory,dwelling,units, ¥ More,encouragement,for,innovation,in,the,design,and,production,of,affordable,homes,, Evaluation!Process!Leading!to!the!Recommendations! Werwath,Associates,analyzed,demographic,and,housing,market,data,that,shows,which,owners, and,renters,are,being,adequately,served,by,the,current,housing,market,and,,conversely,,what, income,groups,are,priced,out.,This,involved,analysis,of,trends,in,the,numbers,of,home,sales,, housing,development,costs,,median,home,prices,,building,permits,issued,,and,new,subdivisions, approved.,, ,, This,“supply,side”,data,was,then,compared,to,the,demand,side—to,determine,what,income, groups,can,afford,rents,and,sale,prices,at,different,price,points.,,Data,analysis,identifies,the,gaps, in,the,current,housing,supply,and,helps,determine,potential,changes,in,regulations,that,will, increase,the,availability,of,low^,and,moderate^price,housing.,,, ! Housing!Market!Findings, Median,sales,prices,dropped,to,a,six^year,low,of,$207,000,in,2011—a,rough,indicator,of,the,low, point,in,demand,for,home,purchases,during,the,recession.,Builders,were,starting,construction,of, detached,homes,at,only,about,half,the,rate,seen,in,the,early,2000s.,, , By,contrast,,in,2013,,Bozeman,had,issued,50,more,detached,home,permits,than,the,most,recent, peak,of,344,homes,,in,2003.,For,the,11,months,ending,November,30,,2014,,the,median,home, price,increased,by,a,very,strong,7.5%—surpassing,the,peak,median,sale,price,set,in,2006,to,settle, at,$287,000.,This,constitutes,the,highest,median,home,sales,prices,for,any,metropolitan,area,in, the,state.,This,also,presents,a,market,paradox,,where,prices,continue,to,escalate,rapidly,,despite, record,supply., , While,this,is,good,news,for,existing,homeowners,and,the,building,community,,many,members,of, Bozeman’s,workforce,are,being,priced,out,of,the,market.,The,number,of,detached,homes,priced, below,$250,000,,a,rough,indicator,of,housing,affordability,for,a,family,of,three,at,100%,of,the, Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 5 216 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,5, ! area,median,income,,has,gone,from,48.4%,of,the,market,in,2012,to,just,18.6%,in,this,previous, year.,Even,among,the,far,more,affordable,condo,and,townhome,segment,,the,percentage,of, units,below,$200,000,has,shrunk,from,87.4,%,in,2012,to,75.6%,for,the,previous,year.,, , These,are,dramatic,market,changes,to,have,occurred,in,the,span,of,just,two,years.,,Citizens,are, well,aware,of,this,trend.,In,an,online,survey,conducted,as,part,of,this,study,,92.6%,of, respondents,identified,lack,of,affordable,housing,as,a,community,problem.,,, , With,such,a,dramatic,shift,in,the,market,conditions,,new,approaches,to,creating,and,preserving, affordable,housing,must,be,pursued.,The,following,sections,of,this,report,describe,those,market, conditions,and,recommendations,in,more,detail.,, ,, Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 6 217 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,6, ! 1.,,Project,Goals, ! In,November,2014,,the,City,of,Bozeman,commenced,an,evaluation,of,possible,changes,in,City, regulations,to,increase,the,production,of,affordable,housing.,The,scope,of,work,for,the, evaluation,included,the,following:, , 1. Review,and,assess,the,City’s,currently,suspended,Workforce,Housing,Ordinance,(WFHO),and, Planned,Unit,Development,(PUD),Ordinance,with,regard,to,points,awarded,for,affordable, housing., 2. Review,regulatory,changes,since,2012,and,current,housing,market,data., 3. Provide,recommendations,regarding,the,efficacy,of,the,WFHO,and,PUD,Ordinance.,, 4. Provide,recommendations,on,the,appropriateness,of,an,Inclusionary,Zoning,program,for,the, City,of,Bozeman., 5. Provide,recommendations,for,other,alternatives,to,current,City,policies., 6. Analyze,affordable,housing,outcomes,associated,with,recommended,policies., The,primary,focus,of,this,study,is,the,suspended,WFHO,,which,required,newly,approved, subdivisions,to,offer,a,portion,of,the,homes,for,sale,at,affordable,prices.,Because,of,the,WFHO’s, focus,on,homes,for,sale,,the,analysis,of,market,conditions,and,affordability,in,this,report,focuses, primarily,on,homeownership,opportunities.,, , Regarding,Goal,#5,above,,the,City,has,authorized,an,evaluation,of,other,regulatory,changes,to, increase,the,production,of,affordable,housing,including:,deferring,or,subsidizing,impact,and, permit,fees,for,affordable,priced,homes,,changing,development,code,to,allow,higher,residential, densities,,changes,in,regulations,to,make,development,of,Accessory,Dwelling,Units,(ADU’s), easier,,examination,of,ways,to,preserve,mobile,home,parks,,and,exploration,of,ways,to,reduce, the,financial,impact,of,parkland,and,open,space,requirements,on,affordable,housing, development., ,, !! Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 7 218 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,7, ! 2.,,Methodology,and,Acknowledgments, , The,City,engaged,an,affordable,housing,consultant,firm,,Werwath,Associates,,to,conduct,this, evaluation.,Key,sources,of,information,for,the,study,were,as,follows.,, ,, 1. A,review,of,relevant,City,regulations,,residential,building,permits,,and,data,on, subdivision,activity.,,, 2. Trends,in,home,sales,and,median,home,prices,,from,the,Gallatin,Association,of,Realtors., 3. Interviews,with,real,estate,industry,professionals,including,builders,,developers,,real, estate,brokers,,and,lenders., 4. Interviews,with,public,sector,employees,,housing,service,providers,,and,elected,officials., A,list,of,individuals,who,were,interviewed,and,organizations,that,provided,input,can,be, found,in,the,Appendix,to,this,report., 5. An,online,survey,of,the,general,public,regarding,their,concerns,and,hopes,for,affordable, housing,,which,to,date,has,received,187,responses., 6. A,second,online,survey,sent,individually,to,housing,industry,professionals,to,gather,data, about,new,residential,construction,building,volumes,and,costs,,which,only,received,two, responses.,, 7. A,third,online,survey,sent,to,building,industry,professionals,that,gathered,input,about, potential,regulatory,changes,,which,garnered,39,responses.,, 8. A,second,public,input,survey,aimed,at,the,general,public,and,housing,industry, professionals,requesting,ratings,and,opinions,about,possible,regulatory,changes.,This, survey,has,received,115,responses.,,, 9. In,addition,,the,City,and,its,consultants,have,conducted,two,widely,announced,public, meetings,to,obtain,feedback,on,the,goals,of,the,evaluation,and,preliminary,findings., Approximately,30,people,attended,the,first,meeting,on,December,9,,2014.,A,second, community,meeting,was,held,on,January,13,,2015,with,attendance,of,approximately,45.,! 10. Background,and,finding,presentations,and,question,and,answer,sessions,were,conducted, at,the,December,10,,2014,and,January,14,,2014,Community,Affordable,Housing,Advisory, Board,(CAHAB),meetings,,which,are,also,advertised,public,meetings.! Acknowledgments!! Both,the,City,of,Bozeman,and,the,researchers,wish,to,acknowledge,and,thank,the,Gallatin, Association,of,Realtor,(GAR),and,the,Southwest,Montana,Building,Industries,Association, (SWMBIA),for,providing,data,and,input,,along,with,members,of,City,staff,,elected,officials,,real, estate,professionals,,and,community,members,who,provided,input,during,the,process,,without, which,this,evaluation,would,be,impossible.## Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 8 219 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,8, ! 3.,,Regulatory,and,Policy,Background, , Since,the,early,1980’s,,the,City,of,Bozeman,has,formally,acknowledged,the,need,for,affordable, housing,and,supported,the,creation,and,preservation,of,affordable,housing,in,the,following, ways:,,, ,, ¥ In,1985,,the,City,established,the,first,rental,rehabilitation,Community,Development,Block, Grant,program,in,Montana.,, ¥ In,1993,,the,City,appointed,an,Affordable,Housing,Task,Force.,This,led,to,the,City, committing,$200,000,in,general,revenue,to,a,new,Affordable,Housing,Fund,,adoption,of, an,Accessory,Dwelling,Unit,ordinance,,as,well,as,more,active,support,to,affordable, housing,developers,in,obtaining,state,and,federal,funds., ¥ Starting,in,1994,,a,succession,of,regulatory,and,process,reforms,that,included,the, allowance,of,accessory,dwelling,units,,restricted,size,lot,requirements,,reduced,size, street,standards,,reduced,setbacks,,reduction,in,minimum,apartment,size,,reduced, affordable,housing,parking,requirements,,affordable,housing,“scoring”,incentives,for, planned,unit,developments,,and,other,process,streamlining,measures,designed,to, reduce,the,cost,of,supplying,affordable,housing., ¥ Since,2000,,the,City,has,used,portions,of,Big,Box,economic,impact,mitigation,fees,to,help, fund,affordable,housing., ¥ In,2007,,the,City,enacted,a,Workforce,Housing,Ordinance,(WFHO),that,required,new, subdivisions,with,10,or,more,residential,lots,to,provide,0.4,affordable,dwelling,units,per, net,acre,of,developed,land.,Due,to,the,substantial,decline,in,residential,construction,,the, drop,in,home,prices,,and,concerns,with,technical,complexities,as,well,as,administrative, costs,,the,ordinance,has,been,suspended,since,August,30,,2011,,having,resulted,in,no, production,of,affordably^priced,homes.,, , The,City’s,Affordable,Housing,Action,Plan,,adopted,in,2012,,set,two,benchmarks,to,trigger, consideration,of,reinstating,the,Workforce,Housing,Ordinance—each,of,these,signifying,different, aspects,of,the,strength,of,the,housing,recovery,,including:,, , (1) Median,sales,prices,of,all,types,of,homes,(detached,,townhomes,,and,condos),would, have,to,climb,to,$246,000,,and,, , (2) The,annual,number,of,building,permits,issued,for,detached,homes,would,have,to,equal, or,exceed,300,permits.,, , As,described,in,Section,5,of,this,report,,these,thresholds,were,exceeded,by,the,end,of,2013., !! Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 9 220 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,9, ! 4.,,Incomes,and,Affordability, , Generally,,for,renters,,industry,standard^setters,such,as,the,U.S.,Department,of,Housing,and, Urban,Development,(HUD),consider,a,rental,housing,payment,(including,utilities),as,affordable,if, it,is,at,or,below,30%,of,a,household’s,income.,For,low^,and,moderate^income,homebuyers,,there, is,no,such,“official”,standard.,However,,nonprofit,and,local,government,programs,assisting, homebuyers,have,set,various,affordability,benchmarks,for,housing,payments—typically,at,or, near,33%,of,income.,The,definition,of,“housing,payment”,comes,from,the,underwriting,rules,of, mortgage,lenders.,It,typically,includes,mortgage,principal,and,interest,payments,,taxes,, insurance,,and,condo/homeowner,association,fees.,,,,, , Using,these,guidelines,,affordable,rents,and,home,prices,can,be,determined,for,any,income, level.,HUD,and,most,housing,agencies,use,percentages,of,the,“area,median,income”,(AMI),for, the,purposes,of,designing,and,operating,housing,assistance,programs.,Here,,another,affordability, factor,comes,into,play:,household,size.,Small,families,need,smaller,,less,expensive,homes,,while, larger,families,need,more,space,,which,of,course,costs,more,money.,To,account,for,this,factor,, each,year,,HUD,publishes,income,limits,for,federal,programs,that,vary,by,household,size,as, shown,in,Figure,1,below.,Consequently,,larger,households,have,higher,income,limits.,, , The,City,of,Bozeman,and,its,affordable,housing,partners,use,these,income,standards,,and,we, recommend,that,they,continue,to,do,so,in,land,use,policies,,as,well,as,rental,and,sales,programs.,,, , Figure 1: Incomes by HUD AMI Levels for Bozeman, by Household Sizes ,,Number,of,Persons,in,Household:,,, ,Median,1,2,3!4,5,6, 50%,$24,900,$28,450,$32,000,$35,550,$38,400,$41,250, 65%,$32,370,$36,985,$41,600!$46,215,$49,920,$53,625, 80%,$39,850,$45,500,$51,250!$56,900,$61,500,$66,050, 100%,$49,800,$56,900,$64,000!$71,100,$76,800,$82,500, , Using,the,33%^of^income,formula,described,above,and,assumptions,for,interest,rates,and, monthly,payment,components,appropriate,for,Bozeman,,we,calculated,affordable,home,prices, for,households,of,various,sizes,at,three,income,levels,in,Figure,2,below., , Figure 2: Maximum Home Prices Affordable at 4 AMI Levels in Bozeman ,,Number,of,Persons,in,Household:,,, ,Median,1,2,3!4,5,6, 65%,$113,129,$134,427,$155,124,$176,619,$187,183,$211,493, 80%,$148,989,$176,102,$202,565!$244,562,$254,234,$278,929, 100%,$212,988,$251,523,$283,008!$321,543,$337,165,$368,102, Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 10 221 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,10, ! The!Target!Market!for!Homeownership:!LowS!and!ModerateSIncome!Renters! Current,City,policies,and,public,input,for,this,study,both,indicate,that,a,high,value,is,placed,on, homeownership,opportunities.,As,a,practical,matter,,most,of,the,beneficiaries,of,any,new, affordable,homes,built,as,a,result,of,City,policies,will,be,renters.,Most,affordable,homeownership, programs,focus,almost,exclusively,on,first^time,homebuyers,(i.e.,renters),or,households,that, meet,have,not,owned,a,home,for,at,least,three,years,,a,definition,used,by,the,Federal,Housing, Administration,(FHA).,Figure,3,analyzes,the,most,feasible,housing,strategies,for,households,at, income,tiers,,as,expressed,in,percentages,of,area,median,income,,along,with,the,number,of, Bozeman,renter,households,in,those,income,groups.,, ,, Figure 3: Analysis of Affordable Housing Opportunities for Renters in Bozeman Income! Range! Number!of! Households! ! 0^30%,AMI,2,628, Includes,a,large,percentage,of,renter,households.,Building,new, rental,units,affordable,to,this,group,requires,substantial,grants,,rent, subsidies,,and,below^market^rate,investments,to,achieve,affordable, rent,levels.! 30^65%, AMI,2,385, Renter,households,can,be,feasibly,assisted,through,federal, programs,such,as,the,Low,Income,Housing,Tax,Credit,program,,and, limited,homeownership,opportunities,through,construction,of,low^ cost,homes,by,non^profits., 65^80%, AMI,950, Market,rents,are,generally,affordable,to,this,group.,Many,would^be, homeowners,in,this,group,face,a,scarce,supply,of,affordable, townhomes,and,condos.,,The,upper,income,limit,for,federal, affordable,housing,assistance,is,80%,of,AMI.! 80^100%, AMI,567, Would^be,homeowners,have,limited,options,for,detached,homes,on, the,open,market,,while,most,condos,and,townhomes,are,affordable, to,this,group.,Most,rental,housing,is,affordable., 100%+,AMI,2211, Would^be,homeowners,have,opportunities,for,detached,homes,, condos,and,townhomes.,Virtually,all,rental,housing,is,affordable., However,,this,affordability,could,be,eroded,in,the,future,if,home, prices,rise,faster,than,incomes,or,mortgage,interest,rates,increase, significantly.,, , To,better,understand,income,distribution,in,Bozeman,,we,compiled,the,most,recent,American, Community,Survey,data,and,interpolated,the,income,data,into,segments,based,on,the,HUD,area, median,income,levels.,Figure,4,,on,the,following,page,,shows,the,comparative,numbers,of, homeowners,and,renters,in,different,income,groups.,, Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 11 222 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,11, ! , This,data,in,Figures,4,and,5,indicate,some,important,market,realities,about,the,low,rate,of, homeownership,among,Bozeman,households.,, ¥ At,44.6%,the,homeownership,rate,is,dramatically,lower,than,most,communities,and, more,than,20%,less,than,both,the,statewide,(67.3%),and,national,(64%),homeownership, rates.,, ¥ By,far,,the,highest,homeownership,rate,in,Bozeman,(55%),is,for,households,with, incomes,higher,than,the,median,income.,,, ¥ Correspondingly,,households,with,incomes,below,the,median,,have,only,a,34.7%, homeownership,rate.,, , Figure 5. Homeownership Rates Bozeman, <100%,AMI, Bozeman, >100%,AMI, Bozeman, Combined, Montana, Statewide,United,States, 34.7%,55%,44.6%,67.3%,64%, Source:,2013,ACS,Survey,3^Year,Estimates, , Clearly,,the,lack,of,housing,affordability—particularly,for,households,with,incomes,below,80%,of, area,median,income—is,holding,down,the,homeownership,rate,in,Bozeman,to,an,exceptionally, low,level.,Certainly,,other,factors,are,involved,,such,as,university,students,driving,an,above^ average,demand,for,rental,housing.,However,,while,students’,demand,for,rental,housing,is,not,a, factor,that,the,City,of,Bozeman,can,influence,,the,City,can,encourage,more,construction,of, affordable,housing.,,,, ,, ,, 798,895, 530,774, 4,147, 2,628,2,385, 950, 567, 2,211, 0, 500, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 2,500, 3,000, 3,500, 4,000, 4,500, <,30%,AMI,30%^65%,AMI,65%^80%,AMI,80%^100%,AMI,100%+,AMI, Owners, Renters, Figure 4: Numbers of Owners and Renters by AMI Groups Source:,,2013,U.S.,Census,Bureau,ACS,3^Year,Esqmates,interpolated,to,AMI,levels,by,Werwath,Associates, Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 12 223 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,12, ! 5.,,A,Revived,and,Less,Affordable,Market,for,Home,Purchases, ! The,trends,in,two,key,market,indicators—annual,permits,for,new,homes,and,median,sale, prices—demonstrate,a,very,strong,recovery,in,the,housing,development,sector,and,at,the,same, time,,a,sharp,decline,in,housing,affordability.,, ! Figure 6: Market Indicators-Median Sales Price and Homes Permitted ,2006,2011,2013,2014, New,detached,homes,permitted,303,156,399,309, Median,sale,price,–,all,types,,$258,000,$207,000,$270,000,$287,000, Source:,City,of,Bozeman,(permits),and,Gallatin,Association,of,Realtors,(median,sale,prices), , Median,sales,prices,dropped,to,a,six^year,low,in,2011—a,rough,indicator,of,the,low,point,in, demand,for,home,purchases,during,the,recession.,See,Figure,7,for,details.,Builders,were,starting, construction,of,detached,homes,at,only,about,half,the,rate,seen,in,the,early,2000s.,, , By,contrast,,in,2013,Bozeman,had,a,larger,number,of,single^household,dwellings,permitted,(399), than,during,the,boom,years,of,2003,,2004,and,2005.,For,the,11,months,ending,November,30,, 2014,,the,median,home,price,increased,by,a,very,strong,7.5%—surpassing,the,peak,median,sales, price,set,in,2006.,The,housing,market,has,clearly,recovered,and,is,sprinting,ahead.,This,is,good, news,for,existing,homeowners,and,builders.,However,,the,recovery,is,at,the,point,where,low^, and,moderate^income,homebuyers,are,being,priced,out,of,the,market.,,,,, ! , , Figure 7: Trends in Median Sale Prices of Homes ! Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 13 224 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,13, ! Major!Differences!in!Prices!of!Detached!Vs.!Attached!Homes! The,home,sales,data,in,Figure,7,shows,that,condominiums,and,townhomes,have,increased,in, price,,but,are,significantly,more,affordable,that,detached,homes.,Following,are,details,on,the, steep,decline,and,rebound,of,home,prices,over,the,past,eight,years.,,, ¥ 2006:,Median,sales,price,for,detached,homes,and,condos/townhomes,in,Bozeman,and, surrounding,areas,were,$340,851,and,$202,400,respectively,with,the,combined,median, sales,price,for,all,home,types,at,a,then^record,$257,875.,,, ¥ 2011:,The,median,sales,price,had,declined,to,a,low,of,$252,250,for,detached,homes,and, $150,000,for,condos/townhomes., ¥ 2014:,For,sales,through,November,,the,median,price,was,$326,000,for,detached,homes, and,$197,000,for,condos/townhomes,and,the,combined,median,for,all,homes,types,is, $287,000,,nearly,$30,000,higher,than,the,highest,combined,median,from,2006., It,is,important,to,note,that,median,sales,prices,of,condos,in,Bozeman,,as,elsewhere,in,the,nation,, are,being,held,down,by,the,difficulty,of,obtaining,mortgage,financing.,Regulators,reacted,to,the, subprime,lending,debacle,by,tightening,various,lending,standards—among,them,,much,higher, standards,for,condos,that,qualify,for,conventional,and,government^insured,mortgages.,The, result,is,that,homes,in,condominium,associations,without,a,significant,majority,of,owner^ occupants,and,very,sound,governance,and,finances,do,not,qualify,for,conventional,financing.,,,,, The!Number!of!LowerSPriced!Homes!is!Dwindling! When,home,sales,data,is,divided,into,price,segments,,it,becomes,clear,that,the,supply,of, affordable,homes,is,shrinking.,In,2012,,there,was,relative,parity,between,detached,homes,priced, under,$250,000,and,those,priced,over,$250,000,,with,those,under,$250,000,making,up,a,little, over,48%,of,all,homes,sold,that,year.,See,Figure,8,below.,This,segment,declined,to,just,over, 35.1%,in,2013,and,precipitously,dropped,to,18.6%,for,2014,sales,through,November,of,this,year.,,, , ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! , , Figure 8: Sales of Detached Homes in Two Price Segments ! Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 14 225 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,14, ! Even,more,dramatic,is,the,sharp,drop,in,the,number,of,detached,homes,sold,at,prices,below, $200,000—from,62,units,in,2012,to,eight,units,in,2014.,The,implication,is,that,the,supply,of, affordable,detached,homes,has,nearly,evaporated,for,households,with,incomes,below, approximately,80%,of,the,area,median., , While,the,price,increases,for,condominiums,and,townhomes,have,been,more,muted,,the,supply, of,affordable,units,is,dropping,rapidly.,For,the,following,comparative,analysis,we,used,a,lower, affordability,threshold,of,$200,000,to,compensate,for,higher,monthly,costs,such,as,homeowners, association,dues,,which,significantly,lower,the,borrowing,capacity,of,buyers.,In,2012,, condominium,and,townhome,sales,below,$200,000,constituted,81.4%,%,of,all, condominium/townhome,sales.,This,slipped,only,slightly,to,75.4%,in,2013,,but,dropped,rapidly, to,59.5%,in,2014,sales.,It,is,also,important,to,note,that,many,of,the,sales,in,the,sub^$200,000, range,represent,income,restricted,affordable,housing,developed,by,the,Human,Resources, Development,Council,(HRDC).,, , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! , , , Taken,together,there,is,a,clear,and,dramatic,trend:,homes,affordable,to,low^,and,moderate^ income,buyers,are,dwindling,at,an,alarming,rate,and,this,decline,is,particularly,acute,for, detached,homes.,, , Another,important,indicator,of,housing,affordability,is,a,snapshot,of,housing,currently,listed,for, sale.,As,of,December,9,,2014,,there,were,29,units,listed,below,$200,000.,Of,these,,four,were, townhomes,and,the,rest,were,condominiums,,12,of,which,were,in,the,same,development.,There, were,no,detached,homes,listed,below,$200,000.,The,most,affordable,unit,was,a,two^bedroom, condo,listed,for,$147,500.,There,were,no,four^bedroom,units,currently,listed,in,this,price,range.,,, Figure 9: Sales of Condos/Townhomes in Two Price Segments !!Source:,Gallatin, Association,of,Realtors, Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 15 226 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,15, ! Statewide!and!National!Context! A,mid^year,analysis,produced,in,July,of,2014,by,the,Montana,Association,of,Realtors,indicates, that,Bozeman,has,the,highest,median,home,prices,of,any,metropolitan,area,in,the,state,,with, prices,for,detached,homes,nearly,$50,000,higher,than,Missoula,,the,second,highest^cost,market.,, !! Figure 10. Median Home Prices By City ,,Detached,Condo/Townhome, Bozeman,$275,000,$199,900, Missoula,$225,250,$159,900, Helena,$219,950,$156,900, Billings,$207,000,$169,900, ,Source:,Montana,Association,of,Realtors,2014,Midyear,Housing,Statistics, ! Median,sales,prices,in,Bozeman,are,much,more,in,line,with,median,sales,prices,seen,in,similar, resort,area,communities,in,the,Western,states.,Figure,11,depicts,the,2014,median,sales,price,of, home,types,for,the,respective,communities.,, , Figure 11. Comparable Median Sales Prices Bozeman,,Montana,,$287,000, Durango,,Colorado,,$338,728, Santa,Fe,,New,Mexico,$299,150, Bend,,Oregon,$289,950, ,Source:,Gallatin,Association,of,Realtors,,Santa,Fe,Association,of,Realtors,,Central, Oregon,Association,of,Realtors,,Durango,Realtor’s,Association, , , !! Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 16 227 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,16, ! 6.,,Housing,Development,Activity, ! Building,permits,and,creation,of,house,lots,through,the,subdivision,of,land,are,two,primary, indices,that,help,us,better,understand,development,activity,and,the,future,housing,development, pipeline.,Figure,12,depicts,building,permit,activity,in,the,City,of,Bozeman,by,housing,type.,, , , , While,the,total,number,of,building,permits,issued,has,not,yet,reached,the,peak,of,895,set,in, 2005,,it,is,important,to,note,that,the,total,number,of,permits,from,that,time,period,was,largely, driven,by,multi^unit,housing,development.,When,we,isolate,permits,for,detached,homes,,we,find, that,399,permits,were,issued,in,2013,,which,exceeds,the,peak,of,344,permits,issued,in,2003,by, 55,housing,units.,While,not,as,robust,,there,were,309,permits,issued,for,detached,homes,in,the, first,11,months,of,2014,,a,number,that,exceeds,all,but,the,years,from,2003,to,2006,,the,peak,of, the,mortgage^driven,housing,boom.,, , The,lack,of,multifamily,housing,construction,starts,is,clear,in,the,statistics,showing,permit, issuance.,But,this,trend,should,soon,be,reversed.,,A,significant,number,of,multifamily,housing, units,are,scheduled,to,start,construction,soon.,A,pending,private,student,housing,development,is, slated,to,produce,more,than,700,beds,,with,499,beds,coming,on,line,in,the,first,phase,scheduled, open,in,the,fall,of,2015.,There,is,also,a,new,residence,hall,that,will,provide,400,more,beds,, planned,for,a,fall,2016,opening.,Lastly,there,are,several,residential,multi^family,projects,currently, seeking,occupancy,,which,will,provide,around,100,additional,rental,units.,The,Stoneridge, affordable,rental,development,was,awarded,Low,Income,Housing,Tax,Credits,and,will,provide,48, income,and,rent^restricted,apartments.,,, , While,building,permits,provide,an,understanding,of,the,immediate,housing,development, pipeline,,the,rate,of,applications,and,approvals,of,new,subdivisions,give,us,an,understanding,of, 843,895, 651, , 750, 242,180,208,179, 295, 504,431, 0, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,Permits!5,or,More, 3^4,Family, Two^Family, One^Family, Source:,Census,Bureau,,Building,Permits,Survey/City,of,Bozeman, Figure 12: Permit Data by Housing Type Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 17 228 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,17, ! the,longer^term,housing,development,pipeline,,which,is,driven,by,the,availability,of,developable, home,lots.,The,subdivision,of,land,is,regulated,through,the,City,,which,requires,a,two^step, approval,process,,preliminary,plat,and,final,plat,,the,latter,being,when,a,subdivided,parcel,has, received,appropriate,approvals,to,proceed,with,development.,, , , , In,2014,,930,lots,had,received,preliminary,plat,approval,,a,higher,number,than,all,but,2005, (1,637),and,2007,(1,434).,This,indicates,a,trend,toward,more,robust,future,housing,development, activity.,However,,some,of,these,lots,are,from,re^platting,of,existing,subdivisions,,so,do,not, necessarily,add,to,the,total,inventory,of,home,lots.,, , Housing!Development!Costs! The,major,components,of,new,home,costs,are,land,,infrastructure,,construction,materials,and, labor.,To,determine,typical,costs,of,building,homes,in,Bozeman.,Data,was,obtained,from,several, members,of,the,Southwest,Montana,Building,Industry,Association,(SWMBIA).,, , A,key,factor,driving,up,new,home,construction,costs,in,Bozeman,is,the,relatively,large,average, size,of,homes,being,built,here:,2,300,square,feet.,This,exceeds,the,average,in,most,other,similar, markets,,and,is,far,higher,than,the,typical,size,of,new,entry^level,homes.,, , We,worked,with,several,members,of,the,Southwest,Montana,Building,Industries,Association,to, determine,the,minimum,cost,to,develop,a,modest,home,in,the,Bozeman,market.,For,the, purposes,of,assumptions,,building,cost,estimates,were,based,on,a,1,200,square,foot,“affordable”, home,being,built,in,Bozeman,city,limits.,The,lowest,estimate,of,development,costs,resulted,in,a, total,hard,cost,,including,12.5%,overhead,and,profit,,of,$205,155,for,the,1,200,square,foot,home,, a,total,cost,of,$171,per,square,foot.,This,exceeds,the,2013,National,Association,of,Homebuilders, Construction,Cost,Survey,estimate,of,$145,a,square,foot,by,18%.,, 0,200,400,600,800,1000,1200,1400,1600,1800, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, Final,Plat,Preliminary,Plat, Source:,City,of,Bozeman, Figure 13: Subdivision Activity: Newly Platted Lots Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 18 229 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,18, ! Interviews,with,members,of,the,building,community,indicated,issues,with,labor,availability,as,a, major,factor,driving,up,local,construction,costs.,,With,high,demand,for,labor,in,the,Bakken,oil, fields,,competent,construction,labor,is,scarce,and,command,higher,wages.,Likewise,,high, demand,for,subcontracting,services,driven,by,the,current,high,level,of,home,construction,activity, also,drives,up,costs,for,essential,services,such,as,plumbing,,concrete,and,electrical,work.,, , To,summarize,,while,construction,costs,per,square,foot,are,above,average,in,Bozeman,,builders, can,substantially,reduce,the,cost,of,entry^level,homes,by,reducing,square,footage.,In,many,U.S., markets,,builders,are,constructing,and,selling,very,livable,small,homes,by,designing,floor,plans, that,use,space,very,efficiently., , ,, Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 19 230 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,19, ! 7.,,,Public,Input,on,Housing,Affordability,Issues, As,part,of,this,evaluation,,several,online,public,input,surveys,were,conducted,as,well,as,two, surveys,specifically,directed,at,building,industry,professionals.,, , The,primary,public,input,survey,was,activated,on,December,9,,2014,,and,as,of,January,27,,2015, had,received,over,187,responses,,a,very,robust,response,rate,for,a,survey,of,this,type,in,a, community,of,this,size.,Consistent,with,public,discussions,during,community,meetings,held,on, December,9,,2014,and,January,13,,2015,,and,the,vast,majority,of,stakeholder,interviews,,there,is, little,disagreement,about,the,reality,of,housing,affordability,issues,currently,facing,the, community.,The,survey,asked,for,basic,information,about,respondents,,then,offered,the, opportunity,for,open^ended,comments.,, , Lack!of!Affordable!Housing!Seen!as!a!Community!Problem! Of,the,164,total,responses,to,the,survey,,86%,of,respondents,live,in,Bozeman,,and,of,the,14%, who,did,not,,82%,responded,that,they,would,like,to,live,in,Bozeman.,The,vast,majority,of, respondents,(76%),also,work,in,the,Bozeman,with,responses,split,almost,evenly,at,48%,renters, and,52%,owners.,Fifteen,responses,,or,approximately,10%,of,all,responses,,were,from,members, of,the,real,estate,or,homebuilding,industries.,, , Of,the,176,respondents,who,provided,narrative,responses,,only,7.4%,of,respondents,expressed, that,there,was,no,issue,with,housing,affordability,in,Bozeman.,, , Leading,the,general,comments,were,issues,with,homeownership,,which,was,specifically, mentioned,in,57,responses.,Close,behind,were,comments,referring,to,issues,with,affordable, rental,housing,which,garnered,51,comments.,Third,most,prominent,were,references,to,low, wages,being,a,large,factor,in,housing,affordability,with,26,people,offering,responses,to,this, effect.,In,addition,to,these,general,sentiments,,several,other,themes,arose,that,have,bearing,on, our,analysis.,, , Numerous,respondents,noted,that,it,was,entry,level,professionals,who,were,not,being,served,by, the,current,market,,stuck,between,subsidized,housing,offerings,from,organizations,like,HRDC, and,Habitat,for,Humanity,,and,entry^level,market,rate,homes.,Several,self^identified,young, professionals,indicated,that,lack,of,housing,might,push,them,to,move,to,other,communities, where,housing,costs,were,more,in,line,with,wages.,, ! The,impact,of,the,Montana,State,University,on,the,housing,market—the,demand,pressure,from, employees,and,students—was,a,frequent,topic,of,comment.,Another,reoccurring,theme,for, many,respondents,was,the,desire,for,less,sprawl,within,the,valley,,which,implies,the,need,for, more,dense,housing,approaches.,Also,noted,by,numerous,respondents,was,the,shrinking, availability,of,mobile,homes,as,a,viable,affordable,housing,option,,suggestions,included,updating, Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 20 231 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,20, ! the,current,regulations,to,allow,for,new,mobile,home,park,development,or,other,factory^built, construction,options.,, , On,the,more,technical,side,,several,respondents,cited,the,need,for,a,dedicated,funding,source, for,affordable,housing,,with,suggestions,ranging,from,a,real,estate,transfer,tax,,local,option,sales, tax,,airline,ticket,surcharge,,and,water,bill,surcharge.,The,overarching,theme,of,these,comments, was,a,desire,to,spread,the,burden,across,multiple,sectors,of,the,local,economy,,and,not,simply, rely,on,the,new,construction,housing,industries,to,support,affordable,housing,development., Increased,funding,was,also,cited,as,a,critical,mechanism,to,amplify,current,affordable,housing, development,activities,by,groups,such,as,HRDC,and,Habitat,for,Humanity.,, , A,second,public,survey,on,affordable,housing,regulatory,and,incentive,options,was,released, January,13,,2015,and,had,returned,118,responses,as,of,January,27,,2015.,A,majority,of, respondents,to,this,survey,(72%),were,members,of,the,general,public,,with,14%,representing, affordable,housing,organizations,,and,13%,representing,building,or,real,estate,industry, professionals.,In,this,survey,,respondents,were,asked,to,rank,various,options,on,a,scale,of, “undesirable”,,“moderately,undesirable”,,“neutral”,,“desirable”,,and,“very,desirable”., , Majority!of!Survey!Respondents!in!Favor!of!Affordable!Housing!Requirements, The,central,question,was,whether,the,City,should,create,a,requirement,for,affordable,housing,in, new,development,,with,the,caveat,that,it,would,be,balanced,with,incentives,,to,which,54.2%,of, respondents,indicated,that,this,policy,was,either,desirable,or,very,desirable.,This,proposal,was, seen,as,moderately,or,completely,undesirable,to,37.5%,of,respondents,indicated,that,it,was, moderately,or,completely,undesirable,and,,8.3%,were,neutral,to,the,idea.,, , This,survey,also,asked,participants,to,rank,various,potential,incentives,for,the,creation,of, affordable,housing.,The,most,desirable,strategies,were,easing,restrictions,on,the,creation,of, accessory,dwelling,units,,which,was,seen,as,undesirable,or,very,undesirable,by,only,16.5%,of, respondents,,followed,closely,by,creating,strategies,for,creation,of,new,mobile,home,parks,, which,was,seen,as,undesirable,or,very,undesirable,by,only,18.8%,of,respondents.,None,of,the, strategies,mentioned,were,found,undesirable,or,very,undesirable,by,a,majority,of,respondents,, with,the,least,popular,strategy,being,the,elimination,of,parkland,requirements,for,small, subdivisions,,which,was,undesirable,or,very,undesirable,to,47%,of,respondents.,, , Mobile!Home!Parks!and!Relief!on!City!Fees!Seen!as!Very!Important! A,similar,survey,about,regulatory,incentives,was,posed,to,the,development,community,, (released,December,19,,2014),,and,had,received,39,responses,by,January,27,,2015.,This,survey, asked,respondents,to,rank,various,incentive,strategies,based,on,their,potential,to,lower,costs,, with,options,including,“no,potential”,,“little,potential”,,“average,potential”,,“high,potential”,,and, “very,high,potential”,for,lowering,costs.,Among,this,subset,of,respondents,with,specialized, knowledge,in,housing,development,costs,,the,easing,of,restrictions,governing,the,creation,of, Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 21 232 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,21, ! new,mobile,home,parks,was,the,most,popular,with,82%,of,respondent,indicating,that,this,posed, an,average,to,very,high,potential,to,lower,housing,development,costs.,This,was,followed,in,order, of,priority,by,lowering,or,eliminating,permit,and,subdivision,fees,for,affordable,units,(74%),,as, well,as,deferring,impact,fees,for,affordable,units,(74%),,revision,of,subdivision,regulations,(68%),, easing,requirements,around,accessory,dwelling,units,(67%),and,streamlined,replatting,of,existing, subdivisions,(56%)., , When,asked,to,rank,the,importance,of,strategies,,allowing,for,lot,creation,for,affordable,housing, with,reduced,parkland,dedication,requirements,was,the,most,important,to,builders,with,73%, reporting,that,this,was,“important”,to,“extremely,important”.,This,was,followed,by,lot,size, reductions,,which,were,found,to,be,important,to,extremely,important,for,62%,of,respondents.,, , It,should,be,noted,that,a,subdivision,activity,survey,was,sent,out,to,10,housing,developers,in, early,December,2014,with,the,aim,of,determining,projected,future,housing,starts,in,different, price,categories,,as,well,as,typical,development,costs.,Unfortunately,only,two,responses,were, received,,too,few,to,provide,reliable,results.,, , ,, Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 22 233 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,22, ! 8.,Recommended,Definition,of,Affordable,Housing, ! This,report,recommends,that,the,City,of,Bozeman,adopt,both,incentives,and,requirements,to, increase,the,production,of,affordable,housing.,To,provide,the,incentives,and,administer,the, requirements,the,City,must,have,a,clear,definition,of,“affordable,housing.”, , Challenges!of!Current!City!Definitions!! The,City’s,original,Workforce,Housing,Ordinance,(WRHO),refers,to,two,classes,of,housing,needs:,,, , ¥ Affordable,Housing:,housing,for,persons,earning,less,than,65%,of,the,area's,median, income,for,rental,housing,and,less,than,100%,of,the,area,annual,median,income,for, purchased,housing., ¥ Workforce,Housing:,housing,for,persons,earning,less,than,120%,of,the,area,median, income,for,purchased,housing., There,are,several,problems,with,these,two,terms,,the,concepts,behind,them,,and,the,targeted, income,groups., , 1. The,definitions,are,not,consistently,applied,in,the,original,ordinance.,For,example,, certain,sub^sections,of,the,WFHO,refer,to,homebuyers,at,70%,and,80%,of,area,median, income,(AMI),as,“workforce,housing,units.”,But,housing,at,the,70%,AMI,level,is, “affordable,housing”,according,to,the,definitions,in,the,same,ordinance., 2. Public,input,received,in,this,study,indicated,no,consensus,on,the,definitions,of, “affordable,housing”,and,“workforce,housing.”,For,example,,some,officials,interviewed, considered,“affordable,housing”,to,only,refer,to,rental,housing,targeted,at,incomes, below,30%,AMI.,, 3. In,promulgating,new,policies,and,regulations,,the,City,lacks,an,all^encompassing,term,for, housing,that,is,needed,and,in,short,supply,in,Bozeman.,Since,the,universal,problem,is, lack,of,affordability,,many,communities,set,goals,for,producing,rental,and,owner^ occupied,“affordable,housing”,at,rents,and,sale,prices,which,are,at,and,below,the, bottom,end,of,the,residential,real,estate,market., 4. This,study,and,the,City’s,adopted,Housing,Needs,Study,and,Housing,Plan,,completed,in, 2012,,identifies,100,percent,of,AMI—not,120%,AMI—as,the,top,end,of,the,income,group, that,is,facing,shortages,of,affordably^priced,housing.,Market,conditions,have,changed, since,that,120%,AMI,limit,was,set,in,2007,and,will,likely,change,again.,That,is,why,the, City,should,periodically,adjust,its,income,and,pricing,targets,as,the,market,changes.,, Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 23 234 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,23, ! 5. There,are,more,direct,,effective,ways,to,assure,that,members,of,the,workforce,benefit, from,any,required,affordable,homes.,Language,could,be,carried,over,from,original, ordinance,that,requires,buyers,of,discount^priced,homes,to,be,employed,in,Bozeman., 6. To,clearly,articulate,its,vision,and,goals,,the,City,would,benefit,from,having,one,all^ encompassing,term,for,housing,that,meets,the,needs,of,all,of,its,citizens,who,face, housing,challenges.,The,City’s,Affordable,Housing,Action,Plan,uses,the,term,“affordable, housing.”,,,, Applicability!of!Proposed!New!Definitions! The,original,Workforce,Housing,Ordinance,lists,14,different,incentives,for,construction,of, “workforce,units”,in,newly^platted,subdivisions.,Only,one,of,the,incentives,(fee,waivers),is, mentioned,as,being,available,to,“housing,projects,that,are,100%,affordable”—and,this,,only,at, the,City’s,discretion.,,, Construction,of,affordable,rental,housing—a,high,priority,in,the,City’s,Affordable,Housing,Action, Plan—should,also,benefit,from,some,regulatory,incentives.,The,scarcity,of,very,affordable,rental, housing,was,noted,in,public,comments,and,the,City’s,2012,housing,needs,study,and,throughout, this,evaluation.,Yet,,none,of,the,incentives,in,the,original,WFHO,clearly,apply,to,affordable,rental, housing.,, These,major,changes,in,applicability,are,recommended:, 1. Some,incentives,should,apply,to,the,creation,of,affordable,rental,housing,projects—but, as,with,the,original,ordinance,,new,construction,of,rental,housing,should,not,be,subject, to,inclusionary,requirements.,, 2. Affordable,rental,housing,should,be,narrowly,defined—limited,to,dwelling,units,that,are, contractually,restricted,for,at,least,20,years,to,occupancy,by,households,with,incomes,at, or,below,65%,of,area,median,income,and,paying,affordable,rents.,, 3. Affordable,housing,incentives,and,requirements,should,apply,to,annexations,and,new, site,plans,proposing,10,or,more,dwelling,units,,not,just,subdivisions,with,10,or,more, dwelling,units.,, Recommended!New!Definition!of!Affordable!Homes!For!Sale! ¥ Affordable,homes,for,sale,should,be,targeted,to,households,with,incomes,between,65%, and,100%,of,area,median,income,(AMI),,based,on,the,City’s,2012,Housing,Needs,Study, and,current,market,data,evaluated,for,this,report.,, , ¥ Affordable,prices,should,be,calculated,based,on,a,homeowner,paying,a,maximum,of,33%, of,income,for,mortgage,payments,,taxes,,insurance,,assessments,,and,condo,or, homeowner,association,fees.,This,is,in,line,with,current,prevailing,standards,in,many, successful,homebuyer,assistance,programs.,, ! Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 24 235 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,24, ! Recommended!New!Definition!of!Affordable!Rental!Housing! ¥ Affordable,rental,housing,should,be,targeted,to,households,with,incomes,at,or,below, 65%,of,area,median,income,(AMI),,based,on,the,City’s,2012,Housing,Needs,Study,and, current,market,data,evaluated,for,this,report.,For,purposes,of,qualifying,for,incentives,, projects,should,be,contractually,obligated,to,follow,rent,and,income,restrictions,for,at, least,20,years., , ¥ Affordable,rents,should,be,calculated,at,30%,of,a,tenant’s,income,for,rent,and,tenant^ paid,utilities.,This,is,consistent,with,the,contractual,requirements,of,federal,subsidies,for, rental,housing,programs., ! ! Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 25 236 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,25, ! 9.,,Recommended,Requirements,for,Providing,Affordable,Housing, ! Regulations,,particularly,on,the,local,level,,play,an,important,role,in,the,cost,of,housing,creation., Subdivision,and,housing,development,is,a,highly,regulated,industry,,which,is,desirable,because, these,regulations,are,designed,to,ensure,the,quality,and,safety,of,our,community.,These, regulations,dictate,how,many,,and,what,types,of,housing,units,can,be,placed,in,a,given,area,of, land,(zoning),,and,basic,standards,for,how,those,homes,are,built,(building,code),,and,often, certain,regulations,about,how,homes,must,fit,into,their,surrounding,area,(design,guidelines),,all, aspects,that,factor,heavily,into,the,cost,of,housing,production.,, , As,with,any,type,of,regulation,,there,is,always,the,potential,for,unintended,consequences.,For, instance,,requirements,for,ample,open,space,can,lower,the,total,number,of,homes,that,can,be, developed,on,a,given,piece,of,land,,thus,lowering,the,number,of,homes,that,can,share,the, embodied,costs,of,development,such,as,roads,,infrastructure,,acquisition,and,financing,cost.,, , The,same,is,true,for,regulatory,mechanisms,,such,as,WFHO,,that,place,a,requirement,on,market, rate,housing,developers,to,provide,a,certain,amount,of,affordable,housing.,If,a,requirement,is, too,burdensome,,the,cost,of,compliance,can,be,pushed,onto,market,rate,homes,,raising,prices., In,the,most,extreme,cases,,too,stringent,a,requirement,can,function,to,slow,the,overall, production,of,housing,by,making,housing,development,financially,unfeasible.,, , Because,of,these,risks,,any,mandatory,requirement,for,the,inclusion,of,affordable,housing,in, market,rate,housing,developments,must,be,balanced,by,offering,significant,enough,financial, incentives,to,developers,to,offset,losses,associated,with,the,sales,of,some,homes,at,below^ market^rate,prices.,, ! Proposed!New!Articles!Proposed!for!City’s!Code!of!Ordinances! This,report,recommends,replacement,of,the,original,Workforce,Housing,Ordinance,with,two,new, articles,in,the,City’s,Code,of,Ordinances,,Chapter,10,,Buildings,and,Building,Regulations,,as, follows:, ¥ Affordable!Housing!Definitions!and!Incentives,,as,described,in,sections,8,and,10,of,this, report.,This,article,would,apply,to,both,required,provision,of,affordable,homes,,and, voluntary,construction,of,affordable,housing,,including,affordable,rental,housing., , ¥ Affordable!Homes!Program,,which,would,focus,solely,on,requirements,for,building,and, selling,lower^priced,homes,in,certain,new,residential,and,mixed^use,developments.,This, Article,would,be,similar,in,some,respects,to,the,original,Workforce,Housing,Ordinance,, but,simpler,and,with,some,key,differences,as,described,below.,, , Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 26 237 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,26, ! Applicability!of!Affordable!Housing!Requirements! The,original,Workforce,Housing,Ordinance,(WFHO),applied,only,to,applications,for,new, subdivisions,with,10,or,more,homes.,We,recommend,that,it,apply,more,broadly,to,the,following, types,of,new,applications,for,development,approvals., 1. New,subdivision,plats,with,10,or,more,homes,or,amendments,of,existing,such,plats, affecting,more,than,30%,of,the,platted,lots.,, 2. Annexations,that,include,residential,zones., 3. Applications,for,site,plans,for,construction,of,10,or,more,dwelling,units.,, As,with,the,original,WFHO,,rental,housing,units,would,be,exempt,from,these,requirements.,The, market,evaluation,that,was,part,of,this,study,indicated,that,a,majority,of,rental,housing,in, Bozeman,has,rents,affordable,to,households,with,incomes,at,or,below,80%,of,the,area,median., Demand,pressure,that,drives,up,rents,should,be,relieved,by,the,upcoming,construction,of, hundreds,of,new,rental,housing,units.,Even,so,,housing,with,rents,affordable,to,households,with, incomes,at,or,below,65%,of,the,area,median,is,in,scarce,supply.,We,recommend,that,this,need, be,addressed,by,the,incentives,described,in,Section,10,of,this,report,and,by,the,City,supporting, qualified,developers,who,are,applying,for,federal,subsidies,for,below^market^rate,rental,housing, as,described,in,Section,11.,,,, Recommended!Requirements!for!Providing!Affordable!Homes! Developments,that,meet,the,applicability,criteria,would,choose,from,one,of,two,options,,with, the,assumption,that,new,developments,would,represent,a,mix,of,both,options.,, 1. Build!and!sell!“LowSPriced”!homes:,10%,of,the,total,housing,units,proposed,must,be, built,and,sold,at,affordable,prices,to,households,with,incomes,at,or,below,80%,of,area, median,income.,Current,pricing,for,a,three^bedroom,home,would,be,approximately, $198,000;,or, 2. Build!and!sell!significant!portion!of!“ModeratelySPriced”!homes:,,30%,of,the,total, housing,units,proposed,would,be,“naturally,affordable”—i.e.,market^rate,homes,built, and,sold,at,prices,affordable,to,households,with,incomes,from,81%,to,100%,of,area, median,income.,Income,qualification,of,buyers,would,not,be,required.,Current,pricing,for, a,three^bedroom,home,would,be,approximately,$255,000.,,It,is,not,expected,that,this, option,would,feasible,for,developments,offering,primarily,higher^priced,detached,homes, or,condos.,It,is,intended,to,offer,a,much,simpler,“safe,harbor”,for,many,condo,and, townhome,projects—and,perhaps,a,few,detached,home,projects,with,modestly,sized, homes,and,lots.,, With,regard,to,the,two,tiers,of,pricing,,the,major,difference,from,the,original,ordinance,is,to, offer,a,“safe,harbor”,to,projects,that,build,and,sell,at,least,30%,of,the,homes,at,market^rate, prices,that,are,calculated,to,be,affordable,to,households,below,100%,of,area,median,income,, without,income,restrictions.,The,only,burden,on,these,projects,is,to,agree,to,deed,restrictions, capping,initial,sale,prices,on,30%,of,the,house,lots,or,condo,units.,, Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 27 238 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,27, ! No,special,marketing,requirements,are,proposed,,and,buyers,do,not,have,to,be,income^qualified.,, We,assume,that,most,condo,and,townhome,developers,will,be,able,to,meet,this,requirement, without,any,alteration,of,their,usual,marketing,and,pricing,strategies.,This,is,proposed,as,a, vehicle,for,greatly,simplifying,compliance,for,a,subset,of,affected,projects,that,in,any,case,would, have,had,prices,affordable,to,the,65%^100%,AMI,tier,or,can,be,nudged,by,incentives,to,achieve, lower,price,caps,for,30%,of,the,homes.,,,,, Other!Recommended!Changes!in!Compliance!Rules! 1. A,primary,goal,should,be,for,developers,or,successors,in,title,to,build,and,sell,affordable, homes,,not,“affordable,lots”.,,The,WFHO,has,“bailout”,clauses,in,the,event,that,a, designated,Workforce,Housing,lot,or,home,was,not,sold.,Such,bailouts,are,not,found,in, most,inclusionary,zoning,ordinances.,The,result,in,Bozeman,during,the,brief,time,that, the,WFHO,was,in,force,,several,lots,were,designated,for,price^capped,homes,,which, were,marketed,but,not,sold—extinguishing,the,requirements,to,build,and,sell,the, homes.,,,, 2. Accordingly,,references,to,the,mechanics,and,pricing,of,lot,sales,should,be,removed,,as, irrelevant.,Developers,,successors,in,title,(builders),and,the,City,staff,should,keep,their, eye,on,the,end,goal—selling,finished,homes,in,two,price,tiers,,Low^Priced,and, Moderately^Priced.,It,should,be,the,responsibility,of,the,land,developer,to,assure,that, the,required,affordable,homes,(at,discount,prices),are,built,and,sold,,providing,to, builders,whatever,lot,price,concessions,are,reasonable,and,necessary.,As,for,the, Moderately,Priced,homes,,the,developers,are,simply,agreeing,to,price^cap,a,significant, number,of,the,homes,they,plan,to,sell., 3. Enforcement,of,the,“build^and^sell^the^homes”,requirement,should,be,simple,and,tough.,, Lots,or,condo,units,should,be,designated,as,subject,to,Low^Priced,or,Moderately,Priced, requirements.,If,Low^Priced,homes,aren’t,sold,to,qualified,buyers,in,a,set,period,of,time,, the,developer,or,successor,in,title,should,have,to,donate,the,lot,to,a,nonprofit,or,pay,a, fee^in^lieu.,A,Moderate^Priced,home,should,be,subject,to,a,recorded,deed,covenant, restricting,the,home,price,at,a,set,dollar,amount., 4. The,fee^in^lieu,“penalty”,for,not,selling,a,Low^Priced,home,should,be,different,from, those,in,the,Workforce,Housing,Ordinance.,The,WFHO,requires,a,payment,of,three,times, the,“lot,cost”,if,no,affordable,home,is,built.,We,propose,that,the,builder,have,no,choice, but,to,build,a,Low^Priced,home,unless,an,alternative,means,of,compliance,was,included, and,approved,in,the,developer’s,Affordable,Housing,Plan,as,a,result,of,extreme,hardship., If,the,Low^Priced,home,does,not,sell,to,a,qualified,buyer,in,a,defined,period,of,time,,then, the,developer,or,builder,would,have,to,pay,a,fee^in^lieu.,The,fee,would,be,calculated,as, the,difference,between,the,appraised,value,of,the,home,and,the,discount,price,that,is, required,by,the,Affordable,Homes,Ordinance.,The,rationale,is,that,this,amount,of,cash, should,be,sufficient,to,subsidize,the,purchase,of,a,similar,market^priced,home,for,a,Low^ Priced^tier,buyer.,,, Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 28 239 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,28, ! 5. The,new,ordinance,should,incorporate,most,of,the,alternative,means,of,compliance, allowed,in,the,WFHO,,with,the,exception,of,providing,offsite,home,lots,(as,opposed,to, finished,affordable,homes),and,providing,existing,homes,presumably,bought,in,the,open, market,and,resold,to,income^qualified,buyers.,We,recommend,that,the,fee^in^lieu, alternative,be,offered,as,an,option,only,for,certain,projects—principally,luxury,home,or, condo,projects,in,which,taxes,and,condo/HOA,fees,tend,to,be,unaffordable,to,low^,and, moderate^income,homebuyers.,,,, 6. Donations,of,large,tracts,of,land,(3,to,4,acres),for,affordable,rental,projects,should,be, strongly,encouraged,for,project,with,larger,affordable,requirements,,as,should,donations, of,townhome,or,detached,home,lots,to,nonprofit,builders., 7. Minimum,standards,for,“affordable”,homes:,The,original,ordinance,calls,for,30%,of,the, required,WFH,units,to,be,detached,homes.,It,is,proposed,that,the,Low^Priced,homes,be, provided,as,condos,,townhomes,,and/or,detached,homes,in,the,same,proportions,as,the, market^rate,homes,in,the,development.,The,minimum,design,standards,for,affordable, homes,in,the,original,WFHO—addressing,such,matters,as,housing,types,,numbers,of, bedrooms,,design,features,,etc.—should,be,reviewed,if,the,City,decides,to,draft,a,new, ordinance.,Some,provisions,can,be,simplified.,Minimum,square,footages,of,Low^Priced, homes,should,be,included,for,homes,of,different,types,and,numbers,of,bedrooms.,,, 8. Structure,types,and,design,guidelines,for,Moderately^Priced,homes:,,Due,to,the,large, percentage,of,homes,required,and,the,assumption,that,they,are,essentially,market,rate, homes,with,no,price,discounts,,we,see,no,need,for,design,requirements,to,be,imposed, on,this,price,tier.,,, Qualification!and!Selection!of!Homebuyers! It,is,recommended,that,buyer,qualification,requirements,apply,only,to,Low^Priced,homes.,A, method,of,income,certification,should,be,prescribed,in,the,ordinance,,typically,conforming,to, standards,used,by,federal,affordable,housing,programs.,As,noted,above,,there,would,be,a,much, larger,percentage,requirement,(e.g.,30%,vs.,10%,for,new,subdivisions),for,the,Moderately^Priced, home,option,with,price,caps,but,no,income,restrictions,on,buyers.,The,presumption,is,that,a, significant,number,of,Moderately^Priced,homes,resulting,from,a,new,inclusionary,ordinance, would,be,bought,by,buyers,with,incomes,at,or,below,the,median,income,in,Bozeman,,even, though,there,would,be,no,formal,income,restrictions.,, We,also,recommend,eliminating,the,lottery,requirement,in,the,original,ordinance,,which,tend,to, instill,false,hopes,,preclude,realistic,expectations,and,circumvent,the,type,of,rational,planning, that,should,accompany,a,consumer,decision,of,this,magnitude.,A,superior,method,is,to,maintain, a,sequential,waiting,list,for,each,subdivision,or,condo,project,(first,come,,first,served),that, includes,only,prospective,Low^Priced,home,buyers,that,meet,the,income,limits,,ordinance, qualifications,,and,have,also,obtained,a,prequalification,letter,from,a,lender.,, ! Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 29 240 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,29, ! Program!review! We,recommend,only,minor,refinements,of,the,review,provisions,contained,in,the,original,WFHO., We,would,add,triggers,for,possible,review,of,the,program,more,often,than,every,two,years— namely,an,annual,review,or,at,any,time,there,is,a,substantial,change,in,prevailing,mortgage, interest,rates,and,in,the,numbers,of,homes,listed,and,sold,in,the,lower,price,tiers.,The,program, should,also,be,assessed,annually,to,ascertain,if,developers,are,manipulating,their,subdivisions’, composition,to,avoid,the,10^unit,threshold.,If,measurable,increases,occur,in,subdivision,of,nine, units,or,less,,modifications,should,be,made,to,the,program,requirements,for,smaller,projects,to, close,this,potential,loophole.,, Administration! As,with,the,original,WFHO,,requirements,for,providing,affordable,homes,should,be,detailed,in,a, written,“affordable,housing,plan”,that,the,developer,presents,to,the,City,for,its,approval,as,part, of,the,subdivision,or,site,plan,approval,process.,Fill^in^the^blanks,forms,for,different,options,can, make,this,process,relatively,simple,and,predictable.,City,staff,knowledgeable,about,the,details,of, the,requirements,should,be,available,to,work,with,developers,when,developing,their,plans.,, , In,most,communities,,we,do,not,recommend,that,day^to^day,program,functions,including,client, management,and,income,qualification,be,handled,by,City,staff.,Rather,,these,functions,are, typically,more,efficiently,administered,by,local,organizations,specializing,in,affordable,housing, that,already,conduct,income,certifications,and,provide,requisite,homebuyer,training,and, education,services.,These,activities,usually,involve,administrative,support,funding,from,the,local, government,and,are,typically,awarded,competitively,based,on,an,annual,proposal,process.,, ! Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 30 241 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,30, ! 10.,,Recommended,Incentives,for,Building,Affordable,Housing, The,table,on,the,following,page,depicts,a,range,of,incentives,identified,through,the,evaluation,process., These,options,include,some,incentives,from,the,original,Workforce,Housing,Ordinance,(WFHO),,others, identified,by,stakeholders,in,the,context,of,the,evaluation,process,,as,well,as,opportunities,and,best, practices,taken,from,our,work,in,other,communities.,In,addition,,we,provide,recommendations,about, the,types,of,affordable,housing,development,that,should,receive,these,incentives.,, We,are,recommending,that,these,incentives,be,made,available,to,all,affordable,housing,developments, that,satisfy,defined,beneficiary,and,pricing,criteria,,a,key,deviation,from,the,approach,of,the,original, WFHO,,which,only,made,incentives,available,to,mandatory,affordable,housing,creation.,The,key, recommendations,are,those,that,offer,tangible,financial,incentive,to,those,producing,affordable, housing,,as,these,mitigate,the,financial,losses,of,selling,homes,at,below^market,prices.,Among,these,are, deferral,of,impact,fees,and,the,ability,to,create,additional,home,lots,for,affordable,housing.,Short, discussions,accompany,each,of,the,following,recommendations,along,with,a,matrix,indicating,what, income,range,and,housing,type,they,should,be,applied,to. Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 31 242 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,31, ! Recommended( Incentives(Discussion( 0165%( AMI( Rental( 66180%( AMI(for( Sale( 811100%( AMI(for( Sale( Impact(Fee(Deferral( A,deferral,of,impact,fees,is,one,of,the,tangible,ways,that,a,municipality,can,directly, reduce,the,hard,costs,associated,with,development.,The,original,WFHO,allowed,for, sliding,scale,fee,deferral,based,on,income/price,targets,of,individual,homes,,with, full,deferral,for,units,serving,70%,AMI,and,partial,deferral,for,units,priced,at,100%, AMI.,We,recommend,full,deferral,of,impact,fees,for,units,serving,80%,AMI,and, below,,by,means,of,the,Workforce,Housing,Fund,paying,for,the,full,cost,of,the,fees,, and,securing,that,payment,with,a,lien.,Upon,the,resale,of,the,home,by,the,original, incomeOqualified,buyer,,or,the,expiration,of,rental,restrictions,,the,original,amount, of,impact,fees,would,be,paid,back,into,the,fund.,, X(X(( Targeted,(Partial( Financing(of( Infrastructure(for( Affordable(Homes( The,City,should,consider,providing,lowOcost,or,deferred,loans,to,housing, developments,providing,very,affordable,rental,and,forOsale,housing.,This,should,be, restricted,to,affordable,rental,housing,and,LowOPriced,homes,for,sale.,The,most, feasible,approach,would,be,for,the,City,to,apply,to,the,State,of,Montana,for,CDBG, funds,that,would,be,used,by,the,City,for,this,purpose.,CDBG,has,matchOfunding, requirements,,which,could,be,met,by,use,of,funds,from,the,City’s,Workforce, Housing,Fund.,Criteria,would,need,to,be,made,defining,the,amounts,and,process,by, which,these,are,made,available,and,to,what,specific,types,of,developments.,, X(X(( Increased( Capitalization(of(( Workforce(Housing( Fund( Key,to,any,major,increase,in,affordable,housing,production,in,Bozeman,will,be, increased,capitalization,of,the,City’s,Workforce,Housing,Fund.,The,most,powerful, incentives,(above)—impact,fee,deferrals,and,partial,funding,of,infrastructure, costs—require,cash,investments,from,the,public,sector.,Due,to,legal,restrictions,, the,City,cannot,waive,impact,fees,or,defer,them,for,more,than,a,short,period,of, time.,However,,as,described,below,,the,Workforce,Housing,Fund,(which,might,be, renamed,the,Affordable,Housing,Fund),can,pay,the,fees,and,take,back,a,lien,that,is, due,when,an,affordable,home,is,resold.,Increased,capitalization,of,the,Workforce, X(X(( Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 32 243 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,32, ! Recommended( Incentives(Discussion( 0165%( AMI( Rental( 66180%( AMI(for( Sale( 811100%( AMI(for( Sale( Housing,Fund,could,come,from,an,increase,of,the,affordable,housing,mil,rate,levy, to,its,legal,maximum,,from,general,revenue,,or,from,a,general,obligation,bond.,, Waiver(of(Subdivision( and(Permit(Fees( A,feature,of,the,original,WFHO,,a,waiver,of,subdivision,application,and,review,fees, for,projects,that,build,affordable,housing,could,have,a,modest,impact,on,the,hard, development,costs,of,a,subdivision.,Similarly,,waiving,building,fees,for,affordable, units,could,also,have,a,positive,benefit,on,development,costs,of,individual,homes., The,cost,of,providing,this,incentive,would,be,borne,by,administrative,overhead,in, applicable,City,departments,that,currently,rely,on,fees,to,offset,staff,costs.,Options, include,deferring,all,fees,for,developments,that,create,affordable,units,,or,deferring, fees,according,to,the,percentage,of,affordable,housing,created.,, X(X(( Reduction(of(Parkland( Requirements(For( Developments(of(11( or(More(Homes( This,aspect,of,the,original,WFHO,allowed,for,a,reduction,in,parkland,requirement, equal,to,the,minimum,lot,size,allowed,by,that,zoning,district,for,each,affordable, unit,produced.,Allowed,only,for,developments,that,build,onsite,housing,,this, provision,was,very,popular,with,the,building,community,and,has,the,potential,for,a, very,tangible,impact,on,overall,development,costs.,Functionally,in,a,40Ounit, subdivision,,with,a,minimum,5000,square,foot,lot,size,,that,provided,four,affordable, units,,this,would,have,the,effect,of,lowering,the,parkland,requirements,from,a, minimum,of,52,000,ft2,down,to,32,000,ft2., X(X(( Reduction(of(Parkland( Requirements(for( Developments(of(10( or(Fewer(Homes( Currently,,all,subdivision,developments,are,required,to,contribute,parkland,at,a,rate, of,1,300,square,feet,per,unit.,The,state,minimum,is,11%,of,gross,subdividable,area., For,tenOunit,subdivisions,this,creates,parks,,which,are,approximately,⅓,acre.,This, provision,would,lower,parkland,requirements,for,smaller,subdivisions,to,meet,only, the,minimum,requirement,and,allow,for,automatic,cash,in,lieu,for,park,areas, smaller,than,one,¼,acre., X(X(X( Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 33 244 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,33, ! Recommended( Incentives(Discussion( 0165%( AMI( Rental( 66180%( AMI(for( Sale( 811100%( AMI(for( Sale( Density(Bonus( This,provision,would,allow,developers,to,increase,the,maximum,number,of,housing, units,per,acre,allowed,by,the,current,zoning,to,accommodate,inclusion,of,lots,for, affordable,housing.,Generally,this,type,of,density,bonus,has,a,smaller,impact,on, overall,development,costs,because,it,can,be,a,difficult,for,developers,to,truly,utilize., Even,with,allowed,increases,in,density,the,developable,area,for,an,affordable,unit, must,still,be,taken,from,other,home,lots,and,the,overall,projectOlevel,unit,density,is, often,limited,by,other,factors,such,as,terrain,and,wetlands., X(X(( Reduced(Lot(Size( This,incentive,is,included,in,the,original,WFHO,and,allowed,for,smaller,detached, home,lots,than,underlying,zoning,in,categories,(down,to,3,500,square,feet),where, larger,lots,are,typically,required.,Most,developers,are,not,currently,utilizing, minimum,lot,sizes,in,new,subdivisions.,But,this,should,be,kept,as,an,incentive,for, those,developers,who,choose,to,use,it,,since,it,reduces,both,land,and,infrastructure, costs.,,, (X(X( Simultaneous( Infrastructure( Housing(Construction( The,original,WFHO,allowed,for,the,simultaneous,development,of,subdivision, infrastructure,and,housing,for,projects,that,build,at,least,5%,of,the,total,number, units,in,a,project,as,onOsite,affordable,housing.,Builders,also,referenced,this,as,a, potential,incentive,to,help,lower,costs,with,the,trigger,for,permit,issuance,at,the, installation,of,a,gravel,base,roads.,If,this,was,adopted,as,an,incentive,,the,City, would,want,to,require,a,performance,bond,to,ensure,completion,of,the,road, infrastructure., X(X(( Narrower( Streets/Sidewalks(In( Subdivisions( Current,street,widths,are,relatively,small,,and,some,recent,PUD,approvals,have, allowed,for,smaller,roads,in,recent,years.,Still,,some,builders,suggested,that,the, cost,of,housing,could,be,reduced,by,more,liberal,approvals,of,narrower,streets.,The, City,should,consider,convening,a,study,group,that,include,City,staff,and,local, planners,,architects,,engineers,and,builders,to,assess,the,ways,in,which,narrower, X(X(X( Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 34 245 ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,34, ! Recommended( Incentives(Discussion( 0165%( AMI( Rental( 66180%( AMI(for( Sale( 811100%( AMI(for( Sale( streets,and/or,right,of,ways,could,be,more,widely,allowed.,, Streamlined(review(of( smaller(subdivisions.( Smaller,subdivisions,will,have,a,harder,time,meeting,mandatory,affordable,housing, requirements.,While,state,law,dictates,many,aspects,of,the,subdivision,review, process,for,“small,subdivisions”,,there,still,may,be,aspects,of,the,local,review, process,that,can,be,streamlined.,The,City,should,consider,convening,a,group,of, developers,,builders,,land,planners,,surveyors,and,civil,engineers,to,explore,ways, that,smaller,subdivisions,could,be,created,more,quickly,and,cost,effectively.,, X(X(X( Expedited(Review(for( Project(that(Build( Affordable(Housing( Expedited,review,for,all,departments,(planning,,engineering,,building),for,projects, that,are,100%,affordable,was,another,aspect,of,the,original,WFH,Ordinance.,This, could,prove,a,valuable,incentive,when,City,planning,is,experiencing,high,volume,of, applications,for,review.,, X(X(X( Lower(Parking( Requirements( Current,requirements,dictate,that,parking,be,created,at,the,rate,of,one,space,per, bedroom.,This,incentive,would,allow,for,a,reduced,parking,requirement,of,two, spaces,per,threeObedroom,dwelling,for,incomeOcertified,homeowner,occupied, units.,This,requirement,would,ensure,that,the,residents,of,homes,with,reduced, parking,are,families,,and,not,cohabiting,adults,who,would,presumable,have,one,car, per,bedroom.,This,could,also,include,other,criteria,regarding,proximity,to,public, transportation,in,line,with,the,current,allowed,10%,parking,reduction.,, (X(( Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 35 246 ! ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,35, ! , 11.,Other,Strategies,to,Promote,Affordable,Housing,Production, Regulations,alone,cannot,be,relied,upon,to,completely,solve,the,affordable,housing,challenges, facing,the,community.,Through,the,evaluation,process,,a,number,of,new,ideas,were,brought,up, that,could,help,to,support,affordable,housing.,It,is,also,an,opportune,time,to,reiterate,some,of, the,more,pertinent,findings,from,the,2012,Affordable,Housing,Action,Plan.,, ,, Rental'Housing' A,reoccurring,theme,of,this,investigation,has,been,the,urgent,need,for,more,affordable,rental, housing,,this,is,apparent,from,input,surveys,and,public,meetings.,While,there,is,a,significant, pipeline,of,multiIfamily,housing,that,will,be,built,in,the,coming,year,,more,can,be,done.,The, recent,award,of,Federal,Low,Income,Housing,Tax,Credits,(LIHTC),to,the,Stoneridge,affordable, rental,project,is,an,important,model,for,future,projects,that,can,provide,more,very,affordable,, incomeIrestricted,rental,units.,The,affordable,rental,development,recommendations,from,the, City’s,Affordable,Housing,Action,Plan,called,for,development,incentives,,which,we,have, addressed,to,an,extent,here,,but,more,can,be,done.,, , The,scale,of,affordable,housing,subsidy,for,Low,Income,Housing,Tax,Credits,is,without, comparison,and,can,represent,between,$5,million,and,$10,million,in,affordable,housing, development,subsidies,brought,into,the,community,for,each,successfully,awarded,project., Because,of,the,competitiveness,of,LIHTC,awards,,there,are,several,strategies,that,the,City,should, employ.,, , • Support,applications,for,LIHTC,funding,every,year,,if,possible,,which,may,mean,actively, seeking,out,development,partners., , • Work,with,advocates,,affordable,housing,developers,,and,critically,,the,private,sector, building,community,to,identify,development,constraints,unique,to,Bozeman,,which,could, be,used,to,inform,changes,to,Bozeman,development,code,as,well,as,to,provide, recommendations,to,the,Montana,Board,of,Housing,for,future,iterations,of,their,LIHTC, Qualified,Allocation,Plan., , • Use,suitable,land,donations,(CityIowned,land,,land,acquisitions,,or,land,acquired,through, inclusionary,requirements),to,support,applications,for,LIHTC,funding,and,increase,the, level,affordability,in,those,projects, , • Work,to,advocate,for,a,more,rational,allocation,method,,which,currently,does,not, automatically,award,credits,to,the,highest,scoring,projects.,, , Employer'Assisted'Housing' Some,of,the,most,vocal,proponents,of,affordable,forIpurchase,housing,are,administrators,and, employees,of,major,institutions.,These,workers,may,earn,decent,wages,,but,still,face,challenges, Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 36 247 ! ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,36, ! finding,homes,they,can,afford.,Major,Bozeman,employers,such,as,Montana,State,University,, Bozeman,Deaconess,Hospital,,and,the,Bozeman,Public,Schools,all,possess,ample,land,for,housing, development,,but,often,lack,the,skills,necessary,to,execute,high,quality,,efficient,,affordable, housing,development.,, , The,City,should,work,to,assist,these,institutions,access,technical,assistance,,and,solicit,potential, partners,in,the,private,sector,(forIprofit,and,nonIprofit,housing,developers),to,assist,with,this, development.,The,City,can,then,offer,affordable,housing,incentives,for,qualified,units,to,help, increase,affordability.,The,resulting,developments,can,then,be,reserved,for,employees,of,those, institutions.,, , Mobile'Homes' Mobile,homes,are,still,a,very,viable,affordable,housing,option,for,many,who,live,in,the,greater, Bozeman,area.,They,also,offer,a,critical,step,between,renting,and,ownership,for,many,lower, income,households.,There,are,major,issues,facing,the,preservation,of,existing,mobile,home, developments,,including,pressure,to,convert,to,other,more,profitable,uses.,The,2012,Affordable, Housing,Action,Plan,recommended,provision,of,City,water,and,sewer,services,to,aging,parks,that, may,still,be,on,septic,systems,,particularly,those,just,outside,of,City,limits.,In,addition,to,this, strategy,,the,City,should,investigate,affordable,housing,impact,fees,for,the,conversion,of,mobile, home,parks,into,nonIresidential,uses,as,they,are,significantly,decreasing,the,community’s, affordable,housing,inventory., , Current,mobile,home,development,regulations,,technically,considered,the,creation,of,a, “subdivision,for,rent,or,lease”,are,onerous,and,require,all,the,same,development,review, requirements,of,a,forIsale,subdivision,,yet,this,method,lacks,the,tangible,increase,in,land,value, associated,with,actual,subdivision.,This,,plus,the,site,plan,requirements,and,associated, development,costs,are,so,burdensome,that,it,is,unlikely,landowners,would,undertake,the,work, involved,with,approval.,, , The,City,should,convene,a,task,force,to,evaluate,mobile,home,preservation,and,the,subdivision, for,rent,or,lease,elements,in,the,City,development,code.,Options,to,consider,could,include,the, creation,of,byIright,mobile,home,parks,with,clear,performance,standards,,rather,than,the, current,point,system,,particularly,for,projects,that,offer,innovative,improvements,over, traditional,mobile,home,communities,such,as,energy,efficient,home,designs,and,onIsite,energy, generation.,, , Accessory'Dwelling'Units' The,creation,of,more,accessory,dwelling,units,(ADU’s),is,frequently,cited,as,an,important,means, of,providing,affordable,housing,,which,dates,back,to,their,creation,in,1994.,The,public,survey,of, regulatory,options,indicated,that,this,is,by,far,the,most,popular,of,all,the,regulatory,options, provided.,There,are,currently,a,number,of,restrictions,that,could,be,considered,for,modification, Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 37 248 ! ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,37, ! to,make,ADUs,easier,to,create.,Current,development,code,dictates,that,to,develop,a,new,ADU,, the,subject,property,must,be,owner,occupied,,and,ADU’s,must,comply,with,strict,limits,to,the, size,and,bedroom,composition.,The,City,should,consider,modifying,these,requirements,to,lift,the, ownerIoccupied,requirement,and,potentially,allow,modification,to,size,limits.,In,addition,,the, City,should,work,with,the,private,sector,building,community,to,create,a,design,or,designs,for, ADUs,that,could,be,preIapproved,for,design,review,in,neighborhoods,where,those,requirements, exist.,, , Investing'in'Housing'Innovation' The,average,home,size,in,Bozeman,is,much,larger,than,needed,for,a,modest,first,home,for,an, affordable,buyer.,The,City,should,assist,local,industry,professionals,to,share,information,and, learn,new,methods,of,designing,and,building,very,livable,smaller,homes,on,smaller,lots,that, demonstrate,low,life,cycle,costs.,This,could,take,the,form,of,a,series,of,design,charrettes,, informationIsharing,workshops,and/or,design,competitions.,Aside,from,traditional,detached, dwellings,,other,types,of,housing,units,that,could,benefit,from,this,approach,include,modern, designs,for,energy,efficient,and,visually,attractive,mobile,homes,as,well,as,preapproved,design, plans,for,accessory,dwelling,units.,, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 38 249 ! ! Recommendations,for,Regulatory,Changes,to,Support,Affordable,Housing,Development,,,,Page,38, ! Appendix:'Individuals'Interviewed'&'Organizations'That'Provided'Input''' ' Interviewee'Affiliation' Commissioner,Cynthia,Andrus,City,of,Bozeman, Rob,Evans,Constructive,Solutions, Heather,Grenier,Human,Resources,Development,Council, Mayor,Jeff,Krauss,City,of,Bozeman, Collette,Lang,Gallatin,Association,of,Realtors, Anders,Lewendal,Sustainable,Building,Solutions, Marie,Lowe,ERA,Landmark,Real,Estate, Commissioner,Chris,Mehl,City,of,Bozeman, Commissioner,IIHo,Pomeroy,City,of,Bozeman, Brian,Popiel,Arete,Builders/Resource,Site,Services, Jeff,Rupp,Human,Resources,Development,Council, Chris,Saunders,City,of,Bozeman, Sara,Savage,Human,Resources,Development,Council, Kevin,Spencer,,North,Ranch,Homes, Valerie,Sutton,City,of,Bozeman, Sharron,Southard,Big,Sky,Western,Bank, Commissioner,Carson,Taylor,City,of,Bozeman, Wendy,Thomas,City,of,Bozeman, Group'Meetings'Dates' SWMBIA,12/9/14, GAR,12/9/14, CAHAB,12/10/14,,1/14/15, , Attachment C, Recommendations for Regulatory Changes to Support Affordable Housing Development - Werwarth - Page 39 250 Attachment D, Cottage Development Example – Page 1 251 Attachment E, SWIMBIA Incentives Paper – Page 1 Incentives The following incentives shall be available for builders and land developers whose projects develop an adequate amount of affordable housing. The adequate amount of affordable housing required will be dependent on which incentives are being applied for as well as which AMI group is being targeted Impact Fee Subsidy Dwelling units benefitting households with incomes at or below 100% of AMI, shall be eligible for a graduated subsidization of impact fees. The subsidy shall only benefit the dwelling units indicated as affordable housing through a plat note. For dwelling units that benefit households that earn up to 95% of AMI, two-thirds of the corresponding impact fees shall be waved. Dwelling units that benefit households that earn up to 80% of AMI, 75% of the corresponding impact fees shall be waved. For dwelling units that benefit households that earn up to 70% of AMI, 100% of the corresponding impact fees shall be waved. Down-payment Assistance The City shall provide down-payment assistance funded from municipal sources not to exceed $10,000 per dwelling unit benefitting households with incomes at or below 80% of AMI. This assistance shall be secured with a junior lien. Reduction of Parkland Requirements The portions of development projects that include dwelling unit benefitting households at or below 95% of AMI shall be eligible to receive a reduction of parkland requirements. Any development outside of the quarter mile exemption zone, shall be required to produce only 650 square feet per affordable dwelling unit that benefits households earning up to 70% of AMI. Affordable dwelling units that benefit households earning up to 80% of AMI shall only be required to provide 870 square feet of parkland per affordable dwelling unit. Developments that include affordable housing benefitting households earning up to 95% of AMI shall be required to dedicate 1,000 square feet of parkland per affordable dwelling unit. In any development park if a wetland or waterway occupies less than 40% of the parkland in a development, it shall be counted as a portion of the parkland. Reduced Minimum Lot Size Projects that redevelop areas into denser housing or create infill housing shall be granted a minimum lot size of 2000 square feet for detached single-family dwelling units, provided that the dwelling units have direct access to allocated neighborhood park or open space and that at least 50% of the development targets households that earn up to or less than 85% of AMI. Developments that do not redevelop land or create infill housing, shall be subjected to other guidelines. Portions of development that target households that earn 65-75% of AMI shall be allowed a minimum lot sizes of 2000 square feet for those affordable dwelling units. Affordable units that are targeting households that earn 76-85% of AMI shall be allowed a minimum lot size of 2250 square feet. Affordable housing targeting 86-95% of AMI shall be allowed a minimum lot size of 2500 square feet for any affordable housing unit. All townhouse projects that target households earning up to or less than 95% AMI shall be allowed a minimum lot size of 2000 252 Attachment E, SWIMBIA Incentives Paper – Page 2 square feet, regardless of redevelopment or infill. All minimum lot size reductions shall apply to any eligible construction, not just Planned Unit Development. Simultaneous Infrastructure Construction Simultaneous infrastructure construction shall be allowed for any projects that at least 10% of the total development (all phases) shall be dedicated to the creation of affordable housing for any household earning up to or less than 95% of AMI. Expedited Review All projects that 10% of the total development (all phases) are dedicated to the creation of affordable housing targeting households that make up to or less than 95% of AMI shall be eligible for an expedited review process. Reduced Parking Requirements Any dwelling units designated as affordable housing that are 3 bedrooms or more, shall only be required to maintain sufficient parking space for a 3 bedroom residence pursuant to Sec. 38.25 of the Unified Development Ordinance. Only with special approval from the Commission may this incentive be combined with the Street Width Reduction Incentive. Expedited Building Permits All projects that 10% of the total development (all phases) are dedicated to the creation of affordable housing targeting households that make up to or less than 95% of AMI shall be eligible for expedited building permits. Open Market Sales After 60 days of good faith sales effort of an affordable dwelling unit, that has benefitted from any incentives as defined in this section, the developer will be allowed to market the unit to all customers for normal sales procedure. Good faith sales effort shall include notifying the city and any local buyer approval programs. If a lot that benefits from any incentives does not sell to a builder willing to build an affordable unit within 90 days of a good faith sales effort, the lot shall revert to being sold at the market value. Accessory Dwelling Units The city shall have preapproved plans available for homeowners to select. Any homeowner that demonstrates a needed benefit from the added income shall have all permitting expedited. Homeowners that demonstrate a need for the added income shall be allowed an ADU by right in R2-R4. The principle property must be owner occupied to eligible for an expedited ADU. 253 Attachment F, Application for Code Amendment - Page 1 254 Attachment F, Application for Code Amendment - Page 2 255 Attachment G, Changes to UDC to Update References – Page 1 38.08.040 – Lot Area Width Residential 38.14.030 – Lot Area Width NEHMU 38.08.030 - Lot Coverage 38.23.020 – Park Area 38.08.020 – Residential Authorized Uses 2.06.1640 – Street Impact Fees 2.06.1670 – Waste Water Impact Fees 2.06.1660 – Water Impact Fees 38.22.090 – Standards for specific uses - condo 2.06.1650 – Fire Impact Fees 38.41.070 – Final Plat submittal materials 38.41.060 – Additional Subdivision Preliminary Plat Submittals 38.20.090 – PUD Performance 38.41.080 – Site Plan submittal materials 38.38.030 – Supplementary Documents - Covenants 38.23.030 – Development Standards 38.22.030 – ADU standards 38.12.020 – Industrial Zoning Authorized Uses 38.11.020 – Urban Mixed Use Authorized Uses 38.10.020 – Commercial Authorized Uses 2.06.1700 – Misc. Impact Fees 256 Attachment H, Fair Share Proposal Form 8/14/09 – Page 1 City of Durango Fair Share Proposal Form 1. Applicant Information Name of property owner (person or legal entity): Name of designated contact person for Fair Share: Mailing address: Phone number: Email address: Submission date of this proposal to RHA: 2. Property Information Address of property (or adjacent streets): Tax map number(s): Number of acres: 3. Status of This Fair Share Proposal (check all that apply) ___ Draft submitted to RHA ___Recommended to the City by RHA as acknowledge by signature on last page ___Recommended by the Community Development Dept as indicated by signature on last page 4. Development Approval(s) Being Sought Please check all that apply. If one or more are checked, Fair Share requirements apply. ___ Application for annexation unless the site was previously subdivided into residential lots and not being re-platted ___ Application for rezoning ___ Application for a subdivision plat, including a plat for residential condominiums consisting of existing or new dwelling units ___ Application for an increase in density for a property subject to an approved master plan or development plan 257 Attachment H, Fair Share Proposal Form 8/14/09 – Page 2 ___ A site-specific development plan including, but not limited to, special use permit, and conditional use permit applications ___ Application requesting the extension of or connection to city utilities submitted to the city after December 10, 2008 for residential development located outside the city limits If none of the items above is checked, no Fair Share Proposal is required. 5. Number of Residential Units Proposed and Recently Approved a. Number of residential units proposed: b. Number of residential units approved on same site during past 5 years: c. Total of (a) plus (b): If total is three or less, no Fair Share Proposal is required. 6. Pre-Submission Conference with RHA We have participated in a pre-submission conference with RHA: ___Yes __No Date(s) of pre-submission conference(s) with RHA: If no pre-submission conference has been conducted, the property owner may not submit a development proposal to the City. 7. Fair Share Compliance Features of Proposed Development Plan Phase 1 or Entire Development Future Phases, if Any a. Total number of residential units b. Number of Fair Share homes required assuming no alternative compliance – 16% of line (a) rounded to hundredths of dwelling units c. Proposed number of Fair Share homes to be built and sold – from Section 9 below d. Proposed number of Fair Share Homes to be provided by payment of cash in lieu - from Section 10 below e. Proposed numbers of Fair Share Homes to be provided by land donation – from Section 11 below f. Total number of Fair Share Homes to be provided directly and through 258 Attachment H, Fair Share Proposal Form 8/14/09 – Page 3 allowed alternatives 8. Bedroom Mix of Project The following is used to determine the bedroom sizes of Fair Share Homes to be built and sold. Studio 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom 3-Bedroom 4-Bedroom Total Number Number of Units Percentage of Units 100% 9. Pricing and Delivery Schedule for Fair Share Homes To Be Built and Sold See Section 8.5.1 to determine method of distributing Fair Share Homes among Price Tiers and bedroom sizes. The percentage of Fair Share homes of each bedroom size must match the percentages in Section 8 as closely as possible. Please note: Do not include Fair Share Homes that will be provided through in-lieu payments and land donations. This schedule is required only for the first phase of multi-phase projects. Price Tier 1 Price Tier 2 Price Tier 3 Price Tier 4 Total Number Percentage Of Units Studio 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom 3-Bedroom 4-Bedroom Total number of Fair Share Homes to be built and sold 100% I acknowledge that the preceding Fair Share Pricing and Delivery Schedule applies only to Phase 1 of the development if there are multiple phases, and that a Pricing and Delivery Schedule for a future phase must be approved by RHA and the City prior to such phases being platted. ___Yes ___No 259 Attachment H, Fair Share Proposal Form 8/14/09 – Page 4 Following are current Fair Share Home Prices for illustration purposes only. Prices of Fair Share Homes will be those in effect at the time when the Homes are being marketed and sold. Fair Share Home prices and qualifying incomes of buyers are adjusted at least once annually to reflect changes in the area median income, interest rates and other affordability factors as described in the Fair Share Administrative Procedures. 0 BR 1-2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Tier 1 $116,000 $136,000 $175,000 $208,000 Tier 2 $141,000 $165,000 $213,000 $253,000 Tier 3 $173,000 $202,000 $260,000 $308,000 Tier 4 $206,000 $240,000 $307,000 $362,000 10. Pricing and Delivery Schedule for In-Lieu Payments Include any fractional requirements in the cell below corresponding to Price Tier 2 and the weighted average bedroom size of homes in the development. Currently, payments may be made only in lieu of building and selling studio, 1-bedroom and 2-bedroom condos. Enter below the numbers of Fair Share homes provided through in-lieu payments Price Tier 1 Price Tier 2 Price Tier 3 Price Tier 4 Total Number Percentage Of Units Studio 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom 3-Bedroom 4-Bedroom Total number of Fair Share Homes to be built and sold 100% Enter below the illustration dollar amounts of in-lieu payments –numbers of units times in-lieu payment amounts in the schedule below. Price Tier 1 Price Tier 2 Price Tier 3 Price Tier 4 Total Number Studio 1-Bedroom 260 Attachment H, Fair Share Proposal Form 8/14/09 – Page 5 2-Bedroom 3-Bedroom 4-Bedroom Total number of Fair Share Homes to be built and sold I acknowledge that these in-lieu payment amounts are adjusted periodically and will be adjusted to the amounts in effect at the time of final approval of my development proposal ___Yes ___No Current schedule of in-lieu payment amounts 0 BR 1-2 BR 3 BR 4 BR Tier 1 $90,000 $104,000 $132,000 $154,000 Tier 2 $65,000 $75,000 $94,000 $109,000 Tier 3 $33,000 $38,000 $47,000 $54,000 Tier 4 $0 $0 $0 $0 Average for all tiers $47,000 $54,250 $68,250 $79,250 Instructions: a. When some Fair Share homes are provided, Tier 1-4 amounts above are for Fair Share homes not provided. b. The averages are the numbers to be used when no Fair Share homes are provided. c. When no Fair Share homes are provided, a weighted average is calculated based on the bedroom mix in the project. I acknowledge that the preceding Fair Share Pricing and Delivery Schedule applies only to Phase 1 of the development if there are multiple phases, and that a Pricing and Delivery Schedule for a future phase must be approved by RHA and the City prior to such phases being platted. ___Yes ___No 11. Land Donation Currently, land donations are permitted only as follows: “Donation of land with all major infrastructure installed to the perimeter (or to be installed at the developer’s cost) suitable for building either a 30-unit senior apartment project meeting the requirements of the federal Section 202 program, or a 60-unit rental apartment project meeting the requirements of the federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit program.” 261 Attachment H, Fair Share Proposal Form 8/14/09 – Page 6 Number of Fair Share Homes to be provided through a land donation 12. Certifications and Signature I hereby certify and attest to the following: I am an authorized representative of the property owner. I understand that this Fair Share Proposal, when approved, will become part of a recorded Fair Share Agreement in which I will agree to comply with all requirements of the Fair Share Ordinance and Administrative Procedures including but not limited to: a. Requirements for design, timing of delivery, marketing and sale of Fair Share Homes, b. Required Fair Share Prices and qualifying incomes of buyers that are in effect at the time of marketing and sale of the homes, and c. Requirements for timing and amounts of payment of in-lieu payments of in-lieu fees. Submitted this ____th day of _______, 2009 by ______________________________________ Signature of Owner or Representative ______________________________________ Printed or typed name 13. RHA Recommendation for Approval I hereby recommend this Fair Share Proposal for approval by the City of Durango ______________________________________ ____________ Signature of RHA Executive Director Date ______________________________________ Printed or typed name 14. Community Development Department Recommendation for Approval I RHA hereby recommends this Fair Share Proposal for approval by the City of Durango. ______________________________________ ___________ Signature of Department Director Date ______________________________________ Printed or typed name 262 Santa Fe Homes Program AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROPOSAL WORKSHEET Attached # of Units Size Range (SF) Detached # of Units Size Range (SF) % OF TOTAL The project is proposing __________ homes or manufactured home lots. 2BR 3BR 4BR Overview The purpose of these guidelines is to outline the topics that must be addressed in the Affordable Housing Proposal. The Office of Affordable Housing will rely upon the applicant’s description of how the requirements of Section 14-8.11 SANTA FE HOMES PROGRAM will be met. It is important to understand that this proposal must address the Santa Fe Homes Program requirements and that the proposal will be reviewed and approved by the Office of Affordable Housing (OAH). The proposal must be approved by the OAH prior to submission to the Planning Commission or the appropriate committees. This proposal will become the basis for executing the final Santa Fe Homes Program Agreement. Definitions For the purpose of this Affordable Housing Proposal, the definitions used in the City of Santa Fe Administrative Guidelines for the Santa Fe Homes Program shall be the same definitions for the terms, phrases, words and clauses used in this proposal. Project Description Please provide: 1. Proposed Name of Development 2. Location - physical address and/or legal lot of record description 3. Contact Information 4. Current Development Plan that shows the affordable units integrated throughout the development. 5. A brief description of the proposed development that includes the total proposed number of residential units, unit type(s), proposed bedroom mix and any special features of the development that will assist the Office of Affordable Housing in evaluating this proposal. This should be a general description of the proposed development that includes the an overview of the proposed design and building type(s) and any special features, such as green design and building materials, ADA accessible units, etc. Market Rate – Proposed Studios 1BR 2BR Description of Homes Please complete the following table. Put in the proposed number of market rate units by bedroom configuration and square footage of units. Then complete the section with information on your proposed Santa Fe Homes Program Units. This will help us to make sure your Santa Fe Homes Program proposal is in compliance with the program requirements. Please complete a chart that contains the following information. 3BR 4BR Studios 1BR Instructions Please read through the document and fill in text where it is indicated by either a red font or an orange highlighted cell. Also, please note that when you fill out line 1 of the Compute Santa Fe Homes Requirement table, it will automatically calculate the bedroom mix on the "# of bedrooms" page, which is its own tab at the bottom of this excel document. These numbers can then be used to fill out the Santa Fe Housing Program Units - Bedroom Mix & Unit Size table. Page 1 of 5 Attachment H, Sample Affordable Housing Plan - Page 1 263 Santa Fe Homes Program AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROPOSAL WORKSHEET 51 15.30 15 5 5 5 15 5 5 5 0.30 $ 17,737 6. Determine fractional fee. Enter the remaining fraction resulting from the calculation in line 2: 7. Multiply the fraction from line 6 by $59,1251. This is the total fractional fee that is owed: Compute Santa Fe Homes Program Requirement 4. Determine how many units are required in each applicable Income Range. Divide number from Line 3 by 3. Enter the whole number result in each of the following Income Ranges: 4a. Income Range 2: 4b. Income Range 3: 4c. Income Range 4: 1. Total number of all units to be built in development (fill in) 2. Multiply number from line 1 by 30% 3. Enter whole number result of line 2 calculation. This is the total number of SFHP units that must be built in the development 5c: Income Range 4: 5a. Income Range 2: 5b. Income Range 3: 5. If the total of lines 4a, 4b and 4c does not equal the total required from line 3, add one unit to the requirement for Income Range 3 (line 4b). If the new total still does not equal the total required from line 3, add one unit to the requirement for Income Range 2 (line 4a). Enter new totals on lines 5a, 5b and 5c. The total of lines 5a, 5b, and 5c must equal the total from line 3. This is the total number of SFHP units that must be provided in each Income Range. 1 The base fractional fee is updated when the AMI is updated and is equal to one-half the price of a 3 bedroom home for Income Range 2. The following chart outlines how to compute the Santa Fe Homes Program Requirement. Please complete this or a similar chart to indicate how the SFHP requirements were computed. 5.00 Page 2 of 5 Attachment H, Sample Affordable Housing Plan - Page 2 264 Santa Fe Homes Program AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROPOSAL WORKSHEET Attached # of Units Size Range (SF) Detached # of Units Size Range (SF) % of TOTAL Required Distribution2 25% Santa Fe Housing Program Units – Bedroom Mix and Unit Size 2 The SFHP requires that 25% of the affordable units be studios/one/two-bedrooms; 50% are two- bedrooms; and, 25% are four-bedrooms. However, a if the project will consist solely of one or two bedroom types then the affordable units by bedroom configuration must be built in proportion to the market rate units by bedrooms. For example, if market rate units will be 50% one-bedroom and 50% two- bedroom units, then 50% of the affordable units must be one bedroom and 50% must be two-bedroom units. 4BR 25%25%25%50% Studios 1BR 2BR 3BR 1BR 2BRStudios 3BR 4BR Unit Mix and Bedroom Configuration Please describe the proposed unit mix and bedroom configuration for each of the homes to be provided under the SFHP. This should include the number of units by bedroom type and size(s) of the proposed SFHP homes. Please click the "# of bedrooms" tab within this spreadsheet. The bedroom mix (# of units) should be automatically calculated for you on that page. Page 3 of 5 Attachment H, Sample Affordable Housing Plan - Page 3 265 Santa Fe Homes Program AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROPOSAL WORKSHEET Proposed Pricing Attached Price # Price # Price # Price # Price # Income Range 1 Income Range 2 Income Range 3 Income Range 4 Detached Income Range 1 Income Range 2 Income Range 3 Income Range 4 4BR Santa Fe Housing Program Units - Pricing Studios 1BR 2BR 3BR Recommendations and Approvals The Office of Affordable Housing will review the proposal provided by the developer/builder for compliance with the requirements of the SFHP. Upon acceptance of this proposal, OAH Staff will prepare a proposal agreement which outlines the proposal requirements and agreements. The Builder will ensure all Households seeking to purchase a SFHP home have their income certified by either Homewise or the Santa Fe Community Housing Trust. These two non-profit organizations are under contract with the City of Santa Fe to provide this service, as well as homeownership counseling. They work with buyers to locate suitable and appropriate financing and also ensure that the Shared Appreciation Agreement and Deed of Trust is recorded. These two documents ensure that the home will remain affordable in perpetuity or that if, in the future, the home is sold to a market rate buyer that any net proceeds are placed into a fund that can only be used to increase the supply of affordable housing units in the City of Santa Fe. All of the specific requirements outlined in the City’s Community Housing Guidelines for income, co-ownership and co-signing, occupancy, and leave of absence must be met. Phasing Please describe the proposed phasing, if any for this development. This should include a description of how affordable units will be constructed and sold in proportion to market rate homes. Home Owners Association (HOA) Describe the Homeowners Association, if any, including the proposed monthly dues and what these fees are expected to cover (exterior maintenance, insurance, trash collection, etc.). The monthly amount of the HOA fees must be included in the calculation of the monthly affordable home price. Incentives The SFHP provides several incentives that offset the cost of meeting the affordable housing requirements. Incentives include a 15% density bonus and a reduction in the amount of submittal fees for development review applications, waivers of the building permit fees, capital impact fees, sewer extension fees proportional to the number of SFHP units, a reduction to the water utility extension fee and an exemption from the retrofit and consumptive water rights requirements for the SFHP units. Please indicate which incentives, if any, will be requested for this development: ____ Up to a 15% increase in density ____ Fee Waivers for Affordable Units ____ Water retrofit credits for Affordable Units Sales Prices Please describe the proposed maximum sales price for Santa Fe Homes Program Units. This should include the proposed number of homes to be sold in these price ranges by bedroom configuration. Page 4 of 5 Attachment H, Sample Affordable Housing Plan - Page 4 266 Santa Fe Homes Program AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROPOSAL WORKSHEET IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Proposal is made on this date _____________ and year _______. SFHP DEVELOPER: __________________________________ STATE OF NEW MEXICO ) )ss. COUNTY OF SANTA FE ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _____ day of ____________, _______, by___________________________________________. ____________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: ______________________ REVIEWED BY: _______________________________________ ___________________ OFFICE OF AFFORDABLE HOUSING DATE Attach: Exhibit 1 - Subdivision layout (proposed) Page 5 of 5 Attachment H, Sample Affordable Housing Plan - Page 5 267 Recommendations  on  Securing  Community  Investment  in  Affordable  Housing     Provided  by  Werwath  Associates  7/23/15  at  the  request  of  City  Staff     The  City  of  Bozeman  is  currently  considering  policies  that  would  provide  incentives  for  the   production  of  affordable  housing  and  the  possible  enactment  of  an  inclusionary  housing   requirement  for  new  construction.  Staff  has  been  given  direction  to  investigate  ways  to  ensure   that:  (a)  community  investments  in  affordable  housing  provide  long-­‐term  benefits  to  low-­‐  and   moderate-­‐income  people  who  can’t  afford  market-­‐rate  housing  and  (b)  that  community   investments  in  affordable  housing  programs  are  continually  re-­‐invested  to  ensure  long-­‐term   benefit  to  the  community.       There  are  two  prevailing  approaches  to  achieving  long-­‐term  affordability  controls:   1. Resale  controls:  restrictions  on  resale  prices,  incomes  of  future  buyers,  and  realization   of  appreciation  by  homeowner  at  sale,  or;   2. Recapture  and  recycling  of  subsidies:  the  required  repayment  of  subsidies  that  can  be   used  to  further  assist  the  creation  of  additional  affordable  housing,  or  allowing  the   continued  subsidization  of  a  current  affordable  unit.           The  two  different  approaches  are  analyzed  below,  in  terms  of  their  appropriateness  and   efficiency  in  connection  with  the  City’s  proposed  incentives  for  building  affordable  housing.     1.    Resale  Restrictions     The  original  Bozeman  Workforce  Housing  Ordinance  utilized  a  resale  restriction  that  limited  the   resale  of  homes  to  income-­‐qualified  buyers  and  limited  the  amount  of  appreciation  that  could   be  realized  by  the  homeowner  at  sale.  This  type  of  approach  typically  utilizes  a  restrictive   covenant  that  runs  with  the  deed  to  the  property  in  perpetuity.       The  presumed  benefit  to  this  the  resale  approach  is  that  the  community  develops  a  pool  of   perpetually  affordable  homes.  But  this  approach  has  several  significant  shortcomings  that   undercut  the  benefits.     • Homes  with  resale  restrictions  can  prove  difficult  to  fund  through  conventional   mortgage  lending  programs.     • The  perpetual  caps  on  appreciation  that  can  be  earned  by  the  homebuyers  negatively   impact  the  marketability  of  homes  and  buyers  often  seek  out  moderately  priced  market   rate  alternatives.       • Owners  tend  to  invest  less  in  upgrades  and  ongoing  maintenance  and  upkeep  of  the   property  since  the  value  created  by  these  investments  do  not  increase  appreciation   realized  at  sale.     Attachment I, Securing Community Investment Memo 07/23/15 - Page 1 268 • Resale  restrictions  entail  a  high  level  of  administrative  complexity  and  cost  that  requires   a  much  larger  investment  of  time  and  money  than  the  recapture  and  recycle   mechanisms  that  will  be  discussed  below.  The  hardest  and  most  time-­‐consuming  task  is   quickly  finding  qualified  buyers  for  the  priced-­‐capped  homes  that  are  being  sold,  and   help  them  get  financing.       • The  benefits  of  the  price  caps  are  diluted  more  and  more  over  time.  Since  each  owner  is   allowed  to  benefit  from  a  fraction  of  the  appreciation,  the  prices  of  the  homes   inevitably  rise  over  time.  Typically,  the  incomes  of  low-­‐moderate  income  buyers  rise  at  a   lower  rate  than  the  price  increases  requiring  additional  subsidies  to  keep  the  homes   affordable.  Perpetually  affordable  homes  become  impossible  without  increased   investment  over  time.       On  the  macro  level,  because  resale  restrictions  permanently  attach  the  community  investment   in  affordable  housing  to  a  single  home,  it  presents  a  severe  limitation  to  the  flexibility  and   effectiveness  of  a  community’s  affordable  housing  asset  over  time.  This  can  prove  problematic   in  situations  where  some  priced-­‐capped  homes  prove  to  be  of  low  quality,  suffer  high  levels  of   deferred  maintenance,  or  are  located  in  neighborhoods  that  prove  fundamentally  incompatible   with  low-­‐  and  moderate-­‐income  homeowners.  Similarly  restrictive,  by  locking  community   investment  into  specific  housing  types,  it  fails  to  respond  to  shifts  in  housing  needs  and   community  housing  priorities  over  time.       2.    Recapture  and  Recycling  of  Subsidies   A  more  desirable  model  utilizes  a  recapture  and  recycling  mechanism,  meaning  the  community   investment  in  affordable  housing  is  secured  with  a  subordinate  mortgage,  and  recaptured  and   recycled  at  the  time  of  sale.  Under  this  approach,  a  home  would  be  sold  at,  or  just  under,   market  rate  pricing,  with  the  difference  between  the  market  sales  price  and  the  affordable  price   (the  effective  subsidy)  captured  in  a  second  mortgage.  This  mortgage  would  be  interest  and   payment  free  to  the  homeowner,  with  repayment  due  at  the  time  or  sale,  transfer,  or  cash-­‐out   refinance.       • This  type  of  mechanism  is  simpler  to  understand  for  potential  homebuyers  and  does  not   significantly  impair  marketability.       • Ensures  the  beneficiaries  of  affordable  housing  programs  do  not  receive  a  windfall   financial  benefit  at  sale.       • Administration  of  these  types  of  programs  are  simpler  and  more  cost  efficient  because   the  city  is  not  responsible  for  finding  qualified  buyers  for  the  homes  and  they  do  not   require  complex  calculations  to  determine  appreciation  and  equity  gains  to  buyers.       Attachment I, Securing Community Investment Memo 07/23/15 - Page 2 269 • By  securing  the  affordable  discount  in  this  way,  the  community’s  affordable  housing   investment  can  be  leveraged  to  help  lower  income  homebuyers  more  easily  qualify  for   mortgages  by  lowering  the  loan-­‐to-­‐value  ratio,  and  can  increase  buying  power  by   eliminating  the  need  for  expensive  private  mortgage  insurance  (PMI)  where  the  subsidy   amounts  to  at  least  20%  of  a  home’s  value.       • A  “right  of  first  refusal”  provision  would  allow  the  City  or  its  agent  to  buy  back  homes   and  keep  them  affordable  on  a  case-­‐by-­‐case  basis.     Over  time,  as  homes  are  produced  either  through  incentives  or  inclusionary  programs,  the   community  portfolio  of  affordable  loans  grows  into  a  significant  flexible  asset  for  affordable   housing  that  can  serve  the  community  perpetually.     Recycling  of  Community  Investment   When  communities  elect  to  utilize  a  recapture  and  recycling  model  for  securing  investments  in   affordable  housing,  it  is  necessary  to  have  a  clear  and  transparent  model  for  the  administration   and  reinvestment  of  these  resources.  This  ensures  that  investments  in  affordable  housing  are   perpetually  dedicated  to  housing  uses  and  cannot  be  usurped  for  other  municipal  priorities  over   time.  It  also  ensures  that  housing  resources  are  directed  towards  the  most  pressing  housing   needs.  Most  communities  elect  to  have  recaptured  funding  secured  through  some  form  of  a   housing  trust  fund  that  has  a  regular  solicitation  of  proposals  based  on  demonstrated   community  housing  needs  with  funds  awarded  on  a  competitive  basis.  This  ensures  that  ongoing   recycling  of  funds  are  relevant  and  foster  innovative  approaches  and  the  development  of  new   housing  programs  over  time.       Example  Recapture  Calculations     Example  Subsidy  Calculation   Full  Appraised  Value    $250,000   Purchase  Price  (97%  of  appraised  value,  3%  equity  buffer)  $242,500   Affordable  Price  (dictated  per  ordinance)  $194,846   Effective  Subsidy  (purchase  price  minus  affordable  price)  $47,654     Repayment  Example,  After  10  Years  Ownership   Sales  Price  (assumed  increase  in  home  value  over  time)  $300,000   Minus  Sales  and  Closing  Costs  (9%)  $273,000   Mortgage  Principle  Repayment  $156,153   Repayment  to  City  $47,654   Equity  to  Homeowner  $69,193   Attachment I, Securing Community Investment Memo 07/23/15 - Page 3 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 Attachment K, RPAB Subdivision Subcommittee Meeting Summary – Page 1 Bozeman Recreation & Parks Advisory Board P.O. Box 1230 · Bozeman, MT · 59771 Affordable Housing Discussion SUBJECT: Workforce Housing PLANNER: Wendy Thomas FROM: Subdivision Review Committee DATE OF REVIEW: July 31, 2015 OVERVIEW:  Planner Thomas laid out the basics of the affordable housing plan that she had developed as directed by the City Commission. The key points of this proposal, from the park perspective, were a 1 for 1 relaxation of the park dedication requirement for the 70% AMI price only, and that the lost parkland be capped at the quota level.  We compared this to the SWMBIA proposal, which had a sliding scale of dedication loss for the all three AMI target levels. The committee far preferred the 70% only plan.  We reviewed a list of incentives offered in the proposal the one most directly affecting parks was the waiver of the pre-ap. This was a point of some concern as we feel this is an important step in the subdivision review process. COMMENTS:  We discussed the fact that those families that qualify for affordable housing are the ones who need city parkland the most. They cannot afford ski passes or their own play equipment or other pricey recreation. This is a difficult sacrifice. RECOMMENDATION:  We discussed the importance of every stakeholder making a contribution and grudgingly conceded that the proposed plan spread the pain around well, far better than the previous workforce housing ordinance. Respectfully submitted, Subdivision Review Committee of the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board The full Recreation & Parks Advisory Board has not reviewed these findings and recommendations. 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306