HomeMy WebLinkAboutBozeman Interfaith Housing II; Montana Trust Indenture - Subordination Agreement, 1999 -- >I' ~ ~~~~. .- SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT f 'L~ 202 PAGf3612 WHEREAS, Bozeman Interfaith Housing II, a nonprofit corporatio~ hereinafter designated . the "Owner", is the owner of the following described real property situated in Gallatin County, State of Montana, to-wit: Lot 2 of Bozeman Interfaith Housing 2, Minor Subdivision No. 223, in Gallatin County, Montana, according to the official plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana. WHEREAS, the said Owner has made application for a loan in the amount of Five Hundred Sixty Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Noll 00 Dollars ($567,500.00) from the Montana Board of Housing, hereinafter designated the ""Lender", to be evidenced by a promissory note and secured by a Deed of Trust, which shall be a first lien upon the real property described above, WHEREAS, the undersigned, City of Bozeman, has an interest in or lien upon the real property described above as follows: \0 A Montana Trust Indenture, dated November 19, 1997, wherein Bozeman Interfaith -9 Housing, Inc. (II) is the Grantor, PaulJ. Luwe, Bozeman City Attorney, is the Trustee :.::r and the City of Bozeman is the Beneficiary which Trust Indenture secures a loan in 0 the amount of Twenty Five Thousand and NollOO Dollars ($25,000.00) and was CJ C) recorded on December 19, 1997, in Film 179, Page 4308, as Document No. 356256, ~ records of Gallatin County, Montana. NOW, THEREFORE, in order to pennit the Owner to borrow said sum from the Lender and to secure the same by a Deed of Trust on the real property hereinabove described, and in order to induce the Lender to make said loan to the Owner, the undersigned, City of Bozeman, for itself and for its heirs, representatives, successors and assigns does hereby agree that all of its right, title, lien and interest in and to the above-described real property shall be subject to and subordinated to the said Montana Trust Indenture and the Deed of Trust in favor of, or for the benefit of, the Lender and its assigns, which is dated the day of , 1 991,9and recorded on the 8TH day of SEPTEMBER , 1991~ at 3:49 o'clock p.M., in Film 202 . Page 3592DOC#3994twMortgage records in Gallatin County, Montana, and which shall be a first and prior lien upon the real property described above, superior to any right, title, line and interest of the undersigned, City of Bozeman. --.. ..,--_.._-,.._-"'.,_. >- .. .- . _. .... . *. f JLM 202 PAGE3613 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, PaulJ. Luwe, Bozeman City Attorney, has set his hand and affixed his Seal this ~ ~ day of April 1999 . CITY OF BOZEMAN STATE OF MONTANA ) ) ss. County of Gallatin ) 0 On this ~ day of April 1999, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public for the State of Montana, personally appeared PAUL J. LUWE, known to me to be the City Attorney and Trustee for the 9~ty ofi~ozeIt)al1 and the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and ac~~~ he executed the same for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman. ,,~'R ," f":I,"i' ./1 ,:~ ,', "1'~,:'~','~ . \,:." ,,~ . ,.. , ..' .,. .. ~:;~I ,. ! '" ~pREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Notarial Seal the day ;. 1j6tten. c,.p;.l' '....". 't' ," '. " 'm-'.~ ""l ' .,.h" J. ''''. 'JI":,!.. . "~r <' ,',",'- ~ ..,' . . ~ .... co.,;:"'"! ~ .' , ~."./'-."..)IIl. ~ ,. ,. ...'. .... ,. .. ;'.'~" :<., ; /" j '~\ . , '~ ; , : ~ Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at Bozeman My Commission Expires 6/15/99 399430 Stale of MoDI., ColN1fy of Galtatln. II Flied for record SEPTEMBER 8 , 11-2.2- at 3: 51 P /.eM., ~ reC()rded In Book 202 o~" "~A '~=~'&:p~~12 df!el '1 an(!~.. Recorder. Iy FEE: $12.00 RT: SECURITY TITLE CO.