HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-28-15 Marta, Arterial Collector Public Comment TO: BOZEMAN, MT. and whomever it concerns FROM: Robert D. (BOB) Marta ADDRESS: 704 N.22"d Ave. #2, Bzn, MT. 59718 PARCEL # OOGG27004 Annie sub ph#1, Levy Dist. 035008 SUBJECT: Partial Protest of Resolution NO. 4603; in form To whom it may concern; 1 am Not in total opposition to #4603, yet I feel Timing, and Prioritizing have been overlooked; for over 55 years that 1 am aware of. Which none of you folks can be held accountable for! To try and cut to the chase; BZN. History/101: In those 55 years road maintenance was always done by the band aid principle not by fixing; ( Pot holes, frost boils), in MT. etc. Can only be fixed by digging down to the frost line, packing layers in, or they come right back! GOD and Mother nature's (seasonal changes) will get even every time, and a half inch of asphalt; cost more than the FIX over the years of band aid's. Bozeman beautiful is a good concept; (slogan), but just wait until a sightseer drives an RV. into a pot hole: frost boil. No more beauty? c If you're going to talk about Infrastructure you had better Fix the old before you compound the problem by adding the new: Haste makes, waist. c 1 do applaud the genius who; "fixed" 8t" street. Good job, about time. Long �overdue but a Fix Now: Roundabout's; cute but not very practical in this country, & expensive, unsafe. Who was the genius on the one at Baxter lane/ Ferguson not to mention cutting B. lane to one narrow lane around it, and cut the side walk out for kid's walking to/from school? how much will it cost to take that one out?. In middle of two new developments to the south at the F./curve? Wait until a heavy snow fall, not good, and you will need all of Baxter lane +?Also from a purely financial stand point: In the greater BZN area we have well over 200 miles of hiking trails, so many parks; you could spend months just trying to find all of them? The money Saved on those two would come close to paying for the: "Fixes", And excavate part of a semi warehouse district off Jackrabbit lane? The BZN. Beautiful concept was a good one; but now has become the BZN. i0glut"! Right now; no matter how you slice and dice it; Bozeman's survival rests on broadening city limits to Three Forks, larger (tax base), Or a i°sales tax 11? Which are both: Political suicide for all of you!, just mentioning it! This is NOT: LA/NYC; if that is what you want; move back! And I have purposely stayed away from $ talk: maintenance, new schools, new law and justice center, water depletion, etc. Infrastructure starts with the basic principles of Common Sense; you folks were dealt the garbage from your: Predecessors make chicken salad out of it. In reverse: Fix It, no more band aides. FIX the old you all have been dealt; "FIRSTH!" PS: arterial/collector streets? 1 am sure the concept of a warehouse district, has come up as a way of diverting, intercity Truck traffic, or weight limit's in city proper, traffic issues. and Less maintenance costs. A classic example of bad city infrastructure is: ST. George, UT. roundabouts , wedged into narrow foot hills; heavy winter snows, summer floods; so bad Walmart, fed ex, etc had to go way N. of St G. to put in N. bound truck hubs. Rush hour is real dicey, they placed "Roundabouts" in some screwy places, similar to Baxter and FERG. Cars get stacked up on ramps to 1-15, and can't get out of the roundabouts; Genius and cute, but? Respectfully and sincerqW submitted by; ROBERT D. (BOB) MARTA Well my initial intent, was Not to rag on you folks; so 1 will just shut up for no? Use ("Common Sense"), not votes to decide c G r: i