HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 13- 434, Appropriations for 1913 ,. ; , r .~'; :... - ORDINANCE NO. 434. An Ordinance Providing for the Annual Appropriation for the City of Boznman for the Fiscal Year oommencing on t'he first Mrnday in May, 1913. BE IT ORD1:..INED BY THE CITY COU~Wr:L 01" THE CITY OF \ BOZEMA!~: Section 1- That the following amounts are hereby appro- priated from the General Fund for the Fiscal Year commencing on the first Monday in May, 1913, to wit: 1st. For the annual salary of the Mayor at the rate of $25.00 per mont, $300.00 2nd. For the salaries of eight Aldermen at the rate of $6.00 each per month, $576.00 3rd. For the salary of the Oi ty Clerk at the ~~300. 00 rate of $25.00 per month, 4th. For the s&1ary of the City Attorney at the rate of $75.00 per month, $900.00 5th. For the salary of the City Treasurer at ~~1800. 00 the rate of $150.00 per month, 6th. For the salary of t'he Police Judge at the ~720.00 rate of $60...('(' rV}1' >'''I"'tr, I 7th. For the salary of the Cllief of Police at the rate of $125.00 per month, $1500.00 8th. For the salary of trT.19 Po1iJeT:l lit ~f3600. 00 the rate of $100.00 per month, 9th. For the salary of the Janitor and Jailer at the rate of $90.00 per month, $1080.00 lOth. ]'or the salary of the City .Engineer at $1800.00 the rate of $150.00 per month, 11th. For tea office and other expenses of the I City Engineer, $200.00 I 12th. For the salary of the City Health Officer at the rate of $50.00 per menth, $600.00 13th. For Stenographers Services for all City $400.00 Offioes, 14th. For the salary of the keeper of the City ~~100. 00 Dump Grounds at the rllte of ~i25.00 per quarter year, I" 1\ , -2- 15th. For the salary of the Plumbing Inspector $300.00 at the rnte of $25.00 per month, 16th. For the s~11r.ry of the Meat Inspector $600.00 at the rate of $50.00 per month, 17th. Ji'or fuel and lights in the Ci ty RaIl and Opera House, $1000.00 18th. For printing and stat~onery $850.00 19th. For ~epairs to buildings and furniture, ~~500. 00 20th. For board of city prisoners, $100.00 21Bt. For misoellaneous expenses, $1000.00 22nd. For salary of Eu.ilding Inspeotor at $600.00 the rate of $50.00 per month, Section 2. That the following amounts are hereby appropriated from the Street Fund for the Fiscal Year commenc- ing on the first Monday in May, 1913, to wit: lat. Forllhe salary of street Commissioner at $1200.00 the rate of $100.00 per month, 2nd. For street lights, $8100.00 3rd. For lumber, nails and etc. $1000.00 4th. For labor aD streetsan4 sidewalks, $4000.00 5th. For tools, blacksmithing and repairs, $400.00 Section 3. That the following amounts are hereby appropriat8d from the Fir~ Fund for the Fiscal Year oommenc- ing on the first Mond.ay in May, 1913, to wit: 1st. For the salary of the Chief of the Fire Department at the rp,te of $100.00 per month, $1200.00 2nd. For the s.:lary. of the Engineer for 'the $120.00 Fire Department at the rate of $10.00 per mouth, 3rd. For the salary of the Driver for the Fire $1080.00 Wagon at the rate of $90.00 per month, ...., 4th. For the salary of one Fireman and Eleo- trician at the rate of $125.00 per month, $1500.00 5th. For maintenance of Fire Department at the rete of $10.00 per month, $120.00 ;", , -3- 6th. For misoellaneous expenses of tile ]'ire Department, ~i;lOOO. 00 Section 4. That the following amounts are hereby appro- . priated from the LibrarJ Fund for the Fisoal Year oommenc- ing on the first Monday of May, 1913, to wit: 1st. For the salaries of Librarian, Assistant Librarian Jani tor, and light for Library Buil ding, and for th e ptU"chase of supplies and the support and maintenance of the l~blio Li baary, the sD1Ile to be expended under the dire ctio n of the Library Board, ~~2700. 00 Section 5. That the following amount is hereby appropriated from the Sinking Fund for the Fiscal Year commencing on the first Monday in May, 1913, to wit: 1st. For the payment of interest on City Hall Bonds payable July 1st, 1913, and Januar;y 1st, 1914t and such 0 ther Bonds as there may be funds to oall, $1400.00 Section 6. That the fol10'Yvint; amounts are hereby a ppro- priateo. from the Water IPund for the Fisoal Year commencing on the first Monday in May, 1913, to wit: 1st. lor the salary of Utility man at the rate of $90.00 per month, $1080.00 2nd. For the snlary of the Water Qj llector at the rate of $100.00 .per month, $1200.00 3rd. :&'or miscellane ous expAnses, ~p 2000.00 Secti on 7. That the following amount is harp-by e-ppropria- ted from the Water Extension Jl'und for the Fisoa1 Year commenc tng on the f1r*t Monday in May, 1913, to wit: 1st. For the extension of Water Mains, $1500.00 Section 8. That the fo110,>/ing amounts arn hereby appro- priated from the Water Sinking Fund for the Fiscal Year com- '.'encing on the first Monday in May, 1913t to wit': 1st. For the payment of one years interest on Water J3onds, $7800.00 2nd. For payment of Water BondB, $15000.00 I \- -4- Seotion 9. That the following amount is hereby appro- priated from the Dog Fund for the Fisoal Year commencing on the first Monday in May, 1913, to wit: 1st. For the burial of dead dogs and niscellane01JS expenses, $100.00 Seotion 10. Tha.t the following amount is hereby appro- priated from t'he ce!:lstery J)'und for the Fisoa1 Year commenci.ng on the first Monday in May, 1913, to wit: 1st. For the improvement of the Cemetery, $1000.00 Seotion 11. That this ordinanoe shall take effeot and be in force from and a.fter the 1st day of May, 1913. Passed the 20th day of March, 1913. kpproved tbe 20th day of Maroh, 1913. J5,Lr /{i ~,' :~ _..".........,._-~ . ' ~. ' ......'~, _ ~ ~' ~!~ , f Mayor. ATTEST: wm~~ City Clerk. .-,/