HomeMy WebLinkAbout19900514 r ------ 1 . THE C I T Y o F B 0 Z E M A Nt MONTANA I COM MIS S ION MEETING AGENDA May 14, 1990 Page ~ of -2- Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. bv Commission I. Roll Call - 3:30 p.m. .l"'~' Pledge of Allegiance and Uoment of Silence Minutes - May 7, 1990 3. Request for Commission clarification of Condition No. 16 for possible motion and vote 05-07-90 4. approval of preliminary plat for Westfield Subdivision, Phase II - Clair Daines Ordinance No. 1310 - providing the method for the maintenance of Motion and vote to provisionally adopt and bring back in 05-07-90 5. streets, alleys and public places and providing for the method two weeks for final adoption of paying the costs of same, and repealing Ordinance No. 295 Ordinance No. 1311 - providing the method for the planting and Motion and vote to provisionally adopt and bring back in 6. maintenance of trees in all public places, rights-of-way and two weeks for final adootion parks and providing for the method of paying the costs thereof - . I Staff report - deviations and variances to the zone code, and Motion and vote to acknowledge receipt 7. the criteria 'for review and consideration of same Discussion - request for funding of tree inventory and manage- Possible motion and vote 05-07-90 8. ment plan Discussion - Interlocal Agreement between the City and County 9. establishing a City-County Board of Health ,- THE C I T Y o F B 0 Z E M A Nt MONTANA COM MIS S ION MEETING AGENDA Mav 14, 1990 Page --L. of --L. Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action I No. by Commission Discussion - report from City Attorney re subdivision review 10. , Discussion - FYI Items lI. - City Manager's report Consent Items - Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the 12. appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions Proclamation..., "Na.tional Association of Insurance Women's Week" - May 20-26, 1990 a. Request for permission to conduct Walk for Life '90 - Pregnancy 'Problem Center - Saturday, June 2, 9:00 a.m. - b. beginning and ending at Lindley Park; limited to sidewalks and walkways only Staff report - request for extension of sewer line outside c. city limits - Susan Taylor, Reeves Road; subject to the conditions set forth in the staff report Commission Resolution No. 2786 - intent to create SID No. 655 d - paving of Concord Drive and construction of sidewalk along west side of Wagon Wheel Road in Westfield Subdivision, Phase II; set public hearing for June 4, 1990 , . - THE C I T Y o F B 0 Z E M A Nt MONTANA COM MIS S ION M E E TIN G AGENDA May 14, 1990 Page ~ of ~ Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission Commission Resolution No. 2787 - setting public hearing on proposed 6.5~percent water rate increase for June 18, 1990 e. Commission Resolution No. 2788 - setting public hearing on f. proposed 10.5-percent sewer rate increase for June 18, 1990 Commission Resolution No. 2790 - establishing a revised g. landfill fee schedule, and setting public hearing for June 18, 1990 Commission Resolution No. 2791 - approving the application h. of Scientific Materials Corporation for tax reduction under Section 15-24-1401, et seq, MCA Change Order No. 1 - Wheat Drive Lift Station - add $800 and i. o days - Johnston Excavating, Inc. j. Authorize absence of City Manager Wysocki - May 18-28, 1990 k. Claims 13. Adjournment Motion and vote to adjourn 14. Work Session - presentation from Gil Grain on reading and understanding financial statements (7:00 p.m.)