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Commission Memorandum
REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission
FROM: Tom Rogers, Senior Planner
Wendy Thomas, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: UDC, Chapter 38 Update Professional Services Agreement
MEETING DATE: August 24, 2015
RECOMMENDATION: Approve and authorize City Manager to sign the Professional Services Agreement with MAKERS Architecture & Urban Design.
RECOMMENDED MOTION: Having Reviewed and considered the staff memo, public
comment, and all the information presented, I hereby move to approve and authorize the City
Manager to sign the Professional Services Agreement with MAKERS Architecture & Urban Design to perform the evaluation and revisions to Chapter 38, UDC.
BACKGROUND: On January 25 and February 1, 2015 the City of Bozeman Published a
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for a comprehensive evaluation and update of Chapter 38 of
the Unified Development Code (UDC). The City Commission approved a budget allocation of
$300,000 as part of the FY16 budget to perform this task.
These services were procured through the City’s consultant selection process. A Request for Qualifications was published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on January 25 and February 1,
2015, with the proposals being due no later than 5:00 p.m. Friday, May 22, 2015. Proposals
were received from three firms on the project which were distributed to a selection committee of five individuals representing the North 7th Urban Renewal Board, development professionals, a member of the public, and City Staff. Based on the criteria of evaluation the Committee
unanimously recommended MAKERS Architecture and Urban Design as the most qualified.
Final drafting of the scope of work (SOW) and fee is completed and is attached to this memo. A
Copy of the partially executed Professional Service Agreement with MAKERS for updates to the City of Bozeman UDC chapter 38 code is also attached.
Once the Professional Service Agreement has been reviewed and approved work will begin
immediately. A City wide kickoff is planned for September.
ALTERNATIVES: As determined by the City Commission
FISCAL EFFECTS: The proposed contract amount is $267,400. The North 7th Urban Renewal Board has allocated $75,000 to accomplish Phase 1. The Bozeman Chamber of
Commerce has pledged financial support for the project. $300,000 was included in the FY16
Community Development budget for this project.
Report compiled on: August 14, 2015
Attachments: Professional Service Agreement
Scope of Work with Comprehensive Update List
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Professional Services to Update and Amend Chapter 38,
Bozeman Municipal Code, Unified Development Code
August 10, 2015
The purpose of this code update is to implement the recommendations of the City’s adopted
Comprehensive Plan (2009) and its detailed neighborhood and special area plans. These plans
include Neighborhood Conservation Overlay District (NCOD), Bozeman Design Objectives
Plan, Downtown Bozeman Improvement Plan Historic Preservation Design Guidelines, Parks,
Recreation, Open Space, and Trails (PROST) Plan, long range transportation plan, water,
sewer, and stormwater facility plans, Climate Action Plan, and others. It is also the intent to
create a user friendly and easy to understand document with graphics that illustrate
The code update will incorporate land use-based (Euclidean) and form-based zoning provisions,
where appropriate to allow vibrant mixed-use districts, help the City achieve high-quality infill
and redevelopment, and integrated thoughtful greenfield development. The update will include
traditional neighborhood development zoning district for the Neighborhood Conservation
Overlay District (NCOD). Additional provisions will promote and support sustainability
including BMPs for stormwater, water usage and lighting and will link land use and
transportation (auto, transit, biking and pedestrian). Further, the code will support the
Comprehensives Plan to promote and support a safe, diverse, healthy stock and affordable
Below is the anticipated list of tasks together with detailed descriptions, assumptions, and
expected work products. As the project proceeds, adjustments to the order and/or details of
tasks and products may be necessary. Such changes shall be agreed upon by both parties in
1. Project Kick-Off (Sept)
This task comprises a multi-day visit to Bozeman to undertake the below activities to fit
within the approved budget. Key team members of MAKERS, Studio Cascade Inc. (SCI),
and Leland Consulting Group (LCG) will be on-site for this task:
a. Kick-off meeting with staff and the committee(s). This may include one combined
meeting kicking off both the citywide Unified Development Code (UDC) update and the
Midtown implementation efforts or two separate meetings depending on participants,
logistics, and project goals. For both efforts, the team will discuss project roles, goals,
issues, opportunities, applicable background material (including relevant information
associated with previous planning efforts), the proposed work plan, schedule, and
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anticipated products. It will also be important to clarify the relationship of ongoing
code updates currently in process with the consultant team code work.
b. City Commission work session. If possible, integrating a work session with the City
Commission to identify issues and priorities would be particularly useful here.
c. Site tour(s) with staff and interested committee members or key stakeholders. The team
will examine issues, opportunities, recent and planned improvements, concepts from
previous plans, and land use code issues (including code organization and design).
d. Supplemental field work – where necessary, conduct an on-site survey of the Midtown
District and other key citywide sites relevant to the code update. The intent is to
document conditions to understand the issues, constraints and opportunities of the
corridor and city.
e. Stakeholder interviews/meetings. The consultant team will work with staff prior to the
kick-off meeting to coordinate the number and type of interviews and scheduling
logistics (to fit the budget). City staff will take the lead in scheduling the interviews.
These could include interviews with key individuals and key stakeholder groups.
• Kickoff meeting summary;
• Field notes and photographs; and
• Stakeholder interview summary
2. Draft Midtown Implementation/Design Provisions & UDC Audit (Sept-Nov)
a. Conduct Midtown analysis and draft zoning implementation and design palette:
i. Review background plans, regulations, information. LCG will prepare a brief market
overview that documents existing real estate conditions and trends in areas such as
lease rates, absorption, recent developments and transactions, and other information (to
the extent that such data is readily available) that could inform the regulatory strategy
and serve as inputs for the financial analyses in later tasks. The work will also include a
summary of demographic information gathered from existing documents where
available so as to assess long-term demand for various land uses.
ii. Identify issues, opportunities, and rough preliminary ideas (prior to Task 2d below).
iii. Draft zoning implementation and design palette. Prepare text/graphic zoning concepts
for Midtown that focuses on mixed-use infill that fulfills the goals of the urban renewal
district. The intent is also to create a design handbook, image catalog, or visual
representation of what the Midtown code provisions will do and will allow, or not
allow. MAKERS will lead the planning and design work and SCI will provide support.
LCG will assist in ensuring that proposed development concepts are feasible given real
estate development fundamentals and the market information gathered in Task 2. LCG
will also identify strategic actions and other implementation strategies that can help
overcome market, physical, financial, or other barriers to development.
b. Conduct an audit of the UDC examining the following:
i. Identify consistency with Community Plan and major/minor work items;
ii. Identify preliminary comments and considerations associated with the full range of code
elements and issues.
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iii. Request a red-line draft from staff to point out specific issues, examples, and
opportunities (this should be requested at the outset of the project – so the consultant
team can review comments at this stage).
c. Review the City’s draft Design Review Committee (DRC) process update and identify
possible edits and questions for review.
d. Conduct best practices research associated with Midtown implementation/design. This
task is upon request by staff based on discussions and products from the above tasks. It
could include research on a number of zoning, redevelopment, and subdivision issues
(i.e., parking, lot clustering, and impervious area).
e. Conduct storefront studio. The “studio” is intended to be used as an intensive
workspace and community engagement tool for both Midtown District implementation
and the UDC update efforts. MAKERS will coordinate with staff from the project’s
outset to procure a space or spaces for the task. A storefront type of space that is visible
and accessible to community members and stakeholders is most desirable (though not
always possible). Other community work spaces can be workable (such as within the
Planning Department or City Hall space) can be workable provided there is wifi access.
The activities described in the Task 2 herein can be integrated with the studio setting
(these will be coordinated with staff prior to this task). Members of MAKERS, SCI, and
LCG will facilitate the studio. The studio format allows the team to also begin
sketching preliminary code concepts and options.
NOTE: Here’s a link to a storefront studio conducted by SCI on a similar project:
Key UDC update element assumptions. Below is a preliminary list of key topics to be
addressed in the UDC update. It is assumed that greater direction will be provided on the
key issues during this task.
• Evaluate design and layout of complete code;
• Examine key provisions of adopted neighborhood and specific area plans (examples
noted in the Preamble above) for components to integrate into the code;
• Examine zoning district, subdivision, and infrastructure provisions per community
goals, on-the –ground results, best practice analysis, and experience;
• Evaluate code language, procedures, and requirements;
• Examine non-conformity issues;
• Address interest in allowing increased development in the historic core;
• Evaluate ongoing affordable housing ordinance provisions for integration into updated
code; and
• Evaluate ongoing site plan review procedures provisions for integration into updated
code (with Phase 1 adoption); and
• Consider potential tools and strategies to incentivize more diverse housing options in
particular areas.
• Midtown analysis including brief market overview;
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• Slideshow illustrating issues, opportunities, and rough preliminary ideas for the Midtown
District zoning implementation and design palette;
• Midtown implementation concepts and options for to be presented in Task 3 below. This is likely
to include a slideshow, display boards, and handouts;
• Suggestions and questions for the DRC process update;
• UDC audit. This is likely to be in table format and organized by the various code issues;
• Best practice research summary (if requested); and
• Text, maps, and graphic concepts for the UDC update developed as part of subtask d above.
3. Midtown District Public Workshop/UDC Check-in with Committee (Nov or Dec)
This is intended as an afternoon/evening/morning visit by core MAKERS and SCI team
a. Meet with staff before and/or after workshop to review materials and set the direction
for next steps.
b. Conduct a public workshop to present and evaluate Midtown zoning implementation
and design provisions.
c. Conduct a committee meeting (preferably after the workshop) to discuss evaluate
Midtown implementation concepts and options and review major findings from the code
audit; set the direction for next tasks.
• Workshop slideshow, displays, handouts, and community outreach products; and
• Staff and committee meeting summaries.
4. Finalize Midtown District Implementation Provisions/Draft UDC Concepts
(Dec-Mar 16’)
a. Finalize Midtown District provisions (implementing zoning & design provisions) based
on input from Task 3 and analysis. The provisions shall also address modified district
boundaries, if applicable. MAKERS will be the project lead, with planning/design
support from SCI and feasibility/implementation support from LCG.
b. Conduct high-level pro-formas on key development prototypes desired for the Midtown
District to determine viability. MAKERS (design the development prototype) will
collaborate with LCG (conduct feasibility analysis on the prototypes) on this task. Pro
formas will be static with the goal of testing for overall feasibility (meeting industry-
standard rates of return) and doing sensitivity analyses of how different incentives and
policies could affect feasibility. If necessary, this task could be moved up to be a part of
Task 2.
c. Prepare regulatory concepts/options on key code elements (build on preliminary work
developed in the storefront studio from Task 2d above). This phase of code
development will focus on specific policy direction on critical code issues that will be
informed by the work of previous tasks above (i.e., zoning district provisions,
subdivision provisions, key procedural elements, design standards). An important part
of this task will be to develop an updated organization of the UDC (assuming that at
least some reorganization will occur). MAKERS will be the project lead, with planning
support from SCI and market feasibility support from LCG.
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d. Check-in staff and committee meetings will be essential during this phase to ask critical
questions and discuss preliminary ideas. Up to two meetings spaced 4-6 weeks apart are
suggested. These meetings could be supplemented by conference calls by staff and
additional staff-led committee meetings. Alternatively, one of the meetings could be
used to provide assistance to staff and public officials during the adoption process for
the evaluate Midtown implementation provisions. Also, the City’s legal review of
preliminary code concepts will be an important part of the project at this stage.
• Final Midtown District provisions with plan review process update (implementing
zoning/design provisions);
• Decision on code layout and design; and
• Draft regulatory concepts for review in Task 5.
5. UDC Public Workshop (Mar or Apr 16’)
This is intended as an afternoon/evening/morning visit by core MAKERS, SCI, and LCG
team members:
a. Meet with staff before and/or after workshop to review materials and set the direction
for next steps.
b. Conduct a public workshop to present and evaluate preliminary code concepts and
options. The workshop could include presentation, open house, and/or small-group
exercise components to help inform community members about the project and to
obtain feedback on the concepts and options. MAKERS’ team will use clear language
and graphics to help illustrate the implications of the various concepts and options.
c. Conduct a committee meeting (if necessary, preferably after the workshop) to discuss
code concepts and options plus input received at the public workshop and set the
direction for the next steps.
• Workshop slideshow, displays, handouts, and community outreach products; and
• Staff and committee meeting summaries.
6. Prepare UDC Elements (Apr-July 16’)
a. Prepare full first UDC update. The team will translate the concepts developed and
refined in Tasks 6 and 7 into the applicable code publishing format. It is anticipated
that the UDC will include the extensive use of graphics (photos, maps, and hand or
computer generated graphics to illustrate the code). The team will also prepare
development examples to test/illustrate the proposed code (i.e., illustrate subdivision,
multifamily, and/or commercial development examples on specific sites consistent with
the proposed code). MAKERS will be the project lead, with planning support from SCI
and market feasibility support from LCG.
b. Again, check-in staff and committee meetings will be essential. This task provides for
up to two meetings (spaced 4-6 weeks apart are suggested) supplemented by conference
calls by staff and staff-led committee meetings.
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• Summary of key UDC element changes (to be used in Task 7 to clarify preliminary draft)
• First draft UDC.
7. Present & Evaluate First Draft UDC (July 16’)
This is intended as an afternoon/evening/morning visit by core MAKERS and SCI team
a. Conduct a public workshop to present and evaluate the first draft code. Again, this
could include presentation, open house, and/or small-group exercise components to
help inform community members about the project and to obtain feedback on the draft.
Online code editing and other forms of interactive engagement will be considered at this
stage as well.
b. Conduct a committee meeting (preferably after the workshop) to discuss input received
at the public workshop and identify key issues and changes to address in the second
• Workshop slideshow, displays, handouts, and community outreach products; and
• Staff and committee meeting summaries.
8. Prepare Second Draft UDC(Aug-Nov 16’)
a. Refine the first draft code.
b. Conduct check-in staff and committee meetings (up to two meetings). These check-in
meetings may include the committee and/or the Planning Board, Zoning Commission,
or other key boards interested in refining the code.
• Updated draft UDC.
9. Present the Refined Draft UDC to the City Commission (Nov 16’)
This task assumes a one-day visit by two core team members or a two day visit by the
project manager.
• Presentation materials.
10. Public Review & Adoption (Nov 16’ through 2017 adoption)
a. MAKERS’ team will be available for technical assistance throughout the adoption
process and attendance at up to two City Commission meetings and via remote
coordination during the adoption process.
b. MAKERS will help City make final changes per adoption and ready the document for
• Adopted updated UDC.
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Website Creation
This will create a project-specific website the City can link to and promote as a primary
resource for information and materials regarding the code update process. Features envisioned
include an introductory/FAQ section; an events calendar; project documents such as exercise
forms, meeting results and draft materials; project news, helpful links, and contact information.
Links to the City’s preferred social media, will also be provided, and the site will be configured
to coordinate with a project logo and/or City-standard graphic formatting.
Examples of similar websites developed and maintained by team members:
• Port Angeles Waterfront & Transportation Improvement Plan (SCI):
• Monroe (WA) Comprehensive Plan update (SCI): http://envisionmonroe.org/about/
• Joint Land Use Study -Naval Base Kitsap and Naval Magazine Indian Island, WA
(MAKERS): http://www.kiijlus.com/
Team members can also create project Facebook page or supply content for and cross link with
a project website or Twitter feed.
Website Maintenance
This activity will keep the project site current and active, creating editorial content; formatting
and uploading project documents; managing the events calendar; managing user input and
inquiries; generating and transmitting links for social media, and creating an archive of the
website and associated materials upon project completion.
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Below is a breakdown of estimated costs by task and project team member. The costs are based
on the hourly and daily rates described on the following page. Tasks specific to the Midtown
work are shaded in light blue and tasks specific to the larger UDC update are shaded in dark
blue. Tasks shared by both project elements are unshaded. Changes to work tasks that are
within the budget herein are subject to approval by MAKERS and the Director of Community
Development and shall be made in writing. Changes to the scope that require additional
budget are subject to approval by the City of Bozeman and MAKERS.
Primary Tasks MAKERS SCI LCG Subtotal
1 Project Kick-off 7,400$ 5,600$ 4,800$ 17,800.00$
2 -$
a Conduct Midtown analysis & draft implementation 6,000$ 1,600$ 6,000$ 13,600.00$
b Conduct an audit of the UDC 5,000$ 2,000$ 7,000.00$
c Conduct best practices research 2,000$ 1,000$ 3,000.00$
d Conduct storefront studio 13,160$ 15,200$ 4,000$ 32,360.00$
3 Midtown Public Workshop/UDC Check-in 2,880$ 2,400$ 5,280.00$
a Finalize Midtown provisions 6,000$ 1,800$ 1,200$ 9,000.00$
b Conduct pro formas 5,000$ 6,000$ 11,000.00$
c Prepare UDC concepts & options 16,000$ 7,200$ 1,200$ 24,400.00$
d Check-in staff & committee meetings (2)2,880$ 1,200$ 4,080.00$
5 UDC Public Workshop 2,880$ 2,400$ 2,880$ 8,160.00$
a Prepare UDC elements 22,500$ 9,600$ 1,800$ 33,900.00$
b Check-in staff & committee meetings (2)2,880$ 1,200$ 4,080.00$
7 2,880$ 2,400$ 5,280.00$
a Prepare Second Draft UDC 16,000$ 7,200$ 600$ 23,800.00$
b Check-in staff & committee meetings (2)2,880$ 1,200$ 4,080.00$
9 1,440$ 1,440.00$
10 6,000$ 2,200$ 8,200.00$
123,780$ 64,200$ 28,480$ 216,460.00$
q 19,440$ 19,440.00$
q 3,000$ 3,000.00$
q 10,000$ 10,000.00$
q 8,000$ 8,000$ 2,500$ 18,500.00$
Subtotal 27,440$ 21,000$ 2,500$ 50,940$
TOTAL 151,220$ 85,200$ 30,980$ 267,400$
Draft Midtown Implementation/Design Provisions &
UDC Audit
Present Refined Draft UDC to City Commission
Public Review & Adoption
Project management @ 6hrs/month
Fianlize Midtown Implementation & Draft UDC
Prepare UDC Elements
Additional work items/expenses
Website creation
Website maintenance
Travel expenses
Present & Evaluate First Draft UDC
Prepare Second Draft UDC
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Hourly and Daily Rates
Bob Bengford, Partner, $180/hour
Gerald Hansmire, Partner $180/hour
Rachel Miller, Senior Associate $110/hour
Joming Lau, Planner $65/hour
Bill Grimes, Principal, $150/hour and $1,200/day
Rick Hastings, Senior Planner $125/hour
Chaz Bates, Senior Planner $125/hour and $1,000/day
Chris Zahas, Managing Principal, $180/hour
Matt Craigie, Associate $125/hour
Travel Expense Assumptions
Travel expenses are based on (1) average round trip flight costs between team member home
cities and Bozeman, (2) Bozeman area 2015 per diem rates found on the U.S. General Services
Administration website: http://www.gsa.gov/portal/category/100120 for meals and lodging
for anticipated team member trips/days, and (3) average car rental rates where needed
(assumes car pooling when multiple team members are on single trips).
Also note that during site visits, though team members typically work more than 8 hours on
such days, we make a practice of only billing for 8 hours (or by daily rates in SCI’s case).
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Below is an estimated schedule (corresponding to the dates listed next to each task above). The
schedule assumes that a reasonable amount of review time is needed for City staff, committee
members, and/or public officials to review draft documents prior to updates and public
meetings. It’s also assumed that City staff will conduct frequent updates with the Planning
Board and Zoning Commission throughout the project. Adjustments to the schedule are likely
to occur and will be coordinated by the Director of Community Development and MAKERS.
Changes to the schedule that go beyond the approved scope and budget are subject to approval
by the City of Bozeman and MAKERS.