HomeMy WebLinkAbout15- RESPEC Sunset Hills and Lindley Irrigation RFP SubmittalResponse to Request for Proposals Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report Submitted toCity of Bozeman P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Submitted by RESPEC 3810 Valley Commons Drive, #4 Bozeman, Montana 59718 Due August 11, 2015 RSI/P-3359 RSI(BZO)-996/8-15/8 August 11, 2015 Ms. Lain Leoniak JD, CLIA City of Bozeman–Water Conservation Division P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Dear Ms. Leoniak: RE: Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report RESPEC is pleased to submit our proposal for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report. Our staff offers an exceptional combination of skills and breadth of experience to fulfill the City of Bozeman’s (COB’s) desire for water conservation through irrigation enhancement. RESPEC is a client-focused consulting and services company that specializes in providing innovative solutions to water development and management issues, including irrigation and water delivery. Our 100 percent employee-owned firm has been advising clients for over 45 years, with the majority of work performed for returning clients. RESPEC has over 220 employees in ten states with approximately 30 professional engineers, numerous scientists, and a large pool of design and technical support staff. We collaborate daily to provide the inspiration and innovation that drives our projects. We have considerable experience with irrigation diversion structure analysis and design; water conveyance, delivery, and distribution systems; and extensive water rights expertise. We also have a solid understanding of the WaterSMART Grant application process. Our team’s experience includes developing new technologies, integrating new and old irrigation practices, irrigation infrastructure design, and efficacy and performance assessments. RESPEC staff have helped irrigation districts, government entities, and conservation groups with evaluating, funding, and upgrading irrigation networks and operating procedures in Montana, Colorado, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Wyoming. RESPEC’s local staff fully understand the project goals from a community perspective and the relation of this project to the COB’s Integrated Water Resources Plan, which addresses the need to develop further water sources while conserving current supplies to meet the COB’s 50-year high-growth water demand projection. We have formed long-standing relationships with many local groups (e.g., Gallatin Local Water Quality District and Greater Gallatin Watershed Council) whose missions include inventorying, assessing, and managing the area’s water resources. We are committed to delivering top-quality products to the COB on time and within budget. Our deliverables are uniquely crafted to meet our clients’ needs, including specialized product formats that receive intensive internal quality assurance/quality control reviews. Before beginning a project, we will work closely with COB staff to identify task specifics, timelines, and budget expectations. Thank you for the opportunity to submit our proposal. We trust that the information included within provides the COB with a detailed understanding of our team, experience, and knowledge of the project. Should you have any questions about the information presented or would like to discuss how RESPEC can provide assistance, please contact Mr. Mike Rotar by e-mail (Mike.Rotar@respec.com) or telephone (406.284.2527). Sincerely, Mike A. Rotar, PE Alan J. Leak, PE Jared K. Oswald, PE Project Manager Principal-in-Charge Irrigation Specialist MAR:sao Enclosure cc: Project Central File 996-3359 — Category B 3810 Valley Commons Drive, Suite 4 | Bozeman, MT 59718 406.284.2525 406.284.2543 (fax) respec.com INTRODUCTION RSI/P-3359 Proposal for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report | 1 PROJECT TEAM HIGHLIGHTS Irrigation Design| Irrigation Automation and Scheduling | Stormwater Design | River Restoration | Watershed Management | Water Quality Experience (Assessment, Sampling, Monitoring, and Permitting) | Floodplain Studies | Extensive Construction Experience RESPEC is a recognized leader and innovator in the field of water resources. Our firm offers a unique blend of engineering, aquatic environment restoration and mitigation, and water quality assessment and monitoring capabilities which, combined with our intimate knowledge of the water resources throughout Bozeman and the Gallatin Valley, provides the COB with unequaled expertise for this project. RESPEC is pleased to present our proposal to provide a preliminary engineering report, analysis, and technical support to the City of Bozeman (COB) for the Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report. ABOUT RESPEC RESPEC is a client-focused consulting and services company that has helped clients manage obstacles and concerns quickly, reliably, and economically for over 45 years. As our clients can attest, we have consistently demonstrated our ability to meet project deadlines and operate within budget while completing assessment, engineering design, permitting, construction oversight, and monitoring work tasks. We have built a strong foundation of repeat work with local, tribal, state, and federal governments in Montana as well as throughout the greater Rocky Mountain Region. In some cases, we have maintained successful working relationships with clients for up to 30 years. Our company strives to become each client’s trusted advisor to support the needs of their programs. RESPEC’s staff in our Bozeman, Montana; Rapid City, South Dakota; and Denver, Colorado, offices offer a unique blend of water resource engineering experience with irrigation infrastructure, conveyance and delivery efficiency, and effective distribution, as well as water rights expertise and understanding of the WaterSMART Grant application process. RESPEC possesses a wide range of water resource engineering expertise directly relevant to the COB’s intent to efficiently improve and expand its irrigation system for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park. Our engineers have developed innovative methods for characterizing and evaluating design alternatives to improve existing irrigation infrastructure and delivery systems in addition to a comprehensive understanding of water rights and permitting required for system changes and upgrades. WHY RESPEC? We bring a considerable understanding of the design and planning required for successful irrigation delivery and infrastructure systems, which will enhance the COB’s ability to move forward with selecting a design alternative and implementing the Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation project. RESPEC has helped irrigation districts, government entities, and conservation groups with evaluating, funding, and upgrading irrigation networks and operating procedures through our innovative project approaches. The results of these efforts are increased irrigation efficiencies and water availability, water conservation, and water quality improvements. RESPEC has extensive experience with irrigation and water delivery and is highly immersed in all aspects of water resources. Along with irrigation, we are recognized for our expertise in stormwater design, management, and planning; river and stream bank restoration; watershed management and modeling; water quality assessment, sampling, monitoring, and permitting; floodplain modeling and permitting; and construction management. Collectively, RESPEC has helped hundreds of clients meet their challenges by assembling multidisciplinary teams of respected and experienced professionals who are known for their innovative work in water resources and management. INTRODUCTION RSI/P-3359 Proposal for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report | 2 We believe that the COB should consider selecting RESPEC for the Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report for the following reasons: • We blend experience and availability of our local staff with the support from experts throughout our company. RESPEC’s local presence in Bozeman, along with several available staff who have irrigation diversion, conveyance, and permitting experience, ensures easy communication with the COB and the ability to fully understand the project goals from a community perspective. RESPEC is a mid-size consulting firm—small enough to have personal relationships with staff in other offices whose respective expertise can be brought to bear when needed, but large enough to have a wide array of expertise and resources to draw from. Collaboration throughout the company allows us to call upon each other’s expertise creating a multi-view approach for developing the best solutions for each project. • We develop creative and innovative solutions to solve our clients’ unique requests. RESPEC staff prides themselves with developing new and innovative approaches to solve each problem in the most efficient and beneficial way possible. The cookie-cutter approach is rarely successful when dealing with fluctuating hydrologic conditions, dynamic stream sources, and the imperative water demands required by many irrigation and delivery applications. RESPEC’s experience shows our innovation and ability to adapt to individual situations and needs. Unique solutions for past projects include (1) water ordering and scheduling software developed specifically for each irrigation district’s layout and delivery methods; (2) use of modeling applications during an expansion of an existing delivery system to eliminate the need for pumping, extra piping, or storage; and (3) use of automating diversions and check structures to manage water levels and delivery while increasing conveyance efficiency and reducing wasted water. • We have broad experience with water rights, change applications, and permitting requirements for design, construction, and diversion within the stream and floodway. Our team is well versed in all aspects of water rights and permitting that are required for irrigation infrastructure and delivery projects. RESPEC has extensive knowledge of water rights transfers and change applications, including changes in place of use, point of diversion, purpose of use, and ownership transfer. We also understand the needs and processes associated with floodplain permitting. A good example of our in-depth experience with aquatic resource permitting requirements is reflected in our long-standing relationship with the Gallatin Conservation District to provide technical expertise with review of 310 permit applications, which are required for all proposed work in streams. PROPOSAL ORGANIZATION Our proposal organization is consistent with the format included in the COB’s Request for Proposals (RFP). This introductory section is followed by discussions of our understanding of the project, our proposed approach to completing the project, a proposed work plan with the specific tasks we recommend to accomplish the overall project objectives, and our proposed project team (including qualifications and availability). Lastly, several related projects are highlighted to showcase our talents and diverse skillset offered to the COB. An overview of our past work for the COB, as well as professional references for current and past clients who can comment on the services provided by our company, are included in this proposal. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The goal of the Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation project requested by the COB is to prepare a preliminary engineering report, in which various alternatives facilitating the use of surface water rights from the Story Ditch are evaluated. The primary objective for the alternatives analysis is to change the source of irrigation water used for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park from treated, municipal waters to the available surface waters in Story Ditch. To optimize the system efficiency and reduce recurring costs, alternatives for infrastructure design or rehabilitation, ditch conveyance, pumping operations, water distribution processes, and application scheduling need to be identified and evaluated for their cost-benefit. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING RSI/P-3359 Proposal for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report | 3 The COB’s Integrated Water Resources Plan addresses the need to develop further water sources while conserving current supplies to meet the city’s 50-year high-growth water demand projection. RESPEC is currently working on the Groundwater Investigations Study with the COB, which addresses potential areas for new groundwater development to help meet future water demands. RESPEC recognizes that the Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation project will not only address the same need for water conservation and accommodating future demands, but also has the potential to save the COB costs associated with unnecessary treatment of irrigation water and labor intensive operations obligated by the current irrigation system. Fundamentally, the Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation project is similar to many other irrigation/water distribution projects RESPEC has successfully completed. We not only understand the required tasks associated with this project, but also have extensive experience successfully linking these components in a cost-effective manner. Each component of the system is critical to achieve a complete and efficient water distribution network: from diversion to conveyance, pumping to storage, delivery to scheduling, and the water rights which control and direct the use. RESPEC has extensive knowledge of the project area obtained through flood study work on Bozeman Creek (Sourdough Creek) and the diversions along Bozeman Creek including Story Ditch. Much of the data required to understand the issues with the current system and to then develop solid design alternatives have already been collected by RESPEC. As a component of the recently completed Phase 1 of the Bozeman Creek and Tributaries Re-Study, historic operations, capacities, structure dimensions, and field survey data were collected in detail and used to develop the flood study. The current diversion structure has several issues including dangerous operation for COB staff, delays and early shutdowns because of structure inefficiencies during high flow events or cold weather, and fish passage interference. The concrete opening used for diverting flows to Story Ditch may not be capable of conveying the full water right. The structure and concrete opening also have signs of deterioration. RESPEC’s familiarity of the watershed through our development of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approved HEC-HMS hydrologic model will be pivotal in developing new design alternatives for a safe and easily operable Story Ditch diversion. Additionally, through our ongoing FEMA work, we know from whom to request access and use of the latest HEC-RAS hydraulic model currently being developed for Phase 2 of the Flood Re-Study. Use of the existing model as a starting point will provide significant cost savings. Adapting this model specific for this project will simulate the performance of a structure to direct and convey under an array of flows, and can also simulate the systems performance under flooding conditions. The hydraulic model can also be used to calculate current conveyance capacity and potential upgrade options within Story Ditch. From the diversion point through the upper stretches of the ditch, Story Ditch runs along high-traffic areas, multiple crossings, parks, and recreation trails open to the public. Public use and safety must be accounted for in alternatives regarding ditch maintenance, conveyance enhancements, and points of diversion. RESPEC understands that the preliminary engineering report should address water supply conservation needs, as well as ways to reduce operational costs and labor. Currently, the COB spends approximately $38,420 per year to cover seasonal labor and water treatment expenses specific to the 37 acres of cemetery irrigated by treated waters. Switching sources, improving system efficiencies, and utilizing renewable energy sources, such as solar powered pumps and control systems, will reduce operational expenses and meet the qualifications essential to apply for a WaterSMART conservation grant. RESPEC has extensive knowledge and understanding of the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s WaterSMART conservation grant application process. In the recent past, we have worked with irrigation districts to write and secure WaterSMART Grant funding for water conservation and efficiency projects. The WaterSMART program focuses on improving water conservation, sustainability, and water use to ensure that future generations will have sufficient supplies of clean water for drinking, economic activities, recreation, and ecosystem health. RESPEC believes that the goals of the Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation project are in line with this program and, with solid technical support from RESPEC, the COB should qualify for a cost-share grant. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING RSI/P-3359 Proposal for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report | 4 RESPEC intends to develop a model using EPANET, a modeling platform that simulates water movement within pressurized pumping and pipe networks. EPANET is a public domain software available for free and widely used for distribution systems. The model will help guide the development of pumping locations, pump requirements, pressure throughout the system, and demands of the existing sprinkler system. A model will help determine the most effective method for incorporating the existing sprinkler systems with new design alternatives. Functional system alternatives can then be assessed based on delivery efficiency, construction efforts, operational labor, and energy use. Additionally, the model can be used for future planning and expansion efforts. RESPEC personnel have led contract administration and construction observation for several national cemetery expansion projects throughout the country. Knowledge of layout, storm drainage, and watering systems garnered through these projects will continue to aid us in understanding the needs of Sunset Hills Cemetery and will directly relate to incorporating supply and distribution for the 52 acres reserved for future expansion of the Sunset Hills Cemetery. In support of the design alternative and cost-benefit effort, RESPEC understands the importance of the existing permitted water rights associated with the project and the legal implications surrounding a potential change of place. As the current permits read: (1) Water Right 41H 99632-00 has a priority date of September 30, 1865 for the primary purpose of irrigating and incidentally used for flood control and recreation, with the source being Sourdough Creek (Bozeman Creek) and Story Ditch with a maximum of 86 irrigated acres and a maximum flow rate of 8.0 cubic feet per second from April 1 to November 1, and (2) Water Right 41H 79578-00 has a priority date of November 4, 1991 for the purpose of irrigating from a groundwater source with a maximum of 25 acres with a maximum flow rate of 170 gallons per minute from April 15 to November 1. Depending on the outcome of design alternatives, it may be feasible to irrigate all 47 developed acres of Sunset Hills Cemetery as well as all 14 acres of Lindley Park using surface water from Story Ditch under Water Right 41H 99632-00. This could lead to a change of place for the groundwater under Water Right 41H 79578-00 from Lindley Park to Haggerty Softball Fields as suggested by the COB. RESPEC has extensive water rights experience specific to change and transfer of rights for groundwater and surface water sources. RESPEC understands the tasks and has the knowledge and expertise to guide the COB through this straightforward, yet detail-oriented project involving design alternatives for several components of the irrigation/delivery system as a means to reduce operational costs and conserve a resource that is valuable to the COB and its residents. PROJECT APPROACH Our project approach centers on developing a seamless plan to conserve treated municipal water by using surface waters to irrigate Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park through efficient and cost-effective adaptation and enhancement of the existing system to fully meet current and future irrigation demands. RESPEC has already obtained key data, such as field survey, LiDAR, and existing structure dimensions, throughout much of the project area through the Bozeman Creek and Tributaries Flood Re-Study which will aid in a prompt understanding of the intricacies associated with diversion design and provide significant cost savings to the COB since these data are already collected. RESPEC will then gather all available data (water main and sprinkler configuration, elevations, Bozeman Creek and Story Ditch stage and streamflow data collected in 2015) held by the COB. RESPEC staff can easily collect additional survey and measurement data as needed, by local staff working just minutes from the project area. PROJECT APPROACH RSI/P-3359 Proposal for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report | 5 Potential diversion design alternatives must account for the stream flows in Bozeman Creek. The existing HEC-HMS hydrologic model, which RESPEC developed for the Bozeman Creek and Tributaries Flood Re-Study, has already estimated several peak flow events including the 100-year, 50-year, and 10-year event, which will be used when considering design alternatives for diversion, flood control, and fish passage. With permission from Montana DNRC, the HEC-RAS hydraulic model currently being developed for the Bozeman Creek Flood Re-Study will go through a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) process and RESPEC will adapt and upgrade the model to fit this project scope. RESPEC will use the updated HEC-RAS model to aid in the selection and design of the diversion so that it achieves proper conveyance needs and minimizes impacts to the effective and proposed regulatory Special Flood Hazard Area. Diversion alternatives will accommodate easy and safe installation, adjustment, and removal of check systems, flood control, and fish passage. Alternatives will be chosen to represent a wide range of options: from a basic design addressing the minimum needs of the COB (safety, efficiency, full conveyance), to more complex designs which incorporate fish passage and automated gates that aid in flood control. In tandem with alternative design development, RESPEC will analyze the benefits and costs associated with the proposed alternatives. Our proposed alternatives will be cost-effective in the long term, by performing cost-benefit analysis during alternatives development. RESPEC plans to meet with the COB to gain an understanding of desired ranges of options for this project. Design alternatives will also accommodate restrictions set forth through permitting requirements. RESPEC’s understanding of construction in waterways and each required permit will aid in the development of alternatives that minimize or streamline the steps in the permitting process. For the permits that are needed, RESPEC will initiate and familiarize the COB with the associated permit requirements. The HEC-RAS model, along with stage and flow data collected by the Gallatin Local Water Quality District staff during the summer of 2015, will be used to understand the current conveyance and potential conveyance of the diversion structure’s concrete opening and Story Ditch. An initial field visit found that the current diversion structure and condition of Story Ditch may not accommodate the entire surface water right (8 cubic feet per second [cfs]) needed to irrigate the full 86 acres allowed in the water right. Design and maintenance alternatives for improving the conveyance of Story Ditch will not only accommodate irrigation use, but will also provide for recreation and flood control. RESPEC will evaluate the delivery system (pumps, pipes, and sprinklers), both current and proposed. Available data, including such things as location, elevation, diameter, length, and slope, describing the current system of mains, zones, and underground sprinklers will be obtained from the COB. RESPEC is available to survey and measure any missing data that may be needed for a complete understanding of the system. The current system will be built into EPANET to evaluate its effectiveness and potential for expansion. Design alternatives for the new system will be developed to include the irrigation of Lindley Park (using surface water) and potential irrigation of the undeveloped areas of Sunset Hills Cemetery. Additional system requirements, such as pumping from Story Ditch to the cemetery and park, will also be evaluated using the EPANET model application. Scenarios that include combinations of different numbers, locations, and size of pumps along with zone delineation and sprinkler configuration will also be evaluated using the model application. The model application can be used to determine system pressures, need for pressure increase or reduction, and need and location of storage options. Design alternatives for the distribution and delivery system will incorporate the existing system and the topography and elevations of the project area. Alternatives will be developed that conserve water and energy, optimize efficiency and benefits, and minimize construction and annual maintenance and operational costs. An ideal system design will have sufficient pumping means and locations to adequately supply all areas and elevations of the cemetery and park. The new delivery system will incorporate all of the existing system (or as much as possible) and be split into service zones. Control systems with automation and programing capabilities will run each grouping of zones and direct flow to the correct zone based on an irrigation schedule developed by RESPEC. An ideal design will also plan for the expansion of Sunset Hills Cemetery. Much of the undeveloped land is higher in elevation than the PROJECT APPROACH RSI/P-3359 Proposal for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report | 6 developed land and will have different pumping requirements. The design should incorporate phases of development and be ready to handle additional flow rate needs. Because Water Right 41H 99632-00 can be used to irrigate a maximum of 86 acres, surface water from Story Ditch has the potential to adequately irrigate the developed portions of Sunset Hills Cemetery (47 acres) and all of Lindley Park (14 acres). Approximately 25 of the remaining 52 undeveloped acres of Sunset Cemetery could be developed and irrigated by this water right while the mentioned acres are also receiving irrigation. Currently, portions of the undeveloped cemetery lie just outside the official place of use. A change of place would be needed to irrigate all of the undeveloped acres under this water right. In order for all currently irrigated acres of cemetery and park along with all undeveloped acres to be irrigated (a total of 113 acres), groundwater from Water Right 41H 79578-0 will need to supplement the surface water rights from Story Ditch to provide a potential total irrigable acreage of 111 acres. Until more of the cemetery is developed, the COB has expressed interest in using the groundwater right at the well in Lindley Park to irrigate the Haggerty Softball Complex (15 acres) located due east of the Lindley Park well. The complex is not within the place of use defined by either of the water rights and a change of place would be required. Feasibility of irrigating Haggerty Softball Complex will be included within the design alternatives. Finally, RESPEC will provide assistance to the COB for the application to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) WaterSMART program. Qualification requirements identified by the WaterSMART program will be a part of each of the design alternatives to better the chance of the COB receiving funding for this project. Technical support, including design descriptions and drawings, will be supplied to the COB in a timely fashion to complete the grant application before its expected deadline of January 2016. RESPEC will also work with the COB to inquire and apply for other potential funding sources including Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks’ (FWP’s) Future Fisheries Improvement Program, BOR’s Water Conservation Field Services Program, and the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation’s (DNRC’s) Irrigation Development Grant program. WORK PLAN SCOPE OF WORK This section presents a proposed work plan for completing the project. Described below are work tasks to be accomplished, a proposed project schedule, and descriptions of personnel who will perform each task element. Task 1–Design Alternatives To alleviate future stress on the COB’s municipal water supply system and reduce costs associated with unnecessary treatment water used for irrigation, RESPEC will develop and analyze an array of design alternatives using the COB’s surface water rights for water from Bozeman Creek, diverted into Story Ditch, to be used to adequately irrigate Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park. System design alternatives will include multiple options, which may include the use of groundwater rights from a well in Lindley Park, change of place for potential irrigation of the Haggerty Softball Complex and areas designated as undeveloped cemetery, and efficient and labor-reducing automated diversion and distribution control systems. Design alternatives will consist of three main operations: water diversion from Bozeman Creek, water conveyance through Story Ditch, and water distribution that includes a pump system, pipe network, and application method. While separate design alternatives could be developed for each of these systems individually, final design alternatives will integrate these operations to represent the most efficient and beneficial system that is feasibly possible. Water diversion design alternatives will accommodate the water rights use designated as irrigation (sprinkler/flood) and incidentally used for flood control and recreation. Designs will also incorporate safe operation, as well as the ability to control and adjust the diversion during high-water periods. Because the project is located in a high-traffic area, WORK PLAN RSI/P-3359 Proposal for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report | 7 diversion design alternatives must account for public safety and infringement. Diversion design alternatives will also include options such as automated check gates and fish passage. Water conveyance design alternatives will be based on the suitability of the existing conveyance conditions and will include improvements and maintenance suggestions to improve the conveyance and efficiency of Story Ditch. Alternatives will ensure conveyance that is adequate for current and future irrigation demands and flood routing, while accommodating public recreation and safety. Water delivery system design alternatives will identify possibilities for pumping station location, number, and size as well as options for incorporating the existing system into a single, comprehensive system. The EPANET modeling application will be used to identify possible needs for storage (e.g., location, volume, and configuration), zone delineation, and sprinkler layout. Delivery system alternatives will also incorporate future expansion of the cemetery. System control and automation options will be analyzed and power sources (including renewable energy sources) will be evaluated. Suggestions for irrigation scheduling and soil moisture sensing will also be included with the final design alternatives. Task 2–Cost/Benefit Analysis Although the cost-benefit analysis is identified as a separate task, RESPEC will complete this analysis alongside the development of design alternatives. RESPEC finds it useful to understand construction, operational, and maintenance costs while maximizing the benefits to the COB and the community as a part of determining the most efficient and effective alternative possible. The cost-benefit analysis will account for all estimated costs associated with final design, permitting, construction, yearly operation, and long-term maintenance and upkeep. The analysis will estimate benefits, including those associated with water supply and treatment for future demands, safety associated with operating the diversion and conveyance system, pumping and storage, energy use, public recreation and use, and water conservation. Task 3–Water Right Analysis RESPEC recognizes that developing potential design alternatives will require intimate knowledge of the existing water rights and a thoughtful approach regarding any changes that may be needed. We will use our knowledge of the water rights during design alternatives development in such a way that Lindley Park, Sunset Hills Cemetery, and the undeveloped cemetery grounds will have sufficient water supply in the future. As requested by the COB, it may be possible to use Water Right 41H 79578-00 to water the Haggerty Softball Complex until full expansion of Sunset Hills Cemetery has been completed. Any legal issues or changes that may be required for the alternatives will be discussed up front with the COB and thoroughly documented within the preliminary engineering report. Task 4–Preliminary Engineering Report A draft preliminary engineering report will be prepared by RESPEC to include documentation of design alternatives, the costs and benefits, and any potential legal implications associated with the alternatives. The report will include all data, analyses, and findings from completion of Tasks 1–3 above. RESPEC will recommend a preferred alternative that minimizes the cost-benefit ratio while managing legal issues and challenges. The comprehensive report will be bound (and also produced in a searchable PDF) and include all text, figures, tables, appendices, and documentation of analyses needed to present a sound basis for the conclusions and recommendations provided. All hydrologic, hydraulic, and water delivery modeling files (HEC_HMS, HEC-RAS, and EPNET models) will also be included in the deliverable for use and analysis of any future work. The report will include discussions of findings, major issues encountered, anticipated permitting challenges, and provide recommendations for next steps in the planning, permitting, design, and construction efforts needed to put the preferred alternative in action. Upon receipt of comments from the COB on the draft document, a final deliverable will be prepared for issuance to the COB that addresses comments received on the initial submittal. Task 5–Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Grant RESPEC will provide technical support and guidance during the application process for the WaterSMART Grant. Starting with the proposed design alternatives, we will incorporate features that not only benefit the COB but also increase chances of qualifying the Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation project for WaterSMART funding. Common themes for the COB goals and the WaterSMART program include water supply for future water demands, improving WORK PLAN RSI/P-3359 Proposal for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report | 8 system efficiencies, and using renewable energy sources. RESPEC will work closely with the COB to ensure adequate design alternatives are identified and well thought-out to submit the WaterSMART application before the deadline that will occur on approximately January 13, 2016. WORK SCHEDULE The RESPEC team envisions that the Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation project duration will be approximately 3 to 4 months. Assuming that the project is under contract by late September 2015, we will begin work on the project immediately and anticipate working on the project through the completion of the WaterSMART Grant application that has an expected due date of January 2016. Many of Tasks 1–5 are interrelated and will be performed concurrently as discussed in the Project Approach. Those overlapping tasks and the overall project schedule are approximated in Table 1. The team proposes to develop a defined project schedule for deliverables, progress reporting, and meetings with COB staff during the contract negotiation phase. We are committed to delivering on all project milestones on time and within budget. We do not anticipate any short fuses associated with this project but if the situation presents itself, RESPEC is supported with regional and national staff, where work assignments can be reallocated to free up the specialty staff dedicated to this project. Table 1. Project Schedule and Associated Tasks Task Number Task Name Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 Design Alternatives 2 Cost/Benefit Analysis 3 Water Right Analysis 4 Preliminary Engineering Report 5 Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Grant PROJECT STAFF CAPABILITIES AND QUALIFICATIONS PROJECT TEAM RESPEC has assembled a team of highly qualified professionals to fit the specific needs of the COB. The majority of the project team is local to Bozeman; we live here and share the vision of enhancing water supply and refining the use of our local water resources. Our local team is comprised of engineers who are qualified to produce designs and analysis based on their understanding of irrigation and water supply, surface water hydraulics, and the local environment. Additionally, we have extensive experience with irrigation infrastructure design and specifications, conveyance and efficiency improvements, and irrigation scheduling. We have supplemented the project team to include additional staff for design support and technical expertise from our offices in Denver, Colorado, and Rapid City, South Dakota. These individuals have specific experience in irrigation systems and water distribution design, as well as water rights, WaterSMART Grant applications, and cemetery expansion. As a whole, the RESPEC team has the knowledge, expertise, and experience to develop and evaluate alternatives that will convert surface water rights in Story Ditch to irrigable water for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park. PROJECT STAFF CAPABILITIES AND QUALIFICATIONS RSI/P-3359 Proposal for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report | 9 ALAN LEAK, PE Principal-in-Charge Mr. Leak has over 34 years of comprehensive engineering experience in water rights, water and wastewater infrastructure, and stormwater management. His responsibilities include project management and QA/QC, master planning, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, feasibility studies, and design and construction for various water resources projects. Mr. Leak’s experience includes analysis and processing of change in water rights applications, consumptive use analysis, irrigation systems analysis, and water availability studies. He has evaluated infrastructure needs and feasibility of conversion of irrigation systems from potable supplies (including treated and well water supplies) to nonpotable and raw water supplies. Mr. Leak has also analyzed and designed facilities that address co-mingling of irrigation and stormwater flows. MIKE ROTAR, PE, CFM Project Manager Mr. Rotar has 25 years of professional experience in hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, irrigation infrastructure design, urban drainage and stormwater management, highway drainage, sediment transport analysis, bioengineered streambank stabilization, wetland mitigation design, and construction management. He has applied this expertise to a broad spectrum of water resource projects, including hydrologic and hydraulic modeling and drainage analyses, stormwater treatment design; irrigation system management; flood control and mitigation, and aquatic and riparian habitat restoration. He has led large-scale channel design efforts in a variety of environments, ranging from highly confined urban areas to severely disturbed, mined drainages. Mr. Rotar has provided oversight and construction management for many of the projects he has designed, which has afforded him extensive experience with project implementation. He has also developed long-standing relationships with many of the resource agencies and natural resource stakeholders in Bozeman and the Gallatin Valley, including the Gallatin Conservation District, where he has served as a technical representative to their board for over 10 years. JARED OSWALD, PE Irrigation Specialist, QA/QC Lead Mr. Oswald has completed system operational assessments and canal loss studies for several irrigation districts in the western U.S. He has been involved in site selection, design, programming, and installing automated flow control measurement structures for the Belle Fourche and Angostura Irrigation Districts in western South Dakota. Through this process, he has gained extensive knowledge on the overall operation of gravity-fed irrigation systems and how they can be managed to meet the irrigator’s needs while conserving limited water resources. The overall water management system designed for the Belle Fourche Irrigation District (BFID) received the Grand Award from the South Dakota Chapter of the American Council of Engineering Companies in 2007. Mr. Oswald completed a project that developed online irrigation scheduling software for individual irrigators in the Belle Fourche River Watershed. The online irrigation scheduling consultant software allows irrigators with internet access to create a secure, personalized web page that provides irrigation scheduling advice for a particular field. The software collects daily weather data and uses it to estimate rainfall and calculate crop evapotranspiration (ET) by using the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Penman method and locally adapted crop coefficients. Irrigation delivery amounts entered online by the irrigator are added to the rainfall estimates for that location. The irrigation scheduling software then calculates a soil water balance and irrigation schedule for the field. PROJECT STAFF CAPABILITIES AND QUALIFICATIONS RSI/P-3359 Proposal for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report | 10 TYLER FRENCH, EIT Project Engineer, Irrigation Specialist Mr. French is a civil engineer with an educational background in water resources engineering. Since joining RESPEC in May 2010, he has spent much of his time working for irrigation districts in western South Dakota. His irrigation experience includes water loss and seepage analysis, water rights transfer, water order management and scheduling, delivery efficiency improvements, soil moisture sensing, and irrigation infrastructure design and specifications. Outside of irrigation work, Mr. French has become skilled in using several different models and modeling applications, including EPANET for water distribution piping systems, HEC-RAS for flood event routing, conveyance, and floodplain analysis, HSPF for continuous hydrology and water quality, HEC-HMS for continuous hydrology and flood event development, and SWMM for urban storm water conveyance and water quality. Mr. French is skilled in developing and executing water quantity and quality monitoring strategies for both urban and rural settings while using continuous automatic samplers (ISCOs), flow meters, and a StreamPro Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. He also has experience with Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) development, watershed management, water quality implementation, water quality trading, statistical data analysis, QA/QC of field monitoring and sampled data, and ArcGIS spatial analysis. MATT JOHNSON, PE, CFM Project Engineer Mr. Johnson has over 6 years of experience providing water resource engineering services from the Bozeman, Montana office. His career has focused on engineering design and construction of irrigation infrastructure, streams, floodplains, wetlands, and stormwater systems. Mr. Johnson has extensive experience developing hydrologic and hydraulic models to support design and permitting for irrigation projects. He regularly develops preliminary engineering reports, where conceptual design alternatives are analyzed for their cost-benefit and discussed with clients and stakeholders to reach a common vision for advancement of the project to final design phase. Specific to irrigation projects, Mr. Johnson has developed preliminary engineering reports for irrigation infrastructure improvements, which accompanied a Renewable Resource Grant and Loan Program grant application developed and submitted on behalf of the user association. The project team will be organized as shown in the organizational chart below. Our team will be led by Mr. Mike Rotar as Project Manager, Mr. Alan Leak as Principal-in-Charge, and Mr. Jared Oswald as Irrigation Specialist and QA/QC Lead. These project leaders and the technical advisor team will provide the COB staff with an opportunity to collaborate with recognized experts in irrigation diversions, delivery, and distribution along with water rights and modeling, all working toward the COB’s goal to conserve municipal water supply and decrease operating expenses. PROJECT STAFF CAPABILITIES AND QUALIFICATIONS RSI/P-3359 Proposal for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report | 11 CAPACITY RESPEC has the capacity to complete the tasks outlined above in the required timeline. Over the next four months, our project team has ample time to dedicate to this project. Table 2 illustrates the estimated project availability for the project team. Table 2. Availability of Team Members Key Personnel Project Availability (%) Alan Leak 10 Mike Rotar 25 Jared Oswald 10 Tyler French 35 Matt Johnson 35 RESPEC staff selected to provide support to the COB for engineering design alternatives, cost/benefit analysis, water rights, and WaterSMART grant support have extensive experience in their respective fields. Each individual’s location, education, certifications, and years of experience are shown in Table 3. Table 3. Experience of Team Members Key Personnel Location Education Certifications Years of Experience Alan Leak Principal-in-Charge Denver, CO B.S. Civil Engineering PE 34 Mike Rotar Project Manager Bozeman, MT M.S. Civil Engineering B.S. Architectural Engineering PE CFM 25 Jared Oswald QA/QC Lead, Irrigation Specialist Rapid City, SD M.S. Civil Engineering B.S. Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering B.S. Exercise Science PE 12 Tyler French Project Engineer, Irrigation Specialist Bozeman, MT M.S. Civil Engineering B.S. Civil Engineering EIT 5 Matt Johnson Project Engineer Bozeman, MT B.S. Civil Engineering B.S. Environmental Science PE CFM 6 PE = Professional Engineer CFM = Certified Floodplain Manager EIT = Engineer-in-Training RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE RSI/P-3359 Proposal for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report | 12 RESPEC RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE This section highlights some of RESPEC’s recent irrigation and water supply projects. We have a diverse team of experts with unique project experience directly related to all tasks required to successfully complete the Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Preliminary Project Preliminary Engineering Report. Little Dry Water User's Association–Infrastructure Improvements Client: Garfield County Conservation District, Garfield County, Montana RESPEC prepared a preliminary engineering report that documented the existing condition of the Little Dry Water User’s Association water spread irrigation infrastructure, the inefficiencies limiting the system from its original design, a suite of alternatives to address the inefficiencies, an alternatives evaluation, and a conceptual level rehabilitation and improvement designs for the preferred alternatives. The preferred design proposed within the preliminary engineering report would preserve natural resources with stabilization of the Little Dry Creek stream bank, which was damaged during severe runoff in 2011. Without stabilization, continued erosion threatens a complete loss of the point of diversion, which would eliminate irrigation opportunities for the Little Dry Water User’s Association. The preliminary engineering report also included alternative diversion locations located throughout the system and the design criteria and costs associated with each alternative. Irrigation Restoration Analysis for Lynn/Barber Properties Along Bozeman Creek Client: DMS Natural Resources, Bozeman, Montana RESPEC evaluated two options for restoring irrigation functionality to the Lynn and Barber properties located south of Bozeman, Montana, along Bozeman Creek. The first option involved rehabilitating the existing system to restore flood irrigation. The second involved changing the point of diversion and installing a pump and pipe system for wheel line sprinkler irrigation. RESPEC prepared preliminary design options and a detailed conceptual cost estimate the options. North Platte Watershed TMDL Implementation Project Client: Natrona County Conservation District (NCCD), Casper, Wyoming RESPEC provided irrigation best management practice (BMP) technical services and support to NCCD. Much of this work consisted of converting flood irrigation systems to sprinkler irrigation. As a part of the system modification, RESPEC coordinated with the project sponsor and landowners, conducted field investigations and topographic surveys, determined optimum irrigation application rates and timing, developed new system designs, modeled and optimized the new system with EPANET, finalized construction plans and specifications, and provided construction management. Cyclone Ditch Water Rights Transfer Client: City of Rapid City, South Dakota RESPEC worked with the City of Rapid City and a local landowner to transfer the water rights held by the landowner to the city. First, the historic water rights were investigated to understand the total flow rate and volume of water available for transfer. Then, an engineering analysis was completed to determine the historic crop water use and water diverted to understand if the water rights originally assigned is being put to beneficial use based on the conveyance system and crops being grown. The historic crop use was determined by inputting available data into an ET model that was developed by RESPEC. Historic diversion records were also analyzed to understand if water was typically available to meet crop water demands. The losses in the canal that transports water from Rapid Creek to the headgate at the property were also determined as this amount was not available to transfer. Belle Fourche Reservoir Inlet Canal Lining Client: Belle Fourche Irrigation District (BFID), Newell, South Dakota The focus of this project was to line 2 miles of the inlet canal to the Belle Fourche Reservoir, which has been identified as the primary section for significant leaking. This project was funded for lining approximately 0.5 mile of the 2-mile reach. RESPEC provided data collection expertise to identify the inefficient areas of the canal. Once identified, RESPEC provided project management and job oversight for installation of the lining. The lining material was purchased using U.S. Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART grant funds, which the BFID received as a result of an application that RESPEC wrote for them. RELEVANT PROJECT EXPERIENCE RSI/P-3359 Proposal for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report | 13 Gravity Irrigation System Engineering Feasibility Study Client: Pipestone Ditch Company, Whitehall, Montana RESPEC personnel were a part of a team that completed a feasibility study for infrastructure improvements along the Pipestone Ditch near Whitehall, Montana. The purpose of the study was to locate and quantify areas of surface water loss and assess options for reducing water loss. Several alternatives were evaluated, including (1) lining portions of the ditch, (2) replacing the open ditch with a gravity-flow pipeline, and (3) combining a pipeline and using another ditch to convey water to a new holding reservoir. Socioeconomic benefits, including complete cost analyses, were evaluated for each proposed alternative. Lower Big Hole River Irrigation Infrastructure Survey and Prioritization Project Client: Big Hole Watershed Committee, Beaverhead County, Montana RESPEC personnel were a part of a team that completed an inventory, assessment and prioritization of irrigation infrastructure improvement opportunities on the mainstem of the Big Hole River from Maiden Rock Canyon to the mouth of the Big Hole River (44 miles). Primary components in this evaluation are features that provide improved knowledge about water use and water management opportunities. The survey identified type and condition of diversions and headgates and associated structures, angle of headgate to direction of flow, points of diversion versus points of delivery, opportunities to move ditches away from river’s edge, distance of headgate from point of diversion, presence of flow measuring devices, status of ditch maintenance, and other factors that might cause irrigation management concerns. Prioritization took into account cost benefits, comparative potential to improve low instream flow through improved water management, and increased efficiency and/or ease of operation to landowner/irrigator. Inventory of Irrigation Infrastructure for Montana Client: Montana DNRC, Montana RESPEC personnel were a part of a team that conducted an inventory of irrigation infrastructure in Montana. The purpose of the inventory was to provide the Montana DNRC and other decision makers with an understanding of the condition of existing irrigation systems throughout Montana and an estimated cost of completing necessary improvements. Existing information about irrigation system infrastructure in Montana was gathered and compiled. A survey questionnaire was developed and sent to over 200 irrigation system operators across the state. On-site evaluations of ten separate irrigation systems were conducted. Structures throughout each system were photographed and the condition of major structures was noted. A GIS database was created through responses to the mail survey and the on-site evaluations using all of the data that were gathered during the compilation of existing information. A final report was prepared and submitted to the Long-Range Planning Committee of the 61st Montana Legislature. The results of study indicated that some of the irrigation systems in Montana contain structures that are badly in need of repair. The rough cost estimate for repair of these structures was approximately $343 million. Black Hills National Cemetery Expansion Client: Black Hills National Cemetery, Sturgis, South Dakota RESPEC performed contract administration and construction observation for a 4,000 preplaced crypt project. Construction included extensive site grading, crypt installation, storm drainage system and road construction, landscaping, and installing a 12-zone irrigation system that was tapped to the existing cemetery system. Elkhorn Ranch Water System Economic Analysis Client: Arapahoe County Water and Wastewater Authority, Parker, Colorado RESPEC recently completed an economic analysis of the water supply system for a 250-lot rural residential subdivision. This analysis evaluated the cost of the water supply infrastructure needed to serve the subdivision now and through full buildout. The analysis considered the operation, maintenance, and replacement cost of the water infrastructure assets, determined the cost of service and water rates required to make the water system financially feasible and compared alternatives based upon present worth analysis, and considered the continued viability of the current well-fed water supply system as compared to a renewable surface water supply system. RECENT AND CURRENT WORK FOR THE CITY OF BOZEMAN RSI/P-3359 Proposal for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report | 14 Local RESPEC staff proposed for this project have worked, and continue to work, on several local projects that have included the COB as either the landowner or key stakeholder. These projects include the Story Mill Ecological Restoration project, the Montana DNRC-FEMA Risk Mapping, Assessment, and Planning (Risk MAP) Bozeman Creek and Tributaries Floodplain Study, the Story Mill Spur Trail Revetment project in conjunction with the Gallatin Valley Land Trust, and Bozeman Groundwater Supply Investigation. The Story Mill Ecological Restoration project involved the COB in many facets. Early stages involved input and guidance from the Public Works Department and the Park, Recreation, and Cemetery Department. Final design plans were submitted to the Community Development Department for Site Plan Review, which included a review by the Wetland Review Board. This project served as the first large-scale wetland restoration project submitted to the COB for site plan review. The Montana DNRC-FEMA Risk MAP Bozeman Creek and Tributaries Floodplain Study also required substantial input from the Public Works Department. The COB shared recently collected GIS data of stormwater infrastructure with RESPEC to assist with hydrologic rainfall-runoff modeling in support of the new flood studies. Several studies were submitted to Mr. Brian Heaston for comments, which were subsequently incorporated and, ultimately, approved by the DNRC and FEMA. Working in conjunction with the Gallatin Valley Land Trust, RESPEC designed and provided permitting services for the repair of the Story Mill Spur Trail Bridge Abutment on COB-leased land. Similar to floodplain permitting requirements for the Story Mill Ecological Restoration project, the proposed repairs were demonstrated through hydraulic modeling as to their impacts on the base-flood elevations through the reach. After all stream permits were secured, RESPEC worked with the Park, Recreation, and Cemetery Department to hire a contractor to perform the work and provide technical oversight during construction. Recently, RESPEC has begun a groundwater supply investigation under direct contract with the COB. The goal of the investigation is to identify locations that are suitable to permit and construct high-capacity groundwater wells for municipal use in the Gallatin Valley. The project intends to support the COB Integrated Water Resources Plan, which recommends that a groundwater source provide 5,810 acre-feet of annual water supply to meet the COB’s 50-year high-growth water demand projection. The scope of work includes identifying potential well field locations, determination of groundwater availability, assess water quality, determine potential sources of contamination based on the recharge zone, assess adverse effects to existing surface water and groundwater rights, develop mitigation strategies, and estimate probable costs associated with the water development. This project is slated for completion in mid-2016. We are excited for this opportunity to continue our working relationship with the COB and further showcase our team’s expertise and diligence in irrigation infrastructure, delivery systems, and WaterSMART Grant applications and to become a long-term trusted consultant for the COB. PROFESSIONAL REFERENCES RSI/P-3359 Proposal for Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report | 15 RESPEC provides the following list of client references for our relevant example projects to the COB to verify our technical capabilities and commitment to providing expert client services. Name of Organization: The Trust for Public Land Services Provided: Design and construction services Terms of Service: Beginning Date 2013 Ending Date Continuing project Location of Client: Bozeman, Montana Contact: Ms. Maddy Pope, Project Manager Telephone: 406.522.7450 Email maddy.pope@tpl.org Name of Organization: Gallatin Conservation District Services Provided: Technical and Permit Inspection Services Terms of Service: Beginning Date 2005 Ending Date Continuing project Location of Client: Manhattan, Montana Contact: Ms. Marcie Murnion DeBuff, Administrator Telephone: 406.282.4350 Email marcie@gallatincd.org Name of Organization: Natrona County Conservation District Services Provided: TMDL implementation, water supply distribution, and watershed study services Terms of Service: Beginning Date 2009 Ending Date Continuing projects Location of Client: Casper, Wyoming Contact: Ms. Lisa Ogden, District Manager Telephone 307.261.5436 Email lisa.ogden@wy.nacdnet.net Name of Organization: Arapahoe County Water and Wastewater Authority Services Provided: Water rights and infrastructure engineering Terms of Service: Beginning Date 2006 Ending Date Continuing project Location of Client: Centennial, Colorado Contact: Mr. Steve Witter, General Manager Telephone 303.790.4830 Email switter@arapahoewater.org 2015 Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park Irrigation Project RFP ATTACHMENT A: NON-DISCRIMINATION AFFIRMATION FORM [name of entity proposing] hereby affirms it will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability in the performance of work performed for the City of Bozeman, if a contract is awarded to it, and also recognizes the eventual contract, if awarded, will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and that this prohibition shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the [name of entity proposing] employees and to all subcontracts it enters into in the performance of the agreement with the City of Bozeman. Signature of Proposer: Person authorized to sign on behalf of the proposer RESPEC RESPEC