HomeMy WebLinkAbout15- Allied Engineering Sunset Hills and Lindley Irrigation RFP Submittal Proposal to Provide Professional
Engineering Services for the
Sunset Hills Cemetery and
Lindley Park Irrigation
Project Preliminary
Engineering Report
Prepared By:
Allied Engineering
Services, Inc.
In Conjunction With:
HydroSolutions, Inc.
Bloomquist Law Firm, PC
AquaTech, Inc.
August 11, 2015City of Bozeman, Montana
32 Discovery Drive . Bozeman, Montana 59718 . Ph: (406) 582-0221 . Fax: (406) 582-5770
299 Prairie Drive . Stanley, North Dakota 58784 . Ph. (701) 628-0221 . www.alliedengineering.com
Proposal Narrative
1.0 Project Understanding and Approach
1.1 Project Understanding
The City of Bozeman is seeking a qualifi ed consultant team to evaluate alternatives
to use historically decreed surface water rights in the Story Ditch to irrigate Sunset
Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park. The work will culminate in the preparation of
a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) that evaluates various alternatives with
cost estimates and a preferred alternative that will pursue cost sharing with a
USBR WaterSMART Water and Energy Effi ciency Grant. The grant applications
are due in January of 2016.
One goal of the effort is to reduce irrigation of these City properties with treated
water and utilize available nonpotable water supplies. In addition to the 1865
surface rights to Story Ditch, the City of Bozeman also has groundwater irrigation
rights in the area that will be incorporated into the planning effort.
Firming up water rights and future plans for expansion are important elements of the proposed effort. There are currently 47
acres of the cemetery under irrigation, with 52 more acres reserved for future expansion. Combined with approximately 14 acres
currently irrigated in Lindley Park with groundwater, plus possible other city park areas such as nearby Haggerty Fields, puts the
potential desired irrigated areas at over 113 acres. The current water rights, which have not been uniformly exercised, amount to
86 acres from the Story Ditch surface rights and 25 acres from groundwater for a total of about 111 acres. However, allowable and
historical fl owrates (totaling over 8.38 cfs) and volumes (totaling over 3000 acre-feet) including recreational and fl ood control rights
are large numbers that provide optimism that the legal rights are adequate to accommodate the stated goals, and maybe more.
Alternatives considered will include legal changes to existing water rights that could facilitate better overall use of water and
perhaps drought resiliency. For example, improvements such as changing the place of use and/or point of diversion for the
Lindley Well groundwater to Haggerty softball fi elds is one idea, and there may also be potential to mitigate additional groundwater
withdrawals with portions of the Story Ditch surface right.
Other goals include making environmental and operational
improvements at the present diversion works on Bozeman Creek to
enhance worker safety, fl oater and fi sh passage, and better control
and metering. These changes could also facilitate or must at least
accommodate the recreational and fl ood control uses of the Story
Ditch right.
Other effi ciency measures can include operational improvements
to the operation and maintenance such as the water diversion,
distribution, and sprinkler confi gurations. Each summer, the COB
spends approximately $15,000 for seasonal labor on the system for
such things as changing sprinkler handlines and seasonally placing
and removing wooden boards, tarps, and sandbags at the diversion.
In addition to safety and labor concerns, these operations sometimes
result in delays in getting water into the ditch and early shut downs in
relation to the decreed period of use.
Our team of Allied Engineering Services, Inc. (AESI) of Bozeman, HydroSolutions, Inc. of Helena and Billings, Bloomquist Law
Firm of Helena, and AquaTech, Inc. of Belgrade, has extensive experience brainstorming, evaluating, and developing water use
design alternatives that are feasible from legal, environmental, physical, and economic perspectives.
Story Ditch Wetland Area behind Library
Bozeman Creek - Story Ditch Diversion Structure
32 Discovery Drive . Bozeman, Montana 59718 . Ph: (406) 582-0221 . Fax: (406) 582-5770
299 Prairie Drive . Stanley, North Dakota 58784 . Ph. (701) 628-0221 . www.alliedengineering.com
Proposal Narrative
1.2 Project Approach
Task 1 - Design Alternatives
Our team will consider the City of Bozeman expert staff to be valuable members of the team and will work with them to get their
ideas on both the existing systems and the most likely range of design alternatives. At the beginning of our project, our team
members will work with the City to assess the present physical system and water rights. Shortly thereafter, our combined team
of seasoned water resource engineers and experts of the consultant team and City staff will have a brainstorming session to
contemplate and further refi ne the various design alternatives that should be considered. From then forward, team members
assigned to various alternatives, will provide written communications (emails that form the basis for future sections of the PER),
summarizing progress and feasibility issues and inviting comments and suggested edits of each idea.
As per the RFP, alternatives will include various infrastructure options and operational confi gurations for water diversion,
conveyance, pumping, distribution, and application of irrigation water. Alternatives will also accommodate the decreed incidental
uses of fl ood control and recreation that Story Ditch provides. Alternatives considered will be compared to a ‘no action’ alternative
in order to evaluate the relative benefi ts and costs of the alternatives.
1a) Water Diversion
The existing concrete water diversion utilizes boards across Bozeman
Creek to check water up to 3 or 4 feet to divert fl ow to the Story Ditch.
This diversion is not only diffi cult (and sometimes dangerous) to
change to accommodate spring runoff conditions, it also is a signifi cant
obstruction to fi sh, fl oaters, and sediment and can negatively impact
the environment and morphology of the stream. There are numerous
possible modifi cations or replacement concepts that should be
considered for this diversion including:
1. Restructure the existing diversion pipe as a slide gate and
channel or pipe that has more capacity and requires less
head to get the required fl ow. This confi guration would use
the slide gate to control fl ow so that the diversion dam would not have to be adjusted to adjust fl ow. The increased
capacity would also enhance the fl ood control function of the Story Ditch;
2. Move diversion upstream to a point where the water does not have to be checked (as high) to divert enough water into
Story Ditch. The City of Bozeman owns land along the west side of the Gallagator Trail where a new ditch could be
constructed to connect to the existing ditch;
3. Revise the diversion dam to include a more easily adjusted dam height (mechanical or infl atable dam?) and possibly a
fi sh ramp/ladder along one side to accommodate the highest expected dam height. These options would probably be
implemented in some combination to improve capacity, adjustability, fi sh/fl oater/sediment passage, and fl ow measurement.
1b) Water Conveyance
We will evaluate the suitability of the existing Story Ditch to convey water from the point of diversion to a proposed pump station and
identify any improvements necessary to increase conveyance effi ciency. Conveyance improvements must account for recreation
and fl ood control.
1c) Water Pumping and Irrigation Distribution/Application
We will identify a preferred water pump station location and evaluate alternatives for pump station design including controls and
power. We will evaluate the need for irrigation water storage and identify a suitable location, volume, and storage confi guration if
determined necessary. We will determine to what extent components of the existing irrigation system distribution infrastructure can
be utilized and provide recommendations for new irrigation system components.
Story Ditch Diversion Structure
32 Discovery Drive . Bozeman, Montana 59718 . Ph: (406) 582-0221 . Fax: (406) 582-5770
299 Prairie Drive . Stanley, North Dakota 58784 . Ph. (701) 628-0221 . www.alliedengineering.com
Proposal Narrative
Task 2 - Cost / Benefi t Analysis
The selection of alternatives for a capital improvement project should include a comprehensive
evaluation, including both monetary and non-monetary considerations. Specifi cally, tangible
costs, intangible costs, tangible benefi ts, and intangible benefi ts should all be identifi ed and
considered. We will work closely with the City to provide analysis and solutions to understand
the City’s infrastructure needs and their operational/budget constraints.
When evaluating monetary considerations, the initial capital cost should be coupled with the
ongoing operational costs for the lifecycle of the investment. We typically prepare 20-year
present worth analysis (or life cycle cost) for each alternative under evaluation. This analysis
is effective when each alternative is equally appropriate on technical grounds. We will collaborate with the City to determine the
planning timeframe (20, 30, 50 years, etc.) to use in the analysis.
For non-monetary considerations, we will work with the City to develop a weighted ranking matrix for managerial, operational,
regulatory, environmental, energy effi ciency, and any other specifi c goals associated with the project. These rankings are used in
combination with the life cycle cost analysis to present the recommended alternative.
The IWRP references the cost of acquisition and improvements for additional water with the Sourdough Creek Reservoir Project
as high as $8,000 to $12,000 per acre-foot. Placing the value on current and future water rights and balancing with the cost of
improvements will be an important component of the cost/benefi t analyses.
Task 3 - Water Right Analysis
Water rights are a key element determining the feasibility of any alternative, and our team has extensive experience and awareness
of water rights issues and opportunities. HydroSolutions, Inc. and Bloomquist Law Firm of Helena will make the initial review
and determination of water rights feasibility and opportunities. Our team will identify and investigate any potential legal issues
regarding water rights and land acquisition associated with any alternatives identifi ed. Such a review would include a detailed
assessment of any existing water rights, permits, or water reservations for the sources of water being assessed. The assessment
would determine whether there are existing limitations or constraints on developing the water source(s) and any permitting or
change authorizations which may be associated with any alternatives identifi ed.
Task 4 - Preliminary Engineering Report
A successful PER should be accurate, clear, and easy to use, and should cover all the best alternatives available, including
some that may be “outside the box”. Those are our primary objectives for completing the Preliminary Engineering Report.
The background information developed from the previous tasks will become the primary source of information for the report.
Accuracy of this information will be tested through our multi-step and collaborative approach utilizing experienced personnel, close
collaboration with city staff, a multi-tiered review process, and validation of information and results. Once the information and data
have been thoroughly validated, it will be compiled into an organized and clear report format. Lastly, but just as important, we will
make the report easy to use. We will incorporate the following strategy to obtain these outcomes.
• Develop a clear and organized Table of Contents. Our aim is to create a Table of Contents that accurately, yet succinctly
and intuitively, communicates where information is located in the document. We will utilize smart document technology to
access each section through hyperlinking, and will include a brief synopsis of the content through a tool-tip type window.
• Develop a concise executive summary with all the necessary pertinent information. For many, the executive summary
is the go-to section to receive quick yet complete information about each key area of the report. We realize many
non-technical people will refer to this section to receive a brief overview of the subject and to develop the city’s capital
improvement plan. It is our goal to write this section in such a way as to be easily understood by most readers. We
will get straight to the point and refrain from using excessive technical jargon. Where appropriate, hyperlinks will be
established to reference other parts of the report as well as outsource documents such as other City of Bozeman reports
and webpages.
32 Discovery Drive . Bozeman, Montana 59718 . Ph: (406) 582-0221 . Fax: (406) 582-5770
299 Prairie Drive . Stanley, North Dakota 58784 . Ph. (701) 628-0221 . www.alliedengineering.com
Proposal Narrative
• The main body of the report will include additional detailed information on each appropriate subject matter. These sections
will further explain how the information was obtained, the various options, and will elaborate on technical information
and costs. These sections will backup and reinforce the executive summary with organized, clear and professional
information. These sections will also incorporate smart document technology where appropriate.
• Lastly, the report will include appendices with additional information such as maps and calculation results that benefi t
and support the overall document. Our goal is to keep the overall document as succinct, yet complete, as possible.
Therefore, we will not load up the document with extraneous information that will not benefi t the average reader. We will
strive to include only pertinent information to assist the city in the execution of the plan. We realize having a document
that can easily travel between meetings is always appreciated.
Task 5 - Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Grant
While the exact criteria and applications vary from year to year, USBR’s WaterSMART program is focused on improving water
conservation and helping water and resource managers make wise decisions about water use. Based on our review of last year’s
Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), the announcement was released on October 30, and the application deadline was
January 14 for up to 50% cost sharing of projects to save water and energy. In 2014, the USBR WaterSMART program awarded
$17.8 million for 36 Water and Energy Effi ciency Grants. These projects were estimated to save about 67,000 acre-feet of water
per year.
Our team will provide technical support for the 2016 WaterSMART grants. This technical support should be mostly provided
incidentally by the analyses and design provided for the PER effort. However, it is possible that some elements of the preferred
alternative would be adjusted to better meet the intents and goals of the grant program.
2.0 Proposed Work Plan
2.1 Overview of Firms
AESI brings a team with the right expertise and experience to effi ciently and effectively complete the Sunset Hills Cemetery and
Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report and provide all necessary services to the City of Bozeman to achieve
project specifi c goals and objectives. The AESI team includes key personnel from AESI, HydroSolutions, Bloomquist Law Firm, and
Aquatech. AESI and the subconsultants have worked together on previous projects on an intermittent basis for nearly 20 years.
Allied Engineering Services, Inc.
AESI is an employee owned, multi-disciplinary engineering company headquartered in
Bozeman, Montana, with a branch offi ce in Stanley, North Dakota. The fi rm specializes
in water resource engineering, environmental permitting, geotechnical engineering, water
distribution, wastewater collection and treatment, storm water infrastructure design,
transportation engineering and construction engineering services. Founded in 1996, AESI
has grown steadily into a well-rounded, seasoned fi rm that is large enough to offer our
clients the convenience of in-house experts for a wide array of services. AESI employs a
qualifi ed, experienced staff of over 20 employees, including professional civil engineers,
engineer interns, a GIS specialist and licensed surveyors experienced in a wide variety of
civil engineering projects. All staff members who would work on this project are based in Bozeman.
AESI is a small but highly-qualifi ed fi rm whose professionals have managed and performed many complex engineering studies and
design projects, and whose projects have won several awards for context and environmentally sensitive designs. We are adept
at water resource engineering, project management, and hydraulic modeling, all important strengths for the Sunset Hills Cemetery
and Lindley Park Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report. We are also knowledgeable and experienced working on water
projects in Bozeman over the past 18 years including the 2005 City of Bozeman water facility plan and other projects for the City
of Bozeman.
32 Discovery Drive . Bozeman, Montana 59718 . Ph: (406) 582-0221 . Fax: (406) 582-5770
299 Prairie Drive . Stanley, North Dakota 58784 . Ph. (701) 628-0221 . www.alliedengineering.com
Proposal Narrative
HydroSolutions, Inc.
HydroSolutions is a Montana-incorporated environmental consulting and engineering fi rm founded in
1999 which specializes in hydrology, geology, environmental engineering, groundwater, water quality,
environmental assessment, reclamation, and cleanup. HydroSolutions has offi ces in Helena and Billings, Montana, and home
offi ces in Bozeman and Absarokee. Their projects and clients are located throughout the West. They have a well-balanced and
experienced staff of hydrogeologists, hydrologists, engineers, geologists, fi sheries biologist, NEPA/MEPA specialist, GIS and
database specialists, and fi eld technicians. They emphasize quality, integrity, safety, and responsiveness. They own the equipment
and have the experience needed to successfully scope, plan, and complete large, comprehensive fi eld projects in a timely manner.
HydroSolutions provides specialized environmental permitting, compliance, and hydrology services to municipal, federal, and
state governmental agencies, natural resource companies, engineering and environmental companies, and law fi rms throughout
the western United States. Their experience has shown a proven track record for navigating through critical pathways in water
resource development and water rights projects. Their services include fi eld assessments and sampling of groundwater, surface
waters, wetlands, and waste sites; water rights applications, mitigation plans, and adjudication support; analytical and computer
modeling; environmental permitting; water management and disposal; and preparation of technical reports and expert testimony.
HydroSolutions is known for its expertise in hydrogeologic characterization, groundwater modeling, water balance, and water
quality evaluations in support of water rights, regulatory permitting, reclamation, remediation, and other environmental applications.
HydroSolutions has recently acquired Water Solutions, Inc. of Helena, who has worked with the COB on water rights issues for
several years.
Bloomquist Law Firm, PC
Attorneys at Bloomquist Law Firm have been helping Montana landowners preserve their water
rights since the early 1990s. Focusing on all aspects of Montana water law makes their fi rm a
leader in the fi eld. Their simple mission to provide profi cient, concentrated legal services within
their practice areas has brought positive results for their clients. Their clients, who range from small, private farmers and ranchers
to complex water supply projects and large national corporations, have come to rely on their attorneys to assist with their legal
matters. Their knowledgeable and responsive attorneys and staff are intimately familiar with the areas of law in which they practice,
allowing them to provide cost-effi cient legal services and resolutions for their clients.
Two of their attorneys began their legal careers as Water Masters at the Montana Water Court. They have since used their
experience and knowledge to successfully assist clients with meeting their adjudication needs before the Montana Water Court,
permit and change requirements before the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC), and litigation
needs in both state and federal courts. Their attorneys also have years of experience in handling a variety of natural resource
matters, road access and easement issues, public land use and environmental law issues, property law and real estate matters,
business and corporate law, governmental relations, and administrative law issues.
AquaTech, Inc.
AquaTech is a full service irrigation equipment dealer located in Belgrade, Montana. They serve
primarily the agricultural irrigation needs for a 150-mile radius around Belgrade. The products they
offer include center pivots, wheel lines, hand lines, pumps, pipe, wire, residential lawn systems and
parts. John Gardner of Aquatech is an Agricultural Engineer and Certifi ed Irrigation Association
Project Team Roles
AESI will provide overall project management and the primary engineering expertise for conceptual/preliminary design and cost
estimating of the options. AESI has extensive expertise and experience in water resources engineering including hydrogeology,
water rights, stream restoration including fi sh passage and permitting, and hydrology and hydraulics including irrigation structures
and distribution systems.
32 Discovery Drive . Bozeman, Montana 59718 . Ph: (406) 582-0221 . Fax: (406) 582-5770
299 Prairie Drive . Stanley, North Dakota 58784 . Ph. (701) 628-0221 . www.alliedengineering.com
Proposal Narrative
HydroSolutions will provide water rights review and evaluation, as well as additional expertise on hydrogeology, hydrology,
and many aspects of irrigation systems. HydroSolutions, Inc. recently purchased Water Solutions, Inc. of Helena, which has
considerable experience working on water rights issues for the City of Bozeman.
Bloomquist Law Firm will provide legal support and
water rights evaluation/review. Bloomquist attorneys
are among the best known and respected water rights
experts in the state and we have found them to be
practical and effi cient during previous work with them.
AquaTech will provide value engineering and practical
irrigation design experience and cost estimation of
the alternative designs. AESI and AquaTech have
collaborated on the design and construction of various
diversions, screens, pumps, piping, controllers, and
sprinklers starting nearly 20 years ago.
The accompanying table lists the fi rms and their roles
on the project. An “X” indicates a lead role and an “O”
represents a supporting one. Project management and
communications with the City of Bozeman will be led by
AESI for all tasks.
2.2 Work Tasks and Assigned Personnel
The following organizational chart provides a summary of the work tasks to be performed and the personnel expected to work on
the tasks.
Project Team Roles
1a - Design AlternativesWater Diversion1b - Design AlternativesWater Conveyance1c - Design AlternativesWater Pumping and Irrigation Distribution / Application2 - Cost / Benefi t Analysis3 - Water Rights Analysis4 - Preliminary Engineering Report5 - Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART GrantAESI X X X X O X X
HydroSolutions O O O X O
Bloomquist Law X X O
AquaTech O O O O
Project Manager
Paul Sanford, PE, MSCE
Craig Madson, PE, MSCE
Client - City of Bozeman
Lain Leoniak, PE
Quality Control
Doug Chandler, PE, PhD
Black - AESI
Blue - HydroSolutions
Purple - Bloomquist
Green - AquaTech
Cost / Benefi t Analysis
Paul Sanford, PE, PhD
David Donohue, PG
John Bloomquist
John Gardner
Design Alternatives
Paul Sanford, PE, MSCE
Brock Athman, PE
Rory Romey, EI
Jennifer Johnson, EI, MSCE
David Donohue, PG
Lucas Osborne, PE, MSCE
David Baldwin, PG, MS
David Schmidt
John Gardner
Water Rights Analysis
Doug Chandler, PE, PhD
David Donohue, PG
Lucas Osborne, PE, MSCE
David Baldwin, PG, MS
David Schmidt
John Bloomquist
B M t 59718 Ph (406)5
Engineering Report
Paul Sanford, PE, PhD
Jennifer Johnson, EI, MSCE
David Donohue, PG
John Bloomquist
John Gardner
Bureau of Reclamation
WaterSMART Grant
Paul Sanford, PE, MSCE
Brock Athman, PE
Rory Romey, EI
Jennifer Johnson, EI, MSCE
32 Discovery Drive . Bozeman, Montana 59718 . Ph: (406) 582-0221 . Fax: (406) 582-5770
299 Prairie Drive . Stanley, North Dakota 58784 . Ph. (701) 628-0221 . www.alliedengineering.com
Proposal Narrative
2.3 Schedule
If awarded the project, the AESI team would meet with the City to review and update the schedule. Our team has the capacity
and fl exibility to adjust the schedule to meet the City’s needs. The following table provides a summary of the anticipated schedule.
Schedule Summary
Task: Start Date: Completion Date:
1 - Design Alternatives September 1, 2015 November 1, 2015
2 - Cost / Benefi t Analysis October 1, 2015 December 1, 2015
3 - Water Right Analysis September 1, 2015 November 1, 2015
4 - Preliminary Engineering Report November 1, 2015 January 1, 2016
5 - Bureau of Reclamation WaterSMART Grant Time of FOA January ?, 2016
2.4 Anticipated Involvement of COB Staff
Anticipated involvement of city staff is discussed in Section 1.0 and summarized below. We understand the importance of city
involvement and input throughout the project but we also understand the city has limited staff resources. Our team will begin work
on each task and develop specifi c questions, informational needs, and discussion points for the city prior to requesting involvement
from staff. This will allow for effi cient interaction with city staff.
• Assistance with data and information gathering including site visits;
• Review fi ndings of updated evaluation of existing system;
• Initial input and intermittent review of the list and description of design alternatives;
• Assistance with identifi cation of potential land or ROW acquisition if needed for any of the design alternatives;
• Input on parameters used for the Cost/Benefi t Analysis particularly on managerial and operational criteria of the
• Review and input at key project milestones.
3.0 Project Team
3.1 Qualifi cations of Key Individuals
Brief summaries of the team members’ qualifi cations are provided in the following chart.
Experience and Qualifi cations of Key Personnel
Paul Sanford, PE, MSCE, CFM - Project Manager, AESI
Education: B.S. Civil Engineering, 1996
M.S. Civil Engineering, 1997
Qualifi cations: Paul is a Principal Engineer and senior
project manager for Transportation, Civil, and Water
Resources projects at AESI. He is a technically profi cient
and organized project manager with proven experience
completing a diverse range of public projects. Paul
successfully harnesses the input of senior engineer
experts in other civil disciplines and translates this to
understandable and constructible project documents.
Paul’s engineering expertise includes hydrology and
hydraulics, municipal utilities, pedestrian transportation
facilities, and site design.
Years of Experience: 18
Registrations/Certifi cations: PE - MT, CO, ID,
TX, WY, and WI; Certifi ed Floodplain Manager
Training: National Highway Institute HEC-RAS
Seminar; Project Managers Bootcamp Seminar;
AMFM Annual Conference; DNRC Floodplain
Hydraulics Using HEC-RAS
32 Discovery Drive . Bozeman, Montana 59718 . Ph: (406) 582-0221 . Fax: (406) 582-5770
299 Prairie Drive . Stanley, North Dakota 58784 . Ph. (701) 628-0221 . www.alliedengineering.com
Proposal Narrative
Experience and Qualifi cations of Key Personnel
Craig Madson, PE, MSCE - Principal-in-Charge, AESI
Education: B.S. Civil Engineering, 1994
M.S. Civil Engineering, 1996
Qualifi cations: Craig is a Principal Engineer and
senior project manager for Civil, Geotechnical, and Transportation projects at AESI. He served as Project
Manager for a $27 million urban highway reconstruction project in Arlee, MT. Craig’s engineering expertise
includes groundwater development, water rights, on-site wastewater, geotechnical exploration and analysis,
pavement design, road reconstruction, subdivisions, municipal water and sewer, and signifi cant on-site
construction engineering and inspection.
Years of Experience: 19
Registrations/Certifi cations: PE - MT, ND, WY; ACI Concrete Technician, Grade I;
Radiation Safety Offi cer
Training: LRFD for Highway Bridge Substruct.;
Earthquake Engineering; Underground Design
for Stormwater; Seaman Nuclear Density Testing
Seminar; AWRA/MT Water Center Conf.
Doug Chandler, PE, PhD - QC Manager, AESI
Education: B.S. Civil Engineering, 1982
M.S. Civil Engineering, 1985
Ph.D. Civil Engineering, 1992
Qualifi cations: Doug is the president and founder of
AESI. He has specialized in geologic and hydrologic
processes throughout his advanced degrees and
career. His expertise includes geotechnical, water
resource, and general civil engineering as related to
diversions, dams, structures, roads, water supplies,
pipelines, stream reclamation, and parks. He has a
deep interest in sustainable design and construction,
enjoys the public process of permitting and
entitlements, and thrives on integrating his knowledge
of natural processes with engineering projects.
Years of Experience: 31
Registrations/Certifi cations: PE - MT, WA, WY,
Training: Design of in-stream structures, Design
with geosynthetics, Health and Safety Supervisor
Training for Hazardous Waste Operations
Brock Athman, PE - Civil Engineer, AESI
Education: BS Civil Engineering, 2005 Qualifi cations: Brock is a part of the Civil Design Team at AESI. His responsibilities include design work on
public water and sewer mains, public water supplies, wastewater treatment facilities, roadways and grading,
and structural analysis. He is responsible for creating plan and profi le design drawings for roads, sewer and
water mains, grading plan design drawings, project specifi cations, assisting with fi nal bid tabulations, and
preparation of permitting applications.
Years of Experience: 10
Registrations/Certifi cations: PE - MT; LEED Accredited Professional; ACI Concrete Technician,
Grade I; Certifi ed Public Water Supply Operator - MT DEQ
Training: Water School for Water & Wastewater
Operators & Managers, 2008, 2011, 2013; Nuclear
Radiation Safety Training
Rory Romey, EI - Design Engineer, AESI
Education: B.S. Civil Engineering, 2011 Qualifi cations: Rory is a part of the Civil Design
Team at AESI. He has experience working on large
scale municipal infrastructure projects involving water
distribution and stormwater modeling. His responsibilities
include permitting, construction inspection, materials
testing, grading, water and sewer design, drafting, and
hydraulic modeling. Rory has gained hydraulic modeling
experience working with computer modeling software
such as WaterCAD, EPANET, Storm and Sanitary
Analysis, HEC-RAS, Culvert Master, and Flow Master.
Years of Experience: 4
Registrations/Certifi cations: EI; ACI Concrete
Technician, Grade I; Certifi ed Public Water Supply
Operator - MT DEQ
Training: Montana Storm Water Conference,
2014; Water School for Water & Wastewater
Operators and Managers, 2011, 2013; Nuclear
Radiation Safety Training; DNRC Floodplain
Engineering 101 Workshop, 2012
Jennifer Johnson, EI, MSCE, CFM - Design Engineer, AESI
Education: B.S. Civil Engineering, 2009
M.S. Civil Engineering, 2012
Qualifi cations: Jennifer is an engineer intern working
on a variety of water resource projects. Primary
responsibilities span hydrologic and hydraulic modeling
using HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, RiverFlo-2d, and GIS.
Recent projects have included river modeling with 1D
and 2D software, diversion structure modeling, GIS
analysis, permitting assistance, and site development.
Years of Experience: 3
Registrations/Certifi cations: EI; Certifi ed
Floodplain Manager
Training: AMFM Annual Conference, RiverFLO-2D
Training, Spillway Design and HEC-HMS Training,
DNRC Dam Outlet Works Training
32 Discovery Drive . Bozeman, Montana 59718 . Ph: (406) 582-0221 . Fax: (406) 582-5770
299 Prairie Drive . Stanley, North Dakota 58784 . Ph. (701) 628-0221 . www.alliedengineering.com
Proposal Narrative
Experience and Qualifi cations of Key Personnel
David Donohue, PG - Senior Hydrogeologist, HydroSolutions
Education: B.A. Geology, 1980M.S. Earth Science / Hydrogeology, 1989 Qualifi cations: David is a Senior Hydrogeologist and Helena Offi ce Manager for HydroSolutions. He has
extensive experience in all phases of water resource development including hydrogeologic investigations,
well design, testing, completion, and water rights permitting for both small- and large-scale resource
projects. He has completed water development projects in alluvial block-fault valleys in Montana, including
the Gallatin Valley. He focuses on water rights, water quality, and water quantity assignments while working
with federal, state, municipal, and private clients and meeting regulatory requirements.
Years of Experience: 27
Registrations/Certifi cations: PG - WY
Training: Water Rights Seminars; NEPA, OSHA (29 CFR 1920) Hazardous Materials Training;
Groundwater Modeling
Lucas Osborne, PE, MSCE - Water Resources Engineer, HydroSolutions
Education: B.S. Civil Engineering, 1999
M.S. Civil Engineering, 2005
Qualifi cations: Lucas is a water resources engineer
and project manager at HydroSolutions. He has played
key roles in multiple water development and water rights
projects including Piegan Port of Entry, City of Shelby,
City of Helena, Lewis and Clark Caverns State Park, and
subdivision developments. This work has included well
design, assessment of physical and legal availability of
groundwater and surface water, stream depletion and
return fl ow analysis, and development of closed basin
mitigation plans.
Years of Experience: 15
Registrations/Certifi cations: PE - MT, WY, AK
Training: Montana Water Law conf; AWRA/MT
Water Center Conf., MT Joint Engineers Conf.,
Storm Water Pollutions Prevention Plan Preparer
course, OSHA (29 CFR 1910) Hazardous Materials
David Baldwin, PG, MS - Senior Hydrogeologist, HydroSolutions
Education: B.A. Geology, 1978
M.S. Hydrogeology, 1998
Qualifi cations: David is a Senior Hydrogeologist for
HydroSolutions, providing services in the fi elds of water rights, groundwater and surface water hydrogeology,
and asset mapping using GIS. He is a registered professional geologist and has been working in the
geology fi eld since 1978. His current focus is the fi eld of hydrogeology including groundwater exploration,
well installation oversight, water rights analysis and permitting, water marketing, development of
augmentation plans, expert witness testimony, aquifer testing, and groundwater modeling.
Years of Experience: 37
Registrations/Certifi cations: PG - WY; ESRI-
Certifi ed ArcView Instructor
Training: 40-Hour OSHA Health & Safety Training
and annual 8-hour refresher training
David Schmidt - Senior Hydrologist / Water Rights Specialist, HydroSolutions
Education: B.A. Geology / Geography, 1985 Qualifi cations: David is a Senior Hydrologist / Water
Rights Specialist for HydroSolutions, providing services
in the fi elds of water rights, groundwater and surface
water hydrogeology, and asset mapping using GIS.
He has focused on water rights and water resource
evaluations for private ranches and federal, state, and
local government clients for over 30 years throughout
the western US. He has worked with the City of
Bozeman on water rights issues for several years and
has direct experience with the Lindley well and Story
ditch / Bozeman Creek water rights.
Years of Experience: 38
Registrations/Certifi cations: Faculty Member at Montana and Idaho Annual Water Law
Training: USFW GIS Workshop; Sustainable
Use of the West’s Water Conference; Montana
Water Court - Water Rights Mediation Training
II; Northwest Water Policy and Law Symposium;
Water Rights Sales & Transfers in MT Conference
32 Discovery Drive . Bozeman, Montana 59718 . Ph: (406) 582-0221 . Fax: (406) 582-5770
299 Prairie Drive . Stanley, North Dakota 58784 . Ph. (701) 628-0221 . www.alliedengineering.com
Proposal Narrative
3.2 Team Member Availability
The following table illustrates our team’s projected
availability for the anticipated project duration. While all of
the members of the project team expect to have obligations
to other projects during the proposed project timeframe,
their anticipated availability is more than suffi cient to
complete the Sunset Hills Cemetery and Lindley Park
Irrigation Project Preliminary Engineering Report prior to
the January 2016 time limit.
Our current workload for the team over the course of the
project timeframe is less than 50% of capacity. Our project
team has the availability to make your project a top priority,
to complete work on or before the desired completion
date, and to provide excellent customer service.
Experience and Qualifi cations of Key Personnel
John Bloomquist - Water Rights Attorney, Bloomquist Law Firm
Education: B.A. Business with Emphasis in
Mineral Lands Management, 1980
Juris Doctorate, 1989
Qualifi cations: John draws from his former experience
as a Water Master with the Montana Water Court
to continue close and productive relationships with
administrative and regulatory bodies. He represents a
variety of clients including ranchers, irrigation districts,
small and large water projects, associations, and
municipal and industrial water users. He has been
involved with many important cases determining water
rights in drainages and basins across the State of
Montana. His extensive knowledge has earned a top
ranking in the fi eld of Natural Resources & Environment
by Chambers and Partners.
Years of Experience: 26
Bar Admissions: Montana, Supreme Court of the
United States of America, US Court of Appeals 9th and 10th Circuits, US District Court – Districts of
Colorado and Montana
Training: N/A
John Gardner - Agricultural Engineer and Certifi ed Irrigation Designer, AquaTech
Education: B.S. Agricultural Engineering, 1996 Qualifi cations: John has worked in the agricultural irrigation fi eld for his entire career, beginning in 1996.
During this time, he has worked for an equipment supplier and an equipment manufacturer and now
owns an irrigation equipment supply company. He has worked extensively in Montana and around the country
with some limited international exposure, as well. He has experience with irrigation delivery system design,
cost estimating and troubleshooting. He is also adept at incorporating GPS data into irrigation system layouts.
Years of Experience: 19
Registrations/Certifi cations: Certifi ed Irrigation
Designer - Sprinkler from the Irrigation Association
Training: N/A
Team Member Availability
Availability (%):
Projected Availability
throughout Project
Duration (%):
Paul Sanford 40 50
Craig Madson 30 30
Doug Chandler 20 20
Brock Athman 50 60
Rory Romey 50 70
Jennifer Johnson 60 80
David Donohue 30 30
Lucas Osborne 50 40
David Baldwin 40 40
David Schmidt 40 40
John Bloomquist 20 20
John Gardner 40 40
32 Discovery Drive . Bozeman, Montana 59718 . Ph: (406) 582-0221 . Fax: (406) 582-5770
299 Prairie Drive . Stanley, North Dakota 58784 . Ph. (701) 628-0221 . www.alliedengineering.com
Proposal Narrative
3.3 Recent Experience on Similar Projects
Our project team has completed numerous past projects that had many aspects similar to this project. AESI has a long history of
water resource projects that required water rights, stream permitting, diversions, irrigation systems design, public water supplies,
recreational ponds and streams, fi sh blocks and passage projects, and stream restoration projects from Washington to New
Jersey and Wisconsin to Texas, and even an in-stream water park on the Clark Fork River in Missoula. In short, although AESI
prides itself as a multifaceted fi rm, one of our specialties over the years has been water resource engineering and permitting. The
following table summarizes the more pertinent recent project experience for AESI and its team members.
Recent Experience on Similar Projects
Project Name:Firm
Involved:Alternatives AnalysisDiversion StructuresStream RestorationIrrigation SystemsWater RightsCost/Benefi t AnalysisReport PreparationGrant Preparation Davis Irrigation Dam Fish Passage Project - Mussellshell River AESI XXXX XX
East Gallatin River Bank Stabilization at Swamp Creek Road AESI X
Flynn-Lowney Irrigation Diversion Reconstruction on the Clark Fork R. AESI X X X X X
Chadbourne Diversion Fisheries Enhancement Project on the Shields R. AESI X
Clearwater River Dam Removal & Channel Reconstruction AESI X
Alder Gulch Enhancement Project AESI X X X X X X
Big Spring Creek Restoration AESI X X
Big Hole River Streb-Gallagher Diversion AESI X X X X
Teton Creek Restoration AESI X X
Baxter Meadows Subdivision - Irrigation Ditch Re-route AESI X X X
Black Bull Subdivision AESI X X X
US 93 Reconstruction near Arlee AESI X X X
Bozeman, Big Sky, and MSU Water Facility Plans AESI X X X
NCUC Preliminary Engineering Services AESI X X X X
River Rock CIP AESI X X X
Schutter Reservoir AESI X
American Prairie Reserve Water Rights AESI X
Red Cliffs Estates Benefi cial Use and Mitigation HydroSolutions X X
Chevallier Ranch Irrigation Rights HydroSolutions X X
City of Shelby, Municipal Groundwater Rights HydroSolutions X X
North Central Montana Regional Water Authority Municipal Water Rights HydroSolutions X X
City of Helena-Bill Roberts Golf Course HydroSolutions X X
City of Helena - Water Master Plan HydroSolutions X X X
City of Helena - Water Reservation/Well Field HydroSolutions X X
Port of Piegan, Water Development HydroSolutions X X X
Keil Ranch - Water Rights/Benefi cial Use Application HydroSolutions X X
Tipi Village Association/water rights and irrigation HydroSolutions X X X
32 Discovery Drive . Bozeman, Montana 59718 . Ph: (406) 582-0221 . Fax: (406) 582-5770
299 Prairie Drive . Stanley, North Dakota 58784 . Ph. (701) 628-0221 . www.alliedengineering.com
Proposal Narrative
Recent Experience on Similar Projects
Project Name:Firm
Involved:Alternatives AnalysisDiversion StructuresStream RestorationIrrigation SystemsWater RightsCost/Benefi t AnalysisReport PreparationGrant Preparation Thatcher Chemical-Well Design/Water rights HydroSolutions X X
Lewis and Clark Caverns-Public Water Supply/Water Rights HydroSolutions X X
Town of Melstone HydroSolutions X X
Dearborn Ranch AquaTech X
E Lazy V Ranch AquaTech X
Kimm Seed AquaTech X
Kamps Seed AquaTech X
JB Cattle AquaTech X
West Fork Land & Livestock AquaTech X
Table Mountain Ranch AquaTech X
Missouri Grain Growers AquaTech X
Bignell Ranch AquaTech X
Avalanche Ranch AquaTech X
Horser Ranch AquaTech X
Weindenaar Farms AquaTech X
Schutter Brothers AquaTech X
3.4 Past Work for the City of Bozeman
The following table presents our recent work for the City of Bozeman. The projects at the bottom of the table were completed in
the early 2000’s.
Past Work for the City of Bozeman
Project Name Team Members
Cottonwood Road Improvements between Huffi ne and Fallon Paul, Jennifer, Rory, Brock
Bozeman Ponds Expansion Project Paul, Jennifer, Rory
Bozeman Creek Bank Stabilization Paul, Jennifer
Development Review Term Contract Paul
Bozeman Creek Hydraulic Model Paul, Rory, Jennifer
N. 7th Ave. Lighting, ROW and Preliminary Design Paul, Brock
N. 7th Ave. Phase 1 Sidewalk Improvements Paul, Brock
Intermodal Facility (Parking Garage)Craig, Doug
Water Facility Plan Doug
Public Library Paul, Doug
32 Discovery Drive . Bozeman, Montana 59718 . Ph: (406) 582-0221 . Fax: (406) 582-5770
299 Prairie Drive . Stanley, North Dakota 58784 . Ph. (701) 628-0221 . www.alliedengineering.com
Proposal Narrative
Past Work for the City of Bozeman
Project Name Team Members
Kagy Road Repairs Craig, Doug
Lyman Creek Leakage Measurement Brock
New City Hall Renovation Testing and Inspection Craig
Water Rights Consultation for City of Bozeman David S.
Additional Projects for the City of Bozeman
Transfer Station Design Paul, Doug
Solvent Site Water Main Extension Paul
Wheat Drive Improvements Paul
Paul Sanford, our team’s project manager, was the project manager (project manager’s name in bold) on most of these projects.
4.0 References
4.1 References
Koy Holland
Rattlesnake Reservoir & Water Company
(406) 683-2499
Mike Dailey
Lower Shields River Canal Company
(406) 223-8468
Dan Stevenson
Montana State University Facility Services
(406) 994-5470
Michele Lemieux
Montana DNRC
(406) 444-6613
4.2 Relevant Past Project Examples
Black Bull Subdivision Surface Water Rights and Irrigation Canals -
Bozeman, Montana
AESI provided platting, civil design, environmental permitting, and construction
services for this 378-lot major subdivision and 18-hole golf course. Our services
included completing water rights assessments, research, and negotiations in order
to complete a DNRC 606 Change application. The proposed changes to surface
water were to accommodate the development of the Leachman Angus Ranch into
the Black Bull Subdivision and Golf Course. Work included the correction of abstracts
to refl ect actual historic use and place of use through the Montana Water Court.
The change application included water rights held by two large ditch companies,
as well as privately held rights. Planning and analysis included determination of
consumptive use and planning for native species requiring less water for much of the golf course “rough” and adjacent riparian
buffers. This reduced the total consumptive water use per acre. In addition, water use reduction allowed the existing contract water
to easily supply all the irrigation water for the project, without relying on the fl ood rights for crop irrigation. It also allowed the ditch
companies to continue to divert these historically used fl ood rights to wet their ditches and fi elds in the early season when fl ood
water is available.
32 Discovery Drive . Bozeman, Montana 59718 . Ph: (406) 582-0221 . Fax: (406) 582-5770
299 Prairie Drive . Stanley, North Dakota 58784 . Ph. (701) 628-0221 . www.alliedengineering.com
Proposal Narrative
AESI also provided design and permitting services for the relocation of irrigation canals through the property. We worked closely
with the developers to ensure their desires for aesthetic considerations along the golf course while meeting the demands of the
water users for maintenance of fl ows. AESI completed the hydraulic and structural design and detailing of a diversion structure to
split fl ows based on water rights that keeps a golf pond full while ensuring fl ow to downstream users. AESI also provided layout of
several large box culverts that convey irrigation canals under the subdivision roads. During the construction of the golf course and
the public facilities, AESI provided coordination with the numerous contractors involved, while providing inspection oversight for
the water, sewer and road construction.
Water Rights Consultation for City of Bozeman - Bozeman, Montana
Our project team includes David Schmidt, who formerly owned Water Rights Solutions Inc. before they became part of
HydroSolutions. He has worked as a consultant for the City of Bozeman since 2006, consulting on water rights and water resource
related issues, and intimately understands the specifi cs of the City of Bozeman water rights. He worked on the integrated water
resources planning process as a key team member, attending meetings, reviewing documents, and participating in overall scoping
and planning process. He provided technical input into the cash in lieu of water rights ordinance for the purpose of subdivision
annexation into the City of Bozeman. Mr. Schmidt reviewed the application for change process as it related to the proposed
replacement of Mystic Lake impoundment and reviewed and commented on the Smith River decision regarding the pre-stream
capture rule for groundwater extraction as it impacts the change application process for the City. He also provided input and
recommendations into water rights evaluations for the City of Bozeman, how best to move forward with both simple and complex
water rights, including legislation that would benefi t the City’s long-term water use and plans.
Projects that Mr. Schmidt has been the lead water rights consultant for the City of Bozeman include the following:
• Completed water rights analysis for Baxter sports complex including preliminary mapping, suggested the use of Farmers
Canal and West Gallatin Canal shares and private irrigation acquired with land purchase to irrigate sports fi elds and use
exempt wells for potable water;
• Collected data and completed analysis on conveyance systems from Sourdough Creek and Mystic Lake for the Bozeman
Reservoir Company and municipal water use, including collection of stream gage heights and maximum fl ow capacity
• Prepared a memorandum describing analysis and issues with the proposed Salar storage project;
• Prepared Hupka water rights valuation in regards to acquiring shares from Middle Creek Water Users;
• Evaluated Middle Creek Ditch Company by-laws to help speed processing of applications to change shares to municipal
• Worked with City on Tom Lane share purchase;
• Assisted in preparation of a spreadsheet of Gallatin River call dates to assess fi rm yield of specifi c water rights; and
• Reviewed and provided information requested regarding Mystic Lake/Bozeman Reservoir Company issues of
abandonment and City reservation of Upper Missouri River water in the amount of 609 acre-feet and effort needed to
perfect reservation.
5.0 Non-Discrimination Affi rmation Form
The following page contains our fi rm’s non-discrimination affi rmation form.
Allied Engineering Services, Inc. hereby affirms it will not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or perceived
sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability in the performance of work performed for the
City of Bozeman, if a contract is awarded to it, and also recognizes the eventual contract, if
awarded, will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and that this
prohibition shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the Allied Engineering Services, Inc.
employees and to all subcontracts it enters into in the performance of the agreement with the
City of Bozeman.
Signature of Proposer: _______________________________________
Digitally signed by Douglas S. Chandler
DN: cn=Douglas S. Chandler, o=President,
ou=Allied Engineering Services, Inc.,
email=doug@alliedengineering.com, c=US
Date: 2015.08.09 14:15:25 -06'00'