HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPRING DELL F-16-Bco I co \ I u.. 0 0 <( _J _J w 0 (9 z 0::: c.. CJ) 0 w 0 z UJ ~ <( SURVEY PURPOSE: 1. TO AGGREGATE PARCELS & RELOCATE BOUNDARY LINES. 2. TO DEDICATE A PARK PARCEL TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN. THE COMMISSIONER OF THIS SURVEY IS PRUGH & LENON ARCHITECTS. BEARING BASIS: WGS 84 AS DETERMINED BY SURVEY GRADE GPS RECEIVERS WITH THE CENTRAL MERIDIAN RUNNING THROUGH LAT. 45"39' 40.376' N, LONG. 111"02' 42.011' w. CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION I (we), the undersigned property owner(s), do hereby certify that I (we) have caused to be surveyed, subdivided and platted into lots, blocks, streets, and alleys, and other divisions end dedications, as shown by the plat hereunto included, the following described tract of land, to-wit LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS (All documents referred to herein being records of the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder's Office) A tract of land, said tract being Lot 10 and those portions of Lots 8 and 9 in Block 2 of the Spring Dell Addition, and the portion of the abandoned Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company right of way as described in the deed recorded in Rim 128, Page 1359, and also that portion of said abandoned right of way as described in the deed recorded in Film 104, Page 905, and also that parcel of land as shown on Certificate of Survey No. 655 and as described in the deed recorded on Film 95, Page· 3030. said tract being located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 2 South. Range 6 East, Principal Meridian Montana, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montano, and said tract being rearranged into 3 parcels. said parcels being more particularly described as follows: Legal Description of Lot 1 OA Beginning at the northeast comer of said Lot 10; thence South 00"16'00n East, on the west line of South Black Avenue, a distance of 111.67 feet; thence South 30"29'27" West, on the southeasterly line of Lot 10, a distance of 63.19 feet; thence South 30'27'26" West, on the southeasterly. line of Certificate of Survey No. 655, a distance of 30.50 feet; thence North 69"53'06' West, a distance of 136.78 feet; thence North 21"27'46' East, a distance of 30.01 feet; thence the following 5 courses on the northwesterly line of the deed recorded in Film 128, Page 1359: North 21"27'46" East, a distance of 63.22 feet; North 53'07'46" East, a distance of 13.40 feet; North 17"45'46' East, on the line common to said Lots 8 and 9, a distance of 1.79 feet; North 53'08'37' East, a distance of 5.00 feet; North 23'43'37" East, a distance of 29.59 feet to the southerly line of street right of way dedicated on said Spring Dell Addition; thence on said southerly line with a non-tangent curve to the left having a radius of 50.00 feet, o central angle of 64"42'42', an arc length of 56.47 feet and a chord which bears North 69'03'20" East, 53.52 feet; thence on a non-tangent course of South 89"41'02" East, on said southerly line, a distance of 64.18 feet to the Point of Beginning. Lot 1 OA has an area of 0.539 Acres. Lot 1 OA is as shown on the accompanying plat and is along with and subject to any existing easements. Legal Description of Tract A Beginning at the southwest corner of said Certificate of Survey No. 655; thence the following 3 courses on the easterly line of ~outh Tracy Avenue: North 19'53'04' East, a distance of 193.17 feeti on a non-tangent curve t'o the left with a radius of 320.75 feet, a central angle of 19"45'07', an arc length of 110.57 feet and a chord which bears North 10'02'59" East, 110.03 feet; a non-tangent course of North 00'12'55" East, a distance of 124.75 feet; thence South 69"53'06' East, on the south line of Block 2 of said Spring Dell Addition, a distance of 230.63 feet; thence South 21'27' 46' West, a distance of 30.01 feet; thence South 69'53'06" East, a distance of 115.38 feet; thence South 30'29'27' West, a distance of 311.38 feet; thence North 89'52'54' West, on the north line of East Garfield Street, a distance of 241.30 feet to the Point of Beginning. Tract A has an area of 2.253 Acres. Tract A is as shown on the accompanying plat and is along with and subject to any existing easements. Legal Description of Tract P (Pork Dedication) Beginning at the southeast corner of the abandoned railroad right of way described in Film 104, Page 905; thence North 89"52'54' West, on the north line of East Garfield Street, a distance of 44.71 feet; thence North 30"29'27" East, a distance of 311.38 feet; thence South 69"53'06" East, a distance of 21.40 feet; thence North 30"27'26" ·East, on the southeasterly line of Certificate of Survey No. 655, a distance of 30.50 feet; thence North 30'29'27' East, on the southeasterly line of Lot 10 in Block 2 of Spring· Dell Addition, a distance of 63.19 feet; thence South 00'16'00" East, on the east line of the abandoned railroad right of way described in Film 128, Page 1359, a distance of 34.30 feet; thence South 30"29'27" West, on the southeasterly line of abandoned railroad right of way, a distance of 356.84 Jeet to the Point of Beginning. Tract P has an area of 0.300 Acres. Tract P is as shown on the accompanying plot and is along with and subject to any existing easements. The above described tract of land is to be known and designated as the AMENDED PLAT OF LOT 10, & PORTIONS OF LOTS 8 & 9, BLOCK 2, SPRING DELL ADDITION; ALSO INCLUDING C.O.S. NO. 655 & THE DEEDS RECORDED IN FILM 128, PAGE 1359 & FIUM 1 04, PAGE 905, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; and the lands included i~· all streets, avenues, alleys, and parks or public lands shown on said plat are hereby granted and donated to the City of Bozeman for the public use and enjoyment. Unless specifically listed herein, the lands included in all streets, avenues, alleys, and parks or public lands dedi.coted to the public are accepted for public use, but the City accepts no responsibility for maintaining the same. The owners(s) agree(s) that the City has no obligation to maintain the lands included in all streets, avenues. alleys, and parks or public lands hereby dedicated to public use. The lands included in all streets, avenues, alleys, and parks or public land~ dedicated to the public for which the City accepts responsibility for maintenance includ~: TRACT P. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION I (we). certify that the purpose of this survey is to aggregate parcels and relocate boundory lines and therefore· this survey is exempt from review as o subdivision pursuant to §76-3-207(1)(f)~ MCA, and §76-3-207(1)(e), MCA. Dated this~ day of LJAt<._t( h , 204 Owner: LIEBMANN FLORIST, INC., a Montana Corporation ~tMf\ ru~~JlM r f~ft,~W!,Qixlwlif!N By: Name & I t lgnature r \. .(\ Dated this d. L/ day of /Ni o_vrd.A Owners: STATE OF MONTANA County of Gallatin 20/if I ARI LEE On this 2..4 day of M """"" , 20 1'-i· , before me a Notary Public in and for the State of Montana, personally appeared FLOYD DENMAN LEE, and ILSE MARl LEE. known to me to be the individuals that executed the foregoing. WITNs~;> my h@d and seal, the day and year above first written. g ALSO 3 4 5 6 8 POB TRACT A DELL ADDITION, AMENDED PLAT OF LOT INCLUDING C.O.S. NO. 655 10, & & THE PORTIONS OF LOTS DEEDS RECORDED 8 IN & 9, FILM BLOCK 2, 128, PAGE SPRING 1359 & FILM 1 04, PAGE 905 LOCATED IN THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 18, T2S, R6E, P.M.M., CI1Y OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUN1Y, MONTANA TOTAL AREA: 3.092 ACRES F-16-8 /~ 1 /2' LEAD PLUG SEARS N69'53'06"W, 7.41' FROM CORNER 0 30' NT COMPUTED MfAS 1RACT P SOURCES OlD PARCELS 822 128Fm1359 12,246 104Fm905 & COS 655 TRACT P 13,068 TOTAL cos F-16-A 11 R = 320.75' [320.75'] A= 110.57" [110.57'] Delta = 19" 45'07" Ch Brg = N1 0'02'59"E Ch Dist = 11 0.03' FOUND ARfA 20,139 114,541 0 134,680 (SQUARE FEET) CHANGE NEW PARCELS NEW AREA +3,353 LOT 10A 23,492 -16,421 TRACT A 98,120 +13,068 TRACT P 13,068 0 134,680 ADDITION sPRING DELL TRACT A 2.253 ACRES BLOCK 2 8 REM LEGEND SXMBQL DESCRIPTION 60' 90' ~ 0 ACAP BCAP YPC RB we FD, [100.00'] "12251 s· POB NT FD SURVEY MONUMENT SET 5/8" RS W/ ACAP '12251 S' ALUMINUM CAP BRASS CAP YELLOW PLASTIC CAP REBAR WITNESS CORNER / FOUND PLAillD OR RECORD DIMENSION MONUMENT CAP INFORMATION POINT OF BEGINNING POINT OF NON-TANGENCY SE LINE OF COS 655 (FiLM 95, PAGE 3030) S C A L E I 241.30' I I I I ~-44.71' I -·-, . ·, i f i I I I i i I i I I / / I I / I \?..4.900: ~"' ~a.o "t-"""",) YPC "12251 S" R = 50.00' [50.00'] A = 56.47" SPIKE 0 C! 0 "' 0 ~~-a . 0 ... . N "' . ~ "' ... ~ ~ ... ~ ;; g g lo (o ~ b b 0 0 z z [64.0'] I 20 Delta = 64" 42' 42" Ch Brg = N69"03'20"E Ch Dist = 53.52' JjNTI--..,;S::B::9"...::4:.:.1'..::0.::.2"~E~6:;:4;;.:. 1.,::8_' -~/ I I I NEW PROPERTY LINES, TYP. / / I i I / / I I I / i I I / ~ -·- I SPIKE I I I I CHISELED AN 'X" IN CONCRm I I g REM DASHED LINES ARE BEING REMOVED DASHED LINES ARE BEING REMOVED FILM I I I I I I .........--1 LOT \lOA 0.539 1'\CRES I I 128, 1PAGE 2 I I I /,t I I 1359 1 3/4' PIPE ::r:: POB LOT 1 OA E-< ::::> 0 rn j YPC ' "ssos s" i I i V) / "" t I ~ ;'{ • I ,_q; ~ ! o· ..._ ff>" I~ ~ I I c,· /a· I()" THIS LIN AS SHOWN ON COS 1571 WAS NOT A CEPTED 1A 3 4 2.5n BCAP •swART" AT SW COR. COS 655 -·-----·-----·--·-NB9"52'54"W 265.91' [266.07'] 286.01' ;/-~-----·-. ------·-POB TRACT P YPC "5606 S" EAST GARFIELD STREET 2.5" BCAP "SWART" IS 20.00' Wly WC TO SE COR COS 655 SE COR OF cos 655 THIS PLAT IS TO BE CONSIDERED FINAL ONLY IF SIGNED AND SEALED BY THE SURVEYOR. BOUNDARY RELOCATION NOTE (REQUIRED BY ADMINISTRATIVE RULE) The crea that is being removed from one tract of record and joined with another tract of record is not itself a tract of record. Said area shall not be available as a reference legal description in any subsequent real property transfer after the initial transfer associated with the [certificate of survey or amended plat] on which said area is described, unless said area is included with or excluded from adjoining tracts of record. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I, the undersigned, Steven C. Anderson, Professional Land Surveyor, do hereby certify that between April 24, 2012 and October 25, 2013, the AMENDED PLAT OF LOT 10, & PORTIONS OF LOTS 8 & 9, BLOCK 2, SPRING DELL ADDmON, ALSO INCLUDING C.O.S. NO. 655 & THE DEEDS RECORDED IN FILM 128, PAGE 1359 & FiLM 104, PAGE 905, was surveyed by me or under my direct supervision, and platted the same as is described and shown on the accompanying plat or certificate of survey in accordance with the provisions of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act, (MCA 76-3-101, et seq., as applicable) and the Bozeman Municipal Code. Dated this '2DJ\ray of riJ<tY"Ck 20 /"+ ,-1-r;::.,..._ ~ Steven C. Anderson Montana License No. 12251 LS CERTIFICATE OF GOVERNING BODY I, Wendy Thomas, Director of Community Development, do hereby certify that the accompanying amended plat has been duly reviewed, and has been found to conform to the requirements of the Subdivision and Platting Act, §76-3-1 01 et seq., MCA, and the Bozeman Municipal Code. Dated this?;Sday of M~ ' 2ol+ ~. o.rTfb....~ Director of Community Development I I CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER I, Kimberly Buchanan, Treasu~er of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify that the accompanying plot or certificate of survey has been duly examined and that all real property taxes and SI1Jecial assessments assessed and levied on the land to be subdivided have been (mid. fZqll 'JZ.'i 7 /2qlt39'i .z Dated this U6day of A'YI/t1?!l 20.L!:/.. ~,uJeSfir..Lr. ~a4 eplfty Treasurer ~ CERTIFICATE OF EXCLUSION FROM MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEW The AMENDED PLAT OF LOT j 0, & PORTIONS OF LOTS 8 & 9, BLOCK 2, SPRING DELL AODmoN, ALSO INCLUDING c.\~.S. NO. 655 & THE DEEDS RECORDED IN FILM 128, PAGE 1359 & FiLM 1 04, PAGE 905, Gallatin County, Montana, is within the City of Bozeman, Montana, a first-class municipality, and within the planning area of the Bozeman growth policy which was adopted pur;,uant to §76-1-601 et seq., MCA, and can be provided with adequate storm \VOter .drainage and adequate municipal facilities. Therefore, under the provisions of §76-4-125(2)(d) MCA, this subdivision is excluded from the requirement for:ontana Deptrtment of Environmental Quality review. Doted this i,b day of .il1J. /U../1 , 20/JJ. ~ I "-+ . . / ~~~~~~-·~~~=====-~Q~·+u,~~j~. Craig Woolard' Director of Public Works City of Bozeman, Montana CERTIFICATE I OF DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS I, Craig Woolard, Director of !Public Works, City of Bozeman, Montano, do hereby certify that the accompanying plat has been duly examined and have found the same to conform to the low, approve it, and hereby occept the dedication to the City of Bozeman for the public use of any and all lands shown on the plat as being dedicated to such use. Dated this ~day of !YIM.C/'t , 20.J..!:J... D~~"ibnc ~fks:,5 City of Bozeman, Montana CERTIBCATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER I I, Charlotte Mills, Clerk . and llecorder of Gallatin County, Montana, do hereby certify that the foregoing indtrument was filed in my office at 3:':19 o'clock, .e.M., this ~ day of ...ffil CLCf!; , 20.t:1... and recorded in Book _£_ of Plats, on Page .,!LA· · , as Document No. 91 '-t7 1 .215~ , Records of the Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County, Montana. 2477253 Page: 1 of 1 IZI3f28/2Q~4 ~3:49,58 PM Fee· Charlotte Mills -Gallatin County, MT I 111\\11 \IIIII 11\milllllil \IIIII \Ill Ill\ 1111111111 \\l\llll~lllllllll\l\ Ill\ $11.5(0 PLAT ACCOMPANYING RECORDED DOCUMENTS SA DATE: SHEEr 1 OF 1 12021C5.dwg -Amended Plat cos 168 UNIVERSITY SUBDIVISION REARRANGEMENT BLOCK 1 TD&~ DRAWN BY: I SURVEYED BY: SA JOB NO. 3/20/2014 QUALITY CHECK: 812-021 FIELDBOOK 162/48, 153/14 THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINS, INC. ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS ' GREAT FALLS-BOZEMAN-KALISPELL SPOKANE LEWISTON MONTANA WASHINGTON IDAHO