HomeMy WebLinkAboutSOUTHBRIDGE PH 2 - J-513_Park A\ LO I ....., N :r: 0... ((l ::> en UJ <.9 0 0::: [() :r: 1--::> 0 en FINAL PLAT SOUTHBRIDGE SUBDIVISION PHASE 2 A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOT 4 OF MINOR SUBDIVISION No. 235 LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 2 SOUTH, RANGE 5 EAST, P.M.M., CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, STATE OF MONTANA THE PURPOSE OF THIS SURVEY IS TO CREATE A 19-LOT SUBDIVISION THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED FOR HOLYOKE IV, INC. NOTES 1. Due to the potential of high ground water tables in the areas of this subdivision, it is recommended that residential dwellings or commercial structures with full or partial basements not be constructed wilhout first consulting a professional engineer licensed in the State of Montana and qualified in the certification of residential and commercial construction. The finish floor of all residential structures shall be not less than two (2) feet above the established elevation from the top of curb of the adjoining street. 2. All downstream water user facilities will not be impacted by this Subdivision. 3. A 1-foot wide vehicular No-Access easement exisls for Lots along South 19th Avenue and !hose portions of Southbridge Drive 150 feet west of South 19th Avenue. 4. All lots are subject to a 10-foot wide front yard utility easement except lots adjoined by an Alley, which are subject to a 6-foot wide utility easement. 5. If a utility easement is greater than the building setback required under Chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code (B.M.C.) said easement shall apply. 6. City standard residential sidewalks shall be constructed on all public street frontages of a property prior to occupancy of any structure on the property. Upon the third anniversary of the recordation of the plat hereon, any lot owner who has not constructed said sidewalk shall, without further notice, construct within 30 days said sidewalk for their lot(s) regardless of whether other improvements have been made upon the lot. 7. All Public Parks are dedicated to the city, but maintained by the homeowners association (Southbridge Homeowners) and/or future park Maintenance District. 8. All Open Space and Public Access areas are to be owned and maintained by the homeowners association (Southbridge Homeowners) and/or future park Maintenance District. 9. Areas designated as WETLANDS are subject to a 50-fool setback. 1 0. Homes on corner lots to have the same orientation as adjacent homes on street ,_,: -- '1:1 . ".' L.·' : . -. VICINITY MAP ~ Eo::"".--rcn Pond BASIS OF BEARING SOUTHBRIDGE SUBDIVISION • PHASE I Scale 1" = 60' c;;';- ·!i;.\~/' LEGEND -;:;_ ..:...~""'"' ___ ;_ ~--··----l -...:--...:--...:--...:--<-- 0 0 • P.O.B. R.O.W. (M) (R) (C) .. Beeli Park . ;:: c::·:8r..:-r l':;;rk ((: Property Boundary Line Setback Line Adjoining Property Line Easement Line Phase Boundary Centerline Stream Calculated Position .-c .~:- 0 " Set 2" Alpine Aluminum Cap * Bogert Park [ i;;'lllo:.:.•Vie·l•' Golf Ci1.1b ~11 0 £ NOT TO SCALE Found Sanderson/Stewart Yellow Plastic Cap Point of Beginning Right-of-Way Measured Record Calculated J-513 CURVE TABLE SOUTHBRIDGE SUBDIVSION-PH I, lA & II PARKLAND SUMMARY SUBDIVISION AREAS-PHASE 2 ---------------------------------- COMMONWEALTH STREET S 88° 53' 05" E -----r-~~~ 59.34' 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 "' ,--------, I ~--- 1 I I 0' I I I "-"+'0~ "'000 I I I '-'01'<) "'-.~--</! I I I ,,os I I I I 1-------~ I I ' I r---- 1 ""*-'0~-.~--I I I VOQ(j~(j <Q" g! \ o"'"x-"' I \ CURVE C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 CB C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 RADIUS 730.00' 920.00' 460.00' 730.00' 760.00' 760.00' 760.00' 760.00' 860.00' 860.00' 860.00' 860.00' 920.00' 920.00' 470.00' 530.00' 500.00' 500.00' 890.00' 690.00' DELTA 13°55'18" 0° 33' 49" 17" 48' 21" 3° 28' 51" 2Q 15' 08'' 5' 36' 46" 5Q 41' 00" 0° 22' 36" 1° 59' 56" 5" 52' 04" 5"41'07" 1" 09' 12" 5'49'41" 5° 06' 18" 2° 13' 56" g• 36' 26" 6° 07' 53" 3~ 28' 33" r 27' 16" 7' 15' 03" LENGTH CHORD BEARING CHORD LENGTH 177.37' 9.05' 142.95' 44.35' 29.87' 74.45' 75.39' 5.00' 30.00' 88.07' 85.33' 17.31' 93.58' 81.97' 18.31' 88.87' 53.51' 30.33' 115.79' 112.63' N r 21' 50"W N 14Q 41' 33" W S 8Q 54' 10" E N 16°3'55"W S 13' 12' 07" E S9°16'10"E S 3° 37' 17" E so· 35' 29" E S 13" 24' 40" E S9°28'41"E S 3"42' 05" E so· 16' 56" E N 11°29'48"W N 2" 15' 28" W S 7" 25' 27" E N3"44'12"W N 5" 28' 29'' W NOD40'16"W N 10°41'00"W N3°19'51"W 176.94' 9.05' 142.38' 44.34' 29.87' 74.42' 75.35' 5.00' 30.00' 88.04' S5.30' 17.31' 93.54' 81.95' 18.31' 88.77' 53.48' 30.33' 115.71' 112.56' \ '" \ I 1---------\ I I I I I I I I 1 I \ I I I I I I I PHASE I (Developed) • SINGLE FAMILY ·MULTI-FAMILY PHASE lA • MULTI-FAMILY PHASE II • SINGLE FAMILY PARKLANC PARKLAND REQUIRED UNITS PER UNIT S.F. I ACRE 26 12 12 17 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 33,977 15,682 15,682 22,216 0.78 0.36 0.36 0.51 TOTAL PARKLAND REQUIRED 87,556 2.01 PARKLAND PROVIDED • SHADY LANE PARK (developed) • SOUTH 20TH PARK (future) • INTERIM PARK (future) TOTAL PARKLAND PROVIDED PARKLAND SUMMARY • PARKLAND REQUIRED • PARKLAND PROVIDED I I I I 24, I 34 7,435 57,131 88,700 87,556 88,700 0.55 0.17 1.31 2.04 2.01 2.04. Common Open Space Dedicated Parkland Residential Lots Road Right-Of-Way Phase 2 Total Remainder tracts \ ""'*-'~<l \ \ I I I I I I I I _L ______________ j L ---- I I I I I I I \ '-'0 0"0° \ .____ ____ c_ _____ _L ______ I ______ j_ _____ _j I I (/) ~~ --------------0 \ ,:,"--*' \ (/) c: \ .,o ' 0 --1 _......-\ C. SOUTHBRIDGE DRIVE :t cesssTRll' __ SOUTHBRIDGE DRIVE ---' \ _ _......-\ :;l "'0 1'NOA(; _______ ii6-79'·· .. --.. ·--si'-34' o5" E-. -·;... . r !(/' \ \ \---~~~-.~-,-~---~,-~---~,-~----,-~-----~-----r------~ \ ,.~ 7/ ",.\,.:~~ --------------1 I I I I I I I I I I . 0 z 1.67 ac. ~ \ i' \ ~ \ vo~c.:<>0'v I "'o~~~~"''v~ I vo~~~~0"-~ II o"-~*-"'0'<-~-.1--I "-"'P0~x-' I "'"*-"'*'~-.?--' I "~*-"'*'~-.~--' I ~ ---~ sTREI'~ \ ; ~ \\ _......-...-"'\ c \ ~"'"' "'~4' ,':g>«' ':,"~# I ~~~90 1 ~~~<>0 1 ;,':~~<>0 1 ~ ~ k ~~ ~ \------...-...-"' ' ~-.?--' \ m \ .,o"' I .,o"" I ,,o"'" I .,a"'"~ . I .,o"'""' I .,o"'"~ I .,o"'"~ I "' ~ \ '6_ \ ~~~90'<-\ \ __ ... ---........... _ j------......... ______ 1 .. ____ ,__ _ ______ ,1 ___ ,,_s_8s:_s4'_3!::_E-I564:55: __ , ______ .. 1 .. __ ,_ _, _____ ,_ ~-----............... __ . 11 NBI:_27._~s:.E._: \ \ ,:,"-~ \ .. ---.. ··------:----___ J:_ -• I_ •:_:_----.--.1 --I _I P.O.B.PHASE2AREA1'·._··.I . .-·--so.oo · \ \ ~a .. ~-"~-(~:~7:\----·· :~t\ · 1-o-2:05·-· ~------76:5·o~ 76-.'So,.--" ---• -·--76_50. • • • . 3Q:Oo' \ \ ~ _ _rs_·}5:~':----· ~~ ;tr~o-.oo· \ B• LOCK 3 76.50' 7a5o' so.oo· \ Jo.oo· I z \ .---· efT'-· .-',JO.O ', \ w \ Z ,-:z o I ~ .-·--'\GO._ --l\'l. o \ \ -UJ w w w w ~ o \g ~ ~ ' :' \ sP"-0.§96 Ul ' \ T ~ 0 ~ o ~ a ~ -0 = \ ~ 01 \~ o lq ~ ,: -:"'-·, ol'€.1'1 cc~ss • \ " \ LO 1 g; :; LOT 2 "' " LOT 3 "' " LOT 4 -o LOT 5 ~ o LOT 6 f:J o LOT 7 \ ~ ~ 'g.';; '" \I, ':: \ r;o.OO 0 \ \'\)0\..\~"~g' 4B B \ ~ \ 8965 ft2 ~ ~ 7650 ft2 0 g ?BSO ft2 ;=' g 7650 ftz :g g ~ d ~ d \ 0! t;1. ·\q :2. q 1 I ~ , N 1 o ;7' , ' o o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7650 It' • o 7650 It' • o 8846 It' I • , :a ~ REMAINDER TRACT A ' ;o · "I \ z z o o o ~ o ~ · z I OPEN SPACE •)\ 6' WIDE PUBLIC ~ 1 \ z z z z \ 1 • ttl~ PUBLIC v-UTILITY EASEMENT I L------------------------------\ ~ q r:' ACCESS "\ ~~~:, '}, \ • 79.2o' • 76.50' -~-----76.iia.------.------7S:5o;------_------76:50~----.-----7650.----: -- --9661; ---' i "\ i_ \ o.9\ac. 0"J I I :::; 1 ~ \ tr----------------------------------------_S_88°_54'~7"E-616.97' \ : ~ \ \ Ns3·z7'2\"E • · DENNis6iii.ANE----------------------------------------Q ~" ' •'\ "100.2"1' \, 0 !' \ 1 \ 'i' _. ·r \ BLOCK 1 \ r·-!l_1 A~: ____ • ____ ?~·o£~ ____ • ____ 1~,oo: ____ • ____ 78,£0'_ • 78_00· '"' 78_00. • 82 _59, • ~~ • ';" \ N 00'13'52" E-15.40' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110' R.O.W. I P.O.B . I PHASE 2 AREA 2 / "'-':_0 N 12'43'51"W-42.13' -------------. I I I I I I I I I I I I o \ LOT 7 ~ ~ 1 \ ------------------------------------------------------! ' ~ \ --l i aosaw 01 0 : UJ w w UJ UJ w r ! _... ~ 50'------: I \ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ _ -1 w 5:j w ro _50' k R.O.W. I V (DEDICATED BY THIS ;;; / SUBDIVISION) I 1 ' "' • LOT 1 -o LOT 2 o LOT 3 " o LOT 4 f:J o LO f:l a ;., -i;.. · • ~ " -I sETBf'-CI< ; N 89" D8' 28" E ! \ 7808 ft2 ~ g 7800 fF ~ g 7800 ft2 ~ g ~ ~ T 5 ~ 6 LOT 6 ~ ~ LOT 7 I? 8 ~~~ ~ ~ s-rREAM 1 o ... • 1 1~1o'w1oE a~ a--......... 7800 fF ~~ 780oft2 ~~ 7800ft2 ~g B261ft2 i~g ;'lgs om k Ol ·'11 100.32' ~ I :----PUBLIC z z 0 0 CJ c; ..... I..... ..... ..... OJ \ ~,g j rv• w? ~· [ ~~~MENT z BLocK 6 z z ~~ ~~ ~ \ OJ 0 I LOT 8 = ' a:i ' : 76.39' 78.00' ! I h. I .<--" ~-~ I ~ ~~~ ...... :------... ___ -·-· .• ·-----·-·--·· .-·-· 78~?.~: ...... -_. 76.00' • 78.00' 78.00' 82.63' I 30.00' i 30.00' ~-S25"i4'52"W *"q u" ~-~ ! 7497ft2 ~ ~!ffi i: ~-------···-----···--···---·-------···----···-·----··---··---·-----.,···---···-----·-·--·~-------~--~~-• . ... _. • • , . -.!. __ 15.72' -~ ~-: ~ 1646 ft2 ~ . I ' 'M w '"' N ~ I ; . ~ I "' 8 · ~ I z :s I "' I I 0.975 acres 0.209 acres 3.095 acres 1.740 acres 6.019 acres 2.402 acres ~o~~<.~ r-----'-N:..:B:o;8:_' :;:55;_' :;::36:_",::W:_:-~1.!:65:!:..0~8:..' ---~~ r~3~0~.0~1·~.~~~-~~-~-~--~9~9_.~58~·----~--~--~-~-·~3~o-:-oo~~~j_!~.3~~~-o~o·~JJtf" __ N_oo_·_1_7'_4_1·_· E---4-1._9_6·---------------_:_R~E:M:A:I~N~D=E=R~T~RA~~~a~~~· 8~54~' 3~~~-:·~~~~-~:-:;se£:6j_-2~,------_ .. _·_--_--_·_--_ .. _·_-----_-_ .. _--_-_-------------------_--_ .. _----_ .. _·_-----------------4-9,-~4_ .. _ .. _-_-----------------_-1_9_~,-9e_: _____ -_-_--_· _l/--S-04' 53' 44" E-41.97' ~v'<'"_..;,-." _ _ _ ________ _ _ • N sa· 55' 36" w. 762.42' ~""0 I ------------N-sii.-55'3s"w:·1a9:59_.-------.... · ---------. -7 I SHADY LANE RANCH LIMITED PARTNERSHIP I SEY.;SEX SECTION 23 N as· 55' 36" w-9.51' I I I I I 2470354 Page: 2 of 2 12f16f21313 11 :33·27 RM Fee· $20 lillil Charlotte Mills -Gallatin CountY, MT · PLAT 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 x 1/4 Sec. T. R. x 1/4 Sec. T. R. PROJECT SURVEYOR: TG SHEET rn 23 2S. 5 E. EB 1970 Stadium Drive, Suite B DRAWN BY: TG 2oF 2 EB EB EB EB Bozeman, MT 59715 586.5599 Office 586.44go Fax REVIEWED BY: NH SB PH 2 DATE: 11-13-13 PROJECT NO. 064-72