HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 07- 351, Prohibits Persons Under 18 from Smoking on Streets and in Public Places ---,,~--~.~. .~:;:~~:~-;-:~~~"'"":;:,;~.::-:;:-:~.,~,:,:::~:~:._,.;:;:";,;~::,,..~:~~~~~~~:~:=::::::,~~~,~~~~:;~~,,;,,~:~~-,~~.-._~.,.:-'"=iII~-:-. -----..- -----:-:- -:,---:-::.:-.::.~, ~~ -:,:-: ~-~~~~, ~;:~"'~." .,"~..l. '=:: ,. . ._-~~~..:~~ =' .'~~9~_~rl\1~I~C . 3 ~. ,." ~~rl S--qo !\~j.I,,!, '10,1' ,\"" Repea'e~ by \ t~.~~~\J ,i ~J, ---- OR1)nTANOE NO. 351. . -.... Ar..r ORDINANCE to prevent persons under the ~ge of. 18 years from El1loking c:I.t:;U's, ciga.rette. or pipe on ftny street, aVf':nue or alley, or wi thin any publio Illa.oe, or wi thin any publio bUilding, with1n ~he limits of the nity of Eozeman, "'!I-.'. BE IT ORJ>AHTET) 'Fly ~mF CITY ommen OF TITE C~TY OF BOZEMAN: section 1. An~r ptlr"on, or pe rsons, under the age of' 18 years who sht:l.l1, within the limits of the City of BozeIlUl,n, on any stre~t, ayenue, aIle,., or 1'1"i thin any publio plaM, or dthin any :pubHc building, smoke a.ny kind of a cigur, c:l.r;s.rf1tte or p1.pe shall be deemed B1Atl ty of a m:lsdem~d.nor, and llI:O!) c(mv1ction trerefor 'hall be fined not lesr; than ;11;1.00 ant not morA than ~1'.i.OO. Seotion 2. This Ordinance sh~~ll take effect fond he in forr1e from ~Uld after it. passnge, approval and ptfhlica.tion, Passed AYJril 18th 1907. ArJr,roved./l.prl1 18th 1907. publiehed April 25th 1907. " ., ". 4 - ", , '. ~ ,~ ~-- -- -- ~. ~ -~- - ~.. ."".----...... ... ",."~,,,.._._-~,---~-,.- ~~7:~":~::,,::~r.::-if.',IJii.:-'.1\,;lj ; ._~_'.n""_"_"'_"'_""""'_"'__'_ I, ~ 10 ,I , . 'lil'Ordi' ~ 8111 \ a~rt1.fioS;.tfl ()f' (')it~r clerJ(. ~ ' ;,:0:~,')~;:}:"::.;.:;!;~,:,:::,..:~,:",I.~,~,~e" ().. . ~~i#J:#IlQ~'to, . prevent pel'llonS, - * ~ I , ljl!:JlI1!9r~~ yeara trom smok-! ":i',':'\lliiu'e'tilll or pipe On any '" '..itA of. Hon tan.. ) '!l~!l.rl1~;a11ey.or within any, ,) , ~#1;cl~:;""ltbID . any puhllo . .') ,:,:Wlfi41Ltbslhnlts of the COUll i,~r of Gfl..Uil.t:',n. ) Rfi. ~~li,.tii. . . ,,' . '. ) l~fd~~~SdbY theOlty OODnoil C:'L t:r of T;M'-AI1~n. ) ",.,&q!~y ~Bozeman': .t!?!l,t'L:AIlY p8rson, or per80ns, I"" t i' r: ... Y" -,,' r. '.', 'Cl k of' ,<,. ..., ... f"' ,.1" <<~r,'"'bs,,jllili '6t18 years wbo shan, ' l ,do ,. II I.. ",).n '.n I .1. ,,~I In er. 0., " ,18 '" ,I, "Y (). " () ;,.y,; d.n~, tlililtbeUmlts ot the Olty of Bo~e. m~,ili,ob,i\W8treet, avellue, alley, or s...:id i;0unty ;:.nd S-l; ,..tP., nO h.;)'O!J(J;T (w:rt:lf~r Q!H,1; +,}H~ '"nl~0:-:H'I. .,)-,.0. :J\hlnany,':pulll\o . plaoe, or within ,'J!'~{::~'-,"":~~'~' '"r"go'ng O"<i'm.nCA )'0 "" WA. dnl" ",,"oAd ]-,,, ;,;'. c",v "<>""eil r'iCllliar,,~ d, ~teOr p pe s e ..,. . ' . ' . .. ,- , 'oMl~d, !fiill' 'Iof/a miSdemeanor, I'nd , , " . ''''I 'OOllvlii\i~l!It~ero\ot shall be fined of.' ;w.:tt< (j it~r on i}la l[\l,J1. di.y of' Al'd.l HIO? (.no. iWI; h.PI))"(Jv"ct. "ny , ""tbanl{IOO;'iI"d not morethl'lI ''''''i' .....,.,.. ,'.,.... ,.'. t}w Ni':"jTo:r ...hAnwt' on f,hA fl<<-/i!.fl rl,~ tp. ; 12:< Wljle. ardinanoe shan ' ':~'ii",r"\\.'.';Il~ii,,;.toroe'froDl I'nd '. , J. ..' :'r',.~~r~:'~~k()Valll1ld pubU' 'fl1J."". the Raid Ord~Rnee No. ~f)l wal> 1:,,111 :lI,hed hi ,':h\'O , . 't';~,',"" , n ,""""n "hron i ole. . "",ldy n A """"",. r . iT '" '.ed "" d I' ",,1 h,hGd ,:, ~'.' ;~Piti~~Ii: ,l~O'l. 1~:li~:;,;!:::'~~G!~tnl.~' ~~;or. in ~;he r;~.ty of :Bozmtlan, f;wtCi r,olm~;~' r~nd fi1,;d,e, ~.n OllP. ~c"pllf. I ~'liI.;'Jl3'~1Ita " "i " '~,;': ' :,', t",. , ' .J. n'" .L . .J.. ) ,. II" '-.J" ,. '\~:i")\\'6tt:y'Ofei'k "Lel eot, ...(J~W:L'., on 0n.e ..~b',J1 d,~,y of JilY"'J..). lSO?, hr, ordt'Y'~d l,~' ~~~~ea;..~~E~b;'1907 ,the Ba.i.d a~11;y council a.nd ttR rellmired ny law. #:(:",'~':":-:~',.,:.:'.' i,."" ',',', t...,.:' :~,B~tiilloll'OITYOLERK, And I f1.l.rther oertify that t"he annexed and, foregoing is ;~~~J~,~rll',} . .. '/'''",~' .... . true and eorr.e t copy or .a'" ordinaneA Ifo. 351 .. the ...... ,,Q~.Qll.~ .~'" i"I;~~ij~' ~mltlr,(Jlty Olerk of a.ppears from tbfl reeords on tile in the Offioe of the dity if;\f .. 1.i:~~,Iii!lSlDan. .~ald Oonnty , ~ti&'l:'*::e~:er~~ire:a'o:: Clerk of said C1 ty'O !lila,', ~~fi,i"il08No.il51; p....lI8d by ,i'lWJ)''''iOQlIlIOilOJ'~~dOltyo..dbe IN WITNESS WHEREOF t I have he 1"8 un .to se t my hand 'and ~9~#;~,,A,pdl, 1907; I'nd approved })~~~dO'UW'OO_" &rfix.d. _ ....1 or the City 0 ay rp~:p :"~1~t~~~a81 Wbereof; lhllve hereun~ ''':'fill.'~1,;J",,,d lltt4 'affixed the seal of '" ' i#if~FOl.ti)of'l3o~oma...thls 25th ~ay of' It" ' ,j.Vt. V~ ~pdl,,',,11l97; . ,., . ~ .. · · .. · . · · . · .. . · · . . . · . . . . · · · . . . . ./ ""{Illll;Iij" ,JO,TIN A Citv Cl.rk, ," '. ~ . (' ... ..........~ .-----/ (' ..