HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 07- 350, Creates "Street Sprinkling District Number One." 469 :1 l~~-~~=-~ -===- I v !i: ~ ._~ \ ,"", COUNCIL RESOLTr,rION NO. 110. ...... A C01lNeIL lllIBOLU'UON ~ crnting n strut spr:l..nkl1ng D1str:l..ot No.1.' ... {nhe i City of Bozeman, d.f1ning the ltmite thereot and providing tor I I the a..e..mentor the cut an4txpen.. ot the ,amt for the year 190'. ...*.. ,. . BE IT RE,SOLVED BY THE CITY r,OIDTCIJ. OF THE r,ITY OF BOZEMAN: \ s.eUon 1.. That, punu6I.nt to the prQT1sit)nlll of Ordinanoe No. ~5 0'1 the City of Boa.marl, a .tr.at .pkinkling cl.i.trlot b. and the same h hereby o2"eat.4 nth1n tht .a14 Oity,th. .am. to bt known and 4e81gnate4 a, .. Street Sprinkling Distriot NO._" s.otion2. That the limits of IJai4atrut Sprinkling . Distriot nO~' 1 It.re hereby 4tf1n.. ... tallow"., to..w1t: that part of ""in str,~~t bet'Wften Churoh Avem~ on the ea.8t anll Grand. Avonue onth;1lI ..st, together whh 8 :14- av.nu.. north and 'Quth C' of 8ai4 uaiti Strut within .aid limit. to the t1r8t alhy to \ --r^'.'~-'" the north a.nd south thereot, a. dht&noe Qt one hundred. and. titt)' \'1'\ , \ <' ,..~> j<\ teet) more, 91" 1'... :t ,~ section. That 75 per unt ot the oOlt ant expen.e of I t\ .pr1nkllna .a14D18trlot 4urlng the ..a.on ot 1907 ahall be I ~. '-'::. , I ~----... defr~yed b7 .p.oi.l a....~.ntj that the .a14 .peoia1 &..e.-=.nt j ~ {\'[I ~ .+" ,,) .hall be apportione" aooordlnt'; to the front&ge of property '\'\ \'rC ~G w;l.thln .9014 DlatrlOt fronting &n4 bordering on ,a14Ma1n S'IIr.e'j '\) ,'J '\ seotion 4. That noUoe ot the tm ant pla.ee e>t the final passage e,:r th41 l\uolut1on, to-wit, Thur.4ay the 24 tay 01 MaT tbe,qoW'l.oU Oham'ber, ahall be SiT.n a. r'equ1re.' by law. , ~ ,a..e4 April 11th 1907 lth ......11:_.. .;,.. . ........... II.., .. . . · · . . · · · · · · · . . . .~rJ: City Clerk. .p,ublhh.d.,,A.pri1 25th ItE>'.. Flnally pal.tct May 24 1907. ........ ... -............,.... .. . Mayor. ....................,,,....... . 0:1 ty clerk. I 1 ,\ I, , 470 ..,,,.'~'~r.,:,.;:::::,,,: 'i:i===:',:,i" :"':e"",.;".',,"I,,; ~ ~~_._,.._,_,__~.~...._'_". ".M Cert1t;l,o~te of city clerk. 1/*"'" (' ~*- " S tea. tfl of Monl;hnl'< ~ ) ) Coun1;y of Gnlll~i;:i.n. ) Ss. ) I . "".',." '.' ',. ,...'....- 01 ty of :BOHp.I/lfm ) , :'\~,Il~"~jl'Jl..~J"t1~" No, 860. . ~ "I:\;~~~'!..,,:;,,;\Hin1":::~:,~ ,': I ,:~)"~4~~;:..a.~ilQll1tlo~oreatl>>;J! I, .Tw;t;;\Ti If. Sl'l1.:\.tl:c, (~;lt,y GJ.f:irk M i;he r.:\..ty of :'lCl7.f!lr,!:n, 'I ile"\!i\,i'11l!k.hng" Dllitnot No. 1 I M~~W~;~"BOll8mllJl. deftnlng~~: 1J ~tiltbeuof andprovldlnllfor sa"d Cour~y 'wd s'-atfl no hflrarJ" ~"rt:ti'v Ih':1,t,o' a :r~F1)lir ";''8I!tof:tbeooit andeXllense of .. "', ' , , ..'" '.' " <, ,,' , l I '~'~al>.!e;fortheyear 1907. . . '" . 'i: 'Be:tt:!BJjol'ed;~ytbeOityOOl1nol1 6esrnon of ':~hfl ,;;t',;y council of 'thA G~~t;:r of PO?,IWtftn, hl;ld on the . ;;~lle:!Oltyof!,.Boze)Dan: '~~~tlon 1.'rha~1 pursllant to tbe 41th day of Apr';!.l 190~1 <;}l" annex",d f~nd f()r~leO:ln!~ Oo,mciJ. tillolllot O~dlnanoe No. 295 of tbe y,,'j)f Bo~tl:.an.a1treetsprlnkUIIIl H 1 t. N ;51;0" d h' t}J , 'd .'it.... '1 d "ijtlj<l~jtt\lesame Is: berebY,' ,~s D..U J.Dn ' o. I' 'I\'IU;; 1}.1.aa~ "r..~ B,n I., Y ,,0 uno:t. f'~n was "~~.,W\t ~n;tbesJ.~d dlty, the , (t()b~kllown..n!i\d\lslllllatad a. 4pproved riY ;;Jl(~ ~~;'\,~f()r of M.id CH:, on 8a:td tia:tll; "t~pr!~kll"'IlJ;)I~trlot No. 1.. " , 'iOD"25:'!fl\~~ith811miteofBald 'l'r.at )',rswmt ';'0 ",",ct:\.l'n )'4 of 'ivtid Ruol'lt:\'on noticl!J ", p'ID~llp,.Dletrlot No.1 are .. .,., ,. ,) .,. ,.~, ...., .'. . ,. ,., . '~'i1~j\Iled "s ,foHows. to.wlt: , , "<';iot,1lf,:inltr!!"tbetween of '~}Hi t:"JUA :.11d :~)1<:tC(~ of sai.d hl!l>.d..ng /l.nd the f1nl'l.1 p<;.IHHl.ga of' if~il<I\l~IlD1;be' eaatI and Grand ~ttij\lwest;tosetht~ wltb said n.~801ut:\.on Wi:l.S gi.ven 'hy p1Jll11.sh:ing a."l,id R~Rolnt,:ton :tn the ~,.north."ndst!u.thof Bald ~ ~twltblnflllidhlI\ltl totb~, ". h i ~ , '"1 . ." i 'd' 1 ':"',/i;qthenottli and,sontb' 13o~ftJ(lan C l"C)n.cJ.li'l..... wee,,, y nElWhp.1.!ler, pr,ntad ,tn pUll.,ishfld ';\a:dlstalloe of' Olle Mndred and . . . .. . ' ,\i~'j;::i#ol'llorlesl.;.. in the Cit.~r of },oj"nJl.m, ISI\,td COilll~:r l"nd Rt.~.tt!, in one :tRHll.A '~~'ll,"" That . 71i per OOllt, ~f t~e '~::'llXP~nsa of ~PrlllkUn~ ~:~~ P,lereof. ';,Q-wi't or,,:;l:!a ;.~r)1;h d,..? of 1<l~!"':l.l l':J('I? w:h lOrl O.it t.e waft t"4111lng the .0asOll 0 , , '''d~f~ay~ by spoolal ,alllelll', 1"'" " '.- . ) ,'. . ,,'" -,.- ,.. "'. ,.,. "" 1 . ~(~~',tb$~ldJsPeOi'ata$8ellllllent' '..,., ",."" J.l.fP (.,... ,~i) ;)<'." '.!, .'. ,,...r, d,..~. of hA,..:r. ng, 1'~l",,~;,tiJ!lpd.aoo~~dlnf!to-the ~ $"p~ll~r$Y'~~~~,ln~~I~....~i!: That on H,e %<1 da:r of n,...y. 1;.h6 l"ald G:ll;y Oonnon at a ;i~~i~~';~illlbOrderlllll on sl\ld I regulr.iT seaslon l;h!'lreof r1n::~11y i\la.sBed sa.id nounc:L1 RP.8olllution ~~W ...,'......... fi 11 \,:4:Tllat notloe onlle time': ..' . ," ,.,. .' rm. y "liJ.;,Il',oUlleftnal palllalle of tbl., No. 350 l~.nd thl\i, \,.!'1fi ~H4rue WI\F.l ~ I\pproV'~d 1?y thE'" ~,m,yor of ".I~~:towlt: . TIJ\1tBday. the ~i~.ot""May. '1907. at tbe 001111011 sa.id C1 ty n)'). s<\1d dt'l. te ':'J.,,~lian be'glven ae toqulred ' · ,...',. '.pt!llltb, 11107. And I further cer'tity :.n.a. t the ll\.nnexad and foregoing '~vei1:A]lrl111tll. 1907. \ is .a.true b.l1d oorreot. COllY of said Counc11 ResoluUon N9. 350 fF 'NEI>SON STOR Y. Jt.. ~:,"" ...... . Mayor. .I on, f 1;L~, in ;,he ('Iff 10' of ';!iWS~lN ~..aMITH. '1 EloS the same appears from i,he recorda i'. "i . Olty Ulork. t~i.(fl!;l\~)U. \I 25tb 1007." \ the City Clerk of sa 1d C i tjr of' Bo zeroa.n. ,'Publlshe . pr " . , ., 1,~'FmTYO",.K i IN WI_55 ~mF. I ~.~ l::~'t:\~~iil'}88" a.ff1xed f Bo e ~r . ~ 1 .) :OI$Yo$ ':Bq[ll8lDan. . ' .~ ". ' ,", . ..'., ." OIt OIork of """'-/ i..,,<I.Jq~~~}4., illJlitb. y 0 nllt . · · · · , · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · , ~-""'!"/ !tli!l'OIty',!~B()~aman, sal~ 0, y 01 tv Clerk. - lio1l.dilUlte;:'lill,berllbY oortlfy ,thattbe, ~ I r ilCliU~i ;1. a trno and oorreot copy ttrbon~oll'Re80l.qtlon . No.' 000, \llaesad; 'by'thll'Qlty()onnoll of said OIty on tll& U\Il'ii~">'llt'^pdl, 1907,alld ap' "...' '!'ed'b7;tll~MiiYo~ thereof on tM "pro. ,,',' .', sallledate~<\ .' , . ' . ilnIWI~~Il'~here"f. 1 have bete. unto 8et:~Yfll"~d.~d-,!"Il1Jed the. seal of' . tbe,O\tYH;i~j~'Cl"~II!~n tbls ,25tb dl\y llf April4907':'" ..,' I:~f, {SEA4;);:,.'~~~~IN,l.:t:sraIT Ii. ~.!il~._L;;:i'Y'" .,' ....1. ' . .., '