HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 07- 348, Appropriations for 1907 r- ~. I '''''' ..'=' -", .,.._'-' ....,- -, " " -......-. _.-.. u=::",~-'- - -- .., -~,.;;:;:;;;;;;;::_~-- ---';-,:;"'- - ..,:~-,:.'.'",.:~;;~-d :1"1 ,1 * OlUlDAJrOJl NO. 148. ,.-.. A.JI'N1W., SAI,A;RY ANDAPP:ROPRIATIOJr erii,hnano. tor the theal 1.aT o...tno1n.1 on the tlr.t Monciay in .., 1.0'1. ..- :BE IT ORDAlJitED BY THE arTY 001lNaIL OF TO CITY OF BOZEMAN: s.otton 1. 'that the fOllowing aml'mntlll are htr.byapproprl. ~at.c1 t"om the GENJIUJ., FO'ND :for the ti80&l ,..ar oommenoing on the tirst ~onc1&7 1n Kq 190"1, to-wit: 1,.,t. l0~.t.lle1.liIallitry/of'i.t~ lfayor at the rate ot .'75.00 per quarter. . 300.00 24. :For tht salar;l... of eig~t Al..arun a.t th. rat. of not txoUd.1nr. $6.00 ,aoh per month. 516.00- .... Jor tht ,a.lary ot the City Oleric 14n' Attorn'Y'at the rat, ot $8o.no per Dionth. '60.00 4th. For otriol ~t1~p.n'" an4 'x'ira ..nO.ft.8 e1ty Att.rne7. 100.00 5th. '.'1" ,a.la,.,. OUy Tr.....ur'r at the rat. ot .'15.00 p.r month, 900.00 6th. Atld1t1onal allo_noe for AUy Tr....UF.r and. waterOollt,etor a. n1aburl1ne Ae;lIJnt an' coU.at1an. ot $peol&l A.......nt.. 300.00 ( Amenda..... ent m.a.d8. by the Oity Co'U\oll APril.. la1mltO'7 ) 7ih. 'er tht ..alary of the ,poli.. JucL_ at thera,. of $60.00 p.r mkth."20.00 8th. 'or tb.t la1ar;j, 01O,'i:eh. Olli.f of folio' at the rat. of $100.00 per month. I 1,200.00 9th. For th. $&1&1"1.. of thr.. pol1o~..n at tn. rat. of $75.00 eaoh per month. 2,700.00 10th.yor the p~.t ~gi.tr1 Ag.nt'a~ the rate of 13.00 par 4ay tor 16 4&71. 46.00 I I -.....- ----~-- ~~~~ ~1!,~:.;';.: - ~~ page J/$.. 11 tho ];'01' the ia.liJ.ry of the .ranitor and Jailer t~t the rate of ",,75.00 per month. $ 900.00 12th. For the a.\lary of the C1.ty JlJnginfll!ir at the n.te of $75.00 per month. 900.00 13th. For off ic~ iond ot}:'.er expenlJQ City 1!lngineer. 200.00 14th. For the il<...1...:I"2 of. the City JIt'Hilth Officer a.tthe ra:te of J1.25.00 p~:r month. 300.00 15th. -POl" the Eltl.lat"y of fJw f)€xi;on at; tr:.e rate of ~~2~).OO pfJl" lil(m'Lh. 300.00 16th. 11'1)1' +.h,e pnYl'1en'1; to i;he l'iexton of 1,urh..1 fe~B H.t the r...te of !~5.00 per adult fmd '3.00 per child. 200.00 17th. Par tJ'1$ sa.l,'l..1"Y of' the ire EtpEtl'" of' the (1;\, ty Dump o.1"(1)11do !\t~;he ra.ta of :~25.00 per ql.l<'\.l'tel" . 100.00 18th. For' the sa.lar~r of the Plu!t!blng Inep<'Jcto:r at the rate of ~~5.00 per month, 300.00 19th. 10'01" the stl.lt~ry or the j"eat i.nd hilk Inspeotor ~t the rate of ~50.00 per mont;h. 600 .0() fIf, 2Oth~ !).or fuel 8,nd. lightfJ in the C1ity Hall and Opera, Iinus6. 750.00 2lf'lt. 1"or Printing ""nd atat::i,onery. 75-0.00 22d. }~o:r re:pai.rs 1;0 Plibl:ic RuilrUngs hnd furr.;,i turn. t300.00 23d. 'or board ot Police Court prioDnors. 100.00 24th. For misoe11etl.nouli expenses. 1,000.00 . section ~. Thi<.t Lhtl following amounts a.re here'by appropri... ..aha. from the STRJ.~ FUND for' the fisoal year conunene1nG on the first. Monday in nay 1907, to-wit: 1st. For the salary of the r,treet commissioner at the rate or ~75.00 ,per month, 900.00 24. For stre6~ Lightl. 6,000.00 34. 1i'(lJ' LUllihar, nailll, <ita. 2,000.00 4th. For lahor on street. and .d._walk, 2,000.00 '\ --- -~"'-',~- "'-:::- '~~::.._..,="' ,-, ::.:.~' -, "'-~"'"",~",,~,,""~~"" -- -.-- .._-'--'----,.._'~.- .:..;::.......:.:..:.:::.., -'-''-'::,''>'~ '~""!":~'., "., ", ,',:,," " ""J~_."..::;::::-.,.,,:....:...,~.:..+ i: " page 1.1 Soet1on Z. That the following amount are hereby appro:pr1'" -ated from the FIRE FUND for the fiscal year oommencing on the tirlllt Monday in May 190'1, .to-wit: 1st. For the salary ot' the Chier of the Fire DepSt.rtment a.t the rllt.c. of $100.00 per month.tl,200.00 2d. For the salary of the Eng1nur of the Fire De~attm.nt at the r~t. of ~lO.OO per month. 120.00 :!ld. For .alary ot the Driver of the '}I'ire Department lO.t ,the rate of $'715 .00 :per monthl tOO.OO 4th. For mi~cell.n.oua expen~e. of the Fire Deps,rtm.ent. 1,000.00 seotion 4. Tha.t the following amounU are hereby appropr1'" ...ate. from the1.DN.l\J FUND fOT the f'll'loal yea.r oommenoing ort. the tirs t Motulay of May 1907, t a-wi t: 1st. For tho salaries of the LibrArian, AI.ilt... Librarian and It1.nite:r, and. for the p,~rebB.f1e of boole' a.n" the ,upportand mainten(ll.nee of th8 PubliO Libra,., 1',h8 same to b& .xpendd. , , under .t.lle direotion of the 1.1\)"," :Boar4. 2t600~OO seotion ~. Tha.\ the following lilJD.ounh;' hereby appropti...", -at.. !roa tho sIJII[IIIG F1l>11l tor tho tiOeal y..r 0_.n01o& oni the first Monday of May 1907, to-wit: 1st. 'For the payment: of the 1nElreet on the Gity BAll Eon4' 1,550,00 ,Seotion G~ Tll1:4.t the :following lIIJIlounti are hereby approprl- -ated from the 'WA1'ER FlrnD tor tl'.l.6 f1lioa.l ~r.a.r omameno1ns on the firut :Monday of ua.y 190'7, to-wit: 1st. For the sa.lary of the wa.ter collector a.t the r....te of $100.00 per month. 1,200..00 ad. For the aalary of the Utility )lan a.t the! tate ot 190.00 per month. 1,080.00 St. 1'01' .11.111&11&ou. u:.p.n.... 1,600,00 4 ~~;;L~~-===__~ ~~_ :.:-:~~--=-=:;;: ........ - - ,-- ~~ -.... -;.:., - :. - ...". .-. \:;, ~ - c , -- P"S' 14. SlOt1oJ'l'. '!'hat the following amount ia hereby appropriate. tr~ the WATER EXTENSION "niD tor the t1.oal year commencing i 'In the t1ralJt llonclay of MaY' 1907, to-wit: 1st. F~r the extension of. Water' Main. ~1,600.09 I Seotion 8. That the following atll.CHmt 1a he:t'ftby appropriate.. trom the "ATD SINKING FUND for the fiscal ye~l.l" commenoing on thl!l first Monday of May 1907, to-wit: 1.t.. 'For the pf\.yment of one j"eart R interest on Watar :Bond8. 8,2&0.00 Slothn 9. That the follolrlng amount 11 hertbyapIJroprlattd trom ".he DOG FUND for the :n.ca.l YU.l' oommenoing on tho first MondAY of 1~y 1907, to-wit. let. For the burial of dead dog.. a.nd I m1.ctllaneous expense. "0.00 , SecUon 10. Tha.t thb Ordina.noe llhall t~Lke effeot anll bt oroe from 1iln/1 a.:fter the 6th day ot Ma.y 1907. Pa.... .April 4th 190"1 ~ ! Arnendect April If\th 1907 ............ 'p;;;;" ~ ................ .11,...11II.,,41.... i City Clerk. I ..- Pub11lih.. Aprll 25th 190.,. ~ \ , ~.. - -. - ~. ~ Seotion S. That the following C:t~;y r,f' '!10l!\€1:n.'!l.n. ) 1 "mounte ..re hereby ..ppropriated from the Fire Fond for the tisoal ye..r oOm. :r 1 'tn' 8m:l.-.:}1, Ci t:r r,le:rk of ::.b~ 0.:tt:r (II' menolng On the tirst Monday in May, T, . US ; in .~. 1907, to.wit: l~t. Forthasaiaryof the Ohief of :r10Zl;lTC:r\.l1., r,;;d,d G\)lU;'t;;:> hllld f;tL,,';;e, do h~rAlI:/' Ofir';:i.f'yt1,at th\'l ': :' ,'. ,the Fire Department at the rllte of al and 'i::i'lPO.Q() per month, $l,2PP.PP.: a.nnexed !Hl(!, f0rfl<"cdne Ordinance Uo. 34B wtHJ rm.Hsi'lC1I)V i;i1fl ',~," ,:For the s!llllry of the EnKineer of " , . dards ":,,!,tbeFire Department ..t the rate of ii,,,,t1Q.OOpe,morith.1120.00. ,Counoil of sa.;j,d. nHy on thl'l 41;h ct.;,,,, I)f Apr~.l 190"; ':;ha-; i:;", "',kiFo;' salary of the Driver of the: ' ), :'v:'i,- ,b~Depaltment ..t the rale of: NO. 1 of the :OIaid Ot'diwtneA No. :14fl I.ras !Wlended '.1;/'::h<1: fm5. Il,PO per month, $900.00. )::,For misoellaneou. e>:penses of C i /. n . 11 ' t" 18'" d" . . fA' i] 1 ({)'" 'h' tl . ,.,.t, i . ~ ,.hlll1'ire Department. $t,POO.PP. . "Y ,O'lne {'),1".8. .,,1 ""~, (), fir." .J r Y ),9 .,0.1.. 1, lit. ~MtiQn4. That the following Llity ~*ptiSherebY ..ppropriated from Sub-I.action ,'t6 i ;'.1'111 th."t t:b.e a~:i.d @rd1nllntUe, ....r; F<,l"lemlfHi,1' . f.f;l~br..rYl!'und for tb. fiscal yellt to ""llUQlngon the Ilrst Moud..y 0 ""'rn"OVAc'i 'hy {'};fl 1<,''10:1'" of sa.id ('H:y on 'ch~ V',th di'Y of r>..pri i!:i~l107,t9'Wit: .' . -, ".' ' . ,., ,.'" ~ '. . :':a ')'~Cir the s...IIri.. of th.Librarian, 1907' ~1st'\llt' Llbrarilln and J"nltor, . , .. ";~Qr,Gbe purohlllle of books and Id ,"'W>1I1'0rt"nd m..intenanoe of the ,:,hat aa id Qrdin...noe No. ;')48, as :V"l6nd~,:t, w~.s I!ljl', Libr..ry, the same to be e>:. " od of '~ed')inder the direotionofth. p'ibl:l.shltd in the BO"0"1I'n nhr(j>';c).l'I .; .".c:'J"r .\13''','.','[''1" JI.,..ry.Board, '2,600.00. ..'" - '. , .' I ',', <"""'.. "",""', '" I , '~ii'O~ 5. That the fOllowinllj 1"r'n;,o( ,q'd T'll'll"''\'(' '.' Sl"d e'i"''' ()f 1"1""""1>;1 f1 in. c ,~ "t, ,'"lS hereby appropriated from I _,' .,,~,,' ,I J .'~ ~'..,-,)", ,10" " . ".~. ~,' rl'. J. .1.'.:"". :t..I..). .,i"," ,..' j( /,,(-, ,I ,f; .r, J - ,.~. ,I' lnltlng Fund for the Ilscal yeltr' OrdlnaDce No. 348. :enolng on the Ilrst Mond"y of and Stliltfl, i.n 0)')1<,161'.'"" thflre()f, on thfj 2!SI,J' d,ay of AP':LJ. ~ ;1907, to-wit: ' ,\nnual Sal..ry and Approprl..tlon \',For tb. payment of tbe Interest as ordAY.'ed 'hy ~;he $h.i.d Oity r,Ol1nC:U and Rl'l re i'll1:'c1"E'ld 1/:;/' 111 'dinanoe for the Fiooal Ye..x Oom- ' the Oily Hall .Bonds. $1, 55P, 00. enoing On the Fir8t Monday In M..y, ~otion 6. That the following ^-nd ! f'lrther cert :tfy thnt, the annf'lx9d t\nd foree '07. ,lint. ..re hereby appropriated from . Be It Ordained by the Oi ty Oocnoil -I,:'Wat.r Fund for the Ileoal year . SRid OrdinRnoe No. 348 as tl . the Oity of Bo~ero..n' menolpg on the Ilrst Mondavof i8 ~ tnue nnd correo" o(')p~r of Seotion 1. That. t h efolloWinji' ; 19P7, to-wit: . nounts "Ie hereby appropriated fro:m ' For the salary of the Water Sl:lJ'1l8 a.pl)fHt.rs from the reoords on fill') in the office of th/ .e General Fund for. the ftsoal ye..r 'Oolleotor . at the rate of '100.00 per Immenoing On the Ilrst Mond..v'ln month, ,(200,00'C1ty Clerk of said C1.ty. :"y, 19P7, to-wit, ; For the salllry of the mill ty Ma n ' . It. For the sat..ry of the Mayor ..t 'lit the rate 'of I9P.OO per month, INWJ.TNESS '~ROF I }UlNA he re un i,a the rate of $75.00 per quarter, :,I,PBP.OO $800.00. For mlsoellaneou8 expenses, $1,. I. For the salaries of eight Alder. : ~OO. 00. ,a.ffixed men ..t the r..te of not exoeeding Seotion 7, Th..t the following $6.00 eaoh per month, 1/'i76.00. aunt i8 hereby ..pproprlated from 1907. I. For the sal..ry of the Olty Cler " e W..ter Extension l!'und for the ..nd Attorney ..t the rate of $SO.OO 1Isc..l ye..r oommenolng On the Ilut per month, '96P.PP. Monday of Ma,!" 19P7, to.wit: . ."...... ......... ,..... .... ,h. For Offioe e>:pense. ..nd e>:tra 1st. For Ihe e>:tenslon of Water city nlerk. allowance Olty Attomev, $200.PP~ Main., $1,6PP.(l(). ih. For s..lary Olty Tre~8urer at the Seotlon 8. That the following rate of $75.00;per month, '900.0P. amount io hereby, appropriated from ,h. Addltion..l .,..llow..no. for Oity the Watex Sinking Fund for the fisoal Treasnrer and Water Oolleotor as year oommenoing on the Ilrst Monday Disbnrsing Agent alld oolleotlon of of May, 19P7, to.wit, S pea i al As.esaments, ,SPO.(l(). 1st. For the pltyment of ope year's (Am.ndme:at made by the Oity interest on W..ter Bond., 'S,25P.00. Oounoll April 18th, 19(7). Seotion 9. Th..t the following ih. For the .a1..ry of th e Polioe ..mount Is her.by ..pproprlated from Judge lit the r..te of $6P.PP per the Dog Fund for the Il.o..l y~ar oom. month, ,72P.(l(). menoing On the Ilrst Mondlty,of M..y, ih. For tbe .alary of the Ohief of 19P7, to.wlt: Police at the rate of $100.00 per lot. For the buri..l of dea.d dogs Itnd I month, '1, 2PO. 00. mlsoellaneouo expen.es, '5P,PO. ih. For the ...l..ries of three Polloe. Seotion 10. That this Ordluanoe men at the rllte of $75.00 SIloh per sh..ll take effeot and be In foroe from month, $2.7PO.PO. ..nd after the 6th day of May. 1907. Ith. For tbe p..y of R.l!lstry Agent Pa8sed April 4th, 19P7. at the rate of'S. PP per d..y for 1~ Amended April1Sth, 19P7. davs. $45.00. Approved AprillS.h, 19P7. ,tb. For the satary of the J..nitor NELSON STORY. Jr.. and J ailox at the rate of $75.00 per Attest- Mayor. month, 1900.OO. JUSTIN M. SMITH, lth. For the ...lary of the Oity En. (SEAL) Olty Clerk. gineer ..t the r..te of '75.00' per PubliShed April 2~th. 19P7. month, '900.00. -:- lth. For offioe and other upense Slate of Mont..n... } . Oity Engineer, $200.00. OoPllty of G..ll..,ln, 88, Ith. .J!'or the 8..1..ry of the OIty Olty of BOllero..n, HeaUh Officer ..t the r..te of $2~. 00 L Jn8tln M. Smitb, Olty Clerk of per month, ,SOO.QP. the Oity of Bo~.ro..n, said dounty and n~ lth. For the s..lary of tile Sexton..t State, do herhey oertify that the fore- the rate of $25.00 per montll, 'SOP. 00. golnll i8 .. true and oorreot oopy of <: g "i lth. For the payment to the Se>:ton Ordlnanoe No. S48. liS amended, p..so. ..... g,l".l <: of hurl..lfeeut the r..te of $5.00 per ed by th.Oity Oonnoil of .aid Oity 1-'. '< 0 )>> ..dult ..nd 'S.PO p.r ohlld, $200.00. on the 4th d..y of April, 19P7, and (1) o "!J ltll, For the e..laryof the Keeper of ..wended by the ...ld Oity Oonnoil on ;'1J ; a:: n- O IT '0 S rI' ::J :Ii ~ 0 ::l' Hl ::l' ::r ro '..... ;:~ ro ro ro III :~ ttl 11 11 1m C':> ~ 0 III ro :...... I...... ii' Z N '1J '0 0 III i > '" ro :r- '0 Hl '0 . w a tI) ro ~ '0 i! '1 - a. III tI) I-' ro , 6i a. i .. i :;l t'j I-' III III l:f' : h N. ;: ~ 0 III :;l l- S. I ~ h r :;l 0- (II I S' ~ ::r :;:: S; n- ~ .... i j it 1-" .';J i. a. 0- 0 11 ::J ~ ... ~. i I III :;l 0 :;: ro 0 9 ::r Q '< r1' ... " n h:J f-'. ::J rf ftl P I ~, ~ It p. III E; IT 0- 8- f 0 :;l ::r ro a IT . I Hl III C- . ~ I 0 11 0 Iii' 1 ~ ::J i ~ '1J III 11 S' ...... >'3 III ro i J ~ III t>J (1 I-' :..... " !T ~ 0 n- o 0 ...... n- '0 . n l/;i [ " 1 h M- III '0 ::r I ! ~ ..... 0 0' '< 0- W r i r:r '< CD :;l 0 g f (1) 11 IT (1 ::J a '1 ro n- o f-'. r1' g. c- . <0 i . It a I I ::r fIl ::r ! I '< i it J. I [ C ro IT f-'. f-" i ~ I-' ::r 0 11 i 0 j' I !"" i T ::I III (1 ro :;l IT I I j I Oq 11 ...... (II '< : n ~ ~ i i ::r " I I c. = n- ttl :P 0 c:: (II '< C III .- Z '" 0 ~i ... 0.< ro .... ::J LV c:: f (II () v !:: ; i e: J I I-' 0- 0 :;l '" I I .. (II 0 0- - 0- o~~ i ~ f-'. a f-'. Hl C ~ !S. 11 1Ifl:r !it i' 3 ~ 0 a :;l f-'. 0- (1 - . . ::l ...... <0 =? III n- t"e Olty Dump Grollnds .at the rate the l8th day of April, 1~07: and ap- of $25.00 per quarter, $100.00. proved by the Mayor of said Cltv On l8th. For the salary of the Plumbil1g the l8th day of .April, 1207, . Inspeotor at the rate of ~26.oo per In Witness Whereof, I have here. month, $800,00., -- unto set my hand and affixed the eeal 12th. For the salary of the MeRt IInd of the City of Bozemlln this 25th da Milk Inepeotor at the rate of $00.00 of April, 1207, -' y per month, $1100.00. '", JUSTIN M. SMITH, 20th. For fuel ..nd lIgbts in theClt,v (SEAL) Oltv Clerk .----.. I ' H..ll ..nd Oper.. Hoose, $750.00. - . ,~ J 2lst. For Prlntil1g and St..tlonery, , '750.00. i,.22d. For repairs to PObllo Boildinga I ' ..nd Furnitore, $500.00. 28d. For board of Polloe Coort prla- I oners, $loo.OO. I '24th. FOl mlsoalle..nous expenses, $1-.000.00. SeotloR 2. That the following amoonta lire hereby ..pproprlated from the Street Fuod for the Ileoal year' CJ<jJl'!:IF:l0A"'TI 01" CI',I.'Y m~RPE. oommeoolog On the flrat Monday in MaY, 120'7, to.wlt: 1st. Fllr the salary of the Street'Oom. -*- " mlsslooer ..t ther..te of $75.00 per "month,I900.oo. State of KODt1;i~"().".. ) 2nd. For Street Lights, $6,000,00. ) 8d. For Lumber, Nalls, eta. , $2,000.00. '4th. .For labor On streets ..nd side- C01mt;./' of G:'~ll<1.t:irl. ) Ss. w..lks, $2,000,00. ) Seotioo 8. That the following C.... tv r,f nOZ€l,:1t,'l,n. ) amoonts are hereby appropriated from ,. " the Fire Fond for the flsoal ye..r oom. 1, ,Tustin n. 8mi .t;h , City (11Ark of ~'he 0i 1~~' of msoolog On the lIrst Monday In May, 1 1207, to.wlt: ht. For the s..lary of the Chief of :;lO;~lm~ln, f;l;.i..d (;onn t~r Imd sta ':,P., do ll~rp,i')y ol1r',:l..fy t'11 ft ~ -!jl"tA the Fire Dep..rtment at the r..te of $100.00 per month, $1,200.00. : annexed Eme!. fl'rf'l!"o:\.nc; Ordim\.nlJ6 }To. ~4.a W(\3 ptilolHHHl '~w ;,h(~ city ,2d. For the salary of the EnRloeer of > ' r..:,the Fire Department at the r..te of . : . .' ,. "' ' . .). 1"" .'.-.c' ,", .. 1 'l'illlo,OOpermonlh,1120.00. I Counoil of s,:ud r.:ti.y on. thR 4..h d.(" ()f. ,\r,n.. 90, l.lhJ.\. ,)l,C.,;\.on I 'pi; For tial..ry .of the. Dr! ver of the i }1;freDep..itment ..t the r..te of i NO. 1 of the said Qt',linI4rlO' No. :')40 \'ras p,;Flend(,d 'h;:r:hP, ,mid :) :8 {I. 00 per month, $200.00. i I :~~';iFor mlsoelll1Deoua, e"peoses of', Cij.v r.ollno11 on t\'f!! 18t'l d<.i.v of Ar)riJ 19(,.... 1'1" t}')fl r dd'i 1" i'm qf: ..,';the Fire Department, 81,000.00. . .", . - ".. . .J ~ . ,.., . r, ,_.... ,., . tSeotlon 4.. Tb..t the follow log ! j "w~notjs hereby appropriated fromi Sub-section ,1,t6 i ii,nd tha,t the said ftrd11'Ut.DeC'J, ~.r; r.rr,ended., WitS ~~'r..lbraryFond for thefiac..l. year' ~~e:lng 00 the first Mond..y 0 ""I'proved 1">y JJ1C l[r..~lor of sa.id CJ. ty on the 18th d.<cy of ApI":i.l .r.: 1 7, tg.wlt: ' j,;' For thes..larles of the Librarian, ' 1907' )/',ABsistant Llbrs.rlao aod J..oitor, ' · ,,'llndfor.tbe purohase of books ..nd '}/tl1esupport..odmalnten..noeof the r:>h."t. aa:ld ardin,moa Ho. ;'148, r\s fQlflndEld, VI<,.a 1 r,'PUbliO Libr..ry, the same to be e". ' i'p~nded under the dlreotlon of the p,.b1:\.shlltd in the BO(;~j,w.n r:hrnnJc18, ,i; ':Rf::,';,l:rH<l;'f,l":';'fi,n-, c: LI brary Board, ill2, 600. 00. :i',i~sctlon 6. That the following i"'1 ~ 0' ,'>'d "j' J .. .,,\,,' ',.',..., ..; d ('i + f 1", ."~.,, " id C'' 'mmlot is hereby approprl..tedfroml IJf..Y1.,'.CI ,','...,' V'.!!,..!"-,, I,c.. "1,.....'.Nr~ sa... J. ,y 0, ,...I./..t,,1ltn, 13,.. ,011n"y "1":,' ,I ia'SIUJ<log Fund for the fisoal ye..r ;' ",snolnll. on the first Mond..yof and st~te, 1.11 on~ .lBl>1lt~ ti'1.llr~of, on till'; 2~f.}' tin.;)' of .^.I))'iJ. 1~O7 ,y, 1907, to.wlt: /JJi;"Forthep..ymentoftbe Interest as ordt'tred bv ~'ha fP id ('it.., r.o1;mo:tl '\nd Rfl reqll'\1"l"C\ l)v 11'W ,pnthsOityH..llBondB,'l,MO.OO. .... ,,' ,l. ".' ..' ,.... - ~ · l3eotloJl 6. Th..t the .followlog And I r'lrther certify thn1: the n.nnllxed and foreBoing 'ounte ..rehereby..pproprlated from " ~.' W..ter Fund for the lIso..1 year t ' f 14 d:\ 348 i'h , meoolng.'on the first Mond..yof 1s a t:nue and corr80 oopy o. sa Or nannt't }To. as" e y, ll107',to.wlt: a.Pl)fHl.re from the on f 11ft the office of the 't. For ths s..lary gf the W..ter e!lYlle records in 001leooor ....t the r..te of $100.00 per . mooth, $1.200.00. city Clerk of said ai. ty . /-' Jy .d. For the salary of the Utility M..n ' . , at at tbe r..teof ill90.oo per mooth, I ha.ve hAreun1.o J lmd ~teTt 81,080.00 APr;l ' " d. For mlsoell..neous expenssa, '1,- lder. 500,00. ',affixed ding Seotloo 7. Th..t the following I mount is hereby approprl..ted from '1907 )ler '. he Water ExtenJloo Jl'u'nd for the · 80.00 fl'soal ye..r oommeoolng on the flrat Monday of May, 19M,to.wlt: . . . I . " . " . . ... . f.. .. · . .. . · . . · . · · . III Ii extra. 1st. For the e"teosloo of Water' cit~r Cllerk. 00. M..los, $1,500.00. .t the Ssotloo 8. That tbe followiog 00. ..mount la hereby, appropri..ted from ".. Oi ty the Water Slnklog F\1nd for the nso..1 '.' lOr ..s ye..r oommeoolng on the first MoodRY I ~ .on of of M..y. 1207, to-wit: \" OO.QO. 1st, For tbe I)lIymeot of OM ye..r's 01 ty Interest on Watsr Bonds, ,8,250.00. Seotion 2. Th..t the following polioe ..mount Is hereby ..pproprlated from o per tbe Dog Fund for the flsoal y~..r oOlD- menolng on the first Monday.of M..y, \ let of 1207, to. wit: ,00 per 1st. For the burial of dea.d dogs lInd ! mlaoellaneons e"pensea, $50.00. 'olioe- Ssotloo 10. That this Qrdlnanoe, <lh pe~ sh..ll t..ke e!teot, ..ad be In foros from and after the 6th d..y of May, 1207, Agent PaseedAprll 4th, 1\107. for 15 Amended April 18th, 1907. .Approved April 18,h. 1207. Tanl tor NELSON STORY, Jr.. .00 per Attes.- Mayor. JUSTIN M. SMITH, lty En- (SEAL) City Olerk. 00 per publiahed AP~:2~h, 1907, e"pense State of Mont..n... } Oounty of G..ll..tln, sa. le Olty Olty of Bozeman, of '26.00 I, Justin M. Smith, Olty Clerk of the Oity of Bozeman, s..ld Oouoty ..ad le"ton at Blata, do herhey oertify th..t the fore- ltiQN\ no anina 1a a true ..ad oorreot oopy of