HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 07- 346, Assessment for Construction Part of District Sewer Number 16 ;:~~~~.'~':~7.~~";:=-";' ~ '.':'~~~1,0~:t#::;;';;:;,~~';'~-::i-~~.~:::::C~:t:!~~~~.~,;:,~::~"?",;~,;,~.:~,~;:,~,~':~~~:~:~,: .:':~7~.:::~~~~;~~~,~.:~1t,;~~,'~:\.' "".~ .'.....-,--.- ~.~.. i ~~~~ i I COTTl:rCI14 RJiJS01~UTlmT NO. M6. -*- A OOl.lno11 Resolution leY"jlng /;I. speoial 1181.'..nt of tAXes " to defray the oost and eXpElnse crr OQn.tructing a. portion of ... Dlstriot ~ewer No. 16 in the C:1.ty of' Bozeman with:tn Sewer Difltr:to.t No. ll'l~ which Sewer Distriot was orl'lated and laid portionot Distriot Sewer No.16 construoted llUrB~to CONnOn Resolution :}To. 042, finally pa.ssed b~r the City coundl of 8aid Cit~r on the 15th dny of N'ovember 1906, under authority nnd 1n confor'!ait:y vlHh thtl prov1111:l.one of n.ctiona <\ and 7 of HtHHUt Bill No. 204 of the Fitth 14egislat1vtl ASSem.hly of the sta.te of Montllna., ltp1Jrov(~d H;!t"oh Hth 1897. as lWended. -*- BJI: IT ''RESOJNJID BY :t'm!: ()ITY comon.. Oil' 1'Ji1ll CITY OF :aOZJl:MAN: S60t1on l:-Tlla.tthCl city Council ot the City of: Bozeman by J COlmail J:!ecollltion No. 342, f.inally pll8a6d by the .a1d City -..'. Counon on th~ lot.}1 d<A.Y' of Noy:e:u.iner 1~'08, orl1tn.ted .Et~-r ,/ D'str'ct No. 16 and thor.'n proT1<<.d for <h. oottrll0t10n of u I)Ort:ton of. 7)~.strit'lt sevier No. ,ltiwithin sa14 .8wer D:I.8triot, 4nd for the aSIU'ssment of the oost and eXI)enSe of the lUtme. Seotion 2:- Tht'l.t add port:1.on of Distriot qewe2" }TO. 16 within fJ~id Sew/i!1'" Distriot )lTO. 19 hall been 00n$tj01;o4 and oompleted M a ooat of $340.72; the totd l"rontlt\ge ot property bordoring on 8A.1d portion of. 8a:tdD~.8tr:tot Sewer No. lA, leu deduot:l.ons allowed by law, is 560 l;tn.ar feet nnd the nORt per t'lront toot to the prcperty bl'lrderine theJl'tllon and. 1'I1)~o;l,It.ll~ benefited therehy is ~.61gf);oent.; SAct:ton 3:... That, pllr6uant to Counoil 'ResoluUon No. 342, the eeverltl 1'1111'18 86t oPPos:tte the nNl1IUI ~f the Qwner/IJ, lots and pEl-reals ot Ihnd E~$ the B~e appears in th" sohedul.. :bar.to I atta,ched fmd ~de Oil. lJart hl'lreot, be ~!t.nd the 8f1.)tB are t"esptt.ot1ve.. ! -ly levi6d ~nd assessed thereon to d~frAY the oos~ and .xp.n8~ of conBtrtJcttngsa.:\'dllort1on of said Di strict sew~ NO. 16 Md thlil.t the several Rums Shltll be onlleoted from the ra8pflot'ive I, owners of the ,aid lotslmd parcel" of land cl,..or:tbr.d in 8fl.14 '~UilB_~::=s:=.~~~_~~~~~~." .~, ~. ~~- ~ I i -.. I I I I I I I pag$ ~ I I sohedule a. r'qu~lr8d hy law; I section 4:-Th6lot \II}um the 6141d aue.ament., OJ" any of the lIt.l.r!l.e, sh1411 'heoollle de11ncluent a. peni.l ty of ten per oent .hall be added thereto as u. p~Tt of the "'lilaeaSlJulnt ilUld the 01 ty Clerk and Oi ty treaffl.Uel" ah<'~11 1,rocefHt to the collection of such · delinqw!nt assel'llli1ent as provided by Ornimmol'l No. 234 of the City of BOZBman fmd the property shall he sold the same a$ r,':;,:l o t,J:ler IJrQper1;~r f.old for tues; Seotion 5:- That the 81)801",1 4\ssessment hereby 1Iltl.ne and levied &.g~4ina /.; the !)roperty within Sewer Di 6tr1ct :Uo. :1.6 to defrl.!.:'''' the lJollit and \~:.t1Hmse of construot;ini) sa,id liort1on of I Distriot newa~' ]ojo. 16, together with any !Jeroenta.ges 1Inllose4 for delinquoncy l'mu for the coat of oollect:tOB allan CQnstitl.tte v. lien upon .l.nd aen:l.nl:lt the prO!Jer(;y upon wh:toh auah. "'.....ment f h m",de' l\nd levied. ir'om fl.nd 4fter the dl\te ct the levy of this '::' aSiHHlsmen'(; imd the final !ia.sage <il.nd approvttl otthia :Resolution, whioh lierl Ihnllbe enforoed. by the 8'\.l1111Mry sale of' such property, (tnd the exeoution ~nd del:tveJl'y oj! neotIJ$IU"" oertificate. and deede therefor, lmder looh regulations AI lllAy I bA prelorjbed. b~. ordinanoe or, by ,tl.ot1on :l.n Any' oourt of' oompetq*n? J11rlsdiotion to enforoe Ilttoh 11"n, but any p):-operty aold to sf4tiafy' f:ll.lch :Uen 8hl:\.11 be Rll1lJ eot to redemption wi thin the time .~nd in the manni'll' proTid8d, or thAt. r.?l\Y h(:r(J(~ft.el" l>e IJj'ovicled, by Ifl:\iV fort.he redemption of llroperty 801(1 for taxe.; Sftotion 6:- Th.'l.t, ThllTaday the 17th da.y of .Tanl~f>~r;' 1907 o..t '7:;'~0 o'olook p. ",I. of the said daylHl &.nd the il1l.lUfl 11; hereby designated as the tim. .f.t.ncl the r.ouno:t.l ChllpbflJ" in the 01 ty liall in the City ot'Bonn,l&.n all the Illaee, when tl.tlct w:'here llaid City C01.~'noi1 of 81\1d C:\ty will lJ9 in eBIIsion I~nd 1'1'111 hear Gb.1ect:tons if u.ny there 'b~ , to thfl 1'1n"'1 pa.lUage ..nd liclOIltion of tMs /lllC'to1Rl Resolut:tcn and thlt levy:tnG of. this IUllelHlmel'll.; and amr IJeraOh or r*raons who U.re t.!.gents or owners of any l(~t ,or pa.roel of land in said Sew",r n:l.,.triot }To. ,16, l)Ordflr~.nl] on fHt1d Dir'lt,r:1ct Sewer No. 16, Shall at aaid t.ime and plac. have the right to 45;{ - --,-. .-- - J1i! " Ii P'''f':e .#~~ a.pp~t\l~ in IJel"110n or b;:r Go'mllAl fmd show oauBe, if. ~my there be, why this ISp.oial.....eumAnt should not. be Md.e MdW this :Ruolution should not be finally 1'uae4 and adopted.; section 7 :- Th;\i.t the City Clerk b. and he 1& hueby inatruchdby thA C:l..ty Council to gh" notice crt the time nmd plaoa of this heN.ring __nd (If the fint.l panl.il.e;EI of' th1B Iiesolution by l/lihlitihing a. not,ieethereof in .the Doa8l!l.An Chron1.o1e, ~ wep,kly newllpalllU' printed. li\.tl,d pnl11iahed in the C1ty of }lo z('l:m6l.n, in one buue thereof, not leu than f1ve du.ys before the the time s~t J'or heHI'lng of objeot;1cma to the final llaSn&gA and ....doption oj' thin!'teaoluti,on. pD.. sed fu.nua.ry 3d 1\101 AJ,l!JI'OV8d :r"mlJ.II1.~1 3d 1~O7 rfJ published ,Tanu&.l'y lOth 190? :r":Lmuly 1'i'inally hpprOY1Jd Jtl.1lHtU'Y 17 th 0 h~f ..,..... . . . . <::;, ...................... ... Oity Clerk. j \ ,) J 1 ~' '\ ,Ii '~ 454, ""~It'iJ:(?,l' SOhedu.l,. i Aueosment Lifit fol' Oil. portion of DiHtriot Sewer lfo. 16 I em 6th Avenue, Olive to Curti" street'. ........ Na.me. Lot. :Blook. Ad.d! t!nn. FTonh,ge .A1nol.U\'t. L. Stella Turner 1 &: 2 11 pa.rk 50 $ 30.9'1 Jonphca11owa.;y, 3 8: 4 11 . 50 30 . 97 . Mar,y B. Metheny, 5 &I G 11 " 50 ;;0. G'7 F. R. ve1l1berg, ., &I 8 11 It 1)0 ;$0 ,97 VI. D. Ri tterlhOl188, 9&:10 11 " 50 30.97 C. M. Bn1cler., 11 &: 12 11 . 50 30.97 A. ~. STormae, 13 & 14 12 .. 1'50 30 . 9,. ,Alford 1.. Yergey" 15 tc 16 12 It 50 :50,'''7 )i1raxll S. :Buell, 1'7, lEi & l' 12 . 75 46.48 I 'Peter Vreelllnd, W +20,21, 22 12 . 75 40..48 2Z-and 24, 50ft deduote(l on, ..aooun':; of SfI\lTeT on Oliye st. 560 3340.72 Deoembftr 19th 1906. ! hereby certify tha.t the oost of the portion of l -.' Distriot A'ewer No. 16 on. 6th AYtfn\le:f':r01l1 Ol1v. street to r.urtin ~treet ._$340.72; Tha;t the foregoing if a full .md oomplete list of t1.l1 " l'!~ property aul)jec~ to a'peoinl Mse.8mtlnt Qn aooount of the 5aid sewer and that 'the ...mount of elich a,&,.fU8m4n,t 1_ as 8howna.bovt. C. M.. l"uorvCil. 01 ty Jtnglnfle,... ~, , ""'\';. ~ I ~, .., I I " ,I II ,.."'. se;hat N the ~ald portion of Dlotrlot' ' er o. 16 has bs.n 0 porsoant to said . onstrootAd \ tlon .No. 846; that ~~:~O'la Resoln. i expense of the ot I oost 'and It, t a () f ,... i tv "'),~ rk same WaS '84072' th ,'" . .J. ~., . · ~~e total nomber of linear fe~t b~rde~~ I N: on salll portion of Dletriot S.wer - *- I . 1~, less Ileduotione allowed by j 'W. .. .., "... " ...~ 'j l' . at he oost per " mear foot to th thereon Is '.6196; · propsrty bord.ring C( tio~hat porsoant to Connoll Resolu. ,S. No. 34.6. the entire oost and ex. C ~:nS~60~ sa,d portion of Distriot S.wer . 's ass.seAd ""aimt the r .peoially benefttted thereby InP ;:rty " h~n to the linear feet borderin porl ~'. Smith, ait,~r C).flrk of thtt 01.t:' of S~'d portion of said Dletriot S ll. on That 'd 0 ewer, J: 846 i sa, oonoll Resolution No (!i;,..te, do herebv car'l;ii'Y that <\t Ii\. snow ou 111 . . , , . Olty Clerk of e t~~ the Offioe o.f the, I Golden Rol.Blook eS~dClty.,nth. '~:1'l;,,;r i~ou:ncil ot the O:l.1;;:r of nOZf)nv,m1l01d . . an open to in s~eohon and InvsstigaUou bY the - OE OF Sl'EClAL ASSE95MEN'l'. 1JO~ . pob. ry 1907, J~i1.fl :f.\,,-ftBOins a.nd annaxEld "::"..t of tl~~r"otlo" of .. p tion h;~ p:::n;nt to Oooncil Resoln. _ .~~'_.. _...... "'" J..;,oy' ,,::;""'.,' .....,,, "" $46 "". d"ly p","ed ny\' the BaM C it" y of B...."'..n. ' M f . . at 7 :80 o'clook P ~ . 0 ~..id d..y. the sam. bein I' . .,' rsnant to the order f tl 0 d...te of the next regnlar-ee..ion Ilf :I,e 1,JCoved 1):/:,.tl,(1. W:"YOl" of ::;t:'.:..d c:t-,-,y (in ol~ of the City of Boz:ma~. c~:; ~:d OIty Oonnoll,..t the O;nnc~~ ~ III Connoll Resolotiou No. 846: sai:m~~: In the City H..1l in the On ~Le ~~ed Olly Oonnoil of .aid as the ti~e :~:o~eman, is designated 000 ...:.:" ,J.".." "", '00"'"'' ..!.::: ':' boo.,,, 'H." Un n 7 of "h. Baid Coune 11 BO" 01 ut; 1. n y Ulveu, That at pee. to the t111..1 .r .e..ion of the Olty Ooonoll ~ RasSatlle and ..doption of said oonncill " Ity of Bozem..n h.ld on tbe :d .. e.o otlou No. 846, when ..nd where :,;tl'~e ....'1.{1 J?lr.oe of fj~td he.~r:lne; ,.00 the of J ..nn ny persona who n Nary, 1907, OonDoll Reao. of an r Bre owner. or Bg.nt ..,.: :"- ,""',I'" "A "'00" D'.":. ~::,;" .:t'" oold S~.. cotm.n R 0 ao 1,,".n ".. '4". M,.t 0 0 t t,;,""- f evy.nll: a "peclal a..e... defr..y tb ' w 011 is as.e.sed to o taxes to defra.. th e co.t and expen.e f . " _.ro"'" ' ... "" ."'"'' ..Id '''''00 " ~. ~,. to,. ",,,zm,,,,nQhronio1., .. ..Bkl.y naWBpaper . t S a portion of Sewer N 's r ct 10 ewar No. 16 in the Olty of ap o. 16 shall have the right to b;" ;"b1' S.W.. D'''''.. N,. ..:':::'"'' ,. ,_.. b, ~"'" In tho B" id CitY .f ll....- n in .noi.."a o ew.r District No 16 s id 0 W oa"ae. if any there be wh sd and .Bid . was a ooucll Resolntl N ' Y r . N. " 00"';:;:''' "m..,,, ," b, ",,0, _, :, :.; '" ..", e 10 th de,y of ..,,,,..,.,, 190', whi.h dn tB oll Re.ol t' pnr.uant to SBid ....e..ment d opted and n Ion No 846 fin 11 lIla e ..ud levied d by the Oity O~nnoli of :"i~ By Order of the Olty Oonncll: ~ l')fd'orfl Raid dtl.Y of het\.ring. on the l~th day of Novemb JOSTIN M. SMITH nuder anth.t . er, ' ' w".... "','''''' ""'..m. D"."b" "''', ,7'" D..... ,1 R. B.l u tion "0. :i4ll wan filU,Uy p~a Bod 7 f H pro:"lBlons of Sections 4 y 0 ann ny, 1907. ! o on.e Bill No 204 f .' """""" A;';mM ','" n ;,.,ho "" id 01 ty Co uno U of $n,d C itv .n the l?~' do V of of M y 0 the .' 18 ontana, Bpproved M..rch. ' , ' 97, ~s amended." w... passed; J...nu..l"Y 1907 l"mi "; ilii~ t t}lfl amrW rMH fin<l.lJ.Y i~pprOV'6d b~r the :~ .ald ,'Portion of ...Id Dbtrict it' o~~~d '~~et~Cribed ..~ follows. ~>t:'r()r of ,J.t id t~~, jJJ "rL 1:;}'lI"l li<l.llll da, te ; r Ion of ...ld DI.trict r No. 16 connects with DI.trio . ,,' . N,. "-" .., "...,.." ,: And I f unhe r oa rO if'y that thB f .ro go ,ng 1B a trua ""d oanter hne~ of Sixth Avenne ~ h, and Olive S ' . ,L ,..... 00 ~",'~ ......, mm'" correct copy of s.id COUllC U ne.o1u ,10n "0. 4" OB "he .- h g a center Ime of vCUne to the oell.ter lin . . t .1, S_" ' "I app' ,r. from the roc ords .n fila ,n thO Off i.a .f the C i Y Clerk of' said. C_L ,Yo nr WI T'N'ES s WnEBEO'F I hu.ve hereunto S Q:, mynzl.nd a.rid the sea.l of the Cit,y of llo......n th1B 1~ 190'7 . ~ -~. ~/ ................... ...... . ..:...... CitY Clerk. - "-"~~~;~~:;,'~:-=-:~-~ .I..':.l.'...l!......,...i>t!l,.. ..tl.~..',.'.'.' ...I'.'~..',.'.~......:.~.'..j,.:il,... ..e1'.t....,"........'.."...:..'..,...~.~....~.....:'.'....'..."..,." .,."..'.. ,'.'..lKi,...~.._..,:..i....~.'.'.'. '",..'."'''',' '''''', ",'''c''_';;;:;;''-;'';::;;;,;;'::,;';,;i~i,~,,,~,~,,:O:i;''~~i~~;;i~;;;,;;. =--- ,,,.'i''';'h''; "0oi""'i.'J~~k;'I,1 {:".,':~',,+-, 'a,'" ,:UI.~,t;:,W', :,::,,".n;I.W,I.1)-/'J~" ,t1 '. rlf!il,Il...;,~~~/.iif,;.,p~t~.t;8;t'f" 1 l\~B#~~';": ..,by.S~~qi.l\.:.'~a~: 1~'~~~"<1.~,:~liiSatlt~c:lt",deligh~ C6rt1f'ioat4J of C:\. ty Clerk. l1/i,~~or:l~.i ....... i'.Mr. '.Xi."" '.' bi Bntler'lill$enlller; ",,~llwi\ · l,tlitlO!lld,fevoltYrellder)', :AMI, - - era,inh~tOha.rming '. elltlrlOll( \Bllil.soo\alLlfel"bll.peva: sta.te of Montana... ) he~selt. to be D:lore 'engllglngd \ Otiberatorle. are by. Barrie! ' d., EUenDnval1. OwenKildarei 0000 ty of Ol!l.11. a.t in.. 55. , Rath.liaroldEyre.,Frederl< Oooper,MllyHardM and Lonlee Qity of :!30Zetl!An. ) r. Tbeessay Is liy Olayton "" ... ..... .i'" "'m,bu," I Ju. tin II. SIIll th , <lit)" Olor'k or tlll OU1' or DraD:la." ,;Tbepoetry.h' of · higbc"'llaal~ty ,,'Wblo~.'.rbe,8D:1ar"l ,,"' " ,.' t1 ,.' . . . ' , \~.,,,m.'."'... ..,oo,,,~ 1l0.Ol",n. ",,14 "o"nt1' ..... .t..... d<> bfr..b1' ..MU)" _t at a baton of varlle are .Jobn. Vanoe i,"." ."' ,......."..baI~ r.."laT ....10n 01' t'" cn~ Co"n.ll or - O~ V 01' 1lO-"", he1.4 an, Edwllrd . WUb'Dr Milson., '])\1llletd' GoodwIn, Gert..nd. th '''-d d f l"'O? ~'-.. "" in cl .....,. .. "'i"""'."~" .rib"''''''', .on . · ay ... J""...r:r .. · .- .0re.O. · an "'.-- noeWIIll:lnson and LlllletteWood. b _~. Co"".il "eoolUtion >TO. ~4lI _. d'uy _... bybth. ..14 01ty "ll"SnlL~TIONOF, 9FFICER.$ Oouncil and waf! lillly ATJI)TOYGd 1):J t;}l.8 UH.yor of BEl.'1d City em ~ bejoillt Instatllltlon of . the. newl~ Sa. id d.a te . btedoftlaeu of the Q. A. R. and f I R. O. took plaoe at Max.vell'.: . ... ,...,." ........ ,. ..., = t pur. ",.n t to SO 0 tio n 7 of the ...ld 00''''011 "0.01 utlon dley,.ellior past oOD:\Inarider' of, . E......"'" ,....,... .... "'1 No. ~4g, notio. of tho U... and pleo. 01' ...14 h.aring am t,h. ~erp of tbe G. A. n. and Mra.' dle'Harp<lrlloted in,llke OIlPIlOity', ,,,.. .. o. ., final pa...... at .aid Counon Ro.olutiOn }!G. :546, ""roto ..tt.ob- Mter tbe installation, Mr., aarper.l b.b.,," .b. W. Be 0.. ",..",.. -.4, .... pUbliOhe' .n tbe 1l0.",,,,,,ghrotIlele, a ..&klY ne""'P.r eretlr!ns president. lIb.. Atluie renemall..wltbll-beantifol 1rDU, ':n-i,nte4 and.. pnbliahed. in the sa.id d'itY of :it_man 11'1 one U811- wl.a.nd Mre,ED:lD:la Wlane1, pre, .I,: nted'll simllarbo",1 to Mr.. O~nlok; b~' .,. ...,om........ ....". thoreot, '.0 -wl t, on the lQ th dAy ot ....uvY 1110'7. 1Oh1~ <l& to ploture o.f. tbe latePrealdent MoKin: l(>y:waMtben pre.enteftto the (t.A;. w<l\.$ l'\t lo"lt f:t~' dayS bef.o1"e .Aid. day 01.' h.lRor1na:. ,. lnmemOry of Maj. W., W. :AIde'! on, by Mra. E. L. EloDeton.in b~ . . 1/4 .".... ...... lb' I,mH,. Tb""'~" fha~ ...~ Co uncn Reeol ut 10n II.. I- .... tine..... pa.... o:f BO'~I~"-'Bii r~~-ti -g&".'o~tlliiUnlt ~,:\ ,'1'!'f,.!~.~. .'::'m: = ::: i by _ ...1. 01 ty c. "no 11 .~ ..... 01 ty on the 17th ""1' .1' ...Of, !ll<1lOll~l\na. approved . March ~~7, "~;"lI',I~nded."wa. pa.e(>d' ...'.1 ;r..m'u~ry 190'7 and tl1i4t th6 114I\19 V'IMotf f1n6\llY npproved by tJ:le :Pv..al" pO~tlon of said Di.tri' o't r',No. 16'd . ' ii~ti.id.epo et~ribed~SfOl~ows. uayor of IjJa.id city on t~"le ,li\,1lJiII da.1llI. ; . , . r .on'ote<<ld Distriot . r No. 160onneote :with D" . . d .~.. "." .ho "'......::': l\n. I tur...!,er certifY that thfi tor..o,ng ls .. tr"o an ".oenter 1111e. of Sixth A "'2. ~~ :::::.01'" ...., m: oorreot OOpy o~ .ald Co""O 11 Re.olutlon 110.-;0046 ae the .- h ' a O1'lg tbe center line cf . venue to 'the oenter l' fi .II' th C1 tv ....S...., -"I appO ar. tro", tbe rOC or'. on 1'11 0 ln thO o~ c. 0.' ., Clerk of a~1d. ci..y. DT WITlTRSS 'W'liEREO'F tho leal of the city of ~oz.man thiA 18tn 190'1. ' aJfio . . . . . ." .. . . . . . . . . .. . It II III .,. . 'Ii , City C)..rka i' '1 , ------ ---- - - ~ --. ~--~~-~---- -- ~