HomeMy WebLinkAboutBozeman_NCOD_Meeting2_resultsWork Schedule Review of April 14th Meeting •Project Kick-Off •Issues Identified •Preliminary Solutions offered •What has been done to date? •Stakeholder Interviews •Data collection •Bozeman case studies •Best Practice Communities NCOD Review •What is the NCOD? •What was its original purpose? •Where are we today? •Has it accomplished its goal? Issues Recap •Major issues identified •Prioritize issues •Keypad Polling instructions •Turn to channel 41 •Blinking red/green light is GOOD •True/Yes = 1 •False/No = 2 •Ranking of issues is from first to last buttons pressed •Approximately 10 seconds to vote for each question When did John begin going bald? 1.20 years old 2.23 years old 3.30 years old 4.He’s always been this bald 20 years old23 years old30 years oldHe’s always been this bald36% 21% 29% 14% Test Questions Bozeman is located in Gallatin County 7% 93%1.True 2.False Test Questions Rank your favorite ice cream flavors 1.Mint 2.Vanilla 3.Chocolate 4.Cookie Dough MintVanillaChocolateCookie Dough19% 23%25% 33% Test Questions How old are you (no lying )? 27% 27% 27% 20% 0%1.20-30 years old 2.31-40 years old 3.41-50 years old 4.51-60 years old 5.61 or older Demographics Are you one of the following: 6% 6% 0% 0% 25% 63% 1.Property owner within NCOD 2.Design professional 3.Developer/Contractor 4.Agency (not for profit) 5.Government 6.Concerned citizen Demographics Where do you live? 1.Within NCOD 2.Outside NCOD in Bozeman 3.County 4.Other Within NCODOutside NCOD in BozemanCountyOther73% 0%0% 27% Demographics Of those that live or own a property in the NCOD, is the parcel: 1.Residential 2.Commercial 3.Other ResidentialCommercialOther0%7% 93% Demographics How long have you lived in Bozeman? 1.0-5 years 2.6-10 years 3.11-20 years 4.21 years or more 20% 13% 20% 47% 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years 21 years or more Demographics Rank the issues from highest to least priority 1.Lack of deviations 2.Setback/lot size/zoning limitations 3.COA process too complicated 4.Insufficient COA notification for neighboring properties Lack of deviationsSetback/lot size/zoning limitationsCOA process too complicatedInsufficient COA notification for...27% 22%21% 31% Issue Prioritization Rank the issues from highest to least priority Issue Prioritization 31% 36% 33%1.No ground-floor ADUs 2.Lot coverage limitations for ADUs 3.Parking standards too restrictive for ADUs Rank the issues from highest to least priority 1.NCOD boundaries too small 2.Design guidelines too broad and general to be effective 3.Inconsistent architectural styles in Historic Districts Issue Prioritization NCOD boundaries too smallDesign guidelines too broad a..Inconsistent architectural styles ..31%35%33% Rank the issues from highest to least priority 1.Infill incentives are deficient 2.Parking standards prohibit infill housing 3.High housing prices forcing young families out of districts 4.Affordable units are not being constructed Infill incentives are deficientParking standards prohibit infill...High housing prices forcing you..Affordable units are not being c...16% 27%31% 25% Issue Prioritization Rank the issues from highest to least priority A.Demolitions without permits B.Inability to demolish non- contributing structures C.Lack of new units replacing structures past useful life D.Preserving wrong type of housing Demolitions without permitsInability to demolish non-contri...Lack of new units replacing stru...Preserving wrong type of housing22%23%26%28% Issue Prioritization Do you have other issues that were not addressed? Additional Issues 56% 44%1.Yes 2.No If the NCOD were to be replaced, what would be preferable? 1.“Mini” Districts 2.Historic Districts Only 3.Zoning Only/No NCOD 4.Keep NCOD as is “Mini” DistrictsHistoric Districts OnlyZoning Only/No NCODKeep NCOD as is31%31% 19%19% Solution Preferences If the NCOD remains, do you think the boundaries should be enlarged, remain the same or shrink? Solution Preferences 36% 36% 29% 1.Enlarge NCOD 2.Keep current boundaries 3.Shrink NCOD Should different design guidelines be used for multiple areas with NCOD or should a general set of guidelines be used across the NCOD? Solution Preferences 1.Implement different guidelines 2.Keep one set of guidelines 53%47% Implement different guidelines Keep one set of guidelines What type of deviations should be used more frequently or brought back? (Choose up to 3) A.Lot size/width reduction B.Setback reduction C.Height/massing increase D.Lot coverage increase E.Design criteria Lot size/width reductionSetback reductionHeight/massing increaseLot coverage increaseDesign criteria 26% 10% 21% 13% 31% Solution Preferences What incentives should be used to encourage infill development within NCOD? (Choose up to 3) Solution Preferences 5% 18% 18% 20% 35% 5%1.Fast-tracking “vacant” property applications 2.Fee reductions for infill properties 3.Parking reductions 4.Lot size, setback and coverage reductions 5.ADU permitting process made easier 6.Demo of non-contributing sites w/o building permit To encourage affordable housing in the NCOD, what should the city do? (Choose up to 3) Solution Preferences 1.Implement inclusionary zoning 2.Let market dictate pricing 3.Create a market-place incentive such as AHC fund 4.Waive development and building review fees 5.Allow small-scale lot development (e.g. 2,500 sq.ft. min) 33% 17%8% 25% 17% Implement inclusionary zoning Let market dictate pricing Create a market-place incentive such as AHC fund Waive development and building review fees Allow small-scale lot development (e.g. 2,500 sq.ft. min) What other solutions do you want to discuss? Solution Preferences 1.COA process improvements 2.Design guidelines 3.ADU elements/Other 4.None, its dinner and I’m hungry COA process improvementsDesign guidelinesADU elements/OtherNone, its dinner and I’m hungry13% 25% 38% 25% Wrap Up •Next Public Meeting –Late August (Draft Review) •Quasi-Public Input Meetings •Northeast Urban Renewal Board June 2 (Pending) (Tuesday) •Inter-Neighborhood Council June 11 (Thursday) •Downtown Improvement District June 17 (Wednesday) •Design Review Board June 24 (Wednesday) •Historic Preservation Board June 25 (Thursday) •Community Affordable Housing Board June/July (Pending) Questions? THANK YOU FOR COMING! John How, AICP KLJ john.how@kljeng.com Pat Jacobs, RA Architecture Trio pat@archtrio.com