HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 07- 345, Assessment for Construction of District Sewer Number 17 ~~~-:-::::::-:;::::;:::-w:;,:~~~~ . - .,----- ..... .~~I:!I _.,,=-~ "M'".....~"""W~.,,~':=;~.- "~~:=--.~~~-;;~'.~:~-::::~~~~;~::~.:~"""';;~,.~~:;-::.;'~'~i~~~~;;:-"'"- . ...'....!I:l COUNOIL RESOLTnION NO. 345. '.-- A Counoil 1t.lolut1on 1.vy1ng a sp.Q1al n.a..asmant ot 'taxes to detrc...,. tha ooat a.nd .xpenae at oon.truot1ng Distriot Sewer 110. 17 1n the ,J~~ty of Boseman, within Se-Tn h tr 1c,t NO. 1'7, whioh Sewer !>istr:tflt was Qr_Med and.~14 D:lstriot Bewer , :';1' ' . " oon.truote4 plJrsmmttQ. Conncil :R8lIlo1ut1on No. 343, f1nally , paned by the City Oouno1'1. ot '(~1d City on the 15th da.y ot NOYember 1906, under a.uthority a.nd in ctonfonJ.ity with the provisions ot Seot1onlil " and 7 ot Hou.., lUll No. 204 of tht :rUth L'gislatiye A8aftmb1y of the sta.te ,ot Mont14ne., apl)roved MArch 8th 1B97, AI .vaend.ed., ..*.. . - :BE IT RESOLVED BY 11m CITY OOmWIJ" OF rim CITY OF 1307.WfAN: SeoUon 1:.. That the Oity 04'nmoil ot the City ot BOllfh1JAn, by Counoil ResolutiQn }TO) 343, "finally pa.... by the .a1d 01 ty COlmail on the 15th day M' }foTerabElr 1906, OFtated Senr D;l.striot No. 17 and therein prov1dfild forth. oonstruoUon ot Distriot Sewel"N'n. 17 within .a,14 Dhtriot,and to,. the a......nt ot the, costan.4 ex;p.na. of the sa.. seotion 2:- That thJt lai4 Distriot Sewer No. 17 within 'aiel Sew.,. D1striot No. 17 haa been oonstruot... 6md,oompleted - . /!l.t iii. oost of $215.63; the t6ta.l fronta.ge : ~ '.''',: apeo1a11y benefited $.5875 oenh; , seotion 3:- l'hA'J.pur.ua.nt to Oounoil JlMaolut1on NO. 343, the ..vera1 SU%llSi set OIiIHl81te the na.m.. of the owner., Iota and. . \ 1><'1.1"oe18 of land, as th. 8u.;roe'\~I)P.ar8 1n the uhedule hereto attached liLndlllAde a part hereof, be IUld the sftme are re'peot1ve_ ..lYlt'tv1l'ld l\nd IUJnl'l$sed thRrflon '1:0 defra.Y~hfl coat n.nd t'lXI)aT1S. of oonBtruct:tng sa.id nia triot ~AWl'lr No. 17; and that '.' t..h. IUtTera1 44 :::: lL ~:;;;,", "'::;;;:";:::i;-:::;:,:::=:;:,:::,""" "","'''_''''.......:''..;'','''''''''''~..'':~~~'''''''' ~~;"": ::~',>'~~..,!,"~~~;i:~~~.~,~~~.~; IJ page ,fJ2. suna. ahall b. oolltct"d trom the re.p.aU.... owners of the aa.1d lo.ts e.nd parcel. of. land d(ltl'uu"':\belt in .a1d lu)h_dule as requ1rad by law; seotion 4:- That when the .a1d ....sement., or any of. t~. sa.rne, eh.,11 b..Ol'd delinqwl!lnt . penalty' ot ten per oen t IIha11 be a.dded thereto aft a part ot the .un.ment an4 the City-Clerk and C1 ty T:reallU'lr "hall proceed to the colleotion of luoh ~) delinquent a.lu,.sement as proTUe4 by 01"dinanOe NO. 234 ot the City otBoa'man R.nd the property "hAll be Bold the ,am. ... other l'l:rO}Hilrty lold tor tu..; S~otion 5:- Th~t the /Jpeoial aB/J..~nt hereby MAde and levied against the property within Sewer Distriot Ho. 17 to d.,fray the, QO$t And expenM ot oonatrlloting' Di.triot f'lIlWftr :Wo. .\ 17, t;oget;hel'" with any pero"ntAg." imposed tor d.elinllllenoy a.nd for the oost of cnllflotion shall eonntituttt a. 1it'ln upon and ,\ '- Ill.sa1nat the llroperty upon whioh suoh .....IIIBment 1s made -.nd levied trom e\.nd &1' tal'" the da..t:.e 'Of the liT,. of th1aau.ument a,nd the rim.l !)a.81l1Age <md "'1) 11 1"'0 val of. this :Relilolut1o,n, whl11b 1 ien shltll.ll he enforoed by thl'l 8ummary 8ul. of ,such prop(Ilrty, D.nd i;he exeoution und d.livery of ne08SSR..ry oertificates and 'deeda therefor, under suoh regulntiort8 &. l.'1l'\.y b, presor1bed by ord:tnancl';! or by O'.l.ot:lon in any OOlU-t ot OOlllpetf!nt jur1.4.1ot1on to flnforoe suoh lien, but a.ny property I()ld to ...tbry Inoh lien shall be ';ubJ~ot to r.demption within the time and 1n the mt\Uner provided, or that may her.4fter be provided, bylaw ror the redltmptlon of. liTopsrty sold for taxI. i Station l5:- That, Thursday the 17th day of Ja.nuary 190"7 tI. t 7:;30 0 I clock P. :M. of the add day be and the .a.m.e b hOTlil1,y .' de.,elgnll,ted asth. time and the Couno11 OhAmber in the O:lty Hall in the C:l.t3' of 1lozel1litn l\.1I the palo., when and wher...til.i,l City Counoil 01: add City will be 1n .eu10n and w111 hear objections if t:l.ny theTebft to the final p.....S. N1d adoptiQn of this Eesolut1on l'l.nd the levying of thill apeQill aS8ft..mftnt; and any peraon or pf'l)"sonB who are a.e;ent8 (lr ownare of u.ny lot orr>nroel 44~j --':_<'::;;~:;;!.;~~;;:~~~:::'.~~;:'\~'~'~'::'~:":~'.:~~~""'" '.:t". ::!'Y;~H":\':'. ~_. :"",.'.;'i.~.,'!I((f:,~'i' '.: .~.,; ",. .. ......;,.,. ,.,~.."".. ~-""','~'^'."".,,'-',~,.""" "..,.,.', ,.,.. . page 4f1.J of ItU1d in sAld sewar Dlstriot ~o. l? shall at $~ld time and plao" have the right to &l)!lft4T inpErlrson or by GOlAn..l a.nd ah(;)w ololuse. it lUly there be. why th.b .petta.! aUllament. ahould not be rna.dft and \rth~r this RUQlution should not be fina.lly pallS.d t,~nd a.doptA<t. seotion ?:.. 'l'hat tha city Clark be and he ill h4ltrflby inatrlIot;Ad by i,ha City Counoilto eivlt notioe of the time Md pla.cA of BH.:l.d haar:tn8 and of the final palltage ()f this P'enolut,ion by Imblhh1n1) a. notiM thareot in the B07.p.lnQ.n ChroniolA, a weekly n6~paper print.ed And p1fulished in the City of Dozaman. in one hAu. 1;hareof. not le"lI thnn five dt.'l.Ys before ~" I . t'.'....'...".....'.'........ J.;he time 8.et :1'or thp. he,'l.r:tng ofobjeotiona to the final '. 1'a'888@ and adoption of this RflBolut1on. paU$d .rMuary :5 1907 ApI)rOTfld 01 ty01erk. 10e published .:ranu"J"~lOth 1907. ;Finally Paned. January 17th 190'7 i"1na.l;1.y ApprO...~d.tr:~...ua. .r:r.. 17th ~~~.. _ . -;...~."".'.'<.,~._. I,' ,'/ .... :;/ / -1:."'" <o;""t" tt .. ,/ ~rJ'Mi ' A e ...". / '\ '--~---r:i ' ,:) ;V" Qr. ~ll ~ ....~,......6ii~i~~~:.., -- .__...~. ..------- .-- . -...-.- .---.---.. -..-....-. 44fJ \ __. "..~"'.'._.U~ -" _ ~~._. N'~'_""_ - -..- - - SOhflCl u.le . A,...sam..nt J.18t tor D1atr1ot 8..... )fo. 17 on :Babooak streUttt'l"'Oll1 :RQlillImMn Avanue runn1ng w.t aoa t,.t" -*... }Twne . Lot. :B~ook"Ad.d1t1on.Frontag.. Amount, 'Fannie woodson, 50ft. S flnds 11 & :R Original 10 . 5.87 12 nnd fractional T01l/'1'l.1tIl. strip south of. alrove with 50ft off on C4000unt ot Boz. Ave. Sewer, na'Yis W1Ilson, 13, 14, 15 l\.nd :B III gO 62,88 fra.otiona.l strip IHluth of nbova N'1ohollil and 15 and 90 ft south :a . 90 62.. I Jtobinllon end In tlil 17 &; 18 and ! , I George R'. Nichols .tmcot:l.orw.1 ~l'tr1p John M. Robinson nouth JllBma G., J3ehr1ngar-, FractionAl Lot 3 Guy.. ), 16 9.40 B. M. Gardn~r, Aet, Tract 29 x 151.5 B 1l1....k. .'1 v11 th nO :rt. of'! on acoount of J~oz. Ave. Sewer, Mrs M. R. Lyon, et ,",l,Traot flO X 151.5 B 131"'010' fiO 21.38 J. W. Ponsford, Tra.ot 61 X 150 B BlaOk. I 61 31\.8. Agnes F. Bowen, Tract 50 x 151.5 :B :A1"ok'. 60 29,38 '. 36"1 t216.tiZ Dee 19 th 19015. . 1 hereby cert:l.fy that the cost of the oonstrucUon of n1striot sewer :No. 17 on Baboook street from BozemW'l Avenue runrd.ng west was $215.63; That the for.going 18 a full~d complete list ot all property subject to apeoiu1 ~aaa8ijmftnt on AG001mt ot tho oon.truotion Qt sa.id sewer and that the IW011l1t or er..oh aSB..m:aent 18 as shown above. , I C. M. '!'harpe, City EnS:!"'. Cost l)er tr-ont toot $.5875, .~ s 745t~ '~::!iII'i ~l'/rt;:I.1:':\.C:';. ";(,1 of' 011;:." Clf!rk. -*- ..-- " , (,I'V NO'ttt;lE OF SP]I:(lIAJ. AllSESSlIlE:;I', ", y I e of the ne:n l'elln'lar sess>on of the .On A.ccount of 1i~ru(!tlon of Di,... ef ,..d City. OotlDo~ll ,a~ ,t~e oon.noU ~~ ("I trt.t ~...... :;10,17, ClIt:!' of Bo..m..... '",d ,lfunber In the Olty HallIn the .ald .;0). --,---- frUity of B03ewan, is de.lgnated as ~he Puuoant to the order of the City,:.' Ime and place for hearing ob3eotlons, ' 'Counoil of ths Oity of Bozeman oon. ';If any there be, to the final pa.oage', tslned In Ooonoll Resolntlon No. S45, and adoption of said 1J0unoil Re.oll:a.' f~:'1:t '~; 1"~ , Gity r~J.er}~ of :;;:hi". [~i t;,:\,,, pa8ied by the Olty Oounoll of .ald ,tlon No. 545, when and where any' in ".: . of Qlty On tbe Sd day of January, 1907.' 'perilons who are owners or allent.'of Notl08 111 Hereby'.Glven, That at 'I' any proper.v wltbil:a aald Sewer Dla- ld ~ .~<.~ {~e t <10 L1-' r't.!):::' on r '~~,:tf~r ~" ": ~ 1','/ /.. ~~,~ ,.1 ~ ' ~v regnlar session of tbe Olty Oonnoll of trlct No. 17 whloh I. aaaeaaed to de- ',;.. ,,~\; j.. tbe Olty of Bozeman held on the Sd fray the oo.t and ezpeuso of oonstrtict. ,. 1"'<' " '." ,.'" . ". ,',',., ",' ",,' ,J' . . ,',,.,,' day of January. '1907, Oounoll Reaolu- ing said DI~trlot Sewer No. 17 .ball (,1 ',.:' ,.,OI,!,r"L.'. oj .,Wi. ',,' ".: \..j )',0."".....11. itonNo; 1145, entitled .. A Oonno\1 have the right to appear either In :,~ellOlntlon )e,!,ylng a speolal ........- person or by oounsel and show oanse< ,c(li,. cry l'J (1'7, :;}'.'" f 01'",;;, :L!"E <'HKl .".)1.11 C;-1:0 ,1 JIl~llt of tans to deiray the oost and if any there hs, why said Oounoil ~p,Qnse of oon.hnoUng District Sewer Resolution No. 545 shall no~ betlnally ;J''t:) ",...1, d'lll'," "',i,:.a;Hld .,.. ',~.:(': ~H_:'"d C:\:",r p,,17 in the Olty of Bozeman, with- pa.aed and adopted and .ald a..ess- " .l. ". ""!tliwer Dletrlot No. 17, whloh Sewer ment made alld levied. t~t~lctNo. 17waacreatedendaald .By Order of the Oity Oonlloil. 'provp.d 'by tJ:U "''<lb," of' ",.>.,:ld C:l1.:\i on na:'l.d ~~rlet Sewer No. 17 conetrnoted pnr. JUSTIN 1111. SMITH, ,t"to,Oo~nol1 ResolnUon No. 545.\ . Olty Clerk. ,palljlSdbythe Olty OonnollDf Dated thla8th day of Jannary, 1907. 'I~y ol;1t,he 11lth day of NOVelli. ,,( ~~'''l'' ," r ..' ." ,L"' ('" ~. ,-r ,'..", '" '1'" <"" '1 ",~e',\,'9,Q,~er,lulthorityaDdin()On. _,.IJ.I'.'I, ....-".J 1~1<\'~J. '., 1.,,1 l..)\,\;;~.I_;~J, f ~)m' 'j.LI..1 ~,~"',..,U .,..(;!.'..YlC.t ~': ,(~hl\c.tl\eprovl.lolI.Of. Seo. . '. ." . .' :~~;t:l~f'vn."A~~~~~o~04t~!' ;,(,J..".', ,,01"- }:'C;. :'i4:::,. l\oi,..:led ,j:!"I;'}'X; i;,:I.l''':f: (;.nc1. r;:L,,,~r;,') Ofi,;,:i,cL ~~::,.,~tlln~ dar,proved M~Ch ";",1-:L1',,':; ,.'..11(; :,,},ii'; f ';,J'i"..1 l-'i,"g~';af';'~ of :,i,.~,:t(l ...~o L'ne:\.l T::;;; :,0J. ,T:,'lnn ':'0 , . , ,'. ' ";f&W&U 6. ,was paella; \ .' '. ' , ,. ," '.'" .. . ,~ti...ld'Dlstrlot Sewer No, 17 Ie ^"' ;. " .. ',,, .. .".. .'. ' , ." " ,.c " . ,. ,", '. 'bedas,follllws, to.wlt: Bald"'." '!:';)"~',\) ,oo,',(,(;.id(l.J '''''..I; i)1,u)1~'d,ilfl(, :C:,~I 'i;I:I.(\,j()?,(~;'",.l1 G..::-:rol1;i.::lc, l- riot SIlWer No. 1700llneots with! i :liltrlct Sewer No. 10 011 Bozewa"i ':,/,;':,,-;-,:1,; nG{H',,,p;]'"' I.ri,", :1'('1 .1)1(:'1.,],1\ "J'i"l t'I" ;',0 G' ~c1 ,"; t-, -'f 'YA':.yenu8, lonth, at the 1ntera6otioD of! .. ...,'.... ,.,,' .., ~,.',. "" +,.. "".'~ " , '. - I L. 1/ ,. .. )l..\,.. . ,I.. '.... U said avenue w Uh .Baboook .treet and ", . ,'" '. ".. '..." ',""., , '. ' ". ,.,..telldsthenoeeBst alollg the oellte.'(..'..; ,'," ,U UiJ,--; ,'.;',:1'l,~ '""H',' <'.lOf, ,,;o-.:;:,t, O"l r,l:(~ lOt}} d~.:,,' ,\',: i of said Baboook atreet a di.talloe of i. .' " '0Tf:::;.aldDlstrlctSewerNo.17ha.('1,'.'.J':> J.\'(l'l, \.:r;.c':;' ,). t,;,:,!,<-:,; <i,'; :;",',/i:; :rj,v,~ 'i),.,:f';:,r','~ ~i;,:,d d,:tY '~~.ll' oonatruoted . pursuant to .ald 'f . ,', "1 ;" . , iDnoll llesolntlon No. 114S; that the' "...-.., ~tlll.oost and ezpellse of the sawe WB~ ! , "". . ,J~.,6S; thatthet.'ltal nnmber of: .!'.~", L.. '"d C\) .,nr;:U ';1fH:olut:lon ro. ;'\/l,fi WU,p, f'hnlly }..'H1\':11 pe!l~ feet bordering Oil- said Distrlot ,~~erNo. 17, le.e d.duotlo",s allowed ',' :k, trt ,";:\~.:,::" C:011rlC iJ. of l;},,,.td t::1.. t'" onl;!I.C 1'7'1;11 dr;;' 01' ;'law, Is .567 fee~; ~hat the oost per .' " 1_lile.. foot to the property borderlug '., . ..,- , ~J 0 ", "," ... " . ,." ..' , . . " ' . , tbereonl, '.5875; .'.' 1,(.," ,:.... I ,.j](;. ,,/ c,> 1, 'de"; 8".me ,'i,;'., r,"m,clJ.? '<:.\Lil"il'lrl'ld hy ;,ih~ That pnrsuBnt to Oonnoll Resoln- tlon No. 545, thl! entire cost and e;.- ,:,(: ,. n,~' ;,.dd C:;.. t~r !in t:116 r;Ll..ll.i.R ("ii~. "".~f~ . pe~... uf said Dla~rlot Sewer No. 17 Is' ....e.aed aRail)a' the proper'y speolally ;\:;'1.d T :f.'nrt:.l>'lr certif~r 'IJ1"'"1; 1;he forE'!e;oine 1s ,,;.t true ,md I beuetlUed' tbereby In 'proportioll to the ,.. .'. , linear feet. borrlerilllr 011 said Distriot ' COlPY of said ,I Sewer; )rj"('lGi, Council Rf~;5olution No. ;'45 I;:,S t.he SD.me \1 That Mid Coonol1 Resolution No. on file 'i 845 I. nOI'l'~",:filo In the Office of the )1)81.r fl frON the records in the Offioe of +,'lne aHy Clerk Oity OIerk of the asld Olty, In thl!:. ,Golden Bale Blook, and open to In. ~ r--"" C~:t. t~r. ~pectlou Blld Investigation by the pub- " .I.d 110; That pnr.nant to Oonnoll Resoln- WJ !:r,:rrr.(w I ho,ve hereunto set r>~r hand fmd I tlonNo, 545. Thnraday. the 17th day oU annary. 1907, at 7 :80 o'olook P. se,'cl of the at ty O~Rt,h . _ M. of .ald day, the saml! bOi;.g thl! :1 / ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . &" . . . :\ " ,,' // Ci';~' Clerk. I I t/ i :i :1 II Li I I I ! I - " . 45() ,'I I ....--....-"...-."..........,,,. ."',.""''',~- - ~~;.~:;::~~~..::-~~~,;:;~~~'~~'=:~~~~~~~~~~~_~~!~=~~:~~~~~;~~!;!~~~~~';;~;;.~~:~,fi~~~~~~~~~'~~:':,=:':.~~;~~: '.~':,:,::.;.,=:~~:::,=:~"~~;~'::;oC~:.:,:;;:~:'~':::~';~::::::=?:~,. i cert;t.ficf4te of C1t~r Clerk. ....- l(ont4M. ) ) ot aallatin. J SS. of :;:,O,Wm:},.11, ) I, .rllS tin M. Slllith. G1ty Clerk of the city of $1-\.1<1 oounty and r-U~te. do herflb~r o6rt:l.tythat ltt,itlo IilCiH.ion of the Oi t:;r Council ot th, G:lty of nOillallUl.tl. the 3d dll.y ot o1i:l.nwl.ry 190'7 t i;he foreGoing and. a.nnElxaQ. nflfw). ut ion l'To. 34!iwas dlll~r pl'l.aatd ll:rth4'l 8a.~.d 0:1. t.Y .met Wa.i duly ltl.:pproTed by thlt M,,-yor of aaid City On Bf.l.14 T}1.ll.t;, purswm".; to Sl'l0t:l.on .., of. tru, fltt;J.d O(Hmo11 no. 045, nO"UCli ()f~ thetiroe and place ot-f)ttid , the final pOI.SSH,glt of anid. Coun011 :Reaol,lltion No ~ttll.chQd. \1\"8 l,)uhl1ahen in 'l;ha Jlozeman Chroniole, weekly nevrapltper printed and, p1.l.bl1shed in the 8a.ld Oi ty of hi one issue 'l;herliot, to-waf on 'I;he lOth d~ of 1907, whinh d.,.te V/lil.a a.t IfHl.St five daya l)s:f'or&. l'lu.:td do\y hnnr ine.i Th".'C aaid Oo11.nc11 Resolution NO. 345 waf! finnlly pnstlp.d COllno 11 of: &\;\.d City on the l?th dew of th..~t t.he saTtle WMJ f1mLlly a.p!lroved by the 01:' iHLid CUy on the IHua.e dute,; I'further certify that . theforego:t.ng 16 a. true a.nd cmpyof said Comlo:t1 Resolution No.3~5 as 'the SaJ:nB on file from, the reoords in the ot'f1oe of t..he City Clerk C1 ty. ,SS WHJi1REOF I have hereunto set my hand and of the . .e . . ..... . . . . . .. . . . . ill . " . . . . " . C1t~r Clerk.