HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 4612 Intention to Create Special Improvement Lighting District 726 Westbrook Subdivision 88 jW co.L� COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4612 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 726 (WESTBROOK SUBDIVISION) DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO CREATE THE DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSING THE COSTS OF MAINTENANCE AND ENERGY THEREFOR TO BENEFITTED PROPERTY BY THE LEVY OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission (the "Commission") of the City of Bozeman(the "City"), Montana, as follows: Section 1 Intention to Create District; Proposed Improvements. It is the intention of this Commission to create and establish in the City under Montana Code Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 12, Part 43, as amended, a special improvement lighting district to serve Westbrook Subdivision (the "District") for the purpose of, maintenance and energy costs. The district will pay the maintenance and energy costs for seven (7) 25-watt KIM Lighting VRB 1 model bollard lights mounted on a ten inch diameter concrete foundation. This model is a single function, aluminum shaft, with a domed top. The aluminum bollards will have a bronze super TGIC thermoset P p polyester powder coated finish. A 20 LED electric module will be installed in each bollard (the I "Fixtures"); at the locations shown on Exhibit A (the "Improvements"). The district will also pay for ten (10) 110-watt Spaulding Cimarron Series lights mounted on twenty five foot tall eleven gauge steel galvanized poles that will be powder coated bronze.A six inch straight rigid aim mount with a round pole adapter will be used to mount the light to the pole. The light is a one piece die cast aluminum fixture that is powder coated bronze to match the pole. A 48 LED electric module will be installed in each fixture (the "Fixtures"); at the locations shown on Exhibit A (the "Improvements"). The initial Page 1 of 10 Resolution 4612, Intent to Create Lighting District 726 monthly charges per fixture per month (the "Monthly Charge") are estimated as follows: $1.06 for the 25-watt KIM Lighting fixtures and $4.55 for the 110-watt Spaulding Lighting fixtures, for a total of$52.89 per month. Section 2 Number of District. The District, if the same shall be created and established, shall be known and designated as Special Improvement Lighting District No.726 (Westbrook Subdivision) of the City of Bozeman, Montana. Section 3 Boundaries of District. The limits and boundaries of the District are depicted on a map attached as Exhibit A hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof), which boundaries are designated and confirmed as the boundaries of the District. A listing of each of the properties in the District is shown on Exhibit B hereto (which is hereby incorporated herein and made a part hereof). Section 4 Benefited Property. The District and territory included within the limits and boundaries described in Section 3 and as shown on Exhibit A are hereby declared to be the special lighting district and the territory which will benefit and be benefited by the Improvements and will be assessed for the costs of the Improvements as described in Section 1. The Improvements, in the opinion of this Commission, are of more than local and ordinary benefit. The property included within said limits and boundaries is hereby declared to be the property benefited by the Improvements. Section 5 Assessment Methods. All properties within the District are to be assessed for a portion of the maintenance and energy costs, as specified herein. The maintenance and energy costs shall be assessed against the property in the District benefiting, based on the actual area method of assessment described in Sections 7-12-4323, MCA, as particularly applied and set forth in this Page 2 of 10 Resolution 4612, Intent to Create Lighting District 726 Section 5. The annual maintenance and energy costs are estimated at $634.68, and shall be assessed against each lot, tract or parcel of land in the District for that part of the costs that the area of such lot, tract or parcel bears to the total area of all lots, tracts or parcels of land in the District, exclusive of streets, avenues, and alleys. The total area of the District to be assessed is 31.22 acres, or 1,360,018.00 square feet, exclusive of parks and open space. The initial costs of the Improvements per acre shall be $20.33 or $0.00046 per square foot annually. Section 6 Payment of Assessments. Special assessments for the annual maintenance and energy costs are estimated at $634.68,plus any increases, as may be permitted by the Public Service Commission, and any additional authorized charges shall be levied each year against all properties in the District and shall be payable in equal semiannual installments. The first year of special assessment billing will include an additional amount not to exceed $500 for publication and mailing associated with creation of the District which shall be assessed in the same manner as the Improvements resulting in a cost not to exceed $36.34 per acre, or$0.00083 per square foot. Section 7 Extraordinary Repair or Replacement. The maintenance and energy costs and assessments set forth in Section 1 and 5 are based on normal conditions and do not cover charges for repair and/or replacement. The City may make an additional charge to the District for costs of labor and actual material costs for repairs and/or replacement of the fixtures for damage caused by third parties and not paid by such third parties. The City will assess such costs and charges against the properties in the District in the same manner as the other assessment is made. Section 8 Discontinuation of District. If at any time after the initial term of the District a petition is presented to the City Commission, signed by the owners or agents of more than three-fourths of the total amount of property within the District, asking that the maintenance and operation of the special lighting system and the furnishing of electrical current in the district be discontinued, or Page 3 of 10 Resolution 4612, Intent to Create Lighting District 726 if a majority of the City Commission votes to discontinue the District, the City Commission shall, by resolution, provide for discontinuing the maintenance and operation of the lighting system. If the Commission has,prior to the presentation of a petition or by a majority vote of the Commission to discontinue the District, entered into any contract for the maintenance and operation of the lighting system, the maintenance and operation may not be discontinued until after the expiration of the contract. Section 9 Public Hearing; Protests. At any time within fifteen (15) days from and after the date of the first publication of the notice of the passage and approval of this resolution, any owner of real property within the District subject to assessment and taxation for the cost and expense of maintenance and energy may make and file with the City Clerk until 5:00 p.m., M.T., on the expiration date of said 15-day period (August 10, 2015) written protest against the proposed maintenance and energy costs, or against the extension or creation of the District or both, and this Commission will at its next regular meeting after the expiration of the fifteen (15) days in which such protests in writing can be made and filed, proceed to hear all such protests so made and filed; which said regular meeting will be held on August 17, 2015 in the Commission Room at City Hall, 121 N Rouse Avenue. Section 10 Notice of Passage of Resolution of Intention. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish or cause to be published a copy of a notice of the passage of this resolution in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation in the county on July 26, 2015 and August 2, 2015, in the form and manner prescribed by law, and to mail or cause to be mailed a copy of said notice to every person, firm, corporation, or the agent of such person, firm, or corporation having real property within the District listed in his or her name upon the last completed assessment roll for state, county, and school district taxes, at his last-known address, on or before the same day such notice is first published. PASSED AND APPROVED by the Cit;, Commission of the City of Bozeman, Page 4 of 10 Resolution 4612, Intent to Create Lighting District 726 Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 13th of July, 2015. 1 —, y.T fF Y K. KRAUSS r� Mayor ATTEST: -13 O STAO,Y U EN, CMC, 17 ®. � u City Clerk r rrhor co APPROVED AS TO FORM: of / -.,.t f x GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney i Page 5 of 10 Resolution 4612, Intent to Create Lighting District 726 CERTIFICATE AS TO RESOLUTION AND ADOPTING VOTE I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting recording officer of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the "City"), hereby certify that the attached resolution is a true copy of Resolution No. 4612, entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 726 (WESTBROOK SUBDIVISION) DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION TO CREATE THE DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSING THE COSTS FOR MAINTENANCE AND ENERGY THEREFOR TO BENEFITTED PROPERTY BY THE LEVY OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT." (the "Resolution"), on file in the original records of the City in my legal custody; that the Resolution was duly adopted by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman at a meeting on July 13, 2015, and that the meeting was duly held by the City Commission and was attended throughout by a quorum, pursuant to call and notice of such meeting given as required by law; and that the Resolution has not as of the date hereof been amended or repealed. I further certify that, upon vote being taken on the Resolution at said meeting, the Mowing Commissioners voted in favor thereof: �' voted against the same: ; abstained from voting thereon: ; or were absent: WITNESS my hand officially this 14th day of July, 2015. ®��B Stac ;Uhe CMC City Clerk . . ��11N Co. Resolution 4612, Intent to Create Lighting District 726 NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CREATE SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT LIGHTING DISTRICT NO. 726 (WESTBROOK SUBDIVISION) CITY OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on July 13, 2015, the City Commission (the "Commission") of the City of Bozeman, Montana (the "City"), adopted a Resolution of Intention No. 4612 to create Special Improvement Lighting District No. 726 (the "District") for the purpose of maintaining lighting and assessing the cost for maintenance and energy to Westbrook Subdivision, and paying maintenance and energy costs relating thereto. A complete copy of the Resolution of Intention (the "Resolution") No. 4612 is on file with the City Clerk which more specifically describes the nature of the costs, the boundaries and the area included in the District, the location of the Improvements and other matters pertaining thereto and further particulars. A list of properties in the District and the amount of the initial assessment accompanies this notice. The Resolution and accompanying exhibits may be also viewed on the City's website at www.bozeman.net. . The district will pay the maintenance and energy costs for seven (7) 25-watt KIM Lighting VRB 1 model bollard lights mounted on a ten inch diameter concrete foundation. This model is a single function, aluminum shaft, with a domed top. The aluminum bollards will have a bronze super TGIC thermoset polyester powder coated finish. A 20 LED electric module will be installed in each bollard (the "Fixtures"); at the locations shown on Exhibit A (the "Improvements"). The district will also pay for ten (10) 110-watt Spaulding Cimarron Series lights mounted on twenty five foot tall eleven gauge steel galvanized poles that will be powder coated bronze.A six inch straight rigid arm mount with a round pole adapter will be used to mount the light to the pole. The light is a one piece die cast aluminum fixture that is powder coated bronze to match the pole. A 48 LED electric module will be installed in each fixture (the "Fixtures"); at the locations shown on Exhibit A (the "Improvements"). The initial monthly charges per fixture per month (the "Monthly Charge") are estimated as follows: $1.06 for the 25-watt KIM Lighting fixtures and Resolution 4612, Intent to Create Lighting District 726 $4.55 for the I I0-watt Spaulding Lighting fixtures, for a total of$52.89 per month. All properties in the District will be assessed for their proportionate share of the costs of the Improvements on an "area basis" annually and will be payable in equal semiannual installments. The annual costs of the Improvements at the initial Monthly Charge are $634.68 per year for the entire District. The total area of the District to be assessed is 31.22 acres, or 1,360,018 square feet, exclusive of parks and open space. The initial costs of the Improvements per acre shall be $20.33, or $0.00046 per square foot. On an average size lot of 7,863 square feet the annual estimated cost would be $3.62, which is payable semiannually. The annual assessments for costs of the Improvements may be increased as approved by the Public Service Commission and may be increased to cover extraordinary expenses of repair and maintenance. The first year of special assessment billing will include an additional amount not to exceed $500 for publication and mailing associated with creation of the District which shall be assess in the same manner as the Improvements resulting in a cost not to exceed $36.34 per acre, or $0.00083 per square foot. On Monday, August 17th, at 6:00 p.m., in the Commission Room at City Hall 121 N Rouse Ave, Bozeman, Montana, the City Commission will conduct a public hearing to hear and pass upon all written protests against the creation or extension of the District, or the Improvements. Written protests against the creation or extension of the District and the costs may be filed by an agent, person, firm or corporation owning real property within the proposed District whose property is liable to be assessed for the costs. Such protests must be delivered to the City Clerk at City Hall, 121 N Rouse Ave, Bozeman, Montana not later than 5:00 p.m., M.T., on Monday, August 10, 2015. Further information regarding the proposed District or other matters in respect thereof may be obtained from the City Clerk at City Hall, 121 N Rouse Ave, Bozeman, Montana or by telephone at (406) 582-2320. Resolution 4612, Intent to Create Lighting District 726 Dated: July 14, 2015 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA $00 Stack U me , CMC City Cle rIN CO Legal Ad Publication Dates: Sunday, July 26, 2015 & Sunday, August 2, 2015 Resolution 4612, Intent to Create Lighting District 726 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4612 Resolution of Intent to create SILD No. 726 for the purpose of maintaining lighting and assessing the cost for maintenance and energy to Westbrook Subdivision, and paying maintenance and energy costs relating thereto. AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING STATE OF MONTANA ) ss County of Gallatin ) Stacy Ulmen, City Clerk, being first duly sworn, says: That I deposited a copy of the Notice in regards to the owners in Special Improvement Lighting District No. 726, as listed in Exhibit "B", in the U.S. Post Office at Bozeman, Montana, on Friday, July 24th, 2015, directed to the owners at the addresses shown on Exhibit'{B, . 0 Stag lft� , CMC City Clerk Subscribed and sworn before me this 24th day of July, 2015. " HEATHER BIENVENU.E I Notary Publio for the State of Montana Residing at: N�,SI;I�G,'$Q,- Bozeman, Montana ; � Foy Mod , My Commission Expires: January 26,2018 Printed name Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at: see seal My Commission expires: see seal cavil M+}OME CO Nrld 1FFX11S�11tc t wt--- - Ley 1 Io lw w nas mi i wi` s ioi 1 'G 'w`` s to` i lm` 9 s I,V � pMw m ono nFt ow q� AIEG 3l9 nsoa dl-IS — I I H o i lm m � L 101 14l° I 0 l0i S lm C 19,` L IQt 101 'w 'W c= �':.. 3fitla Q� lud3,I� - cc ^M yb _ � 5� vrra aVn, i !. "Will"VIAG zt.o, tip, 1 r 1 \ 5y)Qi/J164W I I� 1 tl Ne.f6,6LS I I t�\ ``\ � \ ♦ SMk ID 1 Sf UN - i >v �,ANNE,$TPEET LMKTM PLAN rM)5 c�a suu:r,m. F-1 Sce4 fn lL.t �O .Toot.fn Y.4n LEGM o � o o x •4 PHOTO CELL DETAIL as sou:xrs fan ow:a-ts-m,s C7.1 114693 SUR°CY Rwucsrm er OxMER ro aun:xz wrs u�im.'RprNop LOT r,wrr An aosnxc mAn a FINAL PLAT OF R6: D= 'oc N0.xNxxw O rn°� WESTBROOK SLE MSlON PHASE 1 o LOCATED IN THE SE 114, SECTION 4, T. 2 S., R. 5 E. 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N�.•eba_L. =--­-"=-'=-'Ml lli,Wrw.a A.lym1 w.MnaN«O Mw w m tlJ.e1 n G 24 Sertxn lmF. 2CI4 �b b�� .V.2014 N�sMe N aW� FM.P M.� px4 W IberN. b - N�b.M1.r llpy nnbYiy.Cm' IH nmaWNrr m area 0•+..N'ro 4�a SHEET 2 OF 3 I""' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL WESTBROOK SUBDIVISIOAj PHASE 1 LOCATED IN THE SE 114. SECTION 4, T. 2 S., R. 5 E. OF P.M.M., CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA CONOI OF ROYAL FOR WEStH OK •'UBONISION PMASC x LOCATED IN THE 6E 1/4 OF SEC. ♦.RT 2 3.. R 8 E. OF P.M.M. I N «rl .l IY•.U„rn.N.f 1 Ion nr Ir KSRRagI AIYaM9a11 PNI.Y 1 V ml•rUN q arnlb•..1 oGN4RAl NOTCS I�hN n Y �bnr�N iM�hn+i Nlau U.I.d 1.�C+C[6110�f Uql 1.d ryl gMr.nP.�IN nl N U.KINK SM.IJn qF«.t CI C•m�y.Y 1 1 i�. Nd N rrn t bray•rllf lr w�nkn.N wiNnm y w mN•Y>rnwinnb NN KnU•������y1r wril ui 9«�imn��yn t.rry1.Mn N n���i%NYr N nk0.0� UI„,Nn.Mn Y eurtnl«of Yn 0.b Y Nh MIIk�Un M YM Nnls b ny MM rn mhklYn. a•eyil�.n m. YH C.N...Y.i..•i N q t�U. nk.•niy aPl.lYna r.•m•1., elYr iarmrl••.N..N Yy Mr r Yy hsN xgi.Yra �lyq.l�vml rryn.N vi.bl M1 w}.l M MINT nW N•1 M...ri n:NN.lamnl N Y0.IN.wi�•Nr nU N r��NY dU .ay1.IN«r•NYN Wr U.M.rnri 11« C.ir MORItlt.K MM>m.U.l N PrnI1.Nl ml w bvN Ir Vl xl•!IF. w IOA CMMQS �'� Yn Qy N M•YY�ihF�4Y•lue.nwKM nlr�w li...�t Ix1Yr.hV M utOnY n i1�N•Ibl v.Ul wn 1�IIrtNp TNT n•I�IIwYY OnIN W.��d./N��.ia11 • U U•kni d h ma•W.riYYY NTr IM FMI.Nn r aYli0.n Mr.N U•rxlin er•ni N Ui CIIY r Ow•a Y.L]E a YGIUIU M µnW N Uq�I.M rdr I.14 b U.r•w N W rind«.N h mt�wrnrW Wl.Nim11N UwWr•r.Ur dn.w«dU CWxIY CI ollA]IN � xw Yrete N 4 i�W Yan�nb N cr•hmlN Nam.l M{anMINF•II.nlrxl raYnr INa.N b U.3b1•N YMr.ri NiUH F N.erYn«Un �mhnW ni ammr•N.n•WYn Th•Tli�x.r.l M rnYnW•WIr«•MII nN N 1•e Ur A•W(xl♦.w an«I.UInN N•«ur 1NY Mlrvmml ra Nr.i r«MN.i•.i YJ•�ti N 1a10. nu 17 M sl U.N}Nby.hxL Yy a.M n«•«wmwn.l Faux coxxlxi almnumw,uc.Mnl.m�ni, _ M�Mk Ir Ix.iW N Nnl.m PAPlKSE 1:22 SlxalE FWIIY LOR X o.o3IGR[]/o.U.r o.ilop IGx6 M Ylni W PIItSE}64111 ILx6 to p]%f o.WACAE%-3 FL—Io,-13oi>I{x6 Yy«nmiwln«NmY E ]0 WN F. Y LWS X Mo]]xE XU.m p t�0 p ItYRT TofYt MU PWUgm�],1]�YCR6 ]OIIL Md PxN1oEo(PN/SE 3)r]L]t]lLIIEf DFO 00 • N Lrrnnl Pr 0.xnal/ nwl.twl SY..ik Y.r«rnw il...rl Pr o..rnrl/ blTNmlr.hYw.mnl•Flwnrt Pr a.•I•n«I/ Rwiri•yr a•arnnl/ vnN1 N pailnnl/ Y•nM Fr o.r.nnt aY+mx�o x.r a...wroa«. SHEET 3 OF 3 n.wn Westbrook Subdivision A parcel of land located in the Southeast Quarter of Section 4, Township 2 South,Range 5 East ofP. M. M.,City of Bozeman, Gallatin County,Montana, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the South Quarter Corner of said Section 4; thence westerly 089147'01",assumed azimuth from north,45.75 feet along the south line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 4; thence northerly 000°00'00"azimuth 45.01 feet to the Point of Beginning;thence northerly 000°00'00" azimuth 139.95 feet;thence on a tangential curve concave to the east,radius 255.00 feet and central angle 13°14'03";thence northerly 013°14'02"azimuth 455.17 feet,tangent to said curve;thence on a tangential curve concave to the west,radius 445.00 feet and a central angle of 18°25'41"; thence northerly 354°48'22" azimuth 310.88 feet tangent to said curve; thence of a tangential curve concave to the east,radius 25.00 feet and central angle 55°56'39' thence on a tangential curve concave to the west, radius 100.00 feet and a central angle of 260 12'31";thence on a tangential curve concave to the cast,radius 25.00 feet and a central angle of 60*15'51";thence northerly 354"48'22" azimuth 37.00 feet; thence easterly 084148'22" azimuth 104.72 feet; thence on a tangential curve concave to the south,radius 300.00 feet and a central angle of 5©11'38";thence easterly 090°00'00" azimuth 1013.85 feet tangent to said curve; thence southerly 180"4338" azimuth 1171.04 feet; thence westerly 269°47101" 1276.70 feet to the Point of Beginning. Area= 1,462,236 square feet, 33.5684 acres or 135,846.2 square teeters. Subject to existing easements. Exibit B Westbrook Subdivision Acct#157470 Ownership: Four Corners Construction LLC 125 Central Ave Ste 1A Bozeman, MT 59718 Block 1 Lot Sq Ft 1 8008 2 7554 3 7537 4 7521 5 7504 6 7487 7 7273 8 7262 9 7260 10 7909 11 11,504 12 12,903 Block 2 1 9113 2 6685 3 7125 4 5805 5 7125 6 6685 i 7 6687 8 7125 9 6241 10 6641 11 7700 12 6685 13 6685 14 6687 .15 6224 16 6226 17 6226 18 6226 19 6226 20 8573 Block 3 1 8573 2 6600 3 6600 4 6600 5 6596 6 6796 7 6796 8 6796 9 7700 10 7645 11 6795 12 6796 13 6796 14 7524 15 7533 16 7533 17 9543 Block 4 5 6622 6 6813 7 6813 8 6813 9 7638 10 7638 11 6813 12 6813 13 8209 Block 5 1 14,988 2 11,224 3 12,587 4 24,887 R-1 872,526 Total Assessable Square Footage 1,360,018.00