HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 344 Special Assessment to pay 75% Cost of Grading College Street in Improvement District Number Thirteen 4 ~3 9\1 ,[ ........ ... -.-.. '.". i ~:': :,.,...",~~~~::,:.,,':"::: ,i",,~,,-:.:,~.'0:~.-:,_:,:..~~~::'~"<~:::'~:',~::;' :""~ .'''.''' .. .':::~':~~:~::::~~::~- ::'~:':.~::-::~~:~~:'.:'~::.:'~,~~::~.::,~~,.,":,:~~:,.-:.::-=~~~~_-.:::~;:::~~~:~:.',:,';':~i:':,;~~~;::;i:.~: .:.:. .:'.<'~,:~~~~~':~;~~~7.7~;<'te.~~~~"~~~~.~~-::-'..~':~~::::~~:~~~~;,~:,~,:;~:':,:'~~:'~",~~~,~,: _.~ ~ ~- -- "~-" ~ "'~".""~~,, "~"."~"""~'"' i ( GO\J.i..CIL RESOl,ll'fXON' l{Q. au. -... ACo~mo11 RUQlut10n 1.vy1ng A i}l"olal UIIUiluent. of. tax.. to defra"v 75 % of the cost liI-nd 8Xl'!"nse of grading college. str~(ltt, w:i.'tld.rl the limits of Improv!tnH''mt D:tatrlot lIO. 13, wh~tGh Irtl.ln"OVl!)ra8n1, D~dJt:d..ci; '!-TO. 13 W<~f;l oren,t;ed 111Arlll1lf~nt to council :n~liol1.i.'i;.:lon Hel. 331'), f:tAn.I1y Ilf\8$:<l4 'h:r tho said 01 ty counoil on t.ho 4'r.:l d..:.y of ooto'hdr 190(j, l1nclol'" a1Jthorit~r and in c(,)l1j'()rl'~:Lty vl'ith:;'lt\ .:1l"Otr:lu;1.ona of l:';l1ot;~..onl'J 3 l?mo. 4 or Houae Bill No. 2(l4 of.' the Pit:,}; l,AJ:tf;J.:~~1:1.'r~ A~Hl(lm'hJ.y of the S t l!\te of J\[ont,~nLi., "P1Jr'OVHd. ,,~jnh nth ldn7, (~8 .\.~(mdftd.. --... . \ " ,_., :BE it"Y';lj,jol'1ad 'h;;r f;:'!/~ Ij:t tJT GO'ImcH of' ttV'l ~ity of' Boz,f1man:.. .";""IA StilCt:l.O~1 1:'" 'th\i\t t:i:1oll :":1 ty, CO'Ilr1cil of th(i ~11;y ot Bozeman ~y Council Re~Qlu~ion No. 336, :~~;i.n,..ll:.r plS0lfd on the 4th d.ay of OC'~()'o,~r l.JOti, c.r"u.+,I'I:i :bliJ\AOVelll(in'l; n:ls tr-:lct l;o. l~) 01 the 01 t.y (Jt' 3o;;"~..:n....n ':(':10. t,:J.1U';J iI, lJ!"ovid.~d :ror t"'",~ gn~d;tng of coll,go 3''Cr,~~ t .,,^'J"~~,b,1:1 f,",,~ 'bOI.mcLu"y l:in\ln elf a.,d.d I;111;)"OV~:J:lwnt n1atrl.ot .:,,"10. fo" tJ16 ~l!lfit"'HI.m..n:; of ~ha 0,/10 t ~\:::1d. t'xp<lnse of' the Sa.D; seotion 2:- Tlmttlull aatdgrlltling c:f Coll.l~e gtl"nt within ih~id Iilllj T()V":::AII 11"/; 1)1$ tr1ct 1;(). V, haa :)llan corr..pll'lt~d at a total " ~ f t' "A ;2" that ?S plrcent ot H~ld ooat "-ltd .x},lt'I1'l.lil8t 07" cos 0 ,_,,),w.,.>; the lil"OlJOl-t1on to 1~t-l lla.d.d by .:,h.~ ptilllf:l"ty wi tJl:tn r;a1d Im!Jrovfm~~m"" Dilili,r~.c~; !To. .13 is $1.167.1'7; the totN\.l ..reil. of stl.id ImproYl!lmemt n:i.1l tr 1ct No. 1:'J bEl ing'714. \-1'791' sq. ft. I\nd the (~OEJt par sqm.r. font '1,0 thl'l }j1"'O !H17'ty wi thin said lmprovlt:t:!ient. J)1. !;Jt:r 101; No. 13 lHdnf~ $.OOlf.lZi:::S; SectiMl is: - T}1..at, pUrEl1AA.nt to OOllncil rles()l1rl;1on No. 336. the 5cvlt)'l.:,l 111mlS sn t OPP()fl:1.'r.e the nama ij of the owners ,lot. a.nd pare",lfl of land) aB ~;he l')t..me ~l)i!l'la.)"tl ili the sohe(tHle heu...to 1'1. t tneil.l!da.nd nm.de u, pa.rt he r~of, 1)f: tmrl tJl.;a_~ are reall.at1 ve.. ..ly levied and aSleslHld i;htlJ"eon tanfltray '15 percent of the . .~ cost Md. .xl)f'!nse of grading said (')olli'lgft p'f:.rt1"1t, wi t:.11" l\aid ImpraTtlllOnt DiB triot No. 13 a.nd t,hf\.t t,hEIJ aftv4U"a.l l'lU!\UJ 'he ... - -- -... /44 () ~-'" .,-'-, :',.-',. .,-.-." . " ...."~ ~,. ,". ~~~~~~~:~0"~~~i~~;',~:,~":;,,,,;, , page :/12 colla-cted frml.l tho rear;eo't1ve owmwa of s.d.<< lots or paroElls 'of land dlilSGrHHIQ in f;l'\. i(ll~chfldHle t.R rflllldred b~r Inw j that ~ 8aJ.d afJfJeaB.:'ltnt8 shall beoome delir.(l1wnt a penn.l t~r of ten per" oellt .h;u.lba added ther.to as a Illc.rt of.l;he aasesrmHtnt; ) thll,.tthe City' clerka.nd C:U;y 1'reasurttr ahtl.l1 proG<'Jf.!d1;o the c()llect:l.on of suoh delinquent i.a8\HWX'l1~n';~ l\S })r(nr~ded b~r Ord:1.n&1Ce )f~, 2~,<4 01"l;he, r:it~' 0'S.' :n{):~e:'fm nnd th,\t tl'_e proper1,J' shall be Bold the 8'~~I~lS ot:ttttr pr()J.ll~r'l,:,' sold for t.axes; Seotion 4:"Tha.t ~,hll 1I})flo:l.f\.l MISeSSInftnt hflrelJy '!'!Jade a.nd IeTied a.ga1nstthe propflrty wi t:!lin t;...:l.d J:IIJ,iJ)'0 Vel111fnL t Distriot :roo l~ to defray 715, pAroflnt 01:' ~ C)Ol'lt ~,\.Yld expflnMl of. gn4:l.ng coll.g. street t,herfl!1n, t.ORet.h<'!r w:t th i'.l.~1.;" l,croAntar;es :Unposed , tor del1nqu.noy, and for thA CClI'lt, tit collec'!;;;on, ",JodI consUtu- I ...te a lien upon and l1l.f.':a:tnBt i,he pY'C'lIlArf;y upr,,, w}-den t..hia ~',: ., a"..8ment i8 made fmd levied., fror<l '""nd l-l.ftlir'i.'hE1 (1,'\ te of the t l.",y ot' this a..e6smflnt and 1~he, fin,,'.1 pttAni'l.::;e ",!<:I ;tlll)r(lv~..l ofth1s RiIl8olution, wh.ich Ihn Ah.\J.J. 1ll'! '"mf,jrcl'!dh:~' t.hs .umrazu'y sal. 01: sHoh prOIJ('lr1:::r I :.'1.0. ~;hl'l llX"I1H~; tcm ,.net deli very ot nece.sa.ry c8J't11":l.e.l.t.eB ~nd dfJ~dfJ 1; he re:f"o)' , 'IT\(;~,~!' "uch regull~t1onfl as ~, lHI l))'eS(')J.:t'h(~<i. n~' OY'(htlE\11l":i! or n:'! aotion in a.ny Court of tJoDlpfltent ;iur~Flcl.:.fot~on to t'orenJ.('l(i)1'l s";ch lit!n, 'hut ...ny property lold to $at~.f>f;v such BAn. f1r.uU hfl f.ll1b,jeet to r'demption within the time and in the mann.r p~oTided or ~~ h~reaftdr be provided by law for the l"fidemptton of prOF~rty "014 for trot..; section 5:")That Th1:lr.dny, t.hfl 20th d.\y of J)AOt'tmber 1906, ...t 7;:$0 o.olook P. M. otthe said f\n.y, nit <i.J1(i thf! same if) hen~by lall! B igna tad as the- t ivll't and the 00lffiC 11 Cha.mllltT ;1.n 'thA City Ra.ll in theCit~' ot J3ozem,tn 1\' the plaollt, whftn A.ru1. wh"r@ said City Oounoil ot .9.1d City w1ll blfl in aeflFlion ...nd win. he!'l.r objActicms ita-ny-there be to the f.inal JlR8f$a.ge and adopt:l.on of this R!e.olut1on Md the leTYing of this speoial &\111468 Rraent, ~\!ld any person ()r persons I who Ul'e ne:~nt8 or ownl~rlJ of r"ny lot (H' pa.roel ! -~~~~ , ;...~--m;;,,;";~~i:';:.~"":':''''. ,:,~,:...<t1:('."'~-W."':.t:,':.1. 'L,;~:\;T'1~~:,~",?:,;:","I.':'~~.~'.:~~~"'!":~,c;',,-:,."j'.":I:~,,;1"~;~~~5~:~~::~:~:-:';~~',~ .".'......: . =__.. ...". ...., .,.n . '. ....~ .n ,."'"". .. .'.~ ! - I / Page 13 \ ) of land in said !'mpron_nt D1 atr:tot }To. 13 l!Jhl\ll at Raid t:l.me , a.nd. ....0. ha..... ther1ght t(l' "pplar 1"11'J1er 1n per$()n or bJf Gnun....l an.; .how Oa.l,l&e ,it anY ther, be, why thift 8p~o1al B889a8ment ahou14 not be Zl'IAd.. and wh,.v thi. 1ttBolut10n should. not be f.lnal17 pa8sed and a4opt.4; a'ohon 6:_ That the City Olerk be and h, 18 hereby in.tr\~at$d by tlut 01 tJfCOl.1nc:tl to give notioe of the t:l.xr1e ~nd PIM', of' said h.~1ng and of. the f'inal "'''''''88 of. th4s Re.olut1on by publhh1ne a not1Qtt thtn".ot In the Bozeman ChronioJ..e, a Wftekly newspaper printed and puhJ.18hed :l.n the . Ci,ty of' RO:&f9JUAn in one :taBlA. thereof, not lftft B thtil.nf:l.. va d..ys l,efore the t1me 8e1: :for the hear.ing of the objectionA to t;hlt f iw41 pa.II8"6e Q.J1d &dopt1on ot thiB Re 501 uUon. P~8&.d Deoem'bBr Gth 1'06 ... AI ..'...........41................ ... , ~[ or. City Clerk. Notice plfu11shed neoemh~r 12th 1'06 PUally passs4 n..s"",.,. 20th 1906 4 i Fia:naJ.ly Al>Prs"'4 .... oet~ ~. . . . . . . " ~ , 1\!a.yo . ..--..-..- ,-- ,-- -, ,._ ""_~~'.'~'M__'~~~~ ".'-",.,"'-"'" . ..."..."....",-,.,.".'. . ".""',.,... c::mr-' ."-P"'-" , ._,,,.," ,." m" . ... .. "_._' "..,~ ~"'"'>;l;",~!I7\":~"':"""~,\'7,'-T ---:- SCHEDULE. ' A..e8s~ant List, Improvement Distriot No. 13, nrkd1rtgCollege Street :form B1u.ok Avenue 1;0 8th Av.mue. -*- N~,n:8 . Lot. Blook. Ac:ldi tion.Area, Amouilt. sq. ft. state saving. Bank. 1 to 6 1 J31):tta. 25885 $ 42.17 :Butte, Mont. S. J.V. IIendllTBon 1 &: 2 2 n a ~.;f>O 13.47 ]'. Culloden, 3 & 4 2 ,I ? ~)OO 12.25 :Mr's A. J3. Plq4e, 5 &. 6 2 . 7500 12.25 Rd'bel"t A. Cooley, 21, 22 & 23 2 . 12()OO 19Q59 N'ele Knutaon, 24., 25 & 26 2 " 1 ;.:~aoo 20.90 T. Byron stor-y. 1 to 0 & 21 to 26 ~ . 418:')0 ~fl.32 i I ,S. J. V. Hender.on,l, 2 &. ;~ " " 1 Hmo 18.29 NElla Kllut,son, -4 , 5 e~ 6 4 . 10 f)()O 17.14 E. C. Kllnno~ u.n~ 21 & ~~2 4 . 7750 12.65 Jlli\ibel K. Ral1 :Mary A. cantwall, 2:1 & ;~4 " . 7750 12.65 G60l:"geF. GOI.:lld~ 25 & 26 4 " Bf:l,25 1~.92 W. A. Tudor, 1, 2 &: N.' 3 ]. cap1tol 8100 13.23 . Hill .R. R. 1J' inlay , S.... 3, 4, 15 &6 1 " 10500 17.15 Y. Y. Smith, 1 , 2, 3, 6 &7 2 " ) 19700 32.25 G<l.rdner & ) Sm:1.i;hl A ) Re -arrl4n6fi 1 S . c. K6nf'on t ,4&:5 2 II 7900 . 12.9~ ])'. 1~. Gu.r'cinon., n to 14 2 . 27650 4&.14 L. Stella Turner. 1, 2 & 3 ;$ cap:tto1 11440 18.68 nUl J. W. Willson, 4 & I) 5 " 7150 11.68 Francia E. ~~er, tS ;s " 3l)75 1'$.84 11. H. Benepe, 21, 22 & 23 :5 ," 10726 17.51 W. R. MOXley, 24 tc 8. '1f 25 3 . S,M2.fi 8.'5 ella.. JObnzon, N. t 25 & 26 3 .. 1')077.5 9.92 A. A.. Spalding, 1 to .- 4 . 13440 21.94- :tout8& E. D1er) 5, 6, 21 to 26 4 . 26240 42.84 Jona. &I S. t. 'f. 1 to e I . 166.0 2' .11 Bencler.on, E,,: F. RanlT, . t5 I . 32' 613 1'0........ .;- C'2>. a ------ ----.-- ~;;:-=:C;----:'~~'7'~=:::"";",;;~--=~ _~:' __= =~~ '~\\. ,.,1. ' "::.'t.:.;:,.~..-It."~'7;:::~,,' :.:'~~i..: :,~ " .:":'::'!':-:~ ':'!'~~':''':'::''~':"~;:'''i '.:'.!~:::':'~7:.~::li'\"':::'~':'::: "",~r~:;;\:.:;.~ ,,_ :'.i.'.:,.: - - Schedule, oont:\nued. NoUlle . .. 1.0 t . B1Qok. Addition.Area. Amount. s~u. Forward. ,.g .ca..!- -'1 te r' aboper, le to 24 G Ho.ttma.n '. 2g 559 46.17 , ' o. W. J<'ioher, l~' to 215 '7 1h:trview ~1~600 (\4.66 (!'}. w. FiBher~, 1 & 2 A Aldt1l'raon t 815830 25.85 Amend111l'lnt ' /!f1. W. King. 1 B . 6417.9 10.48 IE. W. King, 9' &: 10 11 Fa:!.rvil'lw BIOn 13.23 Agnes 1J:. Fo ster, ., & El 11 .. 8100 ,13.2:a ~orge W. peckham, 11 & 12 11 " 8100 13.23 ~ M. Oobla:l.gh, l:;.!o 14 11 .. 8100 1;$.23 arvilla M. Pease, 2 B Alderson'S 63ljtO.9 10.44 Amendment. oa.al'''i.sa A. vergu8Qrl, 1 C . ()fj89 .8 10.76 ~ D. Tdm'l.n, 2 0' . '7261.7 11.80 W. D. TallmlVl, 11 10 FM.J'Y:l.ew 4645.6 7.69 I S'y-ver crest, 7 &; a 10 ., 8400, 1i.72 ;1.0 raoe l. Ml:Lrtiryi, 9 & 10 10 " 8400 13.'2 ( ) . ~. :I. Brewer, 12, 13 & S. i 14 10 " 11m9 18.90 Que Pie11''C)e_ ) N. t14 10 It 2310.4 3.7' , S;eo. 'B. Co up.., r , 8 &: 12 & N. t 9 45 pa.rk <41641.4 7.fJ8 Fre4er1ok B. Linfield, s. ~. 9, 10 ~'l! 11 4fi It 7660.1i 12,04 1 00. II. lUnd 1/1 and 12 &: traot BO. 12 41; " ~Q85.5 14.8$ I Carrie S. lIinda, ~ohn P. Al11eon~ I; to 17 46 11 41250 (i7.34 '1 Prank!:. Warburton, TrE..c t AO. of 12 46 II 8365.5 13~f$6 :JOnas n,nd.erAon, Tract 1';0. of ],ot 13 4t3 It 1~4Bl 13.8l'i i Jf.. Myron ,..erria ltnd a to 1?and tr.\.ota 47 " <:Ii; 68 fi Bl.11 i <teo. P. Dier, so. of 1,ots l~~ O\nd l7eo. OOJC, T:ruateft, 13 fohn P. A.llison, f3 to 12 48 It 15tU~1) 25.51 vYll11am Alward, 1;" to 1? 4S It 150215, 2n.51 If. 'l.id01ph :Herold, J:r Tract 80. Lot 12 4H " BilBO 10.90 ....~, P. H. Kelley, Tr~ot so. Lot 13 48 . 6751.2 U.02 Mrs L. A. Cow~, 8 49 " 3125 6.10 A. Ii. Clitton, 9 & 10 4' . 6250 10.20 C'. V. Haskins, 11 & 12 &: trAot ., 4' . 1~&8.8 ~.37 1...0 t 12 '1'0_ D '14,9'..' .1,167.1' I aJo.l . ~~.".~~- "'.......~.::-~~~~~='~;.'~~'~-=-=-.::::-=-==-':::'~~:.~--~~~':;;:~:;;;;~-- -- """,",,::,-~.~-::;,=:;:;:.-;:-'"- ------~,:::- .,,~ ,,,-,-:-~~,~"""'-------'~. __~___.._~~ _~'"~""".....~.. ,.~. ""~m"."~.._~~:~~~::~~v::::::'~~~::~~~'~:~~~ I ........ I II ! I I I !;8oh~du..le , oontlnued. I I neoember f:i'fm 1906. I I hareby oe rt:tfY tha,t the cost of.' tht~ inlJ:)r()VO"lfm1~a :tJ1 I1nprOTtU'leni; DiBtTiot NO. 13 WAaJ $J.,6()f,.23. i;}1l4t t1H'l !loy'tion of said ~o'mt to bft Assessed ag~1n.t the :property tlu'lre1n 1s '5 %~ ftlllount1ng to $1,167.1'7; tl1u.t thl foregoinG :ta a 1.'1111 l"-ud oOlll111fltfl list of all llr'oparty l3ub,j eot to 1,1)('1o:l(;W, assessment on aooount ot said 1ropro'ITfl/ment a.nd '~Jm:.; ~;J:H~ (in o,m't of each a.SlHttilBment as shown a.bove is oorract. I C.}/[. Thorpe. City Ener. oost per ell. it . of area. to the property wi thin s.'l.1.d Impronlllsnt n1atr1ct No. lZ$.OO16325. I %, W "II, "l:: , . i ~ I I _,~.u...,,,~_._,,,..,., ~.~.___,..____ ,. _ - ~ l,,; r-"- ~- ~j7. -==-~~ 1 I' "~ ' ~~~\I '.", :'"'' ri, ~:t~, ~ \' \<;., . ~ !i!".l:':r.t~,L': ': ' i) '" ~J;~~~~;X~\I'~'t'1~ \>~; ,t,;i~ "",,~l!tci:t/l~:lq~#:: oertit'ioate of O11oy Olerk. _.." ,'~li.)i;~~.~i' ..' "'tin' ij'tfill'f'; I . ""'111'" ';'Il"'"r .....': ,:,>.1;' ..-.. ,'<I!~ . I(hlll:lI", '~oalldl'JOll, '~~I~:m'.&Q';'; "..' ."'~', "'1 61:"""'" 1i'1'fy,t:i:j~~~,~Ii~~M"'~; ltQ;h 01' MOntanJl, ) ~'''''~lJ!\Y ,,,,,,.n',,, i I ;,ot;~~*emaDi,'H~d,on'tb~\:~tb'ountY of Gallatin. 88. :"n~lJdri ,l\lO(k,OOllnol1. :,Re" 'N6;.844vejjCltl~d "1\Ootinoil 'it t' t J3 i,~:1~"!~'HS~eOra14U$es. J ' a or.eman, )rlllle~tQ,( $~lIY75p$rOe,nt fJfj t'~~ll~elll;ldDSe:,.Qfg~dlllg',Ool"i: t. SUit in M. 8m1 th, OHy Clerk 01' the 01.t1 of ~~~i::wr~jilllth{flll~:dtsof !~.: ~~.!:oI1l"trl~t,,:NO.,18, whll'~,;~O zeman am d. councy an4 sta te do here-bv oe-rt1t:rtllat a. t a 1l\~1l~>,l:lt.tirIQtNp.18'iVli$ " . . .' .. . . . , !~ljlijj~~llt:j;til':(!jO"llqll Resolu- ' ':ii~~~<'ftU,lill)',passedbY. the, ,gular au8:l.on of. the Cit.y Couno:U ot the city ot :Boz~IrJ:;'.n, ty,.Oonl3ulL,'onth'l4th day of _, ;:l!*\6,nn~...r'anth,:,rityandln eld on the 6th day of 'I).camber 190ft, the tor.goins and. It)!.'wlthtbe provlsionsot , h)t~..,8.,'aM,4iif'Hdti8e.B1ll ' , ' .'.. , ",:lif,'tbe;",~jtth'r..ell1s1litlVe nnexed counoil Ruolution No.3.... was 4uly pa...<t by ihe ....14 ly;gflthe.StlliteofMolltlllla, . ,..' ~,C!H~,fo,l'l;-Stl~;1897'lIs'p;'rlleriil' it:;!" COlmol1 and wa.. dul~r I'lppro..,e<l'bY the, K~Qr of BAi4r.1tJl' on ,,'p~~~d'l',<".. .... .....'. . ' . ~h~0~Il;t~.'16dlt"lind~pelllli\ Qf l'l. 1d. da. t. . x~lik\Qllllllie"IStr~t.wlttll11 . , '~~ti\Wij~t,\:Dlilttlot' .:;" Q..18 ' 1s ,;.,~ht.I1'111"IlilrClellLofsald That, pur.'~t to section' otth. ...14 oouno11 RI.o).ut1on ;}lit1lells,ei"P!';tbe,prepo~tioll . .' .... ,A'~:i:,tbe,propertvwlthlll r. . 344, ,i~o.!II'ioe ot the t1mtJ and pla.. of 8a14 hlaring an4tht it\:li~jjj~lltl!llSt~lot No.tS;ls . . .' . ~ht~~~~~~t~a;e~f,;i~':~b~~~:111a.lp6aaa.g. o't said. Gounoil Resol11t1on No. 144, hereto rilli' t~:l\u.'~t"lliJo~t'per ,sq. it~eV~9.IJ;lrtywlth,lnsal~!m" ,ttaohed, wal J;llAbH.Bhed. in the/Boaeman QhJ'onhle, a ..ekly !l'("Di~tt!Clt 'N o. ~~ belli II i~rstiA#~J?e",!~,~oUllOll Res- ;eV(s~per pr1nbd l\nd pub11$hed in the City ~t :Bo~Glan in one 'It~ll'lllil.j~(i!,.,pet.oe'lt ,Of,the .' . ". ., ~d@~~l:I")~~~e~'iie'orgradlng ,f1IUG thereof, to-wit, on the :Lath clay of 1>808mb.r1906. whioh ~~~Rl!"~tr~~,I",i~hlllelll<l IIJl- . . ' ft;,,:,Ji>,le~~jllt)~P';,.l~";!.ll'rate was ..t leaat five d.n,Yff PlttO!"8 8<\:\4 day of hearing. , " ;l~ 'llll1iil~'ed', t" the" elltlte .' . '~F;i~dh . '(<it ., ."'~~'.., "paroe[oflliDd , ',~~@Jjl~td\lt.be)Dltlislie~",d fpr Thatllf414 counoU Re.olut1on No. 'U wap 1'1naUy pan.d. lirt,tlfGbe'llAia Stilll ClUl;ta7.17 (!~Il'llfllll'pe!lt~t()t~ellrell of y the .a1d City counol1 ot .a14 01t1 on theaoth" 4ayof nt!reDletrlbt, exolusive of '~l1~yilaDdP~bUop1abes; '. eQelllber 1906 a.nd i;hat the lIlWUt was :fln.ul;y ",pproved by the tSAld .,.'. Oou'lolll\e$olutlon N P. l~ow oplll'e'11l tbe. Omeeof the . ' ~~k,of8a.ld Olty In: the GOlden nyQr 01' Bai. 01 t:r on the 20th duy of. ])tHJlIUnber 1901 t :oolraDd 'Is' open to in~peotlon "p~~Hi:l; ...... And I fllrther certify that the foregoing is a true and ~';pl1tsllii,rit to Bald Clonnojl lIQIl~o. SilI4, Thufsday,tbB. t. f 1d. 11. lti IT 340.. the \,oUj~~.,l906'!'t~:~O;o'olook prrec oopy 0 S& COlmO. Resa. U ono. . ,.as . ,ami rll~'.' ~a14 .'. ~~Y.; the SIl1"e' ,beinll ' , ,~f~ft:tieD~zt;regular~ll8ionQf ppears from the re oorbon rile in the offioe 0 t' the 01 t7 ~"O~tr:i;llilil1ol~,lit:. theO~tinoil ~t\!iMtli,:(lltyBall:\hi.'t:h'es!,i'lj lark of said' 01 ty ~l~~~j:g!'i~~~ILllS '<t1le'~llrie "'lld' , · '~;iJje$r~fJrqb~OetlOIlS to 'tile. .." ' , . " ;,'. .,,' . ..~~s'.~eAI11.d,~\lOq",~.~!!l;~' IN WITNESS wmmEOF I haTe hereunto set.'/Jl;i' ha1'14 and. ~':t'*titt:IIlJI.N~'''" wb Il~".' 'II Y 1iIl4.,liUperBollSWbbllr\l "f1xe4 the ..al t.h1s 2 ,";'"ot'a~~tlJof!,jjY'lot Qrpllroe\. :" h:I~:MId'~i!JIlrovei!J$lltI>htdOt 19 C5 a/'!b :~lillU:~'~'e'\tberl~~~to~ppear, .aoember 0 ?In'< penop"or ,lly QClqieland .' , ,~\lli~\I.,lla~t~erBb\l' 'hy B,,!d . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .,l:l\ssllesilleJl.,' sballn.ot,b$ made 01 ty Ole b~8111d 04\]nollResollltlon No. ~!' lll!l~', b~finally passed and d;,.' . ...' . .... "'. ...... , c,itlatllShJtentlQn of t,be said. , ";. ~~b.~~lkllt8!'l4tl!"il ,Ilnd ,plaoe II ~1~~J~llnd..dQPt Slll,d .tJOllnell ~tIQI',\l.ll4~levYlog s!,ldas-, snt\:Il~lltQre~Md,' . '. , ' teditb!{bthday of DOO\llllber, ' , ; ", ", '. ",'," ": ,,' ~ ,. :~fdil"'~:th~ QI ty ConDoU. ...',...;\;,.JUS'Jl~~!4,a?,[~TH, , " .,'". . '". ':l;ll~),,",e~k. \ ,",'<:'1:," \:,.\.',