HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 06- 343 Creating Sewer District Number Seventeen ---- ---- .-.,... ~~_~.",.~,"~_~_~,~,,~,~___,~_"',"~r _ .c~~1 __~:~fiOlJ\t"----==,"~' - .~~'~.~~:..~'''-:~=-irw.~.::..."''::::~-r-...~......u: ~..- ,., -.-'.. ....-~\'.._~' . -,,""-- - -~~ II , , !~ II II I C01JNcn RESOT.mION NO. ~i4:5. )o( . .Ii ~C,TWr:n. :r,ursmnTION r;::U'A'I?PTG SJ!'1ll!R T)"s:C:RIIJT ~10. 17 IlT T~ CITY ,:,1<' ~O?'m~An A}.,'n <I N:CU\,T\ING I'r ':CO T\\'TI 'IItE n::7IDTTI01-T 01<' TIr.R GITY com:cn, 0'11" TIm SAID , CITY ~~o C:ONRTF.TJC'I' DISTRICT s~ 1'TO" 1'7 .MID TO snCIlll.l"Y ASSESS Tr,!' )1}1TTIP}' (;OST AtoTD JIX!l:FJTsE01<' cmrr1TnlTI':TTNI'! TT1':\t SAJffi AGAINST l';D~ PRcPJ.mTY" i~rrrIrm IS SPECJ:AU,Y 13J<~HEFITED TTIEREBY, :r~ l'TWT>nR)~IOr TO TFE J,IJ'FJ,R 'F1U!~T :sorrrrE-n:nm ON ~Am DI~T'JUCT Sl!lWl!lft }TO. 17, 'lllIDEB N1TTIO:RITY }}JD IN co:nJPomffITY WITH THF. 'PROVISIONS I) r SEe '1'1 mm lTO. 4 A\1! ., 0,. n:OTrSJr. :R IU, NO. 204 0"'" TIm 'FIFTR U':CH81,A T!iffi .ASfOOffil,Y O'1=' TT~ ~TATE OF l~ONT}'}TA? APPRmnm MABon , BTJ1' 109 7~ ASAJ'iEtIDJID. I I ....... . ~',j~ I'I' RF.SOl,V"fi:D ;!.y TIrr. ~ITY COm:!CIL O'F T1f.E'l CITY OF BOZEM.AN: i I sect:'lcm 1: Tl1at ~ Sewer 'Distriot for th.l?'~rpo(;e ot , Otlrllli;ruct:ing a Dil.q;l"iot t:<.ewer,hereinILfter more-pnrt1oularlJ' def;cr1bed, 118 (U'ld t~ IIlC;lllP. i a, ht.re'b~r creed,ed, the S".ln. to b, ]{tlOVIIl ...nd clesigna,ted ~a flewer nj,str.i.ot }To, 17 of the City of :Bozmna.n, Ooun.1;:: c;)f Gallatin, stl:l.te ot '~(jntu:n.a,; ,1,nd th..t the Di:,;trict. sevwr, hereim\1"terdeact'1blid and decla.:r"ed. to b.th. }n,;e!1 t10n of the City Coune 11 of said a1 ty to oonstruo., ah&11 2l.nd d.u1gna.t'4 i 06 kno'~A~~ Distriot s~~er NO~ !'J ..~~:'" ." 'I, '.' ..," " senti-on 2:, Th.~t the fl<\.:j,.d S,l'lwer District NO.. 3.' i. h.r'by -".':,::,.' ,,' ,;., ,::'~ U~...""~~.. ~,i.; ,'. ',~'~"""', ~,~: ' \ de $cri'bed, u.s follows, to-wi ~~Al1 the prop€lr'l'.Y wi ~il'l the '11"' . 'I, ,"',", T" " follow1ng mete. and bounds ",h~ll oonrstitute Sewer n:f15tr1ot NO, 1',: 'B..g1nn;l,ng at a point 1n~;he oentet- line 01 p.o'-man .'~ \ \ Avenue ~ south, where tl').' same is inte1"uet.ci by the oan,wr Une ,I~" , of Block :B of the Original Town.it. of thfl 01ty 01110.'.; the , ;1" ,I t.hence wut a.long said. oenter'line toth' we.t l1n.of'(r,ot 1&, i ". ',", .,',' -,'" \ \ .i .1 .aU Bio.kl; th.no. 8oU'th along ,.'4 .."Un. tCt~a'bo," '\: , .... ,) ; street; "h.no. oro..ing, B,a'l>>oock strut to .. ,otnt 1ntlie .outh 'Jt' t~ ~ Un, 01 ...14 stnet, 70 te.t .ad ot thl ,..t U.n. .t:81&. ..1' l,t , ) I, - ~~ .,--=-,~~,,,,., ~ . --... .,':~,,;: . .;:::....:..',:,i~~'.::I~,.,. .... . .,:;~~;;;;;;,;,;:":"c~",;~",;,;"',;;;;"'i"~'""""",,,,,:it,.,,,~;:",;:';;,,,i.,;;;:,;";'\I;,~;.,,,,::~'I;;,;,, OJ, .. ,.',,",",00""" ' " Page #2. Avenus_, IJo\lth, 8l\.id. point, be ing the northwest e01'ner of the land owned by W. B.' :BoWl'ln j thence lwuth parallel wi th :Blaok Avenue to th.north line of Lot.t)J 6, 7, 8, and 9 ofla14 Blook :& lion!!. .10nG' the. 11nt bit..n Frl\ClUonal Loh i ancl . of GuY', Md1t1on lliond ...14 Un. extended 1oo1oh8 08rlt$r l1ne of . .a1d. Bozemnn Annul!', 80uthj thence north along the oenhr 11n' of said Avenue to the plli1.ce of beginn:lng. fleotion 3: Th(..'~ thoil ,a1d. Distriot ~.WlllT No. 17 1$ hereby I ciearib.d alii follows, 'I;.o-wi t: - ea.!d Die tr lot ~e'W'er ]110. l? shall OClnnaot with D1st~rict.Siw.r No. 10 on BO..Dl&n Annu., South, at the 1n'l.e1'uct10n of aa1d.Annut with :;Raboock stre.t; thence i1hall be extend.ed. wellt along the aenter of Baboook street a dilt~nce ot 200 r.~tj section 4: That ltis henby declli:.udl;o be .the intention of the City Counoil (if aald. City to construct .aid D1att":l.t'l1o , S.wer }To. 17, herebefor. pa,l-ticularly' duer1bed. and. to .- ej)lici&lly liil.iIle&S the .nt1re oost and exp.nse of corlstruct1ng the same agains'!: the prl")per.tT within .at.. 8.w~r Dbtriot ;:NO" 17 and. .pedally b.n.f1~ed thereby :in 'proportion .to the liMar ~' ~ . . teet borcter1ng onaa.1d. D1etrict S'WtU" We. 1'1; S.ot:1on 0: That the length of u;l.d D1atr1ot sewer l-TCl. 1'1 ..? 18 205 fe.t j thAt the total fronb.ge ofprOfJerty bordering on l:l&1d Sewer, ape-Ualll,. bene! i ted thereby an4 to b. .,..1..117 aU'l8ed. theretor 18 :36'1 tel"!t; 1ohatth. 'lItt1umted OOst and expen.. of oonstructing .aid Distriot s..".r No. 17 18 1240.00 X and the uttmat... co.t per linear foot to the proper.t)" b9Td.ftT1n, thereon 1. $.66 eentl!l; that eaid District Sewer'liO. 1"1 aWl be oonstructed. of ($ inch v1trif1ed. pipe and. in AOQordanc. wHh pJ,.ans and. .p.t1f1oat1on. on f1le in the Olttoe of thl'l C1ty Engineer of sa14 City; SeoUon f5: That Thurad.l.Y, the 15th 4a.yofNoyemb.l'" 1,oe at 7:30 cP.l'~. 11.. ot ea1el d.a;r, at tMOoundl OhaJllb.r t;t '11M City Rall1nth, '01_7 ot >>OUMft, be &JUt th..am,l. hlI'reb7 .-.. \\ '\I! \i, . 1\ I, 4~3r7 -'~~-~~~'~---~---'--~~"'~~'~~.~".'-~--'--'----""--~,~.".~~~._~-_.~ - .................~~-~~--~~~~,~_~~~~__~~...'" 0""'" . ,"~~,,__,~_,.. Pase P. designate4. althe t~ ..nd. plaoe, whIm and. when 810.14 City Oounqllof .&.1.4 auy rill be in a.u1on and. will hear ol)J fJoUona 1t MY, to the t1n&1 ""M' an' adoption or t:tt1s :rteloJ.ution; Q.ndany lJtl1'80n 01" pet'sona, Vlho are M.g.nt. or owners of any lot OJ" paroel 01 land .itn1n IlliJ,ici SIWflT' D1r,trict No.1?, 'bcrcier1n. on .a;l.dD1atr1ot Sewer No. 17 ,.hliJ,;l.l b.a..,e the right, at said t1me ~n4 Vlao., to appear at 84id Re..fon, tither in person or by (JoU11a,,1 il.nd tlhow oalist!, if any thereb', why .aid. D:tatrioll sewer NO.1'" shall not be oonstruoted or why this Re.olut1on Ih ! I shull not 'be :finally adeph..; Seotion 1: That the City (J1erk be and. he1shentb;y , iustruoted: b~l' theCi ty Counoll to have th1a 1'!esolut1on lHtb11eh61d in t;b.. :Rozex.n Chroniole, a w~elC1Y nfJWf;:papeT, 1!r1n'.' and lJUllUsh.d in th$ "aid City.t Boaeman, in one illume ther'of lll.t least fhe dliLYErbetore la14 clay of hea.r:1.nB~ a. require<< by law... pa...' Novemb,r 3d 1906. Approv,d Nov.mh8r 3d 1iO ~""..., ~.. .*'. PUbUahed,NoT81nhel'" 7th 1996. Finally PlIl.lS".cl NOT_bft!' 15th 1906. Finall~' ApproTed. Novemb.r .1 J; 1/ ..... ~' . . . .'. . . . . . ,. . 41 . . . '. . /I . . ,e _,. . . . C1ty Clerk. J 'Ii ; ~ 'U:""'-~"':' '4as ~~ Connell ;Re.olutton No. '3'1l3~ A Oounoll R~"ollltlon Or~atlnil:' Sew~r Dletrlot No, 17 In t~~ Oi ty of Bozeman and Deolaring It to be th~'. lDtention' of the Ofty Ooulloll of the ;:. ,..,. Said Oity to Oonetl'llotDistrlot Sewer' No. 17 and to SpeoiaUy. A_ss'the Entire OOllt and ExPelUl8 of Oonstrnot- In~ tbe Same Against tbe hoperty, Whloh Is 8peolally.Benellttea The:re- by, In Proportion to the Linear F~et Bordering On Said Dlstriot SaW~r No. 17, Under Allthorlty. and In Oonform- Ity with tha Ptovlilions of Saotlons NOll. 4. and 7'of BOIlIl8 .Blll No. 204. of tha Eifth LaglslatlveAlllI8Dibly of, the State of Montatla, Approved Maroh 8, 1897. as Amended. Cert1fic(..te of City clerk. B~ It Beeolved by the City Oounoil of th~ Olty of BozeJ:llan: * S,eotion I. That a Il8wer diltriot' ~ - forth~ t>lIrPOIl8 of oOIl.truoting a Dis- ) 1 trlot Sewer. hereinafter mor~ partloll-: S tr:l. te ot l~on t~:l.nl'\. , ;, larly dellOrl bed. be andtbe saDie Ie ) 'herebyoreated. tbe'sametob~ knOWn County of' l1H.llr~.t1n, ) ~~~u~~_k ) 17 of th~ Olt, of Bozeman, OOllnty of. C i .. . f "'l ) ,: Gallatin. State of Montana; and that i ,. ~;' o. : O~,p. rmn. : tbe DI.triot Sewer;'berelnaher dee. iorlb~danddeo1aredto be .the Inten' I, ,T'l.fltin ~'t. Smith, 01'1;:' ~le:rk of the nit;;' " tlOD of the Olty Counoll of IIald Oity' tooonstrllot tbereln, shall be known of "Bozellj;;J.n 8,,, 1d l"'(Jimj;~" lmd ,..t", te do herElo\T oert:i.fv thtcl.t a.t and designated as Dlstriot Sewer No, I'''' I " ~ 17' 'Seotion2. ThlOt the sald8ewer <>. :ree:1)LLr flflssion (J'f the C)i'~y ~(J1mcil ot'i,hl'i city of 30Zel'HU1, Dlstriot No. 17 Ie hereby de.orlbed, ....follow..to.wlt:All theproperty ]-';,i,~ld on thfJ 7Jrl ,...(~y of lTovf:rribAr' 1~)(J{), j,}:8 :F'cH'0c;oine ,,:")d ,',.nr'l~xl1:d within the following m~tes and houuda .hall oonetltute Sewer Diatriot "'n 1'......; 1 TI~" ')"l ii t :lon 1\TO ., 4" ',""" '" .0, '1'" ,,';, $" fld 1" 1 ,-., e ", id r' '1' t'v No. 17: Beelunlngat a, point In the \.".'..' '," ... ..," 'H - ., .", · u, ~ "..., H., .1,"'" I.,'" '.', ". '. oenter line of BOlleman A veUne " 80llth, where tbe.ame la Intereeoted r,Ol1Tl.()~l ,\,'ld was dnl.' <i.!:r:<rovp.d '"1:' i,;;" "<,,::tor of' IHJ,~.d (~it~r on, sa.id 'by the OBnter line of Blook B of the : Orllllnal Town.!la of the Oltv of d fl,t e . ,Bozeman; thenoe weat along eald oen. . , ',\ t~rlln~ to the weat line of Lot 18 of .- illald Hlook H; thenoe south along aald Tha'l; pllrSmm t; to qeotion 7 of t.'.i,P. f;tl.id (Jounc:U Resol1l1;ion '/we.t line to Baboook. Street; thenoe orOBlllnll Baboook Street toapoln In 1\10. 343, the sa.id ~()'inoil -peaolut,i(Jj"\ HO 347, W,Ui rlihlished :i.n the BOuth lina of said Stuet, 70 feet,' '. eaet of the east lIn~ of Blaok Annua, 'l'l. . h :\. 1 . 1-1' . ' . . -.,. ,...,. ,L d '" d South. said point baing the northwest ,11E;! nOzeman r. ran. c l'l I <il. wp-e ~ J nil ,/f>J".I'fl! I :,1 .t.l .,11: c~'l OOrDer of the lllnd OWn~d by W. B. Bowen; benCle sOllth parallel with pQbl:1.flhed in tIll': b~.:id r,:i,t:' (If 1~o:~emj~n, :l.n one iS5ue l;hereot, , I BIllOk Avenll~ to the'north IIneofl {-()~'w'lt on J..,h'" 7 ,'Ci-) cl,'''- o~' i"(l~""1I"Ol')r 100(') '"''^~Ol1 daie WU'" [1' least Lot 0, .Blook~, Blaok'e Addition;' ~ ' . I, <, ~L '. J,.., , '" ~..,.. ., ,"1l.. ' ., ... , theooe<' ea.t along th~ ,north line of ' 1Clts 6;0, 7i8and 9 of .ald Bloos: B. f:\.Y8 d,.."s r~f"fC1rf; flnid dny (if :\:n\rinr" hl'l r'Hl"t:lred '\);cr "1E!ntj,on and lllongthe line between Fraotional Lots 8 ..nd 4 of Glly'e Addltl.oIland J\ of ,~l'll'-r'~,p'!, /'lUlll (')f thfl l' [\1"" of 190;; of !:;he ::;t ;));8 of .ald line extended to the o~uter' 1:lIe of eald Bozeman A v~nne. South: .. "''' ,I. , . , th~noe lIortb aloog the oonter line of ' '-... v" "nn ) . eald A venue to the plaoe of begin. i nlng. Tn;",t. ihd.d ~('1.mc:.tl Be 6 (Jl1!.t :ton F(). ;'>4;~ Wet,) f indolly passed by , Seotlon S. 'That the sai d Dletrict \ Sewer No.'.17 Ie h~reby desoribed ae the iia id (;1 tv r,0::'nc;\.1 of said 01 tv on 1'.11.1:'1 1;)':;1;, dav of November follows, to.wit: Said Dlstrlot Sew~r . .. .. " . No. 17 shall conll~ot with Di.triot . .. ' .. " . .' .' .... . ' Sewer No. 10 ,on Bozeman Av~nue, 1906 and ;~h~'~ 1;11e si....rLJI was tl '1ally l<i.fll)rov~ d 11:" l,i'l('. Hayor ot Si~ it, SOllth, at the Intersection of said, Avenue with BaboookStreet; ,thenoe city on the 15th d('\." of '~0v~r'l1')(lr 1?06, "baiL be exteoded we.t ..long tbe oen. . ter of .Babcook Street a distionos ot \206 feet; I An4I further oertify' t1:1at the foregoing is a true and Seotion 4.. That it ie he"eby .d~- I olared to be the inte.ntion ot the Oity correot OGJIyot said. council Itesolution 19. 343 ... the aame OODnoll ot .aid Olty to oonstruot said . ~Ietriot Sewer ~0.,I7, beretofore par. appea.rs from the reoords on tile in the ott1oe ot tlut' city tloularly de.cr.bed, and to st>eoially , ..eeeas the ,entire ooet and expen.e of .. .. , . , , oonstrootlng the same ..gainst the pro. 0'18 rk of Bat d. 01 t:r ; perty within .aid Sewer Dlatriot No, 17, and .peolally beu~lItted thereby, reof' I lB. 'lfe hereunto set J113' hand and. in proportion to ths linear feet bord- ~rlng on said PI.triot Sswer No.'17; Seo'tlon 1>. That th~ l~ogth of said Dletriot Sewer No. 17 II 205 fellt; that: the t'ltal frontage of property border.' , Ing ou said Sewer, speoially benelltted , thereby and to be .1)eol"lly aese.ll8d ; therafor, Is 867 feet; -that the eetl- .... ......'....:....... ~ .. ..,.. · ."ef.. : mated ooet and el<.,~ne~ of oonltrllot. C1 +Y Qle!"k. , Ing .aid Diatriot Sawer No. 17 I. , t240.oo and the estlmat~d coat per' 11 near foot to the property borderi nl! thereon i. "66 Dent.; that eaid Di.- trlot Sewer No. 17 shall be oon.trllot. ed ot 6-lnoh vltrllled pipe and 10 "". oordalloe wi th plane and speolllcationa onllle In the olllo~ of the Oity Ellgi. neer of aaid 01 ty ; Seotion O. That Thursday, tbe 15tb ,lay of November, 1906, at 7:110 o'olook P. M..., of .ald day,..t the Oounol1 Ohamber at the Oity Hall in 'the Olty of Bozelllau, be and the aame Is h~raby d~eil!uated as th~ tlwe and plao~, when and where .ald Olty Oounoll of eald Olty will be In ...slou' and will hear objeotlons, If ,,'-'y, ".0 the lInal pas.all~ and adoption of thle RellOlution; and any pereou or per. IlOne, who are ..gente or owners of anv lot or paroel of land within said ,:a~w~. nl.triot No, 17. borderlnll on \&l'1d'4 of Guy'. AddItion aud Ii of (':ll['L'~,~r monn of 1; !:.f~ 'f t.'\:,',"", of D03 of ;":;'1 ~~ 0'tt:1.';',t-) of '.;:, ' teoded to the oeot.r lioe ", ~o~elpan A venue, Sonth; ~;()n t~:,~n.fI.; I "t.b.IO~g tb. o\lnt.r line of ,~~"t~tli.plaoe of .begln. ~h,',t ,';,.:\id r:('1)nd.l Hf! sol ul, ton 110 ;')4,;'; W'~"1 fina..11y }Ja8Bed by .~il /1':8: 'Tbat the .aid Di.trlot 0 ,1."No)J7 I. hereby de8llribed a. the ".:1id ;~:i.ty C()"!,C :1.1 of ~a1d City on 'I',he .n-:;:; da.;' of J'Jovl'wiber " '.,to-wit: Said Di.triot Sewer, ;'17 shall OODDeoG with Distriot 19M of Hide, , I', ' .md !Jll:l.~ !;he 6iUllll!l W-:4S t:t "mlly a[iprOVRd 1)::, I,ll'" ~,;r~'~yor -,\/:, ,~wer No, 10 ,on Bozeman AveDue, " outh, lit the int~r..otion of .ald i veuue with Baboook Street; th.no. City on the 15th d...~? of '~OVf!r'llH~r 1906. 1" ~ii!llL be ext.nd.d w..t along the oeD. f !ter of Baboook Street a di.tance of And I tut"ther"Otuotity tjul,t the foregoing is a true and ! !'lI05 f.et; ! f I: ,Section 4. That It i. he"eby de. ' :t,lared to be the inte,ntion of the Oity oorreot oGpY of sa.1d.oounc1l :Resolu.tion No. 343 as the same i ,Oounoil of .aid Oity to oon.truot .aid i :m.triot Sewer No" 17, heretofore pa,r- appears from the reoorda on rl1. in the Office of tM, City I tioularly described, and to .peoiaUy ! a..... the ,entlr. oo.t and expeD.e of ..., \ Clerk of 8a.1 d e1 ty i l conetruoting the .ame against the pro- f perty within Raid Sewer DI.tTict No, ~., 17, and .p.oially ben.fitted ther.by, I lave hereunto set my hand and in ,proportion to the lluear feet 'bord- l. ,ring.on .ald Diatrjot Sewer N 0.17 ; Soot Ion 6. Thllt tbe leugtb of .aid I )istriot Sew.r No, 17 I. 206 f.~t; that: j" he t'ltal frontage of property bOTder.' ;: ng ou .aid Sew.r, .p.oially beuefitted ~ hereby Ilnd to be ap.ei ally assaaeed . .. . ... .. , . . ... .. .. . . . . t . . . .. ~ . ... .<;1 . , herefor, i. S67 fe.t; tbat the ..ti. uat.d oo.t and expen.e of oonstruot. " 01 t.y Clerk. ' Ilg .aid Dimlot Sewer No. 17 I. ,t~ 1240. ()() and tbe e.timated oo.t p.r Inear foot to the prop.rty bordoring ~ hereon Is e.66 oents. that .ald Di..: t riot S.wer No. 17 .b"ll b. oonstruot- d of 6.lnob vitrlfi.d pipe and io a.o. } ordance with plan. "nd sp.oifioatiou. .n file in the 011I0. of the Oity EDgl. " I ,eer of .ald Oity. .~ Seotion 6, That Thnr.day, the 5th day of November, 1906, at 7 ISO , 'olook P. M., of ."id day, at the i lounoi! Oham ber at the Oity Hall in ! h. City of Boa.man, be and the .ame L .... ~ hereby designated as tbe time and ,Iaoe, wh.n and wh.re uld Olty lounoll of said Oity will be In .",.iou ,nd will hear obj.otion., jf auy, W he final pa..a~e "ud adoption of this t.solution; aud any p.r.on or per- i on., who are agent. or owner. of anV " ot or paroel of laud within .aid ! lewer Dlstriot No, 17, borderlniC on , aid DI.riottSewer No. 17. shall have I .. rlg" .. -" ....~, ,I~.. 00 I ,ppear at .aid ses.ion, either in p.r. 'on or bv oOllnsel and show oau.e, If 'DY there be, Why .ald Di.ttlot Sewer, So. 17 .ha\1 not be oou.truoed or why:, hi. Re.olutiou Ihall not b. finally ,dopted ; S.oti on 7, That the Olty Clerk b. ,nd lIe Is hereby in.truoted by the Jlty Oounoll to hav~ this Resolution lublished In the Bozeman Ohronlole, , we.kly newspaper, prlnted aud pllb- i.hed In the said Oity of Boaemau, none ilsue ther.of at lea.t five day. lefore .aid day of h.ariDg, a. r.- lulred by law. Pa...d Novemb~r S, 1906. Approved November, 8, 190'\, NELSON STORY', Jr., Atte.t: Mayor. JUSTIN M. SMITH, Oity Clerk. Publi.hed November 7, 1906. State of Montana, } Clounty or G.llatln, Sil. Cl1ty of Bozeman. ' I, Justin M. Smith, City Clerk of ~he Oity <if Bozeman, .lIid Oounty and State, do h.r.by oertlfy that the fore- going Is a true alld oorroot oopy or Oounoll Resolution No. MS, pa..ed by the Oity Oonnoll of the .aidOlty on the Sd day of November, 1906, and approved by the Mayor th.reof on the same date. In Wltlle.e Wh~Teof,I have here- nnto let my hand and affixed th.. leal of the Oltv of Boaeman, this. 6th day of November, 1900. JUSTIN M. SMITH, (SEA:r.,) Olty Olerk. I